Austria. Economics and geographical position

Austria - a small country is located in the center of Europe, consists of 9 federal lands: Lower Austria, Upper Austria, Burgerland, Styria, Carinthia, Tyrol, Forarlberg, Vienna and Salzburg. Vienna is the capital of Austria - an administrative attitude towards the lands.

The country's division on the Earth has developed historically: almost every of the lands is the former independent feudal possession. In fact, modern Austria is a centralized state.

Austria has no way out to the sea. Here is 84 thousand square meters. KM lives about 11 million people, i.e. Less than in London.

The geographical position of Austria contributes to its communication with other European countries, of which it directly borders the family: in the East - Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovenia, in the West - Germany, Italy, Switzerland, the principality of Liechtenstein. This provides Austria favorable transport and geographical conditions for mutually beneficial trade with neighboring countries.

The territory of Austria is stretched in the form of a wedge, strongly narrowed in the West and extended in the East. This configuration of the country reminds, according to some, bunch of grapes.

The largest cities are Vienna, Graz, Linz and Salzburg.

The situation in the center of Europe makes the Austria crossroads of a number of trans-European meridional pathways (from the Scandinavian countries and states of Central Europe through the Alpine Pass Brenner and Zemmering to Italy and other countries). The maintenance of transit transportation of goods and passengers gives Austria certain income in foreign currency.

In addition, how to easily establish a physical map, the state borders of Austria mostly coincide with natural turns - mountain ranges or rivers. Only with Hungary, the Czech Republic and Slovakia (on a small segment) they pass almost to the equal terrain.

When our compatriot, heading to Austria by the train, crosses the Czech-Austrian border in the northeast corner of the country, it is somewhat disappointed. Where is the Alpine Austria? Circle, as far as the eye is enough, smooth, like a table, flavored plowing plain. Some of the green islands of gardens and vineyards flashes, brick houses and lonely trees on the interzhah and along the roads. Plains and hilly lowlands extend from here far to the south along the entire border with Hungary and occupy 20% of the territory. But reaching the veins, we fall into a more typical natural environment for Austria: the mountains, the Viennese forest (Winterwald) are the northeast outpost of the Mighty Alps and the elevated-hilly wide and open valley of the Danube, which is noticeably increasing in the western direction. If you rise to one of the vertices of the Vienna Forest, for example, Calenberg ("Bald Mountain"), then far in the north and northwest in the blue haze for the Danube you can see the low dummy, covered with forest, granite ridges of noise, only some vertices that rise slightly higher than 700 meters.

This ancient elevation occupies 1/10 of the country.

Undoubtedly, the Alps - the dominant landscape in Austria, they (together with the foothills) occupy 70% of the country. These are the eastern Alps. So it is customary to call part of the Alpine mining system, lying east of the Valley of the Upper Rhine, according to which the state border with Switzerland is held here. What is the difference between the Eastern Alps from Western? East of the Rhine Fault, the Alpine Ridges take a latitudinal direction, begin to disperse as if fan and decline. Eastern Alps are wider and below the Western, they are more accessible. There are fewer glaciers here, and the biggest of them are about twice shorter than in Switzerland. In the Eastern Alps, more meadows and especially forests, and mineral fossil Eastern Alps are much richer Western.

If you cross the Alps from the north to south, it is easy to see that the geological structure and the composition of their rocks are located symmetrically relative to the axial zone. This zone is the highest and powerful, coated with glaciers and snow groups of ridges, among which highlights highlights with the highest point of the country - the two-headed vertex of Glossiner ("Big Rock") reaching 3997m; Eztal, Stubay, Tsillertai Alps. All of them, together with the ridges surrounding from the West and the East, are composed of solid crystalline rocks - granites, gneis, crystalline slates. The largest Glacier - Pastertz - has a length of about 10 km and area 32km 2.

To the north and south of the axial zone are the ridges folded by solid sedimentary rocks, mainly limestone and dolomites: Likhal Alps, Karvendel, Dakhstein, Khokhshwat and other ridges of the northern limestone Alps up to the Vienna Forest mentioned above in the extreme northeast. In contrast to the pecifical peaks of crystal ridges, limestone mountains are giant boulders with more or less flat slightly cloned surfaces and almost sheer or even hanging slopes. The years most of the bare, there are soil failures, caves and other forms of karst reliefs formed by her rainwater in soluble limestones and dolomites.

The peripheral zone of the Alps form a low with the soft outlines of the peaks and the slopes of pre-founded with loose sedimentary rocks. And within Austria, this zone is well expressed in the north, and in the south it is missing.

One of the features of the Alps is that they are dissected by deep and wide transverse valleys, thanks to which the deep parts of the Alps are relatively easily accessible, and low-cost passages make it possible to cross the country from the north to south in a number of places. So, the famous Pass Brenner has a height of 1371m, and the deputy Memering - 985m. It is no coincidence that the railways have long been laid through the Alpine Pass, and some - without tunnels.

