Report: Tsunamis and their manifestation in the Pacific Ocean. World Ocean

Tsunami is one of the most frightening phenomena of nature. It is a wave formed by the "shaking" of the entire thickness of the water in the ocean. The reasons for the appearance of the tsunami are most often underwater earthquakes.

Sitting to the shore, the tsunami grows into a huge shaft height in tens of meters and fell ashore with millions of tons of water. The greatest tsunami in the world had colossal destruction and led to the death of millions of people.

Krakataau, 1883

This tsunami arose not as a result of an earthquake or landslide. The explosion of Volcanana Krakatau in Indonesia gave rise to a powerful wave, rushing through the entire coast of the Indian Ocean.

Residents of fishing settlements within a radius of about 500 km from the volcano almost did not have a chance to survive. The victims were observed even in South Africa, on the opposite of the ocean. In all the dead from the tsunami, 36.5 thousand people are considered.

Kuril Islands, 1952

Tsunami, provoked by an earthquake in 7 points, destroyed the city of North-Kurilsk and several fishing villages. Then the inhabitants did not have the concept of tsunami and after the cessation of the earthquake returned to the dwellings, becoming victims of a 20-meter water shaft. Many were absorbed in the second and third waves, because they did not know that the tsunami is a series of waves. About 2300 people died. The authorities of the Soviet Union decided not to report on the tragedy in the media, so only dozens of years later became known about the catastrophe.

The city of North-Kurilsk was subsequently transferred to a more elevated place. And the tragedy caused the organization in the USSR to alerts on tsunami and more active scientific research in seismology and oceanology.

Lituya Bay, 1958

The earthquake of magnitude of more than 8 points provoked the gather of a huge landslide with a volume of more than 300 million cubic meters consisting of stones and ice of two glaciers. And the lakes of the lake, whose bank hit the bay was added to them.

As a result, a giant wave has been formed, which has reached a height of 524 m! She swept around the bay, as a language lodging vegetation and the soil on the slopes of the bay, completely destroyed the braid that separated it from Gilbert bay. This is the highest tsunami in the history of the wave. Lituya's shores were not populated, so only 5 fishermen became victims.

Chile, 1960

On May 22, the consequences of a large Chilean earthquake by force of 9.5 points were the eruption of a volcano and tsunami high 25 m high. Almost 6 thousand people died.

But the killer wave did not calm down. With the speed of the reactive aircraft, it crossed the Pacific Ocean, having carried out 61 people in Hawaii, and got to the shores of Japan. The victims of the tsunami, which emerged at a distance of more than 10 thousand km, became another 142 people. After that, it was decided to warn about the danger of the tsunami even the most remote sections of the coast, which may be on the path of the deadly wave.

Philippines, 1976

The most powerful earthquake caused a wave, the height of which seems to be not impressive - 4.5 m. Unfortunately, the tsunami collapsed on the lowland coast for more than 400 miles. And the inhabitants were not ready for such a threat. The result is more than 5 thousand dead and about 2.5 thousand missing disadvantia. Almost 100 thousand inhabitants of the Philippines remained no bed, and many villages along coastline Were just completely washed together with the inhabitants.

Papua New Guinea, 1998

The consequence of the earthquake on July 17 was a gigantic underwater landslide, which caused a 15-meter wave. And so a poor country moved a few hits of the elements, died and missing more than 2500 people. And more than 10 thousand inhabitants lost housing and livelihoods. The tragedy has become an impetus to the study of the role of underwater landslides in the occurrence of tsunami.

Indian Ocean, 2004

On December 26, 2004, he was inscribed forever in the history of Malaysia, Thailand, Myanmar and other countries on the Indian Ocean coast. On this day, Tsunami claimed the lives of about 280 thousand people, and according to unofficial data - up to 655 thousand.

The underwater earthquake caused the appearance of waves with a height of 30 m, which collapsed on coastal areas for 15 minutes. A large number of dead is explained by several reasons. This is a high degree of coastal co6, low territory, a large number of Tourists on the beaches. But the main reason is the lack of an established tsunami alert system and a weak awareness of people about safety measures.

Japan, 2011

The height of the wave arising from the nine ball earthquake reached 40 m. The whole world with horror was watching frames, on which the tsunami was painted with coastal buildings, marine courts, cars ...

Tsunami is the word of Japanese origin and denotes literally "long waves in the port". Later the capacitance of this concept was expanded, and today it means any long destructive waves. They say a lot about tsunami, they write a lot, but it is very difficult to imagine him. Probably the most correct idea of \u200b\u200bwhat the tsunami looks at the sea, has one who saw the film "The Adventures of Poseidon", in which Tsunami is shown truly great. In the plot of the film, the tsunami arose as a result of an earthquake at the island of Crete. Underwater earthquakes are indeed the most common cause of tsunami origin. However, the underwater eruption of the volcano can cause it, and the collapse of the shores.

Fig. 23. Scheme of earthquakes in the Eastern Mediterranean. The conditional signs indicate the epicenters of earthquakes, which occurred in 1961-1967, taking into account the depths of their foci. In the Aegean Earthquake basin, especially frequent, but predominantly shallow. On the contrary, deep earthquakes are dominated around Sicily. According to the depths of the earthquake foci of earthquakes, a tectonic map of the Mediterranean was reconstructed (it is depicted in Fig. 21). In the Aegean basin, we see the arc characteristic of this area of \u200b\u200byoung volcanoes. (According to D. Stanley, 1972)

Tsunami is very long and high waves, and the height of the wave in the open ocean is not so great, just a few meters. But when the front of the wave penetrates into smaller shelf areas, the wave rises and turns into a huge wall, the height of which can reach several tens of meters. The tsunami speed is the greater the greater the depth of the ocean. For example, in the open waters of the Pacific Ocean, the depth of which is about 4-5 km, theoretically possible speed of the wave is almost incredible - 716 km / h. After all, it is essentially speed transport aircraft. In fact, the tsunami speed is much less. However, the maximum marked speed was even more, approximately 1000 km / h, and this is the speed of the reactive aircraft.

