Two 2ms in Mongolia. Aviation incidents, incidents and air crashing of the USSR and Russia

Last year, on December 19, the aircraft JSC "Naryan-Martic United Aircraft District" TVS-2MS №RA-01460, Naryan-Mar - Khorut - Haruta, who flew along the route, soon after the take-off at the set of height, fell on the right wing and fell on the territory of the airfield complex of the capital of the Nenets District.

Of the 13 people who were on board, four were killed, including a child, the rest of the victims so far are in medical institutions of the cities of Moscow and Arkhangelsk.

In the fact of the fall of the aircraft, the investigative authorities were initiated by a criminal case under Part 3 of Art. 263 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (violation of the safety regulations of the movement and operation of air transport, which caused the death of more than two persons by negligence). The consequence discusses two main versions of what happened: piloting error and possible technical malfunctions, as well as other versions.

The Commission consisting of representatives of the Interstate Aviation Committee, the Interregional Territorial Department of Rosaviatsiya, the Investigation Committee, the FSB and the Ministry of Emergency Situations, which has completed the flight from Naryan-Mara to Haruta. Experts have to find out the causes of the catastrophe: to study in detail weather conditions, technical condition and preparation of the crew of the aircraft.

In 2016, Naryan-Marsh United Aircraft District JSC (100% of the shares belong to the administration NAO, gene. Director V.E. Ostapchuk) became the buyer of two aircraft TVS-2MS (onboard numbers RA-01460, RA-40236). These aircraft represent an upgraded version of An-2 aircraft. The conversion and implementation of aircraft was engaged in LLC Rusaviaprom, Novosibirsk, ul. Polzunova, d. 21.

An-2. (RA-01460, RA-40236) In a cemetery before modernization:

The modernization of An-2 to TVS-2MC provides for the mandatory replacement of the Piston Engine type AS-62IR ( weight 560 kg.) On the engine of the American company "HONEYWELL" TR-331-12 ( weight 175 kg.). The difference in weight by 385 kg significantly facilitates the front of the aircraft and changes the center of the center of severity of the aircraft.

The location of the center of gravity of the aircraft - determines its stability and degree of flight safety. Neglecting the right placement of luggage and passengers in the aircraft cabin (aircraft centering) with a light engine at the time of takeoff and a set of height is critical and could cause its crash.

According to the similar trajectory of the fall of Naryanmar TVs-2ms, an accident occurred on 02.06.2017 in Mongolia. When takeoff from the airfield of Genghishan (Ulan-Bator), in the afternoon, in simple conditions, the TWS-2MS plane crashed, belonging to FSUE "Sibnya them. Chaplygin "(Novosibirsk), passengers and crew were not injured. At a 35-second flight there was a significant increase in the angle of converting with the occurrence of the right roll and the turnover of the aircraft to the right with simultaneous loss of height. The aircraft with an increasing roll, unfolding at about 120 degrees, has collided with the earth's surface.

Information about the accident in Mongolia in order to improve the safety of flights was brought to all operators of the TVS-2MS aircraft, but was lowered to the supervision of the leadership of the aircroid. A serious analysis and analysis of the causes of the Mongolian accident among the flight composition was not carried out, and therefore measures were not taken to prevent such cases on airline enterprises.

Responsibilities for the organization of safe flight work JSC "Naryan-Martic United Aircraft District" still performs Deputy Commander of the Flight Detachment Alexander King.

It is possible that the death of people in the Naryanmar catastrophe sitting in the front of the cabin due to the strongest collision with not fastened passengers at the time of the fall and hitting the land is associated with non-compliance with flight safety rules. The exact conclusions about the causes of the crash and death of people will make the commission.

In turn, Rostransnadzor also conducts an unscheduled inspection of Naryan-Martic United air differed in the subject of compliance with the requirements of the safety legislation, for which A. King is also responsible.

In addition to the main service activities, Alexander King since 2009 is the chairman of the primary trade union organization of the flight composition of the aircraft. In 2013, he entered the public chamber NAO The first convocation, and in September 2014 he was elected a deputy of the Council of the Polar region of the 3rd convocation. It is known that the desire for media and political publicity leave the main place of labor activity in the second plan and professional duties have to neglect by them by the residual principle.

Let's return to the transaction with aircraft. Rusaviaprom LLC stated that the cost of modernization of the An-2 aircraft is approximately $ 1 million US dollars per unit, and with large orders and at all $ 850 thousand.

