Administrative division of the Crimea. Republic of Crimea

In administratively, the Republic of Crimea consists of 25 regions:

14 districts (with a predominantly rural population)
11 cities of republican subordination, in the borders of which municipalities were created with subordinate settlements as 11 urban districts (with mainly urban population).

The number of administrative-territorial units
Areas 14.
Cities of republican value 11
Urban areas 3.
Cities District Values \u200b\u200b5
Urban Types 56
Municipal regions 14.
Urban districts 16.
Intorodsky districts 3.
Urban settlements 38.
Rural settlements 234.

Settlements - 1020, including: urban - 72, rural - 948.

Districts and urban districts
The territory subordinated to the city of Sevastopol, and also related to the Kherson region of Ukraine, the northern part of the Arabat arrow is located on the Crimean Peninsula, but are not part of the republic.

1 Bakhchisarai district
2 Belogorsky District
3 Janka district
4 Kirovsky district
5 Krasnogvardeysky district
6 Krasnoperekopsky district
7 Leninsky district
8 Nizhnegorsky district
9 Pervomaysky district
10 Razdolnensky district
11 Saksky district
12 Simferopol district
13 Soviet area
14 Black Sea District

City District
15 Alushta
16 Armenian
17 Janka
18 Evpatoria
19 Kerch
20 Krasnoperekopsk
21 Saki.
22 Simferopol
23 Sudak
24 Feodosia
25 Yalta

Popular facilities with the number of residents above 10 thousand as of January 1, 2013
Simferopol 337 285.
Kerch 145 265.
Evpatoria 106 877.
Yalta 78 115.
Feodosia 69 461.
Dzhanka 36 086.
Krasnoperekopsk 29 815
Alushta 28 418.
Bakhchisaray 26 482.
Saki 23 655.
Armenian 22 337.
Belogorsk 18 220.
Sudak 15 457.
Primorsky 14 938.
Guards 12,711
Oktyabrskoe 11 572.
Schekino 11 184.
Gaspra 11 384.
Black Sea 11 098.
Grass 11 391.
Krasnogvardeyskoe 10 766.

A bit of history

Before the revolution of 1917, the Crimean Peninsula was part of the Tauridic province, 5 out of 8 counties were located on it: Evpatoria, Perekopsky, Simferopol, Feodosia and Yalta, as well as 2 Graduals - Kerch-Yenikali and Sevastopol.

In the period from the end of 1917 to the end of 1920, Crimea moved "from hand to hand" (Muslims, "Red", Germans, Ukrainians, again "red", "white", and again "red"). After the final establishment of Soviet power, 2 new counties were formed in Crimea - Sevastopol (December 15, 1920) and Kerch (December 25, 1920).

On January 8, 1921, the division of counties on parish was canceled. Instead, a system of county was created - the area. In Janka (formerly Perekop), Armenian and Dzhankiy districts were formed; in Kerch - Kerch and Petrovsky; in Sevastopol - Sevastopol and Bakhchisaray; in Simferopol - Biyuk-Onlarsky, Karasubazar, Sarabusesky and Simferopol; in Feodosian - Ichkinsky, Old Crimean, Sudak and Feodosia; In Yalta - Alushta and Yalta.
Crimean ASSR

On October 18, 1921, the Decree of the Central Bank and SNK RSFSR, the Tauride province of the RSFSR was transformed into the Crimean ASSRA, which delivered 7 districts (former counties), which, in turn, were divided into 20 districts.

In November 1923, the districts were abolished and 15 districts were created instead: Ak-Moody, Alushta, Armenian, Bakhchisaray, Dzhanki, Evpatoria, Kerch, Karasubazar, Sarabusesky, Sevastopol, Simferopol, Old-Crimean, Sudaksky, Feodosia and Yalta. However, already in 1924, Ak-Moody, Alushta, Armenian, Sarabuses and Old Crimean districts were abolished.

October 15, 1930, instead of 10 districts, 16: Ak-Moody, Alushta, Balaklava, Bakhchisarai, Biyuk-Onlarsky, Janka, Evpatoria, Ishunsky, Karasubazar, Leninsky, Seitler, Simferopol, Old Crimean, Sudaksky, Feodosia and Yaltinsky were created. Kerch, Sevastopol, Simferopol and Feodosia were in republican submission.

