Photos of Mongolia. Modern Mongolia - what is she? Language and communication

Mongolia is the country of forever blue sky, endless emerald steppes and vivid impressions. In the homeland of Genghis Khan travelers is waiting for an amazing mix of contrasts: the traditional yurts here bordered with modern skyscrapers, the hot desert - with snow-covered vertices, and a dry hot summer comes from -40 ° C to shift a dry hot summer, when the thermometer bar is inexorably stretch to the mark + 40 ° C. One resident of the country accounts for 13 brave horses, so she will meet shepherds more often than clerks. In the treasury of Mongolia there are many amazing sights that are able to amaze, amazing and in love with yourself at first sight.

See the photos of the best sights of Mongolia, all the pictures are complemented by the description:

1. Monument Genghis Khan (Golden Knut) is a majestic statue of Genghis Khan, which is considered the highest equestrian statue in the world. There are 36 columns around the 40 meter monument that symbolize 36 khans ruling after Genghis Khan. According to the legend, the history of the Mongolian Empire began in this place: on top of the hill, young Temujin found a gold whip, which symbolized good luck. It was a sign that God's gods bless the future of Khan to unite the nomadic tribes of Mongols.

2. Gorhi-Tarelzh - National Park, spreading in the ring of granite rocks, which human imagination turned into a "asleep dinosaur", "man with a book" and "the huge turtle of Melchi-Hal". In Gorhi-Tarelzh, you can also visit the Park of Dinosaur Sculptures, the Buddhist Temple Aryabal, photographed against the background of the Hagin Har glacial Lake and walk along the wooden bridge over the river Tola.

3. Cheyjigin Lamin Sum is a huge temple complex in the center of Ulan Bator. This is the former residence of the famous oracle Luvsanhaydawa. Today here is the "Museum of History of Religion"

4. Gobi is a huge desert stretching from Altai to Nanshan. She describes the sandy arc of all Mongolia. Gobi is like the nature of yellow sand, salt marshes and rocks, between which the hot air vibrates

5. Palace Bogdo Gagan is a majestic complex of buildings in the center of the capital. This is the temple of the Live Buddha and the residence of the head of the Buddhist community. The complex consists of the Winter and Summer Palace, there are numerous museums in their walls, in particular the "National Museum of Mongolia".

6. The Gandan Monastery is one of the nine wonders of Mongolia. In the complex of Gandan Tegchinlin Hyd, the name of which is translated as a "big chariot of comprehensive joy," includes temples, suburbans, pagodas and a Buddhist university.

7. Hubsugul is the deepest lake of the country with crystal clear water, which is suitable for drinking in the raw form. The lake was formed in the crater of the extinct volcano. He is often referred to as the "younger brother of Baikal".

8. Manjuschri Heide - Buddhist Monastery, Residence of Khubilganov Donhore-Manjushry Hutuchta.

9. The Historical Complex "Mongolia of the 13th century" is an open-air museum, where you can see the country with the eyes of Genghis Khan. The park is located on the small homeland of the legendary commander.

10. Hustine Nurtu is a national park in which the greatest number of horses in the country lives. The Park's chip is that any visitor for 100 dollars can give a name to a newborn stallion.

11. Erdene-Zuu is the most ancient Buddhist monastery of Mongolia, which has come down to this day. Its name is translated as "hundred treasure". When building a monastery complex, which consisted of 62 temples, materials were used with fires and the ruins of the glorious capital of Karakorum.

12. The Museum of the Fine Art of Zanabazar is the first Museum of Mongolia, based on the Residence Bogda Khan. Here you can see the walls of the caves with petroglyphs drawn by primitive people.

13. Eller-AM is a picturesque deep gorge in Gobi Gourvan Saikhan National Park, called the Valley of Orlov in honor of Grif-Borodich.

14. Sүkhbataryn Talbai - Central Square of the capital of Mongolia, dedicated to Genghis Khan. The square is surrounded by the Palace of Government, Museum of Mongolian Statehood, Palace of Culture, Leninsky Club, Opera and Ballet Theater. In addition to the monument to Genghis Khan himself, there are monuments of Samba, Zoriga and Marco Polo, as well as stele with the engraved text and the melody of the State Hymn.

15. The Buddha International Park is located at the foot of the hill of the Zaisan - the viewing platform, which overlooks the entire Ulan Bator. The main decoration of the park is a 23-meter statue of Buddha Shakyamuni, made from "Yulata".


I am married to a citizen of Mongolia. My wife and I used to live in Russia, but last year she had to return to his homeland for a long time. I went with her.

Six months ago, I received a temporary residence permit in Mongolia. I'll tell you how we live here and why I do not really want to return to Russia.