Plan. 1. Visit 2. EGP Austria 3. Historical reference. 4. The country's economy. 5. Nature 1) Relief 2) Climate 3) Natural Resources 4) Minerals 5) Animal World 6) Environment 6. Population. 1) Ethnic Composition 2) Demographic Situation 3) Population Structure 4) Religion 5) Education 6) Mass Media 7) Nationwide Holidays 8) Taxation. 7.Some. 8. Geography of foreign economic relations The political and economic situation of Austria. Austria - a small country is located in the center of Europe, consists of 9 federal lands: Lower Austria, Upper Austria, Burgerland, Styria, Carinthia, Tyrol, Forarlberg, Vienna and Salzburg. Vienna is the capital of Austria - an administrative attitude towards the lands. The country's division on the Earth has developed historically: almost every of the lands is the former independent feudal possession. In fact, modern Austria is a centralized state. Austria has no way out to the sea. Here is 84 thousand square meters. KM lives about 11 million people, i.e. Less than in London. The geographical position of Austria contributes to its communication with other European countries, of which it directly borders the family: in the East - Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovenia, in the West - Germany, Italy, Switzerland, the principality of Liechtenstein. This provides Austria favorable transport and geographical conditions for mutually beneficial trade with neighboring countries. The territory of Austria is stretched in the form of a wedge, strongly narrowed in the West and extended in the East. This configuration of the country reminds, according to some, bunch of grapes. The largest cities are Vienna, Graz, Linz and Salzburg. The situation in the center of Europe makes the Austria crossroads of a number of trans-European meridional pathways (from the Scandinavian countries and states of Central Europe through the Alpine Pass Brenner and Zemmering to Italy and other countries). The maintenance of transit transportation of goods and passengers gives Austria certain income in foreign currency. In addition, how to easily establish a physical map, the state borders of Austria mostly coincide with natural turns - mountain ranges or rivers. Only with Hungary, the Czech Republic and Slovakia (on a small segment) they pass almost to the equal terrain. When our compatriot, heading to Austria by the train, crosses the Czech-Austrian border in the northeast corner of the country, it is somewhat disappointed. Where is the Alpine Austria? Circle, as far as the eye is enough, smooth, like a table, flavored plowing plain. Some of the green islands of gardens and vineyards flashes, brick houses and lonely trees on the interzhah and along the roads. Plains and hilly lowlands extend from here far to the south along the entire border with Hungary and occupy 20% of the territory. But reaching veins, we fall into a more typical natural environment for Austria: the mountains, the Viennese forest (Winterwald) are the northeast outpost of the mighty Alps and the elevation-hilly wide and open Danube Valley, which is noticeably increasing in the western direction. If you rise to one of the vertices of the Vienna Forest, for example, Calenberg ("Bald Mountain"), then far in the north and northwest in the blue haze for the Danube you can see the low dummy, covered with the forest, granite ridges of noise, only some vertices of which are rising several Above 700 meters. This ancient elevation occupies 1/10 of the country. Undoubtedly, the Alps - the dominant landscape in Austria, they (together with the foothills) occupy 70% of the country. These are the eastern Alps. So it is customary to call part of the Alpine mining system, lying east of the Valley of the Upper Rhine, according to which the state border with Switzerland is held here. What is the difference between the Eastern Alps from Western? East of the Rhine Fault, the Alpine Ridges take a latitudinal direction, begin to disperse as if fan and decline. Eastern Alps are wider and below the Western, they are more accessible. There are fewer glaciers here, and the biggest of them are about twice shorter than in Switzerland. In the Eastern Alps, more meadows and especially forests, and mineral fossil Eastern Alps are much richer Western. If you cross the Alps from the north to south, it is easy to see that the geological structure and the composition of their rocks are located symmetrically relative to the axial zone. This zone is the highest and powerful, coated with glaciers and snow groups of ridges, among which high tower on the highest point of the country - the two-headed vertex of Glossiner ("Big Rock") reaching 3997 m; Eztal, Stubay, Tsillertai Alps. All of them, together with the ridges surrounding from the West and the East, are composed of solid crystalline rocks - granites, gneis, crystalline slates. The largest glacier - Pastertz - has a length of about 10 km and the area is 32 km 2. North and south of the axial zone are ridges folded by solid sedimentary rocks, mainly limestone and dolomites: Lichthal Alps, Karvendel, Dakhstein, Khokhshwat and other north ridges Limestone Alps up to the Vienna Forest mentioned above in the extreme northeast. In contrast to the pecifical peaks of crystal ridges, limestone mountains are giant boulders with more or less flat slightly cloned surfaces and almost sheer or even hanging slopes. The years most of the bare, there are soil failures, caves and other forms of karst reliefs formed by her rainwater in soluble limestones and dolomites. The peripheral zone of the Alps form low with the soft outlines of the peaks and the slopes of the pre-charges folded by the loose sedimentary rocks. And the limits of Austria this zone is well expressed in the north, and in the south it is missing. One of the features of the Alps is that they are dissected by deep and wide transverse valleys, thanks to which the deep parts of the Alps are relatively easily accessible, and low-cost passages make it possible to cross the country from the north to south in a number of places. So, the famous Pass Brenner has a height of 1371 m, and the deputy memering - 985 m. It is no coincidence that railways have long been laid through the alpine passes, and some - without tunnels. Historical reference. In antiquity and in the previously Middle Ages through the lands of modern Austria, located at the crossroads of important trade routes, the main of which was the path in the Danube, many different tribes took place. Some of them left their mark in the ethnogenesis of the Austrian people; A noticeable effect on the formation of Austrian ethnic community was provided by Celts settled here in the V-VI centuries to our era. The conquest of the Austrian lands of the Romans, which began in the II century BC, led to the gradual novelization of the local Celtic population. In administrative terms, these land entered into different Roman provinces: Pannonia - in the East, Norikum - in the center, the Region - in the West. Of great importance for the history of Austria was the settlement of her lands in the centuries of Germanic (bavars, aleans) and Slavic (mainly Slovenians) tribes. Based on predominantly German tribes of Bavarov and Aleanov that spilled with some Slavic and with the remains of Celtic and other tribes of the early Middle Ages, and the Austrian ethnic community was formed. In the VII-VIII centuries, the Land of the current Austria did not compile another whole, and included in various European states: Western and Northern (with the German population) - in Bavarian Duchy, Eastern (with the Slavic population) - to the Slavic State of Quarantion. At the end of the 7th century, both of these states were included in the Frankish Empire of Karl Great, and after its section in 843, they became part of the German East Frank Kingdom. In the VII-X centuries, the Land of modern Austria was subjected to devastating raids of nomads, at the beginning of the Bavarov (VIII century), and then Hungarians (IX-X century). In the second half of the X century, the Bavarian eastern brand was formed on the territory of modern top and lower Austria, which Ostarrichi (Austria) began to be called. She subsequently later became the core of the Austrian state. In the XII century, Austria, like many other European states, became part of the "Sacred Roman Empire". In the XV century, almost all of its modern lands were included in the Austrian state, with the exception of Salzburg and Burgenland. However, this political association was still unstable, its boundaries often changed, which were included in the state of the region, were interconnected only by dynastic uzami. In the XII-XV centuries, Austria was one of the economically more prosperous countries in Europe. The development of feudalism in Austria was distinguished by some features. Until the XV century, the feudal dependence of the peasants was significantly weaker in it than in neighboring countries; The creation of the peasants took place here slower due to the long movements of the population and nomads. In mountain pastoral areas, especially in Tyrol, the free peasantry retained, united in rural communities. In the XV century, Austria was not only an economic, but also the political center of the "Sacred Roman Empire", and its dukes - Habsburg - emperors. Against the background of the general economic and political lift, the culture of medieval Austrian cities blooms, primarily Vienna, then Graz and Linz. Of great importance was the foundation in 1365 Vienna University. In the XVI century, Austria headed the struggle of the countries of South-Eastern Europe against the Turkish invasion. Taking advantage of the weakening in wars with the Turks of the Czech Republic and Hungary, Austria included most of their territories to their possessions, starting to turn into a multinational state from this time. During this period, the country's economy is increasingly strengthened and developed. In the mining industry (mining ore iron and lead in Tyrol, Styria, Upper Austria) already in the XVI century the emergence of capitalist relations begins. The first manufactories appeared in the production of velvet, silk, luxury goods. In the XVII-XVIII centuries, the Austrian Habsburg continued to expand their possessions: the whole territory of Hungary, almost all Croatia and famous, South Netherlands, some areas of Italy, a number of Polish and Ukrainian lands were attached to Austria. In its area, Austria began to take second place in Europe after Russia. In the XVIII-XIX centuries, feudal-absolutist Austria was a stronghold of a colistic reaction in Europe. She was the initiator of the intervention against the revolutionary France, and later participated in all anti-armzuz coalitions, headed the struggle against the revolutionary movement in Europe. The defeat of Napoleonic France in the European wars of the beginning of the XIX century even more strengthened the external position of Austria. By decision of the Vienna Congress 1814-1815. She was not only returned to the land conquered by Napoleon, but also gave the region of northern Italy in exchange for the South Netherlands. In the second half of the XIX century Austria lost its hegemony in European affairs. The struggle against Prussia for the primacy among Germanic states ended with the defeat of Austria in the Austro-Prussian war of 1866. The creation of the Union of German States (1867) took place under the auspices of Prussia and without the participation of Austria. In 1867, Austria became a dualistic monarchy of Austria-Hungary. The Austrian and Hungarian dominant classes have entered into an alliance for the operation and suppressing the resistance of other peoples. At the end of the XIX century - the beginning of the 20th century, changes in the foreign policy of Austria were changed: without having achieved hegemony among the Germanic states, which were united by Prussia in 1871, Austria launched an offensive against the Balkans, which led to the exacerbation of relations with Russia and rapprochement with Germany. In 1882, the so-called triple alliance was concluded between Austria-Hungary, Germany and Italy, who spoke in the First World War of 1914 against the countries of the Entente. In 1918, the Austro-Hungarian monarchy broke up into three states - Austria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary: In addition, part of her lands entered Romania, Yugoslavia and Poland. In 1938, the troops of the fascist Germany occupied Austria. The entire economy of the country was subordinated to the military needs of Germany. In World War II, Austria participated as part of Germany. In March 1945, Soviet troops crossed the border of Austria. On April 13, they joined Vienna and soon after that, the Soviet army and allied troops freed the whole country. After the defeat of Germany's fascist under the agreement between the USSR, the USA, England and France, the entire territory of Austria was temporarily divided into 4 occupation zones. At the initiative of the Soviet Union in 1955, a state agreement was signed on the restoration of independent and democratic Austria and the occupation was discontinued. In the same year, the Austrian Parliament adopted a law on the constant neutrality of Austria. A country's economy. Austria belongs to the number of the most developed countries in Europe. In recent years, the country's economy has been developing accelerated pace. The largest foreign investor is Germany (about 30% of investment). The volume of industrial production increased by 4.6% in 1995 and reached 334.5 billion shillings. The leading industries are mechanical engineering, metallurgy, as well as chemical, pulp and paper, mining, textile and food industries. One third part of industrial production falls on the state sector of the economy. Austria has productive agriculture. Almost all types of agricultural products needed to provide the population are produced. The most important branch of agriculture is animal husbandry. Foreign tourism is one of the most profitable branches of the Austrian economy. Annual receipts from foreign tourism make up more than 170 billion shillings. Austria trades more than 150 countries of the world. About 65% of exports and 68% of imports fall on the countries of the European Union. The main trading partners are Germany (40%), Italy, Switzerland. Russia accounts for only 1.5%. The country's gold reserves amounted to 218 billion shillings for 1994. In terms of income per capita, Austria ranks 9th in the world. Rising prices for consumer goods amounted to 2.3% for 1995. The unemployment rate was 6.5%. NATURE. 1.Relf. The main thing is that determines the natural features of almost the entire territory of Austria - these are the Alps. Their white-headed vertices are visible in the country from everywhere. Almost ѕ countries occupy the eastern Alps, which are lower and wider western. The border between them coincides with the Western border of Austria and passes through the Valley of the Upper Rhine. In the Eastern Alps there are less glaciers, more forests and meadows than in Western. The highest point of Austria - Mount Grosglockner in high tauerne - does not reach 4 thousand meters. (3797 m). From the highest vertices, the biggest Glacier of the Eastern Alps - Passeris is longer than 10 km long. Covered with snow and ice and other peaks of the comb granite-gneisse zone of the mountains - Eztal, Stubay, the Tsillerthal Alps. In this crystal zone, the so-called alpine relief forms are most pronounced - sharp crests, filled with glaciers cool Wall Valley. Famous icy - Icerisenvelt (World of Ice Giants) in the mountains of Tennengebirg, south of Salzburg, is located to the north and south of the GRAD Zone. On the wrongness, the wildness of the local places they say the names of the mountainous arrays: Tome-Gebirge (meter mountains), Helllen-Ghebigge (hellish mountains), etc. The limestone Alps north are moving to pre-charges, steps descending to the Danube. These are low dumping mountains, crouched by the forest, in places of their slopes of rake, and the wide solar valleys are quite densely populated. If the geologically young Alps is appropriate to compare with the Caucasus, then the mountains lying on the other, the left side of the Danube, resembles the Urals. These are the Southern Schumava, part of the ancient Bohemian massif, almost to the base destroyed by time. The height of this border hill is only 500 meters and only in several places it reaches 1000 meters. The terrain with a calm relief, plain or hilly lowlands takes only about 1/5 of the country area. This is, first of all, the inventive part of Austria and the western outskirts of the Middle Indiana Plain adjacent to it. There is a vast majority of the population and is the "center of gravity" of the whole country. 2.Climate. Large contrasts of relief - from lowlands to snow mountains - cause vertical climate zonality, soil, vegetation. In Austria, extensive areas of fertile lands, warm and humid (700-900 mm precipitation per year) "grape" climate. In this word, everything: pretty warm, long summer with a medium temperature + 20 degrees and warm sunny autumn. On the plains and foothills, a relatively mild winter with a medium-walled temperature is 1-5 degrees. However, the big alpine part of the country is "deprived of" warmth. With the rise for every 100 meters the temperature drops by 0.5 - 0.6 degrees. The snow line is at an altitude of 2500-2800 meters. Summer in the high mountains cold, raw, windy, often drops wet snow. In winter, the precipitation is even more: the giant stones of snow accumulate on the slopes of the mountains, which often, without visible reasons, are drunk and rushed down avalanches. crushing everything in their path. Rare winter costs without sacrifice; Residents of dwellings, roads, power lines ... and sometimes in the middle of winter the snow suddenly disappears. So it was, for example, in the days of the White Olympiad in early 1976 in the vicinity of Insburg. Usually the snow "ride" with warm southern winds - hair dryers. 3. Radio resources. The mining part of the country is distinguished by the abundance of clean fresh water. It accumulates in the form of snow and glaciers for most of the year, so that in the summer they will overthrow, to the Danube, thousands of roaring streams, filling the lake basins lying along the way. Alpine rivers are determined and the Danube Mode: it is especially multi-way, it happens just in the summer, when the plain rivers are usually melting. Danube's tributaries - Inn, Oil, Ens, Drava - Many large energy reserves, but all of them are not shipping and are only partially used for a forest. There are many lakes in the country, especially in the northern foothills of the Alps and in the south, in the Klagenfurt Basin. They are glacial origin, their pitfalls are embarrassed by ancient glaciers; As a rule, lakes deep, with cold, transparent water. This type into an extensive Lake Bodhen, belonging to Austria partially. The plant zones on the territory of Austria are replaced by one another in the following order: broad-sized (out of oak, beech, ash) forests in the Danube Valley (though, very thinned) are replaced by a mixed forest of foothills. Above 2000 - 2200 meters, coniferous (mainly spruce-fir-firing, partially pine) forests are displaced. Mountain forests are one of the national riches of Austria. On the map of the vegetation of Central Europe, Austrian Eastern Alps look like the only major green island. Among the small Western European states, only Finland and Sweden exceed Austria in the forest area. Especially a lot of forests suitable for industrial exploitation in the uppermost (mountainous) Styria, for which it is called the "green heart of Austria". Apparently, it is no coincidence that the color of the flag of land of Styria, her folk costumes - green. During the German occupation of World War II, the Austrian forests caused huge damage. Over forests and rarefied dwarf shrubs - subalpian (mats) and alpine (alma) meadows. In the hot summer months begins a stormy melting of snow in the mountains, which leads to large floods, including on the Danube, the level of which rises sometimes by 8 - 9 m. All the same Alps, like "moisture collectors", are invaluable for Austria: Flowing with them full-flowing rivers, especially Tin, Ens, Oil, Drava serve as the richest sources of inexhaustible water energy. In addition, Austria has large reserves of clean fresh water, concentrated in addition to glaciers and rivers in numerous alpine lakes (the predominance of lakes in the area of \u200b\u200bSalzkammergut). In addition to this Austria, the southeastern part of the large and deep Lake Bodensky on the western outskirts of the country and almost entirely shallow lake Nezidler-xe on her eastern outskirts. 4. Possible fossils. Austria is quite diverse a set of minerals, but among them there are extremely few such, whose meaning would be beyond the country. The exception is Magnezit, which is coming for the production of refractories and partly to obtain metal magnesium from it. Magnezit lies in the Schini, Carinthian and Tyrolean Alps. Energy minerals are very small. These are very modest oil fields (23 million tons) and natural gas (20 billion. cubic meters) in the lower and partially in Upper Austria. Even with the Austrian production scale, these reserves, according to the available forecasts, will be exhausted within two decades. Several more reserves of brown coal (in Styria, Upper Austria and Burgenland), but it is low quality. Comparatively high-quality iron ores, but high metal content is available in Styria (Erzberg) and a little in Carinthia (Hyuterberg). Outside amounts there are non-ferrous metal ores - lead-zinc in Carinthia (Blaberg) and copper in Tyrol (Mitterberg). Of the chemical raw materials, only the table salt (in Salzkamergut) has practical importance, and graphite and field split from other minerals. 