Flying mountains in China. National Park Zhangjiajie

Rocks Park Zhangjiajie


Evaluated the beauty of this part of the Mountain System of Wool'yuan and European tourists. They are recommended to plan their travels for autumn and spring, with the exception of early May and October, when national holidays are celebrated in China and the park fill the crowds of holidaymakers. In the summer, in the peak of the season, here is also very crowded: if you find desert corners during walks in the park it is still realistic, then squeezed into a crowded bus or stay without a place for overnight stays due to linings with booking - pleasure below average. In winter, rocky peaks look unusually spectacular, but walking along snow-covered mountain paths is simply dangerous.

A special popularity of the National Park Zhangjiajie brought the film James Kemeron "Avatar", where he performed as the scenery of the Pandora Planet. It is from the unusual cliffs of the park, thanks to special effects, fantastic mountains, soaring in the air, were created. To attract tourists and as a sign of appreciation to Kemeron for advertising, the Chinese in 2010 officially renamed the southern celestial column with a height of 1080 m in the mountain Aliluya avatar.

Frames from the film James Cameron "Avatar"

History of the name Zhangjiajie

Chinese scientists offer several variants of etymology of the name of the park, but most of the serious historians are inclined to the opinion that the name Zhang Lyana is hidden. This Optic Aristocrat played a prominent role in the formation of the Han dynasty, but was forced to hide in the vicinity of the future reserve along with his family in the second century BC. Here he died and was buried - this information is reliable, it is confirmed by numerous written sources. Legends begins for cargo tourists: the guests of the region still show a few graves Zhang Lyana in different parts of Hunani. The "Home" is located near the village of Zhangjiajie at the borders of the park.

National Park in Figures

Initially, in 1982, the park occupied the modest area of \u200b\u200bjust 4810 hectares. After 10 years, Mount Sla'yuan, and, together with them, Zhangjiajie, entered the UNESCO World Heritage List. After receiving international recognition, its dimensions increased to 130 kV km. It places 243 mountains. The average height of the cliffs is 800 m, but there are almost three-kilometer giants. The most popular observation deck, Huanshi, rises above the sea level by 1300 m, which lead exactly 3,800 steps to it. 19.4 m - the height of the largest stalagmitis in the cave Juanlong.

Rocks Zhangjiajie - a unique natural monument

At first glance, the cliffs resemble easily collapsing limestone, but the nature of their completely different. Mountains resembling gigantic curly candles appeared as a result of weathering of quartz sandstones and subversive work of plant roots, which, due to high humidity in Zhangjiajse, an indiscretion. They use the slightest opportunity to capture new territories: the slightly lowered ledge, so that it immediately occupied green swords. The vertices of the cliffs are covered with thick caps of coniferous rocks. When fog comes into the mountains, and in Zhangjiazz, it happens with enviable regularity, the full illusion of giant stone fragments soaring in the air is created.

999 Steps on Mount Tianmene

Main tourist routes

In National Park, Zhangjiajie laid a lot of tourist trail for every taste, but there are objects that need to be visited. First of all, this is the observation deck of the Huanshi and the source of the golden whip, stretching for 7.5 km long, is a real paradise for plants. The attractions are connected by the cable car, but there are no bus routes nearby, and all the load during the three-hour walk will fall on the legs of travelers. At the end of the Golden Knut, there is a review elevator Baylong - the roads are suitable for it.

Roads with glass floor

On Mount Tianmene, to the top of which 999 steps rise, the heavenly gates were built. For a strong spirit, roads are laid with glass flooring: the ticking nerves of the feeling of transition over the abyss are difficult to convey words.

Alternatively, those who are not ready to move a lot, offer a zone of yuanchsch with a spectacular charming terrace. A little more transitions are waiting for guests of the park in the central zone. Crowds of tourists penetrate the territory of the day, in the morning and in the evening here is relatively low. Night walks without accompaniment are not recommended for safety reasons, since the park is not covered.

Gorge of the Yellow Dragon

Observation deck is not for nervous

Plant and animal peace of the reserve

Zhangjiajie primarily zoological, botanical and geological reserve and only then - a natural attraction for tourists. Scientists have discovered more than 500 species of animals, including monkeys and predatory civet, trying to stay away from man. Travelers will remember the fan-shaped leaves of the gingco - valuable rock, which came to us from the Permian period. Dangerous animals, insects and reptiles are not marked.

Population of Natural Park

On Mount Tianmene

Despite complex reliefs, the first human settlements appeared in Zhangjiazz another 100 thousand years ago. In the historical era, the neighbors with some prejudice were treated with the tribes inhabiting this area, calling them with "rude people", nevertheless, Tujia, Bai and Miao did not want to imitate Han and retained many elements of national costumes and some ancient customs before our time. Modern representatives of these peoples successfully earn, serving tourists: sell food and souvenirs, work rickshams, rent corners in rustic houses for rent.

Park Zhangjiajie.

Information for tourists

To get to the natural park is quite difficult to even the Chinese from other regions, but the result is worth it. The one who will withstand a crowded trip to Czezziajie County may consider that he has almost reached the goal. Buses and trains with transfers go from all sides of China, travelers from Beijing and Shanghai is preferable to use the plane. Upon arrival in the city, the tourist remains two options: take a taxi and independently negotiate with the driver about the route, not forgetting that English is not in the go here.

Spectacular views

The second option is to trust public transport. A city bus walks from the bus station, which takes guests to one of the three entrances to the park for about an hour. The cost is 5-10 times cheaper than a taxi, - 11-12 yuan. Focusing the train stations and entering the exit to the reserve is the easiest way to be sold in the tourist office at the railway station. Russian-speaking tourists will suit a card with English names. Most pointers in the park and on the approaches to it are written in Chinese and English, in other cases: in restaurants and in hotels - travelers are invited to be explained by gestures.

Where to stay

Lake Baofen.

Inspect the park per day - the task is impossible, so tourists are recommended to stay in the village under typical for this area by the name Zhangjiajie, so as not to go from the city. Most of the inhabitants of this settlement are occupied in the tourist business, so here you can find good compact hotels, and decent food. The accommodation is also provided in the park itself, however, it is intended for unassuming guests who do not require special comfort, although there is a shower with hot water in the rooms and the Internet. But the staying for the night in the reserve did not have to stand in the morning in the long queue of those who wish to get inside Zhangjiajie.

