The best recreation countries in Latin America. Best budget beach vacation in Latin America

About Mexico You know what they go to Big Sombrero there, about Brazil - that once there is a carnival, and in Cuba - good cigars, and, perhaps, everything? Now, we will briefly tell about the countries of Latin America and give recommendations that will help you decide on the tourist destination.

Venezuela is a country of contrasts. Picturesque places like Margarita Islands and Waterfall Angel, decent service plus a very high level of crime.

In Nicaragua, everything is cheap, but the level of service and the condition of hostels leaves much to be desired. It is worth visiting the wonderful Granada and the town of Leon.

Honduras will surprise you with a huge number of ordinary Russian pines. In addition, this is a poetic, old and beautiful place. People there are pretty soulful, nature is cute.

Cuba is popular with Russian tourists. If you take everything

tours to Latin America

From Russia, it will probably be 30%. The main difference from other states of South America is socialism, good attitude towards tourists and a relatively low level of crime. And still problems with the Internet and buses.

Paraguay - a little-known area. It's a pity! Low prices, outdoor, simple people, cozy cities. In the metropolitan Asuncion - Railway Museum, beautiful parks, ship walks.

Ecuador is cheap, calm and pleasant. The main banana exporter. Currency - US dollar. The capital, Quito, recognized as the best tournament of Latin America in 2015.

Uruguay is a provincial, quiet and clean state. Paradise parcels are easy to find in Colony Del Sacramento, Montevideo,

Chile is an excellent country. There is an order, almost like in Germany, the residents are positive, the city is romantic.

Peru began to spin in our country five years ago. The riddles of the ancient civilizations of Naska, the starting platform of aliens stars on Machu Picchu, Lake Titicaca. The food is delicious, cheap and, of course, in Peru there is gastronomic tours.

Argentina in major cities - almost like Europe. Bright, varied, cheap and comfortable.

Panama can be called the best. Expensive, but magically in the Caribbean coast. Panaman Indians are distinguished by the most unusual robes.

Brazil is huge, and tourists can find anything. From the carnival to business communication, from the beaches to the extreme in the jungle of Amazon. Here is expensive and sometimes dangerous.

In Mexico, it is better to go to major cities in the sea, here prices are low and inexpensive peculiar food. Closer to the US borders is dangerous: drug trafficking.

In Colombia, crime is not noticeable. In recent years, the country has changed for the better under the influence of the United States. There are paradise caribbean beaches here, fancy architecture of colonies, stormy Amazonian rivers in the jungle, mountains, good people.

Latin America is an amazing country. This land, once owned by the Incans, Maya and Aztecs, their cultures are intertwined here, creating a unique color. In addition, Spain and Portugal colony were located here, so in many Latin American countries, Spanish and Portuguese are official languages. This fact adds a certain highlight in the culture of countries.

Rest in Latin America - This is a great time spent in comfortable hotels, on comfortable beaches at the edge of crystal clear water, in various excursions to historical and cultural places, sports and marine entertainment.

Here everyone will find a lesson for themselves, and everyone will have a unique Latin American shade, here everything is saturated with a national flavor.

Rest in Latin America Includes the southern part of North America, South America and thousands of small islands that scattered around. How much is huge the territory is so diverse culture, climate and recreation conditions.

First Association with the phrase " rest in Latin America"- Brazil. Rest in Brazil It will be restless - huge megalopolises, the most incendiary parties, stunning jungle around and famous waterfalls. In Rio de Janeiro, there is one of the miracles of the world - statue of Christ the SaviorFor decades, attracting tourists.

On the Earth of Ancient Civilizations, attracts its mysterious ancient buildings, the most luxurious beaches in the world. To look at the colorful coral bottom of the sea, divers come here from around the world. It is considered obligatory to visit the ancient the city of Teotihuacan and world famous pyramids in Mitle, Monte Alban and Tula.

Rest in Argentina Choose lovers of skiing, as well as those who wish to go to Antarctica from the southernmost point of the mainland. In this country, many national parks demonstrating stunning landscapes.

