Where best to go to Vietnam. Where in February rest in Vietnam? What is the weather there? Good excursion programs

In today's article, a detailed report on which opportunities for recreation provides this country.

Popular resorts Vietnam


How to get


For whom

Own Airport

Families with children and teenagers

Own Airport


Lovers of night entertainment, party members, young couples

Ho Chi Minhine Airport, Rocket Rocket


Ho Chi Minh Airport

Families with children, man of old age, Kitesefer

Airplane from Ho Chi Minhina or Hanoi, on a ferry from the town of Ratzyz


Families with children, people who want calm holidaydivers

Airplane from Ho Chi Minhina or Hanoi, on a ferry from Vungtau


Divers, newlyweds

Hanoi bus



The sandy beaches of Danang are among the most attractive world beaches by Forbes magazine Rating. The town of Danang himself is located on the Coven Coves and is surrounded by low picturesque mountains. Its location is also convenient than the fact that from Dananga it is easy to get to such towns like Hue, Hoyan and Mishon. The time from September to December will fit surfrs - in these months there are stable waves.


  • Nearby is one of the best Aquaparks in the country - Danang Water Park. Cell Beach is considered the best in Vietnam.


  • In June, coastal waters inhabit red jellyfish, the burns of which are painful and can cause an allergic reaction.

Nha Trang.

Perhaps the most popular for russian tourists . Announcements, advertising, menus in many restaurants are duplicated in Russian, and many Europeans call this city "Little Rasha". There is a huge number of bars, restaurants, clubs, beauty salons. In addition, there are several dive centers in the city, healing sources And the mud.


  • Nearby, on separate island, Located Park Winel Amusement Park, you can get here cableway. Many attractions and entertainment.


  • In the northern part of the city in the sea, the river flows, which sometimes brings with them the dirt that gives the water an unpleasant brown shade. There are many thieves and small scammers in the city.


Vungtau is located near, so residents of the metropolis hold their weekends here. The climate is softer than the rest of the resorts, and you can relax all year round, avoiding the period from June to September, when falls out the greatest number precipitation. You can entertain yourself for walking through the city park, hikes to the local market, studying pagodas and temples or visiting a lighthouse and the statues of Jesus Christ.


  • Good infrastructure for shopping. The opportunity to get to Ho Chi Minhina in water for 50-60 minutes.


  • Beaches are polluted by rubbish, endowed from the Mekong River delta, and departures located within the city of industrial enterprises.


Phantheet is also located near Ho Chiper and includes a small fishing village Muin. The resort is no less popular among Russian tourists than or Danang, so the Russian-speaking staff and the menu are often found. native language. In addition, Phantheet is popular with surfers. Many love to come here in the low season, as short-term rains make it easier for heat. In the district there is something to see - the famous statue of the lying Buddha, Mineral springs of Bin-Chow, Lake Lotos.


  • Large selection of water entertainment, golf courses, really good beaches.


  • Almost complete lack of night entertainment.

Fukuok Island

Some compare Vietnamese Fukuok with Thai island. And although they are something similar, Fukuchu is inferior to Phuket by the number of bars, restaurants, discos. It is believed that Fukuchok is the most quiet and calm resort in Vietnam. There are not only beautiful beaches here, but also the luxurious nature in which harmoniously fits tourist infrastructure. In their free time, you can visit the factory in the production of pearls or black peppers, go to Ecotur in the jungle or mountains, try yourself in fisheries.


  • The best place for diving.


  • You can only get to the island with transfers.

Condo Island

Kondao Island is difficult to access, but it only plays him to his hand - rest here is calm and secluded. In addition, most of the island is a national park, so nature is fantastic here. Beaches sandy, snow-white, and water visibility sometimes reaches 20-40 meters. The best time for diving is the period from February to July, and from May to November there is a unique opportunity to see the turtles that sail to the island to put eggs.


  • Few tourists. Great place for diving. It is possible to go to the neighboring islands.


  • Tourist infrastructure is not very developed. Little entertainment.


Halong Bay is perhaps the main and most popular attraction of the country. More than 3,000 small rocky islands scattered around the bay, which creates an incredible landscape in its beauty. Tourists are mostly visited as part of the excursions, but there is everything for a full-fledged beach holidays. Especially famous fashionable beach Tuan Chow, where in the middle of the last century, the leader of Vietnam Ho Chi mines rested.

