Is it true Dolmen fulfill wishes. Mehditravel: "In search of truth

To visit Gelendzhik and not see Dolmen - the same thing to get to Egypt and not see the pyramids. Having waited for the end of the shower, which unexpectedly postponed the trip, I could agree with an experienced guide and a researcher of these places ... and finally could see the dolmen with his own eyes.

Dogs love the central dolmen ...

Dolmen - the place of power of the River Jean (Gelendzhik)

As I wrote earlier (see Material :) I managed to get to the area of \u200b\u200bthe Jean River in Gelendzhik, the place known to Anasthanians (many of them are called the sect) and the presence of a set of dolmen.
Despite the fact that during the day there was a cold rain, and according to the weather forecast, he had to go three more days, on the day when we had to be with our guide (Vladimir Vlasovich Kosolapov) from the morning brightly shone the sun ... as if the unknown force dispersed Clouds, despite the opinion of Roshydromet Center ...

Kosolapov Vladimir Vlasovich - famous explorer of dolmen

The path to Dolmen lay through the forest and the actual river Zhan

Also in the village of Revival in this very valley of the Zhana River, in the forest and Polyanka, there are a lot of deposits. Among them are Krishnaitis, Shivaita, Anasthania, Hippie, etc. They live there peacefully and friendly ...


But the central Dolmen "Ecumenical". Our guide was not recommended to climb dolmen. Nevertheless, many with children were closed there.

They say dolmen fulfill wishes. I do not know - I did not check :) I would like to listen to people who were there and their lives improved at times.

In general, do you know why you can not climb in dolmen?
I will tell only the basic theory (without buriels and other things - and then they say Anasthanians collect (scrape) internal part of the skill and make tea with this ... there will be a lot of useful in the desult? All the same, people were buried ...). So, let's imagine that a person is a light bulb - and instead of 220 volts on the light bulb will give more ... What can happen? He burns ... And the person unprepared can get a roof. There is a story - when they say that the young couple climbed into the dolmen and spent there. In the morning the girl spoke poems as the guy. Which began to look somewhat different ...
There is another one to tell - very similar to the truth, they say that a young couple with a baby came to Dolmen and left the baby (Glenkovo, which is interesting) to frolic next. Well, both parents (some idiots) climbed inside the baldman ... When they all the same got out of the baldman, it turned out that the kid would crack the fox ... save the guy managed - and he now lives in Gelendzhik ...

The dog is bastards ... They say they love energy ...

Right dolmen. Harmony. Energy - feels hidden strength and power. A little later, communicating with the guide-historian, I told him about my feelings.
When it said that the right and left dolmen hard on energy, and the Central Dolmen studied good and warm. And in general, it was pleasant next to him ... Smiling guide replied that the side dolmens of a male type, and the central female :) It was clear that he had a nice coincidence of sensations from Dolmen with historical theory ...

The sun is certainly not the most successful for shooting - but as it is!

Tomorrow I will try to finish 2 part of the rivers of the Zhana river and a little later I will post 3 part - Interview with the historian all life studying dolmens ...

2 part.

This year, the Krasnodar Regional Youth Library named after I.F. Waravava conducted a literary competition of mini-stories on the topic "Mysteries of Dolmen Kuban". Ekaterina Zhigalkovskaya, reader of the Staroderevankovsk library of our area participated in it. In these New Year's Eve, a contest was summarized. A collection of the best creative works of young readers of the entire Krasnodar Territory came to our library. Among them and the work of Ekaterina Zhigalkovskaya. This is an interesting fantastic story, it is called "Dolmen - the embodiment of our desires." We congratulate Katya with this event, we wish her creative success on the literary Niva and that all her dreams coming on New Year's Eve came true! And to all readers - a pleasant reading!

Dolmen - the embodiment of our desires

"Dolmen - (from Breton" TOL "- table and "M en" - stone) - megalithic structure in the form of a large stone box covered with a flat plate. The weight of the top stone slab often reaches several tens of tons ... ". The guide said something else, but I didn't listen much carefully.I inhaled fresh forest air and admired the game of light on the surface of water p. White. For the first time in a few weeks, getting out of the house, I felt excellently. And nothing could spoil my raised mood. Relatively recently feels with his girlfriend, I felt lost. Now this feeling gone, replaced by calm. Maybe this affected this? My trip to Adygea, p. Guzeripl, was spontaneous. One good friend, putting meticket in hand, grumbled: "The trip tomorrow at eight, and then very onel at home. Do not be late" And here is me, and I do not regret at all. Some woman's retirement age was imperceptible to me and asked:

- And you will not be desirable to guess?

