Cuba: Presentation of the country, video and description of the geographical location. Presentation on the topic of cube Download presentation in the world economy Cuba



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The largest of the islands of states Caribbean region The Republic of Cuba occupies the same island near the coast of the continent. Cuban poets compare their island with a green lizard lying on the ocean blue.

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The triangle flag is a symbol of freedom, equality and fraternity, and three blue bands personify three parts to which the Spaniards divided Cuba. White color symbolizes the purity of the aspirations of revolutionaries and justice, red - blood spilled in the struggle for independence.

The coat of arms of the coat of arms is an island. It is decorated like a leather shield, and divided into three sections. In its horizontal top there is a golden key between the two mountains, the sun, ascending over the sea - which displays the position of Cuba in the symbolic form in the Bay - Cuba Key to the Mexican Bay, between two America. Blue and white stripes at the bottom left, represent the island state position in the colonial period. The right side, the Cuban landscape, the royal palm tree is a symbol of the inflexible character of Cuban people.

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In the south of Cuba is washed by waters Caribbean. In the northeast with Cuba borders BahamasTo the south of her, Haiti, Jamaica and Cayman Islands are located, in the West, Yukanian Strait separates it from Mexico, and Florida Strait in the north - from the United States of America. Cuba island stretches along the equator at 1200 km, its width ranges from 30 to 190 km. Important element of the coast are coral reefs, atolls and numerous small islands. For the length of Cuban reefs occupy the third place in the world.

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The climatic conditions and resources of Cuba are determined primarily by the position of the territory directly to the south of the tropics, among the water area of \u200b\u200bthe Atlantic Ocean, as well as the passage near the island of warm currents forming Gulf Stream. Cuba has huge thermal resources of solar heat. The average monthly temperatures on the plains are always high: in January 22.5, in August 27.8. But the oscillations of extreme temperatures are quite significant. The average maximum temperature on the plains exceeds 30.

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Textonic structure and minerals

According to the tectonic structure, Cuba is included in the Antil-Caribbean area of \u200b\u200bthe folded belt Cordiller. At the same time, it combines the folded structures of island antilleous arcs and sub-platform areas. Especially characteristic of the Cuba is a wide distribution of young limestone. Currently, Cuba is located in the zone of high seismicity (up to 7 balls). The currently exhausted copper deposits are connected with folded structures. Also, there are manganese ores, bauxite deposits are also possible. But the main mineral wealth of world importation is the reserves of nickel ores in combination with cobalt. Cubes are well provided with raw material resources for the building materials industry. Some coastal areas have signs of oil. Practically complete absence of fuel and energy resources creates great difficulties for economic development.

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Animal world

The animal world of Cuba due to its island position is pretty poor. In addition, he suffered greatly as a result of man's economic activity. There are no predatory animals and poisonous snakes in Cuba, a lot of bats, a very rich species composition of birds, insects and ground mollusks, a diverse species composition of fish, sea turtles, a lot of shrimp and langusts.

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New Year-B. the oldest part of the Cuba population professes Catholicism, but Catholic Christmas in December here is not so bright as, for example, in Europe. Such strict prohibitions associated with the Communist Past of the Republic. Mark Christmas as a religious holiday here was forbidden until 1998.

But the new year here is having fun - after a New Year's dinner in a circle of family Cubans and guests of the island of freedom goes on the square or beaches and having fun until the morning - good, the hot climate is favorable much more than us. IN New Year's Eve You can go on a disco, concert, stroll through the streets of large cities (where new Year holidays celebrate the most bright) or celebrate the holiday on the beach, admiring the stars.

Havansky carnival - It is held on weekends from July 15 to August 15.

The main actions of the Havana carnival occur in the Metalon metropolitan embankment. There are modeled in the enchanting costumes participants having fun, drink and dance from morning to night. The main street of the city is moving huge platforms, on which various carnival teams from all corners of Cuba are competing in brightness and rhythm. Costumes, dances and shows Carnival participants are preparing almost all year to become the best on this carnival procession.

The highlight of the Havansky carnival is the procession of giant figures that are depicting Cuban politicians. Music sounds from everywhere, salutes and fireworks explode. So if you want to participate in this unique festival of the soul and heart, then go to Cuba from July to August.

Carnival in Santiago de Cuba

At the end of July, another carnival passes - no longer in Havana, but in Santiago de Cuba. On the days of the carnival through the streets of the city there are festive marchs, salutes are played and music is played, and the hot Cuban guys and girls are evolving so infectiously that all tourists are instantly drawn into this holiday of life. And the hottest exotic cocktails give them inspiration to dance until the morning.


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The flag is a triangle - a symbol of freedom, equality and fraternity, and three blue stripes personify three parts, which were divided by Cuba Spaniards. Coat of arms National coat of arms is an island. It is decorated like a leather shield, and divided into three sections.

Cuba climate has huge thermal resources of solar heat. The average monthly temperatures on the plains are always high: in January 22.5, in August 27.8. But the oscillations of extreme temperatures are quite significant. The average maximum temperature on the plains exceeds 30.

According to the tectonic structure, Cuba is included in the Antil-Caribbean area of \u200b\u200bthe folded belt Cordiller. Cuba is well provided with raw material resources for the building materials industry. But the main mineral wealth of world importation is the reserves of nickel ores in combination with cobalt. Some coastal areas have signs of oil. Practically complete absence of fuel and energy resources creates great difficulties for economic development. Textonic structure and minerals

Animal world Animal world of Cuba due to her island position is pretty poor. There are no predatory animals and poisonous snakes in Cuba, a lot of bats, a very rich species composition of birds, insects and ground mollusks, a diverse species composition of fish, sea turtles, a lot of shrimp and langustes.

Famous Cuban cigars produce 6 tobacco factories An important source of income - international tourism In the reserves of nickel ore cube occupies 5th place in the world of medicine at the highest level with a low cost of services, cobalt ore is 26% of world stocks, the main sector of the economy is the sugar industry (approx. 170 sugarperer-x plants) strengths

Cuba economy. Negative sides. Due to the US embargo, the lack of access to important markets and investment. Acute currency deficit. Fluctuations in world prices for sugar and nickel. Complete trade restrictions and the lack of legislative regulations impede investment. Bad infrastructure. Fuel deficiency, fertilizers and spare parts.

