Profession "Heavenly Girls": all about flight attendants. Steward, stewardess (flight attendant) where you can get a profession stewardess


The editorial is not only girls, there is a place and men in this profession. How to become a flight attendant man? Let's find out!

It so happened that when it comes to flight attendants, most immediately represent a charming girl. A sort of heroine song about the stewardess named Jeanne, which adores, is desirable and beautiful.

Nevertheless, to become a flight attendant, a man is not only possible, but even easier than women.

How to become a flight attendant?

There is no special trick here, the process of coming to the profession for men is the same as for women. Moreover, initially, at the dawn of the formation of civil aviation, the stewards worked exclusively men. However, at that time, women were generally provided mainly to sit at home and educate children. Therefore, how to become a flight attendant, a man before was not conceived, because only they were taken to work with stewards.

But gradually the profession of stewardess began to acquire a female face. Despite the fact that now most of the employees of the service of flight attendants are women, the steward man is still not uncommon. Many airlines are purposefully gaining men's personnel. On board without a man it is not necessary, it is often necessary for power, for example, to raise a heavy suitcase on the upper shelf.

Steward man - Requirements

How to become a flight attendant a man? First of all, you need to meet the requirements. For flight attendants of men, they include growth from 170 to 185, clothing size up to 54, vision to -2.5, be sure to have a military ID or an asscript certificate. There should be no tattoos, scars, birthplace spots, piercing and other defects on visible parts of the body (face, neck, hands).

Keep in mind that health should be excellent, because the work will be difficult, frequent change of time zones and climate, pressure drops - weak health is excluded. All this will be checked on the medical examination. In business aviation, health requirements are much softer. Also, there may be taken there, let's say with a tattoo.

English should be available. As a rule, it is required not lower than pre-intermediate, but men in flight attendants take even with knowledge at the level of Elementary if the candidate continues to study. Also, all airlines provide an opportunity to learn English on their courses.

The algorithm of actions, how to become a flight attendant man, as already understandable, the same as for women. You need to fill out the questionnaire and send it to the personnel department of that airline where you want to work. Many are sent immediately into several. The airlines hold a set of members of a cabin crew often, some, such as Aeroflot, lead viewing constantly. All candidates must be interviewed and the Air Flight Medical Commission (VLEK).

If your questionnaire is suitable, you will be invited to an interview. Here the steward man still has a slight advantage. Men comes significantly less and therefore involuntarily to them a special attitude.

The interview takes place in three stages. First, candidates talk with the members of the Commission, answer questions, talk about themselves, about why they want to become a steward, whether they want to work in the service sector, why chose this airline, and not some other, etc. Then step of psychological testing. All candidates undergo tests that identify their personal qualities. The third stage is the surrender of the exam for knowledge of English. The exam has a grammar test, audience and oral conversation with the examiner. All tasks are associated with the work of the flight attendant. At the same time, at any stage you can deduct.

We have passed the interview to the candidates for the profession of the steward, men are awarded to the direction of VLAK. Also, you will have to take care of the presence of some medical certificates from medical institutions at the place of residence, such as a certificate from a psychiatrist, a certificate from a drug treatment dispensary, etc.

After passing all interviews and tests, as well as a medical examination, how to become a flight attendant for men are told on training courses, this stage is obligatory. Nonresor need to take care of living in the city where the training will be trained. Most initial training courses are in Moscow, as it is here that many airlines headquartered.

Courses for flight attendants - newcomers go about 3 months. Training schedule is quite tense, 6 days a week from morning to evening. The structure of the aircraft, various nomes and rules is studied, actions are being worked out in various situations, workouts on the layout of the aircraft salon and simulators.

After the theoretical course of each flight attendant waiting for the practice during which it will fly as an intern. Flight rate for transition to independent units - 30 hours in flight. After practice, the exam is surrendered and with successfully surrender, the steward is embarking on an independent work in the airline.

Here is a brief list of actions, how to become a flight attendant man. As you can see, there is nothing complicated. If you decide to work in aviation - you will succeed.

