Slovakia is an invisible country in the center of Europe, but very attractive for a tourist. Slovakia card in Russian

Slovakia is a long and narrow band stretching from the fertile plains of the Danube basin to the mountain peaks of the high tatras - a surprisingly beautiful mountain range. These mountain ranges have long hampered the processes of industrialization and modernization, and therefore Slovakia is rather similar to the countryside and retained the pristine freshness (sometimes before indecent).

Until 1918, the current Slovakia was called Upper Hungary and almost a whole millennium died under the rule of Magyar, and Bratislava was even the Hungarian capital, when he captured the rest of the country. But in 1918, Slovaks together with their Slavic neighbors, Czechs were formed a single state - Czechoslovakia, which lasted for 75 years to the "Velvet Revolution" of 1993. In 2004, Slovakia joined the EU. In the republic, a very dissimilar population: Over half a million ethnic Hungarians live in the south of the country along with thousands of Gypsies, leading a rather miserable existence, and several thousand Rusins \u200b\u200bin the East.

About the capital of the country Bratislava in the past responded very unflattering, but this small old city was well restored over the past decade and now looks very attractive. The poprade is a highway transport hub - the most spectacular mountain range of Slovakia, where tourist routes begin on interesting medieval towns of the Spisch region in the eastern part of the country. Even further to the east, the cultural center of Rusins \u200b\u200bis located, and the second largest Slovak city can boast the beautiful Gothic Cathedral, the multinational population and is straightely different from many other places in the country.

Transport and accommodation in Slovakia

Two thirds of the country's railways make up a single bulge, so slow motion here, but some trips should be made to admire local landscapes. In Slovak Railways (Zeleznice Slovenskej Republiky), fast trains (Rychlik) are held with stops in large settlements, while local train stops everywhere. For trips within the country, Tickets (ListOK) can be bought at the station (stanica) on the eve or on the day of departure. On the train Euro City, sometimes on Intercity and Expres trains will have to pay extra.

The compositions of ZSR have sleeping wagons (Luzkovy Vozen) and sleeping places (Lezadlovy Vozen) at reasonable prices that should be booked no later than six hours before departure. Inter Rail cards operate in the country, extra charge for EURAIL cards. Bus (Autobus) message faster and covers a large territory. In most cities, train stations and bus station are located nearby. State Bus Company - Slovenska Automobilova Doprava, or Sad. Usually buy a ticket from the driver, because the ticket offices are often closed. For weekends and early flights, tickets must be ordered in advance.

  • Accommodation in Slovakia

In all cases, it is not bad to book housing as early as possible. Some hotels raise their tariffs twice as foreigners, mostly simple number for 10 euros is easy to find everywhere, except Bratislava. Old government hotels and resort complexes on sources are slowly restored (rooms are usually small and expensive there). At the same time, new hotels and guest houses are opened - especially in famous tourist areas - and often very good. A good option is a private housing in many places, for this you need to look for the inscription Zimmer Frei. Prices here begin with the amount of 8 euros per day.

There are no real network hostels here, although some relate to the Hi system or work within the framework of the SCM student travel agency. Bratislava has several private hostels with different levels of comfort. Ubravert, local turbo clubs or SCM branches provide information about cheap student hostels in university cities in July and August. In the high tatras, in addition to housing in the panel houses on the waters, you can find several houses (chalets or CHATA) scattered through the slopes of the mountains. Some of them are hotels with a sleeve price of about 15 euros, and much less in institutions easier and in more secluded places. There are many campgrounds with simple bungalows, where prices begin with 8 euros per bed.

Food and Drinks in Slovakia

Slovak cuisine satisfying enough, and in different regions of the country traced Hungarian, Polish and Ukrainian influences. In the mornings in standing tables (bufet), Parek is usually eating - a hot cake with mustard and horseradish in a white bun. The national dish is Bryndzove Halusky, or dick with sheep cheese and bacon, roasted in breadcrumbs, in which the Hungarian trace is also traced. The goulash is very popular (though, in a softer and not so thick and acute form, like C) and Langose \u200b\u200b- fried dumplings with different filling. The menu is mostly starting with soup (Polievka), which is eaten as day, and in the evening. At the heart of the main dishes - pork or beef, are usually present trout and carp, you can taste a sazana or catfish, and if you are lucky, enjoy the lamb.

Most of the second dishes are served with potatoes (Zemiaky), but fresh salads and vegetables are rarely found in local restaurants. In addition to the cake (Palacinky) with chocolate, fruit and cream among Slovak desserts, apple strudel, pie with homemade cheese and ice cream. More and more restaurants offer international cuisine from fast food and pizzeria enterprises. The hours of work are also extended, in remote regions these points are closed at 21.00 or 22.00, in larger settlements, restaurants work until 23.00 and later. Coffee (kava) They drink black here, and in large cities - espresso, although sometimes in the towns and villages, they simply dilute ground coffee with boiling water (although they call "Turkish", Turecka).

Confectionery (Cukraren) play an important role in public life, especially during the day on Sunday, when only they are open. Regardless of the Slovak season, the daily portion of ice cream is eaten (ZMRZLina). On the vineyards of the southern part of Slovakia produce good white wines that are not inferior to Hungarian and Austrian. The most popular local drink is a squabble, or plum vodka, common everywhere. Having live almost seventy years by side by side with Czechs, Slovaks are accustomed to draft beer, but still beer (Pivnica) here less than in. Slovaks are visited more restaurants or wine bars (Vinaren), often working late as nightclubs.

Signal attractions of Slovakia

one). - Small Slovak capital - a beautiful, well-renovated ancient city, full of baroque palaces, shady areas and lively street cafes;

2). - These vertices are the most beautiful mountains of Slovakia - raise over the plain Poprad;

3). - Attractive medieval town, surrounded by a wall and originally populated by saksami;

4). Spissky degrees - A large medieval castle in the east of the country is impressive with its ruins on the top of the mountain.

In contact with

Every year, millions of tourists seek to get into this country, having the purest air in Europe, spectacular nature and old fabulous locks - in excellent and unique Slovakia.

Slovakia is located in Central Europe. The largest cities are the capital of Bratislava states, as well as cities Kosice, Nitra, Presov, Trnava, Banska-Bystrica, Trencin. Most of the population by nationality of the Slovak, but there are also Hungarians, Poles, Ukrainians, Gypsies, Germans, Rusins \u200b\u200band Jews. Slovakia can be called a rather religious country: besides Catholicism, the residents of the country profess Lutheranism, Grechocatolyticism (Uniate) and Orthodoxy.

The territory of the current Slovakia was populated by Slavic tribes in the V century, later it was part of the set of powers ( Self, Great Moravia, Austria-Hungary, Czechoslovakia). On January 1, 1993, Slovakia gained independence, and on May 1, 2004 he became a member of the European Union.

Today Slovakia is considered a developed agrarian-industrial country actively developing in the tourist direction.


Number of population

5 405 338 people.

Population density

110 people / km²




Form of government

parliamentary republic


UTC + 1 (summer UTC + 2)

International Area Code

Domain zone on the Internet


Climate and weather

Slovakia is located in the zone of moderately continental climate, like most of the Central Europe, which is characterized by a cold snowy winter and a warm comfortable summer. There are quite a few precipitation in the mountains, which cannot be said about the lowland part of the country located in the valleys Danube.

