Presentation on the topic "Madagascar". Madagascar General Characteristics The Republic of Madagascar is an island state that is located in the south-east of Africa

Hymn: Oh, the homeland is native, beautiful Madagascar, love for you is unchanged. And never runs out. Give you, God, the island of our ancestors, joy and prosperity, and it is happiness for us about, the homeland is native, with all my heart, soul and body, all that is dear from us, we dream to serve you. Oh, the homeland is native, we hope that the one who created the universe will bless you and will be the owner of your destiny. Coat of arms Madagascar

Madagascar's geography fourth largest island of the world, located in the Indian Ocean, the eastern shore of Africa, separated from her Mozambic Strait. Tropical climate. The extreme south of the island is often referred to subtropics. The length of the island is about 1600 km, the width of over 600 km, the area KM². The island is the state of Madagascar (the capital of Antananarivo).

The climate climate of the state is divided into three climatic belts: in the south of the country, mostly dry desert climate, in the central part of the tropical, in North - Equatorial monsoon. The average temperature in the summer months: from November to March degrees above zero, in the winter months: from April to October degrees above zero

Religion Calicism, Christianity and Islam about 45% of the population professes Christianity, belonging to the Roman Catholic Church and Protestantism. Most believers are trying to combine the cult of ancestors with Christian traditions. The rest of the population (about 7%) practices Islam. Since the 90s of the XX century, Orthodoxy began to spread on the island.

The culture of the art of the most ancient tribes of Madagascar is hidden from curious eyes, since it existed only in the imagination of each person and was not carried out beyond its limits. This feature is associated with a particularly secrecy of this ethnos and sensitivity to the assessment by others. The cultural sources of the inhabitants of the island take their origin from Austronesian culture and culture tribes Bantu. In music, this influence was reflected in the choice of tools and the style of singing. A living example of the successful coexistence of two different crops is the preferences by Malagasy two opposite to the essence of the African drum and roller, the string-pin Indonesian tool.

Theater also plays a meaningful role in the culture of the people. Here he does not appear not just as a means of demonstrating something, but with the aim of edifying and prompting to good. Especially honorabling art. Everywhere there is a peculiar combination of the theater and singing - Hiragasi, which plays not only spiritual and entertaining, but also a political-enlightened role. In the course of the execution of Hiragasi, artists compete with each other in music, dancing and oratorical talent. For the first time, he was used in the XVIII century the first king of Madagascar to attract attention to his political speeches when he was still a prince. Later, the artists themselves began to include political satir in the rooms, and the audience was actively involved in the process of performances through applause or ullyukanya. And now novice policies resort to the help of such a troupe of Hiragasi. Later, the Malagasy people influenced the Eastern and European civilization (especially French culture). This manifested itself in architecture (construction stretched upwards of rectangular shapes with a sharp roof), in the kitchen (French pastries are widespread on the island) and in the language (French is the second official).

The kitchen kitchen Madagascar mainly consists of rice dishes (vapor) with a side dish (Luka). In the south, sometimes replace rice on the impaired dried corn. Culinary traditions of France, China and India were a significant impact on Malagasy cuisine, and to a lesser extent East African couple with Arabic.

Unlike African cuisine, Malagasy is not peculiar to very sharp dishes, but recently there have been sharp semi-finished products made on the coast of traditional fruits (mango, lemon, etc.), gaining popularity in the country. With some of these sauces, a popular Lazari salad, karauti, consisting of beans, cabbage and carrots.

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Performed students of grade 11 "in" Balueva Anastasia and Baraul Daria


  • This place allows you to combine a relaxing beach holiday with your own way to see the amazing imaging of landscapes, unique plants and animals.

The uniqueness of the natural wealth of Madagascar is not exaggerated: a significant part of representatives of local flora and fauna you will not meet anywhere else in the world.

Coat of arms, flag, hymn.

  • Madagascar Anthem was written in 1958 and exists in 2 languages: Malagasy and French
  • Ry Tanindrazanay Malala ô Ry Madagasikara SOA ...

Geography of location

  • Madagascar - Island of the southeast coast of Africa. All its territory, 587 thousand square kilometers, occupies the same state with the capital of Antananarium.

Form of government. Head of state.

  • Form of Board: Parliamentary Republic
  • President: Erie Radzaunarimampian

Natural resources

  • Main Minerals and Natural Resources Madagascar: Graphite, chrome, coal, bauxite, salt, quartz, bituminous sand, gems, mica, fish.

Population (for 2010)

  • 21281844 people
  • Birth rate: 38 births per 1000 inhabitants
  • Urbanization: Urban population: 29% of the total population (2008)
  • urbanization increase: + 3.8% per year
  • Sex ratio 1: 1
  • State languages: English, French, Malagasy

Economy industry

  • Major agricultural products Madagascar: Coffee, vanillin, cane sugar, carnation, cocoa, raw rice, manica, bean, bananas, peanuts.

