The youth camp in Norway shot the ultra-right. On this day, Breivik killed children

In Norway, 91 people died in the explosion from the government and shooting in the youth camp. At first about 15.30 local time (17.30 MSK), an explosion thundered at the government's building. According to the preliminary police, the car filled with explosives exploded. The powerful explosive wave knocked the glass in the government buildings, and the Ministry of Oil Industry. Norwegian television showed the asphalt door debris, the wounded people lying on it. According to the latest data, seven people died as a result of the terrorist attack, more than ten were injured.

After an hour and a half after the explosion, the government unknown opened a shooting in the camp of the youth wing of the Working Party of Norway, which is headed by the Prime Minister of Jens Stoltenberg.

On the side of the party on the island of Utaoy (located on the Lake Timon, about 600 people gathered at about 600 people, among which there were many teenagers. At about 17.00 (19.30 Moscow time), a young tall man in the form of a policeman came to the camp. Passing between the small houses of the camp, where the participants lived, he shot everyone who met him on the way. According to the police, from "automatic weapons and pistols". "We all gathered at the headquarters to talk about what happened in Oslo. Suddenly we heard shots. At first they thought that it was nonsense, and then we ran to the street, "says Norway" S AFTENPOSTEN who survived 16-year-old Hannah. "I saw a policeman with pliers in the ears." He looked at us and said: "I want to collect everyone." And then he ran and started shooting people. "Participants of the Floor ran to the water, many jumped into the lake to hide from the bullets. But the criminal rose from the shore and began to shoot in swimming teenagers, they tell other eyewitnesses. A young girl who pulled out of the lake Rescuers, told TV2: "He walked slowly around the island and shot at everyone who saw. In the end, he came there, where I sat down, and slowly in my eyes killed ten people. He was so calm, it was very scary."

According to 11.30 Saturdays, 84 people are shot in a youth camp.

The victims could be more, they speak the police. Cleaning the terrain on the Time in search of victims, law enforcement agencies found the bomb laid near the camp. She did not work "for a technical reason." Dozens of young people stay in hospitals. Doctors say that the number of victims can grow: the state of many patients is estimated as extremely heavy.

After the terrorist attack in Oslo and the first shooting reports in the youth camp, the Norwegian media immediately began to write about the Islamist track. But the detainee on the utime turned out to be an ethnic Norwegian. All Western media have already published photos of 32-year-old Anders Bering Breivik - high green-eyed Norwegian with light rusia hair.

As reported, Breivik adhered to ultra-right views. A friend of the criminal told the publication Gang Verdens that Norwegian became a nationalist several years ago, "somewhere after twenty-five."

He expressed his ultra-right beliefs in discussions on various sites. "He is an ardent opponent of the idea that people of different cultures can live side by side with each other," says the interlocutor of the publication.

Social use users almost immediately discovered the Breivik page on Facebook. Among his interests, bodybuilding, conservative politics and Freemasonry. He pointed out the work of Breivik Geofarm, where he worked as director. According to VG edition (Verdens Gang newspaper, Gazeta.Ru), Breivik founded the company in 2009, she grown vegetables. Now the page of the alleged criminal on Facebook is closed.

In it, one entry: "One person who has faith is equal to 100 thousand who have only interests." Now Breivika interrogates the police.

U there is no doubt that the terrorist attack in Oslo and the shooting of the youth camp are interconnected. Police believes that attacks organized several people. Now the authorities are looking for Breivik's accomplices, searches were held at the address from which he went to Twitter and Facebook.

Sources in the police believe that the explosions in Oslo and the shooting at the utime were attempts to the life of the Prime Minister of the country. It was assumed that on Friday evening he will arrive at the camp of the youth wing of his party. As a result, the Prime Minister worked from the house, said the representative of the government, and was not on Friday either at the headquarters of the government, nor on the urate. After the explosions in Oslo, Stoltenberg gave only telephone interviews: the police advised him until appearing in the public. On Saturday morning, the Prime Minister collected an urgent press conference.

"Never since the Second World War, our country did not suffer that," he said. Friday events official called "nightmare and a nation tragedy."

"Democratic foundations of Norway, according to the Prime Minister, will not be shaken. Stoltenberg promised the country "even more democracy."

"You do not destroy us. You do not destroy our democracy and ideals, "he said in front of the camera. The official also said that he did not see the reasons for raising the level of threat in the country. Nevertheless, on Saturday, it became known that the authorities of Norway decided to restore border control with the countries of the Schengen zone.

