How many flights made a Titanic. Where did the Titanic sailed? Departure point, destination and route of the legendary ship

1. For the construction of "Titanic" 3 million rivets were used, most of which were manufactured manually.

2. For the descent of the vessel on the water, 23 tons of fat, steam oil and liquid soap were required - for lubricating the guides of similarity.

3. Designers considered the liner unstepusable. Double bottom and 16 waterproof bulkheads were for the time of know-how. However, the designers did not know how profound can be iceberg.

4. At the "Titanic" there was no such simple thing as binoculars. The captain dismissed his second assistant Blair, and he thwarted the keys to the safe, where binoculars were binoculars for underpox.

5. Shipwreck happened on April 14, 1912. Events are recreated to the smallest detail. From the very morning, ten crews of other liners passed reports that the icebergs are already nearby, but "Titanic" ignored these warnings. The last summary entered the "Titanic" 40 minutes before the collision. But the radioist of "Titanic" did not even listen to the message and interrupted the connection.

6. On the liner there were many celebrities of that time. Among them, for example, there was a millionaire and feminist Margaret Brown. She was famous for what he knew five languages \u200b\u200band was furified on them as a shoemaker. After a collision with Iceberg, Margaret helped to destroy people on boats, but herself leave the ship was in no hurry. Finally, someone pledged her in the boat and sent it to the open sea. Reaching another ship, "Carpathians", Margaret immediately began to search for the victims of blankets, products, made up lists of survivors, gathered money. By the time of arrival of the "Carpathians", she collected for the surviving 10,000 dollars.

7. Another famous passenger "Titanic", businessman Benjamin Gugenheim, sat in a lifeboat his companion. He convinced her that they would see soon, although I understood that the situation is hopeless. Together with the Cameryman, he returned to the cabin and changed his cracker, and then sat down at the table in the central hall and began to drink whiskey. When someone offered them to still try to escape, Gugenheim replied: "We are dressed in accordance with our position and are ready to die as gentlemen."

8. The outstanding ticket was left with a hammer on the London auction for 56,300 dollars. A menu from a liner with a list of 40 dishes was sold in New York for 31,300 dollars. The other menu in London went for 76,000 pounds. The keys to the shiproom, which stored lanterns for rescue boats, were also preserved and were sold for 59,000 pounds.

9. Liner shattered to the music. The orchestra stood to the latter on the deck and played the church hymn "closer, the Lord, to You."

10. Russian deep-water devices "Peace" in 1991 and 1995 immersed to the ship, which is now at a depth of 3.8 kilometers. Then the devices removed the video that entered the notorious film James Cameron. This year, in honor of the century, the death of the liner, our submariners promised to dive to "Titanic".

11. UNESCO was waiting for a hundred years to declare the wreckage of "Titanic" by the object of cultural heritage. For such cases, they have a special convention. Now UNESCO will ensure that items from the "Titanic" do not get the non-ultimate divers.

12. The Titanic 3D film released in honor of the century has already collected an impressive amount in US $ 17.4 million. The "Titanic" of James Cameron 1997 had a phenomenal success and fees for those times huge: 1.8 billion dollars. To beat this record was only 12 years later the movie "Avatar".

13. The ill-fated black iceberg, more precisely, his photo, found 90 years after the death of Titanic. A few days after the tragedy, some Stefan Rorec from Bohemia sailed on another liner by the crash site and photographed iceberg. After a careful examination, it was proved that dents on Iceberg could well make a vessel. So the ice boulder suffered too.

14. Jack Dawson, hero of the very film, who brought Cameron to Glory and wealth, is a real character. True, Cameron then assured that he took the name from the ceiling and that this coincidence. Nevertheless, Real Jack Dawson was a coalsel at the "Titanic". True, he was in love, he was not in green-eyed Kate Winslet (she was not yet born then), but in his friend's sister, who persuaded him to become a sailor. As a result, everything, of course, died.

15. About "Titanic" still tell legends. For example, lovers of mysticism indicate that in 1898, the writer Morgan Robertson composed the novel "Vyshchaya" - about a huge transatlantic liner and his self-satisfied passengers. A lot of narrative coincides, for example, the name of the vessel is "Titan" - and a collision with iceberg cold April night.

16. Another legend states that once in six years, radio officers catch a SOS C signal-ghost signal from "Titanic". For the first time this was stated by the crew of Lincher "Theodore Roosevelt" in 1972. A radio response in the archives and found the notes of his colleagues about the fact that they received strange radiograms allegedly with Titanic: in 1924, 1930, 1936 and 1942. In April 1996, the SOS signal from the "Titanic" received the Canadian ship "Quebec".

17. Although the official version states that "Titanic" sank Aisberg, not all believe it. For example, some of them claimed that the "Titanic" sank the German torpedo, which employees of the company that built a liner was released to get insurance. However, it sounds little happy, considering how many employees of the company died on April 14, 1912.

18. "Titanic" was not the only major liner of White Star Line. The ship "Olimpik" began to be built simultaneously with the "Titanic". In 1911, when leaving the 11th flight Olimpik faced the English cruiser Hawk. The latter at the same time miraculously remained afloat, while Olimpik was separated by minor damage.

19. The younger brother "Titanic" - the ship "Britannik" should have worn the name "giant", but after the collapse of the first liner, the builders decided to temper ambitions. "British" was the most comfortable of three ships: it had two hairdressers, a children's playroom, a gym for second-class passengers. Unfortunately, passengers did not have time to assess the advantages of a new liner. After the start of the war, he was converted to the hospital ship and soon blew up at Mine near Greece. True, most people who were on board managed to save.

20. The last of the passenger "Titanic" died in 2009 aged 97 years. At the time of shipwreck she was 2.5 months.

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More than 100 years have passed since the time of the terrible catastrophe of one of the largest liners of its time. But so far the world does not know all the secrets that hide huge, and it would seem indispensable "Titanic." As the ship sank, the material will tell.

Fighting giants

The twentieth century has become a century of technical progress. Skyscrapers, cars, movies - everything developed with supernatural speed. The process affected and ships.

In the market at the beginning of the 1900s there was a big competition due to customers between the two large companies. "Cunard Line" and "White Star Line" - two hostile transatlantic carriers, for several years in a row competed for the right of the leader in their sphere. Interesting interesting opportunities for companies, so over the years, their ships became more and more, faster and more.

What is why and as silent "Titanic" still remains a mystery. There are many versions. The smallest of them is a scam. She was held by the above-mentioned company "Star Line".

But opened the world of amazing linkers "Cunard Line". For their order, two extraordinary steamer "Mauritania" and "Lusitania" were built. The audience was amazed by their greatness. Length about 240 m, width 25 m, height from waterline to a boat deck 18 m. (But after a few years, the size of the "Titanic" exceeded these parameters). Two twins giants were launched in 1906 and in 1907. They won the first places in prestigious contests and beat all speed records.

