Why die away Russian villages. List of urban-type settlements in the population Russian community names

Russian village ... For someone, she is a relic of agrarian past, for others - the keeper of the Russian soul. One way or another, annually urbanization on average "eats" by three villages in the country.

What are the reasons for the extinction and degradation of the Russian village? How much is the villages today in Russia? And which of them are the most beautiful? Answers to all these questions you will find in our article.

Unemployment, hopelessness, despondency ...

It is such unpleasant words that the modern Russian village is most often described. Broken asphalt, fragmentary remaining from prosperous Soviet times, abandoned farms, destroyed houses of culture, dirt, lack of lighting and central sewage - is characteristic of most of the villages and villages of the current Russia. Of course, there are pleasant exceptions. But they are catastrophically not enough.

Many villages in Russia, due to the latter area, in the literal sense, the words are torn off from any benefits of civilization. They can be located a few hundred kilometers from the nearest city or district center. In such villages, people, like a hundred-two hundred years ago, live in a natural economy: Fields are seeded, scottle diluted, fish, hunt and drink strong tea from real samovarov.

The classic example of the "Russian depths" is the so-called red shore. This is a terrain consisting of three villages, lost in the midst of coniferous forests of the Vologda region. The total number of their population is 10 people. Roads by these items, in fact, no. In winter, it can be overcome only on a snowmobile, and in summer (after heavy rain) - exclusively on the tractor. Water - from Rodnikov, light from kerosene lamps, the generator is one on three villages.

And how many similar villages are scattered across the expanses of immense Russia - to say difficult.

Russian villages die away

According to Rosstat, in the first nine months of the current year, the population of Russia decreased by 173 thousand people. The villains of the North-West and the center of Russia die faster than others. And in the Tver region the pace is higher than the average Russian.

"The most alarming situation of mortality today is observed in the Ivanovo, Tula, Novgorod, Tver and Pskov regions," - Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova called the five regions that endure demographics disaster.

The countryside is especially suffering. The Government is financially encouraging the birth of the second and subsequent children, the same measures are also provided at the level of the regions. But bad roads and lack of work are convincing stronger than maternal capital.

"Only the relocation from the village to the city gave 20-30% of the salary. It was enough to move to the city. And if you increase the level of qualifications, then the difference will be even higher, "the demographer says, Researcher to HSE Salavat Abycalkalikov.

In the summer of 2018, experts counted in the Tver region 2,234 empty villages. This is more than in any other region of Russia. Statistics will be replenished, because there are many villages in which 1-2 people live.

Each fourth village in the Tver region is abandoned. Divided from the main roads are rapid at home. The farther from the "Russia" track, the fact that this picture meets more often.

"Houses are empty. This empty, this empty, this empty. That empty, this empty and this empty. Three houses on the street are residential. That is, an extinct village. Well, let's go further, "says a resident of the Tver region Sergey Krivchenkov.

Not only enterprises and hospitals are closing, but also schools. Due to the optimization of schoolchildren, you have to carry into large villages and small towns. Selyan call life in the village of heavy.

"There were 800-900 people here. In the 72nd year I graduated from school. We were 200 people - students in this school. But in my eyes everyone died. "

"We are accustomed, but to live, of course, hard. Because we pay little attention to us. Roads are bad. The light turns off. We pay attention to us little. "

The Tver region is in third place and mortality, and by loss of the population. Neighbors for all these ratings are the same old-axis "root" regions of Russia near Moscow and St. Petersburg.

"Therefore, in priority, leaders are millionaires. Therefore, all the city-millionaires and want ... Rather, all cities want to get a millionaire status or 500 thousand. If this status has acquired is another level of attention, another level of financing, "says the demographer, Researcher by HSE Salavat Abycalkikov.

Do I need to stop this process?

Alexander Merzlov: In our opinion, of course, it must be done. But, unfortunately, modern agrarian policy does not contribute to this. Since the pace of deterals continue to remain very high, let's say, there is a program of sustainable development of rural areas. But it mainly acts on those rural settlements, which are located next to major objects of the agro-industrial complex. Most rural areas are not covered by this program, and the pace of extinction of the villages, they are continued to remain very high.

That is, in fact, is it an inevitable process?

Alexander Merzlov: No, it depends on the type of agrarian policy. If the agrarian policy is focused on large agroholds, if the center of its interests is not the interests of the rural community, but the interests of large agricultural business, of course, this is actually an American model, everything will remain as it is. Agriculture is developing with us, we grow nadoys, yields, too, but at the same time the state of the social sphere continues to deteriorate. We can say that business continues to concentrate in rural areas.

