Volcanoes of the Kuril Islands and Dyga Malaya. The active volcanoes smoked volcano located on the Kuril Islands

Volcanoes of the Kuril Islands and Malia Dyga

In the Kuril Islands there are 800 volcanic buildings of different types, sizes, age and preservation that have arisen in the last 2-2.5 Ma (newest and modern volcanism in Russia, 2005). Most of these formations have been little studied. The total productivity of the volcanoes of the Kuril-Kamchatka island arc is about 20% of the volume of the material being eructed by the volcanoes of the globe. C http://geoportal.kscnet.ru/volcanoes/

Volcanoes of large Kuril Islands: 1. Vlodaver and wind. 2. Ebeko. 3. Bogdanovich. 4. Vernadsky. 5. Fessman. 6. Chikuratchi. 7. Tatarinova. 8. Lomonosov. 9. Karpinsky. 10. Fuss. 11. APA-ID. 12. Shirins. 13. Nemo. 14. Krzhizhanovsky. 15. Claycine. 16. Severgin. 17. Sinarka. 18. Kunthtomintar. 19. Macanrushi. 20. Ekarma. 21. Chirincan. 22. Raikok. 23. Sarychev. 24. Fun. 25. Ushishira. 26. Caldera Keta. 27. Pallas. 28. Uratman. 29. Preview. 30. ICAMIKOT. 31. Caldera Zavaritsky. 32. Mile. 33. Chirpoy. 34. The second chirp. 35. Black. 36. Snow. 37. Brother Chirpoov. 38. Brutona. 39-40. Underwater volcanoes. 41. The landing. 42. Three-chapted. 43. Gorge. 44. Antipina. 45. Unnamed. 46. \u200b\u200bBerg. 47. Trident. 48. Bell. 49. Borzov. 50. Three sisters. 51. Rudakova. 52. Peter Schmidt. 53. IVAO. 54. Kamui. 55. Demon. 56. Caldera Medvezhya. 57. Curly. 58. Si-Betoro. 59. Caldera Circus. 60. Wind caldera. 61. Baransky. 62. Tebenkova. 63. Ivan Grozny. 64. Chip. 65. Bogdan Khmelnitsky. 66. Petrel. 67. Stocharp. 68. AFSONUPURI. 69. Caldera Urbic. 70. Caldera lion's mouth. 71. Berutarube. 72. Toyha. 73. Ruruy. 74. Smirnova. 75. Headroitz. 76. Williams. 77. Mendeleev. 78. Caldera Golovna.1. Alpine folding: and island boulders; b - underwater sections. 2. Fields of the newest Effusion: A-surface; b-underwater. 3. Epimesoic and more ancient platforms: A - surface; Basic. 4. Edge shafts, ocean raises and ridges at the bottom of the ocean. 5. The deflection of marine depressions - brand. 6. Deep-sea oceanic basins. 7. Deepoded gutter. 8. Superwater and underwater volcanoes. 9. Deep faults. -Http: //www.zoodrug.ru/topic3288.htm

1. Water. 2. New education. 3. Fault. 4. Sedimentary layer. 5. Granite-metamorphic layer.6. Basalt layer. 7. Podkorn mantle. 8. Short of lithospheric plates and blocks. Source: http://www.zoodrug.ru/topic3303.html

The numbers indicate the volcanoes: 1 - head; 2 - Mendeleev; 3 - toy; 4 - Ivan Grozny; 5 - Baransky; 6 - Curly; 7 - bell; 8 - Mile; 9 - Zavaritsky; 10 - Sarychev; 11 - Nizhgina; 12 - Klinitsyn; 13 - Fuss; 14 - Chikuratchi; 15 - Ebeko; 16 - Alaid - http://www.www.ecosystema.ru/rusgeo/6_3_2_6.html

Volcano Peak Sarychev. Kuriles






Small Kuril ridge consists of several low-lying islets, rocks in the ocean, as well as the only large island of Shikotan. Movement here is not like on the islands of great ridge. Soft smoothed relief instead of cones and cliffs of volcanoes, forest-steppe instead of harsh darkening taiga, absence of bears and other large animals. Previously it was assumed that the mountains of Shikotan - the volcanic time destroyed by time, but now they consider that these breeds displaced with the mutual movement of lithospheric plates. Anyway, Shikotan is a different world, different from the mainland, Sakhalin, and even from the Kunashir located just 60 kilometers.





shikotan. This tree could hardly grow on Shikotan - trees here are relatively small; He was brought from somewhere by the sea.


Trees on steep slopes-chicotan

The highest point of the island - Gora Shikotan - has a height of 406 meters

Typical Shikotansky Landscape - Smooth Mountains, Forests and Meadows on them

One of the bays of the southern coast - Shikotan


Almost all the coast of the island of Shikotan-rock cliffs.

The coast is destroyed by the ocean - part of the tanks of the refinery near Malokurilsky has already fallen down

Lighthouse at the exit from the bay of Shikotan


Shikotan.Bukhta Dimitrov

Shikotan.Bukhta Dimitrov

View of the "four hundred twelve" (412 -max. Elevation on SHIKOTAN ISLAND)

"Four hundred twelve"

o.Shikotan.Moles "Edge of Light"

Shikotan - http://af1461.livejournal.com/195999.html




Source: http://www.zoodrug.ru/topic3303.html

The Kuril Island Arque laid at the turn of Paleogen and Neogen, when a linear deflection system was formed on the deep fault, in the process of evolution, the structure of these deflections was more complicated, and the geoanticlimal raising of the island arc was formed.

A large arc is a peaks and crests of a large submarine ridge wide from 100 to 200 km and towers over the bottom of South-Kuril deep-water depressions by more than 5000 m.

Kuril Islands are composed almost exclusively volcanic rocks.

On the Small Curil Ridge, young volcanoes are absent. The islands of the ridge are flat, lined areas of sushi, rising above the ocean in just 20-40 m. The exception is the largest island of the ridge - Shikotan, for which the lowland (up to 214 m) relief is characterized as a result of the destruction of ancient volcanoes.
In the north, the shallow lakes prevail, with low, wetched shores. Along the northeastern coast, the lakes of maritime origin are stretched off with sand dunes.

