The highest point in the world is located. The highest mountain in the world: where the top is located

High mountains in the world are among the most majestic and beautiful things that can be blessed enough to witness in their lives. All of them are located in Asia, and everyone will reach the height of more than 8,000 meters above sea level.

Here is a list of the top 10 highest mountains in the world.

The highest peak of the Mother - Earth is Everest. His peak ascended over the sea line at a height of 8.848 km. This mountain belongs to the Himalayan ridge and comes into contact with China, Nepal, Tibet and Sagarmatha.

The top of the mountain has long been chosen by the climbers, and even laid completely safe lifting paths available even to novice conquerors of the mountains.

2nd place

Pakistani Karakorum K2. With the peak of which I saw Tajikistan, Pakistan, China, not safe for climbing, its 8.611 kilometer vertex was not possible to conquer everything, many remained there forever.

3rd place

The peak of five treasures of God, consisting of precious stones, gold, silver, sacred books and grains, is named third top Kanchenjanga . Five peaks of the Mountain are visible from India and Nepal in the Great Himalaya.

4th place

Lhotse The southern peak of Tibetan Mountains from Everest rises above the sea line at an altitude of 8.516 km - the main vertex, and two, nearby, are towering at altitudes of 8.414 km and 8.383 km, respectively. This majestic mountain array is located between Nepal and Tibet.

5th place

Makalu , Fifth of the highest peaks, 8.481 meters (27.825 feet) and is in southeast of Peak Everest on the border between the two countries, China and Nepal. One of the eighties, Makalu is an isolated peak, his shape is a four-sided pyramid.

6th place

Cho-Oyu , 8201 meter vertex over the sea line, named "turquoise goddess" translated from Tibetan. Mountain is the main Western peak of Khumbu subdivision of Himalayas, is located eastern Mountain Everest, between Tibet and Nepal.

Dhaulaagiri. It is the seventh in the height of the mountain in the world, which reaches 8.167 m at a peak point. It is located north of the central part of Nepal. His name means "White Mountain". This mountain, along with Annapurna, is more dramatic than most other mountains, in terms of injury and death of people. This is an amazing spectacle when a few peak visually converge together, and one of the main reasons why, for thirty years, it was believed that the Dhaulagiri is the highest mountain in the world.

8th place

Manaslo - The eighth high mountain in the world, and is in Mansiri-Himalayas, in the West central part of Nepal. "Mount of Spirit", the name comes from the word Manas, meaning "intelligence" or "soul", call its locals. This vertex was officially conquered by May 1956 by the Japanese Toshio Imanishi and Galzen Narbu.

9th place

Nang Parbat whose peak is at an altitude of 8126 m, translates as "Naked Mountain", is known more than the "Mount Killer". This title was assigned a vertex due to the complexity and danger of lifting. This mountain is a majestic peak, which towers over the surroundings of Pakistan.

The majestic series of the peaks of Himalayas in the north-central part of Nepal called Annapurna, the highest of which is called Annapurna I, is the tenth Samoa high mountain in the world. It is located in the central part of Nepal and rushed at back at 8091 meters. His peaks are among the most dangerous even for professional climbers. The mortality rate here is about 40%.

05/08/2015 at 15:50 · Johnny. · 161 870

Top 10 The highest mountains in the world

There are fourteen mountain peaks on Earth, having a height of more than eight thousand meters. All these vertices are located in Central Asia. But the majority highest mountain vertices Are in the Himalayas. They are also called the "roof of the world." Climbing such mountains is a very dangerous occupation. Until the middle of the last century it was believed that the mountains are above eight thousand meters are inaccessible to humans. We made up a rating of ten, where they entered the highest mountains in the world.

10. Annapurna | 8091 M.

This top opens up dozen the highest mountains of our planet. Annapurna is very famous and known, this is the first Himalayan eight-year-old, who was conquered by people. For the first time on her vertex, people were asked back in 1950. Annapurna is located on the territory of Nepal, the height of its vertices is 8091 meters. Mountain has whole nine vertices, on one of which (Machapuchar), has not yet stepped up the human leg. Local residents consider this vertex to the sacred habitat of God Shiva. Therefore, the ascent on it is prohibited. The highest of nine vertices is called Annapurna 1. Annapurna is very dangerous, climbing her top took the lives of many experienced climbers.

