Sandy beaches and warm Black Sea in Crimea in Lover: Rest, accommodation, reviews. Rest in Lyubimovka (Sevastopol): hotels, beaches

Not only lovers of antiquities and connoisseurs of military power are arrived in Sevastopol, but also ordinary vacationers who want to swim in the sea. For the first village, Lyubimovka will not fit - to the main attractions of the city will have to get a long time. But connoisseurs of summer swimming in the Crimea, the beaches of lover will like - they are spacious and comfortable.

It is often called concise and simple - "loved one." But the separation of beaches in the village, which has long become the city district of Sevastopol, conditionally - there is no free passage everywhere, there are no marked borders. Spacious coastline stretches to on the one hand and up to the other.

The village beach is called the most comfortable part of the coast. It also includes the edges of several pensions, but they do not close access to their territory for ordinary visitors. Hotel bands enjoy good glory due to approximate purity, reviews often recommend that they.

The central beach is the most popular in love with good location. Even in the peak of the season, you can not fear that someone does not have enough place here. The edge has a width of up to 100 m and stretches along the coast on a kilometer, so that it is not possible to score it all tightly at visitors. The rest is especially comfortable due to the small number of pebbles on the shore. It is so mixed with small soft sand, which is almost no felt. Pebbles are small, beach shoes are not needed.

The center has all the modern infrastructure - there are no problems with locker rooms, shower and toilets, enough cafes, and food stalls. Even there is. You can get a sun bed, an umbrella. Along the coast installed waterslideswho wish are offered to ride on a banana or tablet. It is often on the beach and evening entertainment are arranged, although in general the lover does not have a stormy nightlife.

Especially popular landmark from parents with children. "Children's" segment is considered to be Valentine's Lagoon. She is small (not deeper than one and a half meters), so quickly and strongly warms up and safe for swimming can not swim kids. Harbor This often becomes a swimming school for kids.

Not far from the beloved is located, at the same village there is an aviation garrison. The pilots are led not far from the coast, and the site located next to the part received its name because of this. Specify its exact boundaries cannot be; Garnisar beach - continuation of the previous one.

However, it is not inferior to the central in the spacious, but his infrastructure is victory. However, locker rooms and toilets are present, there is no wild bass. Many holidaymakers, not loving the hot aftended sun, appreciate the place for the presence of stationary shadow canopies. For a moderate fee, you can rent a sun bed, an umbrella or mattress.

Entertainment here less. In most cases, beachheads have to entertain themselves. Worse here and with food, the number of cafes and trays is limited. Often, the traffic merchants appear - they traded in an inexpensive, but they need to be cautious to their product. However, the situation with trade by the sea in Crimea changes annually, so the new season can give another picture.

A little worse on the garrison beach and coated. It is pebble and sand on it and mixed each other. But in general, the occasion is comfortable - it is possible to sunbathe on a litter or towel, without risking to instruct the bike on the sin.

Recreation is suitable for resorts, undemanding to the number of attractions and not lovingly noise. Location on it a lot. Convenient entrance to the sea and the availability of all really necessary amenities make an object suitable for recreation with children.

Wild (nudist) beaches in lover

Not all vacationers appreciate the beach infrastructure - for some solitude and silence is more important. They will definitely consider wild beaches in lover, whose photos are affected by their imagination. They stretch to a few kilometers away, where not to find.

Conditionally shores are considered Lyubovsky. Indeed, tanning lovers are arranged here, but there are so many places here that there are also nudists and the holidays in swimsuits. The latter are the more frequently, the closer to Orlovsky and Khach.

With a long stay on a nudist beach, you will have everything you need to bring with you - there are no fresh water and grocery tents. Maintaining cleanliness - also on the conscience of the holidays themselves. Theoretically can be made in the tent. But the dicar segment often covers pebbles, it is necessary to take into account this inconvenience for fastening the pegs. There is no nearby and firewood, they will also have to deliver themselves. But the entrance to the water is still wonderful, and the surface is small, experienced sunbathe right on it.

Fans of the traditional dress code, solved to get a job here, should remember about tolerance to nudists. This is their territory, even if not quite officially. Therefore, for swimming with children, the locality is not quite suitable.

