What is famous for Armenia from products. Sights of Armenia

Most of the iconic attractions of Armenia can be divided into the following groups:

  • cultural objects;
  • monuments of ancient architecture;
  • natural facilities (resorts, reserves, scenic places).

Get acquainted with the past countries and look for the roots of the national mentality better in the metropolitan museums. For example, in the Museum of History on Argishti Street, where the most ancient archaeological finds of Armenia are collected. Only here you will find an ax, which is 100,000 years old and, thanks to miniature layouts, make an idea of \u200b\u200bthe appearance of ancient Yerevan.

On the avenue of Mesrop Mashtots, there is another interesting institution - Matenadaran. The funds of the storage facilities of the ancient manuscripts and firstite books are about 17,000 valuable manuscripts and more than 100,000 important historical documents.

If there is time, you can rinse in the Museum of Sergei Parajanov, which is on Dzogharuh Street. By the way, the museum is open to a close friend of the famous director. It is not a sin to look into the national art gallery, where, in addition to the ancient frescoes, miniatures and samples of modern Armenian visual arts, you can see the canvas of the legendary Marinist Aivazovsky.

The oppressive impression leaves an excursion to the Museum of the Armenian Genocide. Internal facilities of the object go under the ground, symbolizing the entrance to the afterlife. Empty here never happens, but silence in the museum is piercing: it is not taken loud to talk loudly, so as not to insult the memory of the brutal of tortured compatriots.

Diametrically opposite atmosphere reigns in the Museum of Megherana, located on Madoyan Street. Once in this kingdom of carpets and tapestries, it is impossible to stay from admiring exclamations. Do not regret money for a full-fledged excursion, which will introduce you to the main stages of creating these beautiful products.

Armenia is a state, one of the first to those who adopted Christianity, so if you are drawn in the saint places, consider what was in the right place. In the vicinity of Alaverdi, there are two very interesting objects listed on UNESCO World Heritage List: Achpat and Sanain Monasteries. Built in the 10th century, these massive stone buildings were withstanding not one earthquake.

Be sure to visit the singing fountains on the Republic Square. Transparent aqueous jets rise up and lowered, under the fascinating classic, pop and rock composition, forming bizarre cascades. Each view is accompanied by light installation (in the dark) and ends under the legendary chall of Aznavour "Eternal Love".

Outstanding monuments that can be considered symbols of the Armenian capital, in Yerevan there are only two: the monument "Mother Armenia", depicting a harsh woman with a sword, and the sculpture of David Sasunci - the Hero of the People's Epos, an invincible hero. The latter uses universal love and for a long time was the official emblem of the film studio "Armenianfront". If traditional monuments seem too correct and boring, it is possible to return to the cascade and lay on the avant-garde creation of the heat of the pleus - "man from the letters." Visually to locate the monument is easy: groups of tourists with phototechnics are always hanging around. Immediately, at the foot of the main staircase of Yerevan, there are other, complete expression of monuments. Some of them look somewhat outward than and attract attention.

All attractions of Armenia

Traditions and national flavor

People in Armenia impulsive, sociable and responsive. Despite the fact that the state language in the country - Armenian, Russian here is well understood, so when you want to clarify the route, you can safely contact local residents. It is possible that you will not only show a more convenient way, but also come to spend.

Smoking in public places in Armenia is not welcome. And although most points of the local catering on a burning cigarette are watching through the fingers (as a rule, there are no non-smoking areas in urban cafes), then climbing the wheel, the tourist risks being fined.

Not alien to Armenians and such a feeling as national pride. Chiticus other Caucasian peoples and to protrude their own significance here perfectly can. But the history of his nation in Armenia is honored.

And of course, what Armenian will refuse the ability to slightly inflated the tourist. So, going to the local markets, do not hesitate to bargain: moreover, than emotionally you do this, the more chances you have to win the location of the seller.

But the abuse of local sympathies is not worth it: if in the capital, some kind of liberty is forgiven, there are inappropriate actions in the province of a unpleasant conflict. Especially carefully behave in church and monastic premises. Celebrated conversations on the theme of the Armenian genocide and the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict are not fond of here, so try not to delve into politics. And of course, in no case, do not tarn the topless on local beaches, if you do not want to cause an open condemnation of others: Armenia, though looking towards Europe, continues to remain a purely Caucasian state.

Kitchen Armenia

Nothing offends the Armenians as the identification of their national dishes with Georgian and Azerbaijani analogues. Here, for example, it is quite sincerely believed that the debt is an invalid Armenian invention, which other people of the Transcaucasus were unless borrowed. What is interesting: besides traditional dollars with a filling of meat, onions and spices, there is its lean analog in Armenia, which is stuffed with peas, beans or lentils. Eating such a kushan on New Year's Eve.

Horovatz (kebab) served here at every turn. The main chip of the local recipe is the daily marination of meat in front of the roasting. For vegetarians, the "Summer Horovan" - baked vegetables (peppers, potatoes, tomatoes) will be excellent replacement for the animal product. And do not try to arm a fork, be easier: a real gyrovat is eaten solely with the help of hands.

