Accommodation in Baidayhe, Highway Travel Company, PRC (Green Sea). Accommodation in Baidayhe, Tourist company Hayva, PRC (Green Sea) Transport Baidayhe

A dozen hotels of different classes located in the Baidayhe area (with the exception of Holiday Inn Sea View. Qinhuangdao), on distance from 70 to 1400 meters from the sea. All of them have the necessary to stay on sea resort Low amenities, including shower (bath), Toilet in the room, TV, refrigerator, air conditioning.

The approximate location of hotels is given on the Baidayhe district map scheme. For more detailed photo Information about hotels Click on the hotel name or photo on the left


10 - Golden Sea
In 2008 there was a repair, 4 floors, no elevator, 89 rooms, in the room "A" a large toilet room with a bathroom, in the room "in" The toilet room is small with a shower. Beach 6 minutes walk. In the rooms: TV, refrigerator, air conditioning. Safe at the reception. A good choice at prices and location for the children's group.

11 - Transport Sanatorium
Built a long time. 2 floors, no elevator. To the sea is close, just 1-2 minutes, but the rooms and furniture in them are old. In the rooms of the enclosures 9, 10 there is a TV, refrigerator, air conditioning. In the case 9 there are 39 rooms with a shower. In the rooms of the case 10 there are electric shutters, the staircase goes straight to the sea. In the case 9 there are no wardrobes, the area is large. Safe at the reception.


12 - Apartments Horizon
Hotel communal type, 4 floors, no elevator. It is located opposite the Oman Hotel, a little further in a new area (built in 2006). Most rooms with a large bed. Rooms consist of two rooms (one with a large bed, one with a small). Furniture is new, beautiful, white. The rooms "B" have balconies. In the rooms: TV, refrigerator, air conditioning, sofa, kitchen stove, microwave, washing machine, shower. There are no breakfasts, you can order separately in Opener. Beach is 4 minutes walk, to breakfast in Open 5 minutes walk. Hotel for children's group.

13 - Jiashi Hotel
Building 3 floors, without elevator, located near the Oman Hotel, 10-13 minutes walk to the sea. The hotel has 50 standard rooms, 5 rooms with a large bed (2 x 2 meters). In the corridors of carpets. Room area small. In the rooms: TV, small fridge, air conditioning, hair dryer. A good choice for the children's group.

Additional information about hotels:

Located close to the beach: Holiday Inn Si View Qinhuangdao, Golden mountain Jinshan, transport hotel, Golden Sea.

Rooms with safes: Holiday Inn Si View Qinhuangdao, Fortune, Xinhua Holiday Inn, Sanatorium Helds Labor Corps 1.

Hotels with elevator: Holiday Inn Si View Qinhuangdao, Fortune, Xinhua Holiday Inn, Yanshhan, Sanatorium Helds Labor Corps 1.

Not very fresh hotels:OPEN (in the housings 1, 2, 3, 6, 7 old furniture, not new blankets, etc.), transport (but its advantage is proximity to the sea).

- By hotel levels:
Golden Mountain, happiness, Xinhua Holidey Inn.
- For children's groups:
Jianha Hotel, Golden Sea.
- For people with average sufficiency:
Sanatorium Tianjin Worker (Furniture and Territory look better than in Opener or Yanshan), the cost of rooms is much cheaper.
- For those who want to combine rest with treatment:
Sanatorium excellent students of the province of Heilongjiang (20 minutes to the beach).

Initially, the hotel was built as a sanatorium for the officials of the transport ministry, but in last years Changed the status for a three-star departmental hotel.

After in 2011 in hotel buildings, a major overhaul was carried out, this institution successfully competes with the most modern hotels County.


It offers comfortably furnished rooms. You can choose a room with a sea view or with a view of a well-groomed, distinguished design designer territory.

Rooms are located in three and four-storey buildings. Almost all rooms have spacious balconies. The area of \u200b\u200bthe room is 20 sq.m.

Number atmosphere: Two beds, refrigerator, bathroom with a comfortable fitted shower, wardrobe, two chairs, outdoor and table lamps, safe, table and coffee table, air conditioning, TV, telephone, needed dishes and kettle, bath facilities.

Hair dryer is available on an additional request, 5 yuan for rent.

The hotel has a wellness center and a restaurant (breakfasts at the expense of the Buffet principle). In the list of additional services: laundry and massage therapist services.


Beach near hotel

A 10-minute walk from the hotel is the best beach on the beach.

On the way, you can make the necessary purchases in small bears, where everything is sold: from vegetables and fruits, Chinese or quite European fast food to beach accessories.

Sandy beach. If desired, vacationers can rent a chaise longue or an umbrella.

Since Baidayheh coastline stretches for 11 km, on beaches relatively spacious, you can always choose the most comfortable place and settled comfortably.

If you forgot towards food and drinks on the way, they can always be bought from numerous merchants offering sunbathing fruits, pie, water and corn.

Hotel photos

Where to relax and eat

The obvious advantage of the hotel is its location: not far from the coast and at the same time close to the center of the Badyhehe district.