Rest in Venezuela, in Costa Rica, in Ecuador Choose fans of eco-tourism, here are beautiful places and beautiful beaches.

- These are excellent whitefest beaches, a real coconut paradise. It is here that the Caribbean Sea, in which pirates had previously dwell.

Tourists are chosen with income above average, go here for the sake of unique Cuban exotics, look at the socialist dream, to whine a couple of cigars and relax on beautiful beaches.

Rest in Peru Attracts fans of riddles - this is abandoned overnight for unknown reasons the white city from the local volcanic stone of Arequipa, Cusco and Machu Picchuunknown by whom drawn patterns of Nask., the source of Amazon.

Chile It is rich in amazing landscapes, the most dry desert Atakam and high-class ski resorts. Go to the famous easter Island to the ancient stone sculptures, in Colombia. for relaxation at luxury resorts, you are waiting for alpine Bolivia , isolated from all over the world and multinational.

Rest in Latin America We choose mainly wealthy people who prefer the active vacation passive. Two thirds of tourists prefer to stop in hotels 5 *, a high-class service was created for them, educational routes were developed.

Rest in Latin America Write anyone!

Among the Russians, tours to South America are not very popular, due to a long and expensive flight, however, recently this journey is becoming increasingly comfortable and affordable.

Rest in Latin America, which has long been loved by Europeans and Americans, becomes prestigious and fashionable, developing tourist infrastructure in the region, attracting both Russian travelers.

Traveling in Latin America: bouquet of crops

The indisputable advantage of tours to Latin America is a variety of recreation and programs, since each country of the region has some unique features. The opportunity to get acquainted with all this diversity allow combined travels in Latin America, which organizes a major tour operator "Meridian Express". For 12 days, you can visit Rio de Janeiro's sparkling fun, to admire Iguazu's waterfalls, stroll through the avenue on July 9 in Buenos Aires and visit the sights of Santiago.

Each country of this southern continent has its own characteristics and can be proud of an unusual culture, the roots of which go to the distant past. However, for all Latin American countries and cultures, a bizarre combination is not combined. It is connected with the history of the country, with its colonization and religious policies, which the conquerors carried out. During traveling in Latin America, tourists can see Catholic temples and monasteries, monuments of architecture in colonial style, but, at the same time, monuments of much more ancient cultures have been preserved here, which existed long before Europeans appeared.

In Latin America, beauty and distruting of many peoples were embodied. You can see it on numerous festivals and holidays, which are celebrated fun and noisy.

Tours to Latin America: Attractions

Also, our company organizes a varied vacation in South America for you, in which you can have a health, have fun at one of the resorts, visit all sorts of seminars and educational programs. Tours to Latin America will give a kaleidoscope of unforgettable impressions from Mexico City, the Pyramids of Teotihuacan and Chichen Itza, the ancient cities Maya and Pirate Forts, Costa Rica volcanoes and Nicaragua, rain forests and Panama Canal.

Of course, rest in Latin America is unthinkable without visiting Patagonia - the unique region of the mainland. Patagonia is stretching in the distance of the forest, crystal clear lakes, islands, fiards, mountains and glaciers, the most remarkable of which are "Perito Moreno."

It is here, in Latin America, you can see an extraordinary picture of the collision of two elements - sand and ocean, feel the dry wind of the desert and sea breeze at the same time and fill your chest with surprisingly clean air.

Rest in South America: Organization

In order to rest in South America, it is necessary to carefully consider the route, choose transport and order tickets, find a suitable hotel, as well as solve questions with visas, especially if you are going to visit several countries of the continent. Trying such troubles stands professionals who have experience in organizing tours and are familiar with all the features of documentation in Latin America.

To organize an unforgettable tour to Latin America, who will be remembered for you forever, will help the tour operator "Meridian Express".

