The deepest sweep on the ground. Where is the deepest place in the world? Secrets, riddles and legends

Mariana Wpadina (or Marian chute) is the deepest location of the earth's surface. It is located on the western outskirts of the Pacific Ocean 200 kilometers east of the Mariana Archipelago.

Paradoxically, but about the secrets of the cosmos or mountain peaks, humanity knows much more than about ocean depths. And one of the most mysterious and unexplored places of our planet is just a Marian chute. So what do we know about him?

Mariana Wpadina - the bottom of the world

In 1875, the team of the British Corvette "Challenger" found a place in the Pacific Ocean, where there was no bottom. A kilometer for a kilometer of a rope of lot went overboard, but the bottom was not! And only at a depth of 8184 meters, the rope shutter stopped. So the deepest underwater slot on Earth was opened. She was unarked by a Mariana chute, named nearby islands. Its form (in the form of a crescent) and the location of the deepest site, called the "abyss of the Challenger", was determined. It is located 340 km south of the GUAM island and has coordinates of 11 ° 22 's. Sh., 142 ° 35 'in. d.

The "fourth pole", "the womb of gay", the "bottom of the world" is called this deep-water depression since then. Ocean scientists have tried to learn its true depth for a long time. Studies of different years have given different meanings. The fact is that on such a tremendous depth, the density of water increases as it approaches the bottom, therefore the properties of sound from the echo sounder are also changing. Applying barometers and thermometers at different levels together with echo sounds, in 2011 it was set to depth in the "challenger challenge" 10994 ± 40 meters. This is the height of Mount Everest plus two more kilometers from above.

Pressure at the bottom of the submarine cleft is almost 1100 atmospheres, or 108.6 MPa. Most of the deep-water devices are designed for the maximum depth of 6-7 thousand meters. During the time that has passed since the discovery of the deepest canyon, it was possible to achieve successfully only four times.

In 1960, the deep-water batisysf "Trieste" for the first time in the world went down to the most bottom of the Mariana depressure in the area "Challenger's abyss" with two passengers on board: Lieutenant US Navy Don Walche and Swiss Oceanographer Jacques Picar.

Their observations made it possible to make an important conclusion about the presence of life at the bottom of the canyon. The opening of the rising water current also had an important environmental significance: based on it, the nuclear powers refused to be burial at the Day of the Mariana failure of radioactive waste.

In the 90s, the chute explored the Japanese unmanned probe "Kaiko", which brought from the bottom of the sample of the il, in which bacteria, worms, shrimps were found, as well as pictures of Dotol of an unknown world.

In 2009, the American Robot Nereus conquered the abyss, raised from the bottom of the sample, minerals, samples of deep-sea fauna and photos of the inhabitants of unknown depths.

In 2012, James Cameron, the author of the "Titanic", Terminator and Avatar, made a dive into the abyss alone. He spent on the bottom of 6 hours, collecting samples of soil, minerals, fauna, as well as making photos and 3D video shooting. Based on this material, a "Call Challenge" film was created.

Amazing discoveries

In the groove at a depth of about 4 kilometers there is a valid volcano daykoku, an erupting liquid sulfur that boils at 187 ° C in a slight recess. The only lake of liquid sulfur was open only on the satellite of Jupiter - Io.

In 2 kilometers from the surface of the tubing "black smokers" - sources of geothermal water with hydrogen sulfide and other substances that, when contact with cold water, turn into black sulphides. Sulfide water movement resembles black smoke clubs. The temperature of the water at the release point reaches 450 ° C. The surrounding sea does not boil only due to the density of water (150 times greater than that of the surface).

In the north of the canyon there are "White smokers" - geasers, spewing liquid carbon dioxide at a temperature of 70-80 ° C. Scientists suggest that it is in such geothermal "boilers" it is necessary to look for the origins of life on Earth. Hot springs "heated" ice waters, supporting life in the abyss - the temperature at the Day of the Mariana depression is within 1-3 ° C.

