The greatest extinct volcanoes. The biggest and most dangerous volcanoes of the world

Incredible facts

This list of volcanoes is based primarily. on the volume of each volcano, not at the height.

For this reason, the biggest volcano in the world is precisely Massif Tamalocated at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean.

But this volcano height has only about 4,460 meters, which is much inferior to the Hawaiian volcano Mauna Loawhose height is about 9 170 meters above sea level.

Large volcanoes of the world

Massif Tama - the largest underwater volcano

Volume: 2.5 million cubic kilometers

This volcano opened quite recently in September 2013. Why no one had previously found him?

The huge volcano is located at a depth of about 1,600 km east of Japan. It is part of the underwater hill, known as the elevation of Shatsky. Only 20 years later, scientists realized that the Tamm was a separate volcano.

This is an extinct volcano, and its last eruption was about 144 million years ago.

It is also worth noting that he is not only the largest volcano on Earth, but also one of the largest in our solar system.

Mauna Loa

Volume: 75,000 cubic kilometers

This acting panel volcano can be seen on the island of Hawaii. It is belonging to the Megavillomulum group. It is worth noting that it is the second in the volume of the volcano on Earth.

This ocean volcano is one of five volcanoes in Hawaii, and the most recent eruption was recorded in 1984.

Over the past 177 years, the Mauna Loa volcano drove 33 times. According to geologists, Hawaii appeared on the land map, thanks to the lava, which began to go out from the bottom of the Pacific Ocean about 1 million years ago. .


Volume: 4,800 cubic kilometers

The majestic Kilimanjaro volcano is the most famous volcano in Africa. Sleeping giant consists of three volcanoes towering over Tanzania and Kenia.

Unlike many large volcanoes in this list, Kilimanjaro is an active stratululkan.

The last time his eruption occurred 360,000 years ago, but relatively recently, scientists came to the conclusion that under a small crater, located 400 meters from the main vertex of the volcano - cybo, there is molten lava.

Sierra Negro.

Volume: 580 cubic kilometers

This thyroid volcano is located on Isabel Island (Galapagos Islands). It is active and boasts the second largest crater on Earth, the diameter of which is 11 kilometers.

Sierra Negra towers a height of 1,124 meters above sea level, and its last eruption was recorded in October 2005, when a height column of 7.5 km was thrown.

Volcanic activity is present on earth from the first steps of its formation as a planet. As soon as the first earth bark appeared, volcanoes arose, which made a huge contribution to its further formation and evolution. Gases allocated by volcanoes were formed the first earthly atmosphere, breeds were interposed in magmatic foci, forming various compounds that became necessary in the future, including for the formation of life. Despite the fact that the current period of the development of the planet is considered tectonically stable, volcanoes are still present, and most of them are periodically erupted.

What are the biggest volcanoes on the planet? It turns out that the largest of them is considered to be extinct. This is Okhos del Salado, which is located in Andes, in the border area between Chile and Argentina. At an altitude of 6893 meters, he did not erupt once for an affordable review of the history of mankind, which makes it possible to draw conclusions that it has long been dead. Let's leave it aside and proceed to the study of the current volcanoes.

Sangai - 5230 meters

Sangai volcano is located in the Andes, in their Equatorial region, on the east side. It has three crater immediately, and refers to the type of stratovulkanov. According to the versions of scientists, this object began to form about 14 thousand years ago, and there are little known about its eruptions on the prehistoric period. The first actually fixed by people by the eruption of the fire mountain falls on 1628. In recent century, its activity has increased, the last eruption was recorded for 2007.


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Popochetetet, 5455 meters

Volcano - Popochettel

A similar name may seem strange, however, it sounds like a "hill from which the smoke comes from the local adverb. This stratovan is located on the territory of Mexico, close to the other - Istaxioatil, which has long been the ground. The last eruption was recorded in 2011, so that the popochette is considered not at all without reason. Moreover, it can be considered quite dangerous for people, since the 20 millionth city of Mexico is not far from him.

