Chichen Itza Who Built. Chichen Itza, Mexico: the legacy of the ancient Mayans and Toltecs

The ruins of the ancient city of Chichen Itza are located approximately 120 kilometers southeast of the city of Merida. It is the most famous archaeological site of the Mayan period and the Yucatan state.

We continue the series of stories about the pyramids of the world from LifeGlobe. Last time we talked about the underwater pyramids of Yonaguni Island, now came through the story of the great city of the Mayan Indians, their culture and structures.

Contrary to popular belief, the Maya were not an empire - they were a group of autonomous cities, often interacting with other states in the region. Chichen Itza and many other important Mayan cities were built in accordance with the sacred beliefs of the Indians - cities were built, reflecting the position of various astronomical objects of the night sky

So, who built this ancient city and its pyramids? The Maya were an ancient civilization of southern Mexico and other South American countries such as Guatemala, Honduras, Belize and El Salvador. Nowadays, about 6 million Mayan descendants live here, speaking many different dialects

The Maya people were very well versed in astronomy, during the first millennium AD, they studied in detail and mapped the movement of the sun, moon, and other planets and stars. Their religion and mythology was based on this, explaining the past, present and future. The Maya also invented a brilliant mathematical system, a writing system, and a combination of three precise interconnected calendars.

In addition to the city of Chichen Itza, the Maya are also famous for a number of other city-temples, such as Palenque, Uxmal, Copan, etc. Many of these cities have been restored by archaeologists, while some remain underground and await their turn. It is also worth noting that the Maya were able to travel long distances across the ocean by developing a sophisticated method of navigating the stars.

Let's turn specifically to the history of the construction of the city of Chichen Itza. The Proto-Maya tribes have inhabited the flat plateau of the Yucatan Peninsula for 8,000 years. Archaeologists believe that this site has been a major pilgrimage site for millennia.

Chichen Itza became the capital and social center of the Maya in the eighth century. First, the coastal territories of the Yucatan were inhabited, then the settlements spread over the entire peninsula. Thanks to two large sources of clean water that do not dry out throughout the year, Chichen Itza became the most powerful Mayan city

In the 10th century, the city was captured by the Toltecs, making Chichen Itza the capital of the Toltec state, but was later conquered by the combined army of three Mayan cities. After the 12th century, the Yucatan was mysteriously deserted, as the Spanish conquerors destroyed Mayan manuscripts and clergy. By the time of the Spanish conquests in the 16th century, Chichen Itza was in ruins

As a result of excavations in the city, many architectural monuments were discovered, in particular, the famous Chichen Itza pyramids. The most prominent among them is the Temple of Kukulkan - a pyramid of 9 steps, 24 meters high. It is surprising that on the days of the autumn and spring equinoxes, the rays of the sun illuminate the stairs of the pyramid in such a way that they form the image of seven isosceles triangles, which, in turn, make up the body of a 37-meter snake, crawling as the sun moves towards its head, carved in stone at the base stairs

On a small pyramid of 4 steps is the Temple of the Warriors of Chichen Itza, adjacent to it is the Temple of the Jaguars and the Mayan Observatory called Caracol. Surprisingly, the Mayan Indians played football. Naturally, not in the form in which it is customary to play this game now, but nevertheless, during excavations, 7 large fields for a ball game were discovered. The largest field was 135 meters long

We also managed to preserve the statues of the gods, with very interesting detail and style of execution, many craft items and various utensils. A sacred well 50 meters deep has also survived, which was probably used for sacrifices.

In our time, the Mexican government has bought a piece of land of 83 hectares, on which the city of Chichen Itza is located, in order to preserve it. This is one of the main attractions of Mexico, recognized by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site. In 2007, the city was recognized as one of the new seven wonders of the world

The Aztecs had similar cities in Mexico, for example, the city of Teotihuacan, which looks no less majestic.

Chichen Itza - ancient Mayan city

Chichen Itza (Spanish. Chichen itza) Is an ancient Mayan city on the Yucatan Peninsula (Mexico). The name translated from the Mayan language means "Near the entrance to the well of Itza" or "The mouth of the well of the sorcerers of water." In a literal translation, "chi" from the Maya language is translated as "mouth", "chen" is a "well", "itza" is the name of the Mayan tribe, according to legend, they were the first to appear on our land. According to archaeologists and anthropologists, this city was built on the so-called "place of power".

This ancient Mayan city was founded by the Itza tribe around the 7th century. During the reign of King Kakupakal, in the second half of the 9th century, the city became the foremost power in the region. During this period, a number of majestic structures in the "Puuc" style were built, such as the palace and the observatory, which the Spanish conquerors later called Caracol (Snail).

