Kavminvody where it is better to rest. Open the left menu Caucasian mineral waters

Caucasian Mineral Watersis a resort area located in the very center of the North Caucasus, on the northern slopes of the Main Caucasian Range, only 90 km from Elbrus and almost at the same distance between the Black and Caspian Seas. It occupies the southern part of the Stavropol Territory of Russia, being approximately at the same latitude with the resorts of the French Riviera and the Italian Adriatic. Its area is about 2/3 the area of \u200b\u200bthe island of Cyprus and 1/7 the area of \u200b\u200bSwitzerland. The group of resorts Caucasian Mineral Waters unites Kislovodsk, Essentuki, Zheleznovodsk and Pyatigorsk. These are small towns, comparable in size to such European spa centers as Karlovy Vary and Baden-Baden. All of them are located close to each other and form a single resort area. The official history of the Caucasian Mineral Waters begins on April 24, 1803, when Tsar Alexander I signed a decree recognizing this region as a state property. Since that time, settlements began to appear near the springs: Goryachevodsk (since 1830 Pyatigorsk), Kislovodsk, Essentuki, Zheleznovodsk.

Geographical position

Kavkazskie Mineralnye Vody has developed transport links with both nearby and distant regions.

Nature and climate KMV

The region of the Caucasian Mineral Waters is a picturesque corner of the North Caucasus. For several tens of kilometers from north to south, the steppe rabbi smoothly passes into the mountainous landscape. The feather-grass steppes give way to luxurious deciduous and pine forests, above which there are alpine meadows. Each resort offers a vast panorama of the mountains with the majestic Elbrus in the distance. The resort towns themselves are located at an altitude of 600, 1000 meters above sea level, which accounts for one of their main healing factors - the purest mountain air.
Peculiarities of the geographical position of the Caucasian Mineral Waters, such as the proximity of the Main Caucasian Ridge, which traps moist air masses from the Black Sea, have a beneficial effect on the climate. The weather is dry and clear most of the time. The number of sunny days per year reaches 300. Summers are warm in the south, and winters are moderately mild. Due to this climate, Caucasian Mineral Waters is a year-round resort, where there is no off-season period.
Internal use of mineral waters
Mineral water nutritional treatment has been popular for centuries. When using mineral water, the regulatory systems of the human body are mobilized and metabolic processes are activated. Mineral waters KMV, due to their diversity, are used to treat a wide range of diseases. The most famous are the waters of the springs "Narzan", "Essentuki-4", "Essentuki-17", "Slavyanovskaya", "Smirnovskaya". Depending on the composition, water improves metabolism, enhances the excretion of waste products from the body, has an anti-inflammatory effect, normalizes the basic functions of the digestive system, and restores liver function. Internal use of mineral waters includes: drinking, gastric lavage, drainage, intraintestinal procedures (microclysters, siphon bowel lavages, subaquatic baths), inhalation with finely dispersed particles of mineral water.
External use of mineral waters (balneotherapy)
carried out for prophylactic and therapeutic purposes. When taking water procedures in the human body, biologically active substances are stimulated, the cardiovascular and nervous systems react, the activity of the kidneys is enhanced, and the blood supply to the heart muscle is activated. The main forms of external use of mineral waters: baths, underwater traction of the spine, shower massage, sitz baths, rising shower, local baths for hands and feet, head irrigation, swimming in the pool.

The main directions of treatment in the resorts:

Resort town Main treatment Complementary treatment

Cardiovascular system, nervous system, respiratory organs, including bronchial asthma.

Gastrointestinal tract, musculoskeletal system, metabolic disorders, gynecology, urology.


Gastrointestinal tract, metabolic disorders (diabetes, obesity).

Diseases of the respiratory system, kidneys, liver and biliary tract, musculoskeletal system, gynecology, urology, endocrine system (thyroid gland, metabolism), nervous system disorders.


Gastrointestinal tract, liver and biliary tract, kidney and urinary tract, metabolic disorders, gynecology, urology.

Diseases of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, respiratory organs, musculoskeletal system, including the spine.


Musculoskeletal system, digestive organs, gynecology, allergic and skin diseases, infertility, organs of vision.

Universal (heals everything).

Most popular excursions:
Mountain "Ring", rock "Castle of deceit and love", "Honey" waterfalls - excursion to the amazing creatures of nature in the vicinity of Kislovodsk. Mount "Ring" - a favorite place for walks M.Yu. Lermontov, a gate in the rock, formed by nature. The rock "Castle of deceit and love" is located 5 km from Kislovodsk and is rich in folk legends. At the Honey Waterfalls, falling from the mountain gorges of the Alikonovka River, you can breathe in the ionized air saturated with the aromas of alpine meadow herbs, hear the legends associated with these places, and taste the pickles of Caucasian cuisine.
Elbrus- the tourist name of a part of the Greater Caucasus, from the western approaches to Elbrus to the Chegem river basins in the east. This is an amazing region with majestic peaks covered with ice caps, picturesque gorges, and numerous waterfalls. You are given a unique opportunity to visit the very heart of the gray-haired Caucasus. A motor road leads to the foot of the highest mountain in Russia, Elbrus, along the longest mountain valley in the Caucasus along the turbulent Baksan River.
Dombay - Teberda - Dombay - mountainous territory in Karachay-Cherkessia in the North Caucasus. From here, in a straight line, only 65 km to the top of Elbrus and 60 km to the Black Sea coast. The highest point is the Dombai-Ulgen peak, the height of which is 4040 meters. The combination of the 3 main gorges of Dombai - Alibek, Amanauz and Dombay-Ulgen - forms the natural center of the territory - the picturesque Dombai glade, lying at an altitude of 1600 meters above sea level. The Teberda river basin is the territory of a mountain reserve. High in the mountains, there are 70 turquoise mountain lakes.
Arkhyz - Founded in 1923, the village of Arkhyz is located at an altitude of 1450m above sea level. Arkhyz is a protected resort area located in the valley of the Bolshoi Zelenchuk River. The flora and fauna of Arkhyz is extremely rich and diverse, therefore in 1957 this area was included in the Teberda state reserve.
Nalchik - Blue Lake - sightseeing tour of the capital of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, a large cultural and industrial center of the Caucasus. It is located at an altitude of 550 meters above sea level on the border of the Kabardian Plain and the foothills of the Greater Caucasus. The cable car will take you up the Malaya Kizilovka mountain, where at an altitude of 615 m above sea level there is a panoramic platform overlooking the city and the snow ridge of the Main Caucasian ridge. You will also visit the Blue Lake - one of the most beautiful places in Kabardino-Balkaria.
Lermontovsky Pyatigorsk... There are many Lermontov paths in Pyatigorsk, but they all converge to a small house, modestly nestled in the back of the courtyard on the street named after the poet. On the facade at the entrance there is a small memorial plaque: "The house in which the poet M.Yu. Lermontov lived." Here the poet lived the last months of his life, here he wrote "Mtsyri", "Borodino", "A Hero of Our Time", "Demon", "Death of a Poet". The poet would have created many more poetic masterpieces if the pistol shot on Mount Mashuk had not interrupted his life so early. On July 15 (27), 1841, the body of the killed Lermontov was brought to this house from the place of the duel.

Caucasian Mineral Waters

Coat of arms of the region

Region map

Caucasian Mineral Waters (Kavminvody, KMV) - a group of federal resorts in the Stavropol Territory; specially protected ecological-resort region of the Russian Federation, which has a coordinating administration. Direct state management of this region is entrusted to the administration of the Caucasian Mineral Waters, the head of which is appointed by the President of the Russian Federation on the proposal of the Governor of the Stavropol Territory.

The region is located in the south of the European part of Russia, almost at the same distance from the Black and Caspian Seas, - within the junction of the Mineralovodskaya inclined plain and the northern slopes of the Greater Caucasus.

The electrified Moscow - Rostov - Baku railway with a branch to Kislovodsk (and a branch to Zheleznovodsk), an asphalted federal highway Rostov - Baku passes through the territory of the region. Mineralnye Vody Airport connects the KMV region by direct flights with all major centers of the Russian Federation, neighboring countries, and also operates flights to non-CIS countries.



The region-agglomeration Caucasian Mineral Waters, with an area of \u200b\u200bmore than 500 thousand hectares (5.3 thousand sq. Km), is located on the territory of three constituent entities of the Russian Federation within the boundaries of the district of mountain-sanitary protection:

  • in the Stavropol Territory - cities and resort cities of Georgievsk, Mineralnye Vody (including the resort Kumagorsk and resort area Naguta), Pyatigorsk, Zheleznovodsk, Lermontov, Essentuki, Kislovodsk, as well as the regions of Georgievsky, Mineralovodsky and Predgorny proper, - 58% of the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe region;
  • in Kabardino-Balkaria - Zolsky district - 9% (curative mud from Lake Tambukan, Valley of Narzanov and others);
  • in Karachay-Cherkessia - Malokarachaevsky and Prikubansky regions, - 33% of the territory (zone of formation of mineral springs).

The regional center of KMV with the location of the coordinating administration is the city of Essentuki. Previously, this status belonged to the city of Pyatigorsk, even earlier - to Georgievsk.
At the same time, the regime of special nature management in adjacent territories is also carried out by the state bodies of the republics.
The head of the administration of KavMinVod, in accordance with the Regulation, is the first deputy chairman of the Government of the Stavropol Territory by position

Physical and geographical characteristics (location)

The region of Caucasian Mineral Waters occupies the southern part of the Stavropol Territory and is located on the northern slopes of the Main Caucasian Range, just a couple of tens of kilometers from Elbrus. Another here seems to be the earth, to others the sky. From afar, motionless white clouds are visible, which, when approached, turn out to be the snowy peaks of the Caucasus Mountains. The southern borders of the region are the foothills of Elbrus, the valley of the Khasaut and Malka rivers; in the west - the headwaters of the Eshkakona and Podkumka rivers; the northern border of the region is the city of Mineralnye Vody, behind which the steppe expanses of the Ciscaucasia begin.