Elbrus, 5642 meters

The highest peak of Russia, Elbrus with its two vertices, also includes the category of stratovulkanov, and is located in the Caucasian Mountains. This mountain is worthy of special consideration, not only by virtue of its Russian "citizenship", but also because of its unpredictability.

On the one hand, the last ellity of Elbrus dated is approximately 50th AD. You might think that it has long been dead and can no longer be considered valid. But such conclusions are deceptive. The volcano is potentially active, and long periods of the lull were relevant to him and in the past. So, initially he could not show signs of life for 50 thousand years in a row, then these periods began to decline to 3-1.5 thousand years. The most recent traces of the last eruptions are dated to a period of 6, then at 3, and 1.8 thousand years ago. Therefore, the awakening of Elbrus may well happen today.

Interesting fact: Elbrus eruptions are so powerful that traces of its activity are found even on the banks of the Volga on the space between Astrakhan and Akhtubinsky, where the fossil layer of Elbrus ash with a thickness of 70 cm is found!

El Misty, 5822 meters

Volcano - El Misty

This vertex is located in South America, belongs to the Peruvian territory. This is another active and rather dangerous volcano, near which the millionth city of Arequip has grown. Volcanic materials emitted during an erase of El Misty have white. Many buildings in the city have been created precisely of them because of their greatest availability, because the city is sometimes called white.


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Kilimanjaro, 5895 meters

Volcano - Kilimanjaro

Africa is very calm in the tectonic plane place. But major and active volcanoes here are here - the largest of them is Kilimanjaro, which is also recognized as the highest mountain of Africa. This volcano also causes certain concerns to the possibility of eruption in the coming years, since for 2003 the researchers discovered the fact of finding liquid lava 400 meters from the main vertex.

Kotopakh, 5911 meters

Volcano - Kotopakhi

The South American Volcano Kotopakh is located in Cordillera in Ecuador. The crater is gigid a huge, with a depth of 450 meters it has 550 meters sizes. He is erupted quite often - so, since 1738 people celebrated about 50 such cases. But for the last time the paw made from it in 1940, and since then the activity has not yet been detected.

San Pedro - 6145 meters

Volcano - San Pedro and Serious Pari

San Pedro is located in Chile, it is located at the border with the desert Atacama, and is a stratululkan. Not far from it there is another volcano, smaller in size, gray-parley. San Pedro is amazingly distinguished from the Mountain Arrays of the Andes, it is a very big saddle. The last manifestation of the activity of this peak is dated 1960.

One of the first fixed in the history of eruptions of the volcano, which caused large human sacrifices, was the eruption of Vesuvius volcano in 79, stabbing Pompeii's volcanic ashes, Staby and Herkulanum. Of all the dangers that lie humanity, volcanoes are the most dangerous geological formations on the surface of our planet.

The Special Organization for the UN even amounted to a list of the most dangerous volcanoes of recent decades. Based on the list and other information, we will make a rating and learn what the most powerful volcano on earth in the history of mankind.

Merapy. Indonesia

Over the expanses of Java at an altitude of 2,914 meters there is a crater of a dangerous volcano of Southeast Asia. Merapy eruptions are recorded by specialists with regularity at 7 years.

Merapy releases smoke every day without giving people to forget that he can wake up at any time. One of the last major catastrophes happened in the mid-70s of the last century, when the village covered the village, and 29 people were listed.

Koryak. Russia

35 kilometers from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky over the hills of Kamchatka rose stratovolnik Koryaksky. Today it is one of the largest volcanoes of Russia.

Koryaksky, who formed about two and a half million years ago, periodically reminds itself emissions of ashes and eruptions.

In 2008, an emission was released from the western slope, which was visible from nearby townships, and the smoke loop stretched more than 100 kilometers.

Tadeid. Spain

On the Spanish island of Tenerife is a beautiful volcano Tadeid. It is noteworthy that this mountain is the highest point of Spain and pay in itself, despite the beauty, potential danger.

The island itself is one of the many volcanic formations off the coast of Spain. Today, Tadeid is not active, and the last time worried about the surroundings in 1909.

