Hawaii - interesting facts. Aloha, Hawaii! Famous Hawaiian traditions and customs Interesting Facts about Hawaii

State capital: Honolulu
Official name: State of Hawaii (HI)
The largest city: Honolulu

Other major cities: Hilo, Kahului, Kuneoch, Caulua, Lihue, Pearl City.
Large islands: Hawaii, Kauai, Kaolawa, Lana, Maui, Nihau, Oahu.
State nicknames: Aloha.
State motto:Earth freedom is captured in virtue
State Education: 1959 (50th in order)

Hawaii, the youngest "young" from the North American states, is eight large islands - Kauai (Kauai), Oahu (Oahu), Molokai (Molokai), Lanai (Lanai), Maui (Maui), Nihau (Hiihau), Calhoolaw (Kalhloowe) And directly the island of Hawaii (which is also called a big island), as well as many small islands and atolls - total in the staff is 132 islands. "The fourth from the end" in size among the states of the country, Hawaii covers an area of \u200b\u200bsix thousand four hundred seventy square miles (of which there are few more than four thousand square miles on a large island).
The staff is located on the archipelago of the Pacific Ocean. On the islands there are operating volcanoes Mauna Loa and Kilauea. The climate is tropical, wet. Hawaiian islands have a beautiful nature with a tropical climate, and millions of tourists attract each year. Hawaii are a favorite holiday destination for Americans, thanks to the developed infrastructure and the presence of an innumerable set of hotels for every taste, probably there is no such American who, at least once in his life, did not order a tour to these beautiful islands.
The basis of the economy is tourism and services. On the islands there are many resorts, natural and historical attractions, including those belonging to the system of national parks. Strong industries: sugar and fruit and canned.
Official nickname state - The Aloha State. The word "aloha" has a Hawaiian origin and at the same time expresses greetings, sympathy, farewell, wishes of good and love. Most often pronounced as a greeting.
Hawaii, like Alaska, do not have common borders with any other continental states of the United States. Hawaii is the only state in the USA, which:

  • Not located in North America
  • Completely surrounded by the ocean
  • The whole is the archipelago in which coffee grows
  • Has a royal palace

Hawaii's population:

Population - 1 283 388 people (state for 2008), including:

  • hawaiians (26%),
  • americans and groups of European origin (23%),
  • metises (13%),
  • phillipins (9%),
  • chinese (5%),
  • japanese (1%), etc.

Such a national diversity of the population of Hawaii is due to the migration of workers (mainly collectors of sugar cane and pineapple) in the second half of the XIX century. Statistics show that 43% of citizens permanently residing in Hawaii were born somewhere else in other places.

Urban population of about 70%. Official language - English. Partially (in everyday life) are also preserved and national languages, including Hawaii.

History of Hawaii

For the first time, the islands were settled by Polynesians in the VI-III centuries BC. e. Back in the XVI century, Hawaii was visited by Spanish navigators, but they officially opened the expedition of the English captain James Cook, who called them Sandwich Islands (1778). Europeans found several state entities in the Hawaiian islands, which at the beginning of the XIX century merged into the United Kingdom.
The development of interest in the production of sugar cane led the United States at the end of the century to more active economic and political affects on the affairs of the archipelago. The local population, faced with from the outside infections, from which he did not have immunity, extinct: by the end of the century, about 30 thousand people were left from the 300-thousand Polynesian population.
In 1893, with the direct intervention of the United States, the Queen of Liliocalani was overthrown. A year later, the Republic of Hawaii was formed, which was directly dependent on the United States. From 1901 to 1902, the first President of the Hawaiian Islands Senate was Nikolai Sudzilovsky-Roussell, also known as Kauche Lukini (Canakian "Russian Doctor"), who during his position in office managed to conduct reforms in support of the calories, but could not resist influence The United States has been deprived of American citizenship for anti-American activities.
In 1908, the port of Pearl Harbor, since the end of the XIX century. The playing role of international, became the Base of the US Navy. The attack of Japanese aviation on this base on December 7, 1941 led the United States to join the second world war. On August 21, 1959, Hawaii received the status of the state (50th on the score).