In terms of hydromineral resources, the region includes:

  • in the south: the carbonic waters of the Upper and Lower Berezovsky in the Berezovsky gorge, the springs Belovodsky and Bely in the upper reaches of the Alikonovsky gorge (the Belovodskaya Balka rivulet), the Malkinsky gorge - the springs of Tkhobzashkhops (in the Kamennomostsky region), the source of Seraphim Sarovsky with the healing northern slopes of the Dzhyna ), Valley of Narzanov, Cheget Lakhran, Lakhran Narzans [Kichmalka plateau, Ullu-Lakhran mountain (1883 m)], source (Khasautsky) in the Mal. Bermamyt (2644 m) and the village of Khasaut (in the south-west; in the extreme south (adjacent to the Elbrus) the source of Yungeshli).
  • in the west: in the Kumskoye gorge - the carbonic water of the Kumskoye deposit in Krasno-Vostochny (the village of Krasny Vostok) and the Suvorov baths, springs in the upper reaches of the Podkumka and Kum rivers near the Gumbashi pass, and east of Gudgora (2489 m) on the Eshkakon river (Lower Eshkakonsky and Upper Eshkakonsky; tract Kanta-Tukele?); on the watershed - springs in the area of \u200b\u200bthe villages Michurinsky and Kholodnorodnikovskoe (near the village of Schastlivoe), and on the northern slopes of the Pasture Range in the Ugolnaya Balka (above the forestry enterprises Ugolnaya Dacha and Bekeshevskaya Dacha - in Karachay-Cherkessia).
  • in the north: in the resort of Kumagorsk, Nagutsk springs in the balneological Nagutsk resort area (springs near the villages of Nagutskoe, Soluno-Dmitrievskoe (station Nagutskaya - a plant for bottling mineral waters of one of the largest in the region of the Nagutskoe deposit (250 million bottles per year, 80 f)), this also includes the mineral springs of the city of Camel).
  • in the east: Lysogorsk springs (Lysaya Gora, including Batalinskiy), as well as St. George's Baths.


KMV is one of the oldest resort regions in Russia. The first written information about its mineral springs is found in the doctor G. Schober (1717), who was sent by Peter I to examine the mineral well North Caucasus. The first detailed descriptions of them were made by I.A.Guldenstedt (1773), and then by P.S.Pallas (1793). After the study of the hot spring in Pyatigorsk (1801) and the conclusion of a special commission on the possibility of using mineral waters for therapeutic purposes (1802), by decree of Alexander I of April 24, 1803, the regulation on the Caucasus Mineral Waters was approved, when the historical Rescript "On the recognition of the state significance of the Caucasian Mineral Waters" was signed and the necessity of their arrangement ”- and began their official existence as a resort area.
The first information about Lake Tambukanskoye was also reported by I.A.Guldenstedt (1770s), but the use of its medicinal mud began much later (from 1886 in Pyatigorsk and Yessentuki, then in Zheleznovodsk). Initially, the KMV attracted a limited number of patients, mainly from the military and the nobility. There were no resort development plans; the command of the KMV was usually assigned to the military administration. Only a few of the administrators showed interest in KavMinVody.

The history of the development of this unique resort region of the Russian Federation has been characterized by ups and downs, with the transition from state administration to private contractors. Long distances from the central cities of the Russian Empire, when those wishing to receive medical treatment on Hot, Iron and Sour Waters were forced to make a real trip on horse-drawn carriages lasting one and a half to two months, military operations in the Caucasus, the lack of amenities of the springs and resorts themselves - all this created certain difficulties in development of the Caucasian Mineral Waters. According to the memoirs of contemporaries, at the beginning of the 19th century, vacationers on Hot Waters lived in Kalmyk wagons, specially sent here for the summer resort season. The ascetic work on the arrangement of the Caucasus Ministry of Water of outstanding Russian patriots (in alphabetical order):

  • Johann K. and Joseph K. Bernardazzi
  • G. A. Emanuelya
  • A. P. Nelyubina
  • M. V. Sergeeva
  • N. N. Slavyanova
  • S. A. Smirnova
  • V. V. Khvoshchinsky

and many others has made it possible to turn them step by step into a famous balneological resort in Russia. In Soviet times, the Caucasian Mineral Waters became a popular forge of health for the population of the Soviet Union. In 1990, about 1 million people from all over the country and from abroad rested and recovered at the all-Union resort [cavming group].

But at the same time, the growth of the local population proceeded at a rapid pace (see below - agglomeration). All this began to create a large anthropogenic load on the ecology of the KMV (see Pyatigorsk). A certain shortage of mineral resources began to be felt. Excessive development of industry in resort cities, not related to health-improving (sanatorium-resort) purposes, the use of pesticides and synthetic fertilizers in agriculture also posed a real threat of pollution of the hydromineral resources of the unique resort. This could not but alarm the representatives of balneology, the leadership of the Stavropol Territory, the Russian government.
That is why the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation B. N. Yeltsin was signed on March 27, 1992, according to which KavMinVody is a specially protected ecological-resort region of the Russian Federation. It directly defined the goals of creating the region - preserving the natural resources of the KMV resorts - a world famous area with unique health and healing factors, a unique historical, architectural and cultural appearance.

Mountains Kavminvod

Above all the resorts is Kislovodsk (817-1063 m), the rest of the resorts are at about the same height: Essentuki - along the river. Podkumok (600-640 m), Pyatigorsk - at the foot of Mashuk (510-630 m), Zheleznovodsk - in the valley between Beshtau and Zheleznaya, on the slopes at the foot of the latter (600-650 m). The vegetation is represented mainly by the massifs of oak and hornbeam forests, alternating with meadow steppes; in the foothills, steppe and forest-steppe vegetation, which in the mountains (at an altitude of 800-1100 m) is replaced by broad-leaved forests (beech, oak, hornbeam).

The relief of the region of the Caucasian Mineral Waters begins at the foot of Elbrus, where the Rocky ridge with a number of peaks stands out clearly. In the western and southern parts of the KMV, the mountains are steep, in places with steep ledges to the south (the depth of these cliffs reaches 1000 m), and the northern long slopes are slightly (gently) inclined and merge with the foothill plain. These are the Pasture and Skalisty ridges. By river valleys, they are divided into a number of mountain ranges. The pasture ridge within KavMinVod is cut by Podkumkom into two parts: the western (Borgustan ridge, Darinsky heights of the Borgustan ridge) rises by 1200-1300 m, and the eastern (Dzhinalsky ridge) has an absolute elevation of the Verkhniy Dzhinal peak 1542 m. Rocks on the spurs of the ridges are decorated with niches openwork vaults, carved sandstone columns. To the south of Pasture, the Rocky Range with the peaks of the Big and Small Bermamyt (2592 and 2644 m (the highest point of the KMV), 30 km to Elbrus; in the early morning on Bermamyt you can sometimes see the so-called Brokken ghost). Bermamyt plateau, and Zhatmaz ridge (Shidzhatmaz (Shatzhatmaz) 2127 m, astronomical station of the GAO RAS (2072 m), scientific base of the Institute of Atmospheric Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences) and Kichmalka plateau (Manglai town 2055 m), below between which in the picturesque valley of the Hasaut River at an altitude of 1300 m above sea level there is the Narzan Valley - about 20 mineral springs (34 km south of Kislovodsk, in the southern foothills of the Rocky Ridge of the Greater Caucasus), - inclined towards Kislovodsk and abut against the steep ledges of the Pasture Ridge. To the south of the Skalisty ridge towards Elbrus, the vast Bechasyn plateau stretches (with the Bechasyn mountain 2364 m). In terms of absolute heights, the KMV territory belongs to the middle mountains, the maximum height amplitude is 2464 m (and with Elbrus taken into account - 5462 m, II place after Kabardino-Balkaria).
The dismembered relief, creating a wide variety of landscapes, is explained by the long development and complex geological structure of the territory.


The KavMinVod region is located within the confluence of the Stavropol Upland (Ciscaucasia) and the northern slopes and foothills of the North Caucasus. This is the center of the Caucasus region, where for a long geological history, along with folded and vertical movements, horizontal movements also occurred. Its territory is bordered on all sides by huge deep faults. The origin of the laccoliths is associated with the faults. These mountains were formed by gradual uplift or tectonic squeezing through the thickness of sedimentary deposits of viscous, cooling lava. Volcanic bodies are still cooling in our time. At the base of the northward inclined sheet plains at the very bottom lie the Paleozoic rocks crumpled into folds and penetrated during mountain building by veins of acid magma: quartz-chlorite schists, quartzites, granites. The most ancient rocks of the region can be seen in the Alikonovka River valley south of Kislovodsk, 4-5 km higher from the Zamok Rock, one of the local attractions. Here pink and red granites come to the surface, the age of which is determined at 220-230 million years. In the Mesozoic time, the granites that emerged on the surface were destroyed and formed a thick (up to 50 m) layer of the weathering crust, consisting of crystals of quartz, feldspar, and mica. There are geodes - “stones with a secret”. Having split such a stone, one can find white calcite crystals inside, incrustations of gray opal and translucent chalcedony. Sedimentary deposits of the Jurassic and Cretaceous seas, with a thickness of more than 1000 m, can be viewed on the southern slopes of the Borgustan and Dzhinal ranges. Here brownish-gray and yellowish limestones, dolomites, and red ferruginous sandstones come to the surface. These are the famous Red and Gray stones (see the park). On Goryachaya Mountain in Pyatigorsk, you can see various forms of travertine deposits - a stone that arose during the evaporation of mineral water. Fossilized leaves and twigs are visible in travertine. Karst is developed here, which is also found on the Rocky and Pasture ridges. The peculiarities of the geological structure of the Breakup are associated with the amazing phenomenon of "summer permafrost", explained by the seasonal air circulation in the cracks of the mountain.

With all the diversity of the composition of the waters and the nature of the deposits, the KMV mineral springs are closely related by the common geological conditions of formation and the general history of the development on their basis of the group of famous, oldest resorts in Russia.
The presence of mineral springs is associated with a complex of sedimentary formations of the Meso-Cenozoic age, gently dipping from S to N from the Greater Caucasus to the Stavropol Upland. From the point of view of the possibilities for the accumulation and movement of groundwater, the rocks of the Meso-Cenozoic sinking to the north form a large artesian slope, the main feeding area of \u200b\u200bwhich coincides with the area of \u200b\u200bthe outcropping of the most ancient metamorphic rocks. Of several aquifers, the most abundant are: the Tithonian aquifer, flow rate 0.1-10 l / s, depth from 260 m (Kislovodsk region) to 1000 m (Essentuki); Valanginian complex, St. 15 l / s, depth from 170 m (Kislovodsk) to 800 m (Essentuki); Aptian complex, flow rate 10 l / s, maximum depth up to 500 m (Essentuki); Upper Cretaceous complex, flow rate up to 5 l / s, depth up to 300 m (the total flow rate of the most abundant is about 3-3.5 million liters per day). Faults and intrusions of igneous rocks (intrusions) are of great importance in the hydrogeology of the region, which form peculiar dome-shaped laccolithic mountains in the relief (Mashuk, Beshtau, Zheleznaya, Razvalka, Zmeika, etc.). Separate deposits of mineral waters are associated with zones of tectonic disturbances, as well as with contacts of intrusions and sedimentary rocks (Berezovskoe, Kislovodskoe, Kumskoe, Essentukskoe, Pyatigorskoe, Zheleznovodskoe, Nagutskoe, Kumagorskoe, etc.) and a large number of outlets of mineral springs of various compositions. The groundwater resources of the KMV (fresh and mineral) are formed mainly due to the infiltration of atmospheric precipitation (in the mountains of the Greater Caucasus). Part of the groundwater is enriched with gases (carbon dioxide) formed under conditions of high subsoil temperatures. The formation of the composition of mineral waters proceeds with a significant participation of the processes of leaching of the host rocks, cation exchange and mixing; this last process is especially widespread in the upper parts of the section, where deep, highly gas-saturated portions of water ascending along faults from the basement enter. Pushing aside less mineralized streams and partially mixing with them, the rising waters here form the final chemical and temperature profile of the region's mineral water.


