In which city Taj Mahal is standing. Taj Mahal

History of Great Love: Shah-Jahan and Mumtaz-Mahal

Every year, Taj Mahal in India visits about five million tourists. The creation of the greatest structures on Earth is associated with the name of Shah-Jahan, the grandson of the Great Mogola Akbar.

The name of Shah-Jahan, which means "the ruler of the world", gave his father to his son His father. On a young age, the boy was engaged in Mumtaz-wax, but so coincided that they loved each other. And their love passed the test of eternity ...

Shah-Jahan had a big harem, but for him there was no other women except Mumtaz-Mahal. Yes, he had children and from other wives, but his feelings for these women did not go any comparison with his great love for "Choosing Palace" - this is exactly what the name of Mumtaz-Mahal is translated. The fact that they were very close was recorded in all palace chronicles, which is unusual for the eastern world. After all, Muslims are preached by various love: love for God, to the Lord, to the country, but not romantic.

The happiness of lovers lasted long. A rebellion broke out in one of the remote provinces, and Shah-Jahan went to suppress him. In all campaigns, Mumtaz-Mahal accompanied her husband. But this hike was given to her very hard - she was pregnant. Births passed very hard, and on June 17, 1631 after the birth of his fourteenth child, she died.

Mount Shah-Jahan is impossible to describe in words. He did not leave his chambers of 8 days, did not eat anything and did not talk to anyone. During this time, he was very old and drove.

The history of the creation of the Taj Mahal

According to the legend, shortly before the death of Mumtaz-Mahal asked her husband to build the most beautiful mausoleum in the world. It was the only thing that Shah Jahan could now do for her beloved ...

The construction of the Taj Mahala began in 1632 six months after the death of Mumtaz-Mahal and lasts twelve years. At this project went huge funds. Taj Mahal is the most expensive of ever built structures. About 32 million rupees were spent on construction, which is currently comparable to billions of euros. For the building facing, the most pure marble in the world was used, which was mined in Rajasthan province. Shah-Jahan banned using this marble on other construction projects of the Indian Empire.

Because of the construction in the country, hunger began: part of the grain that was intended to the provinces was sent to the construction site to provide the workers.

The construction of the Taj Mahal ended in 1643. After that, the Board of Shah-Jahan lasted for a long time - until 1658. But it was impossible to be called successful. The empire was in a very difficult economic situation. The son of Shah-Jahan and Mumtaz-Mahal deprived the father of power. The remainder of Shah-Jahan's life spent in the Red Forte, from the window of which he constantly looked at the tomb of a woman who became love of his life ... He was buried by the great ruler of Mughal next to his beloved wife.

Secrets of construction Taj Mahal

Taj Mahal is striking for more than three hundred years. It can rightly be called one of the most ambitious structures in the history of mankind. Ideas and solutions that were used in its construction, just amazing imagination! Especially if you consider that Taj Mahal has been for several centuries. But it is ideal in its beauty and accuracy. Where is the Taj Mahal and why is it worth a visit?

  • Taj Mahal is located in the city of Agra (about 250 km from Delhi) on the banks of the Jamna River. This place was not the most convenient for the construction of such a structure: the soil is unstable due to the proximity of the water. Therefore, a unique technology was used, which is used only in a somewhat modified form (for example, the use of piles during the construction of skyscrapers in the UAE).

Workers dug deep wells that passed through a layer of groundwater. These wells filled with stones and lime solid. On this foundation, stone columns were erected, associated with each other arches. The foundation plate of the building was placed on this design.

  • When designing the Taj Mahal, some optical illusions were used. To get to the territory of the Taj Mahal, you need to go through the arch of the entrance gate, through which the visitor sees the building for the first time. As the arc approaches, it seems that the Taj Mahal is removed. And on the contrary, when the visitor leaves, he sees through the arch, as if the construction approaches. Thus, the effect is created that a person takes the Taj Mahal with him.
  • It seems that surprisingly beautiful minarets of the Taj Mahal are located strictly vertically. But here it was not without an optical trick! In fact, they are slightly rejected on the parties from the building. If they were strictly vertically, it would seem that they are inclined to mausoleum. But in the selected slope is hidden and one more advantage. With the earthquake, minarets would have collapsed on the parties from the Taj Mahal, did not touch him.
  • Taj Mahal combines the best elements of memorials built earlier by representatives of Mughal dynasty: minarets, dome, four angular towers and four portals.
  • The tomb, which is located under the main dome of the Taj Mahala is not a real burial place Mumtaz-Mahal. The real tomb is located in the secret marble hall under the mausoleum. This was done so that no one disturbed the chief of the palace. In the Qur'an it is said that it is impossible to break peace of the deceased.

Pietra fool

The trim inside the Taj Mahal was performed on the technique of Pietra's fool, which fell into India from Italy. Amazing stone flowers made of gems decorate the walls of the halls and other elements of the building. Therefore, the Taj Mahal inside is similar to the jewelry box.

Currently, in Indian workshops you can see this art cutting on stone. And the technology over the past few centuries has not changed completely.

Religious symbolism of the Taj Mahal

Taj Mahal depicts earthly and afterlife in accordance with the representations of Islam. The whole complex is divided into 2 parts. The earthly part consists of bazaars and caravan sheds, and the afterlife is from the paradise garden and the Mausoleum. The pond and entrance doors located between these two parts symbolize the transition from one world to another.

Also very symbolic color decoration of the Taj Mahal. The structures of the earth are made of red sandstone. White color is used only for the mausoleum and symbolizes spirituality and faith.

Eight halls are located in the mausoleum, which symbolize the eight gates of Paradise described in the Quran and one central - in it there is a tomb of Mumtaz-Mahal.

What you need to know tourists

The whole complex is enjoyed by a reliable wall, and at the entrance is a thorough check of visitors for the presence of prohibited things: food, lighters, cigarettes, chewing gum, mobile phones. So it is better to leave them in the hotel.

