Alloys, ascent and other ideas, how to spend the summer. TURSLET company "Alloy" and presentation of the book "Among the Elements" Alexander Bermann Alloy on the River Chirk-Kem

An annual ambitious event organized by the Union Union Organization "Uralvagonzavod" The Chairman, of which Lutochin E.V., as well as with the support of Sverdlovsk Regional Committee of the Trade Union of Defense Industry Workers. The presence of the chairman of Oboronprof Krasnorukova V.V. Making this event is still significant. 53 teams from the entire Sverdlovsk region took part in the following teams, including two teams participated from the VTMZ trade union organization.

The solemn part is the opening of the meal, the greeting of all teams, raising the flag and ... Start! At the start, the captain of the team is issued "valuable cargo" (this time it was a ball with water), with whom, all the steps, not letting it out of the hands, and convey to the finish line. The captains of our teams were Sergey Sokolov and Maxim Golikov, which were very responsible to the safety of the cargo throughout the entire route of 2.5 km long.

First stage - Installing a tent. That our first team is that the second team of the tent went into a deplorable state. Therefore, for its collection was spent a lot of extra time.

Second Stage: Crossing along a long and thin log, shore shore to the shore. After watching how the participants of other teams fall from him, it was somehow scary. I have not wanted to swim yet. But our pioneers Timur Hismatulline and Maxim Novoshetsev, showing the wonders of the equilibrium, overcame this barrier in a matter of seconds, stretching the insurance cable for the Girls Olga Ankudinova and Olga Kostareva.

Then there was an incomprehensible structure called "Rhombus". For the triangle, bonded with each other with cables and suspended trees. It is necessary to move the stake on one side to another in any way, while staying and not falling. And here we have Timur again and its excellent chartitude of the hands and legs. He was turned over on the design, but Timur, turning back, still got to the opposite side. The following participants Nastya Bessonova, Maxim Novoselitsev and Aigul Rizvanov chose another way, providing equilibrium without "reversal."

The next stage "Providing first aid, carrying the victim": The judge himself chooses from the participants of the victim team. The team "VTMZ-1" can be said lucky, the judge chose Rushan Zaripov. At the "affected fracture of the ankle, and she is unconscious." The first help of the commander transported Eldo next stage in their hands. But the Judge chose the VTMZ-2 team, the judge chose the victims of Maxim Golikov (and again "the fracture of the ankle"). Girls immediately began to be interested in the weight of Maxim and estimate their strength. Do we finish it? But the judge said that he had a victim in consciousness and with the support could move himself. Everyone was relief exhaled.

Stage: "Boiling of water". The first command of the beta was passed with difficulty. The fire did not want to burn in any way (the firewood is raw after the night rain) and to boost in the bowler 250 ml of water went about 15 minutes. The second team went on everything on the oil (probably the firewood dried) and the fire was divorced, and the water in the kitel quickly boiled. At this stage, VTMZ-2 even overtook one team.

The sixth stage was "Liana". All team members had to go through the stretched cable, holding a hanging rope, face ahead from one edge to another. It was more difficult for the captains, they have a "valuable cargo" in one hand, and they could only hold on "Liana", quickly intercepting the next "Liana".

Further, the "Butterfly" stage: the stretched cross-closer ropes, and they need to go from one edge to another. A turning point is the middle, here I had to, almost sit on the twine as Anna Fedorov, to pass it. Hands legs shake into that and looking kwyrknet. But we coped with this task! It seemed that this stage was the most difficult, but it was not the case, the most difficult was waiting for us ahead in the tenth stage.

The eighth stage "Mountain" is a long cool descent on the rope, to the ninth stage, and then lifting up the mountain on another rope.

The ninth stage "Water". It was necessary to sail on the catamaran (dual kayaks on a metal frame). Competition on water. Dangerous. Therefore, all participants were given rescue vests and ... Forward to the opposite shore for the control load. The most important thing is at the same time working in oars and then movement to the goal will be faster. But this we learned only on the way back. Spraying with waters with cheerful, Nastya Valiev (there was a catamaran in the second row), with wet legscontinued to run along with the whole team. According to "VTMZ-2" the same. Both Maxim were sprinkled. But we run on.

And ahead of the last tenth stage "Trolli". Stretched cable through the lake. At this stage, it is necessary to wear equipment, fastened to the insurance cable carbine, throw the legs on the tensioner stretched, then pull it out and hook the cargo carbine. Move on the cable on the opposite bank, back down, with the help of hands and legs. And no strength is no longer, all the forces remained on oars. But all the participants in both teams passed this stage.

Elena Lyashenko: Girls at this stage were very difficult, as the power of the guys still more. Well if there is a participant who will help you. In our team I was the last, so I had to do everything yourself. How many works I should not tell it.

Finish race on slippery road and that's it. The track is passed. Valuable cargo is delivered safe and preservation.

Simultaneously with the passage of the stage of the stages, one participant from the team participated in sports orientation. The map with ten marks on the ground was issued. For a certain time (1 hour), they had to find and noted in the issue issued. Irina Gracheva participated from VTMZ-1, for her this race was at speed and attentiveness. The result is all the checkpoint found. From "VTMZ-2" - Nastya Petukhov, conscientiously searched for all ten marks of almost 1.5 hours, for which he was awarded a certificate "For the will to win!" On the alloy by p. Chusovaya for 3 days, for two.