For competitors "Kunard Line" has become a matter of honor to give a worthy answer.

Fate Troika

"White Old Line" was founded in 1845. During the Golden Fever, he earned the fact that he carried out flights from Britain to Australia. Throughout all years, the company rival with Cunard Line. Therefore, after "Lusitania" and "Mauritania" were launched on the water, the task of creating fantastic projects, which will exceed the brainchild of competitors in front of the engineers. The final decision was made in 1909. So there was an idea of \u200b\u200bthree Olimpik class ships. The order was performed by the company "Harland & Wolf".

This maritime organization was famous for the whole world with the quality of vessels produced, comfort and luxury. The speed in priority was not stood. Several times, "Star Line" proved not in a word, but what cares about customers. So, in 1909, when a collision of two liners, their ship stood on the water for another two days than proved its quality. Nevertheless, the Troika "Olympic" suffered misfortune. Repeatedly fell into an accident. So, in 1911, it was faced with the cruiser "Hawk", from which he received a 14-meter hole and went to repair. Fucked misfortune and "Titanic". At the bottom of the ocean, he found himself in 1912. "British" found the First World War, where he performed the role of the hospital, and in 1916 he exploded in German mine.

Miracle of the Sea.

Now we can safely say that large ambitions caused the "Titanic" crash.

The construction of the second of three vessels of the class "Olympic" was not without sacrifice. Over the project worked 1500 people. The conditions were not easy. About safety took care of little. Due to the fact that it was necessary to work at height, many builders were broken. About 250 people received serious injuries. Wounds of eight men were incompatible with life.

The dimensions of the "Titanic" were amazed. Its length was 269 m, width 28 m, height 18 m. It could develop speed up to 23 knots.

On the day when the liner was descended to the water, 10,000 spectators were gathered on the embankment, among whom were VIP guests and the press to see an unusually large ship,

Previously announced the date of the first flight. Swimming was scheduled for March 20, 1912. But due to the collision of the first vessel in September 1911, a part of the employees were transferred to Olympic to the Khoek cruiser. Automatically transferred to April 10. It is from this number that the fateful story of "Titanic" begins.


His height was equated to the eleven-story house, and the length was four quarters of the city. Phones, elevators, own electric grid, garden, hospital, shops - all this was placed on the ship. Elegant rooms, sophisticated restaurants, a library, a swimming pool and gym - everything was available to the highest society, first class passengers. Other customers lived modest. The most expensive tickets were worth it, with recalculation to today, more than 50,000 dollars. Economical Option OT

The history of "Titanic" is the story of different layers of the then society. Dear cabins occupied successful, famous personalities. Tickets for the second class bought engineers, journalists, representatives of the clergy. The cheapest decks were for emigrants.

Landing began at 9:30 am on April 10 in London. After several scheduled stops, the liner took the course to New York. In total, 2208 people sat down on board.

Tragic meeting

Immediately after entering the ocean, the team realized that there were no binoculars on the ship. The key from the box in which they were kept, was absent. The ship followed the safest route. He was chosen depending on the season. In the spring, the water was full of icebergs, but they theoretically could not hurt the liner strongly. Nevertheless, the captain gave an order to drive on all pairs "Titanic". As the ship sank, who, according to the owners, it was impossible to sink, later they told the passengers who were lucky to survive.

The first days of swimming were quiet. But already on April 14, radists received repeated warnings about icebergs, which were more ignored. In addition, the temperature significantly lowered the temperature. As you know, the team did without binoculars, also such a grand ship was not equipped with spotlights. Therefore, Iceberg noticed forward seeing 650 meters from myself. The man sued a bridge, where the first assistant Merrock gave the order: "Rotate to the left" and "to start the rear move." Next followed the command: "Right". But the nervous ship was slow in maneuvers. Board collided with Iceberg. That is why the Titanic wreck occurred.

Not heard disaster signal

The clash happened at 23:40, when people had already slept almost. On the upper deck, the blow was invisible. But the bottom shocked pretty. The ice shifted 5 departments, they instantly began to be filled with water. In general, the length of the hole was 90 meters. The designer said that with such damage, the ship would last a little more than an hour. The crew was preparing for urgent evacuation. Radines passed the SOS signal.

The captain gave an order to plant in the boat of women and children. The team itself also wanted to survive, so strong sailors took in the hands of the oars. First of all, the rich passengers of "Titanic" were saved. But there was not enough places for everyone.

From the very beginning, the liner was not sufficiently staffed with everything necessary. Maximum, there could be 1,100 people. In the first minutes, it was absolutely imminent that the ship began to go to the bottom, so the relaxed passengers did not understand what was happening, and reluctantly climbed into the semi-empty boats.

Last moments of a miracle

When the nose of the liner leaned greatly, mass panic increased among passengers.

The third class was left closed in their part. The riots began, and people were trying to escape in horror, who could. The guard tried to clean up and frightened the crowd with shots from pistols.

At that time, a steamer "Californian" took place nearby, but he did not take a signal about help from a neighboring vessel. Their radist has slept. As the "Titanic" sound, and at what speed he walked for the bottom, knew only the "Carpathians", which with headed in their direction.

Despite the disaster signals, independent attempts to escape did not stop. Pumps pumped out water, there was still electricity. At 2:15 fell a pipe. Next, went out light. Experts believe that the liner ripped in half, because the nasal part scored water and sank. The feed first rose up, and then under the pressure of his own weight, the ship broke.

Cold in the abyss

Nose shattered quickly. Feed for a few minutes also went under water. But at the same time its casing, the case, the furniture flooded up. At 2:20, the Great Vessel "Titanic" was completely under water. As the ship sank, today there are dozens of artistic and documentaries.

Some passengers diligently tried to survive. Dozens of jumped in vests into black abyss. But the ocean was ruthless to man. Almost everyone froze to death. After some time, two boats returned, but units were left alive at the scene. An hour later, "Carpathians" arrived and picked up those who remained.

Together with the ship, the captain went to the bottom. 712 people were saved from all who bought a ticket to Titanic. The dead 1496, mostly, were representatives of the third class, the people who in this journey wanted to touch something unless and desired.

Scam century

Two Olimpik class vessels were built on a single project. After the first ship went into swim, all its flaws got out. So, management decided to add some details to Titanic. Reduced the place for walking, completed cabins. Cafe joined the restaurant. To protect the passengers from bad weather, the deck closed. As a result, an external difference appeared, although it was not necessary to distinguish it from the Olympic liner.

The version of the fact that "Titanic" was not accidental at the water, Robin Rardiner unveiled, the AC in matters of shipping. According to his theory, a senior and beaten "Olympic" was sent to swimming.

