Zhangjiajie National Park (Mountain Avatar), China. Flying Mountains in China

Park Zhangjiajie. In China, is famous now not only as the most beautiful national forest park, but also as a place, where the sensational "avatar" was shot. It seems to me that we visit here - a big luck. The park falls in love with him at first glance on his extraordinary, soaring in the morning smack of rocks and from the first breath of his fresh forest air.

A little about the history of the park

Chinese National Park Zhangjiajie It was founded in 1982, and soon after that, he was deservedly admitted to UNESCO World Heritage List. In general, these beautiful places were known to humanity, many legends and legends are connected with them. One of them says that a long time ago, during the times of cruel wars, one of the warlords of Clan Yang spread his camp at the foot of G. Tianzz. Since the war lasted for many years and decades, sons and grandchildren of the commander and his army settled these lands. After that, the terrain and acquired its name, which translated from Chinese means "Land Yang."

Zhangziajie has always been popular with tourists, but after the screens came out the fantastic "avatar" and the audiences were glad that this park was the prototype in the film, this park was even greater.

Important! Tourists in the park especially many from May 1 to May 3 and from October 1 to October 7 (National Chinese holidays), as well as in July-August during the summer holidays. If you want to calmly and slowly explore the park, without standing half the time in the queues and not crowded to take a picture of some beautiful place, I really advise you to choose another time for traveling.

Zhangjiajie - Main Attractions

First of all, the park fascinates natural beauty. Stretching on a huge area, the park connects the picturesque mountain landscapes, whose vertices are lost in the clouds, dense green slopes covered with forests and thin sparkling streams of streams and waterfalls.

Did you know? A characteristic feature of the park is frequent fogs, which, gently enveloping the earth, give scenery even more mysterious species.

There are richest flora and fauna in the park, there are many rare animals and plants, among which salamanders, civetpes, macales, ginkgo trees, red wood and many others.
Due to the soft climate and the absence of sharp temperature drops, the park walks in a real pleasure.

Important! Walking on Zhangjiajie will have a lot - I advise you to think about comfortable shoes and clothing in advance. If you are not in the best physical form, or just for the sake of saving time, it is recommended to use cableways to raise on mountain peaks. Though it will require additional financial costs, but will save your strength to explore the sights.

So, what are the most important sights of the park?

Mount Avatar. First of all, most tourists seek to see this attraction, thanks to which the park found a new life.

High lonely mountains, as if soaring in the fog, a lot in the park. Their education is associated with the gradual weathelation of rocks.

Did you know? One of these rocks after the release of the film was even renamed Avatar-Aliluia.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe park, in which "soaring" the mountains especially much, is called Yuanziazie. Here, by the way, there are many sculptures depicting those most avatars - rarely who can resist the opportunity to take pictures with these fabulous characters.

Park Yangjuzyzze. Some consider it a separate fleet, others - only Zhangjiazz zone. Anyway, this attraction makes the crowds of tourists.

Mount Tienzie. This attraction is popular not only due to natural beauty, but also another interesting architectural object is the Imperial Palace.
As for me, it is too loud name for the building of this size, but the structure is really beautiful, made in the traditional.

Creek of the Golden Knuta. It is a very picturesque stream, walking trails along which 8 km stretch. There are not so many tourists here, as elsewhere, so if you want to enjoy the journeys of the stream and the singing of birds in relative loneliness - you are here.

By the way, the big plus of this place is the ease of overcoming the route - the stream is in the valley at the foot of the mountains, so your walk here does not require steep and long lifts.
There are still many valuable and unusual places in the park, but this is perhaps the most important.
Wild monkeys will be found on many routes and park traps. These lovely creatures fall in love with visitors - especially their kids.

Important! But do not lose vigilance - one of the most favorite monkey occupations is theft. They often pull out the hands of tourists packs and bags and run away with them high on the trees.

What to see in the vicinity of Zhangjiajie?

  • Mount TianMeshan. The most popular among tourists is Mount Tianmenshan. It reaches 1518 m in height and is one of the main attractions of the terrain.

Did you know? The legend is associated with the mountain that it warns the locals about the upcoming changes. It is said that in front of important historical events from the mountain peak, the waterfall begins to flow.

  • Another popular landmark is located on TianMenzane - scenic cave of Heavenly Gate. To the top of the mountain is best to get, using the services of the cable car. By the way, this cable car is the longest in the world. An interesting route is also held here - "Faith trail" in Zhangjiajiewhich is an interesting design: this is a narrow path with a glazed bottom, laid along the cliff. Not everyone is solved through it, although in fact it is absolutely safe.
  • Yellow Dragon Cave. No less popular landmark is a huge cave of a yellow dragon, the height of which reaches 140 m. It is one of the largest karst caves on the planet. Thanks to the most beautiful inner "decoration", consisting of bizarre and extraordinary forms and shades, the cave is considered magic. Inside you can also see numerous underground rivers and pools, as well as waterfalls.
  • Fenghuang. This, even though a small, but very ancient and beautiful city, attracting tourists, first of all with its architecture. His little wooden houses look in Chinese in Chinese and very picturesque. The atmosphere in the city is indescribable.
  • Lake Baofeng. This picturesque reservoir so harmoniously fits into the surrounding landscape, which can not even believe that it does not have natural origin.
  • Zhangjiajie - Grand Canyon. Not far from the National Park, there is another popular landmark - Big Canyon Zhangjiajie, where in addition to beautiful walking path and magnificent lake, there is another sign: the suspension glass bridge is the longest and narrow in the world.

Yellow Dragon Cave

Entertainment and Amusement Park

  • Undoubtedly, the main entertainment of Zhangjiajie is already a walk in the park.
  • In addition, raising on its attractions with cableways or balong elevator Also can become a fascinating adventure.
  • There is also own here Little railway. You can comfortably and cheerfully inspect a part of the attractions by traveling on a mini train.
  • Many come on Large glass bridge or on the faith pathTo "tickle" your nerves.
  • In the park is available many cafes and restaurantswhere you can have a pleasant time and delicious snack.
  • In the city of Zhangjiajie, located near the National Forest Park, there are many restaurants and entertainment institutionswhere you can have fun to spend your leisure.

Elevator Bialong

Zhangjiajie National Park - how to get there?

Getting to the park is quite simple.

  1. First you need to get to the city of Zhangjiajie. Since there is a private airport, the easiest to fly here by plane. There are regular flights from Beijing, Shanghai, Cendo, Sihan, Shenzhenia, Guangzhou and many others.
  2. From the airport you can get either to the city or directly to the park using taxi or bus. If you think about how to quickly get to Zhangjiajie from Beijing or Shanghai, this airfare is the best option.
  3. You can also get to Zhangjiajie by train. It will take much more time, but also the cost of such a journey below.
  4. If you are so close to Zhangjiajie, you can take advantage bus services. However, from such cities like Shanghai, Changshi, Wuhan, etc. This is also regularly driving buses, but this is not the most convenient way to move - travel by train or plane is much more comfortable. I advise you to choose them to save the strength and nerves for the inspection of the park.
  5. From the city You can get to the National Park on the bus or order a taxi.

Important! Taxi drivers like to overestimate the cost of the trip, insist that they use the meter or trample.

I once advise you to choose the sights that you want to see first - there are three entries in the parkAnd you need to get to the entrance to the closest to your chosen objects.

Zhangjiajie Park or Avatar Mountain (video)

Beautiful video about the park Zhangjiajie. Enjoy watching!

Prices, promotions and mode of work Park Zhangjiajie

The park work hours differ in the summer and winter period.

  • In the summer, the park is open from 6:30 to 19:00, in winter - from 7:30 to 17:00.
  • Prices for parking also differ at different times of the year. In winter, a visit is much cheaper.
  • You can buy two types of tickets: a ticket for 4 days will cost you approximately $ 38, a ticket for 7 days will cost about $ 46.
  • For an additional fee, you can also order a porter service.

Important! The ticket price also includes moving on buses inside the park. For the use of rope roads, elevator and local train will have to be paid separately.

A lot of shares are constantly in the park.