5. Animal world in mountain forests, mainly in reserves, homemade - noble deer, sulfur, mountain rams, mountain goats. From birds - Glukhari, Tetherov, partridges. On the plains, where almost all lands are cultivated, there are no large wild animals. But still there are foxes, hares, rodents. 6. The environment Environment in most of Austria is not yet under such a threat to pollution, as in most other industrialized European countries. First of all, this applies to the Alps with their rare population and in general insignificant in relation to this extensive industry. The Austrian authorities interested in attracting foreign tourists to the country take some measures aimed at restricting environmental pollution, but not sufficiently. The democratic community and the scientific circles of Austria are alarming about the unacceptable degree of contamination by industrial waste of the Danube below Vienna and the rivers Mura and Murz. In the system of measures for the protection of nature, the reserves are playing a major role. They are in Austria 12 with a total area of \u200b\u200b0.5 million gg. They are in all natural zones - from the steppe neighborhoods of Lake Nezidler-See to a high Tauerna. Most nature reserves are in the Alps. POPULATION. 1. Ethical composition. The population of Austria is relatively homogeneously in ethnic relations: about 97% of its numbers are Austrians. In addition, in Austria, small groups of Slovenes, Croats and Hungarians live in Austria, in Vienna, and the Jews in Vienna. Many Austrian citizens consider themselves not only by the Austrians, but, by origin, from this or another province, also by Schinians, Tyroleans, etc. The Austrians speak on the AAstera Bavarian dialects of the German language, significantly different from the literary. Literary German is used mainly as written or in official cases, as well as in conversations with foreigners. Under the influence of local loving, his vocabulary, grammar also received some originality. 2. Sequence. One of the main features of the population of Austria is to cease its growth since the beginning of the 70s. This is explained by a large fertility fall. If it were not for noticeably increased average life expectancy, which in 1990 reached 75 years, the demographic situation would be even more unfavorable. The fall in fertility is associated with the difficult material situation of the majority of the Austrian population, and with the consequences of World War II. A small natural increase has been preserved in less developed Western alpine lands, as well as in rural areas. Austrian specialists predict that until 2000, the population in the country will not change significantly, but the reduction in the dolly of young ages, and the increase in the share of the elderly threatens with a decrease in labor resources. 3. The construction of the population territory of the country is very unevenly populated. With an average density of the country, 90 people per 1 sq. Km varies from 150-200 or more people in the eastern regions adjacent to Vienna, up to 15-20 - in the Alps. For most of the territory of the country, the rural population lives in farms and individual yards - the lack of comfortable land affects. Because of the difficult living conditions, the share of the Alpine population is continuously reduced, there is a flight from the mountains - "Bergflukht". Above 1000 m above sea level, 2% of the country's population lives. In cities (with the number of residents over 2 thousand people), 77% of the population lives, but the Austria traveler does not impress the city country. The fact is that more than a quarter of the citizens are concentrated in the largest city of Vienna. Half of the entire urban population lives in small cities with a population of up to 100 thousand people. Thus, large cities - with the number of residents from 100 to 250 thousand for this country are not characteristic. There are only four graz, Linz, Salzbkrg and Insburg. The functions of these cities, not to mention Vienna, are diverse, which cannot be said about the mass of small cities, which mostly "unequivocal". They are dominated, as a rule, one two industrial industries. The rapid growth in the number of residents of cities is associated with increasing the share of non-agricultural activities of the economically active population. In 1990, in industry, including construction and craft, its share was more than 41%, and in rural and forestry - about 12% (against 33% in 1960), in transport and in connection - 7%. 4. Relicia. According to the international research of values \u200b\u200bconducted in 1990-91, the churches and other chapels visit once a month and more often than 44% of the Austrians (8th place out of 27 countries in Europe and North America). If you combine these international research data in 1990-91 and 1995-97, the Austria will take 23 place out of 59 countries of the world on the attendance of churches once a week and more often (30% of the Austrians visited in 1990-91. Churches with such Regularity). At the same time, during the 1991 survey, only 6.1% of Austrians stated that they would not believe in God (another 8.3% believe in God, but they do not believe in life after death). (In Austria, Christianity began to extend from the end of religious organizations The largest religious organization - the Roman Catholic Church of the III century). The state supports the church: there are 1% church tax in the country, which is obliged to pay all citizens of the country. The Roman Catholic Church in 2000 had 5651479 adherents (72.1% of the population). The second largest is the Evangelical Church of the Augsburg and Helvetic confession (Etsaigi), which unites two autonomous churches from each other (Lutheran and Reformeds). Lutherans and Reformats finally received the right to free confession of their creeds only 1781, and were fully equalized in rights with Catholics - still across the century. 5. Education. Universal mandatory training in Austria begins with the six-year-old age and lasts 9 years. Training in public schools and receiving higher education - for free. There are 18 universities, 12 universities. Viennese University (founded in 1365) is the oldest of the existing universities of German-speaking countries. 6. Media. In Austria, more than 20 daily newspapers are published. From a one-time circulation is approximately 3 million copies. Tele- and radio broadcasting is carried out by the State ERF state company. National Infolrmance Agency - Austrian Print Agency (APA). 7. Nationwide holidays. Ascension of Christ, the second day of the Trinity, the Holiday of the Body of Christ, the Assumption of the Virgin (15.8), the National Holiday of the Austrian Republic (26.10), the holiday of all saints (1.11): St. Virgin Mary (8.12), as well as Christmas (25 and 26.12). 8. Taxation. Austria, like most countries of Western Europe, has a rather complicated, multi-level tax system, while most taxes are collected through the Federal Tax Service. Local taxes are not too significant. Austrian legislation divides all individuals and legal entities on taxpayers with unlimited and limited tax liability. Unlimited responsibility means that the tax is paid from all revenues received both in the country and abroad. Such responsibility is carried by individuals with a permanent residence in Austria, as well as companies, legal address or bodies of which are located in Austria. Accordingly, private persons living abroad are limited to limited tax liability, and corporations have no management bodies or legal addresses in the country. In this case, certain types of income received in Austria are subject to taxation, for example, income from activities carried out through permanent missions or branches. Main types of taxes: 1) on investment; 2) on income; 3) corporate; 4) on entrepreneurial activities; 5) on property; 6) with turnover (for value added); 7) for real estate; 8) for inheritance and donation. Economy. 1. Update after the formation of Austria as an independent state in 1918, it has experienced a brutal economic and political crisis during the 20s of the 1930s. Having lost its overwhelming possessions - the industrial Czech Republic and the agricultural territories of Hungary, as well as burdened by huge expenditures on the content of a numerous official apparatus who managed a huge empire earlier, and now the remaining not at the affairs, Austria could not adapt to new conditions for a long time. During the years of Anshlus, German monopolies are controlled over thousands of Austrian enterprises and sought to establish the exploitation of Austria's natural resources in the interests of Germany. Numerous hydroelectric power plants, enterprises of black and non-ferrous metallurgy, chemical groups were constructed. After World War II, former German property moved to Austria in the hands of the state, which was responsible for the interests of the Austrian people. Currently, the main enterprises of the heavy industry and banks are nationalized in Austria. The state-owned enterprises produced mainly electricity, cast iron and steel, aluminum, iron ore, brown coal, oil and natural gas are produced, oil is processed, nitrogen fertilizers, artificial fibers, part of mechanical engineering products are produced. Non-nationalized is mostly easy and food industry, as well as a group of industries related to workpiece, processing and processing of wood. Serious positions in the economy of Austria plays foreign capital. Under its strong influence, and in some cases, under control are whole industries: electrical, electronic, petrochemical, magnesite, production of certain types of equipment. Foreign capital limits the economic independence of Austria, in particular, it slows down the development of the public sector. Austria refers to the number of economically developed countries with a relatively rapidly developing industry. Although the global economic crisis of 1974-1975 did not spare and Austria. But here it began a little later. The economic development of Austria has a favorable impact and the fact that as a neutral state, it has relatively small military spending. In the post-war period, the industrial development of Austria has greatly advanced. Now Austria refers to industrial countries, and although the cost of production industry exceeds the agriculture of about 7 times, Austria provides its needs for major agricultural products by 85% at the expense of its own production. The dependence of Austria from the external market affects that it imports the missing energy raw materials and export excess products of the manufacturing industry. The main industrial and agricultural area of \u200b\u200bthe country -Pridunay land. Here, on 1/5 of the territory of Austria, there are its vital economic centers. On the rest of the country, especially in the highland part of the Alps, almost non-populated areas are dominated, still relating to the outside world and among themselves. As in many Western European countries, the Austria industry is distinguished by the uneven development of individual industries. Some of the most important industries are generally absent, such as aircraft, while others do not matter - they include the automotive industry and the production of electronic equipment. 1. Night-dimensional, _throng, _Lest industriality The mining industry in connection with the poverty of minerals plays an extremely minor role in the farm, with the exception of magnesite, which has export value. In these industries, Austria has excessive power, and a significant part of their products is exported to Western European countries. 2. The fuel industry is one of the weakest places of the Austrian economy - its fuel industry. Austria imports all necessary stone coal, longer than half of brown coal, about 4 oils, almost half of natural gas. Since the beginning of the 70s, imports of primary energy sources in terms of cost began to exceed their production inside the country. Especially large costs are associated with oil and gas. Oil and natural gas accounts for approximately 60% of the total energy consumption, and on solid fuel and hydro-energy - by 20%. There are less than 2 million tons of oil per year in the country, and its production is gradually declining. However, oil occurs relatively shamefully and is distinguished by high quality. The main deposits are located north of Vienna. Near the capital, in the city of Swedchate, on the only major oil refinery, is concentrated almost all the refining of oil. Because of the border (mainly from Arab), it is obtained through the TIR-Vienna pipeline, laid along the southeastern outskirts of Austria outside the Alps. In parallel, he was laid in the opposite direction from Russia, according to which Russian gas goes to Austria and Italy. 3. Energy more than half of the electricity is produced on numerous hydropower plants, however, the value of hydropower is falling, electricity production on thermal power plants is growing faster. HPPs are mainly built on alpine rivers in the West of the country, from where the part of the electricity is transmitted to the eastern regions, the part is exported and only a little consumed in place. 4. Higher_Metalurgy One of the most important branches of the Austrian industry is ferrous metallurgy. Cast iron smelting and steel significantly exceeds the needs of the country, and most of the ferrous metal is exported. Most of the cast iron is paid in Linz, in Upper Austria, the rest is in Leoben. The production of steel, approximately equally, is distributed between the Linz and the Stirosky district. Austria is the birthplace of a new, more efficient technological smelting of steel, namely oxygen-converter, who increasingly displaces the Martens process. The needs of metallurgical plants only on 3 are covered at the expense of local ore. All alloying metals and metallurgical coke are imported from abroad. 5. Coloring_Metalurgy In non-ferrous metallurgy, only aluminum production is important. The development of this industry in Austria, which does not have bauxite in their depths, is due to the use of cheap electricity of numerous hydroelectric power plants on the Inn River. Here, in Ranshofen, near Brownau, is built one of the largest aluminum plants in Western Europe. Other non-ferrous metallurgy enterprises do not even cover the country's domestic needs. Only a few copper and lead are smelted from local ore. 6. Machine-building Mechanical engineering Although forms the core of the entire industry of Austria, but developed in a lesser extent than in other Western European countries, as a result of which Austria imports more mechanical engineering products than it exports. Machine-building enterprises are usually small: many of them have no more than 50 people. In large quantities, machines and devices for the light and food industry are produced, some types of machinery, equipment for the extractive industry. Locomotives are also produced, small maritime ships. The largest center of Mechanical Engineering - Vienna. 7.Lesotrian_complex. For Austria is also characterized by a complex of industries, including wood harvesting, its processing and production of cellulose, paper and cardboard. The importance of the timber industry complex goes beyond the country. There are about a third of the entire export of the country to forest products. Large areas of wood harvesting are conducted in the mountainous areas of the Styria, mainly its primary processing is also produced. 8.Selvskaya_Stvyov Austria is quite developed agriculture. Currently, the yield of major grain crops - wheat and barley exceeds 35 c / ha, the productivity of dairy cows reaches 3 thousand kg of milk per year. More than 2 agricultural products give animal husbandry. This contributes to the fact that natural meadows and pastures occupy more than half of the entire agricultural area. In addition, under the sowing of fodder crops is employed by about a quarter of Pashny Square. And another part of the feed is imported. All this allows you to contain 2.5 million cattle heads. Recently, meat and milk production covers the entire solvent supply of the population. The processed area is small. There are lands cultivated inconstant. These are the so-called EGRANENT (transfers). They are used alternately as arable land, as a pasture. Egrane is characteristic of alpine areas. The main agricultural crops - wheat, barley and sugar beets are mainly built there, where the warm climate and fertile soils are in the donutany of Austria and its eastern plain-hilly outskirts. Rye, oats and potatoes also sow here. But their crops are still wider - they are also found in the foothills of the Alps and in the mountain valleys, on the Shumava Plateau. Outside mountain areas, vegetable growing, fruit growing and especially viticulture are common. Grapes are grown only in warm areas of northeastern and eastern outskirts of the country. 9.Transport network of communication in Austria is quite thick and not only on the plain, but in the mountains, which contributes to significant dismemberment of the Eastern Alps deep transverse and longitudinal valleys. But despite the deep dismemberment of the relief, after all, it was necessary to make the construction of numerous and road engineering structures: tunnels, bridges, viaducts. Austria has over 10 tunnels, each more than a kilometer. The largest length of the Arlberg automotive tunnel has a length of 14 km. The construction of mountain railways and roads contributed to the development of forest, hydropower and other riches of mountainous regions. The main types of transport in Austria are railway and automotive. About 1 total railroad length is electrified. Plots with electrotherapy are mainly located in the country's mountain part, where cheap electricity of local hydroelectric power plants is used and where many cool lifts are used. Electriforsaranas are also the most important international directions, including Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Transalpian Roads. The remaining directions are dominated by diesel traction. From Vienna as the largest railway node, the most important highways diverge. The main of them is in the western direction, connecting the appendange and alpine lands. In the north-western direction from this transavastric highway, there are roads to the countries of former Czechoslovakia and Germany. Of great importance is the farmering highway, connecting the capital with Upper Styria and Italy. The main highways are connected by two highlighted lines crossing the Alps from north to south (Linz - Leoben and Salzburg - Phillah). Automobile transport successfully competes with railway transport, both cargo and especially passengers. Now only long-distance buses is transported twice as many passengers than by railways. Over the past decades, several sites of new highways of the type of motorways are built, the most important of which is the highway Vienna - Salzburg. The drawing of the automotive highway network is similar to the railway diagram. The only shipping river Austria is Danube. It is shipping on the entire Austrian plot of 350 km long. Especially in the summer, when the mountain snow is melted and glaciers. Nevertheless, the river transport accounts for less than a tenth of the country's total cargo turnover. The largest port of Austria - Linz, where metallurgy consumes a huge amount of brown coal and coke, iron ore and other raw materials mainly along the river. He is in turnover more than halved Vienna. Geography of foreign economic relations. The Austria's economy cannot develop without close relations with foreign countries, and the import of goods and capital is being imported to the export. But the services provided to foreign partners exceed the services received from them. This is primarily about tourism, which plays a big role in the country's economy. The foreign trade of Austria has a negative balance, that is, the import of its goods at a cost exceeds export. A significant place in the export of Austria is raw materials and semi-finished products: wood and products of its partial processing, ferrous metals, products of the chemical industry, electricity. From finished products, some types of machines and equipment are exported, river ships. Food is exported in small quantities. Mainly prepared products are imported, and first of all consumer goods, imports of machinery and equipment, cars, household and industrial electronics products are somewhat less important. In large quantities, oil, natural gas, stone coal and coke, ores of ferrous and non-ferrous metals are imported, chemical raw materials. The food and taste products are also imported, products of tropical agriculture, a lot of feed. In general, the foreign trade of Austria is more than 85% oriented, to the world capitalist market. The first place and in exports, and especially, in imports of Austria is Germany. The policy of state neutrality conducted by Austria is a good basis for the further development of foreign economic relations with all countries of the world.