Steward is primarily a beautiful and well-kept young man. They are often referred to as "heavenly angels", because the specifics of professional activities are. Stewards - flight attendants, air vehicles. Their main task is to ensure the comfort of passengers on board the aircraft.

Specificity of selection in flight attendants

This profession in the world is considered the most romantic. But what difficulties exist among representatives of the Heavenly Office? Is it difficult to be on board the aircraft? What criteria is the set? It is no secret that the work of the steward requires special responsibility. Therefore, there are several stages of selection of candidates.

To begin with, potential flight attendants are invited to an interview with the bosses. The possibility of transition to the next step directly depends on its successful result. It consists in handing the test in English. Then the future flight attendants will have to undergo a serious medical commission, during which it establishes suitability for operation in the air. If physicians do not detect any deviations in physical condition, the candidate's training begins.

Training stewards

The Steward School is mainly functioning with major air carriers so that her students immediately receive the information that is useful to them in direct labor activities. The duration of learning depends on different factors. But it should not be less than two calendar months. What are the listeners of such schools? First of all, teachers explain to their pupils that Steward is not only a beautiful form, but also hard work.

In the course of training sessions, the foundations of the presence of medical care passes during the flight. In addition, theoretical and practical situations are considered related to the action of personnel during the seizure of airliners by terrorists. There are no questions regarding emergency situations as a fire on board an aircraft, an unplanned landing on land or in water due to problems with engines or difficult weather conditions. Such classes are aimed at understanding the listeners: Steward is a person who will have to respond to the life and health of passengers.

Of particular importance in the process of training flight attendants, their teachers are discharged practical exercises. School students learn to evacuate for emergency trap, holding hands on the chest, so as not to get a burn from contact with handrails. Understanding that Steward is a person who is constantly self-improvement, the program is built on the principle in case of successful delivery of all exams, it is possible to count on employment in the airline. First go fishing flights. With successful passage of the test period, the steward is admitted to this work.

Features of the profession

Heavenly Angels should be perfectly seized by all the rules of behavior on board the aircraft, act clearly and harmoniously. For this, the oldest flight attendant before each new flight necessarily holds for his subordinate mini-exam, during which the team answers questions. In case of an incorrect response, the elder flight attendant has the right to remove the steward from the flight.


Romance and adventures are definitely characteristic of such a profession as a steward. But this is just what they see ordinary passengers. Finding on board the aircraft, they notice beautiful young young men and girls who are ready to come to the rescue. In fact, representatives of this profession have to face substantial physical and psychological loads during numerous flights. Permanent landings and ups are negatively reflected in physical health. Especially from this, the representatives of the fine sex suffer. Therefore, stewards are rather "written off" to the ground.

Steward, stewardess (flight attendant, flight attendant, eng. Flight Attendant) - a specialist of an ordinary composition on water and aircraft, performing on them for passenger maintenance: tidy of residential premises, table setting, but mostly responsible for the safety of passengers (in case of accident - Help passengers, etc.).

The maintenance of captain and senior officers may also be included in the duties of the steward.

With the complication of aircraft, the emergence of regular international flights, increasingly high demands on these specialists are beginning to be made (the overall idea of \u200b\u200bthe device of the aircraft, foreign languages, etc.). To date, this profession is not only very difficult, but also dangerous.

Functional responsibilities

Pre-flight preparation;

Inspection of the aircraft for the absence of foreign objects, in case of detection of the notice of this supervisor;

Monitoring the sanitary condition of the aircraft;

Checking the completeness of the onboard equipment and its serviceability;

Checking the completeness of emergency rescue and their health;

Checking the work of the internal communication;

Reception and placement of onboard property (napkins, pillows, blankets, etc.);

Reception and placement of buffetic-kitchen inventory;

Meeting and placement of passengers;

Control over passengers when landing;

Passenger service on Earth before takeoff of the aircraft (distribution of newspapers, magazines, beverages - depending on the class);

Passenger service in flight;
- information work (message about air temperature overboard, about flight height, on intersected locality, etc.);

Working with the route card (show the route on the screens of computers in the salons);

