Chichen Itza Who Built. The pyramids of the city of Chichen Itza in Mexico - a new wonder of the world from the Mayans

The history of Central America knows several civilizations. But it was the Mayan culture that always attracted me. First of all, I was interested in how this civilization, which knew neither wheel nor iron, was able to reach such a level of development of the exact sciences, primarily mathematics and astronomy. And what structures they left behind. Therefore, when the opportunity for another trip turned up, I did not hesitate to choose Mexico, the country where Chichen Itza, the iconic Mayan city, whose photos have become the hallmark of Central.

History of Chichen Itza, the ancient Mayan city

The first question that interests every traveler who finds himself in this mysterious place is what ancient people built the city of Chichen Itza and when it happened. The city was founded in V-VI centuries by the Itza people, one of the tribes of the Mayan civilization. At this time, a stage began in the history of Chichen Itza, which in the pre-Columbian period is identified with the Maya period. The city was one of the most important cultural centers and flourished until the end of the 7th century, after which it fell into relative decline.

In the X century, Chichen Itza conquered by the Toltec tribes and by the middle of the 11th century it became the capital of their state. In the 12th century, as a result of a conflict with neighboring city-states, the city was severely damaged, but after that it existed for some time and even developed. At the end of the XIII century, for unknown reasons, the city fell into decay and was completely abandoned by people. At the time of the invasion of the Spanish conquerors in the XV-XVI centuries, Chichen Itza was already completely abandoned and partially in ruins.

Since the conquistadors did not show interest in the history of local peoples, they even tried to destroy the traces of their ancient civilizations, no one was interested in the abandoned city for a long time.

Only in the 19th century, on the wave of national liberation movements, as well as an increased interest in science, the abandoned city attracted attention. At first, isolated private researchers, adventurers and fans of the occult sciences became interested in him. Then Chichen Itza began to attract tourists and people of art. And only in the middle of the 20th century, the unique city became interested at the official level, and the Mexican government decided to partially restore the original appearance of Chichen Itza in order to attract tourists.

Major attractions

When you are lucky enough to visit this mysterious city, pay attention to the following sights:

Pyramid of Kukulkan in the city of Chichen Itza. A grandiose structure that had both ritual and astronomical significance. Dedicated to Kukulkan - a deity in the form of a feathered serpent with a human head, the patron of rain and wind. The pyramid is identified not only with Chichen Itza and, perhaps, with all the pre-Columbian civilizations of Central America.

It consists of nine steps, which are divided by the stairs on each face of the pyramid, into two parts, which gives a net 18 - the number of days in a month in the Mayan calendar. Each of the four stairs consists of 91 steps, i.e. in total 364, and together with the top platform 365 - the number of days in a year. The faces of the pyramid are located strictly on the cardinal points, and each has 52 relief images, which corresponds to the number of years in the Mayan calendar cycle. At the foot of the northern staircase, the stone head of a snake is carved in such a way that the fence of the staircase is the body of the snake.

An interesting effect is observed on the days of the spring and autumn equinox. The shadow from the edge of the pyramid falls on the railing of the stairs in such a way that it creates the illusion of a giant snake moving. At the top of the pyramid is the Kukulkan sanctuary itself.

Not so long ago, scientists discovered another, more ancient pyramid under the pyramid of Kukulkan. It also has nine tiers, and inside it was kept the main symbol of the Mayan rulers - a stone throne known as the Jaguar Mat.

Since 2006, climbing the pyramid is prohibited, and the traveler has to be content with close-up contemplation, which, believe me, is not so little.