Ship substitution

The first liner was laid on the water without insurance. Having survived several accidents, it became an unpleasant cargo for the company. Continuous repairs required colossal funds. After the damage caused to him with the cruis, the ship was again sent on vacation. Then it was decided to replace the old ship new, which was insured and very similar to the "Titanic". As the liner sank, it is known, but few people know that after the tragedy, White Star Line received round compensation.

It was not hard to arrange a disaster. Both vessels were in one place. Olimpika made cosmetic repairs, rebuilt the deck and glued a new name. The hole was cheap steel, which weakens in ice water.

Confirmation of the theory

An important evidence of the veracity version is undeniable facts. For example, the fact that world magnates and successful, rich people have sharply and unfortunately abandoned the long-awaited travel on the eve. Among them was the company's owner John Pierpont Morgan. Only 55 first class clients canceled tickets. Also from the liner were removed all expensive paintings, decorations, gold reserves and treasures. There is a thought that the privileged passengers of the Titanic knew some kind of secret.

Interestingly, the captain appointed Smith, who still walked on Olympic. He repeatedly noted that this is his last flight in life. The surrounding perceived words literally because the sailor was going to retire. Researchers believe that it was punishment by the commodity for past mistakes on the previous ship.

Many questions arise and because of the first assistant Captain William Merudok, who ordered to turn to the left and turn on the reverse. The correct solution in such a situation would go straight and point the nose. In this case, the "Titanic" did not turn out to be at the bottom.

Curse Mummy

For years we went stories that irrelevant treasures remained on board. Among them and the mummy of the provisions of Pharaoh Amenhotep. Another 3000 years ago, a woman predicted that her body would fall under the water and this would happen under the cries of innocent people. But skeptics do not consider the prophecy of truthful, although they do not exclude that the mysters of "Titanic" are not yet open.

There is such a version: the catastrophe is planned to suspend the technical but this theory is even less believable than the Mummy's myth.

The ruins lie at a depth of 3750 meters. Dozens of graceful dives were carried out to Lainera. In the researcher group, James Cameron was repeatedly - a film director of the famous film.

It has been a century, and the secrets of "Titanic" are still interested and exciteed humanity.

"Titanic" (English. Titanic) is the British transatlantic steamer, the second liner of the Olympic class. Built in Belfast at the shipyard "Harland & Woolf" from 1909 to 1912 by order of the shipping company "White Star Line".

At the time of commissioning was the largest ship in the world.

On the night of April 14-15, 1912, during the first flight failed in North Atlantic, faced with Iceberg.

Information about the vessel

"Titanic" was equipped with two four-cylinder steam machines and a steam turbine.

  • All power plant possessed a capacity of 55,000 liters. from.
  • The ship could develop speed up to 23 knots (42 km / h).
  • Its displacement exceeding the twin steamer "Olympic" on 243 tons was 52 310 tons.
  • The hull of the vessel was made of steel.
  • The hold and the lower decks were divided into 16 compartments by bulkheads with hermetic doors.
  • In case of damage to the bottom, the water intake in the compartments prevented the double bottom.

The "Shipbilder" magazine called "Titanic" practically unspexed, this statement was widely distributed in the press and among the public.

In accordance with the obsolete rules "Titanic" was equipped with 20 rescue boats, a total capacity of 1178 people, which was only a third of the maximum loading of the steamer.

Cabins and public premises "Titanic" were divided into three classes.

The first-class passenger services featured a swimming pool, a squash court, a restaurant and La Carte, two cafes, a gym. In all classes there were dining and smoking salons, open and closed promenade. The most luxurious and sophisticated first-class interiors, made in various artistic styles using expensive materials, such as a red tree, gilding, stained glass, silk and others. The cabins and the third-class salons were made as simple as possible: the steel walls were painted white or weathered with wooden panels.

1 On 0 April 1912, Titanic went from Southampton to his first and only flight. Having stopped in French Sherbour and Irish Quincenown, the ship entered the Atlantic Ocean with 1317 passengers and 908 crew members on board. Commanded by the vessel captain Edward Smith. On April 14, the Titanic radio station adopted seven ice warnings, but the liner continued to move almost at the limit speed. To avoid meeting with floating ice, the captain ordered to go a little south of the usual route.

  • At 23:39 April 14, he literally reported to the captain's bridge about Iceberg right at the rate. Less than a minute collision occurred. After receiving a few slots, the steamer began to sink. The boat was planted primarily women and children.
  • At 2:20 am April 15, broke into two parts, "Titanic" sank, having carried out a life of 1496 people. 712 Saved people picked up a steamer "Carpathians".

The debris "Titanic" rest at a depth of 3750 m. For the first time, they found them the expedition of Robert Ballard in 1985. Subsequent expeditions raised from the bottom of thousands of artifacts. The nasal and fodder parts were deeply gone into the bottom Il and are in a deplorable state, approaching them to the surface is not possible.

Steamer "Titanic"

The catastrophe claimed life, according to various sources, from 1495 to 1635 people. Until December 20, 1987, when the collapse of the Philippine ferry "Dona Paz", an inlex of life more than 4,000 people, the death of Titanic remained large in the number of dead catastrophes at the sea in peacetime. Informally is the most famous catastrophe of the XX century.

Alternative vehicle death versions

And now - alternative versions, each of which has its adherents in the World Masteners Club.


Fire in the coal compartment, arising before sailing and provoked an explosion first, and then a collision with Iceberg. The owners of the vessel knew about fire and tried to hide him from passengers. The British journalist Shanan Moloni nominated such a version, writes The Independent. MOLERS For more than 30 years, investigates the causes of the collapse of the "Titanic".

In particular, he studied the photographs taken before the ship came out of the shipyard in Belfast. The journalist saw black labels along the right side of the ship's hull - just where Iceberg struck him. Subsequently, the experts confirmed traces were probably caused by the fire in the fuel storage. "We looked at exactly the place in which Iceberg stuck, and it seems that this part of the body has been very vulnerable in this place, and this happened before he left the shipyard in Belfast," says Moloni. A team of 12 people tried to put out the flame, but it was too big to quickly take it under control. It could reach a temperature of up to 1000 degrees Celsius, which made the Titanic Case in this place very vulnerable. And when he hit the ice, the experts celebrate, immediately broke. The publication also added that the guide of the liner forbade talking about the fire passengers. "This is the perfect coincidence of unusual factors: fire, ice and criminal negligence. No one investigated these labels before. It completely changes the story, "says Moloni.


