Where is Slovakia? Slovakia card in Russian. Capital of Slovakia, flag, history of the country

Slovakia is a long and narrow band stretching from the fertile plains of the Danube basin to the mountain peaks of the high tatras - a surprisingly beautiful mountain range. These mountain ranges have long hampered the processes of industrialization and modernization, and therefore Slovakia is rather similar to the countryside and retained the pristine freshness (sometimes before indecent).

Until 1918, the current Slovakia was called Upper Hungary and almost a whole millennium died under the rule of Magyar, and Bratislava was even the Hungarian capital, when he captured the rest of the country. But in 1918, Slovaks together with their Slavic neighbors, Czechs were formed a single state - Czechoslovakia, which lasted for 75 years to the "Velvet Revolution" of 1993. In 2004, Slovakia joined the EU. In the republic, a very dissimilar population: Over half a million ethnic Hungarians live in the south of the country along with thousands of Gypsies, leading a rather miserable existence, and several thousand Rusins \u200b\u200bin the East.

About the capital of the country Bratislava in the past responded very unflattering, but this small old city was well restored over the past decade and now looks very attractive. The poprade is a highway transport hub - the most spectacular mountain range of Slovakia, where tourist routes begin on interesting medieval towns of the Spisch region in the eastern part of the country. Even further to the east, the cultural center of Rusins \u200b\u200bis located, and the second largest Slovak city can boast the beautiful Gothic Cathedral, the multinational population and is straightely different from many other places in the country.

Transport and accommodation in Slovakia

Two thirds of the country's railways make up a single bulge, so slow motion here, but some trips should be made to admire local landscapes. In Slovak Railways (Zeleznice Slovenskej Republiky), fast trains (Rychlik) are held with stops in large settlements, while local train stops everywhere. For trips within the country, Tickets (ListOK) can be bought at the station (stanica) on the eve or on the day of departure. On the train Euro City, sometimes on Intercity and Expres trains will have to pay extra.

The compositions of ZSR have sleeping wagons (Luzkovy Vozen) and sleeping places (Lezadlovy Vozen) at reasonable prices that should be booked no later than six hours before departure. Inter Rail cards operate in the country, extra charge for EURAIL cards. Bus (Autobus) message faster and covers a large territory. In most cities, train stations and bus station are located nearby. State Bus Company - Slovenska Automobilova Doprava, or Sad. Usually buy a ticket from the driver, because the ticket offices are often closed. For weekends and early flights, tickets must be ordered in advance.

  • Accommodation in Slovakia

In all cases, it is not bad to book housing as early as possible. Some hotels raise their tariffs twice as foreigners, mostly simple number for 10 euros is easy to find everywhere, except Bratislava. Old government hotels and resort complexes on sources are slowly restored (rooms are usually small and expensive there). At the same time, new hotels and guest houses are opened - especially in famous tourist areas - and often very good. A good option is a private housing in many places, for this you need to look for the inscription Zimmer Frei. Prices here begin with the amount of 8 euros per day.

There are no real network hostels here, although some relate to the Hi system or work within the framework of the SCM student travel agency. Bratislava has several private hostels with different levels of comfort. Ubravert, local turbo clubs or SCM branches provide information about cheap student hostels in university cities in July and August. In the high tatras, in addition to housing in the panel houses on the waters, you can find several houses (chalets or CHATA) scattered through the slopes of the mountains. Some of them are hotels with a sleeve price of about 15 euros, and much less in institutions easier and in more secluded places. There are many campgrounds with simple bungalows, where prices begin with 8 euros per bed.

Food and Drinks in Slovakia

Slovak cuisine satisfying enough, and in different regions of the country traced Hungarian, Polish and Ukrainian influences. In the mornings in standing tables (bufet), Parek is usually eating - a hot cake with mustard and horseradish in a white bun. The national dish is Bryndzove Halusky, or dick with sheep cheese and bacon, roasted in breadcrumbs, in which the Hungarian trace is also traced. The goulash is very popular (though, in a softer and not so thick and acute form, like C) and Langose \u200b\u200b- fried dumplings with different filling. The menu is mostly starting with soup (Polievka), which is eaten as day, and in the evening. At the heart of the main dishes - pork or beef, are usually present trout and carp, you can taste a sazana or catfish, and if you are lucky, enjoy the lamb.

Most of the second dishes are served with potatoes (Zemiaky), but fresh salads and vegetables are rarely found in local restaurants. In addition to the cake (Palacinky) with chocolate, fruit and cream among Slovak desserts, apple strudel, pie with homemade cheese and ice cream. More and more restaurants offer international cuisine from fast food and pizzeria enterprises. The hours of work are also extended, in remote regions these points are closed at 21.00 or 22.00, in larger settlements, restaurants work until 23.00 and later. Coffee (kava) They drink black here, and in large cities - espresso, although sometimes in the towns and villages, they simply dilute ground coffee with boiling water (although they call "Turkish", Turecka).

Confectionery (Cukraren) play an important role in public life, especially during the day on Sunday, when only they are open. Regardless of the Slovak season, the daily portion of ice cream is eaten (ZMRZLina). On the vineyards of the southern part of Slovakia produce good white wines that are not inferior to Hungarian and Austrian. The most popular local drink is a squabble, or plum vodka, common everywhere. Having live almost seventy years by side by side with Czechs, Slovaks are accustomed to draft beer, but still beer (Pivnica) here less than in. Slovaks are visited more restaurants or wine bars (Vinaren), often working late as nightclubs.