Officially, which groupings can be involved in terrorist attacks, law enforcement agencies and the authorities of Norway did not declare. Norwegian television channel NRK said that the unknown Islamist group "Proponents of Global Jihad" on their website published a message in which the explosion and attack on the youth political forum - a reaction to the publication of the Norwegian media caricatures on the Prophet Mohammed.

However, after the arrest of the ethnic Norwegian Breivik to the version of the attack of Islamists in Norway, few people already believe.

"If we compare Norway with other countries, I would not say that we have some big problem with right extremists. But we have certain groupings, we track them. Our police are aware of their existence, "said Prime Minister Stoltenberg.

An expert of the Norwegian International Institute of Jacob Hompsiminsky said Reuters that Norwegian ultra-right groupings are more likely to tragic events than Islamists. He noted that in Norway, as throughout Europe, right ideas became popular due to problems with immigrants. "For Islamists, it is strange to attack a local political event. The attack on the youth camp tells us that this is something else. If they wanted to attack the Islamists, they would have laid the bombs at the nearest Oslo shopping center, and not to the remote Island, "the expert believes.

"Christian fundamentalist" -mason and bodybuilder, a farmer and fan of Kant and Churchill, an avid player in World of Warcraft killed almost a hundred people in Norway ...
The terrorist grown melons and beets to legally purchase explosives components.
The slaughter on the island - the killer calmly shot teenagers from the legally acquired firearms.
The terrorist had an accomplice?

Building of the Office of the Prime Minister of Norway

People from the island of Utina try to get to the opposite shore

Rescuers assist wounded on the urate

On Friday, July 22, an explosion occurred near the building of the Norwegian government in Oslo. So far, the media and city authorities figured out the details of what happened, eyewitnesses began to write in blogs about the "Norwegian September 11". Some time later, there were reports of the first dead, but after a couple of hours it became clear that the explosion in the capital was only the beginning.
The police have not yet managed to accurately establish what exactly occurred in the Oslo government quarter, when the agencies reported new PE: an armed man attacked the youth camp on the island of Utina, there are victims. In total, as a result of two terrorist attacks, at least 91 people were seven in the capital and 84 in a youth camp died. The authorities suspect that both attacks in Norway stands the same person.

As events developed in the Norwegian capital, it is still not clear to the end. The explosion of one or several bombs is reported near the 17-storey building in the government quarter, where the Cabinet of Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg is located. It was reported that the head of government suffered when an explosion, but soon these data denied. In the evening, Stoltenberg appeared before journalists, giving the first of a series of press conferences in connection with the terrorist attacks.
As a result of the explosion, several nearby buildings were injured. The wave knocked out the glass is also in the Ministry of Oil Industry and in the nearby tabloid edition Verdens Gang.. It was initially reported that the explosive device worked in the editorial office, however, these data were not confirmed later.

The relatively small number of victims of the explosion contributed to the fact that the terrorist attack occurred in the midst of the holiday season. Many state institutions workers were on vacation. Nevertheless, several members of the government were among the seven died in Oslo - Stolterberg reported on Saturday during the press conference on Saturday, July 23. In addition, as a result of an explosion, 15 people were injured, two of them are heavy. The victims were delivered to Oslo University Hospital.
Back on Friday, the Norwegian police recognized what happened to the terrorist attack. However, how exactly the explosion was organized (and even how much there was exactly explosions) is still unknown. The authorities confirmed that directly before the terrorist attack on the territory of the government quarter at high speed drove the car - therefore, it can be about a mined car. Such a version immediately after the explosion put forward in the Norwegian press, but she still did not receive official confirmation.

About the second attack became a little more than two hours after the explosion in the capital. A man, dressed in a police form, opened fire on a vacationer in the Youth Camp of the Norwegian Workers Party on the island of Utina, located in the middle of Lake Timithord. It was initially reported that the criminal managed to kill about 20 people, but later it turned out that the victims are significantly more.

