The smallest peninsula in the world. The smallest inhabited islands

In the geographical plan of the peninsula a very unique place. The part of the sushi is surrounded on all sides, only one part connects with the mainland.

Scientists agree that sometimes it is very difficult to determine the boundaries of the geographical object. The Peninsula Square is a fairly conditional concept, but still try to figure out, and we define the largest peninsula in the world.

The biggest Peninsula of the Earth:

Looking forward to say that the largest peninsula is the Arabian Peninsula with an area of \u200b\u200b2730000 km², but we will talk about it at the very end of the article.

In the very north of Eurasia, washed by the waters of the Kara Sea and the sea of \u200b\u200bLaptev, the Taimyr cozy cozy. The largest Peninsula of Russia covers an area of \u200b\u200b400 thousand km².

The name comes from the Evenki word "Tamura", which means "rich", "valuable". At first, Evenks called the river so called, and then the hydronime spread throughout the territory.

For a long time, Taimyr remained uninhabited territory, but over time, people adapted to the harsh conditions of the Far North, and founded settlements here.

The most visited by tourists Balkan Peninsula covers an area of \u200b\u200b505000 km², and ten states fit on its territory. The conditioned northern border is the line on the European rivers of the Danube, Kupa and the Sava.

The coastline is strongly edged with small bays, in which there are magnificent resorts, and the flora and fauna are extremely diverse and attractive.

Looking into deep antiquity, we note that even in the era of Neolithic, these territories became the first, where agriculture originated in Europe.

Peninsula, area of \u200b\u200bapproximately 506 thousand km², is located in the west of Asia and occupies the middle part of the territory of modern Turkey.

In geography, this place is called Anatoly, which in Greeting means "sunrise." Romantically and is very suitable for the picturesque place of the planet. The mountainous territory washed by warm seas is a great place to relax and tourism.

It should be noted that this peninsula is washed by the largest number of the seas, and he himself became the border between Europe and Asia.


Peninsula in Europe, with an area of \u200b\u200b600,000 km², are also called Iberian. Washes this Western part of Eurasia Mediterranean Sea and the water of the Atlantic Ocean.

Earth among themselves divided two countries - Spain and a small part of Portugal. The extreme southern part belongs to Britain, and France speaks part in the north.

On the Pyrenees fit one of the world - Andorra.

Because of its form, this part of the sushi received the romantic name of the African Rog. Somalia Square in 750 thousand km² occupies the same state of Northeast Africa.

The region is unique with their parks and reserves with amazing, rare plants and animal species. The development of industrial infrastructure increasingly occurs on wildlife and harms climate.

Waters of the Adenian Bay and Indian Ocean water and Indian water.

If we talk about the state of Somalia, it is considered one of the world ..

Scandinavian Peninsula

Among the greatest European peninsulas, the Scandinavian is the largest of all, and its area is 800 thousand km². Almost all the territory is occupied by Sweden, Finland and Norway and only a small line belongs to the Russian Federation.

The uniqueness of this part of the Earth is that huge areas are covered with dense forests. Flora is represented by northern animal species, and on coastal cliffs - large bird bazaars.


In the east of Canada, washed by the waters of the Atlantic, Labrador is located. The entire area is 1600000 km².

In the territory of many lakes and rivers, on the shores of which rare species of northern fur animals are found - ondatras, foxes, lynx.

The huge territories of Labrador are covered with forestry and rare forests. The population lives mainly on the coast and in separate internal regions, where iron ore mining is established.


From the east, the unique and attractive indostan washed the water of the Bengal Bay, and the Arabian Sea from the West. The Asian Peninsula Square is almost 2 million km².

Favorable climatic conditions and an abundance of water resources contributed to the origin here for the first agriculus.

From the mainland, he is conditionally separated by two greatest rivers in Indcom and Gangom. The name of Industan came to Europeans from the Persian language. Today, this part of the sushi is more called South India, and only in the territory of Russia is still called "Hindustan".


Europeans, visiting this part of Southeast Asia, mixed up at the local population at the same time both Chinese and Indian traits, because of which the terrain and received such a unique name.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe most picturesque territory is equal to 2413620 km². Vegetation is presented mainly by wet tropical forests, where you can find exotic and rare animals.

