The main attractions of Rhodes. Rhodes Island: Top Attractions

The Greek island of Rhodes has been a popular beach resort since the beginning of the 20th century. A sufficient number of first-class hotels, equipped beaches and comfortable infrastructure have always attracted large flows of tourists. Today, Rhodes proudly holds the distinction of being one of the most visited Mediterranean islands.

However, Rhodes has more to offer than just a beach holiday. Its history goes back thousands of years. The monuments of Antiquity and the Middle Ages are perfectly preserved here. Ottoman Empire and Italian rule. Scattered among the picturesque valleys of the island are charming Greek towns, as if frozen in time under the gentle Mediterranean sun. In colorful taverns you can fully enjoy local cuisine, for which the best and only fresh products are used.

The best hotels and inns at affordable prices.

from 500 rubles/day

What to see on the island of Rhodes?

The most interesting and beautiful places for walks. Photos and brief description.

The Rhodes Fortress was built in the 13th century by the Knights of the monastic Order of St. John, better known as the Hospitaller Order. The walls of the structure grew on the site of the ancient acropolis. In the 15th century, the castle was considered one of the most impregnable fortresses Christian world. The ring of stone walls was more than 4 km long. Inside is the Palace of the Grand Masters, built on the site of the Temple of Helios. Only the walls of this castle have survived to the days.

Inside the walls of the Rhodes Fortress lie the medieval quarters of Rhodes, built during the reign of the Order of St. John on the foundations of buildings from the Ancient era. There are 10 gates leading to the territory of the old city, located along the perimeter of the fortress wall. The streets of the medieval city are paved with cobblestones; the powerful walls of the surviving buildings once housed knights, a hospital and administrative offices.

The Street of Knights is located on the territory of the Medieval City of Rhodes. It begins at the gates of the Palace of the Grand Masters. Mainly on this street are the houses of the “tongues” - national groups of knights who arrived in Rhodes from different countries. For example, there once was the House of the French Knights and the House of Spain. In the Middle Ages, the Order's stables were also located on the Street of Knights.

Lindos is one of the most ancient cities of the island, it was founded in the 10th century BC. The local ancient Acropolis is second only to the Athenian Acropolis in importance. The local temple of Athena Lindia was once visited by Alexander the Great, and in the 1st century AD. e. The Apostle Paul visited here. All city buildings are painted white. The ancient houses are many hundreds of years old, but according to the law, new buildings cannot be erected in the city in order to preserve its historical appearance.

An ancient harbor that was the main port of Rhodes for 2.5 thousand years. At the entrance to the port there are two stone columns, on which in the 3rd century AD. e. a giant 36-meter statue of the Colossus of Rhodes rested (now there are figures of deer there). On the stone breakwater there are three medieval mills, preserved from knightly times, and the fortress of St. Nicholas.

In the past, the fort was part of the defensive system of Rhodes. It is located on the edge of a stone pier - a breakwater built in Antiquity. First, in the 15th century, the central tower of the fortress was erected, called the “Tower of the Mills”. A few years after the Turkish siege of 1480, the structure was surrounded by a moat and walled. Today, there is a lighthouse on the territory of Fort St. Nicholas.

The Acropolis of Lindos is one of the most significant architectural monuments in Greece. It is located on a cliff overlooking the sea. The first pagan temples appeared here in the 5th-4th centuries. BC. The main sanctuary of the Acropolis is a temple in honor of Athena Linda, who was considered the patroness of the island. Many buildings have survived quite well to this day, so tourists can see not only ruins.

The Acropolis is located on the hill of St. Stephen, where today the park of Monte Smith is located. It consists of a stadium, an amphitheater and the remains of the Temple of Pythian Apollo. According to excavations, the first buildings appeared here in the 3rd-2nd centuries. BC e. In the era of Antiquity, sanctuaries of the gods, public institutions, and theaters were located on the territory of the Rhodes Acropolis. The main artifacts were discovered as a result of excavations from 1912 to 1945.

The stadium is located on the territory of the Rhodes Acropolis. It was built in the 2nd century BC. Sports competitions were held here dedicated to the sun god Helios, who, along with Athena, was considered the patron saint of the island. It should be noted that Rhodes athletes were among the strongest in ancient Greece. They constantly won prizes in competitions and earned numerous awards.

An ancient city in the north-west of the island, one of the most powerful policies of Rhodes, whose heyday was in the 5th century BC. Kamiros maintained economic ties with Asia Minor and the mainland Greek city-states, actively developed agriculture and minted his own coins. In the 3rd century AD. A devastating earthquake occurred in Rhodes, as a result of which the inhabitants left Kamiros, and the city fell into decay.

A hill on which one of the best viewing platforms in Rhodes is located. From here you can see the ancient city of Ialyssos and the resort of Ixia. Also on the top and slopes of Filerimos there are ruins of the ancient Greek temples of Athena and Zeus and picturesque Christian cathedrals of the 15th-18th centuries. In the 16th century, the monastery of the Mother of God was built on the mountain, where the miraculous icon created by the Apostle Luke was placed. At the entrance to the mountain there is an 18-meter concrete cross.

The exact date of construction of the monastery is unknown. Since the 15th century, the miraculous icon of the Virgin Mary has been kept here. It is believed that it helps childless couples conceive a child, so the flow of pilgrims to this place never dries up. Tsambika Monastery is divided into lower and upper. On the territory of the lower monastery there is a temple with an icon, an Orthodox museum, a cafe and a souvenir shop. The upper part of the monastery is located on the top of a hill, offering magnificent views of the beaches of Tsambika.

The temple was built in the 13th century and is located in the center ancient city Lindos. Over the following centuries, the church was reconstructed more than once; one of the large-scale restorations was carried out under Pierre de Aubusson, the Grand Master of the Order of St. John. The interior of the temple was renovated in the 20th century during the Italian rule in Rhodes. The church has a very picturesque snow-white facade, sharply contrasting with the bright red tiled roof.

Jews settled in Rhodes more than 2.3 thousand years ago, but the first synagogues began to appear already during the Middle Ages. Kahal Shalom is considered the oldest synagogue in Greece; it was built at the end of the 16th century and operated until the 30s. XX century, before the advent of the fascist dictatorship. The Jews were expelled from the island, and the synagogue was abandoned. These days, the synagogue has opened its doors again, but only during the high tourist season, when a sufficient number of tourists come to the island.

Saint Nektarios is a fairly revered figure in Greek Orthodox Church despite the fact that he was canonized relatively recently. It is believed that it helps patients recover from illnesses. A small temple in his honor was built at the expense of pilgrims. The church was built in the classical Byzantine style. The facade of the building has an unusual terracotta shade and is decorated with graceful columns.

The temple is located in the center of the small village of Siana, which is 65 km away. from Rhodes, on the slope of Mount Akramitis. The temple was built in the 14th century from natural stone. Along the edges of the main façade there are two symmetrical clock towers; the roof of the building is covered with red tiles. The church interiors are luxurious, the ceiling is decorated with magnificent frescoes and decorated with gilding.

The museum collections display an extensive collection of artifacts found during excavations on the island. The age of many exhibits exceeds several thousand years. One of the most valuable items in the collection is a statue of Aphrodite of Rhodes, dating back to the 1st century BC. The sculpture is made of Parian marble. The museum also has statues of gods created in the 6th-5th centuries. BC.

A 15th-century castle built by the Knights of the Order of St. John. Like most similar structures of that time, Monolithos was erected for defensive purposes. The structure lived up to its purpose - in the entire history of its existence, the castle has never been taken by storm. Now the building is in a very neglected state, as over time it has suffered serious damage.