Why go to Mongolia

Mongolia is a large and most unclosed country in the world. Only 3 million people live in it, and half of them in the capital - Ulan Bator. In the rest of the country, the population density is 1 person per 1 square kilometer.

Earlier in Mongolia there were solid pastures, yurts and herds, but now the skyscrapers were in the capital, solar power plants appeared outside the city, and new iPhones are brought here earlier than in Russia. But the traditions are still strong here. Coca-Cola on TV advertise the shepherds, on holidays all dressed in national clothes, and in the city you can easily meet a person on a horse - and it will not surprise anyone.

Mongolia is a normal country if you freelance and work remotely. Here is inexpensive, tasty and little bureaucracy. The main attractions are Natural. Be sure to visit Gobi, Mongolian Altai, Vintage Mountain Monasteries, Lakes. If you are interested in Lamisian Buddhism, this is the best place to enlighten. There are hundreds of datsanov - local monasteries, educated monks Lama and thousands of relics.

And Mongolia is the birthplace of dinosaurs. The largest skeletons found exactly here. In the photo - the skeleton of the Tyrannosaurus in the hall of the Khunn-Mall shopping center - immediately there is a branch of the Mongolian Museum of dinosaurs, while its main building is closed for reconstruction


Russian citizens can come to Mongolia without a visa for 30 days. So that I could stay longer, my wife made me an invitation. According to him, they gave a visa for three months. With her, I entered the country and filed documents for analogous to our permission for temporary accommodation.

The residence permit in Mongolia is much easier than in Russia. The whole process took a few hours during a couple of days. I don't need to confirm the knowledge of the language, the apostilles and notarial translations are also not needed. Two months later, they took the finished resolution without queues, nerves, heaps of papers and references. In Russia, the issue of a passport will take more time and strength.

Residence permit I can extend every year. With him, I can work in Mongolia and even arrange state medical insurance.
I did not come across the bureaucracy. When I submitted documents for residence permit, I was wrong and did not bring this piece of paper. I was called and said that I can bring the necessary document when I go to get my permission.

All documents must be submitted personally, but to get them very simple. 25 types of references issues a special terminal: about divorce and marriage, inconsistencies, temporary passport. Pay 1000 Tuggers (24 P) and get a document with printing. Such automata are in every state institution and in the mail.

Terminal for certificates

Money and banks

National currency of Mongolia - Tugrik. Course of the Tugric to the ruble - about 40-43 tugrics for the ruble. Cards take almost every store. But cash is still needed to pay a taxi driver or buy products on the market.

Pay bills the easiest way through bank applications. Two main banks - "Han-Bank" and "Golomb-Bank". A foreigner to arrange an account and a card, enough passport.

Screenshots of the Khaan-Bank banking application

You can make money from the Russian map in any ATM. If you take off the amount from $ 100 from a Tinkoff Bank card, then the commissions are not at all.

Among our family and familiar loans are all. The most popular - autocredit and mortgage. The average rate of consumer and car loans in Mongolia is 20-30% per annum, in mortgage - 8%.


The easiest way to stay in the country on a working visa. Local business needs engineers, builders, programmers. Schools and universities take on the work of foreigners teachers. I was an interview for the work teacher in a Russian-speaking school in a provincial city, but at the last moment I changed my mind: the salary there is low.

42 Tugrics cost 1 r, when I wrote an article.

The work of technical specialists is paid above - 5-10 million tugres (119,000-238 000 p). Foreign employees with knowledge of English in mountain and construction companies are most valued. They pay several times more than the Mongol of the same qualifications. Earnings of such specialists - from 5 to 10 thousand dollars a month.

The salary of a foreigner teacher in Ulan-Bator - 2-4 million Tugrikov (47-95 thousand rubles), in a provincial city - up to 1.5 million tugres (36 000 p).

The average salary in Mongolia is from 600 thousand to 1 million tugres (14,000-24 000 p) in the province, 1-1.5 million tugres (24,000-36,000 p) in the capital. According to statistics, the Mongolian women salary on average for 200,000 tuggers are less than that of men.

24 000 p average salary in the province.

In Mongolia, I write texts and articles for Russian sites. Wife works by a translator.


In Mongolia, as in Russia, the capital and provinces live very differently. All business, culture and work are concentrated in Ulan-Bator. Therefore, the capital prices are several times higher than provincial. Outside Ulan-Bator, life is slow, dangerous and cheap.

For several months we lived in Ulan Bator, but then moved to the small town of Darhan. Living in the capital is harmful to health due to ecology.

