Mesa geology. Ancient technologies of working with space: stepped mountains and waterfalls

To begin with, let's recall that for our ancestors, large-scale work with a stone was not difficult:

In South America, entire layers of mountains were cut and / or polished to build landing strips (as we now understand them):

So, let's begin.

We pay special attention to sanded surfaces.

Time takes its toll, so most will not be as obvious as we have seen, but the essence of this does not change and it is difficult to call them purely "natural" (read, without the participation of reason, as our science implies) formations.

For comparison, a marble quarry:

Most of the stepped plantation principle is used in Asia for rice, but there is something similar in other places. For example, for salt in Peru:

Can you imagine the scale of such work with a pick and shovel? How much land must be carefully cut to get this?

From the satellite, these steps are poorly visible, but there are such comrades:

In general, the entire south of China is full of traces of terraforming, and there are plenty of such examples all over the world. we'll talk about them separately

Fast forward to South America, Machu Picchu

Here the meaning is slightly different, but the essence is the same

North America, Grand Canyon. The scale is different, but the essence is the same

"natural" steps and polished wall in one bottle

Again Asia:

For comparison:

Q: How were these rungs formed?

A: Lots of information, there were different types and purposes everywhere. Somewhere the spirits of nature work together with the population, shamans come to an agreement with them, they help to equip and maintain reservoirs, so that it would be easier to fish or get something else. You can also come here to communicate with the spirits, so as not to disturb them in the forest and so that they themselves do not disturb you in the house, it turns out like a temple in the open air. If you do not really agree with the elements, all these terraces will quickly collapse, you need tame streams. The keepers of the area must give the go-ahead, otherwise it will not last long. It is a peer learning process for everyone. People conclude an agreement with the locality, spirits, animals, plants, minerals, the Earth, equip their small world, everyone gets a piece of experience, because space is also alive.

Somewhere by agreement with the locals, their gods, creators helped them, they taught agriculture. Settled here, trained, left. Some of the terraces were used as lighthouses to make the reflection of the waters easier to see from above.

In other places, times and branches after cataclysms or, moving away from wars, the remnants of civilization with the remains of tools made themselves such paradise... In some, it generally goes like a 3D printer was done. And somewhere at once the mountain was created together with the steps, that is, the rock was initially built up in layers, and somewhere they made steps in the already finished mountain. Different civilizations had different relationships with stone and space, but most of them did not just negotiate with them, for them it is part of the learning process, wise teachers, guides, mentors. In some places and without the participation of people, there was no physical treatment, so to speak. But this does not mean that there was no Design, it is in everything.

There are places where there were quarries, they were then adapted. Nowadays, people hardly make these mountains, they mainly repair what is left ... Previously, at each step they grew their own specific product, not even a plant, they could grow crystals, some materials they needed for construction ... each deity could be responsible for its own step and its product. The specificity of agriculture is such that on different floors it allows different plants to get along better, to conduct currents along the roots, without interfering with each other, but complementing each other and the local microclimate. Now this knowledge is lost, many plants no longer exist, so rice is mainly grown.

Q: Why are there so many of these mountains in Asia?
A: The specifics of civilization. Connecting with the nests ... communicating with the dragons ... seems to be their technology.

This passage tells about another planet, but the essence remains the same:

Q. Let's take a look at the ether densification technology, how do they do it?
A. I see many huge funnels going into the sky, like ice cream cones, long and with a narrow end hanging to the ground, vertically. Ether from the atmosphere is sucked into the wide throat by a spiral vortex, scrolls and leaves the narrow end by the already dense energy that lines the surface layer of the planet. In this layer, it is already possible to cultivate the bioworld, these are the various embryos, seeds that are prepared in the laboratory.