  • Students aged up to 24 years Pay half the cost of visiting.
  • The same applies to pensioners from 60 to 69 years. People older than 69 years pay even less.
  • Children with growth up to 120 cm Can visit the park completely free, and children from 120 to 150 cm also pay half tickets.

I sincerely invite you to visit the Mountains Avatar in China - Favorite National Park Zhangjiajie.
I hope that I reported all the necessary information necessary for travel planning. If you have any questions left either you were already in the park Zhangjiajie and you have something to add to what has been said - I will be very glad to your comments.

Zhangjiajie is the National Forest Park of China, recognized by UNESCO World Heritage. The main attraction of the reserve is a mountainous array of weathered sandy and quartz pillars. I think every at least once in my life watched "Avatar" James Cameron, so this is the prototype of the soiled cliffs of Pandora's planets.

On the one hand, there is no one more similar attraction in the world. Zhangjiajie Park is a unique natural phenomenon that is worth seeing with its own eyes.

But on the other hand, on the way you will be waiting for the unpleasant consequences of interaction with the Chinese culture: no one speaks English, pay the card or remove the money is unlikely to succeed, before taking Chinese food it will be better to test his insurance, and finally will be the "Chinese" ... Are you annoyed by a participating tourist group from a couple of dozen gondaying Chinese, somewhere in Europe? I think everyone will answer in the affirmative. Get ready for the Chinese thousands in Zhangjiajie. They will all be frantically yelling, hack, there is any smelly rubbish, push and do everything possible to spoil your holiday.

What a scale of the scales will eventually turn out, natural beauty or difficulty survival in Chinese society, you will enthusiastically talk about your journey or curse Zhangjiajie, the answer to these questions can be obtained only in one way, having traveled to the reserve.

The city of Zhangjiajie by the standards of China - the village, the population of about 200,000 people, in different sources the information varies. There is an airport, train station, bus station.

Flight from Russia

Naturally, there are no direct flights from Russia to Zhangjiajie.

The most optimal route from Moscow is a flight with one transplant through Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou. Each of these cities have direct flights of Aeroflot. Chinese airlines offer a single segment to Zhangjiajie with transit:

  • Air China - Transplant in Beijing;
  • China Eastern - Transplant in Shanghai, Xian;
  • China Southern - Transplant in Guangzhou, Shenzhen.

My personal opinion is better to fly by the Chinese airline, buying a ticket with one segment. It will immediately save from a number of problems that will definitely be inconvenient if you buy separate tickets from different airlines.

We flew by Air China through Beijing, the ticket was united, i.e. At the reception in Moscow, I was given two landing, one Moscow - Beijing, the Second Beijing - Zhangjiajie.

You can choose a suitable flight below:

Airport Zhangjiajie

The region serves Dayong Zhangjiajie Hehua Airport International Airport (DYG), which receives flights from all major cities in China.

The route card is presented below. You can click on the picture and go to the airport page in the FlightRadar service. There is the most complete and reliable information on all flights in Zhangjiajie, their schedule, airlock, airlock. In general, I recommend, an excellent assistant in travel planning.

We flew directly here.

Before describing the available transport options from the airport, I will make a small digression regarding hotel booking. You can live in the city of Zhangjiazie and in the park to travel from here (about 40 km.). Or you can book a hotel near the reserve in the town of Walingyuan. Which option is better - read on.

Taxi from the airport

I recommend not to break my head, but take from the airport to the hotel Taxi. Keep in mind that the Chinese see in a pale bag with money, so they immediately break the price 5-10 times higher, they do not go to the meter. Do notice the price immediately. In English, no one understands a word, so have a leaf with a handle to write your price, as well as a printout with the name of the hotel, so that the address is prescribed by hieroglyphs.

The average price of taxi from the airport:

  • The hotel is within the center of Zhangjiajie (ride no more than 5 km.) - 20-30 CNY
  • The hotel near the entrance to the park - the village of Wool'yuan (go about 40 km.) - 150 CNY

Bus from the airport

This is an option for the most famous backpackers. I have no travel experience on the city bus, but I own some information.

The center of Zhangjiajie from the airport is Bus No. 4. The fare of 1 or 2 CNY. It runs from 06:30 to 21:30, I can't tell the frequency.

Railway Station Zhangjiajie

Railway, to put it mildly, not the best solution to get to Zhangjiajie. China's largest megapolis routes take a lot of time. Ticket price of about 100 USD.

Summary of the main directions:

If you have enough spirit to drive a day by train in China, then to help the site where you can read more about the railway, buying tickets and other features.

Bus station in Zhangjiazz

Located next to the city station train station. This is the starting point for city buses, just about 7 of the routes. But who needs them? I repeat once again, it is easier to take a taxi, in any end of the city you can get in 20 CNY.

In addition to urban routes from the bus station, tourist buses go to the Zhangjiajie Park and other attractions. I will write about it separately in the section about a certain place.

Taxi in Zhangjiazz

The procedure for organizing the trip is as follows: come to the taxi driver and show it a picture with a place where you want to go, it is also desirable that it is still written by Chinese hieroglyphs. Making sure that the comrade understood you, then proceed to the price. We write on a piece of paper your price and show. The taxi driver begins to wave his hands, turn his head, saying something in Chinese, drawing other numbers with his hands, it is far away and go to the next car.

How to determine the value that offer? Calculate 4 CNY per kilometer. Those. If you need to go from the car station Zhangjiajie to the entrance to the park about 35 km., then the cost will be 140 CNY. This amount is obtained above than for local by 15-20%, so if you wish, you can offer less, but then you will have to spend more time to agree with the driver.

Where to stay in Zhangjiajie

Overlook the second very important aspect when preparing for the trip. Your choice of housing will be directly dependent on your routine of the day.

There are two options, stop directly in Zhangjiazie, 40 km away. From the entrance to the National Park or book a hotel in the village of Wooljuan. Each option has the right to life.

We booked 2 nights in Wool'yuan for the inspection of the reserve and surroundings and another night in Zhangjiazie for inspection. I think this is the most optimal option. If you live in Zhangjiajie, you will have to go to Wool'yuan every day (attractions next to him) on the hour, and two sides are already two.

Hotels in Zhangjiajie

Located in Map of all hotels, which are registered in Bucking. You can click on it.

I recommend immediately put the checkboxes for the filter options for posting on the stars for 4 and 5. The choice will be reduced to 20 hotels. See those that will be closer to the center and are free to your dates. There are most likely 2-3 hotel.

Why 4 and 5 stars? Because the price of five is about 80 USD per night. And although the service there will be zero, in such places, at least you can live. And what happens in other hotels, below the category at a price of 20 - 50 bucks one God knows.

Although I also know, I was in one of these hotels in Beijing. Remember the beginning of the "Bachelor party in Vegas - 2" when they wake up with a hangover in some slums? - That's how hotels are 30 dollars in China.

So see the most expensive options, as close as possible to the center.

For accommodation in Zhangjiajie, I repeat once again, hence it will have to ride every day in the reserve for 40-60 minutes. It is better to first live in Wooljuna a couple of days, see the park, and then move here for one night to visit Tianmene (written about the mountain).

The hotel in which we stayed is called - Da Cheng Shanshui Hotel. I did not like at all. No lobby bar, breakfast darkness. Yes, it is not in Bucking, as it was lossed there, a separate story.

Hotels in Wavlyuyanya

In my opinion, this is the best option for accommodation, if you want to see the reserve and surroundings. Hotel map is located below.

We can say that this is a park in the park. Those. Zhangjiajie National Forest Park is some fenced territory of the National Reserve to enter here, you will have to lay out a certain amount.

The cost of visiting Park Zhangjiajie

  • High season (from May to November) - 245 CNY
  • Low season (from December to February) - 136 CNY

The ticket is purchased at the box office at the entrance. Specifies for four days from the date of purchase. After the first day, you do not need to throw out, on it we go to the territory the next day.

The ticket price includes: A visit to all zones belonging to the Zhangjiazie Park (about them more below below), as well as free movement on buses that run inside the park.

