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Antigua and Barbuda are solid snow white beaches With turquoise water of the Caribbean and 365 sunny days a year. This paradise annually attracts thousands of tourists from all over the world, who wants to enjoy the picturesque sea landscapes or the beauty of coral reefs.

Fans of outdoor activities will be able to break away from endless parties and discos, dive under water with aqualing and see the beautiful underwater world, feel yourself Robinzone Cruzo On an uninhabited island or conquer the sea on a luxurious yacht. There is everything you need for any person regardless of age and status.

Antigua and Barbuda on the map

The exotic state of Antigua and Barbuda is in North On the islands of the Caribbean Pool and is an integral part of the small antillest islands.

Geographical data

This state is washed Caribbean Morce in the west I. Atlantic Ocean in the east and north. Natural borders with other countries has no. To the south of Antigua and Barbuda, Guadeloupe is located (overseas territory), in the south-west - Montserrat (overseas Territory of Great Britain), in the West - St. Kitts and Nevis (also United Kingdom) and Dutch Antilles.

Most of the country is located on the two largest Islands of O. Antigua and O. Barbud, the distance between which is 48 km.

There is also a few small uninhabited islands. The basis of the landscape is lowlands. The highest point of the country - hill Boggy (high. 402 m) in the center of about. Antigua, here is located the capital of the country and the largest city - Saint-Jones.


Islands are in power tropical climate With almost unchanged temperature indicators throughout the year. The average temperature of January + 28 ° C, July + 31 ° C. The most arid period lasts from April to April, the most wetter from September to November. Although precipitation is slightly even at the rainy time.

Oriental winds on the part of the Atlantic are constantly dominated on the islands, which reduces the heat of the tropics and brings freshness. Exactly wind period (September-) and small rains are considered the most favorable for rest.

Islands are often exposed to strong hurricane windwhich can cause serious damage to agriculture and sea ships.


To enter the country, you must have with you:

  1. international passport, the validity period of which is at least 6 months from the date of entry into the country of stay;
  2. Return ticket;
  3. Hotel voucher;

To get to Antigua and Barbuda visa is not required. But the term of finding in the country is limited to 30 days.

If you need to stay longer, then in this case visa is issued.

How to get from Moscow?

From Moscow to Antigua and Barbuda can be reached in two ways:

  • British Airways airline flights with transplant in London;
  • Straight flights Lufthansa-Condor airline via Frankfurt.

International antigua Airport VC Bird Located 6 km east of the Cape Jones capital, 20-minute flights to currington Airport On the island of Barbuda.

From the airport do not go buses, you can only get to the hotel by taxi. Some hotels offer a free shuttle service.

You can choose a suitable flight using a ticket search form. Specify departure city and arrival, date and number of passengers.


The capital of the country is sent-Jones on O. Tanigua. This is the largest city and port in the country, as well as the Economic and Cultural Center. The population is about 31,000 people. The capital contains all major municipal buildings, many attractions of the colonial era and beautiful sandy beaches.


The main islands of the country about. Antigua and about. Barbuda were open Christofore Columbus During his second navigation in 1493, at that time the Caribbeans lived here, which were soon fully exterminated by Europeans.

In 1632, the islands became part of UK as overseas territories. Soon the first facts were founded and sugar cane plantations appeared.

For work on plantations in the colony began to bring slaves from Africa, which amounted to the basis of the population.

In 1958, Antigua and Barbuda became part of West Indian Federationwho separated from. In 1962, the Federation broke up and since 1967 the state was in the UK as part of the UK as an associate member with broad autonomy.

Since 1981 Antigua and Barbuda proclaims independenceHowever, today is under great influence from the British crown, which appoints his governor. The form of the Board is a constitutional monarchy.

Political system

Antigua and Barbuda consists of membership of the British Commonwealth. The functions of the head of the country performs monarch Great Britain, currently, Elizabeth II, whose representative serves as an appointed Governor-General.

The state is divided by 6 districts (about. Antigua) and 2 Dependent areas (Redond and Barbuda).

The total population is about 90 thousand people. Most of them are descendants of African slaves or mixed with them Europeans (antilts). The official language is English or Creole (a mixture of English and other languages).

Most of the population professes Christianity, and all possible forms, the greatest share of which (25%) belongs to the Anglican Church. Although, at the official level, no religion is fixed as a state.

State currency is east Caribbean Dollar (equal to 100 cents).

The coat of arms consists of a shield and a pair of deer, which symbolize the wild nature of the islands. At the top are: pineapple, sugar cane, hibiscus and yukka, which are found on islands in abundance.

You can see on the shield sunrise Above the blue sea, illuminating with its rays a sugar factory. The sun is located on black backgroundthat symbolizes the black color of the skin of Africans who came from behind the sea.


Sightseeing in the country is a bit and all of them are mainly related to the capital of St. Jones. Here you can see:

In addition to the capital there are no major cities in the country. The rest of the population is evenly resetted along the coast of the islands in small villages and villages built in beautiful caribbean style, from which comes exotic and paradise life.