Beaches on the map of the village of Lyubimovka

As the map of the Crimea shows, the beaches of the village are located in the center, towards the settlements Orlovka and Studechka. The easiest way to get to loved ones on bus number 52, departing from the North Bus Station in Sevastopol.

The connoisseurs of the sea and the sun, which went to them in Sevastopol and Crimea, the beaches of lovers will not leave indifferent. Everyone has enough space - each vacationer can look after the breakdown of the taste.

Loveship is a small resort village on the northern outskirts of Sevastopol. Holidays in lover in Crimea is popular with tourists in that there are magnificent wide sandy beaches, which spread out a distance of several kilometers. Lovers of calm and measured recreation in lover (Sevastopol) will feel comfortable. Here the entire necessary infrastructure has been created, and the location in close proximity to Sevastopol guarantees a rich cultural program on attractions. .

How to get to the village of Lyubimovka on holidays in Crimea

By plane

The only way to get to the village of Lyubimovka to rest in Crimea is quickly arriving at the nearest airport, which is 70 km in. Recently, in Simferopol, a new modern terminal was opened.

From the old terminal, regular bus tickets to Sevastopol come from 05.20 to 20.30.

You can also use bus route No. 49 and trolley buses number 17, 20. They can be reached to the Central Bus Station and take the bus to Sevastopol.

By train

Until the railway bridge in the Crimea, the train can be reached only to Anapa or Krasnodar. From these cities you need to take a bus to the Crimea. All buses are followed by a new bridge in Crimea.

From Anapa, the path is shorter and easier. Combine the transplant will help the "single ticket" from Russian Railways. It operates from April 30 to September 30.

You can also get to Simferopol. Then go to the electric train to the Mekensiyev Mainziev Station.

By bus

From Simferopol to Sevastopol can be reached by buses from the Central Bus Station and the bus station-2 "Resort". Buses are departing throughout the day.

Reaching Sevastopol, from Central Bus Station and Zh.D. Station should be reached station to Nakhimov Square. You can reach Szhachova Square route taxi or buses, no on a boat ferry that is public transport, next to Zakharov Square. Arriving on the other side, we go to the bus station and sit on the bus number 52. The last two stops "Soviet Sophia Perovsky" and the final "garrison" are in favorite (Sevastopol).

By taxi in favoriteness (Sevastopol)

The fare for a taxi in Crimea is 25 rubles. per kilometer way. Arriving in place, "bombing" will not give you a passage, so it's best to book a taxi in advance. It is better to order a taxi with a rack at the airport or online. You will meet and take your favorite at the lowest price.

By car

The first thing to do is get to Kerch on the new Crimean Bridge.

From Kerch, we go to the Feodosia on the E97 highway, then to Simferopol on the R23 highway. Traveling the city around the District Road, go on federal route H06, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe village of Fruit, go to the right to the secondary road T2701, by which we will come to your favorite (Sevastopol).

Climate in favorite (Sevastopol)

The average temperature of the air during the holiday season is +25 degrees. Despite this, the thermometer column in the daytime often exceeds +30 and especially in the peak of the season. Humidity is moderate, and the climate can be characterized as very close to the Mediterranean.

Housing in Lyubimovka

Arriving in favorite, you can find ads with vacancies about the delivery of rooms at w. d. Station Mekenziev Mountains. You can also just go through or ride through the streets of the private sector, although it is best to take care of the booking of housing in advance. The cost of renting a room on vacation in the Crimea in Lyubimovka (Sevastopol) begins from 300 rubles.

In favorite (Sevastopol) you can stay in guest House or mini-hotel. Prices in such establishments begin from 600-1000 rubles. We can recommend to relax in lover in Crimea Guest House "Letters", "Morelub", "Orchid", "Eden".

In the resort village there are less good hotels. They will be offered the rooms of various categories, it may be the pool, bars, cafes, saunas, air conditioning in the rooms. Prices begin from 1000-1500 rubles. It is worth considering the "magic edge", "Sea and sand", "grape court", "Two Suns", "Lubomorier".