The price of the ticket is not included.: All lifts, cableways and elevators, they are paid separately. Here are their list:

  • Elevator Bailong - 72 CNY
  • Ropeway Yellow Stone Village - 65
  • Tianzi Mountain Cableway - 72
  • Cableway - Yangjiajie - 76
  • Ten-Mile Gallery train - 38

What of these will have to take advantage of a little later.

Free buses on Park

Move between the park zones will need to be on buses that run between attractions. Cards with stops, unfortunately I have no. You can get it in Zhangjiazie at the box office at the entrance. For now you can google Wulingyuan National Park Map and see pictures, there are some good schemes.

You can fundamentally single out two businesses: the first (auxiliary) - passes at the foot of the mountains and delivers tourists to the cable cars, the elevator Bailong, the train Ten Mile, the second - by highlands (in the article Next "Upper Tier"), runs between the main attractions of the park.

Those. Usually, the alignment of this, and the bus at the entrance to the park is sitting, we go to the nearest lift (elevator), we rise to the top tier, and then begin to inspect the zones of the park, moving between them on the buses of the second line.

Entrance to the territory of Zhangjiajie

Since the territory of the park is huge, it has several inputs where tickets are located. There are three of all three, place the priority of use:

  • Wulinguan Gate.: Located within walking distance of the city of the same name (in which we stayed).
  • Zhangjiajie National Forest Park Gate: This entrance is located closest to the city of Zhangjiajie. From here you get to the Gold Whip Stream zone.
  • Tianzi Mountain Gate.: The entrance is practically not used, located in the north of the park.

Thus, if you follow my example, you will need to get in the park in the morning and walk 15 minutes from the hotel on foot to the inlet Wilinguan Gate.

Stopped in the city of Zhangjiajie? Then two options are: a taxi (preferred method) or a bus from the Central Bus Station (Zhangjiajie Central Bus Station). It goes about 40 minutes before Saluyuyan, the price of something about 12 CNY.

Zones Zhangjiajie National Forest Park

The entire park is divided into several zones. Their number in each source of information is different, somewhere they are indicated by four, and somewhere it is divided into more than eight. There is no single opinion. I have more like an option with dividing the territory by 6 segments.

That is a schematic picture realized that it was at least a little clear what we are talking about.

I immediately want to note, this is our journey to South China planned short, but very productive. The task was set in a short time, see the maximum in the region. Therefore, two zones, Tianzi Mountain and Yuanjiajie, were chosen for inspection in Zhangjiajie Park. Why exactly they? It was the Council of Chinese Friends, working in the tourism industry in this region. First, I will walk in parts of the park that managed to see personally, and then share with the general information that is in other zones.

Tianzi Mountain.

The first acquaintance with the park many guests begins from here. To climb up the mountain and see sharp rocky peaks, covered with clouds, you need to use the Tianzi Mountain cable car. These are the first mandatory costs, in addition to paying the entrance to the park Zhangjiajie. Let me remind you that the cost of lifting / descent to one end is 72 CNY.

Lifting on the rope - already separate entertainment, I liked it. True closed booths, glass stained, but you can come up with this, when they open around the present stunning mountain landscapes of southern China.

It is becoming quite a logical question if you can get to the top of Tianzz without using a cable car? It is possible, only you have to climb a mountain path on foot, a set of height is 700 meters, it will take it, the cauldron, hour 3, absolutely unjustified action. Using the Tianzi Mountain Cable CAR in this case is necessary.

After lifting to the top of the mountain, an incredible panorama on the rocks opens from the observation deck.

Unfortunately, the photo leaves much to be desired. In the conditions of haze and fog stretch out something decent did not work out. Therefore, believe the word, the Tianzi observation deck is great.

My acquaintance with the mountain Tianzi was completed on this, from the nearest bus stop we went to the Yuanjiajie zone. I do not advise you so much, plan more time on this part of the park, wander next to the Pododa Yubi Feng and in its surroundings. In the Tianzi Mountain area there are a lot of small routes with excellent viewing platforms.

At the highest point where the lift brings, it is enough to allocate only 20-30 minutes. This time is indicated already taking into account the fact that you will have to remember with the Chinese for a favorable place for the photo, and it is extremely difficult to do it. On the inspection of the other parts of the Tianzi Mountain, I would have laid another hour 2-3.

Yuanjiajie Scenic Area.

It is considered the most picturesque, and at the same time, the most loaded area of \u200b\u200bthe entire park of Zhangjiajie. All these arguments confirm that it is unrealistic, but at the same time wild many Chinese.

Lay on Visiting Yuanjiajie in Zhangjiajie Park, at least 2 hours. This is enough to bypass the main viewing platforms. My time settlements are given only for the walk to go down the highlands of Yuanjiajie to the exit from the park will be required from 1st to 2 hours.

In our case, this zone was the last in the park. Lift Bailong elevator, located next to the descent from the "Upper Tar". That's how it looks below:

Chinese, horror, how to love high-tech structures, respectively, the queue to the elevator is giant. To drive in a shot glass cabin for 3 minutes, you have to wait 1-2 hours. In addition, I remind you, the elevator is paid separately, 72 CNY.

Do I need to use the elevator when visiting the Yuanjiajie region? I can not answer this question unequivocally, since I didn't fully fully got acquainted with the logistics of moving through the park. If your visit to the park will also be planned as with us. those. After Yuanjiajie, you immediately go to the exit, then the elevator, I think you will have to use it necessary. This is the only way to quickly descend from the highlands down to the stop, where buses go to the exit. Return to the Tianzi Mountain cable car will be stupid. Well, if Yuanjiajie is an intermediate point while you have a day stay in the park, it is better to build your route by passing the elevator to not stand the hellish queues.

This is how it looks like a bus that takes people from Baylong's elevator to the exit from the park Zhangjiajie closer in the late afternoon, when the people gradually begins to leave the territory of the reserve.

On this, our acquaintance with the park was completed. Other zones Zhangjiajie National Forest Park in the Express Express Program We did not include. Now I understand that it would be necessary to pay this place much more time and visit each part of the reserve, but that was it. Next, simply list them, with a brief reference description of what is there.

Yangjiajie Scenic Area.

This area of \u200b\u200bthe park Zhangjiajie was open for tourists quite recently. Located on the "top tier". Judging by the reviews, it has a difficult hayking route with large height differences. But the game is worth the candle, its territory is not less picturesque than the previous Yuanjiajie, but in turn here is an order of magnitude less tourists, in view of the complexity of the route.

Most of all I regret that I could not visit this area Zhangjiajie.

Laowuchang (Old House Area)

It is considered the most undeveloped territory of the park, also refers to the "top tier". From the bus stop, tourists are invited to pass Highing route along the dirt road about 2 km one way, on the way there are several viewing sites. Surely very beautiful and not so crowded. Plan about 1.5 hours on this zone.

In general, my opinion, which, first of all, it was necessary to inspect this area and Yangjiajie, so as not to go among the crowd of instant Chinese.

Gold Whip Stream

It is the territory at the foot of the mountains, it includes the stream of the stream called Jinbian XI. It is positioned like a slight walk by 1.5 - 2 hours without drops of heights. Relax in Chinese, you, nature and a few more hundreds of gonding Chinese next to you. In all sources, this area is Zhenzyazzz, it is recommended to skip if you are limited. Too crowded, due to the easy accessibility of the place and not very picturesque. In any case, define themselves based on their preferences.

Village Yellow Stone Village

This village is located two kilometers from Gold Whip Stream. Among the main attractions are an easy pedestrian route through the fir forest. In general, another area for pensioners or for those who have a very large number of time, which is ready to spend on a scrupulous study of each corner of the National Park Zhangjiajie.

Briefly summarize personal experience of visiting the reserve: the place is incredibly beautiful and unusual. Often traveling around the world you start tired of the same type of beaches, historic cities ... Park Zhangjiajie is a sip of fresh air, new landscapes, emotions and impressions.

Even despite the fact that there are a lot of people, gigantic queues, it is worth visiting. And since it turned out, when only the two most popular zones were examined. I recommend to pay this place to two full days, most likely it will be enough to study the most interesting zones: Tianzi Mountain, Yuanjiajie Scenic Area, Yangjiajie Scenic Area, Laowuchang (Old House Area). The two remaining areas - already decide for themselves, I would leave them for the most extreme case, if there was a free time, which has nowhere to do.

