Tectonic lakes. Large lakes which lake has a tectonic origin

Science Limonology is studying lakes. By origin, scientists allocate several types, among which there are tectonic lakes. They are formed as a result of the movement of lithospheric plates and the appearance of recesses in the earth's crust. Thus formed the deepest lake in the world - Baikal and the largest area - the Caspian Sea. In the East African rift system, a large rift was formed, where a number of lakes focused:

  • Tanganica;
  • Albert;
  • Nyasa;
  • Edward;
  • Dead Sea (is the lowest planet lake).

In their form, tectonic lakes are very narrow and deep reservoirs, with shores. Their bottom, as a rule, is located below the ocean level. It has a clear outline, resembling a broken curve curve. At the bottom you can find traces of various form of relief. The shores of the tectonic lakes consist of solid rocks, and they are weakly leaving erosion. On average, the deep-sea zone of the lakes of this type is up to 70%, and shallow water - no more than 20%. The water of tectonic lakes is unequal, but in general has a low temperature.

The largest tectonic lakes of the world

The Suna River basin has both large and medium-sized tectonic lakes:

  • Randozero;
  • Paligue;
  • Salvilamby;
  • Sandal;
  • Sundozero.

Among the lakes of the tectonic origin of Kyrgyzstan should be called Son-Kul, Chatyr-Kul and Issyk-Kul. On the territory of the Zararal Plain there are also several lakes formed as a result of the tectonic fault of the Earth's solid shell. This is Argayash and Kalda, Welga and Tishka, Shablich and Sugoyak. In Asia, there are still tectonic lakes Cucunor, Hubsugul, Urmia, Biva and Van.

In Europe, there is also a number of lakes of tectonic origin. This is Geneva and Venettern, Como and Bodenskoye, Balaton and Lago Maggiore. Among American lakes of tectonic origin should be mentioned by the Great North American Lakes. The same type of Winnipeg, Athastka and a large bear lake.

Tectonic lakes are located on the plains either in the area of \u200b\u200bintermountain deflection. They have a significant depth and huge sizes. In the process of formation, the Lake Kotlovin takes part not only the folds of the lithosphere, but also the ruptures of the earth's crust. The bottom of the tectonic lakes is below the oceanic level. Such reservoirs are found on all continents of the Earth, but their largest amount is located in the zone of the fault of the earth's crust.

- The reservoir formed on the sushi surface in natural recess. Since the lake does not have a direct connection with the ocean, it is a reservoir of slow water exchange.

The total area of \u200b\u200bthe lakes on the globe is about 2.7 million km 3, which is 1.8% of the sushi surface.

The main characteristics of the lake:

  • lake Square - water mirror area;
  • shore Line - Water cut length;
  • lake length - The shortest distance between the two coastline dots are most remote from each other, average width -square ratio to length;
  • lake volume - the volume of the basin filled with water;
  • medium depth - The ratio of the volume of the water mass to the square;
  • maximum depth - Located direct dimensions.

The largest area of \u200b\u200bthe water surface of the lake on Earth - Caspian (376 thousand km 2 at a water level of 28 m), and the deepest Baikal (1620 m).

The characteristics of the largest lakes of the world are given in Table. one.

In each lake, three interrelated components are distinguished: basin, water mass, vegetation and animal world of the reservoir.

Lake Mira

By Regulation The lakeside of the lake is divided into terrestrial and underground. The latter are sometimes filled with juvenile water. The underground lakes can be attributed to both a treated lake in Antarctica.

Lake Basins may be as endogenic, so I. Exogenous Origin that most significantly reflected on their size, form, water mode.

The largest lake basins. They can be located in tectonic slides (Ilmen), in the foothill and intergoregous deflections, in rabes (Baikal, Nyasa, Tanganic). Most of the major lakes Kotlovin have a complex tectonic origin, both discontinuous and folded movements (Issyk-Kul, Balkhash, Victoria, etc.) are involved in their formation. All tectonic lakes are distinguished by large sizes, and most - and considerable depths, steep rocky slopes. The bottom of many deep lakes lie below the level of the world's ocean, and the ox mirror is higher than the level. In the location of the tectonic lakes, certain patterns are observed: they are focused along the faults of the earth's crust or in rift zones (Syrian-African-African, Baikal), or framed by Schita: Along the Canadian Schita, a large bearish lake, a large slave, great north-American lakes, along the Baltic Shield - Onega, Ladoga, etc.