Conspiracy theory: This is not at all "Titanic"! This version was nominated by specialists to study the causes of the death of the vessel by Robin Gardiner and Dan Van der Watt, published in the book "Titanic Mystery". According to this theory, the Titanic, and his twin brother "Olympic" is not at all. These vessels on the view were practically no difference from each other. On September 20, 1911, Olympic collided with the cruiser of the British fleet "Hawk", as a result of which both ship were seriously damaged. Olympics owners suffered large losses, as those damage that the "Olympic" was pronounced for insurance payments.

The theory is based on the assumption of possible fraud in order to obtain insurance payments by the owners of "Titanic". According to this version, the owners of Titanic intends to send Olimpik to the area of \u200b\u200bthe possible appearance of ice and at the same time convinced the Captain not to reduce the speed so that the ship was seriously damaged when a collision with an ice bard. At first, it was supported by the fact that from the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, where the "Titanic" lies, a sufficiently large number of items were raised, but nothing was found, which would be the name "Titanic". This theory was refuted after the details were raised on the surface, on which the onboard (construction) number "Titanic" was knocked down - 401. Olimpika, the onboard number was 400. In addition, the onboard number "Titanic" was discovered and On the rowing screw of the sunken vessel. And even despite this, the theory of conspiracy still remains a number of followers.

German attack

1912 To the First World War, two years remains, and the prospect of armed conflict between Germany and the UK is becoming more likely. Germany is the owner of several dozen submarine, which during the war unfolding the ruthless hunt for enemy ships trying to cross the ocean. For example, the reason for the entry of America to the war will be the fact that the submarine U-20 will sweep in 1915 "Lusitania" - a twig of the most "Mauritania" that set the speed record and won the "blue ribbon of the Atlantic" - remember?

Based on these facts, some Western publications were offered in the middle of the nineties their version of the death of "Titanic": a torpedo attack by the German submarine, secretly accompanying the liner. The purpose of the attack was discrediting the British fleet, famous for its power to the whole world. In accordance with this theory, "Titanic", whether it did not come across the iceberg at all, whether he received very minor damage in a collision and would be afloat if the Germans did not finish the ship Torpeda.

What does this version speak in favor of this version? Honestly, nothing.

The collision with Iceberg was - this is not subject to doubt. The deck of the vessel even fell asleep with snow and ice crumb. Cheerful passengers started playing playing in football - that the ship is doomed, it becomes clear later. The collision itself passed surprisingly quietly - almost no one felt him from the passengers. Torpeda, you will agree, it could hardly explode completely silently (especially since some assure that the submarine released six torpedoes by the ship!).

Supporters of the theory of the German attack claim, however, that people in the boats heard a terrible roar before the dive of "Titanic" - well, it was two and a half hours later, when the feed and death of the vessel did not cause any doubt over the water. It is unlikely that the Germans would have released a torpedo on almost a sunken ship, isn't it? And the roar that heard was heard, was explained by the fact that the feed of "Titanic" rose almost vertically and had huge steam boilers from his places. Also, you should not forget that about the same minutes "Titanic" broke in half - Kiel could not resist the weight of the rising feed (however, learn about it only after finding a liner at the bottom: the result was lower than the water level below), and this also happened silently . And why did the passenger liner be trapped in two years before the start of the war, would be a passenger liner? It seems to be mildly, doubtful. And speaking straight - absurd.

A curse

Mystical version: Pharaoh Curse. It is known for certain that one of the historians, Lord Centerville transported on the "Titanic" in a wooden box, the well-preserved Egyptian mummy priestess - Jewelrs. Since the mummy had a fairly high historical and cultural value, it was not placed in the hold, but was placed directly near the captain's bridge. The essence of the theory is that the mummy influenced Captain Smith's Capital, which, despite numerous ice warnings in the area where the "Titanic sailed", did not drop the speed and thus the vessel on the faithful death. In favor of this version, known cases of the mysterious death of people disturbing the peace of ancient burials, especially the mummified Egyptian rulers. Moreover, death were associated with turbidity of the reason, as a result of which people made inadequate actions, often had cases of suicide. Pharaoh put her hand to the death of "Titanic"?

Steering error

One of the latest versions of the death of Titanic deserves special attention. She appeared after the romance of the granddaughter of the second assistant Captain "Titanica" was published, Ch. Lytoller Lady Patten "on the weight of gold." According to the version put forward by patented in his book, the vessel had enough time to evade the obstacle, but the steering Robert Hitchens panicked and turned the steering wheel not to the other side.

A catastrophic error led to the fact that the iceberg caused damage vessel, which became fatal for him. The truth is that actually happened in that fateful night, kept secret in the Lightoller family - the oldest of the surviving officers of Titanic and the only survivors who knew exactly what was the cause of the death of the vessel. Lytoller hid this information from the concerns that the company "White Star Line", which belonged to the ship will go bankrupt, and his colleagues will lose work. The only person who Lytoller told the truth, was his wife Sylvia, who passed the words of her husband her granddaughter. In addition, according to Patten, such a large and reliable liner, as "Titanic," sank so quickly because after a collision with an ice block, he was not immediately stopped, and the speed of water flow into the holds increased hundreds of times. The liner was not immediately stopped, because the manager of the company "White Star Line" Bruce Ismey convinced the captain to continue swimming. He feared the fact that the incident could cause a considerable material damage headed by the company.

Chase for the "Blue Ribbon of Atlantic"

There was still a lot of supporters of this theory, especially among the writers, because it appeared in writing circles. Blue Ribbon of Atlantic is a prestigious prize in shipping, awarded to the ocean liners for a record speed of intersection of the North Atlantic.

In the time of the "Titanic", this prize has a vessel "Mauritania" of the company "Kunard", which, by the way, was the founder of this award, as well as the main competitor of the company "White Old Line". In defense of this theory, the opinion is nominated that the President of which belonged to Titanic, the Captain "Titanic" Smith arrived in New York for a day before the last time and get the honorary prize. This allegedly explains the high speed of the vessel in the dangerous area of \u200b\u200bthe Atlantic. But this theory can easily be refuted, because the "Titanic" was simply physically able to develop the speed of 26 knots, on which the "Mauritania" of Kunard company put a record, extending, by the way, more than 10 years after the catastrophe in the Atlantic.

But how was it really?

No matter how regrettable, but, studying the story of the most famous marine catastrophe, has to admit that with its death "Titanic" owes a long chain of fatal accidents. If at least one link of the sinister chain was destroyed, the tragedy would be able to avoid.

Perhaps the first link was the successful beginning of the journey - yes - yes, that's the way. In the morning of the tenth of April, during the departure of "Titanic" from the gentle wall of the Southampton port, the superliner was too close to the American ship "New York", and there was a phenomenon known in navigation as a sorting of ships: "New York" began to attract to a moving nearby "Titanic". However, thanks to the skill of Captain Edward Smith collision managed to avoid.

