Useful winter holidays. Joint leisure of children and parents during the winter holidays

In the interactive part of the museum - auto-road, small visitors can ride on the retro factory, mastering the skills of controlling the pedal type and getting acquainted with the rules of the road. Here you can play, draw, participate in free master classes. In the cinema, you can watch the short film "Tale of the Wizard Master" on how the old cars restore.

The Moscow Zoo is interesting for children not only in the summer. This miracle, which can only be seen in winter, is a white bears that are not scary and in the most bodied frost to swim in a cold bath. By the way, the Polar Bears appear only in the winter. Children under the age of 17 can visit the zoo for free.

Museum of Moscow is the best place to explore and acquaintance with the history of the capital. When visiting the whole family ticket for 2 adults and 1 or 2 children costs 480 rubles. And enthusiastic equipment and cars can be recommended to the Museum "Moscow Transport" with a very impressive collection of retromodel, special equipment and modern means of movement. A ticket for children (7-17 years old) - 200 rubles.

In the museum of childhood on Lubyanka, household items that surround our loved ones were presented when they were small. In the Museum "Living Systems" can be found in a games form how the human body is arranged. In the museum of dolls will be familiar with the amazing dolls of different times collected from all over the world. And in the Kuklachev Theater there is an opportunity to communicate with the tailed artists-cats.

"Panorama 360" is an observation deck (by the way, the highest in Europe) with stunning views of the capital in Moscow City. But the children are interested in visiting here not only for this reason. In this building in the factory make ice cream. And at the top at the site there is its reduced copy, where the entire technological process of manufacturing a sweet dessert is clearly demonstrated, which can be tried there. Here is the Museum of Skyscrapers.

In the park "Kuzminki" you can visit Santa Claus (by the way, he lives in his Moscow estate all year round), and also to visit its wooden terme and the Snow Maiden Tereme, to make the most cherished desire on the New Year's throne, write and leave in the post of Santa Claus letter, Walk through the fabulous forest. And you can go to the country trip "Visiting the Christmas tree" (Museum of New Year's Toys in Klin), familiarize yourself with the famous exhibition "VDNH - yesterday, today, tomorrow", visit the "Soyuzmultfilm" film studio, as well as the Moscow Planetarium, the Ostankino Tower, the largest In Europe, the oceanarium is Muscavarum.

By the way, in the winter holidays 77 popular Moscow museums accept all visitors for free. Among them, the Museum of Cosmonautics, "Tretyakovka", "New Manezh", Museum-Apartment Marina Tsvetaeva, A. S. Pushkin, Sergey Yesenin, M. A. Bulgakov, Izmailovo's estate, "Kolomenskoye", "Lublino" and others. Outside holidays, the best museums of the capital can also be visited free, but only on Sundays. And the children under 16 can do it at any time (this rule does not apply only to children's museums). At the same time, some activities may remain paid, so specify information on museum sites.

For savings and amenities, you can purchase MOSCOW CITYPASS JUNIOR and MOSCOW CITIPASS electronic cards. For quite adequate money (a 3-day card costs 6500 rubles) You can visit more than 60 museums of the capital without a queue, visit the Park charge, go on a tour of a two-story bus.

New Year's performances, show and christmas trees

Vacation in Moscow is an unprecedented opportunity to visit with children bright New Year's views. And choose from what. The most important Christmas tree of the country is Kremlin. The christmas tree of Christ the Savior is satisfied with the Christmas tree. Also, festive events will be held around the new year symbol in the column hall and in the city hall, in circus, Moscow museums, at Mosfilm's film studio.

Fabulous journey and exciting adventures with a wizard wizard who saved the new year and, of course, with Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden waiting for young guests on the New Year tree at the Museum of Automotive Stories on December 26 and 28 and January 4. Ticket price - from 1100 rubles.

Other festive programs: Ice Christmas trees with the participation of stars-skaters, the New Year's show brothers stalls in Luzhniki, the Christmas Trees of Illusionists of the Safron's Brothers, New Year's program in the Nikulina Circus with a view for kids, the show in the Greater Moscow Circus, "Nutcracker" in Chinese in the formulation of Dalian acrobatics Troupes, Christmas trees with tricks of acrobats and cascaders in the park of film transluxences.

Skates, skiing, sledges ...

Cutting on the skates can ride at the most fashionable rink of the country in front of the Kremlin towers on Red Square. Ticket price - from 200 rubles (free from 10:00 to 12:00 on weekends and from 10:00 to 16:00 on weekdays).

GUM-Skating on the main square of the capital is distinguished by impeccable ice quality. Here you can often find famous skaters and hockey players who carry out master classes.