- Welcome? - I asked, without understanding what she was about.

- Well yes , - she nodded toward the baldman. - Have you listened to?

"It looks like yes," I have slightly too.

- Just touch and make a desire and itwill surely come true?

I could not answer anything to her and, having gathered all my skepticism in a fist, headed towards tourists who had already made his desires, putting his hand to the stone.

By walking the pillar and, finally, finding a more or less quiet place, I cautiously touched before the dollar, which was warm to the touch.

So, what should I make? I would like a lot of things. But then I smiled sadly, I'm not a child, and I do not believe in these stupid fairy tales. With my mind to make anything, I turned sharply, from the beginning of me to annoy the stone, and met with a growing curious look at the oldest. Sighing hard, I once turned to the stone. Well ... why happen? Looking his eyes, as in the distant childhood, I raged the rain. Shower. Strong refreshing shower. By the way, now summer. Bottling hot summer. And even here in the forest felt the heat. And the forecasts did not give any chances of a decrease in temperature. And the shower would be, as it is impossible, by the way, very much. It was my only desire at the moment.

Finally, we headed towards parking, where our bus should arrive. I brought the last time with a look on the dolmen and went for the rest. We reached pretty quickly and waited another thirty minutes, but the bus did not come. After an hour of waiting, the crowd wanted and quietly noisy, this rustle seemed to me the sound of the surf, I did not worry, and I would like to stay here a little more, away from the suffocating city.

The sun slowly descended to the horizon, and we all watched the distance and waited. The bus did not appear. Our accomplice called everyone who could, but there something happened, and he, with extremely sour face, turned to us, explaining that we would not go home today. It was decided to swell in the forest, on the edge, just near the most bald. Already I do not remember who suggested that, but everyone agreed. I was still sleeping, I'm terribly tired. The procession moved in the opposite direction. The guide on the way exhausted the entire stock of jokes, which knew. He was awkward.

We came to the sunset. Quietly shifted grasshoppers and some birds. Tired people got anyone where. I chose a place away from them all and, slightly snag, fell into sleep ...

Already not opening the eye, I realized that something is wrong here. The frightened whisper of the group finally brought me out of the sediment, forcing him to get up sharply and look carefully around. People sat, clinging to each other, as if trying to hide from something terrible. This feeling was flooded at me, but I drove it and asked:

- What actually happened?

"So, without panic," raising his hands in a soothing gesture, I carefully examined our group. And there is. Students and students plus one adult woman. I sighed hard.

- He would not go to the city himself ... unlikely. Warning of someone. Maybe just got lost?

I shrugged helplessly. But this is nonsense. He probably knows this terrain. People listened to me carefully with hope on the faces. But I could not tell them except your guessing.

"Okay, in any case, it is worth looking for him," I said. We collected a few and, breakfast, went to the ill-fated forest.

He met us with cool and sounds inherent in the forest only. Participants in this trip have obeyed me unquestioned. In the forest, we stayed almost until the evening, unsuccessfully trying to find any traces of staying our guide. But she did not find anything and returned to the parking lot. People depressed with an incomprehensible threat, sadly cleared on the grass. We have already tried to call. The cellular missing was turned off.

So passed another day.

The next day was marked by a surprised female cry. I rose hastily and turned towards the voice. One female student kept kept in her hands a considerable pack of money. The stalls were silent, and how I, staring at the green bills clamped in my hands, tried to calculate the amount.

"I opened a bag, and they are there," the girl justified. - I did not see such money in the life, but here ... she awkwardly waved his hands and several pieces of paper spoke in the air. She greedily picked them up and pressed to his chest.

One oddity is more. But this money can be used with the mind. I already looked at an unexpected money with interest. The group also looked at them with a predatory interest. I tried to dispel the obsession. What are we thinking at all in such a situation? The guide disappeared, some forest, what to do is incomprehensible, but there is money. Although I had one thought ...

After an hour of the wandering, they reached the village and the first man of the untidy thought admitted that it would take us at least to hell for such money. Of course, we gave him not all. But it seems, he was enough that we were given to him. Tired of a strange trip and an unexpected ending people fell asleep. I also unnoticed.