You can dilute the abundance of meat food in the stomach can be saved with a soup based on the milk product of Mazongi with the addition of wheat grains, eggs and greenery. Lovers of strong and satisfying broths are better to stop their choice on the hash - soup, cooked from beef or pork legs. The dish is symbolic, so if Armenian friends invited you to Hash, you can count the test on unconditional trust covered. Jach with a crowded garlic, which is smeared on crisp pita. By the way, about the pita: Flat pellets are baked in Tandara and completely replace the bread with Armenians. In Lavash, you can wrap everything with your heart: kebab, seasonal vegetables, chopped greens.

By the fall, all Armenia comes with a hapama, which is a pumpkin, stuffed with rice, almonds and dried fruits. On the sweet, you can take the gate - the hybrid of buns and puff cake with sugar and butter filling. In each area of \u200b\u200bthe country, they adhere to their recipes, so do not be surprised that the Yerevan and Karaklis Gata can differ significantly on taste characteristics.

For incorrigible sweet tooths, there is a supersucer (spherical), which injecting often confused with Churchhel. Folded by walnut nucleolies, sausages from grape juice differ from the Georgian version of the sweetness with a rich taste of spices and softness of the consistency. Popular views of Armenian treats are traditionally nut-fruit: polished with honey and fastened peaches, dried apricots, sugar almonds.

As for drinks, choose from what. Even ordinary water from the crane in Armenia is cleaner and tastier than anywhere else. It is not necessary to leave for the connoisseurs of strong alcohol, without trying the Yerevan brandy, which is produced here for more than 125 years. Excellent quality and local wine products. It is better to take it in stores, because it is incredibly difficult to run into the fake. If you can knock over the stack of apricot or tart vodka.

Not spinning alcoholic beverages. Tourists should pay their eyes toward the dairy products: Tana and Maceni. Tea in Armenia is not very popular, it is universally replaced by the fragrant steady coffee, in which a sense knows here.


You can navigate between the country's regions either by bus or by train. True, it is not worth claiming to qualify for a high level of comfort: vehicles in Armenia, as a rule, seeing views and not tied to such benefits of civilization as air conditioners. Most buses next to major cities (Vanadzor, Gyumri, Sevan) departs from the Central Station of Yerevan. From here you can go to a fascinating shopping tour of Georgia or Turkey. To get to Ararat, Erashavan and Atahanta, you must first get to Sasunci David train station, from where the above-mentioned routes depart.

The travel option by train is usually more comfortable because the machinists are clearly followed by the schedule (as opposed to drivers of Yerevan buses).

The traditional public transport of the capital is the subway, buses, bus and taxis. The first covers not all areas of the city, so local prefer to use terrestrial modes of transport. By the way, instead of conductors and turnstiles here are still in the course of payment "From hand to hand."

If you arrived in Yerevan for the first time and do not know where to go first, take a taxi, without forgetting to hint at your own ignorance. In 99 cases out of 100, you are waiting for an exciting tour of the metropolitan streets, interspersed with emotional stories from the taxi driver.

Rent a car in Armenia is not the cheapest pleasure, but if you desperately wanted to charge, Russian rights here are quite suitable. And do not forget that in situations on the road, the notorious Caucasian hospitality does not work. Cut, overtake and violate all existing rules here adore here. By the way, parking in Yerevan is mostly paid.


Yerevan stores take the only monetary unit - Armenian dram (AMD). 1 dram is 0.14 rubles.

The exchange points in the capital is sufficient, but if desired, the money can be exchanged and individuals (shop owners, street vendors). Usually they offer exchange for a more pleasant rate than the bank. The most disadvantaged money exchange option is the capital airport. Large network stores accept the payment by the card, in addition, in any city of Armenia, an ATM will be deleted to cash out.


Tourists who love to bring a purchase from traveling with an indispensable national flavor, in Armenia there is where to raise. Handmade souvenirs and products are best looking for "Vernisazh" - open market. Silver decorations, folk musical instruments, clay dishes, crafts from stone and wood, handmade carpets - the choice of national attributes here, as on the eastern bazaar from the fairy tales "1000 and one night". Coming to the "Vernissage" is better at the weekend, since these days all tents and trays work.

Flea market "Vernissage" in Yerevan

Representatives of the beautiful half of humanity should be made raid on cosmetics stores in search of products of the local organic brand Nairian. Cosmetics are not cheap, but is it possible to resist the promising labeling "Natural Product".

Be sure to store local delicacies: cheese, honey, coffee (it is an order of magnitude better than what is sold in our coffee boutiques), supersuch, chocolate candies produced by the Yerevan Confectionery Factory Grand Candy. And of course, grab a bag with spices and at least a bottle of Armenian brandy.

If your passion is national jewelry, do not hesitate to look into jewelry. Prices for jewelry in Armenia are quite imputed. It is not bad here and the skin is highlighted here, so in the markets it is often possible to meet a decent leather rudeness.

Information for tourists

    From a long time, the Caucasus was attractive for travelers. The climbers sought to high mountain peaks, and the skiers of the furredi snow-covered winding tracks. The ubiquitous tourists spread out the paths, seeking to visit not only the most famous memorable places, but also to stay alone with nature, introducing to the secrets of the uncharted corners of the ancient Armenia.

    This country will not leave anyone indifferent, it is a real paradise for lovers to travel. Everyone will remember something its own, special. For someone, this is the sun and ripe fragrant fruits, someone will leave the gloomy and traditional hospitality of local residents in memory, someone has a unique Armenian brandy and a delicious national cuisine.