If it is awakened, and the seismologists do not exclude such an opportunity, it will become an unpleasant surprise not only for the Spaniards, but also the Southern Europe.

Santa Maria. Guatemala

In the mountain range in the West, Guatemala is a volcano with the beautiful and romantic name of Santa Maria. Despite the harmless name, in the history of the mountain was the most powerful emissions of the lava, and the explosions were heard over 700 kilometers.

Then, in 1902, more than 6 thousand people died, and today it is potentially dangerous to the population of Guatemala. After all, at any moment Santa Maria can wake up, demonstrating its character's emissions of thousands of tons of lava and ash.

Santorin. Greece

In the XVII century BC. A catastrophic eruption of the Santorin volcanic eruption destroyed the Minoan civilization on the island of Crete, and served as the birth of the legend of Atlantis.

And the tsunamis that followed the eruption reached the shores of Greece and flooded the Aegean coastal cities.

Tira Island itself has significantly changed his form. Crater failed, forming a convex caldera, which the sea immediately flooded.

Ethna. Italy

The largest of the existing volcanoes in Europe is located on the east coast of Sicily Island among the picturesque landscapes of the Mediterranean.

It carries a potential danger if several crater are activated simultaneously, and about four hundred and their counts are activated.

The last major emission of the lava and volcanic ash occurred in 2011. But if you believe the ancient Greek myth of the Goddess of Athena pressed the euti Giant Enkenlad, and the eruption is the fiery breath of the defeated titanium.

Tala. Philippines

On the island of Luzon, just 50 kilometers from the capital of the Philippines of the city of Manila spread its slopes of the actual stratovol.

Now Tal sleeps, and in his crater, a beautiful little lake was formed, which pleases the beauty of those who rose to the top. But for the last time he was erupted in 1965, as a result of which about 200 people died.

But at the beginning of the twentieth century, one small volcano of the planet caused a big trouble. In 10 minutes, all living things died within a radius of 20 kilometers, and the ashes of the ashes were visible for hundreds of kilometers from the island.

Wywoon. Papua New Guinea

The acting volcano, formed during the period of Pleistocene from basalt and Andesite rocks.

From the moment when the slave began to observe 22 powerful volcanic eruptions.

And from the latter it is worth noting the 2007 catastrophe when there was a powerful magma's emission. A large number of ashes then settled on the green slopes of the mountain and in nearby settlements.

Undwan. Japan

Now Undzen in the Japanese Peninsula of the Simabara is considered a weakly active seismologist, and at one time endowed a lot of noise in the region.

The powerful eruption of Undzen was recorded in the Middle Ages era, in 1663. But in 119 years after that, its activity caused tsunamis, as sources with a wave height of 55 meters fix. As a result of natural disaster, 15,000 people died.

In 1991, during the research expedition, Lava covered 43 seismologists and media representatives, which at the time of the lava were located on the mountain slopes of the mountain.

Popochette. Mexico

In the Nastyl language, the name of this translates as a "smoking hill", and today it is one of the most dangerous volcanoes in the ridge of Mexican mountains.

For a long time it was believed that Popochettel, as well as his fellow Istaxioatl, is extinct, but at the end of the twentieth century began to show activity.

The danger is that there are more than 20 million people around the mountain ridge, where there is more than 20 million people, and in the case of a powerful eruption, a large-scale evacuation operation will be required.

Yellowstone. USA

For several years, Yellowstone has been holding not only the scientific community in tension, but all of humanity. This caldera is often called supervulkan, but it is impossible to calculate the potential power and the danger of this geological education.

But no matter how it was, Yellowstone is considered today, even in perspective, the most powerful volcano of the world.

As a result of the most powerful eruption of approximately 650000 years ago, the yellosotunsk caldera was formed, and many exactly it is considered possible to cause the end of the world.

Volcano on Isabel Island in the Pacific Ocean for many centuries keeps the population of the region in suspense.

Sierra Negra, according to the estimates of seismologists and researchers of the geological structure of the Earth, the most powerful volcano in the world. There are many catastrophes with him, and the last time the evacuation of the inhabitants due to its activity was carried out in 2006.