There are many picturesque BayAnd the water near the island of Barbuda truly sishes with a variety of representatives of sea flora and fauna, which is a valuable find for diving lovers.

Rest in Antigua and Barbuda

The economy of Antigua and Barbuda is one of the most prosperous In the region due to tourism and gambling business. On the islands about 300 comfortable sandy beaches with many resorts and hotels of different levels.

And all this concerns mainly islands Antigua: In the northern part, life does not quiet even at night, and silence also reigns in South.

Such a flavor is designed purposefully so that everyone can find the resort in the liking as a thirsty "Drive" youth and the selection of a family couple seeking.

Barbuda Island Usually unused, although there are also resorts, but they are not intended for a beach holiday, but rather for lovers of nature, thanks to coral reefs and a huge number of species of fish and other marine inhabitants.

Master resorts

Local beaches are absolutely safe. There is neither sharks or other predators, since the islands are isolated by coral reefs.

The climate of this territory is a tropical trade machine. The temperature varies from +25 ° C during the year in the coolest month to +30 ° C to the hottest one. It rains go from May to November, precipitation during this time drops about 80% of the average annual standard, which is 1200 mm.


Saint-Jones was founded by the British after Antigua Island in 1632 finally transferred to the ownership of the British crown. By the middle of the XVIII century, there was already a fairly developed industry, oriented for processing sugar cane, as this culture gave the greatest profit. For work on plantations and factories, slaves from Africa were transported, the descendants of which are currently constituting the main population of the country. In 1834, slavery was abolished, however, the conditions for the existence of former slaves in St. Jones remained extremely unsatisfactory about a hundred years.


Most of the Saint-Jones population are the descendants of African slaves, the number of citizens of European origin is insignificant. The official language is English, but the main part of the inhabitants speaks in the Antiguan Creole language, based on English. Most of the believers of Christians who adhere to Anglication; Catholics, Adventists, Methodists, Pentecostals are found.


The main historical and cultural monument of the capital is the Cathedral of St. Johns with a beautiful baroque bell tower, built in 1845. From other architectural attractions, you can highlight Fort James, located at the entrance to the bay; Docks Nelson, the building of the House of Management, as well as the building Kurt House, built in 1750, in which the Museum of History of Antigua is currently located.

Higher education in the capital can be obtained at the University of Regional West Indoance, which has a natural, sociological, legal, medical and other faculties. Saint-Jones State College is preparing specialists in the field of management and maintenance of refrigeration and electronic equipment, as well as tropical agricultural specialists. The capital has excellent white sand beaches, the most famous of which are Dickenon Bay and Renway Bay.

Saint-Jones is the capital of the country with the colonial past. The main population here is the descendants of the slaves of brought out of Africa. There is a undoubted plus in such a long control over the city of the British Crown - all local know English. The city was named after St. John, who is considered the patron saint of the capital. It is not known: whether the patronage of England made a major tourist center from St. Jones, or the citizens really helped such a holy holy ...

Anyway, there is no trace left from the slave past. Today, St. Johns is a magnificent resort that likes both family people and young people.

Climate and weather

Saint-Jones is located in a tropical climatic zone. The air temperature here throughout the year is + 23 ... + 27 ° C. From May to November, the rainy season lasts, but the precipitation is not too abundant here. The most favorable time for recreation in the capital is considered the winter and spring months.

The temperature of the water in the Caribbean for the year does not fall below +26 ° C.


St. Johns's nature is unlikely to hit tourists with diversity. The reason for this is a complete absence in the city feature, and on all island, freshwater reservoirs. But here it lives a huge number of varied birds. Coastal waters affect the abundance of fishing fish and crustaceans.


The colonial past of the city is reflected not only in the population (and the descendants of slaves are more than 80% here), but also in its attractions. Most frequently visited visiting place in the city - fort James.who defended the once colony from the claims of French soldiers. The first stone of the fortress was laid back in 1739. Interestingly, the sign of the Masons was carved on the stone. This stone can be seen today. Only here the Masonic symbol has become practically impaired. According to one of the versions, the treasure hunters, which believed that it was under this stone that they could find gold coins.

It is noteworthy that Fort James never participated in the battle. His mission was to conjugate the enemy. By the way, this mission was performed perfectly. That is why many unique things have been preserved in the fortress. For example, the gun from which was shot by approaching unfamiliar courts. To make a shot, it was necessary to work eleven adult men! In addition to guns, the canteen, barracks and powder warehouses are practically perfect here.

It is impossible to go around the attention of another architectural monument located in the capital - saint John Cathedral. The first cult building on the site of the cathedral appeared already in 1683. However, the cathedral in the form in which you can see it today was rebuilt a little later, namely in 1845. The temple is one of the few examples of a combined stone-wooden architecture. Separate attention is worthy of the bell tower made in the baroque style.