Economics and geographical position

Austrian Republic - Austria - a state located in the center of Europe. The territory of the country from all sides is surrounded by land. The state borders: with the Czech Republic (in the north); with Slovakia (northeast); with Hungary (in the East); with Italy and Slovenia (in the south); with Switzerland and Liechtenstein (in the West) and Germany (in North-West).

Austria - Union State. It includes:

  • Lower and Upper Austria,
  • Styria
  • Burgerland
  • Carinthia
  • Forarlberg,
  • Tyrol,
  • Vein,
  • Salzburg.

The territory of Austria is stretched in the form of a wedge. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe territory is 83.8 thousand square meters. km.

The main pier of the country is located near Vienna and in Linz. The largest cities: Vienna, Linz, Graz, Salzburg.

Geographical position favors the development of economic relations with neighboring states.

Austria is an intersection of a number of trans-European transport streams.

Natural conditions

The natural features of Austria are largely predetermined by the presence of the Mountain System of the Eastern Alps on the territory of the country. Mountains occupy up to 70% of the country, most of which are represented by the Eastern Alps. The Eastern Alps are divided into: Salzburg Alps and the Alps of Northern Tyrol (in the north) and the Carnation and Tsillerthal Alps (in the south). High taurne is the most powerful mountain range of the country. Mount Grosglockner is the highest point of the country (3797 m).

Pastec is the largest Glacier of the Eastern Alps (length of more than 10 km).

Stubay, Etzatal and Tsillerthal Alps are a comb-granite-gneoisy zone of the mountains. Alpine relief forms are pronounced here - sharp valleys and sharp ridges. Limestone Alps were stretched to the south and north of the cream zone, in the northern regions passing into pre-charges, which descend to the Danube. In the mountains of Tennengebirge there is an ice cave Aisrisenvelt. Pre-found - Dumpty low mountains, crouched by forest.

On the left side of the Danube, a part of the old Bohemian massif is located - the southern spots of the hype, up to 500 m high (in separate places height reaches 1000 m).

The 1/5 of the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe country occupy the plain territories and hilly lowlands: the Dranny of Austria, part of the middlenayan plain. There are significant areas of fertile land.

The climate is moderate. In the western parts of the country, the influence of the Atlantic is traced. In the eastern regions and in the mountains, the climate is more continental.

The climatic conditions of the plains are warm and wet. The average temperature of July - + 20º C. Winter is soft, the average temperature of January - + 1-5º C. The average annual rate of precipitation is 700-900 mm.