The average winter air temperature in Slovakia ranges from 0 to -5 ° C. In the mountains, as a rule, it is frosty sunny weather, and in lowlands at this time foggy and cloudy. In December, the winter tourist season begins, which lasts until mid-March, when the air temperature warms up to + 5 ... + 10 ° C.

In Slovakia, Spring Floods, which happen due to melting of snow in Tatras And abundance at this time of storm rains, the water level in rivers can rise by more than 2 meters. In recent years, the cases of spring-summer hurricane winds, damaging power lines broke down branches of trees and even sometimes tearing roofs of houses.

Middle summer air temperature in Slovakia does not exceed +25 ° C.. The heat is transferred quite easily due to low air humidity. In the south of the country there are wine-made regions of the country, as warm sunny weather contributes to the full aging of grapes. In the southern warm regions are the largest and most interesting in their architecture of Slovakia: Bratislava, Nitraand Trnava. In the summer and early autumn you can osmat the sights of the vintage cities of Slovakia, to visit unique caves, as well as make an unforgettable wine tour in the country.


Slovakia is rich in charming mountain ranges, motivated alpine meadows, mysterious caves, rapid waterfalls, endless forests, serene river valleys and bottomless lakes.

Mountain peaks of Western Carpathians surround Slovakia from the north and northeast. High tatras are the highest part of them. There is also located pic Gerlakhovski-Shtit (2655 m) - the highest mountain in Slovakia and in all carpathians. South settled hills cut through beautiful river valleys. The largest and beautiful rivers in Slovakia are VAG, HRR and NITRATSwho fall into Danube.

The southern part of the country is occupied by the Middle Indian Lowland, known for its fertile soils, on which grapes, fruits, wheat, potatoes, sugar beets, sunflower, corn and rye are grown.

About 40% of the territory of the country are occupied by the forest. On the southern slopes of the mountains are mostly oaks, beech and other broader breeds. Primitive beech forests of Slovakia are included in the list of UNESCO world heritage, they live the greatest number of predators in Europe. The forests of the northern slopes of the mountains consist of coniferous rocks: fir, fir, pine, larch. Nine national parks operate in Slovakia ( Tatras, Polonins, Slovak Cars et al.) In which many tourist pedestrian trails and cycling routes are laid.


In the popularity and attendance in the first place, of course, it is the capital of Slovakia Bratislava, the main attraction of which is the castle Bratislavsky Grad.. Tourists like to admire the beautiful architectural monuments of different eras, to walk along the Danube to Castle Devin, where the Rivers of the Danube and Morava merge, at the same time contemplate the landscapes of three countries (Slovakia, Austria and Hungary) from the height of a hail hill.

The second largest city of Slovakia - Kosice - In 2013, it will become the cultural capital of Europe. Among the numerous interesting architectural monuments of the city, the most ambitious and interesting is the Gothic saint Elizabeth Cathedral, widely known for its luxury indoor decoration.

The beautiful city of Slovakia can with confidence called Trencin. On narrow loop streets of the city, travelers will find many beautiful churches and old buildings. From the highest point of the city on modern bustle looks majestic Trenchyan hail Magnificent castle of the XI century. In Trencin, a number of important cultural events are held annually, such as the Festival of Contemporary Music Pohoda., International Film Festival Art Film. and etc.

Amazing architectural monuments can be found in such cities as:

  • Banska Bystrica - one of the largest and richest architectural and natural monuments the city, the informal capital of Central Slovakia;
  • Bansk sweating - Once the mining town, where gold and silver were mined;
  • Boynice- The most famous city resort with a fabulous castle.


The main ingredients of the Slovak Kitchen are cabbage, potatoes, dairy products and meat. On the plain part of the country they love dishes from corn.

From meat dishes deserve the greatest attention to the dishes from the goose, for example, goose with "Lockers" (Potato cakes). In one of the Slovak towns ( Slovensky Hrob.) even a gastronomic holiday called "Goose Pier", While the test is removed from young wine to a good snack.

In the Slovak cuisine, a reflection of Austro-Hungarian influence was reflected. Thus, the favorite dishes in all three countries are dangling, which are boiled flour balls, mixed with cottage cheese and cheese, as well as potato dumplings and dumplings.

For dessert it is worth trying "Palacins" (pancakes), strudel, "Ovootna cuts"(fruit cake, jelly), etc.

From drinks in Slovakia, local beer and wine produced throughout the country have been detected many centuries.

Slovak beer, although not so famous as Czech, but is not inferior to him in taste. Bratislava, Kosice, Trencin, Presov, Banska Bestrician and many other cities of Slovakia are considered centers of brewing centers, and many other cities of Slovakia, but the oldest brewery is located in the city of Banska Shtyaensica (1473). The most popular brand of Slovak beer includes Zlaty Bazant, Kelt, Topvar, Saris, Martiner, Rezany, URPIN and etc.

In Slovakia, you can find wine for every taste, it is strong wines from Veltliner grape varieties and blaufrankish, possessing a pronounced aroma, and soft Cabernet Sauvignon, Pinot Noir and Tramier Aromatic.

Among the strong alcoholic beverages of Slovakia should be allocated primarily a kind of liquor Fernet, local species of moonshine (Slovevitz, Grushkovitsa, Malinovitsa), "Tatra tea" (infused on herbs alcohol) and Borovka (tincture with a fortress about 45 °).


All major cities and tourist centers of Slovakia, including ski and medical and health resorts, offer their guests a huge selection of all sorts of hotels, hotels, motels, hostels, guest houses and campgrounds. Special popularity among Slovak hotels enjoy family-type hotels that prevail in the southern wine-growing areas of the country, as well as in the fields of spreading agrotourism. In high and low tatras, the number of large hotels is small, there are many guest houses of various levels.

In Bratislava, the minimum cost of living in three-, four- and five-star hotels is respectively 45, 60 and 110 €. In cozy guest houses, rent apartments will be at a minimum 40 € . The average price of one person in Slovakia's hostels per day is about 15 €.

Entertainment and recreation

Tourists who come to Slovakia usually do not arise the question of what to do, because at the stage of travel planning, some are already seeing themselves on skiing or snowboarding, others - with a golf club in the hands of the most difficult and desired well, third mentally It is not necessary in the healing mud bath, the fourth dream of descent into wondrous caves, etc.

Of course, the most popular view of the active recreation in Slovakia is the mountain skiing. The favorite place of many European lovers of winter extreme sports are high tatras with the beautiful ski resorts of the highest class Tatravskaya Lomnica, stockbank Pleso and Smokovec. In addition to the ski and sauna tracks of various difficulties, as well as all kinds of lifts, in high tatras, you can make an unforgettable walk on the Lomnitsky peak on the suspension road, walk along the Stewren's cable car - the old Smokovec and ride on the gear railway Shtrbsk Pleso - Tatranska Strine.

Slovak golf courses are becoming increasingly popular among Europeans. Golf is considered a big business sport, because it is not just entertainment is a way to communicate. The first Golf Course in Slovakia appeared in 1908 in high tatras at the Tatransk Slash resort. To date, in several regions of Slovakia, professional fields operate: Club Bernolakovo 6 km from Bratislava is considered the most difficult field in Europe, the club Gray Bear with the best Scottish fields, the Welten-Bach club will delight its visitors with the possibility of night games, etc.

