The title of "The largest island in the world" goes to…. The title of "The world's largest island" goes to ... At least 10 large islands

Finding out the exact number of islands on Earth is difficult. It is believed that there are about 2,000 islands in the world. They differ from each other in size, relief, climate, flora and fauna. The largest island in the world is named Greenland.

Largest island - Greenland

This autonomous country within the Kingdom of Denmark is least densely populated area in the world... The density of the island's population is 0.028 / km 2, and the number of people living there is 57,728 people. And these, for the most part, are not Europeans, but Greenlandic Eskimos (kalaallits) or descendants from mixed marriages of Danes with Eskimos. In 2009, the inhabitants of Greenland acquired the status of a separate people, and Denmark was assigned the protection of Greenland and the management of foreign affairs.

Squeezed between the Arctic and Atlantic oceans, Greenland is not a very hospitable land against the backdrop of even harsher waters. However, this island has long attracted the attention of polar explorers and is currently positioned as a destination for adventure tourism.

Total area of \u200b\u200bGreenland

Greenland covers 2,130,800 km². At the same time, 81% of the island's area is covered by ice. If we imagine that this ice completely melted, then this would lead to a rise in world sea level by 7 meters.

Where did the name "Greenland" come from?

This name, which more closely resembles "unfair advertising," has generated controversy among researchers. Some believe that during the discovery of Greenland, the local climate was much milder, and the coastal areas in the south-west of the island were richly covered with vegetation, while others believe that the name "Greenland" was chosen by the discoverer Eirik Red in order to attract settlers to the island. The source of the second version is the work of Ari the Wise, an Icelandic chronicler of the 11th century. However, the first copy of his work belongs to the 13th century, and it was supposedly supplemented by various authors. Therefore, this explanation of the name "Greenland" can be viewed with skepticism.

Iceland, on the other hand, was far more unlucky than Greenland. This land, washed by the warm Gulf Stream, was called "icy" because the settlers landed on it during severe frosts.

Photos and videos about Greenland

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10 largest islands in the world by area

10. Sulawesi - 180,681 km²

The rating of the largest islands of the Earth is opened by an Indonesian handsome man, which is one of the most popular tourist destinations. It offers excellent coral diving conditions, pristine beaches, exotic fauna and lush rainforest. Those who are more interested in architecture and culture than nature can visit the Rotterdam Fort, the palace and the tomb of the Govan kings and take part in the lavish local ceremonies.

The main religion of the island is Islam, so the locals do not drink or sell alcohol to tourists.

Another feature of Sulawesi is its unusual shape. Four more peninsulas adjoin this island, which makes Sulawesi look like an orchid on the map.

9. Ellesmere - 183,965 km²

Like another member of the ranking of the largest islands in the world (namely Victoria Island), Ellesmere also lies entirely within the Arctic Circle. It is not surprising that it is very poorly populated - only 146 people. It is also the most mountainous island in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago and rather inhospitable, so it is hardly worth going here for entertainment.

8. Great Britain - 209331 km²

Is an the largest island in Europe... On its territory are England, Scotland and Wales.

The UK is less impressive than most of the islands on this list. There are no active volcanoes, exotic flora or ferocious animals on its territory. But on the other hand there are many rolling hills, rocky coastlines, picturesque villages and the best tea in the world.

7. Victoria - 217,291 km²

The largest island in the world, of those that are entirely within the Arctic Circle. At the same time, despite its size, Victoria Island is surprisingly small in number, less than 2,000 people live there.

Instead of people, Victoria is overrun with tens of thousands of caribou and musk oxen, which are also endemic to Canada.

6. Honshu - 225,800 km²

Honshu is the largest of Japan's four main islands. It is also the most populous island on the list of the largest islands in the world. Honshu has a population of 103 million.

It is the second most populous island on Earth after the Indonesian island of Java with 139 million inhabitants. This is not surprising, given that it is on Honshu that the Tokyo metropolis is located, which is home to 38 million Japanese.

The island has excellent conditions for skiing and mountaineering, as all 30 of Japan's highest peaks are located on Honshu (including Fuji).

5. Sumatra - 443,066 km²

Eruptions, earthquakes and tsunamis are typical for Sumatra, but this does not stop tourists who want to join the wild and mysterious nature of the jungle. Orangutans, tigers, rhinoceroses and elephants inhabit the forests of Sumatra, while the picturesque beaches provide rest for weary travelers. Also in Sumatra water sports are very developed, including surfing and diving.

