What is turbulence and how dangerous it is dangerous & nbsp. All you wanted to know about turbulence: tells the pilot what happens to the aircraft during turbulence

To date, turbulence is a very relevant challenge for aircraft, while a person, unfortunately, can not control the vortex chaotic streams of the wind. As a rule, turbulence represents a serious danger to aircraft, however, to more any negative consequences for aircraft, it is possible to avoid, but often passengers suffer from a number of injuries and injuries due to a strong shaking of aircraft.

Turbulence after.

It is still possible to reduce the threat to life and the health of passengers, applying a very interesting idea based on a number of laws of hydrodynamics. The idea is very simple and lies in the fact that passenger chairs available in the aircraft cabin should be provided with hydraulic dempheses that will be carried out at the slightest oscillations of the passenger airliner, thereby reducing inertia, and eliminating hundreds of passengers from injuries and possible injuries.

Circuit diagrams of the work of the damping passenger aviacres

As it is known, the liquid is an incompressible medium, and the use of a hydraulic ingrade in the passenger seat will avoid the shaking of passenger chairs in the event of an aircraft even in a strong turbulence zone. The chaotic movement of the aircraft will be embarrassed by the hydraulic medium, that is, if the aircraft sharply swings down, then according to the laws of physics, the passenger is in the chair, must remain at that point from which the aircraft rejected, and on a turn, with a sharp rise, The passenger will begin to join the chair. Two cases considered rather private, however, given the chaotic movement of the aircraft during turbulence, a strong vibration will be created, during which injuries can be obtained. The use of the same hydraulic, will allow you to extinguish these oscillations, thereby minimizing any possible harm, creating safe conditions for passengers.

Among other things, the current development also has another very interesting purpose - passenger seats equipped with damping elements are extremely effective in the case of a forced or emergency landing, for example, when the chassis fails, when landing the aircraft on the unprepared locality, etc. The hypothetically used seats will also allow secure passengers and in the event of a fall of the aircraft, however, only in that situation, if there is no subsequent ignition, explosion, etc.

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Turbulence atmosphere

The speed of air and depended in it, the particles change in space and in time. Ordered and turbulent movements of the air masses differ, above all, by scale. Large-scale movement is considered ordered, and small-scale - turbulent. It is impossible to carry out a clear boundary between them: it is conditional and depends on the task and measurement methods.

For the turbulent movement of the air masses is characterized by the disorder of the velocity field in time and in space, the presence of heterogeneity or turbulent vortices affecting the behavior of the aircraft. A spectrum of vortices of different sizes (scale) is created. The value, the reverse scale, is called a spatial frequency, similar to how the circular frequency w in radio engineering is the value of the reverse period of oscillations. The distribution of turbulent energy in spatial frequencies, which is called the Turbulence spectrum, is its sufficiently complete characteristic. The value E as the dimensional parameter of the turbulence spectrum characterizes its intensity.

The nature of the turbulent movement in the atmosphere is such that the energy of large-scale vortices is transmitted to the whims of a smaller scale - the vortices seem to be crushed. It continues until the whirlwinds are so small that their kinetic energy will whole go to overcome air viscosity and turn into heat. Such a process of turbulent movement proceeds continuously while the energy replenishment of large-scale vortices is underway from atmospheric energy sources associated with the difference in temperature and pressures. The conversion of the kinetic energy of turbulence into heat is called the dissypagration of the kinetic energy of turbulence (DCET). The value of E in its physical content is the speed with which the kinetic energy of the turbulence of minimal scales turns into heat. The more in, the higher the intensity of turbulence.

Turbulence is observed not in the entire atmosphere at the same time and not at all heights. It occurs under the influence of thermal and dynamic factors. Therefore, it is customary to distinguish between thermal and dynamic turbulence.

Thermal turbulence appears as a result of uneven heating of the earth's surface and at large vertical temperature gradients. This type of turbulence is characteristic of the lower half of the troposphere (up to 3-4 km). Its intensity depends on the time of year, the period of day and the sustainability of the atmosphere. Most the intensity is observed in the afternoon in the warm season in cold unstable air masses, as well as in the blurred bary field - in saddle and cyclones.