Also for lovers to ride there are huge rinks in Gorky Park, in the parks VDNH, in Sokolniki.

At the VDNH - the largest open rink in the country. It can simultaneously ride more than 4,000 adults and young lovers of this sport. In addition, there is, where to rest and have a snack (in special restaurants you can go straight in skating).

In the Gorky Park, you can ride on a wide central alley with stereophigurs and light installation, on areas for high-speed riding, in light tunnels, in playgrounds. This skating rink with artificial ice is considered the largest in Europe.

By the way, right on the contrary - in the Museum Art Park, you can experience yourself on a 6.5-meter tubing hill, which is considered one of the highest in Moscow.

We can ride in the icy and snowy slides on the tubes, skiing and snowboard in the sparrow mountains, at the same time admiring the fabulous view of the winter city with a beautiful viewing platform of Moscow.

Unforgettable winter entertainment with cheesecakes, cycles, riding in painted sleds, hidden, in a dog harness or a natives with reindeers, with tubing slides, skiing, large rollers, icy labyrinths and delicious Russian dishes are waiting for all tourists in Kolomensky, in Izmailovsky Park, in the Museum-Reserve "Tsaritsyno", in the estate of Sheremetyy in Kuskovo, in the winter park in Luzhniki.

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Consultation for parents dow on the winter topic. Entertainment on the Winter Vacation for Children and Parents

Alimova Lyudmila Vyacheslavovna
Description: This article is informational and recommended by parents, and will also be useful for educators, methodologists, educators of additional education.
Purpose: Material for mobile folder in kindergarten.
Purpose: Develop productive activities, motor activity, moral and aesthetic education, strengthen the health of preschoolers in the winter holidays.
1. To form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe traditions and customs associated with folk winter holidays and festivities.
2. Strengthen health through winter games and leisure in the fresh air.

3. Improve the skills and skills in working with snow (modeling, drawing).

Joint leisure of children and parents during the winter holidays

December. The most magical time is approaching the pre-holiday bustle and preparation for the new year. For children, this is the time of gifts from the grandfather Frost and winter fun. Children love winter for her unique opportunity to enjoy and get unforgettable impressions of active exercises in the fresh air. Little fidgets love to ride a slide, skiing, skating, snow scooters. With great pleasure to make a snowman and make snow fortresses. And this is true, because one of the diverse factors affecting the health and development of the child preschooler is motor activity.
Every child wishes his joy to share his closest people with him - parents. But often moms and dads do not know how to diversify the winter holidays of their children, as if they were not children themselves. And everything is extremely simple. Even the most common walk can turn into a fun holiday, thanks to games and creativity on the snow.
Winter holidays is a unique opportunity to jointly leisure children and parents, actively use time with health benefits, dipping in the magic of winter fun. So what are they, fun?

Snow masterpieces

An adult person perceives the snow as a precipitation, which does not make it easy to move along the road, and children love snow for his many clusters of beautiful, not similar to each other, snowflakes. Moreover, snow for children is a material for creativity. Snowmen, towers, fortresses, caves of unprecedented sizes, all such masterpieces can be seen in every courtyard during the winter holidays.

Drawing on the snow with aerosol paints no less exciting occupation. Snow white background, soft texture help create amazing New Year's drawings.

The most favorite game of all girls and boys in winter "Snowballs". And not in vain! During this game, there is a motor activity, an eye enemy, a motor film, and the ringing laughter causes a positive emotional mood.

Skates and skis

All the benefits of active recreation are known. A large selection of skates will not leave indifferent or children nor parents, and skating will deliver a lot of pleasure. To avoid injuries, it is necessary to use the means of protection: helmet, knee pads, elbows.
According to experts, skating contributes to the development of the musculoskeletal system, strengthens the muscles of the back, produces the correct posture, as well as the prevention of flat-refining.
Skiing useful and fascinating occupation. Strong breathing will enrich the light oxygen, and the landscapes of the winter park will leave pleasant impressions.

snow Hill

Children are delighted with riding with a steep snowy mountain. Go to the nearest slides to ride with a healthy blush and unhealthy sandwich with your chance on sledding, icy, just standing on the legs. Feeling is unmatched.
The rapid movement down overwhelms the child with feelings and emotions. Well, if the mother and dad joys come across the trailer!

Assistance to animals and birds

During the winter holidays, you can make a nesting or feeder, hang in the park or in the courtyard, filling with seeds for birds or nuts for proteins. Watch how the cinemas be coars from the homemade feeder or, as the protein takes the nuts in the hollow - an exciting spectacle for the defensive. At the same time, the child develops a sense of love, care and responsibility for our smaller brothers.

