When is the celestial lanterns festival in Thailand? Festival of heavenly lanterns in Chiang May Festival of Heavenly Lanterns Yi Peng in Thailand.

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The festival of heavenly lamps or the Festival of Chinese Lanterns is an annual international festival. During this festival, paper lights are launched into the air, which are traditionally used in some Asian cultures. To watch this amazing spectacle in the cities where such festivals are held, thousands of tourists from around the world come out.

Heavenly lanterns are constructed from specially lubricated rice paper attached to a bamboo frame. Inside the flashlight there are small candles or fuel cell, consisting of combustible materials. When candles or elements are burning, the flame heats the air inside the flashlight, thus reducing its density, which makes the flashlight rise into the sky. The flashlight is in the sky while the candle is burning, and then he goes down to the ground. The first mention of the use of such lanterns is dated iii century to our era.

The traditional launch of heavenly lamps can be found in three states: China, Taiwan and Thailand. In China, the lanterns are included in such festivals as a mid-autumn festival is also known for the name of the holiday of the Moon or the Zhongsyu festival. Traditionally, the festival is held on the 15th day of the eighth months on the Chinese calendar, as a rule, this is the end of September or the beginning of October in the Gregorian calendar. A similar festival also spend Thais and Vietnamese.

The Festival of Loi Kratong is traditionally celebrated in the city of Chiang Mai, which is in the north of Thailand. This festival is held in the full moon of twelfth month in the lunar Thai calendar, in full moon in the second month old style of Lanna, simply speaking, on the Western calendar this month November. This festival is very popular, thousands of crowds from all over the world come here every year to worship the goddess of water and run heavenly lanterns.

There are a lot of festivals in these countries where you can find the traditional trigger of heavenly lamps, but these two festivals are considered the most popular.

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Essentially highly popular both by the local population and in numerous tourists. And if the Thaissels themselves prefer to launch the Khua Loy (so heavenly lanterns call local residents) during major holidays in the country, then tourists are ready to do this at any time of the year. Once heavenly lanterns in Thailand performed a purely practical role - allowed to transmit signals over long distances, but for many years Khua Loy perform a completely different role in the life of Thais, which is no less important and interesting.

Festival of Heavenly Lanterns in Thailand

This bright and romantic holiday arose in Thailand many centuries ago, back in the thirteenth century. At the same time, it should be known that for the Thais themselves, the launch in the night sky of paper lanterns Khua Loy is not just a beautiful tradition, but also a ritual filled with deep meaning. Thais sincerely believe that in the process of launching the flashlight, they purify the soul and get the opportunity to hear the voices of their dead ancestors. Many Thai is confident that with the help of heavenly flashlight, family bonds can be strengthened, and in some cases - and resurrected the faded feelings of love between a man and a woman.

The fire of the Heavenly Flashlight for many centuries symbolizes the cleansing of the soul, and the flight itself in the sky itself - the desire for the highest. Launcing heavenly flashlight, Thais symbolically send with him all their accumulated problems and adversity and hope that only bright and good feelings and thoughts will take place in their life. Before the launch of the heavenly flashlight, Thais often utter a prayer and make a desire that can be expressed mentally or write on a piece of paper. Such a piece of paper with wishes and requests are placed inside the sky lantern and send ahead to be more likely to be.

Thailand Buddhist Country, so care for needing and improving your own karma is always the most important values \u200b\u200bfor Thais. There are often cases when the money of Thailand is placed inside the lantern - bills and coins that are designed to help those who have found a flashlight descended to earth. Since the tradition of the launch of heavenly lanterns is most common in the north of Thailand, where the lanterns fall on the ground, and do not fall into the sea, the locals often find the local residents and remember the people who sent them in their prayers.

Unlike other regions of the country, Khua Loy in the northern provinces it is customary to be launched not only during the holiday and Thai New Year Songkran, but also during other local and national holidays. The greatest popularity of heavenly lanterns enjoy the Chiang May region, near which the International Status of the Festival of Heavenly Lanterns is held every year. Yi Pang.

For this, thousands of tourists come to San Sai (Sansai) town, who are thousands of lanterns in one day together with local residents. The spectacle is obtained extraordinary, which you can make sure looking at the photo posted in the article. However, the live is still brighter, more fun and romantic. Therefore, during Festival of Heavenly Lanterns in Thailand Everywhere hovers the atmosphere of love, heat and universal happiness. However, there is nothing surprising in this, because it is simply impossible to experience bad emotions, looking at thousands of artificial stars in the sky, who awaken faith only in all the lightest and kind.

Instructions for the launch of heavenly lanterns

Currently buying and launching a heavenly flashlight in Thailand can anyone. These lanterns are served everywhere and cost inexpensively even in tourist areas. Just ask in any store where you can buy a Khua Loy (or Lanternn, as you also call the heavenly lanterns) and you will definitely prompt. Often in resort cities and on the islands of Khua Loi can be purchased directly on the beaches in the stray traders. The cost of one flashlight in this case will be from 100 to 150 baht, although sometimes you can buy and somewhat cheaper (for example, for 60 baht). By the way, even with help you can see that the heavenly lanterns are launched on the beaches quite often.

For the manufacture of Thai celestial lanterns, thin washed-free or rice paper is used, which is stretched on a light bamboo frame with a burner at the bottom. The launch technology itself in the sky paper lantern is very simple, so even children can cope with her, especially if they show at least once, how to do it. Of course, children should do it anyway under adult supervision. Below is an instruction on the launition of heavenly lanterns in Thailand and the safety councils are given when starting Khua Loy.