When climbing for every 100m, the average temperature drops by 0.5-0.6º C.

Snow occurs at an altitude of 2500-2800 m. Summer in the mountains windy, raw, cold, often drops wet snow. In winter, huge stones of snow accumulate on the slopes of the mountains, which often form avalanche.

Note 1.

A characteristic feature of the mountainous areas of the country is the abundance of clean fresh water, accumulating during the main part of the year in the form of glaciers and snow, and in the summer flowing to the Danube and forming lake basins.

Natural resources

Water resources. The largest river of the country - Danube. The most fulfillment river happens in the summer period (due to the melting of snow and ice in the mountainous regions). Big hydropower potential is carried by the Danube - Oil, Inn, Drava, Ends. Partially these rivers use for the forest alloy. In the northern foothills of the Alps and in the Klagenfurt Basin (in the south), many deep lakes of glacial origin. The largest lake - Bodenskoye - belongs to Austria partially. The largest waterfalls of the world include Criml Falls. Mineral sources - Bad Ishl, Baden.

Forest resources. Forest arrays occupy almost 2/3 of the country. Most common forests are common in the mountains. Mountain forests - National Wealth of Austria.

Minerals. The main fossil countries are: oil and natural gas (Viennese pool), brown coal (Upper Austria, Styria), Magnezit (Fayak, Stiff Alps). On the territory there are deposits Iron Rud (Eisener Mountain, Erzberg Mountain; Carinthia, Hyuterberg), lead-zinc ores (Klagenfurt, Blaberg district), copper ore (Tyrol, Mitterberg). The country is extracted by a table salt (Salzkamerthut), marble, graphite, field spat, granite, limestone, kaolin.

Recreational resources. The Austrian Alps are a popular vacation destination skiers. The most visited resorts of the provinces: Tyrol, Salzburg, Carinthia. Tourists are visited by Styria and Fallberg. Resorts where you can combine recreation and wellness treatments (on thermal sources): Bad Hofgastein, Badgastein in the Gastene Ral region. Comfortable temperatures, clean air, beautiful landscapes attract mountainous tourists and other holidaymakers.

Flora and fauna

The foothills and the lower areas of the mountains of the mountains are covered with wide rocks of trees - beech, oak, robust forests. The above is the mixed beech-fir and coniferous forests, mostly fir. Above 1200 m is found larch, spruce, cedar. The zone of subalpine meadows - Matti is above the belt of forests and is distinguished by an abundance at the beginning of highly old representatives, and after - the low-alpha and alma alma. In the belt of eternal snow and ice can be found a low-speed plant - silver edelweiss.

The floral cover of the equal-hormone territories of the country is almost completely changed under the influence of an anthropogenic factor. Most of the lands of plague, small oak and beech groves remained.

Fauna Austria Central European. In highland areas - typically alpine. In the protected areas in the forest mountain ranges inhabit: noble deer, roar, elk, brown bear, mountain rams, sulfur, mountain goats, alpine ground, mountain eagle, tetheriev, pleahari, partridges.

In the plains there are hares, foxes, rodents. In the steppe area near Lake Nezidler-Ze, a purple heron is found.


2. EGP Austria

3. Historical reference.

4. The country's economy.

5. Nature

3) Natural Resources

4) minerals

5) animal world

6) Environment

6. Population.

1) EthnicSosta

2) Demographic Commission

3) Structures of the population

4) Religion

5) Education

6) Fundamental Information

7) Nationwide holidays

8) Taxation.


8. Geography of foreign economic relations

The political and economic imposition of Austria.

Austria - a small country located the center of Europe, consists of 9 federal lands: Lower Austria, Upper Austria, Burgerland, Styria, Carinthia, Tyrol, Forarlberg, Vienna and Salzburg. Vienna is the capital of Austria - an administrative attitude towards the lands. Demonstrants on the Earth developed historically: almost every of the lands - formerly insulating feudal possession. Actually modern Austria - centralized state.

Austria has no way out to the sea. Here on the area of \u200b\u200b84 thousand square meters. KM lives about 11 million people, i.e. Less than in the Bigonondon. The Geographical Regulations of Austria contributes to its communication with other European wage, of which it directly borders the family: in East - Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovenia, in the West - Germany, Italy, Switzerland, the principality of Liechtenstein. It provides Austria favorable transport Geographical conditions for visibility of commerce with neighboring countries.

The territory of Austria is elongated in Viclin, strongly narrowed in the West and extended in the East. Such configuration reminds, according to some, bunch of grapes.

The largest cities are Vienna, Graz, Linzi Salzburg.

The position in the center of Europe makes an Austry-driver of a number of trans-European meridional routes (from ScandinavianStran and Central European countries through the Alpine Pass Brenner Ismemering to Italy and other countries). Maintenance of transit transportation of cargo ipassazhirov gives Austria certain income in foreign currency.

In addition, it is easy to establish on the physical card, the state borders of Austria by Breastiastia coincide with natural turns - mountain ranges or rivers. Only Svengrian, the Czech Republic and Slovakia (on a small segment) they pass almost porch terrain.

When Nasootomotos, heading to Austria by the train, crosses the Czech-Austrian feet in the northeast corner of the country, it is somewhat disappointed. Where is the Aalpian Austria? Circle, as far as there is enough eyes, smooth, like a table, flavored plain. Some of the green islands of gardens and vineyards flashes, brick houses and lonely trees on the interzhah and along the roads. The flames of their fluid lowland extend from here far to the south along the entire border of Svengria and take 20% of the territory. But reaching the veins, we fall into the more cost-effective Austria environment: Mountains, the Viennese Forest (Winewald) - the northeast outpost of the Mighty Alps and the elevated-hilly wide and open Danube, noticeably increasing in the western direction. If you climb from the vertices of the Vienna Forest, for example, Calenberg ("Bald Mountain"), then far from the North-West in the blue haze per Danube can be seen by low-wing, covered with forest, granite ridges of noise, only some vertices rise slightly above 700 meters. This ancient elevation occupies 1/10 of the country.

Undoubtedly, the Alps - the dominant landscape in Austria, they (together with the foothills) occupy 70% of the country. These are the eastern Alps. So it is customary to call part of the alpine-grown system, lying east of the Valley of the Upper Rhine, according to which the state border with Switzerland. What is the difference between the Eastern Alps of Flipping? East of the Rhine Fault, the Alpine ridges take the latitudent, begin to disperse as if fan and decline. Oriental Alpshire and below western, they are more accessible. There are fewer glaciers here, and some of them are about twice as shorter than in Switzerland. In the eastern alpacol, meadows and especially forests, and mineral fossil Eastern Alps are Miscellaneous Western.

If you cross the alps of the osser to the south, it is easy to see that the geological structure and the composition of the compound rocks are symmetrically relative to the axial zone. This zone is the highest and powerful, coated with glaciers and snow groups of the ridges, there are high tower with the highest point of the country - the two-headed vertex of the griller ("big rhodes"), reaching 3997 m; Eztal, Stubay, Tsillertai Alps. All of them, together with those surrounding from the West and the East, the solid crystalline rocks - granites, gneis, crystal slates. The biggest glacier - Pastertz - has a length of about 10 km and the area is 32 km2.

To the north and south of the excavation zone lie on the ridges folded by solid sedimentary rocks, in the principal lines and dolomites: Likhal Alps, Karvendel, Dakhstein, Hochswat Idrufiya Ranges of the Nordic Limestone Alps, until the above-mentioned Vensench holys in the extreme northeast. In contrast to the peak vertices, limestone mountain ranges are gigantic boulders with more or agent flat slightly cloned surfaces and almost rigorous or producing slopes. The years most of the bare, there are favors, caves and other forms of karst reliefs formed by her rainders in soluble limestones and dolomites.

The peripheral zone is alpoiming low with the soft outlines of the vertices and the slopes of pre-found, composed sedimentary rocks. And the limits of Austria this zone is well pronounced by the newspaper, and in the south it is missing.

One of the features of the Alpha is that they are dissected deep and wide crosslines, thanks to which the deep parts of the Alps are relatively easily accessible, the anepese and comfortable passes make it possible to cross the country to south as a whole. Thus, the famous Pass Brenner has a height of 1571 m, and the deputy memering - 985 m. It is no coincidence that railways are not allowed through the alpine passes, and some are without tunnels.

Historical reference.

In ancient times and the Middle Ages through the lands of modern Austria, located on the backrest of important trade routes, the main of which was the path on the Danube, many different tribes took place. Some of them left their mark

in the ethnogenesis of the Austrian people; a noticeable impact on the formation of Austrian ethnic community, settled herein in the V-VI centuries to the coach.

The conquest of the Austrian landfills, which began in the II century to our era, led a sense nomanization of the local Celtic population. In the administration, these land entered into different Roman provinces: Pannonia - in the East, Norikum - in the center, the Region - in the West.

Of great importance for history was the settlement of its lands in the centuries by Germanic (Bavari, Aleakanov), the Tribes of the Germans (mainly Slovenians) tribes. Based on the predominant tribes of the Bavarov and Aleanov that spilled with some Slavic and parties of Celtic and other tribes of the early Middle Ages, and the ALLASTIC Ethnic Communication.

In the VII-VIII centuries, the landline of Austria did not compose another whole, and included in various European states: Western and Northern (with the German population) - Babavo Duchy, Eastern (with the Slavic population) - to the Slavic state of a quarantion. At the end of the 7th century, both these states were included in the composition of the Frankish Empire of Karl Great, and after it section in 843 by the Staplea of \u200b\u200bthe German East Frank kingdom.

In the VII-X centuries, the eternity of the Austria was subjected to devastating raids of nomads, at the beginning of the Bavarov (VIII century), and the fumengrov (IX-X century).

In the second half of the 19th century, the Bavarskaya Stand was formed by the modern top and bottom Austria, which was called Ostarrichi (Austria). She tupping and became the kernel of the Austrian state.

In the XII century, Austria, like many other European countries, became part of the "Sacred Roman Survey."

In the XV century, almost all of its modern lands, the insterprise of Salzburg and Burgenland, were included in the composition of QUARY. However, this political association was unstable, the boundaries were often changed, which included in the state of the region are connected with only dynastic uzami.

In the XII-XV centuries of Austria, one of the economically economically economically countries. Developed methodalism in Austria was distinguished by some features. Until the XV century, the feudal dependence of the peasants was significantly weaker in it than in neighboring countries; the reassignment of the peasants took place here slower due to long-term movements and nomad raids. In mining cattle areas, especially letihole, the free peasantry remained, combined into rural communities.

