Sri Lanka which hemisphere. Sri Lanka - where it is better to rest, overview of attractions and interesting facts

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Sri Lanka - an unusual country for Europeans, which attracts thousands of tourists every year. It can surprise picturesque beaches, high hills, offering an unforgettable appearance, as well as a warm climate, unique monuments, centuries-old culture.

Sri Lanka - where is this country and what is she? You will learn about her geography, climate, nature, humans, culture, religion. If you wondered about a trip to Sri Lanka, then in this article you will find a brief information about the flight, the main attractions and the values \u200b\u200bof the country.

What country is it

Sri Lanka is a state in the south of Asia, which is located on the island of the same name. It takes its beginning in another 5 century BC, when the first kingdoms appeared here. From a long time, local residents have established trade with China, Rome, Arab countries.

In the 16th century, the island colonized England, Portugal and Holland. Their interference with the islanders continued until the middle of the last century. Until 1972, Sri Lanka was named Ceylon.

Now its official name - "Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka," the president is standing. Today, numerous tourists flock here, which makes the former Ceylon a unique resort.

Sri Lanka President Maitripal Sirisena

Such a tourist flow is not surprising, because they connected here:

  • tea plantation;
  • rice fields;
  • ancient traditions, which numbered 2.5 thousand years;
  • temples of Buddhism;
  • rich Flora and Fauna;
  • precious and semi-precious stones;
  • plantation of spicy herbs;
  • mountain slopes;
  • idyllic beaches;
  • warm sea;
  • history monuments, among which eight are included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

One fourth of tea plantations in the world is Ceylon.


On the map of the world island, it is quite easy - it is located approximately a hundred kilometers south of India, in the southeast of the southern edge of Indian, separated from him by the Western Gulf of Mannar, the Strait of the regiment, as well as the eastern Bengal Bay.

In the form of the island reminds tear or pearl, for which he is called "sapphire".

In the area of \u200b\u200bthe Strait, the regiment is the experiencing, which previously connected Sri Lanka with the Industrial. However, in the 15th century several earthquakes occurred, because of which the shallow went under water. Now this place is called "Adam Bridge".

Sri Lanka geography in numbers:

  • length - 450 kilometers;
  • the most wide place is 230 kilometers;
  • the length of the coastline is 1.3 thousand kilometers;
  • area - 66 thousand square kilometers.

The island ends in the north of Pedro Cape, in the south - Cape of Condra, in the West - Cape Dutch Bay. At the same time, one percent of the state constitutes small islands near Sapphire.

The main water arteries can be called:

  • Cali;
  • Mahaveli-Ganga;
  • Aruvi-Ara;
  • Kelany.

River Kalu.

From Sory Sanskritus is translated as "saint", "Lanka" - "Earth".

The present republic consists of nine provinces and twenty-five districts. Since 1982, the capital has become a city with a difficult-acting name Sri-Jayavarendura-Cott - now there is a parliament and the Supreme Court.

However, the most popular city is the same capital center, the largest city of the state - Colombo, founded in ancient times. There is also a residence of the president.


The weather pleases the inhabitants and visitors all year round - the average temperature is about 27 degrees. In the high season - from October to March, when the cold is raging in Russia, here the air warms up to 32 degrees, and sometimes higher.

A little cooler in the mountainous areas. For example, in winter at the coldest point of the island, the temperature can be lowered to 12 degrees of heat, but even there is never snow.

Due to the monsoon climate, it is often raining: on the west coast - in May-October, on the East - in December-May. However, they do not interfere with enjoying rest, because short and go mostly at night.

Relief and landscape

Landscape-relief areas of Ceylon can be divided into three groups:

  • Mountains and hills

Preferably, they are located in the central part, most tea plantations are concentrated here. Mountains can reach 2-2.5 thousand meters.

The highest mountain - pidrutagged - exceeds 2520 meters.

  • Rainforests
  • Coast with lowlands and beautiful beach zones.


Amazed by variety. Here lives a large number of species of different representatives of the animal and vegetable world:

  • birds - almost 500 (it is here that many Siberian and European migratory birds arrive);
  • butterflies - 240;
  • animals - 86;
  • fish - 50;
  • reptiles - 70;
  • snakes - more than 80 (and only five of them are dangerous for a person);
  • plants - 3 thousand.

Sri Lanka symbol is an elephant. They are found here everywhere. However, their population is reduced compared to previous times. So, for example, another 2 centuries ago there were about thirty thousand, while now - only six thousand.


To date, approximately 20.5 million people live on the island, and there is a gradual settlement of the population. On average, male representatives live to 73 years old, female - up to 77.