TWS-2MS aircraft are made up to September 2015 and have an expiration certificate for operation of 01.09.2015 (for freight traffic). The weighted average exchange rate of one US dollar for 2015 was 61 rubles. Thus, the cost of two modernized TVS-2MS should be equal 122 million rubles.

Other calculations used the leaders of the district administration when approved by Nenets Leasing Company OJSC (100% of the shares belong to the administration NAO) to conclude a contract No. 80 dated December 22, 2015 with the only supplier of Rusaviaprom LLC for the purchase of TVC-2MS aircraft at increased cost 162 million rubles.

In such cases, various criminal cases are remembered about corruption relations with premium bonuses from performers to customers, so the arising suspicions are prescribed by the competent authorities.

Avia Society In turn, TVS-2MS aircraft under the Financial Rental Agreement with the Nenets Leasing Company JSC already acquired 187.4 million rublesBy paying an advance of 75 million rubles allocated from the district budget. About the indecent high final cost of aircraft was not taken to mention in the media.

At the end of May 2016, two TVs-2ms arrived at the Basing Airport - the city of Naryan-Mar, where they were stored in the hangar ... It turned out that the provider of Rusaviaprom LLC implemented upgraded aircraft of Naryan-Marsh United Aircuitant JSC without mandatory certification of flights.

The serious omission of aviators in the acceptance of aircraft led to the impossibility of their exploitation on commercial passenger transportation, and the supplier of LLC Rusaviaprom was safely refused to fully refuse to fulfill the obligations to certify the airworthiness of the aircraft sold.

Release from the ridiculous situation had to coordinate the plan to the governor NAO I.V. Cosin, who received in September 2016, from the corridors of Rosaviation Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, a cherished certificate for commercial operation. As a result, the "profitability" of the transaction and the incompetence of aviators to the district figures had to smooth out the announcements of the achievements in the development of internal air transportation to the whole country.

Valery Ostapchuk, working as the general director of the airline with increased danger, also seeks to protect the interests of voters in parliament, since September 2014 he was elected a deputy of the meeting of deputies NAO 27th convocation. New deputies received their mandates thanks to the promotion of administration managers NAO.

The participation of the district administration in the activities of the Nenets aircreeway was not limited to this. V.E. Ostapchuk in 2015 convinced to organize the construction of the hotel for recreation flight crews.

In November 2015, Naryan-Martial Air Chairman JSC concluded a rare in nature in the district - an investment contract for "Construction of a hotel complex of pre-flight crews in the city of Naryan-Mar" in the amount 99.755 million rubleswhich was an investor. The contract, with the term of delivery of the facility in the 2nd quarter of 2017, was concluded from Naryan-Marystroyinvest LLC (subsidiary of Nenetskaya Oil Company JSC), according to which an advance payment of about 90 million rubles was paid.

As of the end of January 2018, the facility was not built and turned into a long-term, money was not returned, since they dissolved in a newly organized construction company. As a result, for several years free of charge, Naryan-Marstroyinvest LLC for tens of millions of rubles, Naryan-Mary United Aircraft District JSC is forced to use the financial lease at a loss (the amount of interest per leasing is at least 25 million rubles) Acquired TVC-2MS aircraft!

Immediately after the aircraft crash V.E. Ostapchuk officially announced the refusal of the engine of the crashed aircraft, as the main version of the tragedy. For those engaged in public and legislative initiatives of two "responsible" deputies, it seems the most preferred, but only at first glance.

The Aviation Technical Base of Naryan-Masky Aviation District, as was repeatedly approved by the leadership in local media makes it possible to carry out those serving all aircraft enterprises, including TVS-2MS. The aircare has two docking hangars with production facilities and specially trained personnel for full service and repair.

On regular flights, TVC-2ms departed at the end of September 2016. The supply of spare parts and nozzles to the new engine TR331-12 for aircroids occurred already in April 2017 on two contracts No. 212-X-17 dated March 16, 2017 and No. 234-X-17 dated March 27, 2017 prisoners with LLC "Aviamcomponent" total 3.8 million rubles.

Despite the enterprise's available technical base and qualified personnel, the provision of services for the diagnosis, repair (COM) of components of the TR331-12 engine products for aircraft is organized on a prisoner with the only supplier of Aviamcomponent LLC (G. Arkhangelsk) Agreement No. 871 -17 of 20.10.2017 in the amount of 5 million rubles.