4. Baffin Island - 507451 km²

Canada has the longest coastline in the world and an unknown number of islands. The largest of these is Baffin Island. It is distinguished by mountainous, harsh and primitively beautiful landscapes. Almost the entire population of the island, which is over 10 thousand people, lives on the coast. Only scientific expeditions are sent to the central part of the island, studying nature, which has hardly been touched by human influence.

3. Madagascar - 587 713 km²

Madagascar is the fourth largest island in the world and the largest island in Indian Ocean... This incredibly diverse area contains 5% of all known species of animals and plants.

2. Borneo - 743,330 km²

The third largest island in the world after Greenland is made up of three countries, although about 73% of Borneo is Indonesian territory. The sovereign state of Brunei makes up only one 1% of the island, and the remaining territory is Malaysian.

Borneo is home to one of the oldest rainforests in the world. It is also home to many exotic and rare wild animals: nosed monkeys, gibbons, Malay bears and saltwater crocodiles that lie in wait in the waters of the South China Sea.

1. New Guinea - 785,753 km²

On this island is the highest mountain in Oceania and - Jaya.

New Guinea is also a world famous diving destination with excellent scuba diving conditions most of the year.

The underwater world is teeming with colorful coral masses and variegated fish. And after World War II, a large number of shipwrecks remained in the waters near the island.

List of islands by area, comparative table

IsleArea (km²)A country
1 Greenland2130800 Greenland, autonomous province of Denmark
2 New Guinea785753 Indonesia and Papua New Guinea
3 Kalimantan748168 Brunei, Indonesia and Malaysia
4 Madagascar587713 Madagascar
5 Baffin's Land507451 Canada
6 Sumatra443066 Indonesia
7 Great Britain229848 United Kingdom (England, Scotland and Wales)
8 Honshu227970 Japan
9 Victoria217291 Canada
10 Ellesmere196236 Canada
11 Sulawesi180681 Indonesia

The largest of them are located in the Arctic Ocean. Small islands of land are located in the Azov and Black Seas. Most of the territories are poorly populated; the remote islands of Russia can only be reached with an expedition. The population of the rest of the island lands is mainly engaged in fishing. Below is a list of the ten largest islands in Russia with a short geographical description and location on the map of the country.

Map of the largest islands of Russia

Karaginsky Island

The area is 2.4 thousand km². The length barely exceeds 100 km, the maximum width is 27 km. The territory is located in the Bering Sea, not far from Kamchatka. Karaginsky Island is of volcanic origin. The relief is varied, there are mountain ranges and steep headlands on the coast. The climate is harsh, winter lasts about seven months. Flora is diverse. Alder, mountain ash, larch grows. Whales live near the coast, and a bear can be noted. Numerous species of birds nest on the coasts: eagle, tern, Asiatic long-billed fawn. Karaginsky is not inhabited by people. The watch is maintained by the personnel who maintain the lighthouse.

Vaygach Island

The island covers an area of \u200b\u200b3.4 thousand km². The length is 100 km, the width is 44 km. Vaygach is located above the Arctic Circle, next to the Novaya Zemlya archipelago. Vaygach has a mainland origin. The relief is flat, there are several mountain ranges. Natural conditions are a cross between and climate. Winter temperatures drop to -25 ° C. In summer, the air warms up to + 12 ° C. The flora is represented by lichens, dwarf grasses, creeping annuals. On Vaygach live bears, reindeer, walruses, bearded seals.

Kolguev Island

The area is about 3.5 thousand km². The diameter of the island is about 80 km. Kolguev is located beyond the Arctic Circle, washed by the Barents Sea. Kolguev is of mainland origin. The island has a rounded shape and low-lying relief. The climate is subarctic, with strong fluctuations in average annual temperatures. The area is covered with shrubs. The fauna is scarce, represented by arctic foxes, foxes, polar bears. The entire population lives in two villages. The number does not exceed 450 people.

Wrangel Island

The area of \u200b\u200bthe island is 7.67 thousand km². The maximum length of the island is 150 km. The land is located at the junction of the Chukchi and East Siberian seas. The origin is controversial: the island is sometimes referred to a continental origin, then to a tectonic one. The relief is represented by plateaus, mountains and lowlands. The arctic air makes the climate very harsh. In addition to lichens, bluegrass, cinquefoil, and Lapland poppy grow. Animal worlddespite the cold weather, it is diverse. 40 species of birds nest along the banks. The area is comfortable for lemmings, polar bears, polar foxes, wolves, wolverines, and seals. The island is not inhabited by people.