In 1935, 10 new districts were formed: Ak-Sheikh, Ichkinsky, Kirovsky, Kolay, Kuibyshevsky, Larindorf, Mayak Sali, Saki, Telmansky and Frajdorf. Theodosi district was abolished. In 1937, Zui district was formed.

Some areas had a national status: Balaklava, Kuibyshevsky, Bakhchisarai, Yalta, Alushta, Sudaksky - Crimean Tatar, Frajdorf and Larindorf - Jewish, Bureuk-Onlarsky and Telmansky - German, Ishunsky (later Krasnoperekopsky) - Ukrainian. By the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, all areas lost national status (in 1938 - German, in 1939 - Jewish, then all the others).

On the map, Crimean Tatar districts are highlighted by turquoise, Jewish - blue, German - orange, Ukrainian - yellow, mixed areas - Pink.

1 Akmechitsky (Ak-Moody)
2 Akshakhsky (Ak-Sheikh) district
3 Alushta district
4 Balaklava district
5 Bakhchisarai district
6 Buyuk-Onlara district
7 Janka district
8 Evpatoria district
9 Zui district
10 Ichka district
11 Kalay district
12 Karasubazar district
13 Kirovsky District (Center for Islyam Terek)
14 Krasnoperekopsky district
15 Kuibyshevsky district (Center Albat)
16 Larindorf District (Center Jurchi)
17 Leninsky district
18 Mayak Saline District
19 Saksky district
20 Seeiteler district
21 Simferopol district
22 Starocrym district
23 Sudak district
24 Telmansky District (Center Kermalchi)
25 Frejdorf district
26 Yalta district
27 Sevastopol

Crimean Oblast

On December 14, 1944, 11 areas of Crimea were renamed: Ak-Moody - in Black Sea, Ak-Sheikh - in Razzolnensky, Biyuk-Onlarsky - in Oktyabrsky, Ichkinsky - to Soviet, Karasubazar - in Belogorsky, Kolaysky - in Azov, Larindorf - in Pervomaysky , Mayak Salinsky - to Primorsky, Seitler - to Nizhnegorsky, Telmansky - to Krasnogvardeysky, Frajdorf - to Novoselovsky.

On June 30, 1945, the Crimean ASSR was transformed into the Crimean Region. In addition to 26 areas, it consists of 6 cities of regional subordination: Evpatoria, Kerch, Sevastopol, Simferopol, Feodosia and Yalta.

In 1948, Sevastopol was derived from the composition of the Crimean Region in direct submission of the RSFSR. In the same year, the Yalta district was abolished. In 1953, Novoselovsky district was abolished, in 1957-1959 - Balaklava, Zui and Old Crimean regions. The city of Dzhanka moved to regional submission.

On December 30, 1962, Azov, Kirovsky, Kuibyshevsky, Oktyabrsky, Pervomaisky, Primorsky, Razzolnensky, Saki, Simferopol, Soviet and Sudaksky districts were abolished. The remaining 10 districts (Alushta, Bakhchisarai, Belogorsky, Dzhanki, Evpatoria, Krasnogvardeysky, Krasnoperekopsky, Leninsky, Nizhnegorsky and Chernomorsky) were transformed into rural areas. In 1963, the Saki district was created instead of the Evpatoria district. In 1964, an Alushta district was abolished, and Alushta was transformed into the city of regional subordination.

On January 4, 1965, rural areas were transformed into areas. Kirovsky, Razzolnensky and Simferopol districts were also restored. In 1966, Pervomaysky and Soviet districts were created. In 1979, Saki received the status of the city of regional subordination. In the same year, a court district was formed.

After 1991
In 1993, Armenian received the status of the city of republican subordination.

After 2014.
In 2014, the territories with settlements subordinate to the city's councils of republican subordination were the statuses of municipalities as urban districts.


Lesson 6.

Topic: Administrative Areas and Cities of Crimea.

Objectives lesson: 1. To introduce students with the administrative districts and cities of Crimea.

2 Explain the appointment and principles of dividing the Crimea into separate areas.

Tasks lesson : 1 Continue to form the ability to work with the card and atlas.