Rental of property

In Lyubimovka (Sevastopol) you can rent a small house or apartment. The cost of renting one-bedroom apartments or apartments and studios for recreation in lover in the Crimea begins from 1000 rubles. A small cottage with 2-3 rooms can be removed for 1500-1700 rubles. Book and discuss lease details best in advance.

Beach lovers (Sevastopol)

Central Beach Lovemaniki

The central beach of Lyubimovka stretches for a distance of 1.5 km. The structure of the beach is a small sand, and in places the small pebbles. In the width, the beach can reach 70 meters, so even in the peak of the season there is enough space here.

Formally, the beach is divided into three parts. There is a part that is fixed behind the children's holiday camps, the municipality and rented. There are no divisions between them, but in some of the children resting, the desire to go no anyone, because I don't want to listen to a cry and be in the midst of children's games. Other two parts also have a free entrance, but infrastructure has better infrastructure, more entertainment, but the cost of all these goods is slightly higher. The infrastructure of the central beach provides everything for a full-fledged holiday in Libimovka (Sevastopol) on the seashore, and there are points in the rented zones catering.

Beach on Lake Lomomorier

This beach is located west of the central beach. At the mouth of the Belbek River there is a small lake, on the shore of which this small sandy beach is located. Here on vacation in the Crimea in Lyubimovka (Sevastopol) you can accommodate anyone, but most tourists are mothers and families with young children. There are no waves on the lake, and the water in it warms it very quickly, so the conditions for kids are just perfect. On sandy beach There are canopies under which you can hide from the sun. And if you need other benefits of civilization, then the sea beach is very near, or hotel "Lyubomorier".

Beach "Garbizon"

The beach "Garminiza" is east of the central beach. This beach is sandy-pebble and has a developed infrastructure. In fact, this is the continuation of the central beach with all its amenities. There are stationary frame sheds, catering points, water rides and other aspects of infrastructure that make rest on this beach full-fledged.

What to do on holiday in lover in the Crimea

All the sights of Sevastopol are located in close proximity to the resort village of Lyubimovka, so that their visit can stretch for several days.

In the same favorite (Sevastopol), you can visit the legendary battery number 30, or a more famous for the other name "Fort Maxim Gorky-1". Battery is free for visiting, but fenced with a wire fence.

Next to Fort is the temple of new martyrs and confessors. This is a very beautiful structure located on the hill with which the magnificent views are opening around.

In addition, the Mikhailovskaya Battery is located here, the St. Nicholas Temple (all these are the buildings of the 19th century), as well as one of the main attractions of the beloved - the Alkadar wine plant. Here you can get acquainted with the production and visit the tasting room.

Loved cafe (Sevastopol)

The system of catering in favorite is well developed. Here you can quickly eat in the eatery on the embankment or in a tent where fast food dishes are being prepared. A comprehensive dinner in the dining room on vacation in the Crimea in Lyubimovka will cost an average of 150-250 rubles per person. And you can eat in one of the cozy cafes from 500 rubles.

Magnificent beaches of lover, clean sea, as well as the sights of Sevastopol, thousands of tourists are attracted every year. The infrastructure of the resort settlement is well developed and therefore rest in the loved one (Sevastopol) leaves positive memories in Crimea. The main contingent of vacationers make up families with young children and lovers of calm and measured rest.

If you are going to spend your summer vacation by the sea, but do not want to stop in big citiesYou perfectly suit a quiet and calm Sevastopol village. Lyubimovka. Here you can find everything you need for beautiful rest: quiet placeClean beach and the magnificent sea.

All holidaymakers invites lovers. Sevastopol should visit every citizen of our country. City with pure neat embankments around the sea coast.


Beautiful small village Loveship is the most typical seaside locality, there is also private sector, and altitude. Once upon a time there was a military city for a long time. It is located in close proximity to the city Sevastopol. Just 10 minutes away on city transport separated locals and tourists from the North Pier. Therefore, it is absolutely calmly removed the room in my favoriteness, and if you wish, ride at least daily to the city. Here, at the mouth you will be welcomed by the Black Sea. Many will like the village of Lyubimovka (Sevastopol). The map will help get to the desired place of rest.