Life outside of life

It would seem that in the setting of a complete darkness, silence, ice cold and unbearable pressure, life in the cavity is simply inconceivable. But the studies of the depression prove the opposite: almost 11 kilometers under water there are live creatures!

The bottom of the failure is covered with a thick layer of mucus from organic precipitation, descending from the upper layers of the ocean for hundreds of thousands of years. The mucus is an excellent nutrient medium for barrofil bacteria that make up the basis of the protozoa and multicellular nutrition. Bacteria, in turn, become food for more complex organisms.

The ecosystem of the underwater canyon is truly unique. Live creatures managed to adapt to aggressive, destructive medium in normal conditions, with high pressure, the absence of light, a small amount of oxygen and a high concentration of toxic substances. Life in such unbearable conditions gave many inhabitants to the bunch of an awesome and unsuitable appearance.

Deepive fish have incredible sizes, seated with sharp long teeth. High pressure made their bodies small (from 2 to 30 cm). However, large specimens are found, such as amoeba-xenophyophio, reaching 10 cm in diameter. The planned shark and shark-house (Goblin), inhabiting in a depth of 2000 meters, in general reach 5-6 meters in length.

Representatives of different types of living organisms live at different depths. The more deep-water inhabitants of the abyss, the better they have developed organs of vision that allow in full dark to capture the slightest light of light on the body of mining. Some individuals and themselves can produce directional light. Other creatures are completely deprived of organs of vision, they replace them with tanging and radar. With an increase in depth, underwater residents more and more lose their color, the bodies of many of them are almost transparent.

On the slopes where "black smokers" are located, they live mollusks who have learned to neutralize the fatal sulphides and hydrogen sulfide for them. And that while remains a mystery for scientists, in conditions of huge pressure at the bottom, they somehow they manage to keep their mineral shell as a miracle. Similar abilities also show other residents of Mariana depressions. The study of fauna samples showed multiple excess of the level of radiation and toxic substances.

Unfortunately, deep-sea creatures die due to pressure change with any attempt to lift them to the surface. Only due to modern deep-sea devices it became possible to explore the inhabitants of the depressions in their natural environment. Already identified representatives of fauna, not known to science.

Secrets and riddles "Hirva Gay"

The mysterious abyss, like any unknown phenomenon, is shrouded in a mass of secrets and riddles. What does she hide in their depths? Japanese scientists argued that, embarrassing shark goblins, they saw a shark of 25 meters long, devouring goblins. The monster of such sizes could only be a shark megalodon, extinct almost 2 million years ago! The confirmation is the finds of the teeth of Meghalodon in the vicinity of the Mariana gutter, the age of which is dated only 11 thousand years. It can be assumed that in depths there were still preserved instances of these monsters.

There are a lot of stories about the giant monsters thrown on the shore. Upon descending into the abyss of the German Batiskaph "Haifish", the immersion stopped 7 km from the surface. To understand the reason, the passengers of the capsules turned on the lighting and came to horror: their Batiskof, like a nut, tried to spryrate some kind of prehistoric lizard! Only the aircraft pulse on the outer skin managed to scare the monster.

Another time when the American deep apparatus is immersed from under the water, the metal grinding began. The descent was stopped. In case of inspection of the raised equipment, it turned out that the metal cable from the titanium alloy is half fired (or overgrown), and the beams of the underwater apparatus are bent.

In 2012, the video camera of an unmanned vehicle "Titan" from a depth of 10 kilometers handed over a picture of metal objects, presumably UFOs. Soon the connection with the device was interrupted.

Unfortunately, there are no documentary evidence of these interesting facts, they are all based only on eyewitness stories. Each story has its own fans and skeptics, their arguments "for" and "against".

Before the risky immersion in Vpadina, James Cameron said that he wanted to see with her eyes to see at least part of those secrets of the Mariana depressure, which there are so many rumors and legends. But he did not see anything that would have come out behind the edge of the knowledgeable.