In the XV century Austria, not only the economic, but also the political center of the "Sacredrim Empire", and its duke - Habsburg - emperors. Against the background of the general economic and political lifting, the culture of medieval astrustrial cities is blooming, primarily Vienna, then Graz and Linz. The thoroughties had a foundation in 1365 Vienna University.

In the XVI century Austria, the struggle of the countries of Southeastern Europe against Turkish invasion. Usessed by weakening in wars with the Turks of the Czech Republic and Hungary, Austria turned most of their territories to its possessions, starting with this to turn into a multinational state.

During this period, the country's economy is increasing and developing and developing. In the mining industry (mining of ridgele and lead in Tyrol, Styria, Upper Austria) already in the XVI century, the beginning of the capitalist relations. The first manufactories appeared both the proceedings of velvet, silk, luxury goods.

In the XVII-XVIII, the inkhakhavstian Habsburg continued to expand their possessions: the whole territory of Hungary was connected to Austria, almost all Croatia and the famine, Southenenldenlands, some areas of Italy, a number of Polish and Ukrainian lands. Austria began to take second place in Europe after Russia.

In the XVIII-XIX, ate in the XVII-absolutist Austria was a stronghold of the COLOLISTIC REACTION MEVROPE. She was the initiator of the intervention against the revolutionary France, the Apocent participated in all anti-armzuz coalitions, headed the struggle against the revolutionary movement in Europe.

The defeat of Napoleonic phrase in the European wars of the beginning of the XIX century even more strengthened the extension of Austria. By decision of the Vienna Congress 1814-1815. She was not tolkovasted the land conquered by Napoleon, but also gave the region of Northern Italy Vobmen to the Southern Netherlands.

In the second half of the XIX century Austria, its hegemony in European affairs. The struggle against Prussia for the primordiality of the German states ended with the defeat of Austria in the Austro-Prussian of 1866. The creation of the Union of German States (1867) was held by Prussia's subequity and without the participation of Austria.

In 1867, Austria of the Staladualistic Monarchy of Austria-Hungary. The Austrian and Hungarian Classes entered into an alliance for exploiting and suppressing other nations.

At the end of the 19th century - the beginning of the 20th century, a change in Austria is changed: without having achieved hegemony among German state states, which were united by Prussia in 1871, Austria detailed to the Balkans, which led to the exacerbation of relations with Russia with Blope with Germany. In 1882, the so-called three-minded alliance in Austria-Hungary, Germany and Italy, speaking in the First World War, 1914 against the Entente countries.

In 1918, Austro-Hungarian monarchy broke up on triode states - Austria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary: In addition, part of her land entered Romania, Yugoslavia and Hipoli.

In 1938, the troops of the fascisthermannia occupied Austria. The entire economy of the country was subordinate to the warriors of Germany. In World War II, Austria participated as a part of theger.

In March 1945, Soviet Sovieties went through the border of Austria. On April 13, they joined Vienna and soon after the Soviet army and allied troops liberated the whole country.

After the defeat of the fascisthermannia by agreement between the USSR, the USA, England and France, the entire territory was temporarily divided into 4 occupation zones.

At the initiative of the Soviet Union, 1955, a state agreement was signed on the restoration of independent idemocratic Austria and the occupation was discontinued. In the same year, the Austrian Parliament adopted a law on the constant neutrality of Austria.

A country's economy.

Austria belongs to the most developed in Europe. In recent years, the country's economy is developing accelerated. The largest foreign investor is Germany (about 30% of investments). The volume of industrial production increased in 1995 by 4.6% of the Idostig 334.5 billion shillings.

The leading industries are mechanical engineering, metallurgy, as well as chemical, pulp and paper, mining, textile and food industries. One-time part of the volume of industrial production falls on the public system of the economy.

Austria has a productive agriculture. Almost all species-coherent products needed to provide the population are produced. The most important branch of agriculture is animal husbandry.

Foreign tourism is one of the most profitable branches of the Austrian economy. Annual foreign tourism currencies are over 170 billion shillings.

Austria trades more with 150 countries of the world. About 65% of exports and 68% of imports fall on the countries of the European Union. The main trading partners are Germany (40%), Italy, Switzerland. Russia accounts for only 1.5%.

Zolotovolnovoy reserves amounted to 218 billion shillings for 1994.

In terms of income, I am influenced by the population Austria ranks 9th in the world. The rise in consumer prices amounted to 2.3% for 1995. The unemployment rate was 6.5%.


1.Relief. The main thing is that the determination of the individual features of almost the entire territory of Austria are the Alps. /\u003e Their belong vertices are visible in the country from everywhere. Almost ¾ countries are occupied by the Eastern Alps, which are lower and wider by the Western. The trap between them coincides with the Western border of Austria and is held according to the Lineurial Rhine. In the Eastern Alps there are fewer glaciers, more forests and meadows than indispensable. The highest point of Austria - Mount Grosglockner in high Tauerne - Names 4 thousand meters. (3797 m). From the highest vertices flows the largest glackere alps - Passer - longer than 10 km long. Covered with snow and ice, the vertices of the crease granite-gneisse zone of the mountains - Eztal, Stubay, the Tsillerthal Alps. In this crystalline zone, the so-called alpine relief forms are the most vivid, sharp crests, alternately decorated Wall Valley.

Famous icy - Icerisenvest (the world of ice giants) in Gorahtenhengebirgue, south of Salzburg, is known to the north and south of the crevice. On the wrongness, the wildness of the local spaces themselves, the names of the mountainous arrays: Tase-Gebirge (meter mountains), Helllen-Ghebigge (hellish mountains), etc. The limestone Alps go to the north are moving voward, steps descending to the Danube. These are low dumping mountains, crouched by the forest, in places of their slopes of rags, and the wide solar valleys are satisfiedly approached.

If the geologically young alpumese is compared with the Caucasus, then the mountains lying on the other, the left side of the Danube resembles the Urals. These are the Southern Schumava, part of the ancient Bohemian massif, almost to the base destroyed by time. The height of this borderline is only 500 meters and only in several places it reaches 1000 meters.

The terrain with calmline, plain or hilly lowlands occupy only about 1/5 area. This is, above all, the inventive part of Austria and adjacent to the neutapade color of the Middlenayan Plain. There is an overwhelming of the population and is the "center of gravity" of the whole country.

2.Climate. Large contrasts of relief - from the lowlands of the living mountains - cause the vertical zonality of climate, soil, vegetation.

In Austria, extensive areas of fertile bottom, warm and humid (700-900 mm precipitation per year) "grape" climate. In this word, everything: pretty warm, long chronicle of the Middleweight temperature + 20 degrees and warm solar autumn. Alongs and foothills are relatively mild winters with the mid-gauge temperature, 1-5 degrees. However, the large alpine part of the country is "deprived" with warmth. With the rise for every 100 meters the temperature drops by 0.5 - 0.6Grads. The snow line is at an altitude of 2500-2800 meters. Summer in high chicors cold, raw, windy, often drops sleet. In winter, sediment is even more: giant stones of snow accumulate on the slopes of the mountains, which often without visible reasons are broken and rushing down avalanches. Crushing all the way. Rare winter costs without sacrifice; Residents of dwellings, roads, power lines ... and sometimes in the middle of winter the snow suddenly disappears. Soako, for example, in the days of the "white" Olympiad in early 1976. Insburg vastorsh. Usually snow "ride" with warm southeries - hair dryers.

3. Radio resources. Mining part of the country is distinguished by the abundance of clean fresh water. It accumulates in the form of the snow of the yellicals for most of the year, in order to overthrow in the Danube, thousands of roaring streams, filling the lake basins lying along the way. Alpic rivers are determined and the Danube regimen: especially multi-way it happens in summer, when the plain rivers are usually melting . Danube's tributaries - Inn, Salza, Ens, Drava - Many of themselves in themselves, but all of them are not shipping

we are only partially used by removesofly. There are many lakes in the country, especially in the northern foothills of the Alps and in the south, in the Klagenfurt Basin. They are ice origins, they are hamper by ancient glaciers; As a rule, lakes deep, with cold, transparent. This type into an extensive Lake Bodhen, belonging to Austria partially.

The vegetation zones of Austria are replaced by one another in the following order: broad-sized (out of oak, beech, ash) forests in the Danube Valley (though, heavily thinned) are replaced by a mixed forest of foothills. Above 2000 - 2200 meters, coniferous (mainly spruce-fir-firing, partially pine) forests are displaced.

Mountain forests are one of the wealth of Austria. On the map of vegetation, the Middle Europaavrian Eastern Alps look like the only major green island. In the small Western European states, only Finland and Sweden exceeding the ladder in the forest area. Especially a lot of useful for industrial explorelers in the upper (mountain) of the Styria, for which it is called the "green heart of Austria" .Vidimately, it is no coincidence that the color of the flag of land of Styria, her folk costumes is green. The inside of the German occupation of World War II Austrian Forests was apparent damage. Over forests and rarefied dwarf shrubs - subalpian (mats) and alpine (alma) meadows.

In the hot summer months, a stormy melting of snow in the mountains, which leads to large floods, in a volume and on the Danube, the level of which rises sometimes by 8 - 9 m.

Nevertheless, the Alps, like the "moisture collectors", are invaluable for Austria: flowing with their thoroughly rivers, especially Inn, Ens, Oils, Drava serve as the richesthearters of inexhaustible water energy. In addition, Austria has large freshwater greasy waters, concentrated in addition to glaciers and the rivers of intermediate alpine lakes (the predominance of lakes in the areazaltsamerthut). In addition to this Austria, the southeastern part of the majorly deep-in-law of the lake on the western outskirts of the country and the Nesidler-Jea's Western Outline Lake on its eastern outskirts.

4. Possible fossils. In the Austidian and diverse a set of minerals, but among them extremely small, whose meaning would be beyond the country. The exclusion of the immemporazite, which is coming for the production of refractories and partly to obtain from non-chehethallic magnesium. Magnezit lies in the Stiffs, the Carinthian ITIROL Alps.

Energetic useful exposure is very small. These are very modest oil fields (23 million tons) of hiprodic gas (20 billion cubic meters) in the lower and partially in Upper Austria. Even the Austrian production scale of these reserves, according to the available forecasts, are presented for two decades. Several more reserves of brown coal (shelter, upper Austria and Burgenland), but it is low quality.