Kurile Islands

The area of \u200b\u200bthe archipelago is 15.6 thousand km². The length is over 1200 km. The territory separates the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk and the Pacific Ocean. The islands are of volcanic origin. The relief is mountainous, there are more than a hundred volcanoes. The climate is mild, with long winters and cloudy summers. Storms and earthquakes are not uncommon for the Kuriles. The flora is multifaceted, there are 1400 plant species. The slopes are covered with groves of oak, aspen and maple. Many species of ocean birds nest along the shores. Terrestrial mammals are represented by forest animals: fox, brown bear, squirrel, hares. People settled in most of the territory of the Kuriles.

Franz Josef Land

The area of \u200b\u200bthe archipelago is 16.13 thousand km². The territory is located a thousand kilometers away and is covered with glaciers. The islands are of mainland origin. The relief of volcanic structures prevails over the entire surface; there are many lakes. In the conditions of the Arctic land, the temperature is -50 ° C. Summer rates rise to + 2 ° C. Moss is released from the vegetation. The population of polar bears and arctic foxes has declined dramatically. The population consists of workers at research stations.

Northern Land

The area of \u200b\u200bthe archipelago is 37.6 thousand km². The lands are located near the Taimyr Peninsula, between the Kara Sea and the Laptev Sea. All the islands of the archipelago are of continental origin. Most of the area is covered with ice, a third is occupied by stony placers. The climate is arctic, with harsh winters and cool summers. The land not covered with ice is swampy. Mosses, saxifrage, polar poppy are isolated from plants. The fauna, on the contrary, is diverse. The coastline is a continuous bird colony. Inhabited by wolves, lemmings, polar bears. The islands are not inhabited by people.

New Siberian Islands

The area of \u200b\u200bthe archipelago is 38.4 thousand km². The islands lie on the border of the Laptev Sea and the East Siberian Sea. They are of mainland origin. The flat relief prevails on the territory. Winter lasts 9 months. The short summers are windy and cold. The soil surface is covered with buttercups, lichens and saxifrage. The islands are home to the snowy owl, partridge, reindeer, arctic fox and polar bear.


The area of \u200b\u200bthe island is 76.4 thousand km². The length reaches 948 km, the maximum width is 160 km. Sakhalin is located off the Asian coast of Russia, and is washed by the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk and the Sea of \u200b\u200bJapan. The island is of mainland origin. The relief combines plains and mountain systems. The climate is characterized by long snowy winters and cool summers. The vegetation numbers 1,500 species, including shrubs, larch and conifers. The island has a large population of brown bears, wolverines, minks, raccoon dogs. Sakhalin is the most populated of the Russian islands.

New earth

The island archipelago has an area of \u200b\u200b83 thousand km². The length from north to south is 925 km. The islands are located at the junction of the Pechora, Kara and Barents seas. The archipelago is continental in origin. The climate is arctic. Winter temperatures average -40 ° С, strong winds blow. Summer rates rise to + 7 ° С. The flora is represented by mosses and annual grasses. Among mammals, lemmings, reindeer and arctic fox can be distinguished. The islands are inhabited by meteorologists and the military. Their number usually does not exceed 2500 people.

Incredible facts

The total number of islands on our planet is incredibly difficult to calculate.

New islands appear in the world every year, but the largest islands still remain in place.

Here you can learn about the largest islands in the world, as well as the largest island states and even the largest lake islands.

NOTE: Australia is still more considered a continent than an island, but if you consider it an island, then it is the largest island on Earth, with an area of \u200b\u200b7,618,493 square meters. km.

1. Greenland Island

Greenland is considered the largest island on our planet. Its local name sounds like Kalallit-Nunaat. The area of \u200b\u200bthe island is 2,166,086 sq. km.

Population (2016): 57,728 people.

Highest point:Gunbjörn (3,700 meters).


A country:Denmark.

Greenland Facts

* Greenland's capital Nuuk is the smallest capital city in the world. Its population is only 15 105 people (as of July 2009).

* Greenland is believed to have been inhabited since prehistoric times by various Paleo-Eskimic groups. However, archaeological research indicates that the Inuit settled here around 2,500 BC.

* The first Europeans arrived here in 985. They were Norwegians and Icelanders. They were called Norwegian Greenlanders.

You can find out the most interesting things about the beautiful island of Greenland just below or by clicking HERE .

2. Island New Guinea

Area - 785,753 sq. km.

Highest point: 4884 meters.

Population (2010): 9,500,000 people.

Countries: Indonesia, Papua New Guinea.

Facts about New Guinea

Mount Bagana is an active volcano. Height 1730.

* The western part of the island of New Guinea is located on the territory of Indonesia, and its eastern part is on the territory of the state of Papua New Guinea.