The Ecuadorian giant has a thyroid form, and is often the cause of seismicactivity in this part of the Pacific Ocean.


As you can see, from time to time, volcanoes show their violent character, carrying the death of everything in the district and presenting the potential danger of mankind.

Many millions of years ago, the most powerful eruption of volcanoes formed the surface of the earth's crust, and today they are the causes of small shifts of tectonic plates. And, for example, in 1963, a new island appeared as a result of eruptions in Iceland.

Located on the south side of the Indonesian Island Java, the famous and enough young volcano Merapy is one of the largest and most powerful worldwide. Merapy is the most active acting volcano in Indonesia. It is located near the city of Jokyakarta. The height of the volcano is 2914 meters.

The name is translated as "Mount Fire". Merapy is the youngest in the group of volcanoes in the south of Java. It is located in the subduction area, where the Australian stove is immersed under the Eurasian Plate. This is one of the at least 129 active volcanoes in Indonesia, part of the volcano is located in the southeastern part of the Pacific Fiery Ring - on the line of fault, extending from the Western Hemisphere through Japan and Southeast Asia.

Major eruptions of the Merapy Volcano are observed on average every 7 years, small - about twice a year, and smoke volcano almost every day. In 1006, the Yavansko-Indian kingdom of Matami was destroyed as a result of the eruption. One of the most destructive eruptions was recorded in 1673, when several cities were destroyed and many villages at the foot of the volcano. In the XIX century, 9 eruptions were recorded, in the first half of the XX century - 13.

A large eruption of merapy took place in 1906. It was characterized by the destruction of the cone of the volcano itself. An explosion that violated the integrity of the shell was heard hundreds of kilometers. In 1930, about 1,300 people died during the eruption. When eruption in 1974, two villages were destroyed, and in 1975, a large village and five bridges were killed, 29 people died.

In 2010, 350,000 people were evacuated when the Merapy eruption was evacuated, but some were returned - as a result, 353 people were killed in a pyroclastic flow.

Volcanoes are one of the most unique geological formations, and if we abstract from the danger, which they sometimes bear humanity, are striking with their greatness and beauty.

Dangerous, but such attractive, volcanoes have formed over cracks in the earth's crust of millions of years ago. In the acting volcanoes, a magma comes to the surface, forming a volcanic lava that sweeps everything in its path.

Let the facts not witnessed in history, but with the danger that volcanoes represent for a person are, the oldest ancestors of people have encountered in the period of late Paleolithic, the ERU of the formation of the earth's surface. The ancient Greeks gave the smoking and breathable heat the name of God the volcano.
From the ancient history to us reached the evidence of the first tragedies associated with volcanic eruptions. Under the lava and volcanic ash killed the city of Pompeii and Herculaneum.

Science, studying volcanoes, subdivides them on the active volcanoes, sleeping and extinct. Consider the largest representatives of this geological miracle of nature.


The unique volcano, located on the slope of the Andes, in Ecuador has three crater on its vertex, with a diameter of 50 to 100 meters. The height of the volcano above sea level is 5230 meters.

Sangai refers to young and restless volcanoes. Wolcanologists in geological sediments suggest that the volcano formed about 14,000 years ago. Watching this volcano began from 1628, it is by this year the first, recorded eruption of a volcanic Sangai, refers to the history.

The last two eruptions occurred in 2007 and 2016.

During the tranquility periods of the volcano, tourists visiting the Ecuador National Park, can climb the top and consider the crater in detail.

The "smoking Hill" so translates the name of this volcano from the Aztec language Nanutyl. A volcano is located on Mexican Highlands and Popochetetele is 5455 meters.

Popochetetet fully confirms its name. Even in a calm state around his vertex is shrouded in the cloud of ashes and gas. Next to the volcano is the extinct volcano Istaxioatl. Popochette and Istaxioatl became the heroes of the Aztec heroic epic.

Despite the danger, densely populated villages and cities spread around the volcano. Some villages are located directly on the slopes of the volcano, and the resident constantly lies the danger.