9. Nanga Parbat | 8125 M.

This mountain is ninth in height on our planet. It is located on the territory of Pakistan and has a height of 8125 meters. The second name of the Nang Parbata is Diamir, which is translated as "Mount of Gods". For the first time to conquer it only in 1953. There were six unsuccessful attempts to climb the top. A lot of climbers died when trying to climb this mountain peak. In terms of mortality among climbers, it occupies a sorrowful third place after K-2 and Everest. This mountain is also called the "killer".

8. Manasl | 8156 M.

This eight-tier takes eighth place in our list. the highest mountains in the world. It is also located on the territory of Nepal and is part of the Monsiri-Gimal Mountain Ridge. The height of the vertex is 8156 meters. The top of the mountain and the surrounding terrain is very picturesque. For the first time it was conquered in 1956 by the Japanese expedition. Tourists love to be here. But to conquer the vertices, great experience is needed and excellent preparation. When you try to climb on Manaslo, 53 mountaineers were killed.

7. Dhaulaagiri | 8167 M.

Mountain peak, which is located in the Nepalese part of the Himalayas. Its height is 8167 meters. The name of the mountain is translated from the local language as "White Mountain". Almost all of it is covered with snow and glaciers. Dhaulagiri is very difficult to climb. She was able to conquer in 1960. The climbing on this top took the life of 58 experienced (others in Himalayas) of climbers.

6. Cho-Oyu | 8201 M.

Another Himalayan eight-litter, which is located on the border of Nepal and the PRC. The height of this vertex is 8201 meters. It is considered not too difficult to climb, but despite this, she has already taken the lives of 39 climbers and ranks the sixth place of our list of the highest mountains on our planet.

5. Macalu | 8485 M.

The fifth in height of the mountain in the world is Macaal, the second name of this vertex is a black giant. It is also located in the Himalayas, on the border of Nepal and the PRC and has a height of 8485 meters. Located in nineteen kilometers from Everest. This mountain is incredibly difficult for climbing, its slopes have a very large steepness. Only a third of the expeditions that have a goal to climb to her top, achieve success. During the ascents, 26 climbers were killed on this top.

4. Lhotz | 8516 M.

Another mountain in the Himalayas and having a height of more than eight kilometers. Lhotse is located on the border between China and Nepal. Its height is 8516 meters. It is at a distance of three kilometers from Everest. For the first time to conquer this mountain could only in 1956. Lhotse has three vertices, each of them has a height above eight kilometers. This mountain is considered one of the highest, dangerous and complex peaks to climb.

3. Kanchenjang | 8585 M.

This mountain peak is also in Himalayas, between India and Nepal. This is a third highest mountain peak in the world: the height of the vertex is 8585 meters. The mountain is very beautiful, it consists of five vertices. The first ascent on it took place in 1954. The conquest of this vertex was worth the life of forty climbers.

2. Choiri (K-2) | 8614 M.

Choir is the second height of the mountain in the world. Its height is 8614 meters. Located K-2 in the Himalayas, on the border of the PRC and Pakistan. Chochori consider one of the most complex mountain peaks to climb, to conquer it only in 1954. Of the 249 climbers who visited her top, 60 people died. This mountain peak is very picturesque.

1. Everest (Jomolungma) | 8848 M.

This mountain peak is in Nepal. Its height is 8848 meters. Everest is the highest mountain peak Himalayas and our entire planet. Everest is part of the Mahalangur Himal Mountain Ridge. This mountain has two peaks: northern (8848 meters) and southern (8760 meters). Mount is amazingly beautiful: it has the shape of an almost perfect trigger pyramid. Jomolungma was conquered only in 1953. During attempts to climb Everest, 210 climbers died. Nowadays, the climbing on the main route no longer represents special problems, however, at a high height of the bolt, there is a lack of oxygen (there is almost no fire), squall wind and low temperature (below sixty degrees). To conquer Everest, you need to spend at least $ 8,000.