2 Performance of practical work 2.

Equipment : Wall Map of Crimea, Atlases, Contour Maps, Workbooks.

The content of the lesson.

1 Activation of cognitive activity of students.

2 Studying a new material.

3 Performance of practical work.

4 fixing.

5 job task.

During the classes.

1.Kova Square of the Crimean Peninsula?

2Do you know any areas or city of Crimea?

3 Why do people need to share the territory for individual Rainnes?

Let's find the answers in our notebook:

Delivery is not in order to conveniently develop the economy and other areas of life, i.e. To control the economy.

And now let's look at the "administrative card of the Crimea."

What does it differ from the physical card?

What new have you found on this map?

What is this card for?

So: on this map we get acquainted with the administrative device of the Crimea. What is it?

Administrative and territorial division of the Republic of Crimea

In administrative attitude consists of 25 municipalities:

    14 (with a predominantly rural population)

    11 cities of republican subordination , in the boundaries of which municipalities were created with subordinate settlements as settlements as 11 (with mainly urban population).

The number of administrative-territorial units in comparison with municipal units

units of administrative
territorial division

and NP.

units of Municipal


administrative regions

municipal regions

cities of republican subordination

city District

in addition: urban areas

city in submission of the urban district

cities of district subordination

urban settlements

urban Types

rural settlements


rural settlements


Districts and urban districts[

























12 Task Perform the task in the notebook 1, 2, 3 p.10-11.

Performing practical work.-2

Topic: Determination of the features of the geographical position of its area, settlement. During the contour card of the borders and the capital of the Republic of Crimea, washing the seas and their bays.

purpose : Teach to find and designate on the contour map the border, extreme points, sea, bay.

Equipment : Atlas, the Cards of Crimea are administrative, physical.


1 On the physical contour map of Crimea, find and sign the following geographic objects:

a) the extreme points of the Crimean Peninsula:

north Perekopsky ditch


west-Women Kara-Burun;

eastern-Smya Lantern.

b) Seaful and Azov.

c) Bay - Carcinite, Kalaytsky, Feodosia, Sivash, Kazantipsky.

D) spill-Kerchensky.

2 On the administrative contour card will indicate and sign:

The border and the capital of the Republic of Crimea;

Large cities of Crimea (18)

Administrative regions of Crimea.

3 red to highlight the territory of the Yalta region and sign the name of the settlement where you live

Task at home.

1 Departure the nomenclature of the Crimea, i.e. Coastline.

2 Task 4 Stage 11, 5 - P13 Perform in writing.

Crimea is a popular holiday destination in the summer, whose map is looking for thousands of people. The site administration has prepared all kinds of card options for familiarization. To say that the Crimean peninsula is unique - it means not to say anything. Crimea is Europe in miniature, here all kinds of landscapes are collected - high mountain ranges and deep canyons, beautiful azure beaches and endless steppes, quiet sea shores, and noisy river waterfalls. Crimea is called pearls of Europe and no accident - this is a place having a unique cultural and historical value, True Mecca for all types of tourism. A wonderful soft climate allows you to visit the Crimea as in the summer and in the cold season. It is impossible to learn the Crimea for one visit, here you need to be again and again, every time discovering new places.

Detailed map of Crimea with villages and roads.

8980 × 6350 px - 1:50 000 - 14 MB

Having a detailed map of the Crimea is easy to find the desired locality or recreation base, car roads with terrain reliefs are detailed in the scheme.

Map of roads of Crimea.

The automotive map of the Crimean Peninsula is indicated by kilometers between the main directions of Crimea: Alushta, Bakhchisarai, Belogorsk, Dzhanka, Evpatoria, Kerch, Krasnoperekopsk, Saki, Sevastopol, Simferopol, Sudak, Black Sea, Feodosia Yalta. With the help of this data, it will be easy to answer to the question, - how many kilometers between the specified cities?

Detailed tourist map of Crimea

Gathered in the tour campaign on the Crimea? Then this card is best suited. There is an alphabetical list of all settlements with search for squares cards.