Photo: Wikipedia, Muhammad Mahdi Karim, Vetra,

Taj Mahal is a monument to the architecture of Mughal style, which combines elements of Persian, Indian and Islamic architectural styles. He was built by the emperor of the Great Mogolov Shah-Jahan in memory of his third wife, Mumtaz Mahal, who died at the birth of the fourteenth child (later she was buried here and Shah-Jahan himself). Taj Mahal is located in the western part of Uttar Pradesh, India, and is represented by a whole architectural complex, and not just to all famous marble mausoleum. The building began to build in about 1632 and completed in 1653, 20 thousand artisans and masters worked. In 1983, Taj Mahal became the UNESCO World Heritage Site and called "Pearl of Muslim Art in India, one of the generally accepted heritage masterpieces, which are admired throughout the world."

Taj Mahal is located south of the city walls of the city of Agra. Shah-Jahan exchanged this plot belonging to Maharaja Gai Singhu (English. Jai Singh I), to the Grand Palace in the center of Agra. The construction of foundations and mausoleum lasted about 12 years, and the rest of the complex was completed after another 10 years. Since the complex was built in several stages, there are several dates for completing construction. For example, Mausoleum was built in 1643, but the work on the rest of the complex was completed in 1653. The estimated cost of construction of the Taj Mahal varies depending on the sources and methods of calculation. The approximate total cost of construction is estimated at the level of 32 million rupees, in today's money is a few trillion dollars.

Construction began with earthworks on a plot of approximately three acres (12000 m2), the main part was to alignment and raising the surface of the area by 50 meters relative to the river level. At the site of the Mausoleum location, wells were dug, which filled with butte structures, formed the foundations of the structure. Instead of forests from a bandaged bamboo, large-scale brick forests were erected, which surrounded the tomb. They were so impressive in size that the masters headed by construction feared that their disassembly could take years. According to the legend, Shah-Jahan voiced that anyone could take themselves and leave as many bricks as he wishes, and the forests were disassembled by the peasants in almost the night. The ramp of the rammed land long 15 km was built for transporting marble and other materials. Groups of 20-30 oxen dragged blocks on specially designed carts. Water for the needs of the construction was mined from the river with the help of a cable-conductor system using an animal force and merged into a large tank, from where rose to the distribution tank. From there, it was distributed over three auxiliary capacities and the pipes were transported to the construction complex.

Building materials were purchased in many parts of India and Asia. More than 1000 elephants were used to transport building materials during construction. Brilliant white marble was brought from Rajastana, Jasper from Punjab, jade and crystal from China, turquoise from Tibeta, lazuli from Afghanistan, Spriest Sri Lanka and Cherdelik from Arabia. In total, 28 species of various precious and semi-precious stones are built into white marble Taj Mahal.

The name Taj Mahal can be translated as the "greatest palace" (where the Taj is a crown, and Mahal - Palace). The name Shah-Jahan can be translated as the "ruler of the world" (where the Shah is the ruler, Jahan - the world, the Universe). The name Mumtaz-Mahal can be translated as "Choosing Palace" (where Mother is the best, Mahal - Palace, courtyard). Such values \u200b\u200bof words are preserved in Arabic, Hindi and some other languages.

More than 20,000 people who came from all over Northern India took part in the construction. Among the group of 37 people who were responsible for the artistic image of the complex were sculptors from Bukhara, calligraphes from Syria and Persia, an inlaid masters from South India, Kamenotes from Beloohistan, as well as a specialist in the construction of the towers and a master of cutting marble ornaments.

The story has kept very few of the names of masters and architects, since at that time in the Islamic world, mostly overlooked patrons, not architects. From modern sources it is known that the construction was controlled by a large team of architects. There are references as Shah-Jahan himself personally participated in construction more than any other ruler of the great Mughal to him. He spent daily meetings with architects and prolabs, and as historians say, often offered ideas or corrected the ideas proposed by them. Two architects are mentioned by name: the statue of Ahmad Lahori (USTAD Ahmad Lahauri) and the world of Abdul Karim (Mir Abdul Karim).

Famous builders Taj Mahal are:

The statue of Ahmad Lahori (USTAD Ahmad Lahauri) from Iran is the chief architect. The world of Abdul Karim (Mir Abdul Karim) from Shiraza (Iran) is one of the main leaders. Ismail Afandi (Ismail Afandi) from the Ottoman Empire is the builder of the main dome of the Mausoleum. Iranians and ISA (Ustad ISA) and Isa Muhammad Efendi (Isa Muhamed Efendi) - as it is believed to play a key role in architectural design. Puru (Puru) from Benarus (Iran) - controlling architect. Gazim Han (Gazim Han) from Lahore - cast a golden tip for the mausoleum. Schirangilal (Chiranjilal) from Delhi is the main sculptor and Mosaic master. Amanat Khan (Amanat Han) from Shiraza (Iran) is the main calligrapher. Mohammed Hanif, Chief Head of Masonry. Mukarimat Han (Mukarimat Han) from Chiraza (Iran) is the main manager.

The main elements of the architectural complex of the Taj Mahal.

The architectural style of the Taj Mahal includes and expands the construction traditions of Islam, Persia, India and the Great Mughal (although modern research of the architecture of this monument indicates French influence, especially in the interior). The overall design is based on the architecture of the Timurid and Mughal buildings in the architecture, including GUR-Emir (Tamela's grave), Itimad-Ud-Daulah (I'timād-ud-Daulah) and Jama Masjid in Delhi. Under the patronage of Shah-Jahan, the architectural style of Mugolov reached a new level. Before the construction of the Taj Mahal, the main building material was red sandstone, but the emperor contributed to the use of white marble and semi-precious stones.

The Tomb of Itimad-Ud-Daula (1622-1628), which is also called the Mini Taj (Baby Taj), is located in the city of Agra. The architecture of the Mausoleum reminds the reduced in the sizes of the Taj Mahal.

Taj Mahal plan:

1. Garden Moonlight 2. Jamuna River 3. Minarets 4. Mausoleum - Mosque 6. Guest House (Jawab) 7. Garden (Charbagh) 8. Great Gate (Safe Access) 9. External yard 10. Bazaar (Taj Ganzhi)

Garden "Moonlight".