Tornado - one of the types of ethereal vortex that works with the elements

Q. And what does water come from?

A. Water is ether, only a different state of aggregation. And air is all different states of the ether.
Q. That is, all the elements and stones, everything is formed from the ether?
Oh yeah.
Q. What dominant consciousness is assumed on the planet? Here we have this person, and there?
A. Until this issue is resolved, those who have lost their planets will be offered to settle there. Therefore, most likely, there will be several consciousnesses, but first it must be equipped. Which is what we are doing.
Q. But these funnels - how are they projected? Are they mental constructs or machines? Who puts them at all? You?
A. No, these are not machines, It is Will. This is not ours, other civilizations are engaged in funnels.
Q. Do you see them? Can you talk to them?
Oh no. They are very far away. They also send their performers, as we do our laboratory assistants. They have a supervising center that sends their emissaries to put funnels. They are not humanoid in shape, they are such dark balls that release beams of will and form these funnels. These balls do not have an individualized consciousness, there is no personal aspect, they do not know how to communicate personally with someone, or do not want to. I feel as if they are from dark matter. Such is their work, service - the compactors of matter. They are from another world, from another space, there is nothing similar in our twelve dimensions. They were not on earth. ... in a ball, I am very comfortable, I just rise high above the planet. Something very bright is shining on me. Obviously, this is the sun of this planet. It is her parent, she is his offspring.

Q. How did it create it? Can we say that it allocated matter for her?
A. No, it did not select, it attracted from the Primary Source a clot of primary matter, from which you can form your planet. So it kind of warms it up, fills it with its emanations, splashes, grows it, in general, then a solid surface forms, inside it forms a liquid crystal core and programs it, then fills the near-space, this is all very long done) The atmosphere is like a layer around the planet, is, but it does not have clear boundaries, it smoothly passes into a space with a different quality, but they do not mix, like colors in a rainbow - they smoothly pass. There are no lattices, domes, cocoons. Since it is not entirely clear which entities will inhabit the planet, this atmosphere does not yet have strict adaptation parameters for a specific group or civilization. After all, each civilization has its own requirements for external conditions on the planet. Someone will be hot, someone will be dry, etc. Therefore, for now, in general, as a sketch is obtained, with basic parameters that can be subsequently adjusted. There are different services for this. For example, we work everywhere with biomass, with DNA, and on the ground too.

Q. What about the technology for creating planets? Are they different, are there many of them? Can separate entities, civilizations, humanoids create planets?
A. Well, in general, we can say that the principle is the same. It's just that in this case the Sun is like a civilization with a highly organized collective consciousness and a huge energy potential, perhaps other groups of consciousnesses can also do this. I'm not sure if I get it right. It seems to me, all the same, from scratch - no.
Q. But they say that stars explode, collapse, what is it?
A. Yes, these are just events from a series of changes in evolutionary states. They also have birth, evolution and rebirth.
Q. And when a star explodes, can it harm the surrounding space?
A. First, for a star to explode, it needs some good reason, they just don't explode. The reason comes from the Primary Source, the causal field governs the processes. The Sun says that this is such a high hierarchy that the motivation of the Primordial Source is not discussed. So he decided to reform part of the galaxy, and this is his immutable decision. Another thing is that He is the Supermind and the Law of Purpose. Nothing is done to the detriment of someone, it cannot be that all the consequences would not be calculated during the liquidation of any celestial body. What you might think is harm is not at the macro level.
Q. Well, what could be a hypothetical reason? Could this be the elimination of any civilization?
Oh no. The main reason is a violation of the energy balance in a certain space. I feel such a grandiose scale of this Creation that I cannot even understand and explain - these are inhuman paradigms)
Q. The last question to him: Pyramids - are they related to the densification of the ether?
A. He says that there were such technologies, but they are outdated. No longer used, pyramids can no longer work in that original mode, they cannot be activated, they cannot be resumed. After all, everything evolves, everything together, not only consciousness and technologies, but the very quality of life-giving fire, vitality... Therefore, as they say - New wine is not poured into old furs.

In the comments, they once wrote that there are similar terraces in Spain. And the inhabitants of the surrounding villages have no idea where they came from.
If you live near such terraces, ask the locals when and how they appeared.

Reality is multidimensional, opinions about it are multifaceted. Only one or a few faces are shown here. You should not take them for the ultimate truth, because

Ireland is a land of legends, green hills and various extraordinary beauties of nature. And one of these strange but beautiful wonders is Mount Ben Bulben.

Mount Ben Balben is located in County Sligo, in the far northwest of Ireland, 10 kilometers north of the city of Sligo. The height of the mountain is 527 meters. Ben Balben towers over the entire county of Sligo and is its symbol. Along with Nocknari and Croag Patrick, Ben Balben is one of the 3 most famous mountains in Ireland.

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According to Irish legends, this mountain was inhabited by a monstrous boar from Ben Balben, who was killed by Diarmade and buried in Leh-na-muik hill, near Drumcliffe. In Drumcliffe, at the foot of Ben Balben, according to his wishes, the great Irish poet WB Yeats is buried.