Along with the mineral waters, the resort resources of KMV make up the favorable climate of the central and southwestern parts of the region, which is used for climatotherapy.
The climate of the KavMinVod region has long been highly appreciated by balneologists and is successfully used as a therapeutic factor. The main advantages of the local climate are associated with the large number of sunny days - in Kislovodsk only 37-40 days a year there is no sun. It is relatively dry here, humid air masses from the Black Sea do not reach here - they are retained by the Main Caucasian ridge.

The diversity of the relief creates a difference in the climate of the KMV resorts, and is formed under the influence of a number of factors: the difference in the altitude of cities, the protection of the mountains determines the characteristics of the microclimate. The foothill nature of the terrain and the proximity of the snowy peaks of the Main Caucasian Range on the one hand, and on the other, the proximity of arid steppes and semi-deserts of the Caspian coast, determine the continental features of the climate of this region. According to climatic conditions, the Kavminvod region can be conditionally divided into two zones: the southern - the Kislovodsk region with features of the continental climate of the low mountains, and the northern - Essentuki, Pyatigorsk, Zheleznovodsk with the typical features of the steppe zone. The most favorable, according to medical climatology, is the southern zone.

The region of the health resorts Zheleznovodsk, Pyatigorsk, Essentuki is a climatic zone with a lot of heat and moderate precipitation. The average annual precipitation is within 600 mm, mainly in spring and early summer. Compared to the southern zone, here, as a rule, the average annual air temperature is higher, the relative humidity is at the level of 65-71%, the number of days with fogs and without the sun is 85-92 (thick fogs are typical in winter), days with precipitation 120-160, and frosty days about 90. Cloudy days with fog and frost are in the autumn-winter period, which creates a contrast with Kislovodsk. In Pyatigorsk, summers are warm, winters are moderately mild (a third of winter days with rains, thaws, fogs). The climate of Zheleznovodsk corresponds to the mountain-forest and moderately dry climate of the middle mountains of the Alps. The number of hours of sunshine is relatively high here, but greenery and constantly blowing winds soften the heat. The climate of Essentuki is distinguished by contrast - the summer is hot, dry, the winter is frosty, often rainy. Spring and autumn are clearly defined. Kislovodsk is famous as a climatic resort, where clear dry weather prevails due to the closed conditions of the basin; For example, winter in Kislovodsk is "frost and sun, a wonderful day", the sun shines 300 days a year.

The air temperature depends on the altitude of the place and the season of the year. The average January temperature in Pyatigorsk is -4.0 ° C, in Kislovodsk -3.9 °. July temperature is + 22 ° and + 19 °, respectively.
The amount of precipitation decreases from the mountains to the plains: at Bermamyt - 724 mm, in Kislovodsk - 599 mm, in Pyatigorsk - 472 mm; the least of them are in Essentuki. More than 85% of all precipitation falls in the form of rain (in winter, rains prevail over snowfalls). The snow cover is low and unstable, snow falls and melts quickly. In Kislovodsk, the snow cover lays continuously on average for up to 10 days. More than half of the winters pass without snow at all.
The greatest cloudiness on the plains is observed in winter; in the mountains (Kislovodsk, Bermamyt, Narzanov Valley), on the contrary, the clearest winter months.

KMV resorts have a wind regime favorable for climatic treatment. Calms are frequent here, especially in the Kislovodsk Basin in winter (the average annual wind speed in Kislovodsk is 2.4 m / s). In the mountains, for example, in Bermamyt, there are strong winds - more than 15 m / s.
The best time of the year for recreation and travel in Kavminvody is late summer and autumn. It can be sunny, dry, rich in fruits and bright colors of landscapes.

Natural resources

Hydromineral, balneological resources

The basis of the resort resources of KMV is min. waters of various composition, on the basis of which the so-called North Caucasian recreational and healing region arose.

In terms of the composition and quality of its climatic and balneological resources, concentrated on a relatively compact territory, in terms of the richness and variety of mineral springs, the resort region of Russia - KavMinVody - has no analogues on the entire Euro-Asian continent, and even in the world; in terms of chemical wealth and diversity, quality and healing properties, the sources of mineral waters are extremely diverse and unparalleled. The origin, formation and properties of mineral waters are associated with the Pyatigorsk laccoliths and the high mountain regions of the North Caucasus, where groundwater is formed. Atmospheric precipitation falling in the mountains, as well as melt water, penetrate into the strata of rocks to great depths, mineralize, heat up, saturate with gases and come to the surface along cracks in river valleys. In terms of chemical composition and use for the treatment of water, for the most part - low and medium mineralized with a salt content of 2 to 15 g / l. The highest mineralization is at the Batalinsky and Lysogorsky springs - 21 g / l.
A small area (546.5 thousand hectares) contains unique hydromineral resources, a wonderful bouquet of healing mineral waters with approved operational reserves of 15.6 thousand cubic meters per day. As of 2001, 2.2 thousand m³ per day are extracted and used. At the same time, 1.5 thousand m 3 / day (68%) of them went for drinking and balneological treatment, and 0.7 thousand m 3 / day (32%) - for industrial bottling of medicinal and medicinal table waters.
There are 24 deposits and sites within the okrug. Conventionally, several separate deposits can be distinguished: Kislovodsk, Essentukskoe, Pyatigorskoe, Beshtaugorskoe, Inozemtsevskoe, Zheleznovodskoe, Zmeikinskoe, Lysogorskoe, Krasno-Vostochny, Kumagorskoe, Nagutskaya resort area, etc. Of the total approved reserves in category A + B within the Stavropol Territory, 1,3706 , 8 m³ per day, within the borders of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic - 1910.0 m³ per day (13.9%). In addition, prospective reserves (in categories C 1 + C 2 + P) amount to 7629.9 m 3 per day. Of the 5 hydrochemical provinces of underground mineral waters, 3 turned out to be characteristic of our region: provinces of carbonic acid (at the Mashukogorsk deposit in Pyatigorsk, for example, these are the 1st, 2nd and 4th Pyatigorsk types), radon waters (3rd type) , and nitrogen and nitrogen-methane waters (5th Pyatigorsk type).
At the same time, Pyatigorsk is called the MinVodny Museum for the exceptional variety of mineral springs concentrated in a small area around Mount Mashuk. These are the famous hot hydrogen sulphide waters, carbonic waters (Pyatigorsk narzans), radon waters, mineral waters of the Essentuk type (the fourth Pyatigorsk type), nitrogen-methane waters. The unique salt-alkaline waters of the Essentuki resort (Essentuki-4, Essentuki-17) are famous all over the world for their healing properties. Dolomite, sulfate and simple Narzans of Kislovodsk are widely known. Invaluable for the treatment of a large number of diseases are carbonic sulphate-carbonate calcium-sodium (Smirnovskaya and Slavyanovskaya waters), as well as the bitter-salty waters of the Batalinsky and Lysogorsky springs. Almost the entire spectrum of human diseases can be treated in the Caucasian Mineral Waters.

More than 50 enterprises and specialized workshops are engaged in industrial bottling of mineral waters in a specially protected ecological resort region. In 2001, 200642.6 thousand liters of mineral water were manufactured and sold. Thanks to this, the healing properties of our waters are well known in all regions of the country and abroad.

The unique wealth of the Caucasian Mineral Waters is the healing brine and mud of the Tambukansky [near the border of the region and Kabardino-Balkaria] and Lysogorsky mineral lakes. The Tambukan Lake feeds mainly on rain and melt waters, and since it is located in the arid steppe zone, it undergoes cyclical changes in the water surface. The area of \u200b\u200bthe water table is about 180 (230) hectares, the depth is from 1.5 to 3.1 m. The water of the lake is a brine of sulfate-chloride sodium-magnesium composition (mineralization 50-60 g / l). The total operational reserves of the most valuable black and dark gray mud are 1600 thousand cubic meters. m. (reserves of silt mud (contains 0.4% hydrogen sulfide) in the lake are estimated at 2.3 million tons). The mud is used in the resort establishments of KavMinVod (the most widely used in Pyatigorsk and Essentuki; in Zheleznovodsk, brine and mud of the Lysogorsk [Inozemtsev] lakes are equally exploited; in Kumagorsk, sulfide-silt mud, used for mud therapy, is extracted from a small salty lake located on resort), as well as health resorts in Dolinsk (Nalchik), Sernovodsk and North Ossetia. Healing mud is also sent to medical and health institutions in Moscow, Rostov, Volgograd, Sochi.
In addition, a therapeutic (so-called biostimulating) drug [such as FiBS, peloidin] is obtained from the mud, which retains its healing properties and can be used in out-of-resort conditions.

Caucasian-Mineralovodsk agglomeration

The core of the Caucasian Mineral Waters region is the Caucasian-Mineralovodsk polycentric urban agglomeration uniting the cities of Kislovodsk, Essentuki, Pyatigorsk, Zheleznovodsk, Lermontov, Mineralnye Vody. The Caucasian-Mineralovodsk agglomeration totals 946,000 (2010 census) (only in the Stavropol Territory, including the urban (658,000) and rural population (288,000) of the Foothill, Georgievsky and Mineralovodsky Districts), surpassing the Stavropol Territory in size, is the largest in the Stavropol Territory and the North Caucasus Federal District. The transport and economic center of the agglomeration is the city of Mineralnye Vody. The largest city in the agglomeration, Pyatigorsk, is the center of the North Caucasian Federal District formed in 2010.

The administrative center of the specially protected ecological resort region Caucasian Mineral Waters is located in Essentuki.

Caucasian Mineral Waters is one of the most densely populated areas of the North Caucasus; the average population density exceeds 150 people per sq km.