Tsunami, naturally, more often arise where earthquakes occur more often, that is, in the region of the submarines of the Pacific Ocean. These earthquakes give birth to waves, embrace on the shores of Japan, Kuril Islands and other island arcs. The earthquake in the Aleutian Islands area is called tsunami, which, sprinkling throughout the Pacific Ocean, pour the coasts of the Hawaiian Islands and reach even California. Tsunami caused by earthquakes in the Peruvian-Chilean gutter, with a destroying force, fell on the shores of Chile. And even in the Mediterranean Sea, the earthquakes give rise to tsunami. The most significant of them had a place from the coast of Corsica and Sicily. In the Atlantic Ocean, tsunami arise mainly as a result of earthquakes in the Azor-Gibraltar Range. And then they flood the Portuguese coast.

Fig. 24. Map of the so-called "earthquake risk" in the Eastern Mediterranean. Insulates are connected to dots with the same earthquake energy. The figures express energy in 1015 ERG km -2 - year-1. (By K. Lomnottsu, 1974)

A classic example of tsunami arising from a volcanic explosion is a tsunami generated by the eruption of Krakataau volcanic in Indonesia. It happened in 1883. The wave with a height of 36-40 m was formed due to the collapse of part of the island. A few minutes later she reached the coast of Java and Sumatra. The wave passed through all the oceans and was recorded even in Panama, 18,350 km from the point of origin.

And now it should once again be mentioned about the small island of Tira in the Kiklada Archipelago, where approximately 1500 BC, perhaps, the tsunami tsunami with a height of 100 m (see p. 91). However, evidence of eyewitnesses of this phenomenon is not, and the height and consequences of the tsunami were calculated only by comparing the quantine quadder Krakatau and Tira. After half an hour, a terrible wave should have achieved Crete and mainland Greece, after an hour of Egypt. As we have already mentioned, some authors believe that it was the largest natural disaster of the historic era, which had a direct impact on death minoan civilization. According to some atlantologists, it was she who could cause the death of Atlantis. With many discussion issues related to this topic, we will be elevenized on with. 93-95.

The third reason for the occurrence of Tsunami is the collapse of the shores. And although this phenomenon is not so frequent, and most importantly, not so large-scale, nevertheless, it can cause a wave achieving impressive sizes. Here is one example of many. In the Bay of Litaing on Alaska, 30 million m 3 of the soil crashed into the sea, as a result of which the surface of the water rose to 600 m and a huge snobble wave fell on the opposite shore of the bay. At this height, traces of its destructive impact are still visible.

In tab. 8 Collected data on some of the most famous tsunami historical era.

Table 8. Some of the largest tsunami of the historic era (on various sources)
Year A place The cause of the occurrence Speed \u200b\u200band wave height
About 1500 BC. O. Tira Volcanic explosion and education Calder The method of extrapolation is calculated that the wave could reach a height of 100 m and a speed of 200 km / h; She captured the entire region of the Eastern Mediterranean
1737 Kamchatka, Kuriles, Sakhalin Wave height 17-35 m, speed, probably 700 km / h
1854 Japan Earthquake in a Japanese groove A wave of 9 m height in 12.5 hours has passed throughout the Pacific Ocean; In San Francisco, height is registered 0.5 m
1872 Bengal Bay Reasons are unknown, perhaps as a result of a storm tide Wave height 20 m (200,000 victims)
1883 Krakataau Volcanic explosion, the emergence of caldera Wave height 35-40 m on Java and Sumatra; speed of about 200 km / h; Even marked at 18,000 km from the explosion place
1908 Messina Earthquake in the Messinsky Ghea Wave height 23 m
1946 Hawaiian O-Wa Earthquake in the Aleutian groove The height of the wave on the waws is 10 m, the speed in the open ocean is 700 km / h
1952 Kamchatka and Kuriles Earthquake in the smoke-Kamchatsky groove Wave height 8-18 m, speed of about 500 km / h
1953 Alaska Earthquake in the Aleutian groove Wave height 17-35 m, speed of about 700 km / h
1960 Chile Earthquake in the Peruvian Chilean Ghea Three cycles of waves; The highest about 11 m at a speed of 700 km / h; The wave of 8 m height collapsed on Hawaii, the same wave of Hokkaido had a height of 6 m

Interesting descriptions of eyewitnesses of this natural phenomenon. Among them, even such an authoritative specialist, as one of the founders of modern marine geology, American Francis Shepard. By the will of the case, he was on vacation in the Hawaiian Islands just when a destructive wave collapsed in 1946. Evidence testimonies are important for the conclusion that such a catastrophe is developing rapidly, as well as whether it is possible to compare it with the inlanty's death described by Platon. If you compare the testimony of authoritative professionals, you can draw the following conclusions: first the sea as if retreats and the water level decreases. Then runs the first wave a height of several meters. A few minutes later, it falls and after 5-10 minutes the second wave runs, sometimes the same height as the first, sometimes slightly lower. After 10-20 minutes it falls, and then, usually an hour later, sometimes after a larger period of time, rolls the third, the highest and most destructive wave. If the wave invade the bay, its height increases significantly. Waves throw very heavy loose items to the shore, break off the rocks, sweep at home and even concrete bases of beacons.

Now we have a clear idea of \u200b\u200bwhat can do tsunami and what is the duration of its action. The whole catastrophe lasts no more than two hours. During this time, the entire coastal area of \u200b\u200bthe mainland or island or even a whole island can be completely destroyed. As we said, many historians are confident that a large proportion of guilt in the death of the Minoan culture on the island of Crete lies on the tsunami. Some atlantologists also believe that in the destruction of the Atlantis, the tsunami is obey. And for this it would not be necessary to "some terrible days", according to Plato. It would be enough and an hour. Thus, the tsunami is such a catastrophe, which theoretically, at the appropriate scale, could easily destroy Atlantis.

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on the topic of the tsunami and their manifestation in Pacific Ocean


Causes of Tsunami

Causes of Tsunami

Tsunami Distribution is, as a rule, with the areas of strong earthquakes. It is subject to a clear geographic pattern determined by the link of seismic areas with the regions of recent and modern processing processes.

It is known that most earthquakes are dedicated to those belts of the Earth, within which the formation of mining systems continues, in particular young people belonging to the modern geological era. The most chickens of the earthquake in the areas of the close neighborhood of large mountain systems with depressions of the seas and oceans.