Hawaii City Attractions:

Hawaii is the only state in the United States with the official local language. Despite the influx of tourists, many indigenous Hawaiians retain their customs and traditions.

All year round on the islands there are a variety of cultural events and festivals. This is completed by the grand festivals of Aloha Piq.

In fact, in Hawaii, only 2 years of year: the dry season from May to October, and the rainy season from October to April

Big Island (Big Island) - the most east and largest island in Hawaii

Capital of Hawaii - Honolulu. It can be viewed on both sides: the business and historical area of \u200b\u200bthe center of Honolulu and the most famous resort of Vaikiki

In the central part of the city, which is at the beginning of the XIX century. The trading port, on a relatively small area, combined Japanese temples, tower of skyscrapers, home missionaries in Novoangali style, the Royal Palace and a fussy Chinatown with his road junctions and fish markets.

The magnificent Palace of Iolaan in Victorian style, built in 1882, the Palace was the only one in the USA, which was intended to stay King David Kalakaua, after which he lived in the King's sister, Queen Liliocalani, who had ruled two years before the overthrow of the monarchy in 1893 . Now in the palace with his luxurious interior and a ladder from a tree co.purchasing movies

Kavaihao Church, built from coral blocks in 1842, by the time when a rather significant number of local influential persons was addressed by American missionaries in Christianity. The portraits of Hawaiian monarchs are located on the upper church gallery, most of whom were baptized here, the applied and crowned.

The Bishop Museum is considered one of the best museums in the world, which tells about Polynesian culture. The museum was created by the American businessman Charles Bishop to preserve the royal family values \u200b\u200bof his wife, Hawaiian princess.

Pearl Harbor is a parking lot of warships, as well as military museums and memorials. The most famous is the memorial of the ship of the American Navy "Arizona", which is located on board the vessel with the same name, dried on December 7, 1941 during the Japanese bombardment.

Kauai (Kauai) - The most ancient island of the archipelago, having a volcanic origin
Brown vegetation, white beaches, so harmony with them Turquoise waters of the ocean attract newlyweds seeking to find a place like a paradise corner on Earth.

Fantastic landscapes have long been attracted to the island of the attention of Hollywood producers.
It is on the northern coast of Kauai that they shot such classic ribbons as "South of the Pacific Ocean" and "In Search of Lost Ark."

Not the entire island area is covered with forests.
In its southern and western parts, the sunny beaches with white sand stretch, ideally suitable for water sports and relaxing by the sea.
NIIHAU (Niihau) - The most western eight of the Hawaiian Islands. A visit to the island is limited due to the fact that it is the property of individuals.<

Peninsula Kalaupapa. Here is the National Historical Park Kalaupapa.

In 1865, when leprosy threatened with the extinction of Hawaiians, the peninsula referred to the sick.
Now this park is considered a memorial. Next patients came here in 1969

  • In Hawaii, your own time zone, Hawaiian standard time (HST). There is no transition to the summer / winter time, which means that in the summer in the summer time lags behind two hours from the time of the western coast of the United States, and in the winter - for three hours.
  • In Hawaii, 4 districts: Honolulu, Kauai, Maui and Hawaii (large island).
  • Hawaiian alphabet consists of only 12 letters: 5 vowels (A, E, I, O, U) and 7 consonants (H, K, L, M, N, P, W).
  • Hawaii is the only state whose territory is constantly increasing (due to volcanic eruptions).
  • Hawaii is the only state of the United States, where white people are in the minority.
  • In Hawaii, the highest percentage of working women among all US states (more than 63% in 2003).
  • In no any place, the Earth did not disappear so much species of birds, as in Hawaii: 26 species have already become extinct and 27 are threatened with disappearance due to changes in their natural habitat, cutting down forests, mangoshos and humans.
  • There is no snake in Hawaii.
  • The bird reserve to the north-west of Kauai island is the largest reserve of this kind.
  • In Hawaii, a newspaper is published with the most long history among all regions located west of the Rocky Mountains - "Sandwich Island Gazette" (1836-1839).
  • The longest volcanic eruption in Hawaii lasted 867 days.
  • In Hawaii, there is the largest number of married couples who divide their housing with other couples, among all US states. This happens, in many ways, due to the fact that in Hawaii the lowest percentage of homeowners.
  • The average life expectancy in Hawaii is the longest in the US: it is 75 years old for men, for women - 80 years.
  • In Hawaii, the longest number of people with overweight among all US states are living: about 19, 7% suffer from excess weight (on the continent, the number of similar people reaches 30%).