There are several nationalities in the country:

  • singals - 75%;
  • tamila - every tenth, live mainly in the north and east;
  • mauri, Arabs - a little more than 9%;
  • burgers, they are descendants of colonizers - less than 1%;
  • veds whose ancestors were ancient natives - about a thousand people.

In connection with this state, Sinhalean and Tamil languages \u200b\u200bare considered. It is necessary to hear English with the help of which representatives of different ethnic groups communicate.

Sri Lanka is a developing country, and most people are busy in agriculture. The main activity is considered to cultivate tea plantations, mining of precious stones, rubber, coconut, spice, fishing, textile industry.

Residents themselves call their homeland just - Lanka.

In recent decades, a tourist sphere is developing on the island of rapid pace. People come here not just on vacation, but increasingly - to wintering from the northern countries. Some foreigners are at all seeking to get a permanent residence here.

Contrary to the common belief that the former Ceylon is a poor country, literacy levels here exceeds 90%.

Culture and religion

The cultural component of the Lankans - namely, the people of Sri Lanka are called - inextricably linked with religion. More than 70 percent of the local belongs to Buddhists, another 12 percent - Hindus, 9 - Muslims, 7 Christians.

Many holidays and memorable places are associated with religious beliefs, first of all, of course, with Buddhist philosophy, which appeared on the island in the 3rd century to our era.

Monks Theravada in Sri Lanka

The Buddhism takes place by many cult places, for example, and the famous Lankan statue of the Buddha. Also there are a lot of Buddhist holidays. Here is some of them:

  • I understand - every full moon is celebrated, and even even falls on a weekday, it becomes a weekend, which should be devoted to meditative practices;
  • Navam Perahera - in February, as the first meeting of Buddhists in the year; accompanied by dancing, music, ceremonial marchs, the main thing is held in the Colombian Gangarama;
  • Esala Peraher - a holiday dedicated to the first sermon teacher on Sri Lanka, is noted within two weeks; The central event is the takeaway tooth of the Buddha, the main relic of the island. It is stored in the Kandy temple - the most important Lankan Buddhist center.

The symbol of the island in the 80s of the last century was the Star - sacred flower of Buddhists.

Fly on Sri Lanka

The answer to the question of how much to fly from Russia to Sri Lanka depends on the flight of the aircraft. Direct flights are performed only from Moscow, and not every day, travel time is 8-10 hours. From other cities, charters are possible within the framework of tour packages.

Often you can fly to the Lankan shores with a transfer, for example, in Indian Delhi, Qatari Doha, Chinese Beijing or Hong Kong, Korean Seoul, as well as in Dubai, Istanbul or Abu Dhabi. Time difference with Moscow - two and a half hours.

When traveling to Lanka for up to 30 days, Russian citizens can fill out an electronic form on the embassy website, and get a visa by arrival. Such a visa costs $ 35.

Sri Lanka can comfortably feel sidewater tourists: there are both expensive hotels, so budget hotels and houses - it all depends on the resort and the wallet of the tourist itself.

The main resort townships include:

  • Unawatuna;
  • Hikaduva;
  • Mirissa;
  • Earved;
  • Kalutara;
  • Negombo;
  • Bentota;
  • Creek;
  • Colombo;
  • Kalutara
  • Galle;
  • Hambantota;
  • Industrious;
  • Tangale.

Resort Hambantota, Sri Lanka


Lanka is famous for many values, but there are things that must be brought from travel:

  • famous Ceylon tea;
  • spices - pepper, vanilla sticks, cardamom;
  • jewels - Topazy, opals, emerald, sapphires;
  • plants oil;
  • cotton products
  • attributes of culture and religion - masks, figurines, etc.


Summing up, I want to once again say that Sri Lanka is a wonderland, a country of rice fields, tea plantations, picturesque hills, good people and beaches, more like Eden. It is located south of India, separated from the mainland of the Strait. Here warm all year round, and local residents, for the most part of Buddhists, perfectly get along with tourists.

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Full name: Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka.
Capital: Sri Giaavretepura-Cott.
Area: 65,610 square meters. km.
Population: 21 675 648 people.
Official languages: Singal, Tamil and English.
Official currency: Lankan rupee.

In the warm waters of the Indian Ocean, there is a small island near the shores of India, in shape resembling a drop.

Everyone heard each heard at least once, and every day probably enjoy his gifts - delicious black or green tea. Its real name is rarely pronounced, but the "nickname" of Ceylon for rumors in many. It is Sri Lanka!