Finally, after a long shaking along the bumpy roads, we got to the hotel. We got through from the company and frivally apologized biblically. And did not find it. Morning I met under dumbfounded scraps. Released in the hall of the living room. Especially not surprised, I looked at the neighbor, the one of the only adult woman of our former group. And the trembling passed me. Since this woman was about fifty years. But now she looked twenty. She looked at her young face into a small mirror and tonguely touched him. Preferring to me, she said such a phrase:

- I guess there, on Dolmen, look younger. I did not think it would come true. Her face lit a dazzling smile. And I sighed convulsively. That's it…

Two days have passed since. Guides found. He was in America. It turned out that he always wanted to get there, but the salary did not allow. The phone was simply turned off, and he woke up in an incomprehensible place, in some park. As far as I know, the company took him, and he continued to work as before. The rest of the participants in this excursion also happened a lot of things, their desires came true. A group of scientists went to Dolmen, but they didn't achieve anything. Dolmen no longer performed wish.

I walked home late in the evening. My T-shirt was impregnated later. Capped drop. One more. I looked into the sky. He was washed my thoughts and body. It was unusually well. Cold drops fell on the hot asphalt. And I stood, spreading my hands, and looked at this blessing. Here is my desire. It came true. I could make anything, and my life would have changed. I was sad. I do not know how much stood there, on the pavement, but when the rain passed, I saw the sky, full of bright stars. I breathed the delightful air with a full breast and, opening my eyes, looked at the beauty of the night washed sky ...

Journey to Krasnodar Territory, Sochi, Lazarevskoye

On the evening of December 11, our group of 15 people arrived at the base in the village of Lazarevskoye, Krasnodar Territory. After accommodation around the rooms and evening mysteries, have had a mini-hotel at the hospitable owners, everyone went on vacation.

On early morning on December 12, a 20-seater mini-bus arrived after us, the driver, who was Sergei, who met us at Adler Airport and further transported the trip throughout the route.

After breakfast and brief fees, all fun plunged into a mini-bus and moved towards the gorge of the village. Solonniki, where we were waiting for the local huntsman and local history, who later accompanied us when lifting the mountain on her slopes.

After a rather prolonged steep rise, the group came out first to a picturesque waterfall on a mountain river, and only then to the first two dolmens of the dolmenar group located on this grief.

The first Dolmen was called the "old man", as this is a rather large dolmery of a trough-shaped form with a wicked lid and a pyramidal upper protrusion located to the left of the portal. Dolmen is notable for the fact that in the center of the broken and gathered covers, there is a hole resembling a shape and size of a dolmed portal. As well as the appearance of the rock itself has a rounded form from the bottom and a strange scaly base surface. The impression is that the whole cliff was processed from the bottom tool and delivered from another place.

The whole group noted the fact that being in the old man's dolden, people felt relief, after a protracted lift. Daddy disappeared. There was a desire to think about the eternal, admire the beauties of the surrounding gorge. Apparently, the energies passing through the dolmen have a beneficial effect on a person, which noted Mehdi, being on the surface of the Dolmen. Vladimir told the group participants that there were several dolmens in the area, which without a trace disappeared from their places, which is confirmed by other witnesses of these events. Moreover, they were in hard-to-reach places, for any technique, and the process of dismantling and exporting, pretty difficult. Which once again reminds of mysterious forces related to dolmen.

On the right to Dolmen, the old man is adjacent to the dolmen smaller, as a truth-like with a whole, but tired lid. He was called Dolmen "Grandson".