Hotels of National Park

Experienced tourists warn that even on weekdays, when the people are not too much, wait until all those who have segged early, you need at least 2 hours.

"On the ground"

The cost of housing in the park is quite accessible: one place in the common room will cost 40 yuan, in the room for two - in 120 yuan, but you can bargain guests lose the price by a third. You can eat in fairly expensive restaurants at hotels or buy food in the markets near bus stations. There are uncomplicated fried potatoes, pellets, fish.

Cost of walking in the park

Zhangjiajie at night

The entrance to the territory of the National Park is Zhangjiajie paid, there are two types of tickets. The first is designed for a two-day stay and costs 245 yuan, sometimes the conditions change, and for the same amount they offer 3 days. A week ticket costs a bit more expensive - in 298 yuan. Visitors over 70 years old, teenagers and young people under 24 years old with a valid student ticket pass on preferential tariffs in 160 and 193 yuan, respectively. Children with growth up to 120 cm will fall into the park completely free. The ticket gives the right to bus trips inside the park. This advantage is worth using, since it is difficult to overcome steep climbs and descents.

Some services are paid additionally: a journey on a miniature train, as if transferred here from the average amusement park, lifts and descents on the Baylong elevator, built directly in the rock. Their cost is up to 80 yuan for one action. Along the Golden Knut, buses do not go, but raft rickshi will be blown by trails on the trotan numerous visitors. Their services are expensive: one "race" costs at least 300 yuan.

Winter in Zhangjiajie Elevator Baylong

How to save on travel in the park

Inside Zhangjiazzia tickets are not tested not particularly actively, so you can live there on a two-day pass, you can longer than the paid period, if you do not leave the territory of the reserve. Alternative pedestrian trails are always provided bypassing the lifts. In order for without tension to climb and go down on them, you need a good physical training, since the plateau on which the reserve lies, towers over the surrounding landscape of meters by 300. In addition, the hiking campaign will take about the same time as standing in line in the elevator . You can save on accommodation in accommodation: local residents rent rooms cheaper than in a hostel, but to negotiate with them will also have gestures.

How to dress and what to take with you

When buying an entrance ticket, you can ask for luggage to bring to the selected hostel if the place is booked in advance. Wearing bags on the territory physically difficult, there are no flat sites in the reserve. Shoes choose a comfortable, with a non-slip soles, since the rains often come in Hunani. It will not hurt to capture a jacket or raincoat. By the way, the constant cloudiness of the park Zhangjiajie does not hind much from photographing, on the contrary, creates a unique visual effect of traveling in the clouds. Drinking water is sold in different parts of the park, but it beyond it is somewhat cheaper.

Thick fog - the usual case for Zhangjiajie

Or Park Tianmenshan, you need to fly to the same airport of Zhangjiazie and from there to reach the parks themselves. In this article, I will tell you in detail how it is better to get to, where to stay to visit the appropriate park and what to pay attention to the route.

With a detailed description of the National Park, Zhangjiajie can be found in.

In order not to be confused to start expanding geographic names on the shelves. There are 5 objects of the same names titled Zhangjiajie:

  1. Czezhangzia district (Kit. 张家界区). Region, which includes the northwestern part of Hunan Province.
  2. Airport Zhangjiajie (Kit. 张家界 荷花 机场).
  3. City of Zhangjiajie (Kit. 张家界市), which is 3 kilometers from airport And where does the cable car in the park TianMenshhan originate from?
  4. located 35 kilometers north of cities.
  5. Village Zhangjiajie (Kit. 张家界). Located in the southern entrance to national Park Zhangjiajie.

And there are 2 objects of the same name with the name of Wool'yuan:

  1. Mountains Wooljuan (Kit. 武陵源), which are in the mining system of Walreshhan. They are listed on the UNESCO World Heritage List.
  2. Village Wooljuan (Kit. 武陵源, 东南门), located in the southeast entrance to national Park Zhangjiajie.

How to get to Zhangjiajie

It is most convenient to get from Russia through Guangzhou, Shanghai, Wuhan or Beijing. China Southern and Air China fly. There are still trains, but it is much longer.

We had a route Beijing - Zhangziajie (8268 rubles per person), Zhangjiajie - Guangzhou (4137 rubles from Chevugeare). When buying a ticket, it is important not to confuse the name. I almost did not buy a ticket to another city when I book a flight. Still, some names are identical for a Russian-speaking person, so if you look for how to get to Zhangjiajie and what airport you need to fly, please note that you need a Dayong Zhangjiajie Hehua International Airport (Keith. 张家界 荷花 机场), and the code The airport must be dyg.

By the way, landing at the airport Zhangjiajie was the most tough over my entire flight of flights. It seems that the captain of the aircraft tried to try on an altitude of 3-4 meters where he best to sit down, and at some point he was tired and he just collapsed as it was. The airport itself is very small, located 3 kilometers from the city of Zhangjiajie.

Where to stay, if you need to visit the National Forestry of Zhangjiajie

If you are going to visit, you can stay in 3 places:

  • In the park itself. On the park itself there are many mini hotels and hostels. Amenities minimal.
  • In the village of Zhangjiazz village near the south entrance to the park. But if you are going to go to the park through this entrance, then it will take more time to get to the main attractions.
  • In the small town of Streyuan near the southeast entrance. This option is the most optimal. Hence closer to the main attractions and you can choose a good hotel.

In Uzhynuane, only 2 hotels of a good level: Zhangjiajie Pullman (Kit. 张家界 京武铂尔曼 酒店) and Qinghe Jinjiang International Hotel (Kit. 张家界青 和 锦江 国际 酒店). Before the trip, he chose between them. The decisive role in the choice of the latter was provided by the announced free transfer from the airport when booking the Deluxe Rooms category. He wrote to the hotel about his flight 3 times. According to the result, no one met. With a taxi driver from Zhangjiajie Airport to the hotel in Uzhynuan, they agreed for 150 yuan without a counter. Upon arrival at the hotel, I went a little planted on the topic of the transfer, but everyone was very apologized, they said that when we evicted, we will take us free where let's say. The word was restrained.