The uniqueness of the Crimean Peninsula partly consists in its unique climate. Although the peninsula and does not have large sizes, the climatic zones here have a wide variety. Surprisingly, with the Peninsula area in 27 thousand square kilometers, there are three climatic macroregion. It does not consider that the subregiono is numbered here until 20! The secret of this phenomenon, in combination of various embossed formations, the fact that the peninsula is washed with two seas, the presence of bays, and also by the fact that the boundaries of it are squeezed by high-altitude mountains. Basically, climatic zones are divided into three main relief parts of the peninsula - steppe, mountain, and southern promenade.

The peculiarity of the region is the presence of areas where in the winter it is especially warm. At the same time, the phenomenal is that if, for example, in Yalta and Melitopol in the summer, the temperature variation is only 1 degree, the temperature difference can reach 11 degrees! It is just explained by the landscape, the Crimean Mountains in this case protect Yalta from the mainland winds. The warmer, of course, on the southern shore of Crimea, here soft weather is due to the proximity of the sea. The most severe, in terms of cold, are the Crimean mountains, whose vertices even remain cold in the summer. The most warm place in Crimea is Mishor. The average temperature in January here is +4.4 degrees, and the average annual almost 14 degrees of heat. Thus, the Crimea remains an attractive place to rest tourists even in winter, go here on Christmas holidays, or in winter holidays. Map of the Crimea:

You can also see the map of the Peninsula areas in detail:

Crimean mountains - silent giants that store secrets of history

The mountains divide the Crimean peninsula into two parts: most - steppe, and actually - the mountain part. The mountains are stretched from the northeast to the southwestern part of the peninsula, from Sevastopol to Feodosia, forming three parallel mountain ridges, which in turn are separated by beautiful green plains. The length of the mountains is almost 200 kilometers, the width is approximately 50 kilometers. The main ridge has the greatest altitude of the mountains, it includes such giants like a novel-kosh, with a height of more than one and a half kilometers, the chatyrock, the height of which is 1525 meters, (which is only 20 meters less than the height of the Mount Roman-Kos), and Ai-Petri whose height is 1231 meters. The southern slopes of the main ridge are cool, while the northern - gentle.

The peaks of the Crimean Mountains without a forest form a plateau, which is called "Yaylas". With the Turkic word "YaL" translates as "summer pasture". Yayylas combine the properties of mountains and plains, they are connected by narrow ridges with mountain passes. Since ancient times, the paths from the Crimean steppe went to the southern shore.

For centuries, they were blocked by rainwater over the centuries, the streams of which were made by the mountains with numerous strokes, forming beautiful caves, mines and wells.

In the main grocery is internal ridge. It is significantly lower, the highest point of the inner ridge is Mount Kubalich, its height is less than 750 meters. Internal ridge extends from Mekenziev mountains to Mount Agamny. The length of this ridge is 125 kilometers.

The third row of the Crimean Mountains is called Northern Grocery. This mountain range is the lowest, its height reaches only 340 meters. This ridge is also called foothill. The southern slopes of northern ridge ridges, while the northern - gentle, smoothly turning into the plains. The Crimean Mountains are a great place for mountain tourism, pedestrian sports, climbing. The established infrastructure allows you to organize an integrated, full-fledged rest, health care.

Cards of cities Crimea Over 10,000 people.


Steppes of Crimea - Fertile fields and mud volcanoes. If the mountains are located just 20 percent of the territory of the peninsula, the steppe takes about 70 percent of the entire territory of Crimea. Crimean steppe is the southern outflow of Eastern European Plain. It is almost completely located on the same level, only in the north he drops slightly. In the Kerch Peninsula, the steppe is divided by a parpachi ridge, here the south-western part is flat, and northeast - hilly. This zone contains famous mud hills and coastal lake basins. Here are unique mud volcanoes, (these volcanoes are not related to real volcanoes, because cold dirt cold dirt instead of hot lava).

Flat part The Crimean steppe consists of southern black soils, extraordinarily fertile, from that more than half of the territory is occupied by arable land, the rest of the forest and pasture, and only less than 5% of the steppe is occupied by vineyards and garden sites.