Other attractions in Chichen Itza

  • Temple of Mayan Warriors in Chichen Itza... A structure located on a four-stage pyramid. The central staircase is crowned with stone human figures. At the top is the temple itself, at the entrance to which there are two columns in the form of snakes, images of Kukulkan. There are four rows of columns with images of warriors installed near the temple.
  • Observatory... A round dome mounted on a square platform. It is interesting that the windows are located in such a way that they correspond to the position of the celestial bodies relative to the earth.
  • Ball field... The area is 168x70 m, surrounded by a high (up to 8 m) wall. A stone ring was installed high on the wall, into which the players had to throw a rubber ball. The foot of the walls is decorated with images of human sacrifices. Moreover, many researchers are inclined to believe that these are the players of the losing team.
  • Jaguar temple... Located on the east side of the ball court. It got its name from the many images of a jaguar on its facade. Perhaps the priests watched the ball game from here.
  • Temple of the Bearded Man... Located north of the ball court. Inside the temple, a relief was found depicting a man with a beard, which was the reason for this name.
  • Sacred Cenote, or the Well of Death... Natural karst depression with a diameter of up to 60 m and a depth of up to 50 m. Served for dropping the bodies of people sacrificed.
  • Group of a thousand columns... Ruins of columns that form a giant rectangle.
  • Pyramid Tomb of the High Priest... A ten-meter pyramid, on top of which there is a platform with tombstones. Perhaps it served as a burial place for the nobility or spiritual leaders of the Maya, from where it got its name.

Mayan Warrior Temple

How to get there

To get to the Chichen Itza complex, you can:

  • from the city of Merida, the journey by bus will take less than two hours and will cost $ 12 (first class) or $ 6.5 (second class);
  • from Cancun, by bus for 2.5 hours and $ 16 (first class) or $ 12 (second class);

The most mysterious places on Earth: Maya. Chichen Itza - video

How did the Maya manage to create such an advanced culture that they predicted for our civilization, and why do thousands of people seeking spiritual enlightenment besiege these ruins every year? Can modern rituals reveal the secrets of Chichen Itza? You will learn about this by watching the video. Enjoy watching!

  • In 2007, the New Seven Wonders of the World competition was held, as a result of which the pyramids and the city of Chichen Itza in Mexico became the finalist of the project.
  • UNESCO recognized the Chichen Itza complex as an object of material and cultural heritage of mankind.

Staying in the mysterious city of Chichen Itza leaves an ambivalent feeling. On the one hand, you understand that you have touched a huge and not fully explored layer of history. On the other hand, the ubiquitous images and stories of the guides about the human sacrifices carried out here are somewhat depressing.

Friends, who have any impressions from visiting this place? I look forward to your messages in the comments.

In which country is Chichen Itza located? Of course, in Mexico! Chichen Itza - one of the main ones. The ancient Mayan city, located on the Yucatan Peninsula, is known to everyone who comes to this magical land. The pyramids of the ancient Maya and Toltecs, numerous architectural monuments and proximity to - all this annually attracts millions of tourists from all over the world and makes Chichen Itza a real tourist capital of Mexico.

The pyramids and the ancient city of Chichen Itza in Mexico

Chichen Itza is an ancient city in the north of Mexico, located on the Yucatan Peninsula. These places were inhabited by the ancient inhabitants of the Maya and Toltecs. At dawn, the population of the ancient city of Chichen Itza was 10 thousand, although some scientists believe that this number should be 2, or even 3 times more. It is now included in the UNESCO legacy. Ancient sites are carefully guarded.

The architecture of the city dates back to the period from VI to XIII centuries. The Spaniards dismantled most of the ancient cities for building materials, but they did not touch Chechen Itza. You can admire the view at any time of the year. Unofficially, Chechen Itza is called the eighth wonder of the world. Working hours from 8.00 to 18.00. Entry costs 220 Mexican pesos, and guide services 750 pesos. Children under 12 do not need a ticket.

Chichen Itza is located in North America, Mexico country. On the map you need to find the Yucatan Peninsula, where the city is located. Neighbors of Chechen Itza are cities, Cancun and these are also popular tourist places. To get to these places by plane, you need to fly to the nearest airport of international importance. Flights are made both from Europe and directly from the capital of the Russian Federation, Moscow.

The map also allows you to notice the main goal of many tourists - the pyramid of Kukulkan. On the left side of it, 100 meters away, there is the entrance to the city of Chechen Itza itself. There is also a parking lot nearby.