This is our first participation in a similar event, and we did not know what awaits us there. But we passed all the stages, did not refuse any. We coped with dignity! Although in our team, only two guys, the rest of the girls, from 53 teams we have 11 and 13th place! We are well done!

Nastya Bessonova: "I am a young mother, so I spend all my free time with my daughter. I have never left anywhere. Grandma agreed to sit with his granddaughter, so I went to the tour-sly. With the support of the team, I coped with all the stages.

Anya Fedorovy: "I have long wanted to go somewhere in nature. And here is such a case. I immediately agreed to go and did not regret. Sea of \u200b\u200bpositive emotions, adrenaline. Only at home the children and the husband were upset that they could not go all together. "

Nastya Valiev: "I am generally for the active rest. What to sit at home, when it is possible to participate with people to get acquainted with people. Very pleased with your participation in the team and the ability to test your strength.

All together we installed the tent and tent, covered tables, cut salads, welded soup, baked potatoes and fucked kebabs. Speed \u200b\u200bhot tea from samovar. Weather did not let us down, but only a slightly wet participants in the team "VTMZ-2" during the passage of the water stage. Friendly atmosphere, participation, communication and many positive impressions. In short, our day off has been a day!

I want to give gratitude to the gene. Director of VTMZ JSC Nikitin V.A. For the provision of vehicles for the trip of participants to the tourist rally, the driver of the carpenter V.A., as well as our teams who actively participate in this event and my husband Lyashenko V.E. Supported by me, having agreed on this trip and accepted an active part in it.

In the coming weekend, a tourway, organized by the company "Alloy", will take place, and within its framework (in addition to rich sports and, places, unsportsmanship) - the presentation of the book of Alexander Bermana "among the elements" (with the possibility of purchasing a book).

From the annotation to "among the elements":

The books of the Master of Sports of the USSR, the Honored Traveler of Russia Alexander Bermana have long become a tourist classics. Each of them is new and interesting. This is the first in the domestic literature Description of the technology of building a needle based on the physicomechanical properties of snow, and the use of the theory of heat and mass transfer in the design of sleeping bags and clothing for winter trips, and the introduction of fatigue "cold" tightening in the world literature (skiing. M. , 1968). This is an attempt to show that the voluntary risk is not a fault, but the vital necessity (risk of risk. M., 1973), this is a conversation about the physics of a fire, mountains and atmosphere against the background of the hiking adventures of children (young tourist. M., 1977).

The reader is invited to reprint A. Bermana's book "Among the Elements" (M., 1983), which, like his other books, turned out to be a "long-playing": Not one generation was fascinated by sports journey.

This publication (the author is faithful to himself!) Supplepeted new: stories about jumping through bureaucratic canons - also elements - and rope. The author is the rope itself - on the examples of teaching balancing the new direction of the study of a person - a psycho-amateur equilibrium - "bridge" between alive and non-living worlds. The author talks about the perception of events in a personally sensible routine time and how these events are perceived by.

At the end of the book, the author shares his ideas about the "convex form of life" - it proposes its solution to the task of the village - one of the central problems of psychophysiology, connects it with well-known accelerations and deceleration of the sense of time.

The book will be interesting to travelers, psychologists, teachers and all cheerful people.

The book also has stories about extreme ski hits, alloys on the rafts, tragic situations from the point of view of their immediate participants, the stories about the Krasnoyarsk columns, about the "escape" from the USSR on the yacht (the real story from Alexander Berman's life, inspired by Vladimir Cunin to writing the book "Ivanov and Rabinovich or Ai Gow Tu Haifa"), the stories of Joseph Kahiany and much more. Read in one breath!

Learn more about the program of the Tourslets actually can be found in the official

It is possible to effectively learn and work only if you can easily rest. Club "Extreme sports" HSE offers several ideas for spring and summer, as it can be done actively and sports.

May trip to the Krasnodar Territory

The participants are waiting for majestic river canyons, beautiful waterfalls and mysterious dolmens. The highlight of the route will visit the Kiselev's cliff, where the fragment of the film "Diamond Hand" was shot. The end of the campaign will be the opening of the swimming season in the Black Sea. All those wishing are invited.


In just seven days, travelers will visit the valley of bringing, the Chatrdag Plateau, the famous Caves of Crimea will conquer South Demergs, ride horses, two nights will spend on the seashore, go through Yalta, Alushta, admire the swirl nest and ride on the boat in the open sea. And even open the bathing season and sunbathe under the rays of the soft May sun.

27th Open Tourslet NSU HSE

The ENSC Club invites you to go for a weekend in the Moscow region (Khotkovo). In Turslet, everyone will be able to experience all the delights of hiking life, cook lunch at the fire, pass the bar of obstacles, to participate in the night watch game and, of course, sing the song by the fire with a glass of just cooked mulled wine.

Rafting on the River Chirk-Kem

Traditional water campaign LEVEL-UP. Every year in the ENS club is becoming more and more experienced hiking, which set themselves new goals and reach them.

Water trip to Karelia: South Shuya River

Traditional journey club ECP in Karelia. South Shuya is one of the most picturesque routes of Karelia. Beautiful river and unique nature, interesting water thresholds and obstacles, like-minded company. In this water journey everything will be needed for excellent holidays!

Kaitserf Camp on the Wild Beach

Want to learn how to skate, feel a buffet of flight and freedom? You are waiting for Hse Kite Camp - rest on the Black Sea, the wild beach, the most beautiful sunsets, and, of course, the kaitsurfing training.