With thermal turbulence in the atmosphere, both random and ordered ascending and downlink air movements are created, cumulative and coupe-torn, fashionable-cumulus and cumulus-rain clouds are created.

Dynamic turbulence is created due to the friction of the moving air about the rough terrestrial surface and the heterogeneity of air flow and direction.

Air friction about the earth's surface on flat and highlands causes the occurrence of dynamic turbulence mainly in the lower layer of troposphere (up to 1-1.5 km). In the mountainous area, it can be distributed significantly higher (up to 7-9 km).

Dynamic turbulence occurs in the layers of a free atmosphere with a large variability of the wind characteristics and is observed more often where there are convergence or the discrepancy between air flows, the curvature of their direction, as well as in the portions of inkjet. It can also occur in the form of ascending and downward flows as a result of wave movements on the border of layers of inversion and isothermia. Its intensity depends on the speed of vertical and horizontal wind shifts.

Although thermal and dynamic turbulence are created as a result of the action of different factors, they can affect both separately and at the same time, enhance the intensity of the turbulent state of the atmosphere.

Turbulence causes the transfer of heat, water vapor and vertical particles in the atmosphere by vertical, wind pigs. Turbulent metabolism significantly affects the conditions of education, evolution and microstructure of clouds, precipitation and fogs that create complex meteorological conditions for flights.

Intensive turbulence is observed with a clear and cloudy sky. Since it is one of the cloud-forming factors, consider its physical characteristics with the clear sky ("turbulent field").

There are several types of turbulence in the clear sky:

    1) mechanical turbulence due to the influence of the irregularities of the earth's surface on air flows and sometimes amplified by it with different heating;

    2) Mountain waves, which by origin are a special form of the first-type turbulence (due to the specific effect on the flights of the sun, mountain waves are considered separately);

    3) turbulence of inkjet flows;

    4) turbulence in the internal layers for free atmosphere.

Turbulence in the clear sky belongs to hazardous meteorological phenomena due to the surprise of influence on the aircraft. Some aviation incidents occurred due to airplanes in the cloudless sky in the zone of dangerous turbulence.

The turbulization of air flow in the clear sky is associated with the existence in the atmosphere of layers with significant vertical and horizontal gradients of wind speed and air temperature.

Under conditions of resistant temperature stratification, the appearance of the Tian can be explained by the loss of stability (increasing over the amplitude and subsequent destruction) of gravitational or gravitational and sliding waves (above the mountains - mountain waves) and energy transmission from wave movements to turbulent.

In the troposphere, the probability of hitting the aircraft in Tian is pretty high, it depends on geographic latitude. In the middle and upper trappers of moderate latitudes, this parameter is approximately 10% of the total aircraft raid, in southern latitudes - 15-20%. In the stratosphere, this probability is significantly less and in a layer of 10-20 km is approximately 1%.

Finding into the zone of Tian, \u200b\u200bthe aircraft are of all subjected to a weak and moderate boltan, the integral repeatability of which in the troposphere is 95%, and only in 5% of cases a strong bolt can be observed.

Turbulence video

The horizontal dimensions of the chan change into a fairly large limits, especially in the troposphere, reaching several hundred kilometers in some cases. However, for 80% of cases in the upper troposphere of moderate latitudes, the length of turbulent zones does not exceed 140 km. In the stratosphere, the Zone Tian has significantly smaller horizontal sizes. At an altitude of 10-20 km, the horizontal length of turbulent zones (80% of cases) in moderate latitudes of the CIS area is less than 80 km, and in the lower stratosphere over the United States - up to 40 km. This means that when crossing up a supersonic aircraft on cruising regime, Tian Tytanka is observed over several seconds or tens of seconds.

Zones of Tian can be continuous (solid) and in the form of separate discharged cells with quite sharp boundaries. Solid zones of Tian have greater repeatability.