Nearby are:

  • Pearl market - before it can be reached on foot in 15 minutes;
  • dunjinglla hotels and Primorsky;

Another nice feature of the hotel - a large number of located nearby cafes and restaurants.

Some of the institutions specialize in the preparation of dishes of Russian cuisine and even wear Russian names, and their staff speaks Russian well.

The cost of lunch for a family of 3 people in nearby restaurants on the coast is 100-130 yuan (meat dish, side dish, salad and tea).

In addition to fairly exotic dishes of Chinese cuisine, in local restaurants you can order familiar to Russians:

  • potatoes with pork (40-45 yuan);
  • cucumbers and tomato salad (about 25 yuan);
  • rice with vegetables (within 25 yuan).

It's almost impossible to get lost in the Baidaihe area: there are a lot of pointers with the names of the streets in Chinese, English and Russian.

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Here, by the customer of tourist services that are part of the tourist product, and an authorized representative of persons (tourists) specified in the application, I agree to the agent and its authorized representatives for the processing of my data and data of persons (tourists) contained in the application: last name, name, patronymic, date and place of birth, gender, citizenship, series, passport number, other passport details listed in the passport; address of accommodation and registration; home and mobile phone; E-mail address; As well as any other data relating to my personality and personality of the persons listed in the application, in the amount of necessary for the implementation and provision of tourist services, including those who are part of the tourist product formed by the tour operator, for any action (operation) or a set of action ( operations) committed with my personal data and data of persons specified in the application, including (without restrictions) collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, refinement (update, change), extraction, use, transmission (distribution, provision, access), Defending, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data, as well as the implementation of any other actions provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation using automation tools, including in information and telecommunication networks, or without the use of such tools, if the processing of personal data without using such funds meets the nature of action (about PERIOTIES), performed with personal data using automation tools, that is, to carry out in accordance with a given algorithm, the search for personal data recorded on the material carrier and contained in card files or other systematized personal data meetings, and / or access to such personal data, and Also on the transfer (including transboundary) of these personal data to the tour operator and third partners to the partners of the agent and the tour operator.

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What is personal data

Personal data - contact information, as well as information identifying an individual left by the user on the project.

What is the consent to process personal data?

152-FZ "On Personal Data" in Art. 9 of claim 4 indicates the need to obtain the "written consent of the subject of personal data for the processing of its personal data." In the same law, it clarifies that the information provided is confidential. The activities of organizations carrying out user registration without obtaining such consent is illegal.

Get acquainted with the law on the official website of the President of the Russian Federation

Baidayhe is a famous resort area in Qinhuangdao, Hebei Province. The area extends 11 kilometers along the coast of the Bohaji Bay of the Yellow Sea. This place is known for improving complexes. Baidayhe is often called a "natural oxygen bar", because more than 50% of the area area is occupied by green plantings.

This resort also enjoys great popularity among representatives of diplomacy - is considered to be prestigious to have a villa or cottage there. For those who just want to make a faint air, will provide their services and hotels in Baidayhe.

Baydayhe accommodation prices are vary not only depending on the number of stars, but also from the time of year, the season.

A trip to May, for example, will cost you cheaper than the trip in August (the most "running" season in Baidayhe is just for July-September).

Price range for Baidayhe hotels per round (8 - 15 days):

  • Hotels 2 * - from 6 to 10.5 thousand rubles.
  • Hotels 3 * - from 10 to 30 thousand rubles.
  • Hotels 4 * - from 15 to 40 thousand rubles.
  • Hotels 5 * - from 20 to 55 thousand rubles.

Where to stay in Baidayhe

Hotel Friendship (You Yi)

You yi was built in 1954. It is located just 4 kilometers from the center of Baidayhe. Airport ride 35 kilometers. The hotel itself consists of the main building and forty separate villas, and is surrounded by a beautiful garden. There is also own beach, where guests can relax and eat, and in the evening and go to the disco. The cost of living: from 10.3 to 41.3 thousand rubles per round (8 - 15 days).

  • discoclaub
  • buffet
  • parking
  • beauty saloon
  • business Center
  • restaurants in Chinese, European and Russian cuisine
  • gym.

The hotel was built for Soviet specialists by order of the Prime Minister of China.

The hotel is well suited for Russian tourists. The greatest number of Russian tourists are resting here. About 10 thousand trees are planted at the park at the hotel, the air is incredibly fresh there. Many rooms have balconies, a new playground was built, in the rooms simple, but clean. On the beach give free umbrellas and sun beds. In general, this hotel is well suited for family holiday, People who want to simply relax and fully feel the healing properties of the Beidayhe atmosphere.

Hotel Diplomats (Beidaihe Guesthouse for Diplomatic Missions)

Hotel diplomats are designed for business people, before it was a sanatorium for diplomats from Beijing. It is located on Zhonghaitan (Middle Beach), in the immediate vicinity of shops, restaurants and the sea. The cost of accommodation in the hotel: from 18.8 to 50.7 thousand rubles. For a tour (8 - 15 days).