Walking through the whole family

Walking, breathe fresh air is necessary in any weather and adults, and children, because nature has no bad weather. But when the air temperature reaches 15 degrees, it is recommended to reduce the time of the walk to avoid frostbite. It is important to choose the right clothes and shoes, the movement should not be adequate not to experience discomfort.
Walking can be organized in the courtyard of the house with benefit, for example, to clear the tracks from the snow. Leisure in the park today is saturated with entertainment program: Sledge, skiing, skates, winter bicycles, ice figures, hot delicacies.
Leaving the city with the whole family, you can enjoy the beauty of winter landscapes, immense expanses of snow-covered fields and trees. Russian winter magnificence of nature! And all this can be captured on the camera, make home sketches in memory. At the same time, the child will not only visit the time, but also acquires artistic and aesthetic skills. Discussing similar walks, the child will receive unforgettable impressions and enrich their vocabulary.

Do not justify your boring leisure unpleasant cold weather. A little desire and activity should be shown, and the winter holidays for a child can turn into a small planet of entertaining hobbies, interesting leisure and emotional pleasure. In his memory, this will become the warmest and pleasant memories associated with the holding of joint leisure with their parents.

The problem of health and active lifestyle with every year concerns an increasing number of people. Of course, there is no more happiness than being healthy when relatives and close people are full of energy and forces, joy and optimism. Unfortunately, in our time, not every person can boast excellent health.

In the coming year, the New Year holidays will continue again for many days, so many people have a question: how to spend winter holidays with health benefits? Of course, you can try to buy an inexpensive way and go to the New Year holidays in warm countries, or on the contrary, where you can deal with winter sports and enjoy clean winter nature. It is not bad to go to Thailand, Arab Emirates, to the Maldives or Israel - you can swim and sunbathe when we have winter, cold and snow.

Active rest in the Alps or Northern Finland more like many of our compatriots, even novice skiers: After all, it is the most peak of the ski season.

By the way, in Finland, you can go rest not only with your family, but also with the company of the best friends. It is very convenient - it is cheap to rent a cottage, and stay in it with comfort. Comfort and low prices are in other places: for example, in the Czech Republic, in the Baltic States, in Turkey or Egypt.

Well, if all the same New Year holidays abroad, not even very expensive, does not fit into your family budget - what then? How to organize your vacation? And what do we imagine, speaking about rest?

Today, in the midst of the winter New Year's holidays, we will talk to you about how best to spend time with health benefits.

Unfortunately, in the New Year holidays, most of us rests by lying on the couch, eating all sorts of deceptions, and watching festive TV shows. Is our body resting at the same time, our nervous system exhausted by a bustle and long series of working days? Hardly. Such "rest" will only worsen the state of health and mood, and after the holidays will not slow down the depression.

Vacation with benefit

What to do and how to spend the New Year's winter holidays with the benefit to the health of your and your family? First of all, you need to cancel lying on the sofa, gluttony and excess to the TV. Start moving more, do not overeat, and try to spend most of the day in the air - at least when the weather allows.

Of course, many of it can cause rejection: after all, they waited for the holiday to finally get over, relax and calmly see your favorite TV programs! And now, to spend this rare opportunity for some walks, go somewhere - why? After all, it is not necessary to work ...

What do specialists think about it? Most of them are confident that the best way to spend the winter New Year's holidays is an active holiday in nature. If at least one hour to like on the woods on skis, then the body will rest and relax much better than over the whole day of "rest" on the sofa. It will be true even if you are very tired and want only one thing - lie and not move. Both psychologists and doctors are confident that only one hour walks in the coniferous forest will bring your body a tremendous benefit.

At the same time, the vacation option on the couch to the TV will load our already overloaded psyche even more. Relax emotionally, psychologically and physically can only be in the fresh air, in nature. So do not kill precious time - let's spend the New Year holidays with maximum benefit!


Of course, immediately after the meeting of the New Year, January 1st, to go for a walk to the forest hardly turned out from most of us, but in the following days it is already quite possible to organize an active rest. The simplest thing is to catch the rink, but it is more suitable for those who have their skates.

Hire of skates on holidays New Year's days is almost unrealistic, so you should consider other ways to have fun and relax.

Another simple option is to get together with relatives or friends, and go to the nearest forest. If there is no car, then you can also on the train: in most regions of our country there are enough forests. Of course, there are no recreation centers everywhere, but an independent campaign has its advantages: you can relax calmly, with your company, and choose some place.