The thickness of the Tian zones, as well as horizontal sizes, fluctuates in significant ranges, depending on the geographical latitude, the height of placement and aero-syntic conditions. In the middle and high latitudes of the CIS (85-90% of cases), the thickness of turbulent zones in the troposphere does not exceed 1000 m, and in the stratosphere - 350 m., Therefore, the Zones of Tian have a strongly pronounced spatial anisotropy. These are flat formations, the coefficient of spatial anisotropy of which (the ratio of the thickness of the turbulent zone to its horizontal length) at 80 percent integral repeatability is for the upper high latitudes troposphere.

Video turbulence 2.

Turbulence or the so-called bolt in the plane causes terrible fear and even in many passengers. If you think you're one who is afraid of turbulence, now you are waiting for disappointment. Millions of people around the world are afraid of trembling in the knees of this phenomenon. It is quite natural, by the way.

Is turbulence dangerous for an aircraft? Not really. In the history of world, civil aviation, and this is already 110 years old, there was not a single case that would be caused only to turbulence. But let's see for a start, what is turbulence in the plane and what is dangerous.

To do this, you will have to turn to chemistry with physics. So, the air itself is heterogeneous. Most of all, it looks like a Napoleon cake, no matter how paradoxically.

It consists of layers, each of which has its own chemical and physical properties. At the joints of these layers, twigs are formed. Flying through them, the plane begins to shake.

Besides, these layers are constantly modified due to temperature, pressure, directions and wind speeds. Passing through them, begins to vibrate.

Cum and thunder clouds may be dangerous. By itself, the plane will not fly there. He will try to get around them, as it is waiting for him very strong shaking due to the increase in wind speed.

Air for the aircraft as an asphalt road for the car. And the swirls are like bumps on this road. If you take another comparison, then you should remember the sea.

Sometimes the sea is calm and quiet, but sometimes begin with a storm and, as a result, strong waves. At the same time, the ship continues to safely go its way. The same happens with the plane.

The plane will never fly to the zone of cuch and thunderstorm clouds.

Moreover, experts that design aircraft know about this phenomenon. They take into account it and feel before shipping. The plane is able to withstand very strong loads - the wind is up to 30 m / s or more.

The plane flies on autopilotAnd the pilots additionally receive a meteorology before the flight. So the path is paired in such a way as to get around possible cumulus and thunder clouds.

So can the plane fall due to turbulence? Of course no. To better get acquainted with this phenomenon, see the video about strong turbulence in the plane, at the end of this article.

What is dangerous turbulence for passengers?

When turbulence begins, the plane begins to shake. From the shaking can open branches for hand-made tops. If heavy bags or items lie there, they can simply fall on top of the passenger's head.

The consequences of severe turbulence inside the aircraft.

There are cases when the suitcase fell from above broke a man's neck.

Another danger is that if you for any reason did not have time to fasten or reached the toilet, despite the warnings of flight attendants, then you can fall and hit something head. It can be mortally.

Besides, panic can occur. The point here is that our vestibular apparatus perceives small rolls and a decrease in height, like a fall and coup of the aircraft around its axis. Hence the uncontrollable fear that some hard to restrain.

What to do with turbulence?

At first, do not neglect safety and stewardess warning. No matter how you wanted to the toilet, it is better to wait for the turbulence zone, and then go there.

Turbulence is one of the reasons of Aerofobia.

Fasten the belt and try not to be nervous.

Secondly, If you see that branches for hand baggles begin to open, cover your headBut do not get up from your place to close them.

If you begin a panic attack, then try deeply and smoothly breathe. Respiratory gymnastics will help you lead increasing heartbeat and even calm down.

It is difficult to stay calm when the plane in which you fly, begins to shake. This happens when the liner falls into the turbulence zone. What is it and the danger of such a phenomenon for the aircraft and passengers and how to behave during the "Boltanka" - will answer the most common questions about turbulence.