In fig. 1 shows the scheme of folded mountain systems and the concentrations of epicenter of earthquakes. This scheme clearly reveals two zones of the globe, most exposed to earthquakes. One of them takes a latitudinal position and includes Apennins, Alps, Carpathians, Caucasus, Kopet-Dag, Tien Shan, Pamir and Himalayas. Within this zone, the tsunami is observed on the coasts of the Mediterranean, Adriatic, Aegean, Black and Caspian seas and the northern part of the Indian Ocean. Another zone is located in the meridional direction and passes along the shores of the Pacific Ocean. The latter as it would be bored with underwater mountain ranges whose vertices rise in the form of islands (Aleutian, Kuril, Japanese Islands and others). The tsunami waves are formed here as a result of breaks between the riding mountain ranges and lowering parallel to the ridges by deep-water depressions separating the chains of the islands from the low-alignment region of the Pacific DNA.

The immediate cause of the waves of the Tsunami is most often taking place in the earthquakes of changes in the terrain of the oceanic bottom, leading to the formation of large discharges, failures, etc.

The scale of such changes can be judged by the following example. With an earthquake in the Adriatic Sea, off the coast of Greece on October 26, 1873, the ruptures of the telegraph cable were noted, laid at the bottom of the sea on the four hundred dollar depth. After the earthquake, one of the ends of the torn cable was discovered at a depth of more than 600 m. Consequently, the earthquake caused a sharp lowering of the seabed frequency to a depth of about 200 m. In a few years, as a result of another earthquake, a cable was ruined by a smooth day, and its ends Found at a depth, different from the same for several hundred meters. Finally, another year after the new jolts, the depth of the sea at the breakpoint was 400 m.

Even greater disorders of the bottom of the bottom take place with earthquakes in the Pacific Ocean. Thus, with a submarine earthquake in the Bay of Sagami (Japan), with a sudden lift, the frequency of the oceanic bottom was supplanted by about 22.5 cubic meters. km of water, which collapsed ashore in the form of a wave tsunami.

In fig. 2a depicts the mechanism of occurrence of tsunami as a result of an earthquake. At the time of a sharp immersion, the frequency of the ocean bottom and occurrence at the bottom of the sea, the depression is rushed to the center, overwhelms the depression and forms a huge convexity on the surface. With a sharp lift, the ocean bottom of the ocean finds out significant weights of water. On the surface of the ocean, the waves of the tsunami arise, quickly divergers in all directions. Usually they form a series of 3-9 waves, the distance between the ridges is 100-300 km, heights when the waves approaches the shore reaches 30 m or more.

Another reason for causing tsunami is the eruption of volcanoes, towering over the sea surface in the form of islands or located on the oceanic day (Fig. 2b). The most vivid example in this regard is the formation of tsunami when eruption of Volcanana Krakatau in the probe prioral in August 1883. The eruption was accompanied by a volcanic ash with a height of 30 km. The terrible voice of the volcano was heard simultaneously in Australia and on the nearest Islands of Southeast Asia. On August 27, at 10 o'clock hours of a giant force, the explosion destroyed a volcanic island. At that moment, the waves of the tsunami, spread over all oceans and devastating many of the islands of the Malay archipelago. In the most popular part of the Stern Strait, the wave heights reached 30-35 m. Places of water penetrated into the depths of Indonesia and made terrible destruction. On the island of Seisi, four villages were negligible. The cities of Anzher, Merak and Bentham were destroyed, forests and railways washed away, fishing vessels were abandoned to land for a distance of several kilometers from the ocean shore. The shores of Sumatra and Java have become unrecognizable - everything was covered with mud, ashes, corpses of people and animals. This catastrophe brought the death of 36 inhabitants of the archipelago. The tsunami waves spread throughout the Indian Ocean from the shores of India in the north to Cape Good Hope on South. In the Atlantic Ocean, they reached the Panama island, in the Pacific Ocean - Alaska and San Francisco.

Cases of tsunami at volcanic eruptions are also known in Japan. Thus, on September 23 and 24, 1952, a strong eruption of the underwater volcano on the Reef Maidzin was a few hundred kilometers from Tokyo. The waves formed at the same time reached the island Khotidze to the northeast of the volcano. During this catastrophe, the Japanese hydrographic vessel Kaya-Maru-5 died, from which the observations were conducted.

The third cause of the occurrence of the tsunami is the fall in the sea of \u200b\u200bhuge fragments of rocks caused by the destruction of rock rocks with soil waters. Heights of such waves depends on the mass of the material that fell into the sea and from the height of its fall. So, in 1930, on the island of Madeira from a height of 200 m, a block was broken, which was the cause of a single wave with a height of 15 m.

Tsunami off the coast South America

The Pacific coast within Peru and Chile is subject to frequent earthquakes. The changes occurring in the terrain of the bottom of the coastal part of the Pacific Ocean lead to the formation of large tsunami. The highest heights (27 m) waves of the tsunami reached in the Cagliao area during the earthquake in Lima in 1746.

If usually a decrease in the smooth of the sea, preceding the onset of the tsunami waves, continues from 5 to 35 minutes, then with an earthquake in Pisco (Peru), the retreating water of the sea returned only after three hours, in Santa - even a day.

Often the offensive and retreat of Tsunami waves occur here several times in a row. So, in Ikik (Peru) on May 9, 1877, the first wave fell on the coast after half an hour after the main shock of the earthquake, then for four o'clock waves fell five more times. During this earthquake, the epicenter of which was located 90 km from the Peruvian coast, waves Tsunami reached the coast of New Zealand and Japan.

On August 13, 1868, on the coast, Peru in Arika in 20 minutes after the beginning of the earthquake, a wave was flooded a few meters high, but soon retreated. With a period of a quarter of an hour, there were several more waves smaller in size. After 12.5 hours, the first wave reached the Hawaiian Islands, and after 19 o'clock the coast of New Zealand, where 25 people became its victims. The average velocity of the tsunami waves between Arika and Valdivia at a depth of 2,200 m was 145 m / s, between the arika and govayimi at a depth of 5200 m - 170-220 m / s, between the arika and the Chatham islands at a depth of 2700 m to 160 m / s.

The most frequent and strong earthquakes is characterized by the Chilean coast area from Cape Concepcion to Chiloe Island. It is known that since the disaster of 1562, the city of Concepcion suffered 12 strong earthquakes, Valdivia city for the period from 1575 to 1907 - 7 earthquakes. During the earthquake on January 24, 1939, 1 person died in Concepcion and its surroundings and 7 people left without bed.