One of the oldest parts of St. Jones - rockliff Kwai. The buildings of the warehouses are preserved here, from where sugar produced on local plantations went to all ends of light. Today, the premises of the former warehouses are used as cafes, restaurants and souvenir shops. A little further pier is the former market of slaves. Not far from the market is a memorial in honor of the inhabitants of Antigua and Barbuda, who died during the First World War.


Saint-Jones has a huge number of cafes and restaurants for every taste. Many metropolitan cafes offer to try national caribbean dishes. For example, a cafe menu Pepperz N "Lime The whole consists of Mexican and Caribbean dishes.

The price for lunch here ranges from $ 7 to $ 35. Adherents of traditional European cuisine will also find a place to taste. Ocean Cafe offers visitors an international menu. The sum of the check for lunch will be here from $ 6 to $ 28.


The capital of Antigua and Barbuda is the largest economic and tourist center, so the choice of hotels here is just a huge, and the cost of the night in them differs significantly. So, night in a three-star small hotel Coconut Beach Club. It will cost $ 192. The same service in the four-star hotel Valley Creek Hotel will cost about $ 84.

Naturally, Elite hotels can be found in St. Johnse. Night costs in the five-star metropolitan hotel ranges from $ 500.

Entertainment and recreation

Every year at the end of July and early August, Long Street (and this, by the way, the main street of St. Johnsaa) becomes the starting point of the colorful procession. Carnival collects together circus actors, folk dancers, folk artists, as well as ordinary people supporting a bright procession.

Especially popular in the capital enjoy the clubs of live music. Usually they play in reggae styles, jazz and Calypso. Also in the city and its surroundings there is a huge number of nightclubs.

Beaches near St. Jones directly near St. Jones Ranuway Bay and Dickencon Bay. They are on the shore of the picturesque bays. Here you can try yourself in windsurfing, kayaking or diving. In addition, there is an opportunity to make a cruise with a stop in a remote bay, where you can easily swim next to the dolphins.

Saint-Jones is the capital of Antigua and Barbuda gambling. Casino is located not only in the city, but often directly in hotels.


Saint-Jones is famous for its duty-free shopping. They can buy precious stones, jewelry, as well as top quality clock at an affordable price. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe pier Redcliff Cwang Souvenir shops are located. Not far from the pier is the farmers market where you can buy local seasonings.

It should be remembered that shops in St. John are working until 17:00.


Get to St. John is the easiest aircraft. The international airport is located 6 km from the city.

The cost of a trip to the taxi is fixed here. For example, getting from the airport to the capital costs $ 7.

It is also possible to rent a car. To do this, it is necessary to have national driver's license, a credit card, as well as a special permit that is done right at the rental point. Its cost is $ 20.

For sightseeing excursions, you can use sea transport.


The entire territory of Antigua and Barbuda is located in the GSM mobile communication coverage area. Roaming service is available for subscribers of large cellular operators. Call costs and SMS determines the communication operator.

In St. Johns there are a lot of Internet cafes, which for $ 5 for one hour provide access to the World Wide Web.


Saint-Jones has a reputation as a calm city. But, as in any tourist center, pocket theft should beware.

The property

To buy property in Saint-Jones, it is not necessary to be a resident of the country. However, it will have to pay 5% of the cost of the purchased object for a license for a non-resident. Another 2.5% will be the procedure for transferring the rights of ownership from the state to a private person. In addition, 1% of the value of the transaction will go on its legal support.

Actually real estate in St. Johns is not cheap. For an apartment in 62 m 2, it is necessary to pay about $ 430,000.

Some cafes and restaurants do not serve visitors in beachwear, so you need to take a couple of suits with you. In St. Johnse, it is customary to leave the tips in the amount of 10-15% of the order amount.

It should also be remembered that when leaving the country, it will be necessary to pay the collection. Its size is $ 20.

Cruise ships swim right into the center of St. Jones - the largest city on Antigua Island. It can take 4 liner at the same time, becoming very busy at the same time. Most cruise ships are moored in Heritage Quay, it is very easy to get to the main attractions of St. Jones.

Some ships are thrown in the neighborhood Redcliffe Quay. A special atmosphere of this place is formed by ancient buildings in Georgian style, which became a house for cafes and boutiques.

If several ships are in the port, some of them stop at the Deep Water Harbour terminal removed from St. Jones 1.5 km away. You can get to the city from there you can walk or taxi. Smaller ships mooring in English Harbor, located on the southern coast.

The "transit" passengers of cruise ships stopping in a port for less than 24 hours, not required visa.

What to see in Saint Jones in a cruise

Dominant on the Saint-Jones horizon line - the capital and largest city of Antigua and Barbuda are surprisingly expressive white towers of St. John's Cathedral. Building 1845 - this is already 3 "rebirth" of the building: in 1683 and 1745 it was destroyed by earthquakes. For almost half of the guests, annually visiting the island, the Baroque Cathedral Towers become the first attraction of Antigua. Most of the tourists get here by sea. Thanks to the recently completed construction of the pier for cruise ships and several hotels, St. John's today is a lively bay where you can stay shopping and dine.