Distribution of beverages, food;

Maintenance of patients with passengers (providing drinking, assistance in making medicines, psychological support, etc.);

Children service (food, drinking, toys, self-service help, etc.);

Organization of work in the night flight (turning off the lighting);

Control over the temperature of the air, pressure, humidity in the cabin;


Provision of individual services;

Providing first medical care if necessary;

Psychological support for passengers;

Support for cleanliness in the cabin;

Entertainment programs (movie display);

Control over smokers and sleeping passengers;

Control over the behavior of passengers during the flight (prohibition stand in the cabin, etc.);

Control over the well-being passengers during and after landing;

Control over the disembarkation of passengers after the full stop of the aircraft;

Inspection of the cabin for the absence of foreign objects after passenger care.

Personal qualities





The ability to make independent decisions in critical situations;

A responsibility;


Emotional stability.


After the interview in the airline and the successful passage of the medical examination, it is necessary to pass preparatory courses. Most often, they last about three months and include theoretical and practical parts. For the passage of courses, the future stewardess must be passed the exams. To obtain an international certificate, training abroad is envisaged during which students pay scholarships. After the "graduation" exam, you need to get 30 hours of educational tax. Successfully passing this stage, you get the third-class flight attendant certificate, the subsequent increase depends on the clock climb.

Professional diseases

Health Stewardles is exposed to the effects of vibration and radiation; Noise, changing time zones and pressure drops - these are factors leading to early uniformity. Work is also associated with a permanent self-control - incorrect behavior in relation to passengers are unacceptable. Difficulties with interest are compensated by opening capabilities, because the most romantic profession of the 20th century remains so in the century of XXI.

Salary high.

The profession of stewardess appeared when the first airliners were launched. First, their responsibilities performed the assistant pilot. However, it was not very convenient because he has its own functions, so it was decided to appoint a separate specialist in this position. Thanks to this, the service service has improved, and the level of security on board the aircraft has improved.

Some believe that there is nothing complicated in the work of the stewardess. It would seem that you go in a beautiful form, spread drinks, fly to different countries and get big money for it, but is it really? Of course no. In any profession there are difficulties, and as for the flight attendants, there are a lot of requirements for it. In order to become her, one desire is not enough. It is necessary to get an appropriate education, have excellent health, approach the complex and much more.

Stewardess is an ordinary employee on board the airliner, which performs the duties of the service personnel. First of all, such an employee is responsible for the safety of passengers and for first aid. Previously, to become a stewardess, it was necessary to have a nurse's education. In addition, they needed to do a heavy and sometimes unbearable work for women, which was to unload baggage, sending the aircraft to the hangar, etc. Today, this profession does not provide for such duties, but it is still difficult to become a stewardess. Here are the basic requirements for the representative of this profession:

  • appropriate higher education;
  • excellent health that is checked on a special medical commission;
  • youth, since after 30 years they do not take on this work;
  • it is desirable that a candidate for this position is a small growth, the average set and with a pleasant appearance;
  • clear speech and diction, nice voice;
  • knowledge of two languages \u200b\u200b(native + English);
  • milosity and smile.

Another 80 years ago, Stewardles had to be unmarried, tall up to 160 cm and weighing up to 52 kg. Today the situation has changed somewhat. Workers can have husbands and even children.

What is the difference between flight attendants: employee responsibilities

The difference between the stewardess and the flight capacity is that the first option is conversational, and the second is official. In the employment record and on the Beijik, the "flight attendant" or "flight attendant" is written, and the stewardess is a public, conversational name. Responsibilities Stewardess include:

  1. Meeting and placement of passengers.
  2. Organization of food during the flight. This also includes a spread of drinks for those who want.
  3. Security guarantee on board in accordance with safety regulations.
  4. Preparation of passengers to flight.
  5. The provision of medical care in the event that someone from passengers has become bad.
  6. Check first aid funds.
  7. Control over the temperature on board the aircraft.
  8. Salon control for sanitary and hygienic standards.
  9. Checking the aircraft for the presence of prohibited items.
  10. Control over the behavior of passengers, preventing emerging conflicts.
  11. Check internal communication.
  12. Informing about flight time.
  13. Reception and placement of kitchen-bofu items.
  14. Explaining all questions of interest that can come from passengers during a flight.
  15. Filling out documentation on board.