There are countries with more socially oriented models, for example, the same France, where more emphasis is on supporting small forms of management. And it leads to a greater diversity of agricultural products, and for better care of rural landscapes, and gives a very large indirect effect in the form of attractive jobs in a variety of spheres. Our country is large enough, and in order to engage in the agro-industrial complex, thank God, we have huge expanses where you do not want, I do not want a large farm.

But, in our opinion, in residential areas where people live, in areas with elevated recreational, cultural potentials, it is necessary to develop small types of farms, which will be focused on high-quality food, diverse nutrition, to develop recreational, tourist potentials. And so we can implement these models.

List of abandoned villages of Russia



14th km


New Bogolyubovka

Platform 1150th km
Platform 1157th km

Traveling Barkovo
Traveling Chestakovka
Red Elha
Top key

Upper Ivanovka
New Zang



Large Lozovka
Round bush

Travel 912m km
Travel 950th km
Traveling Rizades
Pechersk shore
Yasnaya Polyana

Kaliny bush
Upper Condurcha

Sentalinsky district

Light glade
Light key
Upper Khmelevka

What the names of the villages are not found on the expanses of Russia - from poetic and sublime, like Pospelovo, Voznesensky or Krasavino to funny, funny and even casuals: Durnovo and Khrenovo, again great and ass, bald bald and Kozyavykino.

However, do not rush to laugh. If something in Russia seems funny to you, then you just don't know something.

The principles of which in Russia called the village and the village was a great set. For example, the names could be preserved as the names of administrative units.

The great or large yard called the centers of the Boyar owners, the town called the fortified settlement, the graveyard was called the village with the church and the cemetery. The village, which began with a single yard, was called the repair, and the villagers of the village of Slobodki or Slobodi were once exempt from taxes. The settlements of Stan, Ranan, becoming the names from the mills that were arranged on the roads - the princes or their governors for collecting filters were stopped in them.


The basic principle by which the Russians called their settlements was the name at the place where the village was standing. It could be called on the river or lake, on some special acceptance: high hill, large stone, zalevo, swimming, large meadow, source.

The village of Pzuhuhi under the Great Ustyug received its name from the word "sinus", which I said "Creek, Bay"; The threshold was stood by a stone ridge. The name of the village of the climber and sucking happened from the noun, which was known to the "mountainous bank of the river", that is, the villages stood on the shore, on the hill.

The name of the bear shipment says not only that bears lived in the forests near the village, but also about what it costs on a cooler - on "removal"

The village of Grandma Under Voronezh, according to one version, the name from those who visited Pelikanov, who were called Baba Baba in Russia, and on the other, there are many women of stone idols near the village.

In Roast Bugre, no one fry nobody, the word "fried" came to the name from the Turran language, on which "Jar" \u200b\u200bmeant "cool, clutched shore." And the village of Succino received the name from the crushed Pashnya, which was previously called bitches.

The village of Istopnaya stood on the river flowing from the swamp, "fop"; The name of the village of Isada inset meant landing place, loading, pier. The name of the village of the redhead occurred from the "Seat" - the land plot that the settler processed.

By name-nickname

The villages in Rus were called the common among the inhabitants of the name, for example, Petrovo, Ivanovo, Yudino - the latter comes from the changed Christian name of Judas.

The villages were called by the name or surname of its founder-of-refinery, for example, the village of Elakino Veliko-Ustyugsky district received its name from the family nickname of Sava and Carp, which were called "Elakin" ("The Song Books of the Russian North"). The names of the Klepik villages, Klepikovskaya occurred from the nickname of Klepik, a gag, which was called the curves, sutal people in Russia.

Kurilovo got a name from the nickname of the founder of the village smoked, which was "drunkard, Kutila". The name of the village of Pestovo goes back to the ancient Russian nickname Pest, which meant is a stupid, stubborn person. " And the villages of Suslovka, Susolovka, Susol were named after Susol, who received the nickname from the verb "Susolit", that is, "drink", "suck". The big minister occurred on behalf of ore, which is no longer used, Kiev - from Kie, and Makhnovo from the abbreviated name Matvey (N. V. Anisimov "What the names of our places are talking about").

Zagoskino took its name from the nickname of the jigger - cuckoo, and Ratchino - on behalf of Ratch, Ratibor, Borovka - on behalf of the porch, and Shilovo - from the nickname sewed.