How justified the intervention in new American engines of the ordinary Archangel organization and whether it was properly repaired - these are questions that we believe will answer the results of the investigation by the Commission.

Check the quality of the parts used and the fuel and fuel supply will also give its results. If there were doubts about the engine condition, for what reasons the aircraft was allowed to passenger transport?

It is possible that, according to the results of the investigation, repressive measures and organizational conclusions will be immediate and painful. Obviously, it is necessary to adopt management decisions in the early minimization of the consequences of the destructive management of the district, the Coschin Governor, the "toxic" effect of which will still be manifested in all spheres of vital activity of the autonomous region.

Airplane - a single copy of the aircraft of the TVS-2MS, created on the basis of An-2 with the replacement of the piston engine on the turboprop, performed demonstration flights in Mongolia. On the day of the incident, it was planned to fly on the route Ulan-Bator (A / P Chingis Khan) - Eroo. On board were the CCC, the second pilot, 2 aircraft and 8 passengers (citizens of Mongolia), which exceeded the established PVS-2MS RFE, the number of people aboard 3 people. According to the calculations of the Commission, the runway mass of the aircraft was 5640 kg and the centering of 37% of the sac, which exceeded the installed RLE permissible limits (5500 kg and 33% sac). The loading of the aircraft before the crew did not control the crew and the calculation of the centering did not produce.
The takeoff was made with a course of 318 ° from the mountain airfield (height of 1330 m above sea level) with a slight side wind on the right, on the take-off engine operation, with 20 ° flaps. After a mileage, a 230 m long aircraft broke off from the three-point position at the dashboard speed of 95 km / h. After separating from the runway, the aircraft without a staper of the holding switched to a set of height with the increasing angle of pitch. The absence of the process of holding the aircraft after the separation led not only to the cessation of speed growth, but also to its subsequent decrease, and by the time of reaching the height of 15-20 m, the track speed was about 100 km / h (dashboard - 97 km / h), which is 20 km / h less recommended. At an altitude of 40-50 m, the second pilot (pilot instructor) removed the flap. Travel speed in the process of closed cleaning was 75 km / h (instrument - 73 km / h), which is significantly lower than recommended. Pitch angle continued to increase. Aircraft, with an increase in pitch angle up to 26 °, an angle of attack up to 22 °, a reduction in travel speed to 72 km / h (dashing up to 71 km / h) scored a height of 55 m. At this height, the crew vigorously transferred ores to the side of small gas, so As a complete return of the steering wheel from himself to the conclusion of the plane from the converting did not lead. A sharp translation of ores to small gas led to a decrease in the aircraft. With a decrease, there was a decrease in the angles of pitch and attacks and an increase in travel speed. The crew increased the engine mode to the take-off. At an altitude of 28 m, the decline ceased. At the same time, the track speed was 80 km / h (dashboard 78 km / h), pitch corners and attacks were 18 °. Instead of landing on the remaining WFP length to clarify the causes of the abnormal behavior of the aircraft, the crew continued flight. Within 9 seconds, after leaving the decrease, the aircraft gained a height with a gradual decrease in vertical velocity with 2 m / s to 0 m / s, a reduction in travel speed from 85 km / h (dashboard speed - 83 km / h) to 73 km / h ( Instrument - 71 km / h) and an increase in the angle of attack from 15 ° to 19 °. The crew again translated ores to the side of the small gas. The plane switched to the decline. The angle of attack increased to 27 °, exceeding the critical value. On the 35th second of the flight, at an altitude of 38 m, the plane went into dumping. Entering the right turn, the aircraft with a roll to the right of 35 °, turning around 120 ° from the rise of the take-off, ran into the ground between the runway and the steering path. As a result of the collision of the aircraft with the earth's surface, there was partial damage to the elements of the power set, chassis and sheathing in the central part of the fuselage, as well as the blades of the air screw. There was no fire on the site. Crew members, passengers and other persons were not affected.

Topic: "An-3" ("Annushka poured oil ... and does not live up to 100 years)

but about the document actually looked at him 5 minutes and the eyes rounded

26-12-2017 / Official message GP "Antonov"

In the media, there were publications about the disaster of the TVS-2MS aircraft with the RA-01460 side number at Naryan-Mar airport of the Russian Federation, which many media mistakenly called An-2. As a result of this catastrophe there are dead and affected.