A defensive structure of the 16th century, erected during the reign of the Hospitallers. The castle was built in the Venetian style. Thanks to its convenient location, the walls offer a panoramic and very convenient view, which made it possible to observe the enemy’s maneuvers. After the siege of 1480, the castle was badly damaged. The knights of the order decided to start restoring it later, but as a result of the defeat in the fight for Rhodes, these plans were not destined to be realized.

The park is located a few kilometers from the center of Rhodes. It is considered the oldest landscape park in the world and one of the main attractions of the island. It is not known exactly when Rodini was founded, but during the Roman Empire the park was already a popular place for walking and relaxing. Parts of Roman aqueducts have been preserved on its territory, centuries-old cypress and pine trees grow here, and there are also small lakes.

Thermal springs located in Kallithea – resort village, which is located near the city of Rhodes. The bathing complex was built in 1928 as part of the development of tourism infrastructure on the island. The building of the baths was built according to the design of P. Lombardi; in our time it is considered a valuable architectural monument. The baths operated until 1967, after which they were closed for 40 years. The re-opening took place in 2007.

A natural attraction near the village of Kolymbia, located on the way from Rhodes to Lindos. Seven Springs is a network of small streams and springs that flow straight from the rock and form a lake with the purest drinking water. The area itself is quite picturesque, as it is located among a relict forest overgrown with pines, cypresses and plane trees. To get to the lake you need to go through a small tunnel.

A protected area located approximately 27 km. from the city of Rhodes. In this area, lush green vegetation grows, waterfalls flow, and numerous streams merge into small lakes. Even in the hottest weather, you can find long-awaited coolness here. In summer, thousands of colorful butterflies fly into the valley, causing the entire landscape to be covered with a bright, colorful carpet. The place is considered unique not only in Greece, but throughout Europe.

The farm is home to more than 120 ostriches, as well as deer, camels, birds, donkeys and goats. For the entertainment of visitors, rides on huge birds are organized. As in all similar places, there is a store at the farm where customers are offered products from various parts of the ostrich. A local restaurant serves this bird meat and an omelette made from huge eggs for lunch. The farm is located near the village of Petaloudes.

A picturesque piece of coastline with golden sand and the clearest sea azure hue. The beach is located near the village of Kharaki. Agati is popular among tourists with children due to its fairly gentle descent into the sea. There is a developed area on the beach tourism infrastructure with taverns, sun lounger rental and other services. “Agiya Agati” translated means “holy purity.”

A beach located at the foot of Mount Tsambika, the surrounding area is considered the most beautiful place in Rhodes. The beach has a fairly long strip of sand and is characterized by increased cleanliness and transparency of the sea. Tourists can enjoy numerous cafes, sports centers and entertainment. A fairly popular way to spend time is riding ATVs in the vicinity of the beach.

The cape is located in the southernmost part of the island; it is connected to Rhodes by a narrow sandy isthmus. In winter, the waters of the Aegean and Mediterranean seas fill this passage, and in the summer they recede, forming a magnificent sand spit, which is used as a beach. Cape Prasonisi – popular place kitesurfers and windsurfers.

The bay of Agios Pavlos is located near the ancient Acropolis of Lindos. It is believed that in the 1st century AD. The Apostle Paul landed here. Here is a wonderful sand and pebble beach, equipped with all the necessary infrastructure. Natural ledges of the surrounding rocks serve as springboards for jumping into the water. In honor of St. Paul, a small snow-white church was erected on the territory of the bay.

The bay is included in the list of the most picturesque places in Rhodes. It is named after the actor E. Quinn, who was popular in the first half of the 20th century. In the 60s. the actor purchased a plot of land and settled on the territory of the bay. According to another version, it is believed that the authorities of Rhodes were so pleased with the presence of the star that they granted him land for indefinite use in exchange for the creation of a cinema center on the island. But Quinn never did anything and was forced to leave.

A popular amusement park located on the territory of the resort city of the same name. The water park has areas for children of all ages, so safety is ensured even for the youngest visitors. Near the complex there is a beach, many shops, restaurants, and souvenir shops. IN high season There is always a large influx of tourists in the water park, which is why queues form at the slides.

In the last article, I already told you in general, but in this article we will talk about the most interesting sights of Rhodes.

I’ll show you cool places on the island, its incredibly beautiful bays, beaches, observation decks, preserved medieval towns, monuments ancient civilization, and even places of power.

So, if you are going to spend your holidays in Greece, then this article about the sights of Rhodes with all the marks on the map is just for you :)

So, let's go!

The city of Rhodes, which bears the same name as the island, is also the capital, and was built by the Knights Hospitaller. The streets here are lined with cobblestones, old houses, palaces and churches, a fortress and gates have been preserved.

The Old Town itself is included in the World Heritage List cultural heritage. By the way, the Rhodes Fortress is the longest in Europe - 4 km, and to get to the city center you need to go through 11 fortress gates. On the lawns along the wall you can see cannonballs; they reached the fortress, made potholes, but did not pierce it through.

We really enjoyed walking around the Old Town, it is somehow completely atypical for old Europe, more reminiscent of an eastern town, with winding labyrinths of streets. We have not been to Turkey, but they say it is very similar to a Turkish town with arrows of minarets and Turkish houses with traditional balconies.

The Mosque of Suleiman the Magnificent is one of the few buildings from the Turkish period that has survived to this day.

And the most photographed objects in the town are the Street of Knights

and the Palace of the Grand Masters.

Just outside the gates of the Old Town is also the pleasant port of Mandraki,

with the Italian Church of the Annunciation, with very beautiful interiors, atypical for Greek churches.

We lived only 5 km from the town, one day, during a morning jog along the sea, I just reached the port) Here, at the entrance to the harbor, there is an ancient lighthouse and 2 symbols of the city - the Rhodian deer and the doe, they stand on columns opposite each other friend, and a little further - medieval mills.

It’s worth coming to the town of Rhodes even just to watch the sunset or dine in one of the many restaurants,

and then, of course, stroll along its streets and watch the local residents.

U local residents There is a tradition - every evening to place chairs next to the house and just sit, look at passers-by or gossip about something with neighbors.

Ancient Kamiros

From the ancient town of Kamiros (9th century BC) only ruins of tiny houses, temples and a semblance of streets and squares remain; the palaces are only half restored.

If you have a wild imagination, then you can safely go to Ancient Kamiros to wander among the ruins, vividly imagining how the ancient Greeks once lived here.

Well, we found a couple of good marine species here, and for general acquaintance we also took a short walk among the ruins :)

Mount Tsambika in Rhodes is sacred; at its top there is a monastery of the same name, to which a staircase of 307 steps leads. This is a pilgrimage path that especially believers overcome on their knees.

The church has its own legend - once upon a time, here on the top of a hill the Greeks discovered a miraculous icon of the Holy Mother of God, which belonged to the Church of Cyprus, and no matter how much they tried to return the icon to its place, it always returned here. As a result, a small church was built for the icon.

And the miracle of the icon is due to the fact that even childless couples trying in vain to have a child, visiting this place, were sure to receive a long-awaited gift. Now this miraculous icon is kept in the monastery at the foot, but the ritual of climbing the hill and lighting a candle has still been preserved.

Well, from the top of the hill there is a stunning view of the bay and the long sand beach Tsambika.

Petaloudes Valley or Butterfly Valley

The Valley of the Butterflies is a pleasant park in a narrow gorge, with numerous paths, bridges, and moss-covered steps, which are especially good to walk on in the sultry heat, hiding under the shade of storax trees.

In the summer there is a unique opportunity to see in one place tens of thousands of bear butterflies, which flock here every year to the smell of fragrant resin and hang in clusters on the stones

and trees.

I can’t say that butterflies are beauties, you won’t even notice them right away, they are masters of camouflage 🙂 and what is rather striking is their number, the very fact of such a huge cluster in one place. There are several waterfalls and streams in the park, the breath is fresh, in general, you can safely spend half an hour, or even an hour, for a walk along the gorge!