The highest mountain in the world: video

The conquest of all the highest mountain peaks of the planet is a very dangerous and complex process, it takes a huge amount of time and requires a lot of money. Currently, it was possible to make only 30 climbers - they managed to climb all fourteen vertices, with a height of more than eight kilometers. There are three women among these brave points.

Why do people rise to the mountains, risk their lives? This question is rhetorical. Probably to prove the fact that a person is stronger than the blind natural element. Well, in the form of a bonus, the conquerors of the vertices get the spectacles of unprecedented on the beauty of the landscapes.

What else to see:

In the topography of the vertex call the point on the surface of the Earth, which has highest height above sea level. Most often, this concept is applied to a certain grief or mountain range.

To date, there are fourteen peaks in the world, the height of which exceeds 8 thousand meters, and ten of them are located in the Himalayas. Climbers say it's hard to find a more secluded place on the ground than the mountain peak.

What is the highest mountain in the world?

This question can not give an unequivocal answer. If you count the height of the peak above sea level, then the highest mountain of the planet is Jomolungma (Everest). And if you count the height from the foot to the top, then the highest mountain is the Mauna-Kea volcano.

In this article, let's talk about the highest mountains, which were even recently considered inaccessible. But today the highest points and the biggest mountains are conquered, and some and more than once, brave and courageous climbers.

The highest mountains of our planet:


Mauna Kea (4207 m. Over the sea level)

Mauna-Kea, spreading at the Hawaiian Islands rightly wears the title of the biggest mountain of the world.

The extinct volcano is located in Pacific Oceanand 6 thousand meters are immersed in sea depths. A person can contemplate the overtaking part, flowing into the heaven at a height of 4,205 meters above the water surface. Thus, the height of this volcano from the foot to the top is 10,200 meters, which is the biggest mountain height on the ground.

The biggest mountain of the world, according to experts, formed about a million years ago. "White Mountain", as the name of this giant is translated from the Hawaiian language, it is considered sacred and only the leaders of the tribe can visit it.

Naturally, with such dimensions of Mauna Kea enters our list of the most planets.

Gasherbruum (8080)

Let's start with the mountain under the limits of the Himalayas in the Karakorum mountain system. The height of this peak is 8080 meters.

The first ascent to Hidden Peak was made by American climbers in 1958. Two attempts taken before that were completed.

According to eyewitnesses, there are excellent landscapes, covered by snow-white snow.

Annapurna (8091)

This high peak in Asia has become the first eight-year-old in the world who has conquered a person. In 1950, French climbers rose to Annapurn, the height of which is 8091 meters.

The name of the mountain range stretching by 55 kilometers is translated from the long-forgotten Sanskrit "Goddess of fertility".

Climbing 9 vertices, of which this mountain range consists, is a lot of dangers in themselves. For one of them, Machapuchar, because of the religious "taboo", not a single planet was raised.

Nanga Parbat (8125)

The highest point is the mountain of Nanga Parbat, is part of the array, which is located in the north-west of Himalayas. The peak is located at an altitude of 8125 meters above sea level.

Europeans learned about the unusual mountain range at the end of the XIX century, but the first successful ascent took place in 1953. The peak is included in the top three of the most dangerous eight-thousandths of the world.

After many unsuccessful climbing, this mountain is called the "killer". But on local adverbs she has not so terrible, but rather, the romantic names are "Naked Mountain", "Mount of Gods".

Manasla (8156)

This mountain peak in the Himalayas, 8156 meters high, is also called Kutang. But "Manaslow" from Sanskrit is translated as "Mount of Spirits".

The mountain range has three vertices that are part of the National Park. For tourists and travelers on the slopes Manaslo, a hiking route was laid. Overcoming it in 14 days, it is possible to rise to a height of 5,200 meters, with which the beautiful and indescribable beauty of the landscapes of central Himalayas are opening.

