The biggest ship in the world - Knock Nevis. Knock Nevis MegaTanker Drinks Halp Deposits Specifications Knock Nevis SuperTanker

The Knock Nevis SuperTanker is the largest in the history of the planet from ever created ships. In different periods of its existence, he wore various names: SeaWise Giant, Happy Giant, Jahre Viking.

The length of the oil tanker is 458.45 m. For its reversal, at least 2 km was required with the help of tugs. The width of the world's largest vessel was 68.86 m. On the top deck of Knock Nevis, it was theoretically to place 5.5 soccer fields.

One of the main shortcomings of the supertanker, predetermined its shorttenance, was precipitation at full load - 24.61 m (more than a 7-storey building). Because of their huge dimensions, as well as because of the risk, it is stranded, the vessel could not pass through the Suez and Panaman Canal, as well as through the strait of La Mans.

The braking pathway of the tanker was as much as 10.2 km, and the circulation diameter is 3.7 km. Engines: Turbines with a total capacity of 50.000 hp The total shipping of the vessel, first commissioned in 1976, was equal to 563.763 tons. The supertanker was moving at a speed of 13 knots (about 24 km / h).

In the last years of its existence, the giant tanker was operated as a floating petroleum. In 2009, the vessel was transported to Alang (India), where it was recycled a year later.

Tanker most famous under the name Knock Nevis, is an the largest industrial vesselwhich ever was built by a man. During his difficult existence, he had time to change the name, sizes, as well as the scope of application several times.

As soon as he was not called! In different years, the tanker was SeaWise Giant., Jahre Viking, Happy Giant., Knock Nevis. and Mont.. And his story began in 1974, almost 40 years ago. At this time, Japanese shipyards received an order - to build the largest tanker in the world. The companies needed 5 years to embody the dream of Greek shipowner into reality: In 1979, a gigantic tanker struck by its sizes was lowered.

But this seemed to the initiator of this, and he insisted on increasing the size of the ship. As a result, the vessel was cut in half, and additional sections were inserted into the middle. At that time, the largest tanker on Earth wore the name SeaWise Giant.

As a result, his huge size remains only to be amazed: the length of the ship was 458.45 meters, the width is 68.86 meters. And at one time the ship could transport 564.8 thousand tons of cargo. At the same time, the weight of the tanker of the Knock Nevis was 81.9 thousand tons, and if walking along its separate components, the weight of the propeller's rowing screw was 50 tons, and the weight of the steering wheel reached 230 tons.

But the further "biography" of the tanker showed, it was such an impressive dimensions that became not only the advantage of the vessel, but also its significant disadvantage. It is difficult to imagine, but with the full load of the NEC, it was immersed by about 30 meters for about 30 meters, which is the amount - for comparison, a nine-story house.

It is not surprising that such a serious sediment did not allow the Tankeer to rush or Panamsky nor the Suez Canal. At the same time, the Panaman canal did not suit the NNC Nevis also in width and length, because the tanker was 1.5 times exceeded the maximum allowable size of the gateways.

Interestingly, the fact that the space-described vessel could develop speed up to 30 km / h, but when he braking him until a complete stop, another 9 kilometers had to sail. And even the ship's reversal with such giant sizes was not easy: without a tuning tanker turned with a radius of 3.2 kilometers.

In 1981, after the final increase in dimensions, Knock Nevis finally began to profit his profits. Its "work" was the transportation of oil from the Middle East to the United States. However, at that time, Irano-Iraq war was raging, which made its own adjustments to the vessel.

Since 1986, the ship began to use as a huge floating terminal to move and storing Iranian oil, but in 1988, the Iranian fighter attacked Knock Nevis, and caused him significant damage, as a result of which the vessel lost all the transported oil.

It should be noted that the thickness of the sides of the huge tanker was only 3.5 centimeters. Therefore, in the occurrence of holes, thousands of tons of oil fell freely into the surrounding marine world. As a result of the nature of the Earth, there was significant harm, and the tanker was out of order for three years.

When repairing the tanker, 3.7 thousand tons of damaged steel were replaced. Also at this time, the ship was given a new official name - Happy Giant. But even before the end of the repair work (held, by the way, in Singapore), the tanker was sold for $ 39 million of the Norwegian company and left the rehabilitation docks under the name of JaHre Viking.

The following significant changes in the life of the largest industrial vessel occurred in 2004. In the US and Europe, a law has been adopted prohibiting the use of thin-walled tankers for the transportation of oil. Thus, Knock Nevis remained without work. It was then that the Jahre Viking tanker is renamed to Knock Nevis, and begin to use as a floating petroleum.

