In what mountain is the beluga whale. Belukha mountain in Altai

The name speaks for itself. The mountain range is covered with white snow. An interesting view of the mountain - two peaks 4509 m and 4435 m high are connected by the so-called saddle, 4000 m high.

Another mountain giant, Delone Peak (4206 m), is located a little away from its higher counterparts.

The entire composition is not visible from some angles in the form that was observed by the ancient nomads from the Ukok plate, where the caravan route connecting Mongolia and Kazakhstan passed. That is why it is sometimes forgotten that Belukha has long been called Trekhglava and is a sacred mountain for the indigenous inhabitants of Altai.

The harsh nature of Mount Belukha

Winter in these places is cold and long, summer is rainy and short. Belukha is located in a troubled area - a zone of strong seismic activity. Micro-earthquakes often occur here. As a result, one should beware of avalanches, mudflows, landslides.

All this does not prevent Belukha from evoking admiration among lovers of mountain landscapes and harsh Altai beauty. The desire to conquer the summit does not discourage many amateur climbers and professional athletes.

Climbing Belukha

Investigations of the Altai Mountains, including the Katunsky ridge, were carried out at different times by the doctor and traveler F.A. Gebler, scientist V.V. Sapozhnikov, artist N.K. Roerich. For the first time, Mikhail and Boris Tronov succeeded in conquering Belukha from the south and making it open for climbers in 1914.

Modern conquerors of mountain peaks created a lot of climbing routes of varying degrees of difficulty... They invariably attract tourists and extreme sportsmen from all over the world.

In addition to testing the strength of mind and will, travelers have the opportunity to enjoy nature and beauty. Although they are unlikely to be lucky enough to see the cautious, but no less vulnerable, snow leopards listed in the Red Book.

Also, do not hope to meet with a little less rare lynxes, which occasionally appear in coniferous forests among spruces, fir and cedars. Maybe they will not be scared and will demonstrate their powerful horns Siberian mountain goats - lovers of alpine herbs.

But the birds never stop here: Himalayan Accentor, Alpine Jackdaw. There is an opportunity to see a sharp-eyed golden eagle, listed in the Red Book, and equally rare - Altai snowcock, large lentils.

And before the tourist gets to the glacier zone, he has the opportunity to taste Altai raspberries and currants, honeysuckle and lingonberries.

You can get to the top of Mount Belukha along the southern one - the easiest path for climbing. Complicating the task for yourself - to go through the Delone pass or try your luck through the Delone peak. And for the strongest and bravest - the Akkem wall.

Having passed the hard way, one must ascend to the top with an open mind. After all, the Three-Headed Mountain is the kingdom of spirits and the refuge of the gods, according to the beliefs of local residents. You can enter this kingdom only with bright thoughts and a pure heart.

Mount Belukha on the world map


The highest point in Siberia and one of the most beautiful places in Gorny Altai is Mount Belukha, on a satellite map it looks like a flying bird with spread wings. Geographically Belukha is located at the border between Russia and Kazakhstan. The legendary Katun River also originates from the mountain. Various tours and excursions are organized on Belukha, and there is also an opportunity to visit the mountain on your own. Today we will answer the question of how to get to Belukha Mountain by car.

Before answering the question of how to get to Belukha Mountain by car, let's talk a little about its majestic beauty and sights. The highest point of Mount Belukha is 4509 m. The first peak of Mount Belukha in the east is 4509 m high. The second peak of Mount Belukha in the west is 4435 m.

The distance between the two peaks is called the "Belukha Saddle", which breaks off to the north to the Akkem glacier. The territory on which the mountain is located has a 7-point seismic activity. Micro-earthquakes produced changes in the relief, which is dominated by high mountains with deep gorges; Mount Belukha on the satellite map confirms these changes.

Where is Mount Belukha located? This question can be answered by tour operators who organize hiking and horseback tours to the mountain. On horseback, you can climb to the foot of Belukha by purchasing a tour. The meeting takes place in Biysk, but you will have to get to the city by car or by train.

Rest in Altai on Belukha Mountain is possible in a hotel or in a tent. The tourist base "Belukha" is located near the village of Ust-Sema on the right bank of the Katun. You can spend the night in a tent in the Ak-Kem camp near the Akkem lakes. Many will ask how to get to Ak-Kem camp by car? The answer will be disappointing as there is no way to get there by car. There are two options - on foot or by helicopter.

So, where is Mount Belukha, we found out, it remains only to pave the way and answer the question of how to get to Mount Belukha by car? It all depends on which area you are coming from. In any case, you will need to get to Biysk, since this is the only way to Belukha. From Biysk we get the following route:

Biysk - Srostki - Maima - Manzherok - Ust-Sema - Shebalino - Seminsky pass - Neftebaza - Ust-Kan - Ust-Koksa - Tungur - Mount Belukha.

The road is good. After Biysk, a road with four lanes 20 km long will begin, after which it is again two-lane, but the asphalt is just as good. Before Ust-Sema there will be a crossroads, at which you will need to turn right onto the M-52 highway. After that, we pass through the Seminsky pass to the sign with a pointer to Ust-Koksa and Ust-Kan. The distance that will be required to travel these two settlements is 200 km. After that, you will get to the Uimon steppe, and after 60 km you will see the village of Tungur, where there are many proposals for organizing hikes and the opportunity to spend the night, but I would recommend to make an appointment in advance about a walking or horse tour.