So what do we know about her?

To understand how Mariana underwater slot was formed, it should be remembered that such slots (gutters) are usually formed at the edges of the oceans under the action of moving lithospheric plates. Ocean plates, like older and heavy, "crawl" under continental, forming deep dips in the fields. The deepest is the joint of Pacific and Phillipinsky tectonic plates near the Mariana Islands (Mariana Vadina). The Pacific plate is moving at a speed of 3-4 centimeters per year, with the result that in both its edges there is an increased volcanic activity.

Throughout the length of this deepest failure, four so-called bridges were found - transverse mountain range. The ridges were supposedly formed due to the movement of the lithosphere and volcanic activity.

The groove in the diameter has a V-shaped form, expanding the upstream and narrowing the book. The average width of the canyon in the upper part is 69 kilometers, in the widest part - up to 80 kilometers. The average width of the bottom between the walls is 5 kilometers. The slope of the walls is almost so much and is only 7-8 °. Wpadina stretches from north to south by 2500 kilometers. The chute has a middle depth of about 10,000 meters.

Only three people today visited the very bottom of the Mariana depression. In 2018, another piloted immersion at the "bottom of the world" at its deep plot is planned. This time to conquer the depression and find out what she hides in their depths, the famous Russian traveler Fedor Konyukhov and the Parliamentary researcher Arthur Chilingarov will try. Currently, the production of deep-water Batiscopes is maintained and the study program is drawn up.

Despite the fact that the oceans closer to us than remote planets of the solar system, people investigated only five percent of the ocean bottomwhich remains one of the greatest mysteries of our planet.

Here are other interesting facts about what can be found along the way and at the very bottom of the Mariana Vpadina.

Temperature on the day of the Mariana Wpadin

1. Very hot water

Going down at this depth, we expect that there will be very cold. Temperature here reaches just above zero, varying from 1 to 4 degrees Celsius.

However, at a depth of about 1.6 km from the surface of the Pacific Ocean, hydrothermal sources are called "black smokers". They are shooting water that heats up to 450 degrees Celsius.

This water is rich in minerals that help maintain life in this area. Despite the temperature of the water, which is hundreds of degrees above the boiling point, she does not boil here Due to incredible pressure, 155 times higher than on the surface.

Residents of Mariana Vpadina

2. Giant toxic amebe

A few years ago, at the bottom of the Mariana Vpadin found a giant 10 centimeter ameb, called xenophiophophores.

These single-celled organisms probably became such large due to the medium in which they live at a depth of 10.6 km. Cold temperatures, high pressure and no sunlight, most likely contributed to the fact that these amids bought huge sizes.

In addition, xenophylamores have incredible abilities. They are resistant to the effects of many elements and chemicals, including uranium, mercury and lead,who would kill other animals and people.

3. Mollusks

The strong water pressure in the Mariana Wpadine does not give a chance to survive any animal with sink or bones. However, in 2012, mollusks were found in the gutter near serpentine hydrothermal sources. Serpentine contains hydrogen and methane, which allows you to form living organisms.

TO actually, the clamsters have retained their sink at such pressure, remains unknown.

In addition, hydrothermal sources isolated another gas - hydrogen sulfide, which is mortal to molluscs. However, they learned to bind the sulfur compound into a safe protein, which allowed the population of these mollusks to survive.

At the day of the Mariana depression

4. Pure liquid carbon dioxide

Hydrothermal source Champagne Mariana Vpadina, which is outside the Okinawan gutter near Taiwan, is the only well-known underwater area where liquid carbon dioxide can be detected. The source opened in 2005 received its name in honor of the bubbles, which turned out to be carbon dioxide.

Many believe that these sources called "white smokers" due to lower temperatures can be a source of life. It was in the depths of the oceans with a low temperature and an abundance of chemicals and energy could be born.