As the eyewitnesses of the attack told, the killer appeared in the camp just at the moment when the teenagers were going to dinner, discussed the occurrence in Oslo. The criminal arrived on the island on the ferry. On the shore, he collected several rest around himself, after which he opened fire for defeat.
Visitors camp covered panic. Realizing what was happening, the teenagers began to jump out of the windows and rushing into the water, hoping to escape. It is still definitely unknown, which of 84 victims of the attack died from the hands of the criminal, and who drowned in the lake, trying to hide from the fire. During the day Saturday, the police continued to examine the shores of the island in search of new bodies of the dead. It was possible to survive those who hid him in time and could stay in shelter until the killer grabbed the police officers.

It is also not known than the killer was armed. Apparently, we are talking about automatic weapons - otherwise, such an impressive number of victims would be difficult to explain. Local editions write that the attacker had several arms units. According to Verdens Gang, the "Glock", Rifle and shotgun, were registered in the name of the criminal.. In addition, it is not excluded that the criminal was not alone. A car with an incomplete explosive device was discovered on the island. According to one of the versions, it belongs to the attacker.
One way or another, only one person managed to delay in connection with the incident. The media practically immediately called His name: This is 32-year-old Anders Bering Breivik ( Anders Behring Breivik), Citizen of Norway. Police suspect him of involvement in both terrorist attacks on July 22.

About the alleged culprit of the main tragedy in the modern history of Norway is known not to a lot. Until yesterday evening, Breivik had a Facebook page, but soon after his arrest she was closed by the site administration. But by Saturday, the criminal was awarded pages in English-speaking Wikipedia.
It is reported that Anders Bering Breivik adhered to radical right views, and the social network did anti-Islamic statements. There is a supposed terrorist and microblogging on Twitter, in which, however, one-only entry is left, and that is a quote from the statements of the English philosopher John Stewart Mill: "One person who has convictions worth a hundred thousand people who have Only interests. "