Lake Baofeng Lake

Now I turn to the rest of the sights of Zhangjiajie region. Lake Baofeng is located very close to the park, which I described above, but not included in its composition.

You can get from Southwan to the entrance to the territory of the lake or by taxi, or by bus number 2. Ride 5-10 minutes. The cost of visiting 92 CNY, the approximate time for inspection - 1.5 hours.

Main entertainment on the territory of Baofeng Two is a boat walk on the lake and a waterfall. To the lake, you need to go from the entrance to the free bus (about 5 minutes), to walk to the waterfall (2-3 minutes). In what sequence you inspect these places, there is no difference.

Yes, I also forgot about one Highlight Baofeng - small, but very annoying and loud China chipstroke. Very colorful personality.

Boat walk on Baofeng Lake

This little excursion lasts about 30 minutes. It is carried out at such interesting floating houses.

During a walk, the guide tells in Chinese / Korean, various myths and non-residents about the lake, probably wondering, the Chinese all the trip trembled and waved their heads, carefully listening to a guide fairy tales.

Somewhere in the middle of Baofeng on the same side of the coast there is floating platforms made in the traditional Chinese style. When the boat swims, a girl comes out of the house in an elegant suit and sings a short song about a minute.

It sounds very beautiful, Chinese folklore with a voice in a clean voice.

As for the lake itself, the surrounding landscapes do not say that they are straight impressive or fascinate. Low rocks, cropped trees and bushes, green water Baofeng.

When preparing for a trip, I stumbled on the Internet in the photo of the lake in the late autumn period, when a dense thick fog clouds the tops of the rocks, goes down to the surface of the water, giving Baofeng a mystical, frightening appearance. In such weather conditions, probably, the impressions would be stronger from the visit.

Waterfall Baofeng.

After walking on the lake on the boat, return by bus to the entrance to the park, and from there a few minutes walk to the Baofeng waterfall.

I took a picture of it only from afar, I didn't want to approach closer. In the season, and we arrived in Zhangjiajie in the midst, hundreds of Chinese are boiled around the waterfall. Apparently, he seriously fascinates them.

In general, if you have never seen a waterfall in your life, do not be lazy, spend 15-20 minutes to come close to it.

In general, from Lake Baofeng, I had blurred impressions, I will put it 3 out of 5. People sophisticated in terms of landscapes (and others in Zhangjiajie are hardly taken away) here will be boring and ordinary, except for a very nice to listen to the songs during boat riding. Looking back, it would be better if I paid more time to the park.

On the other hand, as I wrote above, Baofeng should look amazing in the autumn-winter period. So, if your trip to Zhangjiajie is scheduled for these seasons, look here, I think it is necessary.

Glass Bridge Zhangjiajie Glass Bridge

This bridge is the longest, as well as the highest glass bridge in the world. It was built exclusively for tourist purposes so that the Chinese could make beautiful selfie overlooking the Grand Canyon.

Introductory information:

To get to the glass bridge you need to take a taxi and do not break your head. If you are not looking for easy ways, the bus station Wool'yuyan moves buses to Glass Bridge, on the way for 40 minutes. There are no direct tourist buses from Zhangjiajie direct tourist buses, you need to go to Wooljuan, and then transfer to the route to the bridge.

The cost of visiting the canyon along with the bridge - 294 CNY (only bridge - 171, only canyon - 121). You can't buy tickets on the spot, only online. But for no hope, the official website sells them only upon presentation of a Chinese ID. Not surprisingly, in this country they wanted to spit on the round-eyed. Honestly, I can not imagine how to buy tickets here, they bought Chinese familiar to me. Someone recommends contacting tourist agencies in place (in Wooljuna), I have no such experience, so I will not advise anything. Look for information in other sources.

I'll tell you, this place was bored and disappointed most of all the trip around Zhangjiajie.

It all starts with the fact that you need to undergo control, where any cameras are not allowed to take on the bridge. Those. You can carry Samsung, the size of a laptop, but not the camera. Chinese safety equipment.

Well, here it is a reward for all the torments, hundreds of non-farms, which in a variety of idiotic poses are filming without end. Yes, there is nothing in the same way, the glass is so muddy and dirty that nothing can be searched through it!

And the Grand Canyon himself is awesome, the panorama from the bridge is delightful. I write these words already without sarcasm.

On the other side of the canyon in the sheer cliff there is a move (staircase), which descends down to the river. Unfortunately, our tickets provided for only a glass bridge, without canyon. Now, I am wildly regretting it, it was necessary to buy on the contrary, the canyon without a bridge. I think very little Chinese go to this path, it's clearly clear from the bridge, rare points weave down.

Recommendations Next: Come here necessarily, but do not climb the bridge to this damn, leave this doubtful fun to the Chinese. Buy a ticket to Canyon and go through the route, cut down in the rock. I think this is the best option for visiting this place in Zhangjiajie.

Regarding time layout: A visit to the bridge along with the queues take an hour 3. How much time goes to the canyon, I don't know, the caustion is as much as you need to go through a few kilometers down / up.

Yellow Dragon Cave (Yellow Dragon Cave)

The cave is a huge natural underground complex. There are dozens of halls, some of which are the size of a football field. Lakes, waterfalls, rivers - all this you will also find in Dragon Cave.

Getting to the cave is most convenient from Ugraduaan. Again, a comfortable and easy way - a taxi for 30 CNY. In terms of alternative, the bus number 1 is moving from the central bus station, go for 15 minutes. From Zhangjiajie, you need to go with a change in Wooljuna.

The cost of visiting the cave is 100 CNY.

The territory itself near the entrance looks very atmospheric. Little houses on chinese manner, mountain range, riot of greenery and paints.

It was an early morning, we headed for this cave to the opening itself. There are very few people, no Chinese Gallery, silence and calm.

From parking to Cass walking along the cascade of water mills. Fascinating spectacle, you can stick to at least half an hour.

After inspecting the ancient hydraulic structures, we move directly to the cave itself.

So, what is the inspection of Dragon Cave. Inside the convenient and wide track is laid, which passes through the main halls and interesting sites of the dungeon. Numerous stalactites and stalagnets are highlighted by lanterns of different colors. For the first time I see such a design of the cave, beautifully.

I did not coal the information as it is the path in kilometers under the mountain, I can only orient in time, the walk will be from 40 minutes to an hour, depending on your physical form. On the way there are several decent rates on the stairs.

The temperature inside the cave is about 15 s, it is recommended to take a light jacket with you so as not to freeze. I was quite comfortable in the same T-shirt. At +40, I didn't want to go out on the street from the cave.

Closer to the end of the route, the track displays to the underground river, which can be rolled by boat. It is already included in your ticket, so feel free to sit down. The trip lasts about 10 minutes.

From visiting the cave Dragon Cave, exceptionally positive impressions. I recommend that you have to visit this place. Just try to come here as early as possible (although this rule works for all seats Zhangjiajie) so that in tranquility to inspect the territory outside and inside. Plan this place at least 2 hours.

Other sights of Zhangjiajie

Above, I mentioned the most important attractions of the region. Mount Tianmen, Located next to the city of Zhangjiajie, was allocated, she was allocated a separate article, do not miss, you need to visit.

Well, do not forget about the life and the life of the Chinese - the usual walk around the city of Wooljuan or Zhangzitzzz will already become something unusual and memorable. A small photo report below.

Local food market on the territory of the park Zhangjiajie

Oh, this Chinese Street Food. What dirt and vonya stands along these tents. It is difficult to imagine how to eat something from here. But photos are obtained.

Unlike modern Zhangjiajie, this village looks very pretty. Architecture in traditional Chinese style, motley, but very beautiful.

China is one of the most difficult directions for an independent tourist. This trip was organized with great difficulty, a good material in Zhangjiazz in the network is extremely small. Great help in organizing logistics, they were given Chinese friends, advised what and how to see.

