Regulations on the icon for climbing Belukha. Martial Belongs Olympiad inscriptions on the icon

Watering of Sochi Port guard Trained Beluhi.

To the games, this port, built in the 1950s, was significantly reconstructed - the second deepwater water area appeared, which was formed by new, rendered in the open sea, powerful concrete moles. In the same place, at the piernes of a deepwater water area, a new maritime station, customs buildings and various services were erected. The main goal of the reconstruction of the Sochi Harbor is to make a possible parking in the port of large passenger boats. In the old water system, the depth of which did not exceed 8 meters, modern cruise liners could not go. The updated port of Sochi was opened a month before the games, and now at the berths of his deepwater water area there are four ships, each accommodates up to 3 thousand passengers. In these floating hotels live fans, volunteers, technical support workers. Like all Olympic facilities of Sochi, the port is securely protected in these days. This is noticeable: at the berths and in the sea - ships and boats of the Navy of Russia. On their background, there are glad to take pictures of foreign guests of the games.

And a month before the Olympics in the old water area of \u200b\u200bthe Sochi port, a unlikely object appeared - a small pen, in which, if you look closely, it was possible to notice three Beluhaor, as they are also called, polar dolphins. In the port of Sochi Dolphins - neither polar, nor local Black Sea Afultines - never lived. What are they here for? The first assumption - will participate in the opening ceremony of games. But the port workers told the "labor" correspondent, which are careful for whites and feed their fish people in naval uniform, so in the port already then, a month before the Olympics, there was no secret to protect both water areas, old and new, from Possible penetration of scablasts in them, let's say, bad intentions, there will be combat polar whales that have passed a course of special training.

Get any comments and details from representatives of the Navy correspondent "labor" failed. Moreover, whales from the chapter soon disappeared. "What are Beluhi? - People in shape were launched. - You seemed ... "

But the version that these three dolphins are now guarded by the port, confirmed: in the sea, at the entrance to the Sochi harbor, an unusual floating structure was established, attracting the attention of his bright orange color. And within this structure, divided into three sections, in binoculars can be seen periodically pop-up snow-white dolphins.

In public domain on the Internet there is information that in special units of the Navy began to train Belukha for military purposes even during the time of the USSR. One of the first whale combat-based research centers was created in the Far East, in the Bay of Average under the find. Then the same center appeared in the bay of Vityaz Khassansky district. It is reported that "... scientists and military specialists in anti-informative struggle achieved from animals of the required skills - in the combat situation on the nose of Beluhi put on a special cutting device, with which the animal could kill an aqualantly, pushing it to the surface." In 1998, during the decay of the Soviet Army and the Navy, when funding was discontinued, the Navy Research Center in the Far East was disbanded, and some Belukh then transported to the Black Sea, to Gelendzhik.

Apparently, currently in the Navy of Russia, the experiments on combat use of dolphins continue. And, as it can be assumed, now Beluhi has been trained not to kill enemy scubaicists, but to notify the approach of divers or other large underwater objects to a guarded vessel or construction. Dolphins are known to be endowed with the unique ability of echolocation, and under water they are not guided by vision, but due to the fact that they emit high frequency sound waves and capture their reflection from various items and obstacles. This natural mechanism, in particular, the Belong is so perfect that the whale with its locator can recognize and identify even small items, which appended at the bottom, for example, coins. And to discover still on the approach to the port of the scablast, and at a considerable distance, they are not a problem for them.

How Beluhi warn people about the approach of divers, it was not possible to find out. Such developments are strictly classified. It can only be assumed that the signal is transmitted by special electronic devices: the antennas are indicated on the floating design, where whales are inhabited and working on the port.

However, for guests of the Olympics, technical details are not so important. The main thing is that the port of the city, in which 12 thousand people live on ships, as in hotels, is securely protected, including very pretty snow-white polar whales.

The use of combat animals in the naval special forces of the US Navy.

In one day in the first half of the 1960s, in solar florida, yachtsmen and shipowners unexpectedly discovered incomprehensible items on their yachts and boats that were at the calibration of sabotage mines. This was the result of the CIA special group not far from the island of Ki-West of the first teaching using specially trained demolition dolphins. It's good that mines were training.

But could be the first ...

The leadership of the special division of the CIA believed that the task set before "recruited" to the military service dolphins was quite simple and easy to perform for animals with such a high level of brain activity. Take a special divergent mine from the base, go to the appointed area of \u200b\u200bthe operation and attach mines to the bottoms of the warships. After that, the dolphins had to return to the database.


An exclusive interview with the former head of the facility with a completely peaceful name "Oceanarium" ... Although the name of the higher organization - the "Aquarium" also sounds very peaceful :)
There are many myths and fiction around this topic. There are many reasons for a lot, first of all, the special secrecy of programs of the GSR GS of the USSR, special forces of the Navy and others. Circumstances.

The original is taken by W. moryakukrainy. In the oceanarium and dolphin special forces. Without myths and legends ... Sevastopol 1990. Recessing combat dolphins.

"Military book" is a small and cozy store, some years 25 years ago was on the main street of Odessa, Deribasovskaya. There it was possible not in a hurry, to extract all the novelties - the memories of the participants of the past war, the military-political and military-technical literature: domestic and transferable. Some, here bought editions, donkeys on the shelves of the personal library. Even now I resort to them as directories. Namely, what is called, Nishkidka: Fuller J. F. S. "Second World War" 1939-1945, "Strategic and Tactical Review" - M. Foreign Literature (IL), 1956 or Hillsman R. "Strategic intelligence and political Solutions "- M. Il, 1957. Called these two books not by chance. It was thanks to the translation, performed by IL, met with the collections of military-technical articles, including the biotechnical system (BTS) with the participation of dolphins, as well as Delphinologists John Lilly and Forrest Glen Wood, working in those years on the US Navy.

Chronicle of Accidents
search and rescue work for 2007 and early 2008

Speaking V.V., Novosibirsk, ZMS, Vice-President of the TsSR,
international class instructor, NSA Associate Professor

1. Tragedy on a ski route III complexity category with Krasnoyarsk tourists.
February 11, 2007 A group of sports tourists consisted of seven people. The head - Vyacheslav Popov, born in 1963, had the experience of high-altitude ascents, participated in the tourist sports campaigns of the fifth and sixth categories of difficulty, made climbing Khan-Tengri peak (6995 m) in Central Tian-Shan. The group included: Sergey Bulgakov, 1983, Yevgeny Swedov, 1985, Alexander Mikhailov, 1984, Ayun Sanzhiyev, 1977, Alexander Belyak and Anton Esipenko, 1985 R. One of the village. Shushenskoye, Krasnoyarsk Territory, the rest - from Krasnoyarsk. The head of the group Vyacheslav Popov, Ayun Sangeniyev, Anton Esipenko and Sergey Bulgakov died.
Route documents of the Group are decorated in accordance with the rules. The route was approved by the ICC of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Federation of Tourism. The group officially registered in the rescue service of Abakan. Preparation of skiing participants was appropriate to pass the stated route of the third category of complexity.
The accident occurred on the descent on the frozen waterfall, in more than 100 km from the snow leopard turbase, which is located on a small left tributary of the big river. Four frowned on ice on the descent and fell from a high frozen waterfall. Later, three descended to the victims, and appreciating the situation, made a decision: one remained with victims in the taiga, and two went to the nearest telephone, which was on the snow leopard tour bar to cause rescuers. They went 2 days by taiga. February 13, after 16 hours, the tourist who came first reported an incident to rescuers. Then the most incredible stories appeared in the press. On the "not registered group of climbers traveling at their own risk and risk and rushing from the ridge." Such information could get into the press only through the Ministry of Emergency Situations.
Details of the tragedy: For a descent from a frozen waterfall in the rocks were clogged with two hooks connected by loop. At the time of the beginning of the descent of the head of the group, one of the crochev flew out, and the second remained, but the roar was enough to break the head and another 3 participants who were at the time of starting the leader's descent without self-insurance in the descent zone. Since the surviving three participants at the time of a breakdown of the head and three participants only approached the place of the tragedy, they saw only the consequences of a breakdown: the escaped hook and hanging on the second rope hook. There are no live witnesses tragedy. You can only assume that it was primary: the population of the hook under load or the head of the head, which caused the hook breaking, dropping the participants of the liberated rope or their attempt to keep the descent. However, it is perplexed by a statement for the press of the head of rescuers about: "... that the group did not take into account." And the assumption, "... that the presence of at least one means would have given the opportunity to avoid a" similar tragic outcome ... ". Rescuers got to the scene of the incident only on February 15. At the same time, the question arises, so what was shown on the central television on February 13 and 14?
The group was registered in the rescue service in the city of Abakan, in Spassvuzhbe, having a zone of responsibility in the area of \u200b\u200bthe campaign. What was not registered there? And again the question arises. Who and when informed sports tourists: what channels use the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and what is the possibility of communication with them on these channels? What can be used for this radio station? There are no money for sports tourists for a satellite connection, and there is no heavy long-range radio station or radio beacons to physically do not extend.
The trouble does not come alone ... After the funeral of the Krasnoyarsk athletes, which gathered more than 300 people, the President of the Krasnoyarsk Regional Federation of Sports Tourism returned home to his wooden cottage, which night caught fire from a short circuit. Saving his wife in the fire was killed by a man who had previously won one of the worst forms of oncology. We grieve and express deep condolences to relatives and loved ones.

2. At the resort "Krasnaya Polyana" on March 4, 2007
In the area of \u200b\u200bthe Saliam Circus, in the Aibg Ridge, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe 4th stage of the cable-chairlift, there was avalanche, there are victims: a ten-year-old boy from Tuapse, presumably, three more people (skiing) can remain under avalanche. For the ski resort "Krasnaya Polyana", where, after the gathering of avalanche under the snow, people can remain, three groups of rescuers from three regions are directed: Kuban, Adygea and Sochi, about 50 rescuers. At night, they arrived at the incident. March 05, the search for people, whom, according to eyewitnesses, was covered with avalanche. There are about 140 people, 5 units of rescue equipment, 5 cynological calculations work at the PE place. It is likely that there is no longer anyone, but the rescuers are guided by the words of eyewitnesses, therefore, in parallel, they are looking for an active survey in all nearby hotels, if anyone's guests disappeared. Nobody declared about missing people, but the rescuers admit that under avalanche could remain, for example, the family, the disappearance of which no one noticed. Therefore, the work continues. Considering that Krasnaya Polyana is preparing for the 2014 Winter Olympic Games, then passion flared up here and on this accident. On the fact of the death of the child, the prosecutor's office of Sochi opened a criminal case. The assumption - the tragedy occurred due to savings. The head of the press service of the Southern Regional Center of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation believes that the tragedies could be avoided: because earlier the company "Alpiko Service", which operates a cable car, refused several times of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, whose specialists would ensure the safety of skiers. In particular, duty posts were organized, the meteo conditions and the state of the slopes were constantly monitored, rescue work was carried out even more quickly. But, in his opinion, while tourists prefer to save. Despite the tragedy in the "Red Polyana", tourists do not refuse trips to this ski resort. "The armor is not removed," the representatives of the travel agencies stated.