How to get to Belukha Mountain by car? The answer to this question is not difficult, the main thing is to have a navigator, a little ingenuity and ability to deal with maps. But where is Mount Belukha, according to coordinates? The coordinates of Mount Belukha: 49.80712, 86.58881.


Mount Belukha (Alt. Uch-Sumer - Three-headed, Kadyn-Bazhy - Summit Katun) is the highest point of the Altai Mountains (4506 m), crowning the Katunsky ridge. It is located in the north-east of East Kazakhstan on the border of Kazakhstan and Russia (Ust-Koksinsky district of the Altai Republic). The name of the mountain comes from the abundant snow that covers the mountain from the top to the very bottom.

Geographic data

Mount Belukha is represented by two peaks in the form of irregular pyramids - Eastern (4506 m) and Western Belukha (4435 m) above sea levelfalling almost vertically to the north towards the Akkem glacier and gradually descending to the south towards the Katunskiy glacier. The depression between the peaks, called the "Belukha Saddle" (4000 m), also drops abruptly to the north to the Akkem glacier and more gently descends south to the Katun River.

Belukha .... This mountain has many names: Russians christened the mountain Belukha for the abundance of snow cover. Altaians called it "Uch-Sumer" - Three-headed, "Ak-Sumer" - White Head, "Katyn-Bashi" - the Top of Katun and "Ak-Su-Ryu" - White Water. The Kirghiz of Southern Altai called Belukha “Muss-Du-Tau” - Ice Mountain.

Belukha is the highest point of the Altai Mountains (4506 m), crowning the Katunsky ridge. Geographically, the mountain is located on the territory of the Ust-Koksinsky region, where the largest Altai river - the Katun - originates. The top of Mount Belukha is represented by two peaks in the form of irregular pyramids - Eastern Belukha (4506 meters) and Western Belukha (4435 meters), falling almost vertically to the north to the Akkem glacier and gradually decreasing to the south, towards the Katun glacier. The depression between the peaks, called the "Belukha Saddle" (4000 meters), also drops abruptly to the north to the Akkem glacier (another name is the Akkem wall) and descends more gently south to the Katun river.

Despite the fact that Belukha Mountain is relatively low, it is still considered harsh and inaccessible, which is explained by the harsh climate of Belukha: it is always cold here, a piercing wind blows, the rocks are almost everywhere all year round covered with thin glacial glaze, and the Belukha region itself is located on the border of the zones of 7-8-point seismic activity, in connection with which micro-earthquakes are very frequent here, the consequences of which are breaking of the ice shell, avalanches and landslides.

The most difficult route is the ascent from the north along the Akkem wall - a steep section of the northern side of Belukha between the eastern and western peaks.

Belukha is surrounded by glaciers on all sides. From the north, the Akkemsky glacier descends (other names are the Akkem wall, or the Rodzevich glacier), from the northeast lies the Sapozhnikov glacier (Iedygemsky glacier). From the southwest there are the Gebeler glaciers (Katunskiy glacier) and Small Berelskiy glaciers, from the south the large Berelskiy and Black glaciers, and from the west - the stepped icefall of the Tronov Brothers glacier (Kucherlinskiy glacier). All glaciers are large, from 2 to 10 square kilometers. Many of them descend below the border of the forest, so that the path to the top is through ice and snow. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe Belukha glaciers is 70 square kilometers. They give rise to the Katun River and its tributaries. There are also lakes in the Belukha region, the largest of which are Akkemskoye and Kucherlinskoye lakes.

Belukha is also the highest peak of the Katunsky ridge in Central Altai. The main watershed of the ridge is raised in the eastern part and forms a summit with a snow-white crown at the junction of three spurs. Removed at the same distance from three oceans - the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian, it turned out to be the central-summit node of the giant continent of Eurasia.
Belukha is the main peak of the Central Asian continent. Only along the periphery of this vast continental area, there are giant mountain ranges and peaks formed by Paleozoic and young Alpine folds. In the inland region of Russia, Belukha has no equal in absolute height, only in the Pacific belt of mountains its height exceeds the Klyuchevskaya Sopka in Kamchatka (4750 m).
The Paleogene uplift is reflected in the nature of the relief - it is alpine everywhere, typically alpine, with deep gorges, vertical alpine ridges rise above them up to 2500 m. Large areas of the massif are occupied by rocks, talus and moraines. The slopes are subject to the destructive effects of mudflows and avalanches. Belukha is a museum of a wide variety of geomorphological processes and landforms.
Erosional and accumulative landforms are widely represented in the Belukha region:
- punishment (huge circus-shaped depressions);
- troughs (trough-shaped valleys processed by a glacier);
- Carlings (pyramidal mountain peaks);
- lamb foreheads (bedrock, settled and polished by a glacier)
- terraces, moraines (clastic material of rocks falling onto a glacier and carried by glaciers to its tongue)

- fluvioglacial deposits water-glacial deposits.
Belukha is surrounded by glaciers on all sides: the Akkemsky (Rodzevich) glacier descends from the north, and the Sapozhnikov (Iedygemsky) glacier, the largest of Belukha's satellites, lies in the north-east. From the southwest there are the Gebeler (Katunskiy) and Maly Berelskiy glaciers, from the south the large Berelskiy and Cherny ones, and from the west - the stepped icefall of the Tronov Brothers (Kucherlinskiy) glacier. All glaciers are large, from 2 to 10 sq. Km. Many of them descend below the border of the forest, so that the path to the top is through ice and snow. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe Belukha glaciers is 70 sq. Km. They give rise to the Katun River and its tributaries.
On the slopes of the Belukha massif and in the valleys, 169 glaciers are known, with a total area of \u200b\u200b150 square kilometers Belukha Mountain carries almost 50% of the glaciers of the Katunsky ridge, which is over 60 percent of its glaciated area. By the number of glaciers and glaciation, Belukha takes the first place on the Katunsky ridge.
Belukha is also the highest peak of the Katunsky ridge in Central Altai. The main watershed of the ridge is raised in the eastern part and forms a summit with a snow-white crown at the junction of three spurs. Numerous glaciers (Mensu, Katunsky, Berelsky) are located on the slopes - at the headwaters of the Katun River, its channels and the Belaya Bereli River, with a total area of \u200b\u200b70 sq. km. The natural zone of the mountain is very diverse: the lower slopes are steppe and forest zones, higher - subalpine and alpine meadows, rocks, talus, glaciers.