By occupation

This is the most understandable principle of the name of the village - in Kuznetsovo, the blacksmiths lived in a veal or calf - sweatshirts, the skin was cut into the skin, the rockers were russed into the fishery, and they were drawn to kvass and beer in Dwax (Chang), in Khomutovo, did break in Gramatteevo lived competent people, the village of Khrenovo was famous for the fields of Khrena, on which local peasants specialized, and they were engaged in good bees.

By the name of animals and trees

The village could be called animals that were famous for those surrounding her thickets. For example, Foxes Gorka, Barsuki, Komarovo, Gusevo, Cranes, Taketers, Kuliki, Vyritino, Shatunovo, Polozovo.

Or in the rocks of trees and shrubs that grew nearby - Sosnovka, Lipsy, Oak, Dubia, Veresovka, Lozovitsa.

The village of Dunchnih in the Moscow region is called so on the old name of blueberries, - this berroda was called faded, and the local collected it in the summer in large numbers. The village of Cheremsh was famous for the ability, and a lot of cherry grew to Cheremukhono. Forests at the meat boron in the Novgorod region were rich in love, child.

For church holidays

Villages and villages with such names were distributed throughout Russia and in Siberia: Arkhangelsk, Assumption, Lastniense, Relock, Nikolskoye, Bogorodskoye, Trinity. Sometimes there are also pagan names, for example, Starvarunovo and Novoperunovo.

Adapted names

In some places, the Turkic names of the villages were transferred to the Russian way, and now you can only guess what this name meant before. For example, the name of the Trans-Baikal village, Khokhotui, perhaps it was used to be in Buryatski as Khogotuly or a walk, which meant a birch forest, or Khokhutui, that is, the path, the road.

In the Volgograd region there is the village of Tsanta, whose name most likely goes back to the Collamk name of the Buddhist chapel. And the village of Bonda in Udmurtia is called so from the Tatar word "Boulder", which means "successful end of the case"

In honor of the events

Part of the villages is called in honor of any event, often anecdotal properties. For example, pancake heaps in the Smolensk region were called from the pancakes, which residents of the village of Empress Catherine II met. And again it got his name from two landlords, who all the time greet in one place. The village of Trakhonevo was named so in honor of the Byzantine kind of Fuchanotov, whose representatives were present at the wedding of Sofia Paleolog and Ivan III. And the Embassy village in Buryatia is named so in honor of the ambassadors who have killed nomads in this place.

For real beautiful villages in Russia It remains not very much, they are painfully collecting and numbering specialists of historical and security organizations in order to carefully keep the remaining crumbs. Today in the list "not yet lost" will be thrown a little more than a dozen. Each of them is interesting in terms of history, architecture, traditional lifestyle. Each will leave the mark in the heart, after visiting.

So, the most beautiful villages of Russia:

The most colorful villages

The village of Declayers. Buryatia. First mention - 1746 year.

The village of Declayers consists of five streets.

Currently, 778 people live in the village of Declayers.

The village of Dectello is located near the Selenga River.

Village Azgat. This word is translated from the Buryat language - "Stone".

In the village of Aqagat about 100 yards.

Aqagatsky datsan. Founded in 1825.

Tarbagatay village is one of the largest old-desired villages of Transbaikalia.

Tarbagatay village is located on the Kuytunka River (the right influx of Selenga)

Tarbagaytai village is founded in the 1710s.

The village of Big Cunale was founded in 1765.

The name of the village of Kunali - "Hunilla", which translated from Buryat means "assembly" or "fold".

The village of Kunaleus retains the originality, culture and traditions of their ancestors.

Lost among the mountains and meadows with fragrant herbs, very similar to each other and not similar, there are four villages in Buryatia, located approximately at the same distance east and south from Ulan-Ude.Declayer, Azgat, Tarbagatai and Big Cunners. Almost all the buildings in these villages are painted with bright colors: red, orange and blue, and the inner walls, furniture items and even the ceilings are painted and brighter. Such traditional decoration was very characteristic of wealthy peasant houses. The traditional folk outfits are no less bright, it seems that the most fun people live in these villages that do not want to part with childhood. And meanwhiletraditional culture of Tarbagay village It was proclaimed the "masterpiece of the oral and intangible heritage of mankind" UNESCO. And the Aqagat village is also one of the religious centers of the region. Back in 1825, Datsan was erected here, which raised not one generation of Lam. And local herbs can be found even in the atlas of Tibetan medicine.

