How can I find out if you can return to the air ticket. How to return flights purchased via the Internet

The passenger has the right to abandon air carriage and obtain the funds paid by the air carrier depending on the circumstances that have forced to refuse the trip, the conditions for the sale of a travel document and the timing of refusal.

It is important to understand that rules for the return of airline tickets, enshrined in Russian legislationDo not apply to overseas airlines. Also, the actions of these rules may be limited outside the Russian Federation and in some domestic air carriers.

Bought online

The law does not establish the difference in the rules for cancellation of travel documents purchased via the Internet and purchased in ticket office. Moreover, it does not matter where the airline tickets were purchased - on the airline site or at tickets online.

Types of return

Airlines, pursuing the goal to maximize the passenger plane, sets different flight tickets to the same flight. Even single class tickets can differ significantly in terms of cost..

The fact is that the airline makes substantial discounts on the flight, while tougher conditions for canceling tickets in case of refusal of the flight. Thus, the air tickets are customary to the return and non-returnable.

However, in the presence of return travel documents on the amount of return, the circumstances of the failure of the flight and the timing of the ticket return are significantly affected. In paragraph 227, the FAP marked the most valid reasons for refusing from the flight and the refusal for these reasons is considered forced. For all other circumstances, the rejection of the trip will be considered voluntary.

Voluntary refusal

The most frequent causes of voluntary failure of the trip are:

  1. changing personal plans or transfer date of a business trip;
  2. error in the date of trips or in the passenger data (especially, with an independent purchase of tickets via the Internet);
  3. late passenger for registration;
  4. removal of the passenger with flight services of the airport;
  5. the lack of documents required for flight (for example, a trip permission for a child).

The Air Code of the Russian Federation established deadlines for the failure of the flight passengers applying for the return of the airflight:

  • 24 hours before check-in The transport fee is returned to the minus of the carrier's expenses;
  • less than 24 hours before check-in - the transportation fee for a minus cost of carrier and penalties in the amount of 25 percent of the cost of the ticket;
  • after checking on the flight - The cost of a travel document is not refundable.

The airline has the right to reduce the size of the penalty for the failure of the flight.

Consider how much passenger loses with a voluntary return flight. The amount of flights with a voluntary failure of the flight depends on the category of a travel document: the lower its category, the smaller the amount will be returned to the passenger.

  • Flights First Class and Business Class Payable for full tariffs and, if they return, the passenger is returned, as a rule, the entire amount of the ticket except for the service fee.
  • Flights of Economic Class ("Y") There are special rates and their return is made by airlines on the general reasons, blocking the full amount of air carrier's costs and the amount of the penalty.


However, if the return of air ticket was forced, the passenger returns the full cost of the ticket. Forced refund are cases:

  1. a significant delay of the flight or its cancellation;
  2. changes in the carrier route;
  3. insecurity by the carrier docking flights;
  4. following the flight due to a long inspection, in which the prohibited substances and items were not discovered;
  5. diseases of the passenger or his relative (family member), following with him together;
  6. death of a close relative or a member of his family;
  7. improper registration of the ticket by the air carrier or its agent.

Return the full cost of a ticket for personal forced circumstances (illness or death of a relative) is possible only if the trip is refused to the end of registration on the flight.

Under family members, parents, spouses, children, and under close relatives, grandparents, grandparents, grandchildren, brothers and sisters, both full-resistant, and not full-resistant, are considered to be. The airline has the right to expand the established list of cases of cancellation of travel documents For forced circumstances.

Non-return tickets

After the introduction in 2014, the amendments to the Air Code of the Russian Federation appeared such a category of air tickets, as tickets with the condition for the non-return of the transport fee when terminating the contract of carriage or non-returning flights.

This is usually economy class tickets of the cheapest tariffs and air tickets Loker.

On the status of a non-return ticket testify on the bill:

  • Ticket is non-refundable is a non-refundable ticket.
  • Changes not permitted - ticket is not exchanged.
  • Changes ANY TIME CHARGE - a ticket can be exchanged for a certain amount.
  • Name Change Not Permitted - the name specified in the ticket cannot be changed.
  • WERE FARE IS NON CASE YQ / YR SURCHARGES ARE ALSO NON-REFUNDABLE - Dachshunds are not refundable (airport fees).

You can return the full cost of a non-return ticket only in the case of a forced return of the ticket. If the passenger carries out a voluntary return, the airline will hold the amount of the tariff from it. However, the airport and fuel price tickets, as well as a booking fee, the carrier will be required to return.

How to return?