    In this article, we will not write about banal souvenirs like magnetics and T-shirts I Armenia, and tell you about really worthwhile things that can and you need to carry out of this country.


    Armenia is a graceful country for lovers of gastronomic shopping. Here you can find anything, given your taste and wallet. Sweets and local delicacies will surprise their variety and special taste.

    "Nur" in translation from Armenian means a grenade. But for Armenians, this is not just an ordinary plant, but the national symbol of the state. Since ancient times, this fruit was considered a royal berry due to the form of a fetal top, which is similar to the crown. For Armenians, the grenade is a sign of wealth, fertility, freedom and sun. It can be judged about his worship on Armenian manuscripts and a stone thread, where the image of the plant was used as a popular ornament. Until now, the grenade is popular in the culture and art of Armenia, in fact, turning into a folk cliché.

    By the way, if local sellers will tell you that in the Armenian grenade exactly 365 grains, do not believe them. Leading Transmission "Eagle and Rushka. Shopping "Egor Kaleynikov, being on one of the Yerevan markets, and they were many times more.


    Almost everywhere in Armenia, this delicious delicacy is called sweet judges, or Sharz, in some border areas - Churchhel. Externally, it looks like sausages of different colors, but it consists of not meat, but from fruit, more often grape, juice and nuts. Unlike Georgian Churchhel, cinnamon, cardamom and cloves are added to the Armenian analogue, and its shell is more delicious and tender.

    Dried fruits

    Armenia is a southern country, and there are many gracious conditions for the cultivation of fruits and vegetables. The abundance of sunlight, many rivers and good climates are ideal for growing plums, pears, apples, peaches and apricots. Armenian fruits are much more attractive externally and tastier grown in other countries. The production of dried fruits is traditionally engaged in many centuries, and this product has long deserved confidence due to their best quality. The demand for dried fruits is high both in the country itself and far beyond.


    Fresh berries, vegetables and fruits in abundance are ashanded in Armenia. Almost everything that grows here, Armenians can prepare surprisingly delicious jams. These are popular idudea, plum and kizylovoy jam, more dickened from figs, rose petals, white mulberries, pumpkins, walnuts and, that it is absolutely impossible to imagine - from eggplant. For this sample, young vegetables are selected, with cooking, they become solid as shelled outside and soft, gentle, like jelly, combined with sweet syrup from the inside.


    The altitude of more than 2,000 meters above sea level, on environmentally friendly herbaceous and colorful meadows and glades, thick Armenian honey on the content of vitamins and useful for the body of biologically active substances exceeds the best Argentine and Chinese species of this bee products. More than two hundred thousand hives produced about 17 tons of honey for the year.

    All over the world, the most valuable is recognized by Elfi Honey, produced in a cave at a depth of about 1900 meters, standing very expensive - about 5000 €. According to buyers of this product, he is no better than Armenian, the price of which is $ 8-10 per kilogram.

    Spices and herbs

    Many tourists try to bring Armenian fragrant seasonings for cooking fish and meat. Applied in local national cuisine, they are very diverse. But the main: fresh and fragrant pepper, ground black or polka dot, burning and sharp red - create an unsurpassed taste inherent in Armenian dishes. Cumin and Tarkhun, saffron and rosemary, chaman, mint and many other spices are offered in city markets and trays along the roads.

    Spicy herbs are widely used in Armenian cuisine, sometimes they are simply swore, wash and served to the table, but often processed in a different way and add to soups, salads, sauces and cakes. Kinza, Cress Salad, Charker, Ceref, Estragon, Alase, Bamia is a small list of plants that can be brought from Armenia.

    Herb tea

    If you live during your holiday in the Armenian family, you will definitely offer herbal tea. The country is at the same time in three climatic belts. Thanks to the geographical position, natural features and mining relief, the Armenian Flora is incredibly rich, consisting of about 4,000 species of plants, 120 of which are unique growing only in this country. More than 1400 species are considered healing and used as medicinal products for diseases of various organism systems.


    The national product, without which it cannot but begin and end every feast in Armenia is cheese. The simplest - fat, with the addition of herbs and spices, is prepared from fermented milk matsuna, which is suspended to run extra moisture in the bag of fabric. Goat and sheep - Burdushny cheeses - rose in Burdyukov - bags of animal skins. Armenians are not just cheese lovers, but also one of its best manufacturers. Correctly picking up bacterial starters, these cooks get a product with a pronounced smell and taste.

    The most popular in Armenia and in the territory of the entire Caucasus since ancient times, caught cheese is considered, it is prepared from cow milk in special devices called Chains. Hence the name of his name. Often brines are complemented by honey, white wine or syrup. It is withstanding the product for about 2 months.

    Lori is cheese made from a mixture of cow and buffalo milk. The name happened from the area, where it was first cooked, the ripening occurs within one and a half months in the food film. This cheese has more tender than other species, and a brittle structure. It has a salty and sharp taste, the openings of various shapes and size are visible on the cut.

    Armenian cheese is preparing from milk with the addition of a renewed enzyme. With his cooking, the obtained bunches stretch and goss out into the braids. Thanks to this, the product can save its properties for a long time and remain fresh without adding preservatives. Invented his Armenian shepherds who made cheese to keep milk for the winter.