Name of Lake

Maximum surface area, thousand km 2

Height above sea level, m

Maximum depth, m

Caspian Sea

North America


North America

North America

Aral Sea


Nyasa (Malawi)

Big bear

North America

Big slave

North America

North America


North America

North America



South America





North America


South America


North America

North America


Big salty

North America


Volcanic lakes Craters and calders of extinct volcanoes are occupied (the crooked lake on Kamchatka, Lake Java, New Zealand).

Along with the lake hollows created by the internal processes of the Earth, the lake baths formed at the expense of exogenous processes.

Among them are the most common glacier Lakes on the plains and in the mountains, both in the brands, filled with a glacier and in lowering between the hills in the non-uniform sediments of the Moraine. The destructive activities of the ancient glaciers are obliged to their origin of Lake Karelia and Finland, which are elongated towards the movement of the glacier from the North-West to the southeast along the tectonic cracks. Actually mixed glacial and tectonic origin have Ladoga, Onega and other lakes. To the glacial hooks in the mountains include numerous, but small Karkov Lakes located in a bowl-shaped deepening on the slopes of the mountains below the snow border (in the Alps, in the Caucasus, Altai), and tigal Lakes - in the trough-shaped glacial valleys in the mountains.

With uneven accumulation of glacial sediments on the plains, lakes among hilly and sea relief are connected: in the north-west of the Eastern European Plain, especially at Valdai Hills, in Baltic States, Poland, Germany, Canada and in the north of the United States. These lakes are usually shallow, wide, with blade shores, with the islands (Seliger, Valdai et al.). In the mountains, such lakes arose on the site of the former languages \u200b\u200bof glaciers (Como, Garda, Vurm in the Alps). In the areas of ancient glaciation, the lakes in the hollows of the flow of melted glacial waters, they are elongated, trough-shaped, usually small and shallow (for example, a long, round-near Moscow).

Karst Lakes are formed in places of leaching of rocks underground and partly surface waters. They are deep, but small, often rounded in shape (in the Crimea, in the Caucasus, in Dinar and Other Mountains).

Suffosionic The lakes are formed in the hollows of sediments at the place of intense removal by the underground waters of small-seed and mineral particles (south of Western Siberia).

Term Carts The lakes occur when the multi-member soil or pulling ice is groaning. Thanks to them, the Kolyma lowland is one of the most lake edges of Russia. Many relic thermal lakes Kotlovin are located in the north-west of the Eastern European Plain in the former arrival zone.

Eoloic Lakes arise in the pitual blowing (lake Tecca in Kazakhstan).

Predaruds The lakes are formed in the mountains, often after earthquakes, as a result of collaps and landslides, brave river valleys (Lake Sarrebskoy in the Murgab Valley on the Pamir).

In the valleys of the plain rivers, the numerous lakes of the characteristic horseshoe-shaped form resulting from messenger of rivers and the subsequent hidden rigging; When drying rivers in Bococham - River lakes are formed; In the delta rivers - small Lakes-Ilmena, at the place of the ducts, often shouted with reed and reeds (Ilymeni Volzhsky delta, Lake Kuban smashes).

On the low-lying coasts of the seas, coastal lakes are characterized in the place of Limanov and Lagoon, if the latter are separated from the sea with sandwheel jumpers: braids, bars.

Special type includes Organogenic Lakes among swamps and coral buildings.

These are the main genetic types of lake kitelin, due to natural processes. Their location is presented in Table. 2. But recently there is more and more "man-made" lakes created by a person - gas-called anthropogenic lakes: lakes - reservoirs on rivers, lakes - ponds in quarries, in salt specks, on the site of peatores.

By Genesis of water masses Allocate two types of lakes. Some have water atmospheric origin: precipitation, river and groundwater. Such lakes freshAlthough in a dry climate ultimately can become salty.

Other lakes were part of the World Ocean - these are relic Salt Lakes (Caspian, Aralskoe). But in such lakes, primary seawater can be strongly transformed and even completely displaced and replaced by atmospheric waters (Ladoga et al.).