5. Sliz

If we had the opportunity to swim on the very depth of the Mariana depression, we would feel that she covered with a layer of viscous mucus. Sand, in habitual form, there is no.

The bottom of the depression mainly consists of crushed shells and remnants of plankton, which accumulated at the bottom of the depression for many years. Due to the incredible pressure of water, almost everything turns into a small grayish yellow thick dirt.


6. Liquid sulfur

Volcano daykoku.which is at a depth of about 414 meters on the way to Mariana Wpadin, is the source of one of the rarest phenomena on our planet. Here is located lake clean molten sulfur. The only place where the liquid sulfur can be detected is the satellite of Jupiter - Io.

In this pit, called the "boiler", boiling black emulsion boils at 187 degrees Celsius. Although scientists failed to explore this place in detail, it is perhaps further contained even more liquid sulfur. It may reveal the secret of the origin of life on earth.

According to the hypothesis of gay, our planet is one self-governing organism, in which all living and non-residential is connected to maintain her life. If this hypothesis is true, then a number of signals can be observed in natural cycles and earth systems. So the sulfur compounds created by the organisms in the ocean should be fairly stable in water to allow them to go into the air, and again return to the land.

7. Bridges

At the end of 2011, in the Mariana Wpadine was discovered four stone bridgesThat extended from one to another end to 69 km. It seems that they have formed at the junction of Pacific and Filipino tectonic plates.

One of the bridges Dutton Ridgewhich was discovered in the 1980s, turned out to be incredibly high as a small mountain. At the highest point, the ridge reaches 2.5 km Above the "Abyss Challenger".

Like many aspects of the Mariana depression, the purpose of these bridges remains unclear. However, the fact that in one of the most mysterious and unknown places, they found these formations, is awesome.

8. Immersion James Cameron to Mariana Vpadina

Starting from opening the deepest places of the Mariana depression - "the abyss of the Challenger" In 1875, only three people visited here. The first were American lieutenant Don Walsh and researcher Jacques Picar.who have committed a dive on January 23, 1960 on the trial ship.

After 52 years later, another person drank himself - famous film director James Cameron. So March 26, 2012 Cameron went down to the bottom And made some photos.

Not far from Japan, in the sea buffin, hid the deepest wpadin in the world Ocean - Marianic chute. This geographical object was obtained by this geographic object with the same islands located nearby. Scientists call this phenomenon "the fourth pole", along with the southern, northern and highest point of the planet - Mount Jewrest.


The coordinates of the Mariana depression - 11 ° 22. Northern latitude and 142 ° 35` Oriental longitude. The coastal islands of the chute surrounds more than 2.5 thousand km long, and in width - about 69 km. In their form, it resembles an English letter V, expanded from above and narrowed to the bottom. This formation was obtained as a result of the impact of the boundaries of tectonic plates. The maximum depth of the world's ocean in this place is 10994 (plus or minus 40 m).

Fig. 1. Mariana Wpadina on the map

If compared in the Everest, then the largest varnishes are from the surface of the earth further than the highest peak. The mountain has a length of 8848 m, and it was much easier to climb it, than to overcome incredible pressure, plunging into the marine abyss.

The deepest place of the Mariana depression is the CHALLENGER DEEP point that from English means "the abyss of the challenger." For the first time was investigated by a British vessel with the name of the name. They recorded the depth 11521m.

First research

The deepest point of the World Ocean was conquered only in 1960 by two windows: Don Walche and Jacques Picar. They made a dive on the Batiskof "Trieste" and became the first people in the world, lowering at first to the depth of 3000 meters, and then 10,000 meters. The bottom mark was fixed 30 minutes after diving. In total, at the depth, they spent about 3 hours, and significantly frozen. After all, in addition to huge pressure, there is also a low water temperature - about 2 degrees Celsius.