The village, who had seen different grows in its history, has an appropriate look. However, there is something to see. You can visit in your vacation-free time of the Black Sea Fleet Coastal Museum or to go on a fascinating tour of Petrovsky's Museum. It is worth noting unique local climatewhich people appreciated in the early 19th century. It is interesting that the place of the western coast of the Crimea is also the fact that only grapes are growing here, from which local residents Make a magnificent wine "Muscat".


Undoubtedly, everyone who goes on vacation at least interests the beach. Lovering (Sevastopol) has a well-developed coast on which you can relax with the whole family. Wide coastline, clean white and very small sand - all in order to perfectly spend rest with a child. There are no obstacles for the Sun, so his rays from the early sunrise and until the late sunset please all. The area is flat, mountains and rocks, though there is no large quantitiesBut they do not interfere with the sun.

Sunset are surprisingly beautiful here, they are able to give an indescribable romantic atmosphere. What can be more beautiful than watching how a sunny ball slowly plunges into affectionate sea \u200b\u200bwaves! The village of Lyubimovka (Sevastopol) and completely multiple recreation centers have their own beach with gentle and very comfortable descent to the sea.

How to get

No matter what point of the world you plan to go on a trip. The very first thing you need to do is get to the Crimea Peninsula. Only after that you will be interested in where the lover is located (Sevastopol). You can use as a terrestrial type of transport - car, bus, train, and air. You just have to pick up the optimal option for yourself. In the village of Lyubimovka is the easiest to reach, of course, from Sevastopol.

This is one of large cities Crimean Peninsula, More precisely, the Western coast. Transport system Here is developed quite at a high level and is designed for high bandwidth. Most convenient will be those who arrived in the Crimea, using the train. Here you have to transfer from the train on intercity busthat takes you to the village.

Where to stay

Lyubimovka (Sevastopol), like any resort village, will gladly provide its tourists various accommodation places. Perhaps here you will not find gorgeous fashionable hotels, but will definitely be captivated by local beauty and the kindness of the inhabitants. Due to the fact that once this place was an open military town, there are a recreation center here, which will gladly provide you with their services. You can also settle in the private sector, and in the cottage settlement.

Holidays savages

Excellent in the village you can spend your vacation with a vacation, putting a tent right on the seafront. Numerous wild beaches do it. All lovers of relaxing rest invites the majestic Sevastopol. Loved (photo it is presented in the article) - this is a pearl beach holidays. Especially when the company makes you restless children.

There are in the village and cafes, bars, shops and restaurants. But still evening leisure for young people is quite meager. But this small trouble can be easily corrected if you go to the famous Hero City. You can also rent housing and in Sevastopol. From there you can easily ride the beach in my favoriteness, because there are not many people here, like on the central beaches of large cities. But it is worth remembering that in large and very popular cities, the cost of housing is much higher than in small villages. Therefore, immediately calculate the budget that can spend on housing and entertainment.

Despite the fact that the settlement of the beloved (Sevastopol) is not very big, he is able to please you. Let there are no huge variety of sights, but here there is a story that the village thoroughly keeps and gladly shows everyone who comes here. Especially the monuments of this area will appreciate the admirers of military exploits. All this here is presented in large quantities. It is impossible to indifferently watch out beautiful sunsets and enjoy the warm waters of the Black Sea. Everyone has their own paradise on earth, but the village of Lyubimovka can easily become a favorite place for recreation.

The village of Lyubimovka in the Crimea, one of the most beautiful resorts western coast. Having shrouded in the steppe and foothill Crimea, the beloved is drowning in the luxury of amber grapes, bulk apples, healing herbs and the paints of plants.

In my favorite, you can enjoy silence, bought in clean sea water and sunbathe under the pleasant summer sun. The resort is perfect as for active touristsand for people who value harmony of alienation. The reason for this is unique geographical location Village. Being in close proximity to Bakhchisaram and Sevastopol - the resort provides an opportunity without major costs, to visit the most significant attractions of the Crimean coast, and also enjoy the summer holiday in Dali from concrete boxes - under the warm rays of the Crimean Sun, watching the charming sunsets of silent marine apparel.