To the north of the Taj Mahal complex, through the Yamuna River, there is another garden belonging to the complex. It is made in a style characteristic of the agra, and is one whole together with the embankment on the northern side of the river. Garden width is identical to the width of the main part of the complex. The whole design of the garden is focused on his center, which is a large octagonal pool, serving a kind of mirror for the Taj Mahal. Since the times of the great Mughal, the garden survived numerous floods, which devastated most of it. From the four towers of sandstone located in the border corners of the garden, only one located in the southeast part has been preserved. There are the remains of two buildings located on the northern and southern part of the garden, and it is assumed that these are garden buildings. On the north side, there was a waterfall that pours into the pool. Water supply comes from the aqueducts on the western side.


The center of attention and the main element of the Taj Mahal complex is a white marble mausoleum with a height of 68 meters. It is located on the elevation of a square shape with a side of 100 meters, in a height of about 7 meters. In four corners of this area there are four minarets. The mausoleum was built in accordance with the strict rules of symmetry, and is a square with a side of 56.6 meters, with cut corners in which arched niches are placed. The construction is almost perfectly symmetrical about four axes, and consists of several floors: a basement floor with real graves of Shah-Jahan and Mumtaz, the main floor, which contains identical kenotafes of the graves at the bottom, and the roof terraces.

Taj Mahal has an optical focus. If you move your back to the exit, the face to the Taj Mahal, it will seem that this temple is huge compared to the trees and the environment.

Spire: Its height is 10 meters, initially built of gold, but after plundering with British colonizers, was replaced by a bronze copy. Lotus: Carved contours at the top of the dome, in the form of a lotus. Main Dome: Also called "AMRUD", the height of 75 meters. Drum: Cylindrical base of the dome. Guldasta: Decorative spiers along the edges of the walls. Additional dome (CHATRI): Elevation over balconies in the form of small domes. Frame: Closing the panel on the arches. Calligraphy: Stylized poems of the Quran over the main arch. Niche: In four corners of the mausoleum there are six niches located on two levels. Panels: Decorative panels framing the main walls.

The entrance to the mausoleum is made by four huge arches, in the upper part, representing a cut dome. The upper part of each arch goes beyond the roof using the addition to the facade.

In general, the building was crowned with five domes, located perfectly symmetrically, as well as the other parts of the complex. All dome in their upper part have decorations in the form of lotus leaves. The largest of them (18 meters in diameter and 24 in height) is located in the center, and the remaining four smaller (8 meters in diameter) are placed around the central one. The height of the central dome is underlined and additionally increased by a cylindrical element (drum), which is exhibited above the roof at a height of 7 meters, and on which the dome opens. This element, however, is almost no visible, it covers his protruding part of the inlet arches. Thus, it seems that the dome is much larger than it really is. In the corners of the external walls, high decorative spiers are built, which also provide visual focus on the height of the dome.

The thickness of the walls of the mausoleum is 4 meters. The main building material is red sandstone and brick. From the marble, in fact, a small outer layer of thickness is only 15 centimeters.

The hierarchical sequence of the entire complex in the end is mostly the hall containing Kenotafa Shaha-Jahan and Mumtaz Mahal. Kenotaf Mumtaz is installed in the geometric center of the building. Enlighten Kenotafes octagonal shirma, consisting of eight marble panels with intricate thread. The interior decoration is made entirely of marble, and decorated with precious stones located concentric octagons. Such a location is characterized by Islamic and Indian culture, which is important spiritual and astrological topics. Walls from the inside are abundantly decorated with plants, letters and ornaments symbolizing the resurrection in the Garden of the Garden.

Muslim traditions are forbidden to decorate graves and bodies, so Shah-Jahan and Mumtaz are buried in a simpler room located below the hall with Kenotafami. The size of Kenotaph Mumtaz 2.5 per 1.5 m, it is decorated with letters extending its character. Kenotaph Shah-Jahan is located on the west side of Kenotaph Mother and is the only asymmetric element of the entire complex.

Mosque and Guest House (Jawab).

From the Western and Eastern side of the Mausoleum, the facades are located to him and guest house (Jawab - translated as "answer", it is believed that this building was built for symmetry with a mosque, and used as a guest house), sizes 56 × 23 meters and 20 meters in height. Unlike the mausoleum built from white marble, these structures are erected from red sandstone, but lay on the same elevation as Mausoleum with minarets. These buildings of 3 domes are completed, where the central dome is slightly more than the rest, and the 4 octahed towers in the corners. Before each of the two buildings is a water reservoir: water is necessary for the ritual of ablution before mosque.

True there are some differences between these two buildings. For example, in the mosque there is a niche pointing the direction to Mecca (Mihrab), there is no shelter's house. Another difference is how the floors in these buildings were made if the floor was laid out in the form of 569 prayer rugs in the mosque, then the citation quoted quotes in the guest house on the floor.


Minarets have a type of a truncated cone with a height of 41.6 meters, and are located on the same marble terrace as the mausoleum. They are slightly tilted out in such a way that in the case of a strong earthquake and collapse do not damage the mausoleum. Minarets are slightly lower than the central dome of the Mausoleum, and as if emphasize his grandeur. As with the mausoleum, they are completely covered with white marble, but the supporting structure is made of brick.

They were designed as operating minarets, a traditional element of mosques. Each minaret is actually divided into three equal parts by two rows of balconies. At the top of the tower there is another series of balconies, and completes the design of the dome, similar to the fact that they are installed on the mausoleum. On all domes, the same decorative elements in the form of a lotus and gilded spire. Inside every minaret, in its entire length, a large spiral staircase passes.


The garden is a square of 300 m, divided into 4 equal parts by two channels, which intersect in the middle, and is characteristic of the time of the great Mughal views. Inside there are flower beds, shady streets and water channels that create a striking effect, reflecting the image of the building behind them. Each square, formed by channels, in turn, share another 4 parts with power tracks. It is said that 400 trees were planted in each of these small squares.

To correct the fact that the mausoleum is located in the northern part of the garden, and not in his center, at the intersection of two channels (in the center of the garden and the whole complex), a pool was placed, which reflects the image of the mausoleum. On the south side of the pool, the center has a bench: this is an invitation to the visitor, admire the entire complex with an ideal sighting point.