As for the placement. On Buking, the Deluxe Room with a beautiful view is declared for 7-8 floors, however, in the hotel there are 7th. Dali on the 6th. The view from the window is so-so, especially if the fog. The cost of two days with breakfast: 1738 yuan. Deposit: 761 yuan.

Breakfasts are good, but European and American cuisine is not enough. The restaurant has excellent service, smile, accompanied for a table, are interested in preferences. All the Chinese sutra hardened acute soup with noodles, and mix different spices, sauces and greens on the manner "DIY", and I decided not to be different - came to the Chinese, gave my plate and gestured he asked him to make me too "Megaspac" . A couple of minutes of frauds with spoons and "nudals" and now I am already sitting at the table, we have breakfast in China and Ahrenevoy from how acute !!!

What else can be said about the hotel. The staff is very trapped, especially the main manager in glasses: every time I asked if everything was in order, what plans for visiting parks, tried to give advice on the preparation of the route. You know, the staff was even very intrusive. It seemed to me that even when I was in the toilet, this kind of boy will appear in glasses and ask me: "Mr., Arthur, are you all right? Toilet paper is enough? ".

The location of the hotel, though 20 minutes walk from the eastern entrance to the park, but the hotel is the furthest. There are hotels and closer to the entrance.

Uzhnyuan this small tourist town, consisting of several streets, along which various shops, boutiques and cafes spread. The soul demanded piquancy, so after visiting the park we decided to taste the street cuisine. Well we are in China, why not? Chicken legs, local crayfish, octopuses and some other not understandable garbage. All delicious, acutely, all alive, healthy.

Where to stay, if you need to visit Tianmenshan Park

If you are going to visit Tianmenshan Park and Mount Tiananmen, then the best option will stay in the city of Zhangziajie, because directly from the city center takes its beginning the longest high-alley funicular in the world, which will deliver you straight to the park.

Prices for hotels here are quite democratic, but there is no high level. We booked for a few days the first hot hotel with a decent ranking and a round bed in the room for 189 yuan.

The city of Zhangjiajie is small. He pierces him like an arrow, 4-way road.

In places in the alleys, you can observe a typical picture of Chinese quarters, a bunch of signs, street counters.

The Lesui River is held in the urban art, there is a promenade for walking. Many make charging. Generally, Chinese retirees are great. That's where you find your grandmothers, who will be so deft to throw their feet on the railing and stretch?

If you move from the cable car along Yingbin Road, then passing through the bridge and turning the left you can find a central street with squares. The density of people here shook! Many shopping centers, shops, pharmacies, banks. Here, on the shelves sell fruits, vegetables, some dried pieces.

In stores everywhere sales.

Somewhere here we managed and dine. Ordered it is not clear that, just poked in the pictures, since the menu in English did not turn out. As a result, pork ears brought, rice Chinese vodka, incomprehensible meal bucket and chicken soup basin. The soup was with a surprise in the form of a chicken head and legs with curls. Rice vodka on a large amateur. In the institution there are round tables with a rotating tray in the middle. Convenient for companies when you order a lot of dishes.

The city of Zhangjiajie turned out to be tourist, though from tourists mostly only the Chinese themselves. In the evening there is nothing to do here. Well, if only TV see.

Coming out of the restaurant, we went to a slow step towards our mini hotel. Tourists diverged, the sellers gradually turn the trade, the city was empty. Zhangjiajie slowly prepare for sleep.

Pay attention to the left in the mountain gambs a huge hole - the famous "heavenly gates". Leaving things at the Hotel Zhangjiajie Dachengshanshui International, which was 10 minutes' walk from the Funicular Station, we hurried towards new impressions. Honestly, I have not been waiting for nothing from this excursion, because many travelers in one voice say that against the background of the beauties of National Park Zhangjiajie Mount Tianmean is lost. The cable car station is located opposite the city bus station, and there is .... Andaaa ... McDonalds! Where were my eyes when I was preparing for the journey? Why did they miss such important and valuable information? Before traveling to China, I did not even assume that the location of this Fast Food restaurant from Fast Foods would be so worried. But I'll write about food a little later. Buying a ticket for a funicular, pay attention to the time of visits that will stand on a ticket worth 258 yuan. Arriving there by noon, we were allowed only at 16:00 to start lifting up the mountain. On all our requests and plenty "Rousseau Tourist, the appearance of Amoral, Cieghel Cieghel Ai Lu-Liu" guards were unshakable. Fortunately, our hotel was near, so, it was sinking, we were, where to relax a couple of hours. The funicular has its own website, where, as I spark said, you can pre-order tickets for the time you need. Why she did not do this then, for me still remains a mystery.

My question "Is there a decent establishment with European cuisine in the city," the spark does not bother the eye, he answered that in our hotel there is such a restaurant than unheardly pleased me. Finally, I thought. Quickly settled, we went with Sanya towards such a long-awaited point. But in one of the best hotels in Zhangjiajie, for some reason no one understood us. Having leaning the girl at the reception, at least something speaking in English, I dragged her to a restaurant so that she would explain the waiters what I want from them. Well, the European menu was very worthy: hamburger and pizza. All! Apparently, the Chinese believe that we do not eat anything else. My child, of course, was delighted with such a set of dishes. I went to Prostration. There was only a week of our wardings in China, and the prospect of two weeks of such food, I was not happy at all. While we were waiting for our order, the waitress approached us and it became something twitter in Chinese, I sue some brochure with a menu. Correctly sent it to her workplace, I plunged into not very funny thoughts. After some time, another waitress came to us and began to exhibit Chinese dishes on the table. The first thought that swept my head in my head was connected with a complex lunch. Apparently, a huge desire to feed your child with normal food, stuck my ability to think. The dishes looked quite appetizing. Trying to taste, I very quickly shook them into Sanka, and having calmed down, thanked the Most High for giving us the opportunity to eat normally. What was my surprise when we brought a hamburger and pizza. It turned out that the young girl confused orders and brought us someone else's lunch. That they began there, I will not tell. But for some reason it was not particularly worried about me. At that moment I was very good, I will say honestly. I was not going to refuse the payment of the eaten, but they did not take anything with me. So there are miracles in the world, and in difficult moments, we definitely help us.