It is believed that today the mountain looks like this during the last ice age. It is known that initially it had a high "hump", which was cut off by a creeping glacier. Ben Balben is composed almost entirely of limestone rocks.

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Mount Ben Balben refers to mesas. Table mountain(it. Tafelberg, isp. Mesa- in the lane. table) - a mountain with a truncated, flat top. As a rule, mesas are composed of sedimentary rocks. The slopes of such mountains are usually steep, almost sheer. In cross-section, this type of geological formations has an oblong shape, that is, in one of the directions the plateau at the top of the mountain is elongated. The table mountains are truncated in their upper part due to the processes of denudation - erosion and weathering. One of the varieties of mesas are those mountains in which their flat top is not made of sedimentary rocks, but is covered with hardened volcanic lava crust.

V Ireland, since the thirteenth century, has had a highly developed and popular genre of place poetry. Describing mountains, valleys and lakes in a nostalgic and romantic vein, often combined with the complaints of an exile, is a typical feature of Celtic bardic poetry. One of the poems of this genre is Oisin's praise of Mount Ben-Balben (its original, "real" name is Benn Gulbine), a powerful silhouette of which dominates the city of Sligo in western Ireland - in what is often called "Yeats' country".

The poem belongs to the so-called Finn cycle:

Benn Gulbine is not the same now
gloomy and dull like death,
and it used to be from those heights
it was wonderful to see!

Deer gallop through the bushes,
wheezing of dogs and screaming catches -
you knew many strong
about the mountain of great battles!

Herons moan in the evenings
wind noise in the night branches;
it was wonderful in the morning
listen to the singing of the first birds.

To see howling young
brave Fenian forests,
and on their leashes -
fighting ferocious dogs.

Smell the cold dew of the night
that I lay down on the side of the mountain,
hear the yapping of a fox,
lonely cry of an eagle.

Or perched on a stump
listen to the thrush's pipe ...
Patrick! that day has passed
it was wonderful to live then.

But even if Ben Balben were an ordinary mountain, it would still remain no less attractive for travelers - the beauty of its slopes will captivate the heart at first sight. The gentle slopes are overgrown with dense green grass, and at an altitude of about 300 meters, the mountain begins to go up sharply, almost vertically - this is the Ben Balben phenomenon. Travelers say that the mountain is especially beautiful at dawn - however, it is better to see once than hear a hundred times!

Table Mountain (Vladikavkaz, Russia) - detailed description, location, reviews, photos and videos.

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Table Mountain is depicted on the coat of arms of Vladikavkaz and is perfectly visible from the city. It is also present on the coat of arms of the Republic of Ingushetia, as it stands on its border with North Ossetia - Alania. This is one of the largest peaks of the Rocky Range Caucasus mountains, its height is about 3000 m.

Table mountains or table-top mountains are considered to be the oldest geological formations. Their feature is a flat top and steep slopes, this shape really resembles a table.

Caucasian Table Mountain has always been revered locals, it was analogous to the Greek Olympus, that is, it was considered the place of residence of the gods. The ruins of many sanctuaries, mainly from the 10th-18th centuries, have been preserved on the mountain. The most ancient of them, Myat-Seli, dates back to the 4th-8th centuries.

On the mountain are laid hiking trails climbing which takes several hours, but does not require special physical fitness and equipment. The most convenient of them begins from the side of Ingushetia and is called the "ancestral path", along which mass ascents are organized simultaneously for up to 300 people.

Practical information

Address: Republic North Ossetia- Alania, Prigorodny district. GPS coordinates: 42.868331; 44.703331.

The most convenient way to get to Table Mountain is by car, the road from Vladikavkaz will take about 40 minutes. You need to go along the A-161 highway (Georgian Military Highway), then turn onto P-109 and move to the village of Beini, where the road ends.

On the way, you will meet several checkpoints at which only the Russian passport is checked.

Table mountains

mountains with flat peaks and more or less steep, sometimes stepped slopes. The flat surface of the seam is usually composed of hard and fracture-resistant rocks that form an ore formation. Vast territories, the relief of which is determined by the predominance of S. g., Are called dining countries (for example, the Turgai plateau and Ustyurt in the USSR, the Karoo plateau in South Africa).

Great Soviet Encyclopedia. - M .: Soviet encyclopedia. 1969-1978 .

