Funny names of geographic objects. The most bizarre geographical names on the planet Interesting geographical names

On the planet there are populated points with such amazing names, which is difficult to believe in the fact of their existence. And live in the city of Swastavka or in the city of the Kingdom of Satan can, perhaps, just love with a good sense of humor. And it should be noted that these are not the strange name from existing ones.

1. Wildrency

The city of Swastika in the province of Ontario, Canada - pretty strange place. In fact, this is not the rash of Nazis - the city was founded almost 30 years before Adolf Hitler began using a swastika. The name of the city was chosen in honor of the ancient Indian sign of well-being and fertility.

2. Kingdom of Satan

What is funny and strange, there are cities and geographic places on Earth, named after hell. For example, two cities in the United States (in the states of Vermont and Massachusetts) are called the Kingdom of Satan.

3. Peniston

The name of the town of Peniston in Yorkshire, England, probably leads its origin from the old forms of Welsh and English languages. Initially, this name meant "Village on the top of the hill". Today, all those who are not too lazy are giggle.

4. Nothing

Earlier inhabited (although there lived very few people) the village of nothing in Arizona, was completely abandoned in 2005. On the tablet at the entrance to the city, it is written: "Lady citizens are full of hope and faith in the need for labor. For many years, these people believed in Nothing, hoped for nothing and worked in nothing. "

5. North Pole

Cities with the name of the North Pole is in the states of Alaska and New York. In the New York Northern Pole is theme park With alive deer and Santa Claus.

6. Unnamed

Unnamed - a small town in Colorado, who received its name when the highway was planned in this place with a turn to another non-existent city. When building the road, a temporary sign was installed on the turn with the inscription "Unnamed". As a result, the name has stuck.

7. Moon

To the north-west of Pittsburgh there is a town by the name of the Moon, which was probably named so because of the fact that it was located in the bend of the river in the form of a crescent.

8. Mars

Tourists recently visited the city of Mars in the state of Pennsylvania. Not only is there is a non-working former spacecraft in the city, it is also possible to declare that he visited Martian (this is exactly the name of the locals).

9. George Washington

George Washington is the only city in the United States, which carries the full name of the founder's father.

10. Gandja

The city with the most Rastaman name can be found in Azerbaijan. And this is not even a village, which was called a joke, and the second largest city in the country.

11. Chinatown.

Chinatowns or Chinese quarters exist in major cities around the world, but in Wisconsin there is a whole city that wears a similar name.

12. Batman.

Everyone knows the famous Hero of Comics, but few people know that in Turkey in the province of Batman, on the banks of the Batman River (the tributary of the Tiger River) there is the city of Batman. The main places local attractions are oil refineries and a large military air base.

13. Bastardown

Bastardown in the county of Wexford, despite its name, is a picturesque seaside Irish village.

14. Å.

The settlement with such a concise name is a beautiful seaside village in the very north of Norway. Also, such a name is six other Norwegian towns, Swedish and Danish city.

15. Accident

What is interesting, the town of an accident was built in the 1770s in the state of West Maryland is accidentally. Two farmers laid the land, accidentally choosing the same oak as a reference point. It is on that place and the city was founded.

Exist geographical namesthat us apply in everyday life in another value. There are a lot of such words in our language from maps and textbooks. Consider the most interesting of them.

From the name of the city of Basra in Iraq, the name of Alebastra is the valuable building material. Translated from the Arab word "al-bass" means "soft" and is associated with features local soil. With the area of \u200b\u200bKalian in China, where white clay production was made for the first time with the aim of making a porcelain, the word "kaolin" is connected. The name "Fayans" is associated with the name of the city of Faenz in Italy. The rock is intended as a facing material in the construction process and during the construction of monuments. The breed has a name Labradorite from the name of the Peninsula of the same name North America.

If you turn to the periodic system of chemical elements D.I. Mendeleev, then you can see a large number of titles that testified certain parts of the world, for example, americium, europia, and individual countries, gallium (the ancient name of France), ruthenium, translated from Latin meant Russia, France, Polonia, meaning Poland. In honor of Paris, there is such an element as a lutecy (from Lat. "Lutection"), and in honor of the Greek city Magnesium is called such an element as magnesium. Chemical elements like California and Scandies are also talking about the same geographical name.

The name of the four chemical elements - Intrbium, Yttria, Erbium and Terbium occurred from the small town of Yterterby, which is located on the Swedish Island of Ruslagen. In 1787, an unusual heavy mineral containing these rare-earth elements was found in the vicinity of this city. The town of Iterby became famous for this miracle of nature.