Swim in the bay is best from April to October,
since the rest of the time the water in the bay is not very comfortable.


  • Incredibly beautiful surrounding landscapes. Developed entertainment infrastructure.


  • In addition to the bay itself, there are no attractions. The resort is not suitable for diving.

Describe and compare the best resorts And the beaches of Vietnam are famous and not very. Reviews of tourists I. personal experience From travel around the country. Map of Vietnam in Russian with resorts. Choose where it is better to go to rest!

At what resorts of Vietnam can be good to relax? Let's try to figure out, considering the most popular tourist destinations country.

Vietnam resorts:

Nha Trang.

When to go. Best rest in Nha Trang spring and in summer. Since October, the rains season begins - strong winds blow, and the sea is worried. In winter, it happens uncomfortable because of the waves, but they are not always. We rested exactly in winter - this is a great time for excursions and trips around the neighborhood!

How to book a hotel? It is possible to find a convenient accommodation option on the well-known service RoomGuru.ru - the site compares the prices of a variety of booking systems and finds the best.


Camran is a small seaside village located in the bay of the same name. The most famous beach is the Bai Zai, here often come from the neighboring Nha Trang.

The beach is only 30 meters wide, but very long, with a small sand and gentle entrance. On the shores are restaurants and hotels, on the beach you can rent a chaise lounge with an umbrella and ride water skiing.

When to go. The climate is the same as in Nha Trang, so come in spring and summer.


Where is it better to go to Vietnam if you want a calm beach holiday? Fukuok Island - Quiet Resort, Diving and Snorkeling Center. , interesting underwater world clean water and warm climate. Infrastructure is actively developing, but nightlife No, and attractions are not enough. Although that you will not leave indifferent.

Muin and Phantheet

The narrow 17-kilometer resort area between the Phanthiet and the fishing village of Muin is just just called - Muin. This is a journey of hotels, souvenir shops, bokeh (cafe with seafood), travel agencies and pharmacies. Most hotels are located on the first line. The best beaches are engaged in expensive hotels, sections of worse - budget. We didn't like Muin - they are mostly dirty. Everywhere shallow water and waves, so do not buy. But in the area there are interesting sights: red and white dunes, trichi fairies.

When to go. There are no strong climatic swings as on northern resorts Vietnam. However, it is best to rest in a dry period - from November to April. Most of the time blew strong winds, so this place is like kaiter and surfers. They prefer to rest from January to March, when the sea is high waves. From April to the end of autumn, the sea becomes a little calmer.


Among the Russians, this resort in Vietnam is almost unknown (everyone goes to Nha Trang, Muin and Fukuchok), the Vietnamese rest here. The city is large and modern, with spacious streets and not too tight traffic, so it is convenient to learn to ride a bike.

The best beaches of Dananga with white sand and gentle entrance to the sea - tanks of An and Mi Khe. The entrance is free, the infrastructure is sufficiently developed. The coastline is wide and long, you can choose a lot of beautiful seashells.

A small minus is the remoteness of the center from the tourist zone. There are no large supermarkets on the coast. There are no city buses, you need to go to the center on a bike or taxi.

When to go. High season underwear - resting better from April to JuneWhen it is hot enough, and low waves at sea. Since the summer and until the end of the year, rains, and the winds are rampant in winter. We rested in Danang in the winter: the city and the beach were deserted, but this has its charm. Blew a strong wind, the sea rose big wavesA red flag was put on the beaches, sometimes rained rain. In the low season, almost all cafes in the turzon are closed, and sometimes inexpensive food is difficult to find: Vietnamese, seeing lonely tourists, climb prices.

If you are looking for, where it is better to rest in Vietnam with children, then pay attention to Hoyan - the entrance to the sea there is gentle. The best beach is An Bang (another, Cua Dai, destroyed by marine erosion, and restore it). Beaches with small light sand and in places of developed infrastructure. Parking paid.

In Hoyan, beautiful ancient architecture. It is convenient to visit Marble Mountains from the city - we, for example, went there on bicycles (rentals only $ 1 per day).

Of the minuses - Hoian stands on the river, and the nearest beach you need to drive a few kilometers. Tourists prefer to live next to the old town, although you can also settle by the sea.

When to go. The best time - from February to May. In the fall, hurricanes are raging and floods.


Beach holiday in Vietnam is possible in the Bay of the city of Halong. Beaches on the islands mostly from the bridge sand, and the water is often muddy, but most tourists come here to admire the miracle islands.