The first managed to analyze the origin of the name of the mountain V.V. Sapozhnikov. The researcher himself interprets its name as an abundance of snow cover on the groans of the summit, hence - Belukha. Other names were given by the ancient Turks: Kadyn-Bazhi (the top of the Katun), Ak-Suru (majestic), Musdutuu (ice mountain), Uch-Ayry (mountain with three branches). All of them do not contradict the face of the mountain and correctly reflect its physical and geographical features.
The climate of the Belukha region is severe with long cold winters and short summers with rains and snowfalls. It changes, in accordance with the altitude tone, from the climate of the valleys at the foot of the summit to the climate of high snows and glaciers. Instrumental observations are carried out by two stations - Akkem and Karatyurek, located respectively at absolute heights of 2050 and 2600m. Near the Gebler glacier, on the southern slope of Belukha, the Katun meteorological station previously operated. The average July temperature in valleys at the upper border of the forest is 8.3 degrees C (Akkem), and at plateau-like peaks 6.3 degrees C (Karatyurek). In summer, at the top of Belukha, frosts up to -20 degrees C.
In winter, negative air temperatures are observed in January to -21 2 degrees C and remain low even in March to -4 degrees C. Temperature inversions are widespread. According to A.M. Komlev and Yu.V. Titovaya, the annual precipitation rate for Akkem and Karatyurek stations is 512-533 mm. Solid precipitation falls at an altitude of 3000-3200 m, and its annual value is 35-50 percent of the total. In the nival-glacial zone of Belukha, over 1000 mm of precipitation falls per year. Mountain-valley winds and hair dryers are common here.

... Tien Shan species of animals live here: argali, mountain goat, from birds - white and tundra partridges. Passerines live: chough, alpine jackdaw, Himalayan accentor. The Siberian mountain finch and the exotic species, the juniper grosbeak, are much less common. Of the species included in the Red Book of the Altai Republic, there are large lentils, golden eagles, Altai snowcock.
... Of the small mammals on stony placers and dwarf birches, the following are widespread: tundra shrew, red-gray, red and big-eared voles. At the headwaters of the Katun River, along its right bank, the Altai mouse and zokor live.
The first to mention Mount Belukha in his travel notes dating back to 1793 was the traveler P. Shangin. Lush, like Siberian fur coats, snow robes on the graceful shoulders of Belukha made an indelible impression on him. Altai mountain Belukha gained worldwide fame after in 1923 the Russian artist and philosopher N.K. Roerich announced his intention to erect on its ledge, at an altitude of 2000 meters, the Temple, which was to become the sacred center of the world; at its top - to create a "Meeting Place", and at the foot - the City of its associates.

The Belukha mountain range is composed of rocks of the Middle and Upper Cambrian. Many spurs of the massif are outcrops of sandstone and shale. Less spread by conglomerates. Part of the massif is composed of typical fleece-like formations. Faults, cracks and overthrusts of rocks testify to the tectonic instability of the Belukha territory. Steep, almost vertical slip zones are characteristic of the northern slope of Belukha, especially from the side of the river valley. Akkem.
The Belukha region is located on the border of 7-8-point seismic activity zones. Micro-earthquakes are very frequent here. Their consequences are breaking of the ice shell, avalanches and landslides. Since the Paleogene, the territory has been experiencing an intense tectonic uplift, which continues to this day.
The formation of the Belukha horst (uplifted areas of the earth's crust) date back to the Early Quaternary (1.5 million years ago).


The climate of the Belukha region is severe with long cold winters and short summers with rains and snowfalls. It changes, in accordance with the altitude tone, from the climate of the valleys at the foot of the summit to the climate of high snows and glaciers. The average July temperature in the valleys at the upper border of the forest is 8.3 degrees C (Akkem), and at plateau-like peaks 6.3 degrees C (Karatyurek). In summer, at the top of Belukha, frosts down to -20 degrees C are not rare. In winter, negative air temperatures are observed in January to -21 2 degrees C and remain low even in March to -4 degrees.

Water resources

The Belukha rivers belong mainly to the basin of the Katun river flowing from the southern slope of the Gebler glacier. The rivers Kucherla, Akkem, Idygem also originate here. The water streams born near the Belukha glaciers form a special Altai type of rivers. Melted waters of glaciers and snows take part in feeding the rivers; rainfall is of little importance.
The rivers are characterized by maximum flow in summer and low in the rest of the year. Rivers are fleeting, often forming waterfalls.
The lakes in the area of \u200b\u200bBelukha Mountain lie in deep pits and trough valleys. Their origin is associated with the activity of ancient glaciers. Large lakes - Bolshoye Kucherlinskoye, Nizhnee Akkemskoye, etc.