The oldest villages

The village of Old Ladoga founded in 753.

Until 1703, Ladoga was a city.

At the Novgorod Chronicles in Ladoga there is a grave of the thing Oleg (in Kiev version, his grave is located in Kiev on the mountain of the Shchovice).

When the daughter of the Swedish king Olaf Schrekonungg, Princess Inhigerda in 1019 married to Novgorod Prince Yaroslav Wise, then in the dowry (Vienna) received the city of Aldeagborg (old Ladoga) with adjacent lands, which have received the name of Ingermanland (Earth Ingegerend) since then).

Afanasyevskaya Church in Varzuga.

Temple of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Warrow.

The main source of income of the local population at all times was the sale of salmon caught in the Warzuga River.

Perhaps precisely harsh north weather, frosts and wind and ice, contributed to the fact thatthe most ancient villages of Russia Located in the north-west, in the Leningrad and Murmansk regions: the old Ladoga and Varzuga. We will not argue who is their older them, leave it to those skilleditors, the story of both of them has more than 600 years. What stands on the Volkhov River is considered to be the starting point of the great path "from Varyag in the Greeks", one of the three Varyag brothers, designed in Russia, is ruled here. She was the largest shopping center even before Novgorod, and the walls of her fortress stormed the Swedes. She absorbed the entire culture of north-Russian nationalities. It stands on the shores of the eponymous river, which flows into the White Sea. Its main decorations are wooden churches, which here built as many as five, built without a single nail, like many religious buildings of the northern masters. Here was locatedPatriarn house of the Solovetsky Monastery, Therefore, the earth and sources around the saints. And the main fishery of local residents were catching salmon and pearl mining, which gave birth to the Warzuga River.

The most severe villages

The first mention of Teriberka refers to the XVI century.

The name of the village received along the same river the Teriberka, the name of which, in turn, on one of the versions, goes back to the outdated name of the Kola Peninsula - Taper.

Until 1984, Teribers did not have a car message and there was an either by sea or helicopter.

Esso's village received his name in 1932.

Almost the entire Esso village is heated due to natural geothermal waters.

Esso's village is called "Kamchatka Switzerland".

Annually in March from the village will start international race on dog sledging "Beringi".

Severe not because of the characters of local residents, but because they are located in such places, which is not clear how people can live here, and even build such beautiful villages. They are scattered along the two extremes of our country: on the Barents Sea and Esso on . The Terberka appeared on the Kola Peninsula in the XVI century, but it became very known only now, after filming "Leviathan". Here, in the tundra area, where the cold sky here meets with cold earth and is reflected in cold water, there was a fishing whaling village. Today, this village is beautiful, perhaps, only by nature, because most of the infrastructure is abandoned and is in a very poor condition. It is the combination of decline of civilization against the background of harsh landscapes makes this place crazy perfectly. And on the contrary, the Esso village is breathing in health in the middle of a snow kamchatka, because it is surrounded by hot thermal sources from all sides. Here are happy people who manage to grow even grapes in such a climate. And from here starts every year the most famous race on dog sledding -.

The very first and last village

The ancient merchant village of Vyatka is located in the Nekrasovsky district - one of the most environmentally friendly and historically significant regions of the Yaroslavl region.

Vyatsky village is first mentioned in documentary sources of 1502, as the center of the Metropolitan Vyatka parish.

Vyatskaya village is a unique town-planning complex of the XVIII - XIX centuries with more than 50 registered architectural monuments, former in the past merchant and peasant houses, tea and innovative facilities, alleys.

Not so long ago, Russia joined the World Association, which is looking for the most beautiful villages on Earth in each country. The main selection criteria: the village must be alive, not a musey, no more than 2,000 inhabitants should be reside in it and the rural lifestyle should be preserved. Each found village is solemnly assigned the honorable title of "most beautiful", the corresponding sign is issued, and a special inauguration ceremony is carried out. After that, the village falls into the list of such. On the territory of Russia officially recognized beautiful villages are only six, but we must not forget that the list was open to just in 2015. The very first was recognized as a beautiful village, or rather the village, . Vintage merchant houses, almost every of which is an architectural monument, as well as the whole ten museums of a completely different direction: from traditional to polytechnic. The latter got the village in Kareliawhose inauguration took place on June 10, 2016. The village that fell into the tub's books in the XVI century, and who began his story with four farms, now consists of only 16 vintage Karelian houses, the chapel of the Smolensk Mother of God and the five inhabitants, two of which have a family tree with local roots in 500 years.