Comparatively high-quality iron ores, but with high metal content there are in Styria (Erzberg) and a bit of vicarity (Hyuterberg). Extrastole quantities there are ores of non-ferrous metallic-ray-zinc in Carinthia (Blaberg) and copper in Tyrol (Mitterberg). Ice raw material is practical significance only cooking salt (Статцкаргетухуту), and from other minerals - graphite and field spam.

5. Animal Mir

In mountain forests, mainly sponsored smoothies - noble deer, sulfas, mountain rams, mountain goats. From birds - Glukhari, Tetherov, partridges. On the plains, where all the lands are cultivated, there are no large wild animals. But still there are foxes, hares, rodents.

6. Environment

The Environment in Barystty Austria is not yet under such a threat to pollution, as the affordment of other industrialized countries of Europe. First of all, the Alps alp with their rare population and generally insignificant in relation to the Cata of the extensive territory. The Austrian authorities, interested in attracting foreign tourists to the country, take some measures aimed at restricting pollution of the medium, but in a lack of degree. The consuming public and the scientific circles of Austria beat the alarm on the sensitive degree of contamination by industrial waste of the Danube below Vienna and Remrara and Murz.

In the system of measures for protection, the reserves play a major role. They are in Austria 12 with a total area of \u200b\u200b0.5 million. They are in all natural zones - from the steppe surroundings of Ozaranyzidler-See to the high Tauerna. Most nature reserves are in the Alps.


1.Eth ethnic. The population is relatively uniform in ethnic relations: about 97% of ministries are Austrians. In addition, in Austria, in separate areas, small groups of Slovenes, Croats of Ivangrov, and in Vienna, are still Cherries and Jews. Many Austrian citizens consider themselves alternately by the Austrians, but, by origin, from this or another province, also by historians, Tyroleans, etc.

The Austrians say naaval-Bavarian dialects of the German language, significantly differently different. The literary German language is mainly used as possible or in official cases, as well as in conversations with foreigners. Supporting local loving his vocabulary, grammar also by the fact of originality.

2. Sequence.

One of the main features of Austria is the cessation of its growth since the beginning of the 70s. Explained by this fertility fall. If it were not for noticeably increased middlewealthiness of life, which in 1990 reached 75 years, the demographic compound would be even more unfavorable. The fall in fertility is associated with the struding material situation of most of the Austrian population, and with allests of World War II. A small natural increase was preserved in the less developed Western Alpine lands, as well as in rural areas. The avustic specialists predict that until 2000, the population's population will not change significantly, but the reduction of young ages, the identification of the share of the elderly threatens to a decrease in labor resources.

3. Pasteland Station

The territory of the country is unevenly uneven. With an average density of the country, 90 people per 1 sq. CM on 150-200 and more people in the eastern regions adjacent to Vienna, up to 15-20 - in the Alps. For most of the territory of the country, rural population in the farms and individual yards - the lack of comfortable land affects the difficult conditions of life. The share of the Alpine population is continuously reduced, the Mountains from the mountains are escaping. "Bergflukht" Above 1000 m above the level, 2% of the country's population constantly lives.

In cities (with a number of residents and 2 thousand people) 77% of the population lives, but on the traveler Austriyan makes the impression of the city country. The fact is that more than a coestiest is concentrated in the largest city of Vienna. Half of the Alvegogorod's population lives in small cities with a population of up to 100 thousand people. Thus, large cities - with the number of residents from 100 to 250 thousand for this country are not characteristic. They are only four graz, Linz, Salzbkrg and Insburg. Functions of these cities, not to mention Vienna, are diverse, which one cannot say for small cities that mostly "unequivocal." In nichroups are usually one two industrial industries.

The rapid increase in the number of cities is associated with an increase in the share of non-agricultural occupying economically active population. In 1990, in industry, including development and craft, its share was more than 41%, and in rural and forestry - about 12% (against 33% in 1960), in transport and in connection - 7%.

4. Relicia. According to the company's international research on the values \u200b\u200bconducted in 1990-91, attendscere and other challenging houses once a month and more often than 44% of the Austrians (8th place from 27Tran Europe and North America). If you combine the data of these international objects in 1990-91 and 1995-97, the Austria will take 23 place out of 59 of the Curck attendance once a week and more often (30% of the Austrians visited B1990-91. Churches with such regularity).
At the same time, during the 1991 survey, only 6.1% of the Austrians announced that something did not believe in God (another 8.3% believe in God, but they do not believe in life after death).

(on the territory of Christianity began to spread from the end Religious organizations
The largest religious organization is the Roman Catholic Church of the III century). The state supports the Church: there are 1% church tax in the country, which is obliged to pay all citizens. The Roman Catholic Church in 2000 had 5651479 adherents (72.1% of the population).
The second largest is the evangelical church of the Augsburg Ekelvetian confession (Etsaigi), which unites two autonomous friends from each other (Lutheran and Reformeds). Lutherans and Reformats finally obtained the Orthodaved confession of their creeds of only 1781, and completely equalized in the Catholics - still across the century.

5. Education.

Universal computation in Austria begins with the six-year-old age and lasts 9 years. Training of public schools and receiving higher education - for free. There are 18 universities, 12 universities. Vienna University (founded in 1365) is the store of existing universities of German-speaking countries.

6. Mass media.

In Austria, 20 daily newspapers are published. From a one-time circulation is approximately 3 million indgation. Tele- and radio broadcasting is carried out by the State Effine EFF company. National Infolrmative Agency - Austrian Print Agency (APA).

7.Schethenational holidays. Ascension of Christ, the second day of the Trinity, the holiday of Tea alchristov, the Assumption of the Virgin Mary (15.8), the National Festival of the Austrian Republic (26.10), the holiday of all saints (1.11): the day of St. Virgin Mary (8.12), Attack Christmas (25 and 26.12).

8. Naluction.

Austria, as the Izbolshit of the countries of Western Europe, has a rather complicated, multi-level taxation of taxation, while most taxes are going to having an hourly tax service. Local taxes are not too significant.

AustrianConnection divisions of all individuals and legal entities of nanalog payers with unlimited and limited tax liability. Even-limited liability means that the tax is paid with allides, obtained as in the country and abroad. Such responsibility incidentalities with a permanent residence in Austria, as well as the company, legal address or bodies of which are located in Austria. Personally, the limited tax liability is carried by private individuals with the corporations, and corporations do not have controls or legal addresses in the country. In this case, the taxation is subject to separate speech obtained in Austria, for example, income from activities, carried out permanent missions or branches.

Main types of taxes: 1) on investment; 2) on income; 3) corporate; 4) on entrepreneuriality; 5) on property; 6) with turnover (for value added); 7) the nanity; 8) for inheritance and donation.


1. General information

After the formation of Austria of the Asmoped State in 1918, it for the 20s of the 20s anniversary of the brutal economic and political crisis. Having lost its colors - the industrial Czech Republic and the Agrarian Territories of Hungary, and also the vast expenditure on the maintenance of a numerous bureaucility, who managed to be a huge empire, and now the remaining not in cases, Austria could not adapt to new conditions for a long time. During the years of the Anshalusager monopolies, their control over thousands of Austrian enterprises exiled to establish the exploitation of Austria's natural resources in interest. Numerous hydroelectric power plants, non-ferrous metalurgy, chemical plants, were constructed.

After the Second World War, German property moved to Austria in the hands of the state, causing the interests of the Austrian people. Currently, the main enterprises of the heavy industry and banks are currently in Austria. Mostly electricity, cast iron and steel, aluminum are mainly produced, iron ore, brown coal, oil and natural gas, oil is processed, nitrogen fertilizers, artificial fibers are manufactured, part of mechanical engineering products. Not nationalized remained in the main enterprise of the light and food industry, as well as a group of branches of branches, processing and processing of wood.

Serious positions in the economy worst plays foreign capital. Under its strong influence, and in some cases under control there are entire industries: electrical, electronic, petrochemical, magnesite, production of certain types of equipment. Restore capital limits the economic independence of Austria, accomplice it is inhibits the development of the public sector.

Austria refers to numerous-economically developed countries with a relatively fast-growing industry. Although the global economic crisis of 1974-1975 has not spared Austria. It started a little later. On the economic development of Austria, the extensive influence and the fact that as a neutral state it hasrates small military spending.

The post-war periodine admission development of Austria has greatly advanced forward. Nowadays it to industrial countries, and although in terms of the value of the product industry exceeds the agriculture of about 7 times, Austria is adviser to have its own needs in major agricultural products by 85% at the expense of its own production.

The dependence of Austria from the external market affects the fact that it imports the missing energy raw materials, extending excess products of the manufacturing industry.

The main industrial Izelsky region of the country -Pridunay land. Here, on 1/5 of the territory, there are its vital economic centers. On the rest of the Alps, especially in the alpine part of the Alps, they are prevailing almost no inhabited, there are still little associated with the outside world and among themselves.

As in many Western European countries, the Austria industry is distinguished by the uneven development of individual industries. There are no most important industrial industries, such as aircraft, while others do not matter - to them include automotiveness and production of electronic equipment.

1. Equipment, _thly, _ easy_density

The mining industry of communication with the poverty of minerals plays an extremely insignificant role of renowned, with the exception of a magnesite, which has export value. In these, Austria has excessive capacities, and a significant part of their products - Western European countries.

2. Fuel industry

One of the weakest places of Austrian economics is its fuel industry. Austria imports all the necessary coal, longer than half of brown coal, about 4 \\ 5 oil, almost half-rod gas. Since the beginning of the 70s, imports of primary sources of extreme energy began to exceed their production inside the country. Especially the grains of oil and gas are associated with oil and gas. On oil and natural gas, there are 60% of the total energy consumption, and on solid fuel and hydro-energy - 20%.

There are less than 2 million tons of oil per year in the country, and its production is gradually decreasing. However, oil refractors relatively shallow and distinguished by high quality. The main tests are located northeast of Vienna. Near the capital, in Gorodiwood, on the only major oil refinery, focusing all the processing of oil. Because of the border (mainly from Arab), it is obtained by the TIR-Vienna pipeline, laid along Southeasternally Building Austria outside the Alps. In parallel, he, but in the opposite direction, a gas pipeline was laid from Russia, according to which Russian gas goes Wawstural and Italy.

3. Energy

More than half of the electricity produce on numerous hydropower plants, but the value of hydropower drops, electricity production on thermal power plants is growing faster. Guestfully built on the Alpine Rivers in the West of the country, from where the Elelectric Energy is transmitted to the eastern regions, part is exported and unchanged in place.