But now, looking back, I understand that the difference in culture is enormous and what is interesting to the local resident, will deliver little pleasure to the Europeans. The Chinese love society, they are not confused by the fact that there are hundreds of people, even amusing. Therefore, in our plan, the journey turned out to be a glass bridge, only the most crowded areas of Zhangjiajie Park. I myself would beat the whole trip differently. As exactly detailed above.

This material does not claim a guide to Zhangjiajie, but I hope it will be useful in planning a trip. In conclusion, I will give a few more tips that I would come in handy before leaving.

When to go to Zhangjiajie

Spring. Very comfortable weather conditions, from +15 to +25 C. perfectly suitable for visiting the region. People must be not much, with the exception of national holidays and weekends.

Summer. Gries for 30 s, rainy season, high humidity. Wild number of people, the park Zhangjiajie and all other sights are crowded. I do not advise you to come here at this time of year. We were here in July.

Autumn. The temperature is comfortable, as in the spring months. Tourist stream decreases. Autumn sees me another excellent time of the year when you can come to Zhangjiajie.

Winter. Temperature in the winter months from 0 s to 10 s. Mountains are covered with snow, many walking routes are blocked due to weather conditions. The most minimum number of tourists per year. Landscapes are very different, instead of a riveting greenery - snow-covered mountains.

My opinion, visit Zhangjiazzia in spring or autumn, and if it happens that you will return here again, it is better to do it in winter to see the park completely in another look.

Payment in Zhangjiazz

I advise you to go here only with cash by yuan (CNY). And change them better in Russia.

You will not be able to pay for a card in 99% of the institutions and this is not because the Chinese are so dark and do not accept non-cash. The fact is that a couple of years ago, their local messenger WECHAT (Analog Whats App) has developed some new payment system for payments through QR codes and now all China's points are equipped with this technology. Conventional terminals have shown in the fly. They remained only in large hotels and some restaurants. I think that in a couple of years, the terminals will disappear in China at all.

Remove money in an ATM from the card? - The problem is also. I tried to do it in 5 devices in Wool'yuan and Zhangjiajie, managed only in one, bank of china.

Where to eat in Zhangjiajie

The choice of restaurant is a gigantic problem in China. Among this dirty is hard to find a more or less decent institution. I can not give certain recommendations on restaurants, for one simple reason, they are not marked on the map, they do not have English names.

I can advise eating in hotels 4 and 5 stars. As a rule, in all there is a restaurant where you can pick up without fear. Still, watch the places where tourist groups are brought, usually these are good establishments, they can also eat normally.

Plan of visiting Zhangjiazz

Well, finally, I want to write my plan for visiting the region, which is now, after a trip to Zhangjiajie, it seems to me optimal.

1y day

National Forest Park Zhangjiajie (Zone Yuanjiajie Scenic Area, Yangjiajie Scenic Area, Gold Whip Stream)

2nd day

  • National Forest Park Zhangjiajie (Zone Tianzi Mountain, Laowuchang)
  • Lake Baofeng.

3rd day

  • Cave Golden Dragon.
  • Grand Canyon (without a glass bridge)

4th day

Ladies and gentlemen, I want to introduce you to a unique place in the central part of China, Hunan Province, which served as an inspiration for creating a picture of the film Avatar famous for the whole world. Welcome to the Lost World Pandora - Zhangjiajie National Park!

Reserve Ugrauan

Zhangjiajie Park, created in 1982, and noted as the first authorized National Forest Park in China. He spread out in the territory of the picturesque Mountains of Walingyuan (Wulingyuan Scenic Area, Kit. 武陵源 风景 名胜区), listed in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Here, water and wind created about three thousand peak of bizarre forms consisting of sandstone and quartz. The picturesque territory boasts natural beauty, where in full harmony, mountains, valleys, forests, caves, lakes and waterfalls are adjacent. It's truth to say, it was this place that served as the main reason for the trip to China. I really love nature in her original form, so when looking for, which could not be impressed not worse, I found my treasure and began to lay it.

Zhangjiajie National Forest Park National Forest Park (Zhangjiajie National Forest Park, Kit. 张家界 国家 森森 公园) refers to the Wool'yuan Reserve and includes 4 zones:

  • Suoxi Gully Valley (Suoxi Gully, Kit. 索溪 峪)
  • Yuanjiajie (Yuanjiajie, Kit. 袁家界 风景区)
  • Janjiajie (Yangjiajie, Kit. 杨家界 风景区)
  • Mountain Tianji (Tianzi Mountain, Kit. 天 18)

Other objects located outside the park are also among the Wavyuan Reserve:

  • Lake Baofeng (Baofeng, Kit. 宝峰湖)
  • Yellow Dragon Cave (Huanglong Cave, 黄黄洞)
  • Cave of King Moon Wang Dong (Long Wang Dong, 龙王洞)

A few kilometers south of the city of Zhangjiajie (not to be confused with the park Zhangjiajie) there is another chic park - Tianmenshan. It is not included by the protected zone of Wool'yuan, but it is no less unique place, but he will be discussed in the next post.

In 2016, 20 kilometers north-east of Park Zhangjiajie discovered another interesting place - Grand Canyon with a fully transparent bridge. When it opened, it became the longest and highest glass bridge in the world.

For convenience, information on how to get to Zhangjiajie and where it is better to stop, I brought. But here I once again note that if you are planning to visit the National Park of Zhangjiajie, it is best to stay on the eve of the southeast entrance to the village of Southyast Gate (Wulingyuan, Southeast Gate, Kit. 武陵源, 东南门). Just below on the map below it is marked as Entrance B.

Well, let's see the great creature of nature? From our hotel to the southeast entrance to the park 25 minutes walk or 5 minutes by taxi. In order not to waste time, catch a taxi for 10 yuan to the park.

How much is a ticket to Zhangjiajie National Park?

There are 2 types of entrance tickets:

  • For 4 days. The cost of the input ticket of 248 yuan for an adult, 163 yuan for beneficiaries.
  • For 8 days. The cost of the input ticket 301 yuan for an adult, 196 yuan for beneficiaries.


  • Children from 1.2 to 1.5 meters increased by a preferential ticket, students under 24 years old, pensioners aged 60-70 years.
  • For persons with the 1st or 2nd group of disabilities and retirees over 70 years old, the cost of the entrance ticket for 3 days - 60 yuan, for 7 days - 80 yuan.
  • Free ticket is provided to Chinese military personnel, journalists and children growth to 1.2 meters.

When buying your finger is scanned, so if you come the next day, it will be enough to make a finger to the turnstile. Together with the tickets give a park card with routes and stops. It is possible to navigate through the park between the main points on free shuttlers that run every 10-15 minutes. Bus stops at the main attractions on the map below marked "P". The cost of tickets for additional transport I will write in the process of describing the route.

Schedule Park

  • Park works every day from 07.00 to 18.00
  • Cable car operating time from 07.30 to 16.00, down from 07.30 to 18.00
  • Buses run from 07.00 to 18.00

Map of National Park Zhangjiajie

For convenience, I post a map of National Park Zhangjiajie

Route visits to National Park Zhangjiajie

Park share to the top and bottom plateau, between which you can move onto the funicular and a huge elevator in the rock. There are many routes, there are including hiking trails. We took 1 full day to visit the park, so we decided to move clockwise.

We go to the park, sit on the bus and go to the railway station, where the first stop is waiting for us - Ten-Mile Natural Gallery (Ten-Mile Natural Gallery, Kit. 十里 画廊)Located in the northwestern part of Suos Valley at the foot of Mount Tianji . Little railway line of 5.8 kilometers (the map is marked with gray) runs through the picturesque landscapes of unusual rocks. The path takes 10 minutes. Travel in both sides of 52 yuan per person. If you don't want to spend money, then there is a path, which will take no more than 30 minutes.

On both sides, many tops look like a statue as if cut out by someone. The most famous peak - Old Grass Collector (Herb Collecting Old Man, Kit. 画廊 采药 老人 图片). He is a symbol of this valley and looks like an old man with a basket on the back, collecting medicinal herbs.