Caucasian Mineral Waters is the largest and one of the oldest resort regions of the Russian Federation. Over 130 mineral springs and large reserves of silt mud from Lake Tambukan (and Lysogorskoye Lake) make KMV a unique balneological resort. The KMV region is distinguished by picturesque natural landscapes, mountain healing climate and is famous for its enterprises of a sanatorium-resort complex in Russia. Their main specialization is the provision of medical and wellness services, treatment with world famous waters and mineral mud. Also, the land plots located on the territory of the KMV (within the boundaries of the districts of sanitary (mountain-sanitary) protection of the KMV resort) by virtue of the law are lands of specially protected natural areas. The fact of referring land plots to the number of lands of specially protected natural areas (lands of resorts) means the impossibility of granting it to the ownership of the society in connection with referring it to land plots limited in circulation (subparagraph 1 of paragraph 5 of Article 27 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation, paragraph 8 of Article 28 of the Law on privatization)

see also

  • Resorts of the Caucasian Mineral Waters:



  • A.M. Prokhorov (chief editor) Caucasian Mineral Waters //

The medicinal area Caucasian Mineral Waters is located at a latitude of 44 degrees, in the very center of the North Caucasus, almost at the same distance between the Black and Caspian seas. It is part of a vast plateau, stretching between mountain ranges and the Ciscaucasian plain, covers an area of \u200b\u200b5828 square kilometers and is part of not only the Stavropol Territory, but also the Karachay-Cherkess and Kabardino-Balkarian Republics.

In the relief of the area, two gently sloping terraces are visible. The first, starting from the Kum and Stavropol steppes, rising above sea level by about 300 meters, gradually rises to the northwest. Having reached heights above 1000 meters, it drops abruptly, forming a series of ledges that are clearly visible near the city of Kislovodsk. The watershed between the gentle and steep slopes of this terrace, on the left bank of the Podkumok river, is called the Dar'insky ridge, with heights of up to 1500 meters above sea level, and on the right bank, the Dzhinalsky ridge. Its highest points are the Upper Dzhinal (1539 m) and the Big Saddle (1409 m).

From the foot of the steep slope of the first terrace, the terrain begins to gradually rise again in the south-west direction, forming a gentle sloping surface of the second terrace. Its southern border is the grandiose cliffs crowning the slopes of the valleys of the rivers Eshkakon, Malka and Hasaut.

Directly above one of these cliffs is the highest point of the terrace - Mount Bermamyt (2643 m). From it, as well as from other nearby heights above the cliffs, a majestic and rare in beauty view opens up of the mountain range of the Main Caucasian ridge and Mount Elbrus - the highest point in Europe, an extinct volcano. Its double-headed peak (western - 5642 m and eastern - 5621 m), always covered with snow and ice, on clear days shines with dazzling whiteness against a blue sky background. And looking at this cold hulk, you feel the icy calm of the Caucasian colossus, disturbed only by snow blizzards. It is difficult to imagine that once he spewed fire from his bowels, and clouds of ash and smoke rose above its top. Eight million years ago, volcanic activity raged here.

Much earlier in the region of the Caucasian Mineral Waters magmatic activity intensified, as a result of which 17 mountains-laccoliths, that is, "failed volcanoes", were formed. The scientist GV Abikh poetically called them "an archipelago of rocky islands".

Numerous streams and rivers flow through the territory of the Caucasian Mineral Waters. And the largest of the rivers are Kuma and Podkumok.

The landscapes of the Caucasian Mineral Waters are beautiful. Here, among the hills and steppes, breaking their monotony and monotony, freakish mountains rise. They are located either completely isolated from each other, or in the form of small groups. Their silhouettes and picturesque forest-covered slopes attract attention and leave an unforgettable picture in the memory. Mikhail Yurievich Lermontov in the poem "Ishmael-Bey" very accurately described the traveler's impressions of the panorama that opens before him:

Round and round, left and right

As if the remains of the pyramids,

Ascending to the sky majestically

The mountain looks out from behind the mountain;

And far off their five-headed king,

Foggy, gray-blue,

Frightens with a wonderful height.

"Tsar" is the highest of the mountains - Beshtau, five peaks of which represent an extremely beautiful combination, especially if you look at them from the side of Essentuki.

The middle, highest peak of Beshtau is 1400 meters above sea level. To the north of Beshtau is Mount Zheleznaya (851 m), on the southern slopes of which the town of Zheleznovodsk is nestled, and even to the north rises Mount Razvalka (930 m).

Seen from the east, its silhouette remarkably resembles a sleeping lion.

To the west of Beshtau and Zheleznaya, four small mountain ranges stretch out in one line: Sheludivaya (873 m), Ostraya (880 m), Tupaya (Kaban) (772 m) and Medovaya (721 m). Still further, but somewhat to the side, rise the Byk (821 m) and Camel (902 m) mountains.

Near the town of Mineralnye Vody, Mount Zmeika (994 m) is located separately, the slopes of which are cut by deep serpentine ravines and hollows. And on the left bank of the Kuma River, near the village of Kangly, the not very steep Kinzhal Mountain (507 m) rises, half cut in recent years due to industrial stone mining. Not far from it there is another hilly upland, in its external outlines little similar to other laccoliths, but, nevertheless, having a common origin with them. This is the Kokurtli plateau (401 m).

To the southeast of Beshtau is the Mashuk mountain (998 m), which looks like an irregular, somewhat elongated dome with a rounded top. The largest city of the Caucasian Mineral Waters - Pyatigorsk is comfortably located between them.

To the south of Mashuk, on the right bank of the Podkumok River, there are three more laccoliths: Yutsa (973 m), Dzhutsa (1200 m) and a little off to the side - Golden Kurgan (884 m).

Finally, to the east of Pyatigorsk, Mount Lysaya (739 m) rises alone.

To the south, on the horizon, about 80 kilometers from Pyatigorsk, Elbrus proudly and majestically flaunts, various views of it open from the peaks of almost all laccoliths.

Scientists believe that violent volcanic activity took place in the Elbrus region not so long ago. These terrible phenomena have now subsided, but the magma that once flowed out here has not completely cooled down. Convincing evidence of this is the numerous tremors, which are recorded by seismologists of the Caucasian Mineral Waters, and the emergence of many hot and warm carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide mineral springs on the surface.

Mountain ranges of the Main Caucasian ridge, laccoliths of the Caucasian Mineral Waters played an important role in the formation of various types of mineral springs - underground medicine. The formation of mineral waters is a very complex and lengthy process. The ancient thinker Aristotle believed that what are the soils, so are the waters through which they pass.

But modern scientists have come to the conclusion that the chemical and gas composition of natural mineral waters, and therefore their medicinal properties, are formed under the influence of a complex of natural factors. This is the geological history of the development of the basin, that is, the change of the sea by land, which took place millions of years ago, and the composition of the rocks, and the time of manifestation of volcanic activity, as well as the climate and relief, water exchange and the intensity of modern tectonic movements, the thermal, gravitational and electromagnetic fields of the earth. The role of various physicochemical and biochemical processes taking place in the bowels of the earth is also important.

Despite the significant success of scientists and specialists in solving issues related to the formation of natural mineral waters, disputes about their origin do not stop.

It would seem that in a relatively small area in relatively similar geological conditions, there should be the same type of mineral waters. However, at present, about 40 types of healing natural springs have been identified in the Caucasian Mineral Waters, but, probably, there may be more.

Most natural scientists and hydrogeologists agree on one assumption: rain and melted snow waters, as well as magmatic carbon dioxide, take part in the formation of carbonic mineral waters prevailing in the Caucasian Mineral Waters.

Schematically, it looks like this: rain and melted snow water penetrates through the pores, voids and cracks of rocks into the bowels of the earth, where they are saturated with carbon dioxide coming along large faults from great depths of the earth's crust. For a very long time, under conditions of various temperatures and pressures, a complex process of enrichment of rain and melt water with gases, organic matter, biologically active microelements (iron, copper, iodine, boron, bromine, arsenic, cobalt, fluorine and others) takes place, their transformation into natural medicine used in the KMV resorts.

Underground mineral waters, in contrast to mineral deposits, are renewable. They can be replenished and exist indefinitely if used wisely.

The ecological purity of healing waters depends entirely on our common culture, our relationship to nature. Unreasonable economic activity of a person, pollution of territories will certainly affect their composition. This should be remembered.

It is no coincidence that the area of \u200b\u200bthe Caucasian Mineral Waters is assigned to the only specially protected ecological-resort territory in Russia.

The wealth of nature and the bowels of the CMS is a gift from God. To preserve it and use the resorts so that they serve for the good of Russia for a long time is the main task of today.

Climate is a healer

The Main Caucasian ridge and the laccolithic mountains play an important role in the formation of the microclimate of the Caucasian Mineral Waters. In addition, it is influenced by local reasons peculiar only to this region: foothill location, proximity of arid steppes and semi-deserts of the Caspian region. To the north and east, the territory of the KMV is open, and from there, in the winter months, cold waves invade, sharply reducing the air temperature. It is they in general that determine the continental climatic features.

The climate of the region of the Caucasian Mineral Waters has long been highly appreciated by specialists and is generally recognized as one of the most important means of resort treatment. It has a beneficial effect on the most important human organs, due to increased solar radiation, reduced oxygen pressure, high transparency and air purity. The climate at KMV is successfully used as a healing factor.

In Kislovodsk, it is used in the treatment of cardiovascular, neurological diseases, and nonspecific respiratory diseases. In Yessentuki, Zheleznovodsk, Pyatigorsk - for indications of patients with chronic diseases of the digestive system: gastritis, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, cholecystitis, colitis, functional disorders of the intestine, nervous system, metabolic disorders (obesity, mild diabetes mellitus), diseases skin (psoriasis, urticaria, eczema), chronic urological and gynecological diseases, not accompanied by frequent exacerbations.

Despite the fact that the resort cities are located next to each other, the climatic conditions of the health-improving zones differ from each other. This is due to their different altitude position and dissection of the terrain, the degree of landscape closure and the presence of forest vegetation.

Quite often, those who come to the Caucasian Mineral Waters in the summer notice a change in the weather when moving from the city of Mineralnye Vody to the city of Kislovodsk on a 60-kilometer stretch of the road. If, for example, in Zheleznovodsk, Pyatigorsk and Yessentuki the weather is cloudy or rainy, then in Kislovodsk it is a bright sunny day. And in winter it can be warm and sunny, and in Yessentuki and Pyatigorsk - fog and ice. For these reasons, two zones can be conditionally distinguished: southern and northern.

In the southern zone is the city of Kislovodsk and its environs. This is due to the location of the city in a natural basin, closed by the Main Caucasian ridge and the ridges of the Dzhinalsky and Darinsky mountain ranges. From the north, they prevent the penetration of cold winds that bring cloudy rainy weather, and from the southwest, the proximity of the subtropical zones of the Black Sea coast affects.

Kislovodsk is one of the best climatic resorts in Europe.

