The biggest cruise liners in the world. The biggest ships in the world: list, names, photo The largest ship in the world cruise liner

Imagine that you go to a free cruise on the largest liner in the world. Inside the whole metropolis of entertainment and services, and all for free. Fiction? Yes. But one day, when the planet parade occurs, the company launches a new ship, this fairy tale becomes reality. Tour operators, media and all who will be sold to this liner subsequently on this liner are invited to the first flight.

Harmony of the Seas (Harmony of the Seas) today is really the largest cruise liner at 8,200 people, of which 2,200 crew members. The height of the vessel is comparable with a height of a 20-storey building. Length 362 meters, which exceeds the length of Red Square in Moscow. The construction of the liner was rooyal caribbean in more than 1,000,000,000 euros.

But the most impressive non-measurement, and the filling of the liner is a helicopter area, swimming pools, water slides, casino, theater, ice rink, a garden with 12 thousand different plants and much more. On board even there is Bionic Bar, where robots work as waiters. Let's see how it looks inside ...

Common liner plans. This is a really huge thing, a giant none ark with displacement of 227,500 tons:



We left the port of Barcelona. We had two fire ships: in honor of the first navigation, they arranged "Salute" from water cannons:


The first place where you get in a cruise is, of course, the cabin. I will not lead the Metage, I will only mention that there was a separate dressing room in my cabin:

General zones liner. Right in the photo Giant sculpture of the head, which rotates layers in different directions:


On board there are pedestrian streets. The complete feeling that the ship did not come to the sea, but a piece of mainland. There are a lot of people. After a number of incidents on ROYAL CARIBBEAN cruises, the advanced face recognition system capable, if necessary, identify each passenger in the crowd:


Many sculptures and works of contemporary art:


We rise to the upper decks. There are two types of decks - indoor, comfortable in windmake, and street:


On board 16 decks. 6 main basins and 10 giant jacuzzi:

The upper deck is replete with public zones:


Many sun beds. Pay attention to the slides behind the pool:


On the other hand, the golf course:


Waves for riding on boards:


Rope crossing at the level of seven floors:

On the stern of the ship a huge aquateater. From the top deck down, two pipes lead along which you can go down in clothes. Feels like - very quickly, very scary and very dark. Almost 30 meters of height overcome in 13 seconds, making 360 degrees along the way:


To the right of the aquateateater, a pedestrian zone called Central Park:



Naturally, there is a gym, and he is gigantic. Many simulators and shells:


On board the harmony of the seas of 20 restaurants. The main one occupies three floors, it is there daily dinners pass:


And this is the same Bionic Bar, where robots work. In the arsenal of mechanical hands 30 alcoholic components. A set of cocktails that they can make, strive for infinity. On one cocktail takes 30 seconds. Looks fantastic:


Another memorable restaurant is called "Wonderland" and made based on the famous work of Lewis Carolla:


Hall registration:



Instead of the menu, bring an empty picture that you need to color with water, words appear after these manipulations. It would seem a trifle, but leaves an indelible impression:


Restaurant molecular kitchen. The dish is called "Garden", and "Earth" is made of bread with the addition of ink Caracatin:


Dessert from a ball that watered hot chocolate. A minute later, the ball melts, exposing ice cream inside. Delicious:


Weekly in the restaurants liner go into consumption 4500 kg of chicken and almost 7,000 kg of beef. Just on board 4,900 seats in restaurants and bars. The assortment of desserts again hit me with a sense:


In Central Park dozens of stores on any wallet:


In the evening they do not have to miss. Rather, on the contrary, you will need to run from one presentation to another:


In the theater - the Broadway Stage "Brocco". The movie of the same name, shot on this Music, made a travolit star as much in 1978:


Ice show. Just pay attention to the quality of the costumes that prepared for the performance.

Of all thousands of liners that exist today in the world, the biggest cruise ship is considered Oasis of the seas. At the same time, it is also the most expensive liner on the planet: his unsurpassed luxury cost the owners of the vessel at 1.24 billion dollars.

Passenger Liner Oasis of the Seas Was lowered on October 28, 2009. And so far, this vessel does not have equal on bold design, nor by the mass of technological advances. All this ensures its passengers unforgettable sea cruises. And this is against the background of the fact that a two-week journey on a wonderful ship in the cheapest cabin will cost a rather modest amount - from 1300 euros for a place.