What do you need to know when traveling to Latin America?
Newans may be a bit, but they know not all independent travelers about them. For example, a recently one tourist who returned from Peru received 11.5 years of the colony for the pronounced substance. Could he really not know that no souvenir is lucky?
About the various pitfalls when traveling to Latin America will tell you our Travel Expert Maria Dobrozhotova.

Dream to take pictures against the background of mysterious Machu Picchu? Looking for treasures in the sacred waters of Lake Gitavita? Ansify the legends of the first mouth of the bird Ketzal? Studio of individual recreation and tourism "His people" invites you to go to the most interesting tours in Latin America. Among our group and individual programs there is an exclusive, which you will not find in the Russian market. Managers with many years of experience in the region personally inspected hotels and resorts, selecting only the best tours in Latin America.

Those who are passionate about the history of disappeared civilizations, we recommend the program "In the footsteps of ancient civilizations: the heritage of the Inca." Travelers with an active life position we offer tours "In the rhythm Enduro on Costa Rica" or Ecuador and Diving on Galapagos , and adrenaline lovers will be delighted with the tour "On jeeps on the route" Dakar ": Chile, Argentina, Bolivia" . Gourmet likes special routes Gastronomic secrets of Brazil and " Nature and Wine Patagonia " The company "His people" - the tour operator in Latin America offers many options for tours to Central and South America, as well as to the countries of the Caribbean.

Visit the unique nature reserves and the most picturesque corners of the planet, going on trips "Wildlife Venezuela" or "Culture and Nature of Ecuador". In the assortment of our tours there are combined programs, combining holidays and excursions ("excursion tour to Panama + rest on the coast").

Tours in South America

Route: Bogota - Meldein - Cartagena.

City of colorful Graffiti Bogota, underground "Salt City" near the city of Sipakira, ancient stone idols, an impregnable port of Cartagena, coffee plantations and idyllic beaches of the Caribbean coast ... All this is Colombia, which you will discover for myself throughout our ten-day travel in the company Guide, speaking Russian. You will visit the Gold Museum in Bogota and see the inconspicable treasures of Colombia, among which is a unique "golden raft." We will visit Meldein, where you can immerse yourself in the life of the colonial era and get into the mansion of Pablo Escobar. In the labyrinth corridors of the fortress on the banks of the Cartagena Gulf, you will feel yourself with a contemporary of pirates, and then rest on the untouched white beaches of Rosario Islands.

We suggest you to make an incredibly interesting trip to the Earth who have long disappeared from the face of the Earth of civilizations - Maya and Olmekov, and also solve all secrets and hear the mysterious legends of the Yucatan peninsula. Local nature surprisingly combines the impassable jungle and the savannah savanna. You will visit the legendary archaeological zones that have stored attractions that have arisen in these places long before the onset of our era, take a walk in the Ghost City of Teotihuakan, see the giant heads from Basalt to Villahermos, inspect the ruins of the most beautiful Maja cities located near Palenka, and will be able Immerse yourself in the cool waters of the underground karst lake in Mexico.

The ancient cities of Aztecs, Maya, Sapoteks and other civilizations, magnificent waterfalls, beautiful beaches of the Caribbean coast - all this you will find in Mexico. Having traveled to this group tour, you will be in complete contrasts of Mexico City, Mysterious Teotihuakan, the "City of Silver" Tasco, Monte Alban - the center of the Sapotek Empire, striking the imagination of Palenka, and also rest at the world-famous Acapulco resort and visit many other attractions that are so Rich Mexico.

Route Tour: Rio de Janeiro - Foza de Iguazu - Buenos Aires.

Carnival in Rio, the legendary Waterfalls Iguaçu and Tango in Buenos Aires one of the brightest holidays in the world is, without any doubt, the legendary carnival in Rio de Janeiro! The spectacular show is preparing for a whole year, and the names of the couture, which create costumes for the parade of Samba schools in Rio, even kids know. We invite you to a group guaranteed tour, accompanied by a Russian-speaking guide with a visit to the famous carnival on Sambodromo. You will be able to spend all night at the famous show and join the specially liked school of dancing, yielding to the incendiary rhythms of Samba and Rumba.