Here in such a beautiful mood we went to ride on the longest cable car in the world. The total dance length is 7,455 meters, the height difference is 1,279 meters. By defending two hours, we finally got to the cabin of the cable car.

National Forest Park Zhangjiajie, or, as it is often called, Avatar Park (张家界 国家 森森 公园 Zhāngjiājiè Guójiā sēnlín gōngyuán) - this is a unique natural miracle in the south-west of China. It is located in Hunan's province (湖南省 Húnánshěng) in more than 300 km from the capital of the province - Changsha cities (长沙 Chángshā) and refers to the Mountain System of Walreshhan.

The main heritage of the park is the bizarre rocks, which pillars rise to the sky. Such an amazing landscape was formed as a result of prolonged weathered and flushing rocks.

It was one of those places, which I dreamed of visiting from the moment I learned about his existence for the first time. Even living in China, it was not easy to go on this trip, it was necessary and to fit the time, and calculate finance. But in the fall of this year, the fact that I was waiting for so long: my husband gave me a day of birth to the amazing world of "soaring rocks". This gift will really remember for life.

It is said that local landscapes were among those who inspired the director of the film "Avatar" to create the soaring mountains of Planet Pandora. This served as a kind of advertising for the park, and after the release of the film on the screens, the flow of tourists in Zhangjiazz increased significantly. Grateful Chinese even renamed one of the mountains in Avatar-Aliluya, and several "avatars" on the park were installed on the territory of the park, next to which the queues are usually built. And indeed, during walks in the park I got the impression that I was somewhere on another planet, so incredible landscapes sometimes opened before his eyes.

In addition to picturesque landscapes, here is a rich Flora and Fauna. Some species of plants, birds and animals found in these mountains are listed in the Red Book, for example, the Giant Salamander, Cyvette, Pangoline, Smoky Leopard, Macak Russe and many others.

Visiting Zhangjiajie I stayed at 100% satisfied. Despite the fatigue and "cotton" legs, I got so many impressions that even described it is difficult. All lovers of nature and unusual landscapes this park will definitely have to do. In my personal list of natural beauty, he took the honorable third place after Plateau Bolaven () and the Park.

When planning a visit

Zhangjiajie National Park is open for visiting all year round, but not always the weather allows us to enjoy the nature of full. Therefore, when planning a trip you need to decide what kind of landscapes you want to see and what you expect from a visit.

The optimal season for inspection of the park is the autumn, especially the period from September to the beginning of November. At this time of year, there is almost always sunny weather and the temperature is quite comfortable in order to be in the park from morning to evening. It is said that the mountains are best visible in the fall.

In winter, for long walks in the park too cold. In addition, due to bad weather, some trails are closed for security reasons, and snowfall and fog can cause bad visibility. But this does not stop tourists who seek to see snow-covered landscapes and almost alone admire the views. Another plus is that tickets at this time of the year are cheaper.

In the spring, the rain period begins in Zhangjiajie, which lasts from March to June. Of course, it is unpleasant to inspect the mountains when the sky is increasing from the sky, but it is at that time the fogs stood the valley and many go here to enjoy the effect of "soaring vertices." When the fog hides the base of the mountains, the truth is the impression that the mountains hang in the air. But here already as lucky. Maybe nothing will be able to see the fog of fog.

I was in the park in the 20s of October 2015. Although the weather was turned out to be solar and warm, visibility was still not absolute, at any time of the day a haze was present, which to a greater or lesser extent hid the outlines of the mountains, away and nothing was visible at all .

On the day of our departure, the rain charged for the whole day, but at that time I had already managed to see everything that I wanted. Therefore, planning a trip, it is better to capture one "extra" day in case the weather will bring. If there are no problems with the weather - you can visit neighboring attractions, for example, Lake Baofen, Huanlong Cave or Mount Tianmene.

As for the time required for visiting the park, it is individually. Someone says that he looked after one day, and there is little other than the week. It seems to me that you need at least 2 days, so that without a rush to inspect the main beauty, plus a couple of days to go to nearby tourist places, which also deserve attention.

If you want to avoid a large cluster of the people, then I do not advise you to plan a trip to Zhangjiajie in the first week of May and October because of the holidays, as well as during the summer holidays (July-August).

How to get

To visit the Zhangjiajie National Park, you must first come to the city with the same name, and then get directly to villages at the entrance to the park. Let's start in order.

How to get to the city of Zhangjiajie

There are several ways to get in Zhangjiajie: by plane, train, bus.


If your goal is to visit Zhangjiajie Park and spend the minimum time on the road, the easiest way to fly by plane from other cities in China. The local airport is just 5 km from the city center. Full name of the airport on Chinese 张家界 荷花 机场 (Zhāngjiājiè héhuā jīchǎng) in English - Zhangjiajie Hehua (Lotus) Airport. Every day he receives flights from Beijing, Siane, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhenia, Qingdao, Changshi, Tianjin, Uhani and other cities in China. Only flights to Busane (Korea) and Bangkok () are available from international flights. The approximate prices for flights in China are listed below:

  • from Beijing - $ 110-130 (2 hours 45 minutes in the way),
  • from Shanghai - $ 115 (2.5 hours),
  • from Guangzhou - $ 70-80 (1.5 hours),
  • from Xiane - $ 70-80 (1.5 hours).

From the airport to the city you can get to a taxi or bus, but about the latter, though it is written on the Internet, in fact it is rare. Taxis to the station costs about 15 yuan ($ 2.5), to the city of 20-30 ($ 3-5), depending on where you need. Taxis immediately until the entrance to the park will cost 100 yuan ($ 15). Be sure to trample, because the distance is minimal, and taxi drivers, using ignorance of tourists, began to climb space prices - 200 yuan ($ 30) to the city.

By train

Trains in Zhangjiajie walk from many major cities, but this method is suitable for those who have a lot of free time and patience in stock. For reference: the road from Beijing takes 22-26 hours, and the ticket will cost $ 60 (reserved) or 100 (coupe). From the Shanghai train goes 20-22 hours and costs $ 60/80. By train from Guangzhou can be reached in 13-17 hours, paying $ 50/77, and from the capital of the province, Changshi, in just 5 hours and $ 30/40.