The crew of the vessel was the company "Royal Caribbean International", which thought over in his brainchild everything to the smallest detail, including and, of course, one hundred percent protection of the ship from hurricanes, giant waves and even infectious diseases. Direct shipbuilding work on the order of the mentioned company was made at the StX Europe enterprise. It is interesting that the screws for a huge vessel were made in the Russian company - Baltic Plant OJSC.

The length of the "oasis of the seas" is 361 meters, the width is 66 meters, and the height is 72 meters. The liner is built with a displacement of 225 thousand tons. Such impressive parameters of the ship suggests that Oasis of the seas is 40% more than any other liner in the world. In relation to the sadly known "Titanic", this vessel is 5 times greater than its size.

In total, the largest liner in the world consists of 16 decks, 2704 cabins designed for 6,360 passengers and 2160 crew members. If you compare Oasis of the Seas in height with conventional buildings, then above the water, it rises at the level of a 20-storey building. The vessel has 6 engines, which, together with other power plants, provide the ship with a power of 96 MW to develop a speed of up to 22.6 sea nodes, which is 41.9 km per hour.

Entertainment on the "oasis of the seas" is invented a huge set, for every taste - from millionaires to ordinary ordinary people. So, on the ship there is a water amphitheater, a carousel (made "in full-size"), a floating park, an ice rink, a golf course, 4 swimming pools (with a total water volume of 2300 tons), volleyball and basketball courts, walls for climbing and children's Zone with thematic parks.

Also, a huge liner is famous for the fact that it is 10 SPA-coupled and fashionable surfing simulators. At the same time, Oasis of the seas is so big that is divided into thematic areas. We will pay attention, for example, on a tropical zone that attracts palm trees and wines: There are always a lot of people who rest and relax both in the tropics. In total, 12 thousand plants landed on the ship, including 56 trees.

As a result, being in the open sea, tourists liner have the opportunity to visit the unique analogue of the "Central" Park in New York. Here you can relax in the shade of real large trees, see the ice show and listen to Broadway musicals. In addition, at the stern Oasis of the Seas there is an open amphitheater, designed for 750 seats, which was made according to an ancient Greek amphitheater. And in another part of the ship is a closed theater that can accommodate 1300 guests.

At the same time, the vessel passengers are celebrating all the time, so in a two-week cruise "oasis of the seas" goes with the following reserve: more than 14 tons of meat products, 20 thousand champagne bottles, 44 thousand fresh eggs, 6.6 tons of lettuce, 3 tons of bow, 22 Tonato tons and it is not all. In the restaurants of the vessel prepare the most sophisticated dishes for which products should also always be at hand. In total, about 70 thousand main dishes are served on the vessel every day, of which 15 thousand desserts.

Be sure to mention both the utilization of garbage on a liner. For waste recycling on Oasis of the Seas there is own factory. Here, the whole garbage is first sorted, and then pressed and thrown into a landfill in the nearest port. Also on board the liner there is own film studio, in which the daily material about life on the "oasis of the seas" and in the evening is broadcast to the cabins of vacationers.

In addition, more than three hundred chefs work on the vessel. And on the galley there is a warehouse of products, a total cost of 2 million dollars. Strict rules say that only registered employees have access to the galley. At the same time, the service personnel and crew members also lead a full-fledged life on the ship, but it is completely isolated from guests, and all the movements of people working on the liner occur along a hidden system of service stairs and corridors.

In the center of the cruise ship passes an amazing place called "Royal Promenade". There is a transparent illumination elevator. Also in this place there are a lot of bars and shops, which makes this "Street" like a small town. As already mentioned, at Oasis of the Seas there is a show on ice, which always collects many viewers. But in order for the natural bundle of the ship does not interfere with artists, a vessel stabilization system is included during the show.

On the "oasis of the seas" everything is thought out for a luxurious recreation of passengers, but sometimes tourists behave badly and interfere with others. Then they are asked to leave the liner in the nearest port. But heavier situations arise in cases where someone from the vessel guests dies. Then the body of the deceased is placed in his own morgue, and relatives of such a person console the whole team. Also, the liner staff has to solve many problems: from providing medical care before investigation of crimes.

But on the safety of the vessel also watches its own service. Her employees go to civilianship, and constantly monitor with video cameras. And in the case of unforeseen situations, Oasis of The Seas will be used by a modern system of rescue bots, as well as inflatable rescue raids, which are located at certain points throughout the ship.