The energy of that place also turned out to be positive and even therapeutic. Holding hands and forming a circle around the baldman, on the advice of Mehdi, closing his eyes, all the desire merged. Touching the dolden in the back of it, they showed a warm zone and several participants of the group felt the relief of pain in the joints of the legs, it was especially helped by the radia, since he took off the solar pain. Also, in the area of \u200b\u200bthis baldman, the participant of the Vladimir noticed the ancient burial in the form of Kurgan with masonry from the same stones, to which Vladimir said that it appears to be not looted medieval burial. Here, Mehdi felt that Dolmen was perhaps a means of communication among the inhabitants of ancient dough civilization, their age from 10 to 15 thousand years. Used to alerts on long distances about the raids of the enemy and alerts about events in a particular area. Dolmen cameras are frequency resonators, the dolmen themselves stand above the fault places. Ancient civilization could communicate telepathically and, entering the resonance with the energies of the Earth in the resonator chamber of Dolmen, thought was transmitted at a distance in that dolmen, which corresponded to the same frequency characteristics. Residents of that civilization were much larger than people in size, and the construction of dolmen for them did not imagine much difficulty. This is just the theory, but it has the right to life and confirmed by the feelings of the strongest psychic. In any case, the location of dolmen over faults in the earth's crust and the form of the chamber for resonance, they are talking about the energy purpose of dolmen. Perhaps these are storage devices of energies, since everyone had massive traffic jams in portals or traps for the same plasmoids born of faults when moving the layers of earth's crust, and produced by this, piezo effect. And doubt that Dolmen are connected with energies and their frequencies are no longer. Secondary use of their use, more modern residents in the past, these are storage facilities, and the capital, and ritual sites of sacrifice to the gods and spirits. And already later use - the place of disposal of the remains of individuals and whole genera and clans of Circassians and Alanov, who lived in these territories in a relatively nearby past. Also under many Kurgans are small dolmen, in which the remains of the dead and objects correspond to the epoch.

So come back to our expedition. After the ritual on the Dolmen "Mushroom", we moved to the slope dolmen, where they found a completely covered with the ground with a huge trudge-like dolmen, but, unfortunately, it can be seen on the surface only "trough" itself.

Further, already going down the forest slope came to a strange head, resembling a giant building broken off by the most powerful explosion. And even on some stones, some kind of processing was observed, again in the form of a large "scales". Just below the scalp is an interesting troughting dolmen, leaning (possibly from the effects of this explosion to the side). The uniqueness of this dalmon is that it has in the left wall, the so-called false portal. Convex hemispherical "false" cork. Dolmen and called "File-Total"

Next, we descended to an interesting dolden with a slammed plate of the cover, it is also a trough, having a concession on the back wall with a strange ornament in the form of nine identical recesses similar to a kind of management scheme. Dolmen worker and all those who were nearly felt energy pulses energized near his portal. Dolmen was called "nine", according to the number of recesses on his attack. Mehdi told us that this dolmen was used as a time machine.

Even below, there is a dolman with a missing lid, protruding over the slope, also trough and rather large.

Near the same strange naval rocks, creating the impression of a broken building. When examining the latter for today, Dolmen froze the rain and lowered a dense fog.

And we still had a long descent from the mountain. But everyone was safely descended, plunged into a mini-bus and went to our base in Lazarevskoye to Ilgizu, where we were waiting for a delicious kebab. The day ended with a delicious dinner with pleasant fatigue, with talk about dolmen, about the secrets that surround us everywhere, with songs and jokes. The next day, December 13th, the rain was safely completed and did not interfere more. Breakfast, we got into a mini-bus and went to the famous Volkon Dolmen, descending to him and making inspection and photographing, paying attention to strange vegetation on the stones, hollows in the surface of the baldman and the heel stuffed stone, we listened about the feelings of Mehdi. Where he said that Dolman was used for a long time, as a place of sacrifice and, therefore, has quite negative energy. This is one of the only preserved fully monolithic dolmens, the camera is made through the portal. The dolmen is carved in a huge sandstone cliff and is between two robusts flowing down the gorge, just above the fracture of the Volkonsky Gorge. And he is probably the most visited by tourists in the area.

But our interest was lying a little further location of the Volkonsky Dolmen, to the rocks of "two brothers", or rather to their opposite side. These cliffs are a little further on the gorge and rest in each other above the robus of the Volcon. There is a refined tourist trail, and get pretty easy.

So, the rocks have strange round dents scattered over the entire surface of the reverse side of these rocks. The impression is that dents are left to a certain high-temperature object that has a collision with a stone wall. The form of a more melted rim and an indulged spherical surface of the dents speaks about it.

What Mehdi said, referring to his feelings that this is possibly the impact of certain energy weapons of the ancients. Plasma or cannon. Perhaps this is the collision of ball lightning or plasmoids, born of the fault of this gorge and whose path is blocked by these rocks. By the way, there are often glowing balls and outbreaks of certain energy facilities in the Volkonsky Dolmen area. Electronic equipment often fails. It is there that the phone Mehdi came out completely out of order and is not subject to repair. But why only he? Perhaps the merger of personal energy Mehdi and local energy led to the oppression, and it turned out what happened.