Slovakia is famous for its healing and wellness resorts. A visit to the thermal and mud sources contributes to the active treatment of the musculoskeletal system, getting rid of stress and excess weight in Piestany resorts, sermno, Thermal Corvinus Velkie Medezer, etc.

Slovakia actively develops a unique pleasant and at the same time a very useful view of the rest - visits to thermal water parks. Not far from the ski center is clear in the low tatras there is a water park Tatralandia, where there are swimming pools with thermal and pure heated water, slides, toboggans, playground, children's pool with lock and so on.

Nightlife in Slovakia is most active in Bratislava (clubs Randal Club, Music Gallery U Dežmára, U Ocka) And in the ski resorts, especially among young people, night places of the resort Tatransk Slap are appreciated.


The most popular souvenirs among tourists are ceramic products, wooden statuettes, toys and dishes, as well as the ancient folk musical instruments of the Slovak people.

Among Slovak souvenirs allocate "Chrpak", a special wooden mug, decorated with carvings and national ornaments, which was once used for the first sample of sheep milk. In the mountainous areas of the country, the most useful souvenir is "Valashka"A peculiar paint-staff, with which it is easier to move around the mountain paths. And unique Slovaka "Fuyar"(Spirit tool) even got into the UNESCO World Heritage List. A large selection of Slovak souvenirs is presented in Uluv stores located in the most important tourist cities of Slovakia.

Antique shops of Slovakia (Starozitnosti) will delight their buyers with a large selection of beautiful furniture, ancient jewelry, paintings and all of interesting trinkets.

An excellent gift brought from Slovakia will be a bottle of tasty wine produced at a small winery or local brand stamps. Hradne Brandy, Old Herold Vinjak, Karpatske Brandy O.X. and etc.


The largest airport in Slovakia is located in Bratislava (Bratislava Airport named after Milan Raslaw Steifanika), regular flights are performed from it to most European capitals (Paris, London, Rome, Copenhagen, Prague, Moscow, etc.), other major cities (Milan, Antalya, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bKurigada, etc.). There is one flight inside the country of Bratislava - Kosice worth 40-60 €.

Railway transport, except international trains, are very well developed in the country, in neighboring countries (Austria, Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic) there are many high-speed trains.

Bus transport is used, as a rule, for movement for short distances. The cost of 50 km of the path is approximately 1 €.

Traveling in Slovakia on its own vehicles, integral road rules should be observed, including high-speed regime (no more than 50 km / h in the city, 90 km / h beyond settlements and 130 km / h on highway), continuous use of near light in Any time of day and any weather conditions. For violation of traffic rules in the country, large fines are provided, for example, for drunk driving 1000 €.

City transport is represented by buses, trams and trolley buses. Travel coupons can be bought at stops (orange machines) and drivers. The cost of the trip depends on the time on the way (the schedule was published at stops). Taxi is in every city of Slovakia, it is not expensive, but because of the small distances is not popular with tourists.


Mobile communications in Slovakia provide 3 operators: T-Mobile, Orange, Telefonica O2. All mobile operators also offer an Internet connection service through a mobile phone or 3G modem (from 8 € for 1 MB of traffic). The cost of 3G modem is about 50 €, with a modem inland, that is, it can be used to access the Internet with SIM cards of other operators. Free Wi-Fi includes most hotels, guest houses and hostels.

For calls abroad, you can use the telephone machine, buying a card in the newsstand or post office.


Due to the absence of religious, territorial and national conflicts, Slovakia is considered a quiet and peaceful country, but always and everywhere should be observed elementary care measures on the roads, in very crowded places and in the dark. In urban transport, rare, but pocket thefts are possible. At ski resorts, it is necessary to carefully refer to the preservation of their sports equipment, especially expensive models.

In the mountains there is a paid mountain-carrier service.

At the request of the police, a foreigner should present a document certifying the identity, and medical insurance.

Business climate

According to the World Bank research, the registration of a foreign company in Slovakia consists of 8 procedures and lasts 18 days, which is much easier and faster than in the rest of the European Union.

Enterprises operating in Slovakia are required to pay net profit tax (19%), value added tax (20%), as well as taxes on dividend income (15%), leases (25%), royalties (25%) .

Tourism is considered the most profitable business industry in Slovakia.

The property

In Slovakia, there are no restrictions for foreigners buying residential or commercial real estate, when buying which the land ownership is automatically purchased. No company registration is also required when buying real estate by foreign investors.

The cost of real estate in large cities of Slovakia and in high tatras is comparable with the cost of real estate on the best Mediterranean resorts. The high cost is explained by the economic prospects, safety and environmental situation in the country. For 1 m 2 in Bratislava Today, on average, about € 1700 will have to pay, in Kosice - 950 €, in Prest - 800 € and so on. Monthly rental of one-room apartment in Bratislava will be from 350 to 500 €, in Kosice - from 300 to 450 €.

Real estate owners in Slovakia pay real estate tax, the rate of which is different in different regions of the country, on average it is equal to 0.2 € per 1 m2. When selling or renting real estate, it is necessary to pay income tax (19%).

Planning a trip or a tour of Slovakia National Parks, you should always think about the night of the night in advance, as the number of hotels and campgrounds is very limited here, and to independently break the tent camp is strictly prohibited.

In ski resorts it is more profitable to use lifts on special weekly tickets ski-Pass (approximately 2 €).

Exchange currency is usually more profitable in banks, and not in exchange offices.

You should not plan your trip to Slovakia in July-August, so at this time the resorts will be overcrowded to the Slovaks themselves who came on vacation from their cities can arise with accommodation. The optimal time of the year for traveling in Slovakia (except for ski resorts) is the second half of the spring, the beginning of the summer and the beginning of autumn.


Visiting Slovakia is possible in the presence of a Schengen visa. Visa's issuance is made upon presentation of a number of documents: a passport, valid for more than 3 months from the date of the end of the visa, with two or more pages, the questionnaires of the established sample, 2 color photographs, a document confirming the applicant's solvency (at least 56 € per day), international insurance sample, etc.

The registration of a visa is carried out within about 10 days when paying for a consular collection of 35 €, within 3 days - 70 €. When submitting documents, it is necessary to personally have a person receiving a visa.

Ski resorts are present in the territory of many parks. One of the most beautiful local national parks is considered high tatras, the main territory of which is covered with coniferous forests and numerous lakes. There are several climatic resorts in the park and the tourist infrastructure is well developed.

The popular destination in Slovakia is to combine it with therapeutic procedures in resorts and holiday homes based on the site of thermal and mineral sources. In total in Slovakia over 1000 such sources and more than 20 specialized resorts. Popular healing resorts: Piestany, Cindico, Dudinets, Raecec Teplice, Bardeevsky Fike .

Slovakia surrounds Western Carpathians, the highest point of the country - the peak of Gerlakhovski-Stont reaches a height of 2655 meters. Those who love mountains and outdoor activities, it is worth come to Ski Resorts under underborse, Tatransk Slash , Smokovets, Strbske Pleso, clear, Ruzomberok and Donovaly. If you are interested not only to the mountain skiing, but also snowboarding, you can go on an opening, where a real Snow-Park is operating with tracks for both lovers and professionals. Also equipped for snowboarders Mlynitskaya Valley complex, where there are all conditions for Freeride. Snowboard routes are on the ski resort Tatransk Slash.