How to get from Cancun

To get to the city from Cancun, tourists and guests of the peninsula can use several available ways. For instance:

  1. The bus is the most practical means of transport. The journey will take a little more than 3 hours. Served by the carrier ADO. The ticket price is from 10 € to 16 €.
  2. From 30 € to 40 € a transfer order will cost. The car can pick up immediately from the airport, or from another place of stay, for example from a hotel.
  3. By renting a car, you can get there more comfortably and faster. The journey will take only 2 hours. To Chichen Itza you need to drive 200 km, which will take 16 liters of fuel. Gasoline will cost about 20 €.

Comfortable guided tour

Taking into account the cost of the transfer and tickets, the most profitable option to visit Chichen Itza is to order an excursion. For example, you can visit several attractions at once on a comfortable minibus with a Russian-speaking guide.

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How to get from other regions

There is the same bus from Merida as from Cancun, it costs 6 €. From Valladolid, you can easily get there by shuttle bus.

History of the city of Chichen Itza

The name has been widely used since the reign of the Mayan tribes. Translated from local languages, Chichen Itza can be translated as “At the mouth of the well of Itza”, or “The mouth of the well of the sorcerers of water”. A piece of Chi indicates a mouth or edge, chen means a source or well. Itza is an ancient people who ruled the entire region near the city. The word Itza itself is often translated as "sorcerer". If split into two, Itz is a sorcerer, and ha is water.

The ancient documents available to us show that there are other variants of the name of the city. For example, this is evidenced by the data of the Chilam-Bilam code. At the same time, it is not the complete discovery of the ancient dialect that hinders the precise establishment of the name of the city before the arrival of Itza. Today, several long-standing names are known: Yuuk Yabnal, (Seven Great Houses), Yuuk Hab Nal (Seven Bushes), Yuukuabnal (Seven Great Rulers) and Uk Abnal (Seven Paths of Abnal).

Discovery history

The history can be divided into two periods. The first lasted from the 7th to the 10th century, when the city belonged to the Mayan tribe. The second began with the conquest of the area by the Toltecs in the 10th century. The 11th century was marked by the granting of the status of the capital of the Toltec lands. But the city on the throne did not last long. The Mayans decided to retake the city. Hunak Keel gathered a skillful army from the cities of Mayapan, Uxmal and Itzmal. He led a campaign against Chichen Itza, which led to success in 1178.

Later, due to unknown reasons, the city was completely destroyed and was in desolation. This happened in 1194. Although the Spaniards destroyed all the documents of the ancient tribes, historians have established that the frequent attacks on the city weakened the people. The upper strata of society dispersed to other places. From Spanish records it was established that the Indians went on a pilgrimage to the ruins of the ancient city. Since the 15th century, the territory has been used as pastures for livestock. It is unknown why the city was deserted. Some researchers talk about a terrible famine, others about a bloody war.

There is also an opinion that a terrible epidemic has hit the residents and that the virus is still under the ruins of the city.

Anyway, everything changed with the arrival of the Spaniards. The 18th century was marked by various research and archaeological excavations. Even then, many artists and photographers came to capture the unique wealth of the Maya. And since the middle of the last century, the government of Mexico issued a decree to globally restore the city of Chechen Itza to its original appearance. All possible work was carried out and now it is an extremely popular place.

Attractions Chichen Itza

In the city of Chichen Itza, there is a huge number of places of interest for tourists. If you come here as part of an excursion program, an experienced guide will tell you in detail about each attraction. In this article, we will provide a quick overview of the main landmarks that you simply cannot miss.

There are many interesting things in the city, but the pyramid of Kukulkan stands out among all the famous places. The pyramid is one of the surviving ancient architectural structures of the ancient tribes. In Spanish, there are such names: Pirámide de Kukulkán, Templo de Kukulkán, "El Castillo". This is the name of the ancient pyramid of the feathered serpent. Kukulcan is a god similar to Quetzaglioatl. The object immerses in the time of the Mayan tribe. You can learn many exciting stories and retellings of how the worship of wondrous deities was carried out here. In their religions, blood was shed and brutal rites were performed to appease objects of worship. In fact, the pyramid is a sacred temple.