Small Kuril Ridge is represented by the Islands of Shikotan, Polonsky, Green, Yuri, Twef Filf Filteva, and continues the underwater ridge of Vityaz along the western board of a Kuril deep-water gutter, and in the direction of the South-East goes to the structures of Nemuro Peninsula (Hokaydo Island).

The power of the earth's crust under the Kuril Arc is 30-40 km, and in the flanking zones up to 10 km. Two layers are distinguished - crystal bark and "sedimentary" case. The latter has a clearer layered, but its power is approximately 2 times less compared to the crystal layer. In a "sedimentary" case of seismic waves, 5.5 km / s are not exceeded, and in the crystal layer - 6.0 - 7.2 km / s. For the crystal layer, the presence of a transition zone on the border of the earth's crust is a mantle, which has a reduced speed of the distribution of seismic waves (7.6 - 7.9 km / s), which does not allow the possibility of establishing the Mochorovichi border.

The power and structure of the earth's crust of the arc is heterogeneous. The continental bark of the northern smoked is replaced by a subocheanic bark in the center of Kuril; Here in the area of \u200b\u200bthe island of Simushir, the ocean cort is suitable almost close to the island arc. Next to the south there is so subcontinental type of bark.

Sea terraces of different height level play a significant role in the formation of the relief of the islands: 25-30 m, 80-120 m and 200-250 m.

The main type of volcanic structures are stratulcane-layered cones, consisting of amending lava flows and pyroclastic material and tuffs. Callera and lava dome are common.

The most common breed of smoked basalts, among them the lime-alkaline potassium-sodium type prevails, which is 89.2% of the total number of basalts. Cleaned and subtestine basalts are sharply subordinate to them. In second place in the frequency of the secrecy, there are docieties, and then Andesites.

The magmatic process of smoke is characterized by a clear cyclicality.

Volcanoes erupt on ground surface Products three types: Gaseous, solid and liquid. Gaseous products consist mainly of water vapor, in smaller quantities there are carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, sulfur gases, chlorine, ammonia, hydrochloric acid, etc..

Solid foods are pieces of rocks, from the smallest dust to the lump and fragments of the old lava. Liquid vulcanism products - durable fire-liquid lava.

Vulcanism island arcs.

Volcanic belts of island arcs are global planetary structures, disagreeable imposed on more ancient education. Their characteristic features are blockness, the inhomogeneity of the structure associated with the heterogeneity of their foundation and determining the significant variety of volcanic manifestations against the background of the natural lateral zonality conjugated with the Benioff zone. Under the island arcs there is an abnormal structure of the subsoil, which is expressed, firstly, in the absence of a sharp boundary between the bark and mantle; secondly, in the complex structure and raising an asthenospheric layer; thirdly, in violations of the equilibrium state of the earth's crust and lithosphere, which should be compensated by the dispelness of the mantle at the depth of order of at least up to 400 km; Fourth, in an increased thermal stream, which is directly accorrusing with zones of magmatic and tectonic activity.

Large scale of abnormalities and their stability indicate that perturbations, their causing, originate in the deep layers of the Earth.

Island arcs differ in the nature of the foundation.

Arcs are distinguished, which are developed on the cortex of continental type (enseal) and developed on the cortex close to the oceanic type (ensematic). A typical example of Esalic Island Doug is the western part of Aleuta, Kuril and Kamchatka Island Arc.

The manifestation of volcanism in island arcs is intermittent, pulsating character, alternating with long stages of sedimentation; Its intense outbreaks are preceded by raising, which, as the volcanogenic complexes form formation, are replaced by a bending.

Everywhere, the incosal volcanism acts as a "looping" process, and the foci of nutrition of volcanoes lie for the limit of the earth's crust - in the upper mantle.

The composition of volcanic lava is almost independent of the composition of the earth's crust. The source of the variety of Love is the magma itself and its processes.

There are two classes of volcanic rocks, one of which develops from the melts of the oceanic cortex, and the other in the area of \u200b\u200bisland arcs and on continents.

Among the lava of ground volcanoes, lime-alkaline rocks are dominated; As the island arc moves towards the continent, the Love climb increases (basalt's continental platforms are replaced by trachibasals and alkaline basalts, and acid docitals and rhyoliths - foils and phagelities.

The Kuril Island Arque laid on the earth's crust of the oceanic type. Within its limits, the Mochorovichich surface forms an asymmetrical deflection with a maximum immersion between small Curils about you and a deep-water chute, the power of the earth's crust reaches 30 km.

Large Curil O-Wa is divided into three groups - the northern, central and southern, each of which consists of more or less large island boulders with autonomous tectonic development.

The volcanic belt of large Kuril Own lies on a western, gentlel slope of the deflection of the surface of Mochorovich. The power of the earth's crust under the southern and northern large Kurilski is about 20 -25 km. In the middle part of these O-GIRs, it decreases to 10 - 15 km. Under all big Kurilsky, there is a weakly pronounced zone of the outer mantle, which is more clearly traced under Kamchatka and Japan. Under the northern large Kurilsky, the earth is a subcontinental and continental places, with the "granite" layer to 7 km power. Under the central large kurils are about the oceanic bark. Under the southern large Kuril, it becomes subcontinental.
The power of the sedimentary volcanogenic layer within the Kuril Owls ranges from 1 to 9 km, which is common for island arcs.

The modern folding-block structure of the arc was formed at the end of Pliocene - the beginning of Pleistocene. It is a grid-anticlinorium, composed by the echelonized blocks of island blocks, shifted along transverse and diagonal shifts. Within the arc, the tnetite and alumina lava of the Andesite and andesit-basalt composition prevail. Acid Pleistocene volcanites are developed only on the northern and southern Kuril O-Wah, under which there is a "granite" layer, and in some calderars. Geochemical data on the composition of Love testify to the mantle origin of all series of rocks. There is a consistent increase in the alkalinity of Love, the stroke of the arc from normal clerk to alkaline basalts in the underwater volcanoes in the Okhotsk Sea.