Ironically, it would be a crash, she would save one and a half lives: if the "Titanic" was delayed in the port, the ill-fated meeting with Iceberg did not happen.

This time. It should be mentioned that Radines who took the message from the Mesab's vessel about iceberg ice fields did not give His Edward Smith: the telegram was not marked with a special prefix "Personally Captain", and launched in the papers. These are two.

Nevertheless, this message was not the only one, and the captain knew about the ice danger. Why did he not slow down the ship's course? The pursuit of the "Blue Ribbon", of course, is the matter of honor (and, more importantly, a big business), but why did he risk the life of passengers? Yes, not so risked, on the moment. In those years, the captains of ocean liners often passed dangerous areas, without reducing speed: it was like moving the road to the red light: it seems, and you can not do that, but always it turns out. Almost always.

To honor Captain Smith I must say that he remained faithful by sea traditions and stayed on a dyful ship to the very end.

But why wasn't the rod of Iceberg noticed? It all developed one to one: munually, dark night, windless weather. If there would be a small waves on the water stroit, we could see the white lambs at the foot of the iceberg. The calm and the madless night are two more focal chains.

As it turned out later, the chain was continued by the fact that Iceberg was shortwneeling shortly before the collision with "Titanic" turned over with his underwater, with a dark part, because of which at night, it was almost no visible (ordinary, White Iceberg would be distinguished for Mile ). The sentient selected it only for 450 meters, and almost no time for maneuver remains. Maybe Iceberg would have been seen earlier, but the next link of the fatal chain played the role here - in the "Voroniene Nest" did not turn out to be binoculars. The box where they were kept, turned out to be locked, and the key from him in a hurry captured with him the second assistant captain with his vessel before the departure.

After the tripmark still saw the danger and reported on Iceberg to the captain's bridge, before the collision remained a little more half-minute. The wrapal officer of the Mordo, who is on the watch, gave the steering order to turn the left, while simultaneously passing the team "Full back" into the engine room. Thus, he made a gross mistake by adding another link in the chain, led by the liner to death: Even if the "Titanic" crashed into the iceberg forehead in the forehead, the tragedy would be less. It would be killed the nose of the ship, part of the team would die and those passengers whose cabins were located ahead. But only two waterproof compartments would be flooded. With such damage, the liner would remain afloat and could wait for the help of other vessels.

And if the Morradok, turning the ship to the left, ordered to increase, and not reduce the speed, collision, maybe there would be no way. However, frankly, the order for changing the speed is unlikely to play a significant role here: in thirty seconds it was hardly time to fulfill in the engine room.

So the collision happened. Iceberg damaged the fragile trim of the ship along the six right side compartments.

Looking ahead, let's say that we can escape only by seven hundreds of four: the next link chain fails was that some sailors have literally understood the Captain's order to plant in the boat of women and children, and did not let the men there, even if there were free places. However, at first no one especially and did not rush in the boat. The passengers did not understand what was the matter, and did not want to leave a huge, cozy, such a reliable liner and it is not clear why descend in a small unstable boat down, to ice water. However, quite soon anyone could have noticed that the deck was increasingly looked forward, and panic began.

But why was such a monstrous discrepancy between saving boats? Titanic's owners, praising the advantages of the new ship, stated that they even exceeded the instructions of the Code: instead of the 962 rescue places on the ship were 1178. The inconsistency of this number with the number of passengers on board the value, alas, did not attach.

Especially bitterly, which is not far from the dying "Titanic" stood, losing ice danger, another passenger steamer, "Californian". A few hours ago, he announced the neighboring vessels, which was locked with ice and forced to stop, so as accidentally evaporate to the ice bluing. A radist with the "Titanic", which he almost stunned by Morolanka with Californian (ships were very close, and the signal of one too loudly responded in the other headphones), it was impolitely interrupted a warning: "Flight to the line, you interfere with me to work!". What was the "Titanic" radioist so busy?

The fact is that in those years, radio communication on the vessel was rather luxury than the urgent need, and this miracle of technology initiated a great interest in the wealthy public. From the very beginning of the flight of the radistians, literally poured the messages of a private nature - and no one saw anything reprehensible in fact that the radioists of Titanic paid such attention to rich passengers who wished to send telegram to Earth directly from the side of the liner. So at that moment, when colleagues from other vessels reported on floating ice, the radio station passed the next message to the continent. Radiocommunication was more like an expensive toy than a serious tool: a 24-hour watch from the radio station was not even established on the ships of that time.

"Titanic" (English. Titanic) is the British transatlantic steamer, the second liner of the Olympic class. Built in Belfast at the shipyard "Harland & Woolf" from 1909 to 1912 by order of the shipping company "White Star Line".

At the time of commissioning was the largest ship in the world.

On the night of April 14-15, 1912, during the first flight failed in North Atlantic, faced with Iceberg.

Information about the vessel

"Titanic" was equipped with two four-cylinder steam machines and a steam turbine.

  • All power plant possessed a capacity of 55,000 liters. from.
  • The ship could develop speed up to 23 knots (42 km / h).
  • Its displacement exceeding the twin steamer "Olympic" on 243 tons was 52 310 tons.
  • The hull of the vessel was made of steel.
  • The hold and the lower decks were divided into 16 compartments by bulkheads with hermetic doors.
  • In case of damage to the bottom, the water intake in the compartments prevented the double bottom.

The "Shipbilder" magazine called "Titanic" practically unspexed, this statement was widely distributed in the press and among the public.

In accordance with the obsolete rules "Titanic" was equipped with 20 rescue boats, a total capacity of 1178 people, which was only a third of the maximum loading of the steamer.

Cabins and public premises "Titanic" were divided into three classes.

The first-class passenger services featured a swimming pool, a squash court, a restaurant and La Carte, two cafes, a gym. In all classes there were dining and smoking salons, open and closed promenade. The most luxurious and sophisticated first-class interiors, made in various artistic styles using expensive materials, such as a red tree, gilding, stained glass, silk and others. The cabins and the third-class salons were made as simple as possible: the steel walls were painted white or weathered with wooden panels.

1 On 0 April 1912, Titanic went from Southampton to his first and only flight. Having stopped in French Sherbour and Irish Quincenown, the ship entered the Atlantic Ocean with 1317 passengers and 908 crew members on board. Commanded by the vessel captain Edward Smith. On April 14, the Titanic radio station adopted seven ice warnings, but the liner continued to move almost at the limit speed. To avoid meeting with floating ice, the captain ordered to go a little south of the usual route.

  • At 23:39 April 14, he literally reported to the captain's bridge about Iceberg right at the rate. Less than a minute collision occurred. After receiving a few slots, the steamer began to sink. The boat was planted primarily women and children.
  • At 2:20 am April 15, broke into two parts, "Titanic" sank, having carried out a life of 1496 people. 712 Saved people picked up a steamer "Carpathians".