Tsunami off the coast of Japan

Tsunami usually accompany the strongest, catastrophic earthquakes occurring on the Japanese islands on average every seven years. As another reason that causes the formation of the tsunami off the coast of Japan, volcanic eruptions can be called. It is known, for example, that as a result of a volcanic explosion on one of the Japanese islands in 1792, rocks of about 1 cube were thrown into the sea. km. Sea wave with a height of about 9 m, formed as a result of falling into the sea of \u200b\u200beruption products, demolished several coastal villages and brought death more than 15 inhabitants.

Special force was distinguished by Tsunami during the 1854 earthquake, which destroyed the largest cities of the country - Tokyo and Kyoto. First, the wave of nine-meter height came to the shore. However, she soon poked out, dried by the coastal at a long distance. Over the next 4-5 hours, five or six large waves collapsed ashore. And after 12.5 hours, the tsunami waves, moving at a speed of more than 600 km / h, reached the coast North America in the area of \u200b\u200bSan Francisco.

After this formidable catastrophe on some frequencies of the coast of Honshu, stone walls were erected to protect the coast of destructive waves. However, despite the precautionary measures taken, during the earthquake on June 15, 1896, Honsu Island again suffered from devastating waves. An hour after the start of the earthquake on the shore with an interval from 7 to 34 minutes, six and seven were collapsed big wavesMaximum heights of one of which amounted to 30 m. Waves fully washed away the city of Minco, destroyed 1 buildings and brought death 27 people. And after 10 years, during the earthquake of 1906, on the east coast of the country at the occurrence of Tsunami, about 3 people died.

During the famous catastrophic earthquake of 1923, entirely destroyed japanese capital, Tsunami waves produced devastation on the coast, although they did not reach particularly large sizes, at least in the Tokyo bay. In the southern regions of the country, the consequences of the tsunami were even more significant: several villages in this part of the coast were a fantastic, lying in 12 km, south of Iokohama naval base Japan Iokosuk turned out to be destroyed. He strongly suffered from sea waves and the city of Kamakura, located on the shore of the Bay of Sagami.

On March 3, 1933, 10 years after the 1923 earthquake in Japan, a new strong earthquake occurred, a little stepped by the previous one. Underground shocks embraced the whole eastern part of Honshu Island. The greatest disasters of the population during this earthquake were associated with the onset of waves of the tsunami, smeared 40 minutes after the beginning of the earthquake, all the northeastern coast of Honshu. Wave destroyed seaport Comience, where 1200 houses were negligible. A large number of villages on the coast were demolished. Judging by the newspaper reports, during this disaster died and disappeared about 3 people. In total, more than 4500 houses were destroyed and washed with waves, and more than 6,600 houses were partially damaged. Over 5 people left without bed.

Tsunami in the Pacific Coast of Russia

The tsunami also is also susceptible to the shores of Kamchatka and the Kuril Islands. Initial information about catastrophic waves in these places belongs to 1737. The famous domestic traveler - Geographer S. P. Krasheninnikov wrote: L ... started a shaking and lasted around the waves about a quarter of an hour so strongly that many Kamchadal yurts collapsed and the Balagans fell. Meanwhile, he was learn, a jasse noise and excitement on the sea, and suddenly it was swaming the coast of water in the embroidered of the soot of three, which, no, not, standing, ran into Morse and was given from the shores at a notable distance. Then the rest of the Earth was secondary, the water came against the previous one, but when casting so far, she ran away that it was impossible to see the sea. At the same time at the bottom of the sea in the Strait between the first and second Kuril Islands appeared rocky MountainsThat were never visible before, although the earthquakes and floods took place before.

After a quarter of an hour after all this, the jacket's impression was followed, there was nothing comparable in their power of the earthquake, then the wave of a chicken height of thirty quilted ashore, which still quickly fled back. Soon the water entered their shores, hesitating through long intervals, sometimes covering the shores, sometimes running into the sea.

During this earthquake, massive rocks collapsed, the reclining wave threw the stone to the shore of the stone weighing in a few pounds. The earthquake was accompanied by a variety of optical phenomena in the atmosphere. In particular, Abbot Preview, another traveler, who observed this earthquake, wrote that the fires could be seen on the sea, scattered on a large space.

S. P. Krasheninnikov noted all the most important features of the tsunami: an earthquake preceded by a flood decrease in the ocean level and, finally, the onset of huge devastating waves.

Grand Tsunami on the coasts of Kamchatka and Kuril took place in 1792, 1841, 1843, 1918. A whole series of earthquakes during the winter of 1923 caused repeated occurrences of catastrophic waves. Description Tsunami is known on February 4, 1923, when three waves rushed to land eastern coast Kamchatka is one after another, crushed the coastal ice (digest thickness in the soot), transferred along with him through the coastal braid, poured low places. The ice on a low location near the seedist turned out to be thrown almost 1 mile 400 seedling from the coast; On the elevation of the ice remained on a three-covered height over the smooth sea. In the airless points of the Eastern Coast, this unprecedented phenomenon caused some harm and destruction. The natural disaster covered the extensive coastline with a length of 450 km.

On April 13, 1923, the renewed underground shocks caused a wave tsunami to 11 m tsunami, to the foundation of the collapse of the coastal buildings of fish conservation plants, some of which were cut off with peasic ice.

Strong tsunami was celebrated on the coast of Kamchatka and the Kuril Islands in 1927, 1939 and 1940.

On November 5, 1952, an earthquake that has reached 10 points occurred on the east coast of Kamchatka and the Kuril Islands and accompanied by the exclusive tsunami in their consequences that caused severe destruction in North-Kurilsk. It began at 3 o'clock 57 minutes local time. 4 hours 24 minutes, i.e. 26 minutes after the start of the earthquake, the ocean rustling quickly fell and the water retreated from the coast of 500 meters. Then, strong waves of tsunami collapsed on the Freaks of the coast of Kamchatka from Sarychev's island to the Kronotsky Peninsula. Later, they reached the Kuril Islands, capturing the lane of the shore with a length of about 800 km. The second wave followed the second, even stronger. After her arrival on the island of Paramushir, all the buildings were destroyed, located not higher than 10 m above the Ocean.

Tsunami in the Hawaiian Islands

The coasts of the Hawaiian Islands are often subject to tsunami. Only for the last attachment, the devastating waves fell on the archipelago 17 times. High force was distinguished by Tsunami in Hawaii in April 1946.