After the ritual of the installation of a stone pyramid and making a common photo session, the group rose to the bus. And our path ran later in the Mamedovo gorge, where we had to rise to picturesque waterfalls, which form a whole multi-level cascade. Making several lifts and descents, we finally reached the river. Igor and Irina performed a wash into the icy waters of the "youth" and "love" waterfalls, respectively.

Everyone was happy to wash and treated for photography in this picturesque and strong, energy location. Rest and went back. After having listed on the Forel farm and drove her herbal tea, everyone went to rise along the slope to the Dolmen "Healer" or "Pyramid", a major trough Dolmen Mamedov Gorge.

Dolmen, like everyone else, impressed the entire group. On this day, the energy from him was felt heavy and negative, which we told me and Mehdi, but the tree of desires, burned from the blow from the inside, we all felt the tide of strength and vigor.

And holding hands around, they migrated their innermost desires, tagging the ribbon on the tree.

Going to the bus, we had fun dive and went to the sea, meet and spend the evening sunset. After all, tomorrow you can leave ...

On the sea, everyone jerked hands and legs, as the winter water was already cold, photographed and went to the base, where she was waiting for a farewell dinner and already brewed the bath. After dinner, Mehdi collected all of us and here it is an extrasensus opinion about what he saw.

Shocking facts about dolmen from psychic Mehdi:

"At different periods of time, the dolmens were used in different ways: someone kept domestic animals there because there is no damp, someone used food for storage (since the cool temperature), someone used the burial as the burial as part That was used as a place of detention (prisons), someone used as an insulator (for sick people) ... If you present all the action in our time, then the dolmen were both a refrigerator, and as a cell, grave, a place for sacrifice. Also, these places were used as shelter from anyone (something), sometimes used to cover children. Versions are a lot and all of them have grounds.

Now I will say my vision: I firmly sure that 7 years ago said what was confirmed after the trip - Dolmen were used to communicate at a distance, in the modern world this is a radio. How the mechanism worked: Dolmen are often located on the coastline on the hill. In some structures, the hole is sealed, which means there are no entry. Such dolmen are amplifiers for information transfer. The initial sound was sought with a large tool, which in one end entered the hole of the dalmon and the man "drank" three times, after which the hole was covered. The resonance reached another baldman, which was located at a certain point of a particular scheme. And in order to transfer information to distant dolmens (which were completely far away), the amplifiers were needed (which were sealed). Next to each dolden there were settlements where people lived. That is, where there was a dolmen, there was a settlement there. Around everyone, there were those who guarded it, and if the guard saw the approach of the enemy (mainly by the sea), it gave warn signals in the form of 3 sound promises. In today's language - alarms. Thus, the information could spread over a chain from one settlement in another. This distance could be more than 10 km. If the signal was not strong enough, the dolmen keepers repeated it. Dolmen age is more than 10 thousand years old, and everyone who lived in this area after, they did not know about the initial purposes and objectives of the structure, which means they used them as it was convenient.

It is a pity that today some dolmens are very destroyed. This can not be allowed. This is the legacy of our ancestors to be preserved. In my vision I can approximately describe the people who built Dolmen. They differed from a modern person, were very developed physically, 10 times stronger than us, there were about 4 meters in growth. When I saw a monolithic dolmen, I understood the randering, since mostly dolmen were built by a P-shaped method, the main blocks were sharpened and the roof was stacked on top, which weighed several thousand kg. And who could put such a stone? .. Strong and very strong people. Then enough about 10 people with a rise of 4 meters. But when I saw a monolithic dolmen with a hole, I realized that there were such people like us at the time. The hole in the monolithic dolmery pulled out a person using a transparent liquid and a special tool. At first, the stone was processed by a liquid that squeezed the surface, and then, was the operation tool. Transparent fluid acted as acid. I would also like to say a few words that these "big people" were very afraid of these enemies very much, but who were difficult to describe these enemies. If I write, then many this can cause laughter because it is due to mythical beings and with the same "large people."