* New Guinea is the largest island divided between countries.

* 11,000 species of plants, 600 rare species of birds, more than 400 species of amphibians, more than 450 species of butterflies, as well as about 100 species of mammals live here.

* In ancient times, this island was connected to the Australian continent.

* For Europe, New Guinea was discovered in the 16th century by Spanish and Portuguese sailors.

* The island got its name from the Spanish navigator Iñigo Ortiz de Retes. When he arrived on the island in 1545, it seemed to him that the locals were very similar to the aborigines who live in African Guinea.

3. Borneo island

Area - 748 168 sq. km.

Archipelago: Malay Archipelago.

A country: Indonesia, Brunei, Malaysia.

Highest point: Mount Kinabalu, 4095 meters.

Population (2010): 19,800,000 people.

Borneo Facts

* On this island grows the world's largest flower - Rafflesia, the smell of which, according to local residents, is similar to the smell of a decaying corpse.

* Borneo has a rainforest that is more than 130 million years old. It is home to many species of rare animals: Sumatran rhinoceros, Asian elephant, Bornean clouded leopard and others.

4. Madagascar island

Area - 587,713 sq. km.

A country:Madagascar.

Highest point: 2961 meters.

Population (2008):20,042,552 people.

Madagascar facts

* Millions of years ago Madagascar was part of the same land of Gondwana, and about 60 million years ago this island was the first to separate from the mainland and thus became the first island on our planet.

* The first people came to Madagascar about 2000 years ago.

* Among the Europeans, the first to notice this island was the Portuguese navigator Diego Diaz. This happened at the beginning of the XVI, and after that Madagascar became one of the most important trade points on the way to India.

* Malagasy, French and English are spoken on the island.

* Since the island is rich in iron and aluminum, it is nicknamed the Great Red Island.

* The country of Madagascar ranks first in the cultivation and export of vanilla.

5. Island Baffin's Land

Area - 503 944 sq. km.

A country: Canada.


Highest point: 2147 meters.

Population (2007):11,000 people.

Baffin Island Facts

* Baffin's Land is a very cold and almost uninhabited place.

* Here you can find Thor's peak, named in honor of the Scandinavian god. It is worth noting that Thor Peak is the highest cliff on our planet.

* Baffin's Land Island was named after the famous British traveler William Buffin, who first described the island in 1616. It is believed that it was Baffin who was its discoverer.

* More than half of the island's territory is located in the Arctic Circle. For this reason, there is a polar day and night here.

6. Sumatra Island

Area - 443,066 sq. km.

A country:Indonesia.

Highest point: 3800 meters.

Population (2010):50.6 million people.

Sumatra Facts

* The island is home to the Toba volcano, which is believed to have caused the last ice age. About 70,000 years ago, this volcano exploded and thousands of cubic kilometers of ash were thrown into the air, hiding the sun's rays for many years. Today in the caldera of Toba volcano there is a beautiful lake of the same name, and in its center there is another island - Samosir, inside which there is also a lake - Sidokhni.

* Scientists believe that the eruption of the Krakatoa volcano on the island led to the formation of a strait between the islands of Sumatra and Java. In 1883, the volcano exploded and, together with the island on which it was located, they went to the bottom of the sea. Today, a new mountain has formed in its place - Anak-Krakatau ("Child of Krakatau"), which grows by 7 meters every year.

* The island is still inhabited by the Batak tribes. Before the adoption of Christianity, these tribes were cannibals.

* The most expensive coffee in the world "Kopi Luwak" is grown here in Sumatra. The fact is that one animal lives on the island - kopi-luwak, which loves coffee berries. Of course, he chooses only the best berries. They are not completely digested by the kopi-luwak. Locals collect them, wash and roast them, creating coffee.

7. Honshu Island

Area - 225,800 sq. km.

A country: Japan.

Highest point: 3776 meters.

Population (2010): 100 million people.

Honshu Island Facts

* Mount Fuji is located on the island of Honshu - the symbol of the land of the rising sun.

* Earthquakes are not uncommon here as Honshu is located at the intersection of 3 formation plates.

* There are also the largest Japanese cities in Japan - Tokyo, Yokohama, Osaka, Kyoto.

8. UK Island

Area - 229.957 sq. km.

Archipelago:British Isles.

A country: Great Britain.

Regions:England, Scotland, Wales.

Highest point: 1,344 meters.

Population (2011): 61,371,315 people.

