Where better to relax on vacation. Where is a cheap vacation at sea this summer? Holidays in Russia

Crisis, coronavirus, quarantines - it seems that all Egyptian executions hit you and me at once. Will you even be able to relax this summer? And also inexpensive? It will work! There are still dozens of good places by the warm sea where we can go to rest this summer. Find out about the cheapest tours (up to 33000 ₽) and the rules of rest during a crisis.

For the seventh year in a row I have been helping the readers of the site to have an inexpensive and interesting vacation. Well, in a crisis, such advice is especially relevant. Together we have already gone through the crisis of five years ago, we will survive this one without giving up travel. I've made a selection of the cheapest tours and air tickets: choose where to go this summer - there are still plenty of inexpensive and quiet places.

The cost of the tours is indicated for two adults departing from Moscow (the headings contain the price per person).

How to have an inexpensive vacation in a crisis - 2020

Eh, it would be fine only a crisis! Duck, after all coronavirus travels the planet and no one knows where he will bomb next time. China, Korea, Italy, Israel and many others have already dropped out of the list of countries for recreation. The list will continue to grow. The main problem is not the virus, but quarantine and border closures. Even countries where there are few cases of infection are prohibited from entering: Tunisia, the Philippines, Slovakia, Czech Republic and others. I would advise against planning trips for the next few weeks just yet. But in a month the situation will most likely return to normal and the borders will stop closing. The safest recreation strategy at the moment: either to rest somewhere nearby (Crimea, Sochi, Abkhazia), or on a hot tour with a departure in the very next few days in countries where everything is calm. It seems to me that the situation will definitely improve by the summer, so you can safely plan any trips for the summer.

And now about how to save a little during the crisis.

Relax in June or September - this is one and a half to two times cheaper than in July and August. True, the Black and Mediterranean Seas at the beginning of summer are not yet very warm, but in September they are just perfect.

Buy tours online rather than at travel agencies to catch the lowest prices. I recommend and - there you can easily find profitable tours for your needs. They will help to save a little more.

Our south - from 9000 ₽

There are many myths around our Black Sea resorts. Some say that the rest there is terrible and is only suitable for masochists. Others are sure that vacationing in our south is insanely expensive. Fortunately, these are all delusions!

Whatever one may say, but resting in our south is cheaper than abroad at sea. It has always been this way, and even more so in the summer of 2020 at the current exchange rate. Only luxury rest is expensive in our country - they ask for some absolutely insane money, but the quality still does not hold out. For a beautiful inexpensive vacation, you need to go to Turkey, Greece, Thailand and so on. And in the Crimea and Krasnodar Territory you need to go for a normal, healthy vacation: without yachts, villas, spas and other luxury. Clear sea, pines, junipers, mountains, palms, dolphins, fruits - you will definitely find all these joys in our south. And dozens of our guide articles will help you with this.

Don't listen to critics! Crimea and Krasnodar Territory are wonderful places. We went there to rest an uncountable number of times, brought friends and family and will definitely return again. They always spent little money, and received impressions above the roof. What can I say there, after all, even lying on the beach in the Maldives, I can dream of another trip to Crimea. Why? It's just more interesting there! So feel free to come to our south. Just follow these simple rules: relax in small villages, and book all tickets and accommodation in advance.

Prices... For June, there are vouchers from 18000 ₽ for two for 7 nights. Simple housing can be found from 500 rubles, and something more comfortable and decent - from 1500 rubles. Flights from Moscow to Anapa and back cost from 6400 rubles per person, to Crimea - from 7500 rubles, to Sochi - from 5800 rubles. In large villages it is easy to find inexpensive cafes and canteens. As you can see, it is quite possible to go to the Black Sea for an inexpensive vacation this summer.

Maldives? Dominican Republic? No, this is a beach in Crimea! The village of Olenevka. Fine light sand, clear water and rich underwater world - this can be found even on the Black Sea in Russia.

Abkhazia - from 9000 ₽

In terms of prices, climate, language and recreation conditions, Abkhazia is practically the south of Russia, but at the same time it is still a little bit abroad. Yes, even if their infrastructure is barely developed and they have not heard about the service. But in the unrecognized republic there are no airports, no flow of Chinese foreign tourists, so you don't have to worry about the coronavirus. He would be the last to get to this small mountainous country. Instead of all these foreign viruses, only the familiar and native rotavirus infection.

It seems to be abroad, but everything here is its own, familiar, dear. Sukhum, Abkhazia. (Photo: Soviet Artefacts / unsplash.com)

Turkey - from 15,000 ₽

Still, 2020 turned out to be a fruitful year. Not enough for us the coronavirus, not enough for us the crisis, let us also have political problems. Walk so walk! Eh, I hope all these skirmishes and games will stop, because we cannot lose Turkey in any way!

Turkey is practically synonymous with cheap vacations. And good at the same time. For every budget, you will find an excellent vacation program here: you want ultra-budget hotels near the sea, you want all-inclusive, you want elite resorts and luxury hotels. Turkey has it all! And there is also excellent cuisine, cool nature, a lot of attractions, shopping and any kind of entertainment.

And how much does it all cost this summer? Only from 30,000 ₽ for two per week of rest. All inclusive will be several thousand rubles more. And a ticket to a really good hotel can be taken for 60-80K rubles for two.

In Turkey, it is easy to find the cleanest sea and almost deserted beaches even in July! You just need to know the place. The picture shows the beach in Phaselis. I liked it there so much that I went there twice and spent my birthday there.

Bulgaria - from 16500 ₽

Bulgaria (Photo: @ryantula / unsplash.com)

Greece - from 22,000 ₽

Tours are more expensive this year, because there is a crisis. Now I see options for any summer month from 44,000 rubles for two per week of rest. At the current exchange rate, the price is normal, but maybe you will be lucky to find a more profitable last minute tour. Good luck!

Our vacation in Greece on the island of Rhodes last June on a hot tour for 27,000 rubles for two. It was possible to take a tour for 21,000, but we chose a classy and cozy hotel a little more expensive. We really enjoyed:)

Montenegro - from 18,000 ₽

St. Stephen's Island, Montenegro. (Photo: nakedst / flickr.com)

Italy - from ??? ₽

Photo from my trip to Favignana Island. Just look at the color and purity of this water! This is the coolest place where I went swimming. Cuba, Mexico, Dominican Republic, Thailand and are not close. Unless only the Maldives can compete.

Cyprus - from 23,000 ₽

Tours for the summer of 2020 now cost from 46,000 rubles for two. I guess even the last minute deals will not change this price much. For some reason, a vacation on the island always costs a little more than in Greece. But you do not need to bother with the Schengen, after all.

Peyia is a small resort town in Cyprus. The water is amazingly clean! (Photo: Tobiasvde / flickr.com)

Tunisia - from 25,000 ₽

Tunisia does not want to become a second Turkey or Egypt and still has a higher price tag. But you can still relax here quite inexpensively. Tours for a week cost from 50,000 rubles for two, which is quite a feasible amount. There are many all-inclusive offers - they cost about 10-20 thousand more.

The Sahara Desert is one of the main reasons to come to Tunisia. These endless landscapes are impressive. (Photo: nivea-cream / flickr.com)

Spain - from 27,000 ₽

This is how I first saw Tenerife at dawn from a cruise ship. Beauty! I really love volcanic islands and have long dreamed of exploring the entire Canary archipelago up and down. Hopefully I'll go there soon for at least a month.

Thailand - from 33,000 ₽

In Thailand, summer is not the season, but it is still great to relax on the sea there. Judge for yourself: there are almost no tourists, the beaches are free, the prices for housing, food and entertainment are falling by almost half. And on top of that - an abundance of cheap fresh fruit! Yes, it will rain occasionally, the humidity is high and the sea can be a little cloudy. I have outlined the picture for you, then decide for yourself. Personally, I like rest in Tae in the low season.

Tours for a week cost from 66,000 rubles for two, for two weeks - from 74,000 rubles.

Since the beginning of spring, many are worried about the question: "Where to go in the summer?" There are many options for summer vacations, but it is not easy to find the optimal ratio of expenses for food, accommodation and entertainment (with decent service) and the cost of the flight. Moreover, you need to take into account the cost of a visa, this can amount to such a "tidy" amount that the family of ordinary Russians cannot handle it. But it is not all that bad. There are good opportunities, especially in countries with a visa-free regime. You should not neglect the southern regions of Russia with beautiful nature and well-functioning infrastructure.

Where to relax in Russia in summer: top of the cheapest and most interesting destinations

It is not necessary to dream of a foreign vacation, in Russia there are many great places for a summer vacation with a family... Resort services are not well developed everywhere, but the list of interesting and promising corners is quite large. Learn more about some of them.


It is impossible to ignore this truly heavenly place where steppes and tropics meet. Seasoned tourists prefer to rest in summer in Alupka, Simeiz, Miskhor, Foros and Livadia. These are relatively quiet resorts with not very high prices, excellent beaches, amazing parks and many historical sites.

Where to go for outdoor activities?