- Before launching the heavenly flashlight, it is necessary to pick up for this suitable place. Of course, it is necessary to do it exclusively outdoors, at a distance of at least 20 meters (and better even more) from high trees, buildings, power lines and other objects that can put normal launch. It must be taken into account the direction of the wind.

- Find a partner who will help with the launch. With some practice and dexterity, it is quite possible to launch in a lonely in a smoothie, but you are still preferable, especially if there are winds. Together, launches are more fun and romantic, if it comes to launching a lantern in love with a couple.

- So how are sold heavenly lanterns in Thailand In folded form, before launching them, it is necessary to neatly deploy, trying not to damage thin paper, and fill with air, just as it is done with conventional polyethylene packages.

- Next, the compact burner installed in the center of the celestial lantern should be ignited, the role of which is performed or special dry fuel (sometimes you need to attach with wire yourself) or the wax ring. Doing it better at the distance of an elongated hand, trying to keep your face away from the fire and not leaning over it. Make sure that the flames covers the entire burner.

- As the lantern filling the warm air, it will gradually straighten up, at this time Khua Loy should be accurately carried out for the hoop. Launcing flashlight in the wind conditions, you can keep it closer to the level of land, in several centimeters in the process of filling it with warm air. It will not give the wind to blew fire.

- When the heavenly flashlight in Thailand will fill with hot air, you will feel that he became weightless. This means that the flashlight is ready for flight. Clean the desire and carefully release it into the sky.

- It remains to keep track of how the flashlight gradually flies upwards, carrying out your desire to the sky, which will be fulfilled. The flight of the celestial lantern often lasts more than half an hour, so be patient. Or, launch a couple more in the sky, after all, the more the more fun and festive.

Sometimes it happens that your heavenly flashlight can not climb over the ground for a long time or in a short time after launching falls to the ground. This means that your desire turned out to be an unbearable burden for a flashlight and he fell under his weight. In such a situation, you should adjust your wish and try to launch heavenly lantern in Thailand again.

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The tradition of launching heavenly lanterns is called Yi Peng, she came from Burma and secured in Northern Thailand.

1. Many festivals and holidays of modern Thailand are connected with the worship of the spirits and the forces of nature. One of them is usually held in November, on the night of the 12th lunar month in the north of Thailand, in the city of Chiang Mai. (Photo by Athit Perawongmetha | Reuters):

2. This is a very spectacular and beautiful holiday, which consists in mass allowing burning lanterns into the sky, as a sign of respect for the gods. (Photo by Athit Perawongmetha | Reuters):

3. At this time, thousands of burning lanterns rise to the sky, some very large size, which are majestically and slowly floating, illuminating the night sky with many lights. (Photo by Athit Perawongmetha | Reuters):

4. Running heavenly lantern, you need to make a desire. Thais believe that the flashlight will take him to the gods and it will surely come true. To see this fiery show and make a wish, many foreign tourists come to Chiang Mai. (Photo by Athit Perawongmetha | Reuters):

5. Lanterns are made of rice paper, it looks particularly beautiful in the black sky. (Photo by Athit Perawongmetha | Reuters):

7. Some lanterns festival Yi Peng is not limited. These are monks with candles in the city of Chiang Mai, November 14, 2016. (Photo by Athit Perawongmetha | Reuters):

8. (Photo by Athit Perawongmetha | Reuters):

9. Monks in the temple. (Photo by Athit Perawongmetha | Reuters):


The Festival of Heavenly Lanterns Yi Peng in the province of Chiang May in Thailand has the status of an international event, and attracts the attention of the many guests of the country. A colorful representation causes delight, admiration and unforgettable impressions in the hearts of local residents and relaxing lovers in the exotic, unique kingdom of ancient cultures and national customs.

History of the festival of heavenly lanterns

In the ancient times, lanterns, which in Thailand are called Khua Fao, were used to transmit long distances. Over time, their function has acquired a completely different meaning that plays an important role in the lives of the local population. Festival of lanterns in the largest province of Thailand Chiang May is a bright, romantic, unforgettable holiday, the history of whose appearance originates in the XIII century.

For local residents, launching into the sky is a light bamboo structure, covered with thin wool tuet or rice paper, with a burner at the bottom is considered a special ritual filled with deep meaning.

Celebration of the festival of heavenly lanterns

During his holding, the souls are cleansing, and the opportunity to hear the voices of the departed ancestors appears. Launched in the sky lanterns, endowed with magic properties, are capable of, in the opinion of local residents, strengthen family bonds and fill the relationship of married couples with new notes.

Flying in Khua Loy is associated with the desire for excellence. Together with the flashlight, problems, diseases, adversity of Thais, who launch hopes for improving their lives, the appearance of bright, kind thoughts and feelings appear in it.

During the launch of the bamboo frame, covered with rice or taut paper, the locals are ofpiring prayers, they make a desire and believe in his execution in the near future.

Traditions of the festival of heavenly lanterns

The day full moon of the eleventh month in the lunar calendar determines the date of the festival of Heavenly Lanterns Yi Peng in the Thailand Province of Chiang May. Anyone can become a member of the festive event.

To participate in the festival you need to buy a flashlight, light it and let go, sending up and fading a desire. During the presentation, thousands of people are collected on the square and at the same time launch Khuy Loi into the night sky. Mysterious, fabulous atmosphere causes indescribable sensations.

During the festival, costumed processions, performances of street artists, concerts, contests are also held. At the end of the holiday, colorful fireworks are launched into the sky.

The Festival of Heavenly Lanterns Yi Peng in Thailand is an original, colorful holiday, creating an atmosphere of positive emotions, a wonderful mood and inspiring on the sincere faith in the beautiful, happy future of all his participants!

Festival of heavenly lanterns [video]