The basis of green tourism - Crimean forests. It is naive to believe that the Crimea is a dry naked steppe. Almost 350 thousand hectares of the territory of the peninsula are occupied by forests. On the slopes of the mountains are mostly oaks, there are about 65% of all trees (while pine - less than 15%). The legendary juniper is growing on the southern coast, and evergreen fine-grade strawberries. Here you can find pistachios, Pontiic Igal, Lanenik, Piracker, Sustained Jasmine, and many other plants that are hard to find on the mainland of Ukraine.

Variety of Water Resources Crimea. In the Crimean Peninsula there are more than one and a half thousand rivers and drains. The total length of water streams is almost 6 thousand kilometers. At the same time, it should be noted that most of them are small, in summer drying streams. It's amazing that rivers, the length of which more than 5 kilometers, on the peninsula only 257.

The main rivers of the Peninsula are divided into the following groups:

  1. Rivers of the northern slope of the Crimean Mountains. Here is the famous Saligir, the longest Crimean river, her length is 232 kilometers. The rest of the northern slope rivers are much shorter, for example wet indole - only 27 kilometers, chruks - 33 kilometers.
  2. Rivers of the northwestern slope. Here is the longest alma river, its length is 84 kilometers. Other rivers (black, Belbek, Kacha, Western Bulganok) - A little shorter.
  3. Rivers of the southern coast of Crimea. It is mostly small aquatic streams, for example, the length of the river Stude-SU is only 8.4 kilometers, Demerji - 14, and Derekoyka - 12 kilometers.

Amazing fact: the rivers of the North-Western slopes are located almost in parallel, and half of its path are mountain streams. The rivers of the northern slopes, which flow on the plain, fall into Sivash. On the southern shore - short rivers are all the mountain streams, they all fall into the Black Sea. Unique here is the river Study-Su, at its short path it forms four beautiful waterfalls.

The cause of the weak development of river water on the peninsula is that the main source of rivers are rain. Rainwater nourishes the River Crimea by almost 50 percent, while groundwater gives the rivers of only 30 percent of water potential. The rest is melting of snow. The potential of the groundwater of the Crimea barely exceeds a billion cubic meters, for comparison, from Ukraine submits annually three times more water on the peninsula. 20 reservoirs are help to control the groundwater, and more than a hundred ponds. The North-Crimean Canal from Ukraine serves 3.5 billion cubic meters of water in Crimea, this is the main water source for agriculture. If it were not for this water source, then the arid Crimean steppe could not be fertile. (For comparison, in 1937 there were 35 thousand hectares of irrigated land, and in 1994 more than 10 times more than 400 thousand).

Of course, speaking of water resources, it is impossible not to mention Lake Limans, valuable healing sources of salt water. In total, more than 50 such lakes are located on the territory of the Crimea, their total area exceeds 5 thousand square kilometers. Salts and medicinal dirt are obtained here. The most famous Lake is Sakskoe, but you can also visit Sasiek, Donuzlav, Bakal, Red or Lake Aktash.

Outcome: In Crimea, you can find everything on the cards, and even more. Camping, Winter and Summer Holidays, Extreme Tourism, Pedestrian and Cycling, Wine Tourism, Rock Climbing - Here you can find holidays for every taste and budget. The unique climate and the atmosphere of these places will make you come here again and again.

During the period from 1783 to 1917, the conversion of the ATD of the Crimea as part of the Tauride province of the Russian Empire. From the end of 1920, after the final consolidation of Soviet power, the closest changes in the structure and composition of the Crimea began in the Crimea.

After the end of the Great Patriotic War in June 1945, the Crimean ASSR was renamed the Crimean Region. At that time, it consisted of 32 ATE (26 districts and 6 cities of regional meanings).

Since 1948, the process of enlarging the administrative-territorial division of the Crimea. By December 1962, the Crimean Region consisted only from 10 rural areas: Alushta, Bakhchisarai, Belogorsky, Dzhanki, Evpatoria, Krasnogvardeysky and Krasnoperekopsky, Leninsky, Nizhnegorsky and Black Sea (Figure 2). The city councils of regional subordination were Yalta and Feodosia, as well as from 1964 - Alushta. In addition to them, the Regional Council was subject to the city of Simferopol, Kerch, Evpatoria and Dzhanki.

Figure 2. - Administrative and territorial division of the Crimean Region, 1962

In 1963, the Evpatoria district was renamed Saksky. In 1964, the Alushta district was liquidated, and Alushta became the city of regional subordination.