Main religion: Catholicism, distributed various African religions. Most countries living in the country are Cubans. In addition to them, on the island, you can easily meet the "neighbors" from Haiti, Chinese, Jews, Americans, Japanese and Europeans.

History First European-Kolumba Guanahataby tribes and Aravaki. The Indians were engaged in hunting and agriculture Revolution of 1953 as a result of many incidents and victories of the revolution. Power in Cuba received the government of the "left" orientation led by Fidel Castro, which was then bent on the path of construction of socialism. The ruling and only permitted parties of the country is the Communist Party of Cuba.

Form of the Board Socialist Republic of the Parliamentary Type The Government consists of the State Council and the Council of Ministers The government is formed by the Parliament of the Republic, called the National Assembly of the People's Authority. The administrative republic is divided into 16 provinces, which includes 169 municipality. One of the municipality - Hooventud - obeys directly the central authorities of the authorities, the rest - local administrative structures State device

The international relations of Cuba Once an ambitious foreign policy of Cuba was reduced as a result of economic difficulty after the collapse of the Soviet bloc. Without major Soviet subsidies and its main trading partner, Cuba was relatively isolated in the 1990s, but since then has entered bilateral cooperation with several South American countries, primarily Venezuela and Bolivia. The United States continues to embargo, "until it continues to refuse to move to democratization and greater respect for human rights," while the European Union blames Cuba in "continuing violation of human rights and fundamental freedoms." Cuba has developed a growing relationship with Chinese People's Republic and Russia. In general, Cuba continues to have formal relations with 160 countries and provided civilian working assistance - mainly medical - more than 20 countries.

Geographical position and administrative division From North America Cuba is separated by Florida Strait in the North and Yucatan Strait in the West. Cuba is bordered by Haiti in the East, Yucatan Peninsula (Mexico) in the West, Florida Peninsula (USA) in the north and Jamaica in the south. 1. Pinar del Rio (Pinar Del 6. Rio) 2. Artemis (ARTEMISA) 7. 3. The city of Havana (Iz. Ciudad de la Habana) 8. 4. Mayabek (IsaBequeQue) 5. Matanasas (P. Matanzas) 9. 10. Cienfuegos (CIENFUEG 11. OS) 12. Villa Clara (Villa 13. Clara) 14. Sancti. Spiritus (Spiritus Sancti Spiritus) 15. Siego de. Avila (Avila. Ciego de Avila) 16. Camaguey (Camagüey) Las Tunas (Span. Las Tunas) Granma (Span. Granma) Olgin (Span. Holguin) Santiago de. Cuba (Sp. Santiago de Cuba) Guantanamo (Span. Guantan AMO) Isla De La Juventud) Isla De La Juventud)

The location and relief of the Cuba is located at the junction of North, Central and South America, on Cuba Island. The island is framed by reefs and other coral formations. The territory of Cuba is 110,860 km². The island stretches from the west to the east at 1250 km. In the south of Cuba was washed by the waters of the Caribbean, in the north-west by the Mexican Bay, and in the Northern Troop, the Atlantic Ocean. Cuba relief is predominantly plain. Hills and mountains occupy about a third of the territory. Three main mountain systems are Cordillera de. Guaniguaniko in the West, Eskumbrey in the central part and Sierra Maestra in the East.

Population Major demographic indicators of Cuba for 2016: born: 119 822 people of the dead: 87 330 people Natural population growth: 32,492 people Migration population growth: -16 075 people men: 5,742,226 people (according to December 31, 2016) women : 5,674,921 people (according to December 31, 2016) Population of Cuba. 11. 39 million people. (2015) Ethnic composition of Cuba. 65% - descendants of Europeans, 20% - Mulati, 12% - Africans, 1% are the Chinese. Population of Cuba, million people

Religion in Cuba Most believers - Catholics (47%), Protestants (4%) Hymaniyzhenzhenians of the so-called "Sunteria" - a syncretic cult on the basis of African pagan beliefs, mixed with the cult of some Christian saints. The church is separated from the state, the freedom of religion is constitutionally provided

Cuba climate is located in a tropical climate area, which strongly affects the trade winds and warm flow of Gulf Stream. The average temperature in January is 22, 5 ° C, in August - 27, 8 ° C. The average annual rate of precipitation in the equible regions is 1000 - 1200 mm, and in the mountains reaching up to 3,800 mm. The rainy season lasts from May to October, the strongest rains are observed in June and October. In the fall possible hurricanes. The dry season lasts from November to April and is most well manifested in the plain areas of the south of the country (for example, in the Kauto River Basin).

Water resources Almenperes River in the western part of Cuba, length - 47 km. It flows to the north-west, falling into the Floridian strait from the city of Havana. On the banks of the river is the city park Havana, or Park Almendary, as well as numerous industrial enterprises, including the food and construction industry, brewing, gas storage facilities, paper factories. In this regard, Havana's management plans to clean the river, including the introduction of water quality control, the closure and reorganization of enterprises, the reconstruction of the park, creating along the river an extensive green zone. Cauto River in Cuba in the provinces of Santiago de Cuba and Granma, the longest on the island. Located in the southeastern part of the island. Taking the beginning in the mountains of Sierra Maestra, going to the West and the North-West, flowing into the gulf of Guacany to the north of the town of Manzanillo. With a total length of 343 km, the ship's river only for 110 km of the lower flow. Water drinking is unsuitable.

Economy Advantages: The tourist industry attracts foreign investors. Exports of sugar and nickel. Elite cigars. The banking sector is strengthened. Oil tower. Weak sides: Island US embargo lack of access to important markets and investments. Acute currency deficit. Fluctuations in world prices for sugar and nickel. Complete trade restrictions prevent investment. Bad infrastructure. Fuel deficiency, fertilizers and spare parts.

Agriculture The greatest weight occupy cooperative forms of land use and among them a special role is given to UBPs (basic units of cooperative production), which are about 2,500 farms, produce 22% of vegetables, 42% of milk, 36% citrus, 16% of fruit, 38% rice, 22% of coffee, 12% rootpodes and 7% tobacco. Much attention is also paid to the actual reed crop production, expanding the sowing areas on the best lands, bringing the reed maturity to the necessary limits. In order to create a hub for future Safers, the production of sugar in the season is planned within a slightly lower than 4, 3 million tons. And at the same time the landings will be intensified on new areas in compliance with advanced agrotechnical requirements.