The debris "Titanic" rest at a depth of 3750 m. For the first time, they found them the expedition of Robert Ballard in 1985. Subsequent expeditions raised from the bottom of thousands of artifacts. The nasal and fodder parts were deeply gone into the bottom Il and are in a deplorable state, approaching them to the surface is not possible.

Steamer "Titanic"

The catastrophe claimed life, according to various sources, from 1495 to 1635 people. Until December 20, 1987, when the collapse of the Philippine ferry "Dona Paz", an inlex of life more than 4,000 people, the death of Titanic remained large in the number of dead catastrophes at the sea in peacetime. Informally is the most famous catastrophe of the XX century.

Alternative vehicle death versions

And now - alternative versions, each of which has its adherents in the World Masteners Club.


Fire in the coal compartment, arising before sailing and provoked an explosion first, and then a collision with Iceberg. The owners of the vessel knew about fire and tried to hide him from passengers. The British journalist Shanan Moloni nominated such a version, writes The Independent. MOLERS For more than 30 years, investigates the causes of the collapse of the "Titanic".

In particular, he studied the photographs taken before the ship came out of the shipyard in Belfast. The journalist saw black labels along the right side of the ship's hull - just where Iceberg struck him. Subsequently, the experts confirmed traces were probably caused by the fire in the fuel storage. "We looked at exactly the place in which Iceberg stuck, and it seems that this part of the body has been very vulnerable in this place, and this happened before he left the shipyard in Belfast," says Moloni. A team of 12 people tried to put out the flame, but it was too big to quickly take it under control. It could reach a temperature of up to 1000 degrees Celsius, which made the Titanic Case in this place very vulnerable. And when he hit the ice, the experts celebrate, immediately broke. The publication also added that the guide of the liner forbade talking about the fire passengers. "This is the perfect coincidence of unusual factors: fire, ice and criminal negligence. No one investigated these labels before. It completely changes the story, "says Moloni.


Conspiracy theory: This is not at all "Titanic"! This version was nominated by specialists to study the causes of the death of the vessel by Robin Gardiner and Dan Van der Watt, published in the book "Titanic Mystery". According to this theory, the Titanic, and his twin brother "Olympic" is not at all. These vessels on the view were practically no difference from each other. On September 20, 1911, Olympic collided with the cruiser of the British fleet "Hawk", as a result of which both ship were seriously damaged. Olympics owners suffered large losses, as those damage that the "Olympic" was pronounced for insurance payments.

The theory is based on the assumption of possible fraud in order to obtain insurance payments by the owners of "Titanic". According to this version, the owners of Titanic intends to send Olimpik to the area of \u200b\u200bthe possible appearance of ice and at the same time convinced the Captain not to reduce the speed so that the ship was seriously damaged when a collision with an ice bard. At first, it was supported by the fact that from the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, where the "Titanic" lies, a sufficiently large number of items were raised, but nothing was found, which would be the name "Titanic". This theory was refuted after the details were raised on the surface, on which the onboard (construction) number "Titanic" was knocked down - 401. Olimpika, the onboard number was 400. In addition, the onboard number "Titanic" was discovered and On the rowing screw of the sunken vessel. And even despite this, the theory of conspiracy still remains a number of followers.

German attack

1912 To the First World War, two years remains, and the prospect of armed conflict between Germany and the UK is becoming more likely. Germany is the owner of several dozen submarine, which during the war unfolding the ruthless hunt for enemy ships trying to cross the ocean. For example, the reason for the entry of America to the war will be the fact that the submarine U-20 will sweep in 1915 "Lusitania" - a twig of the most "Mauritania" that set the speed record and won the "blue ribbon of the Atlantic" - remember?

Based on these facts, some Western publications were offered in the middle of the nineties their version of the death of "Titanic": a torpedo attack by the German submarine, secretly accompanying the liner. The purpose of the attack was discrediting the British fleet, famous for its power to the whole world. In accordance with this theory, "Titanic", whether it did not come across the iceberg at all, whether he received very minor damage in a collision and would be afloat if the Germans did not finish the ship Torpeda.

What does this version speak in favor of this version? Honestly, nothing.

The collision with Iceberg was - this is not subject to doubt. The deck of the vessel even fell asleep with snow and ice crumb. Cheerful passengers started playing playing in football - that the ship is doomed, it becomes clear later. The collision itself passed surprisingly quietly - almost no one felt him from the passengers. Torpeda, you will agree, it could hardly explode completely silently (especially since some assure that the submarine released six torpedoes by the ship!).

Supporters of the theory of the German attack claim, however, that people in the boats heard a terrible roar before the dive of "Titanic" - well, it was two and a half hours later, when the feed and death of the vessel did not cause any doubt over the water. It is unlikely that the Germans would have released a torpedo on almost a sunken ship, isn't it? And the roar that heard was heard, was explained by the fact that the feed of "Titanic" rose almost vertically and had huge steam boilers from his places. Also, you should not forget that about the same minutes "Titanic" broke in half - Kiel could not resist the weight of the rising feed (however, learn about it only after finding a liner at the bottom: the result was lower than the water level below), and this also happened silently . And why did the passenger liner be trapped in two years before the start of the war, would be a passenger liner? It seems to be mildly, doubtful. And speaking straight - absurd.

A curse

Mystical version: Pharaoh Curse. It is known for certain that one of the historians, Lord Centerville transported on the "Titanic" in a wooden box, the well-preserved Egyptian mummy priestess - Jewelrs. Since the mummy had a fairly high historical and cultural value, it was not placed in the hold, but was placed directly near the captain's bridge. The essence of the theory is that the mummy influenced Captain Smith's Capital, which, despite numerous ice warnings in the area where the "Titanic sailed", did not drop the speed and thus the vessel on the faithful death. In favor of this version, known cases of the mysterious death of people disturbing the peace of ancient burials, especially the mummified Egyptian rulers. Moreover, death were associated with turbidity of the reason, as a result of which people made inadequate actions, often had cases of suicide. Pharaoh put her hand to the death of "Titanic"?

Steering error

One of the latest versions of the death of Titanic deserves special attention. She appeared after the romance of the granddaughter of the second assistant Captain "Titanica" was published, Ch. Lytoller Lady Patten "on the weight of gold." According to the version put forward by patented in his book, the vessel had enough time to evade the obstacle, but the steering Robert Hitchens panicked and turned the steering wheel not to the other side.