  1. Fans of mountain hikes, horse walks and paragliding flights are better off to Yalta, Alushta, Koktebel.

  2. Those who prefer ATV racing should go to Evpatoria, Bakhchisarai, Alushta, Yalta and Sevastopol.

  3. Kayaking is developed in Balaklava, and diving is in Sudak.

  4. In Olenevka (Cape Tarkhankut) you can admire the rich underwater world.

  5. Hot air balloon flights are carried out in Belogorsk and Feodosia.

  6. Sailing is most developed in Sevastopol.

  7. Mountaineering can be done in Yalta and Simeiz.

  8. And it is more convenient to get acquainted with the rocky caves if you stay in Yalta, Alushta or Simferopol.

But in Crimea there are also quiet, rather secluded places for recreation. In the east of the peninsula, they can be found in the region of Feodosia, Sudak, Koktebel and Kerch. And on the western coast - these are Lyubimovka, Popovka, Okunevka, they are located at Cape Tarkhankut and Chersonesos. For families with children, Evpatoria and Feodosia are popular, it is always warm here, the water is well warmed up, sunny, sandy beaches and a developed entertainment infrastructure for children. But in the cheaper Olenevka, Nikolaevka, Beregovoe and Katsiveli, the beaches are more spacious, although there is little entertainment. The beaches of the South Coast are pebbly, the coast is with steep serpentines and slopes with many steps, which is not comfortable for kids, there are few sloping places, but there are many attractions and interesting excursions for children and adults, and this attracts tourists.

Getting from Moscow to Crimea is long and inconvenient. A train to Simferopol costs from the capital from 3,600 rubles, and from St. Petersburg - a couple of thousand more expensive (one way). Airfare will cost 6200 and 8000-12700 rubles, respectively. By bus - 2500-3500 rubles. Catamarans run from Anapa for 1500 rubles. The ferry service costs 80-150 rubles, and for a car - 1700 rubles. Parking costs 100 rubles. per day, car rental - from 1700 rubles. per day. All-inclusive tours with the road from Moscow - 30 thousand rubles, and from St. Petersburg - one and a half times more expensive.

Meals in the dining room cost 100-200 rubles, in a cafe - 200 rubles, in a restaurant - twice as much, but these prices are average. There are a lot of cheap vegetables and fruits in the markets, for example, a kilogram of grapes costs only 30 rubles.

Average prices in three-star hotels in high season start from 2500 rubles. per day per person. And by region, the cost of housing is as follows:

  1. In Feodosia, a private boarding house - 1600 - 2000 (the most expensive is 9700), guest houses - from 700 rubles.

  2. In Koktebel: guest houses 1000-1400, hotels - 1500 - 3000.

  3. In Sudak: guest houses from 700 rubles, and hotels - 1600-3500.

  4. In Yalta - 4500-7000 - hotel rooms, guest house - from 2500. The same prices in Sevastopol.

  5. In Evpatoria, the starting price for a hotel room is 1600, and the average price is 5000 rubles.

In the private sector, an apartment can be found for 2000, at the beginning and end of the season, you can save 30-50%. Prices for apartments per month are as follows:

In resort villages, housing prices are 1.5-2 times lower, the situation is simpler there, there are sanatoriums, boarding houses, shops, markets, cafes, playgrounds.

Resorts of Krasnodar region

First, about the cost of travel to the resort:

  1. Flights: Moscow-Adler - 3000, St. Petersburg-Adler - 7-8 thousand; Moscow-Krasnodar - 3900, St. Petersburg-Krasnodar - 6700, Moscow-Gelendzhik - 6000, St. Petersburg-Gelendzhik - 9000, you can fly to Anapa for 14.8 thousand and 24.8 thousand rubles, respectively.

  2. By train: Moscow-Adler - 1500, from St. Petersburg - 2500, Moscow-Anapa - 2800, Moscow-Krasnodar - 2400, St. Petersburg-Krasnodar - 4000, Moscow-Gelendzhik -2500.


The main resort and southern Olympic capital is Sochi. There is an extremely developed recreation infrastructure, gorgeous beaches, clean air and beautiful views, many sanatoriums.

The cost of living in a hotel is 3-4 thousand rubles. per day for two on the first line, if it is further from the sea - then half the price. The guest house can be rented for 350-1500 rubles. per day per person.


It has its own modern airport, you can relax with comfort not only in the city itself, but also in its suburbs - Divnomorsky and Arkhipo-Osipovka. A room in Gelendzhik at the beginning of summer costs 250-350 rubles. per person per day, the apartment is much more expensive. At the end of summer, housing prices doubled.

It is cheaper to rent an apartment in a quarter of an hour walk to the sea. This is 4 thousand rubles. per day for an apartment with all the amenities for a family with children. Nearby there is a chain of cafes and inexpensive shops. The most convenient option is houses in the private sector with autonomous water supply and a kitchen. This saves families with toddlers from water shortages and food poisoning.


Due to the fact that the city is crowded at the height of the season, the nearby village of Kabardinka is very popular. There the sea and beaches are cleaner, fewer people, and housing prices are almost half the price.


It is a well-known children's resort with pebbly and sandy beaches. The shore is well-groomed, with a gentle bottom and a convenient entrance to the sea. The city is located on a plain, the central beach is crowded, and by the end of summer it is not suitable for swimming due to algae. The center has a large water park with many attractions and an oceanarium.

Other beaches are small-pebbled, with clear waters, and shallow bottoms, which are ideal places to relax with kids. Modern hotel complexes have swimming pools, gyms, playgrounds, restaurants with excellent cuisine and animation. But their prices cannot be called budgetary, they are at the level of the famous resorts in Turkey.

Rest on the Black Sea

Guest houses are more affordable, even in high season a house for two in Vityazevo costs 1000 rubles. per day, and in the center of Anapa - from 1200 rubles. Tours from Moscow with road and food will cost 26 thousand for 4 nights, and for a week - from 30 thousand rubles. per person. From St. Petersburg - almost a third more expensive.

Rest on the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov

The Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov is an excellent option for a budget vacation for the whole family. Due to the shallow depth, it warms up already at the beginning of summer, the beaches here are covered with small shell rock or sandy. There are not many resort places, the most deserted places are located on Taman - Priazovsky, Ilyich, the Chushka spit, Cape Pekla, the village of Golubitskaya and others.

Azov sea

A little about each of them:

  1. Dolzhanskaya. This is a place with a constant wind on one side of the spit, where a decent wave rises. This attracts surfers and kitesurfers.

  2. Yeysk is famous for catamarans, jet skis, and yacht clubs. There is excellent fishing from the seaside or from a rented boat.

  3. Golubnitskaya is a paragliding paradise. It is a favorite place for family holidays with a shallow sea, water park, dolphinarium. And in the lake you can take mud baths.

  4. Dolzhanskaya is known for its rich fitncides due to the proximity of the pine forest to the air, the sea is clean and deep. Coastal cafes have an abundance of freshly prepared local fish.

  5. Ilyich is a sparsely populated place with a shallow sea.

  6. Kuchugury is famous for its mud volcano, lotus valley and lake with cormorants and pelicans.

  7. Temryuk - solid sulphide mud baths that help with skin diseases, diseases of the spine and vascular system. There are many sanatoriums here.

Rest on the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov

You can get to the resorts from Rostov-on-Don, Krasnodar and Anapa (closer to Golubnitskaya). A train from Moscow to Rostov-on-Don costs 1200-1400 rubles, and from St. Petersburg -1800 rubles, a bus will cost almost half the price.

Renting a house in Ilyich costs 1.5-3 thousand rubles. per day, in Peresyp and Taman - a little cheaper, and in Golubnitskaya - twice as much. An apartment in Yeisk will cost up to 2.5 thousand rubles. The cost of a double room with breakfast in Golubnitskaya will be 1600 rubles, in Yeisk - 900-3000 rubles, in Temryuk 2000-3000 rubles.

Rest on the Curonian Spit in the Baltic

This option is suitable for a family vacation at the sea for those who cannot stand the heat.There is a delightful pine aroma, numerous sand dunes, clear water with temperatures up to 22 degrees. On the Curonian Spit, the resorts of Lesnoy, Rybachy, Morskoye are suitable for families with children.

It is a continuous park on a sandy peninsula that separates the Curonian Lagoon with fresh water from the Baltic Sea. The width of the spit is 0.4-4 km, and the length is almost 100 km, it stretches from Zelenogradsk to the Lithuanian Klaipeda, and is located on the territory of two states. The sand is partially fixed by pine, spruce, birch, mossy and lichen meadows. The park is considered one of the oldest national mini-parks and is visited by several hundred tourists.

Curonian Spit, Baltic

A flight from Moscow to Kaliningrad will cost 3000 rubles, a flight from St. Petersburg is a little cheaper. In the ancient city, you can rent an apartment for two for 1000-1500 rubles. in a day.

Buses run from it to the resort area via Zelenogradsk or Svetlovodsk. The ticket will cost 77 - 151 rubles.

Inexpensive vacation in Karelia

It is interesting, informative and inexpensive to relax in Karelia. The flight to Petrozavodsk costs 7300 rubles. It is cheaper and more convenient to stay with children at a camp site, where a family room with a kitchen will cost 1.5-4 thousand per day, a double room in a hotel costs 2-3.6 thousand rubles.