Zhangziazz Railway Station has a very convenient location. It is located next to the city center and the airport, moreover, within walking distance of it, the initial station of the cable car to Mount Tianmen is located (another required place for visiting), as well as a central bus station from which you can reach the National Park Zhangjiajie. The map was laid a route from the airport to the station (distance 4.9 km), and also noted the location of the airport, railway station and the central bus station.


There are several bus stations in the city for regular flights from other major cities. I was on the central bus station (张家界 中心 汽车站 Zhāngjiājiè zhōngxīn qìchēzhàn), which is indicated on the map above and I know that from there you have buses to Shanghai, Changshi, Uhani, Zhuhuhai and several other cities, it means to come to Zhangjiajie on the bus are also possible. The schedule of departure, travel time and the cost of the ticket should be recognized directly on the bus station.

How to get to National Park Zhangjiajie

After you get to the city convenient for you, the question will arise: and where else? To get to the park, you need to go to one of the entrances to the territory of the reserve, where there are small villages. There you can stay for the night. Judging by the map, there are only three of them:

  1. the nearest entrance to the city is 32 km from the city, and many are called the village of Zhangjiajie by the name of the entrance to the park (张家界 国家 森森 公园 门票站 Zhāngjiājiè Guójiā sēnlín gōngyuán ménpio Zhàn), on the map is conditionally marked as input number 1;
  2. 40 km from the city there is an entrance to the area of \u200b\u200bWooljuan (武陵源 门票站 WǔlíngyuánménpiÀo ZhÀn) is indicated as input number 2;
  3. further is the entrance to the Mount Tianzi (天 子 山 Tiānzǐshān Ménpiào Zhàn) - 50 km from the city, entrance number 3 on the map.

As far as I understand, the entrance number 3 is not particularly popular, because I have not seen any buses before this place, and when preparing information about it did not meet.


If you choose a taxi, then you need to know that the distances are small here, and the approximate price from the airport is 100 yuan ($ 15.5), from the city or railway station a little cheaper, 70-80 yuan ($ 10-12). Local drivers are very reluctant to use a taxometer and call the transcendental prices, trying to dilute tourists, so you need to bargain to bargain. Most taxi drivers do not speak English, although sometimes understand simple phrases like "How Much?". But most likely, you will have to be explained with gestures, cards and notes on paper. Be sure to prepare the names of the places you need by hieroglyphs, because the English names are not talking about anything, you can even print pictures for clarity. Also, to avoid misunderstandings, do not forget to specify the cost in advance before landing into the car. In China, I never ordered a taxi in advance. Usually the car can be caught on any street, besides, they are definitely "duty" in all tourist destinations.


Unlike a taxi, the passage on the bus is very cheap, to get to Wooljuna costs only 12 yuan ($ 2). I decided to choose a budget version and, saving a decent amount, was pleased.

Starting from 6 am, buses depart from the central bus station (家界 中心 汽车站 Zhāngjiājiè zhōngxīn qìchēzhàn), which is located next to the train station. In the season, the last flight departs at 19:30, and in the winter an hour earlier. The road takes a little less than an hour.

Since I arrived in Zhangjiazier by train, I easily found a bus station. If you go to the end of the station Square and become back to the station building, then MacDonald's will be visible on the left side and the entrance to the station is located right next to it. In the screenshot you can see what the desired building looks like.

Then you need to pass through the waiting room on the site with buses and find a minibus with hieroglyphs 武陵源. Usually there are several of them, the drivers will prompt which will be sent faster. Tickets do not need to buy in advance at the box office, everything is paid already on the bus. In the course of the movement, the driver will do a few stops, picking up and planting the local. If you are traveling to the village of Zhangjiajie (input 1), then you need to inform the driver in advance, but it does not drive there, it falls out only on turning to her. If you are going to Oil'yuyan (input 2), then the stop you need the final, and you can not be afraid to skip it. In Southwean, the bus arrives at the station from which you can walk or take a taxi to the hotel or entrance to the park.

Where to stay

As for housing, there are several options. The first is to move to the hotel in the city of Zhangjiajie, the second is to get to any entrance to the park and stay there, the third is to settle in the territory of the park itself.

  1. In the city of Zhangjiajie, a good selection of hotels, restaurants, many ways to spend leisure. But settling in the city, you will have to spend time and money on the road to the park and back, and this is about two hours a day. Not very convenient, agree?
  2. Staying in a village at the entrance to the park, you can save time on the road and not to be so cut off the world as inside the park. In the villages, also a good selection of hotels and cafes.
  3. You can stay in the park itself, but, as I understood from hotel reviews, accommodation conditions inside Spartan Park: There may be interruptions in the supply of light, water, internet problems. Leaving the park's limits after closing can not, besides, the choice of food and products is limited. Money needs to be removed in advance, because there is no money on the territory of the park nor the card can not be paid.

Before the trip, I long studied the option and stopped my choice on the village of Wool'yuan. I can say that I did not regret whose. My hostel was a 10-minute walk from the park, in addition, there was a sufficient number of shops, a market for fruit and souvenirs, an ATM and a cafe with decent food. Many accommodation options, for every taste and wallet: There are budget hostels, and expensive hotels.

I stayed at the Hostel Wulingyuan Tuniu Youth Hostel. The accommodation booked in advance at an unfair site and realized what was done correctly when, arriving at the place, I saw Full's inscriptions almost on every door. When communicating with a guy from the reception, it was possible to find out that in the season all housing is revealed for a month. In a hostel, I was given a map of the park and made a visit to the route, for which this particular thanks! In principle, I can say that I was satisfied with the housing, given the price-quality ratio, I got what I paid for: a clean and tidy room, breakfast with decent food in a nearby cafe, a convenient location. In the institution, which provided us breakfasts, I dined, because of all the places on our street it was the cleanest and attractive. Almost all foreigners, whom I met in the park and village, also ate there. But I did not remember the name, unfortunately.