Route Tura: Mexico City - National Anthropological Museum - Teotihuoisan - Puebla - Veracruz - La Venta - Palencé - Yashchilan - Campeche - Ushmal - Merida - Chichen Itza - Ik Kil - Cancun.

The guaranteed group tour in Russian "Magic Mexico" makes it possible to come into contact with the ancient cultures of the pre-counter epoch, admire the views of the unique flora and the fauna of several Mexican states and enjoy the comfort of the colonial cities of Veracruz, Puebla, Campeche and Merida.

The alpine lake, which was once part of the ocean, the ancient temples Machu-Picchu, the sanctuary and sacred sources, the powerful energy of prehistoric structures and the riddles of the civilizations that have long disappeared from the face - all this is waiting for you while traveling according to Peru! We prepared for you an incredibly interesting route - "Azbuka Peru", which is guaranteed to surprise, will give bright emotions and will allow you to open the curtain of the mystery and touch the caller's delight and reverence of the heritage of the ancient Incas.

Charm of the island of freedom, protected areas of the rich coast and luxurious snow-white beaches of a country that connects North and South America. We invite you on a great trip to the famous Caribbean Triangle! The program will give a lot of discoveries and vivid impressions even sophisticated tourists, because it includes exciting excursions and is successfully complemented by beach holidays in the Pacific Ocean. During the tour, you walk through the colonial streets of Havana, visit the national parks Vulcan Paras, La Paz and Arenal, visit Canopi Park Arenal Mundo Aventura, make a fascinating water trip along the Rio Frio River, see the legendary Panama Canal and transferred to the times of Christopher Columbus In the old portobello.

Route: Lima - Cusco - Dolina Incov - Machu Picchu - Cusco - Puno - Juliaca - Lima - Santiago de Chile - Easter Island - Santiago de Chile - Vinya del Mar and Valparaiso - Santiago de Chile - Buenos Aires - San Antonio de Los Kobres - Santa Rosa Tastil - Salta - Iguazu - Rio de Janeiro.

We offer you to inspect the whole best that is in Latin America, for one trip! Spend three weeks on the ground that keeps the heritage of the civilizations of Aztecs, Incs and Maya, which has become the birthplace of passionate tango and the incendiary rhythms of the Samba, which focused the huge number of original traditions and the roots in the depths of cultures.

Incredible nature, an interesting excursion program, crystal clean Pacific waters, ancient volcanoes and invigorating mountain air - all this and manits to go on a trip! We invite you to a group tour to Peru and Ecuador with a holiday from the ocean in the Galapagos Islands. The program includes an acquaintance with the sights of Lima and the ancient architectural pearls of Cusco, an excursion to one of the seven wonders of the world ...

Route Tour: Rio de Janeiro - Foza de Iguasu - Buenos Aires - Santiago de Chile

The incendiary rhythms of the samba, exotic beauties in bright outfits and a whole range of the most incredible emotions, a passionate tango show in Buenos Aires, as well as acquaintance with famous monuments of history and architecture in the capital of Chile - and all this in the same program! We invite you to an adventure in Latin America.

Route Tour: Mexico City - Teotihuacan - Merida - Cancun - Chichen-Itza - Tulum - Chetumal - Lamanai - Belize City - Barrier Reef (Additional) - Tikal - Sweet River - Kirigua - Copan - Santa Ana - San Salvador - Managua - Granada - Volcano Arenal - Paras - San Jose - Panama City - Indian tribes Ember-Wonown - Panama City - Pacific Ocean.

This is a real gift for those who dreamed at once to see all the most interesting in Central America. Each of the participants will have to visit 8 countries: Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama. Only a few will become the owners of happy tickets to the world of great Indian civilizations, will try to resolve many riddles and secrets of the long-lasting days and plunge into the kingdom of wildlife.