The phenomenon of turbulence

To begin with, we will understand what turbulence is. These are the oscillations of the aircraft that are caused by the vortex streams of the wind. The fact is that air is in a state of constant change - temperatures, pressure, speed and direction of the wind. As a result, the density of air layers is changing, and on their joints, peculiar twists are formed. When the plane falls into such a zone, it begins to shook.

Turbulence may occur when some types of clouds are passed, for example, cumulative and thunderstorms. Because of the big gusts of the wind in them, the plane begins to "chat." As a rule, such zones are visible on the locators, and the liners try to bypass them. But the movements of the clouds can not always be predicted, then the pilots go into manual control mode and extend from the danger zone.

The turbulence zones may occur not only in a thunderstorm, but also with clear weather in the clean heaven. As a rule, they arise at an altitude above five kilometers and most often are located in the mountainous terrain.

Quite often, with such a phenomenon, liners are collected by height or suitable for landing. It is complicated by all the fact that the aircraft cannot change the flight echelon (that is, the air path). However, there are instructions and regulations for such cases. The pilot can go to the second round or choose an alternate airport for landing when manifesting unfavorable conditions.

What to do with turbulence?

Here all actions are simple and understandable. First, do not detach the safety belt without the need during the flight. If you are not fastened, then do it immediately, how to hear the flight attendant command. At the same time, the Light Bulb "Light Belts" lights up. Remove the gadgets, they can fall out of the hands and break.

If suddenly opened the door of the salon baggage department, located above your chair, cover your head with your hands. But in no case disgust and do not get up in an attempt to close it.

At the time of shaking, try to relax. Blow deep and smoothly, concentrate on inhale and exhale, such actions will help calm down and prevent panic. And do not hurry to disassemble immediately after the end of the shaking. Wait for the crew permit.

What is dangerous turbulence for passengers?

Why did we focus on the security belts several times? Because injury is the most common danger for passengers at the Boltan. If you did not have time to take your place, neglect the rules of security, you can fall, hit your head and get a serious injury, or break your hand or leg.

There were also situations when the travelers had some things from the hand-made compartment fell on such moments. A case was recorded when the suitcase caused a passenger neck fracture. That is why the airline establishes restrictions for manual clashes by weight, and flight attendants carefully check all compartments before takeoff.

Dangerous turbulence and panic, which is capable of quickly spreading across the cabin. In the attack of uncontrolled fear, some passengers may not behave inadequately, and someone "grab" the heart. The breathing exercises will be helped here.

Can the plane fall due to turbulence?

And in conclusion, to dispel the final doubts, let's deal with whether the plane falls due to turbulence. The answer to this question is no, only turbulence cannot lead to a plane crash. Airplanes are designed so that they can withstand overload. During testing, all its details are tested for strength. So it will not turn over and will not fall apart even with strong wind gusts. And statistics confirm this. For the history of aviation, only one sad incident was recorded - in the 60s in Japan. But the error of the pilot became the true reason - he himself turned off the route was laid and headed into a dangerous zone.

Of course, the tensile strength is even at the most strong aircraft. The squall wind is able to shift the aircraft at the time of takeoff or landing. But for these cases there are safety standards. And if there is some threat, the aircraft will simply do not give teams to take off. If sophisticated weather conditions are observed at the landing airport - then the liner will go to another airfield.

We hope we convinced you that there is nothing terrible in the phenomenon of turbulence. The main thing is not to unbutton just so seat belts, and when weeping, strictly follow the crew's instructions.

Many people do not like to use such a vehicle as a plane. Everyone has their own opinion on this, but one usually unites them. What? Of course, fear. It may arise for a variety of reasons. Some people are afraid to break up, others hate to fall into turbulence zones. In addition, many people consider such a way of movement too expensive.

What is turbulence?

And yet there are people who love to fly. When they fall into the turbulence zones, as a rule, the question arises about whether it is harmful. Enjoy the flight, feel adrenaline during take-off or landing is one thing, but when the body shakes (and not always light and safely), there are various arguments and assumptions. So, what is turbulence and how does it affect human health?