Industry Sugar cane gives the greatest yield in Cuba and always provided the largest export article in the budget of the country. The reed is grown everywhere in the island, but mainly in his east half. The government regulates the branch of sugar production entirely and prices for the final product. Sugar products reached a mark of 7. 6 million tons in 1970, 7. 9 million tons in 1979, 6. 7 million tons in 1980 (pests reduced the yield of the year), 8 million tons in 1985 and 3. 5 million tons in 1999. Cuba has mechanical combines for cane cleaning, and by 1998 they had 7,400 pieces. Cuba and Russia signed several financial and investment agreements in 1992 and 1993, which established that Russia will supply fuel, spare parts, fertilizers, and herbicides in exchange for sugar Cuba. Today, a minimum of 2 million tons of Cuban sugar to Russia is imported annually. The sugar industry also provides the basis for other significant types of Cuban industry and exports - the production and export of molasses, ethyl alcohol, which is famous for the whole world of Cuban Roma and other spirits, wood-chip production, production of yeast. Tobacco, the second most important vitality and export Cuba culture. The worldwide fame and glory of Cuban cigars is primarily as a Cuban tobacco, which is impossible to grow such quality and aroma without the corresponding microclimate. Tobacco is grown on small farms and requires intensive cultivation. 70% of the total tobacco Cuba is grown in Pinar Province del Rio. At the end of the 1970s, the average annual production of tobacco was approximately 35,000 tons per year, but the crop disease in 1979 led to a drop in production to 8,200 tons in 1980. Later, gradually production was restored to a level of 37,000 tons in 1999. Other major culture cultures are oranges (400,000 tons per year), lemon and ramp (21,000 tons per year), grapefruit (300,000 tons per year) and rice (420,000 tons per year).

Tourism in Cuba every year more than 2 million people attract more than 2 million, and is one of the main sources of income for island state. Among the factors affecting the popularity of Cuba as a rest space - a high attractiveness of its natural and historical and cultural recreational Resources. After the 1959 Cuban revolution, the Interstate relations of Cuba and the United States have deteriorated significantly. Since 1960, the United States has banned its citizens to visit "Island of Freedom" and installed the embargo on trade with Cuba. From 1960 to 1991, the Soviet Union has provided significant economic support for Cuba. Free funds and resources were aimed at developing a tourism infrastructure, which helped to attract the necessary investment from other countries to the island. All this led to the fact that revenues from the tourism industry exceeded the traditional export industries of Cuba - the production of sugar, Roma, cigars, fruits and fishing. Most tourists visiting Cuba come from Canada and Europe. Basic tourist infrastructure (Hotels, beaches, restaurants, etc.) focused around Varadero, Cayo Coco, Olgin, as well as in the capital of the state - Havana.

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Presentation on the topic: Cuba

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Square of the Republic of Cuba - 111,000 square meters. km, including the island of Cuba - the largest in the West Indies and the name of the whole country. In the south of Cuba was washed by the waters of the Caribbean. In the northeast with Cuba, the Bahamas, Jamaica and Cayman Islands, are bred by the Bahamas, south of it, in the west Yukanian Strait separates it from Mexico, and Florida Strait in the North - from the United States of America. Cuba island stretches along the equator at 1200 km, its width ranges from 30 to 190 km. An important element of the coast is coral reefs, atolls and numerous small islands. For the length of Cuban reefs occupy the third place in the world.

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For the surface of Cuba, lowlands are characterized on limestone sediments of the tertiary period. In the southwestern part of Cuba, the relief changes: along the coast stretches mountain Ridge Sierra Maesstra, consisting of masses of volcanic origin. Here is the most high Point Islands - Peak Turkino (1974 m above sea level). In the area of \u200b\u200bP-ov, Sapata is an extensive swampy shorts. An important element of the coast is coral reefs, atolls and numerous small islands. For the length of Cuban reefs occupy the third place in the world. On the island of Cuba, picturesque limestone lowers predominate, and only small territories in the south-west, northwest and in the central part of the island are occupied by mountainous arrays.

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The political structure of the supreme body of state authorities of the Republic of Cuba is elected for five years the National Assembly of the People's Power, endowed with legislative rights. The National Assembly elects the State Council from among its deputies. The highest executive body is the Council of Ministers. The chairman of the State Council and the Council of Ministers is the head of state. In administratively, Cuba is divided into 14 provinces, which, in turn, are divided into 169 municipality, one of which is HuvanTud - central subordination. The slogan is popular in Cuba: "The power of the people is really power! ". The highest governing force of the Cuban society and the state is the Communist Party of Cuba.

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The flag is a triangle - a symbol of freedom, equality and fraternity, and three blue stripes personify three parts, which were divided by Cuba Spaniards. White color symbolizes the purity of the aspirations of revolutionaries and justice, red - blood spilled in the struggle for independence.

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Coat of arms National coat of arms is an island. It is decorated like a leather shield, and divided into three sections. In its horizontal top there is a golden key between the two mountains, the sun, ascending over the sea - which displays the position of Cuba in the symbolic form in the Bay - Cuba Key to the Mexican Bay, between two America. Blue and white stripes at the bottom left, represent the island state position in the colonial period. The right side, the Cuban landscape, the royal palm tree is a symbol of the inflexible character of Cuban people.

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Minerals on the tectonic structure of Cuba enters the Antil-Caribbean area of \u200b\u200bthe folded belt Cordiller. At the same time, it combines the folded structures of island antilleous arcs and sub-platform areas. Especially characteristic of the Cuba is a wide distribution of young limestone. Currently, Cuba is located in the zone of high seismicity (up to 7 balls). The currently exhausted copper deposits are connected with folded structures. Also, there are manganese ores, bauxite deposits are also possible. But the main mineral wealth of world importation is the reserves of nickel ores in combination with cobalt. Cubes are well provided with raw material resources for the building materials industry. Some coastal areas have signs of oil. Practically complete absence of fuel and energy resources creates great difficulties for economic development.