In 1965, rural areas were replaced by the areas, Kirovsky, Razzolnensky and Simferopol districts were restored. In 1966, Pervomaysky and Soviet districts were allocated. In 1979, the city of Saki received the status of the city of regional subordination, and the Sudaksky district was formed.

In 1993, Armenian received the status of the city of republican subordination. And in 1994, Crimea became an autonomous republic. From this point on, the modern administrative-territorial division of the Crimea was entrenched.

As part of Ukraine, being an autonomous republic, the Crimea had the following administrative and territorial division (Figure 3). The arch consisted of 25 regions:

  • · 14 areas with a predominantly rural population and a center that is a city type village (who had the status of the urban settlement);
  • · 11 Territories subordinate to the city's councils of republican subordination with mainly urban population and the center in the city of republican significance.

The Arc included the following areas: Bakhchisarai, Belogorsky, Dzhanki, Kirovsky, Leninsky, Krasnogvardeysky, Krasnoperekopsky, Nizhnegorsky, Soviet, Saki, Pervomaysky, Razdolnensky, Simferopol, Black Sea Areas. And the following territories subordinate to the city councils: Alushta, Armenian, Janka, Evpatoria, Kerch, Krasnoperekopsky, Saksky, Simferopol, Sudak, Feodosia, Yalta City Council.

Figure 3. - Administrative and territorial division of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea (2013)

In connection with the connection in 2014, the Crimea to the Russian Federation as its full-fledged subject, the ATD has undergone some changes related to the already existing legislative base of Russia in this area.

According to the law of the Republic of Crimea dated June 6, 2014 No. 18-VPC "On the administrative-territorial device of the Republic of Crimea" Article 2, the administrative-territorial structure of the Republic of Kazakhstan is carried out on the following principles:

  • · Accounting to the historically established system of resettlement in the Republic of Crimea and the trends of its development;
  • · An independent definition within its own maintenance of the administrative-territorial structure of the Republic of Crimea;
  • · Territorial integrity of the Republic of Crimea;
  • · Optimization of the public administration system and local self-government, balanced development of territories;
  • · Accounting for the population, the level of integration of territories, industrial, economic, social and cultural ties;
  • · Creating conditions for protecting the interests of ethnic groups in compact accommodation.

According to Article 5, the following categories and types of settlements are established in the Republic of Crimea:

· Material settlements depending on the population, degree of improvement and development of social, industrial, transport and other infrastructure, the nature of the employment of the majority of the population, historical features refer to the category of urban or rural settlements.

City settlements include the following types of settlements:

The following types of settlements include rural settlements:

  • · settlement;
  • · village;
  • · Village.

Article 6 presents the types and list of administrative-territorial units:

1. The administrative and territorial units of the Republic of Crimea are the city of republican significance and areas.

The city of republican significance may consist of areas in the city.

  • 2. The Republic of Crimea consists of the following administrative and territorial entities:
  • 1) the city of republican value Simferopol with a subordinate territory;
  • 2) the city of republican importance to Alushta with a subordinate territory;
  • 3) the city of republican importance to Armenian with a subordinate territory;
  • 4) the city of republican significance to Dzhanka with a subordinate territory;
  • 5) the city of republican importance of Evpatoria with a subordinate territory;
  • 6) the city of republican value Kerch with a territory subordinate to him;
  • 7) the city of republican importance of Krasnoperekopsk with a subordinate territory;
  • 8) the city of the republican value of Saki with a territory subordinate;
  • 9) the city of republican value of Sudak with a subordinate territory;
  • 10) the city of republican values \u200b\u200bof Feodosia with a subordinate territory;
  • 11) the city of the Republican Value of Yalta with a subordinate territory;
  • 12) Bakhchisarai district;
  • 13) Belogorsky district;
  • 14) Janka district;
  • 15) Kirovsky district;
  • 16) Krasnogvardeysky district;
  • 17) Krasnoperekopsky district;
  • 18) Leninsky district;
  • 19) Nizhnegorsky district;
  • 20) Pervomaisky district;
  • 21) Razdolnensky district;
  • 22) Saki district;
  • 23) Simferopol district;
  • 24) Soviet District;
  • 25) Chernomorsky district.