From the Peninsula of Industan Sri Lanka separates the non-Ukrainian Polki Strait.

Residents of Sri Lanka are called Lankans.

At the beginning of the 19th century. The island was a colony (dependent territory) of Great Britain and was called Ceylon, and in 1972 he became independent and received a new name - Sri Lanka, which means "Blessed Earth" in the Sinhalean language.

Because of the former domination of Great Britain, today on Sri Lanka almost everyone speaks English. Only he is not quite familiar. Often, a resident of the British islands or the United States will not understand fully Lankan, although he, and the other will communicate in the same language. All because the locals add a lot of "their" words into speech.

Flag of Sri Lanka is one of the oldest. It shows Sinhalean lion and two multi-colored stripes. The lion is a symbol of the progenitors of modern Lankans, green and orange stripes mean a few Muslims and Hindus, and the red part of the flag symbolizes the prevailing on the island of Buddhists. In the corners of the flag - 4 Listers Pypula - sacred for Buddhists of a tree.

Sri Lanka is the island of precious stones. In his depths - rubies, grenades, lunar stone, amethysts. But the "king" stones are sapphire - blue, pink, yellow, white and very rare stars. Lankan sapphire even decorates the English crown!

As in other Asian countries, the Sri Lanka is the popular velaiks with a motor. Here they are called "Tuk-Tuk". This is the only safe vehicle, as it can be easily driven by any obstacle. On the streets of Lankan cities, chaos is going on! Local residents do not comply with the rules of the road. They can stop their vehicle when it swings and where it will only want to skip the cow or get out to say hello to a friend who suddenly saw on the street ...

It is interesting!

To take out Lankan rupees abroad even as a souvenir is prohibited by law.

The umbrella on Sri Lanka is not a remedy for the rain, and the main protection of the sun. From the shower, which here go, he will not save, but under the hot sun without an umbrella. Therefore, umbrellas are sold even in grocery shops.

In the cafe, before putting a dish on a plate, a plastic bag is put on it. Thus, the Lankans observe hygiene, and no dishes after meals do not need.

One state - two capitals

Sri Lanka's small state boasts that he has not one capital, but two more! This is a major megapolis Colombo and a little-known town with a complex name of Sri Jiaward Danapura Cott. The first is the residence of the President of Sri Lanka, and in the second, the parliament of the country and the Supreme Court.

Translated from the Sinhale language Colombo means Mangrove Harbor. The city is really located in the area where there are many mangroves. But there is another version of the name. It is believed that so in honor of the navigator of Christopher Columbus, the city could call the Portuguese, who won Sri Lanka in the past.

Colombo is the largest city on the island and the largest port of Sri Lanka. Here all the time is noisy and crowded, the streets are filled with cars and Tuk-Tuki. Colombo is the only city of Sri Lanka, where there are multi-storey houses and skyscrapers. And only here safely adjacent to the temples belonging to representatives of the three religions at once, - churches (Christianity), mosque (Islam) and Buddhist temples.
Colombo is one of the best Botanical Gardens of Asia. His raisins - house orchids and garden spices. The very rarest species of these plants grow in the world of orchids. And in the garden, all fragrant plants and herbs of Sri Lanka is collected. King Garden - Pepper, and Queen is cinnamon. It is thanks to the huge number of spices the island was wondering for many European countries. Their rulers have always dreamed of seizing fragrant pepper plantations, vanilla, cloves, ginger equal to which was not in the world.

Sri-Jiaward Danapura Cott - town in the suburb of Colombo. When at the beginning of the 16th century. The Messengers of the Portuguese King arrived on the island, the conductors managed the five-kilometer path between Colombo and Cott to stretch into a three-day hike throughout the island! It was done to confuse unborn guests and hide from them the exact location of the capital. The expression "go in the kitte" for the modern Lankans means to "drive by the neighbors".

The city of Colombo was the capital during the domination of Ceylon Portuguese, Dutch and the British. When the state became independent, the city's metropolitan function was received by the city of Cott.

Today, cott is a beautiful, quiet town, in which many universities, colleges. Lankan parliament is sitting here. For him, a luxurious building in the center of the city lake was specifically built. Different festivals and funny carnivals often pass on the streets, in which bright and beautifully dressed up elephants are often involved - symbol and pride of Sri Lanka.

Elephant city

In the past, elephants were the main transport on Sri Lanka. They transported people and cargo in the mountains and jungle. Today they make tractors and trucks, but the elephant is still the main animal and the symbol of the island.