Table 2. Distribution of the main genetic groups of lakes on the continents and parts of the world

Genetic groups of lakes

Continents and parts of light

Western Europe

Foreign Asia

North America

South America



Glacial and tectonic







In action From water balance, so on. Under the conditions of the tributary and flow, the lakes are divided into the waste and faceless. Lakes throwing part of its waters in the form of a river flow - waste;a special case of them are Flowing lakes. A lot of rivers can fall into the lake, but only one (hangar from Lake Baikal, Neva from Lake Lake, etc.). Lakes, not having a runoff in the world ocean - Cleanless (Caspian, Aral, large salty). The water level in such lakes is subject to vibrations of different duration, which is due primarily by perennial and seasonal changes in climate. In this case, the morphometric characteristics of the lakes and the properties of the aquatic masses are changed. This is especially noticeable on lakes in arid areas, which are prompted by long-term wet wetting cycles and climate aridness.

Water lakes, like other natural waters, are characterized by various chemical composition and varying degrees of mineralization.

In the composition of the salts in the water of the lake are divided into three types: carbonate, sulfate, chloride.

By Mineralization degree Lakes are divided by fresh(less than 1% o), Solonishy (1-24.7% C), Salt (24.7-47% O) and Mineral (more than 47% c). An example of a fresh lake can serve as a Baikal, the salinity of whose will is 0.1% C \\ Solonish - Caspian Morse - 12-13% Oh, a large salt - 137-300% Oh, the Dead Sea - 260-270% Oh, in some years - up to 310% s.

In the distribution of lakes with varying degrees of mineralization on the earth's surface, geographical zonality is traced due to the moisture coefficient. In addition, those lakes in which rivers flow are distinguished by low salinity.

However, the degree of mineralization may be different and within one lake. So, for example, in a blind-eyed lake Balkhash, located in the arid zone, in the western part, where r. Or, the water is fresh, and in the eastern part, which is connected to the western only narrow (4 km) shallow strait, saltwater water.

In the oversaturation of the lakes from the pickle of the salt, they begin to fall into the precipitate, their crystallization occurs. Such mineral lakes called self-making (for example, Elton, Baskunchak). Mineral lakes in which lamellar fine needles are deposited, are known as mud.

An important role in the life of the lakes plays Thermal regime.

Fresh lakes of a hot heat belt are characterized by the warmest water at the surface, with depth it gradually decreases. Such a temperature distribution in depth is called direct thermal stratification. The lakes of the cold thermal belt almost all year have the coldest (about 0 ° C) and light water at the top; With depth, the water temperature rises (up to 4 ° C), water becomes more denser, harder. Such a temperature distribution in depth is called inverse thermal stratification. The lakes of a moderate heat belt have variable stratification by season of the year: in the summer straight, in winter is reverse. In the spring and autumn there are such moments when the temperature vertically is the same (4 ° C) at different depths. The phenomenon of constancy temperature in depth is called Homoterma (Spring and autumn).

An annual thermal cycle in the lakes of a moderate belt is divided into four periods: spring heating (from 0 to 4 ° C) is carried out due to convective mixing; summer heating (from 4 ° C to maximum temperature) - by molecular thermal conductivity; Autumn cooling (from the maximum temperature to 4 ° C) - by convective mixing; Winter cooling (from 4 to about ° C) - again by molecular thermal conductivity.

In the winter period of freezing lakes, the same three phases are distinguished as the rivers: freezing, ice station, autopsy. The process of formation and melting ice is similar to rivers. Lakes, as a rule, for 2-3 weeks are covered with ice than rivers in the region. The thermal mode of freezing salted lakes resembles the mode of the seas and oceans.

Dynamic phenomena in the lakes include trends, unrest and sewage. Stock trends arise when the river shoves in the lake and outflow of water from the lake in the river. In the flow lakes, they can be traced throughout the water area of \u200b\u200bthe lake, in the continuing - in areas adjacent to the mouth or the source of the river.

The height of the waves on the lake is less, but the steepness is greater compared to the seas and oceans.

The movement of water in the lakes, along with dense convection, contributes to the mixing of water, the penetration of oxygen into the lower layers, the uniform distribution of nutrients, which is important for the very diverse inhabitants of the lakes.

By Nutritional properties of water mass And the conditions for the development of the life of the lake are divided into three biological types: olitrophic, eutrophic, dystrophic.

Oligotrophic - Malopian lakes. These are large deep transparent lakes with greenish-blue water rich in oxygen, so organic residues are intensively mineralized. Because of the small number of biogenic elements, they are poor plankton. Life is rich, but there is a fish, crustaceans. These are many mountain lakes, Baikal, Geneva, etc.