Extremes will find in Slovakia classes in the shower. Many mountain rivers make it possible to engage in rafting. The most stormy and complex river for Rafting - Bela, and beginners are recommended to first overcome a simple descent on Orave. You can also go rafting when visiting the National Penina Park.

Current time in Bratislava:
(UTC +1)

An equally extreme occupation for tourists is a descent to the caves, which are about 4,000 in Slovakia. Only 12 of them are open to visiting, and the Dobshinskaya, Okhtinskaya, Yasovskaya, Gombasetskaya and Domitsa and Domitsa are particularly popular - some of them are a UNESCO World Heritage List. In Slovakia, there is no sea, however there are excellent conditions for diving: on the lakes of the gushka, the golden sands, Shrovetsky and Senetskiy.

How to get


Russians and citizens of the CIS countries are required registration of a Schengen visa for visiting Slovakia . Directly from Moscow to the capital of Slovakia can fly several times a week (the arrival point is the airport named after Miroslav Styfanika) or to get through Prague and Vienna.

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Weather in Slovakia

The climate of Slovakia is continental, it means that winter here is cold enough and snowy, and summer is warm and wet. The average January temperature is in the capital of Slovakia -1 ° C, and July + 21 ° C. At any time of the year, tourists here will be comfortable and in winter at ski resorts, and in the summer, inspecting the numerous attractions of this country. Although 80% of Slovakia is located at an altitude of 750 meters above sea level, the fertile valleys and the middlenaya lowland are extended to the south of the Carpathians, which flow numerous rivers flowing into the Danube is the main resident of Slovakia. And in the mountains there are Alpine Lugov zones.

Weather in Slovakia for months

Feedback by month

January 8. February 2. March 2. April 7. May 9. June 14. July 10. August 6. September 15. October 6. November 5. December 5.

Photos of Slovakia

Cities and regions

Regions of Slovakia

Slovakia consists of 8 edges that wear names according to the names of their administrative centers (in brackets - number on the map on the right): Bratislava (1), Preshovsky (7), Kositsky (8), Trencinsky (3), Banskistritsky (6), Treavsky (2), Nitransky (4) and Zilinsky (5).

Bystrica Banska Region borders Hungary. These territories have both mountains (tatras) and plain (southern part). Banska Bystrica is known for its picturesque landscapes, because it is here that there are 3 litpodes and many reserves.

The Bratislava region is the smallest of the area compared to the rest and, at the same time, the most populous. The region includes Danube and Zhorskaya lowland, which are divided by small carpathosphates. The region borders immediately with 3 states: Czech Republic, Austria and Hungary.

In the Kosice region, the border is held with Hungary and Ukraine. There are many fertile lands, so viticulture has been developed and a great wine is produced. Also in the commolution developed industrial production, transport infrastructure and has its own airport.

The region of Nitra borders with Hungary and is distinguished by the plain landscape. It is also favorable for viticulture and agriculture area. There is a small airport, and Komarno - shipper.

Through the region of Presov, the border with Ukraine and Poland runs. This is a mountainous region, in the west of which is National Park "High Tatras". Poprad has an international airport, and 40 km from Prelov - Kosice Airport, so tourists are very convenient to get to this region.

Having been in Slovakia, it is worth not only stroll through the streets of the old town of Bratislava, but also to see the Gothic Cathedrals of Kosice, the ancient city of Trencin and the town of Banska Bystrica. You can also go to the neighboring vein or mystical Prague. An interesting tourist route is the Shakhtar city of Banska sweating, a picturesque rural settlement of Slkolinets with folk architecture, the Gothic city of BardeDes with the preserved fortress system and, of course, numerous vintage locks.

The Oravsky Castle is picturesquely towers on the rock and consists of several buildings, "attached" to it. And local legends say that ghosts dwell in the castle in the Lobby. From fortresses can be noted one of the largest in Europe - Spiser Grad, which is protected by UNESCO. Trenchian fortress Includes Barbor Palace and Tower, on this territory, there are exhibitions of cold and firearms, which was produced, starting from the XIII century to the present day. In addition, the ruins of the ancient Slovak fortresses of a chuck, an empty and fortress in Zaglohy, are interesting.

Wooden churches and churches of Slovakia

In Slovakia, many wooden chosets have survived, whose history has several centuries. These are unique buildings erected by the hands of people's masters. The oldest are Gothic Catholic chokes from the tree in the towns of Hervat and Pedrodin. Also in Slovakia represented evangelical (articular) chokes, which can be seen in settlements, Kriz, Kejmok, Leshtina and Studs. These churches were erected under the Emperor Leopold I B. XVII century. The third type of Slovak churches - Orthodox, which were erected in the XVIII century. They are located in the settlements of Ladomirov and checked. Iconsores in these temples are decorated in Rococo and Baroque styles, you can also watch unique Carpathian icons here. The Wooden Church of the Carpathian Arc in 2008 became part of UNESCO World Heritage Site, which indicates their uniqueness and meaning in the religious story of Slovakia.

Sightseeing of Slovakia outside Bratislava

Church of Slovakia

Castles Slovakia

Where to go to Slovakia


Museums and galleries


Parks and recreation areas



Private guides in Slovakia

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Movement around the country

The most popular ways of movement in Slovakia are most popular with cars, bus or train. In addition, there is both internal and international air communication in the country. In the suburbs of Bratislava, the airport is located. Stuffan. Also, airports are available in the cities of Poprad, Kosice and Digger. A movement on domestic airlines provides small airports in Piestyi and Prievidze. For example, Bratislava Cosice flights are performed 3 times a day, and their cost begins from 50 euros. For businessmen and employed people, this is the optimal version of the country.

Railway transport

Since Slovakia is a rather "compact" country, most of the locals and tourists prefers to move on railway transport - since it has an extensive network throughout the country. In addition, the local railway offers passengers a high quality of service and a decent speed of transportation at quite a democratic price. The slowest trains are called OSOBNI and stop at each existing stop. Spear trains in Slovakia are called Rychlik and Express, and the fastest trains are called InterCity. Express trains from the Slovak capital go to Trenchina (a distance of 123 km and less than 2 hours on the way), to Zhilina (distance 203 km and 3 hours on the way), to Poprad (334 km Train overcares in 5 hours), to Spisska Nova -Aves (a distance of 370 km and 5.5 hours on the way), to Kosice (distance 445 km and 5.5 hours on the road). If the trip by train by country costs an average of 3-15 euros, then for a trip to the train for shorter distances will have to pay only 0.5-1 euros. If you want to go on a train at night and take a stay of a stay, for this pleasure will have to pay extra. At the weekend, as a rule, discounts act on tickets, and students and young people can use them to use them on any day. For tourists, it is especially convenient that railway stations in large cities are equipped with a scoreboard in Slovak and English. The site where you can find out the train schedule and book a ticket:.


Bus record is not less well enough than railway. The only minus bus trips is that they cost more movement by train. But you can always save if you travel on weekends, when a discount is valid for all types of transport in Slovakia. There are several types of buses in this country: Express (comes to long distances abroad), local bus in Slovakia and urban transport. At international routes, you can get to Prague, Vienna, Munich, Berlin, Cologne, Paris, but the prerequisite for such a journey is the availability of a Schengen visa in a passport. If you are traveling around the country, keep in mind that local routes (especially on weekends and holidays) are often overloaded, so it is better to take a place in advance so that it is not to stand all the way.