According to investigators, it was Breivik to act as an explosive device in the government quarter in Oslo, after which he went to the camp on the urate. He went to his road around two hours. At the same time, according to media reports, in the past, no offenses for Breivik were not found, except for fines for speeding.
In addition, according to DagBladet, in recent months, Anders, Bering Breivik lived on a remote farm, where he was engaged in agriculture. According to journalists, this activity could be used by them as a cover to acquire a large number of fertilizers, on the basis of which it subsequently made explosive devices. In the night after attacks, the farm searched the police, but it was possible to detect some kind of laboratory for the production of bombs, unknown.
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According to the Norwegian media, 32-year-old Anders Bering Breivik for 10 weeks before the implementation of a series of terrorist attacks, 6 tons of artificial fertilizers suitable for the manufacture of explosives in handicrafts were performed.
The Verdens Gang newspaper leads to a certificate of the representative of the supplier of agricultural goods of Felleskjopet ODDI ESTENSTAD, which confirmed that fertilizers were delivered to Breiviku until May 4th. At the same time, she stressed that it is a completely normal purchase volume for the use of fertilizers for its intended purpose.
Having learned that the buyer was suspected of implementing terrorist attacks, the company immediately appealed to the police, emphasized Estenstad. Note that it was previously reported that Anders Bering Breivik had a firearm license.
He suspected that he organized an explosion near the government complex in Oslo, killing seven people, and in an hour after this attack arranged a slaughterhouse in the summer camp on the island of Utina, where about 700 young men and girls participated in the youth forum of the ruling work party. The total number of victims of both terrorist attacks is at the moment 91, however, according to some data, there are missing.
According to the Police of Norway, the terrorist actively visited Christian fundamentalist sites and adhered to ultra-right anti-Islamic views.
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The Norwegian police reports that during the sinking of the terrain on the island of Utai around the youth camp, at least 80 killed were discovered.
According to the BBC correspondent, the police can not yet explain as one person who is suspected of attacking the camp, so many people could kill.
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Teenagers under Oslo shot Mason and Bodybuilder
The eyewitnesses of the tragedy that occurred in Norway on the island of Utya under Oslo, they said that the 32-year-old killer, who shot, according to the latest data, 84 people looked absolutely calm. According to the girl who managed to escape only thanks to the jump in the water, the man walked very slowly and confidently and coolly shot everyone who would fall to his eyes.
The locals assure that about 50 participants in the youth political forum escaped death, because on the outstand from the island on time, and the killer did not pursue them with a weapon in their hands. Before you start your deadly campaign, Anders Bering Breivik, dressed in a police form, allegedly uttered the phrase "I want to get everyone." Reports about it Reuters.
Before the page of A. Breivik in Facebook was blocked by the police, from his profile it was possible to know that the killer is interested in bodybuilding and freebies and adheres to conservative political views. Norwegian television, however, has already found its connection with ultra-right radicals. The police claim that A. Breivik is a high blond with a nordic type of appearance.
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The terrorist who killed 85 people in the youth camp of the Norway's Workers' Party on the island of Utia, as well as the explosion in Oslo, turned out to be a fan of Winston Churchill and Immanuel Kant. This is reported by the German television channel N24. Earlier it was reported that on July 22, 32-year-old Anders Bering Breivik was detained on charges of an attack on the camp at the Toyeai. The police also suspect him of involvement in the explosion in the government quarter in Oslo, which occurred two hours before the attack on the camp. As a result of the explosion in the capital, seven people died.
As I managed to find out to journalists, Breivik's favorite books - "Criticism of the Pure Mind" of Kant and "Research on the nature and causes of the wealth of peoples" Adam Smith. The British policy of Winston Churchill's alleged terrorist considers his idol. In addition, Breivik is a fan of Max Manusa - the hero of the Norwegian resistance of the Second World War.
At the same time, according to the Swedish media referenced by The Daily Mail, Breivik was a member of the Neo-Nazi Internet Forum Nordisk, which discusses any topics associated with terrorism.
He lived a criminal on the farm near Oslo, where he grown melons and beets. From music, he prefers the classics and trance. It is also reported that Breivik was an avid player in World of Warcraft.
In addition, in the past Anders, Bering Breivik at one time consisted of a Norwegian conservative "program of progress". About this, as reported by TV channel TV2, July 23, he stated the chairman of the Siv Jensen party.
"I learned that he was a member of our party, this morning," Jensen said in an interview with television journalists. "This is terrible and seems completely incredible. Our thoughts today with those who touched this tragedy."
Norwegian journalists managed to find out that Anders Bering Breivik was a convinced nationalist and an open opponent of coexistence of various cultures. At the same time, former colleagues in the party describe it as a person calm and quiet.
The "Party of Progress" is the second largest party in the Norwegian Parliament (most of the chairs are currently controlling the ruling workers' party).
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The Norwegian police are looking for a second suspect due to the attack on the youth camp on the island of Utina. About this on July 23, the television and radio company Norsk Rikskringkasting is reported with reference to sources in law enforcement.
"At the moment we try to establish whether the attacker who had attacked the camp, who remains free," the NRK police said in journalists.
Earlier in connection with the attack on the camp of the Workers' Party of Norway on the island of Utina, during which the latest data, 84 people were detained, 32-year-old Anders Bering Breivik was detained. His police suspects involvement in the Oslo terrorist attack, which occurred two hours before the attack. Seven people became victims of the explosion in the government quarter, more than ten were injured.
During the survey of the territory of the island, the Police found a car with an unexploded explosive device. It was originally assumed that the car belongs to Breivik, however, the media assumed that the offender could not act alone.
Currently, Anders Bering Breivik is in custody, he was charged with terrorist activities. In case of confession of his guilt in both attacks on July 22, Breivika threatens imprisonment for up to 21 years.
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The artist and organizer of terrorist attacks in Norway Anders Bering Breivik lives in Oslo in an apartment that is located in a 4-storey building.
The terrorist is 32 years old, he manages the farm to grow vegetables. Breivika has several units of firearms, which he had permission. Permits issued to him in connection with the belonging club.
The Norwegian police reported that Breivik clearly did not consist in any ultra-right organization, he had no criminal past, and until yesterday he was not known to police. All the police could find in the past, these are some easy offenses.
The police spokesman said that the Norwegian security forces are observed for neo-Nazis, but Breivik did not enter this circle.
Already after the detention of Breivik, the police found on his page on the social network Facebook, ultra-right statements aimed at including Muslims.
On his page on Twitter, Breivik left the statement of the philosopher John Stewart: "One person with faith is equal to 100 thousand of those who have only interests."
Ynet quotes an interview of the Norwegian police officer of the news agency AP: "He came to us nowhere."
11:05 Norwegian police reports Breivik cooperates with a consequence.
It was also revealed that he was a regular visitor of three ultra-right Internet sites and sympathized with the right-Christian marginal director organizations.

The Norwegian Police continues to investigate a series of terrorist attacks committed on Friday in Oslo and in the summer camp on the island of Utia 35 kilometers from the Norwegian capital. The explosion near the government complex in Oslo, who took his life 7 people seemed to be a distracting maneuver, only the prelude to the mainstream.