The structure of the garden dates back to the very vision of Paradise at the time: it was thought that heaven is the perfect garden richly irrigated by water. The presentation of the garden, as the Symbol of Paradise, is enhanced by inscriptions on great gates inviting to join heaven.

Most of the Time Gardens of the Great Mughalves had a rectangular shape with a grave or pavilion in the center. The architectural complex Taj Mahal is unusual in that the chief element (mausoleum) is located at the end of the garden. With the opening of the garden "Moonlight" on the other side of the Jamuna River, the Archaeological Administration of India began to interpret it so that the Yamuna River itself was included in the garden design and was to be considered as one of the rivers. The similarity in the planning of the garden and its architectural features with the Gardens of Shalimar (Shalimar Gardens) suggests that they may have been developed by the same architect, Ali Martan.

Very similar to the Taj Mahal and for Mogolsky origin and in appearance the tomb of Humayun in Delhi. This tomb of the Mogolsky Emperor is also built as a sign of great love - just not a husband to his wife, but wives to her husband. Despite the fact that Humayun's tomb was built earlier, and Shah-Jahan during the construction of his masterpiece focused on the architectural experience of Humayun's tomb, she was little known compared to Taj Mahal.

Great gates.

Great gates are of particular importance in Islamic architecture: they symbolize the point of transition between the fuss and noise of the external material world and the world of spiritual, where calm and spiritual peace reigns.

The great gates are pretty a large structure (41 34 meters and 23 meters in height), divided into three floors built from red sandstone and marble. The entrance has the shape of a pointed arch, which is located in the center of the structure. The gate, like all the other parts of the complex, are designed in such a way as to be symmetrical. The height of the gate is exactly half the height of the mausoleum.

From above, the great gates are crowned with 22 small domes located in two rows along the inner and outer edge of the gate. In each of the four corners of the construction, large towers are installed, thus repeating the architecture of the mausoleum. The great gates are decorated with quotes from the Koran printed in carefully selected places.


The courtyard (Dzilauhana) - which literally means the front of the house. He served as a place where visitors could leave their horses or elephants before entering the main part of the complex. Two reduced copies of the main mausoleum are located in the southern corners of the yard. They are located on a small platform, climb to which you can on the stairs. To date, it is not clear who is buried in these graves, but it is known that these are women. Two small buildings were built in the northern corners of the courtyard, they served housing for visitors to Mausoleum and believers. These facilities were destroyed in the 18th century, but at the beginning of the 20th century they were restored, after which (until 2003) the building in the east served as a place for the gardener, and West as a barn.

Bazaar (Taj Gangzhi).

The bazaar (market) was built as part of the complex, was originally used for the housing of workers, and then as a place for storing the supplies and space, which complements the entire architectural ensemble. The territory of the bazaar was a small city during the construction of the Taj Mahal. Initially, he was known under the name Mumtazabad (Mumtazabad - the city of Mumtaz), and now is called Taj Gangzhi.

After construction, Taj Gangzhi became a frequent city and the center of the economic activity of the city of Agra, and the goods came here from all parts of the empire and the world. The market area was constantly changing, and after construction in the 19th century, he stopped complying with the original design of the builders. Most of the ancient buildings and buildings were demolished or rebuilt.

Other buildings.

The Taj Mahal complex is surrounded by a red sandstone wall from three sides, and from the fourth side there is an embankment and the Yamuna River. Additional mausoleums were built behind the walls of the complex for other Wives of Shah-Jahan, and Mausoleum is more for the beloved maid Mother.

Water supply.

The architects of Taj Mahal provided a complex with a complex pipe system. Water comes from the nearby Yamuna River through the underground pipe system. In order to dial water from the river, a rope-rope system with buckets driven by several oxen was used.

In order to ensure the necessary pressure in the pipe system, the main reservoir was raised to a height of 9.5 meters, and another 3 additional reservoirs located in different parts of the complex were used to equalize the pressure over the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe complex. In order to bring water to all parts of the monument, terracotta pipes with a diameter of 0.25 meters were used, which were buried to a depth of 1.8 meters.

The original system of pipes is still present and is used, proving the skill of builders who were able to create a system that has worked for almost 500 years without the necessary maintenance. True, it is worth noting that some underground water pipes were still replaced in 1903, on new cast iron pipes.


In 1942, protective forests were built to protect the Taj Mahal from Germany's attack on the orders of government, protective forests were erected. Protective forests were built once again during the Indian-Pakistani war in 1965 and 1971.

Later, the threat came from environmental pollution along the shores of the Yamuna River, including Mathura Oil Refinery. Due to pollution on the domes and the walls of the Taj Mahal, a yellow flare was formed. In order to control the contamination of the monument, the Indian government has created a zone around it with an area of \u200b\u200b10,400 square kilometers, where there are strict emission standards.

Airplanes are forbidden to fly over the Taj Mahal.

Recently there was a threat of the structural integrity of the Taj Mahal due to lowering the level of groundwater in the Jamuna River basin, which falls at a speed of about 5 feet per year. In 2010, cracks appeared in some parts of the mausoleum and minarets that surround the monument. This is due to the beginning, in the absence of water, the process of rotting wooden supports of the base of the monument. According to some forecasts, the tomb can collapse within five years.

The story of the Taj Mahal.

The period of the Board of Mughal (1632 - 1858)

Immediately after the construction of the Taj Mahal, his own son Shah-Jakhan Aurangzeb places him under house arrest. When Shah-Jahan died, Aurangzeb buried him next to his wife inside the Taj Mahal. The complex is cleaned and for him is well taking care of almost a hundred years, work is funded by taxes from the market and the rich royal treasury. In the mid-18th century, the costs of the content of the complex are significantly reduced, as a result, the complex is almost not careful.

In many tourist guidebooks, it is said that after the overthrow of Shah-Jahan from the windows of the Dwarns for many years, to death, sadly admired his creation - Taj Mahal. Usually, the Red Fort is mentioned in these stories - the Shah-Jahan Palace, built by him in the Zenith of the Board, part of whom his son - Aurangzeb turned into a luxurious prison for his father. However, here the publications are confused by the Delian Red Fort (hundreds of kilometers from the Taj Mahal) and the Red Fort in Agra, also built by the great migrants, but earlier, and which is really located next to the Taj Mahal. Shah-Jahan, according to Indian researchers, was kept in the Delia Red Forte and from there could not see the Taj Mahal.