In 2009, the ship changes his master, which gives him once again a new name - Mont. Then the tanker goes to his last trip: to India, to Alang, which is the world famous cemetery of ships. There, for several months, the ship is cut into parts and interpret.

Today, the only attribute that remained from the largest industrial ship in the world is his anchor, weighing 36 tons. Now he is stored in the Hong Kong Maritime Museum.

Oil has long become the most sensitive nerve of the entire global industry. Often, "black gold" is more profitable to transport not by land, but on water. The path for which the ships of this type are called "oil". Already in the XIX century, when the main raw material was coal, crude oil was transported in wooden and zinc barrels in the trums of special sailing shipsintended for oil.

Most. the first marine tankerfor the transportation of oil in the tank, the walls of which served as the sheath was " Atlantic", Built in 1863. This type tankerThe tank for liquid cargo is the case, which has been preserved to this day. To the beginning of the First World War sea tankers There were already 3% of the global merchant fleet.

Every year the need for oil is growing. This process is associated with the continuous development of heavy industry and the emergence of an increasing number of engine equipment. Accordingly, the scope increases and the requirements for its transportation are tightened. I doubt that you will have, whose sizes and displacement would have the same fast development trend as tankers.

Shipbuilding development oil tankers occurs taking into account features and advantages superTankersSince when transporting oil to, which can accommodate more than 100,000 tons of oil, transport costs are not much higher than when using a tanker with a carrying capacity of 16,000 tons. Today large tankers and superTankers. Fully automated and serviced relatively small carriage. Even the longest transportation of valuable cargo costs much cheaper than during the operation of an ordinary ship. And one of these is " Knock Nevis.».

The history of this maritime boat in Japan in 1976 (some sources indicate 1975) at the company's shipyards Sumitomo Heavy Industries. "Then oil Tanker "Knock Nevis" "Born" under the modest serial number 1016 and was not so big. Soon the cargo ship was sold to some Greek shipowner, who gave oil tankerthe first real name " SEAWISE GIANT ». Its lifting capacity was 480000 tons (typical modern oil tankers accommodate 280,000 tons). Three years later, the cargo ship was sold to a new owner who ordered its increase. Japanese shipbuilders cut and increased tankerWhat a lot of time has left. Finally in 1981 supertankeragain was ready for work. Wired additional enclosures increased its deadweight to 564763 tons.


Displacement - 260581 tons;
Deadweight - 564763 tons;
Length - 458.4 m;
Width - 68.8 m;
Sediment - 24.6 m;
Power plant - steam turbines with a capacity of 50,000 hp;
Stroke speed - 13 knots;
The crew is 40 people;

SuperTanker "Knock Nevis" It could easily take on board Empire State Building and Eiffel Tower. But its cargo is oil in the amount of 195 million dollars. Huge ship survived several owners and wears the fourth name " Knock Nevis ». It was shot on rockets and cut in half. And yet - more than 20 years he remains most. big vessel on the planet. During his life supertankerchanged several owners and changed the names more than once: first - on " Happy Giant », then on " Jahre Viking ».

Tanker "Knock Nevis" - past and present


jahre Viking Tanker

tanker "JAHRE VIKING" in the sea

superTanker "Knock Nevis"

the brake path of the SuperTanker "Knock Nevis" is 5 kilometers

This year supertankeri visited one of the shipyard of Dubai, received new equipment and turned into the so-called "floating unit of storage" (Floating Storage and Offloading Unit) for oil. Wherein cargo ship Renamed in " Knock Nevis." A little service tankerhe was put on the lay and sent to one of the Indian ports.

disposal of the tanker "Knock Nevis"

But the increase in deadweight has a negative side: due to excessive precipitation superTankers.closed access to some seas, passage through the straits and channels, which strongly limits their capabilities.

As a rule, the oil shipment is made on the raid in oil Terminalswith the help of oil pipelines or lighters. To reduce viscosity and facilitate the discharge process between tanks, heating pipelines are paved.

Oil is a serious threat to the ocean environment. In 1973, the International Convention was adopted as part of the Maritime Advisory Organization, in which the design was defined for all types of tankers. Separate cargo tanks oil tankersshould not exceed 30,000 cubic meters. Tankers must have a double housing and technical devices to improve the ship maneuverability.

Knock Nevis (in the past was also called SeaWise Giant, Happy Giant and Jahre Viking) - the largest of ever existing ships on Earth

Oil has long become the most sensitive nerve of the entire global industry. Often, "black gold" is more profitable to transport not by land, but on water. The path for which the ships of this type are called "oil". Already in the XIX century, when the main raw material was coal, crude oil was transported in wooden and zinc barrels in the holds of special sailing vessels intended for the transport of oil.