From here in the summer you can go on an excursion to Valaam, Solovki or Kizhi. There are many berries and mushrooms in the endless forests at this time. And on numerous mirror-like lakes and rivers with water heated to comfortable parameters, many types of water recreation are available. The best swimming is in Lake Ladoga.

Reserved nature of Karelia

Active recreation is another opportunity for the region with harsh Finnish nature. These are kayaking down the rivers, skiing on the Ladoga skerries, climbing the sacred mountain Nuorunen, and extreme diving in the cold waters of the White Sea is available.

Where to go abroad

Holidays abroad are not always more expensive than domestic ones. The point here is in the long-term traditions of high-quality and diverse tourist services in a highly competitive environment. Away you can get much more for the same money than at home. Indeed, in many regions of the fatherland, the recreation industry is not yet sufficiently developed, and food prices are quite high. So it turns out that it is cheaper to have a rest in Turkey, especially on a burning ticket with purely symbolic flight costs. Therefore, summer vacations abroad are not always very expensive. This is especially true for countries with a visa-free regime, and there are many of them, there is still an extensive list of states where it is easy and inexpensive to apply for a visa. And there are plenty to choose from when going on a summer vacation.


For Russians, it is permissible to stay in Montenegro without a visa for up to 90 days, but registration with the police is required. The high season here lasts from May to October. The climate is mild, there is something to see, the beaches are pebbly, concrete or sandy-pebble. This is a great destination for families with children, where:

  • fresh air;

  • picturesque, luxurious landscapes;

  • warm and clean sea with many activities for children next to it;

  • no language difficulties;

  • adaptation of local cuisine to baby food standards;

  • friendliness of residents, especially towards children.


All payments in the country are carried out in euros. The flight Moscow-Tivat costs up to 14.5 thousand rubles, and to Podgorica - up to 20 thousand rubles. in 3 hours. Summer accommodation in the most prestigious resort of Budva costs up to 20 euros for two per day. Private housing will cost half the price. Summer tours for 3 days - 40.4 thousand rubles, and for 2 weeks - 58 thousand rubles.

A week-long tour from Moscow for two adults and a child costs from 60 thousand rubles, a cheap hotel without meals costs the same. A more comfortable all-inclusive vacation with a child will cost 120-149 thousand rubles. These prices are relevant for Budva and Tivat. In less popular resorts, they are a quarter cheaper.


  • in an inexpensive restaurant you have to pay 300-400 rubles for lunch;

  • and in a fast food restaurant - from 200 rubles;

  • a cup of coffee - 88 rubles;

  • a bottle of water or Pepsi - 60-103 rubles.

  • a full breakfast will cost 2-5 euros;

  • lunch or dinner - 11-15 euros.

Moreover, the portions are very impressive and satisfying.


A visa to Cyprus for 90 days for Russians can be obtained online. The Mediterranean Sea is warm from May to September. The best beaches are in Paphos, Larnaca, Ayia Napa, Protaras and Limassol.

Relaxation has many advantages here:

  • most of the island's resorts are family-friendly;

  • the infrastructure is extremely developed;

  • sandy beaches with a gentle entrance and clear water;

  • entertainment is provided for any age;

  • the population welcomes the guests;

  • you can swim in the sea until the end of October;

  • baby food is not a problem;

  • the flight lasts only 3 hours.

Most popular resorts:

  1. Larnaca. The beaches are with sand and small shell rock, the descent is safe, the bottom near the coast is shallow. There is an airport, from which you can quickly get to the hotel. Interesting camel farm, wax museum, a large center with children's entertainment.

  2. Protaras is a town near Larnaca with sandy beaches and clear water without waves. It is without hustle and bustle, with numerous shops, cafes, restaurants. Children are interested in the ocean aquarium, water park, dancing fountain show.

Sunny Cyprus

The cost of the flight is 10.5-17.2 thousand rubles, housing will cost from 20 to 42 euros per day.

  • 3-4-star hotel in Paphos - from 80 thousand rubles;

  • In Larnaca 4-5 stars - 147 thousand rubles;

  • 3 stars in Limassol - 68 thousand rubles.

You can have a hearty meal in a restaurant for 25-40 euros for two, in a cafe the prices are much lower. At McDonald's you can eat for 400 rubles, a bottle of water costs 47 rubles, and Cola costs 86 rubles.

Prices for excursions from 20 to 300 euros, it is worth going on a boat trip, on a safari.


It is the most popular country for summer vacations with visa-free travel (up to 90 days). A flight from Moscow to Istanbul and back in summer costs 8.7-10 thousand rubles, the road to Antalya and back - 8 thousand.Hotel accommodation - 13-16 dollars per day, breakfast costs 2-3 dollars, and lunch or dinner - 3-5 $. You can also eat in a street diner, which offers delicious and hearty local dishes at a very affordable price.

Friendly Turkey

A little about popular resorts:

  1. Antalya. There are many sandy and pebbly beaches, a wide choice of hotels, but noisy for families with children. Tour to a 5-star hotel for a week - 41 thousand, for 10 days - 53 thousand rubles, in a 4-star hotel, respectively - 38 and 47 thousand, and in a 3-star - 34 and 40 thousand. There are water parks, museums, picturesque waterfalls, a dolphinarium, a zoo.

  2. Alanya. A relatively inexpensive resort, tours here will cost 8-10 thousand rubles cheaper. Suitable for families with children, although the airport is about 130 km, but the beaches are very comfortable, the climate is comfortable. There are water parks, caves and waterfalls, an amusement park, a marine park and an exposition of sand figures.

  3. Belek. This is the most prestigious resort with very clean beaches. Tours to a 4-star hotel for 7 or 10 days cost between 33 and 40 thousand rubles, and for a higher rank - 5 thousand more expensive. Near the airport, the cleanest air is saturated with aromas of eucalyptus and pine groves. The resort is suitable for families with children, but it is not the cheapest. There is a water park, a dolphinarium, a zoo, an amusement park, near the Köprülü Canyon.

  4. Side. Suitable for families with children, the hotel areas have extensive sandy beaches and green parks. But outside of them, the landscape is scarce. Prices for tours are more democratic than in Antalya, the rest will cost 5-10 thousand cheaper. The resort town is located on the peninsula, to Antalya airport - 74 km. It is worth seeing the Discovery Park, waterfalls, the Green Canyon, the ancient city.

  5. Kemer. More suitable for youth recreation with night parties. Tours cost from 35 thousand to 48 thousand rubles.


Bulgaria is an affordable seaside vacation with decent service. A visa to the country costs 35 euros. Flights to Varna from Moscow cost $ 125, and from St. Petersburg - a little more expensive, from Novosibirsk - twice as much. Bulgarian resorts with sandy beaches, gentle sea and sunny weather are very suitable for families with children. You can eat a hearty and tasty meal for $ 30 a day for two.

For a week of economical rest for two at the country's resorts, you need to pay about $ 900, including:

  • visas - 80;

  • food - 210;

  • accommodation - 105;

  • air travel there and back - 500.

The most economical rest in Burgas. The way back and forth costs 13 thousand rubles, for a day in a hotel or apartment you need to pay 20 dollars, breakfast costs 1.5 dollars, lunch - twice as much. You can have a snack with doner or shawarma for $ 2. or boiled corn (half the price). You can also save money on food by buying groceries in the supermarket to cook from them yourself.

Alluring Bulgaria


Georgia is one of the most inexpensive seaside holiday destinations abroad. An air ticket to Batumi from Moscow costs $ 130, and from St. Petersburg - $ 10. more expensive, from Novosibirsk - $ 200. A night at the hotel will cost $ 10. You can eat for $ 30 a day. It costs $ 800 to relax in Batumi for a week for two, especially since you don't need a visa to enter the country. In this case, it will take $ 520 for the road, $ 70 for housing, and $ 210 for food.

The beach area in Batumi is extensive, there are all conditions for families with children, a forest belt approaches the coastal area, where you can hide from the scorching sun.

Another popular tourist resort is Kobuleti. There is a well-developed infrastructure with many hotels, cafes, restaurants, chic clubs.

Soulful Georgia

Tickets to Tbilisi cost from 10 thousand rubles, accommodation in the capital - $ 8-25, the road to Batumi - 5 hours. Vouchers in the summer for a week cost from 49 thousand rubles.


Visa-free entry into the country for Russians is allowed for 30 days. Phuket, Koh Samui, Pattaya are very popular. Summer is not considered the best season, but at this time the beaches are not crowded, prices for accommodation and food have been reduced by almost half.

At this time, there are many cheap, various fruits, it often rains, but in the sun everything dries quickly. In summer, it is better to relax on the shores of the Gulf of Thailand, where there is less rain than on the Andaman coast.

Hot Thailand

A flight from Moscow to Bangkok costs 200 dollars, from St. Petersburg - 220, to Phuket - 240 and 265 $. The daily cost of hotel accommodation is from $ 12. Eating for two per day costs from $ 16. A married couple can relax at the resort for $ 1000 per week. A weekly tour to Pattaya on the all-inclusive system can be found for 72 thousand rubles.