Water report

Water transport is also presented in Slovakia, since the entire country is the main water artery - the Danube River, which connects Bratislava not only with many cities of the country, but also with Vienna and Budapest. And the Canal Danube-Rhine-Main connects the Black and North Sea. You can order tickets for ship and ferry Slovakia online on the site.

Urban transport

Public transport is developed in cities: buses, trolley buses and trams. To pay, travel you need to purchase special coupons in automata (they are usually orange and are located at stops). These cadiers are composed in the old Soviet time in the bus cabin. Since tickets are valid on the day of purchase, buy them just before traveling by public transport. A one-time ticket will cost you about 15 euro scenes, a day for a day - about 1 euro, and a week - from 3 to 5 euros. Such travel tickets can be bought in underground transitions, DPHMB offices and at the box office at the railway stations. If you are going to visit the capital of the country, then you can read more about Transportation Bratislava.


For renting a car in this country, a foreigner needs to have a driver's license of an international sample and passport. And in the form of a pledge with you may require a credit card. The amount of rent for a car on weekends and festive days is usually more expensive. You will also have to pay a certain amount for car insurance from theft or accidents. Pay attention to the fact that in settlements, the speed limit is 60 km / h, beyond their limits - 90 km / h, and on some highways - up to 130 km / h. Be sure to wear behind the wheel and do not eat alcohol, because even a sip of beer can be the basis for local services to finish you. Parking in cities is allowed in the parking lots, while you need to buy a parking card in advance, attaching it to the glass machine. Coupons are sold in special automata, newsstands or parking employees.

Kitchen Slovakia

National Slovakian cuisine is very diverse and includes many dishes that are preparing exclusively in this country. If you look into national restaurants with an authentic atmosphere and folk music, you will definitely offer to try sauerkraut soup and Seginal Gulash. No less delicious dishes are rumblers with cheese, potato sinters and rustic sheep cheese. Local wines are no worse than famous French or Spanish, their quality is at the height, while the price is completely low, so you can stockday varieties of Slovak wines as gifts relatives and loved ones.


Shops in Slovakia usually work from 9 to 18 hours, Sunday is a day off. As souvenirs from Slovakia, you can bring: Easter eggs, ceramics products, Handmade National Dolls, Grain Figures, Fuyara National Spirit Instrument and Wooden Jugs. If you are interested in folk crafts as souvenirs, take them in a single Uluv network, whose shops are in every city. You can read about purchases in Bratislava separately.

The most popular souvenirs among tourists are ceramic products, wooden statuettes, toys and dishes, as well as the ancient folk musical instruments of the Slovak people.

Among the Slovak souvenirs allocate "Chrpak", a special wooden mug, decorated with carvings and national ornaments, which was once used for the first sample of sheep milk. In the mountainous areas of the country, the most useful souvenir is the "Valashka", a peculiar paint-staff, with which it is easier to move around the mountain paths. And the unique Slovak "Fuyar" (the overall instrument) even fell into the list of UNESCO World Heritage. A large selection of Slovak souvenirs is presented in Uluv stores located in the most important tourist cities of Slovakia.

Antique shops of Slovakia (Starozitnosti) will delight their buyers with a large selection of beautiful furniture, ancient jewelry, paintings and all of interesting trinkets.

An excellent gift brought from Slovakia will be a bottle of tasty wine produced at a small winery, or local brandy brand Hradne Brandy, Old Herold Vinjak, Karpatske Brandy O.X. and etc.


The largest airport in Slovakia is located in Bratislava (Bratislava Airport named after Milan Raslaw Steifanika), regular flights are performed from it to most European capitals (Paris, London, Rome, Copenhagen, Prague, Moscow, etc.), other major cities (Milan, Antalya, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bKurigada, etc.). There is one flight inside the country of Bratislava - Kosice worth 40-60 €.

Railway transport, except international trains, are very well developed in the country, in neighboring countries (Austria, Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic) there are many high-speed trains.

Bus transport is used, as a rule, for movement for short distances. The cost of 50 km of the path is approximately 1 €.

Traveling in Slovakia on its own vehicles, integral road rules should be observed, including high-speed regime (no more than 50 km / h in the city, 90 km / h beyond settlements and 130 km / h on highway), continuous use of near light in Any time of day and any weather conditions. For violation of traffic rules in the country, large fines are provided, for example, for drunk driving 1000 €.

City transport is represented by buses, trams and trolley buses. Travel coupons can be bought at stops (orange machines) and drivers. The cost of the trip depends on the time on the way (the schedule was published at stops). Taxi is in every city of Slovakia, it is not expensive, but because of the small distances is not popular with tourists.


Mobile communications in Slovakia provide 3 operators: T-Mobile, ORNGE, Telefonica O2. All mobile operators also offer an Internet connection service through a mobile phone or 3G modem (from 8 € for 1 MB of traffic). The cost of 3G modem is about 50 €, with a modem inland, that is, it can be used to access the Internet with SIM cards of other operators. Free Wi-Fi includes most hotels, guest houses and hostels.

For calls abroad, you can use the telephone machine, buying a card in the newsstand or post office.


Due to the absence of religious, territorial and national conflicts, Slovakia is considered a quiet and peaceful country, but always and everywhere should be observed elementary care measures on the roads, in very crowded places and in the dark. In urban transport, rare, but pocket thefts are possible. At ski resorts, it is necessary to carefully refer to the preservation of their sports equipment, especially expensive models.

In the mountains there is a paid mountain-carrier service.

At the request of the police, a foreigner should present a document certifying the identity, and medical insurance.

Business climate

According to the World Bank research, the registration of a foreign company in Slovakia consists of 8 procedures and lasts 18 days, which is much easier and faster than in the rest of the European Union.

Enterprises operating in Slovakia are required to pay net profit tax (19%), value added tax (20%), as well as taxes on dividend income (15%), leases (25%), royalties (25%) .

Tourism is considered the most profitable business industry in Slovakia.

The property

In Slovakia, there are no restrictions for foreigners buying residential or commercial real estate, when buying which the land ownership is automatically purchased. No company registration is also required when buying real estate by foreign investors.

The cost of real estate in large cities of Slovakia and in high tatras is comparable with the cost of real estate on the best Mediterranean resorts. The high cost is explained by the economic prospects, safety and environmental situation in the country. For 1 m2 in Bratislava today, on average, about 1,700 €, in Kosice - 950 €, in Presov - 800 € and so on. Monthly rental of one-room apartment in Bratislava will be from 350 to 500 €, in Kosice - from 300 to 450 €.

Real estate owners in Slovakia pay real estate tax, the rate of which is different in different regions of the country, on average it is equal to 0.2 € per 1 m2. When selling or renting real estate, it is necessary to pay income tax (19%).

Planning a trip or a tour of Slovakia National Parks, you should always think about the night of the night in advance, as the number of hotels and campgrounds is very limited here, and to independently break the tent camp is strictly prohibited.

In ski resorts it is more profitable to use lifts on special weekly tickets SKI-PASS (approximately 2 €).

Exchange currency is usually more profitable in banks, and not in exchange offices.

You should not plan your trip to Slovakia in July-August, so at this time the resorts will be overcrowded to the Slovaks themselves who came on vacation from their cities can arise with accommodation. The optimal time of the year for traveling in Slovakia (except for ski resorts) is the second half of the spring, the beginning of the summer and the beginning of autumn.