Note that this profession is very responsible and serious. That is why in order to become a flight capacity, it is necessary to possess the following qualities: sociability; patience; restraint; the ability to find a way out of conflict situations; sense of humor; determination; ability to take responsibility; Performance; erudition; emotional stability; speed reaction; attentiveness; ability to distribute attention; discipline; punctuality; good memory; volume vision; diplomacy; tolerance; Sophistication; Technical warehouse of the mind. Such a profession is absolutely not suitable for those who are lost in difficult situations, does not know how to make decisions and is afraid of heights. That is why, when appointing this position, all the nuances take into account, there is a serious selection and only the best become flight attendants.

Pros and cons profession

On the one hand, the work by the editorial is very interesting and romantic. You constantly meet new people, fly to different cities and countries, get new emotions and impressions. But, on the other hand, it is a big responsibility, remoteness from home and close people, as well as the specificity of constant pastime in the air. Those who are willing to put up with such shortcomings become real masters of their case and get high fees. Consider more than attractive the profession of flight attendants.

Positive sides:

  1. The ability to see the world is not in the picture, but in reality.
  2. High wages, permanent benefits, vouchers, social packages and social garanties.
  3. 45 calendar days of vacation per year.
  4. Interesting and rich life.
  5. Retirement at 45 years old.
  6. Honor and respect.

Among the negative sides, the following can be noted:

  • constant climate change;
  • work that can be attributed to active;
  • constant overload;
  • tough age restrictions;
  • increased threat to life.

Alas, flight attendants and flight attendants it is difficult to start a family, since most of their life they spend at work and there are practically no at home. It is very difficult to find such a partner in life, which was ready to put up with the specifics of this work. Unfortunately, women often undermine health at such work, as a result of which gynecological problems that can lead to infertility begin. That is why, choosing such a specific career, it is necessary to decide that it is more important for you in life and whether you are ready to face difficulties that may arise on your path. There are many cases when women, who worked for 1-2 years by flight attendants, refused their position, as they realized that this is not their vocation, they are not ready to risk their lives and health.

How to become a stewardess?

Higher education and desire is not enough for you to take a stewardess. First you need to prove to all that you are really suitable for this position. It is very important after the end of the university to contact several airlines, since there is no guarantee that you will immediately want to consider on this post. Perhaps somewhere you will be offered to undergo special preparatory courses in airlines. They will look at you, will appreciate your potential and, if there are no problems, they will take a job.

To become a flight attendant, you need to learn a lot, to be diligent, amply and erudite. It is important to completely surrender career and strive to be the best. In this case, you will pass all the tests and get the desired position, which will subsequently bring you not only honor and respect, but also high wages, many benefits and unforgettable impressions. In addition, it is impossible to ignore that you will have a really interesting life causing envy in many people. What is only possible to visit most of the countries of the world for free.

In contact with

Stewardess, as well as steward - This is a specialist of an ordinary composition, which can be part of the crew of air and water vehicles. The main task of such a specialist is the service of passengers, care for their safety, if necessary - the provision of medical care. Stewardles and stewards check whether all passengers fastened with belts, explain the rules for the use of rescue vests and oxygen masks, divert products and drinks. Profession relates mainly to the category "Man-Man" category, as it belongs to the service sector. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in psychology and geography (see the choice of a profession for interest in school subjects).

Short description: Who is the stewardess?

The post of flight attendants appeared in the first half of the twentieth century. Then, a girl with medical education was allowed to this work, although their responsibilities also included composting tickets, cleaning in the cabin, toilet and the cabin of pilots, distribution of plaid and chewing gum, and even loading and unloading baggage. Fortunately, over time, all physically difficult works began to be carried out by special workers with the help of technical equipment, and the flight attendants were released from them.