The main reason for the poor ecology of the city - Yurts and private houses. They are popular, because they are cheap to live in them: costs for the content will be about 100,000 tugres (2400 p) per month. Ulan-Batar is located in the valley between the low mountains, so the wind blows poorly. On the slopes there are private areas - they all live in yurts and houses, and heated with coal and wood housing. All smoke descends into the city and does not go anywhere.

Of the 1.4 million residents of Ulan-Bator, 350 thousand live in yurts, 450 thousand - in simple houses, and only 600 thousand - in apartments. Living in yurt is cheap - spend only on firewood, coal and electricity. Often newlyweds after the wedding move to the yurt to accumulate to the mortgage

The situation with the environment will worsen enterprises and 230 thousand cars and buses. On the street it is hard to breathe: tricks in the throat. In winter, clothes absorbs the smell of smoke from which it is impossible to get rid of. People walk in protective masks. The concentration of harmful substances in the air of the most contaminated areas above the norm is 24 times.

According to Mongolian statistics, 20% of the inhabitants of Ulan-Battora die from air pollution: respiratory tract infection, lung blockage, infarction, strokes, lung cancer.

The haze below is not a cloud, but he could

Everyone who has money is trying to live outside the city, closer to the forests and away from the city smog. But ride a job anyway falls in Ulan Bator. Families are often leaving to live for the city at the end of pregnancy to give birth and raise children in normal ecology.

Once Ulan Bator was a small in Soviet cozy city. In the 90s, it became chaotic and thoughtlessly build business centers, ugly residential complexes and shopping centers. In the Mongolian capital, urban infrastructure is poorly developed. Here are constant traffic jams and terrible buildings without normal yards, parks and pleasure places.

Due to the ecology and the incompetence of the Ulan-Bathan, we moved to the small town of Darhan with a population of only 100 thousand people. Until Darkhan from the capital by car ride three hours.

The monument to Genghis Khan in Zongzhin-Boldoga is the largest horse monument in the world, its height is 40 m. Inside the staircase and the museum, and on the horse's head the observation deck. Photo of Stanislav Fursov


Most cities of Mongolia are small settlements that resemble Russian urban villages. In addition to Ulan-Bator, developed cities - Darhan and Erdenet.

In Darkhan, fresh air, there are no traffic jams and at times cheaper than in the capital. The city is small and quiet. There is a pool and fitness rooms, stadiums, shopping centers, coffee shops, although the Mongols of coffee drink little. The city is small and very quiet.

View of Darhan. In the photo - the main district of the city and the center

City Park. There are almost no trees in it: they grow badly in Mongolia and grow low


Remove a one-room or even a two-room apartment in Darkan in 250-400 thousand tugres per month (6000-9500 p). For comparison, the average price in Ulan-Bator - 400-700 thousand Tugrykov (9500-16 700 p).

Apartments usually hand over without furniture, board take 3-6 months ahead. Furnished apartment can be more expensive per 100-200 thousand tugres (2400-4800 p). We pay 400,000 tugres (9500 p) for a two-room apartment with furniture. The owner wrote in the ad: "I rent an apartment with furniture for foreigners."

Studio with furniture in Ulan-Bator for 550,000 tugres (13 000 r) per month

Search accommodation is best on Facebook and "үnegү." These are two main sites in Mongolia. "YNEGүY" - the main bulletin board, but in the Facebook groups declared more valuable. We found my apartment on Facebook.

Hire contracts are not very common here. Everything is mostly agreed on words. There are no special requirements for the tenant, the main thing is to make a fee. From me the owner asked only a copy of the passport.

9500 R per month We pay for rent a two-bedroom apartment with furniture.

Communalka We pay only in the counters. Electricity and water are more expensive than in my native Voronezh, but there is no fee for the residential premises. Therefore, the amount is approximately the same as in Russia: in winter we pay approximately 140,000 tugres (3300 p).

In 4,000 Tugrias (95 p) per month, the cleaning of the entrance and garbage removal. The cleaner knocks on the door during the day and takes the garbage bag. Many tenants simply leave garbage in the morning at the entrance. I hardly explained that I would endure trash myself.

Now we want to buy apartment in Mongolia. The average price of a two-bedroom apartment in Darhan - 30-50 million Tugry (715 000-1 190 000 p). In Ulan-Bataror, you can buy a one-room apartment for such a sum, and the prices for two-room in the capital begin with 90 million tugres (2 140 000 p).

In the summer of our courtyard in Darkhan every morning a man arrives on a horse. It sells pair milk. From 8 in the morning it starts shouting under the windows: "Buy milk!"

But the cows are also in the residents of Darhan, living in the private sector

Taxes and insurance

Foreign employees pay the same taxes and pay the same insurance as local. I do not cry local taxes because I earn in Russia.