That is, there have been some qualitative changes in the ATD. The adjacent territories of the cities of republican significance with settlements located on them became urban districts (municipalities). Urban-type settlements, previously had the status of urban settlements, were transformed into rural settlements, which in turn led to a reduction in the overall level of urbanization in the Republic of Crimea.

Crimea is a large tourist center of the Black Sea. The territory of the Peninsula is divided between two administrative entities: the Republic oflyonia and the Sevastopol City Council.

Relatively recently on the map of Russia appeared Crimea - this peninsula was part of our country in March 2014.

Cities and villages of Crimea

Detailed map of Crimea with all roads and routes

The capital of the republic is Simferopol.. It has a rich ethnicity: Russian, Tatars, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Azerbaijanis, Armenians, Uzbeks and other nationalities live in it.

The peninsula has many resorts of various types, located both on the coast and in some distance from it. As a rule, they are binding to settlements.

Cities Resorts Crimea


Yalta is a major resort town on the southern shore. The city is the center of a large agglomeration - great Yalta, which includes villages. Alup, Livadia, Oreanda, Massandra.

In Yalta, there are better climatic conditions for the treatment of patients with diseases of the nervous and respiratory system. The local ecosystem is unique, since it was formed under the influence of a mountain and coastal climate simultaneously.

In the city, there are many historical and architectural attractions. Among the latest special attention of tourists use " the swallow nest"- a building on a sheer cliff over the sea, externally resembling a medieval castle. In addition, in Yalta, many other memorable places, including the Livadia, Vorontsov and Massandra Palace Complex.

Outside the city are waterfall Study-Su., the mountains Ayu Dag. and Ai-Petri, lake Karagol, Reserve Cape Martyan.. Developed transport infrastructure allows you to get to any of these attractions.


Sevastopol is a major seaport, the place of basing the Black Sea Fleet. The city is oboisan by a mountain massif, which may seem interesting connoisseurs of outdoor activities.

In Sevastopol there are many agencies, ready to organize diving and windsurfing classes, horse rides, traveling along the shore on the motor boats and sailing yachts.


Simferopol is located in the distance from the coast, however, when traveling to the southern shore, this city is almost impossible. The administrative map of the Crimea denotes it as the center of the republic. Considering the rich history of Simferopol, in the city and next to it is a variety of monuments of the past - Scythian Naples, house Vorontsova, estate Sabla.

Simferopol has many museums and galleries, several theaters and philharmonium. Near the city there is a su-scientified waterfall and the Cabob Coba cave adjacent to him, which is an ancient karst system with a length of at least 21 kilometers.


Moving along the mountain range from Simferopol south, you can get to Alushta - the second most popular resort on the Crimean coast of the Black Sea after Yalta. The length of the recreation and tourist complex of Alushta is about 90 kilometers - this is a large Alushta, located between Partenitis and the village acting.

Alushta is located in the valley surrounded by mountain peaks Demerji, Equisie Burun and Roman-Kos.

You can see the historical sights of Alushta, including house-museums of Writers Ivan Schmelev and Sergey Sergeeva-Visk. The city is also located in the Museum of Nature of the Crimean Reserve together with the Dendropark. At the distance of walking distance from the shore there is a variety of attractions and entertainment complexes.


The city of Evpatoria is located in the western Peninsula, among many salted lakes. These are ideal conditions for the activities of balneological hospitals. In addition to Evpatoria, local dirt has healing effects.

The number of sunny days in the city is greater than in Yalta. The swimming season in Evpatoria begins early, since the shallowwician Kalasian bay quickly warms up.

In the summer, the Evpatoria coast is characterized by breeze, which provide air coolness with warm water.

Next to Evpatoria are the resorts of Zaozernoye, Novofedorovka and Nikolayevka. Also, the city is located in close proximity to the Evpatoria group of lakes, including Sivash and Moinaki reservoirs. On the beach of Evpatoria acts aquapark.


The city of Alupka is located in the place where the main mountain range of the Crimean Mountains is close to the sea coast. To get here on winding serpents, you need a map of the peninsula. Streets in the city are confusing, many quarters are characterized by the features of mountain settlements. The length of the Alupka along the coast is 4.5 kilometers, peak ah-petri rose over the city.