Reliable laws of Hawaii

  • If you live in Hawaii and you have no boat, you can be fined
  • Cannot be covered with coins in the ears
  • In the public park it is forbidden to pester to birds
  • In Hawaii, advertising posters on the roads and public places are prohibited.

1. Hawaiian Islands - one of the geographically remote islands on Earth. From the territory of the United States, they are separated by 3,700 km.

Mauna Kea volcano (4205 m) can be considered the highest mountain on the planet, if it is measured from the foot of the ocean. Most of the mountain is under water, when measuring height from the oceanium, it is 10203 meters, which is higher than that of Everest.

In 1935, Amelia Erhart made the first single flight from the Hawaiian Islands in California, which lasted 18 hours. When trying to make such a long single flight, so many pilots died that the special decision of the US government, all attempts were eventually prohibited, but Erhart achieved a special permission.

The territory around the Vaileal volcano is considered the most wet place on Earth. On the slopes of this volcano on average, 11,684 mm precipitation falls in the form of rain. In 1982, a record was registered on it: then 16,916 mm fell on the Vaialale. Due to the permanent rains, the top of the volcano is usually hidden either in a dense fog or in a haze.

The Palace of Iolani - the former residence of Hawaiian monarchs in the center of Honolulu is the only Royal Palace in the United States. In 1978, he opened for tourists as a museum, and before that for 80 years was used to accommodate the Hawaiian government.

The territory of the Hawaiian Islands lives a third of the total number of disappearing types of animals of the United States.

Residents of the Hawaiian Islands every year eating more than 6 million canned SPAM ham cannon.

At the highest peaks of Hawaii lies snow.

The top of the Mauna Kea volcano is ideal for astronomical observations. Here are NASA telescopes and observatory of different countries.

In the Hawaiian Islands there was a special system of religious law (KAPU), concluded in the system of prohibitions, for whose violation there was a cruel punishment or even death. But there was a way to avoid punishment: for this it was necessary to get to Puzhonua, special asylum, in which all his sins said to the violator.

Kilauea is one of the most active acting volcanoes on Earth. The last eruption of the volcano began on January 3, 1983 and continues until now.

Hawaiian Islands take more than 6 million tourists each year who spend $ 11 billion here.

During World War II, Kaolaw Island was used as a training base for soldiers and marines of the United States. In training purposes, the island was subjected to bombardments that continued after the end of the Second World War. The US naval forces stopped exercises on the island only by 1990, and in 1994 he was transferred to the jurisdiction of Hawaii.

The Mountain Array of Koyanu on Oahu Island was used to shoot a set of films and TV shows, such as the Park of the Jurassic period and Lost.

One of the longest words in Hawaii: Humuhumunukunukuapua'a, so here they call the fish corrugated spinorog.

On the site of the famous Vaikiki Beach until the 1920s was a swampy area. Sand covered here from California until the 70s. Recovery work is carried out regularly to this day, since sand from the beach is washed away during the low tide.

Along the north shores of Milk Island, the highest coastal rocks in the world are drawn.

Every year on June 11 in Hawaii, the main holiday is celebrated - the day of King Cameoch. At the beginning of the beginning of the century, the Hawaiian king of Kameohameha I was some kind of cunning, a completely peaceful Hawaiian manner managed to unite the scattered islands into a single Hawaiian state.

Already soon a new island will appear in the Hawaii archipelago. According to the calculations of scientists, the underwater wing of the right will reach the surface in 250,000 years. Its peak is located 980 meters from the surface of the ocean.

The average life expectancy in Hawaii is the largest in the United States: it is 75 years old for men, for women - 80.