Visiting Slovakia is possible in the presence of a Schengen visa. Visa's issuance is made upon presentation of a number of documents: a passport, valid for more than 3 months from the date of the end of the visa, with two or more pages, the questionnaires of the established sample, 2 color photographs, a document confirming the applicant's solvency (at least 56 € per day), international insurance sample, etc.

The registration of a visa is carried out within about 10 days when paying for a consular collection of 35 €, within 3 days - 70 €. When submitting documents, it is necessary to personally have a person receiving a visa.

Embassy of the Slovak Republic in Moscow - ul. Y. Fucciku, 17/19, tel. 956-49-23.


Slovakia overcame most of the complex transition from centralized planned economy to modern market. The government of the country has achieved significant progress in macroeconomic stabilization and structural reforms in 2001. Mainly completed privatization, the banking sector is almost completely in the hands of foreigners and foreign investments are growing. The Slovak economy surpassed the expectations of the early 2000s, with the exception of the decline in exports. The revival of domestic demand in 2002, partly due to the growth of income, compensates for the slowdown in export growth, helping the economy to go to its greatest growth since 1998. Unemployment, which reached 19.8% at the end of 2001, significantly decreased by 2003.

According to the study of the German Chamber of Commerce, held in March 2004, about half of German investors consider Slovakia as the best place to invest.


The head of state in Slovakia is the president elected by the Universal Direct vote for a 5-year term. Most of the executive authorities are assigned to the head of the government, the Prime Minister, which is usually the leader of the party or coalition of the majority in parliamentary elections and is appointed by the president. The remainder of the Cabinet is appointed by the President on the recommendation of the Prime Minister.

The highest legislative body of Slovakia is the 150-seater single-palated People's Rada Slovak Republic (Národná Rada Slovenskej Republiky). Delegates are elected for a 4-year term on the basis of proportional representation.

Parliament can send the presidency to resign if three fifths from the total number of deputies vote for it. The president can dissolve the parliament if he is three times within a month after the election will not approve the government program statement.

The Supreme Judicial Authority is the Constitutional Court (ústavný súd), which is subordinate to the constitution issues. 13 members of this court are approved by the president of several candidates represented by Parliament.


The first settlements on the territory of modern Slovakia appeared already in the Epoch of Paleolithic. This very long era is characterized by alternating glaciation and intellaries. There are traces of various cultures: from Olduva to Svidskaya. In Spisch, undergraduate, a fragment of a man's skull was found (this part was lost during World War II), then the earliest information about the Heidelberg man's information. The oldest finds of skeletons are Neanderthal, and the most famous - from the parking lot.

The era of Mesolithic is characterized by a noticeable departure of the glacier, the boundary of which in those days took place in the north of the territory of modern Slovakia. People settled on sand hills.

About the Neolithic, when agriculture arose, there are more information. It is assumed that people culture of linear belt ceramics came to the territory of Slovakia about 5,000 years before our era. The remains of the settlements are found, the burial grounds (for example, in Nitra and Strews), the remains of ceramics, free gifts or cult items, for example, women's figures ("Paleolithic Venus") from Nitrans Country or Moravan-over-Vagom. In that era, in the territory of Slovakia, the culture of linear belt ceramics, ironing culture, Bukowogorsk culture, were presented mainly in the territory of Slovakia.

The era of the Eneolyt is characterized primarily by the start of using metals (copper and gold; the oldest of the found copper objects belong to the neolith), the separation of society into layers (artisans, farmers, cattlemen, merchants) and the beginning of the month. Later agriculture was improved by the use of force of animals (the tools of landfall appeared); The role of a man in society (Patriarchate) increased. In those days, first of all, the development of the Rhineel and Palgar cultures continued, later a Baden culture appeared.

In the bronze age characterized by the expansion of the use of bronze, in the territory of Slovakia, many different archaeological crops were presented in the territory of Slovakia (Unestitskaya, Magyarovskaya, Discussion, single cultures of kurgan burials, single cultures of the fields of funeral urns, including a pointed culture). This era includes the resulting bronze sickles, the remains of wooden buildings without the use of nails.

The Iron Institution and its technology came to the territory of Slovakia about 800 BC, probably from Anatoly and / or Italy. In the Galstatat era in Slovakia, thanks to favorable climatic conditions, iron, tin, gold and salt develops. There was a pottery circle. Social differentiation continues. In those days, Galstatatskaya (namely calendarberg) culture, Kushtanovitskaya (Thracians) and VERERSUG (probably, Scythians) of culture were presented in Slovakia; In the north there was still a Luzhitskaya culture. Perhaps the Kimmerians lived on the territory of Slovakia at this time.

In those days (about 5th century to our era), Celts came to Slovakia, which can be considered the first famous ethnicity in Slovakia. Celts came to the Carpathian brand from the territory of Germany, France and from the Alps. Upon arrival, they submitted to themselves the local population. By the end of the Laten era, they built several fortifications - fifumes, for example, Bratislavsky. Most of them lived in small fortified structures built from wood, used iron locks. Celts were skillful artisans - blacksmiths, potters, farmers and merchants; They maintained close contacts with Greek and Roman civilizations, which preserved a great influence on their culture. At the end of the 2nd century. BC. Slovakia came in Slovakia, which lived in the territory of modern Romania. At the time of the first Daksky king, Ducky Ducky settled and actually joined the southern part of Slovakia to Dakia, from where they expelled part of the Celts. In 10 G. BC, however, the Romans defeated Ducks and advanced the boundaries of the Roman Empire on the Middle Danube. The Romans also founded several settlements in Western Slovakia. The Dakian population disappeared from Slovakia about 1 in. N.E., it was longer in the east longer. The elimination of the majority of Celts completed the attack of Germanians from the North-West in the early 1st. AD However, the Celts were kept in the north of Slovakia even up to 2nd. AD (Cotes). During the Great Resettlement in the IV century of peoples through the territory of Slovakia, the tribes of vigrants, sharp, langobards and hepids took place.

Slavs come here in the V century. In the 6th century, the territory falls under the authority of the Avarian Kaganata, and in the VII century the empire itself is formed, the Nitrans Principality appeared here, which was included here in 833 in the composition of the Great Moravia. In 906, Hungarian tribes and Great Moravia were attacked by Great Moravia. Since 1018, the gradual accession of Slovak land to Hungary begins. In 1029, Palo Nitran Principality and until the end of the century, the whole territory was attached to Hungary.

In 1241, the territory of Slovakia was subjected to the Mongol-Tatar invasion. Mongol-Tatar invasion weakened the power of the king in the territory of Slovakia and so the territory operated the oligarchs like Matusa Chuck. To strengthen the strong royal power was able to only Karl Robert, who struck the oligarchs in the battle at Roganovtsy. Karl Robert's son, Louis I great made a lot to strengthen the country and in the time of his rule, Hungary became a strong European power. In the time of Sigismund, Hungary pour into a series of battles with the Turks and Gusites. The most affected by Gusites region became just Slovakia, in the territory of which in 1467, at the Veliki Kostoysian Motyash Hunyadi eventually struck the Bratikov's Gusite troops. After the defeat from the Turks under Mohache in 1526 and the death of King Layosha II, most of the territory of Hungary, with the exception of Western Hungary, Slovakia and Croatia, was part of the Ottoman Empire, and the lands of land, Slovakia, including the owners of the Austrian Habsburgs.