The most first sea tanker for the transport of oil in the tank, the walls of which served as a casing, was the sailing ship "Atlantic", built in 1863. This type of tanker, a tank for liquid cargo serves as a housing that has been preserved to this day. By the beginning of the First World War, sea tankers have already accounted for 3% of the global merchant fleet.

Every year the need for oil is growing. This process is associated with the continuous development of heavy industry and the emergence of an increasing number of engine equipment. Accordingly, the scale of oil production increases and the requirements for its transportation are tightened. I doubt that there are ships and vessels, which would have the sizes and displacements would have the same rapid development trend as tankers.

The development of shipbuilding of oil tankers occurs, taking into account the peculiarities and advantages of superthankers, since when transporting oil on a sea vessel, which can accommodate more than 100,000 tons of oil, transport costs are not much higher than when using a tanker with a loading capacity of 16,000 tons. Today, large tankers and supertankers are fully automated and serviced by a relatively small carriage. Even the longest transportation of valuable cargo costs much cheaper than during the operation of an ordinary ship. And one of these is "Knock Nevis".

The history of this maritime vessel began in Japan in 1976 (some sources indicate 1975) at the shipyards of Sumitomo Heavy Industries. Then the oil tanker "Knock Nevis" was "born" under the modest serial number 1016 and was not so big. Soon the cargo ship was sold to a kind of Greek shipowner, who gave the Oil Tanker's first real name "SeaWise Giant". Its lifting capacity was 480000 tons (typical modern oil tankers accommodate 280,000 tons). Three years later, the cargo ship was sold to a new owner who ordered its increase. Japanese shipbuilders cut and increased the tanker, to which there was a lot of time. Finally, in 1981, the SuperTanker was again ready for work. Wired additional enclosures increased its deadweight to 564763 tons.

The Knock Nevis SuperTanker could easily take on board Empire State Building and Eiffel Tower. But its cargo is oil in the amount of 195 million dollars. A huge ship survived several owners and wears the fourth name "Knock Nevis". It was shot on rockets and cut in half. And yet - more than 20 years he remains the biggest ship on the planet.

The "Knock Nevis" SuperTanker "brake path" is 5000 meters.

Specifications of the oil tanker "Knock Nevis":

Length - 458.4 m;
Width - 68.8 m;
Sediment (full) - 24.6 m;
Project displacement - 657,018 tons;
Deadweight - 564763 tons;
Power plant - steam turbines;
Power - 50000 liters. from.;
Speed \u200b\u200b- 13 knots;
Crew - 40 people.

Its dimensions were: 458.45 meters of length and width of 69 meters, which made it in the past the largest ship of the world. Even after commissioning the SuperTanker-Gas Seryosaur "Prelude FLNG", it will remain the largest in the history of the ship by water-displacement 657,018 tons.

By 2010, the deadline for the expiration of Knock Nevis was approached. It was sold to Amber Development Corporation for further disposal.

The new owner renamed Knock Nevis to Mont and raised the Sierra Leone flag on it. In December 2009, he made his last transition to the shores of India.

On January 4, 2010, Mont was thrown ashore from the Indian city of Alang (Gujarat), where his corps during the year was divided into metal.

One of the 36-tonic giant anchors was saved and now exhibited in the exposition of the Maritime Museum in Hong Kong.

Knock Nevis is the largest of ever existing ships on Earth

Let's go back to our giant.

The most outstanding invention of humanity is oil tanker. The Word itself comes from the English word "Tank" - tank. Marine tanker This is a vessel intended for the transport of liquid cargo (oil, acid, vegetable oil, molten sulfur and other) in ship tanks (tanks). These sea vessels come in various sizes, but among them there is a special type - superTankers.. These are the biggest ships among tankersof this type. They can carry over one flight by 50 percent of oil more than others, and the operational costs for bunkering, the crew, and the insurance is only 15 percent more, which allows oil companies chartering to increase their profits and save savings. There will always be demand for such oil tankers.

SuperTankers.- The generation of the scientific and technical revolution of our time. They did not have some particular inventor and the development of science and technology became possible to create them. On the oil tankers The longitudinal system of the corps set, the engine room and all the superstructures were transferred to the stern. And the most important thing at their construction began the widespread use of electric welding in shipbuilding, which later became the only method of compounding cabinet structures made of metal.

Knock Nevis, a supertanker, which wore names at different times of its existence: JaHre Viking, Happy Giant and SeaWise Giant.

Knock Nevis has a length of 458.45 meters, so for the reverse tanker in the opposite direction you need at least 2 km if the turn is carried out with the help of tugs. The ship has a width of 68.8 meters, to present better - this is an exemplary width of the football field.

On the upper deck of the ship could be located 5.5 soccer fields.