Eutrophic Lakes have a large supply of nutrients, especially nitrogen and phosphorus compounds, shallow (up to 1015 m), well warmed, with brown-green water. The oxygen content decreases with depth, because of which the fishes and other animals are wintering. The bottom is peat or or etched with an abundance of organic residues. In summer, there is a "flowering" of water due to the strong development of phytoplankton. In the lakes rich vegetable and animal world. They are most common in the zones of the forest-steppe and steppes.

Dystrophic Lakes are poor nutrients and oxygen, they are shallow. The water in them is acidic, low-transparent, brown due to the abundance of humic acids. The bottom of peat, phytoplankton and the highest aquatic vegetation is small, animals too. These lakes are distributed in very wetlands.

In the last decade, in the conditions of increased admission from the fields of phosphorus and nitrogen compounds, as well as the discharge of wastewater of some industrial enterprises, the lakes are energized. The first sign of this unfavorable phenomenon is the strong blooming of blue-green algae, then the amount of oxygen decreases in the pond, yers are formed, hydrogen sulfide appears. All this will create unfavorable conditions for the life of fish, waterfowl and others.

Evolution of lakes It occurs in different ways in a wet and dry climate: in the first case, they gradually turn into the swamps, in the second - in salt marshes.

In a wet (humid) climate, the leading role in filling out the lake and turning it into the swamp belongs to vegetation, partly the remnants of the animal population, which together form organic residues. Temporary watercourses and rivers bring mineral injuries. Small lakes with gentle shores will overgrow by adding plant ecological zones from the periphery to the center. Ultimately, the lake becomes a herbaceous lowland swamp.

Deep lakes with steep shores bump otherwise: by increasing from above Splavins (Zybun) - a layer of alive and dead plants. The basis of it is plants with long rhizomes (sabelnik, watch, whitefly), and other grassy plants and even shrubs (alder, Iva) are installed on the grid of the roots. The splavine first appears off the coast of the wind, where there is no excitement, and gradually coming to the lake, increasing in power. Part of the plants die, falls on the bottom, forming a peat. Gradually, only the "windows" of water remain in the global, and then they disappear, although the brand is not yet filled with sediments, and only with the time of the spline is closed with a peat layer.

In the dry climate of the lake, with time become salt marshes. This is facilitated by an insignificant amount of precipitation, intensive evaporation, reduction of river water influx, the deposition of solid precipitation, brought by rivers and dust storms. As a result, the water mass of the lake decreases, the level decreases, the area is reduced, the concentration of salts increases, and even a freshly lake can turn into a salt lake (a large salt lake in North America), and then in Solonchak.

The lakes, especially large, have a mitigating effect on the climate of the adjacent territories: in winter there is warmer, the summer is cooler. So, on the coastal meteorological stations at Lake Baikal, the temperature in winter at 8-10 ° S. above, and in summer at 6-8 ° S. lower than at stations outside the influence of the lake. Air humidity near lakes are more due to increased evaporation.

The lake is a reservoir that is formed on the surface of the sushi. Lakes do not have a direct connection with the oceans and seas. Most of the reservoirs are tectonic lakes. In total, on our planet, they occupy almost two percent of the sushi surface.

Characteristics of lakes

After a long study of the lakes, scientists revealed a number of characteristics inherent in this type of water bodies.

  1. Area of \u200b\u200bwater mirror.
  2. The length of the coastline.
  3. Lake length. To measure this, the indicators are taken by the two most remote shoreline points. During the measurement, the average width is determined - this is the ratio of the area to the length.
  4. The volume of the basin, which is filled with water is determined.
  5. The average depth of the reservoir is installed, the maximum depth is also determined.

The largest lake of the world is Caspian, and the deepest is Baikal.

Name of Lake

Max. Surface area, thousand km 2

Max. Depth, M.

What continent is located

Caspian lake

North America


North America



The origin of the lakes

All existing lakes are divided into underground and ground. The basins themselves can be endo- and exogenous origin. This factor determines the shape and size of the reservoir. Tectonic lakes are located in the largest basins. They can be located in tectonic slides like Ilmen, in rabes (Baikal) or in foothill and mountain deficits.

Most of the major kotlovin has a difficult tectonic origin. In their formation, discontinuous, folded movements participated. All tectonic lakes are distinguished by large sizes and significant depths, the presence of rocky slopes. The bottom of most reservoirs is located at the level of the world ocean, and the mirrors are much higher.