GP "Antonov" expresses sincere sympathy of native, close passengers and crew members who died and affected by the catastrophe.

The Commission of the Interstate Aviation Committee (MAC) in the prescribed manner will investigate the disaster and establishes its causes.

GP "Antonov" considers it necessary to report next.

In fact, there was a catastrophe of the An-2 aircraft, but its modifications with the name of the TVS-2MS, independently created by the Novosibirsk FSUE "Sibnya them. S.A. Chaplygin "(Sibnya), without the participation of HP" Antonov ". According to the acting aviation rules, in general, no person, except for the developer of the aircraft, cannot make changes to its typical design, develop modifications. At the same time, the rules provide for certain procedures that allow other persons to create airplane modifications. These procedures suggest the conclusion of a number of contracts for dividing responsibility for maintaining the flight suitability of the aircraft's modification between the developer of a typical design aircraft and a developer of its modification.

GP "Antonov" and Sibnya in 2013 conducted negotiations on the conclusion of a package of contracts that would allow Sibnia to conduct work on creating modifications of the An-2 aircraft. GP "Antonov" is interested in the continuation of the operation of the An-2 aircraft, as well as its modifications and was ready to assist these works. The first of the package of contracts on preferential terms was concluded by a licensed contract for the right to use the trademark of the HP "Antonov", but the process did not go in connection with the desire of Sibney to have the status of an aircraft developer, and not a modification developer, as provided for by the aviation rules. The agreement on the distribution of liability for the distribution of responsibility for maintaining the flight suitability of the aircraft modification was not concluded.

The developer of the aircraft or the developer of modification is not a question of prestige, this is a question of the distribution of responsibility for ensuring the renovation of aircraft - safe operation.

The main task of aviation rules and procedures established by them is the task of safe operation of civilian aircraft.

Further work on the creation of modification of the TVS-2MS was conducted without any participation of HP "Antonov". On September 1, 2015, the Deputy Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation was approved by the certificate of the suitability of the aircraft of the TVS-2MC to operate without the participation of HP "Antonov", which is in free access on the Internet.

Developer's rights are intellectual property rights belonging to private law. These rights cannot manage any government governments. Only individuals and legal entities can be copyright holders.

Currently, various Russian enterprises are appointed by developers of aircraft developing HP "Antonov" without coordination with the GP "Antonov" and without performing any procedures provided for by aviation rules. Such actions, in particular, violate the rights of HP "Antonov" for trademarks guaranteed by Russian legislation, but the saddest, do not lead to an increase in the safety of the operation of civil aircraft.

No government authorities have the right to take any actions aimed at reducing the level of safety during the operation of civilian aircraft.

"No state administration authorities have the right to take any actions aimed at reducing the level of safety during the operation of civilian aircraft."
And what are "private", after all, they also manage something?
And from what actions "level decreases", who will appreciate. For this, there is a poppy.
"The Commission will work until December 29th. They will have to find out the exact causes of the catastrophe."
(We will wait ...)
Honored Military Pilot Header Heads Commission Mac for ChP in Naryan-Mare - RIA Novosti, 12/20/2017
And I wonder what "rounded ..."?

12:51 U_NIK writes:
"I think you need to buy a Rotax license or another manufacturer. ..."
Why buy?
We discussed that in the Russian Federation there is DV. Power data. It is necessary to work the engines. And "buy", you don't need a lot of mind.

15:17 u_nik writes:
"Those who are stuck with mind in the last century cannot perceive the perspective ..."
What is she?
Here about soft and gentle ass and about speed, already written.
And do you say that turbo DC-3 "stuck"?

The main feature of mass la in their versatility. And with a situvin in the Russian Federation, only versatility saves.
Here are the adoption of the necessary laws, or not accepting, can ruin the whole thing.

Well, about the catastrophe of the monthly limit - I whispered one of the guys in the neighborhood ... Sho Naryan-Martic Liner fell victim to the displacement of baggage and other junk, former in the cabin - however, a hint already appeared on the network:



The message was deleted by moderator

The center was not calculated correctly.

COMET writes:
The center was not calculated correctly.

Who did not calculate the Pilots of Naryan-Martic Flight or Sibnya specialists?

COMET, then this is the second pilots! The first were factory, in Mongolia.