It stands out among other cities of the KMV with an abundance of sunny days. The city has over 300 sunny days a year. Even during the winter months, the sun shines for an average of four or more hours a day. In summer, there is no sweltering heat here, and in the evenings it is always cool. It is especially good in Kislovodsk in autumn and winter: sunny, warm, dry, calm.

In the northern zone of the Caucasian Mineral Waters there are other resorts - Essentuki, Pyatigorsk, Zheleznovodsk and the Kumogorsk medical area.

Common to them is approximately the same amount of annual precipitation (550-590 mm), the average annual temperature is 10-12 degrees and the number of days with precipitation is 120-160.

Essentuki is located at an altitude of 600-630 meters above sea level, in the valley of the Podkumok River. They are open on all sides and are well ventilated. In summer it is very hot here, it gets cooler only in the morning, and only park vegetation somewhat softens the force of winds and heat.

Pyatigorsk is located at an altitude of 500-600 meters above sea level, on the southwestern slope of Mashuk Mountain. Therefore, it is somewhat warmer here than in Essentuki and Zheleznovodsk. Thanks to the winds from the south-east and west, the heat in summer is softened, and in the resort area with rich tree and shrub vegetation, it is felt even less. Due to the proximity of Mount Mashuk, it is cool here in the evening and at night, as in Kislovodsk. In summer, after thunderstorms and rains, it quickly becomes dry. The best weather is September – October, when it is still warm and there is little rainfall.

Zheleznovodsk is located mainly on the southern slope of Mount Zheleznaya, at an altitude of 580-640 meters above sea level, among a dense deciduous forest. The city offers a picturesque view of the Beshtau peaks. Its climatic characteristics are close to those of Pyatigorsk. It is also dominated by westerly and easterly winds, which bring cold weather in winter. Lush forest-park vegetation softens the force of the winds, delays the surface runoff of precipitation, increases the amount of evaporation, as a result of which the air is more humid here during the daytime in summer compared to other cities in the northern zone of the KMW.

The Kumogorsk health-improving area is located 12 kilometers northwest of the city of Mineralnye Vody, at an altitude of 470-550 meters above sea level. Its peculiar territory is distinguished by rich steppe herbs. There is also one of the oldest dendrological parks of the Stavropol Territory with an area of \u200b\u200babout 50 hectares.

The climate in Kumogorsk is temperate continental. Spring is rainy and cool. Summers are very warm with many fine days. And the hottest month is July. Autumn is dry and warm. Only at the end of October, as in resort cities, the first frosts appear. Winter is moderately mild.

As a rule, it rains at the beginning of summer, and it is much less than in the rest of the territory of the KMW. East and west winds prevail.

Due to the variety of climatic zones, Caucasian Mineral Waters is a unique area for the application of climatotherapy

Wealth of subsoil

Due to the various geological conditions in the bowels of the Caucasian Mineral Waters, a unique variety of mineral waters has formed - about 40 different types.

Kislovodsk narzans, carbonic waters of the type "Essentuki No. 4", "Essentuki No. 17", "Essentuki novaia", "Essentuki healing", hot Pyatigorsk and cold carbonic waters of the type "Mashuk No. 1" and "Mashuk No. 19", Zheleznovodsk thermal "Slavyanovskaya", "Smirnovskaya", "Novoterskaya healing", "Slavyanskaya", "Beshtau", carbonic-hydrogen sulfide waters, bitter-salty, hydrogen sulfide, soda - analogues of "Borzhomi", siliceous, iodine-bromine, boric and radon waters ...

With the development of the resort business, the number of new types of mineral waters used in practice is constantly increasing.

Mineral waters are called natural waters that have a healing effect on the human body, due to their chemical composition and specific properties.

According to their balneological effect during drinking treatment, they are divided into three types: drinking, medical-table and medical.

Drinking waters are considered to have a mineralization of no more than 1 gram per 1 liter, medical and table waters - up to 10 grams, medicinal - more than 10 grams per liter.

Natural mineral waters should be transparent, without foreign inclusions (a slight sediment of mineral salts is allowed), with a taste and smell of a complex of substances dissolved in water, safe in sanitary and bacteriological terms.

Due to the deep bedding, high temperature regime, all natural drinking mineral waters of the deposits of the Caucasian Mineral Waters are ecologically and sanitary-bacteriological safe.

"Selecting and prescribing the necessary water for a patient is not an easy task, it requires familiarity with the waters, knowledge of the disease state for which water is prescribed," noted Professor S. A. Smirnov.

When selecting criteria for evaluating underground mineral waters from a significant number of indicators of their chemical composition and physical properties, balneologists, chemists and hydrogeologists selected the most important ones that determine the physiological and, consequently, the therapeutic effect of waters on a living organism.

These signs include water salinity, ionic composition, content of active microcomponents in waters, gas composition, radioactivity, active reaction and temperature.

Mineralization of water is a combination of mineral and organic substances dissolved in it, which is expressed in grams per liter. It can vary widely from 1 to 650 grams per liter.

Healing mineral waters with a mineralization of more than 10 grams per liter, with rare exceptions, are used only in the form of baths or bathing in pools.

The study of natural mineral waters includes the determination of their origin, a comprehensive assessment of the chemical composition and medicinal properties, analysis of the effectiveness in experiments on animals with subsequent clinical testing and the issuance of recommendations for use in practice.

How much, when and what kind of mineral water to drink? The answer to this question can be found in the opinion of the French physician Deltau, expressed by him in 1896: "Treatment with mineral waters is useful insofar as the instructions of the doctor who supervise it are correct".

Natural drinking, medicinal table and medicinal waters of KMV are famous not only for their amazing variety and quantity, but also for their quality, which allows them to be bottled for a long time.

At prestigious international exhibitions in Berlin, Cologne and Dubai in 1997, in Paris, Cairo and Spain in 1998, the healing waters of the Caucasian Mineral Waters were awarded gold medals.

Healing mud of Lake Tambukan

In the health resorts of the Caucasian Mineral Waters, the mud of Lake Tambukan is also used for treatment along with mineral waters.

The lake is located 12 km southeast of the city of Pyatigorsk, on the road to Kabardino-Balkaria, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe distribution of powerful marine deposits of the Tertiary period, rich in salts.

For the first time Lake Tambukan was described by the scientist-traveler I. A. Guldenstedt in 1773. The first "mud baths" were the Pyatigorsk Ermolovsk baths, where in 1886 several cabins were re-equipped for this. In those days, mud therapy was used differently than it is now, but special baths were arranged, where the mud was diluted with mineral water.

In 1893 in Zheleznovodsk, in the new building of mineral baths, four cabins for mud therapy were arranged.

Tambukan was located on the lands belonging to the Cossacks and Kabardians, from whom the Department of the Caucasian Mineral Waters was forced to rent the lake, which created many difficulties and inconveniences.

Since 1903, thanks to the Decree of Emperor Nicholas II, the lake was transferred to the permanent use of the Caucasian Mineral Waters.

The increase in profits from the sale of bottled mineral water at the beginning of the 20th century allowed the Directorate of Waters to build new special buildings for mud therapy, which significantly increased the use of therapeutic mud in Pyatigorsk and Essentuki.

The largest in the Caucasian Mineral Waters was the mud baths, opened in Zheleznovodsk in 1971.

According to the Pyatigorsk State Research Institute of Balneology, the composition of the Tambukan mud and its medicinal value have practically not changed for almost two centuries.

Now the lake is a shallow closed oval-shaped closed reservoir. Its length is two kilometers, its width is about one, the current depth is from two to three meters, the area of \u200b\u200bthe water surface is about 175 hectares and may vary slightly depending on climatic indicators.

The lake is nourished by spring runoff, runoff of rain and melted snow water, and also partly by underground mineralized waters.

The healing mud of Tambukan is a black, shiny, oily, plastic, uniform and heavy mass. These are bottom sediments of the lake. The formation of dirt occurs under the influence of complex chemical and biological processes.

The ionic composition of brine (mud) has remained almost unchanged since 1872 and remains chloride-sulfate magnesium-sodium, but its mineralization has dropped: from 369 grams per liter in 1872 to 30-40 in 2002.

The main effect of mud on the human body is thermal, chemical and mechanical. In the course of treatment, the corresponding skin receptors are irritated, a complex humoral and reflex effect is exerted, an active balneotherapy effect is created.

Mud procedures are used in the form of general mud baths, mud applications, tampons, electro-mud therapy, galvanic mud therapy and others.

About 15 preparations, extracts, filtrates, extracts and salts are currently produced from the therapeutic mud of the Tambukan Lake.

Mud therapy in the health resorts of the Caucasian Mineral Waters is used in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal, nervous systems, peripheral vessels, gynecological diseases, diseases of the digestive system and skin diseases.

The types of procedures are prescribed by the attending physician for each patient individually. He also monitors the patient's condition after taking the procedures.

Mud is extracted from the bottom of the lake with special floating scoops, then in special containers it is sent to mud baths and sanatoriums in resort cities of KMV.

Caucasian Mineral Waters is a unique natural resort located in the foothills of the Greater Caucasus, on the territory of the Stavropol Territory. This place has always attracted and lured vacationers with its beauty, unique historical sites, favorable climate for health. As in pre-revolutionary times, so now the Caucasian Mineral Waters do not lose their highest importance.

After all, it is here that the most curative mineral springs are beating, which is why this indescribably marvelous land is glorified. Everything is full of many memorable historical places, and nature literally amazes the imagination with its pristine beauty!

More than 700 thousand people are treated and rest at the resorts of the Caucasian Mineral Waters every year.

Kislovodsk is the main cardiological resort of Russia

The city owes its name to the appearance of mineral water - "Narzan" (from the Turkic "Narsan" - sour water). This miraculous water naturally came out of the bowels of the earth in the city. As a result, a resort of the highest level quickly grew out of the Kislovodskaya station. Prominent doctors and doctors of Kislovodsk treated all kinds of diseases with the waters of Narzan, using all kinds of combinations of climatotherapy, balneotherapy and modern medical techniques.

Currently, the main profile of Kislovodsk sanatoriums is cardiology. It is believed that the Kislovodsk narzan has a beneficial effect on the heart and vascular system, the climate of Kislovodsk is very favorable, and the height of 850 m above sea level is well tolerated by cardiac patients.

In addition to the famous health resort park, wonderful health resorts, the Zerkalny Pond, the Narzan Gallery, there are local attractions: Kislovodsk Fortress, Kislovodsk Kurzal, State Historical and Cultural Museum "Shalyapin's Dacha", Kislovodsk Memorial Museum-Estate of the artist N. A. Yaroshenko, Mount Ring - a natural monument and one of the objects of the M. Yu. Lermontov State Museum-Reserve.