The Kuril arc consists of an external anticlinal belt, intermountain grabens-syncline and an internal anticline belt.

The external belt is formed by underwater XP. Vityaz, small coarse about you and Nemuro on Hokkaido. Within its limits, the newest volcanism ceased to Pliocene.

Inner belt-chain of large Kuril O-Greats. Here, the newest volcanism developed inherited during the Miocene, Pliocene, Pleistocene and Golocene.

A large number of volcano acts now. On the Kuril O-Wah 104 volcana, not counting underwater. 39 island volcanoes are active.
On large Kuril O-Wah, from the north to the south, the following structures of Glybb can be distinguished: Paramushir and Onekotan-Shiashkotanic on the Northern Big Kuril O-Wah; Matu-Simushirskaya and chirpoy-uritial on the central; Ituupus and Kunashir on the southern large Kuril O-Wah.

For quaternary volcanism of octuations, a single magmatic cycle can be taken with the evolution of volcanoes from panel to stratululkans, followed by formation on the last caldera. A large influence on the structure of volcanoes within large Kuril O-Greats has their location relative to island boulders. Thus, in the central parts of the chuckle there are destroyed panel volcanoes, on the periphery - ancient stratululkans and caldera. In the sea, near island blocks, young stratulkalkins of the present stage are located
Kuril arc-young, but more mature than Aleuta. It laid on the ocean terrestrial crust at the end of the chalk (70 MA). The "granite" layer in the context of the earth's crust forms small lenses in island boulders on the north and southern flanks of the arc and is absent in its middle part. Vulcanism has undergone multi-cycle development on smoke. For the medium-playeotocene-modern stage of its development, theezite-basalt and andesitica magma is characterized and its relatively small differentiation. The latter took place mainly on the flanks of the arc, where the lenses of the "granite" layer were formed in the earth's crust.

Paramushir Island Balb and her surroundings
Within the region, young volcanoes are on about. Paramushir. The west of the island, in the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk, are large stratulkany-oh. Atlasova (Alaid), Antsiferov (Willows).

Onekotan-Shiashkotanian Island Block
This island block is limited to the fourth Kuril Prol. in the north and prol. Cruisesttern in the south. For Its 190 km. The block is omitted, and only its highest parts are rising above sea level. They form Odekotan, Charimkathan, Shiashkoltan, trap cliffs. In Late Pleistocene (25-17 thousand years ago), these O-Wa were connected to a single narrow o-in - Volcanic XP. On the axis of Onekotan-Shiashkoltan boulder. Around him, the sea developed a wide terrace, which is now flooded and is on ch. 130 m.

Weest, in the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk, are rising relatively young volcanoes-o-va: Maca Kanrushi, Ekarma, Chirincan. These are the vertices of the underwater virtue of the Pleistocene age. Well-on-one is formed by a number of sparse

Matu-Simushir Island Balb stretches 250 km from Cruise Strait to Strait Busolol. B Chains of the Big Curil Islands ONE omitted below others. The Pacific slope borders directly with the deep-sea smoke-Kamchatsky chute, and the hunting slope does not have volcanoes.

The urrowstone block is a transitional part from the central submerged part of the island arc of large Kuril O-Greats to her raised southern flank. Vruital boulder raised about Matu-Simushirskaya.

The ITUURE island boulder is stretched from the prol. Frieza in the northeast before the Strait of Catherine in the southwest. Width of the surface of 40 km. The width is underwater - 80 - 90 km, the area of \u200b\u200bthe ITUURUP 6725 square meters. km. For the ITUURIUPAL BLUBY is characterized by great newest raising. From the northeast, the following boulders are allocated to the southwest: the Bear Ridge, Grozny, Ps. Chip, Bogatyr and Rock Massif. In an increase in a large volcano in different degrees of preservation and more than 160 small volcanic devices.

The Kunashir island block forms a transition stage from the Kuril arc to Sakhalin-Japanese. Length is 123 km. Square of Coonashir 1550 square meters. Km. The southern part of the Kunashir O-Va is formed by two blocks, folded upperposycene and nizhestotocene sediments. Pyriclasts of daziths prevail, Puma Pleocene age. These blocks are crowned with vulcans Mendeleev and head.

The newest and modern tectonic movements in the area of \u200b\u200bthe islands are differentiated in nature. The coast of some islands are lowered; On the island of ITUURUP, for example, the sea invaded the crater of the destroyed volcano, forming the bay. Many other islands have raised, as evidenced by young terraces with the jet of the fin.

Active tectonic movements are combined with modern volcanism, manifested in the form of terrestrial and underwater eruptions dedicated to faults and ruptures of the earth's crust. Of the more than hundreds of volcanoes of the Kuril Ridge 38 existing; Among them are large volcanoeslike Alaid on the island of Atlasov, herd on Kunashir Island, Sarychev volcano on the island of Matu. During the eruption of the Sarychev volcano in 1946, Lava's streams reached the sea. Zarevo was visible in 150 km, and the ashes fell out 800 km from the place of eruption, in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky.

On the islands there are fields of sulfur, copper ores and other metals

http: //syt/paramushirphotoalbum.html

http: //syt/paramu6irphotoalbum.html
http: //syt/kuronecotanphotoalbum.html
http: //syt/kurmatuaphotoalbum.html
http: //syt/kururupglibaphotoalbum.html
http: //syt/kuriturpglibaphotoalbum.html
http: //syt/kurkuna6irglibaphotoalbum.html

Chip is a valid volcano located on the island of ITUURUP, the peninsula of the Chip Curil Ridge, in the north of the dugorbic ridge. In the south of him, in 4 kilometers there is a volcano Bogdan Khmelnitsky.

This is a holocenestone toll, folded by basalts and Andesites. Its height reaches 1,589 meters.

Western chirip slopes are swearing and cool, the height of their plumbs is 500 - 600 meters. In the eastern part of his slopes, more gentle and overgrown with a fan. At the top there is a crater with a fresh lake.

To date, thermal and fumeric activity is seen on the volcano. The Chip refers to the category of active volcanoes, as the outputs of thermal waters and emissions of gases were recorded on it.