Lankan elephant is different from his African brother. Residents of the hot continent of a larger size, their ears have another form and necessarily there are powerful testers. Sri Lanka elephants can be seen about one of 20 animals.

The elephant lives as much as a person - 70-80 years old. An adult animal weighs about 5 tons. On the day, he needs 250 kg of cane or coconut palm leaves and 200 liters of water.

For us, elephants are a symbol of wisdom and calm. But Lankans think differently. They consider the giants of a natural disaster and lead with them the struggle. Most animals are not killed by poachers. They are shooting ... farmers. Elephants will raise the fields, destroy the crops and even destroy at home. The flock of angry elephants can demolish the whole village! Giants do not stop either the fences, no traps, and try to "negotiate" with them useless. Lankan elephants are considered more aggressive and "stupid" than their African relatives.

Elephants on Sri Lanka every year becomes less and less. To protect animals from disappearance, an elephant pinnavel shelter was built on the island. This is a huge nursery where the elephant left without parents, disabled elephants and elephant pensioners live. By the way, the oldest animal here is more than 60 years old, and younger - only two months. It is dropped with warm milk from the nipple so that he fastened and felt well.

Elephants are the main participants of all holidays and festivals of Sri Lanka. They are dressed in special masks suits, decorate with jewels.

For speeches, elephants train for many years. When the elephants grow up, they "work out" the care and care of them the fact that tourists ride on their backs. This is the most popular attraction at visitors and the main business of local residents. Before riding an elephant saddown. It is done only for the sake of tourists. Sri Lanka residents are riding without a saddle. Keep equilibrium with horseback riding is very difficult, but an excellent review opens from the back of the animal. Traveling riding, make sure that the ebony seems only from the side. Despite his impressive weight, he moves almost silently. Usually an elephant comes with a pedestrian speed, but if necessary, giants can develop speeds up to 40 km / h.

An elephant arrived during the trip appetite, be sure to thank. The best way to do is to feed it with bananas - the most favorite elephant dessert.

The animal world of Sri Lanka is very diverse. Beasts and birds on the island feel freely, they are not afraid of man and live next to him.

Based on

Blessed Earth or Sri Lanka is located in the southeastern part of the Industan Peninsula. This is the land of elephants, Hinduism and with respect to recently active tourism.

Earlier, a significant number of Portuguese went to Lanka, since Ceylon Island (the previous name) belonged to them and was the colony. Now the active expansion is carried out by representatives of most developed countries. Of course, this is a tourist expansion, because this island is truly blessed by nature.

Where is?

Named the location is understandable to a fewBut if you say Sri Lanka - it is there under India, most people become clear, where the island is located.

At the same time, many consider the island part of India, but in reality Sri Lanka - a separate socially democratic republic, heads the president, not Indian, and its own Lankansky.

Of course, between Lanka and India a lot of common In terms of culture and public device. For example, on the island of money is called Indian manner with rupees, only there are used Sri Lankan rupees.

From languages \u200b\u200bthe most popular These are (Sinhalean and Tamil) who have linguistic ties with Indian language culture.

Much connects these countries in terms of religious beliefs and cults. In addition to the remaining religions remaining from the colonialists, it is the most common eastern religion, in particular Hinduism and Buddhism.

Weather on the island

As well as in many tropical countries on Sri Lanka Island mussons are dominated, that is, stable winds that form the weather and change their direction with the replaceable major (winter and summer) of the time of the year.

On Lanka from June and before October, the South-West Missoon lasts, and during the rest of the year - northeast. In general, the weather is characterized high humidity and temperature. Actually, it is not surprising, because the equator is not far away.

Throughout the year, the temperature is located in the range of 25-30 degrees, in the mountains about 10 degrees less. Therefore, periods divide on the dry season and the rainy season.

The territory of the island is not much more than the Moscow region, but, oddly enough, at different parts of the coast seasons of rainy come for different periods of the year, so:

  • on the northeastern coast from October to the end of December season of rains go;
  • on the southwest coast from May to July There is a rainy season.

Thus, find the resort with optimal conditions is not difficult. Somewhere is always dry (in the dry season, rain is practically absent) and heat.

The best resorts

The capital of the island It is the city of Cott, and the largest city - which, by the way, is located very close to the cott. Nevertheless, this information has no significant practical benefit, because it is much more interesting to learn about the best Lankan resorts.


Resort is about 150 kilometers from Colombo, which outcast by small hotels With exquisite service. Veligama is located in a beautiful bay and attracts with its natural beauty.

Kylie Minogue wrote about this resort song, or rather about the island of Tadroban, which refers in Veligam.