Pyatigorsk - a multi-profile resort in Russia

There are more than 40 springs in Pyatigorsk - almost all types of mineral waters. A successful combination of carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulphide, radon sources and mud of Lake Tambukan, a favorable climate and a wonderful natural landscape predetermined the fate of the most versatile resort in Russia.

Pyatigorsk is located on the left bank of the Podkumka, on the slopes of the Goryachaya and Mashuk mountains, at an altitude of about 520-620 m above the Baltic Sea level. The name of the city comes from the Beshtau mountain, which means “five mountains”.

In addition to the variety of health resorts, therapies and therapies offered, there are also local attractions. Everything around here is associated with the names of prominent political and cultural figures of the country of the 18th - 20th centuries. Here you can see the place of the duel of M.Yu. Lermontov, visit an interesting natural phenomenon - Lake Proval, for the repair of which the protagonist of the novel "Twelve Chairs" Ostap Bender collected money from unlucky visitors.

It will be interesting to walk along the Goryachaya mountain, taste the mineral water, admire the panorama of the Pyatigorye mountains and the Central Caucasus mountains from the Eolova Arfa pavilion. The panorama of the city of Pyatigorsk can be admired with pleasure from Goryachaya Mountain.

Essentuki - famous healing springs

Here are the unique salt-alkaline springs "Essentuki-4", "Essentuki-17". You can taste invigorating cold mineral water with pleasure, learn many interesting facts about the history of the resort development. See with your own eyes the famous mud baths, historical health resorts of the resort, walk through the shady park, where the voices of M. Gorky, S. Rachmaninov and others sounded.

Zheleznovodsk - a resort at the junction of two mountains

Zheleznovodsk is the smallest, most northern and very, very green resort. Located in a natural valley between the Beshtau and Zheleznaya mountains. The resort is famous for its hot calcium springs, the water in which is actively used to treat the gastrointestinal tract, liver and urological diseases. This is a very beautiful place: there is a stunningly picturesque park, the Pushkin gallery, the palace of the Emir of Bukhara, Ostrovsky baths, and pump rooms.

Nalchik is a resort of all-union significance

As a resort area, with its wonderful mild climate and useful mineral springs, Nalchik has been known since the second half of the 19th century. Even then, the local population began to use the thermal springs to treat all kinds of diseases. Nalchik's guests at different times were outstanding representatives of Russian art - the composer M.A., Balakirev, F.I. Chaliapin, A.S. Griboyedov, V.A., Gilyarovsky, A.A. Fadeev.

The water here contains hydrogen sulfide and a small amount of minerals. In addition to mineral waters, mud therapy is widely used in the Nalchik resort. The mud is delivered from the bottom of Lake Tambukan, located right there on the border of the republic and the Stavropol Territory.

Balneological resort - Goryachy Klyuch

In Goryachy Klyuch you can see many noteworthy sights. For example, it will be fascinating to visit the most beautiful Dante Gorge, where a bas-relief of the poet of the Renaissance is skillfully carved on the rock, to observe the surroundings from the Petushok rock, to drink water from the stunning Iversky spring, to which legends attribute miraculous properties.

Goryachy Klyuch is a unique natural place where the healing properties of both Essentuki mineral waters and hydrogen sulfide baths are combined, similar to the Matsesta resort area in Sochi.

Mineral springs of Caucasian mineral waters

The main treasure in the resorts of the Caucasian mineral waters are, of course, magnificent mineral springs.

In the Caucasus, there is a whole bunch of delicious mineral springs, there are about 300 of them. 14 water deposits are actively used: Kislovodskoe, Beshtaugorskoe, Pyatigorskoe, Zheleznovodskoe, Batalinskoe, Lysogorskoe, Zmeikinskoe, Nagutskoe, Kumagorskoe, Gergievskoe, Kalaborskoe, Kumskoe, Verkhnepodkumskoe.

The water in them varies in content: carbonic acid, hydrogen sulfide, radon, calcium-sodium, hydrocarbonate-sulfate. With its help, treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, upper respiratory tract, genitourinary, cardiovascular, musculoskeletal system, skin diseases. At the resorts, water is used not only for drinking treatment, but also for taking baths, showers, swimming in pools, rinsing, and inhalation.

However, before starting use, you should definitely talk to a specialist. He will advise and tell you which water source will be better to use, explain the regimen, duration and rules of intake. There are also contraindications, so you need to be extremely careful in these delicate issues.

Mud therapy

Also in the Caucasian mineral waters, a significant health-improving method is very common - curative mud. Their source is the Tambukan Lake. Its reserves are 1.4 tons. The lake was first explored in 1910 by I.A. Orlov. Tambukan mud has a huge content of minerals that have a powerful antibacterial effect.

Climatic conditions

The local climate itself has a significant healing effect. In view of what a whole direction in medicine was created - climate treatment. The territory of the Caucasian Mineral Waters is divided into two parts: southern and northern. The southern region includes the Kislovodsk region with a temperate continental climate. And Essentuki, Zheleznovodsk and Pyatigorsk belong to the northern part with a predominance of the steppe climate. The most favorable climatic conditions are the southern zone.

In Kislovodsk only 37 days a year there is no sun, there is almost no wind, the air is very clean. Walking along special walking routes, you feel true harmony with nature, increase your mood, and improve breathing!


Caucasian mineral waters, a resort in the very citadel of the North Caucasus, on the northern slopes of the Main Caucasian Range. Just 90 km from the famous Elbrus and practically at the same distance between the Black and Caspian seas.

This area is also approximately at the same latitude with the famous resorts of the French Riviera and the Italian Adrianatic. Resorts of the Caucasian Mineral Waters are united by small cozy towns like: Kislovodsk, Essentuki, Zheleznovodsk and Pyatigorsk. They are very similar in size to European ones - Karlovy Vary and Baden Baden. All of them are located relatively close to each other, forming as a whole, a single array.

How to get there

You can get to any of the cities either by plane, directly to the city of Mineralnye Vody, or by train. Half of it goes to Mineralnye Vody, part of it goes further along the Kislovodsk-Minvody branch to Kislovodsk, bypassing Pyatigorsk.

The Caucasian Mineral Waters have good transport links with almost all regions of Russia. From Moscow and other cities located at a great distance from the south, it is most convenient, of course, to take a plane.

The largest international airport in the region, Mineralnye Vody, is connected by airlines with almost all ends of our vast homeland. Regular flights to Mineralnye Vody are operated by Kavminvodyavia and Aeroflot - Russian Airlines. From Moscow, the flight time will be only 1 hour 50 minutes.

Caucasian Mineral Waters

Coat of arms of the region

Region map

Caucasian Mineral Waters (Kavminvody, KMV) - a group of federal resorts in the Stavropol Territory; specially protected ecological-resort region of the Russian Federation, which has a coordinating administration. Direct state management of this region is entrusted to the administration of the Caucasian Mineral Waters, the head of which is appointed by the President of the Russian Federation on the proposal of the Governor of the Stavropol Territory.

The region is located in the south of the European part of Russia, almost at the same distance from the Black and Caspian Seas, - within the junction of the Mineralovodskaya inclined plain and the northern slopes of the Greater Caucasus.

The electrified Moscow - Rostov - Baku railway with a branch to Kislovodsk (and a branch to Zheleznovodsk), an asphalted federal highway Rostov - Baku passes through the territory of the region. Mineralnye Vody Airport connects the KMV region by direct flights with all major centers of the Russian Federation, neighboring countries, and also operates flights to non-CIS countries.



The region-agglomeration Caucasian Mineral Waters, with an area of \u200b\u200bmore than 500 thousand hectares (5.3 thousand sq. Km), is located on the territory of three constituent entities of the Russian Federation within the boundaries of the district of mountain-sanitary protection:

  • in the Stavropol Territory - cities and resort cities of Georgievsk, Mineralnye Vody (including the resort Kumagorsk and resort area Naguta), Pyatigorsk, Zheleznovodsk, Lermontov, Essentuki, Kislovodsk, as well as the regions of Georgievsky, Mineralovodsky and Predgorny proper, - 58% of the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe region;
  • in Kabardino-Balkaria - Zolsky district - 9% (curative mud from Lake Tambukan, Valley of Narzanov and others);
  • in Karachay-Cherkessia - Malokarachaevsky and Prikubansky regions, - 33% of the territory (zone of formation of mineral springs).

The regional center of KMV with the location of the coordinating administration is the city of Essentuki. Previously, this status belonged to the city of Pyatigorsk, even earlier - to Georgievsk.
At the same time, the regime of special nature management in adjacent territories is also carried out by the state bodies of the republics.
The head of the administration of KavMinVod, in accordance with the Regulation, is the first deputy chairman of the Government of the Stavropol Territory by position

Physical and geographical characteristics (location)

The region of Caucasian Mineral Waters occupies the southern part of the Stavropol Territory and is located on the northern slopes of the Main Caucasian Range, just a couple of tens of kilometers from Elbrus. Another here seems to be the earth, to others the sky. From afar, motionless white clouds are visible, which, when approached, turn out to be the snowy peaks of the Caucasus Mountains. The southern borders of the region are the foothills of Elbrus, the valley of the Khasaut and Malka rivers; in the west - the headwaters of the Eshkakona and Podkumka rivers; the northern border of the region is the city of Mineralnye Vody, behind which the steppe expanses of the Ciscaucasia begin.

In terms of hydromineral resources, the region includes:

  • in the south: the carbonic waters of the Upper and Lower Berezovsky in the Berezovsky gorge, the springs Belovodsky and Bely in the upper reaches of the Alikonovsky gorge (the Belovodskaya Balka rivulet), the Malkinsky gorge - the springs of Tkhobzashkhops (in the Kamennomostsky region), the source of Seraphim Sarovsky with the healing northern slopes of the Dzhyna ), Valley of Narzanov, Cheget Lakhran, Lakhran Narzans [Kichmalka plateau, Ullu-Lakhran mountain (1883 m)], source (Khasautsky) in the Mal. Bermamyt (2644 m) and the village of Khasaut (in the south-west; in the extreme south (adjacent to the Elbrus) the source of Yungeshli).
  • in the west: in the Kumskoye gorge - the carbonic water of the Kumskoye deposit in Krasno-Vostochny (the village of Krasny Vostok) and the Suvorov baths, springs in the upper reaches of the Podkumka and Kum rivers near the Gumbashi pass, and east of Gudgora (2489 m) on the Eshkakon river (Lower Eshkakonsky and Upper Eshkakonsky; tract Kanta-Tukele?); on the watershed - springs in the area of \u200b\u200bthe villages Michurinsky and Kholodnorodnikovskoe (near the village of Schastlivoe), and on the northern slopes of the Pasture Range in the Ugolnaya Balka (above the forestry enterprises Ugolnaya Dacha and Bekeshevskaya Dacha - in Karachay-Cherkessia).
  • in the north: in the resort of Kumagorsk, Nagutsk springs in the balneological Nagutsk resort area (springs near the villages of Nagutskoe, Soluno-Dmitrievskoe (station Nagutskaya - a plant for bottling mineral waters of one of the largest in the region of the Nagutskoe deposit (250 million bottles per year, 80 f)), this also includes the mineral springs of the city of Camel).
  • in the east: Lysogorsk springs (Lysaya Gora, including Batalinskiy), as well as St. George's Baths.