Park work time and cost of entrance tickets

When you first visited the park, I focused on the opening time, which was indicated on the card, received at the hotel. It contained that the park starts work at 6:30, so at the beginning of the seventh I was already at the entrance gate. But it was still closed and wishing to get to the park, besides me and my companion, was not observed. In 15-20 minutes, Chinese groups began to flow. The park opened at 7 o'clock, but by this time the crowd was just a huge. So look for yourself as more convenient, but I recommend coming to the opening or even earlier. Approximate opening hours:

  • In the summer from 6:30 (7:00) - 19:00
  • In winter from 7:30 - 17:00

The cost of entrance tickets

You can purchase 2 types of tickets:

  • ticket for 4 days for 245 yuan ($ 38),
  • ticket for 7 days for 298 ($ 46).

Prices are on a high season, in winter the ticket is worth 145 yuan ($ 22).

Separately charged:

Chinese and foreign students who receive education in China have the opportunity to buy a ticket for half the price, but everything turned out to be more difficult here than in other places that I visited earlier. When buying preferential tickets introduced an age limit: Students over 24 years pay the full cost. At the same time, it simply will not adjust the date of birth in the student, because when buying a discount ticket, you also need to present a passport. Children tall up to 120 cm admission is free, from 120 to 150 cm half of the cost, as well as people of the retirement age from 60 to 69, those who are even cheaper, but I do not know whether it is distributed to people of all nationalities or only the Chinese.

The price includes movement on buses between the park stops.

Input check is quite strict. Each ticket knocks out the serial number, to which, at the first occasion, the fingerprints are tied to the territory. I had such a story: I visited the park together with my husband, and our tickets were kept in one place, the next day we just took them, without disassembling where whose, and went to pass the turnstile, but the system refused to skip us. It turned out, we confused our cards, and it is impossible to pass on someone else's.

As a conclusion, do not buy tickets from the hands, even if the offer will seem tempting, and keep your ticket in a safe place, because if you lose it, you will have to buy a new one.

It is better to come to the park early, then there is a chance to enjoy species in relative silence. If you plan to use the Baylong elevator, it is best to send it to it since the morning, as soon as the park opens, and go down to 3-4 pm, otherwise you can spend the queue of about 4 hours. Or all avoid this way to lift up.

I was lucky, as I said, on the first day of the park visits, we came even before it is discovered, therefore, among the first, I bought tickets and went to inspect the sights. When we arrived at the elevator, there were no queues yet, and we had to rise up without any problems.

Take into account that you have to walk a lot of walk, so take care that the shoes are comfortable and not rubbed. Clothes should also be comfortable. It will not hurt to take a leucoplasty with me.

The distance in the park is very large, and it is hard to rise in the mountain, and it often takes a lot of time, so it is better to combine the use of cable cars with hiking routes. If we hope only for your legs, you can not meet the time and miss some of the attractions. It is most convenient to climb onto a cable car, and down to go down on foot.

On some trails there are a lot of wild monkeys.

Some of them are aggressive in relation to people, so do not tease them, hold their valuables tightly, the camera, telephone. In places of cluster monkeys, it is better not to carry anything at all in the hands, but to hide everything in a bag or backpack. On my eyes, the monkeys were pulled out in people from the hands of the packs and climbed with them on a tree or ran into the forest. And do not think that they do not know how to stand up, a monkey can bite, after which they will have to go to the hospital and make injections, such cases also happened. Therefore, with wild animals, expect caution.

Collecting in the park, take a card with you, cash, sunscreen, raincoat, water and food. Product prices in the fleece itself are very high, so it is better to capture something with you, but inside you can buy fruit, fried potatoes, corn (about 10 yuan - $ 1.5).

But in the cafe located on the territory of the park, prices are simply cosmic, so besides McDonalds, who got here, we didn't eat anywhere else.

What to see in Zhangjiajie National Park

In the photo the card, which I was given in my hostel, and for which I was focused when visiting the park. In my opinion, this is the most understandable and convenient map of possible. Despite the fact that it distorts the scale, getting an idea about the structure of the park is still possible. Purchased on the Internet, I did not find anything more sensible.

It is important to know that in the park there are two main planes of movement: the lower (in the valley) and the top (on the mountains). There are also two lines of free buses, some of them run at the foot of the mountains (the map shows purple, buses themselves are also purple), others on top on the mountains (red line on the map, beige buses). Accordingly, the stop icon is also marked either red or violet, and its color says to which route this stop is applies. Green marked pedestrian trails. What I like in this map is that the approximate time is on the way from one point to another, although it does not always correspond to reality. Depending on the number of days allocated to the Inspection of the Park, you can plan different routes.

In general, the territory of the park is divided into several zones, each of which is special and picturesque in its own way. I failed to figure out the exact number of these most zones. The information on this is controversial, in some guidebooks they write that the park is divided into 6 separate sections, but they are noted on my map 7. At the same time, another important part of the park on my card is not highlighted in a separate zone, therefore it turned out such confusion. On the map below I tried different colors to conventionally designate all these zones, I got them 8.

  • Red - Mount Tianzza;
  • Blue - Yuanziazie;
  • Yellow - Janziazie;
  • Orange - Cunning Golden Corn;
  • White - Juanshizhai, or the village of Yellow Stone;
  • Salad - Yaoczyzhazhai, Yastreb village;
  • Pink - Daguandai;
  • Purple - Bowls.

Yuanjiajie (袁家界 yuánjiājiè)

Zone Yuanziazz is one of the most visited and popular territories of the park, and it is her landscapes most often with the "Avatar Mountains". If you do not rise to the top of foot, and take advantage of Baylong elevator or get from other park areas by bus, then it is quite easy to pass it.

This part of the park is famous for the "first heavenly bridge" (天 下 一 桥 Tiān xià dì Yī Qiáo) and a column, which has recently wears the name "Alillauya" (哈里路亚山 Hālǐlùyà shān).


Having heard enthusiastic reviews, it was decided to immediately go here. It can be said that this part of the park has become the first thing I saw in Zhangjiajie after Baylong elevator, so I was shocked by opening species. But walking in the park a few days, I can not say that this place is the most worthy. Nature here really tried to fame, but the impression spoils a large influx of tourists. In order to make a photo, you must first stand in line, and then, when your turn come, everything around will be customized or just unceremoniously unpuck from the place of shooting. But at least in order to see a lonely soaring pillar, come here.