Flora and fauna

The Belukhinsky massif, like any mountainous country, is characterized by variegated vegetation. According to many researchers, the main part of the ridge belongs to the Katunsky high-mountainous region, where a wide variety of forest and high-mountain formations is noted: the lower slopes are steppe and forest zones, higher - subalpine and alpine meadows, rocks, talus, glaciers.
In the upper reaches of the Katun 'and the Koksu rivers, dark coniferous forests prevail, with a predominance of Siberian spruce, cedar, and Siberian fir. Larch and deciduous species are common: birch, mountain ash. Shrubs are represented by meadowsweet, honeysuckle, caragana. With height, the role of cedar increases significantly, honeysuckle and lingonberry begin to predominate from shrubs and shrubs.
In the upper part of the forest belt, a round-leaved birch appears from shrubs; from grasses - subalpine and alpine forbs. Currants and raspberries are also common here.
Of the small mammals on stony placers and dwarf birches, the following are widespread: tundra shrew, red-gray, red and big-eared voles. At the headwaters of the Katun River, along its right bank, the Altai mouse and zokor live. A lynx, a snow leopard, and from ungulates: a Siberian ibex come here occasionally.
Birds are much more diverse. Hunting and commercial: white and tundra partridges. Passerines live: chough, alpine jackdaw, Himalayan accentor. The Siberian mountain finch and the exotic species, the juniper grosbeak, are much less common. Of the species included in the Red Book of the Altai Republic, there are large lentils, golden eagles, Altai snowcock.

History of the place

The first managed to analyze the origin of the name of the mountain V.V. Sapozhnikov. The researcher himself interprets its name as an abundance of snow cover on the groans of the summit, hence - Belukha. Other names were given by the ancient Turks: Kadyn-Bazhi (the top of the Katun), Ak-Suru (majestic), Musdutuu (ice mountain), Uch-Ayry (mountain with three branches). All of them do not contradict the face of the mountain and correctly reflect its physical and geographical features.
The first to mention Mount Belukha in his travel notes dating back to 1793 was the traveler P. Shangin. Lush, like Siberian fur coats, snow robes on the graceful shoulders of Belukha also made an indelible impression on him.
In the first half of the XIX century. traveler Friedrich Gebler discovered the first Altai glaciers here, at the source of the Katun. One of them is named after him. Gebler made another discovery: he established that the Belukha peaks are the highest point of Altai. Later, the height of Belukha was determined at 4506 meters above sea level.
Well, the first ascent of Belukha was made in 1914 by the Tronov brothers, after whom one of the large glaciers located above Lake Kucherlinskoye is also named.
The Altai received worldwide fame after in 1923 the Russian artist and philosopher N.K. Roerich announced his intention to erect on its ledge, at an altitude of 2000 meters, the Temple, which was to become the sacred center of the world; at its top - to create a "Meeting Place", and at the foot - the City of its associates.
Belukha has long been considered sacred. They also considered her a refuge of formidable forces and were afraid to even look at her. It was believed that the evil spirit Erlik dwelt in her icy palaces and caves, which would punish anyone who dared to climb the slopes of Belukha: avalanches, rockfalls, landslides. They said that everyone who dares to climb Belukha will lose their sight. Much of this now has an explanation. So, for example, the first daredevils who tried to climb glaciers and snowfields without dark glasses were really blinded by the burning reflected light.
Beluga whales have long been shrouded in a halo of myths, secrets and legends. Many believe that somewhere there is hidden the mysterious Shambhala, the paradise that will come after the disappearance of people.
Umai, the goddess of the Turks, lives on Belukha. From here the great Buddha - Gautama came to India. The Old Believers believe that somewhere nearby is the happy country of Belovodye, which not everyone can get into.
According to other beliefs, an energy bridge runs from Belukha straight to Everest. Here is the center of the Earth, energetically connected with the Cosmos.
Indigenous Altaians do not come close to their shrine. In general, the cult of mountains is very developed in Asia - one should approach a sacred or revered peak with humility in the heart, with pure thoughts.
But even now, many believe that Belukha is a place energetically connected with the Cosmos. They are confident that this "navel" of the Earth (so called Belukha because it is equally distant from three oceans - the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian) can give people a boost of vigor and health.
Belukha is far from the highest mountain in the world, nevertheless, in terms of the degree of danger, it is among the first. Glaciers descend so low that almost all the way to the summit passes exclusively on ice and snow. There is only one relatively easy route to the top of Belukha - along the Gebler glacier, all the rest require high mountaineering training. On the slopes of the summit, you can meet with snow fleeces, and with loose snow, and with formidable avalanches. The white whale is rarely open, it is usually wrapped in clouds, and even on clear, windless days, you can see how snowy flags of the most bizarre outlines form on its tops. Bearing in mind this property of her, the Altai say: "Belukha is a woman, beautiful and inaccessible ... and therefore fabulously attractive." Not only the weather is changing every minute, but also the relief. There are constantly icefalls and rockfalls. Belukha has unique natural features that put a relatively low peak on a par with the greatest peaks of the Pamir and Tien Shan. Suffice it to say that the peak of Communism, being almost 3000 m higher than Belukha, rises above the line of eternal snows only 1000 m more than the Altai peak.

Characteristic Places of power

Psychoemotional influence of Belukha
The influence of this mountain on human thinking is clear and noticeable even from a distance. This influence spreads in the human community like circles on water. It is invisible to the eye, but it is felt at the moment when we begin to think about Belukha or learn something about it.
The mountain is notable for its unconditional scale of impact on the nature of Altai, Russian Siberia, Northern Kazakhstan.