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Cuba economy. Positive sides. The main branch of the economy of Cuba is the sugar industry. About 170 sugar processing plants operate in the country. There are companies in black and non-ferrous metallurgy, mechanical engineering, chemical industry, two refineries. The light and food industry is developed. Famous Cuban cigars produce 6 tobacco factories. An important source of income is international tourism. The share of the extractive industry in GDP is 3%. According to the reserves of Nickel Ore Cuba ranks fifth in the world. Cobalt ore is 26% of world stocks.

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Cuba economy. Negative sides. Due to the US embargo, the lack of access to important markets and investment. Acute currency deficit. Fluctuations in world prices for sugar and nickel. Complete trade restrictions and the lack of legislative regulations impede investment. Bad infrastructure. Fuel deficiency, fertilizers and spare parts.

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The climatic conditions and resources of Cuba are determined primarily by the position of the territory directly to the south of the tropics, among the water area of \u200b\u200bthe Atlantic Ocean, as well as the passage near the island of warm currents forming Gulf Stream. Cuba has huge thermal resources of solar heat. The average monthly temperatures on the plains are always high: in January 22.5, in August 27.8. But the oscillations of extreme temperatures are quite significant. The average maximum temperature on the plains exceeds 30.

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The humidity is relatively high annual precipitation - 1380mm. The year is divided not for 4 years of year, but for 2 seasons - dry, rainy. The rainy season usually lasts from May to October. The dry season usually begins in November and ends in April. This is the period of the greatest economic activity, since it accounts for a season of cutting and processing sugar cane. For climatic conditions of all areas of the country, high humidity is typical. The average relative humidity of the air is 79%. In a combination with constant high temperatures, a very large air humidity is generally not a beneficial effect. Humidity is oppressed by a person. Cuba climate requires special processing (tropicalization) of all industrial products and structures. In general, climatic conditions Cuba is much more favorable than in most other, especially continental tropical countries.

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Animal world Animal world of Cuba due to her island position is pretty poor. In addition, he suffered greatly as a result of man's economic activity. There are no predatory animals and poisonous snakes in Cuba, a lot of bats, a very rich species composition of birds, insects and ground mollusks, a diverse species composition of fish, sea turtles, a lot of shrimp and langustes.

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Main religion: Catholicism, distributed various African religions. Festive days January 1-2 - the day of liberation (the victory of the Cuban Revolution in 1959). May 1 - Day of the International Solidarity of Workers, Labor Day. July 26 - the day of the national uprising (attack on the barrack of Moncada in Santiago de Cuba, July 25 and 27 are also weekends). October 10 - the anniversary of the beginning of the wars for independence from Spanish dominion, the day of Cuban culture. December 25 - Christmas.

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Cuban history The settlement of Cuba began in the fourth millennium BC. Apparently, the first inhabitants of the island moved there from South and Central America. The Indians knew agriculture, grown by corn and other food cultures, hunted on birds, rodents, mined turtles and fish. By the time of the Spanish conquest of Cuba at the beginning of the 16th century, the main mass of the Indians lived in the conditions of the decomposition of the primitive community. On October 28, 1492, the first expedition of Columbus, which went to search for rich overseas lands and putting the beginning of the era of the Great geographic discoveriesreached the northeast coast of Cuba. On the same day, he recorded in the diary that the wonder of this island had not yet seen the eyes of a person. In the 1510th year, the Spanish colonization of Cuba began. By the 1514 years, the Spaniards founded seven cities from the first capital of Baracoa in the extreme east to Havana. Later, all of them, except for Baracoa, changed the location. The colonization of the island was accompanied by the almost complete destruction of the Indians. They rendered heroic resistance to the Spaniards under the leadership of their leaders - Athea and Guama.

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The depressed revolution in the life of each country there are several names and dates with which the most glorious history pages are associated. One of these Vex of Cuban history is the day of October 10, 1868, when Patriot Carlos Manuel de Sessezdes, raised all compatriots to the uprising against the domination of Spain. Ten years, from 1868 to 1878, the Cuban rebels conducted the fight against the Spaniards under the slogan "Independence or Death!". On April 10, 1869, the first Constitution of Cuba was adopted. She proclaimed freedom of slave-blacks. Many thousands of blacks became rebels. But Cuba could not win. Among the causes of the defeat were inconsistency of managers, the heterogeneity of the composition of the rebels and the disunity of various areas of the country. In addition, the Spaniards had a number of troops at about 20 times more than that of the rebels.

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The end of the Spanish domination Cuban patriots did not stop the struggle for independence. Ideologists, organizers and inspirers of this struggle became José Marty. In 1892, they created the first revolutionary party. In April 1895, the detachments of José Marty laid out active combat operations landed on Cuba. On May 19, in battle with the Spaniards Jose died. But the struggle continued, covering all new areas of the country. On September 16, 1895, the rebels proclaimed the creation of the Cuban Republic and its separation from Spain. War 1895-1898 was a heavy test for the Cuban people.

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As a result of the state coup on March 10, 1952, Fulhansio Batista came to power in Cuba, who established a military police dictatorship in the country. The coup caused discontent among the progressive youth progressive, the most radical group of which was headed by a young lawyer and a novice politician Fidel Castro Rus. On July 26, 1953, a group of rebels, counting on support for the broad masses, headed by Fidel Castro acted at the assault of the fortified barrack of Moncada in Santiago de Cuba. After a two-hour battle, the rebel detachment was defeated, many revolutionaries were killed, the rest were committed to the court. Although all the defendants received a long term of concluding (Fidel Castro was sentenced to 15 years), under pressure from the public, Baptiste had to amnesty the rebels.

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The first steps of the revolution during the first three months the situation of revolutionaries remained critical, but they managed to gain the confidence in the inhabitants of the region and organize significant military pressing on local military garrisons. In addition to conducting hostilities in rural areas, M-26 with sympathetic elements in a student environment and armed Forces Organized several performances in cities, which, however, did not have much importance. The fact that the Batistan government was significantly helped in this period of time in stretched relations with the main economic partner and the military supplier of Cuba of that time, the United States.

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In the summer of 1958, the strategic initiative passed on the side of revolutionaries. By the autumn, the provinces of Oriente and Las Villas were supplied to the autumn of the rebels. On January 1, 1959, the rebel forces entered Santiago, at the same time in the West the rebels led by the city of Santa Clara in the West. Although the situation has not yet been catastrophic for the regime, on the same day Batista left the island, after which the administration left them actually ceased to exist. On January 2, the rebel detachments entered Havana, on January 6, Fidel Castro came to the capital.