Features of the profession

The vacancy of the stewardles is shrouded in a romantic fler, and it cannot be said that it is absolutely not justified. However, each flight for such a worker is not so much romance, how much work, which should be perfectly perfect. Stewardles and stewards are the most close to passengers by representatives of the airline and, accordingly, their professionalism affects the prestige and the status of the latter. The main responsibilities of the stewardess are usually the following:

  • Checking the completeness of rescue devices.
  • Meeting of passengers, checking their boarding coupons, assisting in finding places in the cabin.
  • Preparation for flight, including informing passengers about ways to use rescue and outputs.
  • Control over passenger behavior during flight, warning or resolution of conflict situations.
  • Providing medical care if necessary.
  • Interior control: behind the level of humidity and air temperature, the presence of foreign suspicious items, compliance with sanitary standards, etc.
  • Distribution of food and drinks.
  • Farewell to passengers on arrival at destination.

In the thoughts about who such a stewardess, in the imagination of most people there is a slim girl in the corporate suit of the famous airline. This is justified by many of these companies impose certain requirements for the appearance of applicants for vacancies. Requirements may be more or less rigid, but they always have.

Pros and cons of the Stuardess profession


  1. Decent salary, full social package.
  2. Ability to travel around the world.
  3. Early retirement.
  4. Decent social status.


  1. A large load on the body (and due to the change of time zones, and due to the need to carry out a significant part of the flight on the legs).
  2. The need to regularly leave the house, which can cause difficulties in relations with relatives and loved ones.
  3. Lack of opportunity to leave the territory of the airport in breaks between flights.

Important personal qualities

Stress resistance, communicability, psychological sustainability, physical endurance, diplomaticity, restraint, pleasant appearance are important for flight attendants. In addition, it should have good eyesight and rumor, fast response, clear diction and a nice voice. Training at the stewardess can help in the acquisition of missing skills, but without suitable source data to find work in this area will be difficult.

Training at Stewardess

There is no need for training in Dusza or university at the stewardess. Very often, airlines that type new personnel themselves conduct training courses for their future collaborations (these courses are usually several months). But in order to get to study, you will need to pass an interview.

The presence of a diploma for education for some specialties may increase the likelihood of successful employment. For example, the answer to the question of where to get the profession of stewardess can be the direction of training in the Colleges "Service on Transport" (code 43.01.06). Enrollment is carried out on the basis of the middle score of the certificate, training after grade 11 lasts from 2 to 4 years, after grade 9 - from 3 to 5 years (depending on the form of education: full-time, evening or correspondence).


As already noted, courses on the preparation of the stewardess spend all airlines when expanding the state. Moreover, in most cases they are obliged to pass and those who have not worked in such a position, and candidates with experience (since the duties of flight attendants and stewards in different companies may vary). Courses are always completed by the passage of the exam, after which you will need to go through 30 hours of training laid. Only then, you can get the official certificate of the third-class flight attendant (classes of only three, the highest - first).

Top Colleges for Stewardess

Place of work

Stewardles work in transport companies. Most often we are talking about aviation firms, although flight attendants on water vessels can also call.

Salary stewardess

Although the revenue level of flight attendants depends on the aircraft which company it works, and in which country is employed, it is always quite high.

Salary on 03/16/2020

Russia 29800-190000 ₽

Moscow 30000-190000 ₽

Career growth

The stewardess begins with the status of a third-class flight attendant, as the clock increases, it can apply for the second and first classes. Most often, it is exactly the title of flight attendant of the first class becomes a peak of a career of such an employee.

Professional knowledge

  1. Organization of safety on transport.
  2. Transport risk and insurance.
  3. Organization of service in transport.
  4. Basics of medicine.
  5. Basics of psychology.
  6. Management.

Famous stewardess

  1. Ruth Carol Tyler, the first African American flight attendant in the USA.
  2. Nerja Bhankot, who died during the rescue of passengers from terrorist attack.
  3. Johanna Sigurdotherdottir, Icelandic Stewardles, who later became the Prime Minister of Iceland (and the first woman by the Prime Minister in the world at the same time).