From the area of \u200b\u200bthe epicenter of the earthquake in the area of \u200b\u200bNimak Island (Aleuta Islands), the waves moved at a speed of 749 km / h. The distance between the crests of the waves reached about 150 km of a well-known American oceanologist, the former witness of this natural disaster, F. Shepard celebrated the gradual increase in the height of the waves, who collapsed ashore with an interval of 20 minutes. The reference on the timeline was sequentially 4, 5, 2 and 6, 8 m above the row of the tide.

The damage caused by the sudden onset of the waves was very large. A significant part of the city of Hilo on the island of Hawaii was destroyed. Part of the houses collapsed, others were transferred by water for a distance of more than 30 m. Theirs and embankments were cluttered with fragments, overpriced by barricades of precarious cars; There and Syam rumped up ribbed coarse covers of small vessels. Bridges and railways were destroyed. On the coastal plain among the grit, the numerous boulders of the corals were scattered among the root of vegetation, the corpses of people and animals were visible. The catastrophe carried 150 human lives and caused a mob of $ 25 million. This time, the waves reached the banks of North and South America, the greatest wave was noted near the epicenter - in the western part of the Aleutian islands. A livehouse of cattle-cap, standing at an altitude of 13.7 m above the smooth sea, was also demolished by radio.


1. Grandkow A., Koshekin B. Tsunami. - Leningrad: 1964

2. Murtei T. Seismic Sea Waves prices. - Leningrad: 1981

3. Ponivin I. D. Waves prices. - Leningrad: 1965

4. Tsunami problem. Digest of articles. - M.: 1968

5. Solovyov S. L., Guo Ch. N. Catalog of Tsunami on the eastern coast of the Pacific Ocean. - M.: 1975

6. Solovyov S. L., Ch. N. Catalog of Tsunami west coast Pacific. - M.: 1974

Mareographer - Device, Recording Wipes Small Sea

Tsunami in the Atlantic Ocean

On cases of tsunami in the Atlantic Ocean knows little. The frequency of the appearance of the tsunami and their destructive power in the Atlantic is significantly less than in the Pacific Ocean. Berning Hausen gave a brief description of the tsunami, which was observed from 1531 to 1960 in the eastern part of the Atlantic Ocean south of the Biscay Bay (Table 5.21). In his work, he warns that his list is not exhaustive

20 Order number 5

Table 5.21. Tsunami in the eastern Atlantic south of the Biscay bay from 1531 to 1960



21 / XII 1641

1676 6 / V 1706

26 / XII 1746 28 / IV 1752

31 / III 1761

27 / XII 1772 1 / XI 1775

(?) 1787 23/1 1792

Near Lisbon, Portugal

Azores is the same

Canary Islands

Lisbon, Portugal near Barcos and Avei. RO, Portugal Lisbon


At the coast of Portugal

Portimao, Portugal 38 ° C. sh., 10 ° z. d.

Azores is the same

The earthquake was not noted

Cape of Good Nadezhda Azores is the same

Waves broke several ships; Flood on the shores r. Tacho

A few ships suffered

Flood in Port Velas, o. San George

Destruction on the coast about. TERSEYRA

Flood calhy and o. San Jorge

Praia da Victoria Tsunami was destroyed by the volcanic eruption; Destruction in Garadiko and on about. Tenerif was observed by tsunami

Large water rise in r. Taho

Large waves off the coast of O-Great Bords San George, Pico and Graciosa Tsunami with a height of 2.4 m in Lisbon. Tsunami in Cabin Finishes (Spain), Madeira, Fat, Teresaira, Porto Rico, England, Barbados

Tsunamami was observed near Cabody-San Vicente Catastrophic Lisbon earthquake; Three tsunami waves with a height of 4.6 to 12.2 m led to the destruction of Lisbon; In Cadis, the waves were 5.5 m, in Gibraltar - 2.1 m; Big waves were observed in Tangier, Agadir, Madeira, Funchal, on the Azores

The devastating tsunami tsunami in Velas and on about. San Jorge

Strong excitement of the sea in Lisbon

Big wave in the dining room

Tsunami height 10 m on about. TERSEYRA

Large tsunami waves in Velas and on about. San George



27-28 / VIII 1883 Vulcan eruption

Krakatau in the probe Strait, Indonesia 3/11 1899 Azores

11 / V 1911 22 / VIII 1926

19 / XII 1926 19 / XI 1929

31 / VIII 1931

22 / VI 1939 29 / II 1960

Golden Coast Azores

Lisbon 40 ° C. sh., 56 °


Golden Coast Agadir, Morocco

The amplitude of the waves is about 15.2 cm in the bay of the dining room and the prol. La Mans

Destruction in Velas and on about. San George; One person died

Destruction in the Lom of the amplitude of the tsunami on the O-WAX File and Pi to about 60.9 cm. Water rise in r. Tahoe tsunami in the Azores caused by an earthquake near the Big Newfoundland Bank

Destruction in Horta, Fetarer, Oh. Falial

Tsunami in Labadi and Tashi appearance tsunami is not confirmed

and maybe in some cases it includes storm engines, not tsunami.

Consider the destructive tsunami, which 18 / XI 1867 was observed on Virgin Islands. From this day, the underground shocks were repeated until early 1868 and completely stopped only 17/111. Tsunami height in the hall. Saint Thomas was 4.6-6.1 m. There were at least four waves that came to the bay from the south-east between the Saint Thomas and Santa Cruz. In Frederixted on the West Bank oh. Santa Cruz Tsunami height ranged from 7.6 to 9.0 m. Tsunami waves flooded about. Saba, the rise of the level was in Saint-Crysto far. In the Harbor Saint-John on the West Bank oh. Antigua Height Tsunami reached 2.4-3.0 m.

On about. Guadeloupe was noted several interesting phenomena. The tsunami retreat of the sea was preceded by the Tsunami, and the subsequent rise in the level (from the sole to the ridge) was only 2 m, while in the north-western part of the island in the Deshas and Saint Roses, according to some data, the tsunami amplitude exceeded 18 , 3 m. However, according to Raid and Teibra, in this case there has been an input of data. On the south side of the island in Pointe-A-Pitre, Tsunami was insignificant, since the approaches to this place are covered. Data on tsunami on about. Martinique is absent. On about. Saint Vincent Wave heights tsunami were small, but oh. Becia (16.1-24.1 km south) The height of the waves reached 1.8 m. On. Grenada in St. Georgez The sea level at first fell by 1.2-1.5 m, and then rose to the same height over his average

regulation. Vertical water level fluctuations repeated six times. In the deniming scope of vertical oscillations reached 6.1 m (according to Raid and Teiber, these data are also overestimated). Large tsunami was observed on the south side about. Wiequim, as well as on the southeastern coast of Puerto Rico.