    One of the famous corona Armenian dishes is recognized as Basturma - an incredibly tasty, gentle, fragrant dried meat with the use of a set of seasonings and spices. This is an excellent snack for any occasions, including for festive banquets. Basturma is considered a delicacy, and has a rather high cost.

    Alcoholic beverages

    Armenia is considered an open-air museum. There are several thousand cultural and natural monuments in the country. To enjoy and see all this beauty you need to visit this magnificent edge yourself. In addition to historical objects in the country there are also historical drinks.

    For more than 200 years, the most popular hot drink occupying the top positions among the best alcohol potions of the world is considered to be Armenian brandy. Vintage, collectible and ordinary cognacs are successfully sold in all countries. It is now produced in French technology, while they use traditional grapes traditional with chocolate-vanilla flavor growing only in the Valley of the Ararat River. For better leaving the wort, they collect the berry by misappropriate and hacking.

    Having settled this drink in place, you can capture a couple of bottles of Ararat, Novaya, "Nairy", "Armenics" or "Ahtamara" - it will be a good memories of a trip and a great gift for friends.

    Chacha and vodka.

    Prepare the Fortress of 50 °, and ideally 60 ° from grapes, using low grapes with whole clusters by one or twofold distillation. In essence, it is a pure grape moonshine. It is consumed in its pure form, and lovers of exquisite tastes - as part of cocktails with the addition of fruit juice and ice.

    The pride of the Armenians is the linked vodka. A drink is prepared from a berry of a mulberry or a mulberry tree by fermenting and distillation in 3 approaches, at the outlet to get the product with a strength of about 80 °. The history of cooking has more than a thousand years, each of the masters has its own unique recipe for tutovka.


    According to the excavations of archaeologists, grape drinks on the territory of Armenia have learned in the XIX-X centuries to our era. There is a museum located in a carved gorge, with a collection of more than 3,000 types of wines with a centuries-old excerpt.

    Climatic conditions contribute to the development of viticulture, thanks to this many outside the country, exceptional dessert and unique sherry wines are known.
    The main pride of local producers of these drinks are fruit wines. The most famous of them is considered crystal clear with a straw tint of quince. No less revered with a bright tone of the fusion plum and the aroma of the bone is the wine from the prunes.

    From a rare grant "Aspet" grenade, assembled at a certain time, a semi-sweet wine is produced, which are admired by many generations. A unique feature of this species is a long walnut aftertaste with barely catchy with the finest tobacco and cherry notes.

      No less worthy praise and other varieties:
    • dark Red Black Wine with Taste and Forest Berry
    • deep burgundy semi-sweet cherry with a taste of a roasted almond
    • pink with violent raspberry wine
    • the best of semi-sweet - white "Muscat"
    • the most popular fruit with a citrus and berry flavor White semi-sweet wine "Echmiadzin"
    • dark cherry thick, resembling Cahors, Wine "Getashen"
    • the famous red wine "Areni", obtained from grape variety with the same name, with wood notes due to a three-year excerpt in oak barrels.

    You can buy wine in any of the supermarkets, shops or markets at a price of 1300 դ or 150.


    If you are not a fan of strong alcoholic beverages, then beer can be brought from Armenia. The most famous local stamps - Kilikia, Gyumri, Kotayk, Erebuni, Ararat and TP. But, unfortunately, all the varieties are quite monotonous and something is even similar to each other.

    The only Armenian beer, which I would like to note is Kellers, it was tried by the author of the article in one of the cafe near Lake Sevan. Actually in those edges and is the plant, where it is boiled.

    Mineral water


    Mineral water with natural gas, which is manufactured in the same resort town of Jermuk. Water is a business card of Armenia, as well as Borjomi for Georgia. Comes in more than 40 countries around the world.


    Bzhni is a settlement in the Kotayk region of Armenia. It is here that from the depths of two hundred meters from the well No. 2 e e e e e e e e eq, this delicious medical and dining room mineral water is carried out.

    This musical instrument is one of the oldest in Armenia, its age has thousands of years. In the process of production by the masters, many tree breeds were tried, but for all the time it was revealed that the best is a duduk made from apricot growing in the country.
    The sound is due to the vibration of two plates under the air flow. The tonality of the instrument is distinguished by lyricity, and according to many, expresses the heavy history of the Armenian nation.

    Duduk or Cane Flute will become an excellent purchase, reminiscent of the days spent in this beautiful mountainous country.

    Chess and backgammon

    Chess must be owned by ancient India, which existed 1.5 thousand years ago. The name comes from the Persian "Shah" means the king, and the Arabic - "Mat" - died.

    The most ancient chandel board found when excavations in Iran, it is installed in more than 5 thousand years. The analog was found in Egypt - in the tomb of Tutankhamon (XIV century to our era).

    These two board games are the most popular among Armenians. In the center of Yerevan, the "Vernissage" market occupying the whole quarter. The abundance of products made by local artisans fascinates. Buy here you can carved backgammon and chess, which are very popular in the world.

    Of course, thanks to the Internet, many play now sitting at the monitor, but maybe it can be compared with the feeling of touching the subjects made by the careless hands of the wizard.

    Other wood products

    For Armenian craftsmen, the tree is an obedient tool in the hands of professionals. All sorts of products are made from it, including plates, fruit and flowers and flowers, original figurines, hair decorations, wall and floor clocks, coasters for wines and wooden mini-models of temples and churches. All this can be bought in souvenir shops and in local markets, taking into account your aesthetic preferences and financial opportunities.