In the location of the tectonic lakes, some regularity is traced: they focus along the faults of the Earth or in rhythic zones, but they can frame shields. Examples of such lakes serve as Ladoga and Onega, located along the Baltic Shield.

Types of lakes

There is a classification of lakes on the water regime.

  1. Sleeper. Rivers flow into these types of water bodies, but none of them follows. Most of them are located in insufficient moisture areas: in the desert, semi-desert. This type includes the Caspian Sea Lake.
  2. Waste. Rivers flow into these lakes, and they leak out of them. Such species are most often in the excessive moisture zone. Miscellaneous number of rivers fall into such lakes, but one usually follows. An example of the tectonic lake of a waste-type is Baikal, Teletskoye.
  3. Flowing reservoirs. In these lakes, there are a lot of rivers. Examples serve Lake Ladoga and Onega.

In any reservoir, food is due to atmospheric precipitation, rivers, underwater resources. Partly water evaporates from the surface of the reservoirs, flows or goes underground. Because of this feature, the amount of water in the pool fluctuates. For example, Chad when drought covers an area of \u200b\u200babout twelve thousand square kilometers, but during the rainy, the pool covers the area twice as much - about 24 thousand square kilometers.

The world's largest lakes have a tectonic origin. An example can be Baikal, Ladoga and Onega Lakes. Greasy Endogenous factors play the role in the origin of tectonic lakes. The basins of these reservoirs are formed on the downstairs of the earth's crust. Typically, such basins are strongly elongated and deep.


The deepest and large lake of the world with fresh water. Baikal is located in Siberia. The area of \u200b\u200bthis pool is more than 31 thousand square kilometers, depth - above 1500 meters. If you look at Baikal in terms of water, then it takes only second place after the Caspian Sea Lake. Water in Baikal is always cold: in the summer - about nine degrees, and in the winter - no more than three. The lake has twenty-two islands: the largest - Olkhon. 330 rivers flow into Baikal, but only one - hangar follows.

Baikal influences the climate of Siberia: it softens the winter, and the summer makes a cooler. The average temperature in January is about -17 ° C, and in the summer +16 ° C. In the south and in the north, over the course of the year, a different amount of precipitation falls - from 200 to 900 mm. From January to May, Baikal is covered with transparent ice. This is due to very clean and transparent water - you can see everything that happens in water at a depth to forty meters.

Other types of water bodies

There are glacier-tectonic lakes resulting from the treatment with glaciers of tectonic decreases of the earth's crust. Examples of such lakes serve Onega, Ladoga. In Kamchatka and Kurilah are volcanic lakes. There are lake basins that appeared due to mainland glaciation.

In the mountains, some lakes were formed due to the bombards that had arisen, for example, Ritsa Lake in the Caucasus. Small reservoirs arise over karst dips. There are saucer-like lakes arising in loose rocks. When melting permafrost can form shallow lakes.

Lakes of glacial and tectonic origin are located not only in the mountains, but also on the plains. Waters fill the basins, literally filled with glaciers. During the movement of the glacier from the North-West to the south-east along the cracks, Ice as it would have done a furrow. It was filled with water: many reservoirs were formed.

Ladoga lake

One of the major glacial and tectonic lakes is Ladoga. It is located in the Leningrad region and in Karelia.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe lake is more seventeen thousand square kilometers: the width of the reservoir is almost 140 kilometers, and the length is 219 km. The depth throughout the basin is uneven: in the northern part it ranges from eighty to two hundred meters, and in South - up to seventy meters. Ladoga feed 35 rivers, and the beginning takes only one - Neva.

There are many islands on the lake, among which the largest Kilpola, Valaam, Mantinsari are.

Ladoga lake in the winter freezes, and revealed in April. The water temperature on the surface is uneven: in the northern part it is about fourteen degrees, and in the southern - about twenty degrees.

Water in a hydrocarbonate lake with weak mineralization. It is clean, transparency reaches seven meters. Throughout the year, there are storms here (they are the strongest in the fall), the calm (most often in the summer).

Onega and other lakes

Most of the islands on Onega island: their more than a thousand. The largest of them is Clemetsky. More than fifty rivers fall into this reservoir, and the beginning takes only the switches.

There are quite a few tectonic lakes in Russia, among which they allocate a catchment pool, including Ilmen, Saima, Onega Lake.