Location of the village.

The village of Lyubimovka is located in southeast Parts of the Crimean Peninsula. The territorial settlement refers to Sevastopol and administratively located in the Nakhimovsky district of the city. Loved in Sevastopol, has excellent transportation junction with Sevastopol, Bakhchisaram and Evpatoria. The popularity of the village attaches, close proximity to Bakhchisaram and Sevastopol to both cities a little more than 20 kilometers.

It is noteworthy that there is a second lover in Crimea, in Nizhnegorsky district. If you drive into the navigator, do not confuse the villages.

How to get to your favorite?

The village of Lyubimovka is 5 km from the north side of Sevastopol. Before the village it is easy to get to its transport or suburban buses:

  • From Sevastopol: through the ferry crossing of Artbukhta - the northern swift on the northern side of the city (goes to half an hour) or on a boat. Nakhimova - North (walks every 15 minutes). We are heading according to the signs towards Evpatoria, the first village will be loved by. From the north side (pl. Zakharova) regularly walk buses to Lyubimovka (№52) or on the North Bus - Kacha (№36), or North - Red Mac (№45).
  • From Simferopol to Lover 60 km: you need to move along the Sevastopol highway. Driven Bakhchisarai, Upperneyadoy and in front of the junction in the area of \u200b\u200bthe village of Fruit, hold on to the right and pointers eat on your favorite. Who rides a bus from Simferopol, you need a ticket to take directly to your loved one (the bus Simferopol North). But direct buses go extremely rarely (about 2 times a day). You can get to Sevastopol himself, there to go to Nakhimova Square or Art Bay, swim on the northern strand, and get to your loved ones (№52) on minibuses. You can also drive through Bakhchisarai. It is necessary to get to the bus station, from there the buses are more often driven to the north side, any of them passes through lover. In fact, you can get even to your favorite with Simferopol. You need to take a ticket to the station Mekenziev Mountains. From the station directly run bus in the northern Sevastopol (they are all adjusted to the schedule of trains, №62), and with the North easier to get to the beloved.
  • From Evpatoria: you need to go to the side of Sevastopol. And after Belbek, the next village will be a loved one. The main thing in Belbek will not leave on the left (in the fruit). All buses with Evpatoria to Sevastopol pass by lovers.

Accommodation in loved

Going to the resort in Love. You should, get acquainted with the views of housing located in the village. Since the village has a well-developed resort infrastructure, you can easily find the option you need for check-in.

Types of housing in lover

  • Recreation centers in favorite. Common housing type. Comfortable rooms with a wide abundance of services provided. On the territory of most of them, cutlery, small clubs, children's and playgrounds are functioning.
  • Hotels and hotels. Provide a wide range of services, from SPA procedures to attending massages. There are pools and entertainment facilities on the territory of many hotels. A variety of different types of rooms from economy and seineacon to suites and junior suites.
  • Guest houses. Another type of high service. Many guest houses are located in close proximity to the beaches. There are also rooms with three meals, with pleasant arbors and pools.
  • Private sector. Perfectly suitable family couples who came to rest with his family. As loved one first resort village. That and the entire infrastructure is focused on the summer season. Most houses in the private sector are well equipped, and are intended for tourists. Good rooms have everything you need for a comfortable pastime.
  • Campgrounds. For lovers tent recreation On remote beaches of lover there are excellent camping parking lots. Near the parking lots there are shops and clean drinking water.
  • Sanatoriums and boarding houses. An excellent option combining cheap and comfort. Most sanatoriums were built in the Soviet period and were intended for the Soviet pilots and their families. The living conditions in the sanatorium include many medical procedures and a serene rest.

You can rent accommodation in the lobby in the Crimea via the Internet. Having confused about the period of stay in advance.