    Religious attributes

    Armenians are very religious people. Christianity came here in 301, but the first temples were erected here 200 years before this event. There are many products related to this topic about deep reverence of religion. You can bring with you as a souvenir, for example, Khachkar, made of stone or wood.

    Horn for wine

    None of the festivation in Armenia does not do without wine. The horn is a traditional metal or wooden vessel, which is filled with wine, and after drinking leave to this as a gift. Local masters can buy a product of any color and shape and give a friend or colleague for work.


    Armenia is known for its masters manufacturing highly artistic cold weapons. Its manufacturing flourished in the Caucasus for a long time. Sabers, swords and daggers are decorated with stones for almost everywhere, but certified products in an expensive inlay, where you can see that each soul particle is embedded, you can find only at the fairs of masters and markets.

    Ceramic products

    Many guests of the country will attract products from ceramics. Pots, jugs and other dishes as usual are made of red clay. In the process of production, the object is covered with icing and decorated with an ornament made in the national style.

    Pictures of local artists

    The most ancient genre in which the Armenian Masters of Fine Arts worked was church painting. The current, modern artists are creating in many directions, but the long-standing and great culture is superimposed on their web. Like the country itself, the painting of Armenia is bright and distinctive. Armenian painters exhibit their works on review and selling in squares, here you can admire the paintings, to meet and chat with artists, to acquire a lucky landscape, still life or portrait or order a new work.


    As in many Caucasian states, carpetworking is considered in Armenia. Handmade carpet will become excellent acquisition and the ability to benefit its funds, because the price of the product is growing. And to have an exclusive thing in the house, besides the real work of art from the hands of the masters of the Caucasus, it becomes especially valuable and prestigious.

    Local carpets are decorated with rich complex vegetable or geometric ornaments, some have symbolic images of birds and animals popular in Armenian folklore. Products are performed only with the help of natural materials and dyes, it means that the thing will not be fused with the times, but will become softer in color.


    Gold and silver products are very popular in Armenia and are available at cost. With deep antiquity to this day, the most famous are the Armenian jewelers. At a low price, you can buy decorations in the market "The World of Gold", in small stores of souvenirs and jewelry, the choice in the country is huge. For lovers of unique exquisite design models, elite branded boutiques, where you can choose a rare decoration, emphasizing the flavor of the ancient people.

    The wife of Marcosyan returned to their homeland after a twenty-year-old stay in America, decided to create a unique cosmetic complex due to scientific research and natural natural components. The composition of serums and creams for the body includes only natural agents and herbs growing in Armenia. In a short time, this series received the love of the female population not only in the country, but also beyond. Therefore, boldly carry a gift for my woman something from their rich assortment.


    Armenia is a very ancient, beautiful, rich and colorful country. List everything that can be brought to the memory of the stay in this edge, it is impossible. If you have the opportunity to visit this grace corner in the Caucasus, you can evaluate all local dickens to choose for yourself and our loved ones a truly memorable souvenir.

    "Bring me brandy" - Surely so friends will accomplish you in Armenia ;-) Yes, they are right - this country is famous for cognacs, but rich not only by them. What to bring from Armenia as a gift for relatives and friends? Today will answer this question. We walked around the markets and estimated which souvenirs you can buy. Something and they themselves took, of course.

    Bring the part of this hospitable country home. Here we will not talk about magnets and t-shirts with the inscription "I Love Armenia" ;-)

    What to bring from Armenia?

    1. Cognac and wine

    Armenian brandy is famous for the whole world, and this is the main thing that can be brought from Armenian travel. In the country, grapes are specifically growing for the production of brandy, and the best stamps are considered "Ararat", "Noah", "Shustov".

    In Yerevan, be sure to go to the Cognac Plant, you will spend a tour with tasting the best samples, you can also buy the best souvenir from Armenia.

    In any supermarket, you will also find brandy, but there is a risk of running on the fake, choose in this case the branded shops.

    Wine "Areni" is also a very good gift made of a certain grape, which grows only in the valley in the village of the same name. Very delicious!

    2. Gold and silver

    From a long time, Armenian masters were famous for their art of the manufacture of silver decorations and other silver products and gold. In the shops of souvenirs and in the markets you can meet earrings, rings, chains and more. Moreover, prices for silver and gold in Armenia are low, besides, they are accepted in the market.

    In addition to silver, you can find precious stones in the markets: Obsidian, agate, yashma ....

    3. Carpets

    Carpets are very popular not only in Armenia, but also neighboring countries: Turkey, Iran, Azerbaijan. Woolen thread paint with natural dyes, and the main difference between Armenian carpets are images of animals and people on the pattern.

    Carpetquism developed in Armenia from ancient times, they were engaged in almost every family, and the carpets were decorated with floor, walls, chests. A real big carpet may well cost 2-3 thousand dollars, but you can buy small at a longer price.

    Sale of carpets on the venice

    4. Duduk

    Who had no goosebumps when listening to music, played by Jivan Gasparyan - a famous Master of the game on the Duduk. This is the National Armenian Tool, externally similar little on the flute, but with the mouthpiece from above. Please note that playing the twin is very hard, you need a certain skill and training.