Mount Filerimos

A path along a cypress alley with numerous bas-reliefs, along which you can climb highest point the mountain, topped with a huge 17-meter cross (which was also once climbable), was nicknamed “The Way of Golgotha”, because the distance is equal to what Jesus walked while carrying his cross.

The place reminded us of a mountain with a cross :)

Don’t repeat our mistake - if there is haze in the sky, then you should postpone your visit until the evening, especially since there should be a stunning view of the sunset from this mountain.

Well, on a clear day with good visibility you can clearly see 2 at once greek cities– resort Ixia and ancient Ialyssos. We were there during the day, so, alas, we did not experience the delight of seeing the subtle outlines of the cities.

But as a bonus, we had a blast chasing peacocks, there are tons of them here, and yes, we were in the mating season, when they fluff their tails :)

And of course, lovers of ruins will appreciate the preserved ancient ruins of the ancient town of Ialisa, with the ruins of the temple of Zeus and Athena, as well as knightly castles with frescoes and the Church of the Virgin Mary.


The stunning whitewashed ancient town of Lindos is considered quintessentially Greek,

and definitely a must visit!

It is difficult to see as many tourists as here in any other place in Rhodes; this is a very popular place among both travelers and locals.

This ancient town at the foot of the hill dates back to the 6th century BC. e.,

and has survived to this day,

It’s nice to stroll here as well as through the narrow colorful streets of the city,

and climb to the ancient Acropolis and walls knight's castle, which offers stunning views of the heart-shaped lagoon with azure water - St. Paul's Bay.

This is perhaps the most beautiful bay on the island; according to legend, the Apostle Paul stopped here on his way to Jerusalem, which is why the bay is named after him. The small church in this bay is extremely popular for wedding ceremonies.

And you can climb the hill with the Acropolis either on foot or on donkeys; we preferred the first option, at the same time we looked closely at the handicrafts of local craftswomen.

I don’t really like ruins, but if they are located somewhere on a mountain, then we definitely go up there.

Because the views from the hill are so breathtaking!

If there is no haze, then you can see not only the city at the foot and the neighboring sandy beach with a bay where you just want to refresh yourself, but also endless expanses, including St. Peter’s Bay and neighboring islands.

After a walk along the Acropolis (by the way, it is the second most important after Athens),

we went downstairs and had lunch in the old town in one of the view taverns, I don’t even remember what I liked more – the view and atmosphere of the restaurant or the fresh seafood in it :)

In this place there really are 7 springs, small streams that flow from underground and form a lake. Of interest to tourists, as well as to us, is another object in the neighborhood - a dark narrow tunnel, which actually leads to this very lake.

Every second tourist wants to tickle their nerves and walk through the tunnel. The fact is that the tunnel is completely dark, and you need to walk through it barefoot, finding yourself ankle-deep in cold water; using phones and flashlights is not recommended, so as not to disturb the atmosphere and the mysteries of the legend.

There are 2 beliefs associated with the tunnel, by walking through which you can choose to either become 10 years younger or get rid of 7 sins. We got through it too - I don’t know, maybe we were rejuvenated :)

Well, behind the tunnel, if you walk a little to the side along the nature trail, you can see a beautiful artificial waterfall.

Kallithea Springs (Kallithea Baths)

Once upon a time in ancient times there were healing springs here,

now it's just nice natural complex with the former name Kallithea Springs,

where you can swim in crystal clear water, sunbathe on sun loungers and have a snack in a cafe.

In general, the nature in the area is simply amazing, especially the sea cliffs.

The ancient marble pavilions have been restored, so that in their shade and coolness you can hide from the hot sun.

Anthony Quinn Cove

This bay is named after real person- the famous actor of the last century, writer and artist Anthony Quinn. The film “The Guns of the Island of Navarone” with his participation was filmed in the bay, but the Greeks themselves fell in love with Anthony Quinn for the film masterpiece “Zorba the Greek,” in which the actor performed a Greek dance, and the melody from which became a hit. By the way, the film “Zorba the Greek” won an Oscar.

At the end of filming, the actor rented a house in picturesque bay, and then bought it to stay here for a long time. The government was very pleased with the presence of the star, or rather, the effect that his presence had - the bay began to attract tourists/fans of the actor like a magnet, so it was decided to give the bay the name of the actor.

I am sure that even if Anthony Quinn had not lived in this bay, and it had been called something else, tourists would still have chosen this place! Firstly, the bay itself, framed by fancy rocks, is like a natural place - very picturesque, the water changes its color from turquoise to sapphire during the day, and secondly, it’s not difficult to get here - public transport runs to the nearest resort towns, from which you can already walk to the bay.

Now Anthony Quinn Bay is one of the most beautiful and pleasant beaches on the island for relaxation - the clearest water, the bay is protected from waves and wind, there are sun loungers, umbrellas, showers and a cafe.

Ostrich farm

There is a place in Rhodes that is definitely worth a visit, especially if you are vacationing on the island with children - this is an ostrich farm

and a mini zoo next to it.

At the entrance you can buy bags of corn grains and feed the ostriches - this is the main entertainment. At the same time, only 2-3 of the calmest males are allocated for feeding, who eat from their hands carefully, while females are not allowed near tourists at all, because they often behave inappropriately)

On the farm, ostriches are housed in families - one male and 2-3 females live in a pen. Males are quite aggressive and if you place two adult males with a female, they will fight for their status to the last, until one of them dies. But in general, ostriches, it turns out, live quite a long time, about 60-70 years.

Ostriches are raised for meat and to hatch eggs. They lay eggs at the age of 2 to 35 years, and hatch each for about 40 days, and use young individuals for meat, up to 1 year.

One ostrich egg weighs about 2 kg, enough for about 10 omelettes. There is also a restaurant at the farm where you can try omelettes, steaks and ostrich meat cutlets. There is also a souvenir shop where you can buy all sorts of crafts made from shells, and also, on the farm you can see the world’s largest rosary, also made from eggs, of course, they are under glass)


Most of the vineyards of Rhodes are located around Mount Attaviros, at altitudes reaching 800 m. The white Athyri variety is grown in the mountains, and the red Mandidarya variety (Amoriano) is cultivated in the flat areas.

Both vineyards can be visited to taste/buy various wines as a gift, or simply to have lunch overlooking the endless grape fields.

In summer, the grapes are still unripe, so we weren’t able to eat fresh fruits from the bush :)

If you see some kind of local production, be it a soap factory, a honey farm or a ceramic workshop, don’t be shy, you can stop by, look and ask the craftsmen everywhere.

The Greeks are friendly enough, they will bite you))

As a rule, all workshops and farms have their own shop where you can buy products from their craft.


There is another attraction of Rhodes on the island, which we, alas, did not get to, is called “the kiss of two seas.” Yes, that’s right, because when you come here, you can swim in two seas at once - the Aegean and Mediterranean.

This place is located on the southernmost cape of Rhodes, and a huge sand spit separates the seas. The place was chosen by kiters and surfers. I really love places like this!

So, for us, this is at least one significant reason to return to the island of Rhodes someday.


Excellent beaches, developed infrastructure, extensive excursion program, the most picturesque places on the island - all this makes Rhodes one of the most popular tourist destinations Greece.

You can travel around Rhodes either by public transport, or by rented car or motorbike, the choice is yours.

The latest options will undoubtedly make your vacation more varied and mobile. We saw all the places described in the article while traveling by car; the roads and traffic on the island are normal. Along the way we discovered and visited several interesting places, where we didn’t originally plan to visit :)

Rent a car in Rhodes

We looked for a rental car in several places: firstly, we asked on the spot (since we didn’t need a car on the first day of arrival, we didn’t book in advance, although we usually do just that), but either there was nothing available, or the prices were higher, or insurance conditions were worse.