Signal attractions of Slovakia

one). - Small Slovak capital - a beautiful, well-renovated ancient city, full of baroque palaces, shady areas and lively street cafes;

2). - These vertices are the most beautiful mountains of Slovakia - raise over the plain Poprad;

3). - Attractive medieval town, surrounded by a wall and originally populated by saksami;

4). Spissky degrees - A large medieval castle in the east of the country is impressive with its ruins on the top of the mountain.

In contact with

The best places of Slovakia. What to see in Slovakia? Where to relax? The most beautiful places, interesting facts and general information

The content of the article

Slovakia little and colorful country in Central Europe. For more than two decades ago, after the collapse of Czechoslovakia, Slovakia became an independent and independent country.

Large cities: Kosice, Nitra, Presov, Zilina


The climate in Slovakia is moderately continental. If you visit Slovakia in the summer months, then it may be hot enough here, so take with you lightweight clothes, sunscreen and sunglasses. In winter it can be very cold, you need to take warm clothes and shoes. Autumn can be sufficiently rainy, so it is necessary to grab an umbrella with you.


About 5.5 million people live in Slovakia. The bulk of the population is Slovaks, Hungarians, Ukrainians, Gypsies, Germans, Poles, Czechs and Rusins.


Official language - Slovak. Also popular languages \u200b\u200bin the country are considered: Hungarian, Gypsy, Rusinsky.

Form of government

Parliamentary republic. Head of State - President.


Most of the citizens of Slovakia are Catholics (69%).


National currency of Slovakia - Euro.

Telephone code

Emergency telephones

Traditional cuisine

To truly learn the country's culture, you need to try her kitchen! Historically, Slovakia was part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and then was merged with the Czech Republic as Czechoslovakia. Thanks to the central location of Slovakia and complex history, many Slovak dishes exist in neighboring countries. Of course, you can taste the gallushki in other countries of Central Europe, but real dicks with a brinjin sheep cheese can only be found in Slovakia.

In the Slovak National Kitchen there is quite a lot of meat (especially pork, birds), potatoes, cheese and thick sauces. Although rice does not grow in Slovakia, it is widely used in Slovak houses and restaurants. As a rule, vegetables are not very much, well, in addition to huge portions of sauerkraut.

Most of the Slovak people are very early, while the main breakfast dish is various types of bread with butter, cheese, ham, fried or boiled eggs, sausages, vegetables, jam or honey. The main meal is considered dinner. Typical Slovak dinner consists of soup and main dishes. Main dish, it is meat, pasta or sweet dish.

The Slovak people have several favorite drinks, naturally this beer, wine and traditional Slovak Slovevitz.

In Slovakia, it is customary to bring a bottle of wine or other alcoholic beverage as a gift if you were invited to visit


To date, Slovakia is not such a popular destination among Russians, such as the neighboring Czech Republic, but completely undeservedly. On the territory of Slovakia there are so many beautiful places and attractions that you will certainly want to visit while in this hospitable country.

Anthem: NAD Tatrou SA Blýska
Location Slovakia (Dark green):
- B (Light green and dark gray)
- in the European Union (Light Green)
Independence date January 1, 1993 (from the CSFR) Official language slovak Capital Largest cities , Form of government parliamentary republic The president Zuzana Chaputova Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini Territory 127th in the world Total 49 034 km² % water surface. 1,9 % Population Evaluation (2019) ▲ 5 455 030 people. (117th) Density 111 people / km² (88th) GDP (PPS) TOTAL (2019) 203 billion dollars (70th) Per capita $ 37,268 (39th) GDP (nominal) TOTAL (2019) 112 billion dollars (65th) Per capita 20 598 dollars (40th) ICR (2018) ▲ 0,855 (very high; 38th place) Names of residents slovak, Dangk, Slovaks Currency euro (EUR) Internet domain .sk, .eu (as a member of the EU) ISO code SK IOC code SVK. Telephone code +421 Time Zones CET (UTC + 1, summer UTC + 2) Car traffic on right

Physical map of Slovakia

Slovakia (Slovensko), official name - The Slovak Republic (Slovenská Republika) - State in Central Europe. The population is 5,443,120 people (December 2017), territory - 48,845 km². It takes the 112nd place in the world in terms of population and the 127th in the territory.

Most of the believers (about 70% of the population) professes Catholicism.

Slovakia - a member of NATO and the EU. Industrial country with a dynamically developing economy. GDP for 2011 amounted to $ 127.111 billion (about $ 23,84 per capita). The monetary unit is euro.

The independence of the country was proclaimed on January 1, 1993. Throughout history, the country's territory was part of many powers and state formations, ranging from the state itself in the VII century until Czechoslovakia in the XX century. During World War II, the Slovak State dependent on the Third Reich existed, which in 1945 again became part of Czechoslovakia.


The first written mention of Slovakia refers to 1586. The name comes from the Czech word Slováky; previous German forms were Windischen Landen. and Windenland. (XV century). Self-calf Slovensko. (1791) comes from the older ethnooronim of Slovakov - Sloven.What can indicate its origin to the XV century. The initial value was geographical (and not political), as Slovakia was part of the Multiethnic Kingdom of Hungary and did not create a separate administrative unit during this period.