Only 30 minutes, according to investigators, it took 32-year-old Anders Bering Breivik to shoot almost 100 people in the summer camp, where he passed the forum of youth traffic of the ruling Labor Party. Died, according to the latest data, at least 84 people, more than 15 victims were hospitalized with injuries. Most victims are teenagers.
Breivik was arrested on Friday evening on the island of Utina, in his apartment in Oslo, a search was made, a terrorist computer was seized. Representatives of the police report that he regularly communicated with like-minded people on Christian fundamentalist sites and adhered to ultra-right and antimusulmanic views.

Everything says that the criminal carefully prepared for the promotion. The braivik account on the social network Facebook was destroyed, and his microblogging on the resource was thoroughly cleaned: he left only one-only record - "one person with his faith is equal to 100,000, who have only interests." (Distorted Aphorism of John Stewart Mill: "One person with a firm faith is equal to the strength of ninety nine others who have only interests," - ed.)

On the destroyed account of the criminal in Facebook it was stated that he adheres to conservative Christian views, among his interests - World of Warcraft and Modern Warfare 2, Bodybuilding and Market Analytics. He also indicated that he studied economics and religion. Both accounts - both on the social network Facebook, and on Twitter were open at the same time: July 17.

He shot in adolescents and young people who gathered at the youth forum on the island of Utina, from weapons, purchased legally, in a weapon store, and possessed a firearm license.

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Stoya Island is located 32 kilometers from Oslo and is a traditional venue of a youth summer camp, which annually organizes the ruling working party. In July 2011, it was assembled on the following data, from 500 to 600 participants. These are mainly teenagers aged 14-18 years.
In general, it looks like a camp a la Seliger
Judging by the persons shown on TV channels, there were a lot of adolescents of non-crushed nationality (Arab, Negro and Bangladesh. Judging by appearance). It is assumed that the nationalist decided to "draw the attention of the government" to the problem with Muslim immigrants. Blonde Besting was fond of hunting.

Island 300x300 meters. Evanims says that the killer had a gun and an automatic rifle, similar to M-16. The guy was very lucky, he lay pretending to be dead. The killer shot him from a pair of meters, wounded in his shoulder. She also says that the killer walked and methodically calmly killed singing shots. Police arrived at about 2 hours. Some tried to talk to the killer, went to him and immediately received a bullet.

Elise, 15 from Norway, Estfall, hidden under the cliff, and the criminal stood on the rock, and shot the youth. She spoke in a whisper on the phone with her mother and his father while he shot.
She removed the upper clothes, because she was bright, and a criminal could notice her. Wrapped only in a towel. And I thought only about being to escape. He was barefoot ... does not want to report his surname.

from the comments on the NRK
She said that the man of the first shot those who were on land. When they tried to hide in the forest, he shot all the paths. "He shot everyone who tried to float, says Elise."

Eliza says that the person who shot was Norwegian.

He shot and shot, says Elise. Although she helped the girl who received two shots in the stomach. Eliza does not dare to say how much died, but she considers them more than ten dead.

Police, reports by news channels, arrived only after 45 minutes.

But someone shouted that the police did not hurry in Sagra ...

Anders Breivik, from which 77 people died, appeared before the court in the building completely not far from the place where last summer he committed the largest terrorist attack in the history of Norway. The process opened in unprecedented safety measures and a huge accumulation of journalists, before which Breivik, it seems, began to play a real performance from the first seconds.

Anders Breivik entered the hall, smiling. And as soon as the handcuffs were removed from him, put a fist to the chest and threw his hand in the Roman military greeting, which the hall perceived as Nazi. The killer court considers a comedy. Recognizes: killed, but he does not consider himself guilty. He said - acted as part of self-defense.

"I do not recognize the Norwegian court. You work on the task of political parties, promoting multiculturalism," said Breivik.

Breivik insists: he, allegedly, the knight of the Order of the Templar, saved Europe from Islam. And if anyone answers - then before the military tribunal. Including because of these words, it was first recognized as an insane, which meant, possibly lifelong forced treatment. Repeated examination of signs of madness, however, did not find. Doctors wrote: In love with themselves.

And indeed, when the prosecutor asked to put a video, which Breivik managed to lay out on the Internet before committing a crime, tears came from the killer. Although no one has fallen a muscle at the sight of the personnel of what has done. The accused enjoys the role of a television station - the meetings are broadcast on the whole world.