3. In a large automotive accident in the territory of the Altai Territory 08.06.2007
Military tourists from Barnaul, Udmurdia and the Chelyabinsk region died. In the accident on the highway Barnaul - Biysk collided KAMAZ and two minibuses: GAZ-322132 and Mercedes. Among the passengers of Gazelles killed four people. Five passengers are hospitalized, three of them are in very serious condition. The driver of "Gazelle" refused to hospitalize. The driver of Kamaz is in serious condition, he is hospitalized in the Novoaltai Central Hospital. One of the 11 people who were in the Mercedes minibus, who accepted the greatest hit in the accident survived. The remaining 10 passengers died. They all returned to the alloy in the Altai Republic. Six residents of the Udmurt city of Votkinsk, one from the Chelyabinsk region. The authorities of the Altai Territory contacted Udmurtia. Perhaps on June 10, the charter flight of the bodies of the dead will be delivered to their homeland. The edge administration will take all measures to meet and place relatives of tourists who died in an accident. As the vice-governor of the Altai Territory noted, such a large automotive accident in the Altai Territory was not at least 20 years.

4. When crossing the r. Akkem (right inflow r. Katun) 21.06.07
At 14-30 hours on the horse's horse, the horse has a tourist of Tomilovaya Yulia Sergeyevna, Berdsk, Novosibirsk Region. As a result, she fell from a horse to the river, and she was taken downstream. She was part of the travel agencies. Looking for a tourist forces by the group and passing tourists, the results were not given. On the same day, the Group reported on the Akkem's PSP, descended by the end of the "Lower Gorge" and in the morning continued the path to the village. Tungur, Ust-Koksinsky District, From where 06/22/07 at 21.30, the phone was contacted by the ARSPs on duty in the city of Gorno-Altaisk. 06.22.07 at 09.00, 3 people were sent to the search with Ak-K. "Ak-Who" together with the local population and specialists from the "Vysotka" (pos. Tungur) as part of 7 people. Total in the search group 10 people with horses. Director and Employees of the Tourism Tourism "Brothers" only 06/27/07 Returned from the Mountain Altai early in the morning, where the social activists and the conductor's instructor are still searching for the local conductor (horseman) Viktor Tadyrov and delivered to Berdsk the body of the deceased tourist Yulia Tomilova to Berdsk. (Residents of Berdsk, 34 years). The conductor's instructor will be located in the search area before the cessation of search works by local conductor-horse breeders and residents.
Chronicle of events, clarified during the analysis of the accident: June 21, from 14-00 to 14-30, an accident occurred when crossing a horse across the Akkem River, when Tomilova Yu.S. fell into the water and was demolished. When you try to assist her, the local horse conductor Viktor Tadyrov rushed into the water and was also carried out by the flow.
06/22/07 At about 19 o'clock in the evening, an instructor-conductor Kremer A.A. called the office of the travel agency "Brothers" This route reported on the accident that happened, and that at the first moment the search for Tomilova Yu and Tadyrov V. was organized by the Group. As a result, a portion of the river downstream was viewed to the entrance to the canyon, but Tomirov did not find Tomilov. After that, the conductor instructor reported to the Akkem rescuer point, where at that time there were 8 rescuers of the Gorno-Altai PSO, which began to organize the search. The instructor conductor brought a group in the village. Tingur and sent a rented minibus in Novosibirsk. Immediately after receiving information, the management of the travel agency was contacted by the PCC of Gorno-Altaisk. And they received a confirmation that the PCss know about what happened on the river. Accum by an accident and conduct search engines. At the moment, missing tourists were not detected. In the travel agency "Brothers", round the clock duty in the office was installed.
06/23/07 The conductor instructor with local residents left GAZ-66 to the search area ("Three birks"). About this travel agency reported rescuers. At 16-00, after another connection of the PSS of the Republic of Altai with the ACCE, the rescuers informed the travel agency that the body of Tomilova Y. was found in a hard-to-reach gorge of the Akké River, the body is tied and is in water cooling. The travel agency discussed with PSS further transportation work: up to the trail to raise the forces of rescuers and locals, then on the trail to carry on the horses to the glade, where helicopter can sit down. After delivering the body to the specified place, rescuers are associated with a travel agency, and it organizes the flight of the helicopter.
06/24/07, at 14-00, the "Brothers Tutor" reported that the body of Tomilova Yu.S. It was delivered to a negotiated place and placed there into the water. The management of the travel agency was ordered by a helicopter, the departure of which was appointed on the morning on June 26th. We decided that the director with employees in the night leaves in Gorno-Altaisk and on arrival flies along with rescuers to the place. The delay in flight departure this evening is due to the lack of light time to return the helicopter with the body in the city of Gorno-Altaisk and the fact that Tadyrov's searches were conducted by Tadyrov, and it was necessary to spend the search flight. Katun and r. Akkem. At 22 o'clock, before the departure of representatives of travel agencies in Gorno-Altaisk from the village. Tingur called the conductor's instructor and reported that the body of Tomilova Yu.S. delivered to the village. Tungur and asked for a travel agency to help her transfer the body to Morg Pop. Ust-coke. The travel agency contacted the PSS, and the rescuers called the car of the Ust-Koksinsky militia, which delivered the body to the morgue of the village hospital. Ust-coke, accompanied by an instructor-conductor and girlfriend of the victim. At 22-30 employees of travel agencies and director left Novosibirsk to Gorno-Altaisk, on the way to the city of Berdsk took a relative of the victim. In the city of Gorno-Altaisk, in the MES of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Altai, they clarified all the formalities and outlined the plan of action, additionally taking the UAZ car, for the export of the body went to the village. Ust-coke. After performing all the necessary formalities, we sent the body to the morgue of Gorno-Altaisk accompanied by a relative of the deceased. Director of travel agency left the village. Ust-coke in the village. Tingur and agreed there with local conductor hobbies on the continuation of the search V.D. Tadyrov, leaving there for coordination of an instructor-conductor as a representative of travel agency. Returned to Gorno-Altaysk, where all questions decided for further transportation, as a result of which 26.06.07, the body was delivered to Berdsk, where the funeral was held on 06/27/07 at 15-00.
Special Comments on Incident:
1. On horseback routes when driving on horses, choosing a path, tactics of movement, methods of overcoming obstacles, the dominant role belongs to a local conductor (horse).
2. The route does not contain crossing the horses of Vyod through the Akké River, except for its source (at the Lake Akkese), where there is practically no current and there is a boat crossing, as well as on the bridge in the lower river flow.
3. The spare option with the descent of the river gorge is not considered even in exceptional cases, due to the presence of shinking on the left bank before the narrow gorge with the canyon.
4. Victor Tadyrov, at the time of death, 45 years old for many years accompanied tourist groups in the area and was one of the most experienced, reliable and responsible Altai conductors (horse breeders).
5. Pourevka Tomilova Yu.S. Sold by the Berdy Department of Syatt, a contract with a tourist, concluded there, the insured policy of the "reso-guarantee" is discharged there. The management of travel agencies was associated with the Insurer "Reso-Guarantee" in Novosibirsk and Moscow on insurance payments and controlled the process before the payment of insurance.
6. There is a decorated mining book with paintings of the Group's participants about the knowledge of the safety regulations (TB) and the painting of the instructor-conductor on the passage of the instruction on TB in the travel agency, the Journal of TB TB with paintings of the group participants, the general and equestrian infolstal. Text briefing on TB on the equestrian route.
As a result of the parsing, the following was found: that the direct cause of the death of Tomilovoy tourist was not established in view of the pronounced universal rotting of the corpse. Most likely drowning due to damage to the body obtained when it moves with an aqueous stream in the mountain river. It is known that she fell from a horse to the river Akkem, separated from the horse and on the group being viewed by the group of the river could not get ashore. Although at some point, tourists observed the development of the NA noted that she rose to his feet at the shore, but then fell into the water and the flow suffered it further. The reason for falling from the horse was the fact that the horse stumbled in a water stream when crossing the Akké River. Crossing was carried out on average the river of the Akkem and was not included in the approved route.
Local horse breeder Tadyrov VD, who organized crossing the group and crossed on horseback, having heard the cries of Tomilovoye for help tears from his horse, jumped into the water and swam on Tomilova. On the group viewed by the participants of the Tadyrov river, the Tomilov Tomilov Tomilov's tourist, and they are separately being in the flow of water, hidden behind the turn, at the beginning of Tomilov, then Tadyrov.
06/23/07 Tomilova's body was found in a hard-to-reach gorge of the river Akkem. The remains of the body of Tadyrov were found at the very end of September in the tree hall in the lower flow of the Akkem River. By remnants, it is not possible to establish the direct cause of death. Presumably drowning due to damage to the body obtained when it moves its aqueous stream in the mountain river.
Decision on the crossing, the choice of the place of crossing, an assessment of the water situation, the method of crossing the Akké River in this place and the order of the movement chose and installed V. Tadyrov. Instructor-conductor Kremer Anna in accordance with the established procedure of movement closed the column. V. Tadyrov began crossing, without waiting for the collection of the entire group and arrival, closing the column of the instructor-conductor A. Kremer. At the time of starting the crossing through the ACCE, the group has deviated significantly from the approved route and overcame to this point the two crossings, which also not included in the approved route. Movement along the equestrian route took place in the scheduled schedule. At the lake, the accum came to the planned time and here the "decision to change the route" took the majority of votes. Instead of intelligence, the lifting conditions for the passage of Kara-Treare made two days, overlooking the time to exit from the area along the way or through the lower passage of the River Tekel River Gorge.
As a result of the analysis conducted by the ICC, it turned out the following: On June 21, about 15 hours a group of tourists in the number of 7 people, a local conductor-horse breeding and an instructor-conductor of travel agencies "Speech", making an equestrian route III K.S., coordinated with the ICR on the route . Tungur - Per. Kuzuyuk - hand. Orochata - r. Tukman - Oz. Kilda - r. Telec - Oz. Akkem - Per. Kara-Tarez - r. Kuchered - pos. Tungur went to the crossing through the p. Akkem. Thus, by changing the approved route. The change in the route was not coordinated with either a travel agency, nor ICC, nor with rescuers of PSP "Akkem" and was adopted at the general meeting of the group by a majority vote at the Lake Akkem (ie, the opinions of the participants in the group were divided, but the decision was made).
For the third, on this day, the crossing through the accum is not far from the entrance to the lower gorge "Kon Tomilova Yu.S. stumbled, and she fell (perhaps jumped) into the water and it suffered the flow of the cries about the help of Tadyrov V.D., who at this time on the other side, jumped into the water and tried to catch up with the tourist, but on the site viewed did not catch up the river And they were charged for a turn, no one had seen them. The conductor instructor with the remaining part of the group only approached the location of the crossing. She crossed his horse at the horse. The accum also examined from the shore, the riverbed to the entrance to the canyon, but Tomirov did not find Tomilov. The body of Tomilova was discovered by rescuers and locals. The remains of Tadyrov were found by local residents at the end of September. The causes of the death of Tomilova and Tadyrov are not established due to severe damage to the corpses.
Disciplinary Commission of the ICC SFO set: that the death of Tomilova Yu.S. and Tadyrov V.D. happened due to an accident. The accident occurred due to the fact that Tomilova Yu.S. When crossing the accum, when her horse stumbled, he could not kept in the saddle and let go of the reins and horse, as well as attempted the conductor Tadyrov V.D. To give her help. The accompanying cause of an accident is inconsistent with the ICC, a travel agency and the Akkem PSP, the change in the route adopted by a majority of tourist votes at the general meeting. The indirect cause of the NA was not to maintain the trails on the left bank of the river. The accum in working condition, which forced local residents to lay it with the shift of the shores with several crossroads of Vyod. It was noted that Tadyrov V.D. Previously, it categorically refused even from transportation of cargo's throwing along the coast. The accum on the horses, not to mention the tourists in the replacement embodiment from the route, so the travel agency this path, as a spare, was not even considered, although with the exception of movable screeching before the "Lower Gorge", which is working on the old path of other different complexity There are no places, especially by crossing. Since the group twice successfully overcame the crossing through the p. The accum and by the time the accident partly overcame the third, and later the participants left and the participants on the right bank were concluded, it can be concluded that the water level in the Akké River at the time of the accident was not high and that this is really an accident.
... The beginning of October 2007, the remains of a person identified by the belt belt found in the lower river in the Lower River. This is Vitaly (known to tourists as Victor) Gudovich Tadyrov, who tragically died in the Akkem River on June 21, 2007 at the age of 45, while trying to save the tourist fallen from the horse in the river. Buried in the cemetery of the village. Tungur.