We have also made a selection of good hotels in different price categories near excellent beaches.

A selection of hotels in Rhodes

Budget Good Luxurious
  • Saint Amon Hotel
  • Paul's Garden Studios
  • Castello del Cavaliere
  • Vergina Sun
  • Rea Hotel
  • Villa Olive Grove
  • Bay View
  • Helios Aparts
  • Johannes Apartments
  • Mediterraneo
  • Anelia Boutique Apartments
  • Kastri Boutique Beach
  • Rodos Palladium
  • Esperos Mare
  • Kouros Exclusive
  • Atrium Palace
  • Blue Dream
  • Porto Angeli
  • Sentido Port Royal
  • Kolymbia Sun

View all hotel options in Rhodes

You can rent accommodation in Rhodes from locals using the Airbnb website .

A lot of useful information about Greece – where to go, what to do, what to see, etc. can be found on the website Greek National Tourism Organization.

Cheap flights to Rhodes

Have you been to Greece or specifically Rhodes? Did you like the island? If you managed to visit Rhodes where we haven’t been, write in the comments, thanks to you, the list of Rhodes attractions will be even more complete!

Having visited the Greek island of Rhodes, I almost immediately noticed a number of features that set it apart from other resorts in Greece. We are talking here about unique geographical location, and about the sights, and, of course, about the seas, of which there are two in Rhodes. But let's take things in order.

The island boasts sunny weather more than 300 days a year, and this attracts many tourists who are crazy about comfortable rest. That is, be prepared for crowded beaches, hotels, restaurants and shops. However, there are still a couple of areas on the island that are not affected by mass tourism. Go in search of the secluded coves and beaches frequented by Greeks, or travel to the areas around Lindos. And I warn you that there are a lot of rocky beaches in Rhodes, nothing can be done about it!

Rhodes belongs to the Dodecanese archipelago, but tourists are accustomed to perceive Rhodes as separate island. It is the only one among the other islands of the archipelago that combines both a beach holiday and a cultural one - there are many historical attractions, and there is also a large medieval city.

The entire island is buried in cistus flowers, and tourists are convinced that this is why Rhodes was nicknamed the “island of roses.” In fact, scientists doubt the Greek origin of the island's name.

North coast Rhodes is famous for its lively tourist places, in Yuzhny there is a calmer pace of life and recreation, the beaches are not so crowded.

Rhodes has other advantages: housing is relatively inexpensive, many locals speak at least English and German, and sometimes other languages, such as Swedish, French, Turkish, Italian and even Finnish.

In addition, the island will certainly surprise and delight curious tourists with an abundance of interesting places, including both natural and man-made. Rhodes, whose attractions date back to a wide variety of cultures and eras, is a unique opportunity to travel back in time several thousand years in one or two weeks on the island.


The island of Rhodes has one of the longest, richest and most amazing histories in the world. Inhabited after the Neolithic period, the island has preserved all important settlements Bronze Age. At the dawn of the historical era, Rhodes was already known for its three powerful cities (they were mentioned by Homer): Lindos, Ialyssos and Kamiros. In 408 BC, all three cities united to form the capital of the island - the city of Rhodes. Both the city and the island played an important role in ancient Greek and Roman history. Perhaps the most memorable episode is the long siege of the city by Demetrios Poliokertes in 305 BC.

Thanks to the development of trade, Rhodes was the most influential cultural center during the Hellenistic period. Later, when Rhodes became one of the provinces of the Roman Empire, its influence declined, although it remained a regional capital and one of the earliest centers of Christian culture.

Rhodes later became part of the Byzantine Empire, and from the 7th century it entered the era of the early Middle Ages. In the Middle Ages, the island's importance increased again under the influence of the first Venetians, then the Genoese, and finally the Knights of St. John - the Crusader Order, who captured parts of Palestine, but were later driven out by the Saracens and Templars and took refuge on the island of Rhodes. They took power and control of the island from the Genoese by force in 1306 and ruled the island for two centuries. Under their rule, Rhodes became a major maritime power. After the capture of Suleiman the Magnificent in 1523, Rhodes became part of the Ottoman Empire.

The Turks controlled the island until 1912, when it was recaptured by the Italians. During the period of their rule in Rhodes, many monuments damaged during Turkish rule were restored, or even completely restored. These include the Palace of the Grand Master, located in the old town of Rhodes.

The island returned to Greece after World War II in 1948.

In Rhodes, I have repeatedly seen monuments of all the above cultures and eras, many of which still make a very strong impression.


In order to communicate with local residents, I had enough knowledge in English at the Pre-Intermediate level.

In general native language residents of Rhodes - Greek. Thanks to the development of tourism, locals speak English or German quite well. The local dialect has strong Turkish and Italian overtones. Some words used by the island's inhabitants may not be immediately understood by most Greeks.

There is no point in trying to speak Russian, with the exception of guides and tour guides, with local residents. However, many restaurants have Russian-language menus, and some have Russian waiters. There are no inscriptions in Russian in the museums either, but at the tourist information kiosk in the capital of the island you can take it completely free detailed maps and booklets in Russian with descriptions of attractions, shops and restaurants on the island of Rhodes. I have already written about how to find the information center.

By plane

Island served international airport Rhodes, which is called Diagoros (Διαγόρας). Diagoras is an ancient athlete originally from the island of Rhodes, who repeatedly won the Olympic Games. The airport is located on the west coast, 14 kilometers from the city of Rhodes.

Regular flights operate from Athens, Thessaloniki and Crete. In July and August, Astra Airlines operates flights from the city. Aegean aircraft depart daily from Olympic Air Athens Airport. From Crete () you can travel by Sky Express.

Today, tours to Rhodes are popular in many countries, so in addition to the largest Greek cities, Rhodes has established air connections with many cities around the world:

  • Flights to Rhodes are regularly operated by Aegean, Azur Air, Siberian Airlines and others.
  • The already mentioned Aegean, Siberian Airlines, and Air Baseltic are responsible for direct flights from St. Petersburg.

The cost of a round-trip flight per adult starts from 345 €. You can see how much a flight to Rhodes will cost on your dates.

There is a taxi rank near the airport; I will tell you more about this type of transport in Rhodes in the corresponding section below.

By ferry

The island of Rhodes can be reached by ferry from Symi and Tilos in Greece; , Datca, Bodrum and Marmaris in Turkey.

Cruise ships enter the dock at the commercial port in the east of the Old Town of Rhodes.


Rhodes - the time is now

Hour difference:

Moscow 0

Kazan 0

Samara 1

Ekaterinburg 2

Novosibirsk 4

Vladivostok 7

When is the season? When is the best time to go

Despite the fact that the sun shines on the island on average 300 days a year, this does not mean that you can swim and sunbathe in Rhodes all year round. But in each season this island is good in its own way.

If your goal is a beach holiday, then swimming season on the island lasts from May to October. However, if you want to get the most out of your beach holiday, the best time to go on vacation is from July to September. Then the water temperature in the sea can reach +28 °C, and the likelihood of rain is negligible. And it is during these months that there is a particularly strong influx of tourists.

By the way, I personally think that the beginning of September is simply the ideal time for a beach holiday on the island, because summer holidays schoolchildren are already running out, and this means that the beaches are becoming quieter.

You can find prices for tours on the dates you need in the Travelask section.

Rhodes in spring

Spring roughly lasts from February to April. At this time, it makes sense to come to the island to admire the blossoming island. In fact, compared to Crete, Kos and other island resorts, Rhodes is rich in greenery, and if you don’t notice this in the summer heat, then in the spring the island’s vegetation makes itself felt fully.