Return of air tickets for forced circumstances is made on the basis of the application and with the attachment of confirmation documents. The application for a refund must be issued a person who has paid for airline tickets, regardless of whether it is a passenger or not.

Contact the return of air ticket is needed to the Agency or to that carrier, where the ticket was purchased.

Acquired at the airport or ordered by phone

There is no single installed application form, as a rule, each airline has its application form for a refund. But standard in any application should be specified:

  1. surname, name, patronymic and passport details of the citizen's refund;
  2. requisites for which returned tickets purchased;
  3. return ticket numbers;
  4. reasons for return - voluntary or forced;
  5. bank details for returning (if air tickets were paid non-cash).

To the application for a forced refund must be applied documents confirming the fact of the forced return:

  • A document confirming the delay or cancellation of the flight at the airport of departure or a bill on the ticket - is drawn up at the ticket office or from the airline representative at the airport.
  • A disability sheet, a certificate of a medical institution or a certificate from the medical center of the airport - in the event of a passenger disease or a relative, next to him.
  • Certificate of death issued by the registry office - in the event of the death of a close relative of the passenger.

Together with the documents, it is necessary to have a document certifying the identity of the applicant.

Medical references must necessarily contain a seal of a medical institution., signature and decoding the signature of the doctor who issued a certificate, the correspondence of the date of the disease with the date of the flight, the date of issue of reference. The certificate issued by a foreign medical institution must be translated into Russian and the translation must be notarized.

When contacting the airline, get a mark on accepting a statement with confirming documents to work. To do this, you can fill out two form of application or make a copy, on which a responsible employee will make a mark on making documents.

The amounts paid for air tickets, each airline returns on the basis of its internal regulations. According to the rules of business turnover the term of consideration of the application should not exceed 30 days from the date of receipt of the application.

Purchased on the site

In order to return the electronic air ticket, you must fill the electronic form to return, available in the Passenger's personal account, attach a scan of passports and documents confirming the fact of the forced return of the ticket if the circumstances were forced.

Consider the cancellation procedure of the electronic ticket on the example of a travel document purchased on the Aeroflot website.

  1. You need to go to the "Online Services" section into the "Flight Exchange-Return" tab.
  2. In the form that opens, enter the booking code and the last name of the passenger as it is specified in the ticket and click the Search button. A passenger will open a list of all active tickets ordered and paid in his name.
  3. To cancel a ticket, click the "Return" button and the "Continue" button.
  4. The passenger comes out the form with the data on the return ticket. When you click the "Continue" button, the document is canceled and the ticket will be assigned the status "Return".

What if you refuse to accept or exchange?

If the airline ignores the consideration of the application or responded with refusal, then it is necessary to apply to the court to recover from her money for air tickets. Prior to this, the passenger must comply with the complaint procedure for resolving disputes and send a claim by airlines, the term of consideration of which is 30 days.

After that, the passenger has the full right to go to court. In his claim, the plaintiff sets out the circumstances that forced him to abandon the trip, the stages of appeal to the airline to the court. In the final part of the claim, the passenger indicates the amount he wants to recover from the airline.

In addition to the amount spent on air tickets, the passenger may apply for the extermination of the amount of moral damage, compensation for other expenses incurred by the airline due to the abolition of the flight and the remuneration of a lawyer for a representative office in court.

A confirmation of the right to return documents must be applied to the claim And the documents for the passenger expenses incurred by the airline.

According to paragraph 7 of Art. The 29 Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation "Communication on the choice of the plaintiff" Consumer Protection Court may be submitted to court at the place of residence of the plaintiff or at the place of execution of the contract or at the place of activity of the branch or representative office of the defendant (paragraph 2 of Article 29 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation).

The state duty for consideration of the Consumer Protection Conditions is not needed (paragraph 4 of paragraph 2 of article 333.36 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation "Benefits when contacting the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, the courts of general jurisdiction, to the global judges").

The court must make a decision within two months from the date of receipt of the claim. In the absence of circumstances, increasing the term for consideration of the Claim. The court must enter into force within 30 days from the date of its submission, after which the passenger can receive an executive list for recovery from the airline of funds.

During the registration of airfall, it is necessary to clarify not only the general, but also the private rules of return of tickets from the carrier airline. Return the cash for a ticket to the full amount is possible with a forced failure of the flight or when purchasing a premium class travel document. If the carrier illegally refuses to return the tariff for the flight, the passenger has the right to apply to the court for collecting money from it.

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Changes to plans, a sudden illness or the cancellation of the upcoming event - all this can cause the reason for you to rent a ticket purchased in advance. Since most people are buying tickets today online, you need to know the procedure for their return. How to pass a ticket purchased via the Internet? It is possible to return it quite simply, the main thing is to comply with some simple rules.