The most expensive food in Phuket, in Bangkok it is much cheaper - 5-10 dollars per day. On mobile carts, national food can be bought for a dollar.

Holidays with children are acceptable, but it is better to choose tours without full board. It will be much cheaper, and you can buy or prepare food for children yourself.


Visa to the Maldives for 30 days is free. The beaches of the island nation are beyond praise. You can fly from Moscow to Male for 28-32 thousand rubles, and from there the flight will cost another 100-300 $. Accommodation costs from 20-30 dollars, vouchers for 3 nights can be bought for 110 thousand rubles, for 11 nights - from 141 thousand rubles.

Food on vacation costs up to $ 20 per day. It is best to relax on the island of Maafushi, there is a ferry service with the capital (2 dollars). Accommodation here is ten dollars cheaper than in the capital, but food is very expensive, because all products have to be brought. Lunch for two costs up to $ 10. The beaches on the island, where there is little vegetation, are free, but still very clean, without protective umbrellas and sun loungers. Such a vacation is completely unacceptable for children, and there is practically no entertainment for them, as well as for adults.

Exotic Maldives


It is a cheap country with visa-free travel for up to 90 days. In popular resorts - Gagra, Pitsunda, Sukhumi - rest is not expensive. There is a beautiful, warm sea, magnificent landscapes and healing air with a pine scent.

Conditions for families with children are favorable, food is inexpensive, and there are many vegetables and fruits. There are enough entertainments and excursions, the nature is Mediterranean.

Inexpensive Abkhazia

You can get to Adler for 4800-5600 rubles, and then 2-3 hours by bus. There are few hotels in the country, but there are many guest houses. The daily expenses for them are up to $ 20.

Tours can be purchased for 30,300 rubles for 2 weeks or for 19 thousand rubles. for 3 nights.

It is quite possible to relax on a budget with the whole family this summer. There are many opportunities in the domestic seaside resorts of the Crimea and the Caucasus. You can find a good option abroad. Prices for tours are different, much depends on the type of service chosen and the distance of the property from the sea. Even with an expensive flight, you can afford a vacation where food and accommodation are relatively cheap, but at the same time they are varied with an abundance of vegetables and fruits.

Tatiana Solomatina

Where to go to rest on the sea in the summer?

Good day, dear readers! How is your summer going? Have you already managed to get a chocolate-golden tan and swim in the beneficial salty waters of the sea? If not, then today's topic of the article will be very relevant for you. Especially for those who are just planning their vacation and looking for where to relax in the summer by the sea, I have conducted a research on such resorts as Russia (Black and Azov Seas), Turkey, Greece, Cyprus and Italy. How do you like these options? Are you interested?

Features of rest in these countries, pluses and minuses, approximate prices for tours, tips - you will learn all this in the article and will be able to choose the most comfortable destination for yourself. Happy reading and good mood! I wish your sea trip in 2017 to be as successful and unforgettable as possible!

It is always pleasant to have a rest on the sea. There is no need to think about work, everyday problems and other routine concerns. Here you are the master of your time and your own actions, isn't that so? Do you want to lie on the beach and do nothing? You are welcome! Water sports or mountain climbing? No problems! Or maybe culturally enrich and get acquainted with the sights and nature of the region? Everything is for you!

In addition to relaxing activities, the sea also takes care of your health. Many of these resorts are not only places for relaxation of body and soul. There are many sanatoriums on the sea, staying in them, you can improve your health well. This type of recreation is often chosen by families with children; the benefits of spa treatment for a child are obvious. In addition, choosing a summer vacation at the sea, you will receive not only the warm sun, sandy or pebbly beaches, azure waters and healing air (saturated with calcium, iodine, bromine). It is also active recreation, meeting the locals, fun, energy and only positive emotions. Sounds exciting, right?

Holidays in Russia

Our country was chosen first for a reason. After all, this is the simplest option of the proposed, but no less interesting than traveling abroad. I propose to consider what other advantages of resting on the Black and Azov Seas, in addition to territorial proximity and relatively low prices:

  • The first and most tangible advantage is that you do not need a foreign passport to relax at sea in Russia. Situations are different:, did not have time to issue, etc.
  • Secondly, the pluses include a mild climate and the absence of a long period of acclimatization. The Azov Sea, due to its shallow depth (on average - 7 km, and in the deepest places - 13 km), is warm already in June.
  • Thirdly, there are many places where you can take a break from the hustle and bustle. Of course, large, noisy beaches also prevail, but if you wish, you can find a secluded and comfortable corner.
  • Fourthly, having come to the Black Sea, you will enjoy not only a beach holiday, but also the picturesque nature and a variety of attractions. Azov is a paradise for those whose goal is passive pastime.
  • Fifthly, here you can find housing for any wallet. Do you want to relax in the summer with your family at the sea, but are stopped by a limited budget? No problem! The Azov Sea is ideal. On Black, the price is slightly higher, but here you can find something acceptable for yourself.
  • Sixth, - as already mentioned, this is recovery. Healing mud springs, sea water, air. Your body will say “Thank you very much”!
  • Seventh, a variety of opportunities for different target audiences. For example, young people will be able to choose for themselves resort areas with an abundance of nightclubs and other entertainment venues, families with children - calm and quiet places with cozy cafes and restaurants.

Tip: If you want to have a cheap vacation at the sea in the summer, then it is best to organize a vacation in the winter. Why? Solving the issue in advance, you can buy a tour for a cheaper price with the "early booking" promotion, or when traveling on your own, track the most profitable flights and choose accommodation from a variety of offers of hotels, boarding houses, recreation centers. Closer to the date of departure, the choice will not be so great, and most likely, you will have to make it from what is left. It is not a fact that the options will be harmonious in terms of price / quality ratio. By starting your search for housing a few months before departure, you will 100% find an excellent solution at an affordable cost.

If we talk about the cons, then there are not so many of them. For example, on the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov, there is no abundance of vegetation and attractions in comparison with the Black Sea. There can be a lot of jellyfish on hot days. But in my experience, they are not dangerous. Just a little discomfort. And as a rule, in the early morning and late afternoon, there are not so many of them. Also, on the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov, the level of comfort and service is slightly lower. In some places there is no modern developed infrastructure.

Popular resorts of the Azov Sea - Yeisk, the coast of the Taman Peninsula - the village of Golubitskaya, Taman, Peresyp, Kuchugury.

Disadvantages of the Black Sea - in some cities it is difficult to take a break from the bustle of the city due to the large number of tourists. There can be a lot of people on the beaches. But the choice of resorts here is so great that you can easily choose your heavenly place for yourself. I recommend paying attention to hotels with their own beach, then you can avoid this problem.

Popular destinations are Sochi, Yalta, Anapa, Alushta, Feodosia, Sudak.

What are the prices? After analyzing the housing market in August, my conclusions are pleasant enough. If you are not very picky and do not take top hotels, then rest on a tour in Sochi (flight + hotel with breakfast + 3 * insurance) will cost around 50/70 thousand rubles. for two (I took the data on the website http://travelata.ru). In Crimea on the same terms, about the same. Of course, if you fly on your own and look for flight and accommodation options in advance (in winter), the cost will be lower.

A more budgetary vacation is possible on the coast of the Azov Sea. True, I can't say anything about the tours, but a room in 3-star hotels in Taman for 2 per week with breakfasts will cost about 16 thousand rubles + train tickets (15,000 rubles for two). As you can see, the prices are affordable. Hurry while there are still places!

You can find additional information on Crimea in the article. Happy reading!

Colorful Turkey

Turkey is a fabulous country that combines oriental flavor and European lifestyle. Its rich centuries-old history, beautiful views and modern all-inclusive beach holidays are what attracts travelers from all over the world.

The advantages of rest here are undeniable:

  • Simple visa regime. You can apply for a visa right at the airport, which, as a rule, does not take much time.
  • Providing comprehensive services. Turkey is the first country to adapt the all-inclusive system. Enjoy your vacation and don't worry about anything. Food, drinks, snacks are abundant here. However, keep yourself in control. A lot of different goodies can turn into such a disadvantage as unwanted pounds in weight.
  • Direct flights. Airplanes regularly fly to this country. Moreover, you can find a flight to almost every city in Turkey and from any region of Russia.
  • A subtropical climate that is perfectly tolerated, regardless of age, as well as barely perceptible acclimatization.
  • Endless opportunities for both active (golf, tennis, water sports) and relaxing (acquaintance with authentic sights), thanks to the development of entertainment services, rich history and extraordinary culture.
  • A variety of treatments and spa services. For example, I recommend visiting the Turkish bath "hammam" and thermal springs in Pamukkale.
  • Great shopping. The textile industry is very developed in Turkey. And the colorful bazaars of the country are a separate attraction. It is not only pleasant to walk on them, but you can also buy useful trinkets or original decor items.

In addition, it is pleasant that the resorts of Turkey treat children with awe. Therefore, you can safely go here with the whole family. There is an active nightlife for young people - clubs, bars, beach parties.

There are disadvantages in Turkey. The main one is the huge number of tourists. There is also deception - when a restaurant bill for a dinner is billed for a large amount. This can be found in a taxi, in a shop, or in a bazaar. So pay attention to prices.