Rhodes in winter

At this time of year, the weather on the island is quite mild and sunny, and the temperature corresponds to late Moscow spring or early autumn. In winter, most hotels close and only a few of them accept tourists arriving in Rhodes.

Vacations, the prices of which in winter are significantly lower than in the summer season, come down to walking and exploring the island’s many attractions, which are not surrounded by flocks of curious tourists with cameras. If you come to Rhodes in winter, the sea water will most likely be downright cold for you.

Rhodes - weather by month


Rhodes - weather by month

Conditional areas. Descriptions and features

  • Afantou is one of the largest villages on the island. This is where the Rhodes golf course and long beach are located.
  • Archangelos is the second largest city in Rhodes.
  • Asklepio is a village on the island. There are old castles and churches here.
  • Faliraki - place active rest in Rhodes. Come here for the parties; other entertainment is best found elsewhere. The quietest hotels are located in the northern part of Faliraki. Hotels near the water park are designed for family holiday and are not designed for partygoers. Faliraki is famous for its wonderful beaches, and it is not very windy here.
  • Gennadi is a town located approximately 64 kilometers from the Old Town of Rhodes, near Prasonisi. This is where avid surfers flock from all over the world. The last beaches in Rhodes that have not been touched by the destructive influence of civilization are also preserved here.
  • Haraki is a small old fishing village near Lindos. Private beach surrounded by a chain of restaurants.
  • Lalyssos (Ialyssos) - famous for its azure waters and good beaches. Here you will find how big hotel complexes, as well as cozy small hotels, as well as many different shops and nightclubs. Ideal conditions reign here all year round weather, and therefore Lalyssos often becomes the venue for significant international windsurfing competitions.
  • Ixia is a west coast resort, located near Paradisi, Telos (Theologos) and Rhodes airport.
  • Kallithea - perfect place for snorkeling. There is good hotels for a comfortable stay.
  • Laerma - this village is an architectural monument. It is located next to Lindos and Lardos. Dense settlement of the village began in the Hellenistic period. Now there are several restaurants here. 4 kilometers southwest of Laerma is the largest monastery in all of Rhodes - the Monastery of the Archangel Michael.
  • Lardos - located near Lindos. The main shopping area offers many restaurants and shops.
  • - a picturesque village, it is here that the oldest landmark is located - the acropolis.
  • Pefkos - small tourist resort near Lindos. Initially, local farmers lived here, but after a while Pefkos turned into a full-fledged city.
  • Rhodes is the most Big city on the island and the administrative center (the government is located here).
  • Tholos (Theologos) is a traditional village.

Where to stay

If you came to the island for sights, it is preferable to stay in the capital of the island. In this case, you will have the listed Old Town of Rhodes within walking distance world heritage UNESCO, and there are direct buses from the city center to other important cultural sites. Many hotels in Rhodes are concentrated in the capital.

If you like surfing and otherse extreme water activities, it is best to settle in the area of ​​​​the beaches of Ialyssos and Ixia. They overlook the Aegean Sea, which almost always has waves, and the center of water extremes is located on the shore.

If you are traveling to the island for nightlife , then pay attention to the Faliraki area, famous for its nightclubs.

For those who just want relax at sea with your family and does not feel the desire to fight the elements, sandy beaches are suitable Mediterranean coast islands. These are the areas of Tsambika, Haraki, Pefki,. Read more about beach holiday in Rhodes read. In Lindos you can also visit the local acropolis, the second largest in Greece after Athens.

There are also very cheap apartments located far from the sea. Offers for renting apartments from private owners can be found at.


Cost of food, accommodation, transportation and other things

Currency: Euro, € US Dollar, $ Russian Ruble, Rub

Main attractions. What to see

Abundance of natural and cultural monuments is one of the hallmarks of the island of Rhodes. famous for its ancient temples and Byzantine churches, but in Rhodes you will find many things that are not on other Greek islands.

The capital of the island, the city of Rhodes

Despite the fact that the island is rich in all kinds of attractions, their highest concentration is in the capital. This is where I recommend starting your acquaintance with the monuments of Rhodes.

First of all, it is medieval, within the walls of which antique buildings, and the remains of Byzantine fortifications, and buildings of the knightly period, and monuments from the times of Ottoman rule have been preserved. Old Rhodes, whose photos appear on the first pages of guidebooks to the island, can rightfully be considered its calling card. Read more about the Old City.

Near the Old Town there is an ancient one, which also preserves traces of various cultures and eras. According to legend, this is where the Colossus of Rhodes once stood. Whether this is true or not, you can read.

Rhodes also has its own acropolis. It is not as large as Lindos, but it also has objects worthy of attention. It is located on Mount Monte Smith. Read more.

In addition, the city has a lot interesting museums which you can read about. The same link provides information about the famous Rhodes Aquarium.

Asklepio and Kiyotami

In the small church they show fascinating performances - stories of miraculous healings, from ancient times to the present.

According to Greek myths, Asclepius was the son of the god Apollo, who created the art of healing.


The southernmost point of Rhodes. There is a peninsula connected to the main island by a sandbank.

Even if your car is four-wheel drive, think twice before driving into the sandbank as you risk getting stuck in the sand.

Acropolis of Lindos

The second largest Greek acropolis after Athens.

This place contains monuments of both ancient and Byzantine culture, and the walls of the knightly period encircle the Lindos acropolis. Read more about the Acropolis of Lindos.

Monolithos Castle

If you decide to stop at east coast, then definitely go to Gennadi. Traveling by moped can be quite windy, but the beautiful scenery is worth it!

There is nothing special in Apollakia, but you can have a quite pleasant rest at one of the local eateries. There is a gas station in the south of the village, useful for those traveling on a moped. Head towards Monolithos.

Just outside the village is the Monolithos Castle, which can be seen from a 240 meter high mountain. Be sure to take a closer look at this cultural monument, which may not be very outstanding in itself, but it offers a magnificent view of West Coast. On the northwestern side you can see Kalki Castle.

Seven springs

And that's all that can be seen there, with the exception of a short forest path.

During the hot summer months, cool shade provides a welcome respite from the sun.

Mount Filerimos

Medieval ruins, monastery and chapel. The north of the island offers excellent scenery.

Read more about Mount Filerimos.


The ruins of an ancient Greek polis, destroyed by an earthquake more than 2 thousand years ago.

You can wander around the surrounding area, look into the villages of Soroni and Fanes.

Top of Tsambika

At its top there is a chapel with a miraculous icon of the Virgin Mary. Read more about Tsambika.

Valley of the Butterflies

To reproduce offspring, butterflies need rest. Since this place became a tourist destination, the insect population here has sharply declined.

Even though there is no point in going here for butterflies now, the valley is still a very beautiful place.

What to see in 1 day? Personally, I recommend taking a walk through the Old Town of Rhodes. You can even do without visiting museums, since this place is so unique that you are unlikely to get bored walking along its streets, where cultures and eras are intertwined.

In addition, there are various day excursions around the island, which includes several places at once. The cost of one excursion is from 25 € per person. I can personally recommend “The City of Rhodes and Filerimos Hill”, as well as an overview of the island. The latter includes ancient Kamiros, wine tasting, a visit to Monolithos Castle and Cape Prasonisi.

You can order a tour in several ways:

  • If you come to Rhodes as part of package tour, most likely it will be offered to you by a tour operator. In Rhodes, the host company is Beleon Tours, and I personally liked how the excursions were organized by this company. The time is designed in such a way that tourists find it both interesting and comfortable. Where necessary, a break for lunch and rest is provided.
  • If you are staying in a tourist area, there are probably excursion bureaus there, which are easy to recognize by their signs in Russian.
  • Most hotels have stands where, in addition to telephones, excursion bureaus You can take discount coupons to some museums, shops and restaurants completely free of charge.
  • Before your trip, contact a private island guide and arrange for yourself individual excursion. The guide can be found through any popular social network.