Fig. 2. Mariana Vpadina in the context

In 2012, the famous director James Camemeron ("Titanic") conquered the deepest depression, becoming the third man on Earth, descended so far. It was the most important expedition, during which unique photo and video materials were obtained, and the bottom samples were taken. Contrary to the general opinion, there is no sand at the bottom, and the mucus is a product of recycling the remains of the bones of fish and plankton.

Flora and fauna

The underwater world of the greatest cracked is very weak. For the first time, it was possible to find that life in this part of the Earth is possible in 1950. Then the Soviet scientists suggested that some of the simplest creatures managed to adapt in the chitin pipes. The new family was called the pursuit.

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Various bacteria, and single-cell organisms in the bottom live. For example, Amebe here grows with a diameter of 20 cm.

The largest amount of inhabitants - in the thickness of the gutter at a depth of 500 to 6,500 meters. Many of the species of fish living in the groove, blind, others, have special glowing organs, for highlighting in the dark. Pressure and the absence of the sun made their body flat, and the skin is transparent. Many eyes are on his back and look like small telescopes, spinning in all directions.

Fig. 3. The inhabitants of the Mariana depression

In addition to the fact that there is no sun and heat, various toxic gases are distinguished from the bottom of the Mariana depression. Hydrothermal geasers are sources of hydrogen sulfide. It became the basis for the development of Mariansk Mollusks, contrary to the fact that this gas is destroyed for this type of marine inhabitants. How, this simplest managed to survive, and even preserve the sink at a huge pressure, remains a mystery.

At depth there is another unique site. This is the source "Champagne", from where the liquid carbon dioxide beats.

What did we know?

We learned what part of the Earth is the deepest. This is Mariana Wpadina. The deepest point is "the abyss of the Chelenger" (11,521 m.). The first expedition to the bottom ended successfully in 1960. In the conditions of pitch darkness, pressure and constant poisonous evaporation, a special world has been formed here with its unique animals and the simplest organisms. What is really the world of Mariana depressure, say very hard, because it has been studied by only 5%.

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Have you ever wondered what it is and where the deepest points in the ocean?

To this day, the deepest place has been found, which was found is the abyss of the Challenger, the Pacific Glock with a depth of 11 kilometers, located in the southern part of the Mariana Vpadina (halfway between Japan, China, Philippines, Indonesia and Papua New Guinea.

There are 5 marine abuses that exceed 10 km. Immerse yourself in the 5 deepest points of the world's ocean.

Kermadeck's gutter is one of the deepest ocean trenches on Earth, reaching depth of 10,047 m. Formed by subduction of the Pacific Plate under Indo-Australian slab. It passes more than a thousand kilometers in parallel and east of the Kermadek Ridge, from the northeastern tip of the North Island of New Zealand before the intersection of the pit from the underwater chain of Louisville, northeast of the underwater mountain of Monosa.

Tong gutter is a continuation of subduction for this point. The subduction to the south of the Kermadec gutter is noted less deep point of the hikuranga.

He was named after the French captain Jean-Michel Juan de Kermadek, who was part of the Bruni de Entrecasteaux expedition, which visited this area in the 1790s.

The smoke-Kamchatsky chute is the oceanic pit, one of the deepest ocean points, with a maximum depth of 10,542 m. It is located in the northwestern part of the Pacific Ocean, east of the Kuril Islands, Japanese Islands Hokkaido and the Russian Peninsula of Kamchatka.

It extends about 2900 km in the north-south direction in the form of Arch. Its formation and arch of the linked islands occurred by subductuation of the Pacific Plate under the Eurasian slab.

The Philippine chute, also known as Vpadina Mindanao, is a ocean pit located in the Pacific, east of the archipelago of the Philippine Islands.

It has a length of approximately 1320 km and a width of about 30 km from the center of Filipino Luzon, with a tendency to southeast of the island of Halmmera, north of Molukky Islands, in Indonesia. His deepest point, the depth of Galatea, is 10,540 m. Its coordinates 39 39 20.