A catastrophic error led to the fact that the iceberg caused damage vessel, which became fatal for him. The truth is that actually happened in that fateful night, kept secret in the Lightoller family - the oldest of the surviving officers of Titanic and the only survivors who knew exactly what was the cause of the death of the vessel. Lytoller hid this information from the concerns that the company "White Star Line", which belonged to the ship will go bankrupt, and his colleagues will lose work. The only person who Lytoller told the truth, was his wife Sylvia, who passed the words of her husband her granddaughter. In addition, according to Patten, such a large and reliable liner, as "Titanic," sank so quickly because after a collision with an ice block, he was not immediately stopped, and the speed of water flow into the holds increased hundreds of times. The liner was not immediately stopped, because the manager of the company "White Star Line" Bruce Ismey convinced the captain to continue swimming. He feared the fact that the incident could cause a considerable material damage headed by the company.

Chase for the "Blue Ribbon of Atlantic"

There was still a lot of supporters of this theory, especially among the writers, because it appeared in writing circles. Blue Ribbon of Atlantic is a prestigious prize in shipping, awarded to the ocean liners for a record speed of intersection of the North Atlantic.

In the time of the "Titanic", this prize has a vessel "Mauritania" of the company "Kunard", which, by the way, was the founder of this award, as well as the main competitor of the company "White Old Line". In defense of this theory, the opinion is nominated that the President of which belonged to Titanic, the Captain "Titanic" Smith arrived in New York for a day before the last time and get the honorary prize. This allegedly explains the high speed of the vessel in the dangerous area of \u200b\u200bthe Atlantic. But this theory can easily be refuted, because the "Titanic" was simply physically able to develop the speed of 26 knots, on which the "Mauritania" of Kunard company put a record, extending, by the way, more than 10 years after the catastrophe in the Atlantic.

But how was it really?

No matter how regrettable, but, studying the story of the most famous marine catastrophe, has to admit that with its death "Titanic" owes a long chain of fatal accidents. If at least one link of the sinister chain was destroyed, the tragedy would be able to avoid.

Perhaps the first link was the successful beginning of the journey - yes - yes, that's the way. In the morning of the tenth of April, during the departure of "Titanic" from the gentle wall of the Southampton port, the superliner was too close to the American ship "New York", and there was a phenomenon known in navigation as a sorting of ships: "New York" began to attract to a moving nearby "Titanic". However, thanks to the skill of Captain Edward Smith collision managed to avoid.

Ironically, it would be a crash, she would save one and a half lives: if the "Titanic" was delayed in the port, the ill-fated meeting with Iceberg did not happen.

This time. It should be mentioned that Radines who took the message from the Mesab's vessel about iceberg ice fields did not give His Edward Smith: the telegram was not marked with a special prefix "Personally Captain", and launched in the papers. These are two.

Nevertheless, this message was not the only one, and the captain knew about the ice danger. Why did he not slow down the ship's course? The pursuit of the "Blue Ribbon", of course, is the matter of honor (and, more importantly, a big business), but why did he risk the life of passengers? Yes, not so risked, on the moment. In those years, the captains of ocean liners often passed dangerous areas, without reducing speed: it was like moving the road to the red light: it seems, and you can not do that, but always it turns out. Almost always.

To honor Captain Smith I must say that he remained faithful by sea traditions and stayed on a dyful ship to the very end.

But why wasn't the rod of Iceberg noticed? It all developed one to one: munually, dark night, windless weather. If there would be a small waves on the water stroit, we could see the white lambs at the foot of the iceberg. The calm and the madless night are two more focal chains.

As it turned out later, the chain was continued by the fact that Iceberg was shortwneeling shortly before the collision with "Titanic" turned over with his underwater, with a dark part, because of which at night, it was almost no visible (ordinary, White Iceberg would be distinguished for Mile ). The sentient selected it only for 450 meters, and almost no time for maneuver remains. Maybe Iceberg would have been seen earlier, but the next link of the fatal chain played the role here - in the "Voroniene Nest" did not turn out to be binoculars. The box where they were kept, turned out to be locked, and the key from him in a hurry captured with him the second assistant captain with his vessel before the departure.

After the tripmark still saw the danger and reported on Iceberg to the captain's bridge, before the collision remained a little more half-minute. The wrapal officer of the Mordo, who is on the watch, gave the steering order to turn the left, while simultaneously passing the team "Full back" into the engine room. Thus, he made a gross mistake by adding another link in the chain, led by the liner to death: Even if the "Titanic" crashed into the iceberg forehead in the forehead, the tragedy would be less. It would be killed the nose of the ship, part of the team would die and those passengers whose cabins were located ahead. But only two waterproof compartments would be flooded. With such damage, the liner would remain afloat and could wait for the help of other vessels.

And if the Morradok, turning the ship to the left, ordered to increase, and not reduce the speed, collision, maybe there would be no way. However, frankly, the order for changing the speed is unlikely to play a significant role here: in thirty seconds it was hardly time to fulfill in the engine room.

So the collision happened. Iceberg damaged the fragile trim of the ship along the six right side compartments.

Looking ahead, let's say that we can escape only by seven hundreds of four: the next link chain fails was that some sailors have literally understood the Captain's order to plant in the boat of women and children, and did not let the men there, even if there were free places. However, at first no one especially and did not rush in the boat. The passengers did not understand what was the matter, and did not want to leave a huge, cozy, such a reliable liner and it is not clear why descend in a small unstable boat down, to ice water. However, quite soon anyone could have noticed that the deck was increasingly looked forward, and panic began.

But why was such a monstrous discrepancy between saving boats? Titanic's owners, praising the advantages of the new ship, stated that they even exceeded the instructions of the Code: instead of the 962 rescue places on the ship were 1178. The inconsistency of this number with the number of passengers on board the value, alas, did not attach.

Especially bitterly, which is not far from the dying "Titanic" stood, losing ice danger, another passenger steamer, "Californian". A few hours ago, he announced the neighboring vessels, which was locked with ice and forced to stop, so as accidentally evaporate to the ice bluing. A radist with the "Titanic", which he almost stunned by Morolanka with Californian (ships were very close, and the signal of one too loudly responded in the other headphones), it was impolitely interrupted a warning: "Flight to the line, you interfere with me to work!". What was the "Titanic" radioist so busy?

The fact is that in those years, radio communication on the vessel was rather luxury than the urgent need, and this miracle of technology initiated a great interest in the wealthy public. From the very beginning of the flight of the radistians, literally poured the messages of a private nature - and no one saw anything reprehensible in fact that the radioists of Titanic paid such attention to rich passengers who wished to send telegram to Earth directly from the side of the liner. So at that moment, when colleagues from other vessels reported on floating ice, the radio station passed the next message to the continent. Radiocommunication was more like an expensive toy than a serious tool: a 24-hour watch from the radio station was not even established on the ships of that time.

Incredible facts

The death of Titanic is one of the main tragedies of the 20th century.

This is a terrible event OKroad A variety of myths, speculations and rumors.