The energy of Belukha consists of several stable sensations characteristic of this mountain, transmitted through non-verbal channels. First of all, it is the feeling of high altitude. This is a special state of consciousness that clarifies thinking, nourishes the hearts of those who live in lowlands and flat areas with romance. Any high peak influences this way, but Belukha has a special flavor. Due to the fact that this peak is completely covered with glaciers, it breathes with harsh beauty and strength.
The generalized perception of Belukha also includes its special form. The mountain range (with this mountain) is located in a semicircle. This semicircle is open to the north. And for most observers, the Belukha Ridge works like a reflecting curved mirror directed at the observer. Such influence creates an energetic overload of the observer's thinking and requires its realization.
Behind this generalized impression there is a vivid state of identification with the mountain itself. It was brought in by those who climbed the mountain itself or came as close to its foot as possible. This layer of sensations in the collective consciousness is not immediately apparent and carries a distinct emotional strength and clarity of perception. In addition, in this there is a vector orientation of the flow of attention to the north along the Akkem River.
Another important characteristic of Belukha is Lake Akkem, located at its foot, and a wonderful ecosystem that has captured talus between the lower glaciers and the beginning of the lake itself. The ecosystem revives the Belukha and creates the effect of a living organism that has grown under its protection. And Lake Akkem calms and adjusts to contemplation.
Well, another factor that strikes and fills living beings with energy is the active movement of air masses around this mountain. Such a lively climate leads to rapid changes in the weather and this contrast, like a charged battery, attracts a huge amount of natural energy to the mountain.
All this could not but have an impact on the mythology of the mountain itself and on its social attractiveness in the future. The social aura that envelops Belukha has a stratification and penetration into this stratification is possible only with a personal presence in the aura of the mountain. This layering has a very interesting feature - each surface layer has grown on the previous one, and the deeper you penetrate into this layering, the better the human experience accumulated in this Place of Power is felt, enveloping the mountain with its attention.

Practice and techniques of working with the Place of Power

As a Place of Power, Belukha is serious enough to use it in small ways. Such a place is best suited to support a very important, innermost goal. A goal that will benefit not only you, but other people as well. A goal that will be beneficial not only to people, but also to other living organisms.
The future of each of us is formed from our past and the social trend that surrounds us. It is very important, when choosing your future, to look for it in yourself, to probe the possibilities of its emergence outside yourself, and to know how to achieve it. This outlook on the future is constructive and is an excellent track for channeling the energy that is felt around Belukha.
Beluga whale will make your way creative and promising. She will add significance and tranquility to your image.
With a more professional approach, the egregorial activity that Belukha has mastered is quite applicable as gasoline for movement to various purposes.

Belukha appears unexpectedly in the gap of dark fir trees, 1000 m higher than the surrounding mountains, shining in the heavenly blue with finely outlined white edges. An unusually beautiful sight! But Belukha attracts not only with its beauty. Altaians consider Belukha sacred. In Altai there is a legend about the insidious and evil spirit Erlik, who lives in ice palaces and underground caves. He must punish anyone who dares to enter even the slopes of the mountain, into the refuge of formidable forces, manifested in avalanches, rockfalls, landslides, thunderstorms. It was here, in Altai, that for two centuries in a row Russian people were looking for the mysterious Belovodye - a sacred country, a country of happiness and joy. The peaks of Belukha are closest to the sky, therefore, since ancient times, the mountain was considered the abode of gods and spirits. According to ancient beliefs, Umai, the goddess of the Turks, lives on Belukha, Belukha is the home of Lightning, Thunder and the Two-Headed Eagle. Lightning is the command of the gods to create life from its very center, a terrifying fire can fall on the uninitiated, possessed by pride, can bring light and enlightenment to a pure heart.
The indigenous Altaians venerate this place, and do not disturb it in vain, believing that the mountain is fraught with a threat for those who want to contact it unprepared.

And there is also a legend in Altai that once a whole people went underground in order not to submit to the "white king". The image of Belukha is associated with the arrival of the White Burkhan, with prophecies of a great future. The following prophecy is also associated with Belukha: when Belukha changes its shape, the time for a new religion will come. Altaians call Belukha "Uch-Sumer" (Three peaks). The indigenous population also calls it "a mountain that cannot be stepped on." One of the peaks of Belukha is called Urusvati. Sahaja Yogis believe that Uch-Sumer is the embodiment of Trigunatmika (three forms of the Great Goddess): Mahakali, Mahalakshmi, Mahasaraswati.

This mountain is not easy to get to. You cannot drive up to it in a comfortable car. The track leads to a certain place, and further 50 km you have to walk, not everyone will pass, you need to be prepared. A narrow path, narrow gates ... On both sides of the path there are two lakes, the distance between them is no more than a meter, one is black, lifeless; the other is blue, transparent, stones are visible at the bottom. It is like an allegory of the Ego and Superego of a person and a narrow passage in the Agnya chakra, which must be crossed in order to move from the mental perception of the world to the spiritual.

When you pass the "narrow gate of Agia", a beautiful panorama opens before you - a huge three-headed peak of sparkling snow and ice.
Energetically, the "feminine principle" is strongly felt here. Altaians call this mountain Kadyn-Bazhy - “Great Shakti” (ie Great Goddess).

Panorama from the Kara-Turek pass to Belukha, Akkem lake and Yarlu.