An example of a chemical named by the name of the city is Veronal (from IT. Cities of Verona); Cologne, which means "water from Cologne." In 1972, the cologne was first made in Cologne. Cologne today is the largest industrial center of Germany, where various kinds of machines, cars, television and radio equipment are produced. However, in the whole world, Cologne is known thanks to the "water from Cologne."

From the same island on the Red Sea, the name of the valuable stone of Topaz is coming.

And how are things with the title of fabrics? Do not everyone know that the name Tulle's fabric occurred from a French city, where she was first made. In the state of North-West India, the name of the fine woolen fabric - cashmere was born, from the name of Kashmir state. Madepola fabric also has an Indian origin. She got his name from a small town of the same name.

The city in Scotland is chevyota, the name of the ridge in the Penic Mountains of the UK duplicates the Kournelot. With its name of the English Island Jersey from the Norman Islands group next to France, Jersey fabric is obliged. The city of the same name in the US is the birthplace of Boston woolen fabric. The name Waltz-Boston came from here. Translated by S. french The name of the silk tissue tightness means "Chinese cream". Maochene crepe in translation means "Moroccan cream". In 60-60 In the Italian city of Bologna, for the first time, raincoats appeared from a synthetic material that received the same name. The name of the breed of room dogs has the same origin. In the old writing, the capital of Turkey sounds like Angora, from here and origin of Angora cats.

The word trousers came from the name of the city of Bruges in a somewhat modified pronunciation. In this city, a special fabric "Bruges" was produced for sewing trousers. The city of Brugge himself comes from the ancient Norwegian language of Normans and translates as a bridge ("Briga").

The origin of the word jeans also has a connection with geography. The appearance of the first jeans belongs to the 50th GG. last century, and San Francisco (USA) - their homeland. Jeans in those days were made only for cherry workers. Tarpaulter performed the material. The sewing fabric fabric fabric was the Italian city of Genoa. The names were somewhat distorted by the Americans, so the end result was the emergence of the word jeans.

From the name of the city of Fez, which is located in Morocco, the name of the male festal cap, produced from a red-colored felt in the form of a truncated cone with a brush, until recently common in North America and the Middle East. From the Austrian province Tyrol, the name of a hat with a feather - Tirolki occurred.

The geographical sound is also inherent in the large number of food products. In the city of Maison on the island of Menorca, which is part of the group of Spanish Balearic Islands, was made for the first time well-known mayonnaise.

The name of ice cream variety was formed from the French city of Fluber - Swab. From Sicily's river flowing on Sicily Island, a cake is formed.

Simultaneous french city Rocfort Cheese is obliged to their name. Similar origins have the names of such cheeses as: Dutch, Poshekhonsky, Uglich, Kostroma, Swiss. As well as sausages: Hamburg, Odessa, Krakow, Lviv, Moscow, Odessa, Minsk, etc.

From Greece there was buckwheat, from Persia - Peach. Orange means "Chinese Apple".

In the names of brands of refrigerators, mineral Water, motorcycles, TVs, cars There are also a large number of geographic names. For example, its name was the equestrian crew of Lando from the Bavarian city of Landau. It was there that was first made.

Until this day, the name of Lando came to the name of the bodies of a passenger car with a folding riding. The closed body of the Top Class Car Bounds received its name from the historical province of France Limousin.

From the geographical point of view will also be an interesting name of the US dollar. The name of this monetary unit has not American origin and is not at all associated with english language. In the small German town of Joaahmstal (the current Czech Republic) was engaged in a large silver coin chasing, which had the name of Joachymstaler. Later, the name was reduced to the word "Taler", which later in the English pronunciation was the "dollar". In the UK is the village of Dollar.

For the most part, geographical names have meaningful meaning.

But there are a large number of such that on the geographical map appeared by chance and became the result of errors and misunderstandings.

Spring is approaching and the desire for change appears. So you want to change the usual environment and go somewhere on the journey. There are many unique in the world interesting placeswho should see with their own eyes. We will give some of them - the most unusual, most extraordinary.

1. SAMI high mountain In Canada

In Canada, the highest is Mount Logan with a height of 5959m. It belongs located in the southwest of the territory of the Yukon system of the Saint Ilya Ridge. The name of the mountain was given in honor of William Edmond Logan - Canadian geologist

2. The southernmost city in the world

Ushuhai (Argentina) is the most southernmost city in the world. The population of this administrative center of the province of Fire Earth is 45 thousand people.

3. The lowest point of Africa

155 meters below sea level located Lake Assalal in Djibouti - the lowest point of Africa.