During October, November 1918, several earthquakes in Puerto Rico occurred. After an earthquake of 11 / x 1918, the tsunami had an amplitude of 6.1 m. Several people were killed in Aguadilla, the Mayaguce was damaged.

Presents an interest in tsunami on the coast of the Dominican Republic. So, after the earthquake of 4 / VIII 1946, Tsunami destroyed several settlements. The epicenter of the earthquake was located in the north-east of Hulia Molina, about 64.4 km from the coast. The height of the tsunami in Julia Molina was estimated at about 4-5 m. The city of Mathanzas was completely destroyed. About 100 people died. There were also fluctuations in the water levels also in the Bay of Samana, but there was no destruction.

7 / VI 1962. The strong earthquake occurred on O. Yamayka. It should be noted that in the description of coastal destruction, the tsunami waves are disagreements. There were reports on the initial retreat of the sea in Ligan and Jalhause. The Port-Royal Amplitude Tsunami reached 1.8 m, 13 people died. In St. Annes-Bay on the northern coast of the island, the Tsunami appeared almost immediately after the earthquake. Seven waves caused by reflections between the shores of Jamaica and Cuba were noted. On the northern less populated coast of the amplitude of the waves was more than southern.

3 / x 1790. As a result of the earthquake, a large wave of Tsunami was formed, which fell into the West shore of Jamaica and washed away the city of Savanna-la-Mar. However, there are some data that the emptying was caused by storm hill, not the tsunami. About 300 people died. Finally, the earthquake of 14/1 1907 in the Kingston region led to the formation of a large wave of Tsunami near the northern bank of the island; on south Bank The wave amplitude was insignificant.

Tsunami in Europe

Although not so frequent and destructive, as in the Pacific, Tsunami in Europe and the Mediterranean have a place and take a lot of lives. AmboSeeis amounted to a list of some of the most famous tsunami in Europe and North Africa, observed from 1900 to 1960 (Table 5.22), and also led detailed information about the intensity of seismic sea waves (see). Karnik gave a scheme

the places of epicenter of earthquakes, which led to the formation of significant tsunami in this area (Fig. 5.44).

Table 5.22. Tsunami in Europe

Coordinates of the latitude of Lygly

Magnid, M.

Maximum amplitude, m

22 / VIII 1926

20 / VIII 1953

In this work (p. 203), Karnik allocated a number of coastal areas of the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Seawhere tsunami could be observed more often than elsewhere. It turned out that there are only a few areas that are more or less permanently exposed to the action of seismic sea waves. These areas include the coast of the Aegean, Adriatic and Ionian Seas, the East African Coast of the Mediterranean Sea and Portugal. In the eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea, the Tsunami was most often noted in the Corinthian and Evyan bays, in the area between Himar and Durres, in the Marmara Sea, in areas between Cyprus and Akra, Chios and Izmir, south of the Greek archipelago.

Amburasis leads a detailed list of tsunami for the eastern part of the Mediterranean. In the preparation of this list, it excluded all unreliable and insufficient data on the appearance of tsunami from the initial sources. Morer indicates that from the middle of the XVIII century. The most destructive tsunami off the coast of Europe were connected: with the Lisbon earthquake 1 / XI 1755, earthquakes

in Sicily and Calabria 5 / II 1783 and 28 / XII 1908, an earthquake in the Aegean Sea 9 / VII 1956

Usually, European tsunami is local in nature, but some of them can spread over long distances. Examples of such tsunami are tsunamis caused by the Lisbon earthquake of 1755 and possibly an earthquake 21 / VII 365. On. Crete in the Mediterranean Sea. The waves of this tsunami reached Alexandria in Egypt, Sicily, Calabria in Italy and, probably, the Mediterranean coast of Spain.

Fig. 5.44. Observations for tsunami in Europe.

/ - Intensity II-III, 2 - intensity III h V.

The causes of the emergence of at least some tsunami in Greece are powerful landslides (for example, Tsunami 9 / VII 1956 and 6 / VII 1965). However, the landslides themselves may be a consequence of earthquakes. MOREIR wrote that faults accompanied by landslides appeared to be tsunami 27 / iv of 1894 in the Evami Gulf, as well as Tsunami 8 / IX 1905 and 28 / XII in 1908 in Sicily and in Calabria. Since in the last two cases, cable breaks occurred, it would probably have landslides and torment flows. Cable cliffs also took place with earthquakes 25 / XI 1941 and 9 / IX 1954

Some tsunami are associated with earthquakes whose epicenters were on land and were defined quite accurately. These include Tsunami 1638 near Pisa (Italy), 1694 near Brindisi (Italy), 2 / II 1703 on the r. Tiber after a series of earthquakes in Akuil Province (Italy), in February

1783 in Calabria (Italy), 26 / XII 1939 in the Black Sea after an earthquake in Anatolia (Turkey).

28 / II 1969 south-west of Cape Sant Vincent (Fig. 5.45) at 36.2 ° C. sh., 10.5 ° z. D. Earthquake occurred. A small tsunami was formed, which was registered off the coast of Portugal, Spain, Morocco, Azores and Canary Islands. On the coast of Portugal amplitude waves was

Fig. 5.45. Curves of the Timetime Time (min) Tsunami 28/1! 1969 in the area of \u200b\u200bPortugal.

0.8 m, in Casablanca-1 m. Tsunami entered the r. Tacho. In fig. 5.45 also shows the isolated time of the thieves of this tsunami.

Consider more Tsunami 9 / VII 1956 in the Greek Archipelago. Probably, the formation of tsunami is associated with landslides that followed the rigid earthquake that happened on the same day. The banks of the Islands of the Greek Archipelago and Malaya Asia are raised by numerous V-shaped bays and are separated by narrow straits. The tsunami power was changed from the place to the place, the waves reached the amplitude of 30 m. The area exposed to the tsunami exceeded 100,000 km2, the sea fluctuations continued for a whole day. The epicenter of the main shock, which occurred at 03 h 11 min 38 C average-European time, had coordinates of 36 ° 54 "s. Sh., 26 ° 00" in. D. Magnidu was 7.5,

the depth of the focus was small. At the age of 0 and 24 minutes 05 s, an aftershock was marked with magnitude 7 at point 36 ° 48 "s. Sh., 25 ° 12 / c. D. In fig. 5.46 shows an isolated time of the thieves of this tsunami.