Nitran Principality of Slovak ancestors existing in the 9th century

Slavs settled the territory of Slovakia in the VI century, during the great resettlement of peoples. Slovakia was part of the center of Power in the VII century, the Nitrans Principality was located later on its territory. The highest development Slavic state, known as Great Moravia, reached in the 9th century with the arrival of Kirill and Methodius and expansion under the leadership of Prince Svyatopolka I. Ultimately, Slovakia became part of the Kingdom of Hungary in the XI-XIV centuries, and then later was located as part of Austria-Hungary Up to decay in 1918. In the same year, Slovakia united with and subcarpathian ruus and the state of Czechoslovakia was formed.

In 1919, during a campaign to the north of the Hungarian Red Army for some time, the Slovak Soviet Republic was formed in part of Slovakia.

Due to the collapse of Czechoslovakia after the 1938 Munich Agreement, Slovakia became a separate republic, which was controlled by Nazi Germany.

After World War II, Czechoslovakia was restored and fell under the influence of the Soviet Union since 1945.

At the same time, in Slovakia, the organs of the Slovaks of National Slovaks were preserved during the war - the Slovak National Council and the National Committees in the field - while the Czechs did not have such bodies (since. Asymmetric national-state unit). Then, in October 1968, the Constitutional Law on the Federation, which entered into force on January 1, 1969, was adopted, according to which Czechoslovak Socialist Republic - so since 1960, Czechoslovakia was officially called) was divided, like the USSR and SFRA (Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia) For two components of the Federation of the Republic - the Czech and Slovak Socialist Republics.

The end of the Socialist Czechoslovakia in 1989, during a peaceful velvet revolution, also meant the end of Czechoslovakia as a whole state and led to the creation in March 1990 by the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic, and then, from January 1, 1993, two separate states - Slovakia and ("Velvet divorce"). Slovakia became a NATO member on March 29, 2004, the European Union on May 29, 2004, on December 21, 2007 entered the Schengen zone, and on January 1, 2009 entered the euro zone.

Physico-geographical characteristics

Gerlakhovsky shtits

Slovakia is surrounded from the north and northeast by mountain chains of Western Carpathians. They reach the greatest height in high tatras, where there are the highest point of the country - the peak of Gerlakhovski-Stutite (2655 m), the peaks of Krivan, Dumbier, the height of which exceeds 1850 m. South of the Carpathians are dominated by hills separated by fertile valleys for which Numerous rivers flow. The largest of them are VAG, NITRU and HRR. Although almost 80% of the territory of Slovakia is located at an altitude of 750 m above sea level, there is a fertile middlenay lowland in the country, located closer to the Danube in the Bratislava area and Komarno, and is a resident of the country.

Water resources

The Danube River forms the southwestern border of the country. Many Carpathian rivers flowing in the southern direction fall into it. The largest of the tributaries of the Danube - VAG, NITRA and HRR. In the East, Carpathian Rivers, such as Laboor, Toris and Ontava, belong to the Tius River Basin - the largest influx of Danube.


The climate of Slovakia has a pronounced continental character. Winter is cold and dry; Summer warm and wet. The greatest amount of precipitation falls in the mountains. The annual amounts of precipitation exceed 1000 mm in the mountains, and on the plains amount to less than 500 mm per year. In Bratislava, the average temperature of January -1 ° C, July + 21 ° C. In the mountains of winter is colder, and the summer is cooler.

Flora and fauna

Occupy almost 40% of the country's territory. The southern slopes of the mountains are covered with broadband (beech and oak) or mixed forests, while on the northern slopes coniferous forests grow, consisting mainly of ate and fir. In the country, broader rocks predominate (53%), primarily beech (31%) and oak (10%), and from coniferous spruce (29%) and fir (9%). Alpine meadows are located above in the mountains.

In the mountain forests of Slovakia, deer, lynx, wolves and bears are found, and from small animals - foxes, squirrels, caress.

National parks

National Park Slovak Paradise

National parks are only part of a system of environmental territories and objects, which is managed by the Ministry of Environmental Protection. From 1949 to 2002, nine national parks were created:

  • Velka Fatra,
  • Mala Fatra,
  • Muransk planns
  • Low Tatra,
  • Pienins,
  • Polonins,
  • Slovak Cars
  • Slovak paradise
  • Tatras.

Mineral resources

Relief Slovakia

In Slovakia, oil, natural gas and brown coal are mined, which go to the needs of the economy. Oil covers 1% of the internal needs of energy, gas - 3%, and brown coal - about 80%. The rest compensates for imports from the Czech Republic. The country has uranium, coal and shale gas reserves, but now their development is not conducted due to high cost. The country has large reserves of nonmetric materials. In particular, magnesite mining is actively maintained, which is exported and amounts to about 6% of global production. In the past, the Slovakia produced a significant amount of gold, silver, etc. Currently, precious metals are mined in minor quantities in the Hodrisha-Homra area.

State device

The head of state in Slovakia is the president elected by a universal direct vote for a 5-year term. The most part of the executive is entrusted to the head of the government, the Prime Minister, which is usually the leader of the party or coalition, which has received a majority in parliamentary elections and is appointed by the president. The executive body is the Government of the Slovak Republic. The part of the Cabinet is appointed by the President on the recommendation of the Prime Minister.