Coordinates: 45.37722200,147.91222200

Volcano Kunthtomintar

Kunthtomintar is one of the current volcanoes on the island of Shiashkoltan, located in a large Kuril Ridge, Sakhalin region in Russia. Cuntomyntar is a complex stratov toll, located in the caldera. Its height is 828 meters. The volcano is located in the central region of Nikonov Peninsula.

In 1927, the last thing happened, so far, Kunthtomintar eruption. The eruption in 1872, during which from the face of the earth was erased by the village of Ainov, attributed to him erroneously. In fact, the eruption occurred at the neighboring Sinarka volcano. For the first time, this approved the Soviet scientist Georgy Gorshkov, who said that the village of Ainov was actually in the northern part of Shiashkoltan.

At the moment, thermal and fumeric activity is fixed on the volcano.

Coordinates: 48.75828200,154.01423000

Vulcan Uratman

Uratman is a long time to extinct stratovolika, located in the northern part of the Island of Simushir, in a large ridge of the islands of the Kuril archipelago. Uratman is a volcano type SOMMA.

The bruoton bay is located not far from the volcano. With its top in the bay, the vegetation of taiga type grows, thickets of birch, cedar and alder stabering, evergreen Kuril bamboo. Among the animals at the foot of the volcano dwell foxes, sands, small rodents and some species of birds, such as cormorants, seagulls, deadlocks.

According to recent research results and independent estimates of experts, the last eruption on the Uratman occurred about three thousand years ago.

Coordinates: 47.12083300,152.24611100

Volcano Rasha

The racial is the current volcano at the moment, located on the island of the island of the Rasha, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Kuril archipelago, the Sakhalin region of the Russian Federation.

The racial is complex, pronounced stratovolnik, located in Calder. Its height is 948 meters, and there are two cones in its crater. In the slopes of the volcano prevailing herbal vegetation, meadows, overgrown with Olhovenik and a dwarf-making birch.

It is also known and studied only one eruption of rally, in 1846. In 1957, fumarole activity was noted on its surface. At the moment, fumarol and thermal activity is fixed on the volcano.

Coordinates: 47.75805600,153.02472200

Trident volcano

The trident is a volcano located in the South Kuril district of Russia of the Sakhalin region. It is located on the island of Vrup Big Ridge of the Kuril Islands.

The height of the trident is 1.220 meters. Volcano is valid, but there is no information about the latest eruptions. Education has hot springs and solfaters.

The slopes of the volcano covers Olchovenik, thickets of the Kuril bamboo and cedar stabe. Foxes, small rodents are inhabited here, and eggplanes, seagulls and impasses nest.

To date, fumarol and thermal activity, gas emissions and thermal waters, was recorded on the trident in the volcano.

Coordinates: 46.11667300,150.20000300

Volcano head

On the island of Kunashir is the operating volcano of the head. It is the most southern volcanic of the Kuril Islands, its last eruption occurred in 1998.

The volcano is located in the caldera with a diameter of up to 4.7 kilometers, surrounded by a ridge with a height of 541 meters. At the bottom of the caldera there are 2 explosive crater with lakes boiling and hot and 4 volcanic dome.

The caldera beat hot keys, vapor-gas jets and mud boilers. In their chemical composition there are sulfur gases, carbon dioxide, hydrogen chloride and hydrogen sulfide. The chloride sulphate composition of hot springs and the lakes is determined by passing through the water gases dissolve. Constantly falls sulfur and its compounds with water metals - the surface of the lake boiling is coated with black sulphide-sulfur foam, the shores of the lakes covers the yellowish-black sand.

Volcano arose at the bottom of the sea, throwing out a large number of Pumice. A large cone has grown, but because of the new eruptions and emptying of the magmatic focus, due to the collapse, on the place where there was a volcanic mountain, a volcanic hook, which was filled with the water of the lake. Water came out of the caldera to the Okhotsk Sea, after which the extrusive dome ripen in the caldera. They grew and exploded. In one of these crater, a boiling lake appeared. All this happened hundreds and thousands of years ago.

Coordinates: 43.84443600,145.50631200

Vulcan Nemo

Nemo is a beautiful active volcano on the island of Onekotan, which is part of the Kuril Islands. Despite the biggest size of the volcano in 1018 meters, the volcano produces a strong impression on tourists.

The memorable name "Nemo" Volcano is given in honor of the Hero of the Roman Jules Verne. English Captain Henry Snow gave the name of the volcano, as well as other places of the island. "Julvernov" names have the Bay of Pagannel, Bike Blakiston and Caberleyne Cape.

In the area of \u200b\u200bVolcano Nemo, silence also reigns. This is a great place for ecotourism. People do not live on the island in the area of \u200b\u200bVolcanana Nemo, but foxes dwell.

Coordinates: 49.66051700,154.80749100

Volcano Karpinsky

Karpinsky volcano is a valid volcano on the island of Paramushir of the Big Curil Ridge of the Sakhalin region. Located in the southern part of the Karpinsky Range. The height of the volcano is about 1345 meters. By age refers to the era of the upper playpiece - Golocene. Was named after Geology A.P. Karpinsky.

The volcano consists of two gentle cones with crater. Complicated byezit-bezalt and andesite rocks. Volcano eves in 1952. Nowadays, thermal and fumeric activity is observed. In the eastern part of the volcano, the exits of fountains of liquid sulfur and hot gases occur. The jet of hydrogen sulfide and sulfur gases - solfaters form sulfur cones, the height of which reaches 3-5 meters. The slopes of the volcano are raised by the footsteps left after the ancient glaciers.

Coordinates: 50.13003600,155.37001400

Volcano Krenitsyn

Volcano Klinitsyn - not just a valid volcano, located on the Kuril Island of Onejects on Sakhalin. This is the largest volcano in the world with a height of 1324 meters. Its size five times the Eiffel Tower and almost twice the highest skyscraper of Burj Khalifa. Therefore, the volcano is worthy of attention of even the most sophisticated travelers. The stunning nature of the rolled lake volcano surrounding the volcano and the purest air around makes the journey to the Kuril Island of onjectable health and makes an unforgettable impression of life.