But few people know what happened to the passengers of the fateful flight, who managed to survive in the most terrible marine catastrophe of the century.

The next selection of documentary photos will give a complete picture of what happened next with those who managed to escape from a sinking ship.

Passengers of Titanic photos

Frederick Fleet (Frederick Fleet)

On this photo, the 24-year-old British Sailor Frederick Fleets a few days after the death of Titanic. The guy was the first to notice Iceberg.

He took part in the two world wars. In 1965, after a prolonged depression, the fleet brought abacus the life.

As for the events on the Titanic, the events developed approximately as follows:

On April 10, 1912, the ship entered its first and last swimming. A huge liner on all pairs rushed from Southampton to New York.

On April 14, 1912 at 23.39 in the evening, Friedrich Fleet, Iceberg noticed right at the rate, which eventually destroyed the Titanic.

Two hours and 40 minutes, faced with a huge bit, he went to the bottom.

Of the 2224 people aboard the "unspecified" ship, only about 700 people were fitted into the rescue boats, thanks to which there were alive.

The remaining 1500 people died, remaining on a sinking ship or died within a few minutes after entering the cold water of the northern part of the Atlantic Ocean.

Shortly before dawn on April 15, the flotilla of the survivors was noticed by a steamer of the Carpaution, which arrived at the place of the death of Titanic. By 9 am, all the remaining passengers were on board the Carpathians.

Photo Iceberg Titanica

Iceberg, Skilled Titanic.

The surviving Titanic passengers in boats swim to the ship of Carpathia, April 15, 1912.

All the same surviving passengers after shipwrecks in boats.

Sketch of a sinking Titanic.

Sketch of a sinking ship, drawn by the surviving passenger by John Tair (John B. Thayer). After some time, the drawings were complemented by Mr. P.L. Skidmore (P.L. Skidmore) already on board the steamer "Carpathy", April 1912.

The surviving passengers of the "Titanic" are trying to warm up on board the ship "Carpathia".

When Carpathia went to New York, it was decided to send radio messages. So the news about the enhancing tragedy spread pretty quickly.

People were shocked, the relatives of the passengers were in a panic. In search of information about their loved ones, they attacked the offices of the shipping company WHITE STAR LINE in New York, as well as in Southampton.

Some of the rich and famous surviving passengers and victims were identified before the arrival of the Carpathia to the port.

And here are close and native passengers of lower class, as well as the family of crew members continued to remain in the ignorance of the fate of their relatives.

The lack of connections did not allow them to learn the news immediately and they had to wait in the painful unknown.

Carpaution arrived in New York Harbor on a rainy evening on April 18. The ship was surrounded by more than 50 tugs, which were journalists. They shouted, duck out survivors, offering money for interviews first hands.

The reporter of one of the major American publications, which at that time was on board the "Carpathians", has already managed to interrogate the survivors. He placed his notes in a floating box for cigars and threw them into the water so that the editor of the publication could catch the message and get a sensation first.

After all rescue boats were launched on the water on the pier number 59, which belonged to White Star Line. The ship itself moored at the pier number 54. Under the torrential rain, the vessel met an alarmed crowd of 40,000 people.

People are waiting for news outside the office of the shipping company White Star Line in New York.

Rescue boats, thanks to which a few hundred people survived.

Rescue boats at the pier of the shipping company White Star Line in New York, April 1912.

People waiting for the arrival of the Carpathians in New York.

Huge crowds of relatives and loved ones are in the rain, expecting the arrival of the steamer "Carpathia" in New York, April 18, 1912

About 40 thousand people waiting for the Carpathians.

Those who managed to survive in the fatal flight on Titanic, in New York were met in the port of relatives and loved ones, as well as numerous media representatives.

Someone grieving about the dead, someone wanted to take an autograph, and someone tried to interview the survivors.

The next day, the US Senate convened a special hearing about the catastrophe in the Old Waldorf-Astoria hotel.

The entire carriage of the Titanic numbered 885 people, of which 724 people were from Southampton. From the fateful flight home did not return, at least 549 people.

Surviving crew members.

The surviving crew from left to right the first row: Ernest Archer, Friedrich Flit, Walter Perkis, George Simons and Frederick Klachen.

Second row:Arthur Bright, George Hogg, John Moore, Frank Osman and Henry etche.

People surrounded the survivor from the Titanic.

The crowd of people in the port of Devonport surrounded the man survived with the "Titanic" to hear from the first mouth, as everything was actually.

Payment of compensation victim.

April 1912.

J. Hanson, sitting on the right, the district secretary of the National Union of Sailors and Firefighters. People around him - a taking passengers of "Titanic" who receive compensation as victims in a catastrophe.

Relatives are waiting for the spent passengers of Titanic.

People wait at the Southampton railway platform of their relatives and close, surviving the Titanic crash.

Relatives in Southampton meet their loved ones.

Relatives are waiting for surviving crew members.

Relatives are waiting for surviving members of the Titanic crew, which should go ashore in Southampton.

People return to their homes in England. The catastrophe took 549 lives of crew members. Total from Southampton was 724 of those who worked on the vessel, starting with the sailor and ending with a cook or postman.

Relatives a few minutes before the meeting with surviving relatives.

Survivors on Titanic

Relatives greet the relatives who survived in the shipwreck arrived in Southampton.

The surviving crew member kisses a spouse that expected him on land in Plymouth, April 29, 1912.

Stewards at the dacha testimony after shipwreck.

The surviving stewards stand near the courthouse. They are invited to give the testimony of the commission engaged in the investigation of the Titanic catastrophe.

The surviving passenger "Titanic" gives autographs to passersby.

People who survived Titanic

25. Pasco brothers, crew members of the ill-fated vessel, was lucky to survive all four.

Titanic orphans

April 1912.

The miracle of those who had saved two kids at first could not identify.

Later, the children were identified as Michel (4 years) and Edmond (2 years) listed. To get to the ship, their father took the name Louis Hoffman and used for children fictional names Lolo and Mamon.

The Father, with whom children floated to New York, killed, as a result of which the difficulties arose with the real names of the brothers.

However, later, they, nevertheless, were able to identify and babies were safely reunited with their mother.

In this photo, already grown Edmond and Michelle crushed with her mother.

Operator Harold Thomas Coffin is interrogated by the Senate Committee in Waldorf-Astoria in New York, May 29, 1912.

29. Titanic child

Nurse holds a newborn Lucien P. Smith. His mother of Eloise was pregnant with them when he returned along with her husband after a honeymoon on board "Titanic".

The father of the kid died in a catastrophe.

Subsequently, Eloise married another surviving passenger of a terrible flight, Robert P. Daniel.

Finally, the photo of the Titanic itself, when he went into his first and last fatal flight ...