The highest legislative body of Slovakia is the 150-seater One-Paraded National Council of the Slovak Republic. Delegates are elected for a 4-year term on the basis of proportional representation.

Parliament can send the presidency to resign if three fifths from the total number of deputies vote for it. The president can dissolve the parliament if he is three times within a month after the election will not approve the government program statement.

Name Decoding % Mandates Mandates
in the previous one
Smer-Sd. Course - Social Democracy 28,28 49 83
SAS. Freedom and solidarity 12,1 21 11
Oľano / Nova. Ordinary people and independent personalities / Nova 11.02 19 16
SNS. Slovak National Party 8,.64 15 -
Ľsns. People's Party - Our Slovakia 8.04 14 -
SME Rodina. We are a family - Boris Collar 6,62 11 -
MOST-Híd. Bridge 6,5 11 13
Siet " Network 5.6 10 -
KDH Christian-Democratic Movement 4,94 - 16
SDKú DS. Slovak Democratic and Christian Union 0,28 - 11

The constitutional supervisory authority is a constitutional court subject to the constitution issues. 10 members of this court are approved by the president of several candidates represented by Parliament. The highest judicial instance is the Supreme Court, the courts of first instance - the regional courts, the lowest link of the judicial system - the district courts.

Political parties


  • Slovak National Party - Nationalist, Relopulist,
  • People's Party - Movement for Democratic Slovakia - Plopulist,
  • The People's Party is our Slovakia - Ultrapping.


  • Ordinary people are conservative,
  • Slovak Democratic and Christian Union - the Democratic Party - conservative,
  • Christian-democratic movement - conservative,
  • New majority - conservative,
  • The liberal party is conservative.


  • Freedom and solidarity (party) - liberal.


  • Course - Social Democracy - Social Democratic,
  • Party of Democratic Left - Social Democratic,
  • Communist Party of Slovakia - Communist,
  • Union of working Slovakia - Levopopulist,
  • 99% - civilian voice - levopopulist.

Outside the spectrum

  • "Bridge" - Hungarian national, for inter-ethnic dialogue,
  • The Hungarian Coalition Party is the Hungarian National.


The largest trade center is a confederation of trade unions of the Slovak Republic.

Administrative division

Administrative division of Slovakia

Slovakia is divided into 8 edges (Nuts-3 units). In 2002, each edge received some autonomy.

  1. Bratislava region
  2. Truck region
  3. Trencinsky region
  4. Nitran region
  5. Zhilinsky region
  6. Banskistritisky region
  7. Presovsky region
  8. Kositsky region.

The edges are divided into several districts. In total, in Slovakia 79 districts.


National Bank of Slovakia in Bratislava.

Slovakia is a developed industrial-agricultural country. A relatively developed multi-sectoral agriculture is based on a modern material and technical base and infrastructure.

In 2018, the minimum wage in Slovakia is 480 euros per month. The average salary in 2017 was 925 euros per month. In the Bratislava region, the average salary for 2017 was 1527 euros per month. As of February 2018, the unemployment rate was 5.88%. From January 1, 2019, the minimum wage is 520 euros (gross) and 430.35 euros (net). The Katets index (the ratio between the minimum and average wage in the country) in Slovakia as of 2019 (average 1106 euros and the minimum 520 euros) is about 47%.

Benefits: Production growth, especially in the Bratislava district.


Slovakia has significant tourist potential. Her nature, mountains, caves, ski resorts, castles and cities attract many tourists. In 2006, about 1.6 million tourists visited the country, and Bratislava and High Tatras became the most popular places. Most tourists were from the Czech Republic (26%), then from Poland (15%) and Germany (11%). Many citizens of the country drive abroad. For example, in 2012, the exit tourism amounted to 3017 thousand people.

Automotive industry

By the time of the collapse of Czechoslovakia in the early 1990s, there were no cars production in Slovakia. In Bratislava, there was only the Bratislava Automobile Plant, which produced components for Czech Skoda cars. In the late 1990s and early 2000s, thanks to the policy of attracting investment, the construction of large foreign TNCs of automotive plants on the territory of the country began. Volkswagen plants were built in Bratislava (on the territory of the Bratislava Auto Plant Corps), Peugeot in Trnava and Kia Motors in Zhilin. According to OICA data in 2000, 182 thousand cars were produced in Slovakia. In 2005, 218 thousand cars were produced in Slovakia. By 2010, with the introduction of factories at full capacity, the production of cars increased to 557 thousand pieces. Slovakia became the world leader in the production of cars per capita, under the population of the country in 5.4 million in 2011, almost 640 thousand cars were produced, the bulk of which was exported to other European countries (the share of cars in the country's export exceeded 25%).