Coordinates: 49.42526700,154.69762800

Volcano Raikoke

Raikok is active, at the moment, volcano, located on the island of the same name, in the northern part of the large ridge of the Kuril Islands, the Sakhalin region of the Russian Federation.

Raikok is a stratovancan, with a pronounced vertex crater. Its height is about 551 meters. The main breed from which the volcano is complicated is basal. The volcanic crater reaches about 700 meters in diameter, and its depth places is 200 meters.

The most famous and studied local eruptions were recorded in 1760, 1778 and 1924. At the moment, the volcano shows thermal and fumaroid activity.

Coordinates: 48.29305600,153.25000000

Volcano Fussa

Fussal volcano is located in the Sakhalin region, on the island of Paramushir, belonging to the Big Curil Ridge. Forms the Fuss Peninsula southwest coast Islands. Named in honor of Mathematics N.I. Fuss. It is a stratululkan with a crater on top. The height of the volcano is 1772 meters. Age of about 40-50 thousand years.

The volcano is complicated by such volcanic rocks as Andesites, is the correct cone a truncated form. The diameter of the crater is about 700 meters, the depth is about 300 meters.

The last strong eruption of the volcano occurred in 1854. Nowadays, there is fumurol activity.

Coordinates: 50.26836600,155.24166500

Volcano Kudryavy

Curly - this is a valid volcano located on the island of ITUUP Large Ridge of the Kuril Islands. It is located in the north of the island, in the center of the Bear Ridge, two kilometers of the south-west of the Mountain of the Medvedea.

This is a sophisticated stratovancan, folded by duppie-shot andesitis and has several crater. Its height reaches 986 meters.

The dome of the volcano, with a height of 350 meters, resembles an equifiable triangle in its form. His southwest slope is cool enough, and northeast is almost gentle. At the top there are 2 crater with solfaters. Their bottom is uneven and dissected by jumpers due to the fact that the Japanese mined in them sulfur. Southwest crater has fumaroles. Both crater shares a distance of 450 meters.

In 1779 and 1883, eruptions occurred from the volcano, and in 1946 and 1999, Freatic explosions. To date, fumarol activity is seen on curly.

In 1992, the Rhenium deposit was found on the volcano. It is represented by a fumarole field, which constantly acts the sources of high-temperature depth fluids. This means that the deposit is still formed.

Coordinates: 45.38388900,148.81305600

Volcano Smirnova

Smirnova volcano is an underwater volcano of a large ridge of the Kuril Islands, located on the island of Kunashir, 12 kilometers to the north-west of Maca Maca Island. He was named after S. S. Smirnova - a famous Russian geologist and academician. The height of its vertices is 1,189 meters.

The composition of this volcano includes stratovolkan Ruuru and Stratovolika Smirnova. Ruuru is considered the main thing due to the fact that it is higher.

The southern part of the volcano is blocked by volcanic and volcanogenic sediments. The northern foot is overlapped with sediment sediments with a thickness of at least 1,000 meters. At a depth of 950 meters there is a flat top of the volcano, it is blocked by horizontally layered precipitation with a thickness of 100 - 150 meters.

Coordinates: 44.41972200,146.13472200

Black volcano

Black volcano is a valid stratov toll, located on the island of Chirp, in the middle of a large ridge of the islands of the Kuril archipelago.

Stratovolcan black has a peak crater, its height is 624 meters. It is located in the central part of the island.

The latest fixed eruptions took place on the volcano in 1712 and 1857. At the moment, strong thermal and fumeric activity is recorded on the volcano directly in the crater and on the western slope.

The volcano is named in honor of the Russian centurion of Ivan Black, who described the islands of the Black Brothers Group in 1770.

Flora and fauna here is pretty scarce and is represented mainly by grassy vegetation, pyro stabulos and nesting birds, dead end and eggplanes.

Coordinates: 46.52194400,150.86638900

Volcano Snow

The volcano Snow is a valid volcano located on the island of Chirpay, one of the islands of the Black Brothers Group, in the middle of a large ridge of the islands of the Kuril archipelago.

Snow is a gentle stratulkan, its height is 395 meters, it is in the southern part of the island.

In history, only four eruptions of this volcano were recorded, in 1811, 1879, 1960 and 1982. At the moment, its activity is quite quickly fading, and weak thermal and fumeric activity is fixed in the craters and on the slopes.

Volcano is named after the English, famous industrialist G. J. Snow.

Flora and the fauna of the volcano are quite scarce, and is mainly represented by the thickets of the cedar squabble, as well as the birds, seagulls and impasses nesting here.

Coordinates: 46.51083300,150.86861100

Volcano Ushishira

Ushishira is a valid volcano located on the Yankeich Island, which is part of the Ushishir Islands group and the Kuril archipelago's ridge.

The caldera of the volcano has a diameter of about 1.5 kilometers, and its maximum height is 388 meters. The volcano formed about 9400 years ago, later he was flooded with a southern wall, which was filled with water, and was named with a crater bay. In the center of the bay are two small dome consisting of Andesitica Lava. The remaining two more ancient domes are connected by shallow with the southern wall of the volcanic caldera.

The last fixed eruption of the ushishira took place in 1884. At the beginning of the XXI century, strong thermal and fumeric activity is fixed here.

Coordinates: 47.51222200,152.81444400

Ecarma Volcano

Ekarma is a big acting volcano on the island of the same name in the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk. Ekarma volcanic height - 1170 meters. Volcano was last eves back in 1980, but its thermal activity is still fixed.

Ekarma Volcano is a stratov toll with a central extrusion dome. Volcano occupies most of the territory of the incidental island of Ekarma. A little tourists come here, and you have a wonderful chance, visiting Ekarma Island, make the best photos alone with nature.

Coordinates: 49.06306900,153.95605100

The volcano smaller brother

Little brother - This is a volcano located in the Sakhalin region, on the island of ITUUP Large Ridge of the Kuril Islands. It is located in the northeast of the island, in the West of the Bear Ridge, two kilometers west of the volcano curly.