Top 5

Beaches. Which ones are better

The island of Rhodes has a wide variety of beaches. On the eastern side there are long sandy beaches with calm waters. The beaches in the west are more rocky. The wind predominantly blows from the west, and the sea tends to be a little rougher in the west, so this side of the island is better suited for surfing or kiteboarding.


Amazing beautiful beach on the shore of the bay.

This is a trendy crowd, so wear a bikini to fit in with the local crowd.


Located north of Faliraki, Kallithea was originally Italian resort. This is a very nice place, but crowded.

Currently, work continues on the construction of modern spa centers and entertainment facilities. There are private beaches to the south of the resort.


Long sandy beach with many taverns to suit every taste. Here you can easily rent jet skis or enjoy other water sports.

There is a quieter one in the southern part rocky beach, but the sea there is too shallow for real swimmers. It is also home to the only legal nudist beach on the island, which has full facilities including sun loungers for hire, toilets and concessions.

Ladiko Beach (Anthony Quinn Beach)

A very picturesque place.

One side of the bay is a relatively small beach. The other side is rocky, but there is a platform where it is convenient to take sunbathing.

Tsambika Beach

On the far right bank near the rocks there is sunbathing for nudists.

Gennadi Beach

This area and nearby Prasonisi attract surfers. Peaceful and calm resort village. Its peculiarity is pristine sands, hotels, beach bars.

Gennadi began to gain popularity relatively recently. Unexplored beaches stretch along the sandy coast from Gennadi to Prasonini. This area is one of the last untouched areas coastline remaining on the island.

Museums. Which ones are worth visiting?

Most of the museums are located in the island's capital, Rhodes. If you are interested in history and antiquities, first of all you should visit the exhibitions of the Palace of the Grand Masters and Archaeological Museum, located in the building of the order hospital.

If you prefer the secrets of the underwater world, go to the Rhodes Aquarium. It is, of course, significantly inferior to the largest aquariums in Europe, but undersea world The seas washing the island are represented there quite widely.

Finally, if you prefer contemporary art, there is such a museum in the capital of the island.

Read more about Rhodes museums.


Despite the fact that Rhodes is quite a green island compared to the rest of Greece, there are only two large parks on it.

Valley of the Butterflies

This is the place where butterflies of the bear family flock during the mating season. They are the main attraction of the park.

But his road along the wooden bridges is quite picturesque in itself. Nearby is the small monastery of Panagia Kalopetra.

Rodini Park

It is located on the outskirts of the island's capital and is in sharp contrast to the Valley of the Butterflies, as there are almost no people there during the daytime hours. However, the park itself is very picturesque.

There you can find live peacocks and turtles, and in the depths of the park there are caves that were used for burials in ancient times. Unfortunately, there are no cafes or restaurants in the park area, so after the walk you will have to return to.

How to get to Rodini Park

Bus number 12 runs from the city center to the park approximately once an hour, the fare for which is 1.1 € one way.

Food. What to try


Rhodes restaurants offer visitors a wide choice of dishes national cuisine and seafood. From national dishes Especially worth noting are stifado, kleftiko, souvlaki and dolma. Among the fish, sea crucian dorado is especially popular, swimming in abundance in the local waters.

Read more about Rhodes restaurants and national cuisine.


Once in Rhodes, be sure to try the signature “resin” wine, Retsina. The tradition of adding resin to wine dates back to ancient times, when it acted as a natural preservative, preventing the drink from spoiling. Retsina has a mild taste and rich resinous aroma. It is worth noting that according to the main classification this is a dry white wine.

Also, if you come to a restaurant, you should try just homemade wine from grapes grown on the island of Rhodes. Prices for such wine are quite affordable: from 4.5 € for a half-liter decanter.

Local alcoholic drinks also include Greek Mythos beer and ouzo - aniseed brandy.

For non-alcoholic drinks, you can take frappe. This is chilled strong coffee, whipped to foam with added sugar.

Tap water on the island is safe to drink. In restaurants they will serve you a glass ice water, if you wish.

Safety. What to watch out for

Rhodes - quite safe place, but sometimes you still need to be on guard.

It is better to walk with small children until 10 p.m., since night partygoers become more active at this time. In the early 2000s, there was a case when young people from the UK, who came to “go clubbing” in Rhodes, committed a number of crimes against local residents and tourists. And this is not the only incident. Of course, the police are especially vigilant after these incidents, but it still doesn’t hurt to be on the safe side.

Taxi drivers sometimes turn off taximeters without permission and may charge you a considerable amount of money upon arrival at your destination. Make sure that the taximeter is turned on, and it is best to ask the driver in advance about the approximate cost of the trip.

Things to do

If we talk about entertainment, then in Rhodes they are presented in full:

For shopping, you should go to the capital of the island, and not to the Old Town, but to the new part, located in the northern part of Rhodes. There are several streets where famous world brands are presented: from budget ones like Marks & Spencer to the more famous Lacoste or Hugo Boss. However, shopping in Rhodes can hardly become the main purpose of the trip, rather a pleasant addition.

In summer, discounts begin in most stores; you can save up to 30–50% of the purchase price.

There are many retail outlets with mink coats on the island especially for Russian tourists. In my opinion, the thing is very much for an amateur.

Souvenirs. What to bring as a gift

Watching tourists, I came to the conclusion that most often they take away from Rhodes:

It is important to remember that many items from well-known brands can be fake (T-shirts, towels, bags, etc.).

Also, in addition to T-shirts with the banal “I love Greece” or something similar, there are interesting ones with prints on a knightly theme.

By the way, if we are not talking about chain stores, but specifically about tourist souvenir shops, bargaining is more than appropriate. Of course, I cannot guarantee a discount, but the probability of saving from 5 to 20% of the original cost is quite high. A good argument in your favor is that you intend to buy more than one thing, but even if the purchase is modest, you can always ask for a discount for good people. The Greeks are positive people and may well agree.

How to get around the island

As in most Greek regions, the soil in Rhodes does not allow for railway tracks, so railways not on the island. But their absence is perfectly compensated by the developed bus network. All public transport lines originate from the city of Rhodes and reach almost anywhere throughout the island.

Taxi. What features exist

Taxis in Rhodes are dark blue with white roofs. At the tourist information center you can find out the maximum prices for taxi services.

For example, a trip from Rhodes to Faliraki should not cost more than 13 €, a trip from the airport to Rhodes will cost you a maximum of 16 €. Minimum price taxi rides - 4 €, the taximeter starts from 0.85 €. Never allow the driver to turn off the taximeter!

You will have to pay about 0.50–0.60 € for each suitcase. Each hour of waiting costs 7.90 €.

You can call a taxi by calling +30 2241 069800. There is an additional charge of 1.50 € per call.

From midnight to 5 am you will have to pay double the price. You can book a car in advance to avoid delays during rush hour (such as on weekends).

Within the city of Rhodes there is a fixed tariff. If you take a taxi from the stand, the fee will be 5 €. At the main taxi depot, which is located near New Market (Mandraki), there is a special service where they make sure that the car does not leave half empty, especially if you go long distances. If you are traveling with fellow travelers, the additional fee will be 4 €.

Public transport

The bus is the best way to get around the island. All buses are equipped with air conditioning, and between the largest settlements They run on average once an hour.

The main bus station in Rhodes is called Neá Agorá (New Market). Information about buses, tickets, prices and schedules.

Tickets can be purchased either at special kiosks at the bus stop or from the driver, since kiosks are not available everywhere. The price will also be the same, but you can immediately buy a return ticket at the kiosk.