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The Cuban Revolution, at its initial stage, fully restored the national sovereignty, destroyed the bourgeois state apparatus, eliminated the US monopoly issues and the mode of exploitation of workers of the city and villages. In 1959 - 1960, the nationalization of industry, transport, banks, trade was carried out in Cuba, as well as measures to eliminate unemployment, the transfer of housing workers and the improvement of the conditions for their labor and life.

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Cuba has achieved huge recognized by all success in the social area. In December 1875, the first congress of the Communist Party of Cuba took place in Havana. February 24, 1976 The Constitution of Socialist Cuba entered into force. In 1978, the 11th World Festival of Youth and Students was held in Cuba in 1980. The first Cuban cosmonaut flew into space. Cuba isolation plans developed by the United States failed. Cuba supports diplomatic relations with more than 100 states.

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Square of the Republic of Cuba - 111,000 square meters. km, including the island of Cuba - the largest in the West Indies and the name of the whole country. In the south of Cuba was washed by the waters of the Caribbean. In the northeast with Cuba, the Bahamas, Jamaica and Cayman Islands, are bred by the Bahamas, south of it, in the west Yukanian Strait separates it from Mexico, and Florida Strait in the North - from the United States of America. Cuba island stretches along the equator at 1200 km, its width ranges from 30 to 190 km. An important element of the coast is coral reefs, atolls and numerous small islands. For the length of Cuban reefs occupy the third place in the world.

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For the surface of Cuba, lowlands are characterized on limestone sediments of the tertiary period. In the southwestern part of Cuba, the relief changes: along the coast the mountain range of the Sierra Maestra is stretched, consisting of masses of volcanic origin. Here is the highest point of the island - Peak Turkino (1974 m above sea level). In the area of \u200b\u200bP-ov, Sapata is an extensive swampy shorts. An important element of the coast is coral reefs, atolls and numerous small islands. For the length of Cuban reefs occupy the third place in the world. On the island of Cuba, picturesque limestone lowers predominate, and only small territories in the south-west, northwest and in the central part of the island are occupied by mountainous arrays.

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The political structure of the supreme body of state authorities of the Republic of Cuba is elected for five years the National Assembly of the People's Power, endowed with legislative rights. The National Assembly elects the State Council from among its deputies. The highest executive body is the Council of Ministers. The chairman of the State Council and the Council of Ministers is the head of state. In administratively, Cuba is divided into 14 provinces, which, in turn, are divided into 169 municipality, one of which is HuvanTud - central subordination. The slogan is popular in Cuba: "The power of the people is really power! ". The highest governing force of the Cuban society and the state is the Communist Party of Cuba.

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The flag is a triangle - a symbol of freedom, equality and fraternity, and three blue stripes personify three parts, which were divided by Cuba Spaniards. White color symbolizes the purity of the aspirations of revolutionaries and justice, red - blood spilled in the struggle for independence.

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Coat of arms National coat of arms is an island. It is decorated like a leather shield, and divided into three sections. In its horizontal top there is a golden key between the two mountains, the sun, ascending over the sea - which displays the position of Cuba in the symbolic form in the Bay - Cuba Key to the Mexican Bay, between two America. Blue and white stripes at the bottom left, represent the island state position in the colonial period. The right side, the Cuban landscape, the royal palm tree is a symbol of the inflexible character of Cuban people.

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Minerals on the tectonic structure of Cuba enters the Antil-Caribbean area of \u200b\u200bthe folded belt Cordiller. At the same time, it combines the folded structures of island antilleous arcs and sub-platform areas. Especially characteristic of the Cuba is a wide distribution of young limestone. Currently, Cuba is located in the zone of high seismicity (up to 7 balls). The currently exhausted copper deposits are connected with folded structures. Also, there are manganese ores, bauxite deposits are also possible. But the main mineral wealth of world importation is the reserves of nickel ores in combination with cobalt. Cubes are well provided with raw material resources for the building materials industry. Some coastal areas have signs of oil. Practically complete absence of fuel and energy resources creates great difficulties for economic development.

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Cuba economy. Positive sides. The main branch of the economy of Cuba is the sugar industry. About 170 sugar processing plants operate in the country. There are companies in black and non-ferrous metallurgy, mechanical engineering, chemical industry, two refineries. The light and food industry is developed. Famous Cuban cigars produce 6 tobacco factories. An important source of income is international tourism. The share of the extractive industry in GDP is 3%. According to the reserves of Nickel Ore Cuba ranks fifth in the world. Cobalt ore is 26% of world stocks.

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Cuba economy. Negative sides. Due to the US embargo, the lack of access to important markets and investment. Acute currency deficit. Fluctuations in world prices for sugar and nickel. Complete trade restrictions and the lack of legislative regulations impede investment. Bad infrastructure. Fuel deficiency, fertilizers and spare parts.

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The climatic conditions and resources of Cuba are determined primarily by the position of the territory directly to the south of the tropics, among the water area of \u200b\u200bthe Atlantic Ocean, as well as the passage near the island of warm currents forming Gulf Stream. Cuba has huge thermal resources of solar heat. The average monthly temperatures on the plains are always high: in January 22.5, in August 27.8. But the oscillations of extreme temperatures are quite significant. The average maximum temperature on the plains exceeds 30.

Clade 11.

The humidity is relatively high annual precipitation - 1380mm. The year is divided not for 4 years of year, but for 2 seasons - dry, rainy. The rainy season usually lasts from May to October. The dry season usually begins in November and ends in April. This is the period of the greatest economic activity, since it accounts for a season of cutting and processing sugar cane. For climatic conditions of all areas of the country, high humidity is typical. The average relative humidity of the air is 79%. In a combination with constant high temperatures, a very large air humidity is generally not a beneficial effect. Humidity is oppressed by a person. Cuba climate requires special processing (tropicalization) of all industrial products and structures. In general, climatic conditions in Cuba are much more favorable than in most other, especially continental tropical countries.

Slide 12.