To which in Russia, with all the desire, it is impossible to complain about the lack of beautiful settlements. In this regard, the wacrifice is limited: here are historical monuments, and wonderful landscapes, and extreme naturalness, and even modern architectural finds. Tell O. ten most picturesque villages of Russia (We are subject to conventional order, since it is not like to distribute them to the places, making up Top-10, we would not want).


It is hardly this village, invariably falling into all lists and ratings, needs to be submitted; It is enough to indicate the fact that there are ten museums in the settlement, a colossal number of pre-revolutionary buildings. It has to relaxation and learning and nature: Vyatka from all sides "framed by the rivers and valleys. This is the perfect option for those travelers who do not like to abandon comfort: there are three hotels, a restaurant, a cinema.


It is not easy to get here: the village is located in Karelia. The structure is seventeen structures, ten of which belongs to architectural monuments. In the center you can see the cemetery of Catherine times; There is also a renovated chapel. There is a bath in black, well, barn; It was not without a small and already quite modern hotel.


A wonderful location in a distinguished peculiar form (similar to a river) lake causes the fame of the settlement. Senakes, ancient huts, courtyards and, of course, fascinating the Tent Assumption Church (year of construction - 1720) - this is what the eyes of the arriving in the village will appear.

Old Ladoga

Speaking of the oldest villages of Russia, it is impossible to omit the old lady - the settlement, the history of which began more than a thousand years ago. Although today there are not so many people here, sometime in this place the path "from the Varyag in Greeks" began (it was one of the largest settlements in ancient Russia).

Yasnaya Polyana

It is recommended to go to a clear glade not only not only to the classics of critical realism and connoisseurs of Lion's novels Tolstoy, but also to everyone who appreciates the combination of natural naturalness and architectural grace. Being a negligence, the village amazes the imagination of it is its conciseness. The attractions include a writer's house, the remains of the greenhouse, the middle pond, the park.


Initially, the settlement did not stand out in any way: it seemed that Nikolo-Leniv was, one of the gradually coming into the launch of the village of Russia. However, the efforts of Vasily Schistinina who appeared here, the famous architect enthusiast - it turned into a real creative gallery of folk art. Most of all amazes the fact that absolutely everything is made manually here.


There are a lot of wonderful villages in Buryatia (among the famous: Dectell, Big Cunners, Azgat); The most famous of them is Barbagatay, which is located fifty-two kilometers from Ulan-Ude. Founded in the 18th century, the settlement at the same time served as the house of the Old Believers; So far, you can see the buildings raised by them, distinguished by colorful coloring, wonderful fences and unusual shutters.


The village boasts a rich history: once the family of the Writer Griboedov lived here (and Alexander Sergeevich himself in childhood), came here and Ivan the Terrible. Also in the village is the holy source of Alexander Nevsky. Panoramic landscapes around and well-groomed village itself make this place one of the most interesting for Russian travelers.


The village is right on the shores of the White Sea and leads his story from the 16th century. It was known then: wooden vessels for the monks of the Solovetsky Monastery were built here. In the very village you can see the wooden temple of Zosima and the Savvatiy Solovetsky (erected in the middle of the 19th century) and the "wooden tee", consisting of the Nikolsk Church (17th century), the introduction of the church (the end of the 18th century) and the bell tower (18th century) .

Osheven graveyard

It is not necessary to scare the name: the Village of the Graveyard, which is also called the Ozhesshen grader, has remained a wonderful place for several centuries and one of the most beautiful villages of Russia. Here is the monastery of St. Alexander Oshevensky, the church of the Epiphany (18th century), the bell tower, the house-yard Popova.

12/28/2015 at 18:56 · Johnny. · 80 590

Top 10. The most beautiful villages of Russia

For a long time, the Russian village was unreasonably forgotten. During this period, many rural settlements were completely abandoned or disappeared from the face of the Earth. Since 2014, an association has appeared, the most beautiful village of Russia has become an object of consideration. In the competition can participate settlements that correspond to certain criteria. The natural landscape, historical value, appearance and population, which should not exceed 2 thousand people are considered. In Russia there will be at least 10 villages that can compete for the status of the most beautiful and interesting in cultural plan.