    This tool is made from the apricot tree, and if you bring it home, we can say that they brought the soul of Armenia. In the market, of course sell not professional tools, but ordinary, but also the price is low.

    5. Handbags, wallets, tablecloths in the national style

    Weaving is another traditional craft in Armenia. You can bring home wallets, bags, tablecloths, and even bottles covers embroidered in the national Armenian style, brightly decorated with angular ornaments.

    6. Antiques - books, coins, cameras and other

    If you have friends who are fond of books, coins, stamps, then there is something to choose. In Yerevan, there are several collaps with antiques: here you can find anything. We all asked for all the old Soviet lenses for the camera (they are very good quality) and you will not find such in the city. But we do not understand what is suitable for, so they threw this business ....


    7. Chess and Handmade Backgammon

    The art of wood carving developed in Armenia has long been, and the masters are famous for their works. The most striking example of their mastery is carved chess and backgammon, this is a piece "product", the work of art. The thread is made in a national style with patterns, even temples are sometimes cut.

    8. Utya

    Oh, here the choice is just huge! Be sure to leave with you Armenian sweets: Bakhlav (Armenian analogue of Pakhlava), a supersukh (Armenian Snickers), home halva ,ought fruit juice - Doshab.

    Give home spices and dried herbs, such as basic. Closer to departure take Armenian cheese, for example, "Laurie" or "Changing" in a pigtail, they have a very unusual taste.

    Be sure to bring dried fruits and fruits from Armenia, if you arrive in season.

    Sweet Gata, Sudzuch, Jam

    What else to buy souvenirs from Armenia? Tin dishes, leather products, ceramics products (glasses, jugs, kettles) and much more, which will be able to find.

    We will tell you what souvenirs bring from Yerevan - the capital of Armenia. Collected the most popular and unusual options. Read before the trip.

    To come to Yerevan, the capital of Armenia, and not to buy nothing - the same thing to go to the cave with treasures and leave empty-handed hands.

    Yerevan was built in 782 BC. The country itself is famous for its hospitality, and the people are good nature. Finding into markets, collaps, just lost from abundance of beauty - silver decorations, ceramics, wood products, rag dolls, carpets. I want to please everyone: myself, relatives and colleagues. It is in order to be a landmark among the traveler, we made a small review of the most popular Armenian gifts and souvenirs.

    Armenia is famous for masters in 4 crafts.

    Wood carving

    The skilled hands of the masters create caskets, suspensions, figurines from different wood species. Wood products are filled with heat and become an excellent gift. The most famous - chess and backgammon. Covered with intricate patterns, thin carvings, they can become a family relic.

    Price: 2000-25 000 rubles

    Another symbol of Armenia is Duduk. This is a wooden brass musical instrument with a double cane. He is the soul of the country. The masters make it, taking as a base of apricot wood.

    Price per Duduk: from 1500 rubles

    Cases are provided to the tool. Their choice is wide: leather, fabric and wooden.

    Price per case: 150-1500 rubles

    If you are interested in other wooden crafts, look at the street Paronan, house 4. There is a tree thread museum. The concentration of cool things simply rolls.

    Silver decorations

    Local on them is just dragging. Silver is made openwork, as if weightless, national jewelry, which fit perfectly into a modern lifestyle. You can still find dishes, glasses and just cool crafts. The cost depends on the complexity of execution, decorating stones. All this wealth is on the antique market in Yerevan. It works on weekends.

    Price: from 300 rubles and indefinitely.

    Products from ceramics

    Magnets and sets of dishes are created from clay: Big plates, painted teapots, sugarted suico, funny figures depicting national costumes, patterned cups. And from all these products it comes comfortable - you imagine how from a beautiful kettle they pour delicious tea in cups, and remember good Armenia.

    For colleagues, you can take on the original magnet and a circle. And for native larger and useful items: tea set, a set of plates for the first and second, a large plate under the kebab.

    Price: 100-3000 rubles

    Crafts from Coral

    From coral make excellent and unusual decorations. You can find: Earrings, rings, bracelets, pendants, beads, ridges, hairpins. Surprises such a variety, all products are made manually, despite the fragility of this material. Colors range from saturated orange to heavenly blue.

    Price: 200-2500 rubles

    For all these souvenirs, except for silver, you need to go on a day off in the opening day. It is located in the center of Yerevan, not far from the metro station "Square of the Republic". The opening day is open from 10 to 18 hours. Do not be afraid to bargain - this is a place to talk and communicate.

    What food and fruits bring from Yerevan

    Souvenirs dealt with souvenirs, it is time to choose delicious products for yourself and friends.

    Near the only Yerevan "Blue Mosque" is an indoor bazaar. Going there, eyes scatter from the diversity of sweets, fruits, meat, dairy products. Let's go through the "sweet" rows. Here you will see:

    • Alani.
      Dried peaches, stuffed with walnut, honey, cinnamon and cardamom. This filling replaces the abandoned bone. The form of a fruit does not change, despite the fact that he was dried.
      Price: 350-400 rubles for 1 kg.
    • Churchhela
      Walnut is low, covered with fruit fruit juice. It is sold individually, but the price is formed, based on the weight of the purchase. Price: 450 rubles per 1 kg.
    • Pahlava
      Prepared from the dough layers thick into the sheet, each layer is impregnated with sugar and lemon syrup, laying out fine chopped nuts. From above Pakhlava thick polita honey. Price: 300 rubles for 1 kg.