In the 10th century, the Itza tribe suffered defeats in a war with their neighbors and left the city for a while. After some time, itza, in alliance with the Toltecs, under the leadership of the priest Quetzalcoatl (Kukulkan), conquered Chichen. In 1047, the halach-vinik Pochekishtsoy turned Chichen Itza into the capital of his new Tolteko-May state. During this period, new buildings appeared in the city, such as:

1. Step pyramid of Kukulkan 24 meters high;
2. Temple of Warriors on 4-step pyramids;
3. Jaguar Temple;
4. Group of a thousand columns;
5. Sacred cenote - a well 50 meters deep for sacrifices;
6. Large 135-meter ball field and other buildings.

In 1194, in the battle of Chichenchen, the Chichena troops were defeated by the Ushmal people, the high priest of Kukulkan Hapaykan was captured and executed. After 222 days, the capital was captured and burned by the Mayapans, commanded by Hunakkeel. The ruler of Chichen Itza, Chakshibchak, fled to Peten Itza.
After 1244, Chichen Itza completely lost its independence and the city was ruled by representatives of the Mayapan. At the end of the 15th century, the city was completely deserted, leaving behind a number of major architectural monuments of the Mayan and Toltec eras. Also preserved are statues of gods with characteristic Maya plastic forms, reliefs with geometric and floral ornaments, and other works of art and crafts.

Chichen Itza, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is the second most popular tourist attraction in Mexico. When traveling to Mexico, be sure to include Chichen Itza in your itinerary. In 2007, the Mayan city was listed as a New Wonder of the World.

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Attractions Chichen Itza

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Is Chichen Itza worthy of attention? No matter what, yes. This should not be missed, otherwise the situation will turn out a la "Come to Moscow and not see Red Square."

But there is one "but"... Remember when I said that Chichen Itza is very popular among tourists? Do you know what I have on this score? It seems to me that there are so many tourists here, because the Chichen Itza pyramids are the most accessible in the Yucatan. The most convenient way to get to them is from Cancun, and the entire Riviera Maya, Merida, Valladolid. Therefore, they are the most visited. I am not belittling the merits of this complex, but I also don’t think that it is indisputably the best in Mexico. Undoubtedly, if we compare this complex with the nearby Koboi or Ek-Balam, it wins both in scale and in importance. But we drove through more than half of Mexico, seeing Teotihuacan, Monte Alban, Uxmal, Palenque, Etzna and these pyramids impressed no less Chichen Itza, and some even several times more.

Enjoy your walks around Chichen Itza, dear readers!

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Chichen Itza (in the Yucatan Maya language Chi "ch" èen Ìitsha " literally " in the mouth of itza well", That is, the place at the mouth of the well of the Itza people) - one of the largest and, without a doubt, the most famous cultural and political center of the Indians Central America pre-Columbian period. Maya believed that the city was founded by themselves Kukulcan (among the Aztecs known as Quetzalcoatl), one of the most important Indian deities. Chichen Itza recognized as one of the seven modern wonders of the world.

Location of Chichen Itza

Chichen Itza located in Mexico, in the northern part of the peninsula Yucatan, 1.5 km south of a small town Piste (Piste), located on the highway connecting the two largest cities of the northern Yucatan - Merida (Merida) and Cancun ( Cancun).

Chichen Itza history

Chichen Itza founded by the Maya Indians, according to legend, the legendary people itza, which is considered the oldest of the Maya, in the VII century. It was one of the largest Mayan cities, but around the 10th century. for inexplicable reasons, life in the city practically stops and Chichen Itzu capture toltecs... The city becomes the Toltec capital, and the Toltec influence extends to almost the entire Yucatan... During the heyday, the population Chichen Itza ranged from 20 to 30 thousand people. By the end of the XIV century, the city fell into decay and again became depopulated. Europeans-conquistadors did not find the power Chichen Itza and saw the city in ruins.

Attractions Chichen Itza

The most famous building Chichen Itza - pyramid (or " temple») Kukulkan (in Spanish “ El Castillo", Ie, the lock). It is an almost 30-meter nine-step pyramid with a square base. The length of the side of the base is 55.5 m. The pyramid is oriented to the cardinal points. Four wide staircases rise along the side faces, each of which has 91 steps. The staircase running along the northern side of the pyramid ends at the bottom along the edges with snake heads, which are the symbol of Kukulkan. If we consider the platform at the top of the pyramid, on which the temple stands, as one more step, then the total in the pyramid is 91 × 4 + 1, that is, 365 steps, according to the number of days in a year. It is believed that the pyramid served as a calendar. Every year, on the days of the autumn and spring equinox, you can observe the unique effect of the "feathered serpent": the shadow of the stepped edges of the pyramid falls on one of the stairs. At the same time, it seems that the Kukulkan snake is sliding down it.

also in Chichen Itza there are the "Temple of Warriors" on a low four-level pyramid, "Temple of the Jaguars", the "Caracol" observatory, "stadiums" for playing ball, the ruins of 4 colonnades forming a giant rectangle ("Group of a Thousand Columns"), etc. In the city to the north of the central pyramid is the "Sacred Cenote" (that is, the well), or, as it is also called, the "Well of Death" with a diameter of 60 m and a depth of up to 50 m. Here the Mayan priests threw people sacrificed to the gods.

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