From relatives of the killed Breivik separates the bulletproof glass. The faces of the witnesses of the location are trying not to show. One of them, on the eve of the meeting, for the first time after the tragedy, I went to the Utai to survive the nightmare before the testimony. With Anders, Breivik Hussein Casemy collided twice. For the first time in the dining room - got three bullets. The second - when hiding in the rocks. A man came up with a rifle in a police uniform and asked: "Did you see the shooter?" It was Breivik.

"Blood was everywhere. He looked at me, I looked at him. I don't know what happened, I do not know how to swim, but I jumped into the water," recalls Casemy.

More than an hour Breivik methodically shot defenseless adolescents, locked on a small island. Most of them were ethnic Norwegians. They rested in the working party youth camp conducted by multiculturalism policies. When people were in Toyat, the police were torn to the center of Oslo, where Breivik blew up a bomb.

Now the killer is in the prison of Slah under Oslo. Breivika is allowed to call friends and correspond with fans. And his camera resembles an apartment.

"At his disposal three rooms. In one he sleeps, he has an office in his other, he can work there on his personal computer, well, there are simulators in the third room, there he can train," said Senior Advisor to the prison of El Helen Bjerke.

Breivika is already filming the film. A small American film studio promises to release a story about the bloody slaughter on the utime less than six months. Perhaps this will happen even earlier than the judge will lead the verdict.

According to Norwegian legislation, the maximum term of concluding under the article by terrorism, which is accused Breivik, 21 years. This means that if it continues to be sane, he will come out of prison, when it turns out only 53, hesitated for each of the committed killings not more than three months. The trial of a killer who shocked the whole world will go at least 10 weeks.

To court and back every day Breivik will carry different routes at different times. Police fears, they can attack the column, because too many wish him death.

In the past Friday, an explosion thundered in the center of Oslo, and shards scattered around the street, as a result of which seven people were killed and 15 more were injured. Somewhere 90 minutes later, Anders Bering Breivik, a man accused of manufacture and explosion of the bomb, sat down on the ferry To the small island, where the Labor Party youth camp was located. Transferred in the form of a police braivik called young people and shot on the spot. The chaos continued for more than an hour. By the time the police finally arrived at the island and arrested terrorist, 86 people were killed. Norway's weekend spent in Touréra, and ahead of the country await hard weeks, during which the funeral and investigative hearings will be organized. In this issue, several photos of tragic events in Norway are collected.

(Total 34 photos)

1. Relatives gathered for a minute of silence opposite the island of Utay after the double terrorist attack on Friday. (Jeff J Mitchell / Getty Images)

3. Pillars of smoke from the building on the site of the terrorist attack, thundered in Oslo on Friday. (REUTERS / THOMAS WINJE OIJORD / SCANPIX)

4. The wounded man is assisted on the site of the terrorist attack. (Reuters / Per Thrana)

5. Debris on the territory around the upgraded building in the center of Oslo after the terrorist attack, as a result of which the explosive wave went through several buildings, including the office of the Prime Minister. (AP Photo / Fartein Rudjord)

6. A man helps a wounded woman to get out of the building. (Morten Holm / AFP / Getty Images)

7. A damaged car from a government building in the center of Oslo. (AP Photo / Fartein Rudjord)

8. Policemen carry wounded to ambulance. (REUTERS / THOMAS WINJE OIJORD / SCANPIX)

9. Broken windows of a government building at the morning after the explosion. (REUTERS / VEGARD GROTT / SCANPIX)

10. The victim of the terrorist attack is assisted in the center of Oslo. (AP Photo / Fartein Rudjord)

11. Aerial view of Utay Island per day to a bloody shootout, arranged Anders Breivik. (Reuters / Lasse Tur)

12. Norwegian Foreign Minister Jonas Gar Wallow (4th left) on the grass during a visit to the youth camp on the island of Utaia. (REUTERS / VEGARD GROTT / SCANPIX)

13. Anders Bering Breivik with a weapon passes by those killed. The photo is made from the helicopter of Norwegian journalists. (Reuters / Marius Arnesen / NRK / SCANPIX)