We invite you on a journey through the mysterious Peru! The classic route will not only introduce you to very popular among travelers in places, but will reveal many riddles of the country, which carefully stores the legacy of the disappeared civilizations. During the trip, the group will be accompanied by a qualified Russian-speaking guide. You can see the beautiful pearls of the "Cities of Kings", to stay at the picturesque high-mountain lake Titicaca, feel the incredibly powerful energy of the ancient temples Machu-Picchu, get to the ancient temple of Cyancant and visit the Saksaiuaman ceremonial complex, erected by the first Inkom Genco Kapack.

Impressive volcanoes, beautiful waterfalls, thick rainforests and famous planets in all corners of the planet - all this is waiting for you during a group tour to Panama and Costa Rica on the May holidays. You will see the legendary Panama Canal, go to a small cruise on the boat on Lake Gatun, walk through the national parks of Paras volcano, La Paz and Arenal, visit Canon Park Arenal Mundo Aventura and make a fascinating water trip along the Rio Frio River. Traveling on the Pacific Coast of Costa Rica will end, which is famous for wonderful beaches and a large variety of entertainment.

Route tour. Peru: Lima - Arequipa - Kolka Canyon - Arequipa - Cusco - Machu Picchu - Cusco - Lima. Bolivia: La Paz - Uyuni - La Paz.

A new look at the beauty of Peru, unusual angles and distant from the running tourist trails. We offer you a fascinating trip to the mini-group on the author's route with the inspection of the ancient monuments of the Incas, the opportunity to see the flight of the giant Andean Condors over the Kolk canyon and try Peruvian dishes in atmospheric seeds.

Chile is a narrow sushi strip, elongated for 4 thousand kilometers, a medium wide 200 km. This country is with amazing geography, it combines the deserts of the northern part and the cold polar lands of Patagonia, borders to Peru, Bolivia, Argentina and the Antarctic continent.

Touching the oldest cultures, their everyday life, traditions, crafts and architecture awaits you in this tour. Do not forget to take a camera, you do not release it from the hands throughout the trip!

The incredible number of undeveloped secrets, who excite the minds of historians and do not give rest to the researchers, mysterious signs and mysterious messages, incomprehensible ways of architecture monuments and literally breathing antiquity witnesses of prehistoric eras ... All this is waiting for you in Peru! We invite you to a tour of the country, which will not leave a single toast traveler indifferent. Sightseed by excursions the program is successfully combined with the ocean relaxing in a comfortable beach hotel.

Route Tour: Santiago - Casablanca - Vinya Del Mar - Valparaiso - Punta Arenas - Puerto Natales - Torres del Paine - Puerto Montt - Puerto Varas - Chile - Santiago

We suggest you to go through the most picturesque places of Chile: visit the picturesque National Park Torres del Paine, where there is a turquoise lake between the mountain peaks, getting to the Gray Glacier, the third in the world in magnitude, make a campaign in Mount Farrier, from where stunning views are opening make a lot of discoveries.

We invite you to go on a journey at once in two bright and very colorful states - "Country of Ice and Flame" Argentina and the famous brazilian rhythms. During the tour, you will see the legendary sights, take a walk on the elegant Buenos Aires and learn that there was a passionate Argentine Tango in the XIX century in the XIX century, inspect the magnificent Brazilian beaches and experience the indescribable atmosphere of Rio de Janeiro, you can climb To the top of the mountain Corcovado to the statue of the Savior's statue and drive in the picturesque forest of Tijuok.

Sea, sun, excellent kitchen, exciting excursions - all this is waiting for you during a group tour of Cuba. Within the framework of the program, visit Havana with its numerous historical sights, famous bars and restaurants, visit the tobacco factory, see the beauty of Cientfuegos, Trinidad and Santa Clara, and rest at the beautiful seaside resort Varadero, where you, optional, can linger on Any number of days. The price of the tour includes accommodation in selected hotels and services of the Russian-speaking guide.