Not far from the collector of herbs, you can also see the towering peak, which, according to Local, reminds a person with crossed legs, and near him a smaller series. This composition is called Immortal, worshiped Guaniain (Immortals Worshipping Guanyin, Kit. 观音 十里 画廊). According to the legend, it is said that the highest peak is the Deity of Guanin, and 19 submitted, asking for mercy to this world and blessed people with a happy life.

At the end stop can be seen 3 sisters (Three Sisters, Kit. 三 姐妹).

Admire on monkeys living in a cage.

And to invest the first money in the Chinese economy, peering into various counters in which Chinese trace, postcards, wood and glass products are sold. Cooking a wooden fruit basket, return back by train and go to the stop.

Next point - bailong Elevator (Bailong Elevator, Kit. 百龙 电梯). He is in the area Yuanjiajie (Yuanjiajie) and installed in the mountains of the same name, and Biilong itself is translated as "one hundred dragons" and is considered the highest external elevator in the world, its height is 326 meters. When you approach this construction, your legs are cut, and the lens cannot fully fit it in one picture.

We go upstairs. The cost of lifting 72 yuan per person. On the way to the elevator there are posters from the movie "Avatar".

Lifting time takes 2 minutes. At first, part of the lift passes in the rock, but then this height opens the outstand and you no longer know what to do, whether to take pictures, or be afraid. If you get out of the elevator and turn right, you can find a cool viewing platform to the elevator itself.

Little having loved the views and fashionable Chinese sneakers with pandas, we moved on to the bus stop, already at an altitude of more than three hundred meters.

Arriving to one of the most important points of the park, McDonalds was discovered. Suddenly. But we decided to still support the local manufacturer and tried unknown fruit for us - Youngmy, a Chinese strawberry tree or a mountain peach. Juicy and tasty.

So, the hiking path lies along the cliff. There are viewing platforms from which breathtaking panoramas opens. Where types are especially good for photographers, which for a fee will make you a snapshot for memory.

The weather was not solar, sometimes the mountains enveloped the White Pelney. And it is not clear whether it is a clouds, or the fog, however, anyway, all this added some mysticism, visually it seemed that the mountains were filled, and you are as if on another planet, as if you were in the truth now from somewhere Men. But, by the way, they.

Overcoming several hundred meters we approached the most important exhibit. Mount Jiankunzhu (Qiankunzhu, Kit. 乾坤柱) A more than a kilometer and consisting of quartz sandstone is translated as a column of the southern sky and has a deep philosophical value.

Qian (䷀) - the first trigram in the ancient Chinese philosophy and-jing, a symbol of a male start, sky, sun, father, her husband, fortresses.
Kun (䷁) - the second trigram in the ancient Chinese philosophy and Jing, a symbol of female start, land, moon, mother, wife, subject.
Zhu - pillar, column.

Deciphering the trigms, we get another name "Column between Heaven and Earth", which, as for me, sounds much better.

In 2010, commerce defeated philosophy when the Western media extended information that this mountain was based on the creation of the Pandora Pandora from the movie Avatar. After some time in order to develop tourism, Mount Dali new name - Avatar Hallelujah Mountain, Kit. 阿凡达 - 哈利路亚山). And immediately came up with a clogged slogan: "Pandora is far away, and Zhangjiajie is close!".

However, despite the fact that the park is promoted at the international level, in fact we walked through this fleet the only Europeans. By the way, my girl is blonde, and these 2 weeks in China she was a celebrity. Here and here every 10-15 minutes they were trying to us either to attach, so that we would fall into someone's lens, or was openly asked to take a picture together.

Further on our way - The first natural bridge under the sky (The first Natural Bridge Under Heaven, Kit. 天下 第一 桥). It connects two peaks at an altitude of 360 meters and is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the highest natural bridge in the world.

You can buy a lock on the bridge in love with 40 yuan, ask to cut the names and hang it, and throw the key into the abyss. It is said that after that the family will be happy and strong. True, it will be not easy to find a place for your camp - railing and stairs closely around thousands of castles. It seems to me that from time to time they are written.

Passing to the end of the paths, we leave already to another stop. Here we found the post office, but my attempts to find out whether our postcards will come to Russia were not crowned with success.

In order to get to the next attraction, which is already in another area Yangjiajie (Yangjiajie)next to the same feature, we go out at the next stop "Wulong Village" and go to a small tracking. First go down, and then on the T-shaped intersection turn up to the right. Compared with previous paths, this is a fairly steep rise, and some stairs seem to be about to break.

But at the end of the rise, surprise awaits us - Mansion Tianbo (Tianbo Mansion, Kit. 天波府). Hence the amazing panorama on Great natural wall Stone pillars (The Natural Great Wall). A distinctive feature of this place is narrow and high natural rock walls other than typical pillars.

After descending back to the T-shaped intersection and go in the opposite side to the next viewing, which is called One step to the Heaven (One Step to the Heaven, Kit. 一步 登天).

I will say that the first was more interesting. Although it is also beautiful, but after spending half of the day in the park you are already starting to get used to and "wow-effect" disappears a little. Someone manages even sleep.

Return back to the bus stop and go to the area Tianzi (Tianzi) To the final attractions today. The highest peak of Tianji Mountain, also called the Son's Mountain Son, is the highest point in the park, its height is 1182 meters. Friends, just look at this beauty!

Well, plunge a little in history? Mount Tianzzi until the reign of the Ming dynasty (1368-1644) was called "Mount Qing Yang." In 1353, Xiang Dakun (Xiang Dakun), the leader of the ethnic group of Tujs, began the uprising in the area and declared himself as Tianji, which means the son of the sky and is the traditional synonym for the Chinese emperor. In 1385, Xiang Dakun collided with a fierce siege of the army, who was commanded by the emperor Zhu Yuanzhan (1328-1398), the first emperor of the Ming dynasty, about which we have already heard. Unfortunately, Xiang died in the battle and fell into the Shantan Bay. To show their respect Xiang Dakuan, the settlements were restored, and the mountains called the name Tianji. The legend says that sometimes the sounds of the drums, Rzhanye of horses and cries of people, as if an ancient medieval battle continues somewhere at the bottom!

Nothing confuses? Correctly. There is no bay here. So called Valley of the Heavenly Resident (Sentang Gulf, Kit. 神堂湾)where we headed. In order not to go in the opposite direction, you need to ask the driver to stay a little earlier than the extreme stop. In the heart of the gorge there is a dark pool and there is only one way there - a terrible staircase, as if leading to the abyss. Shantan's bay still remains untouched human tracks, like a mythical maze with bottomless gorge, which bathes in the fog all year round. And again fascinating panoramas make us freeze us for a moment to capture this extraordinary beauty forever in memory.

At the final stop of the main route we fall into hE Long Park (He Long Park, Kit. 贺贺 公园), named after the Chinese revolutionary Marshal He Luna. Tianji district was one of his hostilities in the 1930s. In these parts, he organized the Soviet Red Army with a number of more than 200,000 people and in 1935 joined Mao Zedun to support him in the uprising. After he headed the guerrilla forces in Northwestern China, both in the civil war in China and during the Sino-Japanese war, and in general, achieved success in expanding communist control. By the end of 1945, he commanded the force of 170,000 military personnel. After the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, he held a number of civil and military posts, and in 1955 he was assigned the honorary title of Marshal (in total in China 10) for an invaluable contribution to the victory of the Communist Party. In order to perpetuate the memory of the Great Marshal, at the 90-year birthday celebration in 1986, the Government of the city of Zhangjiajie was founded by the park and the sememeter bronze statue was erected by about 9 tons. She is the biggest in China.

Bypassing the bronze statue we find ourselves Emperor Platform (Tianzi Sightseeing Platform, Kit. 天子 观景台)With which the next breathtaking landscapes opens. Of course, the amazing things do nature, somewhere created huge canyons, somewhere the magnificent ensemble from the rivers and lakes, and here it does not fit where they appeared on the mountains from each other, which seem to stand on a thin leg, and something will wait. After 10 minutes, this beautiful picture was again covered by white pelle. The weather here is completely unpredictable. It is believed that the best time for visiting Zhangjiazz is spring and autumn.