The greatest cruise liners in size exceed the usual nine-story building, but such ships in the world of all a couple of dozens. In our ranking - the most huge and luxurious.

Harmony of the seas

American liner Harmony of the seas walks into cruises from Rome and Barcelona. A four-day trip to Harmony of The Seas costs $ 650. On a liner 18 decks with entertainment for passengers, there is an unusual bar, where robots work Barmenmi.


The 348-meter liner Quantum of the Seas accommodates almost 5,000 passengers. The ship runs mainly in Asia. A five-day cruise costs 800 dollars. Travelers can admire the ocean with a special observation deck and from a 90-meter tower. Also on the liner there is an autodrome, spa, swimming pool with a cinema, casino.

Oasis of the seas

6,000 passengers can travel on the Oasis of the Seas liner at the same time. There are 150-meter two-story cabins, a golf course, cliffromes and other entertainment. The nine-day trip will cost a minimum of $ 1500.

Allure of the seas

The Floating Allure of The Seas is also designed for 6,000 passengers. The ship walks mainly between Bahamas, Caribbean and Mexico. For a weekly cruise, you need to pay about $ 600.

Norwegian Epic.

Norwegian EPIC liner accommodates almost 5,200 people. According to traveler surveys, this is the most luxurious ship in the world. In addition to ordinary entertainment, like swimming pools, sports grounds, restaurants and cafes, there is our own water park with steep slides.

Independence of the seas

Independence of the Seas walks around Europe and Caribbean Islands. A three-day journey costs about 300 dollars. On the ship there is a water park for sires, a hot water pool and even a rink.

Queen Mary 2.

Queen Mary 2 ocean liner runs around Europe and exotic islands. A two-day trip in the usual cabin costs at least $ 345. For 3,000 passengers during cruises, a planetarium, a 3D cinema, a library work.

Norwegian Breakaway.

The 324-meter Norwegian Breakaway liner rolls 4,000 passengers between the baggamas and the caribbeans. The weekly cruise will cost 700 dollars. At Norwegian Breakaway, the Misyan restaurant, passengers show musicals and fockers show.

Royal Princess.

At the opening of the Royal Princess liner, Kate Middleton was attended. Duchess Cambridge gave and the name of this luxurious ship. Passengers are entertained here in a street cinema, even organized a show of dancing fountains on the deck.


MSC PREZIOSA walks through the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. The liner is designed for almost 4,000 passengers. On board, in addition to ordinary entertainment, you can play "Formula 1" and watch a movie in the 4D cinema.

Traveling on such luxury liners is one pleasure. Unusual atmosphere and mass of entertainment on board, endless space around and amazing atmosphere.

From ancient times for a person, the opportunity to swim like a fish was not less desirable than the ability to fly, like a bird. What the body cannot do this nature helped to carry out the machines we have worn. From the dilapid boat of antiquity, humanity has grown up to the creation of huge cities on the water. The largest of them even accustomed to the achievements of the progress of a modern person are striking the combination of power and beauty.

The biggest ships in the world: selection criteria

To name the most-huge ship, there are at least two criteria: dimensions (long and width) and displacement (in fact it is the volume of the underwater part of the ship).

In addition, to determine the winner in individual nominations, its ability to perform its main task is to be crucial. For a passenger ship, this is the number of passengers, which it can take on board and the amount of cabin, for a dry cargo or tanker - the weight of the cargo transported, for the container carrier - the number of containers.

Sailboats and steamers

Before moving to modern record holders, let's remember their predecessors, those who sealed the sea driven by the power of wind and steam.

The largest sailing ship ever converged from the stocks is the French Bark France II. The vessel had a displacement of almost 11 tons and a length of 146 meters. Ten years old - from 1912 to 1922 - they carried out regular cargo transportation, while the sailboat was not abandoned from the coast of New Caledonia, the sailboat was not thrown by the owners. Finally, the ship was destroyed in 1944 during the bombing.

The greatest in the history of the steamer is laid down in 1857 Great Eastern. Its length is 211 meters, and water displacement - 22.5 thousand tons. The ship was driven by two wheels and one rowing screw, but could walk under the sail. The main purpose of the vessel is passenger transportation, on board Great Eastern could take up to 4,000 people. Unfortunately, the age of coal and the pair was not affordable to such large-scale projects - the operation of Great Eastern turned out to be unprofitable and was discontinued for economic reasons.