Be sure to capture with you everything you need for funny winter entertainment: Sledge, skiing, and of course, camcorder. Believe me that long months you will have a mood every time you will browse these truly unique shots!

By the way, for sports entertainment in the forest, wide skis - forests are more suitable. Of course, they can not be treated with the breeze, but it is very convenient for them to move deep and untouched snow.

For lovers to ride with the breeze there are other, more developed options - where many people ride. On the rolled slopes, the hills, sobes and hills can ride both experienced athletes and beginners. There you can ride on sleds and other uncomplicated sports shells.

Those who still decided to get to the recreation center, it is recommended to take enough money with you to calmly pay for equipment rental or use the lift.

The recreation base is unlikely to take animals with them. In the forest, the dog will feel freely, but on the ski base she can get injured, and herself itself causes injuries, having fallen on the way quickly sliding along the slope of the hill skier.

If during the winter New Year's holidays to plan and spend some such bars in the winter forest, the feeling of a full-fledged holiday and the holiday will remain with you for a long time. After all, you can ride, play in snowballs, in funny winter games, and just floundered in the snow, and then drink hot tea and there is a baked in the ashes of the fire potato.

In order for the moments of rest left even more positive impressions, especially in children, and looked good in the photos, you can take rain, tinsel, balloons with you, and decorate trees near your parking lot.

But do not forget to pick up everything with you, like the garbage, and eliminate the remaining of the fire so as not to spoil the wonderful kingdom of the winter fairy tale. After all, you want to rest in the forest to many people - so let them, too, will fully, will be able to feel this fabulous winter splendor.

In the village or camp

There are other options, how to spend the winter New Year's holidays with benefit. If you have relatives, for example, grandparents in the village or village, then go to them is a great choice. You can combine a pleasant with useful: and help your relatives on the housework, and the fresh air is enough to breathe, and thoroughly, and in general get a long charge of cheerfulness and good mood.

If nearby is a children's health camp or a sanatorium, then you can make a ski walk there, taking a skiing. This service today is offered by many children's camps: it is beneficial to them, and urban residents can ride and improve their health.

But even this option sometimes causes difficulties, so you can simply go to ride on sleds from the slides located near your home, and you can do it even with guests who came to celebrate the sequel.

Rules for holding

In general, the basic rules to spend the New Year holidays with benefit is a positive attitude and activity, movement and fresh air. Our children are an excellent incentive in order to be more in nature, play and have fun: After all, we are always engaged in work, and posting communication with them "for later."

Most often, children spend time behind computer games or watching TV, and adults almost do not try to tear them away from this classes - after all, they are less distracted from affairs. However, then problems arise: health, learning, behavior and in many areas.

So use the winter holidays to the maximum to take part in the games, along with the children run, laugh, lie in the snow. You can even arrange a competition for the quick smearing of snowmen, and attract not only your children to it, but also their friends, preferably with their parents.

Such New Year's holidays will not only help you get closer, but also will give a wonderful charge of cheerfulness and energy a few months ahead.

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I did not invent (s) How to spend winter holidays? To visit the residence of Santa, skiing in the Carpathians, check out the surrealistic nature of the Winter Baltic and swim in the warm bathing beds of Budapest in the middle of winter - together with life :) We made a selection of 10 fascinating options. Not all these places are walking on a wide leg, but you will save you available tickets and profitable roaming offers.


In the summer in Finland, it's still cold, so to fully feel the spirit of this country, it is better to go there better in the appropriate season. Go skiing on creaking snow, shoot on skates, freezing, makes mecking in the famous Finnish sauna, and if you're lucky - you can see the Northern Lights. A separate point for visiting should be the residence of Santa Claus in Lapland. True, just at this time at Santa influxing guests - on holidays in the village, almost charters fly. Traditional Scandinavian high costs can be compensated for cheap tickets - pick up the best options at AirBaltic.

Vilnius - Helsinki| Air Baltic, € 136 | To buy tickets

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Germany is, of course, not only Berlin. And if you always feel sorry for your summer holiday to visit this country, use the winter holidays to go on one of the directions, which are invariably flying. - A small, but progressive and the little thoughtful city in which life is boiling around the clock due to student party, flea markets and cultural centers. In able to plunge into the business atmosphere of this financial capital, and in Cologne - on the contrary, to feel the spirit of old Germany with its gothic architecture, beer and chocolate. And if you do not brake with tickets, you will also find in one of the fabulous German locks.