Tip: For example, to avoid cheating in a restaurant, ask for a menu, sum up the cost of the order yourself. Or, when paying for an excursion, carefully study the brochure and make sure that everything specified in it is completed.

I also want to draw the attention of girls: avoid lonely walks in the late evening. It is known that the Turks are greedy for Slavic beauty. Be careful!

Popular resorts in Turkey are Ankara, Alanya, Antalya, Belek, Pammukale, Kemer. Each of them offers a wider choice of recreation conditions.

Now I propose to get acquainted with the prices. Trust me, they won't disappoint you. Intrigued? A vacation for two in a 3/4-star hotel will cost you about 55/70 thousand rubles, and on an all-inclusive basis. Don't believe me? I attach a screenshot. I'm not talking about "cool options", the cost there can go up to 250 thousand. But you can pick up an ordinary average hotel on the shore for the amount I indicated. How do you like this proposal?

Bright Greece

Why Greece? It's that simple! This country is the cradle of civilization. Everything in Greece breathes history. Lots of attractions, magnificent nature, delicious cuisine, high level of hotels - everything that will help you relax and enjoy your vacation. Greece is the 3rd most refundable country. What does it mean? Having come here once, you will undoubtedly want to come back again. Tested by thousands of tourists!

Greece is not one of the countries that accept tourists from Russia without visas, nevertheless, a trip to this country is a profitable option compared to such seaside resorts as, for example, Spain or the popular Thailand.

As for me, the main advantages of Greece as a resort are:

  • Leisure safety.
  • Excellent service level, well-developed infrastructure. Many of the country's hotels regularly receive quality awards.
  • A truly relaxing atmosphere. Greece's unique ability is to give peace to everyone who visits it. The magical nature of the country and the hospitality of the inhabitants charge with positive energy.
  • Local food is perfect for Russians. Greek dishes are rich in healthy and low-calorie ingredients. These include - olives, seafood, feta cheese.

I will probably stop at this, since you can endlessly list the advantages of Greece. The country is not inferior to its competitors in all criteria for recreation. I will only note that Russians are close to fly here, and you can relax on the sea in the summer both on the mainland and on the islands. What do you prefer?

Greece - a magnificent Mediterranean beach holiday, as well as a rich excursion program all year round. The article will help you in choosing a vacation spot in the country. I hope you will enjoy.

Tip: Greece is the country that conquers. Arriving here, if possible, get to know several of its regions. Then you can feel the magic that does not let go and "makes" come back.

I just can't go to the minuses. Well, there are practically none in this country. Is that - the need for a visa. But this is not a drawback at all, is it not? It can be issued at the country's consulate in Moscow or St. Petersburg in just 3 working days. Don't forget to purchase beforehand. I wrote about how to apply for a Schengen visa on my own.

Popular resorts in the country are Crete, Halkidiki, Rhodes, Corfu, Santorini and all other cities and countless islands. I assure you, each of them is worth special attention. Therefore, just lying on the beach in Greece is not an option, such a pastime can be regarded as a crime. Admire the local beauty and discover the “soul” of the country. She is unique!

Wondering what is the cost of a week's vacation in Greece for two in a 3-star hotel? For example, I looked at the prices for the island of Rhodes (the country is large, all options cannot be considered within the framework of this article). If you take accommodation with breakfast in August, you can find a tour to a 3-star hotel on the shore for 50/70 thousand rubles. (price depends on the beach and hotel).

Sunny Cyprus

Cyprus is a wonderful island and the dream of many travelers. It is located in the Mediterranean Sea. Here, all life is subordinated exclusively to the interests of tourists. Cyprus has a mild climate, beautiful nature, there is entertainment for every taste, the beaches are clean, and the hotels have different stars.

The Land of Cyprus is an open-air museum, after exploring which you can enjoy excellent Greek cuisine and pleasant communication with friendly locals. Describing Cyprus, I was mentally transported to one of its beaches. Many of them, by the way, received the Blue Flag mark for excellent ecology. Here is such a beautiful Cyprus.

Rest here will leave extremely enthusiastic emotions. There are practically no drawbacks in Cyprus. Moreover, they are so insignificant that you may not even notice them. Among the disadvantages is the ban on photography and video filming in museums, some religious sites. But it can be removed by submitting a written application. Also remember that food prices are not low here. For organized excursions on the island, they ask to give a significant amount of money. Tourists, as a rule, agree upon hearing the intriguing name, but then some remain disappointed due to long journeys and a large number of people in iconic places.

Tip: deciding to see the beauty of Cyprus, it is better to rent a car, buy an entrance ticket and enjoy. So you can not only save money, but also see much more, as well as get only positive impressions from your pastime. Basically, all attractions are located far from the resort areas. Most of them are concentrated in the capital. Read about my experience of renting a car and moving around the island.

I also want to draw your attention to the fact that in small shops and taxis they often do not give small change. Therefore, if your budget is limited, then you should have small bills. More information about the country can be found in the article. I wrote about what souvenirs can be brought as a gift to friends. I recommend reading it.

Current destinations are Ayia Napa, Laranca, Pissouri, Paphos and Protaras.

Now it's time to check out the prices for a weekly tour in Cyprus. Do not forget to apply for a visa in advance at the country's consulate in Moscow or St. Petersburg. The good news is that you can get it in just one day.

Let's get back to prices anyway. A week of rest in a 3-star hotel in Cyprus with breakfast will cost you about 60 thousand rubles for two. Quite adequate cost, right?

Cultural Italy

Why are beach holidays in Italy so popular? The answer is trivial - high development of resorts, a dizzying atmosphere and a harmonious combination of active and passive recreation. Want to get to know this country better? Read my article. In it I have collected a lot of useful information.

It's time to move on to the main advantages of the country:

  • Huge cultural heritage. After enjoying the clean sandy beaches and warm Mediterranean Sea, sights that you will not find anywhere else await you.
  • The possibility of a wonderful holiday both with children and for young people.
  • Unique cuisine as well as winemaking.
  • Many thermal springs. SPA centers in Italy offer many beneficial treatments based on ancient medical practices.

This country attracts tourists from different parts of the world. And this is not surprising, because she is really beautiful. However, those who have not been here yet should be aware of some negative points. For example, in summer, kilometers-long queues line up to the main attractions of the country. Therefore, if you want to visit famous places, you should be patient. Also in large Italian cities there is a fairly high level of street crime. Be careful! Do not carry your phone and money in your pocket. Especially if it has no lightning.

Advice: coming to Italy, you may encounter a language barrier. A small percentage of the population speaks English. Therefore, I recommend having a phrasebook.

To visit the country, you need to apply for it at the Italian Visa Application Centers in Russian cities.

Beach holidays in Italy are considered one of the best in Europe. Popular resorts are Rimni, Emilia Romana, the Tuscan Riviera, the Ligurian coast, the islands of Sicily, Sardinia and Capri.

Now let's move on to prices for weekly packages in 3-star hotels. Italy is not the cheapest country, but with a strong desire, you can relax here relatively inexpensively. For example, the minimum price for a tour in Lido di Jesolo, which I found, is 80 thousand rubles. The amount is tidy, but quite adequate for Italy. The only negative is the long transfer from Rimini. But a flight through Venice increases the cost of the tour by 30%. Do you want to personally select a hotel and see the cost of living with the flight? Just look at the website of the operator Biblio Globus, they have many options. In any case, it is easy to see the order of prices of the resort of the country you need.

A few final words

This time the article turned out to be voluminous. I didn’t expect it myself, but as I read it from beginning to end, I realized that it wouldn’t have been any other way. A lot of things didn't even fit! Do you have any suggestions what kind of information you would like to see in this type of articles? Write your options in the comments.

Attention! I would like to note that when considering the prices for vacations, I took into account only the most budgetary tours for the given parameters, with breakfast meals, with the exception of Turkey. I did not focus on the peculiarities of the location and availability of additional services of hotels, since each country has its own nuances, and each tourist has his own preferences, and it is impossible to take them all into account in this article. I have given the cost only so that you can roughly imagine the order of prices for tours to these countries in 2017.

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Leave comments, subscribe to blog updates and share the article on social networks. I am always glad to new readers. More useful information is coming soon.

On this I say goodbye for a while. Until next time!

Tatiana Solomatina

(12 estimates, average: 1,33 out of 5)

Inexpensive vacations have always been the most common among tourists. On such budget travel abroad, you can visit many countries without worrying that the prices for tickets and accommodation abroad will be too high.

Far countries are attractive to Russian tourists.

After all, abroad offers:

  • excellent service;
  • acquaintance with the rest of the world;
  • separation from routine;
  • profitable acquisitions.

Before starting a trip, everyone should determine for themselves its main purpose. The direction is chosen, starting from this. Egypt and Turkey with their convenient "All inclusive" system have long been considered the most budgetary ones. Bulgaria, soft in terms of climate, is attractive for its low prices.

But besides this, you can have a good and inexpensive vacation in:

  • Poland;
  • Romania;
  • Montenegro;
  • Croatia.