The pyramid is located in the center of a large area of \u200b\u200b18 hectares. The temple is surrounded by a wide parapet made of stones. The size of the building itself is also impressive. The height is 24 meters, and if we take the summit, then all 30. The length of each side is 55 meters. All faces of the pyramid have 9 steps. There are steep stairs on each of the four sides, walking along which you can get to the top. The stairs are also oriented to the cardinal points. Each of them has 91 degrees, the total number of steps is 364. And if you add to this number the platform at the top, which unites 4 stairs, you get 365 - which means the number of days of the solar year.

The edges of the stairs are a stone fence in the form of a serpent, whose head is at the bottom and the body goes to the top. The size of the snake is 37 meters. An amazing show takes place here several days a year. When the autumn and spring equinox comes, the shadow of the steps falls on the stones of the balustrade. At the same time, it seems that the Feathered Serpent is not just a sculpture, but a real reptile moving along a course. In the spring in March, the impression is made that the kite is moving upward, and in the fall in September it is downward. This action lasts 3 hours and 22 minutes.

It is noteworthy that the stairs are cut in two, that is, the number of sections on each side of the pyramid is 18. This number is symbolic and indicates the same number of months in the calendar year of the Mayan tribes.

The temple has 9 ledges and this is no coincidence. The Toltecs had their own beliefs about the "nine heavens". Each wall of the temple has 52 stone reliefs, which means 52 years - the Toltec calendar cycle.

Ruins of Chac-Mul in the north (Chacmools)

Ruins of Chuck-Mul

This landmark in Chichen Itza includes sculptures that will impress you. Altars, Atlantean statues and stone paintings can be seen. The architecture amazes the eye of the visitor.

Temple of the Warriors

Temple of Warriors

This is also a unique building. It has been remarkably preserved. The visit encourages you to admire the ancient people, their approach to business. The atmosphere allows you to feel yourself in the distant past. This is never forgotten.

The Hall of the Thousand Columns

In ancient times, this alley was a trade street. In the market, clever tribes even built a roof so that the weather would not interfere with trade. Previously, the building had a large hall. There were rows of iron and ceramics articles. You could also buy simple things for everyday life. He was near a large market.

Wall of Skulls (Tzompantli)

Although the name emanates from some kind of mysticism and horror, the picture of this object shows the opposite. The rock art that is here is unique. Picturesque patterns and beautiful composition are of great interest. At the same time, it is not fully known how ancient people used the Wall of Skulls.

Stadium (The Ball Courts)

Many people do not know that even before the invention of football by the British, the ancient Mayans used a similar ball game with might and main. The stadium was built over 3000 years ago. Of course, the purpose is very different from modern sports facilities. Then at the stadium, people performed religious rituals. And the losing football team immediately lost its life. They were executed and sacrificed to deities. A terrible picture is that the height of the walls did not allow the players to escape from the sad fate. And the leaders watched this picture from above. It is also creepy that a skull was used instead of a ball.

Chichen Itza has 7 sports facilities. The largest stadium is called "Huego de Pelota" (translated as "Large field for the ball game"). The length of this field is 135 meters.

After visiting amazing sites of ancient culture, stadiums seem like a rather boring place.

Temple of the Jaguars

This is not to say that this temple is something really unusual. The building is rather small. Most worth seeing is the jaguar sculpture that stands in front of the temple. This is the most significant attraction of the temple, except for it there are no other features in the Jaguar Temple.

Old Chichén pyramid

The name Old Chichen was not given for nothing - this building is one of the oldest in the city. The appearance of the pyramid is also amazing. She is beheaded. Nature has contributed to this. In the course of the ancient hurricane, the top was destroyed. The restored steps are striking in their beauty. Tourists would even like to climb a small pyramid, but this is not provided.

Observatory (Caracol)

Awesome building. I would like to consider it in detail from different angles. There is a tower near the observatory, which is certainly an interesting object. You won't be able to walk up the stairs here either.