Industry industry

  • Main types of industries (industry) Madagascar: Meat, soap production, brewing, leather, sugar, textile, glass, cement, car consignment, cellulose, oil production, tourism.


  • Tourism at Madagascar is one of the main sources of economic growth in the country's economy.


Madagascar Island is widely known in the world as a place of huge accumulation of endemic species (about 80% of the entire species composition) of animal and plant world. Exceptionally rich and varied flora and fauna of the island attract here not only numerous scientists, but also tourists from around the world.

Among the endemics Madagascar is: lemurs, mungo, cyvels, neutomysides, fosses, radiant and spider turtles, ripples, shepherd kingkers, a variety of lizards, spiders, manochable and many other amazing creatures.

The resorts are located all over Madagascar, but in general it is considered to be better to relax on the west coast, where much less sharks than on the eastern one. All the beaches of the country can boast magnificent landscapes, large light sand, beautiful transparent ocean.

The overall characteristics of the Republic of Madagascar is an island state, which is located in the south-east of Africa. From Africa Madagascar separates the Mozambique Strait. The capital of the republic is the city of Antananarivo with a population of about one and a half million people. The territory of the state takes 596 thousand square kilometers. The Republic of Madagascar is divided into 6 provinces. In this country, two official languages \u200b\u200bare Malagasy and French. The main religions in the republic are Christianity and Islam. The monetary unit in Madagascar is Malagasy Franc. It is worth saying that on June 26 in Madagascar is a national holiday, since this day is independence day since 1960. Madagascar - a member of the United Nations since 1960, since 2002, a member of the African Union, a member of the Non-Aligned Movement, a member of the South African Community, a member of the Indian Ocean Community, a member of the Association of Regional Cooperation of the Indian Ocean Countries since 1997, as well as a member of the common Eastern Market And South Africa since 1994.

Climate One-third of the territory of the Republic of Madagascar is capturing Highlands. Note that there is a lot of extinct volcanoes on the island, earthquakes often happen. The highest point is the peak marumuucutor and is equal to 2876 meters. East shore is engaged in the seaside lowland, and the West Bank is low plains. Among the mineral islands you can find bauxite, graphite, iron, gold, limestone, quartz, cobalt, monazit, nickel, niobium, rubies, sapphires, mica, titanium, coal, uranium, chrome. Climate of the Republic of Madagascar Tropical. The average monthly air temperatures on the lowlands are in the range of 20 to 30 degrees Celsius, the temperature ranges from 13 to 20 degrees Celsius. The amount of precipitation per year is from 1000 to 1500 millimeters. We also note that cyclones are often taking place on the east coast. A variety of rivers take place on this island, most of which have thresholds and waterfalls: Betzibuk, Ikup, Mangouq, Mahavavi, Sufia, Unilaces and many others.

State Device Madagascar is a republic. The Constitution has been working, which was adopted in 1992, with amendments from 1998. The head of state and the Supreme Commander - the president, who is elected by universal voting for 5 years. The two-beamed parliament consists of elected for 4 years of the Senate and the National Assembly. The judicial system is based on civil law of France using the norms of ordinary law. The highest constitutional, high, supreme and appeal courts, as well as the courts of civil and criminal cases. The armed forces are 13.5 thousand people (among them the army - 12.5 thousand people, the navy - 500 people and air force with the same number). In the divisions of the gendarmerie serve 7.5 thousand people.

The Madagascar economy is among the least developed countries of the world. About 75 percent of Madagascar residents qualifies as poor, since the income per capita is approximately 260 dollars. The share of agriculture in the inner gross product is 34.5 percent. The main agricultural crops are: rice, bananas, corn, maniacs and sweet potatoes. Livestock and poultry farming are developing only for internal consumption. Fisheries has an industrial value. In 2003, the share of industry in GDP amounted to 7.8 percent. Mining industry is poorly developed. Paper, woodworking, leather, furniture, brewery, tobacco and textile industry are spinning. Actively function factories for the production of agricultural machinery, mineral fertilizers and cement, as well as enterprises for making drugs, soap and glass. The development of the transport system complicates the mountain nature of the terrain and strong cyclones. The cumulative length of railways is 893 kilometers, and automotive - 49.84 thousand kilometers.

The ethnic composition of Malagasy Ethnic Group, forming the main population of Madagascar. They speak Malagasy (Malganas) language relating to the Indonesian group of Austronesian language family. The total number of about 20 million people. Samulation dates back to the adjective from the word "Madagascar", therefore, Malagasi is "Madagascar" in the Malagasy language, which in turn also means Madagascar.