British period (1858-M-1947th)

During the Indian uprising, 1857 Taj Mahal was ruined by British soldiers and officers. At the end of the 19th century, the British Vice-King in India Lord Kerzon organized the work on the restoration of the Taj Mahal, which were completed in 1908. In addition, the gardens inside the Taj Mahal were restored in the British style, which was preserved to this day. In 1942 during World War II, the government decided to create protective forests over the mausoleum, fearing possible attacks by German Luftwaffe, and later than Japanese imperial aviation.

Modern period (1947th -)

During the wars between India and Pakistan in 1965 and 1971, the Taj Mahal also surrounded protective forests. Later there were threats from environmental pollution along the shores of the Yamuna River, including from the activities of Mathura refinery. Due to pollution on the domes and the walls of the Taj Mahal, a yellow flare was formed. In order to control the contamination of the monument, the Indian government has created a zone around it with an area of \u200b\u200b10,400 square kilometers, where there are strict emission standards. 1983 Taj Mahal was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Legends and myths Taj Mahal.

Black Taj Mahal.

Odin from the most famous legends says that Shah-Jahan planned to build his own Mausoleum from black marble on the other side of the Yamuna River, a symmetrical Taj Mahal, and wanted to combine them with a silver bridge. This may indicate the remains of black marble through the Yamuna River, in the Garden "Moonlight". However, the excavations of the 1990s showed that it was a white marble used for the construction of the Taj Mahal, which over time changed the color and became black. The confirmation of this legend can be attributed to the fact that 2006 after the reconstruction of the pool in the "Moonlight" garden, in its water it was possible to see the dark reflection of the white Taj Mahal. This legend has become known from Jean-Baptiste Taverniera (Jean-Baptiste Taverniera), a European traveler who visited Agra in 1665. His records noted that Shah-Jahan was overthrown from the throne with his son Aurangzeb before the construction of a black Taj Mahal.

Murder and injury workers.

The famous myth says that Shah-Jahan after the construction of the Taj Mahal killed or caused injury to masters and architects so that they could not build something as great. Some other stories argue that the builders signed a contract according to which they undertake not to participate in the construction of any similar construct. However, it is known that the builders of the Taj Mahal later built the Jama Masjid mosque in Delhi.

Italian architect.

In response to the question about who designed the Taj Mahal? The West created a myth about the Italian architect, since Italy in the 17th century was the center of contemporary art. The founder of this myth is a missionary from the Order of Augustines, the father of Don Manrique. He proclaimed the architect Taj Mahal, the Italian named Jeronimo Verono (Geronimo Veroneo) because he, at the time of construction, was in India. The statement is very controversial due to the fact that Verono Verono was not an architect, he produced and sold jewelry. In addition, in early European sources there is no information that architects from the West could make a project in the style of other cultures with which they had not previously known.

Taj Mahal's demolition British.

Although there are no specific evidence, it is mentioned that the British Lord William Bentink (Governor of India in 1830) planned the Taj Mahal demolition for sale at a white marble auction, from which he was built. His biographies of John Rosselli (John Rosselli) says that this story has emerged due to the fact that William Bentink was associated with the sale of marble filmed from the Fort Agri.

Taj Mahal is the temple of God Shiva.

Indian historian P. N. Oak argues that the Taj Mahal was originally used as a Hindu temple of God Shiva, and Shah-Jahan just began to use him differently. This version was rejected as unreasonable and no evidence in the form of historical facts. The Supreme Court of India refused P. N. Oak lasting to declare Taj Mahal a monument to Hindu culture.

The looting of the Taj Mahal.

Although it is known that the British captured gold from the spiers of the Taj Mahal, and the precious stones, which were decorated with the walls of the Mausoleum, there are myths from which many other decorations are stolen from the Taj Mahal. History says that Kenotafa Shah and his wife were gilded and decorated with diamonds, the doors of the Mausoleum were made of carved jasper, and the space inside was decorated with rich carpets.

Excursions in Taj Mahalu.

Taj Mahal attracts a large number of tourists. UNESCO documented more than 2 million visitors in 2001, including more than 200 thousand from abroad. The cost of visiting a two-level, with a significantly lower price for India citizens and higher for foreigners. Use cars with an internal combustion engine next to the complex is prohibited, and tourists must reach it or on foot from the parking lot, or use the electric bus.

Mode of operation.

The monument is open to visitors from 6 am to 7 pm, with the exception of Friday and the month of Ramadan, when the complex works for believers. In addition, the complex opens at night on the day of the full moon, two days before the full moon and two days after the full moon. The museum inside the Taj Mahal complex is open from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm, the entrance is free.

Every year from February 18 to February 27 in Agra, in the place where Masters-creators of the Taj Mahal lived, the Festival Taj Makhhotsav is held. The festival is dedicated to the art and craft of the Mogolskaya era and in general Indian culture. At the festival, you can see the procession with the participation of elephants and camels, the show drummers and the colorfulness of the presentation.

Cost and rules of visiting.

The entrance ticket to the territory of the complex will cost a foreigner at 750 rupees (435 rubles). Such a high cost is explained by the fact that it consists of a tax on the entrance of the Archaeological Society of India (250 rupees or 145 rubles) and the duty of the Department of Development of Agra (500 rupees or 290 rubles). Children up to 15 years old entrance is free.

Tickets for night sessions of the cultural monument are worth 750 rupees for foreigners and 500 rupees for citizens of India: they should be bought 24 hours before visiting the office of India's Archaeological Society on Mall Road. The cost of the ticket includes a half-liter bottle of water, shoe covers, a map-travel guide, travel on electric transport.

At the entrance to the Taj Mahal, visitors will have to go through the inspection procedure: a frame, manual inspection, things are shifted and inspected manually in mandatory. Camera and other unnecessary things must be passed into the storage chamber. You can only remove the mausoleum on the camcorder from afar. Nearly to photograph. Inside the mausoleum itself it is impossible to photograph, the staff of the complex is strictly followed.