Absolute recordsman

For many years, the winner in the nomination "The largest ships in the world" was the Knock Nevis tanker. Erected in 1976 in Japan, he changed the name many times and passed a major restructuring. The final dimensions of the champion acquired in 1981 (called SeaWise Giant): 458.5 meters in length, 68 in width during displacement of 565 thousand tons.

A huge tanker is a piece tool that is not so easy to find application. Because of its sizes, the ship had a low speed, huge (more than 10 kilometers!) Brake path, could not pass through strategic shipping straits and could only moisten in several ports around the world.

You can see the photos of the largest ship on any site dedicated to the history of shipbuilding, but this giant has recently belongs to the past, as well as sailboats and steamers. In 2010, the ship not used for six years was cut on scrap metal.

Giant workflows

Like SeaWise Giant, other largest ships are cargo ships: tankers, dry cargo services, container shipments.

The longest of the now used ships (397 meters) is the Emma Maersk container ship. According to different sources, it is not its board that can be raised from 11 to 14 thousand standard containers. Since the task was put in front of the designers to ensure the passage of Emma Maersk through the Suez and Panama channels, the width and sediment of the ship were laid quite moderate. Therefore, water displacement of such a giant "total" 157 thousand tons.

And the biggest ships in the world on displacement are four Hellespont SuperTanker. Although the length of each of them is 17 meters less than the leader among container shipments, but the displacement is one and a half times more - 234 thousand tons.

The Rudozles of the Brazilian company Vale and Rudoza are not too inferior to them. The largest of them is Vale SOhar - has a displacement of about 200 thousand tons and a length of 360 meters. Maximum cargo, which is able to transport this giant - 400 thousand tons.

Cruise beauties

Although passenger ships are not so great as freight, but they are indelible to the impression. The cruise liner is not a means of movement, but a place to relax class "Lux". The large size of the ship here serves not so much the opportunity to place as much passengers as possible as possible, how much to create all the thought comfort, which would satisfy the most discerning public.

The largest passenger ships at times more than the incredible Titanic ever. A couple of twin airliners Allure of the Seas and Oasis In The Seas are not equal in size. 362 meters long and 225 thousand tons of displacement - numbers comparable to the largest cargo ships. At each of the liners, you can comfortably place 6400 passengers. In addition, the staff of the staff carry 2100 personnel (this is against several dozen sailors serving tankers and dry cargo services).

It features allure of the seas or oasis in the ses stores, casino, restaurants, bars, nightclubs, fitness center, volleyball and basketball courts, sauna and swimming pools. There is even a park with real trees and grass.

Sea storm

You can not get around the attention and the biggest warships. These are now aircraft carriers. And this is understandable: no matter how airplane work has been working on a decrease in the take-off running of the aircraft, but still the track for the start of "winged sailors" is needed rather big.

In the period before the Second World War, the most powerful maritime powers have built particularly large warships - battleships. The largest of them is the flagship of the Japanese fleet "Yamato". 263 meters long, 40 wide, crew in 2500 sailors - the battleship seemed simply invulnerable. However, the ship lowered in 1940, it was sweeping shortly before Japan's surrender.

The development of anti-submarine armaments made such ships too convenient target. The ships laid in those years still carried the service (for example, the American battleships of the Iowa project), but the main rate in the post-war period was made on the aviance ships.

The largest naval ship of all time was the USS Enterprise aircraft carrier. Its length is 342 meters, width - 78 meters. The ship carried up to 90 aircraft (aircraft and helicopters), which served 1,800 people. The total number of crew is 3000 sailors. Serving more than half a century, in 2012, Enterprise was removed from the armament of the United States fleet. Now his place was taken by Nimitz class aircraft carriers, slightly inferior in the size of the predecessor - the length of the largest modern air-row ships 333 meters.

The biggest ships of Russia

Although Russian-made ships do not take upper positions in the ratings of the largest vessels of the world, but some models do not have equal in their categories.

So, the flagship of the Northern Fleet of the Russian Federation atomic missile cruiser "Peter Great" is the world's largest non-aviance combat shock ship. Cruiser dimensions: 251 meters - length, 28 meters - width, displacement - 28 thousand tons. The main task: opposition to opponent's aviance compounds.

In the service in the Navy of Russia, another record holder is a submarine "Shark" (project 941). Length of the boat - 173 meters, underwater displacement - 48 thousand tons, crew - 160 people. The submarine is equipped with a nuclear reactor and diesel power plants. Main weapons are intercontinental ballistic rockets with nuclear warheads.