There are lakes of similar origin in the Red Polyana, such as Khmelevsky. Their formation served as a deflection arising in the process of destruction of the earth's crust. A result of this deflection led to the formation of kitlovin, which were filled with water. As a result, Lake Hmelevsky, who became a national park formed in this place. There are four large lakes and a few small reservoirs, swamps.

Large lakes located in Russia have a lot of economic importance. These are huge stocks of fresh water. In the waters of many large lakes, shipping is developed. On the shores there are recreation centers, fishing places are equipped. In very large lakes, such as Ladoga, fishing fishery is conducted.

Not directly connected to the sea. The lakes occupy about 1.8% of the sushi surface, but distributed extremely unevenly.

On the area of \u200b\u200bthe lake are the most diverse. Especially large of them are referred to even by the seas ().

By the origin of the lake, vpadin distinguish:

  • tectonic. These are usually the deepest lakes formed in place (Baikal - depth of 1620 m; - 1470 m). The depth of most lakes of tectonic origin is usually less than 1000 m. The bottom of the most profound lakes lie below the ocean level (bottom of Baikal is located 1165 m below the ocean level;
  • volcanic. These are lakes formed in crater or calderars, as well as in recesses on the surface of lava flows: Lakes, Kronotsky Lake on, Lake and Java;
  • glacier. These are lakes that have formed in the territories undergoing mainland beaming. They are created or as a result, or as a result of glacier. The erosion glacial type includes lakes located in, in (), (Russia), northeast. The shape of these lakes is long, narrow, and they are elongated in the direction of the glacier movement. Lakes arising from lake accumulation are confined to areas of hilly-ground relief (see glaciation). Some lakes occupy lowlands between the hills and have usually blade and minor depths (). Others arose among the marine relief. They are wide, oval and small:, white;
  • karst. They are located in or in karst dips and arise in areas composed of soluble rocks. The areas are formed termeral hollows, obliged to be melting melting of fossil ice and frozen, as well as ground prediers. Many tundra lakes are thermocarbon;
  • coastal lakes. They were formed due to the separation of part of the sea from the rest of the sand either. Limanov and lagoon a lot on the coast and;
  • food lakes There are during the damage of watercourse with landslides, collaps, lavva flows and. So in 1911, the Sarezo lake was formed with a depth of 505 m. It was damaged by a colossal mountain collapse. Frames are sovereign lakes and in. Many Sikhote-Alin Lakes (Russia), Lake Sevan, Lake Tana () were formed due to the damage of the Lover streams river;
  • - ponds and;
  • lake Staritsy Formed during the Minerying River River.

The water mass of the lakes has predominantly origin and falls into the lake through, condensation on the water surface, when water intakes from rivers and streams and due to soil food. The flow of lake water is carried out through evaporation, and stock in. In some lakes, the modern aqueous mass has come to the marine shift, which occupied the hollow in the near-geological past. There was an Aloldiye sea on the site of modern, Ladoga and, as well as in the Ice Time. After his decay, lakes were formed first with salt sea, and then with fresh water. Such lakes are called relict or residual. Animals that live there are adapting to lake habitat conditions.

On the arrival and consumption of water mass, all lakes are divided into:

  • good protocating. In them, rivers flow and flow. Water in these lakes is constantly changing. There are such lakes in the zones of excess atmospheric moistening (Baikal, Geneva);
  • low-line. Rivers also fall into them, but it follows significantly less. These lakes are located in a zone with insufficient moisture (Balaton, Tanganic);
  • cleanless. They are formed in zones and. Rivers fall into such lakes, but not the same (, the Dead Sea) does not follow;
  • deaf. They feed on rain or thawed waters, as they do not fall into rivers and do not flow out of them. These are small lakes, and zones or crafts. Outside these groups turned out to be karst lakes, since their nutrition is carried out primarily by.

On his lake can also be divided into:

  • fresh (their salinity does not exceed 1% o);
  • salt (their salinity from 1 to 47% o);
  • (their salinity exceeds 47% o). Of them salts can fall out (Elton, Baskunchak).

Salt of dead lake 270% ©.

Lakes. In countries with a warm climate, it varies slightly during the year. In the summer of water in the summer with depth decreases. In winter, the upper layer of water is cooled below the freezing, and the lake is covered with ice, and with depth the temperature of the water rises. Than salty water, the lower the temperature of its freezing. Large and deep lakes do not freeze longer than shallow. So, Baikal freezes only in early January, when all the reservoirs have long been covered with ice.

In their biological properties of the lakes are divided into:

  • to the depth of 1 m, the sources, a litholist, and others, are arranged.;
  • to a depth of 2-3 m - reed, reed;
  • to the depths of 4m - immersed plants: Restes and others.
  • lakes, poor nutrients. They are transparent, deep and cold;
  • lakes with rich. They are usually shallow, well protected;
  • lakes, poor life, with brown water, in which there is not enough oxygen.

For most lakes, abundant vegetation is characterized, especially in the coastal zone. It is located in tiers:
Lakes in its development take place several stages. In a more humid climate, they overgrow and turn into. In the dry climate there is a drying of the lakes; They become soles and with poor vegetation.

The movement of water in the lakes, as well as in the seas, is manifested in the form of flows, but very slow, as well as waves reaching large sizes only in large lakes. For example, up to 2-2.5 m are observed in and on. With differentials on different parts of the lake, there are still standing waves.

Lakes play a very large role in nature and in human life. Like the sea, they have a pepper effect on the world around. The lakes affect the relief, as they also conduct erosion and accumulative work.

Tectonic lakes are formed in places of faults and shifts of the earth's crust. As a rule, these are deep narrow reservoirs with rectilinear shepherd shores located in deep-cutting gorges. The bottom of those located on Kamchatka, the lakes are below the ocean level. Tectonic lakes include far and Kurilsky. The Kuril Lake is located in the south of Kamchatka in a deep picturesque basin, surrounded by the mountains. The greatest depth of the lake 306 m. The shores of his climbers. Numerous mountain streams flow from them. Lake Soykochka, it takes the beginning of the River Ozernaya. On the shores of the lake on the surface are hot springs.

Textonic depressions arise as a result of the movements of the earth's crust, and many lake basins of tectonic origin have a large area and ancient age. They occupy the depressions arising from the tectonic movements of the earth's crust: faults, discharges, robes, intergical and plain deflection. As a rule, they are very deep, some tectonic lakes exceed the sea. Caspian and Aral lakes are not accidentally called the seas. The Caspian lake is 4 times more white, almost 3 times more adriatic and 2 times - the Aegean seas. And the deepest lakes of the world - Baikal and Tanganyika are significantly deeper than our northern seas - Barents, Kara, East Siberian and others.

Tectonic processes are manifested in different ways. For example, the Caspian Sea is dedicated to the deflection at the bottom of the Ancient Sea Tetis. In Neogen, a lift occurred, as a result of which the Caspian Vpadina was aligned. Her water was gradually designed under the influence of atmospheric precipitation and river flow. Basil Oz. Victoria in East Africa formed as a result of raising surrounding sushi. A large salty lake in Utah also arose thanks to the tectonic raising of the territory through which the flow of the lake was previously carried out. Tectonic activity often leads to the formation of faults (cracks in the earth's crust), which can turn into lake hollows, if a sprawl occurs in this area, or if the block is dropped, prisonered between faults. In the latter case, they say that the lake basin is timed to rabes. This origin has several lakes within the East African rift system. Among them - Oz. Tanganyka formed about 17 million years and is distinguished by a very large depth (1470 m). On the continuation of this system to the north there are the Dead Sea and the Tiber Lake. Both are very ancient. The maximum depth of the Tiberiatic Lake is currently only 46 m. \u200b\u200bLakes taho are also confined at the border of the states of California and Nevada in the United States, Biva (source of freshwater pearls) in Japan and Baikal. The bottom profile of the tectonic lakes is sharply outlined, has a form of a broken curve. Glacial sediments and precipitation processes have little changed the clarity of the tectonic lines of the lake. The influence of the glacier on the formation of the basin is noticeable, he leaves the traces of his stay in the form of scars, lambs, which are well visible on rocky shores and islands. The shores of the lakes are complicated mainly from hardening rocks, weakly denominated erosion, which is one of the reasons for the weak process of sedimentation. The water lakes are thermally heterogeneous: during the greatest leveling of surface water, low bottom temperatures are preserved, which is promoted by stable thermal stratification. Water vegetation is rare, only a narrow strip along the shores of closed bays. As a result of the movement of the earth's crust in some places, recesses are formed. In these recesses and tectonic lakes arise. The three largest lakes of Kyrgyzstan: Issyk-Kul, Son-Kul and Chatyr-Kul are formed by tectonic way.