Dhaulaagiri (8167)

Sheltered by glaciers and snow mountain, 8167 meters high, received the beautiful name "White Mountain".

In total, an array in Merrar Drafting Mountains Mayangdi and Cali-Gandaki consists of 11 vertices whose height exceeds seven thousand meters.

This multiple mountain range is very complicated for climbing, and it was possible to conquer it only in 1960. But the first winter climb was managed to make Japanese climbers in 1982.

Cho-Oyu (8201)

At the border of Nepal and China, it was a beautiful cho-ohu, the height of which is 8201 meters. From 1952, when he managed to conquer the mountain peak for the first time, 15 climbing routes were laid.

At the foundation, Cho-Oyu lies with ice Pass Nangpa La. Routes were laid through it, and in antiquity it was used as a trading path.

It is believed that this mountain peak is one of the easiest to climb. She submits even a 16-year-old American mountaineer Matthew Monpsum.

Makalu (8485)

Mount, which local residents are respectful and with some fear called "Black Giant". It is located in the very center of Himalayas, and has a height of 8485 meters.

The unique array consists of two vertices, and is considered one of the most difficult for ascent. Only a few crosses that decide to climb the slopes of Makalu, they can get to the top.

Today, 17 routes are laid on the slopes, but only 30% of expeditions are achieved.

Lhotse (8516)

Amazing mountain, 8516 meters high, is part of national Park Sagarmatha on the territory of Nepal.

Lhotza, located just 3 kilometers from Everest, has an unusual shape in the form of a trothed pyramid. Of all the mountain peaks of Himalayas, the smallest number of routes are laid on Lhotsey, but we will take over its slopes, more than 250 attempts were undertaken.

In 1996, the first woman, Frantoria, Chantal Modue, rose to the top.

Kanchenjanga (8585)

India and Nepal divide an amazing and magnificent mountain range. It includes the highest Kanchenjang. Scientists calculated her height of 8585 meters. In total, an array spread in the Himalayas constitutes five vertices.

According to the edition of Thebiggest, this is one of the most beautiful mountains in the world. Unique and the greatness of five vertices and gave the name of the massif - "five treasures of great snows." On the right, romantic and picturesque place on earth is difficult to find.

With its beauty and magnificence of Kanchenzhanga, the heart of the Russian philosopher and the artist Nikolai Roerich, who transferred the beauty of nature to the canvas of his paintings was conquered.

Chechrie (8614)

In the language of Baltic, the name "Chochi" is translated - "High Mountain".

After its discovery in 1856, the mountain, a height of 8614 meters, was called K-2, this name was widely distributed and only quite recently began to call "Choir".

All experts note that the slopes of this very northern eight-year-older are very difficult to climb, and, unfortunately, 66 people never reaching the goal, killing, making climbing.

Everest (8848)

The majestic and unique Everest is the highest mountain of the world. In the middle of the XIX century, the Indian mathematician determined its height of 8848 meters.

The Tibetan population calls her in honor of the Bonn goddess Jomolungma, and respectively refers to the mountain as the Divine.

Do not transfer her beauties and greatness, and every climber of the world dreams to climb Everest, and attempts to climb almost every year. Since the first climb, in a distant 1953, more than 9 thousand climbers experienced a glance of victory.

The highest mountain, with cool slopes, covered with ice and snow, is complex and pays a lot of dangers when climbing. And more than 300 people died when trying to conquer the top of this mountain. Each new climbing world climbers devote the memory of their dead colleagues.



As you can see, the highest mountain peaks are in the Himalayas. The highest mountain system of the Earth has already attracted specialists and travelers around the world for over 150 years. Drawing on the surface three steps these mountains, except mountaineering, had a great influence on the development of art and religious worldview of the local population.

But the highest mountain of Russia Elbrus, a height of 5642 meters, does not reach Asian giants, but also unique and unique. And of course, all climbers of the Earth follow the covenants of the Soviet classics, and try to conquer all the peaks of the world. On this we say goodbye to you. TheBiggest is waiting for your comments!