The pearl of Indochina rightfully consider Lake Tonlesia, that in translation from Khmer language sounds like a "large fresh lake".

West Antarctica

In the extreme north were, now in the extreme south, where the coldest peninsula is located - Western Antarctica with an area of \u200b\u200b2690000 km².

Most of the geographic region is covered with ice, and the sun looks very rarely into this part of the earth.

Among the white snow and ice here you can meet indigenous inhabitants - penguins. People use the Western tip of the continent in scientific and research purposes.

Arabian Peninsula

The largest Peninsula of Asia and the world record holder not only for these indicators. This is the hottest area of \u200b\u200bour globe.

Part of the sushi between Africa and Asia washed the water of the Arabian Sea and partially in the Red Sea. Square is quite difficult to calculate, but geographers and cartographers agreed on the figure of 2730000 km².

Not the most picturesque among his geographical relatives, but it is here that the largest and gas are located. By right, the richest peninsula on Earth.



So the nature ordered that the greatest number of peninsulas is inscribed in the rugged Coastline of Asia.

Despite the geographical relationship large on the area of \u200b\u200bthe earth's surface, which received the name of the peninsula, are unique and differ from each other with a climate, landscape, plant and animal world.

All of them are extremely beautiful and amazing, and a person, by virtue of opportunities, develops these territories, not forgetting about the protection of the entire live and environment. These were the biggest Peninsula of the planet. The editorial board of Thebiggest is waiting for your comments on the topic! Thanks for attention.

What is the smallest island in the world? According to the Guinness Book of Records, this is Bishop Rock. Its location - South of Great Britain, is one of the 1040 islands of the archipelago. On the island there is only one lighthouse and nothing else ... This list can be continued to infinity - after all, the inverted islands-kids are a huge set on our planet, like peninsulas. Nevertheless, our rating consists of small on-house islands with a developed tourist infrastructure.

1. Kay Kaulker, Belize - 6.5 square meters. KM

Located island in the Caribbean Sea 20 miles from Belize's coast. The largest coral reef of the Western Hemisphere is here here. The population is less than 1500 inhabitants. In the past, this little fishing village with three sand roads. Now - loved by tourists is a small but exciting resort.

2. Fox Island (Fox Island), Alaska - 10.4 square meters. KM

Protected bays and pebble beaches of this island, located near the coast of Seward, represent a beautiful refuge for a variety of marine inhabitants. By visiting this little island, you can get acquainted with sea lions and whales.

3. Saba Island, Small Antilles - 13 square meters. KM

Located in the Caribbean, west of Saint-Martin. The population of the island is 1,200 people. It practically does not have beaches, but attractive for diving lovers and hiking. Landscape island - Sleeping volcano - attracts a lot of tourists. The most favorable time to visit - from January to March.

4. Island of Corvo, Azores -15.6 square meters. KM

It is part of the Azores Island Archipelago. Located in the Atlantic Ocean west of the coast of Portugal. There are only 300 people here. Moderate climate allows tourists to enjoy snorkeling, fishing, a variety of fresh seafood and secluded walks all year round.

5. Sea Lion Island Island (Sea Lion Island), Falkland Islands - 15.7 square meters. KM

Located in the southern part of the Atlantic Ocean. Permanent residents are only seven. But here you can see five types of penguins, tales, sea elephants. A favorable tourist season lasts from October to April.

6. South Bass Island (South Bass Island), Ohio - 20.8 square meters. KM

Area information - Lake Erie, from the northeastern coast of Ohio. The population is less than 400 people. Despite this, the island offers boating, camping. It has its own beerproof and winery.

7. Little Saint Simons Island (Little St. Simons Island), Georgia - 40,61 square meters. KM

Only 25 people work and live on this island, the rest are a few tourists. This little island is located in the Atlantic Ocean near the coast of Georgia, part of the Golden Islands Golden Islands archipelago. The landscape of the island is excellent original beaches in combination with the cedar forest and the purest coast. High tourist season - Spring.