From civil courts, you need to mention the largest atomic icebreaker "50 years of victory", which has come down from stamels in 1993. Perhaps knowing what the biggest ships in the world, its 160 meters of length will seem non-serious, but still in its class this vessel is not equal.

Giant on shipyard

In addition to actually ships, modern shipbuilders are engaged in the development and other marine giants - floating platforms. The structural dimensions can be used for different purposes, from mining of minerals before the launch of spacecraft.

Right now on the shipyards of the South Korean Samsung Heavy Industries, the PLELUDE floating platform is drawn, which the customer - Royal Dutch Shell - plans to use for the extraction, liquefaction and transportation of natural gas. In 2013, the Prelude Corps was lowered. Its sizes are more impressive than the biggest ships of the world can boast. Photos of the unfinished giant became available to everyone interested.

The length of the vessel is 488 meters, width - 78 meters, displacement - 600 thousand tons. It is assumed that the platform will move with tugs. Only the absence of its own chassis does not allow the champion to call the champion among giant ships. The platform is still not a ship.


If you are thinking about traveling on one of the best comfortable liners, then for you there is a global rating of such ships.

Present top best cruise liners in the world. These include huge liners, medium ships, small ships and river ships.

The British Cunard company has at its disposal three megalaineer Queen Mary 2, Queen Elizabeth and Queen Victoria, which provide a wide range of marine excursions, including transatlantic transitions. All three ships have excellent reviews and are well suited for family holidays.

This is the longest liner in the world. It is low in 2003.

Length Its more than the length of the famous ill-fated Titanic per 100 m.

Passengers Megalainer has the opportunity, putting glasses, visit the modern planetarium. In addition, guests are offered:

  • Six restaurants
  • Five pools
  • Gym
  • SPA-center
  • Casino
  • Theatre
  • Cinema
  • Picture gallery.

Displacement: 76,000 tons.

Maximum speed: 30 knots (55.5 km in h).

Length: 345 m.

Crew: 1254 people.

Maximum number of passengers: 2,620 people.

it second liner in size Supported by Cunard.

Queen Victoria is an elegant interior of expensive trees, beautiful mosaic and impressive chandeliers.

Displacement: 90,000 tons.

Length: 294 m.

Maximum number of passengers: 1,970 people.

This is a modern ship shipping company Cunard - owner the newest fleet in the world.

Liner was fully commissioned in 2010 year.

The liner equipped with all the best than its predecessors Queen Mary 2 and Queen Victoria.

This is truly ship 21 century, Combining high technologies and luxurious, rich interiors.

The highlight of this ship is internal scenery in style. thirties last century, What even resembles "Titanic". From interesting premises on board: Winter garden, library, cinema hall, theater and several pools. On the debut flight, the minimum cost of a ticket in the third grade was about 2,000 dollars.

Displacement: 90 900 tons.

Maximum number of passengers: 2,068 people.

Crew: 1,003 people.

In 1965, the cruise company Princess Cruises was founded. Since then, she has purchased many cruise liners, in the names of which there is a word Princess.(Princess). To date, Princess Cruises is part of the large Carnival Corporation Cruise Holding.

Princess ships are designed so that all the entertainment on them is at least duplicate And guests never stand in the queues. So, for example, giant restaurants on the ship are not alone, but at once two or three. The same will also apply to the showroom, a huge theater and other entertainment.

For example, liner Dawn Princess. Equipped with:

  • 6 bars
  • 3 pools (one of them even with artificial flow)
  • 4 jacuzzi
  • Huge Sports Complex (Tennis Playground, Gym, Golf Simulator, Basketball Platquinity, Volleyball Platquin)
  • Casino
  • Open-air cinema
  • Other numerous entertainment.

An important positive side of Princess liners are convenient cruise schedules, Which covers all continents and countries with balanced downtime in ports. If you are a trip of travel in luxurious cabins with a large space in the American style, then feel free to choose one of the princess liners.

CELEBRITY CRUISES is a large company-operator that was founded in 1989. Since then, the company is constantly developing and replenished new and modern ships.

Celebrity Cruises Currently, the Maternal company Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. is part of the Maternal company ROYAL CARIBBEAN CRUISES Ltd. and has a fleet comprising 10 cruise liners, which are related to a five-star class.

Also four vessels are under construction at the shipyer Werft shipyard. All vessels are divided into four classes.