In these countries not quite far from Russia with excellent and distinctive cuisine, beach holidays can be easily diluted with visits to numerous natural and architectural attractions.

The most affordable European countries are:

  • Spain;
  • Italy;
  • Greece.

In these places, it is better to rest away from the resort area and in the off-season. And if you rent a separate apartment instead of a hotel room, you will get almost free of charge. Although not very popular hotels also offer quite reasonable prices for accommodation on their territory.

Exotic lovers can choose:

  • India;
  • Vietnam.

If you are lucky enough to find charter flights to these countries, then the rest will certainly come out on a budget. Latin American countries attract tourists with their low local prices and relationship to the dollar.

Among them:

  • Cuba;
  • Brazil;
  • Peru;
  • Argentina.

Early ticket purchases and hotel reservations will help you save a lot on your vacation. When choosing a ticket at a travel agency, you must carefully read the offers of several operators. If the vacation is not limited by the time frame, then you can purchase a hot tour.

A well-chosen holiday season can also make it budget-friendly. So, it is better to go to Turkey at the end of May or in the second half of September. In Europe, the highest prices are observed on the January holidays and in the summer.

Holidays in foreign countries can be made inexpensive if you book a hotel abroad without meals. Local restaurants and cafes are famous for their quite budget cuisine. Such establishments are usually located a few blocks from the resort center.

And it is best to independently prepare food, purchasing everything for this in grocery stores and in markets, if the stay is not planned in a hotel. As a guide for excursions, you can choose not a hotel worker, but a local resident offering his services right on the beach.

It is better to buy passes for public transport or use a hitchhiking instead. This type of travel is not only cheap, but also safe. Experienced tourists are also advised to settle in budget houses or hostels rented from the local population to save money.

Budget holidays abroad can be spent in comfort and sightseeing. You can stay at the hostel.

Budget vacations abroad are popular where charter flights are constantly sent from Moscow airports. Turkey is advantageous in this regard with its cheap hotels and inexpensive flights. Fans of sea travel are attracted by Georgia and Abkhazia, and fans of Eastern culture are happy to visit Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan.

Tourists, accustomed to rich cultural values \u200b\u200band high cliffs, instead of Turkey can go to:

  • Macedonia;
  • Croatia;
  • Serbia;
  • Montenegro;
  • Bulgaria.

Instead of Europe, vacationers often visit:

  • Tunisia;
  • Morocco;
  • Vietnam;
  • Thailand.

For budget vacations, special sites for finding inexpensive air tickets offer the following prices:

A country Cost, rub.
Vietnam from 35 thousand
Argentina from 26 thous.
Spain from 17 thousand
Italy from 16 thous.
Croatia from 18 thous.
Romania from 6 thous.
Bulgaria from 10 thousand
Montenegro from 8 thous.
Turkey from 14 thous.
Greece from 11 thous.
Egypt from 11 thous.

Top 5 countries where you can relax cheaply and without a visa

There are a number of countries where Russian residents can go on vacation without a visa.

These include:

  1. Thailand;
  2. Israel;
  3. Vietnam;
  4. Montenegro;
  5. Argentina.

Modern Thailand is very beautiful and has a fairly developed infrastructure.


  • Novosibirsk-Phuket - $ 370 and above;
  • St. Petersburg-Phuket - $ 265 and above;
  • Moscow-Phuket - $ 240 and above;
  • Novosibirsk-Bangkok - $ 260 and above;
  • St. Petersburg-Bangkok - $ 220 and above;
  • Moscow-Bangkok - $ 200 and more.

Rooms for two in two- or three-star hotels in Thailand and rooms in hostels cost between 10 and 12 euros. In Phuket, for 17 euros, you can rent accommodation in a guest apartment, as well as a room for two in a hotel that provides bed and breakfast. In Krabi hotels, suites or bungalows cost from 7 to 20 euros per night.

On Koh Samui, a bungalow with a fan on the seashore is rented for 15 euros. In Pattaya, the price for air-conditioned double rooms and lofts goes up to 14 euros per night. Accommodation in 5-star hotels in Thailand costs from 100 euros.

Vacationers in Thailand usually focus on:

  • In Bangkok - in palaces and Buddhist pagodas, they will also be interested in the market and river boat trips. On the lake shore, Thai gymnastics is often held, the lessons of which vacationers attend with pleasure. The Thai capital also attracts with its nightlife.
  • To Chiang Mai - on reserves and mountains; ride elephants and attend master classes in local cuisine.
  • In Pai - at thermal springs and waterfalls; go to spas and massage parlors.
  • In Krabi - on natural parks and excellent beaches, where boats are rented to explore the caves.
  • In Phuket - on gastronomic abundance and surfing.
  • In Phanom Rung - at the thousand-year house of Shiva;
  • To Chiang Rai - on elephant farms and temple complexes.
  • In Ayutthaya - on historical monuments and Buddhist stupas.
  • In Phangan - at fire shows and beach parties.
  • In Kanchanaburi - at the temple of the tiger.
  • In San Kampenge - at silk factories and healing springs.
  • In Hin Daeng - on the underwater world and diving.

Of the advantages of resting in Thailand, there are:

The disadvantages include:

  • dirty tap water and spicy food;
  • high humidity;
  • long 9 hour flight.

A budget vacation abroad can also be organized when traveling to Israel. Pre-purchased tickets from Moscow and back usually cost from 200 to 230 dollars. It is better to order them 2-3 months in advance. before traveling.

Israeli hotels and hotels offer their rooms for $ 80-90 per day. Rooms in dorms and hostels on the periphery range from $ 7 to $ 50. For family and senior travelers, the best accommodation option would be an apartment for rent by the sea, in the central part of the city, for $ 55-75 per day.

Main attractions for tourists:

  • Jerusalem with the biblical zoo and the city of David;
  • Bahai Gardens in Haifa;
  • Solomon's Ponds in Bethlehem;
  • Clock Tower and Bridge of Wishes in Jaffa;
  • caesarea National Park;
  • ancient Capernaum in Galilee;
  • the old city of Akko.

The benefits of a budget vacation in Israel include:

  • a large number of attractions and historical sites;
  • advanced tourism industry;
  • courtesy and hospitality of local people.

Disadvantages include the hot summer climate and strict Shabbat.

If you get to Vietnam with a direct flight, then air tickets will turn out to be much more expensive than a flight with transfers, which is also expensive - 350-430 euros. In large city hostels, the price for a room reaches 7 euros, and a double room with breakfast in an inexpensive hotel is 10 euros.

Apartments in Nha Trang and Hoi An cost 8-15 euros per day, but it is advisable to book them 6 months in advance. before travel. Prices for double rooms in three-star hotels range from 13 to 15 euros. In spring and summer, they become heavier by almost 30%.

Popular Vietnamese places:

  • water puppet theater and turtle temple in Hanoi;
  • halong Bay;
  • the northern mountain town of Sapa;
  • hoi An, rich in architectural monuments;
  • heritage of the empire in Hue;
  • complex of temples Michon;
  • pearl farms on Phucco;
  • fong Nha Kebang National Park.

Among the advantages of a Vietnamese holiday are:

  • a variety of shopping places for shoppers;
  • inexpensive excursions and exotic cuisine;
  • lots of entertainment.

The disadvantages are:

  • chaos and traffic jams;
  • cunning aborigines;
  • dirty city beaches.

Regular flights to Montenegro cost from 13 thousand rubles, and charter flights are 2 or 3 times cheaper.

Double rooms are:

  • 25 euros in guest houses away from the sea;
  • 33 euros in guesthouses by the sea;
  • 40 euros in hotels with 1 star;
  • 44 euros in hotels with 2 stars;
  • 54 euros in three-star institutions;
  • 100 euros in a four-star;
  • 284 euros in a five-star.

In Montenegro you can also rent:

  • an apartment for 19 euros;
  • apartments for 24 euros;
  • for 100 euros a house;
  • from 15 euros a room in a hostel.

In the country you can:

  • go on a tour of monasteries;
  • in Budva to look at the fortress and the riviera;
  • swim in the sea bay of Herceg Novi;
  • go on a tour of the canyons;
  • visit the bar Slavic Pompeii;
  • see Sadar Lake;
  • go to the Durmitor National Park;
  • visit the fortress walls in Budva.

The main advantage of the Montenegrin holiday is the affordability of prices for literally everything, and the disadvantage is insufficient quality service in the high season. A flight to Buenos Aires from Russia with a transfer in Madrid or Paris costs from 55 to 78 thousand rubles. It lasts from 15 hours to 1.5 days.

It will be most profitable to use the services of carriers:

  • Alitalia;
  • Swiss;
  • Emirates.

A room in a hostel in the Argentine capital costs from 500 rubles, and a double room in a modest hotel costs 600 rubles. Apartments and apartments for rent from 2600 rubles. per day.


  • colorful Camenito;
  • the women's bridge in Puerto Madero;
  • Holy Trinity Cathedral in Buenos Aires;
  • crypts of the Recoleta cemetery;
  • iguazu National Park;
  • cave of hands in Pinturas canyon.

Pros of rest in Argentina:

  • cheap hotel rooms;
  • inexpensive taxi;
  • climate moderation.