In the city of Halong, there is nothing to do, except for stroll along the beautiful embankment with chic views of the bay, watch the residents of floating villages, admire sunsets and climb the poets of the Bai Tue from which the panorama of the city and the bays.

When to go. The best time for excursions - from December to the end of Maywhen dry and warm, for a beach holiday - in April, May, September and October. Rainy season - from June to September. We lived in Halong in January, and although the sun often gotten, the cold wind did not allow the thoughts about the beach holiday.


The picturesque green island, located in the Halong Bay Bay, the largest in the archipelago. The beaches are most often unpainted with yellowish brown sand, but clean, without garbage and algae. Major entertainment for tourists in the resort - cruises on islands and excursions to the local national park.

When to go. In the summer on the Katbe storms, so it is better to rest in autumn.

This is a small seaside town with a tightly built-built coastline and oil-producing enterprises. There are beaches in the city - narrow, with muddy and foamy water because of the close neighborhood with Mekong and strong winds.

Infrastructure developed: There are restaurants, hotels, entertainment, shops. However, even local prefer Long Hai or Muin, where the beaches are better. If you need a good beach vacation, it is better to go to the popular resorts of Vietnam: Fukuok, Nha Trang, Muyne or Danang.

When to go. From November to April. In winter, high waves climb that like aster. Rainy season - from May to October.

(Photo © Vitieubao / Pixabay.com)

The island is good for a secluded rest and ecotourism, it is called the best resort in Vietnam for diving. There are unique types of plants and animals, such as marine cows and green turtles.

Tourist infrastructure developed weakly, there are no large shopping centers and few hotels. The island is the island rocky, most of the coast - sheer shores. In the eastern part of the island, several sandy beaches, all small and semi-sideworms.

When to go. Ideal time for beach holidays on Kon Tao from December to AprilFor diving - from February to July.

(Photo © Khoibinh / Flickr.com / CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 License)

Map of the resorts of Vietnam in Russian

For your convenience, we have made a map of all popular Vietnam resorts.

Where better to go to rest in Vietnam

Each Vietnam resort is good in its own way. Thirsty new impressions and active entertainment It is worth going to Nha Trang, Halong, Hoian and Danang. Islands will fit natural attractions and diving lovers. To relax with children in Vietnam, it is better to choose resorts with good hotels 4-5 * and entertainment is Fukuok, Hoyan and Nha Trang.

If you have decided that it is better to go to vacation in Vietnam, we advise you to learn when you better fly there.

Vietnam is a tropical country having a pronounced division for seasons. Due to the strong and abundant rains, it is impossible to visit throughout the year. The most favorable time for the trip is the dry season. Exactly because of this reason knowledgeable tourists Choose a trip to Vietnam in February. This month is still famous for the celebration of the Eastern New Year. In the northern part of Vietnam, the weather in February will still be quite cool. The daily temperature does not exceed 21 degrees of heat, and the night - hardly reaches 12 degrees with a plus sign. But in the southern part, the air temperature this month in some areas is heated to 32 degrees of heat. There are practically no rain, and if they are, then rarely and are short.

Vietnam: Ride in February

Weather in Vietnam in February are not significantly different from January. Already this month the temperature of the water in the southern regions is heated to 28 degrees of heat. Ho Chi Minim is considered the warmest city. It is recommended to go here to those who prefer the hot sun and for a couple of degrees below in Nha Trang and Muin. Next is the island of Fukuok with its unique nature and unique landscapes. This month of the winds are practically no. Among the resorts of the Central Part of Vietnam are Hue, Danang and Hoian, the most attractive for tourists in February. Here the water warms up to only 24 degrees of heat. In the northern part, it is still cool for a beach holiday, but it does not prevent tourists to get acquainted with the history and sights of the country.

Holidays and festivals

What else will make his guests this month Vietnam? Rest in February, reviews confirm this, allows you to see various national holidays and carnivals, moreover, become their participant. So, if you decide to go at the beginning of the month, you can also see the carnival procession in honor of the Eastern New Year. His celebration begins at the end of January and ends at the beginning of February. Those who chose mid-month to rest will be able to visit the marble mountain festival, which is called Kwan in Vietnam. On this day, folk songs sound everywhere, passing the folk opera.