KMV is one of the oldest resort regions in Russia. The first written information about its mineral springs is found in the doctor G. Schober (1717), who was sent by Peter I to examine the mineral well North Caucasus. The first detailed descriptions of them were made by I.A.Guldenstedt (1773), and then by P.S.Pallas (1793). After the study of the hot spring in Pyatigorsk (1801) and the conclusion of a special commission on the possibility of using mineral waters for therapeutic purposes (1802), by decree of Alexander I of April 24, 1803, the regulation on the Caucasus Mineral Waters was approved, when the historical Rescript "On the recognition of the state significance of the Caucasian Mineral Waters" was signed and the necessity of their arrangement ”- and began their official existence as a resort area.
The first information about Lake Tambukanskoye was also reported by I.A.Guldenstedt (1770s), but the use of its medicinal mud began much later (from 1886 in Pyatigorsk and Yessentuki, then in Zheleznovodsk). Initially, the KMV attracted a limited number of patients, mainly from the military and the nobility. There were no resort development plans; the command of the KMV was usually assigned to the military administration. Only a few of the administrators showed interest in KavMinVody.

The history of the development of this unique resort region of the Russian Federation has been characterized by ups and downs, with the transition from state administration to private contractors. Long distances from the central cities of the Russian Empire, when those wishing to receive medical treatment on Hot, Iron and Sour Waters were forced to make a real trip on horse-drawn carriages lasting one and a half to two months, military operations in the Caucasus, the lack of amenities of the springs and resorts themselves - all this created certain difficulties in development of the Caucasian Mineral Waters. According to the memoirs of contemporaries, at the beginning of the 19th century, vacationers on Hot Waters lived in Kalmyk wagons, specially sent here for the summer resort season. The ascetic work on the arrangement of the Caucasus Ministry of Water of outstanding Russian patriots (in alphabetical order):

  • Johann K. and Joseph K. Bernardazzi
  • G. A. Emanuelya
  • A. P. Nelyubina
  • M. V. Sergeeva
  • N. N. Slavyanova
  • S. A. Smirnova
  • V. V. Khvoshchinsky

and many others has made it possible to turn them step by step into a famous balneological resort in Russia. In Soviet times, the Caucasian Mineral Waters became a popular forge of health for the population of the Soviet Union. In 1990, about 1 million people from all over the country and from abroad rested and recovered at the all-Union resort [cavming group].

But at the same time, the growth of the local population proceeded at a rapid pace (see below - agglomeration). All this began to create a large anthropogenic load on the ecology of the KMV (see Pyatigorsk). A certain shortage of mineral resources began to be felt. Excessive development of industry in resort cities, not related to health-improving (sanatorium-resort) purposes, the use of pesticides and synthetic fertilizers in agriculture also posed a real threat of pollution of the hydromineral resources of the unique resort. This could not but alarm the representatives of balneology, the leadership of the Stavropol Territory, the Russian government.
That is why the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation B. N. Yeltsin was signed on March 27, 1992, according to which KavMinVody is a specially protected ecological-resort region of the Russian Federation. It directly defined the goals of creating the region - preserving the natural resources of the KMV resorts - a world famous area with unique health and healing factors, a unique historical, architectural and cultural appearance.

Mountains Kavminvod

Above all the resorts is Kislovodsk (817-1063 m), the rest of the resorts are at about the same height: Essentuki - along the river. Podkumok (600-640 m), Pyatigorsk - at the foot of Mashuk (510-630 m), Zheleznovodsk - in the valley between Beshtau and Zheleznaya, on the slopes at the foot of the latter (600-650 m). The vegetation is represented mainly by the massifs of oak and hornbeam forests, alternating with meadow steppes; in the foothills, steppe and forest-steppe vegetation, which in the mountains (at an altitude of 800-1100 m) is replaced by broad-leaved forests (beech, oak, hornbeam).

The relief of the region of the Caucasian Mineral Waters begins at the foot of Elbrus, where the Rocky ridge with a number of peaks stands out clearly. In the western and southern parts of the KMV, the mountains are steep, in places with steep ledges to the south (the depth of these cliffs reaches 1000 m), and the northern long slopes are slightly (gently) inclined and merge with the foothill plain. These are the Pasture and Skalisty ridges. By river valleys, they are divided into a number of mountain ranges. The pasture ridge within KavMinVod is cut by Podkumkom into two parts: the western (Borgustan ridge, Darinsky heights of the Borgustan ridge) rises by 1200-1300 m, and the eastern (Dzhinalsky ridge) has an absolute elevation of the Verkhniy Dzhinal peak 1542 m. Rocks on the spurs of the ridges are decorated with niches openwork vaults, carved sandstone columns. To the south of Pasture, the Rocky Range with the peaks of the Big and Small Bermamyt (2592 and 2644 m (the highest point of the KMV), 30 km to Elbrus; in the early morning on Bermamyt you can sometimes see the so-called Brokken ghost). Bermamyt plateau, and Zhatmaz ridge (Shidzhatmaz (Shatzhatmaz) 2127 m, astronomical station of the GAO RAS (2072 m), scientific base of the Institute of Atmospheric Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences) and Kichmalka plateau (Manglai town 2055 m), below between which in the picturesque valley of the Hasaut River at an altitude of 1300 m above sea level there is the Narzan Valley - about 20 mineral springs (34 km south of Kislovodsk, in the southern foothills of the Rocky Ridge of the Greater Caucasus), - inclined towards Kislovodsk and abut against the steep ledges of the Pasture Ridge. To the south of the Skalisty ridge towards Elbrus, the vast Bechasyn plateau stretches (with the Bechasyn mountain 2364 m). In terms of absolute heights, the KMV territory belongs to the middle mountains, the maximum height amplitude is 2464 m (and with Elbrus taken into account - 5462 m, II place after Kabardino-Balkaria).
The dismembered relief, creating a wide variety of landscapes, is explained by the long development and complex geological structure of the territory.


The KavMinVod region is located within the confluence of the Stavropol Upland (Ciscaucasia) and the northern slopes and foothills of the North Caucasus. This is the center of the Caucasus region, where for a long geological history, along with folded and vertical movements, horizontal movements also occurred. Its territory is bordered on all sides by huge deep faults. The origin of the laccoliths is associated with the faults. These mountains were formed by gradual uplift or tectonic squeezing through the thickness of sedimentary deposits of viscous, cooling lava. Volcanic bodies are still cooling in our time. At the base of the northward inclined sheet plains at the very bottom lie the Paleozoic rocks crumpled into folds and penetrated during mountain building by veins of acid magma: quartz-chlorite schists, quartzites, granites. The most ancient rocks of the region can be seen in the Alikonovka River valley south of Kislovodsk, 4-5 km higher from the Zamok Rock, one of the local attractions. Here pink and red granites come to the surface, the age of which is determined at 220-230 million years. In the Mesozoic time, the granites that emerged on the surface were destroyed and formed a thick (up to 50 m) layer of the weathering crust, consisting of crystals of quartz, feldspar, and mica. There are geodes - “stones with a secret”. Having split such a stone, one can find white calcite crystals inside, incrustations of gray opal and translucent chalcedony. Sedimentary deposits of the Jurassic and Cretaceous seas, with a thickness of more than 1000 m, can be viewed on the southern slopes of the Borgustan and Dzhinal ranges. Here brownish-gray and yellowish limestones, dolomites, and red ferruginous sandstones come to the surface. These are the famous Red and Gray stones (see the park). On Goryachaya Mountain in Pyatigorsk, you can see various forms of travertine deposits - a stone that arose during the evaporation of mineral water. Fossilized leaves and twigs are visible in travertine. Karst is developed here, which is also found on the Rocky and Pasture ridges. The peculiarities of the geological structure of the Breakup are associated with the amazing phenomenon of "summer permafrost", explained by the seasonal air circulation in the cracks of the mountain.

With all the diversity of the composition of the waters and the nature of the deposits, the KMV mineral springs are closely related by the common geological conditions of formation and the general history of the development on their basis of the group of famous, oldest resorts in Russia.
The presence of mineral springs is associated with a complex of sedimentary formations of the Meso-Cenozoic age, gently dipping from S to N from the Greater Caucasus to the Stavropol Upland. From the point of view of the possibilities for the accumulation and movement of groundwater, the rocks of the Meso-Cenozoic sinking to the north form a large artesian slope, the main feeding area of \u200b\u200bwhich coincides with the area of \u200b\u200bthe outcropping of the most ancient metamorphic rocks. Of several aquifers, the most abundant are: the Tithonian aquifer, flow rate 0.1-10 l / s, depth from 260 m (Kislovodsk region) to 1000 m (Essentuki); Valanginian complex, St. 15 l / s, depth from 170 m (Kislovodsk) to 800 m (Essentuki); Aptian complex, flow rate 10 l / s, maximum depth up to 500 m (Essentuki); Upper Cretaceous complex, flow rate up to 5 l / s, depth up to 300 m (the total flow rate of the most abundant is about 3-3.5 million liters per day). Faults and intrusions of igneous rocks (intrusions) are of great importance in the hydrogeology of the region, which form peculiar dome-shaped laccolithic mountains in the relief (Mashuk, Beshtau, Zheleznaya, Razvalka, Zmeika, etc.). Separate deposits of mineral waters are associated with zones of tectonic disturbances, as well as with contacts of intrusions and sedimentary rocks (Berezovskoe, Kislovodskoe, Kumskoe, Essentukskoe, Pyatigorskoe, Zheleznovodskoe, Nagutskoe, Kumagorskoe, etc.) and a large number of outlets of mineral springs of various compositions. The groundwater resources of the KMV (fresh and mineral) are formed mainly due to the infiltration of atmospheric precipitation (in the mountains of the Greater Caucasus). Part of the groundwater is enriched with gases (carbon dioxide) formed under conditions of high subsoil temperatures. The formation of the composition of mineral waters proceeds with a significant participation of the processes of leaching of the host rocks, cation exchange and mixing; this last process is especially widespread in the upper parts of the section, where deep, highly gas-saturated portions of water ascending along faults from the basement enter. Pushing aside less mineralized streams and partially mixing with them, the rising waters here form the final chemical and temperature profile of the region's mineral water.