Alupka is an integral part of the agglomeration of Big Yalta. In addition to the resorts, Alupka attracts tourists to the Vorontsov Palace - the architectural monument of the time of the Russian Empire.


Livadia settlement is another part of Big Yalta. The once of the village was used as a summer imperial residence, and in memory of those times, the Livadia Palace was preserved, today it is open to visiting tourists.

Travelers are also interested in the Livadian Park, known for the diversity of plants and shrubs, as well as its unusual landscape. This park is the oldest on the coast. In order to get acquainted with the surroundings of Livadia, vacationers can take advantage of the service of one of the many agencies that are engaged in the organization of excursions - however, you can go on your own.


Oreanda village on a par with Alupka and Livadia is a county of Big Yalta. His distinctive feature is natural landscapes. Lovers of outdoor activities can visit the hill near the village and go through the royal trail.

Oreanda is known for its golden beach, which is considered the best in Big Yalta. This beach is a natural portion of the coast, covered with polished pebbles. Local sea air is suitable for the treatment of people with respiratory diseases.


Massandra - East Suburb of Yalta. Well-known wines are produced here: many slopes of the mountains near Massandre are allocated under the vineyards. In the village there is a positive wine plant, which owns a rich collection of wines.

In addition to winemaking, Massandra is known for the Palace of Alexander III, as well as the Massandra Park.


Bakhchisaray, like Simferopol, is a "continental" resort. Despite the lack of beaches, the city is attended annually about half a million tourists. Basically, they attract their medieval atmosphere of the city. In addition, Bakhchisaray has a favorable geographical position, and is located in the place of an important transport junction between Sevastopol and Simferopol.

The main Bakhchisaraian landmark is the Khan Palace. In the vicinity of the city you can see "cave cities", as well as magnificent natural attractions: the settlement is located between the inner and external ridges of the Crimean Mountains.


Kerch is the enerological city of the peninsula, his "sea gate" for those who travel on the ferry. The city is interesting because it is the port of immediately the Black and Azov seas, as well as in the immediate vicinity of it there is a water area of \u200b\u200bSivas. Both seas, as well as the lake, have a different hydrological regime, so the resting conditions on their coast differ.

In the vicinity of the city prevailing the steppe landscape. Those who wish, besides the beaches, can visit the Mulek Chesme Caggan - the ancient well-preserved burial, today transformed into the museum.

Old Crimea

This city is located in the east of the peninsula in a place where the steppe, mountains and the sea come into contact. The town is distant from the main tourist routes. Nevertheless, the settlement has a developed resort infrastructure, and is suitable for those who wish to spend their vacation in privacy, away from the noisy places of travel of travelers.

In the old Crimea there are several galleries and museums, including the House Museum of Constantine Poist, as well as the Ethnographic Museum of the Crimean Tatars.

Nature of Crimea

The detailed map of the Crimea in Russian allows you to see that the type of landscapes of the peninsula is divided into two zones: the first, steppe, takes two thirds of its territory, and the second, mining - the remaining space.

The steppe extends from the northern outskirts of the peninsula to its central part, smoothly goes into the hills, and then replaced by the mountainous area. In the mountains there are areas not populated by man.

The nature of the vegetation cover directly depends on the features of the relief. So, in the steppes grow grass, there are no forests. Conversely: trees predominate in the mountainous terrain, especially with a developed root system, which are firmly attached to the rocks. Relief vegetation is spread on the southern shore.

Climate and weather Crimea

Peninsula is located in three climatic macroregions, and twenty microregions are isolated on its territory. Macroregions Determined by relief. First macroregionsteppe - located in the northern and eastern part of the peninsula, secondpre-saying and mountainous - in the center and closer to the south and the thirdSouth coast - Near the very edge of the Black Sea.

"Home" wind off the coast - rarity, much more often they blow in the steppe. On the entire peninsula, air flows from the East and the North-East dominate, the exception is only theeodosia, opened by Western winds.

As for precipitation, there is an insufficient level of moisture in the steppe part of the region. Most precipitation on the peninsula falls on the northern springs of the Crimean Mountains - more than 1000 mm annually.