On Belukha there is the Akkem wall - a two-kilometer sheer block of ice. Almost to the entire height of the wall, nature has created an image of a Woman standing at full height, her hair and dress are fluttering. Not everyone who has been to Belukha sees the Woman, the locals call her the Spirit of the Mountain. The most amazing thing is that every two years she carries a child in her arms.

At the foot of the mountain there is Lake Akkem (tourists call it Mecca, if you read the name in reverse). The beautiful mountain is reflected in the clear waters of the lake ...

The main river of Altai, the Katun, originates from Belukha, the Altai name "Kadyn" - "Mistress", "Woman", "Beauty". Katun changes its colors every season: in winter it is frozen in ice; in spring, when it is stormy and full of water, when sands and gravel are washed out, it is gray; in summer - white - at this time limestones are washed out. But the most beautiful Katun is in autumn, when it turns emerald green.

Merging with the river. Biya ("Biy" - "Vladyka"), they create the great Siberian river Ob ("Ob" - "calmed down", "resigned"). There are many legends and stories about the rivers of Altai.
Having heard all these stories, legends and legends, it is difficult not to dare to go to bow to the snow-white beauty, or maybe, if you are lucky, and see the world from its top. This mountain attracts thousands of people from all over the world. However, it is not so easy to see her. From the nearest machine roads to it, you have to walk more than a dozen kilometers along mountain paths, overcome the passes. However, nothing stops the enthusiastic. Altaians believe that the Spirit of Altai with Umai-ene's companion, Mother Umai, is in the sky above the mountain ranges. In honor of them, on the trees of the passes, the Altai, and now tourists, tie white ribbons, because it depends on them whether the path will be safe. The waters of Ak-Kem are milky white. "Ak-Kem" means "white river". On the left rise the purple ridges of the Jarlu valley with a glade of edelweiss, on the right, the valley of the Seven Lakes. The unearthly beauty of the sparkling two-headed summit, the amazing change of colors, the proximity of the sky, the twinkling of the stars on Ak-Keme and Semiozero are a reflection of divine beauty on Earth, and at the same time the center in which "two worlds" unite: Hell and Paradise, darkness and light, death and a life. Two black mountains Bronya and Boris, like two guards, frame on both sides
On the snowy slope, you can see the girl - the soul of the Mountain, who, with the flaps of her wings, creates wind and coolness. On a sunny day, her snow-white clothes, reflecting the firmament, acquire a golden glow, giving renewal and hope to everyone who looks at her. At night, together with the stars - snow-white lambs, it is reflected in the depths of the Ak-Kemsky lake, reminding that our soul is also formed in the darkness, in the darkness of the underworld. With her dance, the girl invites you to connect with the sacred spark inside you and manifest it in the world, as a guide to the kingdom of the soul, she is always with you.
The Mandorla, born of the intersection of the two-headed summit and the firmament, warns of a test that lies ahead for anyone who wants to approach Belukha, conquer it, and touch the sacred. Mandorla reminds that in order to grow into an earthly reality, it is necessary on your way to meet trials that include all opposite poles of life: good and evil, love and hate, and to combine all these aspects, light and dark.

It is not difficult to get to Mount Belukha, but to the shrine of the Golden Mountains - Belukha - the path is not easy. Keeping clean, the mountain can be covered with clouds for weeks, and avalanches descend one after another ...

If Belukha accepts you, then perhaps you will be lucky enough to see the EAGLE dance. This is a sacred dance that will strengthen your spiritual aspiration, give vigilance and the ability to soar in the clouds.

Here is what Sergei Alekseevich Filimonov, master of sports in mountain tourism, Belarusian "snow leopard" (that is, the one who climbed five seven-thousanders) says about this region: "Altai differs from other regions that I have visited. When I I went on purely sports hikes, Altai attracted by the proximity of the glacier and the forest zone, that is, you could climb in the ice all day, and in the evening go down to the grass to the fire.

Mount Belukha is the main peak of the Katunsky ridge (one of the names of Kadyn-Bazhy is precisely translated as “The Top of Katun”) and the highest peak of the Altai Mountains, is one of the largest mountains in Russia.

In the South Altai language, the mountain is called Uch-Sumer, which means "Three-headed".

Belukha peak was named after its color - it is abundantly covered with snow, 169 glaciers are concentrated on the slopes, representing more than 60% of the glaciation area of \u200b\u200bthe Katunsky ridge.

The height of Belukha Mountain is 4509 meters.

The height of the Belukha Saddle, the depression between the peaks (this is the place that is recognizable in many photographs of the mountain), is 4000 meters.

The mountain range is composed of rocks of the Cambrian period, the relief rose in the Paleogene, is located on the border of seismic zones (7-8-point activity).

The climate of the mountainous region of Belukha is harsh: winters are long, and summers are short, altitudinal zoning can be traced. Forests stretch up to 2000-2200 meters, thicker on the northern slopes. There is also an alpine belt in the valley - lush meadows with impressive views of Belukha.

The fauna of Belukha Mountain and the foothills is rodents, lynxes, snow leopards (they are extremely rare), Siberian ibex.

Climbing Belukha

The first in history successful ascent of Mount Belukha in Altai was made by the Tronov brothers in 1914. Modern records - the first paragliding flight from the Eastern Belukha (Levkin and Usanov, 2000), a two-hour extreme skiing (D. Shchitov, 2003).

Now Belukha Mountain is a tourist attraction with a developed tourist infrastructure. There are many options for tours and excursions: these are horse trails, and hiking in the surroundings, and mountaineering ascents to different heights. The easiest way to the top of Eastern Belukha is from the south; it was assigned an average category of difficulty - 3A. The ascent along the Akkem wall is faster, but also more difficult - 3B tourist, 4A-4B mountaineering.