5. When descending from the lane. "Big Berelskaya Saddle" 22.06.07
He received a leg injury by one of the tourists from the Bewi Group of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, could move. To assist at 05.00 Moscow time, 2 rescuers came out with Ak-Whoer.
Speaking V.V.: Interestingly, on the Internet, the "victim" himself categorically denies this fact. What is it? The attempt will explain why little rescuers were looking for on r. Accum?

6. Accidents from 09 - 19.06.07 in the Republic of Altai.
When moving the Mountain River Bashkas in the Ulagansky district, resting resting from Novosibirsk Valentina Osipova. Her body has not yet been found. Since early July, in the Republic of Altai, nine incidents happened with the participation of tourists, in which eight people were injured, four died, four were missing and two were saved.

7. Rescue operation in Altai safely ended 13.07.07,
where a group of tourists descended into the "Geophysical" cave, located 38 kilometers from the village of Sarah (foothills on the border of the Altai Territory and the Altai Republic). In the last time, tourists did not return from the route and did not communicate. At about 13.00, two groups of rescuers left for the cave, but their help, fortunately, did not need: tourists went to the surface alone. But the passions are rolled, the details are set forth in the collection.

8. When climbing on Mount Beluha 16 07.07
Head of the Yekaterinburg group of tourists Alexey Korzhavin broke away from the cliff. A group of tourists from the city of Yekaterinburg, which was not registered in the PSS made climbing in. Beluha through the "Delon" pass. On the pass, the head of the group A. Korzhavin was broken from the cliff, received a fracture of the ribs, concussion the brain and the damage to the spine. A group of rescuers from the PSO "Ak-Who as part of 4 people came out for its transportation from the place of fall on the shelter" Tomsk parking ", where helicopter sits down. As of 20 hours. 00 min. (MSK) A. Korzhavin died to the arrival of rescuers. The body of Korzorvin is transported from the place of fall and is located on the shelter "Tomsk parking". 07/18/07 The body of the deceased Alexei Korzhavin was delivered by a helicopter in Gorno-Altaisk, where it turned out that relatives would have to carry the body of the victim to G. Yekaterinburg at their own expense, since Alexey Korzhavin did not pass to the register in the Altai Republican search and rescue division. Registration is necessary in order to get help in evacuation in case of danger. To be able to call the helicopter to help, he needed to insure in an insurance company with an agreement with the Altai Republican Ministry of Emergency Situations. Yekaterinburg tourist did not conclude any contracts, it means that expenses lie on the shoulders of relatives. One hour of the helicopter flight in the Altai Republic costs about 46 thousand rubles, on the transportation of the body to the city of Gorno-Altaisk spending an average of 3 hours. It turns out that the relatives of the deceased must pay the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of almost 140 thousand rubles for the delivery of the body only to the city of Gorno-Altaisk.

9. Since the beginning of the 2007 water season
12 people were injured in Altai Mountain Rivers of which 9 people died - messages on the Internet.

10. In the Republic of Altai 18.07.2007
with alloy on rafta by p. Katun killed a resident of Belarus. The tragedy occurred on the simple plot of the Katun River, 10 km from the village. Catan died Sergey Bulak born in 1963 - a resident of Belarus. The body of the deceased was found 200 meters from the scene. The Ust-Koksinsky district prosecutor's office finds out the details of what happened. On one of the complex thresholds there was a ripping of rafta, as a result an athlete died, without citing the river.
Speaking V.V.: It is said that the tourist "on one of the complex thresholds" died and that strange, but the report states that on the Katun River, there are no simple thresholds. The village of Katanda stands on the Katand River, the left tributary of Katun, 12 km above the village. Tungur: "Ringing Rafts occurred, as a result an athlete died, without citing the river" if it really happened in the specified location, then the question arises, and whether a life jacket was put on it correctly? And is this athlete? Maybe this is still a tourist who has paid money to local "conductors" for the alloy along Katun to the mouth of the river. Accum? Such an alloy on the simple section of Katun is conducted by one travel agency and local "conductors".
Commentary on information:
Tatyana: Sad. Well, only the day before yesterday (July 22, 2007) saw the Raft rippled in the Ust-Semic area, or rather, most likely he was turned over, and the people sailed to Rafts with a laugh, in charge of the oars ... than it ended, I do not know But the last two swimsters began to lag up gradually from Raft. By how one, climbed into the inverted raft, began to dance there, it was noticeable that the people were not quite sober and thus having fun.
Mayor: Do not joke with such things. This is not on the lake, in shallow water. Katun is the only river that has all 5 levels of difficulty ( Speaking V.V.: Here the major clearly got excited. First categories of the complexity of routes, there are six, secondly, there are many such rivers even in Russia, for example, p. Yenisei with sources).
Irenok: In fact, Katun has a level not higher than the 3rd complexity category ( Speaking V.V.: Another connoisseur of sports route classifications! Indeed to Katun, depending on the plots and included tributaries, there are all categories of complexity, including the sixth. The complexity of routes in Katun seriously depends on the water level. Do not forget that r. Katun begins from the Gleerah glacier, descending from the southern slopes of the Beluhi massif and ends (changes the name) 10 km below the city of Biysk, and also has alloy tributaries: Upper Kuragan, Coke, Nizhny Kuragan, Kuchered, Akkem, Argut with source network, sin With the origins, Ursul, Sumal, Cheanel and Bia).
salnikov for IRENOK: About the third category is not true. It depends very much on the place from which to start the alloy. With Katun cheeks, which are located above the village of Ust Coke - r. Katun - a five river.

11. A group of tourists from Kemerovo 25.07.2007
released on the bank of the Cairo River, the left inflow r. Argut. Staying the rope, the first tourist, Artem Kvashnin, began to cross through the Cairo River. During the transportation of the tourist, he took a strong current in the river. Argut.

12. A group of women tourists 28.07.2007
as part of 6 people in the same place along the trail, went to the Cairo River and, seeing the rope stretched by the previous group, one of the tourists began to melt. During the crossing, it was charged, while trying to give her assistance, two more women took her. We are missing: Natalia Nazarova, 1970 Birth (Kharkov), 50-year-old resident Moscow, 68-year-old resident of Samara.
Stretched rope through r. Cairo and Backpack on the shore saw Vodor tourists from Novosibirsk, who held the route VI K.S. According to the Argut River. However, below the mouth r. Cairo, during alloy, vodniks in the river and on the shores did not find anything. This was announced by the group of group at the ICC, immediately upon return to Novosibirsk. The ICC handed over to the Gorno-Altai PSS. From 04 to 09.08.2007, a group of rescuers conducted work on the search for missing the Kair River of 4 tourists from two groups. Rescuers, crouching through r. Katun on foot examined the right bank of the Argut River from the place of her sign up to the Katun River to the mouth of the Shavla River. Then on the catamaran crossed the left bank of the r. Argut and on foot, inspecting the coast, rose upstream r. Argut to the mouth of Cairo. The return route of rescuers took place mainly on the Argut River, the search was walking from the water, while both shores were examined. On the shore r. Argut, after the water slept in it, the rescuers discovered a backpack, which was transferred to the operational duty officer of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in the Altai Republic to further define its affiliation. The rescuers have reached the mouth of the river. Argut, where she flows into Katun, and about 4 - 5 km went downstream p. Katun to highways. 08/11/07, Due to the fact that the search did not bring the expected results, the seven rescuers of the Altai Territory returned to Barnaul from the Altai Republic, as reported by the press service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in the Altai Territory. Speaking V.V.: The Argut River refers to the sixth category of complexity, it can be a very limited number of specially trained vodna tourists in special vessels. In addition to the strong flow on the Argut River there are a number of complex registered thresholds, in addition, the banks of the river in some places are difficult, but there are trails.

13. According to 25.07.2007.
Three Omsk tourists disappeared in Altai. The search for three tourists from Omsk, who went hike a month ago, started in the Altai Republic. Women who are 45 - 48 years old, went to a pedestrian crossing of mountain passes in the Ust-Koksinsky district. 07/23/07 They had to go to work, but by this time did not return from the mountain altai to Omsk. Corses and relatives turned to rescuers orally from the employee of the International Exhibition Center "INTERSIB" that a group of women consisting of three people aged 45 - 48 years old from Omsk went to a walking trip along the route from the village. Tungur - Lake Akkese - Valley Yarla - Pass of the Yarl-Bacho - Pass Suul-Bok - r. Suul Airy - r. Baltrdag - R. Argut - r. Shavla is the merger of the rivers Shavla and Argut - the merger of the rivers of the Akkie rivers and Katun in the Tünigura area, then in Barnaul. The group under the leadership of Kulishkaya Natalia Nikolaevna loss from Omsk on June 24, without insurance, was not registered in ARSPS. ( Speaking V.V.: In addition to the approximate route containing complex crossings through the mountain rivers, it is known that at work they should be July 23, but did not appear until July 25, 2007). The employee of the Center "INTERSIB" in the Ministry of Emergency Situations was recommended to write an application for the search for colleagues. On July 25, 2007, at 11:00 Moscow time, during the Radio Communication, the Group reported on the PSP (search and rescue point) Ak-Who. During the 25th - 26.07.07, a group of rescuers in the Vlaper Valley and nearby places of the possible placement of tourists guided their references. An orientation is given and the accuracy of information through the duty officers of the Ust-Koksinsky district and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Armenia is checked. ( Speaking V.V.: At the border guards, outstanding permission to enter the frontier, you can learn about the arrival and departure of tourists). 07/26/07, at 18.24 Moscow time from Vrio, the head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in the Omsk Region, a message was received, with a request to assist in finding an employee of the International Exhibition Center "InterSib" - Kulishkaya Natalia Nikolaevna and with her Melnikova Olga Vasilyevna and Marina Dysier . They were going to visit 5 energy stones on the above route ( Speaking V.V.: The route documents were not issued, counseling did not receive on the route, so they could well be mistaken in the planning of the schedule of motion and establish the control deadlines, which later was confirmed). In 19.02, MSC rescuers called husband Melnikova O.V. - Kizima Dmitry and reported that from the city of Omsk, the group left 24.06. Until G. Barnaul by Railway, then by taxi to the village. Tungur. With me, there were 10,000 rubles each, tourist equipment, they have no climbing equipment ( Speaking V.V.: On this route, it is not necessary), food reserve for 4 weeks ( Speaking V.V.: The checkline usually establishes the time required to pass the route plus 1 to 3 days in bad weather and others. Unforeseen circumstances), there is no communication tools. Relatives and familiar from among the local population in the Republic of Altai do not have. Melnikova O.V. - 1969 It works in the company "Rodnikov Health" in Omsk, and Dizer M. - 1972. Place of work is not known. After departure from the city of Omsk, they did not go away. Male Melnikova O.V. Sent a statement with a detailed description and photographs of women by fax. The search and rescue work involved the search and rescue group of the ARSPS. 07/27/07 at 10.30 Moscow time on the telephone number of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, the RA has received information from the employee of the International Exhibition Center "InterSib" that the missing women came to contact and at the moment are on the way in Omsk.
14. In the Republic of Altai, July 29, 2007 on the Glacier Muste-Ire
(Katun ridge, the area of \u200b\u200bWest in. Beluha) seriously suffered by the Moscow Mountaineer. In the course of climbing fees in the gorge r. Kuchered, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Glacier, Muste-Ayra (District of Beluha), was injured by a resident of Moscow Vladimir Kavunhenko. (? Speaking V.V.: Convert the surnames is an uncomprising error for professionals). The aid signal entered the seasonal rescue post "Ak-Who". Rescuers reported that the victim received a cranial injury and was in a non-transportable state. July 30, with the help of a helicopter, a group of rescuers and doctors, he was delivered to the Republican Hospital in Gorno-Altaisk. Mountaineers from Moscow stand on control in the Altai Republican PSP (search and rescue unit) From July 19, 2007, all participants in the event are insured in the "military insurance company". The group climbed into. Beluha.