Animal world Animal world of Cuba due to her island position is pretty poor. In addition, he suffered greatly as a result of man's economic activity. There are no predatory animals and poisonous snakes in Cuba, a lot of bats, a very rich species composition of birds, insects and ground mollusks, a diverse species composition of fish, sea turtles, a lot of shrimp and langustes.

Slide 13.

Tobacco production with an important specialization of Cuba from the 17th century becomes the production of primitive tobacco. Cuban cigars are famous all over the world.

Slide 14.

Main religion: Catholicism, distributed various African religions. Festive days January 1-2 - the day of liberation (the victory of the Cuban Revolution in 1959). May 1 - Day of the International Solidarity of Workers, Labor Day. July 26 - the day of the national uprising (attack on the barrack of Moncada in Santiago de Cuba, July 25 and 27 are also weekends). October 10 - the anniversary of the beginning of the wars for independence from Spanish dominion, the day of Cuban culture. December 25 - Christmas.

Slide 15.

Cuban history The settlement of Cuba began in the fourth millennium BC. Apparently, the first inhabitants of the island moved there from South and Central America. The Indians knew agriculture, grown by corn and other food cultures, hunted on birds, rodents, mined turtles and fish. By the time of the Spanish conquest of Cuba at the beginning of the 16th century, the main mass of the Indians lived in the conditions of the decomposition of the primitive community. On October 28, 1492, the first expedition of Columbus, which went into search of rich overseas lands and putting the beginning of the era of great geographical discoveries reached the northeast coast of Cuba. On the same day, he recorded in the diary that the wonder of this island had not yet seen the eyes of a person. In the 1510th year, the Spanish colonization of Cuba began. By the 1514 years, the Spaniards founded seven cities from the first capital of Baracoa in the extreme east to Havana. Later, all of them, except for Baracoa, changed the location. The colonization of the island was accompanied by the almost complete destruction of the Indians. They rendered heroic resistance to the Spaniards under the leadership of their leaders - Athea and Guama.

Slide 16.

The depressed revolution in the life of each country there are several names and dates with which the most glorious history pages are associated. One of these Vex of Cuban history is the day of October 10, 1868, when Patriot Carlos Manuel de Sessezdes, raised all compatriots to the uprising against the domination of Spain. Ten years, from 1868 to 1878, the Cuban rebels conducted the fight against the Spaniards under the slogan "Independence or Death!". On April 10, 1869, the first Constitution of Cuba was adopted. She proclaimed freedom of slave-blacks. Many thousands of blacks became rebels. But Cuba could not win. Among the causes of the defeat were inconsistency of managers, the heterogeneity of the composition of the rebels and the disunity of various areas of the country. In addition, the Spaniards had a number of troops at about 20 times more than that of the rebels.

Slide 17.

The end of the Spanish domination Cuban patriots did not stop the struggle for independence. Ideologists, organizers and inspirers of this struggle became José Marty. In 1892, they created the first revolutionary party. In April 1895, the detachments of José Marty laid out active combat operations landed on Cuba. On May 19, in battle with the Spaniards Jose died. But the struggle continued, covering all new areas of the country. On September 16, 1895, the rebels proclaimed the creation of the Cuban Republic and its separation from Spain. War 1895-1898 was a heavy test for the Cuban people.

Slide 18.

As a result of the state coup on March 10, 1952, Fulhansio Batista came to power in Cuba, who established a military police dictatorship in the country. The coup caused discontent among the progressive youth progressive, the most radical group of which was headed by a young lawyer and a novice politician Fidel Castro Rus. On July 26, 1953, a group of rebels, counting on support for the broad masses, headed by Fidel Castro acted at the assault of the fortified barrack of Moncada in Santiago de Cuba. After a two-hour battle, the rebel detachment was defeated, many revolutionaries were killed, the rest were committed to the court. Although all the defendants received a long term of concluding (Fidel Castro was sentenced to 15 years), under pressure from the public, Baptiste had to amnesty the rebels.

Slide 19.

M - 26 Castro brothers emigrated to Mexico, where they did not leave plans to overthrow the dictatorship of Batista and began to create an organization for the future revolutionary speech, known as M-26. In Mexico, by that time there was a meeting of Castro and Ernesto Guevara, who entered the ranks M-26. Flag of "Traffic July 26"

Slide 20.

The first steps of the revolution during the first three months the situation of revolutionaries remained critical, but they managed to gain the confidence in the inhabitants of the region and organize significant military pressing on local military garrisons. In addition to conducting hostilities in rural areas, M-26, with the help of sympathizing elements in the student environment and armed forces, organized several speeches in cities, which, however, did not have much importance. The fact that the Batistan government was significantly helped in this period of time in stretched relations with the main economic partner and the military supplier of Cuba of that time, the United States.

Clade 21.

In the summer of 1958, the strategic initiative passed on the side of revolutionaries. By the autumn, the provinces of Oriente and Las Villas were supplied to the autumn of the rebels. On January 1, 1959, the rebel forces entered Santiago, at the same time in the West the rebels led by the city of Santa Clara in the West. Although the situation has not yet been catastrophic for the regime, on the same day Batista left the island, after which the administration left them actually ceased to exist. On January 2, the rebel detachments entered Havana, on January 6, Fidel Castro came to the capital. 23 Cuba has achieved huge recognized by all success in the social area. In December 1875, the first congress of the Communist Party of Cuba took place in Havana. February 24, 1976 The Constitution of Socialist Cuba entered into force. In 1978, the 11th World Festival of Youth and Students was held in Cuba in 1980. The first Cuban cosmonaut flew into space. Cuba isolation plans developed by the United States failed. Cuba supports diplomatic relations with more than 100 states.

Slide 24.

Cuba and the Cuban people have passed a long and difficult path of development from the original building of the Precucumbian Epoch before turning into the first socialist state in the Western Hemisphere. The Cuban nation has developed from heterogeneous ethnic elements in the process of economic development, long-term battles against Spanish conquerors, and from the late 19th century and against the domination of American imperialism and reaction regimes.

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Presentation on the topic "Cuba" can be downloaded absolutely free on our website. Project subject: Geography. Colorful slides and illustrations will help you interest your classmates or audience. Use the player to view the contents, or if you want to download the report - click on the appropriate text below the player. The presentation contains 25 slide (s).

Slides presentation

Slide 1.