One of the most beautiful villages in Russia is located in the Murmansk region. He has almost a six-year history and is the decoration of the Kola Peninsula. In the center of the settlement is the Assumption Church, which was built at the end of the 17th century without using nails. This building is a historical and cultural heritage, which is recognized as a monument of wooden architecture. In addition to historical values, the village is famous for tourist activities. According to the Warrow River, the Atlantic salmon migrates, on the catch of which you can get permission and relax on the lap of nature. The village has long chosen the British for tourism.


The settlement in the Kaluga region can rightly be called one of the most beautiful villages in Russia. Once it was a dying place with a small number of residents. Thanks to the architect Vasily Schetinin, village Nikolo Leniv turned into a creative gallery, in which each wall and fence are made with their own hands from natural material. This idea was picked up followers-compatriots and foreign architects. Currently, the festival has been conducted annually in the village, called "Arch Standing". Picturesque houses harmoniously fit into the original Russian landscape.


Kamchatka region has a harsh climate, but it does not affect the life of a beautiful and happy Russian village. Located in a grateful place, where thermal sources are beaten from the ground. They are used for heating houses, as well as for rehabilitation in the local sanatorium. From Petropavlovsk-Kamchatka village separated 600 kilometers. The absence of civilization in the usual sense makes it possible to develop folk creativity. Songs and dances can be seen and hear to national and rural holidays. Local Rotary Club solves pressing questions of the settlement and has connections with the same organization in Alaska.


In the Vladimir region in 10 kilometers from the city village Bogolyubovo.leading his story from the 12th century. By the number of Christian shrines and their architecture, the settlement can be called one of the most beautiful villages in Russia. The foundation for the settlement laid the Kiev Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky, who made this picturesque corner of his victim. To date, the remains of the foundation of the ancient castle have been preserved. The Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary was built on the hill and during the spill period, it turns out to be surrounded by water. In this village, the boat is not a luxury, but a means of movement in the spring season.


This pearl of Russian architecture is located in the Tver region and can be recognized as the most beautiful village in Russia. The atmosphere of this settlement returns people to the housetolian period, when and here and there they sparkled churches, and the green meadows were nirious. A Christmas church is characterized by special beauty, which was built in the 15th century and is still valid. Once the Tver Principality claimed the championship in the dispute with Moscow, and then it turned into the periphery of the Grand State. Its identity is preserved not only in the chronicles, but also in village city.


In the Altai Territory, the settlement was launched, in which a well-known writer and actor of modernity Vasily Shukshin was born. It is confidently called the most beautiful village of Russia, since it is here that you can see the real expanses, covered with meadow herbs and grain crops. The village is considered to be the birthplace of the Polovtsy, with whom the Russian princes and their squads fought so bravely. Schukshin Museum is located in the fragments. In honor of the famous countryman, literary readings are held and even a film festival. River Katun looks very picturesque, and those located on her shore of the houses - harmoniously.


Moscow and Moscow region are famous for a higher level of living than the more distant regions. Zhukovka became the most glamorous settlement in the whole country. Her streets were turned into quarters with fashion boutiques, and the houses are abounding expensive and beautiful things. Above the appearance of the village worked professional architect Grigoryan, who created comfortable conditions not only for the local population, but also for fashionable brands. Zhukovka has become so popular relatively recently, but the not the most beautiful village in Russia, especially since she is in favor of many wealthy and respected people.


Locality Big cunny Located in Buryatia on the banks of the Kunaleki River. The village appeared in the early 18th century and since then it continues to exist and live their lives. The population of it is a little more than a thousand people. Amazing in the Big Cunalen are houses that are all as on the selection, painted in red with blue windows and green fences. The appearance of the settlement reminds a cheerful children's fairy tale. Big Cunnels can claim the title of the most beautiful and unusual village of Russia. And the locals with pleasure support the unusual image of their native village.


In Buryatia, a lot of bright and distinctive settlements and village Declayers refers to this category. All houses look very exotically, because painted in bright colors. The surrounding nature is also inimitable: endless expanses, green hills and high blue sky are perfectly combined with the hands of human hands. In the category the most beautiful villages in Russia, the village of Declayers can take a worthy place. Residents retain not only the appearance of their picturesque town, but folk traditions and crafts.


In 2019. vyatskaya village It was officially recognized as the most beautiful village in Russia. The settlement was able to go through the competition for all criteria and conquer this worthy title. Located Vyatka in the Nekrasov district of the Yaroslavl region. On its territory you can see 10 museums of various focus and architectural historical monuments. Locals constantly accept fate in various contests and become their winners. Vyatka not only the historical and cultural complex, but also the developing tourist destination of the region.