In addition, Veligama it is the base of surfers, in particular, the eastern part of the resort, where magnificent waves and picturesque sunsets that we advise you to admire if possible. The western part is more calm with the lack of waves and pure azure water.

On the streets of the city set interesting buildings Colonial era, Buddhist and Catholic temples.


Perfect option For a secluded relaxation on the south coast. There is relatively few tourists, but at the same time gorgeous beaches famous if not all over the world, then in all Asia:

  • Pallikaduva;
  • Mecage;
  • Goyambokka;

The most popular beach is a hostility, since there the most secure bathing and most hotels are based nearby from this beach.

It should be the most beautiful, perhaps, to call the medium, which pleases with clean sand and charming corals near the shore. The resort is interested in diversity, it is quite easy to find budget apartments, in Sri Lanka, a similar option is rare.


It should be noted this resort that has its own airport And it is considered one of the most romantic. There are magnificent beaches, palm wine and cool diving in the largest diving center on the island.

Beach and coast

In general, beach holidays is one of the most common directions. Tusovka on Lanka is not so common, but to relax on the beach is possible almost all over the coast.

Wherever you would indicate the map of the island on the coast - most likely there is a good beach, and the resorts are possible with hotels.

In order to describe each resort, a lot of time will need, although for a tourist you just need to know about the suitability for relaxing almost every Lankan beach. Although, of course, it is often better to look for resorts on southern coast.

Attractions and Entertainment on the Ocean

Sri Lanka has a centuries-old history. Travelers are attracted, and beautiful places on the ocean, and numerous historical and cultural monuments.

Sri Lanka firsts in the presence of dedicated buddha temples and other religious spaces. So, near the Dambula on the elevation of Mikhintal, the remains of the oldest temples were found. These ruins are considered the beginning of the emergence of a Buddhist religion in the country.

Mount Adams. Khutama detected here are detected here, which today leads to contradictions between representatives of the leading religions of the world.

Neighborhood Kandy Famous in the world's largest botanical garden, it is the richest collection of plants representing the tropics and the Earth's equator. The garden is called romantic - paravia.

In the state nursery of Pinalla break elephant.

Early written Monument to Buddhist Religion Located in Aluvikhara on the territory of the complex consisting of cave temples.

Biological reserve In Sygaraj, gives tourists to see the virgin forests with a variety of amazing floral world. Part of trees - 50-meter heights.

Under the canopy of the National Park, Bundala merged over sands from the sand and picturesque lagoons. About 20 thousand species of feathered, and live, bringing off, different types of sea turtles on its territory.

Surprising visitors the oldest and largest yalla Reservehaving the status of the National Park. It has representatives of different populations of a rich animal world. Tourists will see how the flying squirrels flashes over their heads and warm in the sun's sunshine. On the territory of the reserve, you can use the services of hotels.

Town Kozgoda Attract the attention of vacationers by the presence of farms, where the sea turtles are bred.

The city of Hikkaduva is known as "Coral Reserve", attracting numerous lovers of the underwater world. They are attracted by the beauty of local reefs and a huge number of ocean inhabitants.

The town of Ratnapura It is known for the processing of precious stones. For small money travelers have the opportunity to buy stones and make custom-made frame.

Features of rest

Spend a vacation on Sri Lanka - it means: quiet, relaxing rest, the proximity of the warm sea and nature. There are very few such "leisurely" countries in the world, where you will not see a constant rush and bustle, where people can enjoy life. Lubility belongs to the service personnel of hotels other than top establishments.

Holidays on the island will love both beginners and experienced tourists.

Only one should take care of security, in particular in terms of food and water, which you can use on the island.

Additionally need to take into account lack of tourist infrastructureIf you want to travel yourself on the island and explore Sri Lanka.

If you start wondering why Lankans are resting on weekdays, then the hint can give you a lunar calendar. Schrian Lanka weekends are Full moon, which are intended for meditation. Such is an amazing country in which the rulers care, but the spiritual development of their subjects.

Sri Lanka on the world map - in the following video:

Sri Lanka.