Income tax for the hired employee progressive - 10-25%. If you earn 3.5 million tugres per month (83 000 p), tax - 25%. My friends from Russia, who work in Mongolia by teachers and earn 2 million tugres per month (50,000 p), pay a tax of 15%.

Voluntary medical insurance costs me 8400 tugres per month (200 p). Personnel employees pay 2% of the salary, 2% of them pays for the employer.

200 r per month I pay for medical insurance.

Medical insurance will cover the costs of up to 1.32 million tugres (31,400 p) in state clinics and up to half spending in private clinics. In terms of insurance, you can get a 50-80% discount on drugs in government pharmacies on a specific list - only 380 names in it. Emergency operations like removing appendix are free. If the case is complex or learn in the hospital, the doctors are made to thank.

It is not necessary to attach to polyclinics - where they came, they will serve. It is important only to show the policy.

Secretary will deduct the employer - 10-12% of salaries before taxes. To receive a pension, you need to pay insurance for 20 years.

Cacheback for all

All checks in Mongolia are customary to store. Each of them has a pap-code and numeric code. If you scan them with a special application EBARIMT, in the beginning of next year 20% of the paid VAT will be returned. VAT in Mongolia is 10%, so at the end of the year you will be returned about 2% of the amount spent. For the year we came to 80,000 tugres (1900 p). Most small stores do not issue checks, markets too. Therefore, most of the purchases are still not backed by checks.

Once a month, money is played among all checks - from 10 thousand to 1 million tugres (240-24 000 p). We did not benefit never, but our relatives once won 20,000 tugres (480 p).

Check with coup code and Ebarimt app


All Mongols dream of a car. Used Japanese foreign cars are cheap here. Within 4 million tugres (95 000 p), you can buy a 10-year-old Toyota or Hyundai Sonata. Not such an old Toyota prius will cost 10 million tugres (238 000 p).

Most cars in Mongolia with the right wheel. The most popular model is a hybrid Toyota Prius. Feels like each third or fourth car in the country.

Held a car in Mongolia inexpensive. Gasoline A-95 costs 2050 tugres (48 p) per liter. For that very Toyota, the brisk of my wife's brother pays a tax of 51,000 tugres per year (1200 p). Mandatory insurance will cost 1% of the cost of the car per year. Fines are small: Average penalty - 20,000 Tuggers (475 p), for example, for incorrect parking or riding without a belt. There are practically no road police outside the city. Parking parking is only in Ulan Bator - 500 Tugs (12 p) for half an hour.

1200 r per year - Toyota Tax Title Prius. This is the most popular car in Mongolia.

To reduce the transport flow, in Ulan Bator has a restriction on driving machines with certain numbers on specific days of the week. If the auto number ends at 7, it is impossible to ride on Tuesdays; for 5 - on Fridays. For violation - a fine of 20,000 tugres (475 p).

We have no cars: we don't need it in the city. The passage by bus in Ulan-Bator costs 500 tugres (12 P), in Darkhan - 200 tugres (5 p). In Darkhan, I have never traveled by bus: it rarely walks.

Darhan is a small town, and here you can walk everywhere or get to 10-15 minutes by bike. Bicycles here little. Basically, everyone goes to illegal taxis. You go to the side of the road, and the drivers themselves stop to lend you. Travel costs 500 tugrys per person (12 p). In the cabin usually there are other passengers, in the back seat are sitting in three. Taxi in Ulan-Bator is more expensive, but in Russian standards is still inexpensive: for travel from the city center on the outskirts we have never paid more than 10,000 tugres (240 p). A short trip will cost 2000 Tugrykov (50 P).

You can order an official taxi by phone, but why, if at any time of the day and night hundreds of passing drivers, we will gladly bring you cheaper. Several times in the Ulan Bator at the bus stop the drivers offered us to go with them along the way for the fare by bus.

Between cities you can travel by car, train or plane. There are few trains, but they are very cheap. Driving 500 km from Ulan Bator to Goba can be for 10,000 tugres (240 p). The bus between the capital and Darkhan costs as much. Most often, we go with private traders who find in groups on Facebook. A trip to such a driver will cost the same 10,000 tugres, but will take 3 hours instead of 4 by bus. If there is no time to look for a driver, there are always other truckers on the bus station, but they will take you already for 15,000 tugres (350 P).

When you need to go beyond the city in nature, somewhere away from the main roads, it is better to take the car. We take in relatives. Here recognize internal Russian rights, but there are almost no Mongolian traffic cops outside the city. During the year I did not stop me.


The income of 50 000 r is enough for almost nothing to deny in a provincial city to buy a used Japanese car, rent an apartment and postpone money.

50 000 r per month will be enough for nothing to do not refuse Mongolian Darkhan.