World of travel


17.07.15 12:30

A great place for family holidays or a honeymoon is the fiftieth American Hawaii state. "Constellation" of isolated islands, always warm crystal purity water, amazing beaches, friendly people, wonderful flowers - here, perhaps, all the most common knowledge about this paradise. Oh yes! Even there most of the series "Stay alive"! Recall other, no less interesting, facts about Hawaii.

Single island staff

This is the only island state of America: 132 islands (but only eight of them are considered the mainstream) are surrounded by the Pacific Ocean. In addition, this is the southernmost state, it is almost all located in the tropics.

Hawaii boasts the largest volcano on the planet, it is called Maun Loa.

The staff amazes ethnic diversity. Here you rarely meet the Americans with European roots, mostly Asians live here (Japanese, Polynesians, Chinese, Philipins). National language Two - English and Hawaiian.

75% of the population focused on the largest island of Oahu. Another main Hawaiian Island is Maui.


The most tourist island is also Oahu, the state capital, Honolulu, is also located.

We all heard a Hawaiian greeting many times ("Aloha"), they are used here and as "Hello", and as "goodbye." Translated, it means "compassion", "love".

The post of President of the United States is now the only one of all American rulers, not born on the continental part of the state. Barack Obama appeared on the light in Hawaii.

AIDS, abortion and ... Pineapples

Here is such a sad fact about Hawaii: the very first case of AIDS infection was registered here. In the spring of 1978, the diagnosis was made by a 50-year-old woman who soon died.

Hawaii became pioneers to legalize abortions. It happened in the 1970s. The abortion was allowed in extreme cases: incest, rape or in the threat of mother's life.

Hotly beloved by many surfing was invented in Hawaii - almost 10 centuries ago!

A third of all world supplies of pineapples - "Rod" from Hawaii.

And also is the only state of the United States in which coffee grows.

Sacred Animal and Flute for Nose

Hawaiian Islands boast the highest life lifespan: 82.5 - for women, 77.1 - for men. By the way, in ancient times the weight of a woman was most appreciated: how thicker, the more beautiful!

Indigenous Hawaiians consider shark to the sacred animals, they relate to them with a large pitue.

In Hawaii, a bamboo flute is invented for ... nose. The fact is that the locals considered the nose cleaner - after all, the mouth can be erupting the streams of Brahi!

Cockpikes and ban on coconuts

The cracked fact about Hawaii: when Christian missionaries landed on the island (it was in the first half of the XIX century), it turned out that Hawaiian women easily get rid of the newborn, if there were too many mouths in the family (or if he was disabled).

When the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, more than 2400 Hawaiians died. This day is still considered one of the saddest pages in the history of the islands.

Ancient Hawaiians shared society into classes. The lower layers could be sacrificed, the group next to rank was called "simple people." Women in this category could not eat fish, coconuts and bananas, they could execute.

Lunny Landscape and Fauna Fauna

In 1960, the astronauts were taught here, which were supposed to land on the moon: lava fields look like the surface of the Earth's satellite.

These islands are record holders on endangered fauna representatives. So, almost all "local" feathers are on the verge of extinction.

At the same time, Hawaii is the most isolated place on the ground surface.

by Notes of wild mistress

Do you know that…

Hawaii call the "island of colors". Like such countries as Colombia, Uganda and Thailand, Hawaii are famous for rich flora with a huge variety of local and exotic species. There are many orchids and rare plants, such as plumery, silver sword and a candle tree. Of course, a record number of gardens is divorced in Hawaii. Yellow Hibiscus is considered the national flower of Hawaii.

Do you know that…

pearl of the Pacific Ocean, or Hawaii, is one of the most beautiful places on Earth. It is known by the wealth of marine life and nine clean beaches.

Do you know that…

Hawaii - Motherland Surfing. This sport was invented by the kings and leaders. In the 18th century, Hawaiians called their sport "He'e Nalu" (that translated means "slide on the waves"). Currently, it is popular in South Africa, Cape Verde, Barbados, Peru, South Africa, Australia and the USA. Unlike other sports, windsurfing is not yet included in the Olympic Games Program.