TVS-2МС is this remodulated an-2?
Foreign in writing: Then this is the second pilots! The first were factory, in Mongolia.
Maybe something in the leading documents not so that they are mistaken?
Official message GP "Antonov" Regarding the Catastrophe of the TVS-2MS aircraft | Aviation and Cosmonautics News
Nevertheless, the pilot died when the An-2 aircraft crashes in the area of \u200b\u200bthe village of Ekimchan region, the second hit the hospital, RIA Novosti reports with reference to the Unified duty dispatch service (EDDS) of the Selemjian district of the region.

"One pilot died, another one was delivered to the village of Ekimchan's CRH, he had a brush of chest and multiple abrasions. The plane transported the products, fell abroad the village, about 300 meters on the wasteland," the agency's interlocutor said.

The Amur Center for Civil Protection and Fire Safety (GZ and PB) reports that the An-2 aircraft has broken around the village of Ekimchani, a malfunction has emerged immediately after takeoff.

During the performance of an indicative flight in Balashikha, the An-2 single-engine aircraft crashed. Two people died, none of the audience suffered.

As the Russian law enforcement agencies told the RBC publication, the plane performed the top pilot figures, then unexpectedly lost her height, fell on the wing and ran into the ground and caught fire.

In the press service of the State Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Moscow region, published that when the An-2 crashes, two people were killed. "Fedurnovo village, confirmation. 2 people died, police officers are working on the spot, the circumstances are found to find out, "the departments explained in the press service.

Is it the first two cases when searching, also RLE?

10/27/1979 The crew was executed to take off in PMU. At the time of separation, passengers with chairs 10 and 12 moved themselves to the tail part. This led to an exception extremely rear centering up to 37.4% sah. The plane has increased the angle of pitch and moved into sharp converting. The complete deviation of the steering wheel did not give results. A further increase in the angle of attack led to a decrease in the speed and the release of the preds. The plane went on the core corners of the attack. At the speed of 60-65 km / h, the FCC removed the gas and eliminated the roll. With a vertical speed of 6-8 m / with an airplane collided with runway. As was established, the passengers left their places to close the door suddenly opened at the time of takeoff in the tail compartment. The second pilot and 2 passengers died.

06/20/1985 Drew executed a flight at the request of the state farm "Momsky" with a passenger and a cargo on board. Due to the negligent attitude to the official duties of employees of the organization of transportation services in the aircraft, a weight of 1,619 kg was placed, which led to an exception of the allowable take-off mass by 210 kg and the anti-toll. There were two passengers and 1,300 kg of cargo in the consolidated load statement, which corresponded to the calculated load. When takeoff, the aircraft switched to converting, lost speed, fell to the ground and collapsed.

05.07.1973 The accident of the disaster was the refusal to control the aircraft as a result of the incorrect connection of the airone control cables to the screw columns when the installation work in the workshop number 7 and the incomplete implementation of the maintenance technology in the receiving the aircraft from the workshop and prepare it to be tested in terms of checking the synchronization of the right-hand and left pilots on the fox of the plant No. 421 hectares.

On March 18, 1975, pilots had to fly along the route Tereni - Amgu - Kuznetsovo. In total, there were 14 passengers on board the aircraft, including two children, 80 kilograms of cargo and 50 kilograms of mail. The take-off weight of the carriage of the carriage did not count at the same time, and therefore the calculation of the centering was not made. Investigated preparation was also carried out with violations. As it will later be installed, the actual running of the aircraft was 5699 kilograms under the center of 33.5% SAH
When takeoff overloaded aircraft, one of the passengers moved to the back. The plane went on the core corners of the attack, lost speed and fell on the wing.

08/02/1977 The accident of the accident was the criminal-negligence attitude of the FIR Filatov for official duties, expressed in self-all-friendly change of the flight task for mercenary purposes and take down on an overloaded aircraft.

05/28/1979 The accident of the catastrophe was to exceed the take-off mass of the aircraft and the incorrect acting crew during the takeoff process.

Sources in the aviation industry, having studied the painting of the crash, put forward several versions of what happened - the engine failure on takeoff or violation of the goods center.
A group to investigate the wreck of light motor AN-2 in Naryan Mare will study how the luggage was loaded before departure. According to one of the versions voiced by the source in the aviation industry, the liner could collapse due to improper means of cargo. In addition, according to him, the pilot laid too steeply turning during takeoff, which could also play a negative role in the further development of events. The suggestion of sources is indirectly confirmed by the precedents. In June of this year, exactly the same board collapsed in Mongolia, presumably, due to the violation of the centering. Moreover, the painting of the crash was the same - the fall immediately after the takeoff.