The optimal season for overcoming the routes is from June to September.

Attractions of Belukha

The slopes of Belukha are popular not only among climbers and other extreme tourists, but also among travelers who want to touch the history, nature and culture of the region.

Jarlu Valley with Shaman Stone - one of the most mystical places in Gorny Altai. There are often groups of people meditating here. Tourists who are not fond of esotericism also do not bypass the Jarlu valley: the bright colors of the surrounding forests, high mountain walls and rare alpine flowers - edelweiss, make the landscapes unforgettable.

Lake Akkem it is equally popular both among mystics (they consider the name of the reservoir to be visionary, since on the contrary it is read as “Mecca”) and among lovers of trekking. The lake is located on the northern slope of the mountain. The name of the reservoir is translated as "White Water" - after all, melt water from the Belukha glaciers feeds it. Tourists go hiking to the lake to enjoy the photographic view - the reflection of Belukha in Lake Akkem.

On the way to Lake Akkem, one of the highest waterfalls in the region meets - Tekelu... The height of the fall of mountain water is 60 meters.

Mountain Spirit Lake with unusually clear water. The water is so transparent that it seems it does not exist. Light ripples appear on the surface from the wind, distorting the bottom image. This led to the emergence of local legends about spirits.

Unusual facts about Belukha

  • Mount Belukha is equidistant from four oceans.
  • The highest point of Siberia is the Eurasian watershed, in latitudes above which rivers flow to the north, and beyond the watershed, to the south, rivers flow to the south.
  • The total area of \u200b\u200bthe Belukha glaciers is 150 sq. km. In total, there are 169 glaciers on its slopes. The largest of them is the Sapozhnikov Glacier, which is more than 10 kilometers long.
  • The Belukha summits are an exact projection of the three stars of the Orion belt.
  • Belukha is located in a zone of seismic activity - earthquakes of 7-8 magnitude happened here. On the slopes of the mountain, you can find many cracks and tectonic faults.
  • On the slope of Belukha there is the most high-altitude Orthodox shrine - the chapel of the Archangel Michael. It was erected in memory of the travelers who died in the mountains.

Myths and legends

Picturesque surroundings - paths along century-old cedars, piercing mountain lakes, turbulent rivers and inaccessible rocky peaks, have long excited the minds of local peoples and travelers. For many centuries, Mount Belukha has acquired hundreds of legends, almost its own mythology.

  • According to the legends of Buddhist monks, the legendary land of Shambhala is located on the top of Belukha. Local Buddhists believe that from here Gautama Buddha went to India.
  • Altaians believe that the evil spirit Erlike dwells in one of the underground caves. It punishes everyone who steps into its territory - it brings down rockfalls, avalanches and thunderstorms on travelers.
  • It was in the vicinity of Belukha that Russians searched for the sacred country of Belovodye for 2 centuries. According to legend, once upon a time a whole people went underground to avoid subjugation to the "White Tsar".
  • There are also legends about the White Burkhan - a mysterious deity, whose arrival was expected by people at the beginning of the 20th century. Then Belukha changed its shape (the third peak collapsed), which the local population considered a sign.
  • Some Buddhists believe that the Belukha caves lead to Tibet. The legend is based on a real fact - in the vicinity of Belukha there is the deepest cave in Russia, its depth is 345 meters.
  • Women come to Belukha to be treated for infertility. According to local beliefs, the goddess Umai, the patroness of children and mothers, lives on the top of the mountain.
  • For hundreds, there was a belief that the one who climbed Belukha would be overtaken by the punishment of the gods - he would go blind. The legend has a real basis - the first brave mountain climbers were blinded by the bright sunlight reflected from the snow.

The most famous researcher of the mystical side of Belukha was Nicholas Roerich - a domestic artist, scientist, esotericist, traveler. He researched the legends about the mysterious Shambhala and Belovodye.

How to get to Belukha Mountain

Coordinates of Belukha Mountain (latitude and longitude for the navigator) - 49 ° 48'26.7 "N, 86 ° 34'53.5" E

As a rule, independent travelers build their route to Belukha through the village of Tungur. The distance to the village from Gorno-Altaysk is 450 km, from Barnaul - almost 600 km. The initial route from Gorno-Altaysk runs along Р-256, after about 170 km you need to turn onto Р-373 (according to the sign to Neftebaza) and then continue along this road to Tungur, according to the navigator you can navigate to coordinates 50 ° 9′39 ″ N, 86 ° 18'55 "E.

There are regular buses to Tungur, but they rarely go - twice a week.

Already a couple of kilometers from the village there are tourist centers, to the mountain - about 40 km.

Panoramic views of Mount Belukha on Google maps. Maps

Video about Mount Belukha

The greatness and beauty of Belakha Mountain has long attracted tourists, climbers eager to climb, hunters for impressive photos of the mountain, artists, geographers, researchers from different countries.

The first scientist to study the roots of the name of Mount Belukha was Sapozhnikov. He argued that the name "Belukha" was due to the large amount of snow on the mountain.

Mount Belukha also has other names, ancient Türkic: Kadyn-Bazhi, is interpreted as a mountain located at the source of the Katun River, Ak-Suru is translated as majestic, Musdutuu is a mountain of ice, Uch-Ayry is a mountain branched in three directions. All these names characterize this peak in different ways.