This is a new class. The first liner of this class in Celebrity Cruises appeared in 2008. Today everything exists 4 liner Solstice class (they are the largest in the world with the level of "premium").

Perhaps the most unique in this segment is the ship "Celebrity Cruises", on board which is located "Club on the lawn", 8 tennis courts exceeding in size.

Maximum number of passengers: 2,850 people.

Number of decks: 13.

The number of cabins for passengers: 1 426.

About this class of ships the world first learned in 2000. In this cell there are 4 megalaineer. All S. spacious interiors - This is the main difference of the Millenium class from others. Here each passenger will have a record personal space.

Each such vessel is equipped complex procedures Aquaspa,placed on an area of \u200b\u200b2,320 square meters. Spa includes rejuvenating procedures using Elemis cosmetics. And after the procedures you can taste a light salad in a cafe-spa.

In this class, CELEBRITY CRUISES has only two cruise liners. Courts are made in the established traditions of the company both in architecture and in design. For many customers who previously traveled to these liners, it is typical of returning again and again, because the CENTURY class is the most popular.

CENTURY Class Passenger Court has undergone reconstruction in 2006 and now they have a complex Aquaspa; the modern theater in which the Broadway Show is held; The museum in which there are 500 works of famous artists, such as Raushenberg, Picasso, etc.

In this class, there is one megayacht with the same name CELEBRITY XPEDITION, on which comfort Combined with high-quality service. This is the case when the small sizes of the ship are a plus, as they allow it to be seized even on small islands.

Royal Caribbean ranks second in the size of the passenger fleet. Currently, the company has six classes of ships.

This is the newest class of ships in the company in which the liners include displacement. 13,000 tons. The first cruise in the QUANTUM class started in 2013.

The main features of such vessels are: a mobile platform for a review on the crane, a sports and entertainment complex, virtual balconies, skayving and many other entertainment. Court capacity is designed for 4,200 passengers With 2,090 cabins.

The first liner of the Freedom class from Royal Caribbean was launched in 2006. On such ships arrange additional grand Entertainment For example, surf simulator or water park.

In addition, on board one of such ships you will find a huge number of boutiques, ice rink, several pubs, bars and restaurants for every taste.

Such a class of liners make cruises since 2001. Ships are able to hold on their board 2 500 people. Feature of the Radiance class is abundance of glass. The total area of \u200b\u200bglass surfaces is more than 12,000 square meters. M: Huge two-story restaurants, balconies, roofs of pools, elevators and another interior on the ship.

Also the undisputed highlight of this class are sports facilities outdoors:

  • Golf game simulator
  • A separate small platform for 9 holes (decorated in the style of the French Baroque garden)
  • Basketball playground
  • Treadmill
  • Rock climbing wall 61 m

5 Voyager class liners have become present klondiket Amusement In the open sea. All ships were built in Finland. On board, the first time was introduced by an icy rink and the cliff. Passenger capacity in this class is 3 100 people.

On the voyager's huge vessels, it is easy to find a secluded corner and admire the beauty of the surrounding landscape. Unusted entertainment pools with tropical fish.

Vision class includes six ships where traditionally have a cinema on an open deck, a climbing, three pools and many other attractions.

And the company "Fishka" Liner "Royal Caribbean" is "Corona Viking",which rises above the ocean and presents a wonderful panoramic view of the marine expanses.

Sovereign class

To date, the service of Royal Caribbean is only one vessel of a similar class. Majesty of the seas, which makes cruise walks in the Bahamas.

Norwegian Cruise Line is a company with its fleet of cruise liners. The operator has entered the passenger transport market in 1966. Now Norwegian Cruise Line controls 8% of cruises in the world.

On board this huge structure, every guest will definitely find entertainment for itself. Norwegian Sky liner designers made a lot and for children's entertainment, so the ship is predisposed to Family cruises. Here is a real holiday without restrictions.

  • · Year of construction: 1999
  • · Restoration year: 2008
  • · Displacement: 77,000 tons
  • · Length: 260 m
  • · Number of cabins: 1001
  • · Passenger number: 2450
  • · Number of decks: 12
  • · Crew number: 950
  • · Number of elevators: 12.

On board the Norwegian Sun liner there is even his own casino.

  • · Year of construction: 2001
  • · Displacement: 78,000 tons
  • · Length: 260 m
  • · Number of decks: 12
  • · Number of cabins: 1001
  • · Passenger number: 2 400
  • · Crew number: 980
  • · Number of elevators: 12.