The highest mountains in the world more than 8 kilometers in height is the tops that are impressive. At such a height fly passenger planes (8-12 kilometers). In fact, such mountains are much more than fourteen. But only those that are separated from each other for a considerable distance are taken into account. All major eighties are in Central Asia. Nepal, China, Pakistan, India. I wonder if this will of the gods or is it connected with something?

To conquer at least one vertex of "14 gods" is not given to everyone, but are on our planet those who seek to conquer all fourteen! At the moment there were only 41 people, from more than 9 billion people of the planet. It is difficult to say than their arita is, perhaps only one: "... height, height, height ...".

It should be added that there is such a thing as "pure climbing", that is, the climbers made a rise, without using oxygen masks. For reference, even commercial liners often make regular flights at a lesser height.
More than 10 thousand clues were committed to the Great 8 thousand people.

About 7 percent of all climbing ended tragically. The bodies of many dead climbers remained on the heights eatled, because of the complexity of their evacuation. Some of them serve as modern conquerors of certain heights. For example, the height of 8500 meters on Everest for 17 years has met the climbers in the body of the Kevanga Pavoria in 1996. She even got an unofficial name - "Green Boots", it was that the color of the shoes was on the deceased climber. What are you so disturbed by unoccupied heights? The answer to this question is yours.

Another famous name is Jomolungma (from Tibetan " Chomolangma"Means" Divine "or" Mother ". The highest point of the world and the most "prestigious" vertex on our "blue" planet. Its height is 8848 meters above sea level. His English name "Everest" was awarded in honor of the head of the geodesic service of British India Sir George Everest.

Where is Everest

There is Everest on several hundred square kilometers, in the territory mostly two states - Nepal and China. Jomolungma is part of the Himalayev mountain system, the Range of Mahalangur Himal (in a part called Khumbu-Himal). Perhaps no other peak on our planet attracts to your conquest as Jomolungma.

Climbing Everest

For the first time, Mountain was submitted on May 29, 1953 Sherpean Tankings North and New Zealandc Edmund Hillary.

Since the registration of the "rising travelers" about three hundred people have already died. Even the most modern equipment and equipment do not allow all thirsty inhabitants of our planet to conquer this height.
Every year Everest is trying to conquer about half a thousand people. By 2018, the peaks managed to reach more than 8,400 climbers, almost three and a half thousand of them rose to Everest more than once.

The climbing on Everest takes about 2 months - with acclimatization and installation of camps. Climbers lose an average of 10-15 kilograms of their weight during this time.

The most dangerous area of \u200b\u200bascent is the last 300 meters to the top. Not all climbers can overcome this part. At the top often blew strong winds up to 200 km / h. And the temperature of the year varies from 0 ° C to -60 ° C.

The second highest mountain in the world, Choiri (K2)

Choiri (second name K2) is the second highest top of the planet, but the climbing on it is considered much more complex. Moreover, in winter time In general, it was not possible to conquer it, and the mortality rate when climbing this vertex is the highest and is 25%. It was possible to conquer this height only a few hundreds of climbers.
In 2007, according to the most complex site of the vertex - the Western Wall, it was possible to rise by Russian climbers, and they did it without the use of oxygen equipment. The most massive conquest of Chochi took place in the summer of 2018. From the group, which consisted of 63 people, one died. At the same time, Andrzey Beargel, became the first climber who made a descend on skiing from the top of this mountain.


Kanchengaga - the third in height of the eight-thousandth of the planet. Located in the Himalayas. Until the mid-19th century, he was considered the highest mountain peak, but at present, after the calculated calculations ranked third in height. At the moment, more than ten climbing routes on this vertex are laid. Translated from the Tibetan name of the mountain means "the treasury of five great snows."