Vilnius - Bremen | Ryanair, from € 35 to one side, from € 50 round - back | To buy tickets

Vilnius - Frankfurt. | Ryanair, from € 33 to one side, from € 46 Route - back | To buy tickets

Vilnius - Cologne | Ryanair, from € 15 to one side, from € 30 Round back | To buy tickets

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Minsk Vilnius | BZK, € 27 | To buy tickets

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Many are sent for the new year, but wait a little and arrange a romantic trip with your "half" on February 14 to wander around the narrow old streets, drink hot wine or honey devices, climb one of the hills and consider all the details of the city through transparent winter air.

Warsaw -Praga | Flixbus € 27 | To buy tickets

Roaming from life :) | from 2.9 rubles per package | To plug


The former capital of the Roman, Byzantine, Latin and Ottoman Empires - should be visited every at least once in life. The city, which emerged at the intersection of European and Asian civilizations, keeps the memory of these great epochs. To warm up and recover after long walks among mosques and palaces, go to a traditional Turkish bath - Hammam, and a glass of freshly squeezed pomegranate juice will give a charge of cheerfulness and strength.

Kiev-Istanbul | € 137 | To buy tickets

Roaming from life :) | from 2.9 rubles per package | To plug


The combination of imperial rigor and the Balkan Rate offers. Excession hilly, liberated, cottage and sleepless, shopping, pensal, completing the evening, and leave the next day - in the end, where else to swim in winter?

Traditional winter entertainment, such as snowman modeling, fight in snowballs in a homemade snowy fortress, playing hockey, skating with ice slides, as well as skiing, skating and sledding - are not bad. But in the XXI century in the go more modern fun. And they are suitable for everyone and at any age!

All in the park!

In urban parks today, life is burly. Somewhere suitable rollers with music and illumination right under ice, somewhere put slides for snowboarding or to occupy a snow-tubing (rolling from a slide on an inflatable cheese). In other places, you can ride snowmobiles and quadciccles, as well as a cheerful company to ride on an inflatable "Snow Banana", tied to a snowmobile.

In addition, extensive entertainment programs are in the parks. Music concerts in the open air are arranged, funny views with Rostov dolls and bumps for kids of younger school age and kids, somewhere undergo ice sculptures, as well as horse riding in sleigh and even train-ki on dog sledding. In general, there is where to raise! By the way, in the winter in the parks there are some attractions. Ride on the ferris wheel, when at the bottom is all white-white, - very romantic and enjoy both adults and children.

Therefore, do not sit at home, go to the parks! And the hungry will not be left - in all parks there is a cafe where they sing warm tea and coffee and feed hot pancakes and other goodies.

Droin, pl!

Of course, every day you will not go to the park. But also around the house in the city or in the country of interesting fun can be found complete. Excellent entertainment for children over 3 years - run behind the enemy, holding a snowball in the hands, a toy weapon shooting snowballs. Such a game even girls will appreciate! Well, at all, Tikhoni can make a gouache or food paints right on the snow or a large brush, or what is more fun and simpler, a water gun, fastened paint of juicy colors. And if you paint homemade snow sculptures in paints, you can even arrange the exhibition! And invite the guys from the neighboring yard to its opening.


Some, however, love jogging. So adolescents - lovers of extreme sports - for sure to taste snowouting, skiing, snowboarding or ice skating with kaita (special air serpent). Windsurfing lovers can master the iceboarding - all the same, just not on the water, but in the snow. The cyclists will like a snow bike, which is a skihead, and behind a special wheel that can easily move around the snow. Today, in addition to the snowboard in fashion, there is also a snowcourt at which you moving on the board, but at the same time committing bicycle stunts. There is a snowworking (from a snowboard characterized by a smaller size and missing fasteners). There are even snowmock - not on wheels, of course, but on skis. Want - roll on it on the plain, you want - fly from the mountain, making tricks, as on a snowboard. All equipment is optional to buy, you can rent.

Family assembly

Winter holidays - a great time to rally the family. Mom and Pope will finally appear free time, which they can divide with children. It is these happy days that will remember the grown children as the best time of their childhood. Therefore, try to spend the winter holidays all together: go to the parks, to the forest, on the rink, in the movies, at the exhibition. If not very cold, you can, for example, go to the woods on kebabs. Or, as hens, arrange a picnic in the city of forest park, or right on the country area, or even in the courtyard at home in the city. Sandwiches and warm tea from the thermos are much tastier on the light of frost. And for the beauty and magical winter mood, you can build a "Scandinavian flashlight" from the snow value in children's height. Or even much higher! It is done simply - the pyramid is going from the snowballs, the center of which is placed a big candle. Just and mentally! And the memories are enough for a long time!