The only drawback is the long flight from Russia.

Top 5 Visa Countries for Budget Holidays

A budget vacation abroad can be arranged in countries with a visa regime. The financial issue does not play a key role in such travel.

Cheap countries for a vacation with a visa include:

  • Portugal;
  • Bulgaria;
  • Hungary;
  • Albania;
  • Sri Lanka.

The cheapest flights to Portugal are offered by KLM and Airfrance. Their tickets cost from Moscow to Lisbon and back from 200 euros. It is better to live in a rented apartment while on vacation in the country. After all, a hotel room costs 30-40 euros, and a rented apartment with three rooms costs 50 euros. One-room apartments are rented out for 30-35 euros.

Among the significant Portuguese attractions are:

  • guimaraes castle;
  • the National Monastery Museum of Batalha;
  • the fortress city of Obidos;
  • Jeronimush, capital monastery;
  • the basilica at Fatima;
  • renaissance tower Beles.

The advantages of a Portuguese holiday are:

  • excellent hotel service;
  • excellent local cuisine;
  • interesting excursions and sights;
  • clean sea and beautiful nature;
  • fast flight.

The disadvantages include often overpriced tours. The golden Bulgarian shores from Russia can be reached in 3.5 hours by plane. In this case, the ticket price will start at 4500 rubles. International trains also leave for Sofia from St. Petersburg or Moscow. Then you will have to spend almost three days on the way. One-way tickets cost 8 thousand rubles.

The prices for daily accommodation in Bulgaria range from 5 to 50 euros. Houses are rented out for 30-40 euros, and hotel rooms - from 10.

Cheap hotels can be found in villages by the sea:

  • Sarafovo;
  • Kranevo;
  • Pomorie;
  • Byalo.

In Bulgaria it is worth looking at:

Positive aspects of relaxation include:

  • very low prices;
  • russian-speaking population;
  • free and free beaches with all amenities;
  • fast acclimatization.

The modesty of the resorts stands out from the negative in Bulgaria. To get from Moscow to Hungary, you will have to pay for air tickets from 6.5 thousand rubles. Places in hostels start at 700 rubles, and hotel rooms are 10 times more expensive.

Visited in Hungary:

Pros of rest:

  • mild climate;
  • variety for shopping;
  • inexpensive and pleasant local cuisine;
  • medical direction;
  • inexpensive hotels;
  • hospitality of local residents;
  • many attractions.


  • dirt in cities;
  • an abundance of tourists;

The price of a flight from Russia to Tirana starts from 30 thousand rubles. Rooms in hotels with breakfast cost from 300 to 500 euros, and rented accommodation from 100 euros. Hotels with 4 stars offer their seats for 70 euros, and with 3 stars for 15 euros. Hostels charge for their rooms from 5 euros per day.

Albania strives to see:

  • flower riviera;
  • the old road network of Egnantia;
  • the Venetian tower;
  • Tyrant;
  • marine park;
  • mountain Give.

Relaxation benefits:

  • high level of security;
  • affordable prices;
  • clean beaches and sea.

The disadvantages include:

  • insufficient quality service;
  • the language barrier;
  • early closing (at midnight) of clubs and discos.

They fly to Sri Lanka from Moscow for 30 thousand rubles. For a double room in a guesthouse in small towns they pay from 7 to 12 euros, in Colombo - from 10 to 14 euros. Rooms in 3-star hotels cost between 18 and 35 euros, and rooms in hostels between 5 and 7 euros.


  • kumana nature reserve;
  • the sacred Buddhist city of Kandy;
  • cave temple complex Dambulla;
  • mount Sigiriya;
  • peak of Adam.

Pros of rest:

  • many attractions;
  • friendliness of the local population;
  • an abundance of varied food;
  • lack of crime.


  • poorly developed tourism sector;
  • high humidity;
  • strong waves on southern beaches;
  • expensive and long flight.

Where to relax on the sea abroad inexpensively

A budget vacation abroad is unthinkable without the sea. Visiting cheap countries with lucrative air tickets for last minute deals will allow you to significantly save on your vacation without losing its quality.

Inexpensive seaside resorts are:

  • in Cyprus;
  • in Greece;
  • in Italy;
  • in Spain;
  • in the Maldives.

Tours to Cyprus for two people have a price tag of 57 thousand rubles. Airfare - from 12 thousand rubles. Hotels are rented from 30 euros.

Tours have the following popular destinations:

  • Protaras;
  • Pathos;
  • Larnaca;
  • Limassol.


Relaxation benefits:

  • simplified visa obtaining;
  • russian-speaking employees;
  • comfortable beaches;
  • air purity;
  • friendly locals;
  • lack of sharp temperature changes.


  • poor track illumination;
  • pharmacies only in cities;
  • high prices for services and goods.

Tours to Greece will cost from 54 thousand rubles. for two people, and air tickets - from 9600 to 16 thousand rubles. It will be possible to rent rooms in Rhodes and Thessaloniki from 22 euros.

In Greece, they usually visit:

  • Athos monastery and caves;
  • Olympus;
  • the remains of the temple of Hera;
  • the ruins of the Olympic stadium;
  • the ruins of Sparta;
  • Corinth.

Among the advantages of resting are:

  • cultural and recreational diversity;
  • affordable prices;
  • high quality service.

The disadvantages include:

  • paid medicine;
  • long siesta;
  • the language barrier.

Tours to Italy cost from 62 thousand rubles, and air tickets - from 10 thousand to 19 thousand rubles. The price of rooms in hotels is 36-70 euros per day.

Among the inexpensive attractions you can find:

Relaxation benefits:

  • the best beaches in Europe;
  • varied climate;
  • generous historical heritage;
  • wellness procedures;
  • the possibility of resting with children, even newborns;
  • original kitchen;
  • unique Venice;
  • trendy boutiques with cheap brands;
  • a shopper's paradise.


  • misunderstanding due to the lack of English in the country;
  • poor quality service in budget hotels;
  • insufficient security.

The price of a resort often plays a major role in choosing a place to stay. Due to the high cost, many travelers cannot afford to spend their holidays abroad. But thanks to the emergence of budgetary directions in tourism, people still found a way out of this situation.

Article design: Lozinsky Oleg

Video about Budget Holidays Abroad

TOP cheap countries to travel in 2020:

"Oh summer, summer red be with me" - sang Kesha's parrot from the cartoon of the same name. Yes, yes, dear readers, summer is very close - before you have time to blink an eye, the sun will start burning your heads and shoulders. If you have planned a vacation for rest and are still thinking, Where to go for a vacation in the summer of 2019 by the sea inexpensively and safely? - We have selected for you the best safe and inexpensive popular places to relax this summer 2019.

If my budget allows, I would go to exotic countries and take my children - you can choose the optimal solution and a decent country abroad, wherever your beach vacation would not be disturbed - a paradise for yourself, a paradise for your loved ones. But ... Money sometimes plays an important role.

Then you better take a closer look at our Black Sea South. Remember how our parents used to say - let's go to the South, to the Black Sea. And they were right - since there is nothing healthier than sea air. Far from the hustle and bustle of the city, I would not mind relaxing, but what awaits us ... And if the "belt is already tightened", then look around you.

To be honest, we would not go anywhere, but stayed in Russia. Just get out of the city, closer to the river, to nature, to mushrooms and berries - to the village or to the dacha. Here, in our opinion, is the safest and most inexpensive place to spend your vacation in summer 2019.

But this is only the practical side of the issue. From where to go on vacation in the summer depends on many factors, including the desire to visit a country that has never been before. And someone did not go anywhere further than "their nose".

Here are just some of the factors that may affect your holiday this summer:

  • The first is planning at work. Here unexpected problems may arise, due to the illness of this or that colleague. And, unfortunately, you will be asked to replace it.
  • Secondly, a vacation with an outbound vacation, even abroad, even to the south of Russia, is accompanied by financial costs. And sometimes, not small. Just the same, a lot depends on these financial capabilities - whether you are going to stay in a 3, 4 or 5-star hotel, how many people will go on vacation with you, a country with high economic indicators and, accordingly, with not cheap tourist services.
  • Third, the situation in the world. And it is far from comforting - unauthorized rallies, strikes and uprisings break out here and there. And even worse, the military situation is developing and the atmosphere of rebellion is heating up. Safety when traveling from home is above all - who and where will go on vacation in the summer of 2019 at sea? In addition, the embargo (seizure) imposed on our country has not yet been canceled in all countries. And this can provoke conflict situations.
  • Fourth, in the light of recent events, the tourism market seems to have no sensational problems with travel agencies. But still it is worth sticking to the golden mean and purchasing vouchers in trusted companies. And the best information about them, as about reliable service providers, is the review of their friends and acquaintances who already had the experience of going, resting and returning without problems.

You can still "pick" something to dissuade you from going abroad on a summer vacation in 2019, but we will not do this. You will do whatever you want anyway. Remember only those rules that you need to follow before breaking off on a vacation abroad.