Do you know that…

king Cameohameha I (Kamehameha i) left a bright track in Hawaiian history. In 1795, he united the islands.

Do you know that…

in Hawaii, there were two queens, as well as in Egypt (Hachepsut and Cleopatra), Madagascar (Ranalon I and Ranalon III) and Ethiopia (Utisro Taitu and Yudik Menetic). In 1823, the Queen Haiti became Kaahumanu. The name of the Second Queen - Liliocalan (Liliuokalani). She came to power in 1891. She was a passionate nationalist. However, its government in 1893 suffered defeat.

Do you know that…

hawaiian alphabet consists of only 12 letters: a, e, h, i, k, l, m, n, o, p, u, w. For example: AE (yes), Ala (road), aole (no), Hale (house), Hana (work), Haole (Alien), Hele Mai (Come here), Hoomalimali, Huhu (angry), Hula (Dance), Kai (Sea), Kane (person), Kapu (Forbidden), Kaukau (Food), Keiki (Child), Ko (Sugar), Mahalo (Thank you), Mahimahi (Delicious Fish), Maikai (Beautiful), Manu (Bird), Mauna (Mountain), Moana (Ocean), Nani (Beautiful), OE (you), NUI (Big) and Aloha (Welcome, Friendship, goodbye and love).

Do you know that…

in the 1980s, Hawaiian clothing has entered the world fashion fashion - Aloha skirt and sports shirts with an exotic pattern. Hawaiian shirts wore such superstars like Richard Gir (Richard Gere), Bob Barker, Timothy Hutton, Jack Nicholson (Paul Newman).

Do you know that…

Hawaii - the birthplace of many famous people, such as: singer and actress Ivonne Marianne Elliman, Actress Tia Carrera (Tia Carrera), Archaeologist Hyram Bingham (Hiram Bingham), Singer and actress Bett Midler (Bette Midler), Actress Nicole Kidman (Nicole Kidman), Betty Jones dancer (Betty Jones), athlete Keila O'Sullivan (Keala O'sullivan), Miss USA and Miss Universe-1997 Brooke Maelia Li. (Brooke Mahealani Lee), Actor Don Ho (Don Ho), Athlete Duke Cahanamoku, Athlete Samuel Kahanamoku (Samuel Kahanamoku), athlete Warren Keloha (Warren Kealoha), Singer and songwriter Jack Johnson, The singer of Camakawiwo'ole (Israel Kamakawiwo'ole), model and actress Christina Anapaau (Kristina Anpau), actor Andy Paul (Andy Bumatai), as well as model and actress Kelly Hu (Kelly Hu).

Do you know that…

in the 18th century Bernice Pauhi Bishop (Bishop (Bishop) was supposed to become a princess of Hawaii, but she did not accept this title. She sacrificed money and time for charitable goals. She died in 1884. Bernis Bishop is considered to be a national Hawaiian heroine.

Do you know that…

The motto of Hawaii - "UA Ma Ke Ea O Ka Aina I Ka Pono" ("The life of the country is perpetuated in justice").

Do you know that…

Hawaii, along with Iceland, New Zealand and Taiwan, are among the islands with the highest industry, but despite this, they have a wealth of nature and a subtle sense of beauty.

Do you know that…

Machu Picchu is one of the most famous ancient monuments of Latin America. The ruins of this city of Inca were opened by the Hawaiian archaeologist Hiram Bingham in 1911.

Do you know that…

Duke Kakhanamoku (the full name of Duke Paoa Kahinu Mokoe Hulikohola Kahanamoku) was one of the best US $ 20th century athletes. He was born on August 24, 1890 in the Hawaiian city of Honolulu. For all his swimmer's career, from 1912 to 1920, he never drove the pace. He died on January 22, 1968 in Honolulu. Duke Kahanamoka is included in the American Olympic Hall of Fame.

For many tourists, the best place is Hawaii - the state of the country, the fiftieth in order of entry into the state. This happened in the summer of 1959. After joining the islands, the active growth of the economy began, as well as an increase in the population, which in 2015 amounted to about one and a half million people.