The fare ranges from 1 €, if we are talking about internal routes around the capital, to 9 € - for this money you can get from the final stop of the city of Rhodes to Cape Prasonisi, that is, drive the island from north to south. Keep your tickets until the end of your trip.

Stops on the roads are marked with signs, but it is better to signal to the driver that you want to board the bus. Only a few stops have timetable boards, and buses are often late.

The routes through some resorts and villages are different. For example, there are three routes to Faliraki: the first stops at main street, the second with a stop in the center and the third - near the embankment, so think about the route in advance, otherwise you will get off not where you planned.

Transport rental


It is theoretically possible to bring your own car to the island, but I do not recommend doing this, because you can rent a car at the airport (Diagoras), at any hotel or from local dealers. Paved highways allow you to get anywhere on the island, but often the internal roads (especially in the south) are just dirt paths.

The average cost of renting a car is 50 € per day. This option is suitable if you are traveling big company or decided to take a ride to less popular attractions like Monolithos Castle. You can find out about car rental prices in advance.

Motorcycle or moped

Motorcycles and mopeds are a good alternative to cars. Mopeds are especially popular among local youth and can be used to get to places inaccessible by car, such as the narrow, winding streets of Rhodes Town. Their additional advantage is that rent is cheap, about 10–15 € per day.

Before renting a bike, check the tires and brakes, and if this is the last remaining option, do not take it: it may vehicle repairs are urgently needed.

Although helmets are not mandatory for moped drivers, you may still be stopped for main road and a fine of 50 €, so it makes sense to ask the person who rents your bike for a helmet (especially if you plan to ride on roads with a lot of traffic).

If you decide to ride a moped, first make sure the tank is full, as it is often quite difficult to find a gas station. An extra stop at a gas station will save you a lot of stress.

Rhodes - holidays with children

If you're traveling with small children, it's best to stay on the east coast, where the seas are calmer.

There are no modern amusement parks on the island, but medieval castles Knights Hospitaller will certainly be of interest to children, especially boys.

In the very center of Rhodes, you and your child can visit the interactive 5D show Throne Of Helios. This is a journey in space and time from the moment when the city became the patrimony of the sun god Helios and until the beginning of Turkish rule in Rhodes. You really feel like flying above the very surface of the sea!

The show lasts 20 minutes, and sessions take place 2-3 times an hour. Each time the session is conducted in one language, including Russian. In Russian, the show takes place approximately once every two hours. Ticket price is 10 €.

In addition, there is a small museum in the lobby of the building. There are no ancient artifacts there, but there are copies of them, among which the head of the god Helios with rays emanating from it stands out. On numerous stands you can read interesting stories related to the dominance of the Knights Hospitaller on the island, in particular, the legend of the Rhodian dragon, which was eventually defeated by a young and resourceful knight.

To get to the show, you first need to get to the capital of the island, and from the stop the venue is within walking distance: about 10-15 minutes and you are there.

Rhodes island on the map of Greece

Detailed map of Rhodes island

Rhodes Map

Rhodes is an island in southeastern Greece. It is part of the Dodecanese group of islands in the Aegean Sea and is the fourth largest Greek island. Rhodes is located off the southwestern coast of Asia Minor, a few kilometers from Turkey. From the west the island is washed by waters Aegean Sea, and from the east - the Mediterranean.

The capital of the island is the city of Rhodes, located in the northeast of the island. The map of Rhodes shows an ellipse-shaped island with a length of 77 kilometers and a width of 37 kilometers. Rhodes is separated by two straits from its closest neighboring territories - the Greek island of Karpathos and the shores of Asia Minor.

The island's landscape is mountainous. The Atabirii mountain system with three peaks runs through the central part of the territory: in the southwest - Akramit (823 meters), in the center - Atabiriy (1,215 meters), in the north - Profitis Ilias (798 meters).

A detailed map of Rhodes will help you choose a holiday destination sunny island. The most famous resorts are Kallithea, Faliraki, Ixia, Ialyssos, Lindos, Prasonisi.

Rhodes Map with sights located in the map tab, in the places section. This service will help you navigate the area while traveling.

The attractions of the island of Rhodes can be divided into several groups: beaches, other natural beauties, entertainment, ancient cities, and the capital of the island, the city of Rhodes, deserves special mention. There are so many interesting things here that even the most important attractions of the island of Rhodes with names and descriptions are almost impossible to fit into one vacation! And in one article. But we'll try anyway.

Sights of Rhodes: what to see on site interesting island Greece

The main attractions of the island of Rhodes, Greece: contents of the article

Beaches of Rhodes

Ancient cities, unique castles, palaces and mosques - all this, of course, is wonderful. But let's face it: first of all, tourists come to Rhodes for its stunning, mind-blowing, incomparable beaches. Beaches are the main attractions of the island of Rhodes.

Rhodes is located on two seas at once: the western coast of the island is on the Aegean Sea, the eastern coast is on the Mediterranean. Mediterranean beaches are famous for their calm, crystalline clean water

, that’s why they were chosen by lovers of swimming and diving, as well as tourists with children. But fans of windsurfing and kitesurfing adore the western beaches of Rhodes, where the waves are constantly raging. However, on the Aegean coast there are places where you can swim in calm water. That is why it is absolutely impossible to single out two or three best beaches on the island of Rhodes. But if you divide the local beaches into different “categories”, this task is quite realistic. So, best beaches

Rhodes......for windsurfing:
Ialyssos, Ixia, Prasonisi....for tourists with children:
Lindos, Kallithea, Faliraki.…for “ordinary” tourists:

Tsambika, Kolymbia, Entini Quinn Bay.

We will not describe each beach of the island in detail here, because we have separate, detailed and thorough articles devoted to them: The main attractions of Rhodes: Tsambika beach is the most beautiful on the island. There are no hotels or tourist crowds here, but White sand

and crystal clear water.

Natural beauties of Rhodes

Beautiful nature in Rhodes is literally at every turn. But even here there are special places that deserve special attention. In addition to the beaches, there are four of the most interesting natural attractions of Rhodes that are definitely worth seeing.

Cape Prasonisi If you are going to Rhodes, then most likely you have heard the phrase “Kiss of the two seas”. This is the second name of Cape Prasonisi, only more romantic. It is located in the very south of the island of Rhodes, 90 km from its capital. It is here that two seas meet - the Aegean and the Mediterranean. On the eastern side of the thin isthmus the calm Mediterranean Sea splashes, on the western side the Aegean Sea rages. This place attracts both surfers (they occupied western part cape), and lovers of calm swimming, as well as photographers and connoisseurs. Getting here on your own by public transport is not so easy; a bus from the city of Rhodes to Prasonisi goes once or twice a day. Therefore, it is easier to get there by car. And by the way, not only here: car rental on the island is very popular and inexpensive, so many tourists prefer to go around the sights of Rhodes on their own on four wheels. You can rent a car either on site or via the Internet, on the website, and will help you create a route.

Cape Prasonisi is loved by surfers, but even in high season it is almost deserted. The photo shows the Aegean side of the cape.

Seven Sources

The Seven Springs is a landmark of Rhodes that has several names. It is also called “Seven Wonders”, and also… “Zoo”. Where this name came from, only Zeus knows, for there is no trace of any menagerie here. However, There are many peacocks roaming free here, so there is some truth in this name too.

In addition to the handsome peacocks, the main interest here is, in fact, those same seven sources. They are quite small (one could call them “Seven Streams”), but they all merge together into a large beautiful lake. A slightly creepy tunnel leads to this lake: you will have to walk through it ankle-deep in cold water and preferably in complete darkness, so as not to disturb the atmosphere of mystery. There is a belief that if a man passes through this tunnel, he will get rid of 7 sins, and if a woman passes through it, she will become 7 years younger. Girls under six years old are not recommended to enter the tunnel :)

Valley of the Butterflies

The Valley of Butterflies in Rhodes (not to be confused with) is also called the beautiful Petaloudes Valley. However, Petaloudes is not the name of the romantic heroine of a Latin American series, but “butterfly” in Greek.