Trip cost in February

Those who prefer the trip to Vietnam in February, prices will be pleased to please. The advantage of rest this month compared to March or January is lower cost. This is due to the fact that in January and March in school educational institutions, therefore the influx of tourists increases. The average cost of a weekly trip in February with accommodation in a five-star hotel is $ 1500. Selecting the vouchers, you can give preference to the one that has a more rich excursion program, yielding the hotel's other starry. But this is if you seek as much as possible to learn about the country. Thus, the weekly accommodation of two adults in a three-star hotel will be $ 2,500.

What to see in Vietnam in February

No matter what part of Vietnam to rest you will choose in February, there are many options for the most interesting pastime for tourists. For lovers, the exotic will be interesting to visit the jungle in the central part of the country. And not far from the city of Dananga, the Son-Tra Peninsula spread out, opening a landscapes for guests of amazing beauty. The island of Katba is equally attractive, in whose territory is also the largest island of the country. During the trip to Vietnam in February, excellent architectural structures are particularly popular, including vintage pagodas, temple complexes And the ancient palaces. It is recommended to pay special attention to historical city Hoyan, located in the province of Kuannam. Here is the sanctuary of Mishon. The greatest fame was the tunnel complex Kuti, located 70 kilometers of the North-west of Ho Chi Minh. Tourists, in addition, there is a great opportunity to see the structure of partisan underground fortifications, evaluate the perfection of their masking.

Interesting attractions of the country

Weather in Vietnam in February allows you to see all the sights that there are quite a lot in the country. The most bright are the tombs of the Nguyenov dynasty, located along the Spirit River. Each of them deserves attention, as beautiful in its own way. No less impression on tourists produces Poong Nha-Ke Bang Reserve, where the greatest cave in the world is located. In the reserve you can see unique stalactites, evaluate the beauty high mountains and evaluate the beauty and uniqueness of old trees. Considering the most interesting places of the country, it is impossible not to recall those that are located in the city of Hanoi. Particular attention deserves the pagoda of one pillar, which has been more than a thousand years. This is a small Buddhist temple located on the water. In the form, it resembles a lotus flower.

Having left for a holiday in Vietnam in February, you can fully appreciate the beauty and many other attractions, including the imperial city of Hue, the bay of fallen dragons, pass the tram-tone, located in the mountain town of Sap.

The attractive trip to Vietnam in the first spring month

Vietnam is one of those countries that, along with the pristine nature, managed to preserve its originality. Its civilization is one of the most oldest on the entire planet. The Vietnamese people are very friendly and hardworking. Vietnam's holidays in March allows tourists to watch the work of local residents to the tradition of hospitality, respect for any guest is a pleasant and unforgettable vacation. In addition, in March, colorful temples festivals are held in honor of the legendary heroes. These are activities such as the Thang Temple Festival there in Wangtau, Thau Pagoda Holiday, in the process of which a colorful pose of puppets is held, Hong Festival. These spectacles are delighted by all tourists.

It should be noted that in March the weather in different parts of the country is not the same. So, in the northern regions the night temperature does not exceed 18 degrees of heat, and daylight - 20-22. As for the southern colors, the air is heated to 32 degrees of heat. Therefore, before you choose, where it is in Vietnam to relax, you need to decide what you want to get from this trip.

The craft tourist, rising half a hundred, sooner or later comes off with the truncated trail path. In search of new impressions, he discovers Asia, not so comfortable as Patriarchal Europe, and rich on dashing entertainment, as familiar with, but no less attractive.

Vietnam, being on a par with the Thailand, the pearl of the Indochinese Peninsula, even the sophisticated traveler promises a lot of unknown earlier impressions.

Vietnam or Thailand: Where is cheaper?

When a decision to visit asian resort Accepted, it is worth to ask yourself the question - why Vietnam, not, or, for example, their neighbors in Indochina Laos and Cambodia? What about the last two can be answered definitely - the level of development of such a sector of the economy, as tourism, in these states does not matter any comparison with Vietnamese.

And what Thailand? After all, Thais was much earlier with their doors for travelers from around the world. Yes, the economy of Thailand is focused on foreign guests, but the tense political situation does not allow the tourist to feel safe. In 2014, a military coup here, the echoes of which still destabilize the situation in the country. In addition, prices In Thai hotels and supermarkets are significantly higher than in Vietnamese.

By the way, about prices. In Vietnam, the most expensive holiday will cost the northern coast. The central and southern regions of the country confess the softer price policy towards their guests. Another plus rest In Vietnam, the prices here do not change depending on the season and remain low year-round.