After the defeat under Mohache in 1526, two kings were crowned at the Hungarian throne - the ally of the Turks of Plogoliyi and Austrian Ferdinand I Habsburg. The war began between the two parties, which ended in the world in Orad in 1538. In 1536, Bratislava became the capital of Hungary, and the Estergomic archbishopstream was transferred to Trucka. At the same time, the Turks captured southern Slovakia. The XVII century passed under the banner of the wrestling of the nobles from Slovakia with the Austrian emperor. In 1605, Ishthan Bochkim captured almost all of the Slovakia, in 1606 a truce was signed. In 1618, Bethlen captured Eastern Slovakia, and in 1619 and Western. In 1622, a truce was signed. In 1643-1645 in the territory of Slovakia, there were battles between the Habsburg troops and the rebellious Ferenci I Rakkotsi. In 1678-1687, Slovakia again became the Arena of Bittles, this time with the Imre girl, and in 1703-1711 there was the last gentleman - Ferenz II Rakoki.

In the XVIII century, Slovakia, the ruined century-old war of the nobles with the emperor began to rejuvenate. The first manufactories appeared - in Shashtina and Golitsa, mining began again. Positively on the economy influenced the reforms of Mary Teresia and her son Joseph II. At the same time, the Slovak Revival begins - in 1783 the first book appears, written in the Slovak language by the priest Ignatz Bayiz. In 1790 Bernolak made up the first grammar of the Slovak language. The first warders (mainly Lutherans) were adhered to the point of view that the Czechs and Slovaks are a common people. In 1847, the Schus codified the version of the Slovak language close to the modern, which was approved by two camps - both Catholics and Lutherans. During the Hungarian revolution, 1848-49 Slovak People's Rada called on Slovaks to make arms in hand against Hungarians and support Austrians. In 1867, the Austrian Empire was transformed into Austro-Hungary and the Slovak lands were included in the Hungarian translastania, as a result of which the pressure of the Hungarian authorities in Slovak enhanced. In 1875, Slovak Matitsa was blossomed, and later other national organizations. In the 1890s, the concept of Czechoslovakism and Slovak began to receive assistance from Czechs. In 1906, the first Slovak party emerged - the Moderate-Nationalist Glyinkov Slovak People's Party. The emergence of Slovak organizations strengthened pressure from the Hungarians and caused an attempt to enhanced the venovakov, which continued until the collapse of Austria-Hungary in November 1918.

By the beginning of the First World War, Czech and Slovak politicians had a fairly clear concept of the future of the Czechs and Slovaks. This idea was proposed to the Russian king at the beginning of the war and he approved the creation of Czechoslovak Legions. From the Czech side, Tomas Masik and Edward Benes, and Slovak - Milan Styfanika. In 1915, Masarik officially presented a plan for creating Czechoslovakia in Geneva. In October of the same year, the emigrant organizations of Chekhov and Slovaks in Cleveland signed a joint declaration. The final agreement was signed on May 31, 1918 in Pittsburgh. The first temporary government focused in Paris. On October 28, 1918, an independent Czechoslovakia was proclaimed. On October 30, 1918, the Slovak People's Rada in Martin signed the Declaration on entering Czechoslovakia. On November 14, 1918, Tomas Masarik became the president of the CSR.

The first Slovak government focused on the cliff, then in Zhilin. On February 4, 1919, Bratislava became the capital of Slovakia.

The entry of Slovakia in Czechoslovakia had a number of positive factors. Learning in Slovak language was introduced, in 1919 the University of Komensky was created in Bratislava, in 1922 a mandatory 8-year-old education was introduced, 8-hour working days, Slovak political parties and cultural institutions were permitted, such as Slovak Mathitz, in 1926 it was Founded by Slovak radio, citizens older than 18 were able to elect and so on. Nevertheless, the entry had a number of negative factors. So, many enterprises of Slovakia did not stand competition with Czech enterprises and in Slovakia, especially in the East, unemployment increased, which caused mass emigration in the United States and Canada (10 thousand people emigrated to 104 thousand), the promised autonomy was not provided, the concept caused and the concept Czechoslovakism, which argued that the Czechs and Slovaks are a single people, and their languages \u200b\u200bare only the dialects of the Czechoslovak language. It strengthened the position of nationalist parties, in particular the Glunk People's Party.

On September 28, 1938, the Munich Agreement of 1938 was signed in Munich, on October 6, 1938, Slovak politicians in Zhiline proclaimed the autonomy of Slovakia within Czechoslovakia. The CSR government was forced to approve this and appointed Joseph Tiso Premiere-Minister of the Autonomous Government. November 2, 1938 as a result of the Vienna Arbitration of Hungary and the Third Reich, the southern part of Slovakia. On March 13, 1939, Hitler at a meeting with TISI offered him to proclaim the independence of Slovakia, otherwise Slovakia would be divided between Poland and Hungary. On March 14, 1939, the first Slovak Republic was proclaimed, and the next day, German troops occupied the Czech Republic, Moravia and Czech Silesia.

The first Slovak Republic was a puppet state, which completely depended on Germany. This fact caused dissatisfaction with Slovaks, on the Eastern Front, many Slovak soldiers moved to the Soviet side. So on November 30, 1943, Melitopol on the Soviet side passed 2,000 soldiers. When the Red Army approached the boundaries of Slovakia in 1944, a Slovak national uprising broke out, which was unsuccessful. On September 21, 1944, the Red Army crossed the border of Slovakia in a medical unit. On January 19, 1945, Bratislava was liberated - the first Slovak Republic of Pala and Slovakia again became part of the CSR.

In 1946, the first elections took place. In Slovakia, they won the Democratic Party, the Communist Party was in second place. In February 1948, a political crisis broke out, democratic ministers resigned, President Bennes under pressure from the Communist Demonistracy created the government in which the Communists prevailed. On May 9, 1948, the Constitution was adopted and after the death of Benesh by the president became Clement Gotalka in which Czechoslovakia became a socialist state.

January 1, 1969, after the federalization law, Slovakia became the Federal Republic of Czechoslovakia, which was called the Slovak Socialist Republic.

In 1989, the communist regime fell (see velvet revolution), nevertheless, in the ChemicalsFR, the contradictions between the Czech Republic and Slovakia increased. In the summer of 1992, the leaders of the republics agreed on the division of the country.


(The Slovak Republic)


Geographical position. Slovakia is the state of Central Europe, the state borders with Poland, Ukraine, Hungary, Austria and the Czech Republic. Square. The territory of Slovakia takes 49 035 km. sq.

Main cities, administrative division. The capital of Slovakia is Bratislava. The largest cities: Bratislava (443 thousand people), Koshitsa (235 thousand people), nitrate (90 thousand people), Presov (88 thousand people). Administrative Slovakia is divided into 3 areas and equivalent to the capital.

Political system

Slovakia republic. Head State President. Head of Government - Prime Minister. Legislative Body-Unicylata National Council.

Relief. Most of Slovakia is located in the field of Western Carpathians, which are low and middleweight mountains with soft rounded form of relief. Only the highest array of the country - High Tatras - has rocky mountains with traces of glaciation. The lowlands occupy a small territory in the southwest.

Geological structure and minerals. On the territory of Slovakia there are deposits of iron ore, antimony, magnesite, manganese.