Infrastructure includes:

  • business center;
  • negotiating;
  • karaoke bar;
  • restaurants of Chinese and European cuisine;
  • coffee house;
  • billiards;
  • tennis court;
  • beach;
  • gym.

The hotel's diplomats are ideal for businessmen who need to be met with partners, and prey from the work of the righteous. From the hotel to the center of Baidayhe - 10 minutes on foot.

In the restaurant 13 buildings, 4 of which are redone for Russian tourists after repair. The most pleasant thing in this fact is that the data of the corps are closest to the sea. The hotel has its own beach, however, sun beds and umbrellas are provided for a fee.

Hotel Open (Ou Peng Hotel)

The Open Hotel is located in the center of Baidayhe, just 450 meters from the coast. The hotel is open with a shopping center. Also, the Olympic Park is also adjacent. The cost of residence: from 11.1 to 23, 1 thousand rubles. For a tour (8 - 15 days).

Infrastructure included:

  • business center;
  • bowling;
  • gym;
  • night club "Kangaroo";
  • conference hall;
  • restaurant of Chinese and European cuisine;
  • billiards;
  • karaoke;
  • table tennis.

Being three steps from shopping center, Hotel Open is the perfect choice for shopping lovers.

Unfortunately, there is no private beach at the hotel, but a 15-minute walkway is a city beach. And the romantic atmosphere in the Olympic Park will attract in open and traveling lovers.

Hotel Golden Mountain (Jin Shan)

Hotel Zin Shang is notable for the fact that it is located right on the shore of the Bohaji Bay. The hotel is quite old, but in 2011 it was repaired. Consists of 4 buildings. The hotel's territory is very well maintained. Cost of accommodation: from 9.9 to 17.4 thousand rubles. For a tour (8 - 15 days).

Hotel infrastructure:

  • conference hall;
  • volleyball Court;
  • massage center;
  • restaurant of Chinese and European cuisine.

"Golden Mountain" is very close to the sea, from the hulls 1, 2, 3 to water - no more than 20 meters. Next door to the hotel there is a rental of multi-seat bicycles and several stalls with exotic fruits and seafood. Although breakfasts and monotonous, but fed in Zin Shang delicious.

For the sake of diversity of food, you can walk in the evening through the Olympic Park at the Hotel Open. The hotel is located in a very good place - near both the sea, and the park, and the center of Baidayhe.

She really enjoy lovers of "classic" rest to the sea. But you should not take the room on the first floor - due to the proximity to the water there is increased humidity.

Golden Sea (Jin Hai)

The hotel "Golden Sea" is located on the eastern tip of Baidayhe, it is surrounded by the sea. The hotel consists of 5 buildings. Two of the housings are two-storey villas. There are 300 meters to the sea, there are also several city parks and a bus stop nearby. The cost of residence: from 10.6 to 22.1 thousand rubles per round (8 - 15 days).

The hotel infrastructure includes:

  • conference hall;
  • aerobics;
  • beauty saloon;
  • restaurant of European and Chinese cuisine.

If you have chosen any of the buildings of this hotel, then ask to show you the room.

The rooms on the first floor have not yet been repaired, and the situation is worse than on the second floor. Moreover, on the first floor there is a practically standard problem Baidayheh - high humidity.

Rooms on the second floor are more spacious, with a new decor and air conditioning. The girls at the reception do not understand Russian, and some - and English. However, the hotel has the opportunity to order a Russian guide and Russian television in the rooms.

Golden Sand (Jin Sha)

The hotel consists of several buildings. It is located on one of the most lively streets of Baidayhe - Zhonghaitan. Near the hotel there is a citywide paid beach "Tiger Stone" and the famous restaurant "Manchuria". Cost of accommodation: from 11.4 to 20.7 thousand rubles. For a tour (8 - 15 days).

The hotel infrastructure includes:

  • library;
  • a restaurant;
  • gym;
  • conference hall;
  • discoclaub;
  • billiards.

Tourists who have already been in Golden Sand, recommend to settle in the housings No. 3 and number 8.

The hotel's territory is a park where it is very pleasant to walk in the evening. Breakfast is monotonous, but in the neighborhood there is "Manchuria", where you can eat delicious and not very expensive. The hotel has very raft staff.

Transport (Jiao Tong Bu Hotel)

Previously, this hotel was a sanatorium for employees of the Ministry of Transport. Hotel "Transport" is quite old, but in 2011 it was repaired. It is located close to the sea - 5 minutes walk. To the pearl market to go 15 minutes. Cost of residence: from 11 to 19, 7 thousand rubles. For a tour (8 - 15 days).

The hotel infrastructure includes:

  • restaurant for breakfast;
  • health Center;
  • beach.

According to the reviews of tourists, the rooms of this hotel are very comfortable, although those are old.

The beach near the hotel is considered one of the best in Baidaihe.

Paul in a tiled hotel. Some rooms do not have cabinets for clothing. The hotel is also convenient because it is not far to most of the attractions of Baidaihe.

The choice of hotel is the case is responsible, spend money on your own vacation. Think than you are going to do in Baidayhe, and try to choose a hotel that suits your wishes most.