Church (Nunnery)

This is an amazing building. At least according to the Mayan Chenes style. And this is the most picturesque style of the ancient Mayan tribes. Ornaments are striking in their sophistication. For a tourist, this place should be a must-see place.

Sacred Cenote

The sacred cenote is located right within the boundaries of the old city of Chechen Itza. You need to work hard to find such a desired object .. First you need to find the Chichen Itza park. Next, you need to leave behind the pyramid of Kukulkan and to the left of the Platforma de Venus ruins there will be a sign to the cenote. It is important to look carefully at the signs indicating the way. The cenote is a natural well. The depth is approximately 50 m. It was used for sacrifices. Girls and children were thrown there, as well as various cult objects, asking the gods for rain.

Cenote Ik-Kil

Cenote Ik Kiel

The cenote is located just 5 kilometers from the city. You can get there along the highway 180. This is a very beautiful place, worth a separate trip. Mexico can be proud of such facilities.

Shops and shopping near Chichen Itza

The nearest shops to Chichen Itza are in Piste. Several food shops, butchers, restaurants and savings banks can be found here. Stores and addresses of their location on Dsitas-Piste street:

  • Bootix de los mayas - handicraft supplies;
  • Taller la escondida - at the intersection with 5th street;
  • Las sobrinas de la tia - restaurant at the intersection with street 5-A;
  • Pollaria Suemi - grocery store closer to the intersection with 7th street;
  • Banco Azteca - between 7th and 9th streets;
  • El Panal - at the intersection with 11th street;
  • Novedades Y Regalos El Arca is a souvenir shop at 12th Street and 180th Highway.

Along Route 180 Costera del Golfo there are 4 restaurants serving Mexican cuisine, at the intersection with 22nd Street is the Marthas Pizzeria, and closer to the intersection with 18th Street is the Tecate Six beer shop.

The following shops and establishments are located along the 180th highway:

  • Maxicarne - meat products, at 15-A street;
  • Neveria Basulto - at the intersection with 8th Street;
  • Balam House - a pizzeria at the intersection with street 6;
  • Fruiteria Dorcy - food market, between 4th and 6th streets;
  • Taller Mecanico “El Chino” - grocery store. Azteca - between 7th and 9th streets.

There are also museums, hotels and small hotels in Piste. Here you can buy everything you need at more affordable prices than in smaller resort towns. Souvenirs and foodstuffs are more profitable to purchase in larger cities. From Chichen Itza to Piste the distance is about two kilometers, so shopping is not a drudgery and will not take much time, even if you take a walk along the Merida-Valladorit highway. At a distance of 4 km on the opposite side of Piste, is the town of X-Kalakoop. There are several grocery stores, a bar, a restaurant and a home improvement store.

Also, on the way, you can call in Libre Union, Citas, Tuncas, or in the larger city of Valladolite, where a choice of food, shops and other goods will help you make more varied and profitable purchases.

Book an excursion to Chichen Itza

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The ancient city of Chichen Itza - Mayan heritage; the most ancient city on the Yucatan Peninsula. Located 120 km from the capital of the region - the city of Merida, and 205 km from the popular resort of Cancun. Probably everyone who has ever been to Mexico wanted to see the remains of this ancient settlement, which is ranked among the new wonders of the world. Chichen Itza is included in the version of our website.

This is a special place where the Maya Indians once lived and worshiped their gods. For unknown reasons, they were forced to leave the city, which later became the prey of the conquerors: first the Toltecs, and then the Spaniards. In the Mayan language, the sonorous name of the settlement was translated as "The mouth of the well of the Itza tribe." It is no coincidence that the word "well" appears in this phrase, because 13 cenotes, the so-called natural wells, were dug in the city.

By the way, one of these wells "Sacred Cenote" served for sacrifices to the God of Water. On the territory of the deserted settlement, the famous Temple of Kukulkan has been preserved, with which many symbolic things are connected. This is a pyramidal structure, on top of which there is a temple for sacrifices. Visitors are not allowed to go up to the temple. 4 wide staircases lead upstairs, each of which consists of 91 steps.