On December 19, in the morning (Moscow time) in Nenets, the AN-2 An-2 airline of Naryan-Mar airline with 11 passengers on board fell. Immediately after the takeoff, he tied up to the right, made a circle and stuck in the ground near the takelest band.

Small aircraft are particularly sensitive to how the luggage is distributed and seated with passengers. If the center of gravity is explicitly shifted back or forward, the consequences can be unpredictable. Pilot in social networks remember the case from the Soviet era. The same plane fell only because one of the passengers left during the takeoff and went to the toilet.

And this time, sources consider, the catastrophic scenario could develop due to the violation of the cargo distribution.

Judging by the video, during the takeoff process there was an unmanaged turn, accompanied by a roll on the right wing. So it may be when the centering of the aircraft is broken or the take-off weight is designed, "the source in the aviation industry told Life.

According to the expert, we can talk about the "extended rear center." That is, all the severity went to the tail of the aircraft (suppose, so placed luggage).

Photo © press service of the administration of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug

Indirect confirmation of its version is stored in the service statistics of Rosaviation from June of this year. At the beginning of summer, in Mongolia, the same An-2 collapsed when taken down, and the painting of the crash completely repeats today.

In the process of a set of height, the aircraft passed into the reducing mode with the right roll and subsequent collision with the Earth, they write specialists of the Interstate Aviation Committee in a preliminary report on the incident.

Then, fortunately, no one died. The investigation of the Mongolian accident has not yet been completed, but experts adhere to the versions of the centering. Even then, all Russian airlines that exploit the An-2 sent a warning about the distribution of baggage and passengers. In particular, they demanded additional classes with a latch to correctly calculate the takele weight.

These are the first official findings of the State Commission for the Investigation of the tragedy

The Commission for the Investigation of Aviation Accidents of the Interstate Aviation Committee made public an interim report on the results of the investigation of the Catastrophe of the TVS-2MS aircraft at Naryan-Mar Airport on December 19, 2017.

On this day at 10:27, the Naryan-Marsh United Aircraft Aviation Liner with the State Registration Number RA-01460 when the height set was collapsed at the airport of the capital of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug. Four passengers died, seven more passengers and both crew members received serious injuries.

During the investigation, it turned out that the route of the flight, and the board who fulfilled its board was changed at the last moment. Even on the eve, on December 18, it was planned that the Naryan-Mar flight will be carried out - Haruta and back, and on the An-2 aircraft with the RA-40280 registration number. However, on the day of the flight, it turned out that those who wanted to fly to Korean-faith, and the production and dispatch service of the airline was changed by the route (Naryan-Mar - Haruta - Naryan-Mar without landing in Korea-faith) and board.

On the day of the catastrophe at 08:00 the crew began to be preparing with the passage of medical examination. In the process of maintenance and preparation of the aircraft there was no comments. At 08:41 it was obtained permission to use airspace. A minute later, the crew informed the dispatcher on making a decision on departure.

The aircraft commander was born in 1990, had 2.3 thousand hours of total tax, including more than 1.6 thousand hours on An-2 and TVs-2 MC planes. The senior pilot instructor was even more experienced: he was born in 1977 and flew 6.1 thousand hours, including 4 thousand - on An-2 and TVS-2ms. Both had existing medical conclusions and were allowed to fulfill duties. Neither one nor another earlier in aviation incidents fell.

At the time of takeoff at the Naryan-Mara airport, it was cloudy, -3 ° C, wind speed - 7 m / s, a weak snow came, cloudiness was evaluated as significant, but visibility was regular.

The takeoff was performed at 10:26. "In the process of the initial set of height, an energetic increase in the pitch angle for converting, accompanied by a speed loss, followed by the blasting of the aircraft to the right. Next, there was a decrease in the aircraft. It turned on -270 ° to the right on the course of the takeoff and ran into a snow-covered earthly surface in the territory of Naryan-Mar airport, "the report says.

The aircraft has obtained significant damage to the fuselage, upper and lower wings, air screw. Fire was not. The removal from the place of the first touch from the ground to the full stop of the aircraft was about 3 m, so the vessel fell "compactly", without loss on the trajectory of movement of structural elements.