UK Facts

* Great Britain is also called Albion, as it was formerly known as the land of albinos. The Romans named the British Isles by the word "Britain" (lat. Britannia), hence the name of this island. But they decided to add "Great" to the word "Britain" so that the country was listed as a political unit. Today we have the island of Britain and a geopolitical entity called Great Britain.

* The prime meridian crosses the axis of the Greenwich Observatory located in London.

* Since the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is a single state, any person living in its territory can be called "British", even if he is from Scotland or Northern Ireland.

9. Victoria Island

Area - 220.548 sq. km.

A country:Canada

Regions:Nunavut, Northwest Territories

Highest point: 665 meters away

Population (2001): 1707 people.

Victoria Island facts

* Thomas Simpson was the first to discover this island in 1838. The British explorer decided to name the island after the English Queen Victoria, who was also Queen of Canada from 1867 to 1901.

* This is the largest island within the island within the island.

10. Ellesmere Island

Area - 183.965 sq. km.

A country:Canada

Region: Nunavut.

Highest point: 2616 meters away

Population (2006):146 people.

Ellesmere Island Facts

* The island is decorated with large mountains and ice fields. Ellesmere is the highest mountainous part of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago.

* The island has been shrouded in ice since the last ice age, but only 1/3 of its territory is covered with glaciers.

10 largest island states in the world

1. Indonesia - 1 912 988 sq. km.

2. Madagascar - 587,041 sq. km.

3. Papua New Guinea - 462,840 sq. km.

4. Japan - 377,837 sq. km.

5. Philippines - 300,000 sq. km.

6. New Zealand - 270,534 sq. km.

7. Great Britain - 242 910 sq. km.

8. Cuba - 110,860 sq. km.

9. Iceland - 103,000 sq. km.

10. Ireland - 70,273 sq. km.

10 largest volcanic islands

These islands were formed by volcanic eruptions at the bottom of the sea.

1. Sumatra, Indonesia - 473,481 sq. km.

2. Honshu, Japan - 225,800 sq. km.

3. Java, Indonesia - 138,794 sq. km.

4. North, New Zealand - 111,583 sq. km.

5. Luzon, Philippines - 109,965 sq. km.

6. Iceland - 103,000 sq. km.

7. Mindanao, Philippines - 97,530 sq. km.

8. Hokkaido, Japan - 78,719 sq. km.

9. New Britain, Papua New Guinea - 35,145 sq. km.

10. Halmahera, Indonesia - 18,040 sq. km.

10 largest lake islands

1. Manitoulin, Lake Huron, Canada - 2,766 sq. km.

2. Rene-Levasseur, Manicouagan Reservoir, Quebec, Canada - 2,000 sq. km.

3. Olkhon, Lake Baikal, Russia - 730 sq. km.

4. Isle Royal, Lake Superior, Michigan, USA - 541 sq. km.

5. Ukereve, Lake Victoria, Tanzania - 530 sq. km.

The island is considered to be a land area of \u200b\u200bnatural origin. As a rule, the island is surrounded by the ocean on all sides, and constantly rises above the surface of the water, even during the high tide. The island is smaller from the mainland. Today you will see 10 of the largest islands in the world on the list.

The island is located near North America. It is washed by the Atlantic Arctic Ocean. Its area is 2 130 800 sq. Km. The southern part of the island has a mild climate. Vegetation is found throughout the island.

The island is located in the western part of the Pacific Ocean. Its area is 786 thousand square meters. km. The island has an equatorial and subequatorial climate. The island has tropical forests and many species of butterflies.

It is the only island located between Trunei, Indonesia and Malaysia. Its area is 743 330 sq. Km. The island was discovered in 1521. There is only an equatorial climate. On the island, the temperature is +26 degrees.

The island is located in the Indian Ocean. The climate here is tropical, and in the southern part it is subtropical. The length of the island is 1600 km, and the width is more than 600 km. The area of \u200b\u200bthe island is 587,040 sq. Km.

This island is part of Canada. Its area is 507,451 sq. Km. 11 thousand people live on it. Bears, deer, wolves live here.

Its area is 30 thousand square meters. km. It is part of Indonesia. The highest point is the Kerinchi volcano.

It is part of the Japanese archipelago. Its length is 1300 km, and its width is 230 km. The area of \u200b\u200bthe island is 227,969 sq. Km. There are many volcanoes on the island.

The largest European island with a population of 63 million people. The island is part of the British Isles, and the area is 229,946 sq. Km.

The island is part of Canada. Its area is 217,291 sq. Km. There are many lakes in it.

This is the northern island of Canada. In the east, it borders on Greenland. Its area is 196,236 sq. Km. The highest point is Barbo.

Video: 10 largest islands in the world