One-day eruption occurred on March 27, 2016. The volcano threw into the sky a kilometer pillar of smoke and ashes and calmed down.

Spanish Conquistor Diego de Ordas, who committed ascent to the popochpet, ordered the image of the volcano to his generic coat of arms.

Elbrus is the highest mountain peak of not only Russia, but also the European continent. The height of this stratululkan is 5642 meters. In the high voltage, Elbrus is included in the 7th of the highest tops of the planet.

The description of the vertex is found in the ancient geographers and historians of Asia and Europe. Most likely, from the Persian language came to us and the name of the volcano - al-Bordji, which means "shy".

Elbrus scientists belong to extinct volcanoes, but earthquakes and emissions of sulfur gases occur on its slopes. This circumstance gives grounds to some academic volcanicists to classify the volcano, like a fading.

Around Elbrus is widely developed tourist infrastructure. For the convenience of tourists, many tourist bases, climbers and viewing sites. The first ascent to the top took place in the distance 1829. Today, every mountaineer of the world dreams to conquer Elbrus.

The highest peak of Mexico is the Orizab volcano. Local residents are also called the Volcano Sitlaltetet, which means "Star Mountain". Indeed, the height of the volcano of 6636 meters can attribute it to the category of star.

The greatest activity of the Oboy was recorded during the Middle Ages. From 1569 to 1630, 7 strongest eruptions were recorded. The latter happened in 1687.

Orizaba refers to sleeping volcanoes and is the place of pilgrimage of tourists from around the world. In order to preserve the unique volcano and nature around the Mountain of the authorities of Mexico, a reserve was created.


The height of the Peruvian volcano Misty is 5822 meters. Because of this height, the top of the volcano is covered with snow.

Misty belongs to active volcanoes, the last strong eruption occurred in 1985. The uniqueness of the volcano in its structure. Misty has three concentric crater. In the inner cratery, scientists note a little activity.

Historical sources witnessed that the powerful eruption of the volcano in the XVI century forced the inhabitants of the city of Arequipa to escape. But the mountain and helps people. Many arquet buildings ("White City") are built from volcanic sediments of volcanoes that have white.

Archaeological studies are held on the slopes of the volcano. In 1997, 6 Inquis Mums were also discovered. Perhaps these are sacrifices brought by the fellow scenarios.

The highest peak of the African continent is Kilimanjaro Volcano. The height of this cone-shaped volcano is 5895 meters.

Until 1918, Mountain was called "Top Kaiser Wilhelm", but with the fall of the German Empire, was renamed. Scientists include a volcano to potentially active, but, which is interesting, not a single eruption is recorded in history. Ethnographers and historians. Studying local legends and legends, helped volcanists in the study of the volcano. From the legend it became clear. What the volcanic activity of Kilimanjaro occurred somewhere 150000-200000 years ago.

Interestingly, the Masai plateau, where the volcano is located, is located at an altitude of 900 meters above sea level. What makes the vertex more majestic.

The first one who mentioned the snow-covered peaks Kilimanjaro was Ptolemy, who brought the volcano to his cards in the second century BC. In a new time, the German Johanes Rebum on May 11, 1848 re-opened the volcano of the world.

Like Elbrus, Kilimanjaro is popular among climbers around the world. Interestingly, when climbing on top, the mountaineer crosses seven climatic zones. Despite the fact that the volcano is located on the hottest continent of the earth, glaciers were formed on Kilimanjaro slopes.

Among the Andes there was another volcano - Kotopakh, the language of local nationalities is translated as "Brilliant Mountain". The height of this volcano is 5911 meters. This is the second highest top in Ecuador.

This is quite an active volcano. Since the end of the XVIII century, more than 50 eruptions of the volcano of different intensity are recorded. As the sources were recorded, the most destructive eruption of the volcano in the history of its existence, the emission of ashes, sulfur and magma was released in 1768. The eruption products spread within a radius of 100 kilometers from the volcano.