    Fruits and berries:

    • Fresh fruits
      On the shelves of beautiful slides are peaches, apricots, figs, apples, pears, plums, grapes. There is a feeling that professional design designers work here. All in colors, neat and appetizing. Price: 50-350 rubles per 1 kg.
    • Garnet
      He became a symbol of the country, he is given to the wedding, make wine from it. Taste sweet, with light sourness. The grains are very juicy. But for some reason it is not very much on sale. Maybe everything goes to export? A small amount of goods is reflected in prices. Price: 200 rubles for 100 gr.
    • Paste
      Prepared from juice fruit. It can be sweet, with nuts and classic acidic. Price: 400 rubles.
    • Dried fruits
      There are many of them: dried plums, apricots, peaches, figs, pears. There are gift sets. A good choice of Cucat from Alychi, plums and even from exotic papaya. Price: 100-500 rubles per 1 kg.

    Dairy and meat products:

    • Homemade cheese
      We advise you to take all sorts of cheeses from Yerevan. For example, cheese of solid sheep milk with the addition of vicinity, Tarkhun and red pepper. Or the cheese "Motal", it happens to sheep or goas. It is maintained in the Burdyukov 3-4 months. Made by small batches.
      Buy cheese on the road is necessary before departure. It is better not to store for longer than 3 days. Price: 150-700 rubles.
    • Basturma
      This extruded meat clipping, saline and sealed in the air. It has a dark color and dense structure. It tastes spicy-burning and at the same time brasso-sour. Price: 900 rubles per 1 kg.
    • Sudzhuk.
      Sausages made from minced meat. To taste, they are sharp with a special aroma of spices and solid consistency. Price: 900 rubles per 1 kg.

    Other Interesting Goods:

    • Grape leaves
      Arriving in Armenia, be sure to buy dried or canned grape leaves. Of these, you can make an appetizing dolm. Leaves are packed in plastic bottles and glass jars. Sorted so that they are enough for 1 kg. meat. Price: 150 rubles.
    • Spice
      Armenian spices are the red and black pepper, as well as the Yerevan mixture of the herb of Estragon, Hop Sunnels, the basilica of purple, citron, chaman, coriander, paprika, acute pepper and saffron. Their flavors and quality are incomparable with what is sold in our country. With these seasonings, dishes will be simply divine. Measure them in the old manner - grams of 200 gr. Price per glass: 30-60 rubles.
    • Tea
      Favorite variety here urz-chamber. This additive makes tea fragrant, fragrant. It is also believed that the chabret is soothing. In general, there are a lot of tea varieties: from a rosehip with the addition of hawthorn, cherries, cisl, black and green tea with mint, herbal from the doll, chicory, hunter, immortals, leaves quince, raspberry leaves, rose petals. Price: 100-300 rubles per pack.
    • Coffee
      As an eastern country, Armenia is famous for its coffee. Aromatic, invigorating drink is very popular. The taste is from bitter chocolate to tender caramel. The popular and well-proven brand - Royal Armenia. Price: 400-550 rubles per 1 kg. Grain coffee. Price: 40-150 rubles for packaging "Royal Armenia" 100 gr.

    In the bazaar, it is customary to try products, so do not hesitate. Armenians themselves treat with pleasure in order to advertise their goods and just from the soul.

    Each resident of our country knows that the best brandy is Armenian. He began the best because of the unique grape varieties. They grow in the country for more than a thousand years. Careful attitude towards traditional traditions are given fragrant, with chocolate aftertaste, brandy. He was appreciated by Winston Churchill himself. Popular marks are considered: "Noah", "Ararat" and "Shustov". For reliability it is best to buy a bottle of the famous drink at the Ararat or Noah factory in Yerevan. In the same way you can taste the varieties of different excerpts. There are a collection of cognac from 10 years of exposure and young brandy 3-5 years of exposure.

    Yerevan - Capital And the largest city on the population on the map of Armenia. Yerevan - ancient, rich in its historical value and beauty city.

    Also the city is rich in old architectural monuments, huge extended beautiful streets, majestic cathedrals and temples, and, to many others.

    Having a choice where to go to rest in the following holidays or vacation, be sure to visit Yerevan. Discover this mysterious, beautiful and just sincere city.

    The people in Yerevan, like no other in the world, is distinguished by their welcome and hospitality. All in this country warm and spiritualStarting from the air temperature, which is lowered to low indicators in the winter, and ending with the mood of the local inhabitants.

    Getting there, do not cease to surprise the kindness and cheerfulness of local residents.

    For many of us it may seem strange when you go down the street, and the people who smile you are going to meet and give a huge charge of positive and positive energy.

    After all, it is so easy to give a good mood, giving a man my smile, and it doesn't matter who is close to you or just passerby.

    Going on the journey, each of us ask a question, and what to bring yourself, your loved ones, friends and acquaintances as a gift.

    After all, so I want to not guess and leave memories of a wonderful trip not only in the heart, but also in the original material manifestation.

    What to bring from Armenia (joint purchases)?

    What can I buy and bring from Armenia (Yerevan)?

    Cosmetics, perfumery

    What to bring from Yerevan as a gift? If you are a female beauty admirer and want to bring a part of the beautiful from Yerevan, we advise you to go on factory of natural oils of Armenia Vakifarm.