14. People try to escape from the island at a water temperature of 12 degrees. (Reuters / TV2 Norway Via Reuters TV)

15. The members of the Norwegian special forces landed as shore of the island. (Reuters / Jan Bjerkeli)

16. People float from the island of Utaia, fleeing from the maniac terrorist. Jan Bjerkeli / AFP / Getty Images)

17. The wounded helps to go ashore opposite the island of Utaia (in the background), on which several dozen people who participated in the Labor Party youth forum were shot. (Svein Gustav Wilhelmsen / AFP / Getty Images)

18. The covered corpses of the victims of the terrorist attack on the island of Utaia. (Reuters / Fabrizio Bensch)

19. Cover bodies of the young people on the island of Utiya killed by Anders. (Reuters / Fabrizio Bensch)

20. The search and rescue boat patrols around the island of Utya in search of bodies or survived in a terrible shootout. JONATHAN NACKSTRAND / AFP / GETTY IMAGES)

21. Rescuers continue to search for missing in Lake Timonord of the island of Utaia. (Reuters / Fabrizio Bensch)

22. Rescuers carry the body with a ferry to the lakeside. (AP PHOTO / FRANK AUGSTEIN)

23. The girl has a small monument to the victims of the terrorist attack on the shore of the lake opposite the island of Utya. (Reuters / Fabrizio Bensch)

24. People bring flowers in memory of the victims of the explosion and execution on the Norwegian island in the center of Oslo. (Reuters / Berit ROALD / SCANPIX)

25. Parishioners calm the woman before the service in the Oslo Cathedral after Friday Double Terrorist attack. (AP Photo / Matt Dunham)

26. People came to honor the memory of those who died as a result of the double terrorist attack in Norway. (ODD Andersen / AFP / Getty Images)

A year ago, Anders Breivik made a double terrorist attack, as a result of which 77 people died and 151 were injured.

July 22, 2011 In Norway, a double terrorist attack was performed. First, the complex of government buildings in the center of the Norwegian capital Oslo, where the Office of the Prime Minister is located. The power of the explosive device, according to experts, was from 400 to 700 kilograms in TNT equivalent. The explosive was laid in the Volkswagen Crafter car, parked a few meters from the entrance to the Prime Minister's Office.

During the explosion in a government building there were about 250 people.

A few hours later, a man in the police form of the Norwegian working party on the island of Uteya.

Uteyya Island is located 30 kilometers from Oslo in the Bowskrud area on Lake Timithord. It belongs to the Youth Wing of the Norwegian Workers Party, which is annually visited by about 560 people.

Preparation for Breivik terrorist attack. He moved away from friends and relatives, stopped actively communicating with others and meditated a lot.

Daily during 2006, he played the World Of Warcraft online game, which helped him develop a strategy and attack tactics. The defendant himself explained that because to acquire weapons in Norway is legally extremely difficult, he had to join a shooting club, membership in which and train in shooting.

According to Breivik to get to the island, he said the carrier in the boat, which he urgently needs to be in the camp - report the explosion of the government quarter in Oslo.

In a tent camp, he was going to shit scare as many people as possible and drive them into the water so that they were drowned.

July 24. The Norwegian police conducted a special operation to search for possible involved in Oslo terrorist attacks, six people were detained, which were then released due to the lack of evidence.

On the same day, Breivik's lawyer made a statement that his client.

July 25, 2011 Oslo passed the first court hearings in the Breivik case, accused of committing two terrorist attacks. By the court decision, he was prohibited from meetings with loved ones, as well as any correspondence.

April 16, 2012in the District Court, Oslo began the process over Anders Breivik, accused of killing 77 people.

21st of June The prosecutor's office of Norway in a psychiatric clinic. This decision means that the accusation side recognized Breivik's mentally ill, despite the controversial conclusions of experts on the state of his health.

The first forensic examination ended in late November 2011 showed that Breivik suffers from paranoid schizophrenia and cannot be criminally liable, but should be aimed at compulsory treatment. Oslo District Court decided to appoint a re-independent examination. April 10, 2012 Experts recognized Breivika sane and the report in their actions.

June, 22, On the final day of the judicial debate, Breivik's lawyer demanded for his support as a mild punishment as possible and stated that his support should be recognized as sane.

Breivik himself earlier stated a court that, and demands that he can be punished in accordance with the Criminal Code.

Breivik, speaking with the last word, did not recognize himself guilty and stated that he acted in the interests of the indigenous Norwegians, whom.

Material prepared on the basis of information RIA Novosti