It is forbidden to carry on the territory of the complex: food, matches, lighters, tobacco products, alcoholic beverages, edible supplies, knives, electronic devices, tripods.

How to get.

The Agra city is well connected with major cities of the country and is located on the golden triangle of the tourist chain (Delhi-Agra-Jaipur). You can in several ways.

1. Airplane from Delhi 2. Railway from any major city 3. By car Distance to major cities:

Bharatpur (Bharatpur) - 57 km, Delhi (Delhi) - 204 km, Jaipur - 232 km, Khajuraho (Khajuraho) - 400 km, Lucknow (Lucknow) - 369 km

The best time of year to visit the Taj Mahal: from November to February. At another time, here is usually or too hot, or too raw.

The properties of the stone from which the Taj Mahal was built, such that he changes his color, depending on the angle of light falling on him. Thus, it makes sense to come here at sunrise and, having spent a whole day, go at sunset to make up all the variety of paints. To see the masterpiece in Divine Golden Shades, you can come to one of the hotels in the South Gate (Taj Hange district) Taj Mahal and early in the morning with the opening of the complex come here. In the sixth in the morning you have a chance to see the Taj Mahal in silent loneliness and in all greatness: during the day the area of \u200b\u200bthe complex fill the crowds of tourists.

The city itself - Agra is pretty dirty and cold, so you should not spend a lot of time on the trip here. One day is quite enough to touch the beautiful and know the "Legend of Stone".

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Taj Mahal is one of the greatest monuments of India, built in the name of love and devotion to a woman of unusual beauty. Not having analogues of his greatness, he reflects the wealth of the whole era in the history of the state. The building from White Marble became the last gift of the emperor of the Great Mongols of Shah Jakhan's late wife Mumtaz Mahal. The emperor commanded to find the best masters and instructed them to create a mausoleum whose beauty would not have analogues in the world. Today it is included in the list of seven majestic monuments in the world. Built from white marble and decorated with semi-precious stones and gold, Taj Mahal became one of the most magnificent buildings in the world of architecture. It is instantly recognizable and one of the most frequently photographed structures in the world.

Taj Mahal became a pearl of Muslim culture in India and one of the generally accepted world masterpieces. For centuries, he inspired poets, artists and musicians who tried to embody his invisible magic in words, paintings and music. From the 17th century, people traveled through the continents to see and enjoy this amazing monument of love. Starting a century, he is still fascinating visitors to the charm of its architecture telling about the mysterious history of love.

Taj Mahal (translated "Palace with a dome") today is considered the most well-preserved and architecturally beautiful mausoleum in the world. Some call the Taj "Elegy in Marble", for many this is an eternal symbol of invisible love. The English poet Edwin Arnold called him "not the work of architecture, like other buildings, and the love torments of the emperor embodied in living stones," and the Indian poet Rabindranat Taggore considered him "a tear on the cheek of eternity."

Creator Taj Mahal

The fifth emperor of the Great Mughal Shah Jahan left after himself a lot of wonderful architectural monuments associated with the appearance of India in the eyes of the modern world: a pearl mosque in Agra, Shahdzhakanabad (now known as Old Delhi), sofa-and am and sofa and has in Citadel Red fort in Delhi. The famous peacock throne of the Great Mughal, according to the descriptions of contemporaries, was considered the most luxurious throne of the world. But the most famous from all the preserved monuments was the Taj Mahal, forever perpetuating his name.

Shah Jahan had several wives. In 1607, he was engaged to Ardzhumanad Banu Begham. Young girl at that time was only 14 years old. 5 years after the engagement, a wedding took place. During the wedding ceremony, Father Shah-Jakhan, Jahangir, gave his daughter-in-law the name Mumtaz Mahal (in the "Pearl Palace").

According to the official chronicler of Kazvini, the relationship of Jahan with other wives "was no more than marriage status. Intimacy, deep attachment, attention and favor, which His Majesty experienced to Mother, a thousand times higher than feelings in relation to any other."

Shah Jahan, "The Emperor of the Universe", "was a big patron of commerce and crafts, science and architecture, art and gardens. He headed the empire after his father's death in 1628 and earned a reputation as a merciless ruler. After conducting a number of successful military campaigns, Shah Jahan significantly expanded the Empire of the Great Mughal. The magnificence and wealth of the yard of Jahan hit the European travelers. At the peak of his reign, he was considered the most powerful person on Earth.

But the personal life of the powerful emperor was overshadowed by the loss of his beloved wife Mumtaz Mahal during childbirth in 1631. The legend states that he promised a dying wife to build the most beautiful mausoleum incumbent with anything in the world. So it was actually or not, Shah Jahan embodied his love and wealth to create just such a monument.

Shah Jahan watched perfect creation to the end of his days, but as a prisoner, not the ruler. His son Aurangzeb captured the throne in 1658 and concluded a native father to the prison of the Red Fort Agra. The only consolation was the opportunity to lick on the Taj Mahal from the window of his imprisonment. In 1666, before his death, Shah Jahan asked to fulfill the last desire: to attribute him to the window overlooking the Taj Mahal, where he whispered again his beloved.

Mumtaz Mahal

She married five years after the engagement, on May 10, 1612. Date chose court astrologists as the most favorable day for a happy marriage. Mother's marriage bonds Mahal and Shah Jahan were happy for both newlyweds. Even during his lifetime, the poets praised her beauty, harmony and mercy. Mumtaz became a reliable satellite Shah Jakhan, traveling with him throughout the Empire of the Great Mughal. Only the war served as the only reason for their separation. In the future, even the war ceased to divide them. She became a support, love and consolation for the emperor, an inseparable companion of her husband until the very death.

For 19 years of marriage, Mumtaz gave birth to 14 children, but the last, fourteenth births were fatal for her. Mumtaz dies, her body was temporarily buried in Burkhanpur.

The chroniclers of the imperial court paid an unusually much attention to the experiences of Jahan in connection with the death of his wife. The emperor was careless in his grief. After the death of Mumtaz, Shah Jahan spent the whole year in solitude. When he finally came to himself, his hair was gray, the back bent, and the face was aged. The emperor stopped listening to music, wearing decorations and richly decorated with clothing, use perfume for several years.