Directly north of the Philippines Luzon-Oriente. They are separated from each other. Their continuity is interrupted and moved by Plateau Benhyham in the Philippine sea plate.

The Tong Trench, also called Tong Tong, is a ocean yam located in the Pacific, off the coast of the North Island of New Zealand and north-west of Kermadek islands. The north end of the active subduction zone of the Pacific Plate. Its maximum depth is 10,882 meters, called "Deep Horizon".

The convergence occurs with an estimated speed of about 15 centimeters per year, however, the recent measurements of the global positioning of the satellite indicate the places of convergence 24 cm per year across the Tong Trench. This is the fastest plate speed on the planet.

These oceanic pits are important objects for the formation of what is continental bark, and for processing materials in the mantle.

Mariana Wpadina is the only one, which exceeds 11 km. This is the deepest point of the oceans. 11 034 M Depths in the abyss of Challenger, named after the frigate of the British fleet, which explored this place in the 1870s. 11 km of salt water is put pressure of almost 1100 atmospheres. Located in the depths of the Pacific Ocean, southeast of the Mariana Islands, not far from the island of Guam.

What about the Atlantic Ocean? His deepest pit is, in the Caribbean, from 8800 m.

Which are characterized by the highest pressure and darkness, through which it is practically unrealistic to see anything. The deepest depressions on the ground, which will be discussed further, the person has not been studied to the end so far.

Mariana Trench

She heads the rating and is still known as Marianic chute. The place of its location is located in the Pacific Ocean, not far from the depth of the fault is 10,994 meters, however, according to scientists, this value may vary within 40 meters. The first immersion in the Mariana Vpadina occurred on January 23, 1960. Batiskof, which contained the Lieutenant of American Navy Joe Walsh and the scientist Jacques Picar, dropped 10918 meters. The first researchers argued that at the bottom they saw fish, the appearance of resembling Cambalu. However, photos were not made. Later, two more dives were carried out. It turned out that the greatest collar in the world has a mountain on its bottom, which in height reach about 2500 meters.

Tong gutter

This set is only slightly inferior to the Mariana and has a depth of 10882 meters. Its characteristic feature is the speed of movement that reaches 25.4 cm per year (while the average value of this indicator is about 2 cm). An interesting fact regarding this gutter is the one that at a depth of approximately 6 km here is the landing lunar step "Apollo-13", which fell here from the space.

Philippine gutter

It is located near the Philippine Islands in and ranks third in such a rating as "the deepest depressions on Earth." The depth of the Philippine gutter is 10540 meters. This vpadina was formed as a result of subducts and was not fully studied due to the fact that the Mariana is caused by much greater interest.


The chute is connected in the northern part with the tongue mentioned above and reaches 10047 meters deep. A thorough study, which occurred at a depth of about seven and a half kilometers, was held in 2008. During the study, rare living beings were discovered, characterized by the original pink colors.

Izu Bonin Gutter

The deepest depressions on Earth were preferably found in the twentieth century. Unlike them, the Izu-Bonin gutter with a depth of 9810 meters by a person was first revealed at the very end of the nineteenth century. This happened when determining the depth of the bottom for laying a telephone cable. Later it turned out that the gutter is a part of the whole chain of the depression in the ocean.

Smoke-kamchatsky chute

The depth of this depression is 9783 meters. It was opened during the study of the previous gutter and is distinguished by a very small width (59 meters). On the slopes there are many valleys with ledges, terraces and canyons. At the bottom there are deposited deposits. Detailed studies have not yet been carried out in connection with difficult access.

Puerto Rico

The deepest depressions on Earth are not only in the Pacific Ocean. Puerto Rico's chute was formed at the border and the Caribbean. His deeper point is located at 8385 meters. Wpadina differs from other relatively high seismic activity, as a result of which underwater eruptions and tsunami occur in this place. It is impossible not to note the fact that Wpadina gradually decreases, which is due to the lowering of the tectonic North American stove.