Technique, clothing and household trivia Chinese and Korean production are 1.5-2 times cheaper than in Russia. For example, jeans will cost 30,000 tugres (715 p). Warm clothes and accessories We try to buy Mongolian. They are normal and inexpensive, from natural fur and leather. It turns out several times cheaper than in Russia. Women's Dublin is worth 200-400 thousand tugres (4750-9500 p). The skin is mostly cow, fur sheep.

Communication and Internet

I have a Simka "Unitel", with a special tariff for the mobile Internet. For 15,000 tugres (350 p) per month I have 15 GB and 20 minutes of conversations.

To make cheap calls to Russia, I connect a special service for 5000 tugres (120 p), according to which I have 30 minutes a month for calls to Russia.

Top up the score is the easiest way through the bank application. There are no payment terminals in Mongolia. You can buy a prepayment card or replenish the bill through an intermediary - most often this is the seller in the store. The mediator concludes a contract with the operator. When you give him money, he writes SMS to the operator with your number and payment amount. Money is credited to you at the expense, and the mediator gets his little percentage.

350 R per month I pay for the phone.

In all cities and villages, where I was, I caught 3G. Free Wi-Fi is in buses, in most cafes and shopping centers. The home Internet is almost every family, even in yurts - through a satellite antenna.

They are preparing in Mongolia simply, but insanely tasty. The basis of local cuisine - meat and dough. Cows and rams in Mongolia are 20 times more than people. Therefore, meat eat a lot. Favorite dishes at all some: Buouza (Analogue of Mantans), Tsuyvan (noodles with meat and vegetables), hushura (analogue of Cheburekov), SUTE CE (salty tea with milk). Standard lunch or dinner: tsuyvan, soup and rice with meat and vegetables.

In the foreground of Tsuyang, in the back - Huushura

I am from Voronezh. They say we make first-class meat. But the Mongolian meat is losing: the local is much more tastier and juicy of our. Mongolian farmers explain this by the fact that Mongolian cows graze on wild pastures, eat a variety of grass and in general lead a happier life than animals in the cowshes.

Kilogram of beef on the market costs 6000 tugres (140 p). If you agree with the shepherds, they can buy meat wholesale for 3000 tuggers per kilogram (70 p). For the week we eat 3-4 kg of meat, and here it does not seem like a lot. Almost every Mongolian family has a separate freezer for meat - in Russia they sell ice cream. In winter, drawers and bags with meat are stored on the balcony.

4 kg of meat per week we eat my wife in Mongolia.

Two refrigerators in the Mongolian family are absolutely normal. The second refrigerator is filled with meat for the summer. And in winter, from October to March, the meat is easier to store on the balcony

The choice of other products even in large Mongolian stores is modest. Fruits in Mongolia do not grow, so they are two times more expensive than we have: the kilogram of apples is from 6,000 tuggers per kg (140 p). Chinese fruit inexpensive, but tasteless.

Cheaper to buy in the markets. There's the same thing in stores, but about 30% cheaper. Pasteurized milk in the package is 3000 tugres (70 p), steam room in a bottle - 800 tugres (19 P).

Cereals, fruits, sweets, household chemicals, cosmetics, canned food in Mongolia more expensive than in Russia, 1.5-2 times. It is more profitable to buy in the Russian border town Kyakhte - there is a huge hypermarket "Absolut" stands 200 meters from the profits. Before it, from our house, go two hours, not counting the passage of the border. The border can be passed in an hour, and you can stay at 6 hours. The queues are always only on the Russian side.

Many products familiar to Russia in Mongolia are generally not, such as cottage cheese and kefir. Very small selection of fish, it is bad in it. On local canned foods and write: "Fish."

Lunch in the usual dining room costs 5000 tugres (120 p), in the middle restaurant - 2-3 times more expensive. Portions are huge. You need only one dish. If the menu is written in the menu, it means that you will bring a chicken, rice and several salads. We have never managed to spend more than 60,000 tugres (1400 p) for dinner at the restaurant.

1400 R Maximum amount that I and My wife and I paid for dinner in a restaurant in Mongolia.

Leave the tips is not accepted. If you leave, you most likely be returned. To teas are more or less used to only in large metropolitan restaurants, which often come tourists.

For this lunch in the dining room in the center of Ulan-Bator, we paid 12,000 tugres (285 p.). Here about half aologram of beef and lamb


In free clinics, the queue and record on the procedures for weeks ahead. Cheaper and easier for 20,000 tugres (500 p) go to a reception to a fee.

Most doctors with whom we faced here seemed to us professionally our Russian colleagues. Many of them studied in Korea and China, speak foreign languages \u200b\u200band read fresh scientific publications.