4. Higher_Metalurgy One of the leftmost branches of the Austrian industry is ferrous metallurgy. The cast iron is a wandline and have become much higher than the country's needs, and the plenty of ferrous metal is export. Most of the cast iron is paid in Linz, in Upper Austria, the rest is in Leoben. The production of steel, approximately equally, is distributed between the Linz and the Stirosky district. Austria is the homeland of a new, more efficient technological smelting of steel, and a nameless converter, who increasingly displaces the Martenov process. Console of metallurgical plants only on 3 \\ 4 are covered at the expense of the area. All alloying metals and metallurgical coke are imported from abroad.

5. Color_Metalurgy

In non-ferrous metallurgy, it is impossible to make an alumina. The development of this industry in Austria, which does not have bauxite in their depths, is associated with the use of cheapelielectric energy of numerous hydroelectric power plants on the Inn River. Here, in Ranshofen, a slowdown, one of the largest aluminum plants in Western Europe is built. There are even non-conscientable countries in the country of non-cultural metallurgy. Only a few copper and lead are smelted from local ore.

6.Machine building

Mechanical engineering Although forms forms of the entire industry of Austria, but developed in less extent than in the Other European countries, as a result of which Austria imports more products that exports. Machine-building enterprises are usually small: many of them have no more than 50 people.

In large quantities produced machines and devices for the light and food industry, the nosteps of machine equipment, equipment for the extractive industry. Locomotives are also produced, small maritime courts. The largest centermachine-building is Vienna.

7.Ligrigrid_complex.For Austria, the site is characterized by a complex of industries, including wood harvesting, energy and cellulose production, paper and cardboard. The zonenelies industrial complex goes far from the country. There are about a third of the country's total exports to the forestry industry. Large areas of the procurederexins are conducted in the mountainous regions of the Styria, primary processing is mainly produced here.

8. SELSKY_HEFIEAustidianly developed agriculture. Currently, the yield of the main-income crops - wheat and barley exceeds 35 c / ha, the productivity of dairy kopors reaches 3 thousand kg of milk per year.

More than 2 \\ 3 agricultural products give animal husbandry. This contributes to the fact that the natural meadows of the Ipaxt bias occupy more than half of the entire agricultural area. In addition, under the sowing of fodder crops is employed by about a quarter of Pashny Square. And the cheating of feed is imported. All this allows you to contain 2.5 million heads of large livestock. Recently, meat and milk production covers highly intensive demand of the population.

The processed area of \u200b\u200bthe square. There are lands cultivated inconstant. These are the so-called EGRANENT (transfers). They are used alternately as arable land, as a pasture. Egartencharacternene for Alpine regions.

The main agricultural temperature - wheat, barley and sugar beet cultivated mainly where the warm climate and fertile soils are in the donutany, often Austria and in the lower plain-hilly outskirts. There are also rye, oats and potatoes. But their crops are spread even wider - they are also found in the foothills of the Alpi in the mountain valleys, on the Shumava Plateau. Outside the mountainous areas common freight, fruit growing and especially viticulture. Grapes are growing in warm areas of northeastern and eastern outskirts of the country.


The network of means of communication in the Austidian thickness and not only on the plain, but also in the mountains, which is the promotional dismemberment of the Eastern Alps deep transverse and longitudinal lines.

But, despite the deepests of the relief, it was still necessary to build numerous foreign engineering structures: tunnels, bridges, viaducts. Austria is over 10 tunnels, each more kilometer long. The biggest capacity is the Arlinburg automotive tunnel, having a length of 14km.

The construction of mining iron yautomotive roads contributed to the development of forest, hydropower ideologies of mountainous riches.

The main types of transport of Wastria are railway and automotive. About 1 \\ 2 of the total length of iron experts. Plots with electrotherapy are mainly located mountain range, which uses cheap electricity of local hydroelectric power plants and where many steep caps. Electricity are also the most important international destinations, in Tombs to Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Transalpian Roads. The remains are dominated by a diesel drive.

From Vienna as the largest-selling node, the most important highways are diverged. The mainstream is departed in the western direction, connecting the Sudenha and Alpine lands. Verulo-Western direction from this transavastric highway are expensive roads of the former Czechoslovakia and Germany. The south-west of the landing highway, connecting the capital with the Upper Stiria Iitalia, is of great importance. The main highways are connected by two highlighted lines crossing out from north to south (Linz - Leoben and Salzburg - Phillah).

Automobile transport has been successfully discouraged with railway transport, both cargo and features. Now only long-distance buses is transported by twice the laps, than by railways. Over the past decades, there are several highways of the vehicles such as motorways, the most important of which is the highway Vienna - Salzburg. The drawing of the network of automotive highways is similar to the knocked railways ./\u003e

The only shipping recoavastry is Danube. He is shipping on the entire Austrian plot of 350 km long. It is in the summer, when melting snow and glaciers are taped. Nevertheless, the river transport accounts for less than a tenth of the total cargo turnover of the country. The largest large port of Austria - Linz, where metallurgy consumes a huge quantity, mainly on the river of stone coal and coke, iron ore and other river. He is in turnover more than halved Vienna.

Geographichenecoreconomic ties.

The economy of Austria cannot be able to do not closely with foreign countries, and the imports of goods and the import of goods exceeds their export. But the services provided by foreign partnerspace services received from them. This is primarily about tourism, which plays a big role in the country's economy.

Austria's foreign trade has a negative balance, that is, the import of its goods at a cost exceeds export. There is a significant place in the export of Austria. It is raw materials and semi-finished products: wood products of its partial processing, ferrous metals, products of the chemical industry, electricity. From the finished products are exported some types of hardware machines, river ships. In small quantities exported throughout.

Preferences are imported, and first of all consumer goods, there are somewhat intensity of imports of machinery and equipment, cars, products of household and industrial electronics. In large quantities, oil, natural gas, stone coal and coke, ores of ferrous and non-ferrous metals are imported, chemical raw materials. Important food and taste products, tropical agriculture products, multicorns.

In general, external tradeArts are more than 85% oriented, to the world capitalist market. The first place in exports, and especially, in the import of Austria, Germany is occupied.

The politician neutrality conducted by Austria is a good basis for further development of emergency connections with all countries of the world.

Population: about 7.9 million people (1993). Austrians account for approximately 98% of the population. Croats, Slovenians, Czechs, Hungarians also live.

Geography: Austria is located in the very center of Europe. In the north, the country borders with the Czech Republic, in the northeast with Slovakia, in the East with Hungary, in the south with Slovenia, Italy and Switzerland, in the west of Austria bordered by Liechtenstein, Switzerland and Germany. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe country is 83.8 thousand square meters.

Climate: moderate, continental. The coldest winter month is January, the temperature drops to -2 C. The hottest - July and August, the temperature is about +20 C. precipitation from 600 to 1100 mm.

Language: Official language - German.

Currency: Austrian Shilling (ATS). 1 Shilling is 100 pennies. In circulation of bills 20, 50, 100, 500, 1000, 5000 shillings.

Religion: 78% of the population are Catholics, 8% - Protestants, 2% - Muslims, 12% are atheists.

Political condition: Federal Parliamentary Republic with the presidential form of government.

Time: Looms from Moscow for 2 hours.

Main attractions: first of all the beauty of veins and the most famous ski resorts. In the Alps, picturesque villages, excellent conditions for skiing, professional instructors. Vienna: Symbol of the city - St. Stephen Cathedral, Street Graben, Church of St. Ruprecht and Schönbrunn Castle, Viennese Park with Amusements, Vatican Church, City Hall, Belvedere Palace, Music Society Collection, Collection of Vintage Musical Instruments With Museum of Art History, Museum of Graphics - Albertin Gallery, Main Art Museum of Austria - Museum of Art History, Chapel of St. Bernard, Town Hall and Parliament Buildings, in front of the statue of Athens-Pallades, Burgteatr, Stateseker, Viennese Parks Augarten and Pratra. Vienna State Museum of Arts, Museum "Albertina", Vienna Forest, 70 km west from Vienna - Ruins of Fortress Durinstein (XII century), State Jewish Museum, 25 km to South-West - Cistercian Monasteries in Hayiliegenkreyce. The pearl of Vienna is the former Imperial courtyard of Hofburg (XIII century) with the "Shatzkamemer" - one of the richest golden storerooms in the world, where the treasures of the Order of the Golden Run, the highest Order of Austria and Spain are kept. One of the masterpieces of the collection - the Crown of the Holy Roman Empire, made in 962, and the Austrian imperial crown, which was crowned by Habsburg. Salzburg: Salzburg Lakes, Salzburg Cathedral (Osn. In the VIII century, rebuilt in 1611-1628), surrounded by three squares with a luxurious residence of Prince-Archbishopov, Baroque Museum, Salt Mountains, a house in which Mozart, Helbourn Palaces, Gorgeous Park, decorated with fountains-jackets, and Mirabel, Geerfidgasse, Cave of Icerisenvelt ("World of Ice Glits") in Tennengebirge, south of Salzburg. Styria and Carinthia attract a huge number of medieval castles and majestic nature. Innsbruck: Ambras Castle (XVI century), ski resort. Kitzbühel is a resort located in the Tyrolean Alps. Carnische is a famous sports center and a resort located in the south of Austria. Zalbach and Hinterglemm are the most popular ski resorts. Lech on the city of Stelberg is a fashionable resort offering the highest service. Baden - a resort with healing hot sulfur springs, located 25 km south of Vienna, has been popular with the popularity of crowned people and artists. Most Popular Ski Resorts - Innsbruck, Kitzbühel, Badgastein, Baden-Bay-Wines, Seefeld, Faucetal, Tsillertal, Salbach Hinterglemm, Sant Anton, Poison-AM-Zee-Kaprun, Galtur, Gasurn, Stubaital, Sant Johan, Pizza , Carinthia, Salzkammergut, Sant Wolfgang, Hintertux.

Entry Rules: Austria enters the Schengen zone. For entry, it is necessary to have a passport, a visa obtained on the basis of an invitation, and paid consular fees in the amount of 400 Austrian shillings. Regardless of the type of invitation, the embassy issues a multivorage - for a multiple entry into the country during the period specified in the visa.

Customs rules: There are no restrictions on the import or export of foreign and local currency in Austria (National export - no more than 50 thousand shillings). Disabled, without special permission, items and things representing historical and artistic value.

Reference phone: throughout Austria 1611