Comments for information:
qWERT: 72-year-old Vladimir Dmitrievich Kavunenko is the legend of Russian mountaineering. He began to engage in this sport in 1952, in 1968 - received the title of Master of Sports of International Class, and in 1987 - the title "Honored Trainer of the RSFSR". As a coach, he prepared 48 masters of sports of the USSR on mountaineering. Vladimir Kavunhenko personally made 18 ascents of the sixth category of difficulties, 48 \u200b\u200bascents of the 5th categories of difficulties, of which 22 of the first gravity and 28 - first-graders, and also led 18 climbing expeditions (Altai, Pamir, Tian-Shan, Andes, Africa). In 1973, Vladimir Kavunhenko received the title of "Honorary Rescuer of the USSR", and in 1999 - "Honored Rescuer of Russia". From 1992 to the present, he is the Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Association of Rescue Formations of the Russian Federation. In 1970, for participation in search and rescue work in Peru, he was awarded the Government award of Peru and the Honorary Diploma of the Central Committee of the Civil Code of the Central Committee, in 1985 for multiple participation in rescue work in the USSR and abroad - the Order of the Hall Sign, and for 1988 G. For leadership and personal participation in rescue work in the earthquake in Armenia - the Order of the "Friendship of Peoples". In 1995, Vladimir Kavunhenko made a parachute jump on the North Pole. "And the Route" Second "category of complexity on Belukha is not. There is a route 2b category, the easiest of the available. ( Speaking V.V.: But not by the side of the Glacier Muste-Ayra). Well done, Muscovites! Asked to the search and rescue squad of the Republic of Altai, insured in the "military insurance company". Only now the trouble - no matter how all insurance goes to pay the helicopter.
And now about who really suffered on this day. July 29, 2007 when climbing on in. Beluha as a result of the fall received multiple bruises of the multiple champion of the USSR on mountaineering and rock climbing, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Kosmachev Oleg Semenovich. Earlier it was reported that "Chairman of the fees of Cavyunko Vladimir Dmitrievich suffered. According to updated data, Kavyunenko Vladimir Dmitrievich did not suffer, his health is not concerned. We apologize to relatives and loved ones Vladimir Dmitrievich "add that, and the degree of gravity of injuries was exaggerated and does not correspond to reality. July 30, 2007 Oleg Semenovich Kosmachev at the Mi-8 helicopter with a group of rescuers and doctors of the Medicine Catastrophe service was delivered to the Republican Hospital in Gorno-Altaisk. On board the helicopter he was rendered first aid. Currently, after a careful examination of the republican hospital, Oleg Semenovich's doctors is estimated as satisfactory, it is active, the body temperature is normal, on the part of the internal organs, in addition to the fracture of the 8th rib pathologies. The climbing sports and educational expedition under the leadership of Kavuhenko Vladimir Dmitrievich started the year of the 100th anniversary of Sergey Pavlovich Queen, the great Russian scientist, the founder of practical cosmonautics. The place of the expedition is difficult to accessible area of \u200b\u200bthe Republic of Altai. The expedition began on July 19, 2007, its goal is to find a nameless top, about 4,000 meters high, conduct exploration and commit the first place to, taking advantage of the right of the first spell, assign the name S.P. Queen. Expedition route: Moscow - Barnaul (airfare), Barnaul - Gorno-Altaisk - pos. Tungur (bus), pos. Tungur - North-West Shoulder of the South Chui Range (helicopter). The expedition was carried out under the auspices of the Russian Space Agency, as one of the events dedicated to the memorization of the memory of S.P. Queen. Expedition mission - perpetuate the name S.P. Queen, creating a grandiose non-homework monument in one of the most beautiful corners of the planet - Mountain Altai. Tradition, assign names with such geographic objects as mountain peaks, has long ago. As a rule, it is always significant names, names - symbols. Among the organizers of the expedition and its participants, climbers who have previously committed half a favor. With the direct active participation of the members of the expedition on the maps of Russia, the peaks appeared: "Peak 850th anniversary of Moscow", the peak "2000-anniversary of the Christians", "Peak underwriters", "Peak Gumileva", "Peak of the 60th anniversary of the Victory". Heads the expedition Honored Master of Sports of the USSR, Master of Sports of International Class Kavyunko Vladimir Dmitrievich. The expedition takes part: Honored Master of Sports of the USSR, Professor, Doctor of Science MSTU them. Bauman Myslowsky Eduard Vikentievich, who in 1982, as part of the USSR national team, made the first night climb on Everest; Master of Sports of the USSR, Multiple Champion of the USSR on mountaineering and rock climbing, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Kosmachev Oleg Semenovich. The organizing of the expedition in the area of \u200b\u200bthe ascent is made by the Chairman of the Mountaineering Federation and the Climbing of the Mountain Altai, Master of Sports of the USSR Vladimir Dmitrievich Shumilov. An active part in the preparation of the event was made by outstanding figures of domestic cosmonautics: twice the Hero of the USSR, the pilot-cosmonaut of Savini Viktor Petrovich; Deputy General Designer, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Yanko Grigory Konstantinovich; Vice President of the Corporation "Energia" Hero of the USSR, Hero of Russia, Pilot-cosmonaut Krikal, Sergey Konstantinovich; Twice Hero of the USSR pilot-cosmonaut Ivanchenkov Alexander Sergeevich; Deputy Head of the Center for the Training of Cosmonauts. Gagarin, Hero of Russia, Pilot-cosmonaut Korzun Valery Grigorievich; Hero of Russia, the pilot-cosmonaut Tokarev Valery Ivanovich; Hero of Russia, Skimonaut's pilot Tvorurin Mikhail Vladislavovich in the expedition included climbers: Kulinchenko Dmitry Vladimirovich - General Director of Malacut Assistance CJSC; Kirilenko Mikhail Vladimirovich - Executive Director of Rosles Ree LLC; Nilov Vladimir Leonidovich - Deputy General Director of Promtex-Orient LLC; Romanov Evgeny Dmitrievich - Head of the Agency Sales Department of the Uralsib Insurance Group; Romanova Natalia Evgenievna - President of the Society of Foreign Students of the University of Chattanuga USA; Sergey Nikolayevich Rybakov - Deputy Head of the Agency Sales Department of the Uralsib Insurance Group; Pavlova Lidia Nikolaevna - Head of the Department for the Settlement of Losses of the Insurance Group "Uralsib". Supports the expedition to the Association of Rescue Formations of the Russian Federation. General Partner and General Insurer Expedition Insurance Group "SOGAZ" Partners: Roshska Reinsurance Company "Nakhodka Rea", LLC Rosles Ree, Oakshot's insurance broker, Service Company Malacut Assistance CJSC.

15. With the alloy allay, the Altai Republic of Lower Katuny 30.07.07
The director of the Tomsk branch of MTS Gennady Zarya died. August 1. In Tomsk at 11.00, funeral took place. Gennadia Zarya was on vacation and rested in the area of \u200b\u200bthe village. Chemal. I purchased a ticket for a day water excursion.
Comments for information from the Internet:
The guest: And instructors there on what? This is some kind of Russian roulette. No, I'm no longer on the alloy. And loved ones not let.
This email address is protected from spam bots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view. : Most likely this is an accident ... somehow was in the "sump" near the "royal hunt," walked on the "famous" waterfall ( Speaking V.V.: Kamyshlensky), and there I saw, in what state "Rafters" drive ... People who professionally engaged in this sport will never sit down "driving" drunk ...
Z.: It depends on where to melted. In general, it is necessary to be sober for alloy, and ready for any turn of events.
I:You know, everyone was sober. I am struck by a minimum to avoid tragedy. Neither a vest or helmet saved. In such places, special rescue methods should be developed. Signal rockets, because the camps along the Katuny a lot and come to the rescue can be quick enough. First aid kit to assist in water. Instructing how to properly provide first aid. Rescuers who have to oversee these places. This can be done even at the expense of the same company that organizes rafting, especially near dangerous places. And of course, such dangerous thresholds are only for professionals. About 4 categories of the complexity of the threshold, we learned, being already in place. ( Zhigarev O.L.: The complexity of obstacles, in particular thresholds, determine the category of difficulties. The category of complexity - determine the complexity of the entire route). It is very scary when they raise the man, turn his face up, and you learn who you are very expensive. And you can not change anything. Remember that in these places to the nearest settlement several tens of kilometers. That there is no connection. There are no cars. And you, going with my wife, with my husband, with children, your favorite people are risking the most expensive that you have. As for the instructors, they must be professionals, and not just "cool", "risk" guys.

16. Hidden Hodeltaplan 31.07.07
fell into r. Katun from a height of 300 meters due to a falling off wing. A teenager from the Republic of Korea, who bought an air tour crashed on this hydrodelleplane. The Investigation of PE in the Chealsky district of the Republic of Altai is engaged in the Barnaul Transport Prosecutor's Office. The operational investigative group arrived in the accident area on August 2. Hodrodeltaplane "Aviahimim-hydro", referring to the ultra-light aircraft, belongs to the resident of G. Barnaul, who "worked" on it, providing services to tourists wishing to look at the terrain from the air. The pilot of this vessel is the coach of the children's youth sports school of Barnaul. On July 31, about 19 hours and 40 minutes, he took a teenager from the Republic of Korea 1992 on board and rose to him into the sky. 10 minutes after takeoff, the aircraft collapsed the wing, and from a height of 300 meters the aircraft fell into Katun. After the fall, the pilot itself got out of the cockpit and kept afloat. The passenger remained in the cockpit and did not give signs of life. After some time, tourists were helped to get out of the water from a swimming raft, after which the pilot was delivered to the cheek central district hospital, where the doctors were diagnosed - a closed fracture of the left hip, a stupid belly injury. The passenger corpse is directed to the morgue of Gorno-Altaisk. On the same day, on the fact of violation of the safety of the movement and operation of air transport, which caused the death of a person by negligence, a criminal case was initiated by the Barnaul Transport Prosecutor's Office (Part 2 of Art. 263 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). Recall that in the past 2006 fell into the Tazetsk Lake and drowned the Corvette's hydroxapoly, 3 people died. The reason is the human factor.