Due to its location, Kanchendzha partially belongs to the National Park of the same name in India. If you look at the mountain from India, we can see that five peaks are located in this mountain massif. Moreover, four peaks of five rises to a height of more than eight thousand meters. They form their combination a very colorful landscape, so this mountain is considered the most picturesque among itself. One of the favorite places of the creation of Nikolai Roerich.

The first conquest of this vertex belongs to English climbers Joe Brown and George Bend. It was committed on May 25, 1955. In Nepal, a long period of time, there was a legend of Kanchendzhage - a mountain-woman who does not give representatives of a wonderful sex to conquer their peak. Only in 1998 it managed to make British Jenet Harrison. The overall tendency to reduce the mortality rate when the rock vertex is conquered unfortunately not touched by Kanchendjagi and is 22 percent.


Lhotse, the mountain peak on the border of China and Nepal, has a height of 8516 meters. The mountain is located in close proximity to Jomolungma, the distance between them does not exceed 3 kilometers. Separates their south saddle pass, the top point of which almost reaches eight thousand. Such proximity of two great peaks creates a very majestic picture. Under a certain angle, it is possible to see that Lhotza is like a trothed pyramid. Moreover, for each of these three faces, currently there is a smallest number of climbing routes. This is largely due to the fact that the peaks slopes are very cool, and the likelihood of a gathering of avalanche is extremely high.

Unlike Choir, this vertex has ever conquered in winter. It is worth noting that on the traverse of all three vertices of this eight-year-old, until anyone from individual climbers or groups managed to pass. Also not conquered remains Eastern Wall Lhotse.


Makalu is an unusually beautiful peak, but extremely difficult to climb it. Less than 30% of organized expeditions ended with success. There is a mountain on the border of China and Nepal, just over 20 km south-east of Everest.

Mount More than a hundred years did not attract special attention, after it was noted on the maps. This is largely due to the desires of previous expeditions to conquer more high peakslocated in close proximity to her. For the first time the peak was conquered only in 1955.

In certain circles, the Mountain is known as "Black Giant". This name implied for her due to the fact that the extremely sharp ribs of the vertices do not allow snowing on them, and it often appears to their contemplates with black granite rocks. Since the mountain is located on the border of the two eastern countries, its conquest refers to mystical factors, allegedly Mountain decides who from expeditions to resolve the rise, and who is not worthy of this fact.


The height of cho and a little more than 8,200 meters. Next to the top runs the Nangpa-la Pass, through which the main "trading path" of Sherpov from Nepal to Tibet is held. Thanks to this route, many climbers consider this vertex the most affordable for conquest from all eight-thousandnants, although this is not entirely true. Just from the side of Nepal, there is a very sheer and complex wall, therefore most of the ascents are carried out by Tibet.
The weather in the Cho-Oyu area is almost always favorable for climbing, and its "accessibility" makes this vertex as if a springboard before climbing Everest.

Dhaulaagiri I.

The figure is one as it cannot more fully reflects the essence of the mountain name, it consists of a variety of ridges, the highest of which reaches an 8167 meter high. It is believed that mountains have 11 vertices, of which only one above 8000 meters, the rest are in the range from 7 to 8 kilometers. Dhaulagiri is located in the central part of Nepal and refers to the main Himalayan ridge.

Despite the complexity in the title it translates is very simple "White Mountain". An interesting story of her conquest. Until the 30s of the 19th century, it was considered the highest mountain on the planet. And the conquest of the vertices took up only in the middle of the last century. For a long time she was impregnable, only the eighth expedition managed to reach the vertices. Like other fellow, this vertex has its own more simple routes and very impregnable slopes.


The mountain is located in the northern part of Nepal and height reaches 8163 meters. Due to its relative solitude, this vertex looks extremely majestically against the background of the surrounding magnificence. It can explain this name that the Mountain of Sprats is explained. For a long time, the ascent of the mountain was difficult due to hostile local residents (The name of the mountain says it). Avalanches often collapsed on local settlements, and only after long offenses, the highest gods of the Japanese expedition were finally able to conquer this vertex. Mortality among climbers of the conquering manaslo almost reaches 18 percent.