500 r is the doctor's doctor.

But the people do not always trust doctors - many prefer to be treated by folk methods, popularly appeal to shamans. Folk medicine is based on meat and milk, and not on herbs. "If the pancreas hurts, you need to eat groundhog meat. The mare helps with cough. For the fencers there is nothing better than ram meat. "

There are many Korean, Chinese, German drugs in pharmacies. For the year I have not seen a single shelf with homeopathy.

Of the unpleasant: Russian medicines in Mongolia are twice as expensive than in Russia. For example, the ACC in Mongolia costs 12,000 tugres (280 p), we have 120 p; Antibiotic Ciprofloxacin - 2000 Tugrics (48 p), we - 12 R.

Language and communication

I do not speak Mongolian. I know several hundred words and several dozen expressions. This is enough to explain with the seller, a taxi driver or a neighbor in the feast. Communicate with civil servants I go with my wife.

For older people, it is better to contact Russian, to young people in English. Young people in Mongolia know English better than most Russian peers. The American teacher American here is in the order of things. In the 90s, they came as volunteers. They are accustomed to them, and so that they come more often, they began to pay 1-2 thousand dollars. Costs in Mongolia are small, the country is exotic, so many come to families.

If you are mastered at least an elementary conversational Mongolian, you will be respect all around. To cause sympathy, at least attempts to speak Mongolian. I learned the phrases to greet and ask how you are: "How do you meet the new year?", "How to work?" - People are nice that I try.

Nature and climate

Mongolia is very beautiful. There are mountains, steppes, forests, deserts. If you love trips outside the city, will go where to go every weekend.

This can be seen, moving off 50 km from Ulan Bator. Photo: Stanislav Fursov

But this can be seen if you drive away from the Ulan Bator by 500-1000 km. Photo: Oleg Ermolov

The climate in Mongolia is continental: summer is dry and roast, and winter is sunny, but frosty. Due to dry air, Mongolian -25 ° is conserted easier than Voronezh -15 ° C. I go to the same warm jacket, which was worn in Voronezh, and not marzen. But sometimes in the winter the temperature drops to -40 ° C - it's better to get it warm.

The main plus of the Mongol climate: almost always the sun. Rare rainy days perceive as a holiday.

This is me in national outerwear - Dale - went on a hodge for Spring water. I am very hot, although on Street -30 ° C

On weekends, I walk on the nearest hills - these are such small mountains. Sopgia is low - meters 100-400, but, while you reach the top, the head will freshen for a whole week.

In Mongolia, there are many wild animals: wolves, surs, snakes, deer. Walking in an unfamiliar area can be dangerous. Special danger - dogs in the private sector and near the lonely yurt in nature. Almost all residents of Yurt hold huge dogs to protect housing and herds. In the urticular areas, the dogs are knocked in flocks. Several times I was almost bitten during jogging through the surrounding hills.

You can not swim in local rivers in unfamiliar places. Rivers in Mongolia are almost all mountain, with a rapid and unpredictable flow. In each village you will be told about people who were confident that they were perfectly floating, but they were taken away, and they did not see them anymore.

Nutka bayan-ull. Here spent my wife's childhood

I often walk outside the city. Here are standard landscapes a 10-minute walk from the outskirts of Darhan

Typical yurt outside the city. The shepherd with his family live in her all year round. The photo is not visible, but behind the yurt has solar batteries. The house has electricity and satellite TV with dozens of channels

Family connections

For Mongols, the family is the main value in life. Not just dad with mom, but all the relatives right away: uncle and aunt, multiplicated brothers and sisters, husbands and wives of distant relatives.

In the summer, we went to the meeting of the relatives of the grandfather of his wife by Mom. 150 people gathered. Relatives with whom we constantly support the connection and see, - 50 of them. I grew up the only child in the family, and such a number of relatives for me is unusual.

For the first few months after the wedding, I got acquainted with someone with someone and ate a lot: each family put a goal to feed the Russian son-in-law better than all.


For me in life in Mongolia more advantages than minuses.

I like to be part of a large Mongolian family: in Russia I have no. Like wildlife a few dozen meters from the city. In Mongolia, I can quickly go to the desert, in the mountain or on the lakes - and it will be very inexpensive trips. With a slight income in Mongolia, I can afford any leisure, car and savings. If you earn 2-3 times more, I can buy a two-storey house outside the city.

With the minuses, I resigned. In the cold it is necessary to dress warmer, and from Smog Ulan Bator you can go beyond the city. But I really miss the cozy streets, normal sidewalks and high trees.

While we do not plan to leave. I like to watch how Mongolia is developing and changing. After 10-20 years, the country will not know, and I want to see the path she will pass.