So, Dolmen was intended to transmit signals at a distance, but also on some dolmen, I saw certain signs speaking about creating contact between the worlds. In addition to these signs, congratulated constellations were visible, but they were fuzzy (destroyed by time). I don't have more evidence, but still according to my feelings, the initial species of Dolmen was different. Now we see only a stone frame. The upper lining of dolmen was darker and on top of it were depicted pictures and hieroglyphs. It is a pity that they are not preserved. What we see in the quality of the dollarms is now the work of the hands of a man who simply decided to make something in memory or knock out or portrayed on a stone. It even happens that some people take part of dolmen and transfer to the territory of their possessions. Surely, to then build on this business and show a historical find for money. Understand, this is our heritage and it is important to treat him with respect. Modern houses are 200-300 years old and rushing, and these architectural monuments are worth long centuries, and if specifically, more than 10,000 years. Have respect for this and to those who built these structures. "

The next morning, everyone was together for goodbye to the hospitable hosts of a mini-hotel, Ilgiz and Sonya, and went on a bus to the airport. 100 km of Sochi serpentine. Before departure, the Olympic Village and the 2014 Winter Olympics facilities were visited.

Next, they said goodbye to our friends from Krasnodar: Vlad and Natasha and safely flew to Moscow. That's how our trip passed. The team was very cohesive and friendly. Mehditravel expresses great gratitude to everyone who participated in this journey. To new meetings!

2012.08.04 | Galina Synarevskaya

They breathe a secret and eternity, and even time slows down in them. Here they come to open the third eye and enter into contacts with other civilizations, enter other dimensions and produce secret knowledge. Dolmen go to ask for health, happiness, narrowed, child, money ... It is believed that the desire that you will be hidden inside the dalmon will surely come true. They rush to mysterious structures to worship, touch ... To live with them to live life or just look. But, having come to see, you will see only the old, swords of moss stones. Skeptic can only touch the next historical riddle, not noticing that a strange chain of events has already arose in his life ...

"I come back there every year ..."

A few years ago, I was part of the territorial commission. It was necessary to work in the elections in the afternoon and at night. Everyone looked extremely tired, except for one woman. I, joking, asked her: "Jamz Mikhailovna, what is the secret? We are on foot, and you - as if recently rested? " She smiled: "Dolmen support me ..."

Something about these mysterious facilities I already heard, but I did not fail to ask about them in more detail. Jamba told that for several years of each spring, he arrived in Gelendzhik for several years to make sure that what was happening there was not a game of imagination ... it pulls her to ancient facilities, whose riddles still do not give rest to many. There, she seems to drop the load of the years, and after the whole year he feels young and healthy. If some problem arises, mentally refers to the Spirits of Dolmen and asks them to the Council. And the decision comes ...

"This is an amazing place," she assured. - Everything that happens is so secretly that it is difficult to tell. You feel the tide of strength, harmony with the world around the world, the desire of creativity. If your intentions are clean, and you are ready to open the soul, communication with the spirits of Dolmen can take place. "Guardians" will miss and you will not get to the glade to the old stones, but to another dimension ... for a few days you will live a whole life - according to the completeness of the experiences, the slope of emotions and events, by the volume of redouble. Dolmen each gets his ... Some begin to write pictures, others are cured of ailments, others receive answers to exciting questions.

When I suggested that it could be self-degree or self-deception, she said: "I watched the children. They have no need to deceive themselves. In one case, the child is not suitable close to the dolden, and in the other - it opens all both inside and outside. And later, amazing changes are manifested. The kid can start writing stories, poems or change the behavior sharply. Although it does not always happen and sometimes it does not appear immediately. "

The sensations when visiting Dolmen are the most different ... "When approaching one of them, the headache mutilatedly disappeared unexpectedly. And, approaching another, I already felt alarming and fear in advance. Once in the "Domika" field, as soon as I crushed the head inside, suddenly appeared ease, the inner courage. I suddenly wanted to smile, "Jamba shared.

It is said that those who are trying to essentially in contact with the spirits of dolmen, meditate, sometimes there is a strange effect. After some time, an increased intensity of all life processes arises. The amplitude and interval of good luck and failure increases sharply. Many sluggish problems get up with an edge, demanding a solution. Suddenly, it is possible to lose boning, but cash, contact with the old, but exhausted itself by the company ... have to change a lot in life. These changes, in principle, can be assessed later as positive. But in the process it is often perceived as misfortune.

Perhaps all this is a consequence of a rapid imagination. And perhaps - something forces them to live, by passing the dose, in an accelerated rhythm.