It is interesting! According to legend, Vietnamese is the fruit of the Dragon Union and the Fairy Birds. That is why the dragon is the most revered mythical animal in Vietnam.

With children on the sea: when to gather on the road?

Thanks to the length of Vietnam from north to south, the climate of the country is very diverse And not always soft. North will delight temperate heat from May to October. The rest of the time the weather is although less favorable to the guests of the country, but still not anomalies stand out. This subtropics are a lot of sun, a lot of precipitation and high humidity.

Another thing - capricious southern climate. The weather here is warm all year round, but in May, the rainy season begins in this part of the country. Tropical livnies go to typhoon, and those in extensive floods. But from October in the south, it is set to calm - there are no special heat, but the winds with rains do not spoil impressions from the rest.

And even such an ongoing weather plays a tourist to the hand - you can relax in Vietnam year-round: From May to October sunbathing and swimming in the north, in the autumn-spring season - in the south. The average annual temperature here varies from 22 to 25º C.

Contrary to the established opinion, the main religion in Vietnam is not Buddhism, but traditional beliefs: the locals worship the spirits, mythical animals, the goddess of the mother.

The best resorts - Top 5 tourist preferences


The southern coast of Vietnam will shelter those travelers from Russia, who are tired of compatriots. Vungtau is the only Vietnamese city where there is russian diaspora localsBut there are almost no ordinary Russian tourists here.

Vungtau can not be called a large resort, and its infrastructure is less developed compared to the nurse and Danang, but everything needed for a comfortable stayHere is available. Beaches, especially clean in the southern part of the city, shopping centersRestaurants and parks are ready to conquer tourists with their cozy and quiet atmosphere.

  • The highest in Asia statue of Jesus. This construction is 32 meters high, fully made of white marble.
  • In order to survey Jesus, like their fellow in Rio de Janeiro, spreading his hands over the city, you need to overcome about 900 steps along the mountain stairs and another 130 inside the monument itself, which lead to the observation platform on the shoulders of the statue.

  • Lighthouse High Dang. It is built by the French, whose colony was once Vietnam. This is reminded by 4 French guns 10 meters long. Each, standing on the site at the foot of the lighthouse. He is in height, it reaches 18 meters, and on top there is a stunning view of the city and the ocean.
  • Children in Wangtau will not remain without entertainment: park on Mount Nuyon It will delight its little visitors to attractions, excursions on horseback and train vessels, artificial waterfall and zoo.

Oh in Fukuok

For lovers scuba diving This island will become a real Mecca, because the local diving center is quite large even by world standards. Prices for equipment and services of the instructor are one of the lowest in the world, and Flora and Fauna underwater world Also rich as in Maldives or in Indonesia.

Fukuok is located at the beginning of your formation As a resort, therefore, in addition to the diving of active entertainment, there is little here. This tropical island is more suitable for lazy rest under the paradise palm koshuschi. At rest there will be every chance Space on the beach alone, so few tourists here.

Nonetheless, good hotels On the island are always filled, so we recommend taking care of housing in advance.

Attractions and Entertainment:

  • Great popularity among guests enjoy eco-tours: Visit the wild jungle, mountain waterfalls, plantations on which black pepper cultivates, or a trip to marine eagles.
  • Lovers of acute sensations will have to taste coconut Excursion. Here, French colonialists kept their prisoners.
  • Now the coconut prison is not used in direct appointment, but as a museum demonstrating prison life.

  • Another institution that is not intended for the visits of ordinary people, opened its doors for tourists on Fukuoka. it factory for the production of fish sauce "Yoke Mom". True, you will like such an excursion only to the owners of noses, not particularly sensitive to specific smells.

The traveler who decided to visit Vietnam for the first time should remember several rules:

  1. all local vegetables and fruits It is necessary to wash clean drinking water - the tropical climate contributes to the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria, and water from under the tap here is not the best quality;
  2. when visiting people you need carefully follow your wallet, because indigenous population not bend with small steam;
  3. going to Buddhist temple, It is worth showing respect for religion and, no matter how hot, cover your arms and legs with clothes.

In compliance with these simple subtleties, Vietnam will definitely be an unexpectedly enjoyable discovery on the tripled travel map and will delight entertainment, soft sand on the beaches and the friendliness of local residents.