Shah Jahan died eight years old since the admission of the son of Aurangseeb to the throne. "My father suffered a great attachment to my mother, let his latter will be next to her," said Aurangzeb and ordered the fission of his father near Mumtaz Mahal.

There is a legend, according to which Shah Jahan planned to build an exact copy of the black marble on the opposite side of the Yamuna River. But these plans are not destined to turn into life.

Creation Taj Mahal

In December 1631, Shah Jahan began to build the Taj Mahal. His construction was the fulfillment of a promise, this Mumtaz Mahal in the last minutes of her life: to build a monument that would correspond to her beauty. The central mausoleum was completed in 1648, and the construction of the entire complex was completed five years later, in 1653.

The story hides who exactly the planning of the Taj Mahal belongs. In the Islamic world, at that time, the construction of buildings was attributed to the customer of construction, and not his architect. On the basis of sources it can be confidently argued that the architects team worked on the project. Like most great monuments, the Taj Mahal serves as a bright testimony of excessive wealth and excesses its creator. 20,000 workers worked 22 years to bring the fantasy Shah Jakhan. Sculptors arrived from Bukhara, calligraphes from Syria and Persia, inlay made masters from South India, Kamenotesians arrived from Belukhistan. Materials were brought from the entire territory of India and Central Asia.

Architecture Taj Mahal

Taj Mahal consists of the following buildings complex:

Darwaza (main entrance)
Rauza (Mausoleum)
Bageecha (Gardens)
Masjid (Mosque)
Naqqar Khana (Guest House)

The mosque and the guest house built for symmetry surround the mausoleum on both sides. The marble building is surrounded by four minarets, a little inclined into the outside - a constructive feature designed to prevent the central dome from damage in the event of destruction. The complex is located in the garden with a large swimming pool, which reflects that no architect in the world has managed to repeat - a copy of the beauty of the Taj Mahal.

Taj Mahal surrounds a beautifully broken garden. Islamic style garden is not just one of the components of the complex. The followers of Mohammed were inhabited on the huge spaces of arid lands under the sultry sun, so the garden-free garden personified a paradise on Earth. It covers most of the complex: from the total area of \u200b\u200b580x300 m, the garden takes 300x300 m.

Since the number 4 is considered a holy number in Islam, the location of the garden Taj Mahala is based on the number four and its multiple. Channels and central reservoirs share the garden into four parts. In each fourth part there are 16 beds (only 64), separated by pedestrian paths. Garden trees or a family of cypress (meaning death), or fruit (meaning life), they are all located in a symmetrical order.

Taj Taji trees or cypress team (meaning), or fruit (meaning life), they are all located in a symmetrical order. Taj Mahal is located in the north end of the garden, and not in the center. In essence, in the center of the garden, between the Taj and its central gate, there is an artificial reservoir, which reflects the mausoleum in its waters.

History Taj Mahal after construction

By the middle of the 19th century, the Taj Mahal turned into a place of pleasant pastime. Women danced on the terrace, and the mosque with the guest house surrendered to the newlyweds. The British, along with the Hindu, plundered rich carpets, semi-precious stones, silver doors and tapestries, when they decorated with mausoleum. Vacationers often came to armed hammer and chisel to better extract pieces of agate and carneole from stone flowers.
For some time it seemed that the monument, as the mog themselves, could disappear. In 1830, Lord William Bentink (Governor of India at the time), planned to dismantle the Taj Mahal and sell his marble. It is said that only the lack of potential buyers prevented the destruction of the Mausoleum.

In 1857, during the Indian uprising, the Taj Mahal has suffered even more. By the end of the 19th century, he finally fell into decay. The territory without leaving the lean, the graves of ocked vandals.

After many years of decline, British Governor-General India Lord Kerzzor organized a large-scale restoration project, ended in 1908. The building was renovated, the garden and the channels were restored. The restoration of the monument helped to restore his former glory.

It is customary to scold the British for the dismissive attitude to the Taj Mahal, but the Indians treated their treasure is not much better. As the population increases, the monument began to suffer from pollution of the environment and acid rains, discolored its white marble. In the late 1990s, the future of the monument was under a serious threat, until the Supreme Court of India decided to move particularly harmful production outside the city.
Taj Mahal is considered the best example of Mogolsk architecture, combining elements of Persian, Indian, and Islamic architectural schools. In 1983, the monument was on UNESCO World Heritage Site, calling it "Pearl of Muslim Art in India and one of the masterpieces of the world heritage, which causes universal admiration."

Taj Mahal became the most identifiable symbol of India, attracting about 2.5 million tourists annually. It is one of the most recognizable monuments in the world. The story of its construction gives grounds to consider it one of the greatest monuments of love ever built in the world.

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One of the most wonderful creations of human hands, a place that attracts every year millions of people from all over the world is a majestic and beautiful Taj Mahal - rightfully is a real symbol of India.

Construction history

Taj Mahal is an amazing snow-white structure, which was built as a tomb for the third and beloved wife of the great Mogoli Emperor Shah Jakhan Mumtaz Mahal, on the banks of the Jamna River in Agra. Despite the numerous harem, the emperor loved the Mumtaz Mahal most. She gave him thirteen children, and died in 1631, when the fourteenth appearance. The ruler burned heavily after the death of his beloved wife, so he ordered to collect the most skilled masters of the time to create a mausoleum, which would be a symbol of his endless love for Mumtaz. Construction was started in 1632 and lasted for more than 20 years: the main complex was completed by 1648, and the secondary buildings and the garden were completed five years later. A kind of "prototypes" of this grand tomb of Guri-Amir - Mausoleum Tamerlana, the Rodonarchist of the Mogolsky rulers dynasty, located in Samarkand, Jam Masjid's mosque in Delhi, as well as the tomb of Humayun - one of the Mogoli rulers.