Time to closing the park remained not so much, the shutters cease to run at 18.00, and we still need to go down on the funicular, so we make the last jerk towards the pagoda, which is called Pavilion Son of God (Tianzi Pavilion, Kit. 天 18). Here you can also have a snack, buy souvenirs or go inside.

Further from the Pagoda takes its beginning a long hiking descent to Suos Valley (remember, at the very beginning of it and started?). Of course, we will not go down on it, and we will pass only down a couple of hundred meters to capture the final and one of the most important attractions of the park - Imperial Brushes or Yube Feng (Imperial Writing Brush Peaks or Yu Bi Feng, Kit. 御 笔峰). These are detached sandstone columns, surrounded by mountain green peaks. The tops of more massive peaks smoothly flow into thinner. The name of the Jubie Feng is derived from the brush used by the imperial calligrapher, where the thickest end goes into a thin brush. The legend states that stone brushes belong to the very king of Xiang. It is said that it was these places that served as the Park to be on the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Well, it's time to go back to the ground, for this, towards the Park He Hue Longs and sit on another bus, which delivers us to the top station of Tianzi cable car (Tianzi Cable Car, Kit. 天 18 索道, the cost of which is 67 yuan per person. Well, finally, I probably want to say to His visitors: "You still have not realized all my majesty and power? So get a flight on my planet!".

Time flew here imperceptibly. Of course, one day to inspect the park is completely not enough, but to be honest, it is also no longer necessary, especially considering that there are other attractions in the vicinity, but the park Zhangjiajie will definitely enter the top of the most amazing places on the planet that I happened To see Such places are remembered for a lifetime and give rise to inspiration and passion for traveling.

Remember the location called Pandora with its fabulous mountains from the movie "Avatar" James Kemeron? It turns out that it actually exists, and all sketches for the film were made here, in the park Zhangjiajie (Zhangjiajie National Forest Park 张 家界 国家 森森 公园). Connectantly, there are no smallest rocks in the air and unusual waterfalls, alien creatures or unusual animals from You will not meet the film here either, but these stunning landscapes will dock into your memory for a long time, and the photos will affect friends and acquaintances.,

Zhangjiajie National Park spread out in the Mountains of Wooljuan in the south-east of China, in the province of Hunan. This place is striking with its beauty, but in addition to luxurious landscapes, Zhangjiajie Park is at the same time a zoo, a botanical and geological reserve. The locality in which the park is located is famous for its quartzite rocks, the height of which reaches 800 meters, and the highest peaks of Masiva Wool'yuan reach the height of more than 3 kilometers. Mountain peaks are covered with dense crowns of trees, the age of many of which has no one century.

Photo 1.

The National Park was opened in 1982. And after 10 years, it was included in the UNESCO World Heritage Site. The park area is 13,000 square meters. km. Over 500 diverse species of animals live on this area, and rather rare species of plants are growing. Among them, there are such as Gingko, a pigeon tree, a red tree, and the animal world is represented by monkeys, birds, salamanders and even rare representatives of the Feline-cywly family. Sometimes visitors to Zhangjiajie National Park compare the walk on it with the inspection of the traditional Chinese painting exhibition, only all the beauty here can be seen live.

And at an altitude of more than 1 kilometer above sea level, the village of Yellow Lion was spread, where representatives of three small nations live - Tujia, Bai and Miao, which make up 70% of the local population. Despite the fact that the Han culture had a tremendous impact on their traditions, they managed to preserve the national language, as well as traditional costumes, holidays and even a special architectural style.

Photo 2.

So, after a long 26 hours moving from Guilin in Zhangjiajie, I finally got to the park.

Entrance to the park is paid, there is an opportunity to buy a two-day ticket for 245 yuan and a subscription for a week for 298. The bins include and internal transportation on buses (yes, the park is large, there is no walking here). How it turned out later, the price was not included : Rises on the elevator, escalators and paravolosic, which runs through the park. Payment for them is separate, prices are in order of 50 yuan one way.

If you are less than 24 years old and you have a student card with you, then there is a significant discount on the entrance.

Tickets are tested only at the entrances to the park, no one checks tickets in the park itself, so you can easily with a two-day ticket "live" there is a month. But because of the relatively high prices in the park itself you will most likely have to get out to make money or buy provisions.

Accommodation in Zhangjiazz

There are two accommodation opportunities:

  • In the town near the park there are many hotels and guesthouses on any pocket.
  • In the park itself.

But there is a small nuance. Having in the city and goes in the morning in the park, every time you will have to experience huge queues, especially during the summer holidays and the celebrations of the Chinese New Year.
Living in the park itself, you can walk along it from the moment you begin to ride buses in the morning, but the quality of housing is left there to be desired.

Photo 3.

I chose accommodation in the park, it was important for me to be there from morning to evening. I have been a vitegus of the Yoth International Hostels network (telephone 0744-5713568), you can book places too much-stammer And the second is not far from the railway station.

It is very convenient, for you can come, to check in the gest of about a railway station, from there check if there are free rooms in their branch in the park and the most cool that you can leave big backpacks or ask them to deliver to a hostel in the park and then not It will be necessary to drag all the luggage with you. Of course, I learned about all this in just a few days, dragged all the luggage on myself in the park.


  • 40 yuan for Dorm (several beds in the room)
  • 120 yuan for Double Room (Dhushpal Number)

Photo 4.

To find a hostel, I recommend to go to these guys http://backpacker-ru.livejournal.com/36853.html, they have even a card that they filled with useful information.
The drivers of buses in English do not understand, out of four respondents only 1 I understood where I wanted to get, despite the fact that I had a Chinese card, and the hostel was marked with a circle, so I better ask the guides to the guides.

Nuance: The hiding road to the hostel is very long, about two hours, and you need to overcome a huge number of steps (600 m up). So what is better to pay 50 yuan and climb the elevator.

While I ran through the park with a backpack on my shoulders, local residents were suitable for me and offered to stay with them for overnight, so in addition to this hostel, there are also other available accommodation options.

Photo 5.

  • During the day, the park is full .. better to come early or closer to the closure
  • Buses go to 7 in the evening, the roads in the park at night are not covered, it is not recommended to walk
  • If you arrived for 2-3 days, use buses, visit the main sighting points.
  • If you arrived for a 3+ day, come down from the main route there and quieter and much more beautiful
  • If you save money, you will have to walk a lot

Photo 6.

In Zhangjiajie (Zhangjiajie) were 7 days, a ticket for this period costs 301 yuan. In the National Park, through the central entrance, we left in the morning (8-9 hours. In the morning), returned in the evening (16-17 hours). Inside the park there are many routes to which you get (from the central square inside the park) on free buses. You reach a certain place, then - at will: on foot or, having been in one place, transplant to another bus and go further. Inside the park you can also move onto cableways (2 closed, 1-item - open), on the elevator, located in the rock (from it you can take pictures through the glass), on foot.

The park is located in the mountains, the weather is often rainy and foggy, so you need the appropriate shoes (possibly replaceable with you), raincoats. It is impossible to seriously eat on the territory of the park, therefore - either snacks (fried potatoes, chestnuts, fish, etc.), or take with them. Water (drinking) - everywhere, however, cheaper to take with you from the city (villages). There are 5 entrances to this "complex" (because NC. Park is only one of the 5 territories). On one of these territories there is a lake, on the other - the cave (these are separate inputs for a fee). It is better to live in a tourist village, which is close to the central entrance. From the city of Zhangjiajie to the entrance to the park, you need to get on the bus (11 yuan) or taxi, time on the way is about 40 minutes. Huge features for filming the camera and / or a camera, even subject to the fog. It is worth a visit: Cave (Susieway Park), Lake Baquen, Nats. Park - repeatedly, on its territory, be sure to drive on all cable cars, Baylong elevator, make a small journey on the funicular train (back and forth), walk along the gold whip flux (you can take a rickshaw, about 300 yuan), go through The trail with a glass floor: unforgettable, because under the feet - the abyss, and around the rock, and from the city itself on the cable car (7 km) to the mountain of Tianmen, where heavenly gates are located, 999 steps lead to them, which must be walking (up / down), down to the entrance later Go down on the bus on the serpentine road.