What is the beneficial vacation in Vietnam, see the following video:

Many tourists are interested in holiday in Vietnam. This country has become popular for many reasons, among which a visa-free entrance, and gorgeous sandy beaches, and a pleasant climate, low prices for local hotels.

Here tourists from all countries stretched there, including Rousseau Tourist.

I was fortunate enough to visit this country, on the two most popular vietnamese resorts, so I had the opportunity to compare them. And in this article I will tell about the features of these resorts, and why Vietnam can become your most vivid tourist impression!

Socialism in paradise: who will like holidays in Vietnam

Do you remember how in times of the Soviet Union we treated foreign tourists? That's right: in front of them on the hind legs, they were running, foreigners - they offered only the best. Good hotels were built for them, they worked expensive restaurants.

In Vietnam, everything looks like this. If the same Chinese have built loved ones, then the Vietnamese has so many rich people to build chic hotels for them. And they built them for tourists. Moreover, built quite recently - 10 years ago. Since, in contrast to the same, before this, Vietnam with the development of resorts was somehow not rushing.

But after the tourism development program was adopted at the beginning of the "zero" in the country, the Vietnamese began to build so that everyone was abuned.

So, you want to feel attentive - you in Vietnam!

By the way, note that there were changes in the rules of entry in Vietnam. You can read more about it here in this article:

When it is better to go: seasonality of rest

First, let's decide first with best season for the trip. In Vietnam there is a dry season, and there is rainy season. Due to the fact that Vietnam is "stretched out" from north to south, the climate in different parts of Vietnam is also different.

But north, and the south are exposed to monsoon. From November to April in the north is cooler, but less precipitation. And from May to October it is hot and humid. In the south, high humidity all year round, and the rainy season lasts from May to November. Because most popular resorts are closer to the south of Vietnamperhaps it is worth choosing for a trip to Vietnam time from November to April.

Most often, tourists are exactly what. Accordingly, at prices, the dry season is more expensive, and in the season of rainy tours in Vietnam are a little cheaper.

You can see the relevant holiday prices in Vietnam here: Tours in Vietnam

Vietnam resorts - what to choose?

The selection of the resort in Vietnam also costs pretty responsible, because two most popular resort Vietnam - Nya Chang. and Prank - Very different on your device and location.

Having been there and there, I can say - choosing any of them, you will get great rest and a lot of opportunities for excursion time.

But still it is better to know about the peculiarities of these resorts to get from the trip it is those impressions that make you remember Vietnam with love and delight.

Resort Fantiet

So, Prank It is located quite away from the airport - 200 km, the shuttle line takes 3-4 hours. Actually, the phantte town itself is not a venue for tourists. This is a conventional small town where the local population is trampled fishing.

Next to him - about 15 km - there is resort Zone Muina . That's all hotels there.

Another 10-15 years ago in Muin drove predominantly surfers and kiteserfer. In the afternoon, the guys cut the waves and in the evening they drank beer on the beach and glued girls in several local bars. A kind of specific paradise on earth, a party for his own.

But everything changes. About Muin Recognized Large travel companies. Monsters of the tourist industry considered the potential of local beaches and began to be keptically landscaping this place and sell organized tours into the village of the village in the south of Vietnam.

Now there are more than 70 hotels. They are different levels - from three to five stars. But a pleasant moment is that all hotels on Muin - with their big or not very, but, as a rule, beautiful and green areas, and are located on 1 lines from the sea, and their beaches with pleasant golden sand have a gentle entrance to the sea. .

Hotels 3 *: VINH SUONG RESORT 3 * , we lived in it: awesome green and cozy hotel, very well located - everything is near. Hotels MUINE OCEAN RESORT & SPA 3 *, CANARY BEACH RESORT 3 * also decent, with beautiful territories and good numbers.

Hotels 4 *: Bamboo Village Beach Resort & Spa 4 * - very stylish, with good territory; Palmira Muine 4 * a little distance from other hotels, but for a relaxing holiday with children - perfect. Novela Resort 4 * - small territory, good numbers (and view from most rooms), good location. Sunny Beach Phan Thiet 4 * great Territory, everywhere Flowers, good numbers .

The mansion is two hotels 4 * - Novotel. Coralia 4 * and Park Diamond Hotel 4 *. They are no longer in Muin, but on the outskirts of the fanta. But if Novotel Coralia 4 * is a large territory, your beach, infrastructure, excellent rooms with balconies, i.e. good hotel for full rest, then Park Diamond Hotel 4 * it is essentially an urban hotel without territory, with a beach across the road. And I would not want to spend all 10-12 days of vacation ...