In tab. 5.23 shows positive and negative amplitudes, the tsunami period and the nature of the initial movement in 33 points of the Greek archipelago. In tab. 5.24 Dan List

Fig. 5.46. Timetime curves (min) Tsunami 9 / VI1 1956 in the Greek Archipelago.

tsunami in the Greek Archipelago and the surrounding seas from 1400 BC. e. in 1956, and in Fig. 5.47 shows the points in which these tsunami were noted.

Pararas-Karaiannis described the powerful tsunami associated with the eruption of the volcano on. Santorin (also known as about. Tira), which occurred between 1450 and 1480 BC. (Fig. 5.48). According to some information, it is this tsunami practically destroyed the Minos Empire. Although Pararas-Karaiannis and Bolt and others agree that after volcanic eruptions, catastrophic tsunami could have been formed, but they question the fact that only the eruption and tsunami crushed the empire.

Essential damage to the countries of Europe was tsunami that followed the Lisbon earthquake 1 / XI 1755 in those

long time has been widespread about this earthquake, incorrect representations were widespread. The raid made clarity to some of them. He showed that the tsunami waves reached the shores of southwestern Europe, North-West Africa, the South of England and Ireland, as well as West Indies; WHO-

Fig. 5.47. Cases of the appearance of the tsunami on the islands of the Greek Archipelago and in the nearby seas.

it is possible, they were marked in the western part of the Mediterranean. However, there is no evidence that these waves penetrated the North and Baltic Sea, and there is only a weak hint that they have been observed off the coast of America. In Lisbon, three waves with a height of 4.6 to 12.2 m were noted, and the amplitude of the waves south of Lisbon were more than north.

Hamilton described the tsunami formed during the earthquake of 5 / II 1683 in Italy in the area of \u200b\u200bCalabria and Messina.

In Szill, 2473 people drowned, and on about. Faro died 24. Tsunami, which followed the earthquake in Calabria 28 / XII 1908, reached large amplitudes off the coast of the Messin Strait. Tsunami was observed along the entire northern coast of Sicily to Termini. It was reported that north of the cannatello at the entrance to the Strait Tsunami was not noted.

Fig. 5.48. The location of volcanic about. Santorin (Tira).

The Tsunami amplitude varied from 2.7 m at Messina to 8.4 m at Giordini and Ali and up to 8.5 m off the shores of Brig Marina. In addition, Tsunami had Naples, oh. Civita-Vecchiya, Porto Corsini, Naluna and Mazzar. Wright indicates that this tsunami was not particularly destructive. It gives the value of the amplitudes of waves in Messina equal to 2.4, in Reggio - 3.7-4.6. Oldham and writes that the sea wave smeared on the shores of the Messinsky Strait and the Tyrrhenian Sea, collapsed from a height of 9.1 m on Messina and Reggio, reached at least the coast of Malta and caused the death of three people in Catania.

Table 5.23. Characteristics of Tsunami 9 / VII 1956



amplitude, M.






Leros, Lucky

Patmos, Scala



Ayos Marina

Nisiros, Mandraki.


Paros, Parikia

ERM "Ion" and

Kitir, Kapsalos


Crete, Sitia

Ayos- "Nikolaos.




Attica, Wool

According to Omorn, the maximum wave height (6-10 m) was on the coast of Calabria between Pellaro and Lazzaro, on the opposite shore in the wavelength, the waves reached the height of 11.7 m. Waves were observed along the entire Eastern shore of Sicily, near the northern tip (Torre-di- Faro) They reached the height of only 0.8 m, and in South (Cape Passerio) - 1.5 m. Along the northern coast, they were observed to the ter mini, but along the southern one to Porto-Empedocle. On the Lapara Islands of the waves passed unnoticed, but they were marked in Malta. In Catania, the sea level recorder was flooded, but in Palermo, Mazzar, Cagliari, Ischia, Napoleon,

Table 5.24. Tsunami in the Greek Archipelago and the adjacent seas

Observation item

1400 g. 1300

426 I n. e.

222 (227?) G. 62 (65?) G. 77

21 / VII 365 6 / IX 543 7 or 9 / VII 551 554

14 / XII 558. 26 / x 740 1050

25 / XII 1222. 14 / X 1344. 20 / 1II 1389 3 / V 1481. 14 / IX 1509. 8 / XI 1612. 5 / V 1622. 5 / 1V 1646. 29 / IX 1650 G. 14 / V 1748. 8/1 1805. 23 / VIII 1817 9/1 1821 13 / XI 1856 20 / X 1859 26 / XII 1861 22/1 1866 G. 28/1 1866 October 1866 10 / IV 1867 20 / IX 1867 5 / X 1871 15 / IV 1878 28/1893 16 / IV 1894 27 / XI 1914 25 / IV 1928. 26 / IX 1932. 23 / 1V 1933 9/11 1948 22 / IV 1948 9 / VII 1956

about. Santorin, oh. Crete, Amnice, Knos Trad

Kolkhida, Pot.

Bay Maliacos, Osuntian, Atalanta, Oh. Pepararaphos Corinth Bay, Gelika about. Rhodes, oh. Tylo, Karian and Lucian about. Crete

about. Cyprus, epic

about. Crete, Small Asia

Small Asia, Kizik

hall. Maliacos.

o ^ Vas Kos, Dodecanese

Marmara Sea, Constantinople

oh Cyclades, Santorin

about. Cyprus, Paphos


about. Chios, Lesbos, Smyrna

about. Rhodes, Dodecanese

Bosphorus, Constantinople.

Cretan Sea, Crete

Ionian Islands


Corinth Gulf, Ayon Hall. Patroikos, Patras Corinth Bay Ionian Islands about. Chios Pir Is.

Corinth Bay of. Chios about. Santorin about. Caitero Liksurion.

Ionian Islands, Syre

Corinthian Bay

Nicomedya, Prussa

about. Selfraki

o speech Skiathos and Atalanta

Ionian islands, oh. Lefkas

hall. Streasonicos about Kos, Dodecanenes O-Va Carpathos, Dodecanese Ionian Islands, oh. Lefkas about. Crete

Civita-Vecchiya, Livorno, Ravenna and Malta were received good entries. Heezen considered the tormenting flows in the Messinsky Strait formed after this earthquake.