This is a valid volcano with an extrusion dome with three crater. Its height reaches 562 meters, diameter - 600 - 700 meters. Little brother has a kind of slag cone, which merges the base with the Curly Volcano cone. Its width increases to 1,300 meters due to the fact that the volcano is surrounded by a powerful bracket mantle. At the top there are two crater, which are separated from each other with a distance of 500 meters. The North-West Crater is very destroyed, and the southeast is a closed circuit and a diameter of 70 meters.

The dome of the formation is covered with three relatively fresh lavva flows. To date, thermal activity is seen on the volcano.

Coordinates: 45.38361100,148.78333300

Volcano Ruru

Ruuru's volcano is located on the island of Kunashir, it is valid and refers to a large Kuril ridge. It is a complex stratovancan, whose height reaches 1,485 meters.

The volcanic crater is open to the north, it is the northern end of the linear-bus volcanoes of the Docoyev Ridge. About historical eruptions No information is missing, but in Western slopes rursing at an altitude of 150-350 meters above sea level, fumurol activity is seen, in the coastal part - hydrothermal activity.

AT this volcano Also includes a Smirny stratovan, but Ruuru is considered the main thing, since its height is greater.

Coordinates: 44.45416700,146.13944400

Volcano Ebeko

Ebeko volcano is located in the north of Paramushir Island in the Sakhalin region. The height of the volcano is 1156 meters. The volcano has three crater, in which thermal sources are located, hot lakes and solfaters. Folded from such rocks as basalts and Andesites. It is a valid volcano, one of the most active in smoke. Evolcan eruption ebeko occurred repeatedly.

Volcanic eruptions are fixed from 1793. The last activity of the volcano was marked in February 2013, then he threw the gas cloud to a height of about 200 meters. During the eruptions, the main danger represents pairs of sulfur and hydrogen sulfide, ash emissions, volcanic mud streams. Multiple volcanic side craters are thermal and fumaroid activity centers

According to the studies conducted in the 1950s - 1960s, groundwater from volcanic rocks such as aluminum, iron and manganese from volcanic rocks. Numerous streams connect to the river flow across the slopes of the volcano. On a day, the river brings about 65 tons of aluminum dissolved in the water and about 35 tons of iron to the Okhotsk Sea.

Coordinates: 50.68614500,156.01388400

Volcano Tatarinov

Tatarinov volcano, located in the Sakhalin region, on the island of Paramushir, belonging to the Kuril Ridge, was named after Mikhail Tatarin's second major. The volcano is located in the northern part of the Karpinsky Range, in the north merges with Canechachk volcano, from the south side - with Lomonosov volcano. Volcano is located in the northern part of the Karpinsky Range. It is a valid stratululkan.

The age of the volcano belongs to the era of the upper pylistocene-holocene. The height of the Tatarinov volcanic is 1530 meters. It is a combination of cones connected to each other. The volcano has side crater, several vertices. The last eruption of Tatarinov Volcanic dates back to the XVII century. Nowadays, there is thermal activity.

In the water area of \u200b\u200bthe Kuril Islands there are about 100 submarine volcanoes. Active include volcanoes that spent in memory of people to potentially active - volcanoes that show signs of activity at present.

Existing and potentially active volcanoes of the Kuril Islands

Name Height, M. Location
Last thing
Alaid. 2339 Atlasov 1986
Ebeko 1156 Paramushir 2009
Chikuratchi 1816 Paramushir 2008
Tatarinov 1530 Paramushir -
Fuss 1772 Paramushir 1854
Karpinsky 1345 Paramushir 1952
Nemo 1019 Onekotan 1906
Krenitsyn 1324 Onekotan 1952
Severgin 1157 Charimkathan 1933
Chirinacan 724 Chirinacan 2004
Ekarma 1170 Ekarma 1980
Sinarka 934 Shiashkoltan. 1878
Kunthtomintar 828 Shiashkoltan. 1927
Raikoke 551 Raikoke 1924
Sarychev 1446 Matua 2009
Rasha 948 Rasha 1846
Ushshir 388 Yankich -
Pallas 990 Ketoy 1960
Preview 1360 Simushir 1st floor. XIX century
Zavaritsky 625 Simushir 1957
Burning Nap 873 Simushir 1883
Black 624 Chirpoy 1857
Snow 395 Chirpoy 1982
Berg 980 Urup 2005
Curly 986 ITUP 1999
Little brother 562 ITUP -
Chip. 1589 ITUP -
Bohdan Khmelnytsky 1585 ITUP 1860
Barano 1134 ITUP 1951
Ivan the Terrible 1159 ITUP 1989
Stream 1634 ITUP -
Berutarube 1223 ITUP -
Ruru 1485 Kunashir -
Tatya 1819 Kunashir 1973
Mendeleev 886 Kunashir -
Head 541 Kunashir -

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  • Atlas Kuril Islands / Russian Academy science Institute of Geography RAS. Pacific Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Rate: Kotlyakov V. M. (Chairman), Baklanov P. Ya., Komedikov N. N. (Ch. Ed.) And others; Ot. Red.-cartographer Fedorova E. I .. - m.; Vladivostok: IPT "Dick", 2009. - 516 p. - 300 copies. - ISBN 978-5-89658-034-8.