Mongolia is located in the central part of Europe. The boundaries of the state do not have access to the sea. However, the state has an interesting political and geographical history.

Tibetan Buddhism is considered the official religion of the country. This is reflected both in religious architecture and in the mentality of the population.

But in the cities of the country there are also numerous temples for Christians, Muslims and people of other religions.

Ulan Bator

This glorious city was founded at the beginning of the XVII century and today is the capital of the state. He is interested in very many things, at least the life of citizens.

In the cultural and political center of Mongolia, some people live in yurts and use horses as vehicles. But about a quarter of the country's total population lives here, and the city has a fairly development of modern infrastructure.

One of the most beautiful and beloved tourists is the central area where the bell is located. You can also inspect the Memorial, built in honor of Genghis-Khan, on the site of which was previously the Mausoleum of Suhe Bator.

He had political importance, since this national hero announced the independence of the country from China. The winter palace of the last emperor is also beautiful and the Gandan Monastery in Mongolia.

In addition, numerous interesting museums are located in the Ulan Bator, in particular the National Toys Museum and Military Museum.


The city is often called "blue pearl" rich in beautiful natural objects and picturesque places. This nickname is due to the fact that the lake of the same name is located on the territory of Houbsugul, which has about two million years.

It is the deepest in Central Asia and is connected with Lake Baikal through Selengu. Tourist bases are focused in the Khanh district. In its surroundings there is a shamanist sanctuary Arvan-Gourvan. This religious and historical place is on the rocky cape.

Numerous monasters are found in this beautiful place, which used shamans for witchcraft and evidence of rituals of the sacrifice of the ministers of the cult.


From the point of view of history and archeology, the city of Karakorum can be considered the most beautiful place in Mongolia. The ruins of this ancient capital of the Mongolian Empire are found to the south-west of Ulan Bator. He was a political center for only 40 years. After that, the capital was transferred to Beijing.

Of the ancient structures, the Palace of Khan Hang Meggio, artisan quarters and numerous religious buildings, which still explore archaeologists still explore. Not far from him is the famous monastery of Erdanie Dzu.

It is one of the largest medieval Buddhist buildings of this appointment. In the vicinity of the city you can also see beautiful places where dinosaurs have ever lived. Numerous evidence of their habitat in the form of bones were found. The rock paintings of the Bronze Age are found here.


West of Ulan Bator is located the city of Hovd. It is associated with the capital bus flights. The settlement founded later became the large shopping center between Mongolia and Russia. Today the city is a major industrial center. From it can be started by the study of Western Mongolia.

At the end of the 18th century, the fenced settlement of conquerors was erected by Manchurian military leaders here. It is currently represented in the form of beautiful historical ruins. Beautiful places north of the ruins usually prefer for hiking. Tourists often walk through crossed and dry hills.

You can also visit the Hovd Museum of History, where various exhibits of the House'gol and Buddhist era are presented. Such values \u200b\u200bwill surprise every person who visited them.


This city practically does not represent values \u200b\u200bfor lovers of historical monuments. Tourist places are beautiful, not all can be called. However, Darhan is the second largest city in Mongolia and the Industrial Center of the country.

It can be interesting for inspection of infrastructure. This is a typical Mongolian concentration of industrial facilities. Numerous factories and combine can be seen, walking through the streets of the city or from the observation deck.

Also, railways of international importance, modern telecommunications and energy sources are laid here.

The city is an excellent demonstration of modern architecture and industry. Thanks to the value in the country's development, this city is rightfully refer to one of the significant places of Mongolia, differing in peculiar beauty.

In general, surprisingly, as a country, many centuries ago, created the most greater in the history of mankind the empire, tilted a lot of strong civilizations and forced to pay a tribute to himself, today looks so miserable and poor.
Everything is associated with the life of people here is sad. Moreover, it is not only a deaf province, but also the capital ...
Ulan Bator is also sad, like the whole country as a whole at least some here and here on Geliki.
Maybe this is the lot of all powerful civilizations - first to be at the peak and rule the world, and then ride to the very bottom, making it in dirt, poverty and hopeless ....?
Who knows ... But with Mongolia, it happened. See for yourself.

2. Mongolia - 11th around the area Country in the world. But only 3.5 million people live here. 3 times less than living all over the rest of the world !!! Mongols leave from their country all who can only leave.
There are only a few asphalt roads in the country. The rest of the most ordinary primers.
Those roads that are, look just like roads in any Russian village ...

3. Near the border with Russia, even at home in the villages look in Russian ...
Traditionally, the Mongols live in yurts, nomadsya in the steppe. But many in our time a long time ago donkeys in small villages and villages, as a rule, along asphalt roads. It is understandable, at least there is a life near the road, not the fact that in the deaf endless steppe.