Hotels 5 *: Anantara MUINE 5 * Patos, in the style of high-tech, excellent territory, endless pool, huge rooms with stylish interiors ... In short, the coolest hotel in Muin. MUINE DE CENTURY BEACH RESORT & SPA 5 * big beautiful territory, colonial house houses, in general, paradise on earth.

Across the road from hotels, 2 lines from the sea, there is a whole tourist infrastructure Muin in the form of restaurants, shops, massage shops, tourist bureaus and rolling offices.

And in the vicinity there are several natural and cultural attractions:

  • white sand dunes
  • red dunes
  • hot Springs and Geizers
  • creek Fay (Red Creek)
  • Cham Towers

All of them are located at different removal from the resort. You can try to get yourself, renting a scooter, and you can take a tour and go to admire the nature and landscapes of South Vietnam with a guide.

Choosing a second option, you will see several in one day amazing places: We will be in white sand dunes and you can admire the flowering of lotuses on the lake next to the dunes. Near the filhes of Fay, where magic fairies in the local legend live, you will make a barefoot rush right through a small stream. He goes along the jungle and sandy mountains and leads to a small waterfall.

In addition, you will be waiting for a 694 meter high riding cable car. It offers stunning views of the South China Sea and Landscapes of South Vietnam. On the mountain you will also see the famous 49-meter statue of the Buddha, see the current temple in which monks live, and the pagoda to which Buddhists make pilgrimage.

A pretty Alexander girl can communicate with such a tour. And to see the program of this excursion here: Amazing Binthuang

As I mentioned, the resort zone Muin is Mecca for Windows, kite and other surfers. Here are excellent conditions for the class of these sports - stable wind and moderate, but also stable waves.

The only disadvantage of rest in Muin can be the abundance of compatriots. Even in Turkey, they are probably in last years It became smaller. At the cafe and restaurants hang signs completely in Russian, and from the speakers in the evenings, there is a long-standing voice of Basque and old songs of Pugacheva. But if for 10 days of rest you will be bored with seafood, and I want to burst - you will find it.

Kega district

I want to say a couple more about the resort area Kega (KE GA).

It is also located a 20-minute drive from Phantet, but only in the opposite side of Muin. There are now built and works about 10 hotels. They are all very decent, even a trash, for example Rock Water Bay 3 * , or Eco SPA Village 3 * (In the spirit of the Vietnamese village with cozy houses in eco-style, drowning in the jungle).

But to get out of the hotel in the evening really nowhere - there is no infrastructure around there. So if you book yourself a hotel in the Kear's Kega region, then you will have a problem to dine - you will need to either go to the fantaet, or pay extra and cost the hotel restaurant. Typically, tourists choose the first option, because For a hotel dinner, everything is rapidly bored.

I am a fanta myself, even if you have a hotel on Muin, in general, you can go a couple of times while renting a scooter, for the sake of acquaintance with life local population. Well, and perhaps, youth will like the nightclub: it can be easily found on the luminous ray of the club spotlight, which is visible against the background of the night sky still at the entrance to the town.

In general, fans of parties, extras and nightlife, as well as everyone who does not like long transfers from the airport to the hotel, it is better to go to another popular resort Vietnam - in Nia Chang.

Take off in Vietnam: Nya Chang

Nya Chang. - quite big and modern city (about a million people), the road to him from the airport will take a maximum of minutes 40 minutes.

All hotels except one - Ana Mandara Resort 5 *- located across the road from the sea, but right in the city itself (with the exception of island). In this and plus, and minus.

Plus - all the temptations are available right behind the threshold. big City. Minus - the population of this big city is numerically on this city beach. But this is a minus rather for those tourists who are willing to communicate with the local population only in the form of refined service personnel.

As for good hotels in Nya Changga, I can recommend the following:

Curly: Sheraton Nha Trang., Balcony Seaview Nha Trang Center, Intercontinental Nha Trang., THE LIGHT HOTEL & SPA

Faised: Dendro Hotel., Golden Tulip Hotel., Green Hotel., New Sun Hotel., Euro Star Hotel., Seaway Hotel.

Those tourists who need an ideal beach with sun beds / umbrellas and without the local population on it, and in general, all tourists, resting in Nia Chang, will love On the island of Parer which is connected to Nya Chang with a rope suspended road.