Performed: Anton Prudans Teacher: Yakovlev M.Yu.

Slide 2.

Square of the Republic of Cuba - 111,000 square meters. km, including the island of Cuba - the largest in the West Indies and the name of the whole country.

In the south of Cuba was washed by the waters of the Caribbean. In the northeast with Cuba, the Bahamas, Jamaica and Cayman Islands, are bred by the Bahamas, south of it, in the west Yukanian Strait separates it from Mexico, and Florida Strait in the North - from the United States of America. Cuba island stretches along the equator at 1200 km, its width ranges from 30 to 190 km. An important element of the coast is coral reefs, atolls and numerous small islands. For the length of Cuban reefs occupy the third place in the world.

Slide 3.

For the surface of Cuba, lowlands are characterized on limestone sediments of the tertiary period. In the southwestern part of Cuba, the relief changes: along the coast the mountain range of the Sierra Maestra is stretched, consisting of masses of volcanic origin.

Here is the highest point of the island - Peak Turkino (1974 m above sea level). In the area of \u200b\u200bP-ov, Sapata is an extensive swampy shorts. An important element of the coast is coral reefs, atolls and numerous small islands. For the length of Cuban reefs occupy the third place in the world. On the island of Cuba, picturesque limestone lowers predominate, and only small territories in the south-west, northwest and in the central part of the island are occupied by mountainous arrays.

Slide 4.

Political device

The highest authority of the state of the Republic of Cuba is elected for five years the National Assembly of the People's Authority, endowed with legislative rights. The National Assembly elects the State Council from among its deputies. The highest executive body is the Council of Ministers. The chairman of the State Council and the Council of Ministers is the head of state. In administratively, Cuba is divided into 14 provinces, which, in turn, are divided into 169 municipality, one of which is HuvanTud - central subordination. The slogan is popular in Cuba: "The power of the people is really power! ". The highest governing force of the Cuban society and the state is the Communist Party of Cuba.

Slide 5.

The triangle is a symbol of freedom, equality and fraternity, and three of the blue strips personify three parts to which the Spaniards divided Cuba. White color symbolizes the purity of the aspirations of revolutionaries and justice, red - blood spilled in the struggle for independence.

Slide 6.

National coat of arms is an island. It is decorated like a leather shield, and divided into three sections. In its horizontal top there is a golden key between the two mountains, the sun, ascending over the sea - which displays the position of Cuba in the symbolic form in the Bay - Cuba Key to the Mexican Bay, between two America. Blue and white stripes at the bottom left, represent the island state position in the colonial period. The right side, the Cuban landscape, the royal palm tree is a symbol of the inflexible character of Cuban people.

Slide 7.


According to the tectonic structure, Cuba is included in the Antil-Caribbean area of \u200b\u200bthe folded belt Cordiller. At the same time, it combines the folded structures of island antilleous arcs and sub-platform areas. Especially characteristic of the Cuba is a wide distribution of young limestone. Currently, Cuba is located in the zone of high seismicity (up to 7 balls). The currently exhausted copper deposits are connected with folded structures. Also, there are manganese ores, bauxite deposits are also possible. But the main mineral wealth of world importation is the reserves of nickel ores in combination with cobalt. Cubes are well provided with raw material resources for the building materials industry. Some coastal areas have signs of oil. Practically complete absence of fuel and energy resources creates great difficulties for economic development.

Slide 8.

Cuba economy. Positive sides.

The main branch of the economy of Cuba is the sugar industry. About 170 sugar processing plants operate in the country. There are companies in black and non-ferrous metallurgy, mechanical engineering, chemical industry, two refineries. The light and food industry is developed. Famous Cuban cigars produce 6 tobacco factories. An important source of income is international tourism. The share of the extractive industry in GDP is 3%. According to the reserves of Nickel Ore Cuba ranks fifth in the world. Cobalt ore is 26% of world stocks.

Slide 9.

Cuba economy. Negative sides.

Due to the US embargo, the lack of access to important markets and investment. Acute currency deficit. Fluctuations in world prices for sugar and nickel. Complete trade restrictions and the lack of legislative regulations impede investment. Bad infrastructure. Fuel deficiency, fertilizers and spare parts.

Slide 10.

The climatic conditions and resources of Cuba are determined primarily by the position of the territory directly to the south of the tropics, among the water area of \u200b\u200bthe Atlantic Ocean, as well as the passage near the island of warm currents forming Gulf Stream. Cuba has huge thermal resources of solar heat. The average monthly temperatures on the plains are always high: in January 22.5, in August 27.8. But the oscillations of extreme temperatures are quite significant. The average maximum temperature on the plains exceeds 30.

Slide 11.


The relatively high annual precipitation amount is 1380mm. The year is divided not for 4 years of year, but for 2 seasons - dry, rainy. The rainy season usually lasts from May to October. The dry season usually begins in November and ends in April. This is the period of the greatest economic activity, since it accounts for a season of cutting and processing sugar cane. For climatic conditions of all areas of the country, high humidity is typical. The average relative humidity of the air is 79%. In a combination with constant high temperatures, a very large air humidity is generally not a beneficial effect. Humidity is oppressed by a person. Cuba climate requires special processing (tropicalization) of all industrial products and structures. In general, climatic conditions in Cuba are much more favorable than in most other, especially continental tropical countries.

Slide 12.

Animal world

The animal world of Cuba due to its island position is pretty poor. In addition, he suffered greatly as a result of man's economic activity. There are no predatory animals and poisonous snakes in Cuba, a lot of bats, a very rich species composition of birds, insects and ground mollusks, a diverse species composition of fish, sea turtles, a lot of shrimp and langustes.

Slide 13.

Tobacco production

An important specialization of Cuba from the 17th century is the production of primitive tobacco. Cuban cigars are famous all over the world.

Slide 14.

Main religion: Catholicism, distributed various African religions. Festive days January 1-2 - the day of liberation (the victory of the Cuban Revolution in 1959). May 1 - Day of the International Solidarity of Workers, Labor Day. July 26 - the day of the national uprising (attack on the barrack of Moncada in Santiago de Cuba, July 25 and 27 are also weekends). October 10 - the anniversary of the beginning of the wars for independence from Spanish dominion, the day of Cuban culture. December 25 - Christmas.

Slide 15.