International trade

The foreign trade of the republic is focused on the EU countries. The main trading partners in the export in 2017 were: Germany 20.7%, Czech Republic 11.6%, Poland 7.7%, France 6.3%, Italy 6.1%, United Kingdom 6%, Hungary 6%, Austria 6 %; The total export volume amounted to 80.57 billion dollars, and the main positions were vehicles and spare parts 27%, equipment and electrical goods 20%, metallurgical machines, furnaces and similar equipment 12%, iron and steel 4%. The main trading partners in imports in 2017 were: Germany 19.1%, Czech Republic 16.3%, Austria 10.3%, Poland 6.5%, Hungary 6.4%, South Korea 4.5%, Russia 4, five %; The total volume of import amounted to 77.96 billion dollars, and the main positions were cars and equipment 20%, vehicles and components 14%, energy equipment 12%, 9% fuel.


Number, settlement

The population is 5.5 million people. Reusary quite evenly through the territory. The large population density in the southwest, due to the fact that the terrain is more suitable for agriculture.

Peoples of Slovakia

Hungarian minority (2011)

Most of Slovakians are ethnic Slovaks (85.8% according to the 2001 census). Hungaries are the largest national minority (9.7%), they live mainly in the southern and eastern regions of the country. Other ethnic groups include Gypsies, Chekhov, Rusin, Ukrainians, Germans and Poles.


In general, Slovakia is a rather religious country, especially compared to the neighboring. The Slovak Constitution guarantees freedom of religion. Most citizens of Slovakia (69%) - Catholics; The second largest group is Protestants (11%, Lutherans (mainly Slovaks) and Reformats (mainly Hungarians)), Grecocatolics (4%) and Orthodox (1%).


The official state language is Slovak, belonging to the group of Slavic languages. The Hungarian language has equal walking in southern Slovakia, according to the laws of Slovakia, it can be used as official along with Slovak in those regions where Hungarians make up more than 21.7 percent of the population.

The native language of the majority of Slovakians is Slovak language: 78.6% of residents (4,240,453 people), according to the 2011 population census. Hungarian language named their native 9.4% of the population (508,714 people). Gypsy - native for 2.3% of the population (122,518 people). Rusin language on the fourth place by the number of people who called him their native language - 1% of the population (55,469 people). The remaining languages \u200b\u200bscored less than 1%.


  • Music Slovakia
  • Literature Slovakia
  • Slovak National Theater.

Military establishment

Serving Slovakia Military Police

The Armed Forces of Slovakia consist of ground troops and air force, air defense forces, border troops and civil defense troops. The number of the army is 14,000 soldiers and officers. In 2004, Slovakia became a member of NATO. From August 1, 2005, a universal military service was canceled, a transition to a professional army took place. The military budget in 2009 amounted to 1.35 billion dollars. Slovakia takes part in UN peacekeeping missions in Afghanistan, and Kosovo and Metokhia.

Public holidays

  • January 1 - the day of education of the Slovak Republic,
  • May 8 - Victory Day over Nazism,
  • July 5 - St. Cyril and St. Methodius Day
  • August 29 - the day of the Slovak National uprising,
  • September 1 - the day of the Constitution of the Slovak Republic,
  • November 17 - the day of the struggle against totalitarianism,
  • December 25 - Christmas,
  • the spring public holiday is declared Easter, the date of which is determined every year in accordance with Catholic traditions.

see also

  • Moravian Slovakia.


  1. Atlas of the World: Maximum detailed information / Project executives: A. N. Bushnev, A. P. Privorov. - Moscow: AST, 2017. - P. 18. - 96 p. - ISBN 978-5-17-10261-4.
  2. (Neopr.) . www.imf.org..
  3. Report for Selected Countries and Subjects (Neopr.) . www.imf.org..
  4. Report for Selected Countries and Subjects (Neopr.) . www.imf.org..
  5. Report for Selected Countries and Subjects (Neopr.) . www.imf.org..
  6. HUMAN DEVELOPMENT INDICES AND INDICATORS (eng.). UN Development Program (2018). - Report on Human Development on the website of the UN Development Program. Caption date September 14, 2018.
  7. Gorodetskaya I. L., Levashov E. A. Russian names of the inhabitants: Dictionary-directory. - M.: Russian Dictionaries: Astrel: AST, 2003. - P. 266.
  8. Until 2009 - Slovak Crown
  9. http://chartsbin.com/view/edr.
  10. STAV OBYVATEľSTVA V SR K 31. Deceptbru 2017 (words.). Štatistický úRad Slovenskej Republiky.
  11. Uličný, Ferdinand. Toponymum Slovensko - Pôvod a Obsah Názvu (Neopr.) // Historický Časopis. - Historický ústav SAV, 2014. - № 3. - P. 548. - ISSN 0018-2575.
  12. Slovaks are distinguished Uhorsko. (historical state) and Mańarsko. (Modern State), while both of these toponyms belong to Hungary.
  13. Minimálna MZDA 2018. (Neopr.) . Minimalnamzda.sk.
  14. Priemerná MZDA. (Neopr.) . www.minimalnamzda.sk.. Date of circulation March 1, 2018.
  15. Nezamestnanosť ďalej Klesá, Bez Práce Je 5.88 Percenta ľudí (Neopr.) . ekonomika.sme.sk.. Date of circulation March 1, 2018.
  16. Minimálna MZDA 2019.
  17. Votruba, Martin. Regional Wealth (Neopr.) . Slovak Studies Program. University of Pittsburgh. Caption date May 12, 2010. Archived August 22, 2011.
  18. Turistov Na Slovensku Je Čoraz Viac. Prichádzajú Turisti AJ Z Číny - ammado.sk
  19. Archived copy (Neopr.) (inaccessible link). Reference date August 28, 2012. Archived October 9, 2007.
  20. Trukhachev A. V., Ivolga A. G. Analysis of the influence of factors on the entrance - exit tourist flows on the example of individual countries // Modern problems of science and education. - 2014. - № 5. - P. 369
  21. OICA 2000 statistic
  22. OICA 2005 statistic
  23. OICA 2010 statistic
  24. OICA 2011 statistic
  25. Slovakia according to the CIA directory
  26. Slovakia in the CIA Directory by World Countries (eng.). Date of appeal October 30, 2010.
  27. The final results of the census in Slovakia in 2011 (words.). Candle date on August 22, 2012. Archived October 14, 2012.
  28. http://www.nato.int/nato_static/assets/pdf/pdf_2010_06/20100610_pr_cp_2010_078.pdf.