4. Most big Lake On the island in the lake

The system of these lakes resembles a matryoshka - in Canada on Lake Huron is the island of Manitulin, on Manitulin Island there is a lake Manitu. Manitis turns out to be the most large lake In the lake with an area of \u200b\u200b104 square kilometers.

5. The richest city of the world

The richest and most beautiful city Mira - Dubai. It is not at all difficult to buy in Dubai cheaply, and therefore this city is the most visited in the world. What is interesting - its population is 80% consists of foreigners.

6. The longest lake in the world

Lake Tanganyika is located on the border of Zambia, Tanzania, Burundi and the Democratic Republic of the Congo and is the longest in the world. It was opened in 1858 English researchers John Speaker and Richard Burton. The lake is interesting not only with its length (673 km), but it is the second in the world in depth (1470 m) and the volume of water.

And Tanganyik is famous for its interesting and varied fauna, bright and unusual fish.

7. Most high waterfall in Africa

On the territory of the South African Republic in the Dragon Mountains there is a waterfall of Tugla. Here from the height of 948 meters the water falls by five cascades. The largest cascade has a height of 411 meters.

8. SAMI deep vpadina on the ground not filled with water

We are heard about deep sea depressions, but there are also deepest faults on the surface of the Earth. The deepest one in 1961 was opened in Antarctica. Bentley's deepest dot 2540 meters below sea level and all it is filled with ice.

9. The highest peak of the Scandinavian mountains

In the Scandinavian mountains, the highest vertex is Gallhapiggen. For the first time this 2469-meter mountain in Norway, Arnessen, Flaatten and Sulheim climbed in Norway in 1850.

10. The longest river in Eurasia

The very thick and long river in Eurasia is the Yangtze. It carries its water from sources in Tibet to the East-China Sea throughout the territory of China for 6300 km.

11. The longest braid in the world

The longest spit in the world is located in Ukraine. Arabat arrow located on the Crimean Peninsula, 112 km long and a width of 270m to 8 km separates from Azov Sea Sivash Bay.

12. Most small city in the world

In fact, such unusual and funny names are a huge number throughout Russia. Who invents them are interesting?

I bring to your attention some of them.

In the city of Myshkin, everything is really impregnated with mouse spirit. Not in the sense of smell, no. Mouse everywhere is present as a symbol. First, the city itself has a completely mouse scale: 6 thousand people live in it. Secondly, there is a wonderful mouse museum. And thirdly, the city, as if the mouse, hid from the present and quietly exist somewhere between Uglich and Rybinsky. There is a city and called the cat, it is located in the Samara region.

The village with the exotic name is half (located in KhMAO, 30 km from Uray).

I suggest you visit the village of dudes, which is in the Perm region. Farm, of course, but what is the name.

Somewhere in the water basin, Lukhovitsky district flows the river with the breathtaking name of Vobl. And the old ambassador of the time of Boris Godunova took place on the shores of the Potday rivers and Ubeda. Names have been preserved until now.

Most recently, the inhabitants of the village of Lokhovo Cheremkhovsky district of the Irkutsk region decided to change the name of their settlement. Selyan even set up a competition for a new geographical name. And in vain! Actually, "Loch" is the name of a shrub with strongly smelling flowers and edible berries, and in the ichthyologists, the term "sucker" is called salmon in the period after throwing caviar. In the explanatory dictionary of Vladimir Dalla, there is a word close to the current jargon, but only a female kind - "Lohoy" called a stupid woman in the old woman.

Do not snooze. Title of this town under the city of Artyomovsky Sverdlovsk regionThey say, appeared after 1914, when they stretched the railway line. There were no buildings, and therefore the train slightly slowed down there. The future passengers had to jump into the train literally on the move on the driver's switches: "Do not yaw!"

In the Sverdlovsk region there locality Newspaper. Where did the name go - no one remembers.

The village brine received its name not from the famous drink, but from the river brine. The river was called in connection with the existing fishery here in ancient.

Kosyakovka village Sterlitamak district of Bashkiria.

Big Pissa is a settlement in Komi-Odzsky district. Of course, there is a small pussy nearby. And you will refuse to live here! It is here that the unique holiday "Chechchalan Lun" is celebrated. On the Annunciation of the walls of houses put chocks, they put boards on them and jump a whole week. Children, young people and unmarried women are involved in this action. Competed - who will jump above and will not fall from the board. The higher you jump, the longer your life will be happier.

Incredible facts

Planet Earth is full of amazing geographical and geological secrets and paradoxics. In fact, they are so much that we are unlikely to uncover all the secrets that nature is tait. Here is the most unusual and sometimes strange facts related to geography, geology and land.