On the map (photo below) it can be seen that the islands are located in the center of the Pacific Ocean, to remove from 3,700 km. Their area is - 28 311 km. sq. On the island of Hawaii there are active volcanoes Kilaowa and Mauna Loa, as well as the sleeping volcano Mauna Kea (4205 m).

Hawaii is considered the fastest growing plot of land, which is a consequence of volcanic activity. Thanks to the peculiarities of local soils, which practically do not hold moisture, there are almost no lakes in the state. Exceptions are Halulu, UAIU, as well as Ka Loko reservoir.

How many islands in Hawaii?

It consists of 8 major islands in the south-east of the archipelago in the center of the Pacific Ocean:

  • Kauai.
  • Nihau.
  • Milk.
  • Oahu.
  • Lana.
  • Kaolawa.
  • Maui.
  • Hawaii.

This is not all archipelago islands, but the staff is associated with them, since the total area of \u200b\u200bthe remaining 124 islands is only about eight square kilometers.

The largest island of the archipelago - Hawaii (on the map it can be seen). In order to avoid confusion with names, it is often called a big island. Its area is 10,432 km. sq. Hawaii - US state (only), which:

  • located not in North America;
  • it is completely surrounded by the ocean;
  • is the archipelago;

Capital state

Honolulu is a city located on Oahu Island, which is part of the archipelago, the capital of Hawaii. This name can be translated as a "secluded bay." In this area, the first settlements appeared in 1100 of our era. Surprisingly, for a long time, European Courts, which were held from North America to Asia, did not notice the islands and their inhabitants.

Only in the fall of 1794, the ship Butterworth (Britain), who led Captain William Brown, went to the bay (later she was called Honolulu). Then Brown called it otherwise - "Clean Harbor". Later, she was renamed Brown's bay in honor of its opener.

Today Honolulu is the center of Hawaii, a modern city with magnificent skyscrapers, convenient infrastructure, numerous offices, restaurants, shops.

On the outskirts of the city there is a famous sandy beach of Vaikiki. Weak waves create conditions for surfing. Nowadays, the popular center of sailing sports is located here. Hawaii, the attractions of which invariably attract the attention of tourists, thousands of guests from all over the world annually. We will tell about some of them in this article.

Hawaii: Attractions. Museum Bishop.

The building of this museum was built in 1889 on Oahu Island and is one of its main monuments. The structure is made in the romance style, which in those days was very popular on the islands. The feature of the building is the narrow arched windows located on the facade, and a number of doric columns that support the seaside entrance. At first view, the museum is very reminiscent of the stone medieval castle.

The museum's exposition is the largest collection of scientific artifacts and Polynesian cultural exhibits. In addition, here you can see the exhibition of insects, which consists of almost fourteen million copies. The permanent exhibition of Hawaiiana culture is especially popular.

The archive is located on the territory of the museum, in which the results of studies conducted by the staff of this institution in the Pacific Basin are collected. These are the most valuable manuscripts, artwork, photos and commercial cards and sound recordings.

Hawaiian Theater.

Today, many of our compatriots acquire tours in Hawaii. No wonder. Here you can combine a beautifully organized beach holiday with sightseeing. And see here there is something.

For example, the Hawaiian Theater is a beautiful majestic building built in 1922. It is located in the very center of the capital. The building is included in the national register of historical monuments of the United States. A neoclassical style theater is built, according to the project of architects W. Emory and M. Webba. The local press calls him no other than the "pride of the ocean".

This theater was originally built not only for performances and performances, but also for watching movies. After some time, he began to lose popularity. As a result, in 1984 it was closed. Five years later, it was decided to reconstruct it. After fully updating the interior, the theater opened its doors for the audience in 1996. Now he is popular again and in demand. There are various concerts, performances, shows.

Monument to James Cuku.

Hawaii - the state that his current position is obliged to captain James Cook, who is considered to be the discoverer of these lands. As evidenced by historical documents, he became the first resident of the West, which pulled into this land.

The monument to the Great Marithener is installed in the center of Vaima. It is an accurate copy of the sculpture that is located in his hometown of Whitby (England). A memorable board indicates the place where he was killed.