Climate. In Slovakia, hot summer and cold winter. The solar and warm area of \u200b\u200bthe country is located in the Danube Valley east of Bratislava. The average temperature of January -2 ° C, July +21 ° C. Summer in the mountains is cooled, a lot of snow falls in winter. In the fall across the country there are rains.

Inland waters. The rivers are mainly owned by the Danube basin. For the river Morava, the border of Slovakia with the Czech Republic is held.

Soil and vegetation. Large arrays of deciduous (oak, beech) and coniferous forests cover the slopes of the mountains.

Animal world. In Slovakia, wolf, lynx, hare, fox, bear, deer, roe, hedgehog.

Population and language

The total number of residents of Slovakia is about 5.5 million people. The average population density is 110 people per quarter. km. 77% of Slovaks live in cities. The most tight populated areas are located in the east of the country. About 570 thousand Hungarians currently live in Slovakia, which is 10% of the total population. The Gypsy Diaspora is the largest in Europe in the republic, which is 300 thousand people. Also on the territory of Slovakia, Poles, Jews, Russians and Ukrainians live.

The state language of Slovakia is Slovak.


About 60% of Catholic population. Of the Protestants, most of all Calvinists and Lutheran, as well as a minor percentage of the population professes the Orthodox religion. The Catholic Church plays a rather prominent role in the political life of the country.

Brief historical essay

Biv in. n. e. Slavic tribes appeared on the territory of modern Slovakia.

In the VI century Slavs had to defend their territory from the invasions of Arabs. During this period, independent Nitrans Principality is allocated.

BIX century Czech princes joined the lands of Slovaks to the Great Moravian Empire. The first ruler of this ancient Slavic state became Mochir I. The nearest neighbor of his power was the Frankish empire, from where Christian missionaries came to Czechs, trying not only to turn the pagan tribes into a new faith, but also to strengthen the Frankish influence on the lands of Slavs. Moymir did not want to obey the Terrible neighbor and to strengthen his own independence sought to enlist the support of another powerful state of the time-Byzantine Empire.

Continuing his policies, the next ruler of the Great Moravia Rostislav (846-870) invited two missionaries from Constantinople - Cyril and Methodius. Thanks to the works of the Vizantiya brothers soon granted Moravian the privilege of worship in the Old Slavonic language and the use of the verbal writing developed by Cyril. Staroslavansky has become the third world in Europe, along with Latin and Greek.

During the board of the nephew of Rostislav Svyatopolka (871-894), the Slavic state reincons under the influence of Catholicism, the Moravian independent church organization was approved not from Constantinople, but from Rome.

In 896, the invasion of Magyar's Czech lands began. The Great Moravian Empire almost ceased to exist.

At the beginning of the XI century. Part of Slovakia was captured by Hungarian princes, and by 1018 almost its entire territory became part of the Kingdom of Hungary.

In the XIII century. Hungary entered the period of feudal fragmentation. For this reason, its rulers could not resist the invasion of Tatars in 1241, after which the southwestern and southeastern regions of Slovak lands were particularly affected, they were completely ruined.

In 1298, the major Hungarian feudal Matus Chook, with the support of a small nobility, took possession of the territory of Western and Medium Slovakia and helped the Czech king Wenceslas II for several years to gain a foothold at the Hungarian throne.

In the middle of the XV century. The invasion of the Ottoman Empire began to the territory of Hungary.

In 1526, the Turks inflicted a decisive defeat by the Hungarian-Slovak Army in the battle of Mojcha. The capital of the Hungarian kingdom from Buda was transferred to Bratislav.

In the middle of the XVI century. Hungarian crown was captured by Gabsburg, and Slovakia became part of the extensive Austrian Empire.

In the middle of the XIX century. Louis History (1815-1856), the son of Pastor, created the Slovak literary language.

In 1918, Slovaks recognized the temporary government of Tomasha Mazarik, as a result of which Czechoslovakia was formed.

In 1918, President of the Republic of Tomash Masarik during the signing of the Law on Slovak immigrants in the United States promised the imminent education of an independent Slovak parliament.

In 1920, the Constitution of Unified Czechoslovakia was adopted, the state language of which was declared Czech.

In 1935, at the parliamentary elections, most of the Slovaks gave their votes to political organizations speaking for autonomy.

In 1938, the autonomy of Slovakia was proclaimed under strong social pressure as part of Czechoslovakia.

In 1939, after capturing Czechoslovakia, the German troops in Slovakia installed the Protectorate mode, and it formally gained independence. The country was headed by the profascist leader J. Tiso.

In August 1944, Slovak partisans organized a national uprising, which was cruelly suppressed in October of the same year.

In April 1945, Soviet troops began to liberate Slovakia; 1945 was liberated by Bratislava.

In 1947, in connection with the deterioration of the economic situation in the country, the Communists began to lose support for wide segments of the population.

In 1948, the so-called February victory of the Communists occurred when, after the twelve ministerial noncommunists resigned, Gotald made the approval of the new government in which there were no representatives of other parties.

In the 90s, serious reforms were carried out in the post-communist republic to translate the national economy to market principles, in particular, the privatization of state ownership.

In April 1990, the Federal Assembly announced the new name of the state: the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic.

Market reforms in Slovakia passed much harder than in a more developed economically Czech Republic.

In 1992, in the referendum, the majority of the Slovak population voted for reaching Czechoslovakia.

Short economic essay

Slovakia is an industrial-agricultural country. Black and non-ferrous metallurgy, machine-building, refinery, petrochemical, chemical, forest, woodworking, textile, food industry. Agriculture prevails agriculture (grain, sugar beets, etc.). Gardening, viticulture. Meat-dairy cattle breeding. Export: machinery and equipment, products of oil refining, chemical and woodworking, agriculture, etc.

Monetary Unit-Slovak Crown.

Short essay of culture

Art and architecture. In the Slovakia, monuments of primitive art preserved, as well as the ancient Roman buildings of the first centuries of our era. Since the Middle Ages, the development of Slovak art occurred in the situation of the centuries-old struggle for the preservation of national culture.

The first architectural monuments refer to the period of the early Middle Ages. Romanesque buildings of the XI-XII centuries: One-dialing church in Drazhovets, Basilica in Dia-Kupet, as well as a number of castles. In the XIII-XV centuries. Gothic architecture develops in Slovakia, according to its architectural features close to Czech architectural tradition. Cathedrals in Bratislava, Church in Silica and Presov are preserved to this day. In the XVI century The leading place was taken by secular architecture. During this period in the spirit of the Renaissance, the town halls are built, residential buildings, and castles are rebuilt. In the XVII-XVIII centuries. In Slovakia, the art of Baroque (Trinity Church in Bratislava) is distributed. In heh in. Classicism was characteristic of Slovak architecture.

Bratislava. Old hail, Cathedral of St. Martin (XIV century), Church of the XIII century, Old Town Hall (XIV century). Koshitsa. Cathedral of St. Elizabeth (XV century). Nitra. Castle (XIII century), Basilica of St. Emerama (XIII century).

Numerous medieval castles throughout the country.

Literature. Ya. Collar (1793-1852) -Extener of the Slovak and Czech National Renaissance, the poet, a scientist, in the poems ("Daughter of Glory") and articles performed with the program of cultural convergence of Slavs.

Music. To the second half of the XIX century. The activities of Pleiads of talented composers, laid the foundations of modern Slovak music. The largest of them - Yal. Bella (1843-1936).