World Civil Aviation Forecore Day. Holiday of the air profession - the day of the civil aviation International Day attendant on July 12

On July 12, flight attendants of the whole world celebrate their professional holiday. In the aviation industry, the overwhelming number of flights has long been women and all passengers are accustomed to call them flight attendants. Our site gladly congratulates all the flight attendants and wishes them pleasant flights and soft landings!

  • The snow-white plane goes to the flight,
  • On board meets us stewardess - just class!
  • The straps will fasten everything, and the cloth all the nail
  • Happy holiday to you, babe, aviation find!

A bit of history and facts

  • During the first flights of passenger aircraft, the second pilot worked on board. However, the owners of the aircraft quickly understood that it was not at all safe.
  • Since 1928, a third person began to add a third person to the crew in Germany - a steward or flight attendant.
  • Initially, exclusively men hired a steward.
  • In 1930, in the United States realized that young girls are much more suitable for this work. And at once for two reasons:
    • The girls were less weighed, which was a weighty argument in those years.
    • As passengers, at the time were predominantly a man, whom young girls arranged much more.
  • It is officially believed that Ellen Cheurch, who took the first flight attendant on the aircraft, which was on May 15, 1930 by the United Airlines liner.
  • Contrary to the problem, the main task of the flight attendant is not the service of passengers, but tracking their safety.
  • At the moment, improved requirements are put forward to flight attendants. In particular, they need them to have such qualities as sociability, diplomaticity, tolerance, emotional restraint. In the largest Russian airlines, one or more foreign languages \u200b\u200bknew the stewardess.

  • Every year its professional holiday - - the representatives of one of the most romantic specialties in the world are noted, more famous for us as stewards and flight attendants.

    It may seem surprising, but this profession has been over 80 years old. It is believed that she arose in Germany in 1928, when a special person began to take on board the aircraft, whose duties had to provide service during the flight, - Steward. Before, I was engaged in the second pilot of the aircraft, which was risky in terms of flight safety.

    First, the functions of the flight attendants were performed by men - most often were the former waiters of expensive restaurants. However, already in 1930, in the United States, an idea arose to attract attractive girls to work - it should have become an additional advertising of passenger air transport. There was also another argument in favor of the representatives of the fine gender: they were less weighed, which was of great importance for the aircraft of that time.

    The first flight attendant in the history of aviation is called Ellen Church (Ellen Church, 1904 - 1965) from Iowa. In his first flight in this capacity, she went in 1930 on the flight from Auckland to Chicago for Boeing Air Transport.

    Ellen Cherch (standing in the doorway, on the left) was the first stewardess in the world

    Ellen graduated from the courses of nurses, in addition, in particular, he took the lessons of aircraft management - this was the decisive argument in her favor: the girl herself offered their airline services. Moreover, it was Miss Cherch that was instructed to gain the first group to prepare the future flight attendants; They became seven nurses under the age of 25 and weighing no more than 52 kilograms.

    Nowadays, the weight of the flight attendant is not so important. But when selecting personnel, the principle of "three O" is often used: this is an image of an external (speech, mimic, makeup, external appeal); image internal (the presence of the necessary character traits); Image Professional (professional knowledge and skills).

    The main responsibility of the modern flight attendant is to ensure the safety of passengers during the flight. In addition, the stewards and flight attendants make everything to make passengers feel comfortable.

    If you want you to see the world -
    Best to fly by plane.
    On board the aircraft comfort and comfort,
    The flight attendant creates it!

    Let everything in your own way in life
    Let them be safe and landing,
    Weather ladder, happiness and patience,
    Always in all luck and lucky!

    Which of us can imagine a flight on board the aircraft without flight attendants? From the part it seems that this is a simple profession, and meanwhile it combines many functions. This is a manager who can quickly organize the landing of passengers, and a psychologist, and a service specialist, and in extreme cases a lifeguard. The history of this profession began in 1928, when the aircraft began to take a separate person to provide service during the flight, steward. Mostly it was waiters - men from expensive restaurants. Before that, the passengers were engaged in the second pilot, which was not entirely convenient. Nowadays, the travel service task has not changed, the main thing is to ensure the comfort and safety of the flight for passengers. As a tribute to society to this romantic, but the hard professional profession is celebrated on July 12.

    In the parade form and with a smile
    We meet passengers you,
    Flight attendant - sounds worthy,
    The profession of your dream!

    Today we congratulate you
    And wish to live without troubles
    Flights are only safe
    Happy, long-long years.

    Stewardess all team
    Having soles the diffilams.
    Unearthly beauty -
    Pride of our side.

    Passengers will calm down
    All searches in places.
    Defile for them will arrange
    Lifting to heaven.

    You can this day for you
    Say somewhat we phrases?
    Let all ups and landing
    Take place gently, smoothly.

    Let the work be in joy,
    Let the patch give goodness
    Well, every passenger
    Let only bring the world.

    Happy flight attendant. Let the order and calm always be on board, let the course always wait for luck and success, let the smiles of good people meet on the way, let every flight of life have a happy conclusion.

    Above the birds fly daily,
    One hundred flights on your account,
    You are for us - Heavenly Tsarevna,
    And always, as a warrior, in the post!

    You give smiles to passengers,
    Help brighten their flight,
    And you even have their idols,
    Very loves the stewardess people!

    Let you love on wings wears
    Gives happiness a lot and heat,
    And surprises more often presents
    Disinterested heart well!

    Work of flight attendant
    I know exactly not easy
    But you cope easily,
    Take off in the sky high!