Architectural miracle

Taj Mahal is made in the traditional Persian style and is a complex of luxurious and majestic structures built from white marble. The main place in it occupies the Mausoleum itself, located in the center of the site. It has a cube shape with "cut" corners and is crowned with a huge dome. The construction stands on a square "pedestal", on four corners of which are high minarets. The mausoleum inside has a large number of rooms and halls decorated with amazing mosaic painted with thin patterns and vessels ornaments. In one of these rooms and the coffin Mumtaz Mahal. And next to him - the coffin and Shah Jakhan himself, who wished to be buried next to his beloved after death. Initially, the ruler was going to build an exact copy of the tomb on the other jam to himself for himself, only from black marble, but he failed to realize his idea of \u200b\u200blife, so he bequeathed to bury himself in Taj Mahahal next to his wife. But it is worth noting that both of these coffins are empty, and the real burial place is in the underground sclepe.

Initially, the mausoleum was decorated with a huge number of precious and semi-precious stones, pearls, and his main door was made of pure silver. But, unfortunately, until our time, all these treasures are practically not preserved, "darkening" in pockets are not very honest "tourists".

From three sides, Taj Mahal is surrounded by an excellent park, the gate to which is also an architectural masterpiece. Through the park to the main entrance, roads running along a wide channel. And on both sides of the mausoleum there are two mosques.

Translated from the Persian language "Taj Mahal" means the "crown of all palaces". And he is truly a "pearl of Muslim art in India and one of the world-famous world heritage masterpieces."

Taj Mahal was listed by UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1983.

It should also be noted that officially tourists are allowed to photograph Taj Mahal only on the one hand - opposite the central entrance.

On a note

  • Location: Agra city, 200 km from Delhi.
  • How to get there: by train or express to the railway station "Agra Cantt."
  • Official website:
  • Opening hours: Daily from 6.00 to 19.00, except Friday. Two days before and two days after the full moon, the mausoleum is open in the evening hours - from 20.30 to midnight.
  • Tickets: foreigners - 750 rupees, local residents - 20 rupees, children under 15 years old - free. Tickets for visiting at night are purchased per day.

Taj Mahal in India is close to Agra. In his external magnitude, he resembles a temple, but in fact it is a mausoleum built in honor of the second wife Shah Jakhan - Mumtaz Mahal (in another Arjumand Bano Beam).

History and legends Mumtaz Mahal

The translation of the Taj Mahal means the crown of Mughal. For some time, he was also called the Taj Bibi-like Raus or the burial site of the Queen of the Heart. According to the old legend, Prince Guram, the future Shah Jahan, once on the market saw a poor girl. Looking at her eyes, he immediately decided to take her to his wives. So in 19 years old Argumand Bano Bemum acquired the status of the second wife of Prince Gurama. Gurama had many other wives and concubines, but it was Mumtaz who won the heart of the future ruler for a long time.

Shah Jahan and Mumtaz Mahal

During the conquest of the throne, Mumtaz became the most faithful associate of the prince. But the struggle was serious: the prince opposed his brothers, and also had to hide from the native father of Jahangira. But still in 1627, Guram managed to capture the throne and get the status of Shah Jahan - the Lord of the World.

Mumtaz occupied an important place in the life of the government. Shah Jakhan arranged different techniques and feasts in her honor. Mumtaz was present at all important state ceremonies, she was heard even at government councils.

Specific facts about the life and death of Mumtaz in different sources are confused, which over time made them legend. So Mumtaz gave birth to nine or thirteen children, and died in 1636 or 1629. It is confused and the reason for one of them was sick, on the other died during childbirth. Much is reduced to the fact that this event occurred during a return with a victory from Dean. The legend also states that before the death of Mumtaz asked her husband to build a tomb equal to their love.

History of creating mausoleum

Initially, the queen was buried in Burkhan-Nure, where she died. Six months later, her remains were delivered to Agra. And on the anniversary of the death of Shah Jahan began the construction of a mausoleum. The best architects of the East took part in the project competition. All the masters surpassed the architect Usto Isa Khan Effesti from Shiraza. His project as a whole, I really liked the emperor, and was only partially changed later.

22 years old 20 thousand people built this attraction of India. The tomb itself was taken by a wall made of red sandstone. Before Mausoleum Taj Mahal built a huge courtyard for the future garden. According to one of the beautiful legends on the opposite side of the Jamna River, the ruler began the construction of another of the same in shape, but from black marble, the Mausoleum for himself. In this legend and in the overall architecture of the building, the love of Shah Jahan to symmetry is visible. The construction of the anticopian of the Mausoleum was not destined to come true - his son Aurangzeb intercepts the throne and sharpens the Father in the Red Fort. So Shah Jahan spent his last years of life under house arrest and died in 1666.

According to the will of the father, Aurangzeb transfers his body to the Taj Mahal to his wife. Here were buried and many other wives Shah Jahan, as well as some family members and their approximate.

The Taj Mahal is really a very beautiful building. No description, photo or video will not be able to transfer all the true beauty of this facility. The architecture of the structure conveys a mixture of Indian, Persian and Islamic architecture. Fortress walls in the corners are framed by pavilions tower. The center towers the tomb building itself in transfusion colors depending on the lighting. At night, it seems dazzling white, and in the period of spill of the river, all this beauty is exactly reflected in its course.

On three sides the building surrounds the park. The facade of the palace is a marble portal, adjacent to the parties with two dome towers. On the central axis of the mausoleum before the facade is the irrigation canal, separated by the pool. From the pool to the side of the four minarets, the tracks are extended, which, because of cases of suicide, access was closed.

Feeling lightness of the building from afar reinforces its decoration with a more careful study. So the walls are painted with a subtle pattern, marble blocks are encrusted with gems that are transfusing to light. It seems that this building was erected quite recently. It is not surprising that by the next legend, Shah Jahan ordered to cut off his hands to the architect, so that he could not repeat the like.

Two side stairs lead to the second floor of the tomb, where under a huge dome rising to a height of 74 meters, open terraces spread. In the facade of the building, niches are cut out, which further enhances the sense of weightless building. Entering the passage of the facade, you can see the spacious hall, in the center of which are two white sandy sarcophagus.


The walls of the building are decorated with mosaics from stones. They are woven into many plants, garlands of flowers, letters. Arches arches are painted by fourteen sourses from the Quran.

Indian Taj Mahal, a famous monument of love, which has long become a symbol of this country. This is one of the most popular attractions from tourists, perceiving as an eternal love story in stone.