Conditions for passing air ticket

Do not doubt - you can return the ticket paid via the Internet, back the air carrier, but the amount of cash return for the ticket will depend on three factors:

  • Flight ticket rate;
  • Time period remaining before departure;
  • Reason for return.

The so-called "tariff" is a detailed description of the refund and exchange conditions with which you must read by buying a ticket via the Internet. Since most people when buying misses his mind, if necessary, return the tools spent, they simply do not know what to do. You can find the "tariff" of your ticket on the website of the airline. The return conditions for each company their own, however there are several general points:

  • The more expensive the ticket, the less the penalty for his return;
  • The sooner you contact the airline to return, the greater the amount will be refundable.

Tip: If you are late for your flight or for some reason you have detained the security service, you have the right to return bought via the Internet ticket and after departure of the aircraft. In this case, you can transfer flight - such a solution will be more profitable to return.

If more than a day left before departure, then often the airline holds only a small commission for the return, compensating for almost the full cost (especially in business class).

Article 108 of the Air Code of Russia is prescribed by the airline's duty to return the entire amount per ticket. However, the reservation "Precount term" gives companies the right to hold the commission or impose a fine if you take a ticket later than the deadline. The size of the commission or fine is determined by the carrier, but in law it is indicated that it should not be above 25%.

Until departure less than a day? Delivering a ticket, you hardly be able to return more than 75% of the elementary price. Try to have time to apply for at least 4 hours before registration for landing in order to be able to get at least part of the paid amount.

It is worth mentioning that there are tickets that are forbidden to pass back (Non Ref, Non Refundable). As a rule, the cheapest tickets purchased via the Internet in special conditions fall into this category. For such purchases, the company will not return money, but it can offer to transfer the departure date for a later date. Nevertheless, in the "Air Code of the Russian Federation" there is no definition of non-return tickets, so you can always fight for your rights in court.

The reason for which the electronic ticket is surrendered is important. If this is a forced step, and you can prove it with appropriate certificates, it is likely that the carrier will meet you towards you and pay the bulk of the cost, despite the proximity of the departure date.

Tip: If an intermediary fails to return money for a ticket to send the appropriate application with the application of the agent's letter directly to the airline. If the carrier will learn that the ticket "Non-return", you can write a letter to Rosaviatsiya with a printout of the electronic correspondence, which is important, to do this one day before the expected date of departure.

Electronic Ticket Return Procedure

Some believe that to pass the return procedure, you need to print a ticket purchased on the Internet and contact the airline office. We are in a hurry to delight you: everything is much easier.

You need to find on the airline ticket website for the return of tickets and fill it, or contact the intermediary who has been purchased from. If the special form failed to find, simply write an email to the address specified in the "Contacts" section. To fill in the return form you will need the following information:

  • Ticket data (document number, flight number, booking code, date and accurate departure time);
  • Scan passport;
  • A receipt confirming the purchase (suitable from the bank).

Traditionally, the airline will return the money to the same way as the purchase was paid - the amount will be credited to the same account in the bank or the same electronic wallet. The period of consideration of your application is likely to not exceed 10 days, but in some cases the company may take time and up to a month to find out all the circumstances.

Recently, the number of purchases made on the Internet has grown. For this you do not need to spend a lot of strength, time and money. Buy online almost everything in a row, including air tickets. However, life is an unpredictable thing, and there are situations where the flight has to be transferred or canceled. Do not everyone know how to act in situations when you have to return tickets for the plane bought via the Internet? Is it possible to return them and where to go?

By returning tickets are divided into 2 types:

  1. Irrevocable (non refundable);

On irretrievable tickets there is a label "Non Ref". They are only for economy-class places, and often sell them Loocosters. There is the ability to return tickets in emergency cases when:

  • Cancellation of the flight or his delay due to the airline;
  • The death of a close relative of the passenger;
  • Diseases of the passenger itself or his relative, who had a ticket for the same flight.

And this must be documented.

If the passenger has a return ticket, then it is quite real. However, the return conditions may differ and have their own characteristics from different companies, although the principle of all is one - the earlier return the ticket, the easier the return procedure will be held.

Another nuance is important that the higher the price of the ticket, the easier it is to return it. When the business class tickets return should not occur. The penalty for it will be minimal or it will not be in general, unlike the return of cheap tickets purchased, for example, in Loocosostrov.