The disappeared state Ceylon.
Years of existence: from 1505 to 1972
In ancient times, the land on which the hinge tribes lived had the historical name of Sri Lanka.
In the 6th century BC, the invasion of the Singhal Island began.
In the third century, the invasion of Tamilov.
At different times, Sinhalean and Tamil states existed here.
By the beginning of the XVI century, at least thirty princes existed on Sri Lanka, whose rulers were hostile to each other.
In the XVI century, the island became Portuguese, the fortress was built here. Portuguese exported cinnamon, precious stones and elephants.
In the middle of the XVII century, Portuguese power was replaced by Dutch,
By the end of the XVIII century, the British were secured on the island. Sri Lanka became Ceylon and in 1802 was declared the colony of Great Britain. The British managed to subjugate the whole territory of the island.
On February 4, 1848, Ceylon became an independent state-Dominion, belonging to the British Commonwealth of Nations.
In 1972, the Democratic Republic of Sri Lanka was proclaimed. An ancient name was returned to the independent state.
Capital Sri Giaavretepura-Cott.

Geographical coordinates

7 ° 38'30 "N (7.641643)
80 ° 41'31 "E (80.691979)

Travel from Moscow

Airplane-12 hour. Bandaranaica Airport.

Travel from St. Petersburg

Aircraft-13 hours. Bandaranaica Airport.

Distance from Moscow

Distance from St. Petersburg

Description in the encyclopedic dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron (published on the border of 19-20 centuries)

Ceylon (Ceylon), ancient. Ta Probane, Native. Singhala - Bol. O-in in the Indian Ocean, the Crown Colony of Great Britain, on the SE. From the semi-altan, between 5 ° 53'-9 ° 51 'p. sh. and 76 ° 42'-81 ° 55 'in. d.

Space near 64000 sq. M. km, the highest length with S. on Yu. 450 km, width - 230 km.

Residents 3576000 (1901); The main element of the population is Singalese; Some of them are the descendants of the colonists from the Ganges Valley, who first settled here in 543 to the Nativity of Christ. In 1901, Singalezov was listed 2334570, Tamilov (Ras South India) 950844, Mavrov (Moormen) 249572, Efrazians, etc. 23253, Europeans 9583. There are also values \u200b\u200b(see), Afghans and Malays.

In the orographic respect, Ceylone is divided into two extremely different areas.

Northern half of the island represents lowland plains, mostly covered with extensive tropical forests; South - Country of Mountains and Valleys; Central South South. Areas are engaged in a mountain range stretching between 6 ° 40'-7 ° 40 's. sh. and reaching an average height from 2000-2500 m; The most significant vertex, pedrotallagalla, towering in the center of the ridge, in 2524 m; The peak-Adam (2262 m sum.), according to the Native Critad, in Buddhist books, called Cripada (Saripada, Cripada) in Buddhist books, which means the "imprint of the sacred legs" of the Buddha, as well as the Masno Cut.

Other are the most sublime vertices of the main ridge: Kirigalpolla (2380 m) to V. from Peak-Adam and Totapolla (2353 m). All this mountain region is fairly called the Singalese Switzerland, abounds with picturesque species and beautiful and fertile valleys; Well irrigated and cut by forests and cultivated fields and uses one of the best climates in the world. In geological respect, the ridge of the mountains consists of GNISA intersectable quartz residents, and in places - granite; Near the coast in many places is basalt. Separate gorges of the mountains and hills sweep the extensive wave-like plains that stuff a mountain range and gradually inclined to the shores. On C. and SZ. The islands of the coast are flat, monotonous, littered with lagoons; On Yu. And V. They are elevated and rocks. Despite the fact that Ceylon in the overall circumference is rich in his small bays, he has only one real raid, extensive, deep, well-protected and connecting all the conditions for the excellent military and commercial port - Trinomale, on the eastern shore of the island; Two others, Pointe de Gall and Colombo, insignificant.

River Many and quite large, especially 10 in the West Bank, between the coves of Poin de Gall and Manar. Even more rivers on the eastern shore, but they are less significant; In the lowlands, where there are terrible heat and where evaporation is very significant - sources are insufficient for permanent nutrition of rivers. The most significant pecifications of Ceylon: Mahavelligan in the north, forming an extensive delta, the main branch of which is poured into the trincomale bay; Calanigraga, falling to the West near Colombo; Malvatta-Oya - on the SZ.; Very few of PP. Ceylon shipping; There are no lakes, but the ancient Vladyki Ceylon died the tanks and irrigation channels, the dimensions of which and this are understood by the subject of amazement.