Since 1940, the volcano has not shown activity, but in 2015 a strong volcano eruption occurred. Kotopakh is among the highest active mounds of the planet Earth. We advise you to look at the wonderful photos of the Kotopakh eruption in the article.

San Pedro

Another active volcano in South America is 6145 meters high on the border of Chile and Bolivia.

Watch the San Pedro volcano has become relatively recently, at the beginning of the last century. In 1903, the French-Chilean expedition was for the first time documented the eruption of the volcano, which occurred on July 16. In 1960, the volcano showed his last activity.

The volcano forms a kind of complex, connecting a high saddler with his senior twin-volcano San Pablo, a height of 6092 meters.

Mauna Loa

Mauna Loa compared to other relatively low, the top of the volcano is located at an altitude of 4169 meters above sea level. But it is this volcano that is the largest volcano in the world at its height. The thing is that his foot is deep under water. From the foot of the volcano to the top more than 10 km, which significantly exceeds the height of the highest mountain of the Earth - Everest.

In addition, Mauna Loa is one of the largest volcanoes in the area and the volume of its sole. Megavulkan, located on the island of Hawaii, has a volume, including its marine part, 75000 km³. This is one of those monsters that today threatens the existence of a whole city. Read more about it on the site in the article.

This volcano has been formed about 700 thousand years ago and until today remains valid. Since 1832, 39 eruptions have been recorded. One of the last eruptions in 1984 continued for a whole month.

For research and tracking the activities of Mauna Loa in 1912, a volcanic station was created. Her employees concluded that the world does not threaten the danger of the volcanic explosion.

Interesting legends associated with Mauna Loa and, located near the Mauna Kea volcano. Aborigines believe that Mauna Loa is one of the two sisters of Pele volcanoes. The second sister of Mauna Kea constantly competes with his sister, so strong winds constantly blow between volcanoes.

In the most dry place on Earth, on the border of Chile and Argentina, there is a huge volcano Lulylyalyako. Its height with a sole of 6739 meters. Statistics of geographical accounting informs us that Lewlyillo is the highest of existing volcanoes and the second in height of all volcanoes of the world.
Now Lulylialyako is relatively calm, only occasionally releasing the clouds of steam and sulfuric gases from their subsoil. The last strong eruption was recorded in 1877.

In 1952, climbers took the first attempt to climb Lulylialyako. During the rise of climbers discovered the ancient sanctuary of the Inca. Archaeologists were dragged to the volcano. In the course of archaeological works in 1999, 3 burials of children's mummies were opened, aged 3 to 14 years. As in most cases of such discoveries, the children were killed below and moved to the volcano as a victim of the gods. The age of the find is about 500 years old.

It is impossible to bypass the most famous volcanoes in the history of mankind. From school bench, we heard about such volcans like Vesuvius, Fujiima and Etna.

Vesuvius is a valid volcano located in southern Italy. Its height is 1281 meters. We have already written about it in our article about.

Nothing remarkable, if it were not for the eruption of Vesuviya on August 24, 79, when Magma and ash completely covered and destroyed the ancient Roman cities of Herculaneum, Pompeii, Non-Flonde and Villa Staby. The ashes of the volcano couldvat the time. Now, when excavations, scientists receive unique information about the life and life of Roman time.

Since 79, there have been 68 eruptions of different nature: from explosive to simply emission of steam from the crater and cleft on the slopes of Vesuvius.

One of the most beautiful mountains on the ground. Snowy top and right, cone-shaped, gentle outlines of the volcano, made it the most recognizable in the world.
Fujiyima is also a valid stratovancan height of 3776 meters. The last eruption was recorded in 1707 - 1708.

The mountain object of worship and reverence is not only among the Japanese, but also from Buddhists around the world. Tourists from all over the world ride thousands of kilometers to admire this miracle of nature. In July and August, the snow comes off from Fuji's slopes, and then pilgrims are attempting to climb the volcano.
Fuji's squeaken in verse, prose. Became the natural hero of many movies.

Etna volcano is known for the fact that this is the highest acting volcano of Europe, excluding Caucasian vertices. Ethna height - 3329 meters.