1.In the short name of the terrain

The shortest name of the locality is " Å "- The name of a small village, which is located in Sweden and in Norway. In Scandinavian language" Å "Means" River ".

2. Self big City in the world

The largest city in the world, based on the surface area, is the city Hoolun-Buyr In the area of \u200b\u200bInner Mongolia in China, which covers an area of \u200b\u200b263,953 square meters. km.

3. Countries that are completely surrounded by one country

Lesotho, Vatican and San Marino are the only countries that are completely surrounded by one country. Lesotho is completely surrounded by South Africa, and the Vatican and San Marino are completely surrounded by Italy.

4. Secondly longest geographical name

The second longest geographical name in the world was recognized " TaumataWhakatangihangak OauauotamateAturipukaka PikimaungaRonukupokaiwhe Nua Kitanatahu", consisting of 84 letters, which belongs to the hill in New Zealand and in the Maori language means" a place where Tamatoea, a man with big knees, who slipped, rose and swallowed the mountains, being famous as a malignor, played on his flute for his beloved".

It was the longest geographical name until some time (and remains in the Guinness Book of Records), until it was supplanted by the title " Krung Thep Mahanakhon Bovorn Ratanakosin Mahintharayutthaya Mahadilok Pop Noparatrachatchani Burirom Udomratchanivetmahasathan AmornPiman Avatarnsathit Sakkathattiya VisnukarmPrasit", consisting of 163 letters and meaning the poetic name of Bangkok in Thailand.

5. The coldest and the warmest sea

The temperature of the water in the White Sea in Russia is the lowest and is only -2 ° C. Persian Bay is the most warm sea. In the summer, the water temperature here reaches 35.6 ° C.

6. The world's oldest constitutional republic

San Marino is considered the oldest constitutional republic in the world. It was founded in 301 by the Christian Mason, who was saved from the persecution of Emperor Diocletian. The San Marino Constitution, which was adopted in 1600, is considered the oldest written constitution in the world.

The deepest hole bored by man is Kolya ultrahooth well in Russia. It reached 12,262 m and was drilled for a scientific study, during which a number of unexpected discoveries were made, such as a huge deposit of hydrogen, which was so massive that the dirt that came out of the well was literally boiling.

Due to the bulge of the Earth at the equator, the top of the volcano Chimborace In Ecuador, the height of which is 6310 m, is the remote point from the center of the Earth, claiming the title " the highest point on earth ", despite the fact that Everest is highest vertex above sea level. Chimborace is an extluous volcano and is located 1 degree south of the equator.

Mariangian It is the deepest part of the world's oceans with the lowest height of the earth's crust. To date, it is believed that its depth is 10,971 m. It is in the western part Pacific Ocean east of the Mariana Islands.

Mid-Atlantic Range It is the longest mountain chain on Earth, making up 40 thousand km. It is located in the center of the Atlantic Ocean. Iceland is the only part of this mountain range, which is located above sea level.

Andes form the longest surface mountain range, which makes up 7000 km.

10. The name of the area consisting of some vowels

Mountain Chirceo on the west coast Italy was once called Aeaea. (5 vowels in a row and no consonant). According to mythology, the Cyrcing Witch lived here. Two other geographic locations in which only vowels are present, it is AIA (AIEA) in Hawaii and EIAO (EIAO), one of the Marquis Islands.

11. North, Eastern and Western State in America

Alaska is the most northern, eastern and western state in America. This is the only state that enters the eastern hemisphere, which makes it the easiest and most western state.

12. Sea without coast

Sargassovo Sea is the area in the center of the North Atlantic Ocean, surrounded by the flow of the ocean, and it is the only sea without the coast. In the West, it is limited by Golfustrim, in the north of the North-Atlantic current, in the East - Canary current and in the south - north-screen flow. This flow system forms the North-Atlantic subtropical cycle.

13. Lake in ancient shock crater formed as a result of a meteorite fall

Lake Bosumumlocated in an ancient shock crater formed as a result of a meteorite fall, the diameter of which is 8 km, is the only one natural lake In Ghana. It is located 30 km south-west of Kumashi and is a popular recreation area. About 30 villages are located near the lake, the total population of 70,000 people.

14. Unusual River River

There is only one river in the world, which originates in the area of \u200b\u200bthe equator and from there flows into a moderate zone and this is the River Nile. According to the incomprehensible reason, the mass of most rivers occurs in the opposite direction.

15. Lack of land in the North Pole

In the North Pole there is no land - only ice above the aqueous surface. The Northern Arctic Ocean, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich is 12 million square meters of floating ice, has the lowest winter temperature, -34 ° C.