Hypotheses and versions

The term dolmen (from the Breton Dol - the table, Maen is a stone) means a stone roof plate. Externally, they look like stone birdhouses, each wall that weighs dozens of tons. They are found in Europe, South America, Australia, Russia. As archaeologists assume, there was a mysterious civilization on the territory of the North-West Caucasus, from which these strange megalithic facilities remained, called Dolmen. Archaeologists have calculated that they are at least 3-5 thousand years, that is, they are the peers of the Egyptian pyramids. There were more than 7 thousand dolmen in the Caucasus, now it remains about 150. There is nothing about the life of their builders. The author of the book "Dolmen Caucasia - the reconstruction of the cult" S.V.Vaganov writes that during the excavations there were no tools or technical devices, with the help of which these facilities were erected, the plates of which are adjacent to each other with an accuracy of a millimeter.

Inside Dolmen, as in Egyptian pyramids, strong electromagnetic oscillations are observed, slow down the course of the clock ... Archaeologists still have to answer the question: how did this grand culture disappeared and why it disappeared, which left us in the legacy of mysterious "houses". But now there are many hypotheses about their origin - from cosmic to magical.

At the Ado-Circassian tribes living in this territory in the Middle Ages, there is a legend that giants and dwarfs lived in ancient times. The latter with the help of tricks forced the giants to build at home from stone plates.

And according to one of the modern versions of Dolmen, they are considered a variety of tomb. But the almost complete lack of ornaments and drawings speak not in favor of this theory.

According to the second version, these are cult facilities intended for serving the gods. Later, they began to make burials in them, because the dead most often try to bury on the Holy Land.

According to another hypothesis, dolmen, which are mainly consisting of quartz-containing rocks, are emitters of ultrasound fluctuations and, in connection with this, are able to have a strong impact on the psyche. And the tribes that built them could communicate with the highest cosmic mind, falling in dolmen to the anabiosis state.

Such a radiator, according to some, could also be used as a kind of weapon to scare enemies. The weak point of this theory is that Dolmen usually find in the "good" places where there is a spherian nearby.

Sochi scientist V.M. Kondryakov imposed a scheme for the location of dolmen to the geological map of the area, and it turned out that all of them are located above the line of fault of the earth's crust. It is on these lines that the colossal strength of tension occurs and accumulates. Such zones are called the "place of outgoing power".

And local psychics are convinced that Dolmen are a means of communication of the descendants of the Atlanta. According to ancient Greek mythology, in the territory of the Western Caucasus there were immortal giants led by Prometheus, whom the angry Zeus chained to a rock, where the eagle tormented his liver. Greeks mention that he was crucified between the Bosphorus Kimerian (Kerch Strait) and Kolchide (Sukhumi District). Dolmen are occupied by this territory.

And finally, one of the most bright hypotheses is that on the day of solstice or on the day of the equinox, the first ray of the sun shines in the hole of the baldman. Some megaliths even have a special stone inside, which gets the first beam. Perhaps this is the second Stonehenge?

Curious theory belongs to Anastasians. According to her, in Dolmen, the last speakers of knowledge and skills were leaving, which are now considered lost. Wise men, priests and leaders closed tightly and went into eternal meditation to merge the spirit with a stone. It is said that spirits live in dolmen and to this day. They are responsible for the questions of coming, however, under one condition - the presence of purity of thoughts.

It comes into contact with the theory of "Anastasians" and the version associated with the name of the American anthropologist Carlos Castaneda. As a student of the "seeing" Don Juan and studying the technologies of personal immortality, he tried to know the ancient Tottec tradition of appeal to the stone. Its essence is that the experienced master of conscious dreams for his wanders needs a place where he could return. According to the version, it was the dolmen that were such a starting or end point of the wanderings of the ancient "travelers."

It is curious that Buddhist monks come to Dolmen to visit the sacred places where their ancestors lived in ancient times. What ancestors are we talking about if there are monuments of ancient Organic culture? But Buddhists claim: "Once our ancestors adopted the spiritual cult of your ancestors. From that time a lot of water flowed, but we continue to maintain a tradition, and your ancestors took faith in someone else's God. "

According to them, Buddhism originated more than two and a half millennia ago, when the Gautama prince began to preach. He was called Buddha, which means "enlightened" or "awakened spirit." He built a small house of stones in the forest ("such as this one," they indicated onto the dolmen) and covered it with the roof. Such houses built long before Gautama Shakyamuni. They lived in them with the awakened consciousness, to which "manna" came to know their "carbo" (karma). So ... maybe the version of "Anastasians" is not so far from the truth?

People come and go, and they, washed by rains, shrouded with fogs, continue to live, fulfilling their own, until we are solved by us, purpose ...

Galina Synarevskaya