In addition to the chic beach in a quiet, without waves, the harbor, on this island there are chic hotels - VINPEARL RESORT NHA TRANG 5 * and VINPEARL LUXURY NHA TRANG 5 * , and Vipearl Land's huge park with water park, oceanarium, lunaspark and 3D cinema. Tourists with children, I think, will appreciate all the possibilities of the island of Vin Pearl.

All this is available for about 600 rubles for our money. By paying this amount for a ticket, you reach there on the cable car and spend the whole day on the beach there water slings And other attractions (buy only food and drinks will be purchased). And all this evening show fountains is completed. It also enters these 600 rubles.

Why still choose Vietnam

Well, how do you like this country? Let me even throw a couple of arguments in favor of your holiday in Vietnam.

Good excursion programs

On Vietnam you can and need ride on excursions . At any resort of Vietnam, you will be offered an excellent excursion program: from a trip to hot mineral springs or in Sand dunes before Dalata.

IN Dalat. it is advisable to go for a couple of days, because The road takes quite a long time, and a lot to see.

Who is more active, he will certainly drive and in Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon) and halong Bay.

If you do not like to walk with the foam paths, and you want to see real VietnamThe species from which your heart will be rapidly, then you should visit these excursions:

Daclac Province and settlement Lien Son - Two-day journey: wildlife, rice fields, coffee fields, huge waterfalls, riding on elephants and boats, local tribes And their national cuisine.

Fisherman and Win Hee Bay: see how ordinary Vietnamese fishermen live, learn about their lifestyle and the village of the village, see how the fish is sluggish, which is then sent to the shops around the world; Ploy salt fieldswhere local mining salt and look at vietnamese vineyards,try young Vietnamese wine.

Good inexpensive shopping

Vietnam is good shopping . The country is famous for its cosmetics, tea and coffee, as well as silk and pearl products. What can be brought from Vietnam? Yes, almost everything: decorations, leather, clothing and shoes. And it is worth it all very inexpensive. After all, many famous brands have long seduced by their collections in China and the same Vietnam. It is sold here both traditional clothes from Silka and clothes on the patterns of world brands; You can also find stores of local designers.

Having gathered to shopping, be prepared to play according to the rules. And they are as follows: you want to buy a thing - do not give away the amount spoken by the seller. You need to bargain, even you are not used to doing this. But get the thing of excellent quality for cheap. These are shopping rules.

When buying street goods, it is possible to apply such a "psychological maneuver": to move away from the tray with an offended view. The merchant will call back and be sure to give way. Well, and in supermarkets are not traded: they prices are fixed.

Seafood and other delicacy

For what else you can fall in love with Vietnam, this is his kitchen. Vietnam is not only a variety of fruits and seafood at ridiculous prices:

Vietnamese kitchen It is a combination of all well-known world traditions: Indian, Japanese, Chinese and so on. Let us remember the history of Vietnam - whom it was not here: and the Mongols were noted, both the French, and even Americans!

So, the Vietnamese share the Chinese concept of "five tastes": the balance of salted, sweet, sour, bitter and acute should be provided in food. As in Chinese cuisine, vegetables and greens play a major role in dishes. However, the Vietnamese with frying food use less oil than the Chinese.

Following China in the 10th century, Mongolian shepherds came to Vietnam, who taught Vietnamese there are beef. Neighboring Cambodia also influenced the development of Vietnamese cuisine: thanks to her, Indian spices were quite common in Vietnam and seasonings.

The French, having come to Vietnam in the 19th century, brought their philosophy in the preparation of food: respect for the high quality of the ingredients and the correctness of their use. Asparagus, avocado, corn, tomatoes and wine appeared in Vietnam, precisely thanks to the French. They also taught the Vietnamese eating bread (baguettes), drink beer, coffee with milk and make ice cream.

Friendliness of Vietnamesev

In Vietnam, no one, I repeat - no one will pull you over your hand, shop, restaurant. No one sticks to you on the street with your goods. Vietnamese generally deserve sympathies of tourists with their friendliness and unobtrusiveness.

So, let's sum up: Vietnam - a great option for your vacation if you need a warm sea, good hotels, cheap seafood and weights of impressions.

For those who have never been able to decide on the resort, there are combined tours, giving the opportunity to live in Nia Chang, and on fanta.

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