Madagascar tourism is often referred to as the "Island-Dream". Tourists island attracts the beauty of nature, pomp and diversity of flora and fauna, as well as the uniqueness of national culture. In 2007, Madagascar visited more than 170 thousand foreign tourists. Most tourists arrived from France, Mauritius, USA, Canada, Italy and Germany. Income from visits to tourists in 2007 amounted to more than 100 million dollars. Most tourists usually visit the Presidential Palace, the Museum of National Music, the Market of Crafts, Portuguese Forts, Arab Mosques and Trading Rows, National Parks. The reserves of Andasib, Brentanan, Lukuba, Zambazazazaz and many others deserve special attention.

Society Education. The first schools were opened by British missionaries in the city of Intananarivo in necessarily a 5-year-old primary education, which children receive aged 6 to 11 years. The secondary education (7 years) begins from 11 to more age and takes place in two cycles - 4 and 3 years. Health. Yellow fever and malaria are common. The lack of pure drinking water (permanent access to it has 47% of the population) leads to outbreaks of intestinal infectious diseases, incl. Bilgarciasis. In 2003, there were 140 thousand patients with AIDS and HIV-infected, 7.5 thousand people died. In 2001, 42% of the population had access to health care. 3.5 thousand doctors were registered, of which 2.38 thousand - in the capital and its surroundings (2005). According to the UN report on the Humanitarian Development of the Planet (2001), Madagascar in the ranking of countries was in 149th place. Architecture, visual art and crafts. Folk dwellings are rectangular (less often round) in terms of hut under a pointed duplex roof, proportions stretched up. Houses in different parts of the island differ only by the used building material. Masters of the people of Zafimanir decorate the roofs, doors and shutters housing with a skill-carved ornament of sculptural and geometric character. (Based on their carved products in the 19th century. Industrial production of furniture began on the island). In modern cities, houses are built from bricks and reinforced concrete structures. Music. National music has long traditions, formed under the influence of Arabic (ch. Egyptian), African and European (primarily French) musical crops. In the 20th century Latin American melodies and modern pop culture were influenced.

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Presentation on the topic: Madagascar

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State symbols of Madagascar - a state in the western part of the Indian Ocean, on the island of Madagascar and the surrounding small islands. Madagascar is the fourth in size in the world, its flora and fauna contains five percent of the species of animals and plants of the world, 80% of which exist only in Madagascar. The most famous of them are lemurs. Madagascar and Mauritania are the only countries of the world that do not use a decimal currency.

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Antananarivo, "The city of ten thousand of warriors", spread out on the sacred hills of your own, central Highlands. Between the hills lies a picturesque lake. The entire population (inhabitants of about 1.5 million) lives in one-three-storey houses that resemble the facilities of a medieval European city are the legacy of French colonization. Antananarivo - the city of red. Walls and roofs of buildings are made either of the brick or from red clay. Bridge cities are paved with large cobblestones, narrow streets are still looped.

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The first visit to Madagascar Europeans occurred in 1500, when the ship of the Portuguese traveler of the Dioi Diaz, heading to India, deviated from the course and stuck to the island. In the light of the important geographical position of Madagascar for traders in spices, enhancing all Africa, they tried to establish their forps France and Britain on the island. However, the non-smart climate and even less hospitable aborigines made this task almost impossible.

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The climate of the island is formed by the Southeast Passat and South Indian Anticyclone. There are three climatic belts on the island: a tropical monsonic climate on the east coast, a temperate marine climate in the central highlands and a arid climate in the desert on the southern tip of the island. The west coast is noticeable land of Eastern, as the Passat loses moisture on the east coast and central highlands. Typical annual precipitation norms: 350 cm for the southern coast, 140 cm for central highlands (in this case, for the capital of the country - Antananarivo), 32 cm in the south of the island, on the border with the desert.

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Malagasy is an ethnic group forms the main population of Madagascar. They speak Malagasy (Malganas) language relating to the Indonesian group of Austronesian language family. The total number of about 20 million people. Self-calf goes back to the adjective from the word "Madagascar", therefore, Malagasi is "Madagascar" in the Malagasy language, which in turn also means Madagascar.

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About 45% of the population professes Christianity, Catholicism or Protestania. Most believers are trying to combine the cult of ancestors with Christian traditions. So, for example, not all Christians refuse the practice of the family, especially for Catholics. Pastors from the Catholic Church may even come to the ceremony and bless the participants. The Protestantic Church is very negative about the practice of the cult of ancestors and calls on its flock to abandon the "Worship of the Devil". The Christian Church in Madagascar is a fairly influential political institution.

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Madagascar predators - an endemic family of mammals of predators consisting in close relationship with mangowns and numbering 8 species. The family is divided into two submenses: Mungo (lat. Galidiinae) and Malagasy cywesters (lat. Euplerinae). Earlier on the island there was a extinct view of the Giant Fossa (Lat. CryptoPrcta Spelea), who fired at the giant lemurs, but in connection with the extermination of lemurs with man, extinct and gigantic phossis, having lost the feed base.