Yanjjjiji (杨家界 yángjiājiè)

Zone Yangjuzyzz was opened later than the rest, and has not yet gained such popularity as Yuanjiazie. In terms of its development, she also loses. On the map below the yellow circle is conditionally indicated by the territory of Yangjuzyazz, and the orange inside it is the part that I passed.

According to the map it seems that the distance is small, but it is not easy to go through it. To see at least part, you will have to be pretty exhausted and stand. As on other paths, it is possible to hire porters at an extra charge that will help to overcome the segment of the path. They have prices fixed from one stop to another, but you can try to bargain. On the one hand, this is a grave work that is paid by undermined health, and I would not want to use people like that "slaves", but on the other hand, how else will they earn bread? The Chinese apparently belong to this easier, because they use such services everywhere, but I'm somehow wild.

In this part of the park tourists are waiting for steep steps and close passes between the rocks, rigid iron stairs and cliffs. This looks like one of the vertices, which is called Tianbo Mansion (天波府 Tiān Bōfǔ).

And in the photo below the view that opens it. If it were not for the haze, it would be great, but what is, that is.

I liked it in this part of the park, tourists were not much a lot, views were pleasantly pleased, and the visibility was relatively good.

Mount Tienzie (天 子山 Tiānzǐ shān)

At the time of my visit to the park, the cable car on Mount Tianzza did not work, and the hostel worker did not advise on foot. Later I understood why. Even descending from the mountain on foot, I did not feel the legs, what to say about it to climb. Such a feat can either athletes or the Chinese, who have a claw on the steps and the favorite hobby, and the national tradition :). And I still had many attractions ahead, and I decided to take care of my only vehicle. To visit Tianzi, I arrived until the end point of this part of the park by bus from Yangjuzyzz. Upstairs to great joy there are McDonalds, so it was decided to arrange dinner there, given that there was no longer anywhere else on the territory of the park. And backing up, I went down and simultaneously examined the landscapes. The local cliffs differ slightly from those that managed to see before. On the way there is a pagoda called the Palace of the Emperor (天 18 Tiānzǐ Gé), you can climb and explore the surroundings.

This is what opens the top view - sharp peaks in a midday haze.

The harvester structures from the chair attached to the bamboo sticks are waiting for their passengers, such a picture is found almost every span.

Another beautiful observation, I, unfortunately, did not remember.

Here are wonderful landscapes everywhere, but the road is very overwhelming.

Creek Golden Knut (金鞭溪 jīn biān xī)

The creek of the golden whip is one of the easiest zones for walking, since it is located in the valley at the foot of the mountains and does not provide for steep lifts. The pedestrian trail along the stream stretches almost 8 km. If desired, from this zone, you can start the rise in Yuanziazz or the village of yellow stone. I really liked the walk in this part of the park. It was here that I managed to feel the desired unity with nature.

Noisy crowds of tourists are found only in some areas, and during the rest of the time you can enjoy the singing of birds, the splash of water in the stream and the views of the mountains.

On one of the stops live monkeys, which we tried to feed, but almost parted with all our things. It was the first meeting with these, it would seem for cute animals in Zhangjiazie, and then we did not yet know about their arrogance and possible aggression.

For walking at the bottom you need to take warm things, in the morning the water is very cold, and during the day it does not warm the air everywhere.

The village of Yellow Stone, or Juanshiji (黄石寨 Huángshí ZhÀi)

In this part of the park you can get from the entrance number 1 or come from the entrance number 2 along the stream, which I did. As it turned out, it was possible to climb up the cable car, but I missed it out of sight and climbed on foot. At the beginning of the road, he was written on the mountain: "Whoever did not see the Zhangzyzzi, he did not see, or something like that, of which I concluded that this is a popular place, compulsory for visiting, although I did not hear about him before. On the trail of tourists was surprisingly a little, mostly came across down the groups, which are upwards, apparently rose with the help of a mole.

Here I met a huge number of cute and not very monkeys who distracted from heavy dum and entertained on the road. Throughout the forest, their cries were heard and trees were watched. Many monkeys are completely not afraid of people, go on pedestrian trails, begging, frightened in trash and posing for a photo. Watching them very interesting, but a little scary, because the owners of these places they are, and not we. Some adult males behave aggressively, attack people, take things from them and just frighten tourists. But on the kids to look at one pleasure: they frolic, they play and willingly take pictures.

Somewhere I saw that the path to the top consists of 3,800 steps, but I myself did not consider them. I can say one thing - the hiking lift is not easy, especially when the legs are buzzing from the two previous days, but we mastered it. On the road to the top we went about 3 hours. But at the top of the reward for a hard way to tourists open magnificent landscapes. In the photo below, one of the local attractions is the mountain of five fingers (五 指峰 WǔZHǐ Fēng).

And one more mountain, the names of which I do not know.

In addition, there are still in the area of \u200b\u200bthe zone that I did not visit is Daguangdai (大 观台 Dàguān Tái), Laowuchang (老 LǎOWū CHǎNG) and Yaozi Village (鹞子寨 YÀozi ZhÀi). I was originally planned to inspect them, because I didn't find any interesting information about them on the Internet, and did not fit in time.

Nearby attractions

In addition to the National Park, Zhangjiajie, in this area there are several other natural attractions worthy of the attention of tourists.

Mount Tianmene (天门山 Tiānmén Shān)

This attraction is almost in the city of Zhangjiajie, and getting to it very easily - walk to the initial station of the cable car, which is located next to the railway station. The cable car leading to the mountain is one of the longest in the world, and it offers a breathtaking view of the surroundings, including mountain serpentine from 99 turns.

This mountain road is also one of the features of Tianmene Park. It can be driving on a special bus before the arch "Heavenly Gate". To go to the arc, you need to overcome a difficult rise in 999 steps.

In addition, many tourists are specially coming here to rinse their nerves, walking along the glass path on the edge of the cliff.