8. Benguerra Island Island (Benguerra Island), Mozambique Islands - 55 square meters. KM

The second largest island of the archipelago (after the island of Bazarato). This is the territory of the National Maritime Reserve. The rarest animals live here: crags, flamingos, white herons, kingfisher, cormorants. 1.5 km to the east of the island there is a coral reef "2 mile", which is recognized as one of the best for diving in Mozambique. In addition to the extraordinary beauty of the underwater coral, small types of sharks are inhabited on the reef, the fish clown, the sea eel and many bright tropical fish.

9. PL (YAP), Micronesia - 101.4 square meters. KM

It is part of the Federated States of Micronesia - the southern part of the Pacific Ocean. This is one of the best places for diving. By the way, the island is only partially designed for tourism, and partly the countryside. There are only 1200 permanent residents.

10. Madelena Island (Madeline Island), Wisconsin, USA - 109.2 square meters. KM

This island is the only designed island from the Islands of the archipelago 22 Apostle Islands. All year round, only 300 permanent residents live here. High season for tourists - from May to October. In the summer, here you can enjoy a golf game, kayaking riding or cycling, and in winter - cross-country skiing and snowmobile.

The number and total area of \u200b\u200bthe territory of the Russian Peninsula are much less than. The following Peninsulas are adjacent to the territory of the country: Gydansky, Kamyskka, Kannan, Kolsky, Taimyr, Taman, Chukotka and Yamal. They are mainly located in the Asian part and are distinguished by a harsh climate. Below is a list, maps and a brief description of the six largest Peninsula in Russia in order of increasing area.

Chukotsky Peninsula

Chukotka Peninsula on the map / Wikipedia

The Peninsula Square is 49 thousand km². It is located between the Bering and Chukotka Sea. The capital is the city of Anadyr. The peninsula is based on a mountainous area. Some mountain ranges exceed a height of 1 km. Closer to the sea bays of the Chukotka Peninsula are lowlands. Due to the location in the Far North of Russia, the climate is very stern. January temperatures on average is -40º C. Summer The thermometer column rises to + 10º C.

The territory is both Festrup. From the trees you can allocate alder, poplar and larch. In the wooded terrain there are a few species: Wolverine, a polar bear and a wolf. There are several hundred species of birds, as well as on the shores of the peninsula there are walruses.

Kola Peninsula

Kola Peninsula on the map / Wikipedia

The area of \u200b\u200bthe Kola Peninsula is approximately 100 thousand km². Lands are located at the junction of White and Barents. The largest cities are Murmansk, Kirovsk, Apatity, Severomorsk.

Due to the collision of tectonic plates on the peninsula, a unique landscape was formed: Mountains, forests covered with conifers, and a plateau. The Arctic climate contributed to the formation of numerous lakes, swamps, lowlands and pridins. The main attraction of the peninsula is considered to be Hibin Mountains. Their highest point is 1200 m. Skiing can be rolled most of the year: the snow covers the slopes from November to June. There are unique in the region. One of them is a small desert. The second is the coast of the White Sea, which is fed by fragments of minerals.

Three reserves are on the Kola Peninsula. The territory is famous for the nesting gaga. It takes 20% of the land of the Murmansk region. In the forests of the peninsula you can see spruce, birch and larch. Many berry shrubs, edible mushrooms, rare medicinal plants. Animal world is customary to share on and forest. On the Kola Peninsula there are more than sixty mammalian species. In addition to them, there are many, and. Bears, foxes, foxes live in the forests. Northern deer, lemming, voles live in the territory of the tundra.

In the waters of the adjacent seas will be spawn, salmon and kumja. Navaga, Cod, Herring and Piksha are fishing species. From the lastonogy, there is a spotted seal, sea hare, nerve. Whaling fishery led to the fact that there are less than ten species of whales on the Murmansk coast.


Peninsula Yamal on the map / Wikipedia

The Peninsula Square is about 122 thousand km², the length of the peninsula is 700 km, the width is up to 240 km. He lies in the northern part of Western Siberia and is washed by the Kara Sea. Panayevsk, Cape Stone, Saleal, are considered large settlements. The gas and oil deposits were found on Yamal, so the infrastructure of the peninsula is constantly developing.

Due to the location in the northern part of Russia, the Arctic climate prevails on the peninsula. Winters with winds and snowstorms continue most of the year. Summer temperature on average rises to + 6º C. On the border with the continent of the Tundra goes to the forest tundra. Mossy land is gradually covered by shrubs. There is no height on the peninsula, the plain landscape dominates. Rivers fall into the Kara Sea.