  • Slovakia in the Open Directory Project Links catalog (DMOZ)
  • Official site of government
  • The official website of the President
  • Národná Rada - the official website of the National Council (country parliament)
  • Embassy of the Slovak Republic in Moscow
  • Slovakia maps
  • SK Today news from Slovakia. Independent Internet edition. (eng.)
  • Krejčí, Oskar: GEOPOLITICS OF THE CENTRAL EUROPEAN REGION. THE VIEW FROM PRAGUE AND BRATISLAVA Bratislava: Veda, 2005. 494 p. (Czech.) (inaccessible link)

Useful information for tourists about Slovakia, cities and resorts of the country. As well as information on the population, currency of Slovakia, the kitchen, the features of visa and customs restrictions of Slovakia.

Geography of Slovakia

Slovakia is a state in Central Europe. It borders with the Czech Republic, Poland, Ukraine, Hungary and Austria. There is no exit to the sea.

Most of the country is mountainous (the highest point of the country - G. Gerlakhovski-Shtit, 2655 m). A third of the countries occupy fertile South Slovak and East Slovak lowland in the south-east and Danube lowland east of Bratislava.


State device

Parliamentary Democratic Republic. The head of the country is president. The Supreme Legislative Body is the National Council (People's Rada).


State language: Slovak

Czech, Hungarian, German, English and, in the places of their residence are widespread - the languages \u200b\u200bof ethnic groups.


Catholics (60%), Protestants (8%), Orthodox (4%), others.


International title: SKK

Slovak Crown is 100 gelleram. The circulation contains coins in dignity 10, 20 and 50 gelleries and 1, 2, 5 and 10 kroons (SK) and bills of dignity 20, 50, 100, 500, 1000 and 5000 kroons. Czechoslovak coins and bills are invalid.

Eurocard credit cards, MasterCard are accepted in almost all banks, as well as Visa, American Express and Eurocheque. They are accepted in most large hotels, at gas stations, less often - in restaurants and shops. ATMs are becoming increasingly distributed in Slovakia, although it is better not to count on the limits of major cities. Slovak ATMs are usually connected to MasterCard International Payment Systems, Visa, Plus, Maestro, Cirrus.

Popular attractions

Tourism in Slovakia

Where to stay

Slovakia provides tourists not only modern fashionable hotels, but also housing for every taste - small cozy pensions, private apartments, guest houses. At the same time, worthy and affordable accommodation can be found both in large cities and in rural areas.

Hotels of international networks are located, as a rule, in large resort cities. In Slovakia, you can stay in one of the hotels in Hilton, Sheraton, Holiday Inn and others. The cost of living here fully corresponds to the level of service that is offered in hotels.

As opposed to them, the cheapest and, accordingly, the minimally comfortable is the accommodation in hostels. As a rule, these are former workers of the hostels that are converted to hotels. For a small fee you will get a bed and a common bathroom. But in student hostels, which are open to tourists during the summer holidays (from June to August), you can find a comfortable room and a private bathroom.

In small mountain settlements in the tatras, low tatras, mountains of small and great faoth, you will find not only cheap accommodation, but also quite modern mountain hotels in a different level of service. Here you will be offered a comfortable stay, homemade comfort and excellent food.

Also in Slovakia there is a large number of private guest houses and apartments. In rural areas, this building is practically no different from traditional peasant homes. In the city, it can be pensions with a private restaurant.

In the summer, about 100 campgrounds and summer camps with a developed infrastructure - shower, laundry, toilets are opened in Slovakia, and some are restaurants, cafes, shops.

In recent years, agriculture is becoming increasingly popular, which involves accommodation in historical estates, mills or farms.

Popular hotels

Excursions and attractions in Slovakia

Despite its modest sizes, Slovakia is famous for a huge number of natural, historical, cultural and architectural attractions. Slovakia are majestic mountains and famous ski resorts, immense forests and picturesque plains, numerous mineral springs, stunning beauty of the cave and, of course, vintage castles and fortresses.

The main attraction of Slovakia, of course, is its natural wealth. Mountain ranges are occupied by mountain ranges - small carpathians, white carpathians, high tatras, low tatras, Slovak Rudogorsa, journalists, small scent, etc. It is not surprising that at the same time Slovakia is considered one of the most popular European centers of skiing. The most famous and visited ski resorts are Strbsk Pleso, clear, Tatranska Lomnica, Donovaly, Smokovets, Podbansk and Ruzomberok.