Along with the mineral waters, the resort resources of KMV make up the favorable climate of the central and southwestern parts of the region, which is used for climatotherapy.
The climate of the KavMinVod region has long been highly appreciated by balneologists and is successfully used as a therapeutic factor. The main advantages of the local climate are associated with the large number of sunny days - in Kislovodsk only 37-40 days a year there is no sun. It is relatively dry here, humid air masses from the Black Sea do not reach here - they are retained by the Main Caucasian ridge.

The diversity of the relief creates a difference in the climate of the KMV resorts, and is formed under the influence of a number of factors: the difference in the altitude of cities, the protection of the mountains determines the characteristics of the microclimate. The foothill nature of the terrain and the proximity of the snowy peaks of the Main Caucasian Range on the one hand, and on the other, the proximity of arid steppes and semi-deserts of the Caspian coast, determine the continental features of the climate of this region. According to climatic conditions, the Kavminvod region can be conditionally divided into two zones: the southern - the Kislovodsk region with features of the continental climate of the low mountains, and the northern - Essentuki, Pyatigorsk, Zheleznovodsk with the typical features of the steppe zone. The most favorable, according to medical climatology, is the southern zone.

The region of the health resorts Zheleznovodsk, Pyatigorsk, Essentuki is a climatic zone with a lot of heat and moderate precipitation. The average annual precipitation is within 600 mm, mainly in spring and early summer. Compared to the southern zone, here, as a rule, the average annual air temperature is higher, the relative humidity is at the level of 65-71%, the number of days with fogs and without the sun is 85-92 (thick fogs are typical in winter), days with precipitation 120-160, and frosty days about 90. Cloudy days with fog and frost are in the autumn-winter period, which creates a contrast with Kislovodsk. In Pyatigorsk, summers are warm, winters are moderately mild (a third of winter days with rains, thaws, fogs). The climate of Zheleznovodsk corresponds to the mountain-forest and moderately dry climate of the middle mountains of the Alps. The number of hours of sunshine is relatively high here, but greenery and constantly blowing winds soften the heat. The climate of Essentuki is distinguished by contrast - the summer is hot, dry, the winter is frosty, often rainy. Spring and autumn are clearly defined. Kislovodsk is famous as a climatic resort, where clear dry weather prevails due to the closed conditions of the basin; For example, winter in Kislovodsk is "frost and sun, a wonderful day", the sun shines 300 days a year.

The air temperature depends on the altitude of the place and the season of the year. The average January temperature in Pyatigorsk is -4.0 ° C, in Kislovodsk -3.9 °. July temperature is + 22 ° and + 19 °, respectively.
The amount of precipitation decreases from the mountains to the plains: at Bermamyt - 724 mm, in Kislovodsk - 599 mm, in Pyatigorsk - 472 mm; the least of them are in Essentuki. More than 85% of all precipitation falls in the form of rain (in winter, rains prevail over snowfalls). The snow cover is low and unstable, snow falls and melts quickly. In Kislovodsk, the snow cover lays continuously on average for up to 10 days. More than half of the winters pass without snow at all.
The greatest cloudiness on the plains is observed in winter; in the mountains (Kislovodsk, Bermamyt, Narzanov Valley), on the contrary, the clearest winter months.

KMV resorts have a wind regime favorable for climatic treatment. Calms are frequent here, especially in the Kislovodsk Basin in winter (the average annual wind speed in Kislovodsk is 2.4 m / s). In the mountains, for example, in Bermamyt, there are strong winds - more than 15 m / s.
The best time of the year for recreation and travel in Kavminvody is late summer and autumn. It can be sunny, dry, rich in fruits and bright colors of landscapes.

Natural resources

Hydromineral, balneological resources

The basis of the resort resources of KMV is min. waters of various composition, on the basis of which the so-called North Caucasian recreational and healing region arose.

In terms of the composition and quality of its climatic and balneological resources, concentrated on a relatively compact territory, in terms of the richness and variety of mineral springs, the resort region of Russia - KavMinVody - has no analogues on the entire Euro-Asian continent, and even in the world; in terms of chemical wealth and diversity, quality and healing properties, the sources of mineral waters are extremely diverse and unparalleled. The origin, formation and properties of mineral waters are associated with the Pyatigorsk laccoliths and the high mountain regions of the North Caucasus, where groundwater is formed. Atmospheric precipitation falling in the mountains, as well as melt water, penetrate into the strata of rocks to great depths, mineralize, heat up, saturate with gases and come to the surface along cracks in river valleys. In terms of chemical composition and use for the treatment of water, for the most part - low and medium mineralized with a salt content of 2 to 15 g / l. The highest mineralization is at the Batalinsky and Lysogorsky springs - 21 g / l.
A small area (546.5 thousand hectares) contains unique hydromineral resources, a wonderful bouquet of healing mineral waters with approved operational reserves of 15.6 thousand cubic meters per day. As of 2001, 2.2 thousand m³ per day are extracted and used. At the same time, 1.5 thousand m 3 / day (68%) of them went for drinking and balneological treatment, and 0.7 thousand m 3 / day (32%) - for industrial bottling of medicinal and medicinal table waters.
There are 24 deposits and sites within the okrug. Conventionally, several separate deposits can be distinguished: Kislovodsk, Essentukskoe, Pyatigorskoe, Beshtaugorskoe, Inozemtsevskoe, Zheleznovodskoe, Zmeikinskoe, Lysogorskoe, Krasno-Vostochny, Kumagorskoe, Nagutskaya resort area, etc. Of the total approved reserves in category A + B within the Stavropol Territory, 1,3706 , 8 m³ per day, within the borders of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic - 1910.0 m³ per day (13.9%). In addition, prospective reserves (in categories C 1 + C 2 + P) amount to 7629.9 m 3 per day. Of the 5 hydrochemical provinces of underground mineral waters, 3 turned out to be characteristic of our region: provinces of carbonic acid (at the Mashukogorsk deposit in Pyatigorsk, for example, these are the 1st, 2nd and 4th Pyatigorsk types), radon waters (3rd type) , and nitrogen and nitrogen-methane waters (5th Pyatigorsk type).
At the same time, Pyatigorsk is called the MinVodny Museum for the exceptional variety of mineral springs concentrated in a small area around Mount Mashuk. These are the famous hot hydrogen sulphide waters, carbonic waters (Pyatigorsk narzans), radon waters, mineral waters of the Essentuk type (the fourth Pyatigorsk type), nitrogen-methane waters. The unique salt-alkaline waters of the Essentuki resort (Essentuki-4, Essentuki-17) are famous all over the world for their healing properties. Dolomite, sulfate and simple Narzans of Kislovodsk are widely known. Invaluable for the treatment of a large number of diseases are carbonic sulphate-carbonate calcium-sodium (Smirnovskaya and Slavyanovskaya waters), as well as the bitter-salty waters of the Batalinsky and Lysogorsky springs. Almost the entire spectrum of human diseases can be treated in the Caucasian Mineral Waters.

More than 50 enterprises and specialized workshops are engaged in industrial bottling of mineral waters in a specially protected ecological resort region. In 2001, 200642.6 thousand liters of mineral water were manufactured and sold. Thanks to this, the healing properties of our waters are well known in all regions of the country and abroad.

The unique wealth of the Caucasian Mineral Waters is the healing brine and mud of the Tambukansky [near the border of the region and Kabardino-Balkaria] and Lysogorsky mineral lakes. The Tambukan Lake feeds mainly on rain and melt waters, and since it is located in the arid steppe zone, it undergoes cyclical changes in the water surface. The area of \u200b\u200bthe water table is about 180 (230) hectares, the depth is from 1.5 to 3.1 m. The water of the lake is a brine of sulfate-chloride sodium-magnesium composition (mineralization 50-60 g / l). The total operational reserves of the most valuable black and dark gray mud are 1600 thousand cubic meters. m. (reserves of silt mud (contains 0.4% hydrogen sulfide) in the lake are estimated at 2.3 million tons). The mud is used in the resort establishments of KavMinVod (the most widely used in Pyatigorsk and Essentuki; in Zheleznovodsk, brine and mud of the Lysogorsk [Inozemtsev] lakes are equally exploited; in Kumagorsk, sulfide-silt mud, used for mud therapy, is extracted from a small salty lake located on resort), as well as health resorts in Dolinsk (Nalchik), Sernovodsk and North Ossetia. Healing mud is also sent to medical and health institutions in Moscow, Rostov, Volgograd, Sochi.
In addition, a therapeutic (so-called biostimulating) drug [such as FiBS, peloidin] is obtained from the mud, which retains its healing properties and can be used in out-of-resort conditions.

Caucasian-Mineralovodsk agglomeration

The core of the Caucasian Mineral Waters region is the Caucasian-Mineralovodsk polycentric urban agglomeration uniting the cities of Kislovodsk, Essentuki, Pyatigorsk, Zheleznovodsk, Lermontov, Mineralnye Vody. The Caucasian-Mineralovodsk agglomeration totals 946,000 (2010 census) (only in the Stavropol Territory, including the urban (658,000) and rural population (288,000) of the Foothill, Georgievsky and Mineralovodsky Districts), surpassing the Stavropol Territory in size, is the largest in the Stavropol Territory and the North Caucasus Federal District. The transport and economic center of the agglomeration is the city of Mineralnye Vody. The largest city in the agglomeration, Pyatigorsk, is the center of the North Caucasian Federal District formed in 2010.

The administrative center of the specially protected ecological resort region Caucasian Mineral Waters is located in Essentuki.

Caucasian Mineral Waters is one of the most densely populated areas of the North Caucasus; the average population density exceeds 150 people per sq km.


Caucasian Mineral Waters is the largest and one of the oldest resort regions of the Russian Federation. Over 130 mineral springs and large reserves of silt mud from Lake Tambukan (and Lysogorskoye Lake) make KMV a unique balneological resort. The KMV region is distinguished by picturesque natural landscapes, mountain healing climate and is famous for its enterprises of a sanatorium-resort complex in Russia. Their main specialization is the provision of medical and wellness services, treatment with world famous waters and mineral mud. Also, the land plots located on the territory of the KMV (within the boundaries of the districts of sanitary (mountain-sanitary) protection of the KMV resort) by virtue of the law are lands of specially protected natural areas. The fact of referring land plots to the number of lands of specially protected natural areas (lands of resorts) means the impossibility of granting it to the ownership of the society in connection with referring it to land plots limited in circulation (subparagraph 1 of paragraph 5 of Article 27 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation, paragraph 8 of Article 28 of the Law on privatization)

see also

  • Resorts of the Caucasian Mineral Waters:



  • A.M. Prokhorov (chief editor) Caucasian Mineral Waters //