Vegetation is represented by conifers and deciduous rocks. You can find your heather and a richness. The animal world is also diverse. The most common mammals are wolves, sands and northern deer. A lot of birds, especially the representatives of the Red Book. Rivers are rich in fishing fish. Local population catches Siga, Lenka, Goltz, Muksun and Siberian perch.

Gydansky Peninsula

Gydansky Peninsula on the map /

The Peninsula area is approximately 160 thousand km², the length is about 400 km, the width is up to 400 km. Gydansky Peninsula West Siberian Lowland, resting in the Kara Sea. On the peninsula, the Arctic climate and winter lasts more than six months. Summer is short and cold, there is a polar night and a polar day. There are many rivers and lakes on the peninsula. Often the surface is lowlands and swamps.

An animal and vegetable world adapted to extreme habitat conditions. Flora is scooter because of cold winds. More often there are lichens, mosses, dwarf trees and embezzlement shrubs. Forestry vegetation appears near the southern border: Camery, Polar Mac.

The species composition of animals is due to low temperatures. In the Gydan Peninsula feels good deer, sands and fox. In the summer, a variety of birds arrive at the nesting room: barracks, rzhanks, white geese. Some of them are inscribed in the Red Book. Walroges, Finvals and white bears are considered rare guests. The water bodies live a huge number of types of freshwater fish.


Peninsula Kamchatka on the map / Wikipedia

The area of \u200b\u200bthe territory is 270 thousand km², length of 1200 km, width up to 440 km. Kamchatka is washed by the waters of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk in the West, as well as the waters of the Bering Sea and the Pacific Ocean in the East. Kamchatka region occupies the land of the peninsula, Karagian Island and the Commander Islands. Large cities are Vilyuchinsk, Elizovo, and the regional center - Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky.

The peninsula is famous for active volcanoes and mineral water sources. Mountains are occupied by two thirds of the territory. In the center there is a Kleevskaya Sopka, the most powerful volcano of the country. In the vicinity of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, there are several ski resorts.

Multiform vegetation world is due to a combination of volcanic activity, the presence of mountain arrays and precipitation. In Kamchatka there is more than two hundred and red-based plants. In the peninsula, Kamchatsky brown bear, mountain, snow ram and polar wolf live. In the last century, protein fell on these lands. In the forests there are such rodents like ondatras and. Sometimes, from the side of the tundra, the peninsula visits the polar bear.


Peninsula Taimyr on the map / Wikipedia

Area 400 thousand km². The peninsula is the largest in the country and the tenth in the area in the world. It is located in the central part of Siberia, between the mouths of Yenisei and Khatanga. Located in the Far North of Russia, Taimyr is characterized by a harsh climate. Winter lasts 8 months. The landscape is represented by the tundra and the Arctic deserts. Stony lads with lichen and bushes are replaced by cedar forests. The Taimyr lives the reindeer, sheep, sandy, sable. On the coasts are arranged frying boots. Internal and external reservoirs are rich in fish.

There is no possibility to strictly determine what kind of Miriad islets scattered in different parts of the world is the smallest. There are only conventional applicants for this honorary title. For example, the Guinness Book of Records Calls Bishop Rock, sticking out of the water in the south of Great Britain among the 1040 other archipelago islands. It only found a lighthouse. Of course, in reality there are thousands of islands even less. In this rating, the smallest islands that have developed tourist infrastructure participate.

1. Southern Bass, USA (6.43 square meters)

The smallest tourist island in the world is located in that part of the Lake Erie, which belongs to the American state of Ohio. On his small area was able to fit a small beer plant and winery, on which the indigenous people of these places are working. In total, no more than 400 people live on the island. Tourists come here not only to try local black beverages, but also ride boats on the lake, and live in nature in campsites.

In modern Russia there are over 200 peoples with their culture and language. But the last census showed that some nations were left ...