Climate Ceylon is a smoother and pleasant than on the Peninsula of the Industan, from which he is separated by the Manar Bay; In general, hot and wet, with very small oscillations during the year: the average of the most warm and cold month is different only by 2 ° -3 °, the average year in Colombo 27 °, to the eorde. Shore on ½ ° above. In the mountains is colder, for example. In the famous Sanatorium, Elia (1890 m) 15.0. Ceylon is located in the field of monsoon, from May to October South-Zap., Bringing the rains of the western part of Ceylon. From November to April Sev.-Vost. Musson and rains on V. Separation of the year on rainy and dry periods sharply only at S. and V., where rain falls less, on Y. and Z. a little rain at all months, even even rains in the mountainous center. The average number on the coast of 1800 mm per year, on C. and V. 1000-1200, in the mountains much more, to 4000. The Ceylon climate in populated and processed places is quite healthy; In dense forests on S. and B. Freaks fever. Here in antiquity there were the most thick population and huge structures for artificial irrigation. Some dams had hundreds of quad. km Square. Now all this is in decline, the water is stirred, and the terrain became unhealthy.

The population is now focused mainly on Z., where huge coconut groves and rice fields, and in the mountainous center, where the British arranged huge coffee plantations, and since the 1870s, when coffee was subjected to illness - the plantation of Assam's type of tea bush. Much of workers - Tamils \u200b\u200bfrom India.

The vegetation of Ceylon is luxurious, as well as on the islands of the Malay Archipelago, with which it has a lot of similarity, giving her only to S. and B. The main product of the soil - rice cultivated for local consumption; Under its culture in 1900, there were 672584 acres, under other breads - 109095 acre; The tea was occupied by 405405 acr., Coffee - 7086 AKR., Coconuts - 846115 AKR., Cinnamon - 39619 acre. Forests are extensive, their breeds are diverse.

Ceylon is rich in minerals, especially precious stones (rubies, sapphires and in the greatest abundance - grenades); In Manaarian bay, the abundant fishing of pearls. Gold, silver, iron (excellent quality), lead, stone coal (anthracite), kaolin. Almost all animals of Industan are found in the forests of Ceylon, with the exception of a tiger and horse; The main representative of mammals - elephant; The herd of elephants roam south-zap. Areas of the island. Extraction of ivory; Products made of turtles and pottery, weaving mats, manufacture of fans, wood carving. Salt fishery is a government monopoly. 298 miles. Roads (1900), 367 mail. and telegraph office and 2451 miles of telegraph wire.

Ceylon Management In the hands of the governor, executive board of 5 members and the Legislative Council from 18 members (including the number of governor and members of the Executive Board). The Legislative Council meets representatives of the main races of Ow. For administrative purposes, Ceylon is divided into 9 provinces, at the head of which government agents are. Large cities have their own city administration; In the districts, the natives retain their rural councils and courts for more importance.

Main religion Buddhist - 1877043 people; Hindus 615932, Mohammedan 211995, Christians 302127.

Popular Education makes significant successes since it is organized under the conduct of a separate education department; In 1899, 193468 students visited schools. The only highest government school is the Royal Board, but many private English higher schools receive subsidies. Technical board with 125 students; school agricultural and forest; 32 professional schools.

Finance Ceylon In 1900: income (in rupees) 27325930, costs - 28948925. Import of 122339758 rupees, export - 94962277.

The main city of Colombo; Other wonderful cities - Yafna, Kandy and Gall. Ceylon was conquered by Portuguese in 1505 at Z. and on Yu.; About half of the XVII century. He was taken away from them the Dutch. In 1795-96 The British were traded by foreign colonies of O-Wa, which was attached to the Madrasian presidency. In 1798, Ceylon was recognized as a separate colony. In 1815, after the successful struggle against the native tribes of the central regions, the whole island was subordinate to the rule of the British. Cf. Emerson Tennent. "Ceylon"; Schmidt, "Ceylon" (1897); Geiger, "Ceylon" (1898); Van der AA, "Ile de Ceylon. Croquis, Mœurs et Coutumes "(left, 1899); Minaev, "Essays of Ceylon and India"; Cleangen, "Among the Patriarchs of Agriculture. T. II. Ceylon and India. "


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Capital - City of Sri-Jayavretepura-Cote
Square - 65 610 square meters. km.
Population - 21.6 million people
Language - Sinhalean and Tamil
Form of government - Mixed Republic
Independence date (from the UK) - February 4, 1948
The largest city
Currency - Lankan rupee
Timezone — +5:30
Telephone code — +94

At the official level, the country is called Democratic Socialist Republic Sri Lanka. The state is located in the south of Asia on the territory of Sri Lanka Island in the southwestern part of the Industan coast. Until the country gained independence, it was called Ceylon. The official capital of the state is the city of Sri-Jayavarendura-Cott, where the Supreme Court and Parliament is located. However, the actual capital is the city. Here is the residence of the President of the country and meets the government. Dondra - South Cape Island, Dutch Bay - West.