17. Bashkaus River - death when breaking from the cliff of the Yekaterinburg Kajer and his searches
(collected and restored on materials of numerous publications).
August 1 (July 30 - 31) 2007 in the Republic of Altai during the passage of the water route by p. Bashkas at the end of the "Lower Gorge" was lost a 28-year-old tourist (Kajer), a television operator, from Yekaterinburg Andrei Eremin. Information about this was admitted to rescuers on August 1 from the head unregistered in rescuers and unconflated, add not yet labeled route documents, groups of tourists consisting of 15 kayakers. The group passed a water route VI category of complexity by p. Bashkaus from the village. Karakudyur to mouth r. Chebdar. During the alloy, one of the participants - Andrei Eremin, afraid to pass the next threshold, decided to move on land (he had a portable radio) from the mouth of the Kyzylg River, the influx of the Bashkas River and, naturally, lagged behind the group of kayakers (or deliberately refused alloy to go out Walking out of the gorge, appreciating your capabilities like Kayaker in the conditions of a rainy flood, but as it turned out to overestimates its climbing capabilities). The group took his kayak and continued alloy. The last time Andrei came into contact with the group by walking, crossing the Kyzylg River on July 30. The next day, July 31, the group, graduated from the passage of the lower gorge, reached the mouth of R. Chebdar to the road and, without waiting for Eremin, went to the district center of Ulagan, from where, by telephone, the head reported on the rescuers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Altai. After receiving a message, the rescue service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations began searching and rescue work. In search of six people in the Ulagansky district, but the search for such forces on the complex relief of the results was not given and they were discontinued due to the fact that the further route is very complicated for passing and requires special mining equipment and plaels. ( Speaking V.V.: Did the rescuers did not know where they go and, accordingly, did not eat?). To the search at this stage it was planned to connect a helicopter, but the Ministry of Emergency Situations stopped searching, as the group was not registered, Andrei had no insurance, and since the helicopter is no one to pay, it is not selected. Friends of Kayaker, gathered in Yekaterinburg and decided to leave his searches. Organized the first group of volunteers friend Andrei - Anton artist. They insisted on the resumption of search engines by the forces of rescuers and collected money to the helicopter. From the city of Yekaterinburg, the first group of eight people led by Anton artist departed. For the search, Andrei's friends, it was quite logical, immediately intended to connect the helicopter and were well represented that there was inconvenient to plant a helicopter mountain gorge, but all the same helicopter had to raise, at least to search. If the search from the helicopter is not crowned with success or run out of money, they set up to look for foot. Andrei without a helicopter is looking for a week, and so far to no avail. Chances of finding him alive experts estimate 50 to 50. ( Speaking V.V.: If you exclude an accident, then precedents of a successful exit from the "Lower Gorge" were, therefore there was much more chances, especially since the place and direction of exit was known). But the helicopter rescuers involved only after the arrival of his friends to Altai. Finally, Andrei's friends arrived on Altai - eight people, some of them will go to the place where the last time was seen by Andrei, by car. ( Speaking V.V.: On the machine you can only approach the beginning and by the end of the lower gorge of the Bashkaus river, it is too small). Volunteers decided to examine the territory of foot. By the end of the week, they will arrive for another 20 friends - volunteers. Meanwhile, the employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and Anton artist started on the helicopter, which was finally brought to search. It should be noted that the helicopter was directed in search only when friends of Andrei arrived and paid for the rental of aircraft, since the group from which Kayaker was fighting was not registered and was not insured. Already at 3 o'clock the work of the helicopter, the rescuers have noticed a person lying on one of the Altai rocks, similar to Andrei Eremin. Anton the artist suggested that Andrei is unconscious, as he was much exhausted, and was sure that the friend is alive. He probably climbed the rock, but, most likely, his strength was exhausted, and he lost consciousness ( Speaking V.V.: Strange assumption. When climbing the rock, consciousness is not losing. It is losing only when breaking from the cliff, after the corresponding hit). After detecting and determining the location of the lying unconscious on the rock, the task of how to raise it. Light and even hang here the attracted helicopter could not. The relief of the terrain in this place is very complex. The landing in the scene is difficult due to the steepness of the gorge and the abundance of trees. Only the Mi-8 helicopter can work here, but the Ministry of Emergency Situations is not now. As Andrei's friends found out, such helicopters at that time were uncommon at the Mountain Altai. I had to return, noting the place on the map for searching the Mi-8 helicopter. Initially, they found out that Mi-8 is in the Department of Internal Affairs of the Kemerovo Region, they even agreed that he would fly to search, but they could not use it, since the head of the head at the beginning said that the weather was noterable and then that helicopter was repaired. ( Speaking V.V.: Perhaps this is the right decision, because I have not yet healed the wound from the loss of a group of snowboarders and the crew of a military helicopter who did not fly earlier in the Altai mountains). Andrei's friends can not find the Mi-8 helicopter, with the help of which they would have managed to get to the rock where their friend lies. They turn to the rescuers of Novosibirsk and G. Barnaul to use their helicopter (and find out that there are no helicopters and rescuers for the South Siberian rescue services and rescuers are leased or ordered flights from the woods).
After the detection of Andrei, at 10 am to the place where he lies, a rescuer group came out, but the path is far and the path is technically very difficult, so it is unlikely that the rescuers will arrive in place on this day. At the same time, if the rocks where Andrew is located, the Mi-8 helicopter was sent, then it would be possible to save a lot of time. Meanwhile, Andrei is already at least the day is unconscious, but his friends are confident that he is alive. In the EMERCOM of Russia, they stated that they are aware of the situation, and the rescuers still do everything possible to save the tourist. The Ministry of Emergency Situations make a decision on the landing of a group of rescuers from an existing helicopter to a longer place from the cliff, where it is discovered by the Kayaker who is lying without the movement and at the same time prohibit Andrei's friends to go to the place of its detection on foot, referring to the lack of a specially trained instructor. ( Speaking V.V.: Is it really all the friends of Eremin were not prepared for work in the rocky gorge and they could not be given an experienced lifeguard or two, three ... Nobody closed the area, and to prohibit the yield of the Volunteer Group of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, as well as refusing registration, which so often They speak in the press).
Another Mi-8 with a mountain crew was found in Barnaul, but most likely, on this day, before the onset of darkness, he will not have time to fly away. A few days after the location of the tragedy, the Ministry of Emergency Situations with the helicopter began to rise the body of Andrei Eremin. The fact that the found body belongs to Andrei Eremin, by this moment the rescuers did not cause doubts. Since friends identified his clothes from a helicopter. It was assumed that rescuers after lifting the body to the helicopter, deliver it to the nearest morgue, where doctors will conduct an examination and determine the cause of death. ( Speaking V.V.: If you succeed, because too much time passed). In the meantime, the identification of the found body, relatives and friends of Andrei Eremin are hoping that this is not him. On August 13, the Ministry of Emergency Situations on the helicopter reported that from the cliff raised the body of Andrei Eremin. The fact that this is the body of the Yekaterinburg Kajer, his friends have no doubt from this moment, Andrei Paul's brother said, because Anton the artist participated in the operation on the lifting of the body and identified Andrei Eremin. About the exact cause of death Neither rescuers, nor friends of Andrei prefer not to say, while the body rescuers will not be delivered to the morgue and expertise will not be conducted there. Presumably, Kayakker fell off the cliff, which was the cause of death - such a conclusion was made by the doctors of Altai. Damage to the body is very serious, so Andrei Eremin delivered in Yekaterinburg in the closed zinc coffin. Andrei's father and his friend Anton The artist collected certificates and materials that could confirm that the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Mountain Altai conducted a search and rescue operation for a unforgivable long, and the ministry itself was not provided with equipment and does not have a flexible structure. The relatives and friends of Andrei, on the fact of the protracted rescue operation, appealed to the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Emergencies Ministry and the President of Russia V.V. Putin.

18. When lifting the pass "Plot" 04.07.07
Aleksey stories disappeared from Moscow. The search for a tourist from Moscow continues, which by the preliminary version broke out from the pass "Plot" on August 8, 2007

19. When lifting the Pass "Dome" (North-Chuy Ridge) in the Republic of Altai, 07.07.07
foured and received a crank and brain injury. Member of the tourist group from the city of Biysk Sergey Polyakov. The victim was taken to the climbing camp "Ak-Tru", where he died from the injuries. The body of the deceased was delivered to the morgue village. Kurai.
Speaking V.V.: Passing dome (1b, 3565m, snow-ice). Location: North-Chuy Ridge, Top Dome of Three Lakes. The orientation of the slopes: north-south. Connected valleys: Valley p. Aktra and Valley p. Jelly. Total time of passage: depending on the elected route from 5 to 7 hours.

20. In the mountains, the area of \u200b\u200bRed Polyana 09.08.07
There was a group of tourists from ten people, four of whom children. Presumably, tourists are located at an altitude of 2.5 thousand meters above sea level in the Malalaba River area. August 1 (nine days ago) the group came out of the Kuban Pos. Kropotkino and headed to the mountainous area. On August 9, in the morning, one of the members of the group called rescuers and said that they were lost. The stock of products that tourists took with them was designed for seven days. July 10, 2007, rescuers from the Mi-8 helicopter discovered tourists in the intended area of \u200b\u200btheir stay and delivered to Adler. August 10 at 11.00 helicopter sat in Adler, on his side 10 people, all alive and healthy. Before the campaign, tourists did not register with the rescuers who could advise tourists: what to do, if I got lost in the forest, where to go, what is how to sleep. But there was a group of labwing documents, not reported.

21. Incidents on water as of August 14, 2007
In the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Altai, a significant increase in tragic incidents with tourists are associated with increasing number of vacationers: weather conditions this season are very favorable.
In July-August 2007 years on r. Katun happened ( Speaking V.V.: Registered) 7 incidents on the water, 2 people were rescued, 6 people died (1 child) were missing for 6 people. ( Speaking V.V.: A total of 14 people were injured). In 2006, for the same period, 4 people were killed on the water. From the beginning of July 2007 on r. Katun State Schools of Gims on the Small Courts of the Republic of Altai held 14 raids and patrols. 60 violations of the requirements of the "rules of use of small-sized courts" and "rules for the protection of people's lives on water" were revealed. The 60 protocols on the administrative offense were drawn up, imposed fines in the amount of more than 30,000 rubles.