On board there is a whole spectrum traditional entertainment.

  • · Year of construction: 2001
  • · Displacement: 91,000 tons
  • · Length: 294 m
  • · Number of decks: 12
  • · Crew number: 1 100
  • · Passenger number: 2 846
  • · Number of cabins: 1 122
  • · Number of elevators: 12.

From the raisins on board this vessel can be noted Broadway theater.

As well as collection of works of art In the restaurant LE BISTRO, which presents genuine canvas Van Gogh, Renuara, Monet and Matisse.

  • · Year of construction: 2002
  • · Displacement: 91,700 tons
  • · Length: 294 m
  • · Speed: 25 knots (46.3 km in h)
  • · Number of decks: 11
  • · Crew number: 1318
  • · Passenger number: 2,200
  • · Number of cabins: 1 122
  • · Number of elevators: 12.

On board the comfortable liner there is a casino, a gaming machine room, a cigar club, a two-level unique theater, a trading gallery with boutiques, a disco and a nightclub, a large library.

  • Year of construction: 2004
  • Displacement: 75 300 tons
  • Length 268 M.
  • Number of decks: 10
  • Crew number: 1 300
  • Passenger number: 2 475
  • Number of cabins: 983
  • Number of elevators: 9.

Here you will find 2 outdoor pools, a room for concert speeches Stardust Theater (Capacity 1037 places), 13 bars and clubs for every taste, as well as many other entertainment.

  • Year of construction: 2005
  • Displacement: 93,000 tons
  • Length: 294 m
  • Number of decks: 12
  • Crew number: 1 000
  • Number of cabins: 1 188
  • Passengers: 2 846
  • Number of elevators: 12.

Norwegian Pearl wondered for family cruises. Therefore, here is a huge range of interesting attractions for children. For example, gaming room Nintendo Wii, Where players compete with each other on a huge screen, whose height reaches a two-story building.

Also on board the megalaineer is a five-level simulator for climbing.

  • Year of construction: 2006
  • Displacement: 93,500 tons
  • Length: 294 m
  • Number of decks: 12
  • Crew number: 1100
  • Number of cabins: 1 197
  • Passengers: 2 846
  • Number of elevators: 12.

There are 12 terrific restaurants, 13 unique cocktail halls and bars, bowling and climbing wall.

  • Year of construction: 2007
  • Displacement: 93,500 tons
  • Number of decks: 15
  • Length: 295 m
  • Passengers: 2 846
  • Number of cabins: 1 197
  • Crew number: 1 100
  • Number of elevators: 12.

As an evening entertainment on the ship there is a casino and games room for cards, where they organize a very interesting command the game "Mafia".From the original entertainment on board there is variety, theater, a nightclub, a big cinema and karaoke.

  • Year of construction: 2006
  • Displacement: 93,500 tons
  • Length: 294 m
  • Number of decks: 12
  • Crew number: 1 000
  • Passenger number: 2 890
  • Number of cabins: 1 233
  • Number of elevators: 12.

Here you will surprise Ice Bar. (ice bar), in which the temperature does not rise above 8 gr. Celsius, and therefore, going to this institution, you need to wear warm clothes. The bar is fully made of ice: bar rack, tables, as well as wine glasses and wine glasses.

  • Year of Construction: 2010
  • Displacement: 153,000 tons
  • Length: 325 m
  • Number of decks: 15
  • Crew number: 1 730
  • Passenger number: 5,400
  • Number of cabins: 2 100
  • Number of elevators: 16

Norwegian Cruise Line America operator company is a new Norwegian Cruise Line brand. Norwegian Cruise Line America has only one vessel Pride of America with displacement 81,000 tons and passengerism 2,440 people.

The ship commits cruise treasures under the US flag, and the entire crew of the vessel is citizens of the same state.

On board there are two main restaurants with a capacity of 628 places and one smaller - by 496 places. In addition, there are restaurants with various kitchens: Chinese, French, Swedish, Fast Food, Italian, Sea, Meat.

Superliner Pride of America has:

  • Two open pools
  • Closed pool
  • SPA complex
  • Fitness center
  • Sauna
  • Room for massage
  • Volleyball and basketball courts
  • Children's pool
  • Cinema 150 seats
  • Theater
  • Disco
  • Internet cafe
  • Nightcloth
  • Casino
  • Children's club
  • Library
  • Business Center
  • A variety of shops
  • Room with video attractions.