If you multiply the number of stairs by the number of steps and add one to the resulting number, you get the number 365, that is, exactly as many days in a year. In addition, every year on the days of the spring and autumn equinox, an unforgettable show takes place on the stairs of the pyramid. At about 3 p.m. the sun illuminates the front staircase so that shadows appear in the form of triangles, folding into the tail of a snake. Because of this, Kukulkan is sometimes called the Pyramid of the Feathered Serpent. In the evenings in Chichen Itza, you can see the same artificially created light show.

Many tourists linger on a huge area designed for violent ball games. The ball of the ancient Maya was so heavy that you could only hit it with your hip. Well, as expected, each game ended with a sacrifice. According to the chronology, the city was founded, possibly in the 7th century A.D. as the religious center of the Mexican tribe. Today, the remains of buildings are conventionally divided into two parts: old and new. The most significant structures are located in the new central part. There are souvenir shops and cafes at the entrance to the complex.

The most convenient way to get to the ruins is by bus from Merida or Cancun. You can also drive your rental car to Chichen Itza. The path runs both toll (shorter) and free roads.

(you can find out the full description of the program and the cost by using the contacts at the bottom of the article)

One of the most popular and super-visited historical sites in Mexico - Chichen Itza, located in relative proximity (200 km) from the equally popular beach resort of Cancun. Mayan ancient city Chichen Itza has long been recognized by UNESCO as a world cultural heritage site. Chichen Itza is the second most popular place for tourists from all over the world, where archaeological sites are available for visiting. Chichen Itza is one of the recognized new seven wonders of the world!

Chichen Itza - the rebuilt Mayan city

Chichen Itza Is an ancient Mayan settlement located in the state of Yucatan, 120 kilometers from Merida (the capital of the state) and almost 200 kilometers from Cancun (Quintana Roo state). From the Mayan language, Chichen Itza literally translates as the well of the Mayan people (more precisely, one of the many Mayan tribes). Indeed, on the territory of the Chichen Itza archaeological park at the end of the 19th century, the very ritual cenote was discovered, which gave the world a lot of artifacts and interesting things of the Indians who inhabited these places in the past. Unfortunately, many of these cultural units have remained forever lost to the copyright holder of the heritage - Mexico. The Chichen Itza Archaeological Park is located on 6 square kilometers and is protected and studied UNESCO object. On the territory of this park there is a whole ensemble of former architecture:

1. Pyramid of Kukulkan (El Castillo)2. Sacred Cenote3. Jaguar Temple (Temple de Jaguaras)4. Platform of the Jaguaras and Eagles5. Platform of Venus6. Great Ball Court7. Temple of the Warriors8. Group of the One Thousand9. Observatory Karakol

Pyramid of Kukulkan

Pyramid of Kukulkan Is the most popular construction in the Chichen Itza archaeological park. Many thousands of photographs of tourists were taken against the backdrop of this nine-tiered pyramid with four wide staircases on 4 cardinal points, a priest's platform at the top and a bas-relief ensemble at the foot. Four staircases lead to the temple on the priest's platform, and the entrance to it is decorated with the mask of the rain god Chaak. In the traditions executed during the construction of the Kukulkan pyramid, the ancients' adherence to numerology can be traced. So, the total number of steps on each of the pyramid ladders add up to 364, and another, common 365 step, is at the top - it is common to all sides. 9 tiers consist of 52 panels on each side. 52 is the number of years in one cycle of the Mayan calendar. ()

Pyramid at Chichen Itza. Until 2006, the pyramid was accessible to climb.

Descending serpent Kukulcan

A notable feature of this temple building is its precise geographical position relative to the cardinal points and strict geometric shapes. So, twice a year March 20 and September 21 on the days of the autumn and spring equinox occurs "Descent of the feathered serpent" - the visual appearance of the jagged body of the mystical deity in the form of a shadow cast by the geometric curves of the pyramid shapes. A chain of seven isosceles triangles and a stone head at the foot of Kukulkan - cause indescribable delight among tourists arriving in the ancient city of Chichen Itza from all over the world!