4. Most buildings that are found on the road look very launched. Built built many years ago, and no one cares to care for.
Yes, what to take care there, do not even repair. So the buildings fall apart with time.

5. All these photos are made to the Sukh Batar, a rather large settlement near the Russian-Mongol border.
And here everything is solid sadness-sadness

6. House of a wealthy person for local standards.

7. Shed .. Although it can be a residential building. Everything can be anything.

8. And this is just a residential building ... well, what? As-no - the roof above the head.

9. Amenities, as usual, in the yard.

10. Mongolian grocery

11. Apartment residential building.

12. Typical Mongolian village. Half of the fences are not around houses, but around Yurt.

13. Most villages along the highway are very small - from several houses and one electric pillar.

14. Mongols are so accustomed to their yurts that even at home is often built in the same style.

15. Mongol thinks ...

16. Notice that in Mongolia there are practically no stray dogs and cats ...

17. But in Mongolia, stunningly photogenic children !!! I'm even about them.

16. Such inscriptions can be found on every second house along the route. Sold. Everyone wants to sell their home or fence and go to a more prosperous country. Right, mostly either in neighboring China, or to Russia ...

17. But .... with all poverty and misery, there are quite a lot of expensive cars in the country. And Hummers, and the new lend cruiser 200, and Gelevagnes. Moreover, people often go to them, halfway from the fully open window. So that everyone saw that he owns a steep wheelbarrow And what did you achieve?

18. But not the despondency to one rich Mongolia. Bescrase steppes and stunning landscapes!
This is what the manitis and will continue to make thousands of travelers.
And I want to return here again, but with completely different goals and the program.
For example, in the fall ...

Now right in my blog you can quickly book a hotel or buy flights

Previous my photo reports and photos:

The country of the ancient nomads - Mongolia - in recent years it changes rapidly. Over the centuries, the Mongols lived mainly on the Wild Earth, leading a nomadic lifestyle. However, civilization with all its advantages and minuses came to them. Locals from the steppes began to move to the city. Modern Mongolia - what is she? See the cycle of photos "Mongolian (urban) family" French photographer Lucile Chombart de Lauwe.

20 photos

1. Mongolia really changes. "This country is located on the" transitional stage, "the photographer from France Lucile Chombart de Lauwe wrote on his website, which for several years already documented these changes. (Photo: Lucile Chombart De Lauwe).
2. "Changes occur very quickly, they are not connected with the time of year, nor with the weather or habits of nomads, but with the rapid development of the market economy," writes the author of these photos. (Photo: Lucile Chombart De Lauwe).
3. In photographs made by Lucille, the transformation and urbanization process is visible, which is happening today in Mongolia. (Photo: Lucile Chombart De Lauwe).
4. Mongols have lived in yurts in the Urta on the endless steppe spaces, and not in multi-factor close houses. For many of them, the relocation to the city was a difficult step. (Photo: Lucile Chombart De Lauwe).
5. "In his photo project, I focused on the relationship of Mongolian families to their new habitat. In other words, I just watched the Mongols feel and use a new space, "the photographer writes. (Photo: Lucile Chombart De Lauwe).
6. Lucile Chombart De Lauwe visited Mongolia in 2007 for the first time. Already then, she was amazed at how fast the city grew there. (Photo: Lucile Chombart De Lauwe).
7. What is interesting, more than half of the urban population of Mongolia living in cities lives not in multi-storey buildings or houses, but in settlements in traditional yurts. (Photo: Lucile Chombart De Lauwe).
8. The photographer wrote that she had no problems when communicating with Mongols. She emphasized that this is an exceptionally friendly and open people. (Photo: Lucile Chombart De Lauwe).
9. Settlement of Yurt in the suburbs of one of the Mongolian cities. (Photo: Lucile Chombart De Lauwe).
10. Your photoproject in Mongolia Lucille began to implement in 2011. (Photo: Lucile Chombart De Lauwe).
11. Less than half of the Mongols, which settled in the cities live in multi-storey buildings. (Photo: Lucile Chombart De Lauwe).
12. Elderly residents of Mongolia are not accustomed to live in large settlements. (Photo: Lucile Chombart De Lauwe).
13. Traditional Mongolian Yurt. (Photo: Lucile Chombart De Lauwe).
14. Inside one of the yurt, which was visited by the photographer Lucile Chombart De Lauwe. (Photo: Lucile Chombart De Lauwe).
15. House of the Mongolian family. (Photo: Lucile Chombart De Lauwe).
16. Yurts are often equipped like modern houses. (Photo: Lucile Chombart De Lauwe).