    Cosmetics of this company is designed not only to care for all parts of our body, ranging from the head, ending with their feet, and also has a general wellness effect for the entire body.

    Natural oils "Vakifarm" feed your skin and stimulate the vitality of the body.

    Products, spices

    What can I buy in Yerevan (Armenia) tourist? Like any other oriental country, Armenia is famous for huge markets that are replete with various kinds of products. Here you will find everything! So take the bags more and go to the nearest bazaar.

    The most popular delicacies here are definitely nuts stuffed in fruit honey. It is incredibly tasty and useful. In appearance reminds Churchhel, but very different in taste.

    Homemade cheese. Cheese here varies on such characteristics as salting and from what milk is made. But all the cheeses here are fresh and insanely tasty.

    The only thing you need to consider that Armenian cheeses are not intended for long-term storage and begin to dry on 3 days.

    Tea. The most popular variety of tea here is urort (chamber). We advise you to buy it in Armenia, because you will not try in any other such a real, saturated, rich taste of tea in any other country.

    And, of course, fruit! Fruits are juicy, sweet and very tasty. Therefore, many experienced tourists take with them, going to Yerevan, spare suitcases so that everything could be taken with them. From the best and popular we give preference to peaches and grenades.


    What else can be brought from Armenia as a gift? Probably, every person in our world, even to someone who does not use alcoholic beverages at all, it is known that the world's best brandy is recognized by Armenian brandy.

    The culture of winemaking in Armenia appeared more than 1000 years ago and since then experienced grapes, real masters are trying to keep and cherish the traditions of growing grapes in the territory of modern Armenia.

    In order to get the best brandy in the world, 6 grape varieties are grown in Armenian vineyards. Five of them are relatives - Armenian origin, namely: guarantum, rain, mshali, kangong and chilar, as well as the Georgian grape variety - Rkaziteli.

    Armenian cognacs have many varieties and characteristics. Depending on the exposure time, they can vintage, ordinary or collectible.

    The best cognacs of Armenia are rightly recognized:

    • "Shustov". Most often, Armenian cognacs receive names from famous historical figures and places. Nikolai Shustov The first person who bought the Armenian brandy factory, after which, according to, the Armenians came "the Golden Age" of Armenian cognacs;
    • "Ararat" (Famous Mountain Range of Armenia);
    • "Noah" (According to the famous legend, Noah was the first to try the first grape vine at the foot of Mount Ararat).

    Other well-known brands are: "Arama", "Legend of Armenia" and "Sargis".

    In order not to make a mistake and buy a truly standing brandy, we advise you to go to the brandy factory in Yerevan, which is called Ararat.

    There you can taste brandy, and after choosing for yourself the most you like in the corporate store, so you will protect yourself from the acquisition of fake.

    Manufactured goods

    Clothing - not what should be converted to Yerevan. It is practically no different from the one that is produced and sold in our country. Prices are the same here, the brands are the same.

    But what is worth paying close attention to:

    1. Silver. To do this, you should go on the Yerevan antique market, which works daily, but it's better to get there on the weekend. Since on weekdays, you will not find anything for yourself, except for antique books. Armenian silver of excellent quality. And most importantly, here it is sold at a very low price.
    2. Ceramics. Armenians are famous for very beautiful ceramic dishes. Do not suck and buy yourself something from the kitchen utensils. Here you will be offered very beautiful ceramic sets of dishes, as well as kettles, cups, suicrafts and more. Again, a big advantage is a relatively low cost.
    3. Coral. Corals are sold here in different colors and different forms. Everything is very beautiful and stylish. And, yes, also a budget option.

    In our opinion, it is three whales, which should be paid attention to, going to the industrial market.

    Of course, do not forget about such mandatory and banal attributes like magnets, postcards and plates depicting famous places of Armenia, in particular, Yerevan.

    Souvenirs from Armenia: What to bring?


    For a man, definitely, the best gift will be real Armenian Cognac. Yes, a gift is not from cheap, but very high quality.

    Especially if you do not fame and acquire it in the corporate store of the Cognac Plant Ararat. Any man to whom this gift will be addressed will be delighted. You may not doubt!

    To kid

    Excellent souvenir for the child will be of various kinds of sweetswhich are replete with Yerevan markets. From popular should be noted:

    • baklava. The same thing as praise. Sweetness from a thin layer test with the addition of raisins, honey, nuts and spices;
    • burma. One of the varieties of the bitlava, which is slightly different from its first form;
    • alani.. Dried peaches, which, instead of a bone of a sugar filling.


    The best gift for a woman will be silver products, as well as kitchen utensils from ceramics.

    Also, if a woman you bring a gift loves wine, it also will be a wonderful gift bottle of Armenian apricot or pomegranate "Areni". Having a rich taste in which there is practically no bitter alcohol.

    Generally, you can buy a lot of things in Yerevan and at a fairly low price.. Armenia is a budget tourist country.

    Everything here has a relatively small cost, and sellers do not strive to fool youBy learning naive tourists in you. People here are very pleasant, welcoming, with a good soul and heart.

    Having been once in Yerevan, you are amazed by that vital energy, spiritual warmth and positive, which is inherent in local residents.

    You will love this southern, rich in old architectural monuments and other landmarks from the first visit, love with all your heart and will return here again and again!