The descent of the serpent's shadow at Chichen Itza is visible only on the days of the equinox

Temple of a Thousand Pillars

To the east of the Kukulcan pyramid is the temple colonnade (Group of a thousand columns) - part of a large archaeological complex, which included "Temple of Warriors", the ancient market and the Temazcal ritual bath.

Colonnade at Chichen Itza

Indian Football Pok Ta Pok

On the opposite side there is a ball game stadium - the Indian analogue of football - "Pok-ta-Pok"... It is the largest ball game stadium in the Yucatan. It is 166 meters long and 68 meters wide. The height of the walls on which the spectators were located on both sides was 12 meters, and at the height of 8 meters there were rings in which to score a ball. Judging by the ensemble of bas-reliefs on the walls of this "football" field, the game was rather fierce. Not only did the rubber ball itself weigh at least 4 kg and it was allowed to beat it with the shoulders, elbows and hips, so the victory and death for it was a matter of honor for the ancient Maya. The same bas-reliefs tell of the honor of dying from a blade in the heart of the winning team's captain. The game was quite popular both among the nobility and among the common population.

Jaguar temple

The ruins of the Jaguar Temple are located to the side of the playing field. Here is a bas-relief image of a pair of intertwined snakes, jaguars that run in different directions and three symbols of war and resistance - shields! ()

Chichen Itza warriors temple

The Temple of Warriors located near the Jaguar Temple attracts tourists with a figurine of a deity, familiar from advertising brochures Chuck Mole... He was traditionally depicted in a reclining position with a ritual tray or thicket on his stomach. The temple is not accessible for entry, but because of the fence, you can easily see the facades of two buildings with a bas-relief depicting sacred jaguars, the feathered serpent Kukulkan and the deity Chaak with a long nose twisted to the bottom.

Market in Chichen Itza

The market square, which is a row of columns, a temazcal Indian bath with a preserved anteroom with columns and a steam room, is another part of the architectural park worth visiting.

Observatory in Chichen Itza

The southern part of Chichen Itza is interesting for its unique object - the observatory "Shell"or "Karakol"... It is surprising that special holes were made in the dome of the observatory through which one can observe the trajectory of the celestial bodies and objects.

Souvenirs in Chichen Itza

A must-see in the ancient Mayan city of Chichen Itza is a small alley lined with souvenir merchants. At the end of this alley there is a sacred sacrificial cenote 250 meters deep and up to 65 meters in diameter. The cenote became the final resting place for many thousands of sacrifices made to the rain god. Along with the remains of victims at the beginning of the 20th century, gold and emeralds of no value to the ancient Maya were raised from the bottom.

We answer the most frequently asked questions from tourists in Yandex before leaving for Mexico! For the correctness of the spelling of the questions, I apologize - the statistics were taken from the search sites) But, at once you can see the preferences, fears and expectations of the future lucky resort holidays on the Caribbean coast of Mexico!

Questions and answers:

1. How to get to Chichen Itza? How many kilometers is Chichen Itza? In what state is Chichen Itza located?

Answer: The ancient city of Chichen Itza and the pyramid of Kukulkan can be reached with a guided tour (this is the most convenient way), as well as by intercity bus from the ADO bus station and by a rented car. Chichen Itza can be reached from Cancun via 3 federal highways. Distance 180-200 km. Chichen Itza is located in the state of Yucatan. Cancun is located in the state of Quintana Roux.

115 km from and 193 km from.

The ancient city of Chichen Itza is recognized by UNESCO as a World Cultural Heritage Site and is the second most popular archaeological site in Mexico (after Teotihuacan).

Translated from the language of local tribes, this name means “Well of the Itza tribe”. Archaeologists consider it one of the religious "places of power" associated with the Mayan culture.

For about a thousand years of history, various peoples have left their mark on the appearance of the city. The ideas of the Maya, Toltec and Itza peoples about the world and the universe were reflected in stone monuments and works of art.