2. Kay Kolker, Belize (6.5 square meters. Km)

This island is located in the water area of \u200b\u200bthe Caribbean, 20 miles from Belize shores. It is here that the largest coral reef is located in the Western Hemisphere.
Less than 1,500 people live on the island. Until the middle of the XIX century, Kay Kolker was uninhabited, only occasionally came the British ships to replenish water reserves or for easy repairs. But then Mexican refugees appeared here, who planted coconut palms and founded a fishing village with sandy paths, which now turned into a very popular, albeit a small resort. On the island even made a runway, although it still remains vulnerable to hurricanes.

3. Fox Island, Alaska (10.4 square meters)

This island, located near the coast of Seward, has pebble beaches and secluded bays, so there are many marine inhabitants, such as whales and sea lions.

4. Saba Island, Small Antilles (13 square meters)

In the Caribbean, the west of Saint-Martin is the island of Saba, the population of which is 1,200 people. It is best to visit him in January-March. It is called "untouched Queen of the Caribbean" for his unspoance. It has practically no tourist infrastructure and places comfortable for swimming. But this, this fallen volcano, who became an island, is very attractive for divers. A marine park is unique in its own way.

5. Korot Island, Azores (15.6 square meters)

On the most lonely and tiny is the island of Korva, the island of Korva. It reigns atmosphere of rest and peace, and nature and green scenery of the island, blooming hills, picturesque lakes and rocky shores admire their pristine beauty of those travelers who were able to climb such a distance. But the name of the island has been translated as "Crow Island".
In the center of the Atlantic reigns the subtropical climate, thanks to which almost all year round can be fishing, underwater swimming, study in detail the island in unhurried walks or enjoy fresh seafood.
About 500 people live to Korva in the only village of Vila Novo-Doo-Korva, all of them are very welcoming. In a very cozy tiny town of the houses are built from black stone, there are crucible streets between them. Lifestyle here is absolutely pastoral, all local know each other perfectly. An old tradition here began to close the houses with wooden locks, which make local craftsmen. Residents still enjoy them, emphasizing it their friendliness and openness.

6. Marine Lion Island, Falkland Islands (15.7 square meters)

In the Atlantic Ocean, there is a group of controversial islands near the shores of Argentina (Falkland for the United Kingdom and Malvinsky for Argentina), among which the smallest is the proud name of the sea lion. In local waters, a very rich fauna: marine elephants, penguins, tales. For the order on the island, seven locals are watching, and for tourists the island becomes affordable in early October, and the season closes in April.

Atoll is a coral island, which is partially or completely surrounding the lagoon. Atollas can be a wide variety of forms, configurations and sizes. Ko ...

7. Small Saint Simons, USA (40.61 square meters)

Only 25 people live on this island, and the rest of the residents are tourists. The island is located in the waters of the Atlantic near the coast of Georgia and is part of the Golden Islands Georgia Archipelago. On the island there are primordant clean sandy beaches and pine groves. The peak of the tourist season falls on the spring.

8. Bengaerra Island, Mozambique Islands (55 sq. M. Km)

In the Mozambic archipelago there is the island of Bengiarr, where the National Marine Reserve is located. There are many different types of birds: flamingo, painfish, kingfisher, white herons, cormorants. In one and a half kilometers east of the island there is a coral reef, very popular among divers, vacationers in Mozambique. Very beautiful corals grow here, the clown fish lives, small sharks, sea bass and a variety of bright coral fish. Here, Nature formed a unique pool among corals, which is called the "aquarium", and in which it is perfectly engaged in snorkeling.
The life rhythm of the island corresponds to a leisurely existence of local residents who can boast a rich culture. In the north of the islands on the horizon, African boats Dow will smash, some of which entail fishing nets, while others deliver tourists to coral reef.
On the Mozambique Islands in the Tropics area, the summer reigns all year round. But it is best to come here to dry and a little more cool season in May-November, that is, in winter for Mozambique. But from December to January here is too hot, and in February-March tropical livnery shed.

9. Yap, Micronesia (101.4 square meters)

This island in the southern part of the Pacific Ocean is part of the Federated States of Micronesia. For tourists, only part of the island is intended, and the other is given to agriculture. Here are excellent conditions for diving with scuba.
1200 people constantly live on the island - these are simple, friendly, calm, smiling people, as in other islands. Guests are not in them, if respectively refer to their lifestyle and traditions.
The local tribe is the most firm currency in the world - stone money. And not small coins, but three-meter circles, weighing several centners. The course of each coin rose, if a person sacrificed personally for her. For example, if there was a "Mint" is the island of Palau, the head of the family, the whole "solid currency", which his relatives owned, rose in price. Until now, walking along the stone trails in the thickets, you can see these huge stone treasures, thoroughly crumpled moss.