This is the largest in the history of the planet, when either the created acting ship. He has its drawbacks, which in essence, and predetermined the short existence of a tanker. Its sediment is 24.6 meters - this is for comparison, more than a standard 7-storey residential building.

The vessel could not pass the Suez and Panaman channel due to huge dimensions, moreover, he was not allowed to pass through La Mans, due to the risk to get a stranded.

SeaWise Giant has become the largest vessel built in the 20th century. But the giant was built before the era of the two-circuit tankers started with the Exxon Valdez crash. It is unlikely that new tankers will exceed the size of SeaWise Giant, most likely the palm of the championship will interceptivate the floating cities - real floating cities, with housing, offices, and all other things that are in the city. Some projects of such ships are already being developed.

SeaWise Giant began to build in 1979 by order of Greek magnate, but he broke down as a result of the oil embargo of the 70s. The ship bought Hong Kong magnate Tung, and financed his completion. However, Tung insisted that Deadweight was increased from 480000 to 564,763 tons, thanks to which SeaWise Giant became the world's largest ship. The tanker entered into order in 1981, and first transported oil from the Gulf of Mexico deposits. Then he was transferred to the transport of oil from Iran. There, in the Persian Gulf, and Skilled him.

In 1986, during the Iranian Iraq war, in the Ormuz Strait, the EXOCET tanker was attacked and flew aircraft of Iraq Air Force. The Iraqi fighter released an unique tanker, which was then almost in the Persian Gulf (or rather, in the Strait of Hormuz Strait, which is lying between Iran and the UAE, leading to the bay) an anti-worn missile for Excent.

He sank in shallow water near the island of Harg, so that in August 1988 he raised him and disassembled to repair in the SPZ Keppel Shipyard in Singapore a new owner, Norman International. The ship repairing was replaced by 3.7 thousand tons of federated steel.

Most likely, the company bought, raised and repaired the tanker mainly for the purpose of prestige. Repaired SeaWise Giant renamed Happy Giant. By 1999, he again changed the owner and the name - I was bought by the Norwegian Jahare Wallem and renamed JaHre Viking.

In March 2004, a new owner appeared at the giant, First Olsen Tankers. Times have already come other, and taking into account the age of the tanker, it was decided to remake it in FSO - a floating complex for storage and filling, on Dubai shipyards. After the alteration, he received the name Knock Nevis, and was then raised as a FSO to the Al Shahin field in the waters of Qatar.

Specifications of SuperTanker Knock Nevis

Commissioned: 1976
Released from the Fleet: 04.01.2010
Length: 458.45 m
Width: 68.86 m
Sediment: 24, 611 meters
Power installation: steam turbines with a total capacity of 50,000 liters. from.
Speed: 13-16 knots
Crew: 40 people.

Mass of transported cargo: 564,763 tons

Another 6 tankers of the ULCC class (ultra large oil tanker) exceeded a mark of 500,000 tons of Deadweight:
Battilus 553,662 DWT 1976 - 1985 (Writing)
Belamya 553,662 DWT 1976 - 1986 (Writing)
PIERRE GUILLAUMAT 555,051 DWT 1977 - 1983 (Writing)
ESSO ATLANTIC 516,000 DWT 1977 - 2002 (Writing)
ESSO PACIFIC 516 DWT 1977 - 2002 (Writing)
Prairial 554,974 DWT 1979 - 2003 (Writing)

Think: the brake path of the giant is 10.2 kilometers, and the reversal diameter exceeds 3.7 kilometers! So among other vessels from these waters, this supertanker is that an elephant in the dishwasher.

When the tanker must be brought to the oil terminal, it takes on a tug and pulls very and very slowly. It is easy to imagine that it can happen in an error in maneuvering the vessel weighing almost per million tons.

During his life, the tanker, the ovengigant changed several owners and changed his name more than once - first - on Happy Giant, then on JaHre Viking.

In 2009, the vessel was transported to India to Alang, where it was forced to be formed to dispose.

In 2010, the ship is disposed of.

At present

One of the representatives of this class of maritime courts was oil tanker« Batillus." This cargo ship was created, from beginning to end, on the source project without additional modernization during operation. Nautical tanker From the moment of the bookmark, it was built in 10 months, and was spent on the construction of about 70,000 tons of steel. The construction of the owner cost 130 million dollars.

Technical characteristics of the "Batillus" tanker;
Length - 414.2 m;
Width - 63 m;
Sediment - 28.5 m;
Deadweight - 655,000 tons;
Displacement - 275276 tons;

Power point - Four steam turbines " Stal Laval»Power of each 64800 l. from.;
Speed \u200b\u200b- 16 knots;
Crew - 26 people;