On the slopes of Etna, more than 300 craters are located, of which, two months from the subsoil of the volcano comes out and the lava is eructed. If you look into history and geological deposits at the volcano sole, it is proved that the first eruptions ethna began approximately 500,000 years ago.

The last eruption occurred in 2016. Because of the eruption of Etna, the government is evacuated by the population and close the airports of South Italy.

Recently, the Vulcan of Eyyafyadlaineekyudl, located on the island of Iceland, acquired great popularity. The sixth largest volcano of Iceland.
Despite the difficult-acting name and small size, this volcano is known to all residents of the world. The last eruption of the 2010 volcano, which was accompanied by a large emission of steam and ashes, paralyzed the air report of all Europe and the North of Africa.

By the way, the period of 2010 melted the glaciers in the crater of the volcano, formed in it even in ancient times.

The tallest volcano on the Earth of the Okhos del Salado is located in Andes. Its height is 6893 meters. Translated from Spanish, the name of the Volcano "Salt Eyes".

For the entire period of observation of the volcano, not a single eruption is recorded, so the volcano is considered extinct. But at the beginning of the middle of the twentieth century, small steam emissions were observed.

In 1937, Polish climbers conquered the top of the volcano. And on April 21, 2007, the Chilean Racer Gonzalo Bravo on the vehombus Sumurai car rose along the slope of the volcano to a height of 6,688 meters, which became the absolute world record.

Yellowstone caldera

Unlike other volcanoes, the Yellowstone caldera is a supervulkan. This definition for the volcano was entrenched since 2000. This is not a volcano in our usual understanding, but a volcanic hollow, where the lowest distance of the magma's exit relative to the surface of the Earth is observed. Simply put, this volcano is underground and in it canned a magma bubble in a depth of more than 8 thousand meters.

Yellowstone volcano is located in the North-West USA in the park of the same name. The dimensions of the bottom 55 are 72 km.

In recent years, Yellowstone Supervolkan has become an active discussion in the scientific world. The reason is that the volcano did not show the activity of 620 thousand years, and now there are signs of the awakening of Yellowstone. Previous eruptions drastically changed the appearance of the Earth and significantly changed the climate and the conditions of the existence of flora and fauna.

Scientists do not give an accurate answer when the volcano wakes up. But if this happens, his eruption can put on the line of existence all living on our planet. But Thebiggest is not found that this will not happen. Moreover, MNGIE scientists tend to think that now the whole excess energy Yellowstone "resets" with the help of geysers.

Massif Tama

The place that was previously considered simply hill at the Pacific Ocean, in 2013, made a lot of noise in a scientific environment. This "hill" turned out to be the largest underwater volcano on Earth. This is a special type of volcanoes, called thyroid. The slopes of such volcanoes are quite gentle, do not exceed 6-8 °. And the slopes of Tama generally have a slope of about 1 °.

It is located 1.6 thousand km in the east of the shores of Japan and is hidden under a two-kilometer water. The height of this extinct supervulkan is 4.5 km. From the foot to the top, but it has a very impressive area and volume.

Its area is about 260,000 km², which is comparable to the area of \u200b\u200bcountries such as New Zealand and the United Kingdom, and significantly exceeds the area of \u200b\u200bBelarus, Kyrgyzstan, Syria and Tunisia.

By area and volume volcano, Tama can be compared with the Martian record holder Olympus, which today is the highest well-known volcano in the solar system.

Scientists believe that the target of more than 140 million years ago, it is relatively long manifesting activity. But the scientific community does not exclude that other similar volcanoes may be found on our planet.


There are hundreds of existing and extinct volcanoes on Earth. Some of their eruptions are dangerous for the population living at his foot, others have long been extinct and became objects of tourist pilgrimage. Anyway, volcanoes are unique and unusual natural education on the earth's surface.

It seems that humanity has solved all the secrets that storing volcanoes in themselves, but every time, showing activity, they appear before us in a new light, without ceasing to surprise with their capabilities and power capable of destroying all living on Earth.