In the old woman, Europe there are many vintage and very picturesque cities. We are accustomed to how the most beautiful small towns of Europe looks: German ...

10. Madeleine, United States (109.2 square meters)

Among the 22 islands of the apostle archipelago, only Madeleine Island is inhabited. It constantly lives 300 people. The best time to relax here in May-October. In the summer, it can even be played in golf here, ride a bike or a kayak, in winter it is possible to ski or scatter snow dust on snowmobiles.

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How many islands in the world? Perhaps this is the most mysterious information. Although many researchers assure that they are about 500 thousand on the planet. They differ in magnitude, distance from continents, the number of inhabitants and other factors. Each of them has its own history, and legends are some of them. We offer you a selection of the smallest islands in the world who attract the attention of tourists.

Bishop Rock (Bishop Rock)

The smallest built-up island in the world according to the Guinness Book of Records. It is located 6400 m to the west of Silly's archipelago in Cornwall. The area of \u200b\u200bthe island is only 720 square meters. It is so small that only one building is located throughout its territory - the 49-meter tower of a granite lighthouse, which for several centuries saved many shipwreck vessels. From 1858 until 1992, there were caretaker on the lighthouse, who had to live next door to the ever-raging marine element. Today, Bishop Rock is very popular with tourists, boat excursions are conducted by an old lighthouse and provide the opportunity to fans of extremes to live there from one to three weeks.

How to get: From the major cities of England to the sole airport on the Saint Meris archipelago, then on a boat or helicopter to the island.

Tiberina (Isola Tiberina)

A small island, which in shape resembles a ship, stretched stranded, is located on the Tiber River in Rome. Its area is 270 m in length and 67 m wide. Get to the island under the power of any tourist. To do this, you will not have to hire a helicopter or rent a boat, you can walk to it on foot - Tiberina is connected to the capital of Italy by two old bridges, fabric and honor. A lot of legends and myths are connected with this island, which are so intertwined with official historical facts, to deal, where the truth is, and where the fiction is already difficult. Currently, the territory of Tiberina is located the active hospital of San Giovanni Di-Dio, better known as Fatebenefratelli, Pierleoni fortress tower and St. Bartolomeo Batolomo Basilica.

How to get from the center of Rome on foot or by car. The island is located on the Embankment of the Tiber, not far from the Trastevere district and the Jewish Quarter.

Bay Island (Dunbar Rock)

It is rumored that on this tiny island in Honduras more than a hundred years ago, a pirate for nicknamed a black beard hid his treasures in the rock of Dunbar. Yes, it's good that so far this mysterious treasure failed to find anyone. Apparently, therefore Bay so often resell. Today, on the territory of the island, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich does not exceed half of hectare, a three-story villa has been built, surrounded by a man-made oak forest. This piece of sushi was especially loved by the fans of scuba diving, which come here to observe in transparent water behind the rich fauna and Flora.

How to get there: by plane or ferry from the largest cities of Honduras to Guanah Island, then on the boat to the villa.

"Just Room Enough Island)

It is this island that is the smallest settlement of the world in the world, but not officially like Bishop rock, but in fact. Its area is only 306 square meters. m. But this was enough for the American family of Saysland, who acquired it in 1950 to plant a tree there and build a cottage with a veranda. Just Room Enough Island is one of the sections of the archipelago of a thousand islands located on the River of St. Lawrence along the border of Canada and the United States. In total, the archipelago of 1864 islands, the dimensions of which range from 100 square meters. km to the land plots about 0.1 square meters. m.

How to get there: by car from the nearest Canadian cities or from any major city of Western America to the National Park "Thousand Islands" or by public transport - the bus company Greyhound from Brockwil or Kingston (Canada). Next on a boat or a walking boat to the island.