Embankment in Lyubimovka

Photo of the village of Lyubimovka in Crimea, often made on the embankment of the village. It is not surprising, because the stone strip is equipped with all the necessary buildings. There are many cafes and restaurants with traditional Crimean dishes from Black Sea fish. The large market, where each tourist can acquire all the necessary attributes characterizing the Crimean rest, from original T-shirts to beautiful souvenirs from seashells and sandy tiles. At night, the embankment of lovedies turns into a parade of fluorescent paints, all sorts light Show, More bars and restaurants with live music, pleasant smells of meat flying around the entire district will not leave indifferent even the most immovable tourist.

Beach lovers

Beach of lover in Sevastopol is a huge sand strip stretched from lover before. Conditionally, the territory of the beach favorite can be divided into several sectors, which form separate beaches with their specifics.

Central Beach Lovemaniki

Often this beach has the same name with the village name. It is the most extensive and well-kept beach. The length of the entire site exceeds 100 meters. This is the most crowded beach village. Most leisure databases and guest houses are located in close proximity to it. There are always many visitors even during the early resort, as it is loved to attend both locals and residents near those who have fallen settlements.

Sand has a sandy - pebble structure, with a neat gentle by the sea. The beach is perfect for both lovers swim with flips and mask and for young children. Beach beach infrastructure at altitude. The presence of everything you need for a comfortable pastime: umbrellas, sun loungers, locker rooms, drinking crasters, cafes and restaurants, toilets. Also on the beach there is a rescue station and a lot of entertainment: water bikes, boats, water slides, playgrounds. Entertainment is oriented both for children and adults.

Garrison Beach

The little beach is essentially the continuation of the beach of the same name. This is a sandy beach with crystal clean water. For a long time, it was used as a beach designed for pilots, whose garrison is deployed as he received a similar name from him. Recently, the beach becomes popular among guests of the village. It is active in modernization. Located accommodation near the beach, sun loungers are installed on the beach, sowing cabins, stationary canopies. The infrastructure of the beach is of course the most victory for the central, but it is well suited for tourists calm rest In gave from a lively crowd.

It is located a few kilometers from Belbek Airport, so if in the near future in Sevastopol will open for civil aviationIt will be very convenient to get.

Loved - perfect place recreation for families with children. If you are looking for excellent sandy and sand-pebble beaches from pure sea, severe entrance, lover is suitable in all respects. If you are going for active entertainment, excursions and "parties", I will definitely advise your favoriteness. Behind excursions and entertainment will have to dangle in Sevastopol himself.


Infrastructure Lyubimoviki

I will not pick up. Shops are a bit, supermarkets are absent as a phenomenon, there are cafes and restaurants that are already not bad. This is the resort village and its entire infrastructure is based on this fact. Lovering is a focus of various types of housing for vacationers, as well as traditional beach entertainment.

Beach lovers

Loved - a solid wide extended beach. It is so wide that even in the peak of the season there are no problems with a free place.

The most popular and crowded central beach of lover stretched about a kilometer. The beach is equipped, here the entire infrastructure is stalls, cafes, shops.

On the one hand from the central - garrison beach. Immediately behind him, the strip of the wild nudist beach, and even further - the villages of Orlovka and Kacha. On the other hand, the beaches of sanatoriums and boarding houses begin and stretching up and stretching: t / w. lovers, sanatorium Albatross, Dol Altair, T / B Horizon, TK Mokrousov. Access to all beaches are free and free.

Prices in Lyubimovka

The cost of resting in favorite is another advantage of this resort of Crimea, in addition to his luxurious beaches. Here is a really huge selection of housing, from the budget itself to very comfortable. There are inexpensive cafes and dining rooms. So, loved one can be considered as a direction inexpensive holiday in Crimea.

What to see in my favorite

At the sights of the village is not rich. The beach is quite compensated. But a few days of vacation can be allocated to inspection. interesting places Loved.

It, winzavod Alkadar them. Sofia Perovskaya. The excursion around the plant includes an inspection of the museum, walking along the wine cellars and tasting.

Not far from the plant, on the hill you can see and certainly worth visiting one of the most important monuments of the period of World War II - 30th battery. Fascists dubbed Maxim Gorky-1. Next to the Memorial - a small temple.

You can get to more remote monuments of the Northern Side Sevastopol - Mikhailovsky Battery, Bratsk Cemetery and St. Nicholas Temple.

How to get to lover