  • SVERT -
  • Global Volcanism Program - (eng.)
  • Kvert -

Excerpt characterizing volcanoes of the Kuril Islands

On the evening of September 1, after his dating with Kutuzov, the Count Menivers, distressed and offended by the fact that he was not invited to the Military Council that Kutuzov did not pay any attention to his proposal to take part in the protection of the capital, and surprised by the newly opened in the camp , in which the question of the tranquility of the capital and about the patriotic mood was not only a secondary, but completely unnecessary and insignificant, - a distressed, offended and surprised by all of this, Count Meschatchin returned to Moscow. Hairred, the graph, without undressing, was prefused on Canape and in the first hour he was awakened by the courier, which brought him a letter from Kutuzov. In the letter it was said that since the troops retreat to the Ryazan road for Moscow, whether the count would not send police officers to the count, for troops through the city. The news it was not the news for damac. Not only from yesterday's date with Kutuzov on Poklonnaya Mountain, but also from the Borodino battle, when all the generals came to Moscow said that it was impossible to give the battles, and when the government property and inhabitants have already taken out every night, the state property and residents of pasta were already exported, left; But nevertheless, the news is informed in the form of a simple note with the order from Kutuzov and received at night, during the first sleep, surprised and irritated the graph.
Subsequently, explaining its activities during this time, Count Mensor in his notes wrote several times that he then had two important goals: de Maintenir La Tranquillite A Moscou et D "en faire partir les habitants. [Save calm in Moscow and to pay out Her residents.] If you allow this dual goal, the damnation is impeccable. For which the Moscow shrine, weapons, cartridges, gunpowder, bread reserves, for which thousands of residents are deceived by the fact that Moscow will not surrender, and are broken? - To In order to keep calm in the capital, the explanation of the Count Menching is responsible. For what was taken out of unnecessary papers from pretty places and a bowl of leppijah and other items? - In order to leave the city empty, the explanation of the crust crust is responsible. It is worth allowing something threatened People's calm, and any action becomes justified.
All terror horrors were based only on taking care of folk calm.
What was the basis of the fear of the crust crust about people's peace in Moscow in 1812? What is the reason to assume a tendency to indignation in the city? Residents left, troops, retreating, filled Moscow. Why should the people rebel due to this?
Not only in Moscow, but in the whole of Russia, at the entry of the enemy, nothing like the indignation occurred. On September 1, on September 2, more than ten thousand people remained in Moscow, and, in addition to the crowd, gathered at the courtyard of the commander-in-chief and attracted by him himself - nothing. Obviously, it was even less necessary to expect unrest in the people, if after the Borodino battle, when the remaining of Moscow became obvious, or at least probably - if, then, instead of exciting the people of distribution of weapons and posses, crushing took measures To the removal of the whole shrine, gunpowder, charges and money and directly will declare the people that the city is left.
Mensor, ardent, Sanguine man, always rotating in the highest circles of the administration, although in with a patriotic feeling, did not have the slightest concept about the people he thought to manage. From the very beginning of the entry of the enemy in Smolensk, Mensmen in imagination amounted to the role of the head of a folk feeling - the heart of Russia. He did not only seemed to him (as he seems to be every administrator) that he managed by the external actions of Moscow residents, but it seemed to him that he led them to the mood through his appeals and posters, written by the territory, which in his environment the people whose and whom he did not Understands when hears it from above. I liked the beautiful role of the head of a folk feeling so much, he was so burned with her that the need to get out of this role, the need to leave Moscow without any heroic effect found him by surprise, and he suddenly lost the ground from under his feet, which stood, did not know What to do. He although he knew, but did not believe everything in the last minute to leaving Moscow and did not do anything for this purpose. Residents leveled against his desire. If the pretrial places were taken out, then only at the request of officials, with which the graph reluctantly agreed. He himself was busy only by the role that he did for himself. As it often happens with people gifted to the ardent imagination, he already knew for a long time that Moscow would leave, but he knew only on reasoning, but he did not believe in this soul, not transferred to the imagination into this new position.

Alaid is the highest of Kuril volcanoes whose peak is ascended over the Earth at 2339 m. It is located on the island of Atlasov, standing in the north of the ridge and erupts every 30 - 40 years. The vertex of Alaid into cloudless clear weather is seen from the shores of Kamchatka, it is assumed that it was her in the 17th century in his report described the discoverer of the Peninsula Vladimir Atlasov.

  • Volcano Krenitsyn

    One of the most wonderful places in the world is the Senecuril Island of Onekotan in the Sakhalin region with its Crenicin volcano (1325 m.) In Calder Tao Rusyr. This is the biggest volcano in the volcano on the globe. See this unique pearl The smoke is successful, especially after in 2005 the island left border guards. And at the volcano, standing in the midst of the caldera filled with water, visited even fewer people.

  • Volcano Kudryavy

    The wing fame of the volcano curly (986 m) is located in the northeastern part of the Kuril Island ITUURUP, in the heart of the beautiful Merbal Range. The volcano has several crater. In the windless weather, the height of the vertical pillars of gas and steam over them reaches 1000 m. This place is also known to the fact that the deposit of the terribly expensive and poorly studied metal with amazing properties was found here. We are talking about rhenium, the last of the open non-radioactive chemical elements.

  • Vulcan Tyatya.

    Toyk - the highest volcano o. Kunashir is its unofficial symbol. It is located in the northeastern energous territories, which are detected after the volcanic eruption in 1973. The eruption was so strong that the volcanic ash reached the coast of about. Shikotan, located 80 km. From the site of the mountain-giant.

  • Kuriles are the place where the edge of light is, in any case, so called cape on Shikotane. The mysterious archipelago stores a lot of unusual - it is a stream successful with quartz gold yields, and the largest in Russia (140m) Waterfall Ilya Muromets, and the fire-drying islands with volcanoes and geysers. Curiles compare with a large arborer where you can visit various natural zonesAnd where the stone birch trees, Liana, cedar stabeboat and bamboo overgrown, are neighboring. Large bird bazaars, bears, sores and foxes, whales and dolphins, underwater inhabitants - Nerpe, squid, crabs and starfishes - all this can be seen during the journey through these pristine islands.

    Attractive for traveler Thermal sources, volcanoes Alaid, Chikuratchi, Fuss, Ebeko and others; but military History It will restrict you the secrets of our last time of the 1945 Kuril landing.

    Large Kuril Gang - One of the two parallel groups of the islands of the Kuril archipelago. Cruise Straits and Bususol divide it into three parts:

    The Northern Group includes Paramushir Islands, Onekotan, Schisha, Trap, Atlas, Shiashkoltan and others;
    -Stern - Simushir, Keta, Rasha, Matu, Ushishir and Others;
    -The South Group includes the islands of ITUURUP, Kunashir, typical.

    The territory of the islands is uneven and is the eminent south of the island of Paramushir and to the island of ITUURUP. In this regard, tourist routes are mainly flying through the islands of the Northern and South Kuril. It is most popular, ITUURUP, Paramushir, Shikatan, Schisha, Kunashir, Matuy.