22. A tourist from Nizhny Novgorod region was killed in Mountain Altai on 24.08.07.
during the Alloy on the Chulsman River in the Ulagansky district of the Republic of Altai, a tourist died from the Nizhny Novgorod region. According to the Main Department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in Altai, the traveler fell out of Raft during the passage of the river. The body of the deceased was delivered to Gorno-Altaisk. In total, from the beginning of the year, six tourists were injured in the Altai Republic, 11 and four were missing, noted in the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

23. All Russian tourists, sliced \u200b\u200bfrom the world of elements, are saved in the Himalayas. 09/29/07
employees of the Russian Embassy in India assured that in addition to the saved other Russians there are no Himalayas. Four Russian tourists - Georgy Churakov, Sergey Kazakov, Svetlana Kazakova, Sergey Mamukhov - turned out to be blocked in the Indian part of the Himalayas due to bad weather. In addition to four Russians, seven citizens of Germany and Australian disappeared. According to Andrei Zhiltsov, the organizer of routes in Indian Himalayas four Russian tourists are located at an altitude of 5,000 meters above sea level. Four Russian tourists are saved in the Himalayas.
Information agencies reported that in the Himalayas after the snowfall, about hundreds of tourists were gone, including Russians, later it turned out that Panic was raised in vain. The Russian Embassy in India reported that four Russian trackers were stuck in the mountains - by 15.00 they were all safely evacuated. Because of the snowfall in the mountains, about hundreds of climbers disappeared, including several Russians. Several groups of tourists from Russia, Germany and Australia, as well as their Indian conductors disappeared into bad weather. After an abundant 36 hour snowfall with them, a connection was lost. Local authorities reported that the urgent rescue operation is preparing. One person died. Soon the Russian embassy in India denied the message about dozens of missing and victims: "These are non-residents. Information about the disappearance of tourists in the Himalayas does not correspond to reality. " In fact, they reported in the embassy, \u200b\u200btourists, including Russians, did not disappear, and stuck in the mountains because of the snowfall. All this time with them they supported the connection, and when a woman belonging to the group was bad, it was evacuated at the first opportunity. Four Russians: Georgy Churaev, Sergey Mokhov, as well as Family couple Sergey and Svetlana Cossacks - made a pedestrian crossing along the route Ganodry - Badrinath at altitudes 4 - 5 thousand m. Together with Russian trackers (tourists), three tourists from Germany went to the road. The group began a campaign on September 17, and on the night of September 20 to September 21, it blocked the weather in the mountains. Strong snowfall, which did not stop more than 36 hours, locked tourists in the mountains. Svetlana Cossack began mountain sickness - the woman's body could not be adapted to height. In order not to develop a brain swelling, it was necessary to immediately deliver to the hospital. Travelers who had a satellite phone were contacted by rescue services. The Russian Embassy, \u200b\u200bhaving learned about the incident, asked for assistance to the operation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Defense of India. Because of the bad weather rescuers managed to get to the place only in two days. Two army helicopters discovered tourists. They were delivered to products and medicines, and the Cossack was evacuated. She is in the hospital, and her life is out of danger. Four Russian tourists who were blocked in Indian Himalayas because of bad weather, helicopter was delivered to the nearest settlement. According to the director of the turkey, which organized a trip, Sanja Saini. "I have excellent news - all the group members are saved - four Russian tourists and four Indian conductor," he said. A group of four Russian tourists accompanied by local conductors, one of which was frostbite, made a two-day pedestrian climbing to the popular pilgrimage site - the village of Badrinath in the Indian state of Uttarakhand, where the Hindu shrine is located, the agency's source told. The weather in the climb area deteriorated three days ago, it began to snow, and the roads to Badrinath, which is located at an altitude of about three kilometers above sea level, were destroyed by landslides in several places. Russians and several other groups of tourists from different countries turned out to be cut off from the outside world in the area between the Badrindach and the nearest settlements of Joshimath, which is located below. The operation lasted two hours and ended at 3.30 local time (2.00 MSK). Svetlana, suffered from "mountain" disease and was evacuated first and placed in the hospital Joshimatha, her health threatens. Next to her are two other Russians. The fourth due to the weather was delivered by the Air Force Helicopter in Badrinath. "From there to Joshimatha and a half hours on the car, the road was already cleared, so he would soon be reunited with his comrades." A group of eight people was evacuated from a height of 4480 meters, the height of the snow cover was almost two meters there. "You can't imagine that I survived, as I prayed, so that the sky clears out, and the helicopter was able to make another flight." From Joshimatha Tourists will be sent to the Military Airfield in the village of Barieil, after which they will return home. "Some of them planned to visit the high-mountainous settlement of Kedarnath, but I will not be lucky there - too big risk," said the director of the travel agency, who at his own expense organized a rescue operation. So far, nothing is known about the fate of other foreigners - the Germans and Australians, as well as several groups of Indian tourists, who, together with their accompanying, were cut off from the outside world of Nekood. Usually, the season of traveling to the highland shrines in Indian Himalayas, which annually attract thousands of pilgrims from all over India and foreigners tourists, is completed in October, but this year the cooling has come unexpectedly and ahead of time.

24. In early October 2007
In the Garvalian Himalayas, an accident occurred with the Russian group of tourists, as a result of which two people died of diseases. On September 27, 2007, a group of Russians from 10 people, without decorated documents of route documents, was from Gonghotri in Badrinath. The passage route is a standard Trekking from Badrindha to Gongotri, a length of 92 km. The first part of the route (2/3 of the distance) is a gradual lift with a height set relative to sea level: from 3000 m to 6000 m with output to the pass. The second part of the route (1/3 of the distance), the descent from 6000 m to 3000 m. Most of the route passed, in atypping for this year of the year of snow conditions: on the trail covered with a significant layer of snow. 2 radial outputs were planned for acclimatization: at first from a height of 4000 m to 4600 m and in the middle of the route from 4500 to 5500m. The first radial yield was fulfilled, the second due to bad weather conditions and, as a result, the lag from the schedule is not. Weather conditions: At the end of September, the Garvalian Himalayas came too early cyclone, and a large number of snow fell. In the first part of the route from September 23 to 03.10, the weather was not stable, often snowed. The second part of the route passed under clear weather: in the afternoon in the sun to +25 degrees, and at night it is cold to -15 degrees. From 15.10 in the mountains again came cyclone with severe snowfall.

25. In Katun Range 10.10.07
From the top of the Mersu Glacier (Mountain Altai) rescuers evacuated the body of the victim two years ago (2005) of the tourist. The rescuers were evacuated by the body, presumably one of the members of the tourist group from the Republic of Belarus, missing at an altitude of about 4,000 meters under the top of the Eastern Beluhi in July 2005 as a result of the snow-ice collapse. Presumably, this is a citizen of Belarus Cyril Korshak, who fell under avalanche in 2005. According to ITAR-TASS in the Siberian Regional Center of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation in Krasnoyarsk, the man's body was found after the dumping avalanche and melting of ice on the White Mountain.
Recall that the tragedy occurred on July 20, 2005, when a huge mass of snow and ice fell on the huge mass of snow and ice on the slope of the mountain. Belarusian tourists at this time were preparing breakfast. Four people died, five tourists were injured. The bodies of the two dead Belorus - Alexander Prokhorov and Vladimir Belanovsky were discovered, and the bodies of the head of the group of 54-year-old George Moskalev and the 28-year-old Kirill Korshak found it, and failed. Mount Belukha, where the tragedy happened, - the highest point of Siberia (4506 meters above sea level). On the slopes of the array of Beluhi and in the valleys, 169 glaciers with a total area of \u200b\u200b150 square kilometers are known. The case with the Belarusian group, which occurred in July 2005, is far from the first to a number of unfortunate incidents. For example, in 2002, four Russian travelers were killed in 2002, and on July 20, 2004 (day a day with the "Belarusian" tragedy), when climbing Belukha, a 33-year-old mountaineer from Bryansk was killed. Local rescuers for several dozen times a year fall on a helicopter to help out in emergency situations of the convictions of mountain peaks here. Locals believe that on top of Beluhi is a country of spirits. It is said that everyone who wants to get to her intimate secret, the mountain drops off.

26. At about 17 hours 10.24.07 (local time)
On the Yurunkash River in China as a result of the coup of two catamarans: the head of the expedition is a Honored Master of Sports, the seven-time champion of Russia Cherkik Sergey Ivanovich and his son Two-time champion of Russia Chernik Ivan Sergeevich. On 10.27.07, about 17 hours (local time) when attempting to exit from the area of \u200b\u200bthe remaining members of the Sergey Blueberk team on the Yurunkash River in China, as a result of the catamaran's coup, Vladimir Borisovich's double champion and disappeared by Tishchenko Dmitry Ivanovich. Details of accidents and their parsing are given in this collection.

27. In the autumn of 2007 near the meteorological station of the Ioli, in the Soviet-Havan district of the Khabarovsk Territory
at night, during drinking alcohol, a quarrel arose between the tourists and a hunter from the village of Copies. Drunk hunter opened an erratic shooting from a gun on a siping in a tent. Three tourists received severe injured, as a result of which one of them died. The 51-year-old hunter was detained by local residents and locked in winter, not far from the meteorological station, so that he does not draw nonsense. In the morning it was found dead. The hunter hanged himself before the arrival of investigators in the winter. One of the tourists who received gunshot wounds died at the scene, two more were hospitalized. In the fact of the attack on the Khabarovsk tourists, a criminal case was initiated ("Murder and an attempt to kill two or more persons").

28. Rescuers Gorno-Altaisk on October 25, 2007
We started searching for a twenty-year-old resident of St. Petersburg, the loss of which was alarming the mother's mother. She reported militiamen that on October 2, her daughter went hiking in the mountains from Gorno-Altaisk. Since then there are no news about it. Mobile phone tourist does not respond.
(Speaking V.V.: This is the very case when it really needs to register in the Ministry of Emergency Situations, unless they did the route documents, then at least let's notify the writing of your route and the control deadlines to choose from: rescuers, relatives and (or) to close friends. It is most likely that the girl went into the mountains with a "wild" group or with a "wild conductor". A large group simply without missing maybe, since there are relatives, friends, there must be a checkline and route. Since the statements about the disappearance of other tourists did not come, it is most likely that there were no groups, as such, and the girl just left the house. The safety recommendations set out above are basic from the International Traveler Code. And the Ministry of Emergency Situations can be advised only one thing: it is not necessary to drive everyone under registration, you just need to understand who, first of all, is interested in security and control over the movement of "its groups and participants". And this is not the Ministry of Emergency Situations, but organizations whose groups go on routes, including the ICR, travel agencies and federations. They know the routes and the control deadlines of their groups well and control them, interact with rescuers if there is a need, but in total registration and control, as well as in the recommendations from the Ministry of Emergency Situations do not need. Here it is necessary to clearly divide the authority. If the rescuers are a public service, then their work for which they receive money, salvation, and not storage of papers, and salvation at any time and anywhere in an alarming challenge, and not in advance developed plans. Calculate how many routes on average one travel agency, multiply by the number of travel agencies and on the number of races and get not real to register and control the number. At the same time, "wild" groups and "wild" conductors are not a little, rightly they need to be engaged).

29. There was the first tragedy of the mountaineering in the New Year holidays 02.01.08 in the Mountain Altai.
Aktra's gorge (Kosh-Agachsky district) died as a group of climbers from consisting of 3 people, a candidate for sports masters on mountaineering Mikhail Nedoopepo, who fell into a crack on the glacier Small Aktra, to a depth of about 15 meters. Climbers walked without organizing simultaneous insurance. The body of the deceased was removed by the rescuers and delivered to the Alupinist camp "Ak-Tru", where representatives of the Novosibirsk region were transferred.