Location and relief

Mount Belukha rises above all the mountains of Altai and Siberia, its height is 4506 m. The geographical coordinates of Belukha are 49.8 degrees north latitude and 86.59 degrees east longitude. Mount Belukha is visible on the map as the highest of those belonging to the Katunsky ridge, which stretches in the middle of Altai.

Photo: "GoraBeluha" by Elgin Yuri

The summit of Kadyn-Bazhi is located at the intersection of three branches of the elevated section of the main ridge separating the water basins. The summit is located at approximately the same distance from the shores of the three oceans; it is the central mountain of the vast continent. Mount Belukha is a huge powerful mountain range.

The mountain is 200 meters higher than the adjacent mountain ranges. By area, the Belukha massif overtakes Tabyn-Bogdo-Ola, located between Russia and Mongolia. Mount Belukha unites the branches of the Katun ridge, while destroying their parallel location around the Katun. The ridges of the watershed in the form of wings line up in height from Argut and Katun to the top of Kadyn-Bazhi.


The river network covering and surrounding the Katun ridge includes the valley of the great Katun River, which stretches across the entire Altai, flowing into it from the right Argut and Kok-su. Most of the river streams flow into the Katun, which originates from the Gebler glacier. They immediately begin: Kucherla, Akkem, Idygem. The waters of Belaya Berel collect in the southeast of the Belukha slope and feed the Bukhtarma River.

The rivers flowing from the Belukha glaciers are included in the river type characteristic of Altai. These rivers are fed by glaciers, and only to some extent by rain. The rivers reach their maximum water flow during the summer period, at other times of the year it is lowered. Mountain rivers have strong currents and sometimes create water drops.

There is a beautiful waterfall called Rossypnaya on the river, which also flows into the Katun on the right. The lakes of the Belukha region are usually tarry or are located in trough valleys. They happened as a result of ancient glacial activity. The largest of them are: Bolshoye Kucherlinskoye and Nizhneye Akkemskoye.

Geology, tectonics and origin of the mountain

Mount Belukha is composed of Middle and Upper Cambrian rocks. Many spurs are represented by shale and sandstone outcrops. Conglomerates are present to a lesser extent.

The territory of the massif is experiencing constant movements in the earth's crust, as evidenced by the presence of faults, numerous ruptures and displacements in rocks. The Belukha slope facing Akkem has steep and sliding zones. The Belukha region is characterized by seismic activity up to 7-8 points.

Small earthquakes occur here almost constantly. As a result, there are frequent landslides and avalanches, violations of the integrity of the ice cover. Since the Paleogene and Neogene times, the territory has been subject to constant and intense uplift, which lasts until the present time.

The uplift significantly influenced the relief - the mountains here are all high, belong to the Quaternary type of folding, there are depressions between the mountains, and the surrounding ridges have risen 2.5 km in height. On the area of \u200b\u200bthe massif there are rocky and talus surfaces and glacial deposits. The integrity of the slopes is disturbed under the influence of frequent mudflows and convergence of snow masses.


The climatic conditions of the Belukha region are unfavorable for life, characterized by a long winter period with low temperatures and a cool, short summer, during which it rains.

The climate changes depending on the mountainous zone, from the temperate climate of low-altitude valleys to the nival regions of the mountain peaks. Weather observations are conducted from two points Akkem and Karatyurek at altitudes of 2050 and 2600.

The July temperature in the valley where the forest zone ends is 8.3 C, and on the peaks in the form of a plateau 6.3 C. In summer, at the top it is often -20 C. Winter January temperatures reach -21, 2 C. It is cold here and in March to -4 C. Temperature inversions take place. Typical precipitation figures for these stations are 512-533 mm.

Snow begins to fall at an altitude of 3 to 3.2 km above sea level. The Belukha nival belt has more than 1000 mm of precipitation per year. Mountain winds blow here, as well as hair dryers - warm winds from the mountains.

Belukha glaciers

Belukhinsky region has 169 glaciers occupying the massif. Their total area is 150 square kilometers. Half of all glaciers of the Katunskiy ridge are present here, and this is 60% of the entire area of \u200b\u200bits ice shell.

M.V. Tronov identified the glaciers of this mountain in a specific type, the features of which are: the location of feeding sites at high altitudes, a high angle of inclination of glacial flows, the position of the lower edges at a low altitude in river valleys, pressing close to the surfaces of the mountains.

In these places there are 6 huge glaciers, among which there are, named after Sapozhnikov, it is also the largest in Altai, the length is 10.5 kilometers, the surface area is 13.2 square kilometers. Among the glacial masses of Belukha, there are no significant differences between the northern and southern slopes, as in other glacial regions.

The reason for this feature is that more precipitation falls in the south and melting occurs faster than on the shaded and dry northern slope. Ice moves at an average speed of 30 to 50 meters per year. The highest speed was recorded on the Brothers Gromov glacier, at the lower edge of ice movement it reaches 120 meters per year. On Mount Belukha, avalanches often come down due to the accumulating snow in rather steep areas.


The Belukhinsky massif has a wide variety of vegetation, like other mountainous areas. The main section of the ridge, belonging to the Katunsky high-mountainous region, has a variety of forests.

The forest zone reaches a height of 2 kilometers, on the western and eastern slopes up to 2.2 kilometers, and gains more development on the northern slope. The eastern zone of the southern slope has a fragmented forest belt.

On the lower implicit border, there are dark coniferous forests dominated by spruce and Siberian fir, as well as cedar. There are larch and trees throwing off foliage - birch and mountain ash. Among the shrubs - meadowsweet, honeysuckle, caragana. The higher, the more common cedar is.