    Northern Kuriles

    North Kurilskmain city of this group of islands. Until 1946, he was called Casiva Bor. The city is located on the bank of the 2nd Kuril Strait in the northeast of Paramushir Island. His population has 2400 inhabitants (data for 2007). A seineer fleet is based, there is a heliport, and the total length of roads is about 10km.

    Only a helicopter from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky or a vessel of PTR can be accessed to the islands. The main types of tourism include historical and informative and environmental. The remoteness of the islands is still an obstacle for mass tourism. Nevertheless, thermal sources, routes in military places, volcanoes and unusual flora and fauna smoked are attractions that attract an increasing number of tourists.

    Volcanoes of the Kuril Islands are part of the Pacific Fiery Ring.

    Ebeko volcano (1156m). This operating volcano is located on the island of Paramushir 7 km from North-Kurilsk. Being one of the most active in the Kuril Islands, it is interesting for the presence of several crater. On the southern part of the cone is an active crater, which appeared after the eruption in 1965. In the northern part, the crater is located a small lake with greenish water. The northern crater known in literature was filled with slags and volcanic bombs during the last eruption. And one more - the central - filled with a lake, which is replenished with water from the snowfield. The once lake was hot, but later lost contact with underground heat sources. Lifting to the volcano EVBECO, you can see the Japanese Sulfur Plant and Many Furolol. These are holes for which gases rise. Each fumarol is surrounded by intricate figures from native sulfur. Among the major fumarol fields, the northeastern field is allocated, known as "roaring fumarols" or "white key".

    Volcano Alaid (2339m). This is the highest acting volcano of the Kuril Islands. It is located on the island of Atlas 70 km from Kamchatka and 30 km from Paramushir Island. According to the legend, Alaid used to be located in the south of Kamchatka. But other mountains expelled him, as he was the highest among them and overshadowed the light. Since then, the volcano island stands one. The form of Alaid cone is more correct than Volcano Fuji. Its feature is the presence of 33 side slag cones on the slopes and at the base. Intensive fumeric activity passes inside a young 250-meter slag cone. Alaid is a double stratovancan with a vertex explosive crater with a diameter of 900-1300m and a depth of 200m.

    Chikuratka Volcano (1816m)the highest point Paramurshir, located in the southwestern part of the island, 60 km from North Curilsk. In the chain of volcanoes of the Karpinsky Ridge, it is the northernmost one. Chikuratchi - Stratovulican, standing on the ancient lava base, with the right cone, the upper half of which has a red color. It is mostly complicated by pyroclastic sediments.

    Volcano Fuss (1772m). This sophisticated stratovan is formed by the peninsula in the southwestern part of Paramushir Island, 75 km from North-Kurilsk. It is a strongly truncated correct cone with a diameter of 700m and a depth of up to 300m. The crater has steep walls, places are sheer, and the bottom, divided into two unequal parts, is littered with snowflakes. The volcano opens a breathtaking view of the rocks of the Mountain of the Arkhangelsk and Belousov, a gentle slopes of Calder Capinsky and a saddle between Lomonosov and Tatarinov volcanoes.

    Islands Schisha and Matu. These islands are particularly interesting to visit from a historical and cognitive point of view. They are famous for military years catacombs and preserved fortifications, including numerous trenches, rods and rock holes, where the personal composition of the garrison of the islands was hidden, and the guns were installed.

    South Chickens

    The most easily accessible and interesting for visiting in this part of the smoked are the islands of Kunashir and Ituup. You can get on them airway from Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk or a motor ship from Korsakov. Due to the permanent fogs and weather changes, the An-24 aircraft flying three times a week can wait for a suitable weather for a long time. Therefore, the motor ship is a more reliable way of traveling, although due to weather conditions Also can also change the schedule of arrival on the island. Mandatory for visiting the southern smoked is to design a pass in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, as the islands are located in the border zone.

    Kunashir Island. This is one of the largest and most southernmost island of Big Curil Ridge with the administrative center in South Kurilsk. In fact, it is a chain of volcanoes - toy, Mendeleev, a head volcano, which is connected by scatter sandstone. Coonashirski and treason straits separate the island from Japan. Many thermal sources and waterfalls are also popular with travelers. Another worthy visits to the place is Caldera Volcano Head, where two lakes are hot and boiling. The last formed in the exposive funnel is considered a visiting card of southern smoked. The lake is famous for the fact that from his bottom can suddenly hit the boiling steaming jet.

    Cape columnal - This is one of the main attractions of Kunashir. Located on the shore of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk, it was formed in the process of pouring the lava in the thickness of the water. High basalt poles create ribbed walls, reminding the giant organ. Another highlight of Cape is salmon spawning, followed by clocks, watching how the fish overcomes waterfalls, thresholds and streams on the way to spawning.

    Island ITUPU.. It is very large Island Archipelago. From the east, it is washes Pacific OceanFrom the West - the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk. Of the 20 volcanoes of the island - 9 valid, and the highest is the strikap, 1634 meters in height. In ITIPU, it is recommended to visit the bay of the lion's mouth and three volcanoes - Berutaruba, Aportopuri and Curly. There are also more than 30 lakes, many waterfalls, hot and mineral sources.

    Vulcan Berutarube (1222m). In both craters of the volcano, active fumaroid activities occur. At the top there is a destroyed caldera with a diameter of more than 2 km.

    Atonopuri volcano (1205m). Because of the high porosity of the slags of the distinctive feature of the island, there was a complete absence of water. Aportopuri is the so-called "volcano in a volcano", naught far away in the open sea. The correctness of the cone made it possible to take him 3rd place in the world after Fuji and Vesuvia.

    Volcano Curly (991m). This is an active volcano, with a dome in the shape of an equilged triangle. The height of the vertical pillars of gas and steam above the crater in the windless weather reaches 1 kilometer. In addition, here is the only place of mining - rare-earth metal.

    Bay lion pall. Located in the southwestern part of ITUP, the bay (caldera) resembles a broken ring. Calder sizes are 7 x 9 km, and its rocky shores rise to 400 meters. In the Strait, the entrance to the bay contains a rocky island - a stone-lion, resembling sleeping lion. Two capes speakers in the sea are called fang and jaw.