30. Reported from 07.01.08, that from 02 to 12 January in the Aktra gorge
Rescuers' forces are held to ensure the safety of training fees of climbers from two regions of Siberia. The number of participants is 40 people, half - from the Tomsk region, the other from the Kemerovo region. On January 7, one of the participants in the fees after the fall was injured by the knee joint. Rescuers sent climbers in the village. Aktash, where he was provided with medical care. The state of the victim is satisfactory, and he returned to the base in Aktra

31. On the descent of the Nizhny Novgorod Group,
Consisting of 5 people in the cave "Altai-geodesic" 07.01.08 was broken down by a tourist from Nizhny Novgorod Arkady Karezsevich and received a shoulder injury. The tourists could not be affected independently of the cave from the cave, as it is at a depth of 240 m. PP report in the area of \u200b\u200bPosp. The Basargino of the Altai district went on January 7 from the descent participants. On the same day, the first rescue group arrived at the place, which descended to the victim and conducted exploration. After arriving, the second group of rescuers in the morning of January 9 began operations to transport the victim to the surface. For this, it was necessary to hang about 300 meters of safety railing. By evening, the rescuers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in the Altai Territory successfully completed the work on the transportation of Arkady Karezarevich from the cave. The second tourist from this Nizhny Novgorod Group Usanov A.S. Born in 1977 received in the mountains of frostbite 2 - 3 degrees of the right and left stop when following in the cave of 4 January. Both tourists were hospitalized on January 10 to the Central District Hospital of the Altai District, which is 30 km from the scene. Whether a group of route documents were decorated, not reported.

32. On the North River on July 5, 2006 killed 3 Moscow tourists.
All possible make rescuers to search for Moscow tourists who have missing last week with alloy on the North River in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The work of the rescuers is expanded, it covers the large territory of Turukhansky district. In Igarka, on the shore of Yenisei, a monitoring and supervisory post was put up, on which rescuers duty. They track the flow of the river. At this point, a network will be delivered to Yenisei if only the flow of water will allow it to do. According to the Ministry of Emergency Situations, 28 people and seven units of equipment are involved (Mi-8 helicopter, two airbag vessels, four plaques).
Five tourists from Moscow, renting a helicopter, arrived on July 5 on the North River, located 119 kilometers from Turukhansk, and started alloy on two catamarans. In the afternoon, on the thresholds of the river, both catamaran turned over. The search for tourists began on July 6th. On the same day, 12 kilometers above the mouth of the river, the influx of the North River, two of the five tourists were saved. Later, July 11, the body of another tourist was found in Turukhansky district. There remains an unknown fate of two more people. The North River is the definite River IV - V category of complexity, on which only specialists of the highest category are allowed to be melted. Unaccompanied, without rescuers, without personnel professionals there is impossible to work. Even rescuers say: Places are wild, Taiga's circle, to the nearest settlement more than 100 kilometers. And it is now that the northern rivers are the fastest. We could not know about the disappearance of tourists, since tourists bypass the safety regulations were not registered in the local Emergency Situations - the rescue service. We learned about the loss of tourists from the pilots of the local airline, which from the air noticed inverted catamarans. According to EMERCOM employees, accidents among lovers of extreme sports occur mainly from carelessness. People overestimate their capabilities neglecting security rules. It happens, dying and highly qualified professionals die - the element is element, but most are still on their own frightness. "The whole trouble is that the mass of people, and especially newcomers, is not registered in the search and rescue formation, and therefore, they do not have the ability to communicate with the passage of control points and on the route," says Evgeny Borschakov, head of the search and rescue department and saving people to the sea and water bodies. Another problem, specialists consider the fact that Russian extreme sports lovers suffer from the so-called advanced amateur syndrome. This was stated by an experienced dive instructor, director of the Diving Center Ok Club Sergey Reloblin, speaking at the "round table" on the problem of tourism security. "After five dives, it seems to them that they are real pros. They neglect the minimal safety technique, dive without special preparation and necessary equipment, and even use the services of illegal diving centers, "said Ogloblin. "Advanced amateur syndrome" is characteristic not only for divers, but also for lovers of other extreme types of recreation. "With such a dangerous mentality of tourists in Russia, there is no clear scheme for training guide instructors, the industry is full of amateurs, said Vladimir Dubinin, director of the Mountain Ski Department of the Rosa Vozpin. - Certification on a commercial basis is not too lazy. Moreover, in the Russian Federation there is perhaps a single insurance company that could provide tourists to extremes professional insurance. " Experts believe that in order to prevent accidents, it is necessary to introduce financial and criminal prosecution for non-compliance with extremals of security measures and unjustified risk. It should be noted that this practice already exists in a number of European countries, for example in France. Another of the real ways to solve this problem is the insurance of tourists. The costs of the work of physicians and rescuers, by the experience of other countries, are paid precisely insurance companies.

One of the biggest nonsense in the tasks set us was works on Belukha (the highest point of Altai, 4.506 m). When we came to her, the snow lay, starting from one and a half thousand. Larisa sent the Radiogram to Biysk, with a request to cancel work due to a large layer of snow, avalanchestone, etc.

We were reminded of our debt to the homeland. Larisa did everything correctly: she tried to mitigate their responsibility for accidents she foresee. Fate ordered so that everything went with us. Other people died.

At the heights of more than three thousand layer of snow exceeded 1.5 meters. Below we coped somewhere in a week, the truth was transferred to us for more people from another detachment. I had to dig in the snow Schurf to get to the soil and take the metallometry, and the diabetes of the radiometer was desirable to bring closer to the soil.

When we approached one and a half thousand, we were allowed to fire the grid, but continued to require shooting to the top of the vertex.

Two stationary camps were organized: one at the snow edge at one and a half thousand, and the second on three. From one camp to another, a trail of the width of the order of one meter was broken so that it could pass the horse under the brother. The path of the loop from the lower camp to the top, and at the height of the upper camp walked horizontally. The length of this "shelf" was meters150-200. The radio was in the upper and in the lower camp.

Every morning, at sunrise, I shipped everything that the guys needed in the upper camp (there were eight of the strongest and experienced men) and went to the top. Late in the evening I descended down the samples. It was necessary to pass the snow (especially the shelf) while he was fatal.

Several days have passed and in the first half of the day a group of mountain tourists from Novosibirsk came to the lower camp. There were eight people: five men and three girls. The camp they smashed aside from our. According to their route map, they had to climb the top of Beluhi. I was not present at the meeting, because Was in the upper camp, but Natasha then told me that the guys explained the whole danger of the route and offered to wait for me and go to the top camp together. I repeat, I knew nothing about tourists. Somewhere about four o'clock in the afternoon, we, in the upper camp, heard avalanche noise, but did not give it meanings: avalanches came out often. At the beginning of the eighth, I moved home. I got to the "shelves" - no "shelves": demolished avalanche. I returned to the camp and say Brehov: "Come on the connection, you need to dig a regiment in the morning - demolished!" Volodya caused Larisa, and she asks: "Do you have tourists?" "What tourists?" Larisa told. And we, and they rushed to the "shelf." We got in 15 minutes, and the bottom was almost an hour. Started screaming. Someone responds, but very quiet, and twilight is already. Hard to see. What is the pocket lanterns of the 1960s of the publication know only those who then lived. From them light, as from the candle - the tent is lit.

Why no one else died that night? Fools of heaven are stored ... in avalanche (or rather, everything was climbed into her frozen track). Brekhov insisted that each tied to the belt three-meter dials, in case the avalanche begins again and someone will falling out. Started from the shelf and went down. No probe, there is no light ... After about an hour, meters in three hundreds below the shelf, we found two. Alive and not very broken. Guy and girl. Found only because they lay almost not covered. They descended the guys to the lower camp, and then Larisa demanded that everyone went to bed - in the morning to look for, and no strength.

Somehow managed to contact Kosh Aguich, and we were promised in the morning a helicopter with rescuers and equipment.

We went out on the slope still. A couple of horses with axes sent to the nearest forest, chop sticks - probe. When a helicopter arrived at about eleven hours, I already left the slope. Snow "let go", and avalanche could start moving again. In the morning we found three, or rather two live men and the body of one girl. Already five. Where else is three? Passed more than a day, as they were flooded. Hope to find alive melted.

Rescuers arrived two. The men brought a dozen factory probe, two stretcher, cheerbags and painful. One rescuer was also a paramedic.

We wanted to take out two of the most difficult (more Mi-2 did not take), but the helicopter did not manage to take off. The pilot is worn: "My engine must go to the overhaul, and they sent!" In short, the second helicopter flew out of Kosh-Agacha, both efforts took place both and were taken out of four living things, and we started searching for the three remaining.

We found another male body, Feldsher said that the guy did not wait for us and died from supercooling. Two never found. I heard that in a year one body was pulled out, and one thing remained under the snow. On Belukha there is not one.

Alive told that their deceased manager did not wait for a decline in temperature and led them in the snowfoot day. Everything went well, but when they passed on the shelf, the last girl, the snowball rushed in the first leader. He turned sharply and hit the backpack into the snow slope, after which the snow was "drove."

This is: Durb of the leader (candidate for sports masters in mountain tourism), one playful snowball - and four corpses, and four cripples!

Located in Altai, on the border with Kazakhstan, Mount Beluha (4509 m) is one of the most famous vertices in Russia. The Akkem Gorge, from which most mountaineers begins, is popular with tourists because of the unique nature, wonderful species, and the associated legends.

The classic lifting path to the top is classified as 3a. The routes of this category require some technical skills, which, with a big desire, can really master in 1-2 days of classes. From the Russian side, Beluhi's slopes have a northern exposition - therefore, here you need to have good physical training and be prepared for the fact that even the summer will have to work at temperatures before -15. This Beluha is very different from four thousandths in the Caucasus and in Asia - the climate here is much more severe.

When choosing an equipment to climb on Belukha, you need to remember that the roads ends with a kilometers 50 to the base camp. It turns out that the equipment should approach both for long-term transitions in the rain (in Altai, heavy rains for several days are not at all uncommon) and for hurricane winds and in winter strong frosts. And in the backpack you will have to fit the products, special and wretched gear. Honestly, the task is not from the lungs.

The peculiarity of the climbing on Belukha is that all this event looks more like a tourist campaign, rather than on ordinary climbing fees. Here you will not return with short exits in the stationary camp. Almost every day begins with fees, laying all the equipment in the backpack. This moment also needs to be considered when choosing equipment.

Behind Belukha go in winter and summer. And this is a completely different mountain. Equipment does not differ much. The following list is designed for summer climbing. In winter, accordingly, a sleeping bag is warm, winter carpet, double climbing boots, and in sneakers you, of course, do not come down. If you are going to Belukha in winter, to the list below special equipment, it is worth making some amendments. We specifically noted those elements of equipment that differ from the summer set.

Clothes, Shoes, Protective Equipment

It is advisable to take two sets:

    Slim heat underwear from Polartec Power Dry tissue for approach. In case of hot weather, you can also have a T-shirt.

    Dense thermal underwear from Polartec Power Stretch type material - for climbing and, perhaps, for a very bad weather approach

Breeches or Pants of Light Fabric

Need to approach. Another option - wear shorts over a thin thermal power

Pants and sweaters from a thin fleece

Fleece acts as a basic insulation layer

Membrane jacket and pants

As written above, it rains in those parts are not uncommon. Gore-Tex-based clothing about the most wear-resistant and impenetrable.

Light row or jacket with synthetic insulation

If you already have a good powder, it is quite possible to do, and do not buy analogue on a synthetic insulation. However, keep in mind, the row can get into the approach in a few days. So that this does not happen, the row should be kept in a high-quality handmade and not put it in bad weather without a membrane jacket, before entering the glacier.