Cruises in South America, Cruises in Antarctica

Each year, Antarctica, incredibly distant and at the same time attractive, covered with a layer of ice with a thickness of about two kilometers, visits 40 thousand travelers! We offer you to open the most southernmost continent of the planet, going to the cruise on the Silver Explorer liner. In 11 days, you will visit the islands covered with ice cliffs, inspect the colored glaciers, reflected in the ocean mirror smooth, see the large colonies of Antarctic penguins and Weddell seals, can consider whales from close range, as well as visit famous scientific and research stations.

Cruise route: Ushuhaya - to the sea - Falkland Islands - to the sea - South Georgia - Lead Waters of the Sea of \u200b\u200bthe sea - South Shetland Islands - Antarctic Peninsula - Strait Drake - Ushuay.

Islands covered with icy cliffs, reflected in the ocean mirror alcohol. Multicolored glaciers, huge colonies of rare penguins, sea cats and elephants, numerous scientific stations ... Feel yourself a bold navigator, a real scientist and an inquisitive researcher, having traveled to a unique cruise on Silver Explorer liner in the Russian group. ! You will disembark on the boats "Zodiac" several times a day, study the unknown bays and distant islands, get acquainted with local animals and birds, visit scientific stations and learn a lot about the north and its nature.

Make an incredible journey on the "Ocean Nova" liner to the banks of the Antarctic Peninsula. Blowing along the bay of Drake, you will reach the South Shetland Islands and Antarctic Peninsula. Every day you will land ashore and explore the most remote and unknown bays of Antarctica accompanied by polar experts. The small size of the vessel allows it to get to the hard-to-reach coast, where the treasures of the Antarctic Peninsula are hidden from extraneous eyes. This is an unforgettable, complete contrast adventure will delight even the most demanding travelers!

Majestic glaciers, fantastic landscapes of Patagonia, attractions of Chile and Argentina, Amazing Antarctica - All this you can see during a fascinating tour offered by the company "His people". You are waiting for excursions to Buenos Aires, Tiger, Santiago, Valparaiso and Vinja del Mar, visiting the Los Gosyares National Parks and Fire Earth, fascinating a walk along the Lake Argentino, as well as the Cruise on Antarctic on the airline "Ocean Nova ", During which you look at the legendary Cape Horn, swim along the southern polar circle and visit the famous stations Bellinshausen and Frey.

There are still popular legend among travelers, that only he can be considered a real sailor who has driven Cape Horn. The harsh vertex tried to storm thousands of brave captains, not everyone managed to all. We invite you to a mini-cruise on the fiery land, the program of which is so ideally combined with successful weather conditions that the success of the expedition is provided. In the footsteps of Charles Darwin, Fernana Magellan and other great researchers of the past, you will discover the Strait of Bigl and the Blue Pilot Glacier, inspect the majestic peak of Pia and get acquainted with charming magtellane penguins.

Clean glaciers, beautiful fjords, snow-covered Andes of the Andes and the legendary Cape Horn are waiting for you on the harsh and attractive fiery land. We invite into a cruise through the most uncharted and reserved corners of the "edge of the planet". In the footsteps of Charles Darwin, Fernana Magellan and other great travelers of the past, you will discover the strait of Beagle and the alley of glaciers, inspect the majestic peak of Piou and be able to hit the cape called the navigators of the "cemetery of ships". Journey to the edge of the sea elephants and snowy Indians Yaman, no doubt, will remember for all their lives!

Holidays, carnivals and events

Get to one of the brightest and most distinctive holidays of Mexico - the day of the dead - the travelers dream of different parts of the globe. Día de Muertos decorates Mexican cities with unusual processions and theatrical ideas, residents in skeleton costumes are poured into the streets, and even the legendary Mexican cuisine changes beyond recognition. We invite you to the most interesting tour of the Mexican cities, which includes visits to celebrations and the inspection of famous sights.

Route Tour: Bogota - Armenia - Salento - Cotera Valley - Salento - Armenia - Cordoba - Rio Verde - Pihoo - Buenavista - Armenia - Medellin - Santa Marta - Cartagena.