Impressions stunning! It is also necessary to visit Juanlong's cave (underground lake, which rides a boat, a lot of stalactites, stalagmites, the largest - 19.4 m, everything is highlighted, well obtained on photographs). So for traveling in the park you need to have: a camera and / or camera, shoes (including shift), waterproof clothes, food and drink with you in a backpack (optional), live better in the tour. Village not far from the entrance to Nats. Park, prepare for the fact that almost no one speaks English, inscriptions inside the park in Chinese and English, there are cards with routes inside the park, but it is advisable to have a skill in order to figure out, a little-old desire and skill in them Walking (a lot!), And also - a huge desire to see all this! It is necessary to prepare either to study in advance (Internet forums, visiting reviews), or take a guide translator with knowledge of English (at least!) Language, as well as if you can find - Texts in Russian (English) languages \u200b\u200bwith nearby Written by Chinese hieroglyphs, meaning or another or name, so that you can show what you need.

And one more comment: If you don't like the national Chinese food too much, it will be a little complicated, then you can eat in small cafes where you can show that you specifically want to eat (chicken, rabbit, fish, vegetables), you will immediately prepare , not bad, or eat fast food in Chinese, the burger, we found only one. But it all concerns accommodation in the village, and not in the city where there is McDonalds and, I think there are many other restaurants and cafes. Good luck! Take a trip - you will not regret!

Photo 7.

Feelings that are experiencing being in the mountains of the National Park of Zhangjiajie or the place of Wool'yuan indescribable words and photos. These protected areas of the province of Hunan Southeast China need to see their own eyes. Mysterious mountain trails, the abyss around the edge of which you walk in search of fantastic landscapes, clouds leave under legs and rocks surrounded by subtropical forest, intoxicating the air of the Suos Valley, the magic of Lake Baqui ...

You can fly in Zhangjiajie from almost any major city of China, you can come by train. Sail more conveniently in the village of Wool'yuan or in a village at the entrance to Zhangjiajie National Park. The entrance to the park for 3 days costs 245 yuan. The territory of the reserve is huge, it is worthwhile to download a map in advance and explore the terrain, you can buy a map and inlet to the park, it is worth taking a compass with you, secluded tempting paths can lead to unexpected places. The park runs tourist buses, a cable car was built, and even a Baylong elevator with a transparent cabin, which raises the top of the top. If hungry, you can eat fried potatoes, fish, chestnuts, cakes cooked by the oldest in the fresh air by local residents, and again go to the impressions.

Photo 9.

Photo 10.

Photo 11.

Photo 12.

Photo 13.

Photo 16.

Photo 17.

Photo 19.

Photo 20.

Photo 21.

Photo 22.

Photo 23.

Photo 24.

Photo 25.

Photo 26.

Photo 27.

Photo 28.

Photo 30.

Photo 31.

Photo 32

The photos that I want to show is the urban district of Zhangjiajie in the province of Hunan, namely, the so-called Mount Avatar. Heard for the highest elevator in a world that raises the mountain and from there a very beautiful view. So I rode, without any preparation - what, where, and how? As well, and always, I do not know where, and I like it, then the impressions of the trip, it seems to me stronger, impressive and emotionally. So this time I went to look at the elevator and a beautiful view from the mountain, and got into a fantastic place - Mount Avatar. That day, when I rose to the mountains, there was a wonderful, sunny weather.

The entrance to the park costs 158 yuan and gives the right to visit the park for two days.

First on foot, then the pump and a pesha, a pesha and a foot, a five-kilometer line on the cable car, and here I am in the booth, along with the Chinese go up, we swim between the rocks, the look is simply amazing.

Cabins are designed for 6 people, if "people" are small, then it is possible to rebride.

The place is not much in demand from European tourists, for all the time I met from the strength of two - three Europeans and not Russian.

Therefore, I think the Chinese and looked at me with interest and surprise, probably, as well as I am on the mountains.

Each turn has opened more and more, exciting spirit, panoramas.

The mountain area is famous for its quartzite cliffs, up to 800 meters high. The highest peaks of Southwan have a height of more than 3 km above sea level.

Throughout the path, my attention was attracted not only beautiful types of mountains, but also girls dressed in bright national costumes.

With them it was possible to take pictures for 10 yuan.

It was convenient to go, along the rocks are laid out exactly and neatly tracks with outlets on viewing platforms.

Mountains are a picturesque sight: huge stone pillars over the rainforest.

Met them on one of the viewing sites.

The baby was frightened, but his mother was very pleased when I photographed them.

The wife called this photo - "Dad, do not leave." -)

Mountain flower.

High, horizontal flat rocks. Watching platforms are with a removal over a discontinuity with a glass bottom.

Virtually the entire route is such steps, you can relax on them.

For those who are tired, it was possible to relax, enjoying the views from the "route taxi. "-) But it is not suiced.

Taksopark -).

At the transshipment points, the sale of souvenirs and beautiful pictures with picturesque views of Pandora.

There, you can also eat something to eat or drink tea, coffee and on the way, there is little time, and there are so many interesting ahead.

Leaving in the evening of the reserve, a flock of wild monkeys flew and one of them took away from me a banana, which I wanted to eat, and so happened with everyone who had something edible in his hands. And here, one of the monkeys begins to shout, his whole pack runs away, and in the distance I saw a running man, he ran up, shot on him from a slingshot into the jungle and ran fonders. Monkeys instantly appeared and continued their gop-stop chaos.

Well, as such not to give a banana, although they do not ask, and do not ask, but are selected.

Fruits for tourists are more expensive than for the Chinese, asked for the fingers of the passerby, buy me apples and bananas, ran four cheaper times.

Market, the seller fell asleep.

As in a fairy tale, Masha and the Bear.

Throughout the path, the pumps were sold on the trays, could not understand why, then I understood ...

In the evening, returning to the hotel, I could not not dinner in a cafe, where very unusual dishes are served, and made the original order - frogs.

Fighting ahead, I will say that the next day I ordered 20 frogs, only another individual, when they jerked, throwing about the ground, the spectacle is not very pleasant, but the taste, no worse than the chicken, ate everyone.

The next day the weather led a little, it rained. It was windy and cloudy, but it did not prevent me from moving by bus to the highest elevator in the world. The elevator is transparent from glass, the floor is normal, not transparent, when you rise, then you can see all the beauties, if you want to see anything - it is necessary to go to the first and become the glass wall, the latter will only see the napes and listen to enthusiastic ahs. Part of the lift passes through the mine inside the rock, then the beautiful look opens sharply. Lifting elevator to the top, height 326m., Lifting time 1m.58c. It was not possible to sfotkat the elevator outside, as there was a good rain, and all attempts were unsuccessful, just had to wipe the fotik and lens from the water.

With the fog even lucky, the feeling of hanging mountains Pandora.

Fog pairs slowly float, it closes, then not for a long time opening the peaks of the vertices.

On this day, the rain did not prevent, his drops fell far down and disappeared from my gaze, only emphasizing the height and splendor of the mountains.

Mountains are covered with moss - in fact it is trees.

The dragon flies off the cliff on the rock, the Chinese have tried, everything reminds about the film.

When I got to the famous Allilyuya Mountain, I was already wetted through (the camera saved the umbrella, which I took at the hotel), and did not expect that I could not be so lucky. The mountain was all in the fog, and nothing was visible at all.

For about 10 minutes, there was no limit after 10 minutes, the fog began to dissipate and Hallelujah appeared in front of me in all its glory, probably, so that I managed to take a picture of it, and also quickly hid in the fog, as it appeared.

Fencing along the paths were covered with locks so that I had the impression that the Chinese were not 1.5 billion, but 6 billion people of the planet Earth.

Castles have a heart shape, lovers specifically come here to fasten your lock.

Transition from one cliff to another, this huge stone arch is a natural bridge.

Right on the rock, attached a banner with the inscription.

Looking at the mountains that were in the shooting of avatar, I went to the cable car to descend and move to another part of the reserve by bus. Lucky, defended a three kilometer, yet less than when climbed.

The cabins fell into fog, as if in the abyss.

The continuation should be in - Planet Pandora from Avatar - Real!