History of Cuba

Cuban settlement began in the fourth millennium BC. Apparently, the first inhabitants of the island moved there from South and Central America. The Indians knew agriculture, grown by corn and other food cultures, hunted on birds, rodents, mined turtles and fish. By the time of the Spanish conquest of Cuba at the beginning of the 16th century, the main mass of the Indians lived in the conditions of the decomposition of the primitive community. On October 28, 1492, the first expedition of Columbus, which went into search of rich overseas lands and putting the beginning of the era of great geographical discoveries reached the northeast coast of Cuba. On the same day, he recorded in the diary that the wonder of this island had not yet seen the eyes of a person. In the 1510th year, the Spanish colonization of Cuba began. By the 1514 years, the Spaniards founded seven cities from the first capital of Baracoa in the extreme east to Havana. Later, all of them, except for Baracoa, changed the location. The colonization of the island was accompanied by the almost complete destruction of the Indians. They rendered heroic resistance to the Spaniards under the leadership of their leaders - Athea and Guama.

Slide 16.

Depressed revolution

There are several names and dates in the life of each country with which the most glorious history pages are associated. One of these Vex of Cuban history is the day of October 10, 1868, when Patriot Carlos Manuel de Sessezdes, raised all compatriots to the uprising against the domination of Spain. Ten years, from 1868 to 1878, the Cuban rebels conducted the fight against the Spaniards under the slogan "Independence or Death!". On April 10, 1869, the first Constitution of Cuba was adopted. She proclaimed freedom of slave-blacks. Many thousands of blacks became rebels. But Cuba could not win. Among the causes of the defeat were inconsistency of managers, the heterogeneity of the composition of the rebels and the disunity of various areas of the country. In addition, the Spaniards had a number of troops at about 20 times more than that of the rebels.

Slide 17.

The end of the Spanish domination

Cuban patriots did not stop the struggle for independence. Ideologists, organizers and inspirers of this struggle became José Marty. In 1892, they created the first revolutionary party. In April 1895, the detachments of José Marty laid out active combat operations landed on Cuba. On May 19, in battle with the Spaniards Jose died. But the struggle continued, covering all new areas of the country. On September 16, 1895, the rebels proclaimed the creation of the Cuban Republic and its separation from Spain. War 1895-1898 was a heavy test for the Cuban people.

Slide 18.

As a result of the state coup on March 10, 1952, Fulhansio Batista came to power in Cuba, who established a military police dictatorship in the country. The coup caused discontent among the progressive youth progressive, the most radical group of which was headed by a young lawyer and a novice politician Fidel Castro Rus. On July 26, 1953, a group of rebels, counting on support for the broad masses, headed by Fidel Castro acted at the assault of the fortified barrack of Moncada in Santiago de Cuba. After a two-hour battle, the rebel detachment was defeated, many revolutionaries were killed, the rest were committed to the court. Although all the defendants received a long term of concluding (Fidel Castro was sentenced to 15 years), under pressure from the public, Baptiste had to amnesty the rebels.

Slide 19.

Castro's brothers emigrated to Mexico, where they did not leave plans to overthrow the dictatorship of Batista and began to create an organization for the future revolutionary speech, known as M-26. In Mexico, by that time there was a meeting of Castro and Ernesto Guevara, who entered the ranks M-26. Flag of "Traffic July 26"

Slide 20.

The first steps of the revolution

During the first three months, the position of revolutionaries remained critical, but they managed to gain the confidence in the inhabitants of the region and organize significant military pressing on local military garrisons. In addition to conducting hostilities in rural areas, M-26, with the help of sympathizing elements in the student environment and armed forces, organized several speeches in cities, which, however, did not have much importance. The fact that the Batistan government was significantly helped in this period of time in stretched relations with the main economic partner and the military supplier of Cuba of that time, the United States.

Slide 21.

In the summer of 1958, the strategic initiative passed on the side of revolutionaries. By the autumn, the provinces of Oriente and Las Villas were supplied to the autumn of the rebels. On January 1, 1959, the rebel forces entered Santiago, at the same time in the West the rebels led by the city of Santa Clara in the West. Although the situation has not yet been catastrophic for the regime, on the same day Batista left the island, after which the administration left them actually ceased to exist. On January 2, the rebel detachments entered Havana, on January 6, Fidel Castro came to the capital.

Slide 22.

The Cuban Revolution, at its initial stage, fully restored the national sovereignty, destroyed the bourgeois state apparatus, eliminated the US monopoly issues and the mode of exploitation of workers of the city and villages. In 1959 - 1960, the nationalization of industry, transport, banks, trade was carried out in Cuba, as well as measures to eliminate unemployment, the transfer of housing workers and the improvement of the conditions for their labor and life.

Slide 23.

Cuba has achieved huge recognized by all success in the social area. In December 1875, the first congress of the Communist Party of Cuba took place in Havana. February 24, 1976 The Constitution of Socialist Cuba entered into force. In 1978, the 11th World Festival of Youth and Students was held in Cuba in 1980. The first Cuban cosmonaut flew into space. Cuba isolation plans developed by the United States failed. Cuba supports diplomatic relations with more than 100 states.

Tips How to make a good presentation report or project

  1. Try to involve the audience in the story, configure interaction with the audience with the help of leading questions, the game part, do not be afraid to joke and sincerely smile (where it is appropriate).
  2. Try to explain the slide in your own words, add extra interesting FactsYou do not need to just read information from the slides, its audience can read and itself.
  3. You do not need to overload the slides of your project with text blocks, more illustrations and a minimum of text will allow you to better convey information and attract attention. On only key information should be on the slide, the rest is better to tell the listeners orally.
  4. The text should be well readable, otherwise the audience will not be able to see the applied information, will be very distracted from the story, trying to at least disassemble something, or will lose all interest. To do this, it is necessary to correctly pick up the font, given where and how the presentation will be broadcast, as well as correctly select the combination of background and text.
  5. It is important to rehears to the rehearsal of your report, think about how you say hello to the audience, what to say first, how to finish the presentation. All comes with experience.
  6. Correct the outfit correctly, because The speaker's clothes also plays a big role in the perception of his speech.
  7. Try to talk confidently, smoothly and connected.
  8. Try to enjoy the speech, then you can be more relaxed and you will worry about.