Earthquakes in Assama 15 /: VIII 1950 with an epicenter of 28.6 ° C. sh., 96.5 ° c. D. led to the formation of sane in many fjords and lakes of Norway and the UK. It should be mentioned about the tsunami, which was caused by an earthquake in the Aegean Sea 9 / VII 1956 with the epicenter 36 ° 24 "p. Sh., 25 ° 26" in. d. The maximum amplitude of the waves was 4.6 m. The tsunamis was observed to O-Went of Kalimnos, the Astypalee, and Andipa Ros and Iraklion.

7 / II 1963 Tsunami was observed in Europe off the coast of the Corinthian Gulf of Patra to Ayon. "Becoming" underwater Oyolasni, caused by 2 / II 1963, a series of light shocks, led to the formation of a tsunami, which reached amplitude of 2.1-2.4 m with periods of 1-2 minutes. AmboSeeis indicates in its work that local tsunami associated with landslides is in this area with a frequent phenomenon.

Tsunami in the Middle East and in Asia

I managed to find only the only mention of the tsunami in the Middle East. It happened in 1837 (more accurate data is unknown). The earthquake was felt in Syria, Palestine, in the Valley of Jordan. According to data published in this work, the earthquake caused a strong perturbation of the Tiber Lake.

Tsunami, associated with the eruption of Krakatau in August 1883, was recorded by many stations in India and the Arabian Peninsula. The amplitude of the waves changed from 0.6 m in the negativeness to 0.02 m in Aden. Earthquake 27 / XI 1945 in the Arabian Sea (the epicenter was 290 km from Karachi) led to the formation of a tsunami, which caused destruction in the Bombay area, on the Mahra coast, in Belight and Pasni. Several people died. Walker gives a brief description of two cases of tsunami off the coast of India. One of them is associated with an earthquake in the western part of the Banga Bay, when Tsunami was observed in Port Blair on the Andaman Islands and in the downe near the mouth of the river. Hugli.

Coke made additions to the list of tsunami, composed by Beringhausen for Southeast Asia. In tab. 5.25 There are some cases of tsunami in Indonesia, and in Table. 5.26 - in China and Taiwan. Both tables are compiled based on the data taken from the coke.

Table 5.25. Tsunami in Indonesia



6 / III 1710 G. 24 / VIII 1757 (?) 1773 (?) 1814. 11 / IV 1815 (?) 1818. 9 / IX 1823

28 / XI 1836 17 / XI 1857

JUITENZORG (Bogor, Fr. Java)

18 / XI 1857?

20 / VII 1859 6 / X 1860 23 / V 1864

26-27 / VIII 1883 Sunda Strait

15 / VIII 1968 23 / II 1969

Amboine; Perhaps storm hill

Amboine Buru

about. Ternate

Unreliable mention of tsunami

on o-whale gang



Coast about. Kaliman Timor.

madura and Sumbawa Bima (about. Sumbawa)

Presumably tsunami in Jakarta

Bima (Sumbaba)

Kema (northern tip about. Su-


hall. Gelwink New Guinea Five waves tsunami, the last wave the largest macassaric shed

Table 5.26. Tsunami in China and Taiwan


August (?) 173

31 / x 1076 Summer 1509

September (?) 1640

19 / VIII 1670 22 / V 1782

Earthquake in the sea off the coast of North China; Tsunami in the Bayhawan Bay, Lajzhouvan and P-ov Shandun

Doubtful data on the tsunami in the province of Guangdong Earthquake was felt in USD (near Shanghai); Spills of sea water

The shocks felt in Chanto (Guangdong); Tsunami was noted

Earthquake in Suzhou County; Many people drowned at Tsunami in Taiwanese Strait (possibly storm hill)

Earthquake in the Kilonga region (Taiwan); Tsunami caused significant damage, drowned several hundred people

Possible tsunami in the province of Gansu in the northern part of Central China

In the Atlantic Ocean, the coast of Brazil has a strong earthquake of 6.7 points, at a very low depth of only 6 miles, and it is impossible to determine whether it caused tsunami, since all the booms of tsunami warnings in the Atlantic, except one, offline, and cannot communicate Warnings.

The east coast may be threatened if such a wave goes around, but we cannot warn us because the US Department of Commerce could not repaired Bui.

The earthquake occurred at 1:33 am in the morning of the east coast, at a depth of only 6 miles.

According to the Tsunami Warning Center, for the Eastern Coast of the United States "There is no danger of tsunami." I wonder how they can make this assessment, given the fact that our booms of tsunami warning are non-working.

Here is a statement issued by the Tsunami Warnings Center:

WEXX32 PAAQ 300646.

Tsunami Information Statement Number 1
NWS National Tsunami Warning Center Palmer AK
146 am Est Thu Nov 30 2017

... This is a tsunami information state state for the u.s. East Coast
Gulf of Mexico States, And Eastern Canada ...

* Based on the Earthquake Location Near The Mid-Atlantic Ridge,
a Damaging Tsunami Is Not Expected.

* An Earthquake Has Occurred with Parameters Listed Below.

Preliminary Earthquake Parameters.
* The Following Parameters Are Based on a Rapid Preliminary
assessment And Changes May Occur.

* Magnitude 6.5.
* Origin Time 0133 EST NOV 30 2017
0033 CST NOV 30 2017
0233 AST NOV 30 2017
0633 UTC NOV 30 2017
* Coordinates 1.1 South 23.5 WEST
* Depth 6 Miles
* Location Near the Central Mid-Atlantic Ridge

* Refer to the Internet Site for more information.

* Caribbean Coastal Regions SHOLD REFER TO THE PACIFIC
Tsunami Warning Center Messages AT

* This Will Be The Only U.S. National Tsunami Warning Center
message Issued For This Event Unless Additional Information
becomes Available.

If they are true, we have nothing to worry about. If, they are not right, the tsunami passes through the open ocean at a speed of about 600 miles per hour. First hit on the northern coast of Brazil. If we heard that Brazil suffered over the next two hours, then we will hit us about four hours.

First in North Carolina. A few minutes later, South Delaware and New Jersey will be amazed. Minutes after that, New York and Long Island. At about the same time, when New York hit, the whole southeast will also be attacked.

The National Data Center Buuv (NDBC) is part of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Studies (NOAA), which is part of the US Department of Commerce.

According to NDBC, the following tsunami warning booms (listed from the south to the north, as the southern buoy will be closest to the earthquake) in the Atlantic, offline: