Geography of Asia. Geographical Description of Asia

The deserts of the world have many common features, therefore they are distinguished as an independent natural zone. The poet Konstantin Balmont admired the deserts: "I love the Desert, the Desert, the queen of earthly beauty." Let's take a closer look at this unusual habitat, to which not only plants and animals have adapted, but also humans.

Many people associate the desert with lifeless and hot sandy plains. Although this word speaks only of the emptiness and desolation of such places. In most European languages, the desert is called a word derived from "dizartum" (lat. Dēsertum), which also means a place abandoned by man. It is no coincidence that the expressions "deserted sea" or "polar desert" are quite appropriate, which in no way resembles a dry and hot habitat. In order for scientists from different countries to understand what kind of deserts we are talking about, arid lands began to be called arid (from the Latin aridus - dry, depleted). It is about such typical deserts that we will tell you “in the workshop of nature”.
Arid regions are characterized by prolonged periods of heat and drought. Deserts have the highest daily temperature drops on earth, from which stones crack. At noon, the surface of the desert is heated so that eggs can be fried on the rocks. From such heat, layers of air with different temperatures are formed near the earth, in which light is refracted and a mirage appears.
Real deserts are formed where less than 200 mm of precipitation falls per year, and the evaporation of water is ten times greater. Because of this, the air becomes very dry, so people can more easily tolerate the heat in the desert. Precipitation falls unevenly, and droughts last for several months. Deserts are characterized by extensive plains or depressions, some of which used to be the seabed.
Typical deserts cover about 23% of the land area. They occur mainly in the tropics and subtropics, where dry equatorial air descends as a result of global atmospheric circulation. The resulting constant high atmospheric pressure determines sunny and hot weather. High mountains bordering many deserts serve as a reliable barrier for clouds. Most of the arid regions have an insular appearance, which makes it possible to distinguish individual deserts in territories isolated by mountain and water barriers. By the nature of the surface, the desert is divided into sandy, stony, clay, gypsum and saline. Additionally, they are classified according to the type of vegetation, relief and climate. In order to understand what deserts are, we will consider their characteristics in different regions of the earth.

The largest desert in the world is Sahara (Arabic: صحراء - sahra), which means not only desert, but also sand. The related word "sugar" also means sand. The desert occupies almost all of North Africa and is so vast that scientists still cannot agree on its exact boundaries, because they define them according to different climatic, soil or biological characteristics. In any case, its area exceeds the whole continent of Australia. In the east, several other historical regions adjoin the Sahara. The largest and hottest area is the Libyan Desert, and between the Nile and the Red Sea are the Arabian and extremely arid Nubian deserts.
Despite the name, the sands occupy only one fifth of the Sahara, most of the plains are covered with stones and rubble. Sands accumulate in lowlands and in wide temporary river beds, which are filled with water after rare rains in the neighboring mountains. Arabs call such dry lands - wadi (Arabic: وادي), in Central Asia it is sai, and in America and Australia it is a cry (English creek).
Typically, deserts are dominated by yellowish sand, consisting of common quartz oxide (SiO₂). But it can have a reddish tint from an admixture of iron oxides (Fe₂O₃), salt (NaCl) or gypsum crystals (CaSO₄) add to the white color, and basalt lava gives it a black hue. The stones on the side facing the sun are often covered with a "desert tan". This dark brown film is composed of iron and manganese oxides, and it accumulates over hundreds of years of changing moisture and heating cycles.
The wind constantly blows in the open spaces of the desert and collects sand in aeolian (from Aeolus - ancient Greek god of the wind) relief forms - ripples, waves, ridges and hills or dunes. Bare sands unsecured by vegetation are moved by the wind at a speed of several meters per year. With strong winds (more than 15 m / s), a sandstorm rises in the deserts, which settles only after several thousand kilometers in Europe, on the Atlantic islands or in Asia. The dust constantly hanging in the air gives the sky a pale shade and creates the effect of the famous "white sun" of the desert.
The basis of the poor and sparse vegetation of the Sahara is made up of ephemerals (from the Greek Εφήμερος - living one day). After a short rainy season, they have time to germinate, bloom and give new seeds in a few weeks, which will wait for their rain for several years. Large plants are characterized by rare acacias and thorny shrubs, which produce leaves in a short growing season.
Desert animals have adapted to long hibernation and hide from the heat of the day in burrows. The famous one-humped camel was tamed by man and uses it as a "ship of the desert". Among arthropods, it is worth noting large scorpions and salpugs (phalanxes), which can even feed on lizards. Desert ants are mostly herbivorous; they are busy transferring seeds to their underground storage facilities. Locusts and darkling beetles are often seen during the day. The deserts are characterized by a variety of reptiles.
Unfortunately, horned antelopes in the Sahara are almost exterminated by humans. Small mammals are represented by rodents from the families of ridges (gundi - similar to guinea pigs), hamsters (gerbils - build underground cities) and mice. They are hunted by large monitor lizards and snakes. Interestingly, hyraxes live in the Sahara mountains, which look like a large marmot or rabbit, but are the closest relatives of elephants.
People and agriculture in the Sahara are concentrated along the Nile River and in the oases (ancient Egyptian - the place of residence) around wells and at the outlet of groundwater. The main plant in the oases is the date palm and grain crops. Thanks to a whole chain of underground springs and oases, caravan trails pass through the Sahara, which are used by the nomadic population of the deserts.

The African deserts are part of the largest Afro-Asian group. Nikolai Gumilyov figuratively described it in the poem "Sahara":
All deserts are dear to each other from time to time,
But Arabia, Syria, Gobi, -
It's just the fading of the Saharan wave
In satanic spite raised
Splashing Red Sea, Persian Gulf,
And the snow is deep in the Pamirs,
But her ocean is sandy spill
Siberia reaches green.

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Indeed, in the south of the Arabian Peninsula in Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates there is a wide desert Rub al-Khali (Arabic: الربع الخالي - an empty quarter). This name is confirmed by dry, hot and lifeless sands comparable in area to Spain. Only the proximity of groundwater in some areas ensures oasis farming. In the north of the peninsula is the vast Syrian Desert. It enters Syria, Iraq, Jordan and Saudi Arabia and consists of rubble and sandy massifs. Dew is an essential source of water in it. The flora of the Arabian deserts is similar to the African one. There are animals that came from Africa, Central Asia and India. The smallest fox - fennec fox (up to 1.5 kg) with big ears and excellent sense of smell is peculiar. They hunt insects, lizards and rodents at night.
The deserts of Central Asia, which are close to us, are located east of the Caspian Sea in Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan. The warm and dry period in these deserts lasts from May to October, with frosts in winter. The main sources of water here are the Amu Darya and Syr Darya rivers (Turkic darya - river). They originate high in the mountains and flow through the deserts of the Karakum and Kyzylkum. Every year there are 2 river floods from the melting of spring snows in the foothills, and summer from high mountain glaciers. Population growth and irrational water consumption for irrigation of fields led to the drying up of the entire Aral Sea.

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There is a desert between the rivers Kyzylkum (from Uzbek - red sands). Most of the desert is occupied by reddish sands, and in the dumps of rocks in gold and uranium mines, the sands have a more intense burgundy and even purple hue. Clay and rubble deserts are located on the hills. In lowlands and in fields with irregular irrigation, a salt-rich salt desert and famous takyrs (from Uzbek - smooth, even) are formed. When the even clay layer of takyrs dries up, the soil cracks and forms dry lifeless shards.
Neighboring Karakum(from Turkom - black sand) are named so because of the moss that covers the sands. After the rain, the black moss crust instantly turns green and the desert is covered with a blooming carpet of ephemerals. Unfortunately, a dense vegetation cover can be seen only in nature reserves; in the rest of the territory, due to overgrazing, the sand is already poorly fixed. In the Karakum Desert, a record air temperature of 51.8 ° C was recorded for the former USSR.
Wormwood shrubs (ancient Russian peles - pale blue, gray) are widely spread in the deserts of Central Asia. The name indicates the color of small leaves, which are protected from the scorching sun by pubescence. Small saxaul trees have very deep roots, there are no leaves in their crown, and green branches carry out photosynthesis. Bactrian camels feed on saxaul, and sheep eat wormwood. Horses - kulans, antelopes - saigas and gazelles - gazelles have survived only in reserves and nurseries. Large lizards, monitor lizards, use the burrows of rodents and hunt them. The common Central Asian tortoise actively feeds on greenery in the spring and moves in the desert; it spends the rest of the time in hibernation. This should be known to those who are going to keep them at home.

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Deeper in Central Asia, the oceans can no longer influence the climate of the deserts, which are not only remote from them, but also isolated by high mountains. The farther from the sea, the stronger the seasonal temperature fluctuations, in winter Siberian winds bring frosts exceeding -30 ° С, and in summer the heat reaches 40 ° С. There are large deserts along which the ancient caravan routes from China to Europe passed. Gobi - the largest desert in Eurasia, it is located in the south of Mongolia and enters the north of China. Desert Takla Makan one of the driest on the mainland. This rounded sandy plain, surrounded by mountains, is clearly visible from space. The name of the desert is translated as "a place of abandonment", it is also called "a place from which there is no return." In such harsh conditions the bactrian camel, hares, hamsters and eared hedgehog can survive. The center of jerboa diversity is located in Central and Central Asia. These burrowing rodents, with a long tail and large eyes, are usually nocturnal and are distinguished by the fact that they move by jumping like a kangaroo.

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The North American group of deserts is located in the western part of the mainland. The arid territories stretch from north to south for 2 thousand kilometers in the temperate and subtropical zones. The only major river in Colorado runs through the deserts and flows through the famous largest canyon. Great Poolor the Great Desert is located on the mountain plateau of the same name and the neighboring Colorado plateau, snow falls there in winter.
A record air temperature for our planet of 56.67 ° C was noted in the desert Mojave, in a depression called "Death Valley", the salty bottom of which lies 86 meters below sea level. At the same time, as it should be according to the rules of meteorology, it was measured in the shade at a height of 2 meters above the ground. The valley is sandwiched between mountain ranges and has an area of \u200b\u200balmost 8 thousand km². The terrible name was invented by American settlers, who in the middle of the 19th century crossed it on their way to California. On the way, in a waterless and red-hot valley, cattle died, the bones of which it was strewn with. The local Indians called the valley “painted rocks” because of the beautiful patterns on them. The upland part of this desert is characterized by solitary yucca trees. From a distance, these trees look like people with curved branches resembling hands. To the south, creosote bushes predominate, and to the north, wormwood.

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Distinctive black American deserts have become the ubiquitous distribution of cacti. This family of plants with beautiful flowers differs from other thorny succulents in that their lateral shoots have turned into fluffy bunches of needles or areola (from Latin areola - playground). Especially famous are the 10-15 meter high saguaro columns in the desert Sonora... Their internal supporting skeleton consists of a timber frame. Such cacti live for more than 100 years, woodpeckers build hollows in their thorny trunks and desert birds nest. The bushes of the most common cacti - prickly pears are very prickly, if you accidentally touch them, the tip of a branch breaks off and grips with sharp needles. This is how these thorny shoots spread across the desert. Cacti have a branched superficial root system that greedily absorbs and stores water in the stems. Saguaro is capable of pumping a ton of water after a rare but heavy rain. When breeding cacti at home, it is important to know that in the hot and sunny seasons they need to be watered abundantly, and in winter they should be provided with cold (10 ° C) and dry wintering.

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Sonora is home to 7 species of venomous rattlesnakes, which warn large animals with their "rattle" at the end of their tail. There are also large gila moths, rare representatives of poisonous lizards, in the desert. Unlike the name, their venom does not come through the channels in the teeth, as in poisonous snakes, but from the glands at the base of the mouth. Among mammals, rodents predominate, in particular the kangaroo rat, earth squirrels and mice. Ungulates, coyotes, lynx and cougar are less and less common. Small distant relatives of pigs - bakers also come to South America.

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Chihuahua lies to the west, mostly in Mexico, with rare precipitation only in summer. In the very south of the United States, there are unique white sands. They consist of thin gypsum flakes, not blown by the wind, formed at the bottom of dried up lakes. Single yuccas and various types of cacti are common. This desert is characterized by tiny hummingbirds. They flap their wings so often that they create a hum similar to that of a motor, making them easier to hear than to see. Insects and arachnids of the American deserts are represented by similar groups to other arid regions.

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In the southern hemisphere there are deserts of three continents. Desert stretches for 1,500 kilometers along the Atlantic coast of Africa Namib (in the local language means - desert), part of the South African group of deserts. It was formed due to the fact that the high mountain plateau, bordering the Namib from the east, intercepts the remnants of the moisture of the eastern winds, and the cold Antarctic Benguela Current condenses sea moisture only over the ocean. The climate in the desert is moderate, the air temperature ranges from 20 ° to 12 ° C. In the south, the Orange River crosses the desert; desert dust and clay give this color to the water. There is practically no rain in Namib, so animals and plants have adapted to get water from morning fog and dew. The vegetation cover is very sparse, but it has a large species diversity. Succulents (from Latin succulentus - juicy) are widely represented here - aloe with fleshy leaves, milkweed, shaped like cacti and "living stones" or lithops.
The highest (up to 300 meters) dunes are noted in central Namib. Not only lizards and snakes have adapted to life on the sand, but also the golden mole, found only in this desert, which knows how to "swim" in the thickness of the sand, where it finds buried insects. Desert "earthy men" or meerkats live in colonies, who stand like sentries at the entrance to their burrows.
It is surprising that spectacled penguins and fur seals breed on the deserted coast, which has received the name "Skeleton Coast", which hunt in the cold waters of the Atlantic rich in fish. In the 19th century, this coast received a notoriety among fishermen, who often wrecked here in thick fog. They had no chance of finding fresh water on the shore, so the shore was covered with the remains of them and their ships.
Adjacent Kalahari - the largest desert in southern Africa. It lies in Botswana and in the north of South Africa on the elevated African platform in the place of its smooth deflection, which geographers call syneclise (from the Greek syneclisis συν - "together" and ενκλισις - "inclination"). Large reserves of sand in the Kalahari accumulated in the beds of dried rivers, near destroyed sandstone deposits, and were also brought by the wind from Namib. The vegetation is concentrated in shallow sands and in depressions. Among succulents, euphorbia and fatty plants predominate. Of the large mammals, antelopes and hyenas are characteristic of this desert. Among the birds, the South African hazel grouses are interesting in that they bring water to chicks tens of kilometers away in abdominal feathers. A unique terrestrial desert chameleon is found here.

The South American desert group occupies a narrow area along the coast of Peru and northern Chile. They are similar in location and origin to the Namib. The formation of deserts is facilitated by the cold Peruvian current, the prevailing winds and the barrier that the high Andes form. Desert Sechura occupies the south of the Peruvian coast, it is characterized by a not hot climate, strong winds, frequent morning fogs and an almost complete absence of precipitation. Great northern chilean desert Atacama considered the driest in the world. There has been no rain here for several decades, but torrential rains are noted 2-3 times per century, which cause severe destruction. Local residents, even in such conditions, have adapted to receive water from the fog, capturing the morning dew with special nets, along which it flows into containers. In a similar way, water and fluffy desert plants are obtained from the air. The fauna is concentrated along temporary streams descending from the mountains. The most interesting is the large burrowing rodent of the degu. This sociable social animal resembles squirrels and tame rats in habits. They can be viewed at the Moscow Zoo.
Patagonian the desert stretches along the Atlantic Ocean for 1600 km and occupies the vast plateau of the same name in the cool south of Argentina. It is characterized by sparse grasses and cushion-shaped bushes. Different species of the mumps family live here. Some grow to large sizes, such as the mara or the Patagonian hare, weighing up to 16 kg. An ordinary guinea pig, we named it that way for the characteristic squeals of pigs, and because they were brought "from overseas." The only Patagonian ungulate is the llama or guanaco, it is a distant relative of the camel. The small ostrich rhea is also found here.

The Australian group of deserts occupies the central part of the mainland, most of which is subject to droughts. However, typical deserts cover only one fifth of Australia. The large watershed ridge in the east of the mainland holds back rain from the ocean, so the central and western parts of the country remain dry. Iron oxides give Australian sands and soils a Martian reddish brown hue.
Desert receives least precipitation the Simpson, named after the president of the Geographical Society of Australia. It is characterized not only by sandy and rocky landscapes, but also by salt marshes that formed on the site of dry sea bays. Plants adapted to salty soils are called hodgepodge, their juices are very salty. The largest Great Sandy Desert is located in the northwestern part of the mainland. Its sands are fixed by vegetation, so there are no high dunes here. The desert is famous throughout Australia for the Uluru rock, which Europeans called Ayers Rock. This huge block of compressed sandstone, smoothed over hundreds of millions of years, whimsically rises to 348 meters in the middle of the endless plain. Great Victoria Desert only slightly inferior in area. It is a sandy plain interrupted by salt marshes and hills. Between these deserts lies a rocky desert Gibson, named so in 1873 in memory of the deceased member of the research expedition.
The nature of the Australian deserts, like the entire isolated continent, is very specific. The vast majority of native animal and plant species do not occur on neighboring continents. Australian animals are only superficially similar to the inhabitants of other deserts. Therefore, such mammals are figuratively called marsupial shrews, moles, jerboas, marmots (wombats), badgers (bandicoots) and even martens. Such similarity of different groups of organisms is called convergent (from Latin convergent - converging). It is conditioned by adaptation in the process of evolution to a similar desert habitat. In the absence of ungulates in Australia, their role is played by herds of kangaroos. The largest red kangaroo stands up to 2 meters in height and can jump up to 12 meters. Birds are also diverse - from a large emu to small budgerigars, which we often keep in cages. Moloch is the most exotic among reptiles. The body of this lizard is completely covered with thorns. There are large monitor lizards and pythons. Of the plants, eucalyptus, acacias and ancient proteaceae are characteristic. Many shrubs and grasses are adapted to life on the sand, but they wake up only after droughts. In the Victoria Desert, desert peas bloom profusely. Its large red flowers have become a symbol of the state of South Australia.

Desert boundaries are in constant motion depending on climatic changes and the impact of human economic activity on them. For example, the Thar Desert, on the border of Pakistan and India, appeared in antiquity due to improper farming. Combating desertification by planting forests and sustainable nature management are increasingly important in arid lands. Modern desert development, thanks to a scientific approach, is moving to a new level. Desalination stations now provide water. Excessive trickle irrigation leading to salinization is being replaced by hydroponics and drip irrigation. Waste fuel combustion is being replaced by wind and solar power plants. As we have seen, the nature of deserts is very rich and diverse. Numerous nature reserves and national parks help preserve the beauty, natural landscapes and unique biodiversity of deserts.

Map - Major deserts of the World

"The largest deserts of the Earth"
(the names of the deserts are listed below)

Comparative characteristics of the largest deserts

№) Name (precipitation in mm / year) area in thousand km²

Afro-Asian Desert Group
1) Sugar (25-200) 7000
2) Libyan (25-100) 1900
3) Arabian (25-50) 1500
4) Nubian (25-50) 1200
5) Rub al-Khali (25-75) 600
6) Syrian (50-100) 101
7) Takla-Makan (50-75) 271
8) Gobi (50-200) 1050
9) Tar (150-300) 250
10) Karakum Desert 70-100 350
11) Kyzylkum 70-180 300
North American Desert Group
12) Large Pool (100-300) 1500
13) Mojave (50-100) 35
14) Sonora (50-250) 355
15) Chihuahua (75-300) 100
South African Desert Group
16) Namib (5-75) 150
17) Kalahari (100-300) 500
South American Desert Group
18) Sechura (20-50) 190
19) Atacama (10-50) 90
20) Patagonian (150-200) 400
Australian Desert Group
21) Big sandy (125-250) 360
22) Gibson (200-250) 240
23) Great Victoria Desert (125-250) 350
24) Simpson (100-150) 300

Geography of Asia
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In the west, Asia is bordered by Europe, the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea, as well as the Sea of \u200b\u200bMarmara, the Bosphorus, the Black Sea, and the Caspian Sea.

In the east, Asia is bordered by the Pacific Ocean, and many bays and seas.

The Arctic Ocean and several seas form the northern border of Asia, one of them, the Bering Sea, separates Asia from North America. In the southwest, the Red Sea and the Isthmus of Suez separate the continent from Africa.

The Indian Ocean forms much of the southern border of Asia, as well as a number of bays, bays, and seas, and, in addition, vast chains of inhabited and uninhabited islands.

Deserts of Asia

In Asia and the Near (Middle) East, there are several vast deserts. The main ones will be listed below.

Arabian Desert

Arabian Wasteland (also called deserts of the Arabian Peninsula) Is a vast desert region stretching from Yemen to the Persian Gulf, and from Oman to Jordan and Iraq. The desert is located in the Middle East.


The Gobi Desert is the largest desert in Asia, with an area of \u200b\u200b1,300,000 square kilometers. The Gobi Desert, which stretches from northern China to Mongolia, receives only about 18 cm of rain annually, due to the fact that the Himalayan mountains block the path of rain clouds.


The Karakum Desert covers a distance of 350,000 square kilometers, almost 70 percent of the total area of \u200b\u200bTurkmenistan. Due to the fact that the desert is located along the Caspian Sea, the climatic conditions in the Karakum are milder than many other Asian deserts, which are characterized by severe winters and dry summers.


On the territory of this desert, stretching from Kazakhstan to Uzbekistan, with an area of \u200b\u200b300,000 square kilometers, a variety of flora and fauna is presented in abundance. And although only 10 - 20 cm of rain falls annually over the desert, it rains in cooler seasons, due to which the water does not evaporate very quickly, and allows the existence of large numbers of animals migrating in this area.

Mountains Altintag (upper left corner), forming
part of the northern border of the Tibetan Plateau,
contrast sharply with the Taklamakan Desert.
NASA image

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Takla Makan

The largest desert in China stretches with a total area of \u200b\u200bover 337,000 square kilometers. Taklamakan, mainly composed of shifting and moving sand dunes, is one of the largest sand deserts in the world. Despite the unfriendly and unpredictable nature of the desert sands, the Chinese government built a road through the desert in the mid-1990s.

The Thar Desert, located in India and Pakistan, with an area of \u200b\u200bmore than 200,000 square kilometers, is the only subtropical desert in Asia. Up to 50 cm of rain falls over the desert annually, mainly during the monsoon period from July to September, and most of the crop is grown during this monsoon season.

Asia lakes

There are dozens of seas and lakes in Asia. Some of the largest and most significant ones will be listed below.

Caspian Sea

The Caspian Sea, located in the western part of Asia and also on the eastern border of Europe, is the largest lake on the planet. This lake is called "the sea" thanks to the Romans, who considered it salty, especially on its southern borders, and since then the name has stuck. Oil and natural gas platforms are abundant along the coast. In addition, a large number of sturgeon fish live in the waters of the lake, from which caviar is produced especially valuable. Fresh water enters the sea through the Volga and Ural rivers in the north, but the sea is still brackish. The surface area of \u200b\u200bthe lake is 371,000 sq. Km, the maximum depth is 1,025 m.


Lake Baikal is located in the southeastern part of Russia (in Siberia), north of Mongolia. Baikal is the largest freshwater lake in the world, as well as the deepest (with a depth of 1,620 m). Baikal contains 20% of the total amount of all fresh water in the world. The greatest width of Lake Baikal is 96 km, length is 626 km. The lake is completely surrounded by mountains, over 300 rivers and streams flow into it.

Aral Sea

The Aral Sea is located in the west of Asia, slightly east of the Caspian Sea, on the territory of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. The Aral Sea is rapidly shallowing (evaporating), and today it is almost completely polluted by fertilizer runoff, residues from weapons tests conducted by the Soviet Union, as well as various industrial facilities. Poor treatment of the waters of this sea, according to many experts, is one of the worst environmental disasters. The turning of the Amu Darya and Syrdarya rivers for irrigation began in 1918, and this action, combined with other factors, led to the fact that the Aral Sea is now 60% smaller than its original size. In recent years, the situation has improved somewhat in the northern part of the sea, but the lower part of the sea is essentially abandoned and it is expected that the remaining water in this part of the sea will disappear within ten years.

Asia mountains

Several significant mountain ranges stretch across Asia. Some of them will be discussed below.

Altai mountains

The Altai Mountains are a mountain range located in East and Central Asia, where Russia, China, Mongolia, and Kazakhstan meet, and where the Irtysh and Ob rivers originate. Mount Belukha is the highest point of the Altai Mountains (with a height of 4,506 m).


The Western Ghats is a mountain range along the western part of India, with an average elevation of 1,200 meters. The Eastern Ghats is a chain of mountains that runs along the east coast of India. The highest point is Biligiriranga Hills (1,552 m.).


The photo on the left shows the Himalayan mountains. In the foreground is the Tibetan Plateau. Everest is visible in the center, Makalu on the left.
The photograph on the right shows Mount Chogori. Both photos were taken from the ISS. NASA images

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The word "desert" is associated with lifeless arid places, where sand dunes and dunes stretch for many kilometers. The deserts cover a large part of the continent. This is due to the proximity to and movement of air currents.

Despite scant rainfall, each of the largest African deserts boasts unique natural features, plants and wildlife. Below is a list of the five main deserts of the continent with a brief description and photo. Also, at the end of the article, you can familiarize yourself with the location of these deserts on the map of Africa.


The vast arid area known as the Sahara Desert has not always been the way we are used to seeing it. They grew here several millennia ago. Over time, the winds changed direction, which led to climate change and drought in the region. The size of the desert today is 9 million km², which makes it the largest arid desert not only on the African continent, but also in the world. The Sahara got its name from the nomadic tribes, and is translated as "desert area".

The desert occupies regions of Africa of different climates and relief. Only a fourth of the Sahara is covered with sands. Precipitation occurs in autumn in the north and in summer in the south. Air humidity throughout the territory is very low, and does not exceed 20%. Mount Emi-Kushi, which is 3415 m high, is the highest point of the desert. In winter, its summits are covered with a snow cap. Where underwater rivers flow underground, oases are formed on the surface. Gelta d'Armey is the most famous of them. Life is always in full swing around the oases.

A small part of the Niger River flows in the southern part of the desert. The Nile crosses the Sahara from southeast to northeast. Areas in the north and separate oases are covered with greenery. Most often, you can find cereals and shrubs. The fauna is not diverse due to the meager food supply. Fenech, oryx, meerkat, jerboa, and Ethiopian hedgehog are unique species of fauna.


Botanically speaking, the area is desert steppes, not a typical desert. The Kalahari area, which is more than 930 thousand km², is usually flat, but there are river beds and low mountain ranges. The color of the sand is given by iron oxide, it has a reddish tint.

The Kalahari area is occupied by sand dunes, which are located in ridges with rather large depressions. In them, during the rainy season, rainwater accumulates, forming temporary lakes. The maximum amount of precipitation falls in summer. Droughts occur every 3-5 years. Due to the high aridity, most of the rivers dried up long ago, and salt pits formed in their place. The only existing river, the Okavango, does not flow anywhere, but forms the world's largest river delta.

By the type of vegetation, the northern Kalahari resembles a low-grass savanna. Herbaceous shrubs and grasses grow there all year round. In the central, driest part, mainly succulents and aroids. The maximum summer rainfall and mild winters are favorable for living, zebras, antelopes, meerkats and other animals. Among the birds, you can find a lark, bustard, ostriches, falcons, etc.


The area of \u200b\u200bthe desert is almost 137 thousand km². This desert looks irrational and inhospitable. The reason for this is sulfur lakes, volcanoes and gas clouds. A similar relief was formed due to the fracture of the African plate, on which all of Africa stands.

The daytime temperature here, like in other deserts, does not drop below 30 ° C.

There is practically no fauna and flora, because the external conditions of existence are too aggressive. Humidity is low, rains are very rare, nevertheless, the area attracts tourists and fans of extreme recreation. Lake Assal is so salty that crystals densely covered its shores. The active volcano Erta Ale has a lava lake in its crater. Periodically, lava boils, breaking out. Dallol volcano crater is located below sea level. Unusual silhouettes and bizarre figures on the surface were formed as a result of crystallization of potassium salts. There are many thermal springs near the crater, which periodically release corrosive gas.


These are the oldest dry lands on the planet, dating back 55-80 million years. The length of the desert is more than 2 thousand km, and the area is about 81 thousand km ². Namib stretches along the Atlantic coast. The namib is so dry that there are no signs of life in most of the area. Temperatures along the coast are relatively stable and typically range between 9-20 ° C, while further inland, summer daytime temperatures can exceed 45 ° C and drop below 0 ° C at night. Precipitation varies by region, for example , the western part of the Namib receives less rain (about 5 mm per year) than the eastern part (about 85 mm per year). Coastal desert areas receive on average about 10 mm of rainfall per year.

The desert was formed by the winds that blow from the east. Crossing the mainland, they lose moisture. The Bengal Current cools the Atlantic Ocean currents to form fogs. Because of these factors, Namib is considered the coolest desert on the continent. Succulents are widespread on the coast, receiving moisture from the fogs. The dune zone is represented by grasses, and tall trees grow along the banks of the few rivers.

The most famous attraction is considered to be the sand dunes, reaching three hundred meters in height. Sand shades range from pink to red. Of particular value for tourists is the Namib-Naukluft National Park. It is here that the very dunes are located. Despite the remoteness from the coast, a lot of animals live in the park. Among which there are unique species of insects, and. The springs of water that support the oases flow between the rocks of the reserve.


The desert was formed in the southern region of Africa and is adjacent to the Namib. The territory is divided into two zones - Big and Small Karoo. Small Karoo is the least arid region. Unlike the rest of the land, a decent amount of precipitation falls here, about 30 cm per year.

In spring, Karoo blooms, attracting a lot of pollinating insects. The maximum rainfall in the desert falls in winter, from April to September. The vegetation is represented by evergreen shrubs and low-growing trees, as well as tropical grasses. The Greater Karoo consists of rocky plains, sandstones, and decayed shales. represented by a large number of species of turtles, whistler rats, African toads and other animals. The sand-dwelling locust is a delicacy for white storks and bearded starlings.

Maps with the location of the deserts of Africa

Sahara Kalahari / Image: Namib / Image: Danakil / Image: Daily Mail Karoo

Deserts occupy about 1/8 of the land, forming in dry areas with tropical, subtropical or temperate climates. A necessary condition for the formation of deserts is the excess of the amount of evaporated moisture over the amount of moisture coming with precipitation.

The world's largest deserts by area table

The largest deserts in the world


Desert type according to the lithological nature of the surface

Approximate area, thousand km 3

North Africa

stony, clayey, sandy

Central Asia, Mongolia and China

stony, sandy

Libyan Desert

North Africa, west of the lower Nile

stony, sandy

Central Asia, northern China

stony, sandy


Southwest Asia



South Africa


Rub El Khali

Southeastern part of the Arabian Peninsula



North East Africa


Great Sandy Desert

Northwest Australia

sandy, areas of stony

Gakla Makan

Central Asia, Tarim Basin



Central Asia, Turkmenistan

sandy, clayey areas

Southwest coast of Africa

sandy, rocky

Western part of the Indo-Gangetic lowland


Great Victoria Desert

South australia



Central Asia, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan

sandy, areas of clay and stony

Western Central Australia

sandy, rocky

west coast of south america

sandy, rocky

Big Nefud

Northern part of the Arabian Peninsula



Eastern part of the Iranian highlands


Simpson desert

Central Australia

sandy, rocky

Deserts - record holders

1. The only part of the world where there are still no deserts is Europe, although in the near future, everything may change. On the territory of Kalmykia (Russia), a process of desertification is observed.

2. Most of the world's deserts (about 75% of their total area) are located in Africa.

3. The "highest" desert is Tsaidamskaya in Central Asia, the average height of which is almost 3000 m above sea level.

4. The largest annual temperature range is in the Gobi Desert. It is about 95 ° C, because in summer the temperature reaches + 45 ° С, and in winter -40 ° С.

5. Deserts are “life-rich” territories. For example, in the Sahara there are about 4000 species of representatives of the animal world, including invertebrates, in particular, about 70 species of mammals, 80 species of birds, 80 species of Ants, more than 300 species of beetles, etc. Species endemism reaches 40% in mammals, and 70% in insects.


Sourse of information: T.V. Romashova Geography in figures and facts: Textbook / - Tomsk: 2008.