Fula (Foula)

One of the Shetland Islands and the most distant from all the inhabited Island of Britain. Fula is located 32 km west of the neighboring island. But despite this, more than 30 people live on the island. All of them are like a big, friendly family. Most of them earn fishing, sheep and tourism. Fula Island is very attractive for tourists, but not everyone risks him to visit it because of frequent storms. In case of bad weather, it is simply not going to leave. And the locals say it is one of the reasons why they love to live on the island. They are not confused even the fact that the products and medical help should be saved on a boat or fly through the ocean. By the way, the Internet and telephone connection on the island is, so there will be no lovers of social networks.

How to get there: air travel from Aberdeen, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Inverness or London to the Shetland Islands. Either a 12-hour ferry crossing from Aberdeen and Kerkolla. Next, by plane or by sea from Mainland Island (Mainland) to Fula Island. However, it is worth considering that Foul flights are not regular.

Pitcairn Islands Island

This two-minute populated island is located in the southern part of the Pacific Ocean. To get to it, it will take a lot of time. Therefore, not everyone risens independently go to such a long journey. It is known that with the opening of the Panama Canal on Pitcairn 4 times a year for several hours of cruise liners. During this time, tourists manage to explore local attractions and chat with locals. Currently, 50 people live on Pitcairne, and all of them are descendants of famous rebels "HMS Bounty", which settled the island in 1790. Of these, only 15 people are able-bodied. That is why in 2014, the Government of Pitcairn tried to attract new settlers to the island and launched a special program for this. However, those who want to live far from the world's centers turned out to be very small - only one person risked and filed an application for a visa.

How to get: From Tahiti 4-hour flight to Gambier Island (aircraft fly only once a week) and more than a day by sea from Mangarev Islands (Gambier) to Pitcairn.

Atoll Suwarrow (ATOLL SUWARROW)

This is a true treasure island, which is located in the southern part of the Pacific. And if on the island of Bay still failed to find the hidden treasure, then on this piece of sushi there was already a chest with gold coins. But not only the treasures are known to Atoll Suvorov, in 1978 the first and so far the only National Park of Cook Islands was created, in which many seabirds nest, including turquoise parrots. The atoll is a group of coral islets, which sometimes reach only a few dozen square meters and are reinforcing two lagows - both greater and deep. The entire land area is 1.68 square meters. km. This place is very popular among divers and pearl seekers. Opened Coral Island Russian Marigor Mikhail Lazarev, who visited on September 17, 1814. His ship, on which he discovered this piece of sushi, was called "Suvorov", and therefore the atoll got its name.

How to get there: from Australia, New Zealand, USA or French Polynesia to Rarotong Island, then with the help of a Bounty Bay research vessel or, having received permission, independently on a rented yacht.

Mont Saint Michel (Mont Saint Michel)

Rocky island-fortress 80 m high and about 950 m in a circle is located in the lower Normandy in the north-west of France. Perhaps this is one of the most popular land of land from tourists. Every year, Mont-Saint-Michel attend about 3 million people. They are attracted by his interesting history of origin and unique architecture. In addition, the Mon-Saint-Michel abbey is the fourth place of pilgrimage in the West after Jerusalem, Rome and Santiago de Compostela. Twice a year here is especially crowded here: when the day of the phenomenon of Archangel Mikhail is noted in Monte Gargano and on the day of the consecration of the Roman altar dedicated to Archangel. It is worth noting that this island is not only a tourist attraction and an important pilgrimage center, but also a place of residence of several dozen people.

How to get there: from the center of Paris on the excursion bus, rented car or on a high-speed train from Montparnasse Station.

Kaye Chapel (Caye Chapel)

The resort is the resort of only two and a half miles located 20 km from Belize's coast in the western part of the Caribbean. Despite the small size, on Kaya Chapel, there is a private runway, 8 villas, apartments, bars and restaurants, a 18-hole golf course, a large complex of pools and more than 2 kilometers of virgin sandy beaches. Maximum in the resort Caye Chapel can relax 50 guests. Although everyone, who can afford, have the opportunity to relax on the island of only one, with his family or with his cheerful company. The service of standard stay includes the possibility of exclusive rent of the entire island for 3 days or more.

How to get there: using a 2-hour flight from the continental part of the United States or a 10-minute flight from Belize City (BZE).