Two or three pairs (set) sock. Choose specialized model for trekking above the boot of the boot.

Buff (buff)

In case of strong wind or sun burn. You can use Balaklava, but most of the ascent will be too hot.


With high protection factor

The road to the foot of Belukha passes through the forest path, with a very difficult relief. Refusing a full-fledged spare shoe, you can easily lose the chance of climbing. Firstly, in case of bad weather, climbing boots can get rid, and they will be very cold on the glacier. Secondly, even with good weather, mountain boots always rub corn, even in conventional climbing fees. Here you have to, barely coming out of the bus, make many hours of transitions every day.

Both of these problems can solve light trekking boots or sneakers. The main requirement for such shoes is the presence of a rigid sole, with a tread suitable for movement under a backpack, on complex relief. Trekking sneakers are usually lighter and more comfortable, but if you have problems with ankle, it is better to use lungs or even medium trekking boots.

Alpine boots

For the glacier on Belukha, classic climbing two-wing boots will be suitable. For example, Scarpa Ortles GTX, Zamberlan 2090 Mountain Pro GTX, ASOLO ACONCAGUA GV.

If the shoes are not new, before departure, they must be treated with impregnation that gives moisture-repellent properties.

(with stock)

When climbing, Belukha has to work in very different weather conditions. Modern multi-layer gloves with membranes can remain dry after the day of work on the glacier. However, even a bit of done gloves dramatically lose moisture protection properties; They are hot and inconvenient to work at the positive temperature. In addition, it is impossible to exclude the possibility of loss of gloves - in such a situation, the importance of a spare pair will be difficult to overestimate.

For the climbing on Beluhu, it is advisable to have one pair of multi-layer gloves with a membrane (Arcteryx Zenta Ar or Rab Guide) and a pair of light gloves from windproof material, such as Marmot Evolution.

In addition, in the days of the approach, it will not be superfluous to have a couple of protective gloves, like Camp Axion Light, BD Crag Glove, or more comfortable Phenix Trekking 2 BK.

They are lanterns.

Personal special equipment

Minimum 60 liters. Before choosing a backpack, it is worth clarifying the conditions of the abandon. Some firms offer to throw most of the cargo to the lake Akkem (2-3 walks) on horseback. In this case, the Baul is best to have 70-100 liters, and the usual assault backpack is 40-50 liters. The backpack will be needed for carrying things necessary for overnight during the abandonment and, of course, during the climb.

If a slack is planned without horses, then the universal backpack can be recommended, which will be used for the abandon, and for climbing. It must have a volume of at least 65 liters, with a small one's own weight. Very by the way there will be a well-thought-out suspension system. This volume can significantly speed up the daily camps. In addition, practice shows that when height from 180 cm, this backpack can be used even on technical ascents. Although, of course, the backpack is less suitable for the peak assault.

Mustache Samostrakhovki

If you work with your ropes, it is better to "basket" (BD ATC-GUIDE). To work with old rigid ropes that can hang guides, it is better to have the usual "eight".

Cats with antipodlips *

The presence of antiprodlip on the extended summer snow-ice route is required! For the climbing on Belukha, there will be quite lightweight aluminum cats, like GRIVEL Air Tech, or more wear-resistant GRIVEL G10.

* For winter it is worth choosing a more technical model - for example, Petzl Vasak.

Ice ax *

Optimally to take a light ice ax, such as CAMP CORSA.

* On winter ice, lightweight ice axes can be a real curse. With them, even the cabin of ice for cooking can occupy more time. Therefore, it is worth having something more intense - the classic models of the ice axes will be just right. (GRIVEL NEPAL SA).


Preferably lightweight model, for example, Petzl Meteor helmet.


The strapping also makes sense to take a lightweight. Light, but fully adjustable gazebo Petzl Aquila.


The optimal set of carbines for climbing Belukha:

  • CAMP HMS Compact. HMS Carabiner - specifically to work with trigger.
  • Kong Ergo Screw-Lock. Need 2 pieces. Excellent carabiner for the mustache of self-insurance - light, but with a large stroke of the latch, provides a good opening of the carbine.
  • Kong Heavy Duty Screw Lock. In order to be used in a bunch directly, without the use of special techniques, it makes sense to use durable carbine, withstanding the load of at least 10 kN. In any circumstances.
  • Black Diamond Ice Clipper. Auxiliary carabiner for raising ice equipment. For the beluga there will be enough one thing. The leader can have two.

Personal Equipment for Bivak and Trekking

Tourist mat

Take care that there will be overnight stays in the snow. The self-adhesive rug is compacting the foam and provides better thermal insulation, but it must be transported inside the backpack and take care of punctures.

Sleeping bag

Extreme -20. For climbing Belukha, it is best to have a sleeping bag of high-quality synthetic material. The climate there is quite wet, while every day you need to pack a sleeping bag in a backpack and he does not have time to dry. And whether the executives of the event will make a rest day before entering the glacier and climbing - a big question. For this reason, a fluff-out sleeping bag here is a very risky option.


Carry it for a long time, so it is better to choose the easiest four-season tent.


The optimal volume is 0.7-1 liters.

Head Torch

The group should have at least one powerful flashlight for night orientation, for example, Petzl XP, BD Storm or even better BD icon. The rest of the participants can do with lanterns easier (Petzl Tikka + or BD Cosmo)

Trekking sticks

Need a sufficiently durable model with a slight weight. Compactness in the assembled form is not as relevant. It is quite suitable for the time-tested model Black Diamond Trail. It is very desirable to have enlarged rings with you so that the sticks do not fall into the snow - otherwise they can be very quickly broken.

Almost three days needed rescuers to get to the Kemerovo tourists who were blocked in Belukhi glaciers on the border zone. Participants of the rescue operation told why the help had to wait for so long as climbers survived without a tent, as they welcomed their rescuers and why they did not return to civilization in the end.

Last Friday, weather forecasters distributed a storm warning for mountain altai, and on Saturday the weather spoiled sharply. On Sunday, August 12, from the Ust-Koksinsky district, where Belukha is located, the rescuers received the SOS signal.

Four Kemerovo came to contact on satellite telephone and told that 4.1 thousand meters were blocked at an altitude. The strongest wind broke their tent and burned out the equipment that could help them go down at least to the Lake Akkem, where the seasonal rescue post is located.

To get to them from the post on foot rescuers would have to have about three days, the situation was complicated by bad weather - it was raining here, turning into the snow, blew a strong wind. It was decided to send a helicopter for the mountaineers, which on Monday arrived in the Altai Republic from Kemerov and waited for a few days on departure. From the airport of Gorno-Altaisk, the aircraft flew only at 16.00 Tuesday, but after three hours of tourists filmed from Beluhi.

The most complex route

Tourists turned out to be no longer young and fairly experienced climbers, the most young of them are 48 years old, the oldest one - 53 years. They overcame one of the most complicated ice-rock routes - categories 5a, while the most difficult category 6b is considered. Rescuers are not gods: how to go back alive with Altai

Men planned traverse (passing two or more vertices, and the descent from the previous vertex should be held in the direction of the subsequent) of the three vertices and should have climbed to Western, Eastern peaks and the peak of the Crown of the White Mountain.

"Four tourists were sitting on Western Plateau. There was a lot of cloudy, pilots worked coolly. At first they flew above the clouds, then dived into the so-called window, and managed to get to a disaster. They flew on the helicopter, they took them, descended to the Akkem Lake, to our rescue base, "said the rescuer of 1 class of the Altai search and rescue squad Yuri Schwartz.

Welcome - Welcome

According to one of the pilots, the head of the Aviation Department of the Siberian Regional Center of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, Sergey Zubova, the operation was regularly, but the cloudiness interfered with the work, which kept around the mountain peaks. But the wind, which caused the CP, was normal.

"The clouds were around the whole mountain, including on the landing site. Having exceeded and excess - the height of four thousand one hundred meters. It was a platform covered with fresh snow. When landed, a cloud was formed, I had to be very clearly withstanding the place, but I managed to sit very close to tourists, "said the pilot - the only pilot in the Krasnoyarsk Aviation and Rescue Center, which has tolerance of flights to large heights.

The pilot explained that the heights of more than three thousand meters are considered complex, the car becomes an inert, unmanaged and, as a rule, there is no place for landing. And this time it was not possible to fully plant a car for loading people. In the mountains, two days went snow, it was poured more than a meter, it was slippery. In touch mode, the crew held a helicopter until the tourists plunged their belongings and rose on board themselves. The rescuer assistance was practically not required, clarifies the Siberian Regional Center for EMERCOM of Russia.

According to the Zubov, the preparation for the operation was not long - there was long waiting for the departure permission: "We waited a long time for the weather, the Beluha Mountain was closed for two days, the window appeared today, and we managed to do everything in 3.5 hours."

Falling to the mountain, the rescuers were looking for climbers no more than 15 minutes. Because of the cloudiness, the vertex had to fly in a circle, tourists noticed on one side. With a rescue post, a man from Sundays came into touch every three hours, and therefore they already knew what they were flying. To the arrival of the board, they wrapped out on the snow feet Welcome - Welcome.

Refuge in the snow and gas burner

All this time, tourists were located at an altitude of 4.1 thousand meters above sea level. They had warm things, the stock of products and a gas burner, on which they melt snow.

"Since they broke them the tent, they buried in the snow, made the cave with the help of her residues and lived in this place. They had food, but gas ended - only half of the cylinder remained. If today we could not remove them, I would have to do without hot, "Schwartz rescuer said.

He added that tourists were physically weakened, they had to spend their strength and heated their asylum, also ended the food. The temperature at this height was zero to five degrees of Claus, at night, lowered to minus 12. However, frostbite, according to the rescuer, did not threaten. Medical assistance in the end did not need any of them.

Often, tourists go to complex routes, without having calculated their forces, often allow some errors that can cost a person life. However, here, according to Schwarz, the intention of circumstances played a major role.

"In bad weather, everyone can get, regardless of whether he prepared by a tourist or a beginner. Of course, they had to be tight. It is good that everything ended well, "the interlocutor concluded.


Back to Gorno-Altaisk rescue vessel returned to the tourists, they stayed on the seasonal rescue post from Lake Akkem. The fact is that the border of Russia and Kazakhstan passes through an array of Beluhi. According to the representative of the power structures of the region, the tourists went to the cross-border zone without special pass. And on the seasonal rescue post at the foot of Belukha, border guards were already waiting for them.

"At the entrance to the Ust-Koksinsky district at the post of border control, they informed border guards that they were sent to Tomsk parking, but they themselves went much higher, where the five-kilometer border zone is located. They were worth not to mislead the employees of the customs post, but simply make a pass, "the source said.

Now the climbers threaten administrative proceedings and fine. However, they fell into trouble and remained alive, and this is already a great luck. Just a week ago, with the top of the Aktra, two climbers from Novosibirsk and the Kemerovo region were broken on the North Chuji ridge, the resident of Kuzbass could not survive.

And three years ago, in August 2015, when climbed into a small actor, four experienced climbers from Tomsk died on the Middle Degree route. They ignored the warning about the deterioration of the weather and frozen to death on the slope after it went raining and very cold. The help was not able to come on time because of the bad weather and the coming darkness.

Photo: © MES on ra