It is famous for the country and its balneological resorts. Numerous thermal sources and healing mineral water Slovakia are known worldwide. Among the most famous waterproofs, it is worth highlighting Piestians, a booty, Vyshny Rujbahi, Bardejov, Dudnice and Bardeevsky Fikes. The famous and climatic resort of Slovakia New Smokovec is one of the best in Europe for the treatment of respiratory diseases (located in high tatras at an altitude of 1018 m above sea level).

Among the natural attractions of Slovakia, numerous caves are also occupied by a special place, which in the country there are about 4,000. This is a real paradise for speleologists. The most interesting Demenovskaya cave system (freedom cave and ice cave), the Belyansky Cave, Vazhetsky Cave, Domitsa, Drine Cave, Yasovskaya Cave, Gombasetskaya Cave, Okhtinskaya Aragonite Cave, and Dobshinsky Ice Cave.

Lovers of history and architecture must certainly visit the capital of Slovakia Bratislava - one of the oldest cities of the country. Among the abundance of a variety of attractions of the capital, Bratislavsky Grad, Palace Grassalkovich, Cathedral of St. Martin, Old Town Hall, New Bridge, Church of Saint Elizabeth (Blue Church), Church of St. Nicholas, Slovak National Gallery, Mikhailovsky Gate and Bratislava Zoo. In the vicinity of Bratislava, Devin castle ruins are located.

In the territory of Slovakia, many magnificent medieval castles and fortresses have been preserved to this day. Largely popular among tourists enjoy the bolenitsky castle, Spiceland, Oravsky Castle, Red Gorka, Cherberry Stone, Trenchyan Grad, Kezhamorsky Castle, Betkov Castle, Smolenitsky Castle, Ruins of Levin Fortress and Castle in a silica.

It is certainly worth visiting such charming cities of Slovakia as Kosice, Banska Bystrica, Banska-St Sutyavnica, Nitra, Rasov, Trencin, Levocy, Trnava, Komarno and Liptovsky Mikulas. Here you will find many interesting landmarks and lots of impressions.


(The Slovak Republic)


Geographical position. Slovakia is the state of Central Europe, the state borders with Poland, Ukraine, Hungary, Austria and the Czech Republic. Square. The territory of Slovakia takes 49 035 km. sq.

Main cities, administrative division. The capital of Slovakia is Bratislava. The largest cities: Bratislava (443 thousand people), Koshitsa (235 thousand people), nitrate (90 thousand people), Presov (88 thousand people). Administrative Slovakia is divided into 3 areas and equivalent to the capital.

Political system

Slovakia republic. Head State President. Head of Government - Prime Minister. Legislative Body-Unicylata National Council.

Relief. Most of Slovakia is located in the field of Western Carpathians, which are low and middleweight mountains with soft rounded form of relief. Only the highest array of the country - High Tatras - has rocky mountains with traces of glaciation. The lowlands occupy a small territory in the southwest.

Geological structure and minerals. On the territory of Slovakia there are deposits of iron ore, antimony, magnesite, manganese.

Climate. In Slovakia, hot summer and cold winter. The solar and warm area of \u200b\u200bthe country is located in the Danube Valley east of Bratislava. The average temperature of January -2 ° C, July +21 ° C. Summer in the mountains is cooled, a lot of snow falls in winter. In the fall across the country there are rains.

Inland waters. The rivers are mainly owned by the Danube basin. For the river Morava, the border of Slovakia with the Czech Republic is held.

Soil and vegetation. Large arrays of deciduous (oak, beech) and coniferous forests cover the slopes of the mountains.

Animal world. In Slovakia, wolf, lynx, hare, fox, bear, deer, roe, hedgehog.

Population and language

The total number of residents of Slovakia is about 5.5 million people. The average population density is 110 people per quarter. km. 77% of Slovaks live in cities. The most tight populated areas are located in the east of the country. About 570 thousand Hungarians currently live in Slovakia, which is 10% of the total population. The Gypsy Diaspora is the largest in Europe in the republic, which is 300 thousand people. Also on the territory of Slovakia, Poles, Jews, Russians and Ukrainians live.

The state language of Slovakia is Slovak.


About 60% of Catholic population. Of the Protestants, most of all Calvinists and Lutheran, as well as a minor percentage of the population professes the Orthodox religion. The Catholic Church plays a rather prominent role in the political life of the country.

Brief historical essay

Biv in. n. e. Slavic tribes appeared on the territory of modern Slovakia.

In the VI century Slavs had to defend their territory from the invasions of Arabs. During this period, independent Nitrans Principality is allocated.

BIX century Czech princes joined the lands of Slovaks to the Great Moravian Empire. The first ruler of this ancient Slavic state became Mochir I. The nearest neighbor of his power was the Frankish empire, from where Christian missionaries came to Czechs, trying not only to turn the pagan tribes into a new faith, but also to strengthen the Frankish influence on the lands of Slavs. Moymir did not want to obey the Terrible neighbor and to strengthen his own independence sought to enlist the support of another powerful state of the time-Byzantine Empire.

Continuing his policies, the next ruler of the Great Moravia Rostislav (846-870) invited two missionaries from Constantinople - Cyril and Methodius. Thanks to the works of the Vizantiya brothers soon granted Moravian the privilege of worship in the Old Slavonic language and the use of the verbal writing developed by Cyril. Staroslavansky has become the third world in Europe, along with Latin and Greek.