Zoo Honolulu

Today, almost all travel agencies of our country can offer to their customers tours in Hawaii. True, such a journey cannot be called budget. For example, a ticket to Hawaii for 11 days on two people will cost you from 184 thousand rubles. However, if you do not bother such a price, feel free to go on the journey. Surely you got the impressions for a long time.

But back to the sights of the state. If you bring here to visit, visit the Zoo Honolulu. It is necessary to know that this is the only institution of this type not only on the islands, but also in the USA, which was created on the royal land. It was officially opened in 1877, at 300 acres of swampy lands. The zoo became part of the Royal Park of Kapiolani.

In 1914, Ben Hollinger became the first director of the park, which began to actively collect animals around the world. The first inhabitants were bear, a monkey, an African elephant. His second birth Zoo Honolulu celebrated in 1984, when the government developed a plan for a tropical zoo, which included exhibits of three zones: Asian and American rainforest, tropical zone of the Pacific Islands and African Savannah.

Today more than a thousand animals, reptiles, amphibians and birds live here. You will be able to see tigers and lions, dictums and giraffes, rhinos and elephants, hippopots and monkeys, crocodiles and turtles. Restaurants, souvenir shops and even market work on the territory of the modern park.

Crater diamond head

Hawaii - USA, which is famous for its natural attractions. One of them, undoubtedly, is he is in the east of Oahu. His name is translated from Hawaiian as "Lob Tuna". His English name, hesitated after him at the end of the XVIII century, when the British navigators discovered here Calcite crystals, which they mistakenly accepted for diamonds.

According to volcanogov, the crater diamond head was formed about 150 thousand years ago, after a powerful eruption. Its diameter is 1,100 meters, and the maximum height is 250 meters.

In 1898, defensive structures were located in the crater (Fort Rager). A few years later at the highest point of the crater, the supervisory point was established and the command complex (four-level). Through the wall of the crater, the tunnel was two hundred meters long. To protect the island from attacks, a cannonal battery was built.

National Park "Hawaiian Volcanoes"

Hawaii - the state of the United States, which amazes the scale and magnitude of natural monuments. An example of this is this famous National Park. There are several volcanoes on its territory, the most famous of them - Loa, Maun and Kilauea (the last one is the youngest of them, he is a little over a hundred years).

People learned about this amazing place only at the end of the last century. Its area is more than 1,500 square kilometers. Travelers can see the frozen lava here, which accumulated in these places for 70 million years.

Nature in the park is diverse - here tourists will definitely show the dead desert Kau and tropical thickets. In addition to volcanoes, in this park there are many caves that appear due to the movement of the lava. For tourists, pedestrian walks are organized here, you can visit excursions by car or plane.

Beach Sunset Beach

Despite the huge number of historical and cultural attractions, they are most famous for Hawaii (US state) with their amazing beach holidays. There are many amazing beaches. One of them is Sunset Beach - located in the north of Oahu Island. This is the ocean beach of huge sizes. He is known primarily for his huge waves that appear here mainly in winter. For this reason, he was chosen surfers from around the world.

However, for beginners in this sport, Sunset Beach can be dangerous. This is due to extensive coral formations that are close to the surface of the water. Inexperienced surfist here can be injured.

Climatic conditions on this beach are changing depending on the season. The main competitions in surfing are held here only in winter, because at this time (December and January) the wave height reaches the maximum. The beach is covered with a small white sand. Nearby is a picturesque park, in which palm trees and curly lianas grow.

Black Beach Punalu

And one more place amazes all coming to Hawaii (US). This is the famous black beach. An amazing place where tourists can see the big turtles very close. The beach covers unusual for us. Such a color gives him local volcanoes. They spew lava, which then falls into the ocean water and is thrown ashore as a basalt crumb.

On this beach, you can walk, but not everyone is solved here - the water is rather cool due to sources with cold fresh water drowning under the ocean. It is categorically forbidden to carry sand from the beach. It is impossible to disturb the "local residents" - the turtles that the state is protected. One touch to them may threate your problems with representatives of the State Law. Locals are convinced that everyone who is destroyed and take a turtle in the hands, will cause anger of the volcanic goddess Pele.