The report says that at the time of the incident, the commander and pilot of the vessel remained at their workplaces, they were fastened with binding belts. According to the conclusion of the forensic medical expert, the NAO "Bureau of Forensic Medical Examination", 10 passengers were supposedly fastened, one - no. But regardless of this, at the time of the catastrophe, all passengers were scattered through the cabin.

Evacuation rescue work ended pretty quickly - already at 11:03. 56 employees of operational services were involved in them, 16 units of equipment and employees of Naryan-Martic United Aircraft Chairman JSC.

The commission found that the takeoff weight (weight of passengers, baggage and mail) amounted to 5,542 kg, although another figure is 5,69 kg in a consolidated-bootable statement. The difference between these indicators is principled: according to the guidance of the ongoing operation (RLE), the maximum take-off mass for TVS-2MC is 5,500 kg.

Meanwhile, experts in the report link the catastrophe not so much with the excess of this parameter, as with an abnormative centering center (the position of the center of severity of the aircraft relative to the wing), which, with full loading of the vessel, becomes crucial. When calculating the centering, an investigative experiment was carried out. According to passengers and witnesses, the location of baggage and mail was modeled, as well as the distribution of hand-made bare under each of the seats.

According to different methods of calculation, the value of the centering established by experts was from 32.5% to more than 34% of the middle aerodynamic chord (SAH), which goes beyond the limits of established constraints (29.5%).

At the same time, the report says, subject to the maximum loading of TVS-2MS (12 passengers) and the amount of fuel from 500-900 kg (on the day of the catastrophe it was 904 kg) the obtained centering in any case will exceed 31% SAH.

"Any amount of luggage on board leads to an offset of the centering back. Thus, with the quantities of passengers as permitted as possible [...], the obtained centers will always be outline for the established limit (29.5% SAH), "the poppy experts conclude.

At the same time, they emphasize, in April 2016, the main designer of Sibnya. S.A. Schaplygin to solve this problem, prescribed to establish on the front swinger of the engine collapsed in Naryan-Mare of the aircraft balancing loads weighing about 28 kg and establish an additional non-permanent cargo weighing 3 kg in the Spanmost area No. 23. This was done.

In addition, in accordance with the prescription of the main designer of Sibnya, the RA-01460 aircraft should be made adjustments at the maximum angle of closure deviations on takeoff and landing and the minimum speed of the height and decline in the event that the centering exceeds 29.5% SAH.

In the same document, it is said that "to ensure controlled exploitation at the end of each flight day, a certificate should be issued on the parameters of the flight of the aircraft with a mandatory shipment by e-mail to the operation and maintenance of Sibnya."

"Restrictions on a copy of the RA-01460 aircraft Ra-01460 is not made. Sending certificates of flight parameters After each rear day, the operator was not performed, "the experts of the poppy state.

In their operational recommendations for improving flight safety, they offer "to evaluate existing risks and make an appropriate decision on the procedure for further safe operation of TWS-2MS type aircraft, to conduct a one-time test of all aircraft of this type for the weight of the installed balancing load, re-evaluate the results of flight tests and the validity of the purpose of the range of operational centering, to make appropriate changes in the RLE.

The information presented in the intermediate report is preliminary and can be clarified and supplemented according to the results of studies, experts emphasize. Now the Commission of Scientific and Technical Security Flight Security Mac continues to work on the calculation of unregistered flight parameters on the basis of information obtained as a result of deciphering negotiations between the crew and the dispatcher, video recordings recorded by the airport's aviation security service and a mobile phone of one of the passengers.

In addition, the Commission expects obtaining the results of pathologan studies of bodies of victims. In the Laboratory of Civil Aviation, there is an analysis of the samples of aviation fuel and oil selected from the filling tanks of the aircraft and the tanker.

The aircraft TVS-2MS with the RA-01460 side number was manufactured by Rusaviaprom LLC in January 2016. Certificate of flight activity was issued by the Arkhangelsk Interregional Territorial Directorate of Rosaviation on September 15, 2016 for two years. From the beginning of operation before the catastrophe liner flew 351 hours, made 428 landings.

TVs-2ms - the upgraded version of the An-2. In Russia, at the time of the aircraft crash in NAO, 15 TVS-2MS planes were exploited, two of them - Naryan-Martic United Aircraft District.