The cost of visiting the park includes a ride on a cable car and a bus on serpentine (if desired) and is 258 yuan ($ 40). For a walk on a glass section of the road, it is necessary to separately pay 5-10 yuan ($ 0.8 - 1.5). At the inspection of just one day.

I was not impressed as visiting the park Zhangjiajie as a visit to Mount Tianmean. The impression was spinning that at first I had to stand for more than 2 hours in the queue for the funicular. And the fact that it was very noisy at the top and crowded, the surrounding landscapes stood the haze. By the way, the "fear trail", from which I was waiting for special sensations, and did not seem terrible or exciting, but this is my personal opinion. In the photo the queue from tourists of those who want to walk along the glass bridge.

But I still do not regret the visit to Tianmen Mountain, the next Chinese sight is conquered, and you can put a tick in your list.

The ancient city of Fenghuan (凤凰 城 fènghuáng gǔchéng)

The ancient city of Fenghuang, also known as Phoenix, stands on the river and attracts tourists with its architecture and ancient atmosphere. Special coloring the city gives his wooden houses on stilts along the river, bridges, narrow streets and old boats. In the evening, all this is beautifully highlighted and looks no less impressive.

The path to Fenghuana is not close, so it is preferable to go with the night. The distance from Zhangjiajie about 240 km, and the road by bus takes everything 5 hours. Not so long ago, the city's visit was paid, 148 yuan ($ 23) per person, but you can try to contact the hotel in which you plan to stop and maybe they will help to get through free.

Lake Baofeng (宝峰湖 Bǎofēnghú)

Lake Baofeng is a reservoir that was formed not so long ago as a result of the construction of the dam. Being there, it is difficult to believe that this is the work of human hands, not a miracle of nature, so organically fit into the local landscape.

From the village of Wooljuan you can take a taxi for 10-15 yuan ($ 1.5 - 2.5) or walk on foot, which will take 40 minutes.

The person's entrance ticket costs 96 yuan ($ 15) and includes a small walk on the lake. It passes on a carved wooden boat under the songs of local, dressed in national costumes, which makes it even more exciting and colorful. Here you can see the rocks growing right out of the water and a beautiful waterfall. Place worthy of visits.

Yellow Dragon Cave, or Juanlong (黄黄洞 Huánglóngdòng)

Also near the village of Wool'yuan, there is one of the most beautiful caves in China, a yellow dragon cave. It is perfectly equipped for visiting tourists and amazes with its sizes. In addition to the many halls and corridors, there are several ponds and even rivers, and stalactites and stalagmites, which are highlighted by different colors, create extraordinary beauty views.

You can get to the place on a city bus or taxi for 20 yuan ($ 3). The entrance ticket costs 100 yuan ($ 15) and includes a boat trip inside the cave.

In general, it is really worth going to Zhangzyzz, this trip though it will no longer be cheap, but will delight unique landscapes and attractions, and will leave a lot of pleasant memories.

Zhangjiajie is one of the most famous National Parks of China, recently became famous for which he served as an inspiration for the creators of the film "Avatar". You can also visit the Pandora planet, it's not so difficult. First you need to get to the city of Zhangjiajie. There is an airport, and the ground message is not so hot, you can drive from Ichan and Changshi, and from Chongqing - only a large hook with a change. From the city to the park kilometers 20-30. You can go to the park from several sides, but two are most accessible: the village of Wool'yuan and the village of Zhangjiajie (the name is the same as the city). These villages have all the necessary infrastructure: many hotels where foreigners will set up from 80 yuan without any problems, shops, restaurants. Prices are slightly higher than in ordinary Chinese cities, but quite acceptable.

The entrance ticket costs 248 yuan (50 dollars), student - 148 (they also check the passport, which is no more than 25 years). On the usual ticket it was written that it acts four days, on student - three. Such high prices apparently are designed to somewhat regulate demand - the more popular the place, the more expensive it is. Check and go through someone else's ticket will not work, because the entrance to fingerprints. But the price divided for three days no longer seems so high, and come here for three days. In principle, you can see the park in one day, if you leave the train next, it may turn out. But if you want to fly, it is very risky to allocate one day, because if it is raining, then you will see about such a "beautiful" landscape from all viewing sites:

So I was enjoyed on the first day.

It rains in this region are often very humid climate.

In the morning the probability of rain is lower, so it makes sense to move early.

Now, in fact, what to see if the weather is good. In Zhangjiazz, several viewing sites from where you can look at narrow and high rocks sticking out of the ground. First, Huangshi, Yellow Village), secondly, Yuanjiajie, Third, Tianzishan Mountain (Tianzishan, Imperial Mountain). The rest of the places are already what is called, outside the main path, and there are mostly long hiking tracks. In Huangs, the cable car maintains, but you can only go there in a circle on the top of the mountain, and then back. Yuanjiajie and Tianzz Mountain are connected by road along the vertices of the mountains, free buses run there. A cable car is also located on Mount Tianzza, and on Yuanziazie - Elevator (Bailong Elevator). The entrance to the village of Zhangjiajie is located very close to Huangsha, the entrance of Wooljuan is far from everything, but from there you have free buses and to the elevator, and to the cable car. There is no transportation between Huangsha and the Yuanjianzz transport on the territory of the park, you need to walk along the valley along the river.

The ambush is that the rise and the descent on the elevator and any of the rope is under 100 yuan ($ 15). So if you want to inspect all the main one in one day, you will have to spend another $ 60 on the rise and descent in addition to $ 50 for the entrance. If you have two days, you can save on this radically by walking the entire route on foot.

Lifting to Huangsha or Yuanziazie takes about an hour, go on the stairs. It is much easier than. They say that in the peak time you can stand an hour in line to the elevator, so it is even not much slower.

You can still hire my porters, however, what's the point, it is incomprehensible. The elevator will be cheaper.


Path. In the park everything is civilized and equipped.

On the stairs often there are shops and snack bars. One of them stacked empty bottles.

And here there are many arrogant monkeys.


I read a lot of horrors about what you need to stand in the queue to pour into the railing and take a photo, but the reality was about this:

Do not travel in the "season"!

The only big group. Everything is in rascoats, but really no rain on that day.

Here they make Selfie with Ikran.

But the main thing is that they look here!