Often, the people of Turbulence are called "Boltanka". Similar words, these are a different kind of aircraft fluctuations, which occur as a result of vortex winds of wind, descending and ascending. In addition, the small zone of turbulence may occur due to some as a rule, the plane can stand such loads, and passengers can feel just a small sampling.

What is the danger of turbulence?

Each pilot takes care of his plane and passengers. Therefore, he is trying to avoid the slightest danger. So, the pilot avoids the cloud zones. But there are cases when the plane falls into such air flows that are capable of throwing it on the core corners of the attack. As a result, the entire vehicle may be threatened. That is why the pilot will never consciously fly to thunderstorm clouds. Such objects are clearly visible on the locator and warn of possible obstacles.

Thus, the turbulence zone is not predictable phenomenon. It is caused by cluster and sometimes may not be displayed on the pilot locator. As a result, no one is insured.

Security primarily!

It is impossible to say for sure whether turbulence is dangerous. It all depends on air flows. It is worth noting that before the start of the flight, each pilot passes special training. In the course of it, it will be tamed with the weather and chooses the best route.

But also there are situations where it is impossible to plan or predict the route. When you fly on the plane more than eight hours, to predict the change in the weather is simply unreal. Then it is necessary to rely only on excellent skills and the attentiveness of the pilot. In addition, to protect the aircraft from trouble can special equipment that will soften the Boltank.

Other reasons for turbulence

We note that one of the possible reasons for the formation of the turbulence zone may become jet flows. Their essence lies in the fact that they can change very quickly and in different directions, that is, in horizontal or vertical directions. A feature of such flows is that they can reach several hundred thousand kilometers. Most often they can be found in the east of the United States.

Thanks to the dense traffic in the sky, the aircraft can avoid one or another turbulence zone. In other cases, the phenomenon may adversely affect the person and the means of movement in general. It is very important that passing airplanes withstand a certain distance between themselves. First, it is necessary so that they do not encounter, and secondly, it helps reduce the risk of entering the turbulence zone.

Many people believe that the chatter arises as a result of the error of the pilot or its non-professionalism. This is a completely mistaken assumption! The plane is very often moving on the autopilot, and the main task of the commander is to observe the locators in the cabin and for other devices. This function is turned off in the case of a strong shaking, which occurs when the turbulence zone is hit. Then the pilot leads the aircraft manually. And how much will shake an aircraft, it depends only on it itself. The greater the mass of the aircraft, the tangles will be shock.

In addition to the above reasons, the other is also found. For example, declining, the plane may face a strong swirl, a gust of the wind. But it is not necessary to worry about it too much, as special standards and flight parameters are developed in our time during the Boltanka period, which make it possible to avoid trouble. If they do not help, then the duties of the pilot finds a plane in the nearest emergency airfield.

Whatever turbulence zones in the path of passengers should never be premature to panic. Yes, we will not deny that such a phenomenon should not be underestimated. At best, before the flight, each person needs to be prepared a little, listening to the recommendations of professionals and reading the necessary literature.

But one question is still interested in all passengers: "What is the danger of turbulence?" Hurry up to reassure all people who suffer from Aerophobia: a bolt can scare a little, but for 120 years of aviation history there was not a single catastrophe, the cause of which would or could be turbulence. All because pilots know perfectly, how to respond and behave in such situations. And today there are plenty of parameters, standards, technicians who help to avoid unfavorable situation.

Turbulence: danger or fear?

The reasons for the phenomenal phenomenon are so much: the twisting from the ends of the wings, uneven warming of air, the meeting of the air masses, the temperature of which is different, and much more. But these are only minor factors that can lead to Boltan. Anyway, it is much easier to avoid it than to get into the epicenter of events. Be sure no pilot will send your plane to a dangerous place! A small shaking should not be perceived as an alarming mark and a threat for a safe flight. The harm of turbulence is just a myth, which in the context of the development of advanced technologies can not harm the person.