The buildings in Chichen Itza are conventionally divided into two groups. The first includes buildings dating from the 6th-7th centuries. n. e. and related to the Mayan period. The second group of buildings belongs to the Toltec period of the X-XI centuries. n. e.


Chichen Itza was founded presumably in the 7th century AD. e.

In the X century it was captured by the Toltecs.

In the middle of the 11th century, Chichen Itza became the capital of the Toltec state.

In 1178 he was defeated by the united army of three city-states - Mayapan, Uxmal and Itzmal, led by Hunak Keel. By the time of the Spanish conquests (mid-16th century), Chichen Itza was in ruins.

After 1194, the mysterious city was completely deserted. There is no exact data on what caused this. The policy of the Spanish conquerors who invaded Mexico included the burning of manuscripts and the murder of Mayan clergy. Thus, most of its mysterious history has been lost.

Last changes: 27.07.2011

Attractions Chichen Itza

Kukulkan pyramid
or El Castillo - a temple building that survived among the ruins of the ancient Mayan city of Chichen Itza.

Inside the pyramid, the entrance to which is on the north side, there is a temple with two rooms. It contains the sacrificial figure of Chuck-Mool and the jaguar throne. The height of the pyramid is 24 m, the base is 55x55 m, 365 steps lead upward, symbolizing the days of the year. In addition to the function of a temple, the pyramid probably served as a calendar.

Every year on the days of the autumn and spring equinox (March 21 and September 23), you can watch the unique sight of the "feathered serpent". The shadow of the stepped edges of the pyramid falls on one of the stairs. At the same time, it seems that a snake is crawling along it, up in March, and down in September. The end of the staircase is crowned with a stone snake head in accordance with this effect.

- a natural well, located 300 meters north of the main buildings of the city, with which the sacred sakbe is connected.

It is a giant round crater with a diameter of over 60 meters. Its steep walls, built of layers of limestone, drop abruptly down to the dark green water. According to the Maya, the rain god Chak lived inside the well. The Maya brought him human sacrifices, throwing them to the bottom of the cenote.

In 1961 and 1967, the sacred cenote was explored by Mexican expeditions. There were found two large wooden throne, about a hundred earthenware jugs and bowls of various sizes, gold jewelry, jade, rock crystal, bone, mother of pearl, amber, copper and onyx, as well as bones of people and animals.

- a building located at the top of a stepped pyramid (40x40m), surrounded by a large number of carved columns (a group of thousands of columns). The height of the columns reaches 3 m. Most of these columns depict Toltec warriors, which is why the Temple of Warriors is called so.

Opposite the main door of the Temple of the Warriors is the Chac Mool statue, depicting a human figure in a recumbent position, with the head facing one side and holding a bowl intended for gifts to the gods.

- is located on the southern side of the Temple of the Warriors and is formed by three colonnades that surround a fairly large area on three sides.

It is believed that the columns once supported the roof. But from the roof over the sanctuary, which is located on the upper platform of the Temple of Warriors, where two staircases lead, nothing remained. Only two stylized serpents remained, made in the form of columns and symbolizing Kukulkan.

- a round structure on a large platform. According to the researchers, there was an astronomical observatory for observing the planets, especially Venus.

- the largest playground ever created by the Maya. The length of the playing field reaches 150 m. On the sides of the playing field there are vertical walls 8.5 m high. In the center of each wall there are heavy stone rings with serpentine patterns - 7.25 m above the ground.

The goal of the game is to hit the stone rings with a heavy (up to 2 kg) rubber ball, the size of a human head. The ball was taken on a yoke or hit with a bat, using only elbows, knees or hips. The ball representing the sun was probably not allowed to touch the ground, otherwise its symbolic "path" was interrupted.

The team that missed the ball was considered the loser. The losers are believed to have been sacrificed for ritual (reliefs on the panels decorating the base of the walls show decapitated players).

There are several other similar structures in Chichen Itza, but the Big Field is much larger than them.
Last changes: 10.04.2015

Last changes: 10.04.2015