  • Choose the right reliable tour operator. If necessary, check it out - see the reviews.
  • Find information on the Internet about the country where you are going to go on vacation. Learn at least basic phrases
  • Provide yourself with insurance. Although you should already include this insurance in the tour price.
  • Explore and check the route. That is, to know how to get to the hotel, where the nearest consulate is the representative office, the police and the place of first aid.

At the end of the article, you can see what trusted and reliable sources we use:

  • Modern and relevant, proven search engines for package tours ("All inclusive");
  • Tour operators of excursion tours around the world;
  • Travel insurance that really works and, God forbid, insured events is of great help;
  • Booking and sale of tickets: railway, air and bus tickets;
  • Car rental, scooters, motorcycles, bicycles and ATVs;
  • Incredible excursions from locals;
  • Search for a recreation center in Russia;
  • Fast online visa purchase with home delivery;
  • Renting cheap housing, including from the owners themselves.

Where to go on vacation in the summer of 2019 by the sea inexpensively and safely abroad?

The cheapest vacation abroad is interpreted in two ways: you can get "screwed up", since everything that is free is in a mousetrap, and if you take this issue more seriously, you will have to abandon the services of travel agencies and do everything yourself.

We have selected several directions for you: Europe and Asia. The calculation is based on a seven-day vacation for two in inexpensive but comfortable hotels with a moderate appetite, without air tickets. The price does not include expenses for various "Wishlist" types: sightseeing tours, "shopping" and entertainment.

If you have not decided where to go for a vacation in the summer of 2019 at sea inexpensively and safely in Europe, then look at these countries:

  • Bulgaria

    It will not be possible to get here with a Schengen visa, since the country is not included in this zone. But if you are lucky enough to visit Cyprus, Romania or Croatia, then these visas are valid, otherwise you need to purchase. All-inclusive price - from 28,000 rubles for a week's vacation at the sea for two. Budget resorts and beaches - Ahtopol, Riviera, Sveti Constantine and Elena, Sozopol. Well-known, but more expensive - Golden Sands, Albena, Sunny Beach.

  • Montenegro

    If your vacation takes no more than 30 days, then you don't need a visa at all. How much does it cost to soak up the sea in Montenegro in the summer for a week for two - from 32,000 rubles. The most budgetary beach resort is Petrovac. Next, in our opinion, is Podgorica and beyond: the resorts of the Bay of Kotor - Perast, Risan, Koshtanitsa, Tivat, Herceg Novi, the resorts of the Adriatic coast - Budva, Becici, Rafailovici, Sveti Stefan, Bar.

  • Turkey

    This is where to go for a vacation in the summer of 2019 by the sea inexpensively and safely - this is Turkish Antalya. Visa-free country, but only for 60 days. All hotels have an "All Inclusive" system (all inclusive) - prices from 26,000 rubles. The exchange rate of the Turkish lira has really fallen, and therefore it is several times cheaper than in other countries. Take a look:

  • Greece

    By the time you are reading this article, the visa to Greece may already be canceled. If not, then the Schengen visa is in your hands. An inexpensive vacation at sea in the summer of 2019 for two in 7 days will cost you from 33 thousand Russian rubles. We advise you to go to rest on the island of Crete. And also the island of Rhodes, the resort of Kallithea, the islands of Kos and Corfa, the Halkidiki peninsula, the city of Thessaloniki.

  • Cyprus

    Awesome beaches and natural paradises. We'll have to apply for a visa. The cost of staying on a white sandy beach in Cyprus is from 38,000 rubles. The most budgetary resort is Larnaca, Limassol has the most vacationers, the new one is Ayia Napa.

  • Italy

    Another European country with a safe holiday, but not cheap. For two - from 40 thousand. One of the most popular is Rimini, then Amalfi and Milano Mirittima, San Remo and Lido de Isolo. In Italy, security is at the highest level - carabinieri walk the streets everywhere.

Europe is by far the most popular holiday destination among Russians. Since it is nearby, the tickets for the flight are not high, the beaches and resorts are all well-known. The only thing that scares off tourists and travelers is the conflict situation in political life. Because of which everyone suffers: both locals and guests.

Where to go for a vacation in the summer of 2019 by the sea inexpensively and safely in Asia?

If European countries attract our fellow countrymen by their close location and "well-traveled paths", then the Asian continent is still a novelty for us, at least there is where to go to have a peaceful and quiet rest.

There is another problem - rainy weather prevails in Asia in summer. Therefore, our tourists are afraid that they will not be able to rest with dignity. But I assure you that if it does rain, it will not interfere with a pleasant pastime, since it will both start and end - quickly and not noticeably. Just the opinion that it rains in Asia in summer is filled with stories of travelers and ignorant tour operators.

Well, let them think that there is bad weather. This means that there will be much less people, respectively, prices for accommodation, food and entertainment will fall. In Asia, there is already cheap food and inexpensive housing. But the flight - not everyone can afford air tickets. Such a high cost is due to the distance.

Even with a not very good forecast, the safest and most inexpensive place to go for a vacation in the summer of 2018 at the sea is Thailand, the coast of the Gulf of Thailand, the resorts of Pattaya and Samui.

And now we present to your attention where you can relax in the summer at sea, in the South Asian direction:

  • Thailand. Pattaya

    For a week of rest together, you will have to fork out from 18,000 rubles. You see - the prices are quite ridiculous, but the round trip plane tickets are from 46,000 of the Bank of Russia. In addition to Pattaya, you can visit Bangkok, Phuket, Siam. By the way, for children, if you are going on vacation with children, they take trips to the Thai Disneyland Dream World.

  • Vietnam

    This country receives so many guests from Russia that it has become Russified. Prices, I can tell you, are more democratic than even in Thailand. For example, one day in a hotel costs $ 8. With not conservative estimates for two, you will spend from 9,000 rubles. Try it, find it cheaper somewhere else - hardly. Everyone who wants to visit Vietnam - for you resorts - Nha Trang, Da Nang, for diving - Con Dao Island.

  • India. Goa

    Just choose directions to North Goa - it's cheaper here. From 16 thousand rubles you will have to pay for accommodation and food, well, and additional minor expenses. A visa is required.

  • China. Hainan Island

    Like Hawaii, it's warm here all year round. Tourists have chosen this place relatively recently. On this island you can have a great summer vacation at the sea. Only now the prices start at 32,000 Russian rubles for two for a week, and to get there, it's better not to ask, you know, the distance is 40-100 thousand for one ticket.

Still, we would offer you such options where to go for a summer vacation at sea inexpensively and safely - Cambodia, Sri Lanka, Indonesia (and in particular the island of Bali) - but this will no longer be a budget option.

Where to go for a vacation in the summer of 2019 at sea inexpensively and safely in Russia?

Here we come with you and tourist destinations in Russia. Come on, friends, in order. You need to understand that prices rise here during the holiday season, and some of them at times.

And if you still decide and do not know where to relax with your child at sea in 2019, then we will walk through the Russian resorts and see:

  • Anapa

    The largest in terms of the number of tourists. Here dozens and even thousands of people bask in the sun and swim in the sea. If you want privacy and not hear the din of a noisy crowd, then it is better to stay in the province of Anapa. For example, the village of Dzhemete, where a funky ten-kilometer beach with gentle sand, and if you are with children - a large water park. You can just as calmly relax in Vityazevo - there is a shallow sea. For the money: Cost of living

  • Crimea

    In Crimea, you can sunbathe on the sand by the sea. There is little entertainment for children, and what is left of the Soviet Union. Today the Crimean Peninsula is part of Russia. Old resorts are only being built and improved. We would, to be honest, postpone the trip there. And the prices are much higher than in other summer vacation spots in Russia. Take a look:

  • Gelendzhik

    And here the prices will immodestly "bite" you. But you can relax and have fun wonderfully. Europe's largest water park - kids will be delighted. But during the season, you can leave as much money as you would spend on a trip abroad, and not to the most budgetary country.
    View Accommodation → View Accommodation →

  • Lazarevskoe

    Calm, safe and inexpensive town. The beaches are rocky and pebble. But there are 2 water parks, in case you don't want to go to the sea.

Where else can you go for a summer vacation at the sea 2019 inexpensively and safely?

There are also countries of the former "sovka" (the republics of the USSR), where our parents still spent their vacations inexpensively and safely:

Where not to go for a vacation in the summer of 2019?

A very precarious situation in many European countries - the problem with refugees has not yet been resolved. Here and there there are massive unrest - we would have secured ourselves and did not go to France, Israel.

In African countries - Tunisia and Morocco, where our fellow tribesmen often traveled - we would also refuse. Although the choice is yours. Just first familiarize yourself with the situation in this or that country.

The countries of the Arab continent can be dangerous for recreation. And Egypt with its unstable political environment. Now every month the issue of admission and permission for a trip to Egypt for Russians is being decided. Let's hope that such a popular and exotic country will be included in the list of safe and inexpensive countries.

PS: The choice of vacation in the summer of 2019 by the sea is yours - decide for yourself where to go to relax in the summer at sea inexpensively and safely. It so happens that having arrived at the Black Sea in the hope of the sun, clouds appear and rain falls. And having arrived in Thailand, taking the wet weather with you, the next day and for the rest of the rest, excellent sunny weather will be established. All in your hands…