    I wish the colorful flights,
    Stable and large income,
    Success to achieve in everything
    Take up all the day after day!

    Happy flight attendant!
    Wish you luck,
    To on earth and in the sky
    All tasks were solved.

    Manyat let the expanses,
    Calling a dream forward
    Let them surround joy
    Love and kindness.

    Let work will be
    Stunned for you
    And let the happy shine
    Does not leave the eye.

    You are an excellent flight attendant,
    I can say it mindfully!
    You have already got used to fly,
    Performing a favorite thing!

    Let us successfully fly,
    Let the salary grow only up!
    Get always a buzz from work
    And have success in this life!

    Festival Festival
    For you so roads.
    You fly in the clouds,
    In sunny space.

    The passenger is always to you
    Just happy happens.
    Plane in your fate
    Let the bird fly.

    Happiness devoteed love
    Undoubtedly with Prince,
    Together you could
    In the fairy tale to find yourself.

    Flight attendants
    Take congratulations
    Soar under the clouds -
    Beautiful solution.

    In your holiday we wish
    Beautiful bright takeoffs,
    Calm and cheerful
    In life you fly.

    We wish you salary
    We are just excellent
    And there will be all super
    And in the life of your personal.

    Pave you daily in the clouds,
    Not in a figurative sense - at work,
    And there is no more beautiful flight attendant,
    Lose in every new flight.

    Let your passengers appreciate the work
    And in the sky inconvenience will not deliver
    And there are tens of premiums ahead,
    And let the success of your fate will be headed!

    Brilliant liner, blue heights - and in a matter of hours, a person descends along the ladder on strangers, located thousands of kilometers from the house. For some, airfares became part of life. And someone rises on board with a shiver in the legs.

    Despite the widespread opinion, the air transport belongs to the safest. Passengers are almost nothing to worry about, entangling their lives with experienced pilots.

    And on comfort and safety during the flight, stewards and flight attendants, who are well prepared and know how to find exits in difficult or unforeseen situations. This workers are dedicated to the professional holiday World Civil Aviation Festival Day, which is celebrated annually on July 12.

    Log attendant - romantic or dangerous profession?

    Cute and always smiling stewardess, strict and collected stewards - the usual accompaniment during the flight.

    They know several languages, know how to communicate with unbalanced personalities, are able to provide medical care, have the experience of servicing passengers.

    Such a combination of the qualities of a psychologist, a physician, a waiter, the translator embodied the romantic and complex profession of the flight attendant.

    These people have to regularly change the time zones, overcome thousands of kilometers in the air, while remaining friendly and polite.

    New countries, land, people on the one hand are opposed to constant overloads, inadequate communication and many hours of stay at high altitude. So decide how many romantic profession the stewardess is dangerous for life.

    The history of the profession has more than 80 years. The first passenger transportation did not provide for the presence of an additional person on board the aircraft. Functions of the flight attendant performed the second pilot.

    The safety of flights thought in Germany - and in 1928 the liner rose into the sky, on which passengers served Steward. His duties included ensuring the comfort of passengers. Therefore, they gained stewards among the waiters of elite restaurants.

    In America, in 1930, an idea arose as flight attendants to invite girls.

    In favor of this idea, the requirement to attract cute girls who will create additional advertising to passenger air transportation. In addition, representatives of beautiful sex have a smaller weight, which was important at the time for flights.

    The rank of the first stewardess received Ellen Cherh, living in Iowa. The girl was fond of flying and took private pilot lessons. Therefore, she risked to offer their services to the airline, which is surprisingly, risked to try in the role of a fate of a woman.

    The girl passed the test, and she was instructed to dial the first squad stewardess. The group consisted of seven nurses. The basic requirements for them were: age - up to 25 years and weight - up to 52 kilograms.

    International flight attendant: Who celebrates?

    The modern flight attendants do not charge the requirements for weight as the first flight attendants. But to become a flight attendant, you will have to finish a special educational institution. In addition, when choosing the airline personnel adhere to the principles of three O.

    A: Image external. ATTENTION TO TAKE SPEE, MIMICS, Outer attractiveness, makeup, ability to keep yourself.

    A: Image internal. We are talking about certain features of the nature: self-catering, restraint, sociability, stress resistance, determination.

    A: Professional image. Here the applicants are obliged to show the knowledge and skills that they have acquired in an educational institution or in the former work.

    The modern flight attendant is a guarantee of ensuring the comfort and safety of passengers during the flight.

    The airlines are trying to emphasize the company's image due to the appearance of flight attendants. For this, the company is selected for a stewardess a special uniform that can reflect national motives. In the ideas of the form, the rate can be made on elegance, severity or sexuality.

    It is the people of this profession on July 12, they celebrate their professional holiday - World Civil Aviation Flight attendant.

    Of course, colleagues, friends and relatives join them. Students with teachers of specialized educational institutions are not lagging behind.

    World Directory Civil Aviation Day July 12: Traditions of the Holiday

    On International Forecore Day, not only Russian stewards and flight attendants are celebrated. The holiday combines flight attendants around the world. The celebration usually passes in a circle of colleagues and friends - in a restaurant or in nature. Words of greetings and spiritual greetings.

    It is necessarily pronounced toast, in which they wish, coincidence of the number of attacks with landings.

    The management of the airline is trying to celebrate the best and professional staff on this day, which are given certificates and cash premiums, valuable prizes.

    The importance of flight attendants in ensuring the airline service is noted.

    The purpose of the event is to draw attention to the profession of youth, raising the prestige of the profession.