During the board of the nephew of Rostislav Svyatopolka (871-894), the Slavic state reincons under the influence of Catholicism, the Moravian independent church organization was approved not from Constantinople, but from Rome.

In 896, the invasion of Magyar's Czech lands began. The Great Moravian Empire almost ceased to exist.

At the beginning of the XI century. Part of Slovakia was captured by Hungarian princes, and by 1018 almost its entire territory became part of the Kingdom of Hungary.

In the XIII century. Hungary entered the period of feudal fragmentation. For this reason, its rulers could not resist the invasion of Tatars in 1241, after which the southwestern and southeastern regions of Slovak lands were particularly affected, they were completely ruined.

In 1298, the major Hungarian feudal Matus Chook, with the support of a small nobility, took possession of the territory of Western and Medium Slovakia and helped the Czech king Wenceslas II for several years to gain a foothold at the Hungarian throne.

In the middle of the XV century. The invasion of the Ottoman Empire began to the territory of Hungary.

In 1526, the Turks inflicted a decisive defeat by the Hungarian-Slovak Army in the battle of Mojcha. The capital of the Hungarian kingdom from Buda was transferred to Bratislav.

In the middle of the XVI century. Hungarian crown was captured by Gabsburg, and Slovakia became part of the extensive Austrian Empire.

In the middle of the XIX century. Louis History (1815-1856), the son of Pastor, created the Slovak literary language.

In 1918, Slovaks recognized the temporary government of Tomasha Mazarik, as a result of which Czechoslovakia was formed.

In 1918, President of the Republic of Tomash Masarik during the signing of the Law on Slovak immigrants in the United States promised the imminent education of an independent Slovak parliament.

In 1920, the Constitution of Unified Czechoslovakia was adopted, the state language of which was declared Czech.

In 1935, at the parliamentary elections, most of the Slovaks gave their votes to political organizations speaking for autonomy.

In 1938, the autonomy of Slovakia was proclaimed under strong social pressure as part of Czechoslovakia.

In 1939, after capturing Czechoslovakia, the German troops in Slovakia installed the Protectorate mode, and it formally gained independence. The country was headed by the profascist leader J. Tiso.

In August 1944, Slovak partisans organized a national uprising, which was cruelly suppressed in October of the same year.

In April 1945, Soviet troops began to liberate Slovakia; 1945 was liberated by Bratislava.

In 1947, in connection with the deterioration of the economic situation in the country, the Communists began to lose support for wide segments of the population.

In 1948, the so-called February victory of the Communists occurred when, after the twelve ministerial noncommunists resigned, Gotald made the approval of the new government in which there were no representatives of other parties.

In the 90s, serious reforms were carried out in the post-communist republic to translate the national economy to market principles, in particular, the privatization of state ownership.

In April 1990, the Federal Assembly announced the new name of the state: the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic.

Market reforms in Slovakia passed much harder than in a more developed economically Czech Republic.

In 1992, in the referendum, the majority of the Slovak population voted for reaching Czechoslovakia.

Short economic essay

Slovakia is an industrial-agricultural country. Black and non-ferrous metallurgy, machine-building, refinery, petrochemical, chemical, forest, woodworking, textile, food industry. Agriculture prevails agriculture (grain, sugar beets, etc.). Gardening, viticulture. Meat-dairy cattle breeding. Export: machinery and equipment, products of oil refining, chemical and woodworking, agriculture, etc.

Monetary Unit-Slovak Crown.

Short essay of culture

Art and architecture. In the Slovakia, monuments of primitive art preserved, as well as the ancient Roman buildings of the first centuries of our era. Since the Middle Ages, the development of Slovak art occurred in the situation of the centuries-old struggle for the preservation of national culture.

The first architectural monuments refer to the period of the early Middle Ages. Romanesque buildings of the XI-XII centuries: One-dialing church in Drazhovets, Basilica in Dia-Kupet, as well as a number of castles. In the XIII-XV centuries. Gothic architecture develops in Slovakia, according to its architectural features close to Czech architectural tradition. Cathedrals in Bratislava, Church in Silica and Presov are preserved to this day. In the XVI century The leading place was taken by secular architecture. During this period in the spirit of the Renaissance, the town halls are built, residential buildings, and castles are rebuilt. In the XVII-XVIII centuries. In Slovakia, the art of Baroque (Trinity Church in Bratislava) is distributed. In heh in. Classicism was characteristic of Slovak architecture.

Bratislava. Old hail, Cathedral of St. Martin (XIV century), Church of the XIII century, Old Town Hall (XIV century). Koshitsa. Cathedral of St. Elizabeth (XV century). Nitra. Castle (XIII century), Basilica of St. Emerama (XIII century).

Numerous medieval castles throughout the country.

Literature. Ya. Collar (1793-1852) -Extener of the Slovak and Czech National Renaissance, the poet, a scientist, in the poems ("Daughter of Glory") and articles performed with the program of cultural convergence of Slavs.

Music. To the second half of the XIX century. The activities of Pleiads of talented composers, laid the foundations of modern Slovak music. The largest of them - Yal. Bella (1843-1936).