If you purchase a ticket for special tariffs, shares or sale, it is worth carefully reading the refund conditions. Usually they are not refundable to return, but it is possible to exchange them to another date. Some companies can take a ticket even on the day of departure, but when you are delayed, you can only transfer the departure time. In any case, before buying it is important to learn the acquisition rules and return conditions.

What does the return time affect

Regardless of the airline, the faster it turns out to pass the ticket, bought via the Internet, the better:

  • If there will be more than a day before the departure date, then the company, as a rule, return the full cost of the ticket. The Commission is not refundable. For the return procedure, some companies may submit a fine or keep any collection;
  • If the departure date remains less than a day, then you can count on a return of 75% of the ticket price. The Commission is also not refundable and additional fines and penalties may be;
  • If it remains less than 4 hours before the departure, then the return fines can significantly increase.

If a passenger has a complete ticket, but he was late for a flight or was not allowed by the Security Service, then not still lost. Return a part of the ticket spent on the ticket or replace a ticket to another date and after departure of the aircraft, but the fine or additional collection will not be avoided.

Who returns money for a ticket

To return the funds spent on a ticket, you need to write an application for a refund to the organization where the ticket was purchased. It can be a carrier company, aircraft or travel agency. When writing a statement, you must specify:

  • Flight number;
  • Date and departure time.
  • Booking number;
  • Ticket number.

All of these data were listed in the electronic ticket, which after purchase was supposed to come to email. Filling the statement is very careful and not allowed errors. If the application will contain errors, it will need to rewrite it. This can take time, and the return date will be considered the second right statement.

How is the ticket return procedure

To return the ticket purchased via the Internet, you do not need to go somewhere. The whole procedure passes through the official website of the airline or travel agency. On sites in a special section, the application is filled and a photo of the passport is attached, to which a travel document was issued. Representatives of the Company may ask to send a color scan passport by email.

To return or transfer the departure date, you can also contact the company's office where the ticket was purchased. This will not take much time. For them, this is a completely standard procedure. They daily make replaces and return documents.

If the purchase was carried out in a travel agency, then the return may take more time. Cash will be transferred first to the account of the company, and only then the firm must list the money to the passenger. Return is made up by a person who was drawn up for a ticket. Another person for him can carry out the procedure only in the presence of a notarial power of attorney.

Deadline for money

It depends on several factors:

  • From payment method;
  • From the date of the statement;
  • From the date of return.

Money is returned in several ways:

  1. To the current account or bank card;
  2. On the electronic wallet;
  3. Cash.

If suddenly the passenger decided to pick up a refund statement, then it will not work. Immediately after writing a statement, the ticket is returned and sold again. The return ticket procedure passes on time from 10 days to 3 months.

Is it possible to exchange instead of return?

You can arrange this procedure, but it will depend on the cost of the ticket and the features of the airline. As a rule, change the date is possible if you pay a small penalty. If the date on the business class ticket is changing or by an annual tariff, there are no fines.

Sometimes situations happen when you need to check ticket. This may be a voluntary passenger solution (family circumstances, plans change, etc.) or forced (Cancellation). Return is carried out according to the rules of the airline and the conditions should be discussed when buying a ticket. It should be remembered that some tickets can not be returned.

What airline tickets can be passed?

Each company has its own details of the exchange, return and payments for the return of air tickets. But it can accurately say that the most favorable conditions for returning a premium class. Return and exchange of such tickets is quite convenient and fine is minimal and possible even after departure.

There are so-called "fully passable" air tickets. The amount of them is returned completely except for money for booking. Flights with a fine can return with the hold of about 25% of the tariff amount. The fare of non-passing tickets is not refundable.

Penalties for the return of air ticket

With a forced return according to the fault of the airline, or in the case of a sudden death of the passenger, the penalty is not paid. The economy-class ticket will be required to pay a fine when returning, the magnitude of which depends on the company you chose and varies from 900 rubles to 1500 rubles, foreign flights - from 40 euros to 300 euros. And some airlines do not apply penalties.

Penalties are paid when the passenger fails from the ticket less than three hours before the departure of the aircraft, as well as in the event of a passenger failure to appear.

Return of tickets purchased via the Internet

Even if you ordered a ticket online, it is possible to return it or exchanged - however, with the same monetary losses that are stipulated by the airline. Funds will be returned to you on the map you have paid for the ticket. The process of returning money can last up to 3 months.

Some online aircraft allow you to easily exchange or return the ticket. You can also booked and order at low prices tickets without leaving home. A simple design and convenient interface will make it easy to find a flight to any point of the planet.

The editorial board notes that it is advisable to plan your trips in advance and familiarize yourself with the refund conditions when buying tickets - it will help to avoid unpleasant situations.
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