Mountain and its surroundings themselves are part of Nepal National Park with the title of the same name. The indescribable beauty of the park combined the authorities of the country to create a hiking route for lovers of relaxing in the mountains.

Nangarbat (Nang Parbat)

One of the few eight-thousanders, located not in China or Nepal, but on the territory controlled Pakistan. On the mountain four main peak, the highest of which is 8125 meters. The top of the mountain is among the top three in the number of death of people when it is conquered.

On the history of ascent is interesting, the fact that it was on this mountain that the first attempt to climb the eight-thousandths. It was in the distant 1895. It is with this mountain that the first conquest of the vertex is connected alone, and not as part of the prepared expedition. There are beliefs that the symbols of Nazi Germany were noticed here, the representatives of which, as we know, were close to the occult sciences.

Certain difficulties in planning expeditions to this vertex include internal political disagreements on the territory of Pakistan.

Annapurna I - the most dangerous peak among eight-thousand

Annapurna I is the first of the vertices of eight-thousanders, whose height is already below 8100 meters (officially 8091 meters). However, for all the years taken into account, she has the most high percent mortality among conquerors, almost every third (32%). Although it is currently steadily declining from year to year. Annapurna is located in the central Nepal and completely the entire mountain range extends more than 50 kilometers. Consists of many different ridges in the height. From the upper points of Annapurna, one more giant can be observed - Jaulaguri, between them about 30 kilometers.

If you fly near these mountains by plane, a majestic view of nine main ridges of this array opens. It is part of the eponymous National Park located on the territory of Nepal. It passes several hiking routesAlong which the indescribable views of the peaks of Annapurna are opening.

Gasherbruum I.

The peak of Gasherbrum I enters the Mountain Array of Baltoro Muztag. Its height is 8080 meters and it is the eleventh eight-thousandth of the planet. It is located on the territory under control of Pakistan near the border with China. Translated " beautiful mountain" She has another name - Hidden Peak, which is in translation from English means hidden peak. In general, in the mountain system Karakorum, to which the gasherbruis seven peaks belongs, and three of them exceed 8 thousand meters, albeit slightly.

The first ascent on peak refers to 1958, and in 1984, the famous climber Reinehold Messen makes traverse between Gasherbruum I and Gasherbrum II.

Broad Peak

The second top of the top in Karakurum, the middle brother between the two sisters of Gasherbrum I and Gasherbruum II. In addition, literally 8 kilometers from the bridge peak is another high relative - the Choir Mountain. The first climbing on BROUD peak took place a year earlier than on the neighboring Gasherbrum I, in 1957

By itself consists of two peaks - prior to the main (8047 meters). The south-western slopes are much easier than opposite, northeastern, it is on them that classic ways of ascent on the main peak are laid.

Gasherbruum II.

Just below the BROUD peak is another peak among the eight-thousandths - Gasherbruum II (height of 8035 meters). Whether its relative lowness has affected, or for another reason, but the first ascent on this vertex applies a year earlier than on Broad Peak, by 1956. According to her southwestern slope, the main routes of the corders of the verthine are held. It is least susceptible to mountain collections and avalanche. It is he who uses many climbers who begin to conquer everything that is above 8 kilometers.

This mountain fully justifies its name, in good weather The boundaries between the gray and black limestone rocks corresponding to the various age borders are clearly visible, which, in combination with crystal clear snow, creates unique landscapes.


The majestic iceberg is 8027 meters high - the lowest of all famous eight-chairs. Located in Himalayas, in China. Consists of three vertices, two of which are the main and central (8008 meters) exceed 8 kilometers. Translated from the Tibetan language means "harsh climate".

The first conquest of this vertex was made by the Chinese expedition in May 1964. It is considered one of the least complex vertices, although over 20 climbers have already died on its slopes over the past years.

The highest mountains in the world on the world map

This looks like a brief overview of all 14 eight-thousandths of the planet. Each mountain is unique in its own way and to each of them fairly saying - "only the mountains can be better than the mountains."