See what "Mesa" is in other dictionaries:

    Isolated hills formed during the dissection of a highly elevated stratal plain or plateau; have steep slopes and flat tops, armored by erosion-resistant rocks ...

    Isolated hills formed during the dissection of a highly elevated stratal plain or plateau; have steep slopes and flat tops, armored by erosion-resistant rocks. * * * TABLE MOUNTAINS TABLE MOUNTAINS, ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Isolated hills formed during the dissection of a highly elevated stratal plain or plateau; have steep slopes and flat tops, armored forge resistant against erosion. breeds ... Natural science. encyclopedic Dictionary

    Canteen countries- (tableland) Tableland, plateau or any other relatively elevated area the earth's surface with flat relief. On their periphery, where S. c. strongly dissected, island mesas are often formed ... Countries of the world. Dictionary

    See Denudation Mountains. Geological Dictionary: in 2 volumes. M .: Nedra. Edited by K. N. Paffengolts and others. 1978 ... Geological encyclopedia

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    - (Tauride Mountains) in the south of the Crimean Peninsula. Length approx. 150 km, width up to 50 km. They are composed of clay shale, sandstone, limestone. They consist of 3 ridges: the Southern, or Glavnaya, ridge (Yaila), representing the table limestone massifs (height up to ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

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    Dragon mountains- DRAGON MOUNTAINS, on southeast Africa, mainly in South Africa, part of the Great Ledge. Height up to 3482 m (Mount Tabana Ntlenyana). Table peaks and steep stepped plateaus are characteristic. The pool serves as a watershed between short rivers ... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary


  • Icarus, Alberto Vasquez-Figueroa. Dramatic and exciting, based on real events, the story of mastering one of the most mysterious places on the planet, Venezuelan Guiana, where the ancient mesas are located ...

Mountains - tabletops are considered to be some of the oldest geological formations on Earth, dating back two billion years ago. On the tops of the mesas is found a large number of unique animals, unique plants grow that are not found anywhere else in the world. After admiring these unique wonders of nature, do not forget to leave your feedback in the comments. Also, supplement the selection with others interesting places.

In continuation of the story about the highest mountains of the continents, a selection of amazing mesas of the world follows.

1. Mount Conner.

Mount Conner has a flat top, and the shape of the mountain itself is horseshoe-shaped.

2. Brown Bluff.

Located on the northern part of the Antarctic Peninsula, Brown Bluff is 745 meters high. The rock itself is mostly composed of ice, but in some places a reddish-brown color is visible. The shores in front of Brown Bluff are home to thousands of penguins.

3. Mount Asgard.

Mount Asgard, with two separate pointed mountains and two flat peaks, is located in national park on the island of Baffin's Land. The peak is named after Asgard, the kingdom of the gods in Norse mythology.

4. Kukenan.

The mountain is 2,680 meters high and about 3 km long. It is located next to more famous mountain Roraima. Kukenan is a difficult mountain to comprehend, so climbers are less interested in it than Mount Roraima.

Located in Iceland, the mountain has a flat top that was formed after a volcanic eruption. The mountain is very dangerous and landslides often occur on it. The first ascent was made in 1908.

6. Debre Damo.

Debre Damo is the flattest mountain in northern Ethiopia. On the mountain is the oldest monastery built in the 6th century by Syrian monks. The monastery houses a library of manuscripts, preserved from the earliest existence of the monastery.

7. Canyonlands.

The Canyonlands in eastern Utah is a national park with colorful landscapes, erosion, mountains and hills. The Colorado and Green River Rivers divide the park into several areas. One area is an island in the sky, a place with amazing views.

8. Auyantepui.

Auyantepui, which means "Devil's Mountain" in the language of the indigenous Pemon people, is the most visited site in Venezuela. Most high waterfall in the world, Angel Falls, falls from crevices near the summit of Auyantepui.

9. Mount Roraima.

Mount Roraima is the highest (2772 meters) and the most famous in Venezuela. Mount Roraima became famous in 1912 when Sir Arthur Conan Doyle wrote his novel, The Lost World. He describes climbing Mount Roraima, how a mountain expedition set out in search of prehistoric plants and dinosaurs.

10. Table Mountain.

Overlooking Cape Town, Table Mountain is the most famous of the tabletop mountains in the world. The most high point on the mountain - it is 1086 meters above sea level.