The Valley of the Butterflies is one of the main attractions of the island of Rhodes, and unlike its Turkish namesake, there really are a lot of butterflies here. Most of them are in the summer: on hot days huge thousands of bright, orange and black bear butterflies flock here to the smell of pine resin. Besides them, there are also a lot of interesting things here: the Butterfly Valley in Rhodes is beautiful park with a large landscaped area, several springs and small waterfalls.

Mount Filerimos

On Mount Falyrimos there is a (poorly) preserved ancient Greek acropolis with the Temple of Zeus, and there is also a 17-meter cross, to which a beautiful staircase “The Way of Golgotha” leads, depicting scenes last days life of Christ. But this is not what attracts most tourists here. Mount Filerimos is the best viewpoint in Rhodes, in clear weather, two cities can be seen from here at once - Ixia and Ialyssos - and, of course, the endless Aegean Sea. And here, as at Seven Springs, there are many wild peacocks. There is an ancient legend that the best souvenir you can bring from Rhodes is hidden in the tail of a peacock. Don't believe in her, please.

Old town of Rhodes

The main architectural attractions of the island of Rhodes are located in its capital. The old town of Rhodes, especially the city center, is one large, very beautiful and incredibly interesting attraction. Judge for yourself: from ancient times until the 14th century, Rhodes was part of Byzantium, then for two centuries it served as the capital of the knightly order of St. John, in the 16th century it became Turkish, at the beginning of the 20th century - Italian, and since 1948 it returned to Greece. All these civilizations left behind a lot of interesting things, and their legacy is mainly preserved in the city of Rhodes. Here are the main attractions of the island of Rhodes, located in its capital:

  • Palace of the Grand Masters
  • Street of Knights
  • Mandraki Harbor
  • Suleiman Mosque
  • Fort St. Nicholas
  • Windmills
  • Rhodes Cathedral

And much, much more, including the Rhodes fortress itself with its walls and gates - a real masterpiece of medieval architecture.

At the end of this article you will find all the main attractions of the island of Rhodes on the map - including those located in its main city. And in detail about all the medieval sights of the island of Rhodes, located in its capital, read our articles:

Now you understand why many independent tourists, including us, when traveling to Rhodes they prefer to stay in its capital. This is not only the most interesting city islands, but also the main transport hub: from here you can go to any beaches and attractions. If you are also planning to stay in the capital of the island, our selection will help you choose a hotel:

The main historical attractions of Rhodes are located in its capital. Street of Knights is one of most beautiful places the entire island.

Ancient cities, castles and fortresses of Rhodes

The concentration of interesting antiquities in the capital of the island is simply off the charts. But the Old Town is far from the only place where you can find the historical sights of Rhodes. Ancient cities and historical artifacts are literally at every turn here. For example, just above we already mentioned the ancient acropolis on Mount Falerimos. However, from the many interesting historical places There are three main attractions of the island of Rhodes outside its capital.

Monolithos Castle

In knightly times (that is, in the XIV-XVI centuries) Monolithos was one of the main defensive fortresses of the island. Built on a mountain 250 meters high. Monolithos Castle itself is not very well preserved: the outer walls and a small church remain. But from here you have an excellent view of the mountains and the sea with the neighboring islands. Under the mountain there is a small and almost deserted beach where you can relax after, so to speak, the ascent.

And you can take such amazing photos from the heights of Monolithos Castle!

Acropolis of Lindos

The ancient acropolis of Lindos is one of the main attractions of the island of Rhodes. In terms of significance and scope, this acropolis is considered the second in all of Greece after the Athenian one. It is built on a mountain between two picturesque and very popular beaches: St. Paul's Bay to the south and Lindos Beach to the north. By the way, the view of both beaches from the mountain is simply stunning.

Inside the acropolis there are the ruins of the ancient temple of Athena and the ancient Greek theater, ancient columns and other antiquities.

The Crusaders turned Lindos into one of the main fortresses of the island; since then, powerful walls and other fortifications have been well preserved here. By the way, you can climb to the Lindos fortress not only on your own two feet, but also on four donkeys: eared transport with a cab costs 5 euros one way. Ticket to the castle - 12 euros.

If you are interested in our opinion about this place, then it is, of course, impressive... But still, the most interesting thing here is not the fortress itself, but the view of the sea. You can admire photographs from the heights of the Lindos Acropolis in our articles: Main attractions of Rhodes

Ancient Kamiros

: in Lindos, not only medieval buildings are well preserved, but also monuments from ancient and Byzantine times.

Kamiros is one of the oldest towns in Rhodes and in ancient times it played an important role in the economy of the island. It was built in the 8th century BC and is mentioned in Homer’s Iliad. Kamiros has been preserved quite well for a city of such advanced age, and there are far fewer tourists here than in Lindos. That’s why this attraction of Rhodes is really worth paying attention to: where else can you calmly, without tourist crowds, walk along the ancient streets and agora, among the ruins of almost three-thousand-year-old houses and baths, the temples of Athena and Apollo? The price of pleasure is 6 euros.

Entertainment in Rhodes natural resources and ancient cities. But besides them, there is something to see in Rhodes. Until a new Colossus of Rhodes is built in Mandraki harbor (and they are seriously planning to), two modern “man-made” attractions can be distinguished. And both of them are entertaining.

Aquarium in Rhodes city

At the beginning of this article, we wrote that in the very south of the island, on Cape Prasonisi, two seas converge at once. But in Rhodes there is not one, but two such places! One of them is located in the very north of the island, right on the beach of the city of Rhodes, where the Mediterranean Sea splashes quietly on the right and the Aegean Sea bubbles on the left. And right on the cape, where the seas meet, one of the few modern attractions of the island of Rhodes was built - a marine aquarium. It’s hard to call this place “Rhodes Oceanarium” - after all, it’s quite small - but there’s still something to see there. The exhibition is divided into two parts: maritime museum and a labyrinth where the aquariums are located. Fish, starfish, turtles, octopuses, stingrays and other inhabitants of the Rhodes Aquarium mainly represent the Mediterranean Sea. In general, it’s hardly worth going to the city of Rhodes specifically for the aquarium, but if you’re somewhere nearby, why not stop by, especially if you’re with children. Ticket price – 5.5 euros.

The main attractions of the island of Rhodes: the aquarium was built right next to the embankment and the city beach, at the confluence of two seas.

Rhodes Waterpark

The Rhodes water park has a modest name - Water Park - and no less modestly calls itself the “hidden treasure of the island”. And there is some truth in this, because the Rhodes water park is considered the largest in Europe. It is located in the resort village of Faliraki - the most developed, the most party and the most popular among Russian tourists. And also among travelers with children, who are largely targeted at the Rhodes water park. After all, there are not only mind-blowing slides for thrill-seekers, a jacuzzi, a lazy river and other attributes of a cool water park, but also a very cool children's area, as well as many splash pools for the youngest visitors. The area of ​​the water park is so large that a free train runs around the territory for guests. Ticket price: 24 euros for adults, 16 euros for children.

Sights of Rhodes island on the map

These were the main attractions of the island of Rhodes, which are definitely worth visiting during your visit to this amazing island. Of course, these are not all the places that you can see in Rhodes; there are still a lot of interesting things here: ancient and modern cities, ancient temples, and there are several dozen beaches here. But to see all the sights of the island of Rhodes, you don’t need to relax here, but live for many months :) However, the interesting things from our selection today will be enough for you for at least a couple of visits to Rhodes. Happy travels, and as always, we look forward to your feedback!