Sri Lanka - Video

Sri Lanka Isy is washed by the Indian Ocean and Bengal Bay. Polksky Strait and Manar Bay separated Sri Lanka from Industan. In the past with the mainland, the island connected to the so-called Adam Bridge (shallow in the Polk Strait), but according to the legend, the bridge was destroyed during one of the earthquakes. Mountains are located in the center of the country, the relief of the rest of the territory is predominantly lowlands. The highest mountain peak is at an altitude of 2,524 meters above sea level and is called pidrutagged. The sub-screen monsoon climate island is due to the northeast and south-western monscons that are found throughout the year.
The largest rivers Sri Lanka They are Kalu, Aruvi Aru, Kelany, Mahaveli-Ganga.

According to the state census conducted in the summer of 2013, about 21.6 million people live in the country. On the national basis, the Singhals can be distinguished (about 75%), Tamils \u200b\u200b(about 18%), Lankan Mavrov (about 7%), burghers (about 0.3%), hunds (about 1 thousand people). In religiously, the population of the country is divided into followers of Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity and Islam - 70%, 15%, 8% and 7%, respectively.

Country business card - tea. In terms of its production, Sri Lanka is the third in the world, yielding only to China and. The country has achieved the greatest success in the extraction of precious stones, rubber and cinnamon. The textile industry occupies a leading position in exports (about 63%), agriculture is about 20%. The country is rather branched to the network of bus routes that serves both the State Bus Company and private enterprises. You can get by bus in any corner of the island, but the journey in it will deliver little pleasure due to dirt, dust, crowns and a small speed of movement (no more than 45 km / h). There are more comfortable buses, but it is quite difficult to get on them - the tickets must be ordered in advance on bus station or in transport agencies.

It is worth saying about the railway transport of the island. Rail communication links large. Trains are cars of different classes with air conditioning and without them. One of the routes runs the well-known worldwide renovated train, which was built back in 1928. Sri Lanka has an international airport of Bandaranayka, located about 35 kilometers from. The airport was built by the British in 1940 and was first used as a military.

Sri Lanka sights

Bambarakand waterfall

Waterfall "Fata Bride"

In the state of the state are famous plantation of Ceylon TeaThat first brought here from China in 1824. In the second half of the XIX century, the tea for the first time began to grow on an industrial scale - made it James Taylor, a planter from Scotland, while putting about 80 hectares of the Earth.

1. In Sri Lanka, they often occur within national conflicts, so do not be surprised by a large number of military on the streets and location on the roads. Railway stations and bus station in the country are usually surrounded by fences, and at the entrance, all passengers must provide identity documents. In the southern part of the country, the situation is somewhat calmer, therefore checks here are usually less.

2. While visiting restaurants or cafes, pay attention to what the food ordered by you is prepared, since all the dishes are sharp here. To avoid misunderstandings, ask the waiter serving your table about the composition of a dish. Especially carefully choose sauces. If you eaten very sharp food, then you do not need to drink it with water - it is better to get a bread or fresh cake.

3. If you have a desire to order tea in a cafe, work out to explain how you need to brew it, because here it makes a little differently than in Europe.

4. The main dish in Sri Lanka is rice, which is served on a separate large plate, together with which brings a small saucer with various spices and seasonings.

5. Do not be afraid if on the street you will be offered to buy light drugs - this is considered to be commonplace, despite the fact that the proliferation and storage of drugs the laws of the country provides the highest measure of punishment - the death penalty.

6. Be sure to wash your hands very carefully before meals. Vegetables better sprunch with boiling water. Water should be drunk exclusively from plastic bottles with factory lids.

7. Residents of the country are very friendly with tourists, although such an attitude is not always pleasant, since it sometimes develops into obsession (this applies mainly by local street vendors and guides).

8. In Sri Lanka, the entrance to many beaches are free, however, the beaches with some hotels are closed. It is strictly forbidden to hunt animals and collect corals.

9. Dress in the country is best in light clothes made of natural fabric of light shades. If you are going to climb the mountains, then you must take warm things with you.

10. While visiting temples, you need to remove shoes and hats. In such places it is forbidden to enter short skirts and shorts, as well as open shoulders and spins. Do not turn your back to the statues of Buddha, do not show the feet feet or soles of the shoes around others, do not take pictures of the local population without permission, and also do not hurt the cows, as they are here are sacred animals.

11. In restaurants or hotels, tips leave at all necessary. Sometimes they are included in the overall account for the service or lunch.

12. The voltage in the local power grid is 230-240V, and the outlets are installed three contacts, so it is necessary to purchase a special adapter to use them.